
One the beginning

I am a vampire,and that is the truth. But the moderen meaning of the word vampire,the stories that have been told about creatures such as I,are not precisely true. I do not turn to ash in the sun nor do i cringe when i see a crucifix. I cannot command a pack of wolves to attack or fly through the air. Nor can i make another of my kind simply by haveing them drink my blood. Wolves do not like me, thought,as do most predators, and i can jump so high that one might imagine i can fly. As to blood-ah,blood the whole subject  fascinates me, i do like that as well, warm and dripping,when i am thirsty. And i am often thirsty.

My name, is Alisa Perne-just tow words ,my hair is black and silklike,my eyes like red fire that have stared long at a volcanic fissure. Before i speak i appearvto be only eighteen years of age, but somthing  in my voice-thebcoolnes of my expressions, the echo of endless experience- makes think i am much older. My hearing is sensitive,as is my sight both senses have grown more acute as i get older. I can be stabbed in the arm with a knife and heal within minuts without scarring but if i were to be stabbed in the heart say with the wooden stake, than maybe i would die, it is difficult for even a vampire’s flesh to heal around an implanted blade. But it is not something i have experimented with.

But who would stab me? Who would get the chance? I have the strenght of 20 men, the reflexs of all mother cats, i do love to  fight, it is true, almost as i love to kill. The moment is filled with mystery,even for me i am standing outside the door of Detective Michael Riley’s office. The hour  is late; he is in his private office in the back the lights are down low- i know this without seeing that the good Mr. Riley called me three hours ago to tell me i had to come to his office to have a little talk about some thing i might find of interest there was a note of threat in his voice and more, i knock lightly on the door to his office and  open it before he can respond ‘’Hello,’’ l say i do not sound dangerous-i am after all  supposed to be a teenager Mr. Riley is at his desk, inside his office he stands as he notices me he has on a rumpled brown sport coat and in a glance i see the weighty bulge of a revolver Mr Riley thinks i am dangerous. But I’m not afraid he knows what i really am, or he would not have chosen to meet with me at all. 

Alisa Perne?’’he says. His tone is uneasy.


He gesturesfrom twenty feet away. ‘’Please come in and have a seat.’’

I enter but i do not take the offered chair in front of his desk, but rather one against the right wall i want a straight line to him if he tries to pull a gun on me. If he does try, he will die,and maybe painfully. 

He looks at me ‘’i guess you wounder why i wanted to talk to you so urgently,’’ he says. I nod ‘’May i call you Alisa?’’ he asks.

‘’You may call me what you wish, Mr. Riley.’’

 My voice startles him, just a little, and it is the effect i want, I could have pitched it like any modern teenager, but I have allowed my past to enter, the power of it. I want to keep Mr. Riley nervous, for nervous people say much that they later regret.

‘’Call me Mike,’’ he says. ‘’Did you have trouble finding the place?’’


‘’Can i get you anything? Coffee? A soda?’’



He galnces at a folder on his desk, flips it open. He clears his throat i hear his tiredness as well  as his fear but is he afraid of  me? I am not sure besides the gun u der his coat he has another beneathsome papers at the other side of his desk i smell the gunpowder in the bullets the cold steel. A lot of firepower to meet a teenage girl. I hear him say somthing smart about me under his breath i smile and as i lean forward my smile broadens ‘’It is late Mr. Riley, tell me what you want.’’

He shakes his head. ’’You have a lot of confidence for a kid.’’

‘’And you have a lot of nerve for a down-on-his-luck private detective.’’

He doesn’t like that he taps the open folder on his desk,‘’ I have been researching you for the last few months, Miss Perne, ever since you moved to Mayfair. You have an intriguing past, as well as many investments. But I’m sure you know that.’’


‘’Before I begin may i ask how old you are?’’

‘’You may ask.’’

‘’How old are you?’’

‘’It’s none of your business.’’ 

