
A maiden's True Love

Serena the mermaid


A maiden’s True Love~



            In the deep depth of the sea resides a vast city of golden lights illuminating a fortress made of coral and vibrant sea flowers. In this fortress lived many sea creatures and sea-people, which were half-human and half-fish.

            Every mermaid and merman had a colorful tail that started from the waist to the tip of their fins, and their torso had pale skin. From all these mermaids lived a young girl with golden hair that moved in soft waves and bright sapphire eyes that could see through your soul.

            Her name was Serena, and she was a rebellious child with a curious mind that led her into marvelous adventures with her partner in crime, Cat.  Serena’s parents were unknown even for her, so she was adopted into Cat’s family who never explained how she was found.

            For a wild teenager she somehow always managed to be obedient and helped others in need, and was always glowing in this joyous aurora. Everyone cherished the girl and let her explore as long as she didn’t stray too far away.

            It so happened that she wanted to go to the surface to see what the night looked like, and the stars that lay over it. She was so ecstatic to finally go up and see what every adult had seen already.

            “Oh, can’t you wait until we get to see the surface?” Serena asked Cat with a wide smile set on her face. “What if we encounter humans?” She giggled excitedly, as she twirled around. Her hair swaying through the water, and her fin moving back and forth as she swam.

            “Serena honey, I doubt we will be that lucky,” Cat replied as she swam along with the enthusiastic mermaid. “But if there was humans I think we would need to go back or they will eat us,” she said shaking as a shiver climbed up her tail.

            “Everyone says they resemble us and don’t have tails…how odd,” Serena chatted as she meandered over a tall coral structure. The night was coming near and it was almost time until they could swim up to the surface. “I wonder how they swim around,” she pondered out loud.

            “They probably flop around on those two sticks they have,” Cat answered with a shrug. “Heavens knows how they move around, such weird creatures,” she added with a grim expression.

            “Who knows, but I would be so elated if I were to see a real human,” Serena said as she clasped her hands together, her eyes dazed as she imagined her first confrontation with a human.

            “Well I guess it will be alright, if he was a handsome guy,” Cat nodded in acceptance.

            “Imagine if he was a prince, oh that would be so wonderful,” Serena butted in with a giddy smile, her eyes sparkling. “Then I would have to look presentable, do you think these blue seashells matches my eyes?” She asked referring to the seashell bra on her chest.

            “Yes, it matches completely,” Cat responded and then just as Serena smiled the bell rang, signaling midnight. The two girls looked at each other in excitement and began to swim more upward. They had for the past minutes been swimming up but they had stopped and waited until the bell rang so they could go more. It took them five minutes to reach the surface, and that’s due to their high speed.

For a whole month since she has turned fifteen Serena has been waiting for this moment. When her head emerged from the water she gasped at the beautiful scenery.

            The dark sky was endless and so very high; it was sprinkled with small little lights, stars. And a full moon lighting down showing her the dark water and the distance that it stretched out. Surprisingly there was a ship just a few miles away, its boat shining with light and loud jolly noises.

            “Cat! Look over there!” Serena yelled in excitement her slender finger pointing straight at the boat. “Can we steal a peek? I want to see the humans,” she pleaded.

            Cat nodded and they both swam over to the boat, being silent and invisible to the eye, it would be troublesome if anyone were to notice them. Many terrorizing stories have been reported about humans capturing merpeople and doing frightful things to their kind.

            Serena knew of the risk but her spirited mind led her to get so close to the humans that she could reach an arm and touch their strange looking fins. She hid behind the dark shadows her tail wagging back and forth from the thrilled emotion of being so close.

            “How do they look?” Cat asked from the bottom of the ship, she could not climb up so she had to stay in the water.

            “They look just like the merman, except they don’t have a…tail,” Serena trailed off as she spotted a handsome young human sitting on a chair. He was so dashing and striking, in his hand he held a leather book and the other he raked through his straight dark brown hair.

