

I’m Sophia Monterey, I’m seventeen years old and currently in my year 11 at Monterey Academy, a school that was owned by my grandparents. I’m the youngest and only girl, basically we’re just two children of Mr. and Mrs. Monterey but unfortunately my parents died when I was 3, as they told me. My brother Michael Monterey went off to college at North Schlesinger University.

Let me specify the details. First, after my parents died, my brother and I stay in my grandparents’ (dad’s parents) place. Dad is the only child so it’s not a bother to them while my mom is an orphan. Second, my grandparents’ owned the school I’m attending; dad’s family actually well-known professors in our town and that pushed them to build their own school. Third, Michael is a year older than me and he just graduated from my school.

My brother has a best friend named Lyle Lane and a girlfriend named Fantasy Spike. Let me introduce Fantasy first, she was my best friend back then but when I heard about her dating my brother our whole friendship thing seems to change. Well we’re still friends but not that totally best friend’s sort of thing and now let me enlighten you more about Lyle Lane, he was the quarter back of the football team, can be a captain of the basketball team and a valedictorian in class. Lyle Lane is the perfect and famous guy in the whole school and he is my first love but no one knows about it excluded my grandparents and Michael, and speaking of him, well he’s kind of side kick but not totally because Lyle is head over heels afraid of him.

My brother Michael, he is the Captain of the football team and can be a captain of the soccer team if he wants to. He is the most over protective brother I know, he doesn’t allow me to go out if he’s not with me or if Lyle is not with me. He doesn’t allow me on going dates or parties except if he’s coming or Lyle is. He even buy the prank that Lyle used to do, telling my brother that me and him are going to watch movie and go straight to a hotel which makes me feel disgusted.

I also remember the time when Michael hit the hell out of Lyle because Lyle attempted but jokingly approach a kiss from me. So in overall, I haven’t tried something like kiss or having a boyfriend or parties or going out with my closest friends.

I’m not that ugly though, actually every parties or homecoming I am one of the guys’ top list of being their date but then again my brother won’t allow them not even Lyle, so being his younger sister I used to stay at home. I have forest green eyes, a not so long and not so short nose, tiny lips, a real cheekbone, a perfect eyebrow and well a skinny and perfect body fit. I’m 5’5 tall and have a long straight dark black hair that touches my hips.

Chapter One

“Good Morning my lovely sweetheart how’s your sleep?” my grandmother asks me while putting the bacon onto my plate. It’s the first day of my senior year and I am so excited, my brother is off to University and I am happy to earn my freedom, I think. “Well, I don’t have enough sleep Gram because I am so excited for today, anyway where is Pop?” I pout, looking for the old man that I didn’t saw since I wake up. “Oh, your grandfather just left early this morning to visit your brother there” Grandmother Smiles.

Grandfather is so strict in my brother’s life and seriously I am so fortunate that Pop (that’s my Grandfather’s pet name) treat me like a brat but well I don’t use it as an advantage because I know my limits and stuffs. “Can I just walk to the school?” I ask my grandmother while crossing my fingers. “No Sophia, it’s not gonna happen!” my grandmother answers with tone that no one can argue with. I just sigh in defeat; I really want to walk to the school because I’m sick and tired of riding a limousine that I don’t even want to.

“Be quick so that you won’t be late, I’ll be on my library to deal with some things and I pray that you will have a great day today” and after that grandmother left. I was left alone in the kitchen with no one; I am waiting for the time when my phone rang. I look at the caller I.D and groan, it is Lyle. I decided not to answer it when one of our housekeepers name Jessica presses the answer button.

“Why the hell are you---“ “Come on Sophia, answering Lyle’s call won’t kill you” Jessica teases. She’s one of my closest friends in school; she is not really a full time housekeeper because as far as I know my grandparents let her be a working student. I glare at her and just answer Lyle.

“Hello” I say with a sarcastic tone, even though he is my first crush or first love and I don’t want to let him know about it and that I can refuse his charm. I’m used to it anyway so what’s the point and besides he already has a girlfriend, I think! Oh well, my brother told me last night so now what? “Why aren’t you answering my call?” Lyle asks. “What is it to you? And what do you need?” I respond with a question. “What did I do wrong?” he asks. “Don’t bother changing the topic pervert, what do you want?” I ask frustratingly. “You’re mean, so mean!” he said and I can sense his pouting thing again.

I roll my eyes and take a glance at my wrist watch. What the, I am so late today and it’s because of this pervert first love of mine. “It’s not a good time, you know and…” I was cut off from a single line. That pervert just hangs up on me! I hate him! Do you? Do you really hate him?

My subconscious rolls her eyes on me. She’s right though! I can’t just hate the man that teaches me how to love.

“Aren’t you coming today?” I ask Jessica who is still wearing her Pajama’s and haven’t even showered. “I don’t know Miss President of the campus!” she smirks. “Stop calling me that again!” I roll my eyes at her and clear up my plate.

“I’m late so I’d better keep going” I bid “I don’t have to worry that much because I’m not running for valedictorian unlike you” she smiles. “I love you and you know that” I tease. “I love you more and everyone knows it!” and then she gave me a big hug.

Jessica is now my new best friend since Fantasy and I have a cold war but now we’re fine though. I walk outside the big mansion and straight to the carport where the Limousine is waiting for me. “Good Morning Miss” James greets, he is my personal driver and he also act as my brother. “I told you to call me Sophia!” I sigh and get inside the car. “I’ll bear that in mind” James smiles and close the back seat door.

Off we went to the school, I didn’t bother to say goodbye to Gram (grandmother’s pet name) because I know that she’ll be in school too and besides the house is full of CTV camera so why bother?

The school is a 10 minutes’ drive from home and for me it’s like forever, for so many reason but the most reasonable thing is me being alone in the limousine with no one to tease and talk with. I used to go to school with my brother and Lyle but now, they’re not here and I need to live with it!

Be happy because you have freedom to go wherever you want!

My subconscious giggles like a crazy pony and now I smile of that thought. My brother won’t bother me anymore because he lives thousand miles away from home and it’s my last year in high school so I must indeed enjoy it!

We arrived in the school to early and that makes me relieved because I thought I’m late and I can’t let that happen! As usual, James walks out from the car and opens the backdoor for me. “Have fun today Miss ah! Sophia” he said, I look at him and smirk! “Thanks James and you too, you can pick me up at 5 pm” I nod and went on my way to the campus.

Chapter Two

As I enter the school, eyes are staring at me. I’m kind of not used to it even though it’s like 6 years because I want them to treat me like one of them, I don’t want to be the “IT” girl of the school because I’m just a normal one!

“The princess is here” Sharon announces that makes me smile. Jessica, Sharon, Chloe and Christine are my close friends in the school but in the group I’m the only one that is still single. “What’s your plan today princess” Chloe smirks. “Stop calling me princess because I am not!” I pout “I’m going to check my schedules and I don’t know, maybe go home after” I continue.

“Come on! You barely come when we watch movies because of your oh so protective brother and now that he’s not here anymore you wouldn’t still come?” Christine sighs. “Don’t make it sound strange Christine! I really wanted to but you know that if I will come with you I’m kind of out of place!” I glare at her playfully.

“Why don’t you choose a boyfriend now? Besides just for a week then after that you can break his heart” Jessica teases. “That’s kind of mean to the boys, don’t you think?” Kyle, Lyle’s brother and Jessica’s boyfriend interrupts from behind. “It’s just a suggestion babe, and we have to go” Jessica smiles and bids wrapping her arms on Kyle’s body.

I shook my head from the frustration from what the girls suggested. “Well, I also have to go, I have a bio-class with my love Shane” Chloe giggles and leaves which end up me being with Christine. “So, why aren’t you leaving? Aren’t you going to meet your labidab?” I ask. “We just broke up this morning” she sighs “And we don’t call labidab each other anymore” she continues.

