
Arranged Date

Arranged Date


                She took small steps down the winded staircase, every eye in the room gazing at her with interest and respect. Her head was held up high with pride as she reached the floor in her heels. The white dress she wore for the ball cascaded down elegantly to the floor hiding her long legs, it was one of her best dresses that hugged her body in the right places especially her chest. Her hair flowed freely in glossy brown waves that reached her back, and she wore little make-up.


                "Lisa you look as beautiful as always," a boy her age commented she didn’t even have to glance at him to know he was handsome, you could just tell by his deep voice.


                "Thank you," she said not even sparring him a glance as she walked toward where her father was standing with a bunch of tall men in classy tuxedos.


                She halted right beside her father, and noticed the way one of the men stiffened and the way his eyes widened. She ignored his reaction, and tapped a single finger on her father's shoulder.


                He turned around swiftly and smiled when he saw her. For his age of one hundred and seven her father still looked dashingly handsome and young. You could barely see the grey streaks in his brown hair. Of course he was the Alpha of the pack, and aging isn’t really a problem since he has looked like this for a hundred years.


                "If it isn’t my little princess, you look lovely Lisa," he said his lips stretched into a smile as he gestured for her to step into the small circle of men he was talking to.


                She sensed that these people were all powerful by their stance and by the gold badges that were worn on their chest. If she wasn't mistaken then they are all Alphas of good packs. "I'd like you all to meet my daughter Lisa, the star of this party," her father introduced her.


                Lisa bowed gracefully giving them one of her best smiles, after all these people had come from over the sea just to come to her seventeen birthday and she was extremely grateful.  "Hello, nice to meet you," she said politely.


                They all introduced themselves to her, and just as she guessed they all were respectable Alphas that had come to celebrate her birthday. Out of all the introductions only one of them interested her, Dalton Cane.


                She knew who he was everybody knew who he was, the great heir of the Alpha of the Bloodhound pack, that would soon rule his father’s pack in less than a month. He is also the most handsome werewolf that anyone had ever laid eyes on, nobody compared to his god like looks not even the humans themselves.


                He stood at an incredible height of 6'5 tall, his chest was hard and amazing under the tuxedo he was wearing. His skin color was a bit dark because of the hours spent outside training, his black hair reached barely above his striking black eyes that always seemed to capture her. He was the man that every women would beg on their knees to have, the man that other men wished they were like, he is also the man she is arranged to marry.


                "Dalton why dont you go and spend some time with Lisa, after all you two are engaged," his father suggested.


                "Yeah, you two need to get to know each other," Lisa's father added as he gently pushed her closer to Dalton.


                "It's okay father-"


                "We will go and dance," Dalton cut her off as he grabbed her hand in his and leads her to the dance floor where many couples were dancing. She didn’t utter a word afraid of the way he would react if she defied him. Everybody knew how werewolf males are when they get angry, and she wasn’t about to cause a scene.


                He stopped at the center of the ballroom, just as the musicians had started to play a new song. She curtsied, and he bowed. Then they both linked their hands together and danced to the slow rhythm of the music.


                Her eyes gazed into his unaware that the distance between them had decreased as they moved with the grace of a King and Queen. She didn’t feel sparks or a warm rushing feeling through her body as she danced with him, she didn’t feel anything toward her fiancé. Lisa would admit he was handsome, too handsome for his own good. But the attraction between them was nothing but a size of a pea.


                "We aren't mates, why would you accept that we should marry?" She asked softly so the others wouldn’t hear.


                "Why did you accept?" He shot back.


                "Because I have to, my pack needs a strong leader and even if I took over nobody would take me serious, and also because of my father I won't let him down by not obeying him," she answered as he spun her around with one arm and brought her to his chest.


                "I dont really partially want to settle down I have a reputation and I'm barely twenty-three, but I have to because of my pack," he explained.


                Lisa knew about his reputation he is the strongest werewolf in the world, he has proved it in the 'Werewolf Games' where only the strongest fought against each other to find out who is the strongest. He also has the reputation to make any women fall in love with him, and slept with anything that had a vagina. Sad and disgusting, but so true.


                "We can still decline this and not get married," she offered.


                "That's an offence to me, and I highly doubt our fathers would even let us. As much as you and I dislike this arrangement we can't just deny this," he said and then stopped as the music came to an end. They both curtsied and bowed and left the dance floor.


                "But dont you want a mate? I'm sure if you look hard you will find your soul mate," she said as he led her outside to the courtyard. The courtyard was full of many exotic plants and flowers. Vines twisting around a few sculptures of angels and gods that they worship. There were a few benches around a fountain that was gushing out sparkling clear water.


                "I don't want a mate, that's just wishful thinking my father never found his and there's always twenty percent I'll even find the girl that is meant for me," he said as he let go of her hand and walked over to a bush of blooming red roses. He took one out and brought it closer to his eyes to examine the beautiful rose.


                "I suppose, but many people find them eventually it’s hard for the women because they can't tell who he is, the one that they are meant to be with," she said as she sat down on a bench near the fountain.


                Their kinds only have one mate and the only one from the couple that knows that they are mates is the male. Women only get two hints to know who their mate is and that is when they look into the others eyes and when they shared a kiss. Lisa already looked directly into Dalton's eyes but felt nothing like fireworks or her world spinning around. She didn’t want to be too bold and kiss him, so she decided against the idea.


                Dalton didn’t answer his gaze was on the rose he held, Lisa could barely hear his heart as it beated softly against his chest almost like a song that kept its rhythm it was soothing and comfortable.


                There was a small current of wind that blew her hair toward his direction, and in a matter of seconds Dalton stood in front of her. One arm at each of her sides his face just centimeters away as he gazed at her face with an emotion she couldn't describe. His warm breath tickled her sensitive lips, and she felt her heart suddenly accelerate at his proximity.


                "You smell like lavender...and roses," he said as he brought his lips down to her neck. She didn’t know what was happening it was too fast for her to comprehend what he was doing, but she melted as his lips kissed the crook of her neck.


                The gesture was shocking to her, but what is to be expected from a man who is always sleeping with a women?


                But his lips on her skin brought shills up her spine, and they felt so moist and felt so good as he caressed her skin with his tongue. It felt as if she was in heaven and he wasn’t even kissing her on the lips. A soft moan echoed from her throat, and Dalton's body tensed at the sound.


                He pulled away gently his eyes adverting away from hers, he leaned away and put his back to her. He took a few even breathes to calm down his raging hormones.


                Lisa felt slightly disappointed that he stopped, but another sensible side of her was happy he stopped. She could hear the fast heartbeat that thundered from him, and hers but at the moment she wasn’t paying attention her hand flew to her neck and she knew he had left a hickey that everyone would surely see.


                "Dalton what was that?" Her voice trembled as she put some of her hair over the mark afraid of what his answer would be.


                "Sorry I haven’t fucked any women for the past month and I just..." he drifted off his back was still facing her so she couldn’t see his face.


                A small smile crossed her lips, and she forced a small chuckle. "You haven't slept with anyone? That's surprising I thought you were the almighty playboy," she said as she stood up from the bench and took a hesitant step toward him.


                "I am, and I've had too much work on me so I didn't have time to catch up on my sexual life," he explained.


                She felt a weird wave of emotion cross her at the thought of him sleeping with another girl. They are engaged and he is planning on cheating on her already?


                "So you're planning on cheating on me?" She questioned her eyes narrowing at him with disappointment and disgust.


                He turned to face her his face was hardened as he towered over her small frame. His eyes looked down at her with no sign of emotion, his tone was harsh and deep. "We aren't even together, so you have no say in what I do with my life. You and I are getting married because of our pack, and not for love. Just because we are getting married doesn't mean I have to only sleep with you."


