


“Where is he? Where’s....” Who was she talking about, she thought to herself? Who was she referring to? What was she doing before waking up in the middle of the forest.


            “Heylan! I was so worried! Oh my God, where have you been? I’ve been looking for you since this morning, You just dissapeared!” her cousin Anny exclaimed full of worry.


            “I was.... I just... It was...” her words didn’t make sense to her as she spoke. She tried remembering, but nothing.. Only these words that was engraved in her mind.


            “I will find my way to you Heylan, we can be together. Just wait for me, I promise.”

            She remembered a voice say. She didn’t kow what was going on, but she promised that she will wait for him. Whoever he is, all she knows is that the person who said those words were important to her.




A/N: Be prepared for an Adventure to another world. Meet people who are oddly strange to your used normal ways. J I hope I can finish this up quickly and make this story longer. I have a lot of plan for this story.





Chapter 1: Going to my Grandparents



             It was summer, and everything was hot. Heylan was packing her things up, while listening to music in her earphones. She is going on a vacation, spending some time with her Grandparents across the country. Her Mom wanted her to live out more, experience the nature and also to help her Grandparents since they were now old and weak.


         “Heylan, come on! We haven’t got all day ya know! Hurry up, it’ll be a very long ride to you Grandparents place” Her mom shouted from down stairs.


            Giving in a sigh she quickly finish packing her things up and hurriedly went down the stairs. “I’m ready Mom!” she said in a rather irritated tone.


                She didn’t want to spend her summer alone with her Grandparents, she rather lock herself in her room and read some books while listening to music rather than spending all her time helping her Grandparents. Don’t get her wrong, she loves her Grandparents with all her heart, but she just wish that she’ll have someone about her age to talk to, maybe have some neighbors so it won't be lonely or maybe even better a mall there close to the old folks' home. Her Grandparents’ place was so far away from civilization and without neighbours from miles, atleast that’s what she remembered.


              “Come on now Dear! Your Grandma and Grandpa will be so happy to see you, oh and by the way your cousin Anny will be there as well, so you won’t get bored” her mom said happily. Like that will solve everything for her.


            “Oh boy!” She thought to herself. Anny was 5 years younger than her, and also a very hyperactive child. She’s gonna babysit while she is on her vacation, what a fun vacation for her. “Just great” she exclaimed sarcasm clearly on her tone.


            “What’s wrong Dear? Are you not happy to see your relatives? They haven’t seen you since you were 10! That was a very long time ago” her mom pouted.


            “It’s not my fault if during hollidays they couldn’t come and visit. I mean, why do they have to live so far away anyways?” she asked bored.


            And with one last final huff, she slowly made her way towards her Mom’s car and slid on the front seat, buckling her seatbelts. She blew a couple strands of her hair away from her face, and waited for her Mom to slid on the driver’s seat. When her Mom buckled her seatbelt, she quickly started the engine and step on the gas.


            During their trip to the airport was full of debating and arguing with her Mother. She was sick with that, so she just put her earphones and listen to some pop music, while staring at the scene from outside the car’s window completely ignoring her Mother. Her eyelids begin to get heavy and she drifted off to sleep.


            “Honey! We are here now, send my regards to Mom and Dad ok?” her Mom said.


           She suddenly shot her eyes open and realized that they were indeed have arrive at the airport. She quickly took out her luggage and made their ways towards the inside.


            “Now remember Heylan, respect your Grandma and Grandpa. If they start to annoy you, just please ask them nicely, they are already at their age” her Mom lectured.


            “Yeah Mom, got it” and with that said she hugged her Mother and bid her goodbye, completely dismissing her.


            Few moments has passed since she bid her Mom goodbye, she is now inside the plane sitting comfortably on her chair. She took on her surroundings and noticed some few families were going on their own vacations. She sighed watching them. She wished that she could also be with her Mom and Dad going on a Vacation. But No! They were too busy with their jobs and stuff.


            “Whew! What a hot weather we have today, does it not?” A guy asked her while making his way to sit beside her. The guy look’s like an Athlete since he looked fit and all. He has dark hair that is messily styled, like he didn’t combed it, but still looks good. He has a nice pair of green eyes, straight nose and has the perfect cheekbones. She hadn’t realized that she was checking him out.


            “Checking me out, eh?” the guy asked with a playful smirk.


            “No. I’m not checking you out errr.... dude...I was just looking at your features and such” she stated while clearly blushing.


            “Hmm... That’s the same thing, aint it? Anyways the name’s Aldreich or you can just call me Aldz or Reich” he said giving in a friendly smile.


            “Well it’s a pleasure to make your acquintance Aldz, I’m Heylan” she said while shooking his hand. He shook her hand back and gave a smile.


            “Where you off too? And Alone?” he asked trying to make conversation.


            “To my Grandparents’ house, and you?”


            “Just gonna visit my old man”


            Hours had pass and they started becoming friends, Aldreich was really nice and easy to talk to. She learned that Aldreich was once the captain of the swimming team, but he has to quit due to some “problems” according to him. Anyways, he was a good company while they were travellinng.


            Time was quickly fast that they haven’t noticed that the plane has already landed.


            “So... I guess I’ll see you around Heylan” Aldreich said trying to be casual and with a smile plastered on his face.


            “Well... I guess so” she said unsure. How can she see him around, when her Granparents’ house were far away from civilization? And without neighbours for how many kilometres.


            “I think... I won’t be seeing you around much, since... well...” she started explaining, but got cutt off mid sentence.


            “You should totally give me your number” Aldreich blurted with a blush quickly trying to make its way on his face.


            She stopped for a moment and stared at him. Trying to process what he said to her, she gave a smile and nods “Sure”.


            After exchanging numbers, they bid each other goodbye.







---------^----------Few moments Later----------^----------






            “Oh oh  oh! There she is Grandpa!” a girl about 13 suddenly blurted out loud. Heylan quickly snap her head towards the direction of that voice and saw her Cousin and her Grandfather. Sighing she smiled at them and took her luggage with her making way to the two people who she haven’t seen in years.


            “Gramps! Ann! How have you guys been?” she came towards the two and giving each a quick hug. Oh how she missed these people.







End of Chapter 1.


A/N: Short chapter for now ^w^. Hope you likey.



Chapter 2: A Story to tell



            “Sooo… how is your Mother doing?” Heylan’s Grandfather suddenly asked trying to make conversation while making their way back home.



            “She’s fine, everything is fine.” she gave a short respond and shrug.



            “What about your Dad?” her cousin pipe in. Heylan tensed a bit upon hearing about her Dad. She shrug it off once again and replied “Same as always, busy with work.”



            “Ahh, that Dad of yours really works too hard, he should relax a bit and chill ya know? It’s not like your gonna ran out of money, you guys are loaded!” her Grandfather exclaimed with slight chuckle.



            Hearing her Grandfather’s word, Heylan could not believe that her Grandfather actually uses the word “chill”. She raises a questioning brow directed to her Grandfather.



            “Blame one of the neighbors cous, Grandpa has been hanging out with people not his age apparently” her Cousin butted in answering the question that was swirling on her head.



            “We have neighbors?”



            “Yeahp about our age, I guess..”  Anny responded.



            She smiled a little knowing there were neighbors about their age that they could hang out with. Giving in a quick sigh of relief, she started taking out her notebook or rather her “Journal” and started writing on something. She prefers a Journal than calling it a Diary, it was too Girly for her cool personality as she would like to put it. After finishing her writing, she closed the notebook and started drumming on her lap using her hands to pass the time.



            “And we are almost there.” her Grandfather announced.



            “Uhhh finally Grandpa, my neck hurts of just looking outside either side of the windows, now I can smell Grandma’s cooking not so far from here.” her cousin Anny exclaimed a little excited upon smelling their Grandmother’s cooking.



            After a few minutes of driving, they finally arrive at a big 2-story house surrounded by trees. It was nice and homey, not too fancy or anything just homey. Looking around for a brief moment, Heylan realized that everything changed around here. The house is no longer old looking, rather it look “new” now and is full of color.



            “Grandma” Heylan said as she began approaching the elderly lady and gave her a hug.



            “Heylan? My my.. You have certainly grown, last time I saw you, you were soo little.” her Grandmother responded while hugging her back. “It’s so good to finally see you again my Dear.”



            “You too Grandma.” she smiled at her Grandmother.



            “I just finished baking some cookies, why don’t Anny show you to your room and then we can have some snacks after you’re done, how does that sound?” her Grandmother suggested and gave a heartwarming smile.



            She nodded in response and started following her cousin upstairs.  



            “Sooo… how long have ya been here Anny?” Heylan asked her cousin.



            “About 5 days ago” she replied simply.



            She nodded at her short response and began on unpacking her stuff to her current room. The room was nice and simple. The walls were painted a light shade of mint green and have this homey effect.  She wondered how her Grandparents gave this house a homey effect. Trying to figure it out like a puzzle, she was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts when her cousin started bugging her to come downstairs and eat some snacks. The cookies her Grandma made, is just simply delicious, and to crave for.




As they were sitting in the first floor balcony, her Grandmother brought them snacks and the cookies she baked. Trying to be a good Grandchild her cousin Anny, helped their Grandmother with carrying the trey.



“Thanks so much Dear,” her Grandmother gave a grateful smile to her Cousin and pinched her cute cheeks making it go red.



They sat on the chairs around the table and started on their conversation, about school, life back home, the old days and so on.



“Hey Grandma! Is there any cool interesting stories, folklores, legends, or myths in this place?” Anny suddenly blurted out, eyes sparkling with interest and excitement. Her Grandmother turned around and looked at her.



“Why do you ask Dear?”



“Well… it’s kinda my interest, and I find it really fascinating about stuffs like that,” She stated simply while fiddling her hands.



Upon hearing her cousin, Heylan would also like to know. Even though she is not the type on believing stuff such as that, but it also gave a little bit of curiosity and interest.



“Well… actually there is this story,” he Grandmother started. “It is a place full of wonders and adventure. A place or world called ‘Athiel’, it is a magical place with kingdoms and dragons and creatures that you can see in fairy tale stories.”



They started listening attentively to their Grandmother as she proceeds on telling the story.



“There are various kingdoms in that place, but one kingdom that is called ‘Neveth’ is ruled by a very notorious King and wanted nothing more than to rage war with the other kingdoms in order for him to take over and expand his land and gain some more power.”



“However the King of that place is not really King at all, he’s actually one of the Council men of the Kingdom, he only took that position, when the real King died..”



“Aren’t there any heir to the throne Grandma? Why is the fake king taking over?” Anny asked with curiosity.



“Hush, patience now child, I will get to that. Actually there is an heir to the throne, the Prince named ‘Kiev’, he was supposed to be the one to take over in his Father’s place to the throne, but apparently he disappeared when the real King died.”