He smiles. He thinks he has scored a point he does not realize that i am  already considering how he should die, although i still hope to avoid such an extreme measure, Never ask a vampire her age, they don’t like that. Maybe I will strangle him?

Than he starts talking about my privet information and when he is finished talking i say ‘’ Tell me, whom did you contact to gather this information?’’

Then he startes saying  ´´i need no one to get this information ,Alisa.´´

I know he was lyeing to me.

In a quick movement i am able to kill him with out makeing a mess but i did take a few gulps of his blood then i go to his cumputer and  i see this man named Eric has been talking to  Mr. Riley about me and would pay $1,000,000 in my capcher and so i let  a few weeks go by am and  i use Erices emeil on my  cumputer and it does not take long for him to answer and he said he would  meet me in the fildes on a dirt road no one goes much.

That night when i met that man he was oh my god he´s a lycie and he could tell i was on eged being defencesless and so i know i would die trying to kill him so i hid,i weny in to hideing for two monthes and so i moved to  Romania with a good friend of mine.

Two Attack


i just moved to Romania with at my friends at her house far in the Romanian forest. Town was about a 2 hour drive,little did I know this night would change my life forever.  

Everything started to go wrong at 6:00 pm the lights would flicker on and off Alice garbed a butchers knife from the kitchen and she grabs my hand and pulls me to a door she locks the first door and then she pulls me into a closet and than after 5 minutes of the lights flickering everything went to darkness I clutched Alice's arm hard when i heard the front door splinter open Alice clutched the knife in her hand.we could see out of the closet because in the door there where slates,then we both heard 10 pairs of footsteps Alice whispered to me when i tell you to run you run.''

''why Alice?''

''because they are lyciens.'' than the bedroom door flew of the hinges  and 2 people walked in the bedroom  flipping things over and then they point at the closet and one garbed the handle before they could open the closet door Alice hits them with the door and jumped out and states to swing the knife at them she says '´run don't stop running till your safe and don't look back.''

at first i am frozen with the shock and fear then Alice yells at me to run which snaps  me back into focus and i star running down the stair to the back door i quickly put on my boots  than i ran out of the house and headed for the woods i stopped about 40 yards from the house and i could hear Alice screaming than I seen the men at the back door so i ran through the thicket the men followed me into the woods i ran as fast as i could run but the men seemed more faster than me.i was way to worried about what was behind me when i should have been worried about what was in front of me but it was to late and i tripped over a stump and i hit the ground hard  but before i could get up to run again and when the men came upon me it was not just two it was 10 all together.                                                       I swiftly got up and lunged at them. I bit one on the side of the face then slapped me so hard on the face then I attacked again then I got hit in the face with a long stick and I clasped on the ground.                    



when i awoke  i was laying on old wooden flooring of what looked like a library then a men in some kind of dark uniform he walked over to me i weakly scramble away from him ''don't touch me!'' i scream at him, he grabs my arm and drags me to a room calls in a servant and he says something to her he leaves and she goes to a wardrobe  and pulls out a lacy black dress and boots she tells me i have to get dress she helps me stand and after putting the dress on i asked her if she will button it for me my knees shook so badly as she fastened the long line of black pearls buttons up my back ''deep breathes .'' the servant says. ''and try to lower your heart rate,'' than she opens the bedroom door she called down to the man and she told them i was ready for dinner at the top of the stairs i seen the men from Alice's house and like they'd sensed i was watching they looked up me and i slowly l walked down the stairs to them i did not want to be here we walked for i would say 22 minutes before we came to a Gothic castle we stopped at the gates and  one men said to me ''that  man is a lycien if you do anything foolish he will do a lot worse then we will do to you.'' then the man started back  a stone -and- iron gate  loomed before me standing at least eight feet tall the gate swung open i walked in and i seen the lycien walking towards me i took a step inside and the gate swung shut behind me with a loud metallic clang like an ominous gong  in the silent forest. I glanced behind myself immediately feeling vulnerable, and the man was coming at me faster every second and soon he was standing before me.

my breath started coming so raggedly that the other sounded were shut out he stepped closer to me hands clasped behind his back he advanced even closer looming before me, he grabbed my  arm and we walked then he said '' You must be the sweet  Sita.´´ i have never told anyone my old name before oh god no its that Erick guy  and since i did  not want to face consequences i decided to be nice  i said ''Yes, I am. And you must be Erik?''