“Do you want to talk about it Christine?” I ask worriedly. “Nah! I’m used to it and besides he dumps me! What can I do?” she manages to smile. “So we better get going to the class, what’s your schedule?” “Math and I know you have P.E” she smirks. “I haven’t even checked my schedules yet” I pout but amuse when she smirks at me and hand me some piece of paper. MY CLASS SCHEDULE “Thank you so much and yeah I have P.E today!” I hug her.
“Keep going now princess” she teases and went straight to her class.

I sigh and walk straight to the gymnasium. It’s not difficult for me to find it because I keep on coming back in the gymnasium. There I found the meanest girl I could ever imagine, Pamela.

“Look whose here” she announces irritated. “Can you be nice sometimes?” I ask sarcastically. “Come on girls, stop fighting because of me” Jake interrupts. “You wish Jake” Pamela and I said at unison.

Pamela has a crush on Lyle like me and she hated the fact that Lyle doesn’t like her and he keeps on protecting me. What can I do, Lyle is so damn afraid of my brother. “So, what’s your plan for today?” Jake asks which sounds more of annoying. Just picture this, he likes me but I don’t like him. He’s a jerk and been with so many girls.

“What’s up with you?” I reply a question not hiding the sarcastic tone on my voice. “Playing hard to get, eh? I can handle that” he smirks. “Even though my brother is not around doesn’t mean you can say such alien words on me!” I snap and walk far from him.

Pamela on the other hand keeps on glaring at me “would you stop glaring?” I ask. Before she could protest our P.E teacher appears from nowhere.

My P.E class is nearly at the end when my phone rings. I raise my hand giving our teacher a signal that I have to take the call, it’s from my brother. Now what does he wants?

“Hello, I’m in the middle of my first class. What do you want?” I mutter irritated. “Come home, I already talk to Gram. You have to stay with me for 2 weeks” he said with a cold tone. “There’s no way I’m coming, I don’t want to leave school! I need the…” “Just do as I told you or do you want me to drag you out there?” “Michael you can’t just…” I was cut off by a single line, he hangs up on me.

Before I could go back to my place, our teacher Mr. Fuji call my name. I walk towards him and sigh, maybe he knows now. “Just follow the command of your brother” then he handed me my things which I don’t even notice because I am so damn busy fixing up my mind.

Where are we going? What the hell is happening? Over my live body, I won’t be his puppet anymore. I really hate him for ruining my day.

I didn’t bother showing up in my grandmother’s office, I just walk straight to the car park. I was going to call James when a gray mustang park in front of me, what kind of first day is this? This is all fucked up! I hiss at my mind.

Chapter Three

“Hey you mean girl, your brother is waiting so come on!” I just shook my head not because I don’t want to come but because I am unbelievably stunned by Lyle’s appearance. “Why the hell are you two doing?” I hiss and went inside his car. “Just a break, the University is still not starting so Michael and I planned to go for some adventure” he said not taking his eyes off on the road.

“But I’m in high school and for Pete’s sake, I am running for valedictorian. How can you possibly…” “Don’t argue with me, because if I’m the one who can demand I won’t let you come with us” he cuts me off. Then and there a thought hit my head, so he means that he doesn’t want to see me? I didn’t respond back at him, instead I just look outside and imagine that I didn’t hear those bitter words.

If James the one driving the car, we’d probably be taking a long drive but with Lyle? It’s just 5 minutes. I quickly get out of his car and walk straight inside the mansion, I am so fucking pissed and I want to kill my brother.

“Welcome home” Michael greets from our theater room. “What are you trying to do Michael?” I hiss. “I want to spend time with you, is that too much to ask?” he hisses back. “Well we can spend time together but not today, not on my school days! You know how important for me on becoming the valedictorian of the class” I sigh in defeat.

“Look at Lyle, he’s the valedictorian of the class but he’s not giving too much pressure about it” he said. “Because he doesn’t care about the grades well if he does maybe because… HAAA! He just wants to play football that’s why! But I don’t want to play football that’s why…” “Just two weeks Sophia” he pleads. I sigh in defeat because no matter what I do, he won’t stop bothering me.

“So tell me whose coming?” I ask. Michael’s lips curved into smile “Fantasy, me, you, Lyle and his girl” he said. “Is it too selfish if I would allow some of my friends?” I mutter not wanting to be out of place again. “No and that’s final, we are leaving tomorrow so you better pack up your things” and by that Michael left me.

“Unbelievable” I mutter. I stare at the ceiling blankly and then went straight to my room. My room, it is my favorite part of the mansion. In my room, I can do stuff I want without being instructed by others. The colors of my walls are magenta and white with a carpet colored purple. I jump on my bed and lay down for quite a while when my phone rings. It’s Lyle, what does he want now? Even though I don’t want to answer it, I still click the answer button.

“Hello” I said sarcastically. “Just checking if your still alive, ugly!” he said, Lyle used to call me ugly and I used to call him nerd but it change into pervert. “What do you want?” I snap irritated. “I’m bored, let’s eat outside don’t worry because it’s my treat” he said but I can sense that he is smirking.

“Wow! The world seems to change, what’s with you and you’ve decided to treat me?” “Well, my millions became billions” he said sarcastically but I know that he is just kidding. “Hold on, my brother won’t allow me going out with you” I reminded him. “Don’t worry about your brother, he said it is okay and besides I don’t like you anymore because you’re ugly! No man would look at you twice”

I gasp in shock because of what he said, even if it was a joke or not it still hurts my ego. My first love just told me that? Advising myself I manage to answer “I’m going to pack up my things, maybe some other time” and there I hang up.

Tears haunted me but I didn’t let it go. I know he’s just kidding and the next time we’ll see each other everything will be back into normal. I let out of sight and start packing my things because tomorrow is another day.

My phone rings again and now it’s from Michael. “Does the plan change because I’m so happy if it is” I said not hiding the sarcastic on my tone. “Yes, but it’s not really what you think” he said. “Then what is it?” I said. “Lyle and his girl just broke up so it’s me, Fantasy, Lyle and you tonight!” then after that he hangs up.

What did he just say? We’re gonna leave tonight? After I collect all my lost thoughts, my bedroom door opens. Standing there is my first love, Lyle who is smirking like an idiot. “What are you smirking at?” I ask while raising my brow. “Nothing, you will come with me while Michael and Fantasy will be traveling their own car”

“Actually I already know that, so would you please bring those bags into your car and thanks!” I said leaving him behind. He just got broken hearted so don’t be so cold to him!

My subconscious glares at me. She’s right, so for me to be nice, I hug him and said. “I’m sorry for what happen between you and your girl. I may not be the closest friend of yours but I want to let you know that I’m here to listen”

I then let go of him and gave him a smile, I walk straight to the living area where I saw my brother and Fantasy talking and laughing. I admit, they are really a perfect couple but the thing between me and Fantasy started when she lied to me about her dating thing with my brother.

Chapter Four

“Is all set?” Michael asks me. “I’m not the driver so ask Lyle” I snap “Yeah, ugly and I am all set!” Lyle interrupts. “That’s sounds good, so let’s go” Michael proclaim. Michael walks to his Black Lamborghini with Fantasy waiting for him while I walked with Lyle towards his Mustang.

We all got inside in our respective cars, Michael and Fantasy went off first, Lyle and I followed them about a minute. Inside the car is so quiet; I manage a cough but nothing happen. Meanwhile my phone rings and I answer it without hesitation.

“Hello?” I mutter. “Why didn’t you tell us that you’re going with your brother?” I don’t have to guess who it was because the voice is familiar and it was Chloe. “I…I’m sorry, it’s a sudden though, please tell the girls about this and I’ll just explain it to you personally” I said. “You better explain it to us and make us understand or else we’re going to be upset” then she hangs up.

Dang it! I really forget about them, I am such a horrible friend, I think. “Who was it?” Lyle asks making me jump. Well it’s not my fault, he is so quiet though. “It’s none of your concern” I said sarcastically. “Why are you so mean to me? Don’t you know that all the girls in town well, obviously excluded you; are head over heels and dying to be with me? And you?” he said. “I’m not like them and besides they don’t know how nerdy you are!” I snap.