            “Prince James! You should be celebrating not reading on such a fine night,” an old wide man came from behind him. “Come on let’s celebrate!” He persuaded grabbing the Prince’s hand and making him stand up.

            “Prince James…” Serena let her lips form as she repeated his name; he had such a…interesting name.

            “Oh for heaven’s sake, Mr. Sweettart you know how much I dislike booze and loud music,” Prince James complained as the man made him dance rather oddly in the center of the deck. The men laughed joining the Prince in the dance, after a few notes the Prince loosened up and smiled brightly.

            Serena watched with a dazed expression, her heart leaping in her chest as she watched the Prince dance with such a warm expression. He was really handsome with creamy light skin, enchanting sea blue eyes, brown hair, and he was tall and slim.

            She could watch forever the handsome Prince who was unaware of the infatuated maiden watching from the shadows. Soon the Prince stopped and began to walk toward her, Serena suddenly felt nervous. She hid and held against the ship, her long hair sticking to her skin, her eyes shut.

            “I wonder if one day I will ever meet the special girl meant for me…will I ever find a woman worth my love?” He asked himself as he leaned against the rail, his eyes moving over the surface of the sea. “I feel like she is out there, waiting for me to notice her,” he whispered, but Serena heard clearly her heart booming loudly.

            “Tomorrow we arrive in land, and if I do not fall in love before the grand ball I will have to marry whoever my parents choose for me,” he spoke his smile faltering as he thought of the term marriage.

            It’s not that he dislikes the word, but he honestly wasn’t ready for it. He wanted to find out more about the world and finish his research on diseases, he wanted to be a great scientist with a wonderful recognized intelligence…but once he married he would have to cut his time and spend it as a responsible King, and a loving husband.

            He sighed in frustration and turned around ready to go to his headquarters, leaving a breathless mermaid conflicted from what she had heard.

She jumped down the ship and into the water; and then she hugged Cat who was very surprised even though she heard the Prince speaking clearly. “Serena? What is the matter with you?”

“I…I think I am in love with the Prince,” she stated with rosy cheeks, her eyes sparkling under the water. Cat blinked in astonishment her whiskers rising at the information. “But Serena he is a human!” Cat hollered in horror.

“I don’t care, oh Cat once you fall in love nothing matters but him,” Serena said as she began to swim in circles, her tail swaying as she swam downward to home.

“Serena, he is a human and you are a mermaid, there is no possibility you two may end up together,” Cat explained as she tried to keep up with Serena. They arrived near home, large rocks rising up twelve feet high and covered with seaweed and signs indicating where they were.

Behind the rock were two mischievous eels, who so happened to be passing by when they suddenly heard the two girl’s conversation. They hid in the eerily background, their sharp eyes taking in the fish and the mermaid.

“Cat, but I love him. I would do anything just to be with him,” Serena declared her eyes glinting with unshed tears. Cat gasped at the confession, and the two eels giggled in keen interest.

“But you just met him for an hour, he didn’t even notice you,” Cat said her eyebrows furrowing at how foolish Serena was acting; she was too young to know what real love was. Besides what Serena had is a silly crush that would sooner or later disperse, once a new merman came into her love life. “He may be handsome and a total eye candy, but all you would ever do is look from a far distance,” Cat added.

Serena felt the tear shed and she swiftly turned and swam away into the deep seaweed forest, Cat hesitated over the decision of swimming after her but knew better to let Serena calm down and think. Cat swam over to the coral house and entered; when she closed the door the two eels followed Serena.

 When they found her she was floating over a rock, her hair covering her crying face. Soft whimpers were heard from her, and the eels smirked at the weak state she was in. “Excuse us,” one of the eels said in a hissed tone.

Serena gasped and turned to the origin of the voice, she raised an eyebrow at the two eels. “Who are you two?” She asked feeling suddenly scared that she was alone in the dark trenches of seaweed.

“My name is Dmitri,” the first one that spoke answered; his left eye was a red crimson while the other was grey silver. “And I am Damion,” the other with the right sapphire blue eye and silver eye answered. “We are Lucius’s trusted minions,” they said in unison.

