

I'm not perfect, trust me, I'm far from it. You see I live on the streets, my parents died in a car accident when I was thirteen and I've been living on the streets ever since. I just couldn't stand the thought of going to live with my grandmother, she's a horrible old bitch who hates me, and living in a care home was just as repulsive. So I packed a few things that I couldn't live without and went off into the world with no freaking idea what to do. 

I then met Sol. He's just like me. No home, no real family and living on the streets. I met him when I was looking for a place to sleep, about six months after my parents accident, he said he knew a place where I could stay if I want.

He took me to a old warehouse which looked like it would collapse at any moment, there was rotten wood surrounding the outside of the main building which was looked like something you would see in a horror movie, with old chimney's, strange sounds coming from it and rusty chains dangling from the gutter swaying in the wind, don't ask me how the chains ended up dangling from the gutter 'cause I don't know, and it had a few bricked up windows. There was a few extra smaller buildings that looked like they had burnt down in fires.

Inside however was the complete oppisite. It had huge lights dangling from the ceiling lighting up the whole warehouse. There was cushions andold rugs spread out on the floor with sleepinng bags on them, and at the far end of the room was a group of about twenty people surrounding a fire and two men in aprons and dirty chief hats. 

This is my new family. 

Chapter One

I turned left down alley looking for them. Yes there they are! I thought, I'd been tracking down the men that killed my closest friend Gemma about three weeks ago. Gemma was beaten to death by a bunch of drunken tosser's who didn't get there way with her. I was going to avenge her death tonight. 

If it had been me who was attacked that night I could've taken them on easily. I had been trained to fight by Sol. He thought it would help keep me safe if I could defend myself, and now I'm like freaking ninja! Well not quite, but I could easily kick the shit out of these guys. 

As I walked towards them they noticed me. I was used to getting attention from most guys, and even some girls, but tonight I deliberately wanted attention. I'd worn all black, a tight fitting black top that showed off my curves, a leather jacket, with some silver studs I'd added on just because I like them, black skinny jeans with heeled leather boots. I had my light brown hair pulled back in a high pony that would swing when I walked.

There was about six of them. They all turned as I approched them, they wore jeans and hoodies with there hoods pulled up to hide there faces. The tallest guy in the middle of their little group, clearly the leader, walked to meet me in the middle of the alley.

"Hey sexy, what you doing out this late at night?" he said that with a sickly smile showing his missing teeth and the yellowness of the remaining ones and black gums from smoking to much. It almost made me gag looking at him. "Oh, just thought I'd go out for a midnight stroll." I replied trying to sound as innocent as possible. Gappy, that's the name I gave him, took a few steps toward me, "Well, you look like the sorta girl who likes a party. Am I right?" This made him and the rest of his friends chuckle. "Hmmm, I do love a party" I responded with a flirty smile. Then Gappy and his friends laughed a bit more and started to slowly walk towards me. 

This is where the fun starts. I thought to myself. 

"Well you could party with us" He then strolled up to me, placed his hands on my waist and looked at me, "Or you could just party me. I can show you real good time." He winks at me, and slowly moves his hand down my body and shoves his grubby hands into my back pockets. This is my opportunity. 

I smile at him, put my right arm over his shoulder and curl my finger in his drak, greasy hair. Then in one quick movement I jerk my knee up into his crotch, making him gasp and stagger slightly, then I plant a solid kick to his chest which makes him fall forward onto his knees gasping for air like a fish out of water. Then I grab the back of his head and slam it down onto my knee, I hear a satisfying crunch as his nose breaks and blood explodes everywhere, I let him slump to ground unconscious. 

The rest happens in a blur of fury and adrenaline. I'm doing this for you, Gem. I kept thinking that over and over. I took the other five down easily enough. Landing powerful kicks one after the other, breaking nose's and fingers. I winced when I twisted onne guys arm and heard it pop out of place. 

In under ten minutes I had immobalized all six of the jackass's that killed Gemma, and it felt good. I wasn't the only who missed Gemma, she was like a daughter to Sol, and I knew he'd be pleased with what I accomplished tonight. 