I heard him chuckle but I pretend to ignore it! I don’t want him to know that I am also one of the girls but yeah right! I know how to resist his charm. “Where are we going?” I said, yeah I also forgot to ask them about it! How pathetic. “In your beach house” he mutters. “What? Why?” I ask surprisingly. “Your brother’s order” he said.

Why do he always keep on following the orders of my brother? He’s so weird and coward! “As usual” I said. “Just trust him, he just wants us all to be happy” he said looking at me. Oh how I love his ocean blue eyes, but before he could notice I look away. “Why are you happy with him being so bossy? Does he have anything against you? Or do you need something? ” I said with a sarcastic tone.

He didn’t respond, so I just keep silent. He can’t respond because he’s a coward!

My subconscious spats. Yeah right! How can I forget that? He’s so bloody coward when it comes with my brother. “By the way, what happened between you and your girl?” I mutter but with a curious voice. I then bumped into the front after he breaks hard. What the hell is his problem?

“It’s none of your business, so if you could just shut your mouth!” he said with a cold voice. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t like!” I shout which cause him to stare at me. I have a bad feeling about this, now what? “Get out!” he shouts. “Here, in the middle of the road? Are you fucking kidding me? You want me to die?” I shout back. “I don’t care so just, get out now!” he yells but now he unlocks the car doors.

I felt pain run through me; I felt a big rock thrown into my heart. There the thought hit me; he doesn’t like me like I think. “Fine” I said but now in a low tone. I hate him, I hate him so much. I attempted to climb out when he grabs my arm, I stare at him blankly. “What?” I snap! “I already texted your brother!” he mutter and without a nanosecond, Michael arrived with Fantasy.

I got out of the car and Lyle went on his way, leaving me, Michael and Fantasy behind. “What happened?” Fantasy asks. “It’s not your problem, I want to go back home. I don’t want to be with you guys!” I snap. “Sophia! Where are your manners?” Michael protests. “I don’t know, maybe out there somewhere?” I said irritated.

“Could you just please stop acting like a child?” he snap. “Then stop treating me like a child!” I snap back. We glare at each other when Fantasy spoke “We just want to hang out with you Sophia because we know that you will be busy with your classes, is it too much to ask?” “Yes it is! But I will come” I said and get straight inside the car.

I don’t know what really happen about Lyle, I just ask him and he just change his actions towards me. I shook my head and forgot the thought. “So tell us, what did really happen?” Michael asks. “I just ask him about what happen between him and his girlfriend, and he just act as if someone just died” I mutter.

They didn’t respond, so I decided to take a nap. Besides, our beach house is not that near. It’s an hour drive and I can’t just sit at the back listening at them talking about some nonsense things.

But before darkness consumes me I heard someone or is it Michael? Says “She must know that our…”

and I didn’t hear the next line.

Chapter Five

I wake up from my deep snap well in my case a sleep if it’s nice. I rub my eyes and open it slowly, there I felt a soft and comfort pillow on my head and on my arms. Where the heck this pillow comes from?

After I could totally protest, the sea breeze came inside the room. Oh, how I miss this place BEACH HOUSE! But wait how did I get here?

“The sleeping ugly is awake” a familiar voice makes me clear up my mind. Why is Lyle here? Can someone enlighten me?

“I’m sorry for what happen last time, I was just, and I just don’t like someone shouting at me” he said. I raise my brow and pretend not to hear him but I was late because before I could get up from the bed, Lyle pinned me down.

Electricity run through my veins, I never felt this way. Because Lyle never touches you and he wouldn’t allow you to touch him too!

My inner goddess spats. “What do you think you’re doing? Get off me, you pervert, nerd or what WEIRDO!” I snap. “I said I was sorry” “If all things can just be forgiven because of the word ‘sorry’ then why the hell there is still policemen?” I snap and struggle to get up but he didn’t let me go.

“I’m sorry” he whispers but now more sincere. “What is it to you if I don’t?” I mutter. “You’re killing me here!” He snaps. “Look at our position and tell me who’s the one being killed slowly?” I snap back at him.

We was stopped when the bedroom door burst open and there Michael and Fantasy along with people that I don’t even know standing in front of us. “You’re here” the lady with a straight dark black hair like mine said. “She’s really here” a man with eyes like Michael’s continues.

“Get off me!” I shout at Lyle and there I saw he’s ocean blue eyes full of anger. What the hell? I forgot!

He get off me and struggle to be nice at me, he’s acting strange. He lends his hand for me to get up, without a second thought I accepted it. When our hands touches, the unexplainable feeling hit my body again so before I do something I would regret I pull my hands away from him.

Before I could collect all my thoughts, the lady and the man hug me as if they know me. “You’ve grown like your brother, and I’m sorry that we’re not there to see the two of you grow up” the lady whisper and let go of me. “Did I just miss something?” I mutter irritated. First, I don’t want to be hugged by some strangers and second, they talk very well as if they know me! Ridiculous!

Michael take a deep breath and walk in front of me, nodding at Fantasy and Lyle maybe asking them to leave the room because without any second thought thy left us with the lady and man and to think that they might be couples.

“I know that this will be going to sound terrible to you Sophia because I was so mad when I knew this too. Grandfather just told me about this late this morning when he came…” “Just straight to the point Michael” I cut him off. I look at the couple and back at Michael’s and I know that this is going to be good news, I think.

“Mom and Dad didn’t die as what our grandparents said” he mutters. My mouth drops open and my eyes widen, I stare at the adult couples and there I recognized the girls face, she looks like me, is she my mother? And the man he looks like Michael.

“Honey, we are sorry for not taking care of you” the man said. Tears trembling down on my cheeks, why do they need to tell me all about this? I am so happy without them! “Sophia” the lady whispers. “I am already happy in my life with Gram and Pop and Michael, I don’t need you so you can get rid of me now!” I said with a cold tone.

“Sophia” Michael murmurs. “Why do you both need to show up? Why now, now that we don’t need you anymore!” I yell. “It’s… it’s so complicated Sophia” the man mutter. “Complicated that you need to get rid of us? Is that so complicated?” I snap “Yes” the three of them says in unison. “How can you easily accept them Michael?” I ask but still crying.

“At first I don’t want to accept them but after all they are our parents without them we could never be here” he mutters. “What? So now, they just can roam into our lives?” I snap

“Just give mom and dad a chance and for sure we’re going to love them again” he said. I shook my head and ran away from them, down the stairs exit at the back door and went to the shore. This is a lot to take in and I just can’t focus to where I should start this fucked-up-ness thing.

Why is this happening to me? Them being here, telling me that they are alive and Michael helping them is not so good!

Chapter Six

I spent 30 minutes thinking about the things that just happen. I want to be alone; I want to go back to the place where I belong.
I shook my head and sigh, this day is the worst! I stare blankly at the sunset when Lyle approaches me from nowhere.

“Sophia” he whispers. “I don’t want to play games today Lyle, I want to be alone” I mutter. “I will just sit beside you and not say a word” before I could protest he already sit down next to me.

“I know it’s a lot to take in” he whisper. “I thought you won’t say a word? Anyway, it is really a lot to take in” I sigh. “What if you knew that your parent’s are not dead and everyone lied to you, what will you feel?” I whisper. “Same as you, but yeah we need to accept the facts about our life” he mutter.

I sigh and watch the ocean, he has a point though, and I have to embrace the facts about me because it’s part of me. I get up and get rid on the sand; on the other hand, Lyle did the same. “Are you ready to face them?” Lyle asks. “I don’t have a choice and besides I have to face them after all they are my family” I walk away from him when he unexpectedly grabs me by his arm.

That weird feeling of sparks running through my body again, it’s tingly. I look at his eyes and he did the same, what now? “You don’t want to play tricks on me Lyle, take note I’m pissed as hell right now” I smirk but surprisingly he smirk back. “I don’t have to because I know you can’t resist me” he said leaving me behind.
I can’t what? He’s ridiculous, how can he be?

