

Chapter 1

The bell rings for class change for third period. I run through the halls as fast as I can, to get to my class not to be late. The bells rings, and I run in the class room right on time. I’m huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath from running so fast to get to study skills. Everyone looks at me with concern. I walk to the table and I just put my head down on the table, still trying to catch my breath. I’m sweating because I just got out of gym class, and gym is in the old building so I’m pretty far from my third period class, so I have to run to get to my class on time. Everyone in the classroom is basically doing nothing, because  study skills is a class where you do homework to get it done at school and don’t have to worry about it at home. But for me I get the chance to read some books I have been dying to read. Every day I would go to the library to get some manga books. I’m a huge fan of anime. So I try to read all the anime books are school has. So every time I’m in the class room I always go to the library. But one day this person, or I should say young boy, starts talking to me about something. Don’t get me wrong I love to talk to people but I was really nervous to talk to a boy. I haven’t had good time with boys. So I try to hang out with my girlfriends more than ever. Yeah sure I have like two guy friends. But we are just friends. We talk a little bit but not much. But this guy was interesting. He has brown hair. Light blue eyes. Like mine but they are lighter color then mine. He is taller then me. I’m to his chin I guess. I haven’t tried to actually see how tall I was compared to him. I’m a short girl. I have a short haircut. I have red faded tips and then blonde hair growing. My normal hair color is blonde. I dyed my hair because I have a big problem about self-imaging. Like I really don’t like the way I look so I got my hair dyed red, to make me look better, and I did but the color was fading and that was the first time I got my hair dyed and I liked it dyed. Anyways this boy was talking to me for most of the class period. And I had a good time talking to him and all but I was really shy, so I would just be on the computer playing some games to pass the time. Because like I said, I don’t really do my homework in that class. No one really enforces it to us in that class. And it was really fun because we could just chill. And I had some time to relax before my other classes I had to do. So the bell rings for the next class change, and I say my goodbyes to the new boy who I just met, and I head to my other class. I get to my other class and I see the same boy from study skills standing by my classroom door that I had next. I just stood there in confusion because how in the world did he get to my class first, and second how does he know that I have this class? So I walk to the door slowly. And I tap him on the shoulder. He jumps of course not expecting me to see him standing there. He looks at me in surprise and it looks like he was putting up an act. Then he just looks at me with a straight face on. And I ask him “ where is your class at, I don’t think this is your class”? He looks at me and says nothing and just walks away. I just stand there in confusion about what just took place. The bell rings, and I head inside my class room. Trying to figure out why that boy from study skills was standing outside of my class room, and acted like he didn’t know that I had this class next.

Chapter 2

     The teacher was talking in front of the class teaching us about cells. Well I already knew this stuff because of middle school, and so I just sat there and was writing notes down on what happened before class started. I had no clue why that boy was by my class room. At first I though he was waiting for someone, but then I realized he was waiting for me. But how in the world did he get to my class room first? We are on the first floor and had to go up to the fourth. And that takes  a little bit because of traffic because of all the students. Still in the middle of a process of thinking how that was possible, the teacher calls  my name to answer a question. I wasn’t prepared to talk about cells so I was thrown off guard, and said something like cells are tiny. Everyone started laughing and I felt embarrassed for not knowing the answer. Usually the teacher would be smiling at me for saying the right answer, but today I didn’t say the right answer and she just gave me a look of pity. I just put my head down on the desk and covered my face because everyone was looking at me like I was nuts. Man at that point I just wanted to yell at everyone and say, why are you looking at me. But I didn’t I just kept my head down, I was trying to get back to the point where I was thinking about the boy. I got back to where I was at of my thinking process, then I see someone standing outside of the class room door. It was the boy that was standing outside of my class room before class started. He was just standing there looking through the glass window. I just looked at him in shock, and tried to act like nothing was up, because the teacher was talking and looking right at me. The boy gave me a sign of waving his hand to come here. And at first I shook my head no, but he kept doing it and finally I just gave up and nodded yes. And so he walked out of sigh from the window of the door. The teacher was pulling some papers out that we had to do for class work, and so I took my chance to ask the teacher for me to go to the bathroom. She said yes of course, and I rushed out of that class room as fast as I can. And when I got out of the door the boy was gone. I was so confused. Was I just seeing things, or was he really there in front of the classroom door? Then all a sudden I feel breathing on my neck. I turn my head slightly and I look to the side, the boy was right behind me looking down at me. My thoughts where racing. Because of fear and out of confusion. In his low voice he said “don’t be afraid its just me”. Has he puts his hand on my shoulder to tell me everything is okay. I turn around slowly and just look at him in confusion. I said softly “why are you wanting to see me, what’s going on?” He just shook his head and said “nothing is wrong I just wanted to see you, sorry for making you get out of class.” I just looked at him like this was a joke of some sorts. I said “first of all tell me your name, because you never told me it in study skills”. He nodded “sorry I didn’t introduce myself right away, my name is Carter Busse.” I just look down at the floor trying to not make eye contact. He asks “what is your name?” I mumble “ my name is Maria Severini”. I turn my head to the side, trying to still not look into his eyes. Carter asks “why aren’t you looking at me is something wrong?” I shook my head no, and tried not to say anything. But in my mind I wanted to push him against the wall, and ask him what the hell is going on? But I didn’t want to because we are in school. And I didn’t want to get in trouble. Fifteen minutes has passed, I was getting worried that someone was going to come out of my classroom and see me standing outside with Carter. Then I got an idea about how we could talk to each other during class. Well everyone in high school has a cellphone so in my mind he must have one. So I took the idea into action. “hay carter can I have your phone number, because it seems like you want to talk to me but we don’t have that much time to talk. So I think it would be easier for the both of us to text each other” I said. Carter nodded, and  took out his phone. He  pulled up the new contact page, and he gave me his phone. I put in my phone number and my name. When I was done, I put a comment in the notes area at the bottom of the page saying. Explain what is going on!  I get done adding the contact to his phone. I give him his phone back, and I start headed back to my classroom without saying goodbye.