I walk away feeling good, and singing to myself, when I hear the sirens. I think that they must be called out to some other place, as this isn't really the safest place in England. But the sirens get louder and louder and as I come to the end of the alley i spot a police car parked blocking my exit. I curse under my breath, but I keep walking with my hands thrust into my pockets hiding the blood and bruises from the fight, and my head held high. 

"Excuse me miss, but I don't suppose you happen to know anything about a disturbance?" I jump, I didn't even see the guy approach me. I was probably to busy thinking. I turn around to face the guy, he looked about middle aged and had a beer belly. I smiled the sweetest smile possible.

"Sorry, no can't say I can. Why was there a disturbance?" I asked trying to sound innocent, "Yes, a lady phoned in about fifteen minutes ago saying that she could hear shouting and that it sounded like there was a fight going on." I nodded looking concerned and thought carefully about my response. "No I didn't here anything at all Officer. If I did I'd tell you, but I didn't." The man gave me an odd look, studying me.

"You don't look to much older than sixteen or seventeenn Why are you out so late?" Damn! Well, he had me there. "Um, I was just out for walk. Wanted some air." I knew that wasn't going to cut it. I'm in some deep shit. "And, how can you explain that blood stain on your right knee?" I didn't even bother to look down, it was the knee I used to break Gappy's nose. "Prehaps you should come with us back to the station." He turned and walked towards the police car, opened the back door and with a sharp nod of the head, indicated for me to get in the car. With a sigh I got in.

Well this clearly isn't going to end well. 


Chapter Two

We arrived at the police station roughly twenty minutes later. Officer Borden, I had finally learnt his name, led me through the station and into a small box room. It had three walls painted grey and the fourth made completely from glass. Great interrogation, I thought, just what I need, they've probably already done a background check. 


Whilst I was wrapped up in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Borden talking at me. "Hmmm? Sorry what?" I asked half-heartedly, "I said, that you were found metres from the scene where six fully grown men were beaten un consious, how can you not know anything about it?" He tried to eye ball me thinking that I'm weak and I'll give in easily. Big mistake.

I sat there stretched out in my chair, pulling my hands from my pockets reviling my bruised and bloody hands. I gave him a smug smile and winked at him. Man, I'm having fun.

"Miss Night, I know you know something, so you might as well tell me. Your not doing your self any favours." Borden looked tired and fed up. I sighed and smirked at him.

"Well when you you put it that way, I suppose I should tell you. I have been tracking those men for about three weeks, they hurt my friend so I got my revenge. I saw them in the alley and attacked. They went down easily enough, I broke nose's and finger, bruised a few ribs, I kicked the shit outta of 'em." Borden looked stunned. He opened his mouth to promptley shut it again. "Now, Miss Night, your a fifteen year old girl. I don't think you could take out a fully grown man let alone six. I know you're defending someone so just tell me who." He demanded that last bit. 

I couldn't believe he had the nerve to question me! I gave him one of my meanest stares, and I saw somthing register in his light eyes. Ha! I even surprise myself I'm that good! I smirked at him.

"Well I told you the truth. If you don't believe me then I'll be on my way." With that I got up and headed for the door. Borden quickly got up to and blocked my exit. I automaticly went on the defensive. I felt trapped and I didn't like that. Not one bit. Before I even registered what I was doing, I had Borden pushed up agasint the glass wall with his right arm pulled painfully behind him, his left pinned by his side and my knees pushed into him, holding him in place. I gasped and backed away quickly to the other side of the room. 

Borden straighten himself out and marched out of the room. 


 I was sat iin the middle of the table, with my legs crossed when Borden came back two hours later. He gave me a weird look.

"We've been through your file and found that you have no living family. That means you've been living on the strets for two years." He gave me a symperthtic look. "Yeah, so you can read. You want a sticker?" I asked, and give him a smug smile. He looked like he was having a hard time keeping his cool.

"We've made some phone calls, and a man named Mike Cross will be here to take you to live in a home for trroubled teens. You need a gaurdian and Mike said he will gladly take you in." I just stared at him. What the hell does he mean a home for troubled teens!? I'm not 'special' and need to be cared for! "What the fuck!!! What do you mean troubled teens!?" I was really pissed off now.

"Its a home for young people who have no family and have had problems with the law. Its meant to help you make good decsions and get your life on track." He made it sound so simple and normal. I was about to open my mouth for a witty come back, but I was cut off, "Mike will be here soon to take you to get your stuff then drive you to the house." He turned on his heel and marched out of the room. 