I shook my head and follow him, he’s pathetic. We arrive at the house at exactly 6 in the afternoon, the lady uh! Mom opens the door and nod. Unexpectedly there’s an urge force from me, I pull her with a hug and I cry. “I miss you so much mom” I sob. She cuddle me and caress my hair “I know you do honey, and I miss you more than you could ever imagine” she whisper.

Big arms hug me on my back, I don’t have to turn and know who it was because I know that it is the man who is my father. “We’ve been in years of deaths here, kids” he said then that Michael hugs us too. It’s a family reunited hug and I want it to last forever.

After the big hug, we all ended up eating dinner. Mom and dad cooked it for us; they said that they want to make it up to us from now on. “Sophia, do you have a boyfriend?” Dad asks which make me and Michael glare at each other. “Honestly dad, I don’t have any boyfriend because of that oh so protective man beside you!” I said pointing Michael. “That’s what big brothers do” he snap right back at me and cause mom to burst a laughter.

“The two of you are so cute, well how about you Michael? You told us that Fantasy is your girl, then why you don’t allow your sister?” mom asks and makes me smirk like an idiot. “Actually, no one likes Sophia because of her pathetic attitude, she’s mean and rude and sometimes sarcastic” Michael said just obviously want to hide his protective behavior.

I roll my eyes and just concentrate on my food; I then notice that Lyle is insanely staring at me. What’s his problem?

Dad explode a cough and cause me to stare, yeah right they are staring at me that is busy staring at Lyle. Can someone grab me now?

“Anyway, this food is good!” I mutter changing the subject. “Well, thank you darling It’s nice of you” mom smiles. “Yeah, yeah whatever, I’m going to the theater room” I bid. “Can I come with you?” Fantasy unexpectedly asks. I raise my brow not enough for them to notice. “If you want” I said with a grim line. “What about me and Lyle?” Michael asks. “You can come if you want and I’ll just probably stay here so that I can help mom and dad clean up your mess” I said and started picking up the plates when Lyle grabs it from me.

“What’s your problem?” I shouted. “I would help them, go to your movie or whatever you call that!” he snaps. Everybody except me and Lyle cough. I stare at them blankly and there I notice that my back is on Lyle’s front. My cheeks started heating up, why can’t this day be so nice? “You can do it!” I snap and went on my way with Fantasy and Michael following me.

The theater room is on the second floor of the beach house, its dark with a big screen and 10 massage seats that have a color black on it. I sit down at the very back of the room while Michael and Fantasy sat on the front. “What movie you like to watch?” Fantasy asks me “You two choose” I said. “Let’s watch the Paranormal 4 Activity” Michael said. “Yeah, whatever you big coward” I tease him. Really, Michael may be tough but it’s not a secret from me that he is insanely coward when it comes on horror films.

The movie was about to start when mom, dad and Lyle enter the theater room with an unknown blonde girl. “Hey, did we miss a big part of the movie?” Lyle said which cause Michael and Fantasy turn around. “Hey, oh Britney you came” Michael gasps in shock. “Yeah, Lyle keeps on calling me and here I am” the girl named Britney responds.

“Come along now! We’re going to start the film” Michael smiles while Fantasy looks at me with sorry face. She also knows that I like Lyle and even though we’re not that close anymore, she still keeps it as a secret.

Chapter Seven

The movie is getting thrilled, but not with me. Mom wrapped her body on dad, Michael hide on Fantasy’s back and Lyle cuddled his girl named Britney. I am such a horrible looser, I think. For me not wanting to see some inappropriate behavior rather than the movie, I manage to stand up and walk outside the theater room. How come I keep on being the loner? And that nerd! I thought that his relationship is over? Uh! I really hate this day! I just want to go home to where my group and grandparents was. I can’t stay another day with them.

I decided to walk to my bedroom when I notice Lyle followed me or maybe would just grab a drink. “Hey, don’t you want to finish the movie?” he said. “I don’t want to see some extras in front of me, three couples in front of me doing nothing than cuddling with fear, that movie is not that scary!” I mutter and sigh. “Because you’re not scared of everything” he said. “Anyway, I’d rather go to my bed and sleep” I bid but before I could wholly turn my back on him, he just unexpectedly grab my arms and that fucking feeling is there again.

“Do you really want to grab my arms?” I said as I struggle to get rid of him but unfortunately he didn’t let me go “Are you mad because my girl is here?” he smirks. “Excuse me? For your information you big nerdy coward I don’t like you and why the hell would I be mad? It’s your life and that’s none of my concern so can you just let go of me before your girl can say something?” I hiss and fortunately he did let go of me.

Meanwhile, Britney’s standing behind Lyle. She might notice us glaring at each other because she walks towards Lyle and smile at me. “So, you’re Sophia, Michael little sister” she greets. For me not to be mean I smile at her “And you’re Britney, Lyle’s girl. I thought you two broke up” I said. “Sorry?” she asks confusingly. “Never mind, I hope you’ll enjoy staying here have a goodnight” I bid and went on my bedroom.

He already has a girlfriend, and what about you?

My subconscious teases. I can’t blame my subconscious; I never tried having a boyfriend before, not even a simple kiss, I sigh from the thought. I’ve decided to call Chloe or the rest of the girls but unfortunately no one answered, maybe they are still upset with me for leaving them behind and ditching our plans for tonight. I am such a horrible girl.

A knock from my bedroom door occurs “Come in” I said. The door opens and there standing my old best friend Fantasy. “How can I help you?” I mutter. “Can we talk?” she said. “Yeah, whatever” I mutter. I lend her my fluffy bed for her to sit and she did accept it. “What is it all about?” I ask.

“I thought we’re okay” she whispers lowly. “Yes we are? I don’t find any misunderstanding between us” I said dryly. “I know that you just try to be nice, we’ve been what best friend since the day we were born…” “It ended up when you two lied to me” I snap. “Look, I’m having a hard time here so please just tell me what do I need to do for you to be so close to me again” she said and I know that from the way she talk she’s not happy “You don’t need to do anything, here” I lend her my pinky finger “This I promise you, that we’re good and no hard feelings” I smile.

She accept it and smile, I don’t want to be rude. Yes, I was hurt when they lied to me about them dating but I know that it’s about time to forgive and forget. “Can we stay best friends again?” she said. “I can’t promise you that, besides it’s better this way” I smile and she did smile as well.

I try to talk to her more; I want to know what it feels like being committed with my brother or being committed with a man. “So, how are you dealing my brother?” I start a conversation. She stares at me with a surprise look, maybe she’s surprise of my question, I think. “Well, I don’t really have any interest between your relationship with him but well, if my brother is happy so am I” I continue. She smiles, her shy smile and I raise my brow, oh man! I think. “I don’t know if I will tell you this but your brother is so protective and oh he’s terrible when he gets jealous”

I can’t blame Fantasy, she’s so gorgeous and I know guys are looking forward on dating her but my brother is not too bad though. “Are you happy with him?” I ask. “Yes, you know that he’s my first and I do hope that he will be my last. I love him and I don’t even know why” she state. “Is it nice to have, you know to be committed?” I ask again.Darn it!

I don’t have any idea about this relationship thingy.

“It depends Sophia, whether you and your partner want to work things out, then yes but if not then maybe no” she smile. “Oh Fantasy, when can I ever experience that love” I pout that makes her laugh. “Yeah, seriously I have a crush on Lyle and I can’t even say that to him” I pout much more. “Well, even though you’ll say that to him your brother won’t allow it” she sighs.

“I just wish for one time I will have a relationship so that my friends won’t left me behind, they keep on having dates while me? I just ended up in my bed studying” I mutter. “I will try to talk to you brother about that” she smiles.

“Talk about what?” we both jump out of bed when we hear Michael’s voice. He’s standing beside the door with Lyle. Did they hear our conversation? I hope not or else I’m going to die.