Serena felt the color drain from her face at the mention of The Dark Wizard; he was the most powerful evil dictator of black magic. He would enslave merpeople and sea creatures who came within his territory and take their souls, Cat has advised her to run at the mention of his name. That is how frightful he was, enough to make tough Cat terrified by just the utter of his name.

“Our master can grant you the wish to be human,” Dmitri said making Serena stop from swimming away. She turned to them and narrowed her eyes in suspicion, “Really?”

“Yes, master can grant you your wish,” Damion nodded, his lips tugging into a smirk. “He can give you a chance to be with your dear Prince, happily ever after,” he sang the last words with certainly.

“You are not lying?” She asked still uncertain over whether to go with them to meet the famous Dark Wizard. For all she knew it could be a trap, and could lead to her death…but if there was any chance she could see her Prince she would take it.

“Then follow us,” Dmitri said as he turned to the east and led her deeper into the darkness. She swam determined to get her wish no matter what cost, as long as it didn’t involve death or sacrificing a soul.

In the dark mesmerizing cave miles away lay the handsome wizard, his eyes closed in deep thought as the crystal ball before him showed the pretty, slender mermaid swimming toward him.

He had been informed by his minions of the silly mermaid’s wish, and had agreed for them to bring her to him. Never in his entire life had he required a golden hair mermaid, his collection was colorful but none as ever interesting as the girl.

“What shall I make her promise me?” He muttered in puzzlement, his head tilted to the side. Lucius was a scheming, evil man with a cold heart and everything he wanted on the palm of his hand. Was there anything interesting or worth making the mermaid promise him?

“Master we have brought the mermaid,” his two minions declared as they swam inside, Lucius smirked as the mermaid entered her whole body trembling and her face pale. Her gem like eyes darted around his domain, darting over crab legs in bottles to liquid filled flasks and strange looking creatures trapped inside glass cupboards.

“What a beautiful mermaid you have brought me,” Lucius said as he took in the luscious looking teen, she was exactly his type. If she weren’t so in love with the Prince, he would have captured her and made her, his own personal lover.

“Are you Lucius?” Serena questioned as she looked at the Dark Wizard in awe. He was unlike the rumors suggested, making him appear old and ugly that he hid in total darkness. Lucius was tall and well-built, his chest toned and his six-pack firm, he had dark charcoal hair that matched his octopus tentacles. His ink eyes made her stop breathing for a moment, and her heart leap.

“Yes, I am,” he replied as he swam toward her and reached for her hand. Serena stood paralyzed at the spot as he raised her hand up to his lips and kissed her tenderly. “Nice to make your acquaintances, what is your name darling?” He asked the flustered blonde girl.

“My name is Serena,” she answered with a shy lowered gaze, Lucius chuckled at the nervousness displayed. A picture of the Prince soon came into her vision and she shook her head at the charming Wizard. “I am here for you to grant my wish,” she added as she held her head high and looked straight into his lonely eyes.

“Oh, you cut right into the chase,” he chuckled as he swam over to his cauldron and threw in a red ruby liquid flask into it, slowly smoke raised from inside and formed Prince James. He was sleeping peacefully on a clean silk bed, his perfect face making her jump with giddy. 

Serena swam toward the cauldron and came into an immediate stop when Lucius dispersed it with a single blow of his mouth, his eyes turning a deep red crimson. “You won’t get your Prince that easily,” he told her raising a finger up to shake it in a no motion.

I will give you the ability to turn into a human, that is in my power but I will not make this Prince love you,” he informed with a sadistic like grin on his face. “I will give you three single days until you make this Prince infatuated with you, and to prove his love he has to kiss you, if you fail to meet these terms then you will be forever mine…understand?”

            “I…uh….understand,” Serena answered swallowing the lump in her throat. So if she is unable to make her Prince Charming fall for her or kiss her she will become the Dark Wizard’s slave.  “I agree to your terms,” she repeated louder.