Chapter 3

       I get back into the  class room, the teacher is giving me a concerned look like are you okay. And I just smiled at her, and sat at my desk. There was two worksheets I had to do for classwork. I took out my old notes from middle school, and started to work on the two worksheets for the rest of the class period. When I was on the last question for the second worksheet, my phone when off. I jumped out of surprised because I was so focused on the worksheet I wasn’t expecting it. I take it out and it was a phone number I didn’t recognized, so I ask who it was and it said it was Carter.  He asked “why did you put a comment in your contact asking me what is going on?”  I didn’t know what to say. I just sat there trying really hard to decided what I should say back. But my mind was all over the place. So I just said “that was a mistake, just get rid of it.” He replied “I don’t believe that Maria, you have so many questions that you have for me. So why don’t you just ask them?” I was shocked, how did he know that I had questions for him, and why is he acting like he knows what I’m thinking. I replied “okay you got me Carter, I do have many questions for you. But how in the world did you know I wanted to ask you some questions?” There was no reply back to the question. So I just starting asking him some questions I had on the tip of my head. “Why were you standing outside of my classroom, I had next?” He started texting me back. “Well, I saw your schedule and I went to your classroom, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to make it seem like I was following you at all.” I replied back. “it’s, okay but how in the world did you get to my class room first? Like it’s really hard to get to my classroom because of all the traffic there is from all the students in the hallways?”  There was no reply. Why isn’t he answering my questions? Is he hiding something? I was thinking so hard that the bell ring and I forgot to pack up all my stuff. I rushed to get everything in my backpack and I run out the classroom. And then I run into someone. I fall down and I shake my head to get myself back into the zone. I look up, it was carter looking down at me. But something was different about him. He didn’t look the same when I first saw him. His eye color changed. It was dark red. I was startled by this, so I stood up really fast. I tried to get past him. But he stopped me by holding his arm out in front of me. “Can you please let me pass you carter?” I said annoyed. He just laughs lightly and said.  “So about those questions you were asking me. I haven’t answered some of them did I?” I stepped back a little bit and carter put his arm down. I look at him, in confusion. “why didn’t you answer some of the questions I asked you?” I asked. He leaned up close to my ear, and whispered. “Well there are somethings I have to keep to myself, for other people to not know what, or who I really am”. My eyes widen when he said this. Because what he was really saying was, he wasn’t human. I look to the side and ask him. “So you’re not human, are you?” He looks at me with a smile on his face. Your correct Maria. I look up at him and look into his eyes trying to see if I could figure out what he really was. He looks at me in joy to know that I finally figured out that he wasn’t human. But why is he here in school? I put my head down, I ask. “Can you tell me what you are really?” He shook his head no, and smiled. “I’m not going to give it away that soon Maria.” He said in a low voice. I got chills going down my spine when he said it like that. The bell rings for my fifth class to start. I start to panic and I run off. Carter just stands there watching me run down the stairs to my next class. I get to my other class and I sit down at my seat, trying to seem like I was already in the class when the bell rang