''Thats right ,my sweet.''

Three Drop of blood

 inside the castle he shut the massive wooden door behind us, after we had dinner Erik called to his servant to take me to my room and the servant left me in the room all alone and i changed out  of the black dress into a red nightgown and i slipped under the cool sheets  and  since i could not sleep i decied to escape and get away before they noticed iwas gone and so i slide  out the window and on to soft ground  i stated to run to the woods but as i run i see body parts,broken necks and lots of blood everywhere and i know it   was vampiers and it was a mistake to look back because 13 werewolves were now coming after me.when i thought i was far enough away from the i jumped behind a very big rock and i heard them talking i know they were in there human forms now I looked over about 10 yards from me was an abandoned farmhouse and so i decided to make a brake for the house since i did not see them so i jumped up and started running again and i sprinted through some more trees to get to the house my bare feet were stinging from the pain of stepping on sharp objects i stopped to catch my breath i turned around to see if they had followed me but i did not see them and than a voice in my head said ''Run, Veronica!'' I obeyed the voice in my head but the moment when I turned back around to start running again I realized that it was too late to run, they were in their human form  and they blocked my path. And  before i could scream or react in a swift movement one  of the werewolves lunged at me and plunged a syringe deep into my arm ''Nighty-night,'' one whispered.``No,'' i cried and i jerked my arm away but the drugs worked quickly my heart slowed i staggered and i crumpled to the ground

drop of blood


I opened my eyes, my body ached, my head felt as if it might split in two, I strained my eyes but I couldn't make out anything discernible. The room was dark and shapeless with no window and i a  think i wasback in the same house I heard a pairs of footsteps coming closer than i feel someone grab me and put me on there shoulder and than i was put in a dim room and a man walked in he had on black pant and a wight loose fitted shirt opened at the chest and  they punished me  for  running  and  than when i had freedmo i diced  to run agein so i climbed out the window and my boots made no sound whatsoever i seen an ax i grabbed it and i began walking i used an old two story house attic and i maed a briged to a big  pine tree and when i went out  to find me something to eat i  found a vampier about 19 different vampier i told them where to go and  they  said they  want  revinge on the lycaes for allmost  killing there son Vladamer.

And as we were going up the last steps to attic we all hear a creak growing so high pitched that i can no longer hear the odd noise than a pop and a splinter than the other vampires run as fast as they could to get up in the attic, i run to a room and pull of the mattress when i was about to  pushing the mattress down the stairs I hear a cashes so loud i raise my hands over my ears there are more crashes and splinters.

The wood reinforcing the door is in splinters now half of it missing and they seep through the hole like blood from a wound,than I push the mattress down the stairs creating an obstacle i pick up my ax again and i run down the long hallway I look up to see Vladamer standing at the top of the attic it is  as if time narrows and  focuses on this point my heartbeat the only indication that the time still passes i can hear the sound of the werewolves as the pool around the mattress  Vladamer move to swing his legs around to come to me,but I smile at him and shake my head in a sharp no,  ''  i am a fighter i am brave. Vladamer  whatever happens be strong and I love you, I am going to kill as many as i can hold so ya'll can safely get across the rope.'' I slam the attic door close and I lung down the  hallway gripping the handle of the ax in both hands,  It's one thing to feel the slice of a blade cutting through flesh to kill takes a force of will that is almost unfathomable.