Mike was here in about twenty minutes. He's a middle aged man with short light brown hair. He's tall and slender with small beady eyes, and he always seems to be smiling. "Hello Alexandria, nice to meet you. I'm Mike, I'm in charge of Clockwork House. That is where you're going to be living." He said all of this with a smile on his face. I then made it my personal mssion to break him. "Clockwork is a stupid name for a house." I said glumly and turned on my heel and marched out of the station. 


Half an hour later Mike had driven me to pick my stuff up, I had a very hard time explaining to Sol and the others whatt had happpened. I begged them to help, but they said it was my fault and I had to face what I had done.

I only had clothes, pictures of my family, a few weapons that Sol had given me, just knives, and some other stuff that, lets say I had required over the years. "Is all your things?" Mike asked, "Its only that I thought you would have more stuff." I gave him one of my stares he looked away. "Do you want to change out of your clothes? Its just they're covered in blood and the rest of the kids might be intimmidated" I gave him a evil grin and wink at him, "Good." was all I said. 

It was a good hour and half drive to the house. It turns out its in the middle of now where in a freaking field! We sat in silence for the whole journey there and I was jittery and pumped full of adrenaline for being in a small space with a stranger for so long. So when we finally pulled up in front of the house I jumped from the car and a full three hundred and sixty turn scanning as much as I could looking for possible threats. Only when I looked around did I realise that the sun must be coming up soon. Jezz, I've been awake all the night. 

Mike picked up most of my stuff, but insited on taking  my bag that had 'Bite Me' written on the back in studs. "So this is the house, what do you think?" Asked Mike. Honsetly, it looked amazing. It was an old Victorian style house with big windows and flowers climbing up the sides, and flowers planted all around the windows and floor. "It looks like a shit hole." I replied. Mike muttered something under his breath that sounded a bit like "We have a lot of work to do." That brought a smile to my face.

I followed Mike through the front doors and into the hallway. It was painted a light red with photos and paintings hanging on the walls, no doubt done by the other residaints. We walked all the way down the hall into a room. It was the bottom of the stairs and was made out of white stone and it lead of in many directions. But the one thing that caught my eye was the group of kids standing on the stairs whispering to one another. 

"Ah! I see everyone is up bright an early to welcome our new house mate." Mike with a smile, "This is Alexandria!" He gestured to me, I was standing right behind him so he had to move out of the way so the kids could see me. I stood up straigth and held my head high. "Its Alex, and if anyone calls me Alexandria, I will make sure that you lose your vocal cords." I said that with aggresion and hatred. 

"Um, I'm going to go fill in some paper work. How about you stay here and get to know everyone." I was then left alone with a bunch of smiling zombies. 


Chapter Three

I sighed and turned around to face a tall girl. She haad bleached blonde hair, big blue eyes and full pink lips. Her skin was slightly tanned and she was dressed in all pink. She also had a ridiculous smile on her face.

"Hi! I'm Jasmine! It's nice to meet you!" She stuck her hand forward wanting me to shake it. "Well it's a shame that I can't say the same for you." She looked taken back. Good. She took back her rejected hand. "I hope that we can be friends. If you ever need anything let me know!"

Ugh! Why do people have to be so annoying?! I had to crush her like a bug. "Look, I don't want to be your friend. You look like a bimbo and I hate bimbo's. I don't want your help either. I'm not planning on staying in this shit hole long, and if you get in my way or bother me at all, you'll wake up with no fake hair on top of your empty little head. So stay out of my way and shouldn't have a problem." I gave her a smug look. Then Jasmine burst into tears and ran off making a high pitched noise. She was followed by three more girls who shot her the dagger look with their eyes. 

Well that was interesting.

Mike then choose's that moment to return. "What's wrong with Jasmine?" Asks Mike looking concerned. I was about to answer him when I'm cut off. "She met the new girl." said a manly voice from behind me. I quickly turned around to face a hard chest. I looked up to see the most handsome face ever. 

I took a few steps back and stood up straight. The guy was just over six foot and had dark brown shaggy hair and hazel eyes. He had sun kissed skin and rippiling muscles bulging underneath his shirt. He had high cheek bones and kissable lips. What!? Did I just think that?!