Chapter 4

        I just want this day to end. This Carter person is very interesting. I like him but why is he here, in my school? It’s like one day he wasn’t there and then another day he just appears in are class room, then wants to start talking to me. That is really odd for someone to do that! But whatever, I hope this is just a big dream, and tomorrow is going to be a new day. I hope this Carter person isn’t here. I put my head down and listen to are teacher talking about World War 2. Like I said before I know this stuff because of middle school. So I  doze off while the teacher is talking. I’m tired from having to deal with all this confusion about this Carter dude. But I have tell you he is a really hot dude. Like honestly, I’m surprised that girls aren’t following him and screaming when ever they see him. Like people seem like they don’t even see him. The teacher taps on my desk and I wake up. The teacher said. “Stay awake Maria this isn’t nap time!” I groaned. I sat up and pulled out a piece of paper. Took some note that were on the board just for fun. Hay I didn’t have must to do so I tried to make the time fly by fast. There was still 30 minutes left until it was time to go home. I was thinking about just hanging out in the bathroom until the bell rings for us to go home. But then the teacher will write me up for skipping class. I put my head back down on the desk, and just started thinking about carter. Then my phone goes off. I look at it and says meet me at the bathroom after the bell rings. I sighed and I try to decide if I want to go see carter, or just get on the bus to go home. I think for a little bit, and then I looked at the clock and there is 5 more minute left until the bell rings. My head was racing and I didn’t know what to do. I just thought if I go see carter then I can know more about him and if I don’t then I will not know anything about until tomorrow. And in my mind I was really dying to know him more. So I come up with going to go see carter after the bell rings. I wait a little bit longer and then the bell rings. I rush out of the class room and go to the bathroom closest to my class room, and there he was waiting for me like he said in the text. But this time he looked a lot different. His hair changed color and his size was taller. I was frightened and didn’t want to get to close to him. Because I remembered he isn’t human so I don’t know what he will do to me. Carter starts walking towards me.

Chapter 5

        I feel shivers go down my spin with every step he took to get closer to me. I stood there looking up at him. Carter said. “glad you could made it miss Maria.” He smiles and leans his head by my neck. I froze where I was standing. Because I didn’t know what he was going to do to me. He looked like he was starving from no food. Carter steps back and laughs softly. “what’s with the look Maria? Cat got your tongue!” He said. “no, I was just not expecting you to be so close to me that’s all.” I said. He laughs, “well I’m glad you could see me I have so much to talk to you about.” He said. I blushed when he said this because I was really nervous to be around someone this handsome. Man in my mind I thought I was going to faint from his looks. Carter starts walking down the hall to two double doors and opens one and holds it out for me to walk through. I walk through it. I just followed him and it seemed like he was leading me to his house. I asked” where are we going carter?” He replied. “to my house of course. I don’t like hanging in school so I decided to take you to my house where it’s much easier to talk to you without worrying about other people listening to are conversation.” Carter said. “well why couldn’t we go to the park or somewhere else?” I asked. Carter stopped in his tracks and turned around slowly. “Look I have a lot to talk to you about.  I don’t have time for fighting about where we can go to talk. Okay?” he said angerly. I stayed quite for the rest of the time while we walked to his house, because how he reacted to what I said. I was really nervous and was scared out of my mind to find out what he really was. A vampire? Werewolf?  What is he?! We finally got to his house. It felt like we have been walking forever. Carter looks behind him and looks at me “you oaky maria?” he asked. I was walking fast to catch up with him so I was out of breath. “Y-yeah I-I’m fine”. I said in huffs and puffs. Carter just laughs lightly and he walks up to me and picks me off the ground. I blushed. “hay let me go would you? We aren’t a couple this is really weird to do.” I explained. He said nothing and started walking to the front door, of the house. The door opens and there is a butler at the door holding it open for Carter to walk in. He said “welcome back Mr. Carter. I was shocked he had a butler he doesn’t look like the person the be rich at all. I look at carter like in shock, and he just smiled and walked inside the house. And what I saw was something unbelievable. His house was extremely big. It was a mansion. I looked around and my jaw was wide open. Carter looked at me with a grin on his face. “do you like my house Maria?” he asked. “hell yeah I do. “ I said. “you could stay at my place for a couple night you know. “ I was shock and didn’t say a word. “ummm I don’t know carter, I have to do homework and study for things you know.” I said. “yeah but I can help you with all of that. I have all A’s in my classes and I’m in high grade classes then everyone else.” Carter said as he started walking to the big kitchen. I walked behind carter to see part of his house, and man. I sure do wish I had this house. But he did say I could stay here for a couple days. So I think I might take his word for it. “say carter you said I can stay at you house for a couple days right?” I asked. “Yep you can if you want to.” He said has he sat down in a chair.  “So umm I probably should get my stuff from my house.” I said shyly. “Yeah you should” carter replied.