                She felt her anger boil hotter at his tone, what does he mean that even after they get married he is going to sleep with other women? That two-timing cheater!


                "That's okay, it's not like I'm planning on sleeping with you!" She said her voice rising to match his.


                He flinched and then covered it up with a fierce glare as he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to his chest. "Well I'm not letting you sleep with other men! You are just going to be my wife and we will only have a business relationship."


                "What about my needs! I want someone who will love me and in bed, if we're going to make this work then you have to sleep with me to conceive a child!" She exclaimed struggling under his hold on her hand.


                "I think you should lower your voice, we dont want anybody to overhear this conversation," he said as he let go off her wrist with distaste and walked back to the ballroom.


                "This isn't over Dalton Cane!" She yelled after him, but it was too late he had already gone inside the ballroom leaving her all alone in the courtyard.


                She didn't want to marry him, but what choice would she have? If she told her father he would be disappointed that she didn’t want to do it for him and the pack, and then what would they think of her?


                But she wanted a life of her own, to find her soul mate and be forever with him till the end of their lives. Was that too much to ask?


                She lifted her head up into the sky, and gazed at the full moon. The silver moon was looking as beautiful as always, she bet the Moon Goddess was up there watching over her. Werewolves’ main god was the Moon Goddess, she is the one that had created them.


                "Please Moon Goddess, let me find my mate," she pleaded as she clasped her hands together and praid to her.





                Lisa stared at the chalk board in the classroom, watching as the human teacher wrote down a problem and explained how to answer it by steps. Everyone in the classroom was writing down and it was so extremely quiet that a single drop of water could disturb them.


                It was a few days from her birthday, and she was now seventeen. She didn’t feel any different than before, except for her exterior appearance; she grew an inch or two, and her hair also already past her waist, her green hazel eyes now held a few gold specks in them. Her wolf also grew and her fur looks glossier and healthier much more than before.


                Lisa's wolf form was just as beautiful as herself, the only difference is that her wolf's hair color was a white creamy complexion compared to the other female werewolves. She took pride in her wolf, because she was trained at the small age of seven when she was a pup to fight using her wolf. She is one of the strongest in her pack, but she liked to keep that only in her pack she didn’t like babbling about how she could take down four wolves at once.


                "Are you paying attention Ms. Forrest?" The teacher asked in his monotone voice that always seemed to make her want to drift off into sleep.


                "Yes Mr. Gregger," she replied with a slight nod.


                He took one last look at her before going back to whatever he was writing down on the board. She let out a bored sigh and laid down her head on her hands, her eyes looking at the paper in front of her. She was supposed to be taking notes, but all she manages to write down was the question and a doodle of herself hitting Dalton with a bat on his forehead. Well it’s what she tried to doodle but it was just stick figures.


                Suddenly her ears picked up a loud noise coming from the hallway. It was the sound of footsteps running, and she wondered who was running in the halls so fast.


                The door to her classroom suddenly flew open and hit the wall with a crash, a tall boy stood in the doorway breathing heavily. She raised her head and looked at the boy with amusement, by the smell he had she could tell he was just a human.


                But as she took notice of his appearance her breathing stopped and her heart skipped a beat. He was nothing like she had ever seen, for a human and that's saying something. He was tall no doubt about that, probably almost the height of Dalton, his crimson red hair was spiked up at every corner and he had the most beautiful electric blue eyes she had ever seen.


                "My goodness! What in the hell is wrong with you boy?" The teacher exclaimed as he marched to the boy that had interrupted the class.


                The boy gave him a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry, it's just that I'm new and I got lost in this school its really big I guess rich schools are like this, but damn it was hard to find this class. I tried to ask some people but they just looked at me like if I was a freak and walked away, rude much. So I had to walk around all this fucking campus and tried to look at every class, and then finally I got some help from a teacher who was pretty hot and told me where this class was...and here I am," he said with a grin after he finished his explanation.


                She giggled and smiled at how amusing this guy was, and he looked her way his eyes widened a bit as he looked at her. His reaction was just the same as hers and when their eyes locked she thought she saw her world flip upside down at the way she got lost in his eyes.


                "Excuse me! What is your name young man!" The teacher demanded bringing them both back to the real world. His eyes never left hers though as he answered the teacher.


                "Heath Malcom."


                "Well Heath, can I see your excuse for coming late to this class?" He asked his tone was harsh and the look the teacher was giving him could kill.


                Heath snapped his eyes to the teacher and shrugged his shoulders, "I just told you I got lost, and that seems like a pretty good excuse for me."


                The teachers face was burning a crimson red and Lisa could actually imagine smoke flowing out of his nostrils and ears. "I will let this slip since you are new, but next time you won't be so lucky Mr. Malcom."


                Heath blinked innocently at the teacher, and gave him a small smile. "Oh, I hope it won't happen again. But I can't promise anything," he said.


                "Your desk is next to Miss. Forrest now go and sit down, and write down all the notes," Mr. Gregger snapped harshly.


                Heath raised his eyebrow and looked at the teacher oddly. "Sir, I'm new I dont know who that is," he informed him.


                "Raise your hand Miss. Forrest," the teacher said and Lisa obediently raised her hand.


Heath looked happy when she raised her hand, and she wondered why she found this boy so amusing and interesting.


                "Yes Sir," he said as he walked coolly toward the empty desk next to her. He sat down and put his backpack on the floor.


                The session resumed and everybody was back to writing the notes on the board, Mr. Gregger's voice explaining the concept of the problem. But Lisa couldn’t help but glance from the corner of her eye at Heath. She didn't know what it was but he was interesting.


                The way he was sitting against the seat, his right arm surprisingly writing down on the piece of paper on his desk. She had thought that he was a troublemaker that wasn’t really fond of school, but he was actually writing down the notes.


                She watched as he crumpled the paper and then tossed it to her desk perfectly not even making a noise by his action. Lisa looked warily at Heath wondering what he was doing, and caught him just as he gave her a wink.


                I guess I spoke too soon, she thought.


                Lisa uncrumpled the sheet of paper and read the messy handwriting he had, she was surprised she even understood it.


Heath: You know its rude to stare, Miss. Forrest.


                She rolled her eyes and replied back then tossed it back to him.


Lisa: I wasn't staring plus why would I be interested in a guy like you?


                He tossed it back and soon they both just kept writing to each other tossing the paper back and forth.


Heath: Because I'm incredibly good looking, and a cute girl like you might be interested in me :p By the way my name is Heath. What's yours?


Lisa: My name is Lisa, and I guess you're okay. And who said I’m interested?


Heath: Well it was just a thought but I doubt it would work out you are way too beautiful I bet you have guys falling to their feet.


Lisa: I'm flattered by your modesty, but half the guys in school wouldn't dare.


                She is after all the Alpha's daughter and fiancé to one of the strongest men in the world she doubted any guy would want a death wish just by flirting with her. The last guy that tried ended up in the hospital for three months.


Heath: Whoa, do you have like a huge scary big brother or relative?


Lisa: You could say that, and you're lucky you will only get a warning.


Heath: Lucky me:P I dont really care if I get beat up, do you want to have lunch with me?


Lisa: You are too forward and bold.


Heath: Is that a yes?


Lisa: Yeah sure, but I warned you.


Heath: I don't care its worth a few beatings to hang out with you, babe.


                Her face flushed a deep red and she tried not to look into his sparkling blue eyes. Nobody ever called her babe that just seemed like a foreign word to her. Because all the guys she talked with always talked formal. But this guy...there's just something about him.