“He disappeared?” asked Heylan.



“Yes, he disappeared. No one knows where he is.” Her grandmother responded. “Some say he fled to another kingdom, or someone killed him just for the throne. No one really knows.”






End of Chapter 2.





A/N: Unbelievably, it is actually difficult to write a story that uses a Narrator’s point of view. O.O’ So that’s why for the slow update and short chapters.


I bet your asking “Why use a Narrator’s point of view and not simply using one of the Characters? Its easier that way”

My answer to that would be “Challenge. I love a good writing challenge.  And also, so that I won’t have to switch POVs every time”


Boring Writer much? >> Me.

*Sigh* I kow it’s a little boring at first, but I assure you that it will get interesting in the near future. I already planned on everything that will happen ;)

I told it to my Friend, what he thinks about the story. And he said “He love it!” but he won’t read it until I reach 20 chapters.


Lol ok this note is a bit too long. Sorry  about that.

Ok….*awkward silence*

I need to Stop now…..

Chapter 3: Meet the neighbors



After their Grandmother told them the story, Heylan went to her room and unpacked her things.

She had not noticed that her cousin Anny was by the door observing her.



            “Hey Can I talk to you?” she asked.



“hmmm…. About what?”



“About Grandma’s story, it’s fascinating, don’t you think? That place called Athiel, sounds like it came from a fantasy book,” her cousin chuckled.



“It is just a story Anny, it is not real. There is no such thing as a place called Athiel with as magic’s, Dragon and other creatures. It is merely a figment of somebody’s imagination,” she stated simply.



“Awwe, your no fun Heylan. However, wouldn’t it be awesome if there was? Why, I might even figure out why the Prince disappeared,” she laughed and gave her cousin a grin, “If I did however find the Prince, we might not know that me and him will fall in love with each other and live happily ever after,” she added while sighing dreamily.



“You and your fairy tale beliefs,” Heylan rolled her eyes, but could not hide her smile that was starting to form from the corner of her lips.



“And you, and your scientifical beliefs,” her cousin retorted with an eye roll.



Shaking her head in response, she continued on finishing on what she was doing.



“Girls! We have neighbors here, would you like to meet them?” their Grandfather called from down stairs.



“Hey! It must be the neighbors that hangs out with Grandpa!” her cousin quickly Drag Heylan towards the living room from downstairs.



“Woah calm down Anny, we will get there, sheesh.”



“I’m just excited Heylan! Their around our age!” she exclaimed with pure excitement. How amusing was this to Heylan.



When they reached to the living room, Heylan immediately stopped and stared at the 3 guys for a while. “Alreich?” she asked.



“Why Heylan its you! I never thought that we live close by.”



“You guys know each other?” Her Grandfather asked.



“We met at the plane travelling here.” She explained.



“Oh, well then, uhh Heylan, Anny, these are our neighbors. This is Javier, Steven and of course you already met Aldreich.” Their Grandfather introduced them to the three guys.



Heylan walked towards Aldreich and drag him outside through the back door. She ignored the weird looks that was coming from her Grandfather, cousin and her two other neighbors.






Once they were out of hearing range from the others, she turned her attention to Aldreich.



“Wow, you move fast, I must say,” Aldreich said jokingly.



“I thought, you were gonna visit your old man?” Heylan asked.



“Well… yes, but as you can see, my Father which is the ‘My old man’ I’m referring to…. He’s dead, and I’m staying at my uncle’s place and my cousins’. This place is where I had my fun memories with my dad, and where he is buried,” He explained uncomfortably with a sad smile.



“Oh, I didn’t know… You didn’t need to tell me that.” She responded somewhat unsure.



“It’s ok, I have no reason to hide it. And besides, if I want to move on from the past, saying that to someone I just met is a great way to start, and also I trust you, you’re a good person I can tell.” He explained. Heylan was taken aback from his explanation. He trust her.




“Oh.” Was her genius respond. She has not noticed that she was already blushing. How can this person trust her so easily? And they just met? She asked herself.



“Are we just gonna stay here? Or head back inside? They might wonder, why you just suddenly dragged me here,” Aldreich reasoned.



“Uhh yeah, Uhmmm… let us head back then.”






“Why did you guys just suddenly exited?” her cousin Anny asked.



“We were just talking,” was Heylan’s short response.



“Oh ok, by the way Lan, these guys wants to show us around the place, or the forest, isn’t it exciting?” her cousin said happily.



“Really? When?”



“Tomorrow, how does that sound?” their Grandfather piped in. “I thought that it would be good for the both of you to explore our town, and it’s beautiful scenery, and what better way to that, but with these guys here? Their outgoing and they know all the good spots too.”



“Yeah, that is if you guys are willing? You guys are our only neighbors here in the area, we would like to show you guys around. Oh and I’m Steven by the way.”



“And I’m Javier, nice to meet you,” the other guy introduced.



“Oh…uhhh…. Yeah yeah sure, that would be lovely. I’m Heylan by the way, it’s also nice to meet the both of you.” She said while shooking their hand one at a time.






The next day…..






“Wake up! Wake up!” her cousin said while jumping at the end of Heylan’s bed.



“What is it?” she mumbled in her half sleeping state.



“Heylan come on! Did you forgot about the tour our grateful neighbors offered us?” her cousin said while still trying to wake Heylan by keeping on jumping.



“It’s sooooo early. Limme go back to sleep,” she mumbled, her voice muffled because of the pillow.




“Come on Heylan! I’ll scream at your ears if you’re still not up by the count of ten.”




“Whatever,” she mumbled.




“One,” her cousin started counting.





Still not waking up.




























“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!” her cousin screamed, resulting Heylan falling offfrom the bed.



“Jesus Christ Anny! What the heck? I though you said ‘at the count of ten?’” she snapped.



“What? I’m not a very patient person my Dear cousin,” her cousin responded cheekily, which earned a glare from Heylan.




“My, you two are up early.” Their Grandmother commented sitting at the chair next to a table, while drinking her morning coffee.



“She screamed at my ears,” Heylan pointed at her cousin who gave an innocent smile.



“She was being difficult on waking up Grandma, So.. I just let my scream do the waking,” she reasoned earning a chuckle from their amused Grandmother.



“Well… enough with that how does eggs and bacon sound?” their Grandmother asked.



“Yes!” they both responded eagerly.



They both wondered what the day has to offer for their tour, and what awaits them. The both were excited just thinking about it, and carried on with their breakfast.





End of Chapter 3.





>> Not Edited

Chapter 4: Athiel



“So…where are we heading?” Anny asked out of the blue.


“It’s a surprise,” Javier replied with a grin.


They were now sitting inside the car of Steven, heading towards the town’s forest just on the other side of town. Heylan keep shifting uncomfortably on her sit as she was not used to being close with a bunch of guys.


Moments have passed and they arrived near a lake. It was beautiful, the clear water glistening as the sun kissed the surface of the water. Around the lake were trees stretched from miles and miles. And it gave that soothing feeling to whoever lay eyes on the view.


“Here we are Ladies,” Steven blurted out. Heylan and Anny took on the surrounding and their expression was clearly with awe. They have not seen such a spectacular view than this right here in front of them.


“Hey guys I’ll just settle the car somewhere. Steven here will put our adventure gears and have them ready. Why don’t Aldz just show you around for a bit, and don’t go too far,” Javier said with an excited tone.


“Sure thing cous,” was Aldreich’s short response. “Come on,” was all he said at the two girls.


“This place is so beautiful,” Anny stated. Heylan agreed to what she said, because she can never deny the fact that the place is beautiful and almost as if it was enchanted or something.


They walked inside the forest, just taking in the beauty of mother nature. Heylan was not aware that she was straying off, away from Anny and Aldreich. She was distracted by her surroundings and followed her gaze to whichever she find curious.


There was a loud screeching sound that made her snap out of her daze, which is when she realized that she was completely lost. Not knowing what to do, she tried searching her way back. However, there was no such luck for her, because she isn’t familiar with the surroundings.


“Anny? Aldreich? Can you guys hear me?” she yelled out.


A rustling sound on the bushes startled her, and a shadow that is not human was roaming around as if following her. Frightened of whatever creature she was facing, she took off and ran not knowing where she was heading. Running that’s what all she could think off. She was lost and a bit frightened of whatever was following her. Where are Anny and Aldreich? She thought to herself. Wondering why she got separated from the two.


She wasn’t paying attention to where she was going, and stumbled on a rock causing her to lose her balance and fall off a small cliff. Her heart was pounding furiously as she was tumbling down, she hit her head on a boulder and lost her consciousness.




“Hello Miss?” a voice called out to her with an unfamiliar accent.


Groaning and touching her head with a slight pang of pain, she slowly opened her eyelids facing a girl about her age and a little boy, looking slightly worried at her. She noticed that two were wearing different outfits, like in a medieval kind.


“Are you okay?” the girl asked slightly worried.


“Min, why is she wearing different clothing? She’s wearing pants and she is a girl,” the boy asked the girl, whose name is Min.


“I believe you are not from around here, correct?” Min asked Heylan with a curious look on her facial features.


“Oh and goodness me! You are wearing pants!” the girl exclaimed. Heylan was confuse as to what the issues with girls wearing pants to the strangers.


“What’s wrong with wearing pants? Everyone wears them. And also where the heck am I?” she asked curiously and took a look on her surroundings.


The girl chuckled at her. “You are a girl of course, only men wears pants,” she explained as if Heylan was stupid.


“She is stupid as to not know that Min,” the boy said.


The girl, Min only smiled at the boy and patted his head. She turned back to Heylan and studied her for a while. Heylan shifted uncomfortably at Min’s gaze on her.


“Where am I?” Heylan asked uncomfortably.


“Yes yes! I am most certain that you are not from around here I believe. And judging from your outfit, you have crazy taste in clothing from where you came,” Min nodded confirming her thoughts. “You are in Fostaus Kingdom,” the girl answered her question and gave her a hand to help her stand up.


“Fostaus kingdom? And I am not stupid,” She never heard of such a place.


“Yes, Fostaus kingdom. You don’t know? Fostaus kingdom is one of the richest and most well known kingdom here in Athiel,” the girl confirmed.


Athiel? Surely this is not one of the places where her Grandmother told the story. That is prop estrous, it was just a story her Grandmother told them.


“Min, I think we must go. The sun is settling now, we wouldn’t want to be caught by those elves now,” the boy sounding a bit terrified.


Elves? These people must be crazy she thought. They’re just creature from fairy tales are not real. She scoffed at the two clearly not amuse.