Chapter Eight

“Ah! That we’re close again but not that best friend thingy” I said. “Y—yeah, precisely” Fantasy added. “There’s really no doubt why the two of you happen to be best friends” Lyle smirks. “Because you two are such terrible liars” Michael added. Fantasy and I stare at each other; giving signals of what should we do next, when. “Look, you caught us; I want to talk to you about Sophia” Fantasy starts and she looks at me but I just nod at her for her to continue.

“Sophia will be eighteen next month and it’s clearly nice if you’ll let her try to be such normal teenage girl” “She’s normal” Michael snaps. “Let me finish” Fantasy snaps back. That’s what you get Michael! I giggle in my thought. “Yes she is but I don’t mean literally, going out with her friends without you being so protective around her is normal too! Let her try to find herself, go out with boys, watch movie, enjoy her senior year” Fantasy said.

“No” Michael said with a tone that you can’t argue “No?” Fantasy and I ask in unison. “Look, I can’t take the risk letting her go out with a dates, she’s my little sister for Pete’s sake. I don’t want her to be hurt just because of an asshole” he said. “Michael, it’s not enough. Yes she’s your little sister but can’t you just try and trust her? You can’t hold her forever!” Fantasy raises her voice.

“Hey! It’s alright, if he doesn’t want then I won’t” I interrupt because I don’t want them to fight over me. “No” Fantasy said and I know that she’s mad. “If you can’t just at least try to be fair to your sister then what the point of us being together?” she added which makes me gasps in horror. “Look, you don’t need to fight over me” I said but I think they didn’t heard me or if they did they just ignore me.

“Hey, Fantasy is that so unfair with my friend?” Lyle interrupts as well. “You know what’s unfair? Michael promised me that if I’ll accept his proposal for me being his girlfriend, he would allow Sophia to go out on a date but he didn’t keep his words!” Fantasy said and which makes me gasps again.

“Am I missing something here?” I said looking both Fantasy and Michael. “Before I agree of being his girl, I ask him if he will let you go out on a date, giving you the freedom you want and he promised he will but in the end he didn’t and he still let me fall for him!” Fantasy said seriously. “Fine” Michael breaks his silence “You can go out on a date, just don’t get upset Fantasy” he said worriedly.

I feel sorry for my brother but on the other hand I’m happy as hell, I can go out on a date, I think. I glance at Fantasy and surprisingly she winks at me and she looks at my brother and said “Promise that you won’t interfere to your sister’s life? I mean going out on a date and hanging out to with those people she wants?” she ask not giving a damn. “I promise, so now can’t you please stop your being so cold?” my brother snap.

I look at Lyle who is looking at me intently, I smile at him but he just look away; what just happen, mate? I shook my head and get caught my attention back when Fantasy started laughing like an idiot. We gave her what’s-up look but she just laugh harder. “Okay, I don’t see something amusing. I’m horrified here, babe” Michael snaps again. Fantasy sigh and hug him “You know babe, you’ve just been prank. Nevertheless, you agreed and promise”

“What?” Lyle and I ask in unison. “Well, it is true that we have some kind of agreement but I lied about making me fall for him because all I know I love him since the day we met” Fantasy smile but Michael is pouting and furious. “Don’t make some damn excuses” Michael grips her hand and led her outside my bed.
“What do you think will happen next?” Lyle mutters. “I don’t know; go follow them if you want but as far as I have now? I am indeed so grateful because I have my freedom to go out on a date” I smile sheepishly. “Just want to give you piece of advice? Don’t date jock guys…” “Like you? Na-ah! I won’t and trust me, guys can’t make me cry” I said.

“Hey, I am not a jock” Lyle protests. “Says who mister perfect?” I said not hiding the sarcasm tone on my voice “I bet you fuck all the girls you’ve been with, you’re not that perfect you know” I smirk looking at his shock face because maybe of what I just said. “You don’t know me, so you better watch yourself” he snaps leaving me behind closed doors.

He might get shot on his ego, and who the hell cares? Yes I like him but I don’t know, maybe it changes now, I hope! Anyway, he already had a girlfriend so why would I bother myself loving him? I’ve decided to take a peaceful sleep for tomorrow is another day.

Chapter Nine

Sea breeze wakes me up from a beautiful sleep, I felt peaceful and happy and I don’t know why. I climb out from my bed and went downstairs, my stomach is becoming silly.

As I arrived, no one is in there and now I’m started wondering. It’s already late and the whole beach house is so quiet. Maybe they’re beside the seashore, I think. So without a second thought I start walking outside only to find out that mom, dad, Michael and Fantasy are having a good time. I roll my eyes and sigh “Hey there sleepy head, good morning” mom greets. I’m not yet used of them, I mean duh! After what I found out yesterday, I need time. “Morning” I respond. “So, you like to eat now?” dad asks. “Nah, I want to take a walk first” I bid.

I was walking on the shore away from my family when I accidentally slip on the rock. Jeez!

I sigh and I can’t even stand up, I was about to call for help when a strong arms grabs me and with that, millions of tiny tingles explode inside me. I don’t need to bother looking at the man because no one can do that to me except Lyle.

“You better watch where you’re walking” he hisses. “I don’t need your help” I mutter. “I have a conscience unlike you” he snaps, I roll my eyes and open my mouth when he swoops me into his arms and carry me like a bride style. “Put me down” before I can’t control myself I mutter.

“You can’t even walk” he snaps and led me to a big rock where I can sit and where the sun can’t burn us.

“I can handle myself, I don’t want to bother you and your girl” I snap and jealousy hit me but he just getting more and more serious. “No one died so cheer up” I mumble “If I didn’t see you there, what will happen to you?” he gazes at me with an angry look. “Can you please stop treating me like a child?” I snap and please go away now!

“So stop acting like one! You need to take responsibilities with your actions Sophia! I’m not always by your side!” he hisses. “I can handle myself Lyle and I don’t need your pity, go back to your girl maybe she needs you more than me” I snap and struggle to stand but unfortunately I failed.

“Nothing will happen if we keep on arguing” he sighs. He’s right though, we keep on barking on one another. “I’m sorry” I mutter. “I’m sorry too” he said which make me laugh. “I know how to admit my mistakes, Sophia” he said and it makes me realize that he called me by my name.

“What happen with the ugly, mean pet names?” I ask. “You told me that I must call you by your name, oh woman! You’re all unpredictable” he raise his brow and shook his head. “Why? You’ve been with so many girls, you don’t know about our first behavior? How pathetic” I scoff in disbelief.

“Who told you that I’ve been with tons of girls?” he asks but now his voice is serious and it’s creeping me out. “I don’t know, but maybe of your looks or things like you being the most popular guy in school and most of the girls would kiss the ground you walk into; I mean you date those perfect and popular girls and yeah, I don’t know” I sigh.

“So I gave you a bad image of myself, wasn’t I?” he smiles. “Sort of” I yank. “Well, I might be one of those popular guys and might most girls kiss the ground I walk into and I might be dating those popular chick but they don’t know I’ve done all of it for just one girl” his smile fades and he’s now looking straight at me.

“I’m sorry about that, well it’s not my fault though; we keep on arguing every time we see each other” I smile. “But well, about this girl, why do you need to impress her? Just a piece of advice, I’d rather tell her what I really feel that to do some stupid things” I said but I can’t hide the pain I felt inside. He likes someone else, how painful was that?

“I always wanted to tell her but I’m afraid because that girl really hates my guts” he laughs. “Are you sure about that?” I mutter. “I don’t know” he sighs. “Well, you’ll never know if you don’t try” I said while trying my best to get up but I ended up falling of my butt. “Stop struggling of getting up, just tell me if you want to go back in the beach house then I will carry you” he mumbles.

“No, I don’t want you to carry me. Your girl is here and besides my brother gonna kick the hell out of you” I mutter. “First, the girl you saw last night is not really my girl and hey are you jealous that’s why you keep on reminding me about her?” he smirk. Am I that obvious?