                The lunch bell rang and the teacher dismissed the students who abruptly stood up and ran to the door. The school cafeteria was having a special and everyone wanted to get the new sweets for today.


                Lisa waited for almost everybody to leave and stood up getting her books and leather schoolbag. She hadn’t noticed that Heath was still in the class leaning against the door with a small grin.


                "You ready, Lisa?" He asked as he pushed himself off the door’s surface.


                Her heart skipped at the sound of her name coming out of his lips. "You were waiting for me?"


                "Well yeah I thought you agreed to have lunch with me, but if you don't want to that's okay with me. But it would be awesome if you joined me," he said as he walked by her side toward the doors that led outside where the warm shine was shining.


                "I don't mind, I usually just read and eat some snacks from home," she said as she took a seat on a wooden table near a tall oak tree that had the most healthiest leaves in campus. Heath took a seat beside her liking the close distance between them.


                "Cool, but dont you like the cafeteria food? I mean this is a rich school so I bet the food has got to be good," he commented setting his bags on the surface of the table.


                "Sometimes, but I usually like to just eat what my..." she paused not knowing what to say. She was going to say a 'Pack member' but was lucky she remembered what he was.


                "Ah your one of the rich kids, don't tell me you have a servant or a maid?" He said with a slow shake of his head making his flaming red hair tussle a bit.


                "You can say that," she said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Why do you keep on saying 'rich kids'?" She asked curiously as she took out the lunch bag that held a few granola bars, a sandwich and a few bags of chips.


                "Well this school is full of them, I dont partially like kids that are spoiled and always have what they want with a flick of their wrist," he explained his face features hardening as he thought about the many kids that used to tease him and make fun of him for being poor.


                "You have something against them? They aren't all bad," she said as she took a bite out of her food. Her eyes trained on the many teenagers that were chatting in joy and eating their lunch outside.


                "So where are these big scary relatives of yours?" He asked avoiding her question.


                She wondered why he avoided her question, but they barely met she just couldn’t ask every single thing about him and expect him to answer. Maybe it’s just too personal for him to answer, and she needs to stop thinking about this.


                "Speaking about my scary relatives here they come now," she said her face grimacing as she noticed a group of humongous scary looking men walking toward them. Heath turned his head toward the direction and almost chocked on the water he was drinking.


                "Those are your relatives?" He asked bemused as he took note of the guys dressed in hardcore bad-ass outfits. Some of them had mustaches, or were wearing dark sunglasses. A few of her cousins were wearing black leather jackets and had a cigar sticking out of their mouths. They all looked like gang members, it was hard to believe these guys were all fellow followers of her.


                "Hi guys," she waved happily at them, her eyes sparkling as they reached them. Heath swallowed nervously wondering what kind of problem he had gotten himself into. All the guys sent murderous glares at him, and he stiffened in his seat.


                One of the normal looking guys came up and hugged Lisa, "Hello my darling, how are you?"


                "I'm doing fine, Nick. How about you?"


                "Doing fine, just broke up with my boyfriend and looking for a mighty sex god to lift me up from these sorrows," he said chuckling along with her as they cached up.


                Heath smiled politely at the other guys trying to be friendly but instead of receiving a positive feedback, was sent an alarming of menacing remarks. He laughed nervously to himself and faked cough to get the attention of Lisa.


                "So um, Lisa are these all your relatives?" He asked his eyes pleading to make her look at the glares sent his way.


                "No, these are some of my cousins, there are still more most are male, but they are the best family you could ask for," she said with a shrug as if it wasn’t that much of a big deal for her to have a lot of male protectors.


                "Oh, cool," he lied but when he saw her bright smile almost like a beam of sunlight it enlightened his mood. He found his lips tugging into a smile, and everything around him evaporated into thin air leaving him and her alone.


                The day flowed by too quickly for their liking, it seemed that Lisa couldn't think of anything else around her except for this silly boy that with a single look made her insides melt and her face softened. She wasn't sure what this perplex emotion toward him meant, all she knew is that he was important to her. She admitted there was some kind of physical attraction between her and Heath that seemed to disobey the law of mates.


                She hasn't met her mate, but even she knew that Heath isn't her mate, it was just impossible and forbidden. Her kind only mated with werewolves, it was unheard of that a werewolf had a soul mate as a human. Yet as every passing day, the attraction between her and him grew closer.


                He was the troublemaker of the school always voicing out his thoughts, and making a bunch of trouble at class. It always amused her how he acted always trying to make her laugh and smile. He had his serious moments where he would talk about his problems, then asked her if she had any. But she couldn't bring herself to tell him about her fiancé.


                Speaking about her fiancé, she hadn't seen him all week. He was supposed to hang around with her and spend more time with him, but he has been kept busy with pack business. There has been reports of rogues invading small local towns and killing innocent people. The rogues seemed to be increasing in size, and Dalton has been trying to pin-point their location. Dalton has reported that these un-tamable rogues had combined and formed a pack of their own, led by an unknown werewolf.


                If these rogues keep on increasing they are going to become a really big trouble, and could result in a war. Lisa and her pack need to count on him and make sure that Dalton captures these dangerous werewolves.


Jewel of his heart

Jewel of his heart


                "Will you go on a date with me?" Heath asked his cheeks held a red crimson almost the color of his hair. He swallowed nervously and scratched the back of his neck nervously, his blue orbs looking at the pavement too shy to look up to meet her eyes.


                Lisa felt her cheeks blush too, and she didn’t know what to do. Should she say yes? Was there any harm in going on a date with a guy she had over the past days developed a crush over?


                "Yes, I would love to," she said a smile stretching across her face.


                Heath air punched and smiled brightly at her answer. He had been nervous that she would say no and spoil his little plan, but she had agreed and now the plan is in action. He just knew that this is going to be the best day of his life.


                "So um I'll pick you up, at around six in the afternoon. Where do you live?" He asked that smile still on his face.


                "I live on Dawson Rd. The house is the only one there, you can't miss it," She answered. Heath nodded and then asked her if she wanted an escort to her car. "Yeah, thanks," she nodded.


                "So where are we spending this little date at?" She pried wanting to know what to wear to this special place he is taking her to.


                "It's a surprise, and you can wear anything normal," he said almost as if he read her mind. When they reached the car he couldn't help himself and kissed her softly on her cheek. "See you in a few," he said as he ran away leaving her dumbfounded and holding her cheek with surprise.


                “Miss. Forrest? Are you okay?” Her driver asked in concern as he took in her flushed state. The driver waited for her answer but got none, because Lisa stood on her feet looking at the retreating back of the redhead.


                “I’m fine, Daniel. I was just surprised,” Lisa answered once his words sinked in, she turned around and entered the sleek car. “Take me home, please,” she muttered.




                "How do I look?" Lisa asked her friend Jenny who was casually rested on a couch her brown hair pooling over the armrest and her feet dangling from the side.


                Jenny pulled out the lollipop from her mouth, and gave her a thumbs up. "You look hot, but you're showing too much cleavage pick up your shirt," she answered.


                Lisa gave her an Are-you-kidding-me look, and picked up her shirt a bit. "God, I wasn’t showing anything Jenny," she retorted.


                "So? Any guys will go crazy if they saw even a little bit of skin, they're animals Lisa. They're like bunnies, always getting horny and wanting to get laid what a bunch of pathetic humans can't handle their hormones," she pointed out in disgust.


                "Jenny werewolves are worst, especially when you go into heat," Lisa countered as she looked at her hair.


                "Don't remind me, heat is that day you get so horny you'll do it with anything that moves or just your mate. My heat is predicted to come in a month and I don't want a whole week of torture unless my mate is there to stop it," she said with a snort.