"I'm Liam. You must Alexandria." He shot his hand forward pleading me to shake it with his eyes. "Its just Alex." I snarled at him. He smirked at me, clearly trying to get under my skin. I would not give him the satisfaction. He stepped back to and gestured to two other guys behind him. They were equally good looking. One loomed over the rest like a giant. He had black hair and silvery eyes and tanned skin, with massive muscles too. The second had  blonde hair and blue eyes and a breath taking smile. He's shorter than the other two and didn't look as strong.

"This is Will," he gestureed to the giant, "And this is Mark." The both stood open mouthed and eye raping me. I smiled and I knew I could have some fun. "Hi. I'm Alex." This time I shot my hand forward and they both shook it. "Nice to meet you." said Mark. I winked at him and turned to Mike. 

"Where is my room?" I asked. "Its upstairs. I'm going to find Alice. She's the other worker here. Liam could you show Alex to her room please?" Liam nodded a 'yes'. Mike then headed down one of the halls.

"Well follow me Alex. Would you like some help with your bags?" Since when did he start trying to be nice? "No." was all I said. "Suit yourself." He said and started climbing the stairs, taking two at a time. I quickly picked up my bags and followed with Will and Mark behind me. 

 "We all have our rooms along this corridor." explains Liam as we walk down a long corridor. As we pass door with a picture of a red hand on it cleary indicating for you not to enter, Liam gesturs to it, "This is my room, and this is Marks, and that is Wills'." He points to a door oppisite his and one on the left hand side of his. "Yours is at the very end of the corridor." He points to a a black door with a metal door nob on it. 

I quickly walk towards it just wanting to collapse and fall asleep and be away from everyone. Including Liam. He just gets on my nerves.

"Hey wait! Where are you going?" Man Liam is fast. He caught up with me quickly. We now stood outside my door. "Well I was planning on going to un pack my stuff and stay in my room." I say sounding irratated. "Would you like some help unpacking?" He asks and flashs me a stunning smile. I use this to my avantage.

"Yes, as a matter of fact I would." Liam's smile grows wider showing of his white teeth. I turn aaround to face Mark, "Mark could you please help me unpack?" I ask sweetly and I give him a shy smile. "Um sure." He rarther eagerly walks to towards me, opens the door and I step into my room, Mark follows me and I shut the door my hip bumping it. Leaving Will and Liam with theirs mouths open.

Wow. Today just keeps getting interesting. 

Chapter Four

"So, this is your wardrobe, over there is your bed obviously, and the bathroom is down the hall." Says Mark nervously. I smile and laugh, "You look nervous. Have you never been alone in a room with a girl before?" I ask, "Um well no actually. Espeacily such a beautiful one, such as yourself." I giggle and he winks. I take of my jacket and walk towards Mark.

I look around the room slowly, taking it all in. I think that last person to stay here was a goth. The room is painted in dark colours, mainly black with the odd bit of hold lighting the room up. I actually quite like it. I smile and turn my attention back to Mark.

Smiling at him, I close off all thee space between us. I rest my hands on his chest and holds my back. I look up to face him. "I know what you're doing." He says softly.

I'm taken back. I don't even know what I'm doing. How does he know?

"What am I doing?" I ask truely puzzled. "I saw the way Liam looked at you. You interested him and he's not going to leave you alone; and by the way you looked at him. I can tell that you're interested by him too. You want to get under his skin, just to piss him off."

This guy has interesting theories.

"Bullshit! You don't know anything about me." Mark smirks me. I think he's actually laughing at me. "I know you better than you think. Just consider it my little gift." He winks at me and walks out of the room leaving me speechless.

And let me tell you, that doesn't happen often.

I decide to put all my clothes into the wardrobe. Its a small thing but all my clothes fit in. I put my shoes underneath them on the floor and close the doors.

I turn to face my bed. Its a huge thing. With massive bed posts  going all the way up to ceiling, they were coverd in gold ribbon and the bedding was jet black with a few shinny golden bits here and there. The walls were deep blue with a swirly golden pattern in tthe middle. 

I looked at a the clock hanging on the wall, it read 8:00.

