
The Girl That Lost Her Way

The Girl That Losted Her Way

By: Maria Severini

This book is all about my life. Everything is every true and everything I say is true. Please tell me what to do to not be like this book. I'm in the dark all by my self and I need someone to pull me out into the light. There are times I feel like I don't belong to be in this world I should just disappear forever. People wouldn't really care if I was gone or not. Just someone please help me and get me out of the nightmare of my life. I have treated like trash for my whole life. And no one has actually wanted to help me. 


Chapter 1. What she thinks of herself.

There was a girl that lost her way through her life. She was bullied at school every day. She wishes she was never around in the first place, she thinks she was made this way and no one cares about her. Not even her parents. She just wants everyone to stop picking on her for once in her life. Not everyone is perfect. If we were we wouldn’t be human. I just want a happy life. “What made me this way”? “She asked herself”. What made other people want to pick on me? People can’t just bully me because I’m a person. Can they do that? I don’t know. I just give up on trying to stand up for myself. I should just let them bully me. Sometimes what they say about me is really true and what they say does make me happy sometimes. I am really shy at saying something to someone, or anyone. I'm that scared of everyone around me. I sometimes think I was born to be bullied and was to not make any friends in school. What I really care about the most is my heart. People try to take that away from me and that is the only thing that makes me who I am. I really don't care about myself anymore anyways. People can say what they want to me. I told you I have given up on trying to get help. No one cares what I think and feel inside. I try to talk to someone but, I always feel the same way.


Chapter 2. What she wants to do to get better!

What made people think that It's alright to bully other people. What made people be so mean to the girls that cant stand up for there selfs, what made people me so coldhearted to us people that can't live right. What do you think you can do for those people that are getting beat=en up by bullies and can't stand by them selfs anymore. Well, what I think is that you should take a stand and help those people out, be there for them, help them through this. Talk to them to make them feel better. Sometimes people want to just leave alone and that is okay for people to be like that. They go through a hard time like every day. You can't blame them for hating hem self because ho they are and what their life is like. Help us kids that are getting bullied in life.


 I’m wanting to have friends that care about me at school, not just let me be bullied at school every day and never help me out. I want someone that cares and wants me to be happy, not there to just me I suffer and live like this. People want to see me happy, not sad. I want to change but sometimes I can't change when people keep watching me suffer and have to go through this in my life.

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chapter 3. What other people think about her changing herself.


People don't really care if I change myself or not. They will just keep bullying me for who I'm am. I dont want to be bullie danymore. Waht can I do to make them stop picking on me. Well I can stand up for my self, but I'm really shy of talking to other people. I can't even talk to a teacher about a question with out feeling shy and scared. I  

Chapter 4. Why do people pick me?

People want to pick on me, because they are jelouse of me. I don't know why they are! People sometime want to see me suffer in this way. "this is what I think inside". People don't care about waht my feelings are, and don't about other people thinkings. They like seening other people suffer, becasue it makes theme feel good inside. But other people dont't like those people who are like that. People should feel bad about them selfs about doing that to other people. These people get in trouble for doing that to other people. 

Chapter 5. What to do in my life


Well when I grow up and get a job, I want to be a pet groomer, or vert. People someimes says I can't do that, or your not smart enough to get there. What if they are right,  but that doesn't mean i'm going to give up. I love animals. I don't want them to suffer in pain like I have to go through now in my life. I see people hurtting, then i hurt inside. Becasue ik what its like to feel like no one is here to help me through any of my problems. But jsut know people are out thtere here for you. Its going to take a while ot relizease that but you will have someone want to react out for you and help you out. 

Chapter 6. I want to make a change in life

 People try to make me do things that I don't want to do. People say things that I hate. People can't change what I think inside. People can't control me, and what I do. When people say inappropriate things to me, I hate them doing that to me. It's so wrong of them to do that to me. I hva ebeen through so much in my life. i really don't wan tto deal witht eh drama anymore. So thats why i hide from everyone. Beucase when i'm alone nothing ad happens to me. And i can feel safe without anyone wanting to go at me for anything i do or say. 


People think I'm not worth their time.

 Sometimes I think that people just don't want to waste their time with me. They think i'm nothing, and I don't try too do anything to fix that. I talk to my friends but I just dont care anymore. People say alot of bad things about me, but I just try to deal with it. I have never really stood up for myself. I can't do that because how shy I am. I cant even talk to my parents with even getting shy being around them. People have always been screaming at me or picking on me through school or at home. my parents are the worst people I can ever have in my life. Well for real, it all goes back ot me, becuase i'm the one who causes to the fights or start up something with annyone, that bothers me. I get really mad really easiy, with anyone. And my parets think they can help me wih thst, but thry can't even though i have gone to so many people for help, but nothing has changed for me.

What has life has done for me?

 Life hasn't been on my side, lately. All of bad stuff has been going on through my llife, me wanting to die, family screaming at me  for every little thing i do. Its hard dealing with things, when people expect you to ahve to deal with. life isn't the easiest thing out there. We all make mistakes, but we have to learn from those mistakes. I know sometimes it gets to hard and we give up, but there re wy to get through the problem your going through


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2017

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This girl is very shy and can't stand up for herself. Trying to learn how to speak out for her self and wants to learn how to live in the world with out being scared of everything.

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