Chapter 6

      Inside of my mind was flipping out because this Carter was so hot, and I was going to be able to stay at his place for a couple nights. All I wanted to was run up carter and kiss him on the lips and just give him a really big hug. But I knew I wasn’t the right league for him. He is probably a year and an half older then me. And I’m not that pretty. So I don’t think we will make a really good couple. I’m too shy to have a conversation with carter at this point. While I’m thinking, carter calls my name. I walk to the kitchen while he is making a little snack for himself. He asks “you hungry? I can make you something if you would like.” “I would love something to eat carter. I’m starving.” I replied. “the school lunches we have at are school are really crappy, so usually I’m hungry when I get home from school” I explained. Carter just laughs when I say this. “well I feel the same way maria. I don’t really like to eat lunch at school. But when I’m really hungry yeah I have to” He said. “So I’m I should be heading out now. I need to grab my stuff from home to bring here.” I said. Carter nods his head, and he stands up and goes grabs his car keys and he says “follow me” I follow him to the garage, and carter had like 5 or 6 different sport cars. I just stood there in surprise. “How rich are you carter? “ I asked. “pretty rich to be able to get those cars maria. So want car do you want to ride in? we have a Porsche, McLaren, Chevrolet Corvette, Alfa Romeo, or Lamborghini. Which one would you want to ride in?” Carter asks. “I would love to ride in Alfa Romeo car if that is okay with you carter.” I replied. “that is fine by me maria” he replied back as he started walks to the car, with the keys in his hand. Carter opens to door for me and I sit down in the passenger seat. And when I sat down and the seat was so soft. I look to the side and wait for carter to get in the drivers side. “wow this is a really nice carter” I said surprised, “Well thank you Maria.” Carter replied. I had so many questions going through my mind I wanted to go ask him. But I didn’t want to be rude at the same time. So I just stayed quite until we get to my house. “thanks for driving me home carter, what was really nice of you.” I will see you tomorrow at school right? “ I asked. “ I though you were going to stay at my place for a couple nights. I thought I would drive you to your house to let you get your stuff for you to stay with me. But it’s okay if you don’t want to do it tonight. “he explained. “Ohh yeah sure I will get my stuff to stay with you tonight. Sorry about that I forgot what I was going to do. Silly me. “ I said.  Carter just laughs, “well hurt up and get your stuff, I will be waiting here for you.” He  replied. I jump out of the car and run to my house, I open the front door and closes it behind me. I  rushing up to my room to get some clothes to pack up. I got threw my closet  to pick out some cute dresses for me to wear to show them off. I had so many dresses I can wear. Some are kinky and some of them are gothic dresses, well most of them are gothic dresses. So I just grabbed all the short skirt dresses, and put them in my bag. I grabbed some other clothes for myself to wear just incase Carter doesn’t like the dresses I wear. I get my makeup. Some hair shampoo, and conditioner. Because I don’t think I would like to use his hair stuff. Well I would but  that wouldn’t be right of me to be smelling the cute guy I’m starting to have a crush on. I get everything in my bag, and I start heading out the door. I see carter sitting in the car on the phone talking to someone. I walk to the car and open that door. Carter was in a middle of a conversation so I just kept quite for him to be able to talk to who ever he was talking to on the phone. He looks at me and smiles at me while still on the phone.  I starts driving away from my house, and we start heading back to his extremely big house. In my mind I was wanting to ask him if he was in a relationship with anyone. Because if he isn’t ohh boy I will be that girl that will be with him. I so badly wanted to ask him. But he was on the phone for most of the ride back to his house. So I didn’t even bother with it. We get to his house, and he gets out of the car and grabs my bag from the back of the car. “thank you carter, but I can carry it inside.” I said. He doesn’t even reply and just keeps walking to the front door. He is acting like he didn’t hear me at all! Well he is probably just trying to be nice so, I think I will let him help me. Well he doesn’t have to help me, but if he wants to that is fine by me. I’m that type of person that is lazy all the time, and doesn’t want to do anything for most of the day. So I’m kinda getting a break and having some else do it. But at the same time not, because he is just doing this to be nice. And I didn’t ask him to do it for me. We enter his house, and he is  heading upstairs, while I’m following him to see where he is going to put my bag. We get upstairs and there was so many door down this one really long hall we went through. In my mind I wanted to ask him if he was a famous person that I never new about or just on crazy rich dude. I didn’t know where to start in with all the questions I had for him. I got so caught up in with my thinking that I didn’t realize I stopped walking. Ohh this is wonderful I though. I’m in a dudes house the is really big and I’m lost in it. Okay Maria stay calm maybe he will look behind him and see that I’m gone! No he wouldn’t be he was acting like he didn’t even hear me earlier about his grabbing my bag for me, and brought it inside. I just stood there thinking about this for a couple minutes. Then I just gave up thinking about him going back to try to find me.