                "You can’t stop it unless you and your mate have sex," Lisa said with a roll of her eyes.


                Heat only happens to women werewolves between the ages of sixteen through eighteen and it’s a full week of torture, because their bodies feel as if someone is burning them in fire and the only way to stop it is to have sex with your soul mate. Lisa hasn't gotten her heat yet, but she is hoping her mate will come in time and help her through it.


                "I know, that sucks because there is like a sixty percent chance you might get pregnant. So I decided to screw that and not have sex with Sebastian until I'm like twenty four," Jenny said determined.


                "Sure Jenny," Lisa said with a chuckle.


                A knock on the door interrupted them, and the two girls faced the door watching as a pack member came in the room. "A young man is waiting for you outside, Lisa," he said then left the room closing the door behind him.


                "He's here! Go get him Lisa! Don't get raped though!" Jenny said as she pushed her toward the door. Lisa rolled her eyes playfully and nodded her head as Jenny walked with her to the front door where Heath was standing near.


                Jenny smiled in approval of Heath, and winked. "Have fun Lisa, if I were you I would keep that man to myself,” she said before going to another direction to give them their space.


                Lisa walked up to Heath, wondering at what he was looking at. She followed his gaze and looked at the picture of a pack of wolfs huddling together under the moonlight. It was a present from a neighboring pack, and the picture was just magnificent.


                "Ready to go?" She asked.


                Heath startled looked at Lisa and chuckled nervously, "Yeah, sorry I guess I was spacing out."


                "It’s okay, now let’s go I want to know where you are taking me," she said as she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the door.




                "I can't stay up Heath," Lisa said her temper flared when she for the fifth time tried to stand up straight on the cold surface.


                "Lisa it’s your first time, of course you won’t get it so easily," he said as he glided on his skates toward her, he stopped just beside her and outstretched his hand out for her.


                Lisa reached for his hand and when their fingers touched she felt tingles run up her arm. Heath pulled her up and she crashed against his chest. His blue eyes glowed as they stared into her own hazel green ones and for the moment all she could see was Heath.


                "Then I'll teach you how to," his lips tugged into a smirk as he helped her steady herself on the ice.


                "Why did you chose here for the date? I keep on falling," she said as she glided beside him her legs felt like if they would give away but Heath helped her so she wouldn't fall.


                "That's the point, this is the perfect chance for me to touch you," he joked teasingly with a wink.


                Her cheeks flushed pink, and she tightened her grip on his hand. "You pervert.""I try very hard ma'am," he replied.


                "But seriously why did you bring me here to the Ice Rink?"


                "I don't know, I just thought it was better than watching a movie or going out for dinner. This was the option I actually considered at first, because I could just imagine us together gliding gracefully on the ice rink holding each other’s hand and having a good time," he answered honestly.


                "That’s so sweet Heath," she said softening her death grip on his hand.


                "Anything for you, this month has been a blast, I never thought I could love someone as much as I do to you, I hope you feel the same," he said his fingers tangling themselves with hers.


                She smiled warmly at him, and nodded her head. "Me too."




                Heath's car parked near the front door and he turned off the engine. The soft music of the radio played in the background as they both looked at each other. Heath looked so composed and sexy tonight, his hair was shaggy and didn’t have any gel to make it his usual pointy style.


                She suddenly felt nervous sitting here in his car, her hand enveloped with his and their eyes connected. The moonlight streamed through the opened window, making a perfect shadow cross over his face. Her heart suddenly thundered against her chest as Heath's eyes flickered to her lips.


                He leaned forward his eyes slowly closing, and she to her surprise was leaning closer to him to. Soon the small distance was swallowed and his warm lips were on hers. It was a light kiss that portrayed many emotions of love.


                It was sweet and his lips felt soft on her own, it made her stomach flip and her heart soar. But before the kiss could get more intense Heath pulled away.


                "I'll see you tomorrow Lisa," he smiled.




                "Why don't you take a rest, Dalton?" A skimpy blonde asked as she sat down on his lap. She took off the elastic rubber band holding her hair, and let it cascade down in her shoulders, and took off her glasses. She unbuttoned the few buttons on her dress shirt showing off her cleavage. Her legs wrapped around his stern waist, making her skirt inch up.

                "You have been working so hard for the pack, why don't I help you relax," she whispered sensually into his ear as she unbuttoned his shirt. Her fingertips caressing the hard smooth skin on his chest.

                "Sandra, I'm not in the mood for this," he said as he put a hand between them and gently pushed her chest away from his.             

                "What do you mean? It’s been two months since you haven't had sex with me and I can't take it!" She yelled in frustration her face scrunched up and her lips were set in a thin line.

                His black eyes glazed over hers and she flinched at the darkness in them. He grabbed her by the arm and made her face him. "It's none of your business, and if you know what’s good for you, don't you dare let that information out," he warned.

                "What you not sleeping with me? Why is it because of your precious fiancé? Well I have news for you Mr. Hottie, she has another man," she spat in his face, her lips curving into a smirk.

                "What do you mean? She's mine and only MINE!" He yelled angrily his grip on her tightened and his eyes flamed into a dark glowing amber his canines erupting from his mouth.

                Sandra whimpered in pain at the pain he was inflicting upon her, and she struggled against his grip. She should have known better than to get a male werewolf angry, his wolf usually took control and the outcome would be disastrous.

                "Let go Dalton you're hurting me," she begged giving him a teary look.

                "Tell me who this guy is first, so I can rip off his fucking head!" He demanded giving her a little shake.

                "I don't know, some girl told me from the pack she said she saw them kissing in a cafe they have been together for a month," she answered her body trembling in fear.

                His body went tense at the news of finding out she has been with another guy behind his back and they have been doing more than touching, that bastard is going to pay nobody touches his women except him.

                Getting up abruptly from his seat made Sandra fall back and land on the floor. "Why do you care so much about her? It can’t be because she is your-"

                "I'm leaving make sure to finish the rest of the paperwork and if I come back and you don't you will be exiled from the pack," he cut her off and then stomped out of his office.


                "My little girl growing up so fast, I'm sorry you have to go through this Lisa," her father said as he stepped away from the bed.

                "Don't worry Alpha Forrest she will make it through her heat and as long as no other male is around she won't get aroused as much," the pack doctor said.

                The door suddenly snapped open and Jenny came in with a huge grin on her face. "Hello horny bunny!" Jenny teased.

                "Horny bunny? Jenny watch your mouth young lady," the pack doctor demanded.

                Jenny rolled her eyes and snorted, "Whatever dad."

                "Why did you come here Jenny?" Lisa's father asked curiously.

                "No offence Alpha Forrest, but I came here to laugh at Lisa's condition and ask how she feels under that torture," she answered honestly.

                "I feel horrible, now go away I want to suffer alone," Lisa said hugging the sheets closer to her body. Her stomach churned and her insides felt as if there was burning coals inside.

                "You heard the lady, let's go," Alpha Forrest said dragging Jenny and the doctor out the door. "Feel better sweetheart," he said before closing the doors, leaving her alone in her room.

                Lisa couldn't describe the pain she was feeling inside of her it was too much for her to think at this state. Her mind was swirling, and all she wanted was to be enveloped by a pair of strong arms.

                She knew it wasn’t her thinking this, but she wanted to have her mate naked against her his arms wrapped around her body his voice whispering sweet nothings into her ear. The heat was so controlling that it made her take off every single clothing and thrash around her sheets for a male body. She wanted release or any touch but was alone.