She started walking away from these crazy people. She doesn’t know where she was going, but by just being with these people makes her pissed for calling her “stupid”. Apparently they were the ones who were stupid for believeing such creatures exist.


“Where are you going? You must not go that way! That is where the path that leads to Neveth,” the girl Min called after her.


She ignored her and keep on going. This was just insane! She was lost. Annoying laughter filled the air.


“Look there’s a girl wearing pants!” someone whispered out of nowhere. She turned around and couldn’t see anybody.


“Let us get her!” the voices sounding terrifying by the minute.


Heylan quickly ran away not knowing where she was heading. This is Crazy! If she would have known that this would happen to her, then she wouldn’t have agreed on coming along on their little tour. She ran and ran and stumbled upon some few roots and branches.


Then out of the blue, a small man appeared followed by another. Are these elves? They were small men, with a friendly looking face, but later on, that friendly face turned into a hideous form with sharp teeth and glowing eyes.


“Hello there! We would like to play,” an evil facial expression was on the little man’s face as he said those words. Heylan was terrified sensing that these little men were not friendly at all, and she doesn’t want to stay any longer to find out what “play” they meant.


The little men started jumping towards her with an evil snicker. She couldn’t move on her spot, she was paralyzed with fear. She closed her eyes not knowing what to do.




“Get out of my sight, before I cut you all to little pieces, hideous creatures!” a voice boomed. Heylan slowly opened her eyes to see a figure in front of her with a sword, it was a guy. A head fall besides her, taking a closer look, the head was one of those little creature. She screamed at the sight of that bloody head unattached to a body. The little men disappeared into the darkness.


“Stupid annoying creatures,” the guy mumbled. “Are you alright? You know better than to be in the dark especially at this place in the forest, knowing those kind of creatures lurking around.”


Heylan didn’t answer him, she was stay rooted on her spot unable to move.


“Hey are you okay? Is something wrong?” The guy asked. Looking at Heylan and staring to where she was looking at. She was staring on the head that was besides her. Realizing this, the guy kicked the head away.


“T-thank you,” she stuttered.


“You’re welcome, but you should know that you shouldn’t be out here especially at the dark, are you stupid? Oh and are those pants you are wearing?” the guy asked. What is it with them with girls wearing pants?


“Who are you? And more importantly where am I?” Heylan asked ignoring the guy’s question.


Annoyed by ignoring his Question, he introduced himself. “You are not from around here, I could tell. I am Kaelum, and you are in Fostaus in Athiel,” he responded.




End of Chapter 4.


A/N: Well…. I hope that was longer owo

Finally she’s in Athiel! >_< now I can start the adventure ohohoho..

I know it’s boring at first, but please bear with me :3


>> commenting, voting and sharing (if you are willing), is very much appreciated.

>> not edited

Chapter 5: A lot of questions




I can’t believe it! I’m actually in Athiel? This must be some kind of joke.


Heylan took on the appearance of the guy named Kaelum. He is young and maybe a few years older than her. He is handsome she gives him that. Flawless pale skin as if his some kind of royalty, but judging from the simple clothing he was wearing, he is completely just an ordinary person. He has a copper colored disheveled hair like he didn’t bother combing it almost covering his left eye. His eyes were a grey color almost silver. Heylan was too busy checking the guy out that she didn’t noticed him staring at her. Kaelum cleared his throat to get her attention, that seems to snap her out, and a blush quickly forming on her face.


“I-I….” she stuttered not knowing what to say. She was caught on the act of checking the guy out, and she was embarrassed at her behavior.


“As I was saying earlier, you shouldn’t be out here in the dark,” he stated while putting his sword back in place. He turned his head again at Heylan and flicked his bangs away from his eyes. His left eye was amber color that Heylan didn’t notice earlier.


“Then why are you also out here in the dark?” she asked him curiously.


“I have my reasons,” was his simple response and he started walking away, without giving Heylan a glance.


“W-wait!” she called to him, “You’re just gonna leave me out here? Knowing those things can still be lurking around?” she exclaimed exaperatedly. He turned around and gave in a sigh.


“Look, Miss who-wears-pants, I have important things I have to do, I’m not guiding you anywhere,” he responded while proceeding to walk away.


“Since you don’t care of a lady all alone in the dark, then I might as well follow you around,” she stated boldly while starting to follow Kaelum.


“Damnit! I’ll just drop you off the castle then, clearly you’re from another dimension, they might find a way to send you back from where you came,” he said while starting to walk again, “well? Come on then, I have already wasted my time saving you.”


The nerve of this guy!


Giving in a sigh, she followed Kaelum. The walk towards  Fostaus was quiet. Couldn’t take of the silence, she started giving questions to Kaelum, since he’s the only one around.


“Couldn’t you learn to be quiet?” Kaelum snapped


She stepped back by his tone of voice.


“Look I’m sorry, this is just not my day. I’m on a mission here to take back what is supposedly mine. I’ll take you to Fostaus Palace and then I shall be on my way once I have everything I need.”


“What is your mission?” she asked curiously.


“This is none of your concern, but I will tell. I was foolish, and naïve, and because of that. I let an important someone down. That’s all I could tell you,” he said to her and continued walking. Now she is curious of his story, eventhough they just met.


“Uhmm can I ask a question?”


“You’ve been doing it since you tag along, might as well get over with it.”


“If this world of yours is called Athiel, then is there a kingdom called Neveth?”


He stiffened once she said that. How could she know? She’s from the Earth dimension… He could tell that she’s from earth dimension, where everything is base on facts and science, and also because of her alienated clothes from theirs.


“Why do you ask? And How do you know Neveth Kingdom?” now he was the one curious, and ignored her question with his.


“My Grandma told me a story of Athiel, she said a ruthless King is ruling Neveth and that the Prince is gone? Something like that,” she shrug.


“Maybe we should rest, let us just continue our journey to the palace tomorrow, since Fostaus is a big Kingdom with territory that is wide. Go gather some woods or something, I’ll get dinner,” How could her Grandmother know? Surely this is not just a made up story, since everything she said is true.


“Wow, now your ordering me. You haven’t answered my first question yet! I answered yours!” she exclaimed.


“Look Miss, I’m tired. I’m way behind my schedule, so will you just do me the honor of shutting up and do just as I say?”






“My name is Heylan, so stop calling ‘Miss or Miss who-wears-pants,’” she qouted.  


“Ok then Heylan, what a peculiar name,” he commented.


Moments after that, Heylan followed Kaelum’s instruction and searched for firewood. What else could she do? She was just tagging along to that guy, since she doesn’t know this place. What if this is his way of ditching me? She thought. She hurriedly went back to the pond where Kaelum said they would settle for the night. He wasn’t there. Why that prick!


She started searching for the guy frantically, when she heard a hissing sound. Turning around there was snake that is ready to make her a prey. It was huge! A snake than can easily swallow a human. Paralyzed with fear she started sweating, and thought that maybe this will be her end. She shut her eyes closed when the snake was about to attack. Few seconds has passed, and she hasn’t felt the snake biting her or squeezing her to death, she opened her eyes and found the snake lifeless and its head cut.


“Didn’t I told you to stay near the pond? What are you doing out here?” Kaelum said angrily.


“I was looking for you. I thought that you will ditch me!” she exclaimed. Giving in a sigh, he took her arm and led her back to their camp sight.


“I don’t ditch once I made my mind taking you to the palace,” he sighed. “Well atleast we now have dinner.”


“That snake is going to be dinner?” she asked with a horrified expression. He’s not serious is he?


“Oh yes, I’m serious,” said he.


“How did you--?”


“You said it out loud,” was his reply.


If only you were not attractive, I would have punched your face right about the first word that came out of your mouth since we meet! She thought.


“So you think I’m attractive?” he smirked.


Now she could have swear she didn’t say it aloud.


“Your expression is readable,” he stated simply. “Now let us have this snake back to the camp sight and cook this.”


He really is serious!


“Better believe it,” he smirked once again.




End of Chapter 5.




Chapter 6: Kiss




They were done eating dinner, and now they were about to sleep. Heylan was uncomfortable of the idea sleeping out in the open. What if another creature attacks them while they sleep? she said thinking deep and hard. Glancing at Kaelum who is so relaxed on the other side of the camp sight, she couldn't help but envy him. He is so relaxed like without a care in the world, while she is trying to sleep uncomfortable. How does he do it? It's so uncomfortable sleeping here.


"Gosh he really is handsome, and cute when he sleeps," she whispered and giggled. Staring at the night sky, she wondered how the hell she end up to Athiel in the first place. Closing her eyes, she twist and turned, but couldn't sleep. The wind was cold giving her a shiver. Now she thought it was bad idea not bringing her hoodie with her. She was just wearing a t-shit, with skinny jeans and some boots. She glanced at her arms and saw goosebumps. Gosh it sure is chilly.


 "Can't sleep?" someone asked.


She turned her head to the direction of Kaelum, and saw him staring at her.


"Yeah, it's a bit chilly," she said while rubbing both her hands up and down her arms. She heard a rustling sound and saw that Kaelum was heading to her side.


"What are you d-doing?" she asked rather nervously.


"I couldn't sleep with you and the sound of your teeth indicating that you are cold. So I'm gonna sleep next to you. It turns really cold out here at night," he stated simply. While laying next to her.


Woah woah! calm down Heylan. Your just sleeping next to a very handsome guy, alone, in the middle of nowhere, with no one to interrupt. No big deal, right? she blushed to what she was thinking.


"Are you nervous of me?" he asked.


"N-no-oo..." she stuttered. "It's just your a guy," she gulped.


"So? Is there a problem?" 


"I-it's just..." she couldn't form any words at their close proximity. Why do you have to be so handome?


"Just what?" he leaned closer to her making her red. "Do I make you feel nervous?" he asked her eye to eye with a couple of inch distance. She gulped.


"You know.... The most effective way to not get cold, is body heat," he suggested. At that she turned ever more redder to which he smirk.


"S-soo.... what a-are y-you ttrying to imply?" she asked nervously.


This is insane! we just met like 5 hours ago!


"You know what?" he stood up.




He took Heylan and carried her in his shoulder. "W-waitt!! What are you trying to do?"


"Shhh... Your too nervous and tense, relax..." he said. He started running towards the direction of the water and throw her in.


"K-Kaelum!! You Jerk! I-it's c-c-cccoooollldd!! *sneezes*" he laughed at her reaction and also started jumping to the water.


"What? You were sweating, So I thought you need to cool off.." he said.


"Don't you see it's cold?! Now *sneezes* your giving me *sneezes* a cold!" she exclaimed.


He swam towards her direction.  "You were sweating.." he whispered to her ear. That gave a shiver down to her spine.


"Gah!" she splashed water at him. Moments of playing tag in the water, she soon forgot her anger. After they were done, she realized that their clothes were weat, and there were no extra.


