
Let's begin

If you’re even a little on the adventurous side sexually (or even if not), you’ve likely heard passing talk of Tantra, or Tantric sex. They are often used interchangeably. You may get that it’s deep, it’s sensual, and it’s something that takes more time than you likely have, right? But what is Tantric sex, really?


Tantric practice is an ancient Indian tradition of beliefs, meditation, and rituals that go all the way back to the 5th century, when you and I were but dreams within dreams within wet dreams at the bottom of a river somewhere.


The word itself is Sanskrit for “woven together,” and refers to the sacred union that can be experienced if one can control one’s urge to visit Erotic City long enough to make contact with the energetic honesty that runs through us all, whether we’re aware of it or not. When practiced with careful and genuine intention, the act is fertile terrain for true merging: physical with spiritual, and humanity with the great divine.

As is always the case in “the west,” we are generally less interested in the aspects of Tantric practice that have to do with delving into our personal philosophies or changing our way of life in any profound way. Instead, we're intrigued by the potential to learn techniques that make sex last longer and feel better than we’ve ever wet-dreamed of.


Even without enlisting in a lifelong Tantric guru educational regime that involves never watching porn again and cutting out meat, Tantra can absolutely strengthen and intensify sexual, emotional, and spiritual connection with another person. It can even help you feel love (or real connection—whatever you wanna call it), so watch yourself if one of your life plans is to resist that.

Resisting love aside, consider these 5 very good reasons to try Tantric sex (clue: orgasms aren’t one of them!).



Let's proceed

 A slow build-up, AKA extended foreplay  


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Richa Golvis
Bildmaterialien: Richa Golvis
Cover: Richa Golvis
Lektorat: Richa Golvis
Übersetzung: Richa Golvis
Satz: Richa Golvis
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.04.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-0116-3

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To my tantra guru and my readers.

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