Chapter 7

     I’m lost in this dudes house! That I barely know anything about him! And I don’t think he will even know that I got lost. Man I should have been playing more attention to where he was going then me being in one of  my thinking process. Of  Carter helping me with my bag. What am I going to do now? I don’t know this house at all. How the heck am I supposed to get back to where I came from? I just stand trying to figure out which way I should head. I just went right, and I just starting walking down the hall, and then I see a door slightly open, and I hear some people talking. I walk slowly to the door, I stand right beside the door and looked in. It was Carter and some other person I have never seen before. Then I hear him talking about me! Carter is saying “man that Maria person is really cute. Do you think I should ask her out sometime, Jack?” Jack said” yeah you should, but be careful dude. Don’t go over board with you being a vampire and needing blood.” Carter just laughs. “relax I got this. So far I think she is interested in me. Because she doesn’t seem to talk to me that much. And she always looks at me in a really cute face.” Carter explained. I was shocked to hear what he just said about him being a vampire. So he is a blood sucking person! That is cool, but I don’t think I would want my blood to be sucked out of my body any time soon. I just shook me head when I thought of him sucking my blood. Then I start hearing footsteps coming towards me from the room. I started panicking. I just stood there figuring what I should do. Should I run away? Should I stay here and act like I was lost? Or just stand here and tell him the truth, that I heard what he said? Man so many thing where going through my mind. I just choice to play like I was lost. I stood out in the hall a little bit and acted like I was trying to figure out which way to go next. The I see the door open all the way, and I jump out of surprise. I acted like I didn’t know he was in that door. “ohh hay maria I was wondering where you went.” Carter said. “ohh sorry about that carter I was think about something that I wasn’t paying attention to where you where heading. So I got lost. Sorry about that” I said nervously. “It’s okay Maria. This place will take a while to know where everything is.” Carter explained. I just put my head down, trying not to blush because I was really embarrassed to say I got lost. Carter just looks at me with a smirk on his face. I sigh, and I say “okay so where is the room I’m going to be staying in?” Carter just opened up a door right beside him and there was my bag laying on the bed. I peaked inside the room. “ you can go inside you know. There are boobytraps in there.” He said. I just rolled my eyes when he said that. I walk in the room and look around. I was a large room. It was bigger then y room in my house. There was a walk in closet. There was some  furniture in the room. There was a studying desk I could do my homework. It was a very opened room. There was a very large window to look out from, to see some flower fields. “so you like the room Maria? Carter asks. “ohh yes I love it. thank you for letting me stay at your place for a couple days carter.” I replied. When I was saying this I knew what he was doing. He wanted me to stay at his house to get to know me more and then ask me to be his. Oh my gosh I can’t wait until he asks me. I will just throw my arms around his neck and kiss him right on the spot where he is standing at. I just smiles at him, trying to not show how I was feeling inside. But at the same time I really badly wanted to tell him that I overheard his conversation with Jack, I think that is his name. But who ever he was talking to. I really badly wanted to say something to him.