"I t-think we should stop, its getting really cold," she suggested.


"Yeah, I think we should."


"Our clothers are wet!" she realized.


"I can see that," he commented.


"Ugghh now its colder!" she exclaimed and glared at Kaelum to which he just laughed. 


"It's not funny!" she splashed at him again.


He strode closer to her until they were just an inch. She gulped at their very close proximity, he was even now closer that earlier. He surprised her by kissing her, while she continued on her rant. She stood there shocked. He ended the kiss and whispered, "You were too noisy."


He went out of the water and went back to their camp sight, leaving her stunned. "You coming Heylan?" he asked.


She touched her lips gawking at Kaelum. He kissed me.... That was my first kiss!


"Y-you kissed me," she said.


"I believe i did, want some more?" he teased while taking off his wet clothes.







Chapter 7: A Pleasant Morning




Heylan was now shivering from the cold night. She sneezed and sneezed, her clothes were wet. "Ughhh... *sneezes* this is all your fault!" she exclaimed. Her clothes were wet and she was still wearing them, not wanting to give Kaelum the satisfaction of her being Naked. *Sneezes*.


"Take off your clothes, it'll just get worse if you keep on wearing them, put them by the fire and hang them so they'll dry up," he said indifferently.


“Hahahaha, you’re kidding right? There is noway I’m going naked, while your with me!” she exclaimed blushing.


“Sheesh.. Why are you so embarrass at that thought? You’re not even embarrassed that you’re wearing pants. Seriously a girl should wear dresses or something,” he mumbled but Heylan couldn’t make out the words he said at the last part.


“Just take them off, or…”


“Or what?” she asked.


“I’ll take them off for you.”


“Hell no! I rather freeze to death!” she actually didn’t mean that, the idea is just so…so… scandalous for her.


“I’m naked and I’m not complaining,” he shrugged.

“Your naked on your upper part! You’re a guy for heaven’s sake! So it’s not such a big deal for you,” she blushed while glancing back at him and all his glory. The chest…. Gaaah….


“Come on Heylan, it’s just us,” he sighed while pinching his temple, “Surely you don’t want to die here, in a place you’re not even familiar with…”


He was right, she didn’t want to die in Athiel.


“I’m so stupid!” she said out of the blue, Kaelum glanced at her, indeed you are he said to himself.


“Why didn’t I think of this before? Hahahaha I’m dreaming!” she said now, like that will solve everything. She pinched herself. Hard. “Ouch!” she closed her eyes,”any momet now, I’m gonna wake up at my bed.”


Kaelum gave her an amused look and just mentally laughed at her idiocy. “Hurt to break it to you Heylan, but you’re still here with me.”


She opened her eyes and then frowned, “Okay… so this isn’t a dream then,” she sighed. Well atleast I tried to keep my sanity.


Kaelum stood up and made his way to Heylan, “Here”. He threw her a blanket, “take your wet clothes off and use that to cover yourself,” and he went back to his area earlier.


“Thank you,” she said and went behind some bushes to strip her wet clothes off. After she was done stripping her clothes off, she took the blanket and wrap it around herself and then picked p her wet clothes and hanged them to a nearby branch that is by the fire. She went back to place and sat down, placing both her arms on her knees and just silently watched the fire.


There was a moment of silence until Heylan spoke, “Aren’t you cold?” she asked him, she was worried, because he was half naked and his pants were wet.


“I’m fine,” was his simple response.


“Aren’t you gonna get cold with wet pants on?”


“You want me to be completely naked? I didn’t know you were that eager to see my….”


“Stop! No!” she blushed furiously, “I mean… uhhh….You’ll get sick and… then… you know, I can’t have you sick! You’re my guide!” she rambled.


He laughed at her rambling, “I’m fine, I just thought you wouldn’t want to see my thing.”


“Err…. You know there is still more room for this blanket,” she blushed, Oh my god! What will he think!.


“Are you sure?” he asked without joking.


She nodded, “Just uhh… you know…” she turned scarlet red, she couldn’t  say it.


“Close your eyes then, if your too embarrassed,” he offered. She quickly nodded and shut her eyes off.


“A-are… you done?” she asked.


“Yeah,” Heylan could feel the blanket being tugged.


“You can open your eyes now,” he said. He was now by her side and only one blanket covering their naked selves. Heylan could feel his body heat, and then suddenly it wasn’t that cold anymore. She didn’t realize that she was slowly drifting to sleep.


The next morning came, you could hear the birds chirping, the wind blowing, the squirrels and other stuff you hear in the morning. Heylan could feel arms wrapping around her waist, she groaned when she felt something poking her. What is that? She said internally. She squirmed a little at the uncomfortable position she was in.


“Stop moving,” she heard Kaelum groan, her eyes suddenly snap open when she realized that those where Kaelum’s arms wrapping her.


She squirmed again trying to get out of his grip on her.


“I said stop moving!”


“You’re wrapping your arms around me, and what is that thing that is poking me?” she asked. Gosh she was clueless!


“Just don’t move, you’re already making it hard for me,” he groaned.


“Huh? What do you mean?”


“We’re both naked and only this blanket is covering us,and you’re pressing up against me. Solve the puzzle Princess.”


We’re both naked….NAKED! oh my God! “We’re NAKED!?” she shouted at Kaelum whose ears were hurt at their close proximity and she just shouted at him.


“Yeah, didn’t you forgot what happen last night?” he asked.


“Yeah, I-I r-rremem-bered,” she gulped while adding, “but what is that thing poking me?” he face palmed in his head, she really is clueless!


“That’s my…..” he was cut off when it finally registered in her mind.


“OH MY GOD!” she tried move a little just to make space for them.


“I said stop moving! You’re making it worse!”


“Why is that ‘THING’ poking me?! And why is it hard right now?” she exclaimed in a panicky voice.


“Ever heard of morning wood?” he asked her.


“Morning what?”


“Ughh… it’s a guy thing every morning,” she blushed once she heard that. “We are both naked, I can feel your skin, and because your pressing up against me its making it --….”


“Okay stop! Information overload,” she cut him off while furiously blushing, “get rid off it!”


“Alright, alright! Sheesh… It’ll be easier if you help me though,” he teased.


“What do you mean?”


“You know….have intercourse with me…”


She turned even more redder at that, “WHAT?! Oh no… absolute—ly….n-n…not!” she stuttered. She was like a tomato now, at what he suggested.


“Relax… I’m just kidding, but seriously though… It’ll be a lot easier for get rid of ‘it’” he wiggled his brows playfully.


There was no way… Heylan couldn’t do it. She was a virgin and has no experience whatsoever. Oh gosh what a plesant morning it is.



End of Chapter 7.



Chapter 8: Peaches




“Eew, eew, eew! ‘It’ poked me again! Get rid of it,” Heylan exclaimed impatiently. Kaelum sighed, if only she knew how it feels like for a Guy.



“Yeah, be patient. I need to take a dip at the lake.”



“Get rid of it first! Oh my gosh, it’s still poking me,” he heart was now beating faster, “In case if you have forgot, the blanket is the only thing covering us,” she went crimson, “and you know…….whaaa—Hey!”



“You're too loud,” he hoisted her up, Heylan trying to cover her chest with her arms, and he jumped at the lake along with her.



“Ahhhh~… not again!” and BAM! They were in the water. Heylan slowly opened her eyes while they were still under the water, she noticed that Kaelum was staring at her strangely. What’s he staring at? She thought. She forgot to notice that they were staring at each other still under the water completely naked. Kaelum being a guy, his stare was immediately trailing down from her face to her chest, which she immediately took notice. Heylan quickly cvered her chest and burst out of the water taking a deep breath of air. Can’t believe I’m skinny dipping with this guy!



“You are such a perv and a jerk! The water is freezing in the morning!” she splashed water at him.



“I’m a guy, what can I do?” he shrugged, then he went back and dive under the water, leaving Heylan totally clueless as to where his whereabouts.



“Kaelum?” she wondered trying to locate him.



“This isn’t funny you know….” She was getting paranoid, where could he be? Don’t tell me he can breath under water?



There was a moment of silence and then she was suddenly dragged to the bottom, on instinct she quickly covered her mouth and nose as to not let the water in. She saw Kaelum giving an amuse look and trying to hold in his laughter while they were again still under water.



Her face quickly showed how annoyed and pissed she is. Kaelum can’t helped it, but she look rather cute when she’s pissed. He swam towards her and they just stood there staring at each other, Heylan again noticed that Kaelum’s right eye was Amber colored. What the? His left eye is Grey sometimes almost blue in color and the right is Amber? They were the most beautiful thing she ever saw. She was leaning closer towards him without even realizing it. He cupped her cheeks caressing it, and slowly he kissed her while they were still underwater.Heylan closed her eyes as if on instinct and kissed him back. It took them how many seconds and they immediately broke the kiss, because of the need for air. They were both gasping and panting for air when their heads quickly made its way to the surface.



He kissed me again!



She was thinking deeply and didn’t noticed that Kaelum already made his way out of the water and towards his clothes that were now dry. He quickly slipped on his pants and called out to Heylan, “Are you not gonna come out of the water? We still have a few days journey ahead of us, until we get to the capital of Fostaus.”



She snapped her head towards Kaelum who was now half naked. She stared at his well defined chest that still have droplets of water running down to his flat stomach, she glanced back to his face, his hair still wet. Gosh he look so hot!


“Are you fantasizing about me?” he asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts.


She quickly shook her head, “N-noo.. I wasn’t… Emmm…”


“You better change to your clothes now, I think they are now dry.”


“Okay….” She was about to hoist herself out of the water until she remembered something. “I’m still naked” she stated.(A/N:lol hey that rhymes)


“Hold on, I’ll get your clothes for you, and then you can change by that rock over there,” he pointed at the direction of a big rock.




After he brought her, her clothes, she immediately took it out of his hold and rushed the big rock by just a few feet away. She quickly put on her clothes and went back to Kaelum. “I’m done.”



He nodded and then they started walking. They were walking silently besides each other, neither one not trying to break the comfortable silence that enveloped them. Out of nowhere Heylan’s stomache grumbled, letting it know that it needs food in its system. She quickly covered her tummy and blushed.



“I guess we need to find food to satisfy that beast of yours,” Kaelum commented.


“I-I’m f-f-ine,” she stuttered embarrassed.


He gave her an amused look not believing her. Her stomache grumbled again making her even more embarrassed than before.


“Well find some fruits, I don’t feel like wasting my energy chasing animals,” Kaelum said.



“O-okay…fruits then,” she was thanking internally not wanting to eat another snake or any slimy reptiles for food. She sighed releasing the breath she was holding.