“Oh boy, I’m not and why should I?” I raise my brow and roll my eyes.

“What a hopeless liar” he mumbles. “What did you say?” I pout. “Nothing, I just said that I carry you now and let’s go back” he said. “I’m heavy and Michael will kill you, he doesn’t want any one near me that’s how he loves me.” I protest He then gives me a piggy back ride and sighs. “Your weight is not that heavy and I can handle about Michael” he said and starts walking back to the beach house.

“How can you handle him? My brother loves me…” “But he knows that I love you more” he cuts me of that makes me surprise. What just he revealed to me? He loves you! You deaf!

My subconscious spat. I might me hallucinating but if I’m not can this be real, I mean he loves me? He really loves me?

Chapter Ten

After an awkward silent we arrived at the beach house. “What happen?” Michael asks panicking “Relax Michael no one died, I just out of balanced while I was walking on the shore” I sigh. “Then why the hell is Lyle giving you a piggy back ride?” he snaps and now staring at Lyle. “I can’t leave her like that! I don’t want to take the risk” Lyle snaps back. “What’s happening around here?” Mom interrupts from nowhere. “What happened to you Sophia” dad asks. “Can you please all relax? It’s nothing!” I sigh.

Lyle and Michael are still glaring at each other. “Hey both of you stop it!” Fantasy smacks the two of them on their heads. “I’m leaving” Lyle snaps and went straight to where his room located leaving Michael who is insanely glaring at him. “What’s your problem?” I hiss. Mom and dad excuses themselves leaving me with Michael and Fantasy.

“Nothing” Michael walk pass me and I think he’s going to follow Lyle. I look at Fantasy and she did the same, we end up laughing. “What’s wrong with those two?” asking her while I position myself on the couch. “I have to tell you something” she smirks while making herself comfortable on the other couch. “Go on because I also have something to tell you and will freak you out like it did to me” I smile smugly.

“So what are you going to tell me?” I ask curiously. “Okay, about Michael’s behavior towards Lyle” she cough and I gasps “Do you know that Lyle loves you?” “I don’t have any clear answer about that, he told me a while ago the he loves me more than…” “More than your brother” she smiles while cutting me off.

“How do you know about it?” I ask with furrow eyes. “He likes you since then” “But why didn’t you tell me?” I pout which cause her to laugh. “I was going to tell you but Michael stop me, he stop both of us” she sigh. “Why?” I ask. “Lyle is not really scared of Michael but if he keeps on disobeying your brother, Michael might won’t let Lyle have you” “What? No one can tell me who must be the boy I like!” I hiss. “Yeah, but Lyle thought that it will be for your own good. You know, he always do some stupid things just for you to acknowledge him” she smirk.

“I really don’t get it, then if he likes me then why he told me today?” before Fantasy could answer me, Michael is walking towards us with Lyle. “Lyle is not leaving, we already settle some things” Michael said and sits down beside Fantasy. I am not mad but I am so tired of all those lies and secrets. So before I lose my mind I stand up and ask them “Why didn’t you tell me about your feelings Lyle?”

It takes a minute after he respond “I don’t want to bother your study, and I don’t want any flaws between me and your brother. I just don’t like you but I love you Sophia, but I couldn’t take the risk being with you” “Why?” I mutter. “It’s not his fault Sophia, I told him not to do so and…” “Let them settle this babe” Fantasy held her hand out for Michael and they both excuses themselves.

“Sophia look, I love you since the day you beat me on that pop quiz at school. You’re the only girl that caught my very attention, I wanted to tell you so badly but I am afraid that you will reject me. I just take the risk a while ago even though that I know what kind of impression I give you at the very first. You’re the girl I was talking about back there; I’ve never been hooking up with other girls because I want you to be my first”

Tears taunted me but I hesitate to let it flow down on my face, I won’t cry. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say those words Lyle, I love you since my brother introduce you to me. I am one of those girls who keeps on dreaming to be your girl but you just don’t look at me the way you look the others, and I felt pain deep down inside because I thought you don’t love me”

A long silence occurred in the atmosphere when Lyle suddenly talk “Sophia, I am dying to be with you but I thought you don’t love me” there and then his lips touches mine when I pull and smile at him and said “You don’t want them to see us, do you?” “Yeah right, so where are we going?” he asks. “Where do you like?” I ask back. “Somewhere away from here?” he grins then after that he pulls me out of the house and we walk straight back to the shore.

We’ve walk and walk and walk until we are so far away and when my stomach burst a loud noise. How embarrassing!

“I forgot I didn’t eat this morning” I pout. “What?” he hisses. “I’ve decided to walk first and we end up in trouble and…” “Are you that hungry?” he asks worriedly. “Not really why?” “Well, I don’t want to go back there. Not now, not until I finish kissing you” he smirk. “You’re a jerk!” I smirk back.

He then trailed kisses on me when I pull him again. “Do you know that you’re my first kiss?” I smile and he smirks. “Well I’m honored” then he kisses me on the lips passionately. “You’re lips are so soft” he whisper. The tingling feeling inside my body evaporates when the rain starts pouring.

“Oh no” we both sigh in unison. “We need to go back” I said. “No, we’ll stay on that little hut over there” he said and off we went. “It’s really little suits for two people” I pout. “Well, it really suits the two of us” he smiles and I smile back. “So what are going to do?” I ask “I don’t know, maybe continue that thrill?” he smile back and then he started trailing kissing on me when I moan loudly.

Chapter Eleven

“We can take it slow if you want” Lyle said. “No, I want this, I want to experience this” I said allowing him to take all of me. “Are you sure because I will still love you if you don’t want to” “No, I want this” I said.

We’re already half naked, me wearing my bra and undies and Lyle wearing only his boxer’s and his so hot, that six pack abs are really hot! He then kisses my breast and suck them, it feel so good and tingly. I felt his erection but I let him do his thing first, he then moves down to my sex and start kissing and licking it! This is not so bad. “You taste like heaven” he whisper and then licking it faster and it makes me weak, he then insert a finger on me which makes me close my eyes and hold my breath.

“Does it hurt?” he asks. “A little” I whisper “Are you scared?” he asks again. “Yes, but I don’t want you to stop!” I snap and he didn’t talk back. He then again tries to push his finger on me and now I am so in pain “Sophia” he said and he let go his hand from me. “Lyle, want are you doing?” I ask. “Have you seen a dick before?” he smirks and it cause me to stiffen, I never think about it! Then he revealed his big dick in front of me.

“What?” I gasp. “Hold it because it’s all yours” he smirks. I hesitate at first but he holds my hands and led it towards his erection. It’s hard and really big, it’s my first time! Yeah right, I know it! So go on with that stop being a crying baby!

My subconscious spats. “Try to eat it, don’t chew it” he scoffs. “I know what to do but I haven’t done anything like this” I mutter. “We’re both first timers here but I usually watch porn so I have tons of idea about what we’re doing” he said.

I lick his erection and let him fuck my mouth, it’s big and I might get choke but it taste good, so good. “This feel so good, Sophia” Lyle whisper and now he push me to the coconut leaves. “Put it inside me now” I said panting but he did. “Aw” I cry “Shit!” he groans and now I wonder why “It hurts” I cry “Blood” Lyle whisper and there I look down to our sex’s together mix with blood. “I’m a virgin for Pete sake!” I moan

He then again push his junior inside and it still hurts, it takes 8 pushes for me to get the heaven that other girls keep on talking about and it feels so good. “Faster” I mutter. Lyle push and pull faster until we both reach our point, he collapsed on my side and I wrap my arms around him.

“It was a great first kiss and sex” I smile. “I can say the same” he whisper and kiss me on the forehead. “Sophia, no matter what happens please bear in your mind that I love you and no one can change that” he said seriously and from what kind of tone I heard I think there’s something he wants to tell me. The question is, is it good or bad news?