                It was an agonizing night and the next day wasn’t any better, she couldn't sleep and eat. Because of her heat she wasn’t allowed to go to school or have anyone enter her bedroom because they knew she would attack.

                In the middle of the night her ears picked up an intrusion. The sound of heavy footsteps sounded as they came closer to her from the open balcony. From the smell it was a male, a very delicious smelling one.

                The footsteps stopped right beside her bed, and as she focused her hazy eyes on the figure she couldn't help but notice how tall he was.

                She couldn't help herself, but in an instant she had her arms wrapped around his neck her chest against his and half her body still on the bed covered by the sheets. The warmth she felt and electricity that bolted when she touched him sent shivers up her spine.

                "Lisa," a deep familiar voice breathed.

                She looked up and met the dark depths of Dalton's eyes; something about them seemed more different. She couldn’t tell, maybe it was the dark rich color or the spark in them.  But as she stared into them everything around her disappeared and her whole world came crashing down before her. Her room disappeared like a fog, and it was just her and Dalton together gazing into each other’s eyes with fascination.

                All she could see was this male that had been no interest to her from a few months ago, but now he was everything to her. He filled the empty vacant space in her heart, and that’s when it hit her like a huge boulder.

                "'re my mate," she stated in astonishment.

                Dalton's eyes widened and he pulled away, trying to look anywhere else but her accusing stare. In his angry jealousy he forgot to put on his contacts before he came here, the contacts that had blocked her from really looking into his eyes the day she wanted to see if they were mates. The same contacts that made her not realize they are soul mates.

                "Why? Dalton why did you lie to me that you aren't my mate… Why?" She demanded in anger. She wouldn't have known he was her mate, the one meant for her. But why did he lie to her that he hadn’t found her, that he didn’t have a mate?

                "I have my reasons Lisa, I can't explain it right now," he said his gaze was still lowered not meeting hers.

                "Dalton you are my fiancé and also my mate, you can tell me. I need to know why you don't accept me as a mate, am I not good for you?" She asked hoarsely her hands trembling wanting to reach out and touch him, but her anger and hurt kept her at bay.

                His head snapped up and in a second with inhuman speed he was hovering over her on the bed, his eyes piercing hers with so much intensity she thought she might explode. His lips were just an inch apart from hers, the temptation was eating her up to just kiss him right there and then.

                "Don't you dare say that, Lisa. You are my everything, the Moon goddess made you just for me only. And I couldn't wish for someone better, because you are perfect just the way you are. Everything about you is perfect, and you’re the best women I have ever met," he said serious laced in his tone.

                "Then why?"

                "Because I was afraid, I was stupid. I didn't want to end your life and make you get married so fast and be with me for the rest of your life at the tender age of seventeen. I thought you just needed more freedom to have fun and have a teenage dream without having me in your way, but when I heard you were with another guy I freaked. I might let you be free but that doesn't mean I'm letting another man touch you," he answered with a sigh.

                "But yet you can have fun with as much girls you want, and not care about me," she spat turning her head to the side to avoid him. For a second she was about to forgive him, and put this in the past just to be with him wrapped in his warm embrace.

                Dalton caught her chin with his thumb and made her turn back to him, "I haven’t slept with any female after the day I met you."

                "But what about at my party?"

                "I wanted it to be more believable so I lied and I hoped inside you would get jealous with my lies too," he said with a small smile.

                "How long?" She asked.

                "How long what?"

                "How long have you known we were mates?" She asked more clearly.

                "Since my twenty-three birthday, at my party that was the day I knew you were mine," he answered.


                Dalton stood at the center of a bundle of men chattering about the upcoming games and other pack things that soon seemed no interest in him. Everything about this birthday party seemed to bore him, even the music.

                Feeling like it was about time, he excused himself and walked toward the magnificent bar located near the appetizing table. The island counter was made out of elegant marble, and behind there was a bartender with many exclusive, rich drinks.

                "Give me a vodka," he said.

                The bartender nodded and prepared the drink for him. Dalton looked at the dance floor and scanned all the beautiful women dancing, but only one caught his attention. It was a brunette she was small for her age, and she had a magnificent crimson red dress on. Her hair was pulled up and she wore little make-up. Yet something about her cached his eye, actually everything about her.

                He found himself in a trance as he watched this teenager dance around with that bright smile of hers that seemed to radiate the party. She was like a ruby that captured his eye, she was the one. He just knew it.

                "Never mind, I'm good," he told the bartender and then left toward the little brunette. His heart was pounding against his chest as he neared her, and he felt like a small school boy about to talk to his crush.

                Just before he reached her, Alpha Forrest approached her and they both began to enter into a conversation that by the second made her face harden. He wondered what they were discussing about that was making her mood foul.

                "There you are Dalton my son, come along we need to talk," his father said as he pulled him toward the brunette and the Alpha. His eyes wanting her to notice him and see that they are mates.

                "Alpha Forrest, we can finally talk about this arrangement with our heirs," his father said. Dalton nodded, his father and him had been discussing about this all week with Alpha Forrest. This is what got him into a sour mood, but now that he knows she is his mate the mood has changed.

                "Yes, Dalton I was hoping you will marry my dear daughter Lisa and inherit the Moonlight pack. This will insure our packs and join them together, what do you think?" Alpha Forrest explained carefully.

                The whole time Dalton kept his eyes on Lisa, wanting her to turn her head to his direction and notice him. But she didn't she was too mad to even acknowledge the fact his presence was there.

                "I would accept this offer with great honor sir," he answered without hesitation.


                "Idiot, Dalton you scumbag," her voice trembled as small tears formed and fell down her flushed cheeks.

                Dalton wrapped his arms around her and brought her to his body. Fire ignited at the intimacy between them and before he could stop it, his lips crashed down to hers. Like a puzzle finally connected, fireworks boomed in her body due to the contact. The kiss was passionate and emotional it was better than Heaths sweet ones.

                Dalton slowly brought his body over hers on the bed, and kissed her on the neck where she is supposed to be marked. He licked the crook of her neck and kissed her tenderly watching her as she shuddered in pleasure.

                "Dalton, I feel like if I’m burning," she said almost in a whisper.

                "I know, you are in heat, but don’t worry I will make it stop," he said as he pushed some of her hair back and then bowed once again his mouth to her neck.

                "I don't want to have sex right now, I'm too young," she said but her body reacted differently due to the heat. She was just so tempted to kiss him and to have him have his way with her.

                "Don't worry I won't this is something different but you have to promise you want this too," he reassured.

                "You're going to mark me?" She asked already knowing the answer.

                "Yes, it will give you a few more months until you are ready," he replied. "Do you want me to?"

                "Yes," there was no hesitation, she didn’t want this pain and if it meant to be claimed by Dalton it was okay.

                That was the only answer he needed to make his canines appear, and touch her neck with the point of the sharp teeth. He knew it would hurt her so he positioned her arms to the sides to hold them in case. And then he bit her, his canines slowly entered her skin and she shuddered at the pain and pleasure that rippled through her body.

                He restracted them out of her neck and licked the blood from the wound making sure it was healed before he placed a tender kiss on the mark he had made on her to claim that she is his, and only his.

                Dalton stared down at Lisa with affection and love the emotion she detected in her birthday when he had kissed her neck. If she looked back on it there was some evidence that proved that he was her mate. But her objection and anger blinded her from the sign.

                Dalton abruptly started to get off her, his bottom lip rolled in his mouth to stop the agitated feeling of just claiming her here and ravishing her until they were both sore and exhausted. He had a lot of restraint and patience ever since he laid eyes on her he just wanted to claim her and keep her by his side.