Together they search for fruits that is edible to humans. Kaelum wouldn’t want her to pick berries, because of the incident earlier where she almost ate a poisonous berry. That was close.

“Look there!” Heylan pointed at a particular tree ahead.



Kaelum took a glance at the direction she was pointing at, and saw it, “Peaches”.



“Good eye you got, well it looks like were gonna have peaches for breakfast then,” he said as they made their way towards the peach tree.



“How are we gonna get those fruit? It’s way way up,” she gulped. Okay everything here in Athiel is waaay different from Earth. Some of the trees here are waay big and tall. Peach trees on earth are reachable while here in Athiel it looks so mysticaly tall.



“I’ll climb it,” Kaelum offered.



“Are you sure? It looks dangerous climbing it, seriously everything here in Athiel is totally different,” she said.



“I know, I’m from here. You don’t need to worry about me,” he gave her his sword and made his way up climbing the peach tree.



After he was done picking up the fruits, he made his way back to the ground and they started eating on the Peaches.


“Who knew peaches for breakfast is so yummy! These peaches are so deliscious!” Heylan commented. “Thank you Kaelum,” she thanked him. He stiffened because of her words, he wasn’t used of people thanking him.



He shrugged “You’re welcome.”




Chapter 9: Dark Forest


        Heylan woke up in a very comfortable bed, it was so comfortable that she keep on moaning in delight. She keep on rolling on her side until she fell off the bed.




        "Good you're awake now, we better get moving," Kaelum said.


        "Uhmmm, why is there a bed?" she asked rubbing her bottom as realization dawn on her. She didn't remember a thing, it was all a complete blur to her. Did something happen? Oh my Gosh! 


        "You passed out while we were walking, so I carried you all the way here," he answered.


        "Where is here?"


        "This is a stop for travellers, its kinda like a bed and breakfast," he said while scratching the back of his neck. As if on cue, Heylan saw a mark on his neck that looked like a crescent moon.



        "Hey, what's that mark on your neck?" she asked.



        "Mark? Oh.... uhh... its a birth mark, I was born with it," he replied while adding, "you speak to no one of this."



Confused, she just nodded in response. What's the big deal with the birth mark? 



        "We better go and eat breakfast, and let us continue our journey. The sooner you get back to your dimension the better," he stated coldly. Ouch. Why the sudden attitude? She swear, she couldn't understand him. His mood swings were worst than of a pregnant woman's.



        To say breakfast was a treat would be an understatement. The food was weird looking, and it looked like its alive and with a very disgusting look. After they finished their breakfast, they immediately continue on their journey. Soon after, they fell into an uncomfortable silence.



        Kaelum was serious, and the tension around him was unbearable to Heylan. She scooted away from him slowly, praying for him not to notice her action. He glanced at her, raising a brow as if saying "What the heck are you doing?"



        "U-uhmm... a.... You see...." she stuttered looking everywhere, but his eyes. Gulp. Seems like somebody, has woken up to the wrong side of the bed.



        "If you want to say something, then get to the point already," he by all said to her impatiently. She was taken a back by his bluntness. What the hell?



        "Look, you are kind of scaring me right now, and I thought Males don't get periods. But clearly, you prove me wrong, or maybe this is how Athiel works? Males get periods?" she was now saying something that just came out of her mouth without her brain processing the information. She totally bursted.



        Now he was the one who got taken a back by her sudden outburst. Blinking slowly while staring at her with a frown, "Males don't get periods here. Why the sudden question?" he asked.



        "Well... if it isn't quite obvious to you.." she fake coughs "your mood swings is rather annoying right now, and I don't need you snapping at me! You totally ruined my day!"


        He blinked again, processing her words. "Are you okay?"



        "You know what? forget it. Let's just hurry up, so I don't need to bother you anymore. The sooner I get back the better right?" she asked, now clearly pissed.



        "Look Heylan---" he was cut by Heylan, when she started sprinting away from him. She just needed to clear her head, but when Kaelum is near, it just made her more in a bad mood.



        "Heylan! Wait!" He tried to stop her from sprinting away from him, but it was too late. He panicked as he took noticed on the direction she was heading. "Damn it!"



        "What the f--k was his problem? It's not like I wanted to be magically teleported here in Athiel, int the first place!" She huffed clearly out of breath when she ran away from him. Boy, does she need the exercise.



        Glancing on her surroundings, the area was a bit dark, and the trees look like they have evil faces in it. Stepping back, she was a little frightened of not knowing where she was currently at.



        "Where am I?" she thought to herself. Glancing again on her surrounding, she tried to search for a way back out of the creepy area. It was getting freakier and freakier by the minute.



        "K-Kaelum.... are you?" she voiced out. Oh my gosh! I'm totally lost! Ughh... I feel like Freaking Snowhite right now, when she ran towards the scary forest. 




        "Who goes there?" she squeaked.






        Her heart was now beating fast on anticipation. Oh Dear Heavens! 




        What was she going to do? Her mind was now swirling of different scenarios, and then she heard a growling sound. It wasn't a pleasant sound at that, its as if its growling for spotting a prey. Another rustling sound, she immediately ran fast as her feet could carry her. Panting heavily, she turned her back towards the direction of the growling sound, and saw a silhouette of a very big creature with glowing red eyes. 


        She hadn't noticed until she bumped into someone hard. "Ouch!" she rubbed her cheek.


        "Are you okay?" glancing at the person, she sighed in relief as the person in front of her was none other than Kaelum. He stared at her for a moment and saw slight fear in her eyes.


        "What happened?" he demanded.


        "T-there......" she croaked out, she pointed at the vague direction where she just ran of.


        He immediately followed the vague direction where her finger was pointing at and saw the Dark Forest. The Dark Forest is commonly known in Fostaus, it is located at a very rough part of the Kingdom, and no one ever goes there. It is popular with the stories told by locals that "Creatures" of the unknown lives there, and no one has ever been seen came out alive in that forest, and if they were, well let us just say that they were never seen again.


        "You shouldn't have gone there! But anyways, I'm glad that you are safe. Next time don't run to somewhere dark," he said sternly.


        She nodded. Was he worried about me? Nah... couldn't be, especially since he wants to get rid of me that badly.


        A deep dangerous growl emanated from the direction of the said forest. The next thing that came to their minds as they saw the creature where the growl came from was "Oh sh-t...."


End of Chapter 9.


Chapter 10: I am Zal


        They stood frozen on their place, watching as the creature slowly made its way to their direction in a very slow agonizing pace. Heylan didn't know what to do, and hids behind Kaelum shaking in fright. What was she suppose to do? She never seen such creature, and by the looks of it, they were gonna be food.


        "K-Kaelum....." she croaked. 


        "Shhh.... it'll be alright..." he murmured and hid her behind his back out of the creatures sight. 


        "W-what is that thing?"


        He glanced at her shaking form and patted her head soathingly, "Dragon.."


        A DRAGON!? 


        "Are we gonna die?" she asked horrified. She can't die! What about her family? Her life? She hasn't even started college yet! She hasn't even achieve anything! She was gonna die young and a virgin at that. She hasn't even met a guy she could spend a lifetime with. And there was no way, she would die in an unfamilliar place. There was just no way! They needed to get out of this situation, and they better do it fast. 


     "Kaelum what are we gonna do?" she peeked at the creatures form and was directly met with red eyes. She was suddenly paralyzed with fear.


  "Heylan.. don't look at its eyes," he said calmly. How could he be so calm at this situation? We're gonna die! It was pointless, she was already paralyzed with fear. She couldn't focus now on her surrounding, because of the Dragon's eyes keeping hers captive. Her surrounding slowly diplated, and it was just now her and the creature. 


        "Heylan..." she could hear someone saying her name in panick, but who could it be? she wondered. She couln't focus on anything right now. The creature's eyes were keeping her in place, making her loose sight of everything.


        "Heylan! snap out of it!" Kaelum shook her hard, but it was no use. "Damn it!" he cursed himself.


        He put both his hands on Heylan's shoulder and look at her directly to her eyes, "Heylan, listen to me," he started. She slowly did at what she was told, but still there was fear in her eyes. She quickly diverted her gaze to Kaelum's snapping herself out of the creature's trance. Staring to Kaelum's eyes, she was now feeling a little better. His eyes were giving her comfort. How did he do that? She wondered.


        "Listen Heylan.... Everything will be okay, you hear me?" He said calmly and sure. She nodded slowly but also a bit unsure.


        "Just trust me on this," and trust him she did.


        "Go to sleep for a bit," he whispered some words to her ears that Heylan couldn't understand, and she immediately feel sleepy.


        "B-but the c-creature...." She yawned now feeling very drowsy. What's wrong with me? I feel so tired. She could now barely keep her eyes open.


        "Everything will be fine, i'll handle it," and that was the last thing she heard until she fell into a comfortable sleep. 


        Kaelum kissed her on her forehead and laid her down gently to a close tree. Sighing, Kaelum immediately turned towards the creatures' direction.


        "What do you want Dragon? Speak now!" He ordered. He wasn't afraid of the creature, knowing that he has the ability to control such thing. 


        "I'm surprise human, you have the guts to talk to me that way." The Dragon spoke to his mind.

        "I am not afraid of you. What do you want?"


"Interesting. You are different from other humans that I have encountered."

        "I'm not just any human, for that matter." he stated. If that Dragon attacks, then he has no choice but to use that against it. 


        "I see.... Your eyes, could it be?" Hmmm the eyes of silver, surely this boy is not her son.


        "State your business Dragon!" Kaelum was getting impatient by the second. He really needs to finish dealing with this Dragon, so he and Heylan could get going. There was not much time left. He needs to take Heylan to the castle and be best on his way. He still needs to sort some things out before the next eclipse.


        "The eyes of amber and silver, only one person I know who has exactly of that same thing. Oh, and you have that mark on your neck. This is quite interesting indeed."


        "I am getting impatient Dragon, what is your name? And what is your business with this girl?" 

        The Dragon glanced at Heylan's direction. She was suppose to be his next meal, but there was something different about her. 


        "I am Zal. The dragon of the dark forest. That girl is not from around here. Is she your beloved?"

        "That is none of our business creature."

        "Ofcourse, your majesty."


Chapter 11: What just Happen?


        It has been a while since Kaelum heard someone addressing him that title again. But right now, he doesn't give a damn about that stuff. He has more important things to take care off before he continues with his mission.


        "I don't deserve to be called like that again. How do you know?" he asked.


        "You know very well of the answer to your own question."


        He was right, he does know the answer, but he just wouldn't admit it to himself. He ignored the dragon and head himself towards the direction where he left Heylan. The poor girl was terrified shitless. He gently scoop her up and carry her in his arms like a bride.


