

“Are you freaking kidding me?!” With a shock tone she glanced to her best friend Nick. He was a very nice man; he’s a 6ft tall and had a tan skin, with a combination of bluish-greenish eyes; he’s the Mr. Perfect of their batch and most girls liked to be with him except to his best friend Nikki.
“You know I never kid” with a low voice answered Nick. “I’ll be leaving soon, about a week or two.” he stared at Nikki. She is the Ms. Perfect of their batch; her popularity is unbelievable, guys with loved to be with her and girls wanted to be like her.
Nikki and Nick we’re BFF’s since the day they wear diapers. Coincidentally, they both have the same birthdate, they grew in the same village and their families we’re really closed. They both have the biggest opposites, some would say they really we’re perfect for each other but they would just laugh to it. For them, they will never be more than BFF. They treat each other as siblings, Nikki and Nick doesn’t find any attraction from one another which makes them comfortable. But the difference between other BFF into theirs was; they sometimes don’t want to hang out together.
“Why so sudden?” asked Nikki. Actually, I’m used to be left alone by Nick because I know he’ll come back but about his leaving? I can’t handle it!
“Dad and Mum have planned to set another Branch of our Business in New York, and besides opportunities comes once in a lifetime that’s why they grab it!” explained Nick.
“New York? It is like a thousand miles away. Are you coming back, aren’t you?” asked Nikki with a tone of doubt.
“Yes, but I don’t know when maybe five years or more.” respond by him. He doesn’t want to go, but for the sake of their business he has no choice. Family is still important.
“Well, It’s alright even though you’re there you still communicate with me right my BFF?!” teased by Nikki.
“Ah! Let’s see, maybe? I don’t know. HAHAHAHAHA!” teased by him. “Don’t worry, you’ll never be replaced and we still live here, we’ll just stay there for a little while.”
“I know! That’s why I’m not worried.” said Nikki. How could I be worried? We used to be far even though we’re best friends.

Two weeks after (Departure Time)

Hey! Big head, try to write me ok?!” teased by Nikki.
“You don’t have a mailbox shorty!” Nick teased her back.
“Don’t worry Nikki, we’ll send you mails. I already talked to your Mum and she said it’s alright!” said by Nick’s mom.
“Don’t sweat for it Tita!” answered Nikki.

The flight bound to New York is now on board, calling the passengers to get going…

“So this is it Nikki, no teardrops okay?!” smiled Nick as he glances to Nikki one last time.
“Who told you that I will put a tear when you leave? Don’t you know I’m strong and I can manage myself big head!” smiled Nikki.
“Hey Tita, always remind Nikki to cut her nails, brush her teeth, wash her face and not burp! HAHAHAHAHAHA!” called Nick to Nikki’s mom.
“Don’t worry Nick I will.” responded by Nikki’s mom.

The flight bound to New York is now on board, calling the passengers to get going…

“Okay honey, we’ll get going see you 10 years after.” bid by Nick’s dad.
“Wait what?! 10 years after?! Tito?!” asked Nikki with a frowned face.
“I’m really not sure Nikki, but we’ll give you an update, after all you’re like our daughter.” answered Nick’s dad.
“See you then Nikki.” bid Nick.
He hugged and kissed her on her forehead, he also gave her the most precious pendant Nick ever had. Nikki still on shocked knowing that her best friend will be gone for 10 years. What If they’ll never see each other again? What if Nick will find a new best friend? What if? They we’re only 15 years old and when they’ll see each other again, they will be in their 20’s.
As Nikki watched the airplane fly, she just smiled and cried. She didn’t notice that she’s crying until her mom and dad hugged her and wiped her tears.


The first three years were so fine about the communication between her and Nick, but when the fourth year came it suddenly changed. Nikki hasn’t received any mails from Nick, she’s wondering why? Then telling herself that may be Nick was just busy to write. She wrote him but got no reply. Nikki then suddenly begun to wonder.



“What’s going on to this big head, why he doesn’t mail me anymore?” I asked myself about it. “Nikki, breakfast’s ready I already called you 10 times” I didn’t even notice that my mom’s calling me for the nth time. “I’m coming mom.” I answered.

Mom was the one who served our meal every day. “Did he write you back?” I was shocked when mom asked it to me. Well, aside from Nick I also tell some things to my mom. “Nah! May be he’s so busy to write back.” I answered with a low voice full of wonder. “Hey, baby we have a family matter to talk.” called by my dad. I didn’t even notice him in the kitchen. “Huh? What is it all about?” I asked. Yeah! Well, I didn’t introduce you to my family yet. My dad is the CEO of MAC company, as you can see we’re not that poor. My mom runs a business of her own; she’s one of the greatest fashion designers in the whole wide world. I have a baby sister, well! She’s not a baby anymore though I’m just 4 years older than her. Her name was Nin, she’s beautiful like. (Come to think of it!)

“Well, dad wants you to go to Hawaii just to manage some MAC business there.” said Nin. “Hawaii? Dad! You know that I don’t want to leave this place, not this time NEVER!” shouted Nikki. “Baby, you’ll never stay here forever. You also need to explore the world, go to other countries, talk to other people.” said Dad. Well, he’s right. Since Nick left I never get out of our house, well I only used to go outside to go to church or buy some necessary things. I also used to be homeschooled, for the reason that I don’t want to have new friends not until Nick will come back.