“What’s bothering you Lyle?” I sigh. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead again. “Sophia, your brother didn’t really want to let you leave school for two weeks. He wanted to meet you and your parent’s at your grandparents’ house but I told him, I want to be with you when you will meet them” he looks at my eyes but I nod at him for him to continue talking.

“Look, I never lied that I love you but the thing is…” “You know Lyle, please point it out” I said. “I just want to spend my time with you” he whisper and it made me smile. “Why didn’t you tell me about it?” I smirk. “Because I’m afraid and I really thought that you hate my guts.

He hugs me tight and I did the same, we stay like this forever. “I can’t really imagine this day; me being with you and you know, sharing my first romance with you” I said while covering my face because of embarrassment. I heard him chuckle and uncover my face “I can say the same, I just don’t want to end this time” he smile.

“We should probably get back, don’t you think?” I ask. “Yeah, I’m also thinking about that” he said. We both stand up and started wearing our clothes; there are no exact words that can picture about my feelings today. We’re both ready to go back when Michael’s voice erupts we both froze and gasp.

“Where the heck have you been?” Michael snaps us out. There I notice that he’s with someone whom I don’t know. “The rain erupts that’s why we need a place to stay and who the hell is she?” I said raising my brow referring to the girl. “Ah! By the way I’m Lorraine Young, Lyle’s fiancée” she greets.

My mouth drops open. She is Lyle’s fiancée? She’s kidding right? I mean they are all kidding!

I stare at Lyle who is staring back at me. “Babe, I thought you told everyone you knew about our engagement?” she pouts and gives Lyle and quick kisses on the lips in front of me. Should I run? But if I do, what will they say about it? Advising my heart not to burst out of pain, I manage to say “Oh! Yeah, Lyle keeps talking about you. I just don’t know that you’re the Lorraine” “Oh! Isn’t he sweet?” she smile at me and wrapped her arms on Lyle’s arms.

“So, I probably should be going. You know, tons of things to do and…yeah” I bid overcoming my tears. “By the way, congratulations” I smile and ran away from them. He’s engage but he let me have him! He’s like the other guys, using those innocent girls! I hate him so much right now!

Chapter Twelve

I arrived at the beach house and I saw mum and dad with Fantasy talking in the kitchen. “Hey there, where have you been?” mom asks. “Just there somewhere” I smile and went straight to my bedroom but without a nanosecond, mom and Fantasy is on my side. “I can read that you have a problem” mom state “Problem? What problem?” I lie. “Tell us about this, you know girls power” Fantasy add.

I shook my head and give them a slight reassuring smile, now I just want to be alone and away from them. “Sophia, we know that you are just lying but if you want to be alone for now, then we will give you that privilege but please bear in mind that we are just here when you need a shoulder to cry on” mom smile and they both leave me closing my bedroom door.

I quickly unlock the door and explode out the tears. I can’t bear this thing; First, Michael told me that he and his girl already broke up then there’s this Britney came up and now this, him having a fiancée? Is he really trying to play games on me? I was in the middle of silent when I heard a loud knock on my door.

“Sophia, let me explain” I know that voice, and I don’t want to see him. I didn’t respond and again, he bang the door when I heard running foots from nowhere. “What’s happening?” I heard dad asks. “Nothing sir, I just want to talk to your daughter we have this kind of misunderstanding” he respond. A Misunderstanding! Now this is really nothing for him.

“Then why do you have to bang the door?” Michael interrupts. “Because she’s not opening it” Lyle snaps. I heard them yelling at one another but I can’t figure the words they say. It came to the point that I can’t take the noise outside my bedroom so I decided to open it once and for all. Dad, Michael and Lyle all shut their mouth and look at me intently.

I raise my brow and cough. “What the hell is wrong of you?” Michael asks. “Nothing” I said dryly. “Well, I think Lyle and you need to finish talking or something” dad bids dragging Michael from behind. I roll my eyes and shook my head. “Why are you here?” I ask Lyle “Because I owe you an explanation” he mutter. “About you being engage? It’s not a big deal; you used me and take advantage of it! Curtain close and goodbye” I sigh. “Look let me explain” he pleads.

“Okay, explain!” I mutter but with a tiring tone. Yeah, I am so tired of all this bullshits. I don’t know, maybe because I am so sick of people lying around me and taking advantage of me being so good or BULLSHIT! “Yes I wouldn’t deny that I am already engage with Lorraine but it was before I knew that you felt the same way too” he whispers “Don’t you dare make me the reason of all this shits!” I snap. “I’m not! I’m not lying when I told you I love you” he said.

“Save it Lyle, I am good about this. You being engaged and me being used by you” I said grimly. “I’m so sorry for not telling you Sophia” he said. “Sorry? Of course you are Lyle because I already knew it! When I your plan telling me all about this?” I crack a sob. “Sophia, I don’t mean to hurt you” “But you did! I am as hell broken now Lyle, I already give you everything”

“What should I do to make you forgive me?” he whispers. I wipe my tears because it is still no use of crying! It won’t change anything. I’m thinking deeply what would he make for me to forgive him and a thought came out on my mind. “If you’re really sorry, I hope that I won’t see you again as long as I live. I am so tired Lyle. I don’t know if I want to see you after what happen” I mutter and started closing the door when Lyle’s hands parry it. “If that what makes you happy then I will” then after he said that he went on his way. I quickly close and lock the door. I am hurting right now and I just want to die. There are still men that is worthy of your love!

My subconscious reminds. I don’t know, having this pain right now? I just want to go away. I don’t want to see him, forever!

A knock from my door occurs, I decided to wipe my tears first and open it! I don’t want to stay in my bedroom having some self-pity. I am not a loser, I think. As I open the door; Mom, Fantasy and dad are standing in front of me. “What the matter Sophia? Why don’t you tell us? Lyle left already, really pissed off” mom gave me hug but I decided to lie.

“Nothing mom and it’s just a little misunderstanding” I smile crossing my fingers that they will bite it. “You want to talk about it with me?” Fantasy smiles at me. Though were not that close anymore, I know from within that she’s the only one I can talk to right now. I nod my head and my parents left us.

“So what’s this all about Sophia?” she said. I started crying and she hugs me tight, comforting me from the pain I felt inside. “He told me he love me and he didn’t even bother tell me about him being engage” I sob “He used me, he took advantage of me Fantasy” I cry. “He knows that I love him, I give him everything” there I admit it. “You give what?” Fantasy gasps in horror. “Everything” I sob.

“Sophia, you’re too young and you give him the most important part of being a girl?” “I love him Fantasy and he said that he loves me too but I was wrong, he is a liar and I don’t want to see him again” I sob.

“I want to go back home” I sob. “Yes, we will” she whisper. Fantasy hugs me more. I miss my old best friend.

Chapter Thirteen

That was 9 months ago, and from those 9 months. I am also 9 months pregnant, I am going to have a baby within 3 days or less; well you know who the father is because he is the only guy I loved back then, Lyle. I haven’t seen him since then, Michael told me news about him but I show no interest. Lyle didn’t even know that I am having his son. Yes, I am having a boy and I am so excited about it.

If you’re asking about what’s the expression of Michael and the rest of the family about me being pregnant then I will tell you


I was in my 4 months that time, I didn’t tell them earlier because I am planning to abort the child but when I felt that he’s moving in my tummy, I felt love and peace. I was taking a nap when Michael arrived. “Hey baby sister” he gasps when his eyes meet my tummy well, I forgot to wear t-shirts that time because I am just alone. “Are you pregnant?” he asks again. I take a deep breath and nod. Now, I am so getting a big punch from him.

“Why the hell? Who the hell is the father?” he shouts when mom and dad just arrived from grocery. “What’s going on here?” mom asks. “That filthy daughter of yours is pregnant and she’s hiding it from us” Michael shouts again. “Calm down” dad said and walk towards me. I didn’t let my tears prickled me, I can do this. “Sophia, how many months?” dad ask. “About 4 month’s dad” I said. “For Pete’s sake, 4 month’s Sophia? Are you crazy?” Michael snaps. I know he is pissed as hell but I don’t want to tell them who the father is because Nah! Who am I kidding?!