        "I need directions Zal, where do I go from here? I need to go to the capital of Faustus."


        "It will take you two nights to get out of the forest, and there is a possibility that you'll both get lost."


        "I need to take my route here, it's the quickest way to go," Kaelum reasoned.


        "Very well, if that is so. I will escort the both of you out of the forest," said he.


        "That is very much appreciated, but may I ask why?"


        "I haven't met anyone like you or more specifically someone from your special bloodline for decades, and it would be a waste to not let it last longer," he answered to which Kaelum got confuse. What does he mean by that? He has no idea what the hell the dragon was talking about. His bloodline was not very special at all, at least that's what he thought.


        He really didn't care about the history of his family nor did he take any interest in learning it.


        "You won't try anything bad, are you?" Kaelum asked, he had to be careful around Zal. Zal is pretty much a powerful creature, sure he can take him, but there is a 50/50 chance if he will defeat the dragon or get defeated by the dragon.


        "You think lowly of me human, But I am pretty much loyal to your ancestors and nothing has change till this day."


        Kaelum nodded and took Zal's offer.


        "But first, let me change myself. I don't want to scare the lady again," Zal said to which Kaelum got confuse. "What does he mean by that?" He thought.


        Zal slowly inhale and exhale, he positioned himself in a crouching position and began changing, after the slow process of changing he was now in a human form, well almost in human form. Almost, because his ears were pointy ad his eyes were like that of a reptile. "This is the best I could do," he said.


        Kaelum was surprise. He didn't know that dragons could turn and shape-shift themselves into human. No wonder the people thought that dragons are extinct. They have no idea that dragons are very well might be living with them.


        "I didn't know dragons could shapeshift?" Kaelum asked.


        "Only the ones that are within my status, the others couldn't."


        Kaelum nodded and turn to Zal again staring at him, "You should probably find something to wear. We have a girl with us."


          Zal was birthday suite naked. He looked at himself and nodded.


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


        Heylan was being carried, but by whom? She could feel herself swaying in that person's arms. Slowly she opened her eyes and was met by a bright light. She groaned as the suns rays hit her eyes. She was not prepared for a blinding sight. Her eyes slowly adjusted to its surrounding and she was now directly staring at someone.


        That someone stopped in his tracks and turned to look at Heylan. Good. She was now conscious.

        "What happened?" she croaked.


        "She couldn't remember?" Kaelum thought.


        "You hit your head on something hard and fainted."


        Heylan whip her head to the direction of someone she had never seen before. "Who are you?" she asked curious. She was looking at Zal. He was wearing a cloak, he looked like in his 40s and his hair was blonde almost white in color. He stood taller than Kaelum by a few inch, and she could very well tell that he looked different.


        "My name is Zal milady, I am merely a guide to your destination."


        She nodded at him unsure. She turned her head back to the person carrying her and blushed. She was still in his arms, carrying her like a princess.


*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


        "Just follow this path and do not stray, you will reach the end of this forest and you'll be heading to the capital in maybe a whole day of walking," Zal said guiding them. 


        "You're not going with us?" Heylan asked.


        "No Miss, I cannot go anymore further than here. I am bound to this forest and need to protect it for this is my home," he said simply and nodded for them to go on.


        "Thank you for guiding us," Kaelum said. He had been awfully quiet the whole journey, and not once did he tried to make a conversation. 'Was something bothering him?' Heylan asked to her subconsious.

        Zal nodded and left them.


        After Zal left. They started walking on the path where Zal told them to go. Heylan couldn't take Kaelum's silence and tried to speak, but what will she say? She tried searching in her mind for a topic when Kaelum spoke breaking the silence.


        "Why so quiet?" 'really? He was asking her that? weren't he the one who has been quiet all along?'


        "Uhm,.. weren't you the one who was quiet?" she retorted.


        He gave her a confuse look. "I was?"


        She shrug her shoulders and proceeded on walking.


        They have been walking for hours now, and still no civilization in sight. Heylan was now panting dehydrated and hungry. She was now tired and hungry. Where the heck is the capital?


        "I can't do this anymore! i'm tired, thirsty and hungry!" she exclaimed.


        Kaelum just stared at her. "We should rest, if you can't take it anymore. Since it's getting dark, i'll just get some firewood and maybe something to eat." he offered. Heylan just nodded in agreement.


        Heylan was rubbing both her hands up and down her arms, she was obviously cold. Kaelum walked towards her and took of his cloak and put it around her. "Here," he said simply and left to gather some wood and maybe for food. They still have a day to get to the capital and it was already night time since the sun has already set.


        Heylan didn't know that she fell asleep as she was waiting for Kaelum. She could feel someone stroking her cheek. Was she dreaming? Slowly she opens her eyes to someone staring at her. Silver and amber eyes staring back at her. She held her breath at their close proximity. What was he doing? 


        They just stayed there, staring at each other. She could feel her heart skip a beat. Memories of them at the water came rushing back.


        Her first kiss...

        She turned crimson. Kaelum closed his eyes. 'oh my gosh! is he gonna kiss me?' she thought frantic. She could feel her heart now raising as if competing in a marathon. Slowly she also closed her eyes ad leaned closer, but feels nothing. What just happened?


        She opened her eyes and saw Kaelum walking away and towards the fire. 


        "The food is done," was all he said.


        She nodded still flushed. What was going on in his mind? She swear she could never understand the guy. One moment he was playful and teasing, next moody and grouchy, and then quiet and reserved. Can someone help her decipher the guy?


Chapter 12: Fostaus Capital



        “I can’t believe we’re finally here!” Heylan exclaimed with excitement evident in her eyes. The capital was not what she expected. Everything in the Capital was beautiful, no pollution and was very echo friendly. Kaelum glanced at her for a brief moment and proceed in walking. He was going to take her to the palace and leave her there while he proceeds on his mission. He was sure that the people in the palace are kind enough to take her in, and they might just be able to help her return to her world.  He was going to leave her, and if he gets too attach to Heylan, it will be dangerous for her and for him. It’s better if she stays away from him and not get involve with his problems.


        “Let’s go, I’m going to take you to the palace,” he said with indifference. Heylan just nodded and follow him. “He’s been acting indifferent and strange lately. What got in his mind?” she asked herself.


        She glanced at Kaelum and saw those beautiful eyes of his. “I never thought that I’d see anyone with eyes that has different colors,” she sighed and immediately she confronted him. He stop mid in his tracks and stared at her with a questioning raise of one brow. “What’s wrong?” he asked her. 


      "Why do you have different eye color?” she suddenly blurted out, although that wasn’t what she was going to intentionally ask him. Taken aback, he just stared at her. She was fiddling with her thumbs under his scrutinizing gaze. “I’m born with it,” he answered, although there is a reason why he has silver-blue eye, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.


        "This place is so beautiful," she sighed. Kaelum nodded, he could agree to that. Fostaus really is a beautiful kingdom, unlike his current kingdom. His kingdom used to be as beautiful as Fostaus or even more, but apparantly everything change in just the span of time. He wish he could go back to the past and make things right and should have never did what did.


        "I wonder if Neveth is as beautiful as this," she spoke. 


        "It was, maybe even more beautiful than this kingdom here. But its all in the pass now..." Heylan stared at Kaelum confusion evident in her eyes, Kaelum's expression is as if he is remembering something from the past. "Has he been there before?" she thought.


        "Kaelum, have you been to Neveth? It looks like you know the pla--..." she stopped her sentence when Kaelum gave her an intense look. "I mean--... uhh.... you look like..."


        "Yes, I've been there before.... " he said confirming her thoughts. "Let us not talk about this, we need to find an Inn for us to stay for the night, then we go to the palace tomorrow," he said ending the conversation. Heylan just nodded and followed him.


         After a few search of the city, they found a suitable Inn for the both of them, it wasn't pricey and the rest of the Inn they went through were full. This was the last one that still have a vacant. They entered the Inn making the door bells ring in the process letting the workers know that they have customers. They make their way towards the counter.


        "Good evening Sir and Maam, welcome to Jamie's Inn what can we do for you?" the lady in the encounter asked glancing to the both of them, then she shifted her eyes towards Kaelum a little longer. When she glanced back at Heylan her expression turned to disspointment. "What the hell's wrong with this girl?" Heylan asked herself. Clearly she didn't like Heylan. "Was it because of my outfit?" she wondered. She could feel the other peoples stare at her. Must be her different outfit from they'res. 


        "Room for couples?" the lady suggested. Heylan wasn't listening to the lady earlier and didn't hear that there were no more rooms available due to the many travelers in the place. Apparantly there was going to be a big event in the Kingdom.


        Heylan was about to correct her when Kaelum cut her off, "Yes, that will do." 


        "If you don't mind me asking, are you two? You know.... together?" the Lady couldn't help but ask, she felt envious at Heylan for having Kaelum with her.


        "N-noo.. we're not---!" Heylan said while at the same time Kaelum said, "that is none of your business."


        Kaelum took the key and headed to their room, "You know that wasn't very nice," Heylan commented at what Kaelum said to the Lady earlier. He just shrug, "she was getting nosy, and I don't like the way she looks at you as if she's about to murder you."


        Heylan blushed, "she just probably had the wrong idea about us, did you see the way she looks at you? It's like she's ready to worship the ground you walk."


        "Couldn't blame her if she is attracted to me, just like the way that you're attracted to me."


        "Am n-not!" 


        "Sure, keep denying the attraction you felt towards me. But its probably better if you won't fall deeper," he mumbled the last part to which she couldn't quite hear it.


        "W-whatever..." she mumbled and Kaelum opened the door to their room.


        "One bed?!"  said Heylan in surprise. "What the helll?"


        "Why didn't you ask for two beds?" she turned to Kaelum and asked. 


     "Weren't you listening? it's a room for couples. The other rooms are occupied," he said shrugging and went on to sit on the edge of the bed taking off his boots. He took off his cloak and laid in bed. "I'm gonna shut my eyes for a while."


        "Great, now where am I gonna sleep?" she thought. Sighing she went to the other side of the bed and sat there, thinking what she will do to pass the time. She glanced at Kaelum and stared at him tracing his facial features. He was laying in bed, both hands cupping the back of his head. "He really does have aristocratic features, I wonder if he's a Prince or soe sort,"  Heylan thought fantasizing the possibilities, "nah couldn't be," she said shaking her head "no" and continu on just sitting there and admiring Kaelum.


        "Keep staring and sooner or later, you'll  end up falling for me," startled she fell on the bed.


       "I didn't mean that kind of falling," he said laughing a little. It was the first time she seen Kaelum laugh and might she add, it was kind of cute. "How long have you been staring at me?"


        "Uhm....." she started saying, "just a few moments ago", she mumbled.


        "I see."