“Oh! Sweetie, it’s not all about Nick. You also need to look for new friends because you know in your heart that Nick will be your very best friend.” hugged by mom. “Come on big sister, you’re 19 you don’t even have boyfriends yet! I know, I’d help you choose.” teased by my younger sister. Then again they’re right! I don’t have time for myself; I keep on waiting for Nick to response for over a year. Yeah! I need to move on, if he forgets about me so do I!

“Hey! Nikki?” shouted by Mom. “She’s day dreaming mommy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” teased by Nin. “NO I’m not! I’m just wondering why Nick hasn’t mailed me yet” I told them. “Big sister, don’t you worry about that may be he’s just busy of their business” said Nin.

“Well, yeah! Uhm! Mum! Can I go to a party?” I asked mum and even smiled when I saw her on a frown face. “Oh dear, well yes of course” answered mom.

“Yehey! Now my big sister is moving on!” said Nin happily. “Hey! Moving on? Well, Nick is just my Best Friend and not my Boyfriend.” I said. She just smiled and eats her bread. I wonder what she’s thinking. There’s no way that I will be in love with my Best Friend NEVER! NO WAY!


“Hey Nick, aren’t you coming with us back to our village?” asked mom. “We’re going home tomorrow morning” said dad. “Nah! I need to go to Myka’s part tomorrow mom” I said. Since I left home, I don’t want to go back on that village anymore. “Myka again?” asked dad. “Well, yeah! You know she’s my girlfriend and I don’t want to leave her here. If I’ll come I must asked her to come with us” I answered. “Come with us?” they both asked. I know that they don’t like Myka because of her attitude but what can I do? I like her, she likes me and I don’t really care of what they’re thinking. “Look Nick you haven’t even answered Nikki’s mail because of Myka’s jealous thing and you want her to come with us?” ask mom. Well she’s right, since me and Myka begun dating I forget Nikki because Myka is so jealous of her. At first I can still handle it and keep telling her that Nikki is just my best friend but she said that she will broke up with me if I will continue mailing Nikki again. “Nick? Hey buddy! Are you listening?” asked dad. “Yup! I’m listening. That’s why I want to bring her with us so that she’ll know that Nikki’s just my sister, I mean my best friend yet I treat like my younger sister” I said.

“Here read this, you don’t need to worry about Nikki anymore.” mom looked at me with sadness. She gave me a letter from Nikki, I read it and it says:


I know that you’re not thinking of me anymore. I bet that even I’ll write you this letter; you will not write back. Well, that’s alright I’m not expecting it anyway. Hey! I just want you to know that this will be the last letter that I will send to you, after this you will never heard news from me. I can’t wait for my best friend anymore; dad wants me to move in other country, which will be unknown to you. Thanks for being such a damn great best friend I will never miss you! NEVER!

How can you do this to me? I hate you so much! You’ve changed and I don’t know why! You’re just like other guys! You never keep your promise and you never will.



After I read the letter a tear drops and I started crying. I can’t question her for being mad at me. I just can’t accept the fact that I hurt her so much that gives her a reason to hate me this much. “Mom, when did this letter arrive?” I asked seriously. “Dear! This morning” my mom answered sadly. I ran to my room and slam the door. I just dive on my bed and sleep; I don’t want to think for a day.



I always wake up late even though I sleep early; this is the biggest problem when it comes to early birds. “Nikki lunch is ready” called mom. I hopped out of my bed and head towards my closet; I took a quick shower and dry up myself; I wear the most incredible experiment style of mine (I also used to design dresses). “Nikki? Lunch is ready for the nth time” shouted mom.

Wait? What? Lunch? Oh my! I really woke up late.

I need to go to the mall to buy stuff for next week trip. Did Nick receive my letter? Ugh! So what if he did received it! He’ll never respond to it anyway. When I’m still in my day dream my younger sister surprised me…

“Big Sister, big sister, big sister” called my little sister. “What? Why in a hurry my little princess? I know that I’m late so don’t be surprised!” I teased and laughed at her. “No! I have some kind of good & bad news” she said. “Oh? So you’re now a reporter?” I chuckled. “Hey! Seriously and I don’t know if you’ll be happy or mad or whatever!” she said while catching her breathe. “Well, that’s quiet intriguing; well then, tell me” I smiled. “But first don’t be surprised! Ok?” she warned. “Ok!” I quickly answered. “Nick is on downstairs waiting for you” she said nervously. HUH?! Nick? What the hell is he doing here? “Ah! Okay” I said. “So you’re not mad or whatever?” she asked. “Nope? I’ll go downstairs in a minute” I bid. She just walked out and left. I thought I will be happy if he’ll come back but I felt hatred and a little bit mad.

I quickly ran downstairs and say “hi” to Nick’s mom. I saw Nick smiling at me but I just ignore him. I really don’t know what’s happening to me. I noticed a girl sitting on the couch and smiling at me. Who the hell is she? I don’t recognize her, Well I don’t care. “Hey Nikki, you’re so tall now and you’re beautiful than before. The last time I saw you, you’re shorter than me” complimented by Nick’s mom. I smile just a sign of response. “Well she’s a grown up now” said mom. “Where’s Dad?” I asked. “He’s in his office honey with Nick’s father, they we’re talking about something very important” mom answered. “Hey shorty, we’ll I guess I can’t call you that pet name anymore; Now you’ve grown tall but unfortunately not taller than me” teased Nick. I just put a fake smile and ignored him, I head to the kitchen to grab some drinks and left them in the living room.