Chapter 8

My heart was racing, and I was starting to flip out inside. Carter just looks at me with a smile on his face. “So how long will you be able to stay at my place? He asked. “ummm I really don’t know how long I will stay? How long are you okay with me stay at your place carter? I asked. Well I’m not picky, you can stay at my place as long as you want. I really don’t care. He replied. When I heard this, I think my heart skipped a beat. Did I hear him correctly? I feel like my body is going numb. Because I was so excited inside to hear what he just said. I was able to stay as long as I want! I want to ask him, if  I can I stay here forever? I so badly wanted to say that to carter. But he wouldn’t’ allow it probably. Or maybe he will because, he loves me. Uggggg I’m just going to tell him what I really feel inside. “Carter do you think I could stay with you for the rest of my life?” I asked shyly. Carter just looks at me in a shocked face. I knew he wanted to say yes so badly! “Ummm sure I guess, that’s fine Maria.” Carter replied. “Thanks carter. Umm can you show me around the place again. Because I got lost and I didn’t know where you were going. Sorry about that!” I said shyly. Carter just laughs softly. “Come with me and I will show you around again” he said happily. I just rolled my eyes when he said it like that. Because I know he was annoyed with me right now having to show me around again. I was upset at myself because, I really wanted to tell carter that I heard what he was saying to Jack. But if I do. He will probably make up a story and just said he wasn’t really into me. Or he was just kidding about that. Man I have never really had a boyfriend before. Like I have guys that like me and all, but I’m never with them. Someday I need to get a man, but how do I get one? I don’t know how to be in a relationship. I can barely talk to my guy friends without being shy. Man I’m terrible at this stuff. I don’t think I will ever be in a relationship. Even if carter tried to be mine. I would fail really badly at it. As I follow carter around once again. I’m trying to figure out where everything is. I had a question pop in my  head. “So carter how am I supposed to get to school?” I ask. “Well we both go to the same school so I can just drive us there every day. If you would like, or there is a bus stop in my neighborhood.” He replied. “Well I do like your cars so I think I would like you to drive to school.” If that’s okay. I said. Carter looks at me with a small smile on his face. He replied “I’m totally fine with that, whatever works good for you Maria.” I look at carter and notice something different about him. He doesn’t look the same way when we saw each other in school today. Carter can you look at me please” I asked. Carter looks at me in a confusion look. “What’s up Maria?” You look different carter, once again you look different. Why is that?” Carter looks away like in confusion. “what do you mean maria, I have been the same way the whole time you first have saw me” He explained . “I don’t believe you carter, I notice something and I want to know about it right now. I just need to know this, are you a vampire?” I asked. Carters jaw just opened open wide. Then he just begins to laugh really hard “oh my god maria you’re really think I’m a vampire” carters chuckles. In my mind I was so confused….. Why did jack say to carter to not go overboard on being a vampire then….. I’m so confused. I just sigh and just walks away from carter. He sighs out of relief and I walk back up to him “why did you just sigh carter?” I asked. Carter didn’t answer but just walked away and patted my shoulder. I’m so confused on what’s going on, I need to know what he really is. Like I said he said he isn’t human, but is he a vampire? But I don’t know if I should believe that. But I think it’s true because, carter is sure hiding something from me. And jack did say he was a vampire so that proves my point. But why is he hiding it from me? Why will he not just tell me? It not like I’m going to be telling anyone about him not being human. So carter what is your plans with me staying at your house? “what do you mean Maria?” carter asked. “Well I mean did you let me stay at your place, it just odd that someone that I don’t really know will come up to me and ask me if I want to stay at their place for a couple nights.” I explain. Well maria, there are some thing I want to tell you but I wasn’t able to tell you them at school. When I heard this was like he is going to tell me he is a vampire. My heart started racing really fast. Alright carter then can you tell me what you couldn’t tell me at school then. Well maria there are a couple things and one of my friend are here and he is going to be hear what I’m going to say to you and he will answer all your questions. I was right he was going to tell me that he was a vampire. And let me guess that friend he is talking about is going to be Jack I guess. Maria can you follow me please. Carter starts walking away down the hall and opens a door. I follow behind him and I walk into he room and a guy is sitting in a chair by the window looking at me. He stands up, Welcome Maria, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I have heard a lot about you from carter. I look at carter and he doesn’t look at me. I’m jack, Carter’s friend. It’s nice to meet you jack. I sit down in a chair in a corner. Carter walks in and closes the door behind him and sits down in the other corner of the room in a chair. Shall we begin talking carter, the man said. Jack nodes and starts to speak. “So Maria I have heard that you’re a good student in school, am I right?” I node my head. “So can you please answer this one question for me Maria. Why do you think you’re here?”