What to do today? My stomach rumbled pointing out that I hadn't eaten since yesterday. I looked at myself in the long goth like mirror. Mike was right, I should change out of my clothes. 

I strip down and put on tights annd shorts, with a white t-shirt and a hoodie. 

I make my way back down the hall passing to rooms of all my new house mates. Yay. 

As I approach the stairs I can smell bacon cooking. I practicly run down the stairs I'm that hungry. I walk through the huge house hopping to find the kitchen, its so confusing! Ugh! Why does this place have to be so big! I take yet another wrong turn and end up in what looks to be the main living area. 

There are pplush sofa's and armchairs and bean bags. A hug eflat screen TV and a whole corner of the room deicated to computers. The carpet is a deep red and soft under foot. This house has had a lot of work done to it. Alot. 

I walk out of the room in hunt of food. There! Just down the hall is the kitchen. I walk into a huge room filled with massive cookers and the inviting aroma of cooking food. Everyone else seems to be here too. Must be breakfast time. 

When I walk in all conversation stops and everyone turns to face me. I look back at them. I shrug and walk to one of the many cupboards. I open it find row upon row of food. I rubbage around for a while 'til I find a bar of chocolate. 

I can eat chocolate for breakfast. I take it out and turn around heading back the way I came. "Hey you can't have chocolate for breakfast!" Says a voice from behind me. I turn to see a small boy. He looks no more than fourteen. What the hell is a little person like him doing in a place for 'troubled teens'? 

"Yeah, you wanna bet on that?" I ask. "I- uh- um... Just thought I'd uh, tell you." I laugh at the boy, stammering away. "Well thanks kid. But I do what I want. So you don't need to warn about the these crazy rules." I turn and walk away. To be stopped by yet another voice.

"Oh. Hello I'm Alice! I think Mike has already told you that I'm the other worker here!" Ugh what is it with perky people. Just showing up to try to make everyone smile. "Uh-huh." is all I can manage as a response. To avoid any morer awkard conversations I wander around the house for most of the morning.


When I finish inside I start to wonder outside, exploring the grounds when I manly laughs. I instintly become still and strain to listen. "So Liam what do ya think of Alex?" I hear Marks voice ask, "Well she's certainly a hottie!" That was Will and they burst out laughing again. "Um well she's a fighter. But theres something about her that I can't quite put my finger on. I  can't read her properly." Liam sounds truly puzzled. I smirk at the thought that he can't read me properly. 

"I think we can safely say that theres something different about her. Something strong and powerful. Maybe we sould even try to Awaken her?" asks Will. I suddenly feel scared. Awaken me? What hell does that mean. Theres some crazy shit going down here. "Hmmm, I dunno Will. Maybe we should ask The Court first, see what they say." The Court? What the fuck? This is really crazy. "Yeah thats probably best. So anyways back to training. Do you want me to start?" Asks Mark. Training? This I have to see.

Slowly I move behind a huge oak tree. I carefully peer around the massive trunk and watch.

Mark stands about fifty meters away from Liam and Will. He takes a rarther scary looking stance and moves his left arm up as if he's holding something. Then floating in the air is a huge wooden log. No person could lift that. Then it flies toward Will; it's about too hit him when lifts his left arm quickly and in a sharp movement throws it aside with the log following his movements before it crashs to ground. 

I turn and run away as fast as I can. 

What the heck is going on?


Chapter Five

I've been pacing back and forth for most of the afternoon trying to figure out what to do. I've made a mental list about the problems that have occoured:

1) I'm stuck living in a freaking care home!

2) Pretty much everyone living here are the most annoying people ever!

3) Liam, Mark andd Will seem to have crazy powers!

4) I could be going crazy!

This is so confusing!!! Ah what to do what to do?! Well I could confront them about what I saw, or I could do a little bit of snooping. Yep I think I'll go with option number two. An evil grin comes to my face. 

I walk out of my room in search of food. Again. I can't get what I saw out of my head. I could just be going crazy- "Ow! Watch it jackass!" I hadn't been paying attention and walked into hard chest that belonged to none other that Liam. "Wow harsh words, Alexadnria" Slowly drawled out my name. He smirked and I snarled at him. 

Why, oh, why did my parents give me such a stupid name?