                “Wait Dalton,” Lisa said as she grabbed his arm to stop him. She gazed into his black orbs feeling her heart accelerate as she swallowed nervously. “Stay with me tonight, I just want you to hold me until I fall asleep,” she said her voice barely audible.

                A small smile spread on his face, he came to her side and wrapped his arms around her figure his warmness seeping into her. She cuddled closer to him, putting her head on his chest. Her heartbeat mixing with his into a rhythm.

                It wasn’t until later on when she had fallen into a deep sleep that Dalton climbed out of bed and tucked her in the sheets gently watching her beautiful face as she slept. She needed rest, and he should respect that. He kissed the crown of her head, and then left through the balcony.

                As he walked through the garden he spotted something unusual, a pair of red eyes were staring at him with a death glint in them. He couldn't make out the figure but he knew it wasn't an animal...not even a human.

                In a blink of an eye the creature disappeared, not even leaving a scent behind. This made Dalton worry, why would a creature as him be here? Why had he been watching him and Lisa's bedroom?

                Something wasn't right.




                "Your majesty when are we going to attack the Moonlight Pack?" A rogue asked him, his hazy amber eyes showed eagerness to finally attack.


                The prince scoffed and took a drink of his golden cup, blood spilling in his mouth like liquid. "Tomorrow, I don't care about that pack anymore," he spoke with boredom.


                The rogue excited bowed his head, and was already leaving to tell all the others that they were finally going to get revenge on the Moonlight pack and kill them for not letting them join.


                "Wait rogue," the prince ordered making the rogue halt in his tracks. "I will allow you all to kill each and every one of them dogs except for the Alpha's daughter, she will be mine and I don't want anyone touching her except for me," he said defiantly. "Do you understand?"


                "Yes, Prince Heath I understand," the rogue said as he left the room leaving him all alone to ponder over this silly little war the rogues wanted to make. He hadn't wanted to help at all, but being a vampire prince he was sent by his father to help them kill the disgusting werewolf beings especially the Alpha.


                But when he met his daughter there was something that caught his attention, her blood smelled so delicious and sweet. It was so tempting to just kidnap her and suck her blood until there wasn’t a single drop left. Yet he developed human feelings which he thought was impossible, that silly young girl made him fall in love with him. He can still remember just a few days ago when they met.




                He had just been looking around the school; the scent of mutts filled the air making him cringe at the amount of werewolves in this school. It was almost unbearable for him to be in a school full of a pack of werewolves.


                Heath was amazed that not one single student in here noticed the power radiating off of him or his appearance that seemed to surpass the humans. It was rather amusing how some little magic perfume from the witch in this town made the others be deceived into thinking he was a human.


                Watching from a distance he stared at the Alpha’s daughter with interest. Her beauty knew no bounds even in the school navy uniform she looked absolutely striking. Her soft, light brown hair fell over her slender shoulders, her white complexion was flawless, and those eyes…they were a rich hazel color a mixture of amber and emerald green.


                His breath caught in his throat, and the heart he once thought would never beat suddenly broke from the glass, cold armor he had built around it.  He bit the inside of his cheek and looked on as she went to her class until she was out of sight he let out a shaky breath.


                “Lisa Forrest,” he whispered her name, liking the way it rolled out of his tongue like honey. Her name sounded sweet, just like her. 


                Suddenly he had a doubt this plan of befriending her would surely end in a mess. Sooner or later she was bound to find out he is the leader of the group of rogues preparing to attack and kill every single pack member she knew. And he knew she will never forgive him and love him, but he would surely enjoy and cherish every moment they will spend together. Because nothing ever ends in a fairytale, especially a fairytale with a dark prince.




                But for what? She is already engaged to another man and he saw him come out of her bedroom his scent was mixed with hers last night while she was in heat. That only meant one thing, they had mated together and now even if he touches her she will feel disgusted, because he isn’t her mate. But that can be arranged, the only way to have her is to kill her mate.


                Yes tomorrow night will be a wonderful night, he thought sourly.




                'They are coming! The rogues have been spotted five miles from here and by the size of them we are going to be in trouble! Everyone shift and meet at the forest!' Alpha Forrest yelled through every single werewolf mind in his pack.


                Lisa's breath hitched and her teeth tightened at the news of this. Dalton sensing his mate in distress asked her what was happening since he isn’t in her pack yet.


                "The pack of rogues are here, and they are preparing to attack," she explained, "Father wants us all to go to the Forrest to fight."


                "I won't let you go, I want you to stay here in your room Lisa," he ordered. He didn’t want to have his mate in the battlefield watching people die or her getting hurt. Dalton wouldn’t live with himself if she got hurt in there.


                "I don't want to, I will fight for my pack whether you want me to or not," she said sternly as she stood up and went to the balcony. Just as she was about to jump off, Dalton's arms snaked around her waist and stopped her.


                "Lisa I will go and fight, I want you to stay here for your safety. Please do it for me sweetheart," he begged.


                "I can't Dalton. My duty comes to my pack and right now they need me, you may think I am not strong enough to fight in this battle, but I will have you know I'm the strongest in it," she said and before he could utter a word to make her stay she was already jumping off the balcony landing perfectly on her two feet.


                Dalton shook his head and followed right behind her, if he couldn't make her stay then he will just have to listen to her and if necessary protect her on the battle field.


                When they got to the forest, all the pack members had already shifted into their wolfs and were in position to attack when the rogues appeared. All around her there was many different werewolves varying from sizes and color of fur.  


                The vast opened space would be perfect for the battle that was to come from the rogues, it was surrounded by evergreen trees and the ground was covered by lush green grass. The sun was slowly setting down over the landscape creating a red glow over the horizon. Soon the darkness would come and there would be no light but the moon.


                Shifting into her own wolf, Lisa stood proudly in her snow white wolf that was at least the size of two humans. Dalton had also shifted and stood on all fours his midnight black fur catching a few stray beams of the moon. His wolf was absolutely mesmerizing; it made her catch her breath.


                She couldn’t remember the last time she had seen his wolf from a close up view, there was never a time when he would shift unless it was really important. Dalton always relied on his strength and now she knew that this was extremely important if it meant for him to be involved.


                "Get ready! They are here!" Her father yelled and everyone's heads snapped to the direction watching as a hundred came washing in like a tidal wave. Lisa swallowed a lump that was forming on her parched throat. She had never seen so many wolves especially rogues, they were usually four or six that would come and attack their pack. But judging by the size of them she would guess they were a hundred.


                Everything was too fast that she had only caught the movement as many already were fighting to their deaths growling and biting the others. Blood seemed to be splattering everywhere as they fought to their deaths.


                Lisa found herself being trapped in a circle by five dark furred wolves that were eyeing her with a certain glint in their amber eyes that could only be described as, death. She knew what they wanted; they wanted her blood splattered all over the floor.


                She held her head up high with dignity and waited for their attack, if it was something she knew when in combat and you were outnumbered, it was that you didn’t attack first. It could be your death if you just attacked without sorting some sort of plan in your head.


                The biggest of the wolves came at her first, his mouth wide open showing his sharp canines, followed by the others that were closing more in on her. Without warning she dodged his attack, and went right under his legs then faced him snapping her mouth on his neck. Her teeth sank down on his neck and blood trickled down her chin as she snapped his neck sending a disgusting sound to echo as his bones snapped. She let go of the dead limp wolf in her mouth and it fell to the floor with a thump.


                She suddenly felt a sharp pain on her back, like claws that had ripped her skin and blood spilled out. She turned quickly finding the source of one of the wolves and then bit him on the paw he used to attack her. He howled in pain, and gritted his teeth in anger. He was about to bite her but she avoided it in the last second and snapped his neck with a single smack from her paw.