drop of blood


And yet I swing with all my strength I pull that ax across the hallway severing heads from necks, decapitating them in order to end their existence and to save the Vampires i don't even realize that I am yelling until I have to suck in gulps of air the ax lodges in the wall and I tug it free and swing again blood slinging from the blade. Again and again I swing, cutting down the werewolves that fill the hallway than the ax lodges in the wall on the other side of the hall and I pull it free the handle is sick with blood I lose forces when I trip over one of the dead vampires bodies and I hesitated to long than they start to grab at my legs I stumble back kicking soon my hands slip from the ax without the anchor my balance falters once again. I fall a hand  grasps  my ankle I scream and kick and begin pulling myself back down the  hallway with the heels of  my hands and soon more hands  were on me werewolves continued to swarm up the stairs,all I can see is a wave of werewolves cresting over me and I feel  helpless at their mercy ready to be tossed in the tides of their will I want to close my eyes and let it come let the end take me and sweep me away drown me in the sea of werewolves. Than I feel the pain around my throat than I could barely breathe only long gasps and that when I soon realized that one of the werewolves mouth was on my throat and he is crush my windpipe, but than I hear my name as the shock of a thousand bee stings goes through my body I look up to see 15 vampires come strat to me one vampire pries the crushing jaws off of my throat I see Vladamer  on the ladder his mouth open in a scream, his eyes wide he reached a hand to me and I am reaching towards him once all the werewolves are dead they put me on a sheet and they pull me into the attic they lay me down on the attic floor they lock the attic door and barricade it I see through my fuzzy vision that the wight sheet is socked in my blood from my throat wound I am trying so had to get air into my lungs and say something to Vladamer  but I know I am slowly dying I begin to cry and then from what I remember is everything going black and I was surprise to wake up but I am still laying on the blooded socked sheet and when I set up I see Vladamer  I know that he saved me  when i look closer I see it is just me and Vladamer I say ''Vladamer , where are the others?''

''Oh they wanted me to come across the rope with them but I wanted to stay until you feel better to move around.''     

''Well I feel just fine right now let's get out of here.You go first Vladamer I am right behind you I promise.''

Four only darkness


 I watch Vladamer  make his way across the rope and make it safely on the other side of the rope,when I was almost all the way on the rope i seen the trapdoor straining i am running out of time than my hands slip from the rope but i get back on the rope when the werewolves bang through the trapdoor of what used to be our sanctuary I glanced over my shoulder my whole body shudders my throat closes I stumble and instantly I am dangling out over the space my two legs kicking and spinning behind me the werewolves emerge from the door of the attic pushing their way to the rope I bit my lip and I hold my breath. One of the werewolves a young man with black hair reaches for me as i dangle like bait he falls from the attic window but he grabs my ankle  and he digs his nails into my ankle and I am suddenly holding on to the rope with only one hand, i see  Vladimir  jolt and move to the rope i can see he wanted to scream but it was like it was trapped in his throat and it was strangling him.

Another werewolf lunges at me and he too falls and he knocks the other werewolf off my ankle and they fall to there deaths with my new found lightness I swing my body forward and wrap both legs around the rope I let my head drop back just a bit,i realize the weight of the vampire and the weight of the two werewolf's were to much for the old rope and they must have loosened the knots or over strained the fibers of the rope with my head facing  Vladimir  I look into his eyes I mouth to him that I am scared he shakes his head in understand meant and the  world seemed to brighten even in the darkness of the night I moved some more and the rope dips lower and strains under my weight and suddenly there's a new sound a popping as the old rope begins to unravel  Vladamer  moves forward but the vampire try to hold him back ''There is nothing we can do,'' I hear them say to  Vladamer  but he shrugs them off.He slid to the edge of the tree snaking forward on his stomach until he is as for out over the void as he dared ''Sita,'' he called out to me.''Sita, you must hurry.''