        "What were you thinking about, while you were staring at me?" he asked.


        "Well.. this is kind of silly, but I visualize you as a Prince," she said laughing a little, "you look like one.


        "Maybe I am....." 


        "Come again?" she didn't quite catch what he said.


        "Nothing.... you should rest as well, it had been a long journey and you must be exausted," he said smiling a little. "Wow, he's in a good mood.." she thought, "Heylan you idiot! He's probably happy to get rid of you!" a nagging voice at the back of her head exclaim. "S-shut up!" she replied to her subconscience. But she could't help but wonder.... Is he such in a good mood to finally get rid of her? The thought made her sad a little.


        "What are you thinking now?" Kaelum asked her breaking her inner thoughts.


        "J-just...wondering why you are such in a good mood...and if..if...." 


        "If what?" he urge her to continue.


        "If you're good mood has anything to do... of... of.... finally getting rid of m-me..." she whispered the last part. She felt like crying, he was the only person she know in this place. What will happen to her now? Is he just gonna leaver her at the castle and head on his way without sparing her a glance? Eventhough it was short lived, she kinda like Kaelum a little. Their short journey together was not really the best, but the way he came to her rescue made her feel protected. 


        "Where'd you get that idea?" he asked.


        "N-nothing!" she quickly covered herself in the blanket, "I-I'm gonna rest now."


        Kaelum sighed. "Can't I just be happy? Its not everyday we get to sleep comfortably and get well rested," he glanced at her, covered in blanket, "and not everyday I have a beautiful girl as my companion....eventhough she wears pants," he whispered the last part while leaning close to her ear.



Chapter 13: Extend


        "Wake up," Heylan heard someone whisper to her. She moaned and snuggled more on her pillow. She heard someone sigh and shook her carefully, "Heylan, wake up....."

        "5 more minutes mom..." she snuggled deeper to the pillow. "Wait a minute....This pillow feels funny...." She slowly opened her eyes and let her vision adjusts to the light. Once everything was clear, her eyes widened in realization. It wasn't a pillow she was snuggling, but rather it was Kaelum, looking rather flushed. Well... that was quite a surprise to her. She never saw Kaelum blushed hard. She was staring at him without a care in the world making Kaelum more uncomfortable. "Ya'know, I didn't know you can cuddle rape..." he commented. Now it was her turn to blush, making Kaelum laugh a little. It was always amusing to see her blush.

        "Come on, we better go down for breakfast. And then we will be heading to the palace." At that Heylan just remembered that sooner or later she will be saying goodbye to Kaelum. She nodded and smiled a little, the smile didn't quite reach her ears. "Ok," she said.

        After they ate their breakfast, they made their way towards the palace. Heylan was feeling more and more uneasy as they go nearer. She kept on thinking about what she thought yesterday. Will Kaelum be finally happy when she's gone? She glanced at him as they walk side by side. He was looking rather happy and please. Was her suspicion right? She didn't want to think about that. 


        "Kaelum....." she started, stopping herself in her tracks.


        "Yes?" he responded stopping as well. 


        "Uhmm... after this... uhhh.... then what?" 


        "Hmm... what do you mean 'then what?'" he responded.


        "You know....after everything... after this.....then what?"


        "Then..... I guess....."




        "Then I guess, you'll be back to your world, and then I'll be on my way....." he said somewhat as if just realizing everything. Then that would be the end to their journey, he just realized. 


        "A--are you..... glad?" she hesitatedly asked.


        "Glad of what?" he asked her confuse.


        "That..... you'll finally gonna get rid of me....."


        Where is this coming from? Where'd she get that Idea? He gave her a puzzling look. "Why do you ask?"


        "Don't answer my question with another question," she responded. Is he trying to change the subject?




        "Look I get it... You don't need me around. Heck, I was the one who just tag along. I understand if you're happy to finally get rid of me. It's just that so much has happened over the span of time that I'm slowly starting to li---.... wait, what?" she faced him. He said 'no'? 'No what?'


        "Huh? No?" she glanced at him.


        "If you ask that if I'm happy to finally get rid of you, then my answer is 'no'," he said to her. But, once they reach to the palace, that will be the end of their journey together. They'll be separating ways. Heylan is gonna be sent back to her world and then Kaelum will be proceeding on his task.


        "I....I don't want us to say goodbye to each other yet," Heylan said. 


        "What do you mean?"


        "I don't wanna go back just yet.... Is it possible.... to....uhm....uh...." she started stuttering, not able to comprehend on what she is going to say to him.


        "Yes...?" he urge her to continue.


        "Could we maybe extend the trip for just today? I-I haven't check the place yet...and well... it's beautiful, and I don't know anybody here...." she was now rambling on and on, making excuses just to spend one last day with Kaelum. She actually develop feelings for him, if that wasn't obvious. It may just started as a little "attraction. After spending a lot of time together, that little "attraction" of hers grew.


        I'm already waay behind schedule.. But, I guess one day won't hurt.. He thought about it long and hard, making Heylan anxious each passing seconds or even minutes that pass by. "I guess it won't hurt," he shrug. "Why was he contemplating?" she thought.


        Heylan felt a little selfish for asking him that. She was already dragging him away from whatever task he have. But she couldn't help herself, she needed to be a little selfish for this. She is going back home, might as well enjoy the moment and the little time they have left. 


        " me around?" she started of awkwardly.




        "This is beautiful!" Heylan said while trying on the dress in one of the shops around the Capital. Sure, the clothes here were a little too mideivel, but the dresses were quite actually nice. Kaelum just glanced at her amuse. He never saw this side of her, the carefree side. Heylan kept on looking around that would spike her interest. Maybe she should bring home some souvenirs? she thought.


        Kaelum just watched her. When she is this happy and carefree she was actually more beautiful than he thought. How could he never saw this side of her before? Seeing her happy and carefree spark something in him. What is this? he asked himself internally. He glanced back at her and realized, that she was staring at something. He turn his head to the direction of her stare, and saw a beautiful dress. The dress was white in color, it's simple and elegant, but beautiful nontheless. "That dress would look good on her, I bet"


        Heylan sighed and move to the other side. He couldn't helped but notice, she look so down. Was it because of the dress? He check the price of the dress and saw that it was a little expensive. Was this the reason she suddenly feel so down? What if he buy her this dress? 


        He decided to buy her the dress, money was nothing to him. And maybe this would help her remember him. He took the dress and bought it. The lady who was sat by the counter gave him an odd look. Why was a guy buying a dress? She took a look at her surrounding and saw Heylan. She glanced back at him. Kaelum was staring at Heylan's direction. 


        "That young lady quite lovely and  is one lucky girl," the lady commented snapping Kaelum out of his reverie. "Is she your companion?" she asked. In their place, when someone says companion especially of the opposite sex, they usually refer to it as your partner like in a couple.


        "Kael! let's go check the other store!" Heylan yelled.


        "Uhh... okay," he replied back to Heylan. He turned around to the lady and said, "not yet, and with where the things are going.. I don't think that will ever happen," he said paying the lady and made his way out following Heylan.


END of Chapter 13.

Chapter 14: Not gonna hold back


        "This is so beautiful," Heylan sighed while gazing at the view that was right in front of her. They were somwehere in the upper part of the Capital. It was such a lovely sight to see,green grass and trees surrounding them. There weren't many houses in that part, it was just a lovely forestry. It is so sad, that sooner or later she'll be going back home to her world and might not come back again. "How did I even ended up here?" that thought was a mystery to her. Surely there's an explanable reason why she was brought in this world in the first place, right?


        Heylan closed her eye for a moment taking it all in. The peace the quiet, it was lovely. Kaelum just stared at her. He will be leaving her soon, and this is probably their last moment together, why not make it memorable for the both of them?


        A while later he noticed that her peaceful demeanor quickly changed. And there seems to be a frown forming upon her face. "I---I....wish I could just stay here...." she whispered quietly to herself. Even though she whispered those words, he still manage to hear it. Barely.


     "Then...why don't you?" he asked her. Taken aback by his words, she was rendered speechless. She could stay here, right? And if she did so, then that would mean she'll be leaving her old life and her family. Her family... She shook her head no, "I wish I could, but I have a life there, there are still some things that I needed to do, people to see, my friends, my family... and my dog..." she whispered the last part. 


        "I see, then I won't hold it against you," he said calmly. "Oh and before I forget, here...." he handed her a bag. "For remembrance..." he said awkwardly not meeting her gaze.


        She took the bag from his, and peeked inside. All she saw was white, what could it be? "I don't know when is the right moment to give you that, so..I just uhhhh.... I'll just give it now," he said while scratching the back of his head. She stared at him, then back to the bag. She slowly opened it, and gasped. Inside was the dress she saw a while earlier. She was not one for dresses, but this one was an exception. It was simple and beautiful at the same time, but the prize was a little expensive. Its not just because she can't afford it, but also she doesn't have the kind of money they have here. Couldn't believe her eyes, she turned her gaze back to Kaelum who was facing the other direction not wanting to meet her gaze.


        "You didn't have to....." she said. It was sweet of him really, but she just couldn't accept this. This must have cost him a fortune. "I wanted to.... so please, just accept it," he responded still not meeting her gaze.


        Not knowing what to do, she rushed into him and gave him a hug. He was taken aback by her sudden action. Slowly yet unsurely he hug her back. "This feeling.... what could this be?" he thought. It was foreign to him, he never experience such feels. (A/N: lol)


        "Kael.... I..I," she was going to do it, there was no point of keeping it a secret. She will be leaving soon anyways, might as well let him know how she feels about him. But why was it so hard? She always thought that girls confessing to the guy they like, were stupid because they couldn't do it and sometimes back out. Now she knows how they feel, but why was it hard? Is it because of fear that he doesn't feel the same way? fear of rejection? Or she was just embarrass to admit it?


        "Let's go back, its getting dark," he said quickly. She sighed and nodded. "Later..." she promised herself. 


        Once they were back to the place they were staying at, Heylan then began to practice what she's gonna say to him. While she was in the middle of practicing in front of the mirror, Kaelum came out of the bathroom dripping wet, wearing close to nothing. She breathed in mustering up the courage to talk to him. Once she turned to face his direction, she collapsed.


        She woke up at dawn, which she got confuse. "What heppen?" she asked no on in particular. Glancing around the room she was in, she can't help but noticed, that someone was absent. "Where could he be?"


        She got off the bed and started walking towards the door leading outside. Opening the door out, the chilly air hit her causing goosebumps to rise. This was the last day of her journey, she would be going to the palace and then they'll send her home. She stayed outside watching the horizon thinking deep, until she notice a silhouette from afar. She approach that silhouette and found out that it was Kaelum all bloody. Gasping she asked, "what happened?"