Chapter 9

I didn’t really know what to say, so I just sat there quietly and trying to figure out why I’m here. I’m honestly not sure Jack. Well is it because of carter asking you to stay at his places a couple days? Well yes, he came up to me at my science class. And wanted to talk to me and that’s when he told me he wanted to talk to me after school. And I’m not that kind of person to really say no to someone. Carter leans in and looks at Jack. Jack looks at Carter. Well how did you meet Carter. Well we started talking in my study skills class. I was running late and so I just sat down at a table and didn’t really do much and carter started talking to me. Jack just nodes his head and still is looking at Carter. So Maria did you realizes anything different when you kept seeing Carter throughout the day? I look at Carter and is kinda scared to say yes, because idk what’s going to happen if I say yes. I put my head down and just say yes. I put my head up right away when I said that and sees carter not looking at me but at Jack. My leg starts to shake a little bit, and then Jack turns back to me. What did you see different about Carter. Well each time I saw him his eyes are different color you can say, first time I saw him it was like almost golden color, then the next time I saw them, they were light brown, and now when I see him, they are almost back to golden again. Jack nodes his head and looks at carter and carter looks back and jack. Ah I see what your talking about now. Now carter would you like to explain why your eyes do that? Carter nodes his head and starts to speak. Well I have a iron problem in my blod, when I have too much up it my eyes turn golden and when I don’t have a lot my eyes are my normal color. When he said this I could sense some fear coming off of him while he said this. I could tell this wasn’t easy for either of us. He puts his head down. I look at jack and jack looks at me. Do you understand about the eyes now Maria? Yes I do jack, thanks for telling me. He nodes his head, and carter has is hands in a ball. I look at Carter, Are you okay Carter you seem upset. Jack looks at me in like annoyed look. Carter grabs my hand. I need to tell you this, and jack please don’t say any words when I’m telling this to her do you understand. Carter looks at him in a mean way. Jack nodes his head and sits back in his chair and stays quiet. I look at carter, he looks at me. I know you can sense that I’m hiding something from you and your right I sure am but I need to you not tell anyone about this, Because if you do that can ruin my life and jacks life, and everyone else like us. I node my head yes, and carter looks straight at me. Then his eyes change color and then his hair,  and then his mouth changes. He k nine teeth start getting sharper and longer, and his eyes turn bright golden. And his hair is black and has red strikes in it. I just sit there in a amazement. And carter looks at me and I look at him. Maria I’m a vampire, I’m dangerous and you better watch it being around me, I drink blood. That how I stay alive. I smiles. I could sense something was up. And just saying both of you guys are kinda bad at keeping your conversation private. Jack and carter just look at each other. What do you mean in private. Well I heard you two talking. And so I already knew you were something form the very start, because you did say your not human. And you were can’t very strange around me during school so that another thing that gave it away. Carter look at me in shock. So you knew this whole time. I shake my head no, no this whole time but the clues you gave me helped me figure it out. And one more thing I just saying this I heard your whole conversation. Carter’s face turns red and jack puts his head down. I giggles when they did that. They just look at him embarrassed. So I need to ask you this carter, are you really wanting to be with me? Carter looks at me and looks to the side. Well yeah, I have never meet anyone like you before, and you’re the actually first person that knows what I really am. Well thank you for all those things you said about me. I like you to Carter. To be honest I have never been in a relationship before. I put my head down when I said that. Carter looks at me and smiles. Well don’t worry, I will take good care of you Maria. I smiles and I look at jack and he looks at me. Well Jack what’s your deal with carter. Carter looks at me and then Jack, well I’m carters big brother.  I look at carter and carter nodes his head yes. Well that’s very cool. So Maria do you have sisters or brothers? No I don’t have any family siblings. Carter nodes his head. So carter why are you going to school? Aren’t you scared that someone will find out? Well so my mother made up a excuse and told the nurse I have an iron problem and so everyone believe me about that, so we are good about that. But why did you just start going at are school. Well I haven’t been just started going at are school. I have been going through for the same time as you have been going but you just haven’t seen me around that place that why. I see so we are dating now right? I blushes when I said that. Carter just chuckles and nodes his head yes, yeah I think so if you want to really. I smiles, yeah sure we can date. I’m fine with that but I’m new for all of this, so please go easy on me. Of course I will go easy on you, why wouldn’t I? I giggles. Okay carter. So what now. Jack looks at me and then looks at carter, then he stand up and walks out of the door and close the door behind us. I look at Carter, well I think he wants us to have alone time together. I think so to Maria. So carter tell me more about being a vampire, do you drink human blood? Well no, that depends on how hungry I am but normally I feed on animals blood. I node my head, so if you were very hungry now would you drink my blood? Carter shakes his head no, I can’t do that because if I do that can make you a vampire to, but let not get into that part just yet, you a lot to learn from me being a vampire Maria.