"I told you not to call me that!" I practicly growled at him. He chuckled. "Oh yeah I remember now, you said anyone that called you that, you would remove there vocal cords. So you wanna try that with me?" He smirks, "You'll loose more than your vocal cords!" I snarl at him, "As if I'd let you get cllose enough to even try. Ahaha, man, I'd love to see you try though! Your a fiesty one, I like 'em fiesty!" He winks before bursting into sexy laughter. Ah! No not sexy, just annoying! I've never thought someones laugh could be sexy.

While he's to busy laughing at me, I kick him, hard, in a place where the sun don't shine. He makes an odd noise, a bit like a high pitched squeak. "And you said I wouldn't be able to get close enough!" Now I'm the one laughing at him. "Bitch!" He snarls at me. "Please, your insults don't hurt me." With that I walk down the hall and down the stairs smiling to myself.


After dinner I head back up to my room and change out of my shorts and t-shirt and put on the outfit I wore  when I first arrived here. I decided that I couldn't stay in here any longer. I needed to get out. Theres a small town about a twenty minute walk from here so I think I'll go there. Before I leaave I grab a knife just in case some shit goes down and pull my hair into a high pony tail.

I wait until I'm certain that everyones asleep before I silently slip out of my roo, down the hall and stairs before I go out the front door. I look around for any signs of someone following me before I make way to town. 

The walk takes less time than I thought it would and I arrive in under fifteen minutes.  I  look around to see what there is before I wonder around aimlessly. 

As I walk round I corner I recongize a manlly sounding voice. I hide in the shadows and creep forward to get a closer look. I  sniffle a gasp. What the hell is Liam, Mrak and Will doing here?! I hide behind a cluster of bins and watch what they're doing.

They seem to alone, and looking around, as if they're waiting for someone. If only I  could make out what they're saying! I hear foot steps approach and the boys fall silent. 

A tall handsome looking man rounds the corner. He has thick balck hair and pale skin. Walks up to the boys and they start talking.

"Hello my friends. How are you on this fine night?" He says wth an accent that I think is from Spain. "We are fine Rafel. How are you? I know that you can come under a lot of stress at times like these." Ask Liam. It clear that Liam is in charge of whatever is going on. "Oh how kind of you to ask Senor Liam. I am indeed under stress as is everyone. Now to the buisness at hand." Liam gives a sharp nod.

I've never seen him look so serious, well I have only known him two days but, when I have seen him he has been either joking or making objects fly.

"Yes, we need to know that you'll fight along side us if the time comes, you help us in the Dark Times." What fight? And what is the Dark Times?! "Hmm, yes. I understand that if my clan  is to fight with the Woken we have a good chance of winning. But you know what I want in return. Have you been able to assure that our demands will be met?"

The Woken? I am even more confused.

Will pulls out a piece of paper and hands it over to Rafel. "Ah! Good! I see that The High Council will give us chair in their meetings. Yes we shall fight with you if the times come." Rafel then takes out a blade, and slits his wrist and lets the blood drip onto the paper. It must be some type of contract. Why does he need to bleed all over it? 

"There you are, all done. Interesting. Are you aware that there is someone watching us? Hmm? And not just anyone, a female someone. Ahh she smells lovely." What? Shit! How does he know that I'm here? How can he smell me? This dude is crazy. "What?! No of course not! We can't hear anyone!" So I am being quiet. Surely Senor Crazy can't actually smell me? 

"Really? How interesting. I must say if you can't hear her, then maybe your not as strong as you think you are." How does hearing have anything to do with strengh? "Come out! We know your there! Just come out now! We be kinder to you if you just come out willingly!" Shouts Mark. Oh well, whats the worst that could happen?

I slowly stand up and move into the moon light where they can see me. "Alex! What the hell are you doing here?!" Wow! I did not expext Liam to be that mad. "I could say the same for." Maybe I should stop going on night walks, the bring nothing but trouble. "Hola senora. I am Rafel. I see that you have been spying on our little meeting, yes?" Oh, he is hot! "I wasn't spying. I just wanted to go for a walk and ended up here by accident." I try my best to stand up tall and seem like I'm telling the truth. Well I am.

"Really? So you have no idea about what is going?"  

Well do I look like I know what the hell is happening? No.