I shake my  head no, my hands now frozen. One of the werewolves stumbles out of the attic window and lunges at me as he falls he hits the rope sending it swaying and causing even more popping sounds the rope dips even lower impossibly low. '' you have to listen to me.'' I shake my head again I see tears are choking his words, closing my throat, '' Vladamer the rope is snapping,'' i hear one of the  vampires say ''And she'll never make it in time.'' ''Vladamer , you shouldn't watch this,'' another vampire says to Vladamer .

''No, I will not leave her!'' he stands and takes the rope in his hands as if he could pull me back,but he did lift me up and away from the werewolves below the rope quivers under his grasps the vibrations from my every jumping muscles echoing through every strand. Vladamer  looked at me. I trembled like bait  cast out into water, ''Sita,'' his voice still thrums like a growl, not allowing any dissent, ''Sita,you will listen to me! Forget about the werewolves, forget about the rope. Forget about everything but my voice close your eyes and listen to my voice.''

I didn't do what he told me to do and he snaps at the line with a finger ''Do it!'' He yelled louder than he has ever yelled before My eyes immediately closed ''Sita I want you to reach out towards me and grab the rope,'' he watched my hand slowly begin to move and than hesitant at first than with more confidence, ''Yes, good job keep coming Sita,'' he reassure me as I moved my other hand closer to him  the rope begins to sway with my movement and under his own fingers he could feel it give just a little as more fibers unravel as it loosen more tension ''Faster, Sita move a little faster,'' I am sweating now but i nod my head and son I am pulling myself up the valley of the line the werewolves are in a frieze beneath me as blood slides from my ankle down my calf and drips from my knee.The growls are a physical force rolling over us all but still I move closer to Vladamer , In front of me i can feel the tension of the other vampires as they watch as they chant me forward under there breaths afraid of voicing their hope and breaking my concentration, ''Help her! Vladamer  says to them and they move as one to where the rope crests the trees platform and that when I come within reach.Finally, I am safe on the other side of the chasm and I collapsed from the lightness of it all, when I finally awoke i looked around but I did not see Vladamer  I only seen the other vampires I said to them '' where is Vladamer ?''

''he when out to go hunting about an hour ago.'' One vampire says.

''well has he returned?''

only darkness


'' Well that the problem he left an hour ago he is not back yet and we all fear the worst has happened to him.''

''I will go and find him and bring him back safe and  sound.'' I got up and got dressed and garbed a other ax and my cloak and I slowly climb down from the big pine tree from the tree I followed Vladamer's footprints in the mud than about 200 yards of walking I find Vladamer He is spread out like a star tied between two trees I run over to him he is blooded and bruised up from the beating the werewolves given to him but he was slowly healing.When i was finished cutting off the ropes that dinned Vladamer's movements I leave Vladamer to rest on the trees to go and get my ax than When i stood up i could hear something running towards us in all directions I finally turn around is when I hear Vladamer screaming and he falls at the base of the big tree I see lots of his black blood oozing from a big hole in his chest I open my mouth to scream but no sound comes out and it seems harder to breath my miscues shake from the effort of not to pass out I run to Vladamer which it seems like I am running but i seems like i can't get to Vladamer fast enough I see Vladamer open and close his hands than finally he lowers his arms until they hang limply at his sides his effort expended finally a scream comes from my mouth. ''Vladamer!'' I yell as  I pull him close to me. I rock him like a little child ''Vladamer you will be OK,'' i tell him ''You're okay.'' My chin rests on his soft black hair his head tucked into my chest i can feel  his blood seep into my own flesh I can feel his lips move but i cannot hear any words his eyes roll back into his head I shake him almost violently '' You can't!'' I shout in his face '' I won't let you!''