                Many of her pack members were fighting with everything they had, but it seemed it wasn’t enough. Lisa watched from the distance as her father fought and killed so easily as if he was only beginning. A shadow loomed behind her father, and she caught a certain color that made her run toward him, red…crimson red.


                When she reached him, her father was being chocked by Heath his hands around his throat as if it was nothing. She was sure he wasn’t this strong, a human can't do this it’s impossible. A human’s strength doesn’t compare to a werewolf.


                Heaths blood eyes met hers and a devious grin formed on his lips. Watching in horror her feet frozen in place as her father gasped for air. She was to shocked to respond and help all she could do was stay in place.


                Dalton's wolf suddenly leaped out of nowhere and tackled Heath to the ground releasing her father from the death grip he had on him. And now Heath and Dalton were fighting, Lisa couldn’t believe this Heath the one she had loved wasn’t a human. Death radiated off of him, he was a vampire.


                He lied to her, he made her believe she was in love with him when he had just put a charm on her. He was only close to her because she is the Alpha's daughter that was the only reason; he had made her believe there was a chance they were meant to be together.


                Lunging herself at the pair of boys fighting she growled aggressively at Heath, pinning his body underneath hers with her paws. She turned back into her human form and growled angrily at him; her eyes staring maliciously back with so much hatred and hurt that it made his smug expression falter.


                "Why Heath?" She demanded angrily shaking him with her arms, tears threatening their way to come out.


                That grin was back on his face when he answered, "I had to because I wanted to. The rogues wanted to kill your pack and I was sent to kill the Alpha. That was like hitting two birds with one stone."


                "So our time didn’t mean anything to you at all? Our friendship didn't mean anything?" She asked on the verge of tears her body trembling.


                "Honestly, I didn’t care at first you were just a tool I would use. But I guess along the way I did care about you, I was going to kill Dalton and have you for myself but I know you wouldn't be happy about that," he said his face hardening and his voice coming out deeper.


                "Of course I wouldn't be happy! If he dies than I would follow right behind, because he is my mate!"


                "I know, you would never forgive me from the beginning I knew you wouldn’t accept me and would coldly leave me for him, but I still wanted you. I know it was foolish, but I fell in love with you," he said his eyes turning back to those peaceful electric blue eyes she knew so much. “Can you blame me?”


                His sincere eyes and his gentle tone was all it took for her to erupt into tears. She grabbed his grey shirt in her hands and gripped it as the tears overflowed from her. Heath’s face softened as he embraced her and pulled her into his arms.


                He knew it was the last time he would ever see her; there was no way he could get out of here alive he knew that, she knew that. His actions would need to be paid for and there was only one way for him to pay for all this trouble.


                Dalton knew this shouldn’t go on, as much as he didn’t want to kill the vampire spam, he had to. He knew Lisa would feel sad over the loss of this man, but she had to understand that he is the enemy and he got himself into this.


                Dalton pulled Lisa away, and then shifting his hand into a paw with sharp claws he looked at Heath one last time before cutting him deeply in the heart. Blood poured out of his wound and he gave Lisa one last smile before he closed his eyes. "I love you."


                Just like that he died in her arms, blood pouring down and sticking to her skin as his body became stiff and then slowly his body turned into ashes. Once a vampire was killed his body would disappear and turn into ashes.


                The ashes dispersed leaving no sign that there was just a body right here before her. There was nothing but the wind that played with her hair and the voice of her mate as he gave her reassuring words.


Soul Mate & the one I love

Soul mate & the one I love


                “Lisa, come on talk to me I’m your friend,” Jenny pleaded for the fifth time this week. She had watched as her friend slowly faded, Dalton barely managed to help her regain herself but it just seemed like a part of Lisa was gone.    


                “I told you I’m okay, there is nothing to talk about,” Lisa repeated her eyes looking out into the garden that could be viewed from her balcony. She suddenly had a craving to go outside and walk,, feel the sunshine and the wind.


                “I know you still think about Heath, even though you don’t tell me,” Jenny said with a sigh as she sat down on a chair near her friend.  “I know you loved him, and that he actually meant something to you, but in the end it wouldn’t have made a difference.”


                Lisa turned to her friend and asked curiously, “And why is that?”


                “Because the bond of soul mates is too strong, how can you reject the one you are meant to be with? The one that was created just for you, the one that fills in that empty space in your heart? It seems impossible for a mate to reject or not accept who their mate is,” Jenny explained with a warm smile.


                She is right, Lisa thought. Lisa always thought about Heath and wondered what would have happened if things were different, but in the end she knew she would have chosen Dalton because he is her soul mate and there is no much greater bond than that. A love can never last, it would have eventually have faded.


                “I’m not saying you should forget Heath, but just be your old self for Dalton’s sake. The poor guy has been trying to make you smile and make you feel better ever since the battle ended,” she said as she played with a loose strand of hair.


                “I guess he has, and today he wants to take a stroll at night in the garden to cheer me up,” Lisa said her lips twitched from the end into a slight smile. She admitted Dalton’s ‘Make Lisa Happy Plans’ were kind of working, she could never stay sad when Dalton was around. Just his presence alone made her feel complete and comfortable.


                “Aww, me feels a little romance stirring up,” Jenny teases with a wink, a devious smirk planted on her face. “Maybe there’s going to be more than a stroll under the moonlight,” she adds.


                Lisa’s cheeks flame up and she scolds Jenny for thinking of such a thing. She knew Dalton wouldn’t do that, he told her he would wait until she was ready in their honeymoon. Which is sweet of him, since she knew his wolf wanted to already mate with her.




                Dalton walked in a steady pace beside Lisa, the moonlight giving them enough light to see in the dark. The garden was beautiful and amazing at night there was this emotion that seemed to cross her when she walked through here.


                She didn’t know what it was but the refreshing breeze, the light cast down on the flowers and trees seemed to make this almost like a dream. The smell of wild flowers filled her nostrils sending a wave of delight up her spine. The atmosphere was clean and comfortable, walking beside Dalton with their hands entwined together made her feel somewhat whole to the core.


                Dalton stopped beside a bush of roses, and looked at the roses with delight. Lisa smiled at the expression he wore. “You really love roses don’t you?” She asked with a soft chuckle.


                “Yeah I do they are my favorite flowers,” he answered as he caressed his thumb over the soft red petal. The soft texture rubbing with his skin, almost like silk.


                “Why do you like them?” She took a step forward and touched one of the white roses that were mixed with the red roses in the tall bush.


                “Because they remind me of you, that night I saw you dancing around it reminded me of a blooming red rose,” he explained as he took out the rose and then slowly lifted it to her head, placing the rose just behind her ear.




                His luscious lips tugged into a crooked smile that showed his perfect teeth, his head nodding in a yes. “Of course.”


                “You sure have a way with words Dalton,” Lisa remarked as she touched the rose with her fingers. It was sweet how Dalton behaved with her, it just felt so right.


                “I know,” he answered cheekily giving her a wink before walking toward the woods. She watched amused at how he began to take of his shoes and clothing. Her cheeks burning automatically when he was about to take off his boxers.


                “What are you doing Dalton?” She questioned as she approached him.


                “I’m going for a run. Would you care to join me, my love?” He asked stretching his arm out for her to take his hand. Without hesitation she put her hand in his, and he smiled at her tenderly.


                “I would love to,” she said and after discarding all her clothes they transformed into their wolfs and ran inside the dark words.


                At night the forest felt dangerous and creepy, the tall evergreen blocked out the moon’s light, and the few rays that made it through would cast eerie shadows over it. The only sounds came from the night crawlers, wind rustling through the branches and leaves. But for Lisa it felt right and she didn’t feel in danger when Dalton was right beside her.