I felt guilty and hurt when she ignored me. Yeah! It’s my fault but I don’t want to end our friendship. NOT THIS DAY, NOT THIS TIME, NOT IN MY LIFETIME. “What happen between you two?” asked Myka. I was shocked when she asked it to me; I mean I didn’t expect it. “Hmmm… nothing, she just misses me. That’s all, right Tita?” I asked Nikki’s mom. “Yeah! Nikki was like Nick’s sister, they always spend their time together” answered Nikki’s mom. “But that thing was change since the day you left her. Big sister is a loner! She doesn’t want to talk to other people anymore” yelled by a girl just about 4 years younger than me. “Well, well, well! Nin? You’ve grown now” said mom. “Nin? You mean baby Ninny?” I asked. “Yes Nick, she’s the baby girl you used to borrow like a toy HAHAHAHAHA!” Nikki’s mom laughed. “I’m not a baby anymore, and I would prefer to call me Nin rather than Ninny” Nin shouted with a pout, so cute. She must be really angry for her sister, which in the other hand makes me happy because I thought that since the day I left there’ll be no one protecting Nikki. We heard footsteps from the hallway and glad to see Nikki. She’s more beautiful now, with a perfect body and a height of like 5’8, a perfect brown hair that makes her more attractive. She’s so incredible, I might fall for her. WAIT? WHAT DID I JUST say? NO WAY! She’s my best friend and nothing more.

“Honey, why don’t you talk to Nick and Myka while I, Nin and Nick’s mom will go to the alfresco to prepare the table” her mom said. I heard Nikki groaned but soon walked towards us. “Whatever you say mom!” she responded. “Great honey, see you in a bit” her mom bid. My mom, Nikki’s mom and Nin head quickly to the alfresco.


Shit! I’m so not getting over with this! Why is he here? I hate him! He really ruined my day!
“So you’re Nikki?” asked the girl, if I remember her name was Myka. She’s about two years younger than me. She’s tall, white skin with matching baby blue eyes, owns a perfect curly hair that just fit to her. “Haven’t you heard? Or is it not the obvious?” I replied. Now! Where are my manners? But whatever I don’t need to explain myself to anybody.

“Uhh! Hey look girls! Ahm… Myka she’s Nikki and Nikki she’s Myka my girlfriend” Introduced Nick. Wait what did he say? Myka was his girlfriend? I’m so not his best friend anymore. “Well, nice to meet you Nikki. Nick talks so much about you. How…” I cut her off. “Really?
But I guess I need to say sorry of whosoever are you; your boyfriend didn’t tell HIS USED TO BE BEST FRIEND that he already got a girlfriend” I answered. “Nikki…” Nick wanted to say something when suddenly my little sister shouted. “Lunch is ready” we all nodded and walk to the alfresco. I let them walked first so now I was behind them! Is this really the role of a used to be best friend or friend? Shit! This is the best horrible day ever!


As we arrived at the alfresco we quickly take a sit; and as I concluded Nikki will be sitting next to me and Myka will be sitting next to Nin. In fact, this will be a great opportunity to talk to her again when suddenly… “Nin, why you’re not sitting beside me?” asked Nikki. “Honey dear, don’t you remember that those chairs where named after the two of you?” said Nikki’s mom. “I also heard that too, Nick told me that it was the sign of your friendship” smiled mom. “You two we’re really great best friends” said Myka. “Ugh? Excuse me? USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS and F.Y.I we’re not that great!” said Nikki. Damn! Nikki will never embarrass me, well not ‘til today. “Yeah, I mean it’s all in the past and look we’ve grown now; we’re not kids anymore” I smile. “Well, great now Myka you mind if we’ll switch places?” Nikki asked sarcastically. She’s so horrible, upset! Crazy! Ugh! She’s ruining everything! “No not at all” Myka replied. “Excellent!” Nikki smirked.

We eat lunch happily except Nikki; I mean she used to laugh but when I will start the conversation again she’ll ignore me. SHIT! I miss my best friend, she’s so near yet I can’t even hug her or even hold her.



“Nikki, breakfast is ready” I heard a shout from my mom. Darn! I just slept 4 hours. I hope today will be different, which means I’ll lock myself in the house so that I’ll never see him again… HAHAHAHA! I hopped out on my bed and head straight to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and wash my face; I feel like I’m not feeling well today so I didn’t shower. I ran downstairs just to see my dad, mom and SHIT! “NICK!” I shouted. They turn around with frown faces. “Why shouting late riser?” he asked. “Why the hell are you here?” I asked. “Nikki, Nick will be staying with you for a month” mom said. “What the heck? Why?” I asked them confusingly. “My dad and your dad will be the one to handle the things that you need to handle in Hawaii” explained Nick. “So you mean you’ll go to Hawaii tomorrow instead of me?” I asked. “Yes honey” dad answered. “So what’s the point of Nick staying here?” I asked. “Well, I will be going with your mom and Nin” dad respond. “So you’re leaving me here all alone?” I asked. “That’s why Nick is here, he will help you and besides Nick’s parents are coming with us too” explained mom. “Whatever! I’m big now mom and I can do things on my own” I shouted. “Nikki!” dad yelled. “Look dad! I don’t want to ruin the trip of Nick and his girlfriend okay? So why don’t you give them more privacy?” I said sarcastically. “Honey, Myka left this morning” mom said. “She went back to New York for some reasons” explained Nick. “Then why are you here? Go follow her then! I don’t need a baby sitter” I shouted. “Nikki, whether you like it or not Nick will be staying with you and that’s final!” dad yelled. “Whatever!” I yelled back. I rolled my eyes and make my way to the front door. THIS MONTH SUCKS! I went to the nearest Cafeteria just a minute walk from our house to order some hot chocolate. It’s freezing damn cold.