        "It was nothing, just some creatures..." he mumbled, but the truth was , there was something following them and he took it upon himself to fix that. She nodded and took him back to their room assisting him.


        Heylan took a pale of water and a cloth dabbing it wet to clean Kaelum off the blood. She check for any cuts and bruises and was glad that there were none. There was an uncomfortable silence between them and neither tried to say anything. Heylan just quietly wipe off the blood off Kaelum from his face to his arms and then to his torso, it was a little hard because he was shirtless infront of her and it was very distracting. She tried mustering up the courage to tell him how she feels about him. This was it, she got nothing to loose right? "Uhmmm... K-Kael...." she stuttered but got cut off by him, "Why did you collapse earlier?" 


        Thinking about what happened, she tried recalling until her face turned crimson. When she was about to tell him earlier, she saw him naked that's why she suddenly collapsed. At that moment its seems that Heylan took a huge interest on the floor, not wanting to look at Kaelum.


        He sighed and tilted her chin so she could face him, "What happened?"


        "Y--you.....were..." she took a deep breath and whispered, "naked."


        "Why is that a problem? We already saw each other naked before."


        "Yeah, but we were under the water and it was was different... I saw the whole thing."


        "You saw the whole thing?" he asked amuse.


        "Y-yeah! your big thing!"


        "Uhmmm thanks?"


        Ralizing what she said, she turned more red. "T-that's not what I was trying to say! Oh my gosh that came out wrong...! Goodness! my innocent eyes....."


        "Uhmm is no longer innocent?" he finished for her. They both stared at each other and then burst out laughing. After they were done laughing with their little joke, it returned to being quiet again, but this time it wasn't awkward.


        "K-Kaelum... i have something to say...." Heylan started off, now finding the courage to tell him. She stared directly into his eyes, those beautiful grey and amber eyes of his.


        "I I.... like you..."


        He blinked for a moment trying to absorb what she said. "She likes me?" He needs to stop this. He can't let her fall for him, wherever he goes danger follows. He can't let her get involve. He doesn't deserve any kind of affection.


        "I like you in a romantic way, I know this is silly of me to like you. It may started off as an attraction then turned into a crush... but but...." Kaelum shushed her up with his index finger.


        "Heylan, let us not go there. I can't, I still have my problems with me, and my past haunting me. I will only hurt you. So stop, please for yourself. I'm a danger to you."


        "K-Kaelum I also can't.... this will be our last time together... I-I just need to let this out... please...." she said, while a tear slowly made its way down to her cheek. Contemplating with himself he hugged her. She leaned in to his hug while quietly sobbing. He turned to face her, and gently wipe off the tear in her cheek. "I really like you Kaelum," she murmured, "I really do," then she leaned in and captured his lips with hers. 


        Heylan broke the kiss and stared at him, his eyes were close. It was their last day together, why was he trying to stop her? It was already too late. Internally debating with himself, he made up his mind that he'll make this memorable for the both of them.


        "Uhhh f-ck it," he captured her lips with his and this time he won't hold back. He will make this memorable. Heylan responded to the kiss, he wasn't holding back and she won't either. The kiss was desperate and held a bit of longing,neither one of them not trying to break the kiss. Kaelum trailed down kisses to her jaw, down to her neck. Heylan tried to bit back a moan, but it was hard because of the kisses he gave. 


        He stopped for a moment making Heylan confuse, "why did you stop?" she asked.


        "I need to stop before I completely lose control of myself. If that happens then I won't be able to hold myself back, and I don't think you are ready for that," he explained.


        "Don't hold back...." she said quietly. 


        "Are you sure?" he asked her. She nodded, this was their first and will probably be their last with each other. She doesn't have a reason why the need to hold back. She kissed him and continued on to what they were doing. Where was this boldness of hers coming from?


        Kaelum continued trailing down kisses to her neck going down to her chest. Not breaking the kiss, he quickly took of Heylan's shirt.



End of Chapter 4.




Chapter 15: The Couple




        Heylan woke up, and glanced at the person next to her. It was already morning and the sun was already shining. She was feeling a bit sore from their little activity. She and Kaelum were covered in a blanket, and might probably still be naked underneath.


        Then suddenly flashes of their activity a moment ago came rushing back to her, and quickly blushed at that thought.  She no longer has her innocence  to the guy she likes.


--------------------For Young Readers, skip this part----------------


        Kaelum was fast at removing her clothes leaving her completely naked and exposed infront of him. Heylan not knowing what to do, she covered herself suddenly feeling self conscious of her appearance. "Oh my gosh! What has gotten into me? Am i ready to do this?"


        "Don't.. Don't cover yourself. There is nothing to be afraid of, you're beautiful," he whispered to her ear. She nodded slowly and uncover herself.


        "You're beautiful Heylan don't ever forget that," he said then started crawling up to her, "I'll be gentle." 


        He kissed her on the lips, the both of them moaning. Heylan's hands quickly went up to his hair messing it. He took of his pants, and continued kissing her, he went from her lips then to her neck sucking it making her moan in pleasure. He stop kissing her in her chest area, taking in the sight. No doubt this was her first time, from the way she has been acting.  He saw her erected nipples that were just calling to him. He gently suck the left one, making Heylan moan, while massaging the other. He then move on to the other one sucking it, giving her the pleasure.


        "K-Kaelum...." she moaned out, he could already feel her getting wet by the second. He positioned himself between her legs, "I'll try to be gentle as I can," he whispered to her then kissing her back on the lips. He slowly entered her, making her cry in pain. "Shh...the pain will be over after a little while," he murmured. He stayed there until she can adjust to his size. When the pain subsided, it was then slowly replaced by pleasure. He started stroking her slowly, making her grip his back with force. Just as he promise, he was gentle to her, "K-Kaelum!" she moaned out. Her moaning was getting louder as he tried speeding up his stroke.


        She was close to her climax. He kissed her trying to cover up the moan from her, afraid that they might wake up the people from the other room.  He kept stroking her in and out in a faster pace. She couldn't take it any longer and screamed his name giving in her release. Kaelum soon slowed down his pace and gave his release. He kissed her in the forehead and collapse next to her.

--------------------------------End of FLASHBACK--------------------------------


        She tried standing up to wash herself from the sweat of their activity earlier, but found it impossible. Groaning she tried again, but her legs were too wobbly.


        "Where are you going?" Kaelum asked, just woking up. She blushed at his apperance, his hair was messy, probably because of her hands running through them. His lower half was covered under the blanket.


        "I was just going to take a bath," she said not looking at him in the eyes. She started standing up again, but failed. Kaelum noticed, and quickly put on his pants and went to her side of the bed.


        "W-what are you doing?" she asked him.


        "I'm going to carry you to the bathroom, is it not obvious? Apparently someone couldn't walk right just yet," he said to her amused. He wrap her with the blanket and lifted her up. He carried her towards the bathroom.


        "T-thank you, now you can go," she stuttered.


        "There's no way I'm doing that, I'll bath you," he said seriously to her making her blush. 


        "You don't have to...."


        "You can't even stand straight, just let me do this Heylan," he sighed, "you're still sore."


        He let her down gently, and slowly took the blanket that was covering her. Kaelum took out the dipper and scope some water from the bucket and started pouring it on her head. After he did that a couple of times, he took a soap and started to stroke her body with it. The whole thing was kind of erotic, he then started looking away while continued bathing her, he was afraid that he might take her right there and then. What? he is still a guy, and there's a girl naked infront of him.


        Heylan was blushing furiously at the way he was soaping her body. She found it rather sweet of him to look away. Maybe he noticed that it was making her uncomfortable?


        After he was done bathing her, he wrap a towel around her and carried her back to the bed, and let her change. "Uhmm, I'm just gonna go downstairs, i'll let you change."


        He closed the door and breathed in a sigh of relief. He needed to get out there, seeing her exposing too much skin was making him hard and uncomfortable. He almost lost it when he was soaping her. Sighing again, he went downstairs to order something for breakfast. When he turned to a corner he almost bump into a guy, who was in his early 40s. The guy quickly recognise Kaelum as their next door room neighbor.


        "Hey Son! I heard everyth'n you did with yer lass last night. She's quite the screamer ain't she?" said the guy trying to make light conversation. Of all the things to say, that's what he asked?


        He nodded uncomfortably, "Uhh yeah, I'm just gonna go..." he said trying to avoid making anymore conversation with the man. But apparently the man didn't get his message and started following Kaelum.


        "Ah~ I remember my younger days, when me and my wife were still young. We also did that, like every night. Boy she was feisty at that time. Haha good ol times I say."


        "Oh goodness where are me manners? The name's Benjamin , pleasure to meet you son," the man introduced himself.


        "Uhm... nice to meet you Benjamin, my name is Kaelum," he said while continuing to walk faster away from Benjamin, not even bothering to shake his hand.


        "Benjamin!" a woman boomed.


        "Goodness, tis my lovely wife!" exclaimed Benjamin, he took on Kaelum's hand and drag him to meet his wife.


        "Lana dear! Lookie here.. This is Ken! he's stays next door!"


        "It's Kaelum actually," he corrected. Why was he drag into this?


        "Oh my oh my! What a handome young man you are!" the laday name Lana said cheerfully. What was up with this people?


        "So tell me young man, how was it? OOh~ I heard everything last night. Goodness me! Benjamin they sounded like they were really got it going on!" the lady exclaimed making Kaelum ucomfortable. "This people are weird" he thought.




        "Goodness gracious! I'm so sorry about being rude, my name is Alana but you can call me Lana, I'm Benjamin's wife, nice to meet you Ken. You are such a handsome young lad! Are you an aristocrat?" the lady asked with such energy everytime she spoke. Is she high or something? Are these couple high?


        "It's Kaelum actually," he corrected again, "and well.... it was okay," he scratch the back of his head. "Why am I still here? I should just get away from this crazy people."


        "Kaelum? I'm done changing," Heylan came out. 


        "Oh my oh my! This girl is quite lovely! You are one lucky guy, Kaelum was it?!" Lana said, making Heylan confuse.




        "Hello dearie~ I'm Lana and this here is my husband Benjamin. You could say we are neighbors next door," Lana greeted kindly. Well she looks friendly to Heylan until Lana added, "So? How was Kaelum in bed? We heard everything last night! Oh my~"


        Heylan blushed at her sudden question. Wow what a great first impression. Groaning Kaelum drag Heylan away with him, "It was nice meeting you folks, but we needed to go."


        "What was that all about?" Heylan asked him still blushing from Lana's sudden question. He pinch his temple and replied, "let's not talk about that," and made their way out of the couple's sight. He has a feeling that they're gonna be seeing them again pretty soon.


End of Chapter 15.





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2014

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