
Chapter One

My love



It’s dark... why is it so dark?


He opened his eyes, closed them again and opened them a second time. Still there was nothing but darkness. Damnit, what the hell... He shook his head which was immediately punished with a nagging pain that was strong enough to almost make him throw up. "God..." he uttered in a coarse voice that didn’t even seem to belong to him. There was also a weird echo that made him wonder where the hell he was. It sounded like a cave (bullshit, there are no caves anywhere around) or maybe something like an empty cellar. Yeah, that must be it. It even smells like cellar in here, he thought. Trying to get up and explore his surroundings, he soon had to learn that he wasn’t able to move. Someone had tied up his arms and legs.

 "What the fuck..." he murmured, pulling his chains, just to find that they didn’t move a single inch. What the hell was this? How did he get here? And, even more important, why?

"Hello?" he asked into the dark, not sure whether to hope for a reply or not. "Hello, is there anyone there?"

Silence. Only the soft echo of his own shaky voice. Shit! Everyone had always warned him to get a bodyguard or something similar. 'You’re famous, man - some day, some sick jerk will kidnap you if you keep walking around all on your own.' He had used to laugh at them. Why would anyone kidnap him, famous or not. Now he wished he had listened to his friends and colleagues. Someone had abducted him. He didn’t know who or why or how - the last thing he remembered was being on his way home from a drink with a friend. And now he was here in this goddamn shithole, tied to a bed or whatever it was.

"Fuck!" he uttered, again trying to free himself from his restraints with all his might. "Fuck this shit, I’m gonna..."


There! Footsteps! They were coming closer and closer and... A key was turning in a lock. He held his breath. Show your face, fucker, he thought, trembling. Show yourself, come on. When the room was suddenly filled with a bright light, he had to close his eyes due to another rush of pain that tortured his head. Winking like crazy, he tried hard to get a glimpse


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7396-2390-0

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