“Its 2 dollars” the waiter said. I head on an empty table at the back and slowly drink my hot chocolate. Yummy! I then choked when I saw Nick in front of me. What the heck, is he trying to kill me? I didn’t notice him following me. “NOT AGAIN! Why are you here?” I asked. “I just wanted to talk to you Nikki” he replied. “We don’t have anything to talk about Nick” I said while drinking my hot chocolate. “I think we do Nikki” he replied. “I don’t think so” I responded. “Look Nikki I made a mistake, could you just listen to me? Please?” he pleaded. “Okay? 5 minutes!” I said. “I want to talk to you but not here” he smiled. He grabbed my arm and led me to his damn cool Mercedes Benz car; wicked! He drove towards the seashore which I realized that it was the place where we used to talk if we have a fight!

“Why are we here? Did you expect that you can make it up because we’re here? I said. “Look, I just want to tell you why I couldn’t reply your mails” he started. “Whatever! It’s alright done!” I yelled. “No, it’s not done. I mean can you just please listen to me?” he pleaded. “Go on!” I responded while looking at my nails like a bored kid on class. “I wanted to say sorry about it Nikki. Hey look; I really wanted to mailed you back but Myka threat me and by that it means she’ll broke up with me if I keep on communicating you again; she’s too jealous of you and I love her so much Nikki that’s why…” I cut him off. “That’s why you choose her more than your best friend?” I cried. “No Nikki, please don’t cry. I don’t intend to hurt you” he said. “Well too late Nick! It’s clearly too late!” I yelled. I can’t believe it! PERFECT! I was like a dumb bitch girl that is expecting for nothing! How could he possibly give up our friendship that easily? How dare him to show his face to me! FUCK THEM! “Nikki, I’m really am sorry” he said. I just ignored him and hopped out to the car, I really need a fresh air! Nick followed me with worried look. “Nikki please say something? Why you’re still pissed off? Look, I’m already here, Myka just left so that she could give us time and now you’re ignoring me? FUCK THIS DAMN DAY!” he yelled.

“Why? What do you want to hear Nick? That I’m sorry for keep sending mails to you which ‘cause you trouble to your girlfriend? That I’m sorry because you never told me that you already found a girl? That hey Nick I really missed you but wait your girlfriend might get jealous? That I’m sorry because I keep on bothering you and it annoys you? WELL THEN! NICK JAMES SMITH! I really am sorry for ‘causing you much trouble!” I yelled. I really cried hard that makes me feel crazy. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for your response. You don’t even know how long I keep waiting for my best friend to come back! Nick, we’ve been best friends since the day we were born! But I guess you can just easily break it for your girl” I cried even harder. I don’t understand why I’m in so much pain; I don’t know how to explain the feeling it just it really hurts me. “That’s why I said I’m sorry and I want you to forgive me. Nikki, Myka is my girl and you’re my best friend I didn’t broke our friendship I choose Myka ‘cause I know that no matter what happened in the end of the day you’ll still be my best friend” he explained. “Well you’re insanely wrong, we’re not friends anymore. You’ll forget about me and I’ll forget about you! Curtains close and we’ll just need to bounce to our new life again. You’re the one who give up Nick and not me” I said calmly. I turn around to face the sea and walked to feel the air.


I really hurt her; I watch her walking towards the sea. What shall I do to make her feel better? I followed her and grab her waist closer to mine. “What are you doing?” she asked. I didn’t answer instead I crushed my lips on hers. Damn! She really has sweet soft lips; at first she didn’t respond to my kiss but sooner she did. I bit her lower lip asking for entrance, surprisingly she granted me access; I explore her mouth hungrily and she did the same thing to mine. Nikki’s lips were so soft! I can’t stop it; I can’t imagine that I’m kissing my best friend! WAIT?! WHAT THE?! I quickly pulled and we both gasp some air. I looked at her and she’s still in shock like me. “I---I’m sorry Nikki, I must haven’t done it!” I said. She ran towards my car and cry! THIS DAY SUCKS! I followed her and sigh! “Can we just go home?” she said in low voice. “Okay!” I responded. The way to her house is so silent.

As we arrived at her house, she ran upstairs and I sat on the couch. No one is there, I look around the kitchen and saw a sticky not on the fridge. That says:

¬¬Nikki and Nick,
Plans change. We’re on the way to Hawaii! We received an emergency call from one of our business partners… See you next month; we just left you money on your credit cards. Take care you both!