            Lucius smiled and swam over to a cupboard where he retrieved a dark blue filled flask; he went back to her and snapped his fingers. In front of her appeared a long piece of parchment, it had a lot of words and in the bottom was an x with an underline beside it. “Sign this,” he instructed as he gave her the inky tipped feather.

            Serena signed her name and watched in amazement as the parchment rolled up and exploded into golden smithereens, leaving a trail of yellow sparks. Lucius handed her the potion and told her, “Drink this, and be warned of the side effects.”  

            She opened the flask and gulped down the murky liquid, in an instant she felt her body shudder as if an explosion were happening inside her. Her skin itched and burned especially on her blue tail, her head ached in pain.

            After two excruciating minutes her tail began to separate, ripping its scaly surface and parting to show two long foreign objects at its wake. Lucius explained they were “Legs” and all humans had them, which was true her Prince had two legs like hers.

            Serena grabbed her throat in alarm as the water began to enter her lungs; she wasn’t prepared for this situation. What was she to do? She could not manage to swim all the way up for oxygen; it would take her precious minutes.

            Lucius saw her struggle and decided to help the poor girl before she died from lack of air; he placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned in. Her eyes widened as his lips pressed against her own, but soon relaxed when the feeling settled in. She had never been kissed and it felt wonderful, his lips were soft and moist.

            Serena’s train of thought was soon interrupted by a dark glow, and her vision became fuzzy. The second she blinked she lay on sand, her hair covering most of her body and face. Lucius’s touch was gone and she felt the blazing sun bestowing upon her.

            She stood up on trembling legs and fell back down; she got angry that she could not master the ability to walk as the humans. So she struggled to move the whole morning on weak legs, her determination strong.

            “Hold on, Dane!” A distant voice exclaimed and just around the corner appeared Prince James riding his mighty steed. Serena sat back down and hid her body in the long trenches of hair, her face flustered in embarrassment.  

            “What do we have here?” Prince James questioned aloud as the horse stopped in front of a young maiden, he had never seen such beautiful golden hair before. It was like spun silk glinting, he stared a bit more before getting off his steed and removing his long coat.

            He bent down and put it around her shoulders, “Here, you must be really cold.”

            She smiled and was about to reply Yes, but she couldn’t find her voice.  Serena frowned and tried to bring out her voice, Prince James raised his eyebrow in puzzlement. “Is something the matter?”

            She nodded her head and put a hand over her throat, she somehow managed to convince him that she could not speak. “So you are mute,” Prince James stated as he stood up and gave her a hand.

            Serena put her hand in his, feeling a shiver climb up her spine. “What is your name then?” He asked curiously. Serena glanced around and picked up a narrow stick on the sand, she wrote down her name in big letters, and Prince James nodded.

            “What a nice name, where did you come from Serena?” James asked and Serena almost melted into a puddle at the mention of her name coming from his luscious lips.

            She had a feeling that they would get along rather easily, he was sincere and comfortable to be around with. Not like Lucius, who sent frightful shivers up her body whenever his cold inky eyes gazed at her. 

A man's jealousy

A man’s jealousy~


            Lucius has become restless and troubled by the young girl, he has been prying into her relationship and the Princes, and all seemed too well. They both got along and had become too close in a matter of two days, if this kept on escalating he would soon lose his dear mermaid.

            He gazed at the crystal sphere; the image of her in a blue shaded gown with silk designs and light bows and her golden hair styled up with pearls and clips appeared. She was stunning he would admit, so much that he could drown in her beauty, but she was a child still growing.

            “Serena isn’t it a marvelous day?” The Prince asked the mermaid, who was clinging to his arm with a flustered expression. This irked the wizard and made his anger grow viciously; she was too close to that human.

            Serena smiled brightly something that seemed foreign to him since she did nothing but quiver in fear and set her lips in a thin wire when she was in his presence.