A smile twitches at the corner of his lips where a trickle of blood begins to trail, down to his chin than I say ''Vladamer I LOVE YOU!'' but he doesn't answer because he is dead I cannot find my voice cannot force a sound from my shuddering body I swallow I run my hand over his forehead his skin is cold and silk with his blood I bring my head down  to touch his my nose runs my eyes are swollen with tears. I lay him on the ground and before i covered him with my cloak I hits me that i can save Vladamer because my tears have healing powers but first i have to kill some werewolves than i hear twigs snapping but I am still mad at the werewolves i start scream out ''where are you, you big pricks!'' I pick my ax back up and clinched it tightly, than i see 20 werewolves charging strat at me in there human forms and they are coming closer to me than it begins to rain the ground beneath my feet is slowly turning to mud and I am surrounded by werewolves i have to force myself not to panic instead i grasp the ax with both hands and i begin to swing at them running through the clearing that my weapon creates flesh falls around me the squeal of steel meeting pure faction mixing with the sound of the rain beating the ground 2 more werewolves lunges at me i swipe the blade at them to watch as it cleaves through there skulls and they drop to the ground i keep fighting and i look up to see 6 more werewolves coming for me and i am certain that this is how i will die but i finally i kill 5 out of the 6 werewolves there is one more i need to kill and this werewolves he ran off into the woods.

And so i decide before any more werewolves come i better get Vladamer  so i could save him finally i get Vladamer  back to base camp and i let my tears fall on his big wound and than his eyes start to flutter open and i see his wound his healing faster than i have ever seen it heal he drink some of my blood so he will get his strength back and i let him sleep for the rest of the night and day the next few weeks nothing happened since the fight with the werewolves so we all decide to just relax a bit, and those few days seemed fine until this night.

Five the everlasting twilight


Then Vladerer had to leave to go somewhere for a  meeting and he has his brother to whatch me introduced  himself to me he said his names was Lucas but he always stared at me, but this night was different i had a very bad feeling so i maed up a lied saying i was tired just to get away from him,so i locked the dorr and i hide under the  closet  than i could  her lucas  he hit the door with his fist  than he picked the lock and  came into my room, i put my  hand on my mouth and  shut my  eyes real tight and curved myself it was uncomfortable and my  abdomen was hurting it was hard for me to sit  in that  position. Then Vladerer had to leave to go somewhere for a  meeting and he has his brother to whatch me introduced  himself to me he said his names was Lucas but he always stared at me, but this night was different i had a very bad feeling so i maed up a lied saying i was tired just to get away from him,so i locked the dorr and i hide under the  closet  than i could  her lucas  he hit the door with his fist  than he picked the lock and  came into my room, i put my  hand on my mouth and  shut my  eyes real tight and curved myself it was uncomfortable and my  abdomen was hurting it was hard for me to sit  in that  position. 

 He looked  here  and there than he was  coming  towards the closet my  heartbeat was increasing he opened the  closet and  pulled me out and  i got up and ran  i ran out of the house  the night was cold it  was  hard to run because i was barefooted but i pushed  myself to get away from lucas and i ran and i ran but lucas was a lot faster than me and he challt up to me and he dragged me back to the house and put me in the locked room  the next night Vladamer  came home  and i could hear lucas talking to Vladamer  telling him everything that happened last night i know that i am in for a big punishment from , i could hear Vladmer storming up the stairs and the door flew open and vladmer grabbed me and dragged me to a big room with a big bar and a bed  he pours him something than he sits his drink down grabs my arms even harder and says ‘’so you dare to run from Lucas my brother?’’

‘’I am so-sorry Vladamer ,’’l pleaded to him.                                                                                                      ‘’Why did you run from my brother Sita?’’

‘’I am so-sorry.                                                                       

‘’THAT DID NOT ANSWER  MY QUESTION!’’he yelled at me Than i was knocked out.

Six the knife


The next day i was in a luced dream and than i suddenel awoke but the only problem was i could not move my body only my eyes i was truely scared of what is about to happen to me. And befor i could  get up the door creaked poen as a men in all black swept into the room standing over the bed, he gazed down at me, in his hand was a knife the knife was six inches long it was one of the biggest of kitchen cuttin knives with a pinewood handle indented for easy gripping. 

This man was not Vlademer and it was not  human than that mean this is an Demon.  