"I have no freaking idea." I turn to Liam, "Could you please tell me what the hell is going on!? I have seen you guys do crazy shit! I thought I was going mad!" I yell at him. Liam, Mark and Will look startled. "What exaclty have you seen?" asks Liam, "Oh nothing much. Just you guys yesterday outside. I over heard a conversation, about you thinking about Awakening me! And moving stuff without touching it!" I am freaking out!

"Well this is all very interesting but I must be going now. Thank you senor Liam for what you have done." With Rafel vanishs.

"Ok strange. Now tell me." I demand. "Ok fine. But first why can't we hear you?" Asks Will. Well clearly they can hear me. "Well clearly you can hear me other wise we wouldn't be talking." Gezz, people can be so stupid. "No, why can't we hear your thoughts? Your the only persons thoughts we can't hear." States Liam.

I was not expecting that.

"Well thats probably because people can't read minds." God, did they think that they could read minds? 

"Yes they can. The Woken can, they can also see supernatural beings. But your not Woken. So can you see Rafel and we not be able to get in your head?" 

"Wait slow down there. Supernatural beings? The Woken? You've got a lot of explaining to do. And honestly, I don't know why you can't get in my head." Its not like I want people in my. I really don't want people in my head.

What the hell is going on!?



Chapter Six

I just stood staring at Liam, Mark and Will. The three of them had an angry but blank look their faces. Will turned to them and started talking as if I wasn't even here. 

"Look I got a message back from The Court and they want to meet Alex. I told them about how we can't hear her and they to see for there selves. I say that we take her to The Court."

What!? Take me to meet with some people who want to poke around in my head!?

"Hmmm, yes we should do that. But you know the rules, someone has to stay here to keep an eye on everything." says Liam, yep he's definetly the leader. "How about you two stay here, 'cause knoww how diffucult this place is, and I take Alex myself?" They think about for a while. "I guess we don't have much choice do we? OK, Mark and I will stay here. I don't really like The Court anyway, they creep me out." says Will.

Liam turns to me. "Alex I'm-" I cut him off, "Yes I know, you're going to take me to meet these people called The Court. Just because you're not talking to me, doesn't mean that I can't hear what your saying." I am getting very impatient. "Uh yeah. Follow me."

Liam walks off not even checking to see if I am following him. We walk in silence for while. His body language clearly says that talking is not welcome. So I take the time to revise my earlier list of problems:

1) I don't think I'll be seeing the care home or any of my things again. Including my pictures of my family.

2) I have no idea where we're going or what sort of people I'm going to meet.

3) Liam, Mark and Will all have crazy supernatural powers.

4) All the fairy tales I was told about in the past seem to be real. 

Then something comes to mind. "Liam, what is Rafel?" I ask finally breaking the silence. He sighs and answers, "Rafel is a vampire. He's over five hindred years old and head of the local clan." He says that so matter of factly. "So all those stories are real?" I ask, "Yeah." 









"Demons and Angels?" 

"Yes, although you don't see angels. It's very hard to find a person who has met an angel and lived to tell. Angels are grumpy buggers, always killing the person that summons them." Ok, so much for loving and caring angels. 

"So what exactly are you?" Curiosity getting the better of me. "We are the Woken." Like that makes sense. "Care to explain, 'cause I don't remember any stories about the Woken or the Awakened or whaterver it is." 

"Look everything will be explained when we get to The Court." 

"Where exactly is The Court?" I ask, "I can't tell you unless we Awaken you. We can't have Sleepers running around shouting out stories about us." replies Liam. "What are Sleepers?"

Again more questions.

"Sleepers are those who haven't been Woken. Normal people." Oh right. "Am I a Sleeper?"

I don't think I want to know the answer.

"No. I don't know what you are. You have to be Woken or be a half-blood to see the supernatural world."I open my mouth to ask yet another question but he beats me to it."Half-bloods are Warlocks and Faeries. They're part human part supernatural being. They either have demon or angel blood in them. Vampires and Werewolves are like a disease. You're either born one, or if you get bitten by a werewolf you have a fifty/fifty chance off becoming one at the next full moon. Vampires are the children of Lilith. You've heard of her right?" 