Both of your parents

I ran towards Nikki’s bedroom and saw her lying in her bed. “Why don’t you knock before you enter?” she asked. “I’m sorry Nikki, I really am! And I just want to let you know that our parents are now on their way to Hawaii; they said that there’s an emergency” I explained. “Thanks for the info and you can now leave” she said. Instead of walking out I lay down beside her and embraced her. “Get out!” she shouted. “No! I will not get out until you’ll forgive me” I said. “Apology accepted, now get out!” she mumbled. I tapped her forehead and I felt heat. “Are you okay?” I asked. She didn’t respond that makes me more worried. “Nikki?” I whispered. Still no reply; I pull her close to mine and put my hand to her neck. “Shit! Nikki you’re sick!” I yelled. I quickly ran downstairs to grab some medicine and water. When I got the medicine I suddenly went to her bedroom. “Here take this, it can help you” I whispered. She got up and takes the medicine; she lay back to her bed freezing. “You can leave now, I can handle myself” she said. “Why would I? I will stay here whether you like it or not” I responded. “Whatever I just” she fell asleep. I chuckled and lay down beside her not knowing that I also fall asleep.



I wake up and saw Nick beside me sleeping. I still have a bit of headache and I’m still freezing cold. I get up out of my bed slowly enough to not wake Nick up but oops! It’s too late. “Good morning Nikki” he greeted. “What’s good about morning Nick?” I asked. “The good about morning is we still able to wake up, by the way are you okay?” he sincerely asked. “Who cares if I’m not?” I said. “Come on Nikki don’t be so mean, sooner or later we’ll be back to our what we called BEST FRIEND relationship” he proudly say. “Whatever!” I responded. Well, he’s actually right but I don’t know when. “Hey, wanna eat breakfast?” he asked. “Why? You’ll cook some food for me as a sign of apology for what you did yesterday at the shore?” I asked. “Well I didn’t intend to…” I cut him off. “Blah! Blah! Blah!” I smirked. “Wait? Do you keep on rewinding it on your mind?” he asked. “What? GROSS! NO!” I asked. This piece of shit! “Really?” he smirked. “Shut the hell up!” I yelled. “Don’t tell me that you want that KISS?” he grinned. EEEEW! Fuck! Well his lips were so soft; and kill me now because he’s my first kiss. My best friend was my first kiss? “Kiss your girlfriend! I’m hungry!” I shouted. “Okay, okay” he responded. We race towards the kitchen and grab some cereal and milk. We silently ate our breakfast and put our own plates in the dishwasher. WHAT AN AWKWARD SILENT! “Hey Nikki?” he started. “Hmmm?” I mumbled. “Can we just forget about yesterday? I mean could we just forget the KISS?” he said. “Why?” I asked. Before he could respond my question the doorbell rang. “I’m on it!” he mumbled. He walked straight to the door and I followed him. “Hey! How’s the flight?” he asked. FLIGHT? WHO THE HELL IS THIS PERSON? As I arrived at the doorway I saw MYKA?! “Hey Nikki, good morning” she greeted. “Morning” I responded. What she’s doing here? I thought she wanted to give Nick and me a time. “Oh! Nick babe I miss you so badly” she sigh. Before Nick could respond Myka gave him peck on the lips which makes me narrowed my eyes in surprise. “I miss you more babe” Nick responded and he gave her a peck. Well HELLO? I’m standing in front of you? “Babe, can you show me around on your village? It’s quiet big” Myka said sweetly. “Well, of course babe only if Nikki will come with us” he responded. “Well, Nikki can come along with us!” she smiled. “Uhm? Excuse me but I have something to do. So why don’t you have time on your own?” I put my best fake smile. “Are you sure?” Nick asked. “Yes” I replied. “But Nikki, we don’t know if we can go back home early” Myka sigh. “That’s alright! I’m big enough I don’t need a baby sitter and I really need to go to my 8th grade friend’s party” I explained. “Well, is it ok if we go along now leaving you behind?” Nick asked. “As if you haven’t done it; so I guess I need to leave you here! Enjoy!” I smiled.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom and take a deep breathe. That’s why Nick wanted me to forget about the kiss because Myka will be staying with us; but how can I forget it if that kiss was my first? I opened my MacBook and check my mail. Great! Mich mailed me for the nth time, I miss her so bad! Ok Mich was one of my closest friends back on the 8th grade.

MICH: Hey! Nikki, are you ready for the party tonight?

ME: Yeah!

MICH: You can bring Nick with you because the party is like a reunion of our 8th grade class.

ME: Nah! Nick is with his girlfriend

MICH: Oooh! That’s tough!

ME: What’s tough all about?

MICH: Well, you like Nick right?

ME: Hell NO! We’re just best friends I mean USED TO BE best friends

MICH: Really? LoL! Okay! Okay! Don’t forget tonight 8 PM

ME: Yeah! Yeah! But the problem is I need a ride… HAHAHAHA!

MICH: You can drive Nikki bunch

ME: I don’t want to, you must pick me up!

MICH: and leave my own party?


MICH: Hmmm, wait I will give Mike a call

ME: why?

MICH: I’ll ask him if he can give you a ride! Okay! Love yah! Xoxo

ME: no…

And Mich signed off! NO WAY! If you’re asking who the hell is MIKE! Well, he’s one of my crush back in the 8th grade; but when we got to the climax part of our relationship, NICK being the most protective best friend punch Mike to death! But punching Mike is not enough do you know what else he did? He sent me right away to our house telling my mom and dad that I’m already talking to boys! HE REALLY DID GREAT JOB! Since then Nick and I are liked conjoined twins; on the other hand, Mike stay away from me! HOW RIDICULOUS!