The demon held it casually the tip pointed toward the ceiling he smiled and thats when a scream finelly came to me i jumped up and off the bed and than this demon grabed me i can´t fight it  it was whay to strong i soon lost all of my engery fling around and kinking him than one pair of  massive  bat like wings amerged from his back and we flew out the open window into the night, i realy hope Vladmer would save me or someone he kind of remied me of that night i becaes a vampire when i seen a cocked figher of a men with massive  bat like wings amerging from its back i soon fell asleep.

When i finelly awoke i was in an old victiren dress cremson colored red i loved it and than i heared a man say ´´ i fihgered you´d like that dress Sita,´´ i spun around to see the demon now he was more visable and i said ´´how are you?´´

´´dont you remember sita?´´

Remember what?´´

The night i die and became well this ? i steped closer than i relized it was, ´´Jack?´´

´´Yes it is i.´´ than i got a flash of memery in the memery jack and i where playing in a filed of flowers we where childhood friends and we soon feel in love and the rest was blury i ran to jack and huged nis my i cried tires of joy my teras where bloody and jack huged me. We talked for hours and hours and so jack said if i whated to stay whith him i would be welcom any timeand so he flew me home and i feel asleep once agein  two nights go by and nothing happens i go very often to see jack and than the thrd night is what changed my life forever that night me and Vladmer got into a heted argument and he stomed out of the house and run up stairs and i was in the bathroom when sudently the power whent out  and it was raining out side so i got a jacket  and went out  side and the switch was off  so i pulled it on and i waited 5 mintes  but nothing happened and isighted and checked the cordes they where cut. 



When i turned around to go inside Vladamer was blockig me from getting inside but when i seen he had a buchers knife and i had no why to defend myself i was scaryed a little bit, but i manged to puch him away i than droped my phone and he stepped on it and he was now comeing  after me i ran to the kichen and grabed a big wooden stack i was saveing and the sweet vladmer was gone it was like the snaped and changed in minetes this is not the same man.

When i turned around to go inside Vladamer was blockig me from getting inside but when i seen he had a buchers knife and i had no why to defend myself i was scaryed a little bit, but i manged to puch him away i than droped my phone and he stepped on it and he was now comeing  after me i ran to the kichen and grabed a big wooden stack i was saveing and the sweet vladmer was gone it was like the snaped and changed in minetes this is not the same man.

And so i whated behind the bedroom door for me when i heared his fotsteps comeing closer i jumped on him and repitle stabed him in the heart 15 times and to mackshare he was dead i decapted him,and i grabed  some clothes and all the blod bags and any personal items i need and i pored gasolen all over the house and lit it up and so i ran to jack.

Seven Bruised


I have finally arrived at jack's house bloody up and inside i showed jack my stomach and back bruise up and i told jack about the abuse and the rage vladimir had been in and  i told him everything that had happened to night. That night i layed in bed i was burning with rage and i know that jack can see it, the next day i got dressed in all black and  knee high boots and ate dinner with jack and jack asked me if  i would like to go river rafting with him like me i said yes and  so we got into  his jeep and it took 11 hours to get to their place.  

The  place was pretty and i wore shorts and a black tank top and  i wore  a life jacket  the current  was really strong as so we got into our raft the sky was sharp between the canyon walls, clouds like decomposing gray fists rumbled behind us was the extremely buff boatman who did these rides every summer we both where paddling with our oars in the fast current. 

We did not  care if it  was about to storm becease we  have not  seen each other in years and the we hera the boatman say we are starting the Hance rapids and to stay left.´´

We  paddled some more we seen the white water tumbled ahead like a kettle put on to boil and we sat up a little straighter getting ready and than jack  yelled over the loud waters that is  was the fun part  and we got  ready fora big zoom downwards. 

