
P r o l o g u e



“ Ashley!” .A voice yelled my name out. I know that voice; from anywhere .


What does he want. I turn back to my locker and put my book’s in.


“ Ashley”  he said again. He was the last person that I wanted to see. I can hare him coming closer.


“ I know you can hare me “ he said softly   


I turn my head and just my luck, he was standing right next to me. Great!  


“ Can we talk “ he asked, putting his hand in his pocket. His voice had a bit of hope and ... fear... not quite sure exactly. 


No”  I said than turn back to my locker and slam it shut. I was about to walk off than he grabbed   my hand making me stop. 


 “  Ashley .. please”  he begged   


“ What do you want .. I hissed, starting to get Angry.


He let go of my hand and run his hand, through his hair. ..........................


“ I want you Ashley. Can’t you see that.....


Chapter 1

Ashley POV...



 Voice’s  all died at once, thousands of eyes were on me. 

I bet that you might be thinking, that I am one of those typical high school hotties. You know...

The girl people kiss,  the ground she walk’s on. 

That girl. Every girl wants to be.

That girl,  every guy wishes she was theirs.

The Queen bee. 

well sorry to disappoint you, I don’t fit into any of  those descriptions.  It has been two month now since I moved here and every day was like hell. 

I started making my way  to my so call locker. People started  moving out of my way, glancing  at me with repugnance. No one said a word; it was silence throughout the hold corridor. There were all waiting for something to..... Happen?

All I can hear was the beating  of my own heart. Fuck what is with this , fucked up school. Everyone has staring issues, like there all have nothing better to do than to look at you. Hello I’m a fucking Human too. I’m not an alien that came from out of space. 

If there was a prize that goes to the school that stares  the most this school will win. With no questions asked.

People in this school, are all so typical and need serious help. No joke. 

I was so lost’s in my thoughts that I didn’t even know what happened. The only thing that I felt  was that something, had been poured all over me! It was cold, wet and smelt so gross. 

AHHHH.!!! I screamed in shocked. As I said so fucking typical and you don’t want to know what they  did to me on my first day here. 

The hole corridor field up with laughter in seconds. I wanted to cry, I can feel tears forming up in my eyes.

 Don’t cry , don’t cry,  thats just what they what..

I took a big breath  and try to fight the tears that I know was about to come. I than turned around slowly and than to be face to face with , no other than the fucking bitch herself and her shadow’s . 

She smirked at me. ‘’ What , It’s looks good on you , don’t you think”?

I just stood there looking at her shocked with eyes wide open . She started laughing along with everyone else.  SO TYPICAL!

“Trash!... I still don’t know why you keep showing your ugly face here, Your poor ass  don’t fucking belong here” she hissed, while  Putting her hand on her hips.

“Why don’t you be a good poor girl and run home. Walk right out of New York, and when you start to reach poor poverty your home” she giggled

“Your Pathetic you know that !“, she said with a smirked and before I know it, she pushed me, loosing  my balance I felled  on to the  hard floor; on my ass.

Everyone was laughing so hard. Why does this world hate me so much. 

“No one wants you here! No one will ever want you, not even your mum..... Your.... dad, that abandoned you at birth.... “ she smirked and knew what she said had hurt me. 

Now you know what my life is. My parents abandoned me at birth.

I had been bullied  my whole life.  Even by my foster family that say that they were ‘ friends ‘ with my so call biological parents.  It just sick.. Sometime I just feel like ending my life all together. Like why not.. It’s not like any one will care or give a shit. Like that bitch said 

‘No one wants you and no one will ever want you! ” It hurt’s you know,  because it is true. No one will ever want me.

 But thinking about it, I can’t force myself on doing it...... Yeah thinking about is way different than actually doing it. 


I hold back the  tears. I NEVER , NEVER cry in front of people. I believe it just a way of  showing weakness. 

I know I’m saying all this and you might even say BITCH FUCKING STAND UP FOR YOUR SELF..., and no its not like I can’t stand up for myself. It just that.. why.. why, what’s the fucking point, I will still be push,  sworn at..... like I said This world fucking hates me. This is what punishment I get for existing in this world. I was a fucking mistake, no need to keep reminding me. I know!


My life is so fucked up.. HAHAH like I fucking even have a life!

I broke off my Train of thought, Because the thing was poured all over me again... Like I care. Why can’t they just kill me instead and just get it over and done with , that will be so simple. I well be free!! Free and gone from this misery. 



People were laughing like crazy. I don’t get this school. Just because I don’t have millions of dollars to lay on or have parents who own their own business.


And You might be wondering,how I can even a ford to be in this school; with my broke ass. Well that is easy I got an scholarship to ‘largo key ‘ the top millionaire school in America; that was in New York, for dance, song writing , designing, art and a bunch of other things. 

I know how lucky am I .! okay Well maybe the world doesn’t hate me that much. I’m a  top an A student. Never in my life have I got am B. Not even in kindergarten.  


 like they give grades  ... well I think you get my point. I was naturally excellent at all most everything. You can call me a nerd if you must, I pick up things like that... Anyways.