I heard a knock on my door. “Who is it?” I asked. “Nikki? It’s Myka” she replied. “Come in” I said. I sat down on my bed and I let her sit down on my cute purple comfy chair. “Can I talk to you?” she stated. “Sure! What is it all about?” I ask curiously. “About Nick” he said. “What about him?” I asked sarcastically. “Well, I know that you two were best of friends but you know I just want to let you know that I’m now his girlfriend…” I cut her off. “Please direct it to the point” I smiled. “I want you to avoid him as much as possible” she yelled. I on the other hand was still on shocking mode. “Why? I mean I can do it but I just want to know the reason” I asked. “I don’t like you to be his first again. Though Nick will not admit that he secretly fall for you” she sighs. “Excuse me? What did you just say? Whoa!” I yelled. I heard rushing footsteps towards my room and without any second thought Nick open the door. “What’s the yelling all about?” He asked. “I just want to talk to her but she just started yelling at me and I don’t know why but it’s ok babe” Myka lied. CRAP! Now I know who you are! LIAR! “Excuse me?! Who yelled first?” I questioned. “What’s your problem Nikki?” he asked angrily. “Whoa! Wait kiddo! I didn’t do anything” I shouted. “It’s alright Nick! Can you order a pizza? I just want to make up with Nikki” Myka lied again. “Okay! But Nikki no more yelling” he warned. Nick left us to order a pizza. “You’re not as good as you think you are right?” I said. “You better stay away from Nick or else…” I cut her again. “Or else what?” I said. “Or else you’ll never see him again because as far as I know Nick will choose me rather than you” she smirked. “I don’t care if he’ll choose you! He’s all yours biyatch!” I yelled. “Really? Huh! I don’t think so you bitch! If you really don’t care about Nick, why don’t you go outing? Because you’re still waiting for his response right?” she smirked. “That’s all in the past! So now you can get out of my room or I’ll start punching your ass” I warned. “ooh! I’m scared!” she teased. FUCK! She slammed my door and ran downstairs! How could she terribly ask me about being closed to her boyfriend!

I lay down on my bed to refresh my mind and just look at the brighter side when suddenly my door went bang and popped out Nick staring at me with an angry look! HELL NO! What is it again! I just looked at him with confused look; he shut the door and locked it! “What are you doing here?” I asked with a scared look. “What did you do to Myka?” he asked angrily. “I didn’t do anything you bloody idiot!” I yelled. “Really? Stop lying Nikki! She cried to me asking me if we can stay to my house!” he yelled. “Go! Stay there! I didn’t do anything to her! You know what? Myka is lying!” I shouted. “So you’re telling me that she’s a liar and you’re not? What do you expect? I’ll believe you?” he stated. That word hits me inside out! “I’m not asking you to believe me! I’m just telling you that…” he cut me off. “You know what? We’d better stay at my house rather than stay with you!” he yelled. “Fine! Go! And don’t you dare come back!” I warned. “I’d rather choose to stay with my girlfriend rather than my used to be best friend” he said seriously. BOOM! That’s what I get! FUCK HIM! FUCK THEM BOTH! Nick unlocks the door and walked away with Myka who is smirking like an idiot!


We walked outside Nikki’s house and get inside my car. “Babe! Are you sure you want to leave Nikki here for the whole month?” Myka asked. “Yeah! We’re not best friends anymore” I replied angrily. What if her parents get mad at you?” she questioned. “I’ll call them, don’t worry about it. I told you whatever happen I’ll still choose you” I responded. If you’re asking why I’m so mad at Nikki because what happened when Myka ran down from their conversation between her and Nikki:

ME: Hey Myka are you alright?

MYKA: Nikki just gives me a slapped and told me that I must stay away from you

ME: what? Is she out of her mind?

MYKA: It’s alright babe, I don’t want you to get mad at her. After all she’s your best friend

ME: Even though she’s my best friend I don’t let anyone hurt you

MYKA: If that so, can I just stay in your house

ME: But Nikki’ parents told me that I must stay with Nikki

MYKA: Well, It’s alright I’ll just stay in your house alone

ME: Nope! I’d rather be with you.

MYKA: What do you mean?

ME: I’ll leave Nikki here and besides she now where to go because she lived here for a long time



See? How can she slap my girlfriend? I drove straight to my house and we arrived 10 minutes after. We get out of my car and walk to the porch. “Babe? What shall we do tonight?” she asked. “Hmm? What do you want to do?” I smirked. “I’m tired” she replied. “Well, I’ll just order a pizza and we’ll watch a movie” I said. “Sounds good to me” she smiled. We get inside my house and we both head to my room. She laid down my bed and smile. “You want?” she asked. “Want what?” I asked confused. “Don’t be silly” she smirked. I still don’t understand until she took of her pants. “No babe! Not SEX!” I smiled. “Why?” she asked. “You’re tired” I replied. She nodded and went to my bathroom; I heard her taking a shower that’s why I walk downstairs and order a pizza.