The river currents rushed threading together and than separating curling around rocks yee-ha!´´ jack yelled and i took up the cry to we broke into laughter bellowing Yee-ha!´´ over and over  the raft picked up more speed than more,then the sky  rumbeled  agin and than it cracked open rain fell immediately, huge bucketfuls of it completely drenching us than  i seen a huge granite stone was falling fast  and  i yelled and pushed jack out of the way saying watch out  we grapped  our oar and started paddleing than the oars where torn right out of our hands  and the raft dove down aat a 45-degree angle, i trow jack on the bank he was than i was pulled down into the  unfregiving water water was filling my  lunges  i was trying to fight the fast water but it  was  no ues i was good as dead.



When i awoke  i was  being crateled  in jackes arms  he was rocking me back and forth i coached up water and more water till my lungs were clear  jack told me he had save me from the unfrgivable waters and he huged me  tighter he said that he thought he had lost me forever.                                                                      When i feelt like my selfe again jack was blaming himself for what had happen saying that he hurt me and i know jack would never mean to hurt me i told him that it was nobodys fallt and that i still love him no matter what happens.                                                                                                                                                            I said to jack was that he was a demon but a fallen agel just for me and that i would protect him for anyone that would try and hurt him. 

Eight the death room

 That week and they next seven months where good, but i was in the woods on night watch while jack was getting some rest i heard the faint snap of a twig behind me but just as i began to turn around i felt something stab into my right hip, i reached behind me to see what it was.                                                                                                                                                                                               It was kind of a cylinder shape i screamed when i realized what it was and i couldn't keep a good grip on  the tree i fell and i hit the ground hard i blacked out.                                                                                                                                                                     When i woke up i was laying on a real red satin on a four poster in an amazing crimson bedroom i then realized that i was handcuffed to the bed,  than a man walked in  wearing faded blue jeans with a blck shirt and a leather back jacket ‘’sita’’?                                                                                                          ‘’Who are you and how do you know me?’’                                                                                                       ‘’you don’t remember do you sita, well sita you saved me from dieing.’’                                                                                    ‘’sage?’’                                                                                                                                                                                       ‘’yes it is me.’’ 

So sage told me not to leave the house and that he had a friend named Zena to come watch me and that he would be hunting in the city in less than a min she was here she was pretty.                                                                                                                        and  sage left  i was getting very bored and zena could see it ‘’hey! I know what we can do!’’ she exclaimed.                                              ‘’What?’’ i asked i was curious as to what this vampire would think of.                                                           ‘’We need to go to the mall, ‘’ but  sage will kill me!’’                                                                                                                                                                      ‘’i’m not really a mall person. Maybe we should stay here.’’ we oped in to the car and drove to the mall. We shopped for 3 hours we exited the mall and was heading for zena’s car when we both saw sage standing at the other end of the almost empty parking lot, he motioned for me to come to him i was scared stiff yep, he’s gonna kill me. Once i was standing in front of him he slapped me right across the face so hard that i fell to the ground then he yelled at me i told you stay at the house’’ he pulled me off of the ground by my hair with excruciating force i just went with the pain so when he let go of me i slumped to the ground.


death room


Zena came over and began to defend me ’’you idiot! What on earth is wrong with you, you’re yelling at her for leaving the house i forced her out here!’’                                                                                           as he reached down to pick me up i flinched beceas of the pain,when we got home sage took me to a room i thought  he was going to hurt me again but instead we sat in a chairs and he started talking saying ‘’jack took me so he could take over the vampire kingdom from our brother  jacob i was sent to protect you they told me to kill him and anyone involved.’’                                                                              ‘’’no, there must be a mistake because he saved me from drowning and he said  he would never hurt me.’’ i ran up stairs and cried my tires where dark like blood and than i heard a man say ‘’hay, sita did you miss me.’’ he locked the bedroom door and  he grabbed me and said let's go but i was not going without a fight i hit him but it was like hitting stone he grabbed me again  and i screamed  then than he knocked me out and i could hera sage busting down the door but  jack has me now.                                                                                                                                                         When i woke up i was lying in a dark and dreary room there was stone floors 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2022

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