I was the only person that got the scholarship and it was a once in a life time offer. 

“ Pathetic! “ She said  giggling  as everyone laughed and she started walking off along with her shadows . After a while everyone was off; abandoning me on the cold hard floor trying, to take the thing off me. 

Gross!! . 

School doesn’t start for a other hour or so. so that was good, in a way. 

I don’t even know why Mrs lily;  my foster mother,  brings me to school this early. I got up, sighing, I slowly pick up my bag off the floor and hold back the tears.


My bag was wet too. I started opening it slowly, preying that my books were not wet..... ... and thank god it was not. I let out a breath that I didn’t even perceive I was holding. 



Putting my bag over my shoulder , I started sashaying slowly to my locker with my head held down, not making any eye contacts with any living  soul.  

Some people were still in the corridor , lampooning me as I walked past , but I just ignore  them. Yeah if you been picked on; ever since you were born, You  just get used to it. 


I open my locker and sighed again. Putting my bag in, I found my  short ,shorts that was light blue, my new nike shoe and a hoodie and socks. I gave a small smile, luckily  ... I remember that I put this in yesterday in my locker. Don’t know why .....but what the hell....... I frowned looking at the short shorts. 

Its not like I was fat or anything, it just that I don’t like waring shorts. I let out another  sigh. 

Getting the things out, I started making my way to the gym; to take a shower.



When I got to the gym showers no on was in. I quickly  open my gym locker and got out a towel,  shampoo, bra,underwear  and a white singlet.  ‘Damn this school has everything’! I smile a bit  at my little fucked  up joke, I'm so lame. I know I better take a shower Pronto before ‘ THE BITCH’ starts making shit , about how I don’t even shower at home! or some other shit like that. 

I smelled  so bad ‘ its not even funny. What in the hell did they poured on me !! 

I strip down my clothes and head into the shower, turning on the hot water; I wash my hair with conditioner trying to get the awful smell off. It took a couple  of minutes but I did it, I then went on to washing my body. When I finish I wrapped the towel around me and step out. I was Feeling fresh and smelling good. 

When I finished putting on my clothes, I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was still a bit wet.


I had long light brown hair; that glows with my sexy tan skin. Ocean Gray eyes that sparkle when the sun hits it. Sexy long legs, I had a body of a godless and a sexy smile that guy killed for. well that what my sister .. well foster sister Lizzy tells me. Lizzy is the only person that has ever been nice to me. She is 21 and  is married to Ben. Lizzy has little son named Zac. Zac is two years old  and he so adorable!, I love him. 


I smiled a little; thinking about the time when Zac poured flower all over the kitchen floor. It was so funny! I was staying over Lizzy’s house over the summers; Because my foster family went on a holiday to canada and left me. How fucking typical of I care anyways. I never liked them at all.

Opening my locker again. I got out  a perfume and put it on. Damn! It smells  so nice. I have no idea what it was But I bet it would've costs thousand’s.

Fucking rich school! 

I sighed and closed my locker. Making my way out . I pulled out my  i phone and Glance at the screen  for the time. It was 8. 12. 

I let out another sigh. School starts at 8: 30 so I still have a couple of minutes left. 


The sun was bright. The weather was warm just how I like it. The wind blowed my hair,reminding me of the summer mornings in paris . I grew up in paris. I know OMG but I don’t really speak French.  Sad  I know but; I understand when someone speaks it.

I had a little English and French accent , but I had fall American accent. Which I don’t get at all. 


I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t even realised ,That people standing around the gym all stopped and were looking at my direction. I have no idea why....Did I have something on my face. I hope not! that will be so embarrassing!

“Hey sexy !” I heard some guy yelled with a smirk on his face. He was hot no lie about that. 

 Wait what “ Hey....... sexy “ were did that come from.. 

Every guys eye were on me. ummmm..  well.. mainly at my legs ....?

“NICE ASS” an other guy said with smirk.  Damn did I say, like ever guy in this school are all fucking sexy.... but were cocky and billionaires and I was just the poor girl that came out of no where,, 

“Damn “ one of the  basketball  players said as he was walking by.

I rolled my eyes... now you get; why I don’t like waring things like this ..... ?

I Put my earphones on  and started to listen to music blocking out the world. The song Gotta find you by  Joe Jonas came on, putting a small smile on my face. 

But the smile immediately disappeared when I saw the school jogs. 

All their eyes were on me..... and some had smirked on there faces. My heart started beating.

I kept on walking, putting my head down trying; to completely annoy them. But I can still feel there eyes on me. 

I slowly looked up.

 Big mistake. 

I locked eyes with, no other then then the Player himself. 

The fucking jerk. 

The bitches  boyfriend.

The sexiest guy that you will ever lay your eyes on. The greek god. Its like every thing froze and it was just me and him.. 

And Just like his so called girl friend he hates me. .. 

I let out a sigh . Your in for shit now Ashley.....


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.06.2014

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