[I spent away for holiday and now this week I'm shock to know that my first account was been deleted by I don't know.. I was so pissed off! to those readers I'm really sorry, I'm still uploading :( I'm really sorry *I'm writer07 but I can't use that username anymore that's why I change it to twriter26]



It’s clearly 8 pm and Mike hasn’t arrived yet! I waited 5 minutes again when I heard the doorbell rang. I opened the door and saw a very pleasant and elegant man with matching hazel nut eyes and perfect body fit; a height that is between 6’1 or 6’2 and a dirty blonde hair! “Hey Nikki, long time no see” he gave me a perfect smile. “Excuse me? I mean who are you?” I asked. “Don’t you remember me? Mike!” he responded. What? Mike? How could I remember him? He changed a lot! Last time I saw him was like he’s shorter than me, a quiet type of guy and no abs! But I have a huge crush on him which I don’t know why! “Really? A-ah! You’ve changed a lot!” I said amazingly. “Well, people change including you!” he smiled. How lovely his smile is! “So are you ready?” he asked. “Yes! I’ve been waiting for you to come, I thought you’ll not show up” I teased. “Why would I do that?” he responded. He led me towards his Black Ferrari car; this is totally big time! How gentlemen! After I get into his car, he walked towards the driver seat and started the engine. “So, I’ve heard that Nick has arrived” he stated. “Yeah!” I answered. “Where is he? I thought you and Nick will end up being together” he smiled. “What? Are you crazy? I mean look! Nick has a girlfriend and besides I don’t like him like that! He also changes from good to bad” I replied. “So you mean you don’t have any boyfriend?” he asked. “Since birth” I replied. “How’s that possible? You’re gorgeous! No! I mean beautiful! Darn! I don’t have the perfect word to describe you” he said. I blushed that’s why I quickly look outside so that he would not find it out! After our conversation an awkward silence fill the car. I felt a flaming eyes staring at me, I felt shy and at the same time scared. I looked at the direction of those eyes and I see Mike smiling at me. “Why?” I asked. “Nothing! It’s just you’re still really beautiful” he smiled. I wanted to say something when he leaned down and kiss me slowly and passionately. I pulled out to take a deep breath; we both have a confused look and both laugh. “Why did you do that?” I asked. “I’ve been dying to kiss you since 7th grade” he answered shyly. “Really? I mean I thought you have a girlfriend” I said. “Nope! We just broke up” he answered. I can see that he’s in pain right now, how could I make him feel better. “But kissing me can’t do anything” I said. “I’m sorry” he said. “It’s alright” I responded.

We arrived at Mich’s party and he led me towards the door. We were surprised when we saw some of our friends back then. “Nikki, you’re still beautiful” said Roland, one of my classmate on 8th grade. “Yeah! She’s still the most beautiful alien” teased Mich. “Yeah! The undefined species has spoken” I teased back. Everybody laughed some started dancing and some were making out! GROSS! “Nikki? Are you alright?” Mike asked. “Yeah!” I replied. “You’re already drunk!” he said. “Nah! I’m not, I’m just a little bit dizzy. Don’t worry I can handle myself!” I responded. Were in the middle of sharing stories when Mich grabbed me “Nikki, I’m sorry to say but I have invited Nick and his girlfriend” she said. “Great!” I responded. “What’s your problem if Nick is here?” Mike interrupts. “Nothing! We just have an argument because of his liar bitchy girlfriend” I responded. “Really? Is that the only problem?” Mich smirked. “What else do you want to know Mich?” I sigh. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?” Mike asked. “Nope! I’m just… I’m just mad of myself” I admitted. “Why?” Mich asked. “It’s just, you know I’ve been waiting for him to come back. I’ve been homeschooled because I don’t want to make new friends without him and suddenly POOF! He’ll get back here telling everyone that he has a girlfriend!” I cried. “You’re jealous?” Mike asked. “I hate to admit it but yes” I admitted. “Well tell him then!” Mich suggested. “How? I’m just his best friend! And he doesn’t like me like that! Maybe it’s better if I’ll go home” I said. “No way!” Mich yelled. Before I could answer I felt an arms grabbing my waist, I turn around to saw who is it and surprisingly I saw Mike smirking. “Let’s play the game then!” he said. “What?” I asked confusingly. I saw Mich smiled full of excitement and Mike smirking. “Tonight! We’ll know if Nick has feelings for you!” Mich smiled. “I’m 100% sure he just loves me as his best friend and nothing more” I said. “We’ll never know if we don’t try!” Mike smiled.