            “How would you like to be my special guest at the ball tomorrow, I’m sure my parents will approve of our relationship,” Prince James explained as he embraced her and brought her head against his chest. The wrenching feeling once again emerged from deep within Lucius and a flame ignited in his anger.  

            The entire ocean knew him for his magic but never before has someone actually achieved the terms and ended happily ever after, it was always a tragedy. And he made sure of making them fail…

            “Dmitri, Damion come here immediately!” He shouted and in less than a second the two eels rushed to their master. “Yes Master?” They asked in unison their heads bent low like servants.

            “It seems we will all go and visit our dear Serena,” Lucius grinned as a heap of grey smoke infiltrated their vision; everything was a big blur as screams filled the dark cave. One may think it was the work of madness…no it was more like darkness.   

Elegant Final

Elegant Final~


            It was noon and the final day to make Prince James kiss her and confess his love for her, would it work? She had only spent two and a half days with him, and if he didn’t do it soon she will be enslaved to the Dark Wizard.

            Prince James and she have had a delightful relationship, but she was deeply afraid that he only loved her as a friend or young sibling. He has only embraced her one time and since then has kept an arm length distance between them.

            Now as she sat down a chair facing the royal family table and Prince James she was having mixed feelings and regretting the decision of going to the Dark Wizard for help.

            The orchestra suddenly changed the song and she felt a light tap on her shoulder when she turned around she met a pair of onyx eyes, set on a chiseled handsome face. “May I have this dance?”

            Serena was stunned that Lucius was here in land; he had two legs just as her and was dressing in dark colors his hair pulled back. He smiled widely showing a pair of pearl teeth and took her hand in his, pulling her up with ease.

            Lucius led her to the dance floor and bowed gracefully, Serena curtsied like Prince James had taught her. He put his hand on her waist, and she put her hand on his broad shoulder, and linked their other hands together. They moved in a slow rhythm the crowd watching as the Prince’s guest danced with a handsome stranger.

              “You dance remarkably for a beginner,” he said his tone tinted with sarcasm. Her slipper once again stepped on his toe and he smirked at her clumsiness, she was indeed amusing.

            “Why are you here?” She questioned her eyes narrowing into slits, she wouldn’t mention it but she liked the warm feeling of his hand on her. “Are you here to witness the Prince kissing me and making my wish come true?” Serena inquired.

            “Sweetheart,” he began suddenly his eyes closed and she found his hand tightening on her waist and hand. His eyes fluttered open and red blazing eyes gazed at her, “I came here to steal you.”

            All hell broke loose as he brought her body against hers and closed the distance between them, his lips once again meeting her own. The music came to a screeching halt and Prince James stood up in disbelief his face furious, everyone gasped and watched as Lucius claimed her lips.

            Serena blushed thinking it odd that she didn’t dislike his lips rather she liked them too much, and was frightened by the effect he had on her. She put her hands on his chest and struggled to push him away, but her efforts were in vain.

            The old grandfather clock struck midnight and the booming alert rebounded off the pale walls. It was like a fairy tale as Fionna dropped to the floor and instead of her two slender legs she had her blue scaly tail in display.

            Everyone shrieked and screamed in shock and Serena glanced at the Prince who stood frozen just a few meters away, his disgusted expression clear to her eye. She felt tears whelm in her eyes and felt Lucius grab her arm pulling her up, he pressed her against his chest.

            “Goodbye dear Prince, I will be taking Serena here,” Lucius grinned elatedly he too had transformed into his sea form. “Forever,” he added and then everything around her swirled uncontrollably and she was sucked back to his dark cave.

            Nobody knows whatever happened to the love struck mermaid and the dark wizard, but some say they live a passionate life together. She realized her feelings for him and he soon admitted that he loved her, and they became a loving couple. Others say she was turned into an eel and became his minion or a sacrifice like many others. But I will leave that to your imagination, since it would be a long story until they will ever admit their love for each other.

            Who says the girl doesn’t end up with the bad guy?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.09.2013

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