"Yeah I think. Isn't she like, meant to be mother of vampires or something?" Reading all those books has paid off. "Yeah, they're children of Lilith, mother of all vampies. But if a vampire drinks your blood then gives you his or hers blood and buries you, the next night you wake up as a vampire." 

Ok, note to self, don't get drained by a vampire. 

We continue walking for another half hour, until we're in the middle of no where. Liam stops and turns to me.

"Sorry about this Alex, but I'm gonna have to knock you out, so you don't figure out where I've taken you." Well I didn't think he'd say that. "Um ok. How are you going to that?" For an answer Liam hands me a small deep blue pill and tells me to bite and swallow.

I do what he says, and the last thing that I remember is everything going blury then black.

Chapter Seven

I wake up feeling light headed and sick. After I feel better I take in my surroundings. I'm in a room made out of stone with a fire place at one end of the room with a arm chair placed near it. At the other end of the room is a wooden door. I'm lying on a soft mattress which is on a biggish bed. 

I stand up and my feet flinch as they touch cold stone. Huh, I guess someone took my shoes off. How nice. I put my shoes back on and make my way out of the room. I'm standing in a hallway with other doors looking like mine, I figure that they must be other rooms. 

I hear voices coming from one end of the hall so I head that way. As I get closer the voices become easy to hear, I recognise Liam's voice. "Look, I brought her here like you said. I don't see what the problem is." They must be arguing or something. "Why did The Court agree to this?" asks a female voice, "Because this supposedly Sleeper is able to keep her thoughts to herself and she isn't a half-bloood or plagued,and even those have to be powerful for us not to be able to hear them." That came from an older sounding voice. "Maybe shes a deman hiding in a dead Sleepers body?" says the female. 

Well I know for a fact that I am not a demon. I mean look at me! I don't look like one.

I clear my throat loudly. 

"Excuse me, but I can tell that I am not a demon. I didn't even know that they exsited 'til Liam told they did. Oh and I would appreciate it if you didn't make asummtions 'til you've actually had the balls to come and talk to me yourself instead of stnading here bitching about me." 

I walk over to stand next to Liam while all three of them stand open mouthed blinking at me. 

What can I say? I guess I just have that effect on people. 

"I apologise for Jessica's behavier. She doesn't think it's right that Sleepers should be allowed in here." Says the older man. He has red hair that curls around his head in such a way that it looks like his hair is on fire. "Oh I'm Henry by the way." He says with a smile. "I guess you've already met Liam and Jessica, don't take what she says personaly." I look at Jessica taking her in.

She has dark eyes and dark long hair. She's a little taller than Liam. I sudenly feel very small. "I don't know where James is but you'll meet him tomorrow at breakfast probably." 

"Is it only you lot that live here?" I ask, "Yeah, this is where young orphaned Awakened come too train until they're eighteen." says Liam. 

Before I can say anything else theres a loud bang followed by a lot off swearing. A tall boy walks into the room, clearly very drunk. His hair is very blonde, almost silvery and he has bright blue eyes. He looks very handsome and strong. "James have you been at those faerie parties again?" asks Jessica. Oh so this is James. "Yeah, soooo what if I have!?" His speech is very slurred and he spells odd. 

"James here has a tendency to go off and do crazy things. Don't take any notice of him. He isn't important." Jessica tells me. I just nod. "Oh hol' up there Jessie my dear, aren't you gonna intriduce me to new girl? She's very pretty. Hmm yes very preetty indeed." James staggers over to me and circles me. He's examing me with his bright blue eyes.

He stumbles closer and starts poking me. "Aha! Yes she's hot! I think she can be our new maid!" He slaps my ass and I don't like that. I turn grab his arm and twist it behind him and kick his knees coursing him to fall forward. I kneel on his back stopping him from moving. I lean down close to his ear and whisper to him. "I don't like people touching me, James. I would prefer if you didn't. If you wish to keep your man hood you won't. And I am not a maid. Understood James?" He mumbles something and nods. 

I let him up. He's seemed to of sobered up a bit now. "Sorry." He quickly walks off down the hall. 

Chapter Seven

I wake up in a candle lite room. I have no idea where I am. "Hello?" I say, although the sound of my own voice scares me. I sound like I've been kicked in the neck, I also have a thumping headache and I think I might throw up. 

Slowly, I sit up, which only makes me feel worse. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2013

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