Chapter 10


I just standing there trying to just take everything in. So carter is a vampire. And is Matthew a vampire to? I wonder……So Carter is Matthew a vampire? Carter just looks at me and just laughs softly. Nope he is human. So don’t worry about him. He is safe.  I smile. So Matthew umm do you live here or you have your own place? Well actually I kinda live here but at the same time not. Because I live in apartment and soon I might be moving into Carters place, because I hate paying rent. Oh I see, and is carter okay with that? Matthew looks at Carter and Carter looks back at him. Carter shakes his head no. And Matthew explodes at him. WHAT. WHY NOT. You know I don’t have a good place to stay at Carter. Carter just laughs. Well you need to learn how to get a good enough job for you to get money like me. Matthew just roles his eyes. Yeah but you had a lot of money in the first place. So why can’t you just help me out here. I’m not going to stay long. I just need to get out of that place. Carter just sighs, still Matthew you need to get a better job then if you want to have your own house. Matthew gets really mad and balls his hands up in a fist. LOOK. I’M TRYING OKAY. JUST GIVE ME SOME HELP HEER EPLEASE. Then Matthew walks away and goes into a room and slams the door behind him. I look at carter and he just shakes his head and walks away. I turn back and look at the door Matthew went through.  I walk to the room that Matthew is in and I knock on the door. Matthew screams GO AWAY YOU BITCH. I said its Maria. And he opens the door. Oh sorry about that. I thought you were Carter. I shake my head no. May I come in? I want to talk to you for a little bit. He steps to the side and I walk in. The room he is in is extremely big. I look around in shock. There is a really big bed against the wall. And there is a big desk by a big window. The sun is shining through the window and Matthew sits in the chair at the desk. and he tells me sit where ever you want. I really don’t care. I sit down on the bed and the bed is so soft. I just sink into the mattress . I smile, and I look down at the floor. So Matthew. I know you and Carter aren’t on the same page. I’m sorry. Oh don’t be sorry that is how brothers are. They aren’t really supposed to get along. I just laugh. Yeah your right. But still I do understand where you’re coming from. Yeah Carter just doesn’t understand what’s it like to live in apartment. He has always lived in this big house. This is from his parents and they gave it to him. But he isn’t willing to share it at all. Yeah I don’t understand why Carter isn’t wanting to share this really big house with you. Like there is so much room for you here. Yeah your so right but at the same time carter wants to keep this house really clean and he is worries that I will get it dirty. I just roll my eyes. Oh please if you get it dirty you can clean it. Yeah but Carter has a problem where if something is dirty, he will flip out and go into a meltdown about it.  And he doesn’t use most of these rooms so that’s another thing, most of them are empty.  But he is gone for most of the day, because of work and school. So I really don’t see the point of not letting me stay here for a little bit. Like I’m trying to get a job. I’m sorry. Can you tell me more about carter? I don’t really know much about him. I just meet him today in my study skills class.  Oh I see. But then again he kept following me around school like he was waiting outside of my science class for me to talk to him. Like I had to make up something for my teacher, to let me out of the class room. For him to talk to me for a couple minutes. Oh that odd because normally Carter is in his classes all the time he never leaves. He’s an A student. Wait but how the hell was he able to leave class without the teacher knowing? Well he has this power where he can make a copy of himself and that copy can act and look just like the real carter. Ohh so that was is clone of himself your saying. So when he was talking to me during science class that must have been his clone.  Well I don’t know  because I wasn’t there so I don’t know if it was his clone or the real Carter. But I can’t even tell the difference between the clone or the real Carter.  They are the same. Carter does this game where he has the clone out and he would ask me who is the really Carter. And I always get it wrong. So that tells you something then.  I giggle. Yeah well I hope Carter doesn’t do that game to me, because I would get really annoyed by it. Yeah he does it to me all the time. And its just babyish for him to keep doing that to me. Yeah I’m sorry. So how did carter become like so rich? Or is he famous to? Well he is just rich. Are family has worked very hard at the beginning, they run three companies and they sell there produces all over the world. Wow, but how does carter come into play with all this money? Well are parents are never really home they live by their first company they have built. They have a house. And so when they moved they didn’t want to sell this house so they left it for carter and me. But as you can tell Carter isn’t wanting any part of me in this house. Yeah I feel really badly for you. You’re his brother for crying out loud. He should let you stay at his house. I can try to talk to him about this if you want to. Na it’s okay Maria, I need to work this out with him. Your not apart of this fight. Alright if you say so Matthew.


Texte: Alex severini
Cover: Alex severini
Lektorat: Alex severini
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.07.2019

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When you meet this one guy in your life and you fall in love with him. You think everything is well for you. But what if you meet at guy that just starts going to your school and is in only in one of your classes and asks you to date him. Would you do it? Because sometimes people aren't actually people if they keep there secrects to there self.

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