                His dark wolf was just as amazing as his human form; it was tall and built its amber eyes shined in the darkness with a glow. She was proud that he is her mate, forever and always till the end. As if sensing her eyes on him, Dalton turned his head to meet her eyes.


                She gave him a wolf grin, and then picked up her speed. She could sense his eyes on her back as she ran like the wind through the forest passing and dodging trees here and there. Dalton took this as a challenge, and ran after her.


                After minutes of chasing they found themselves entering a small clearing where the grass reached their ankles. Vibrant colorful flowers of different shapes adorned the grass, the soft glow of the moon giving it a beautiful majestic glow.


                Dalton took the opportunity of her being distracted by her surrounding to tackle her to the ground, his body and hers fell and rolled on the grass. They stopped rolling and Dalton was hovering her wolf, his eyes blazing into hers with such intensity she was but putty in his hands.


                There was no need for words as he looked at her with love and longing, he bent his head and nuzzled his nose with hers, his tongue lashed out and he licked the side of her face sweetly. The contact making her purr in affection as she felt his teeth grazed over the crook of her neck, where he had marked her.


                ‘Lisa you make me the happiest man alive,’ his deep velvety voice whispered through her mind like a wave. She almost forgot that mates can communicate with their minds.


                ‘And you make me the happiest women, I love you Dalton,’ she said back licking the side of his face. Her wolf was purring in delight and happiness.




                The chapel look elegant and beautiful in the wedding decorations, flowers of roses and sunflowers were everywhere with white streamers hanging from the walls. The marble floor sparkling clean, the wooden furnishings filled of many friends, family members, and pack members.


                Lisa heaved in a small amount of air into her lungs, and prepared herself for the moment she would walk through the doors to her future. Her father by her side in his expensive tuxedo, he gave a reassuring squeeze on the arm he held in his.


                “It’s going to be alright Lisa, don’t be nervous. This is your day,” he said as he looked down to her giving her a warm fatherly smile.


                She nodded, and on cue the sweet sound of a piano playing a well to known melody rang in her sensitive ears. Inhaling one more gush of air, she waited as the doors opened revealing the red velvet aisle that led to the altar where Dalton stood with grace in his black tuxedo that had a red rose on his chest pocket, his coal black hair tamed to the back.


                Lisa almost faltered at the scene of him standing on the altar looking dashingly handsome. His gaze glazed over her taking in her white wedding dress. The trail of her dress sweeping the floor behind her as she walked toward her mate.


                Dalton gazed with amazement as his mate entered the room; she looked like an angel in the white dress she wore. The dress hugged her from the waist, cupping her breast, and cascading down in beautiful waves. Her hair was pulled up into a popular bun, and the veil covered her flawless skin.


                Lisa’s father then handed her arm to Dalton who happily tucked in her hand in his, and then turned to the vicar who had a humongous book in his scrawny little hands. Lisa smiled at the warm sparks igniting in her skin from Dalton’s warm arm. She couldn’t be happier, then to be his wife.


                “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today for these couple,” the vicar began. “


                Lisa zoned out the rest of his speech and stole a glance at Dalton who was looking at the vicar with seriousness. She couldn’t help but smile when she noticed her bride’s maid giving her a thumps up in congratulations for scoring Dalton. She nodded her head at Jenny, and noticed Dalton’s best man give a wink at the Jenny.


                She blushed and Lisa almost giggled at how red Jenny turned, Sebastian certainly was a flirt. Sebastian is a handsome guy, with his blonde wavy locks and dark blue eyes, but he is no Dalton.


                “Do you Dalton Cane take Lisa Forrest as your wife, and promise to cherish her for all eternity?” The vicar asked Dalton.


                “I do,” he answered locking his gaze with hers.


                “And do you Lisa Forrest take Dalton Cane to be your husband, and to promise to cherish him for all eternity?” He turned to her.


                “Yes, I do,” she answered with joy.


                “Then I pronounce you husband and wife, Alpha and Luna of the united pack Bloodhound and Moonlight,” he finally said, “You may now kiss the bride.”


                Dalton’s lips tugged into a warm smile as he held her closely and then set his lips on hers. The kiss was sweet and felt enchanting on her own. The same sparks and fireworks ignited in her body, and she felt overjoyed at the thought that she is his, and he is hers.





~Ten Years Later~


                “Dalton,” Lisa said as she nuzzled closer to his body. She felt perfectly comfortable sitting in his lap her back pressed against his chest, his big masculine arms embracing her from the back.


                “Hmmn,” he mumbled as he buried his face into her scented hair, liking the way it reminded him of their earlier years.


                “Did you forget we have company?” She teased remarking about the family Simons who were seated on a wooden bench close to the backyard.  Dalton sighed tiredly and groaned into her hair.


                ”When are we going to be alone for once?” He said as he leaned back and looked at the family siting a bench away from them, watching them like hawks. “Seriously, I want to take you to bed and spend the whole week locked inside with you,” he whispered teasingly in her ear, his breath fanning her ear.


                “Mommy! Dad!” A small nine year old came running toward them, his shaggy black hair moving with the wind as he ran. He wore a green plaid shirt, with a pair of khakis and shoes, the very replica of his own father.          Except his black hair held a few strands of copper brown in his hair, and his eyes were a hazel green shade just like his mother.


                “What is it James?” Lisa asked her son, as she removed herself from Dalton and stood up. James halted in his tracks and gave his mother a concerned look; he put his hands behind his back and spoke with worry.


                “Angela doesn’t want to play with me, she says she wants to read by herself,” he said meaning to the Simons little girl about the same age as James. Angela is a sweet young girl, with red curly hair that reached her back in locks, her skin as white as snow, and eyes big and the color of the sea. “She doesn’t want to play Hide and Seek with me, and I want her to,” he finished.


                “James you can’t make her play if she doesn’t want to, that’s her decision,” she scolded him softly, watching as his face took on that puppy dog look.




                “No buts, young man,” she said giving him a stern look although her lips betrayed her as they tugged into a smile.


                “Persuade her son, and show him the Cane’s charm. That will surely make her want to play,” Dalton suggested giving him a small pat on the head.


                “Are you sure it will work, dad?” James asked uncertain if his father was right.


                “Of course it will you are a Cane after all,” Dalton reassured giving him a nod.


                “Thanks dad!” James yelled before turning on his shoes heels and turning toward the direction Angela was. The quiet shy girl was sitting on the grass next to the lake, a book on her hand about Princess Fairy Tales. Lisa watched as her son stopped beside her and started to tell her something.


                Then he grabbed her from the arm and pulled her up to her feet, making her book fall to the grass. And in a second her son leaned his head down and captured her lips on his catching her off guard. Angela’s blue eyes widened to the size of golf balls, and her cheeks turned a dark pink of shade.


                Lisa gaped in surprise at the scene, and almost fell back, but her husband cached her safely in his arms. But the shock was still coursing through her, as she watched her little son.


                Angela swiftly pushed James making him falter and fall into the lake his body sinking into the blue depth, then James head appeared from the lake his hair wet and a smile playing on his lips.


                “Angela!” He yelled as he swam back to the edge where he got out dripping wet from head to toe and followed a very red little girl with a book clutched to her chest.


                “Leave me alone James!” She yelled.


                “Just like his father,” Lisa sighed out loud letting her back lean against her husband’s hard back. “I can’t believe my little boy is growing up so fast.”


                “Well he is our son,” Dalton replied as he kissed the mark she wore on her neck.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2013

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