Mom sobs and walks towards me. “Baby, who is the father?” she asks. I shook my head and sigh. “Tell us who the father is!” Michael snaps angry enough to throw some furniture. “Don’t worry about this, I can handle this thing. I will abort this baby if that what makes things fall into perfect place. “NO!” the three of them says in unison. “Don’t you dare kill the baby because of your mistakes, you need to take responsibilities of your actions” Michael snaps. “Tell us who the father is” dad asks. “If I will tell you who the father is can you please hide it from him? I don’t want to see him, I don’t want him to be part of this baby’s life” I said.

“Why?” Michael asks but now he is calm and he walks towards me. “I don’t want him, I hate him now!” I snap. “Who it is honey?” mom asks. “It’s Lyle” I whisper. “Bullshit!” Michael shouts. “Big brother, we didn’t mean to” I sob, I can’t handle the tears anymore. “He must know he must take full responsibility of you” Michael said. “Your brother is right Sophia; you just can’t hide it from Lyle. Don’t you think that it is unfair to him?” dad adds. “He’s already engage dad! What’s being unfair? He doesn’t have any conscience and I can raise my son without him! Just please don’t tell him” I didn’t know what happen next because the next thing I knew, I was on my knees begging them to keep it a secret. “It’s final! We wouldn’t tell Lyle about his child!” mom announces and she hugs me and helps me up by holding my shoulders.

“But mom” Michael said. “No Michael!” mom said and with those words, no one can argue about it. “Fine, but don’t you dare try to abort your baby” Michael warn and smile.

End of the Flashback

“Well, hello there excited mother” Fantasy greets. Its summer and Fantasy and Michael decided to stay with us for the holiday break, on the other hand, I decided to continue studying in the house. “Yeah right, I can’t wait to meet my boy” I smile while rubbing my tummy.

“Is he moving more often?” Fantasy asks. “Just at night time, I don’t have any sleep but it’s all worth it” I said. “Oh my two young daughters are here” mom said that makes Fantasy blush. Michael is planning to get engaged with Fantasy and well, I don’t have any words about it! As long as they are happy so am I.

“So, your baby shower?” mom asks. “Well, just a little friend from school and Gram and Pop and some of those acquaintances?” I smirk. “Look baby, your mommy is preparing so many things for you” mom said rubbing my tummy. “Well of course, he is my little prince” I smile. A moment later, Michael arrived with dad and my Gram and Pop.

The old pals know about my pregnancy in fact they are happy about it and didn’t care less about the father. “How’s my great grandson doing in there?” Gram smiles “He’s doing very great Gram” I smile.
“Oh! You little fella in there must be so good!” Pop teases. “Yes he is Pops!” I smile.

“Get ready for the baby showers tonight Sophia, there are lots of people that are so keen to see you as a pregnant and adorable woman!” mom smiles “Yeah right, pregnant at the age of 18?” I sigh
“Hey, don’t mind those intruders because they are just jealous of you and besides it’s not a regretful thing, you are having a precious angel” dad smiles and hugs me.

“I know dad and I am happy with my life right now. Knowing that you guys are here beside me” I smile.

Chapter Fourteen

“Hooray for the baby!” Kyle and Jessica shouts in unison. “Hooray!” Sharon, Chloe and Christine shout in unison as well. “Shut up you guys!” I said while laughing. “I can’t believe that you are having a son” Jessica smiles. “Who was the father?” Kyle asks. I stiffen and look at Kyle, I can’t tell him because he’s going to tell his brother and I can’t take that risk. “Uhm…” I mutter. “Who cares about the father you big face! The father has no conscience! He just left our dear friend here” Chloe snaps at Kyle. “I just ask!” Kyle snaps back.

“I don’t want to talk about it” I said. “Hey! Sophia, there’s someone whose very keen to meet you” Michael shouts. I gave him a confused look and he just grabs me, leaving my friends from behind. “Where are we going?” I mutter. “To the kitchen” he said. I just follow him so that it will be finish when I saw the last person I wanted to see in my whole life, the man whom I loved, the man who is the father of my child and the man that broke my heart, Lyle.

He looks at me and smile, he looks more handsome than the last time I saw him. He might move on already and face the fact that we’re not meant for each other. Anyway, Michael told me that Lyle didn’t marry Lorraine but I don’t have any idea why. Lyle excuses himself to those people whom I don’t know and walks towards me.
On the other hand, Michael excuses himself so that Lyle and I can talk more privately.

I hesitated at first but I don’t have any choices, all my system just abandoned me. I can’t love him again!

I shout at my own mind. “Hi” Lyle mutters. I raise my brow but just smile. “That smile is a bit sarcastic” he said. “Why do you want to see me?” I snap. “I always wanted to see you but you’re the one who is not willing to see me again; and I just want to congratulate you about your baby” he reply in more sincere tone.

“Thanks but I have lots of visitors and I don’t want to be rude so I’d better go now” I said. Honestly, I don’t want to talk to him again because I know deep down inside I still love him and I still do but I have to go away because that’s the nicest thing to do. “Why do you keep on pushing me away? I just want to ask you something” he said.

I look at him and sigh. “What is it?” I ask. “Who is the father of your child?” he asks back. I froze for second and let my brain think straight; don’t tell me he knows about this? “What is it to you?” I hiss. “Do you love him?” he whispers. I close my eyes and make myself relax, he must not know about the baby. “Yes I love him, I love him so much that I sacrifice the fact that we would not intrude to his life again, so if you don’t have any questions, I would like to leave you now” I bid and walk away from him. Wiping those tears that flow down to my cheek.

I was walking back to the party when I saw Fantasy and Michael talking. “Hey” Michael greets. I gave him a madden look and walk towards him. “You know that I don’t want to see him, why did you invite him?” I hiss. “Whoa, kiddo calm down. We didn’t invite him alright? He just passes by and drop some stuff here and I am not a rude person so I let him come in” Michael snaps.

“Anyway, what happen to your talk?” Fantasy asks. “I don’t really want to…Ouch!” I grip my tummy, It hurts and please don’t tell me I’m going to give birth now? “What’s wrong Sophia?” Michael asks panicky. “My baby, I’m….I’m going to have my baby!” I shout while still holding my tummy. “Fantasy, please call mom and dad” Michael orders and without any sound of response, Fantasy ran off to look for my parents.

“Michael it hurts so badly!” I shout in pain. “We’re going to wait for mom and dad, Sophia. I don’t know what to do” he said panicky. “We need to bring her to the hospital” said with a masculine voice and I know who it was, it is Lyle. “Let’s go then!” Michael mutters. Lyle rush beside me, he carry me and I don’t have any energy to hesitate because I know that I can’t bear the pain right now and I have to go to the hospital.

“Lyle, please bring her to the hospital. The family will follow as soon as we can! Please take care of your family!” Michael snaps. Lyle stop walking and I glare at Michael and he suddenly gives me a wide eyes. “What did you say Michael, my family?” Lyle asks. “I mean…” “Just bring me to the hospital please!” I sob. How could Michael be so naughty about this little secret!

We arrived at the hospital and the nurses and the doctor directly put me straight to the labor room. It is so damn painful! But I know that I will see my baby boy. “Push as hard as you can” the doctor orders. “In three, two, one, push!” he continues and I did exactly what he had told me.

It takes 15 minutes before I heard a baby cry. “My baby” I mutter. “Here’s your son, Sophia” the nurse said. “Can I carry him?” I ask. And they did let me carry him; he is precious gem I received from above. My boy and he look like his dad. His DAD!

I haven’t seen Lyle, maybe he already left.

“Ma’am, we’re going to clean the baby” the nurse said. I smile at my baby and give it to the nurses. Then after 3 minutes I fell asleep. There I know that giving birth to a child is not that easy but I love the feeling afterwards because you can able to see the reward. It’s like an angel from above.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.10.2012

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