He grabbed me towards the dance floor; he put his arms around my waist and led the dance. Mich on the other hand put the music into a slowly sweet one! They’re so incredible! Mike smirked at me and I smiled, suddenly I felt a sharp eyes watching us I want to turn around when “Don’t you dare turn around, he’s looking at us with a very angry look” Mike smirked. “Darn! Maybe he’s angry because he’s best friend is dancing with guys remember back the olden days?” I asked. “Yeah! I remember that but the looks are quite different maybe he’s jealous now!” he smirked. “I’m not satisfied with just a look that kills me to death” I chuckled. “So can I kiss you?” he asked. Seriously I’m in shock but knowing that were doing this to find out if Nick loves me more than a friend I agreed. Mike kisses me softly and passionately, he bit my lower lip asking for entrance and I quickly granted it without a doubt. We pulled quickly and smile. “You’re not a bad kisser” he said. “You either” I smiled. We just laugh and look around, we can’t find Nick anymore. “Where is he?” I asked. “I’m also looking but I can’t find him” Mike answered with worried look. “Why are you doing this Mike?” I asked. “I just wanted to help” he smiled. “But why are you helping him rather than yourself I mean you can have me if we both wanted” I smiled. “Nah! I don’t deserve you Nikki. I mean Nick and you are the perfect couple for me, I’ll see you later” he sigh. He’s so nice! But where did Nick go? I keep on looking there and here but I can’t find him except Myka who was talking with other guys! I went too talked to her when I felt a spark running into my veins, I never felt like this before. With that perfect spark includes a hard rock 6 packs leaning at my back, I want to turn around when the owner of that body hugged me. “Why?” the mysterious guys asked. “Who the hell are you?” I replied. The mysterious guy didn’t reply; I saw a girl lending some drinks I grab 3 shots and drink them consecutively. “You’re not a drinker you know that?” the mysterious guy said. “Can you please let go of me?” I yelled. He quickly let me go and I turn around to look him but the place is so dark I again saw the girl serving some drinks and I grab another 4 shots and drink them quickly. When I grabbed another drink the mysterious guys grabbed the drink and put it on a table. “What’s your problem boy?” I asked. “Why are you drinking?” he replied. “Because I wanted too, and you know what? I don’t need to explain myself to you!” I yelled. He grabbed me to a bathroom, I force to let go but I’m weak, so weak that he was able to carry me. As we arrived at the bathroom I saw the mysterious guy’s face and it was! NICK!


I saw her kissing with a guy that is so familiar. I felt jealous, angry, mad, surprise SHIT! I don’t know why but I already have a girlfriend and I love her well probably not that much but I’m trying. Since I saw Nikki it’s like I could imagine her staying with me forever. I really don’t want to admit it because she hates me so much and I don’t want to be rejected! But when I saw Myka talking to other boys, I didn’t felt jealous it’s like I think I don’t like her anymore!

Back to Nikki, well after they’ve kissed Nikki and the familiar man I hide to the dark side of the house praying that Nikki will walk there. I grabbed her and hug her tight! I felt a spark running through my veins and I hope she felt the same way too. I never felt it before not even in Myka’s body. I let go of her because she asked it to. I want to go home but there’s a part of me telling me that I must stay, I looked at Nikki who was so curious to know who I am it’s so dark though. At first I don’t want to let her know but after drinking many alcoholic drinks, I have no choice but to drag her towards the bathroom! Awkward isn’t it? But who cares, I thought Nikki can walk but she’s weakening and a little bit dizzy. When we get inside the bathroom I turn on the lights and I saw her with a confused look! Now you know! “Nick? What the hell?” she yelled. “Why are drinking? Why do you let to be kissed by that guy?” I asked angrily without a doubt. “Why you care? You said it yourself, we’re used to be best friends mind if I was happy about it?” she responded. “Even so! Your mom and dad trusted me to look after you! I don’t want them to get disappointed!” I yelled. “Looks who’s talking! You know what just talked to your bitch liar girlfriend and leave me alone” she yelled back. I don’t know what I’m thinking but I pulled her crushed my lips to hers she give me few punches but lately responded to my kiss; I wrap my arms to her waist and she snakes her hands to my neck, I bit her lower lip asking for access and she did granted it. I explore her mouth and she did the same thing to mine; I kiss her neck down to her collar bone and sucked it in my surprise she moaned which turns me on she pushed back and I smiled “What are we doing? I’m a little bit dizzy Nick I want to go home” she mumbled. “Okay! I’ll drive you home” I said. We walked out to the bathroom and head to the front door when suddenly I saw Myka kissing other boys half naked. I was in between of shocked and doubt I assist Nikki to sit down on a vacant single chair and went straight to Myka. “What are you doing?” I asked but surprisingly I’m not mad or anything. Why would I be mad? I also cheated on her. “You know what Nick! I don’t love you anymore so we’re done!” she smirked. “What did you just say?” I asked confusingly but now I want a serious answer. “Look, when I came left you I felt like, I can live without you and I freaked out when I felt that I don’t love you anymore!” she smirked. I put my palms to her face with a matching loud slap! Everyone looked at us then I yelled “Yeah! We’re done! I don’t want to have a slut girlfriend who keeps asking me to have sex with her! Here’s what you want! I can’t question Nikki for slapping you because as far as I know now? You deserve it!” I walked towards Nikki and carry her like a bridal style. Myka just stood there with wide eyes a mouth opened! FUCK HER! Well I’m tired fucking her ass!



We arrived at Nikki’s house, I woke her up. She woke up but still weak and dizzy! Duh! She drank a lot tonight! She’s not a drinker you know. I assist her to her bedroom; she lay down without changing clothes! Ugh! That’s what drunken people do. I go back downstairs and grab a drink in my surprise I saw Nikki standing in the hallway. “Hey?” I yelled. “Fuck you! You’re drinking here and leaving me there? How unfair!” she mumbled. “Why you want to drink?” I smirked. “Yeah! Drinking is great!” she laughed like a crazy person. Now she’s totally drunk but well I’m not worried we’re in her house anyway! “Hey! Can we just drink inside my bedroom! Kitchen is boring you know” she stated. “Okay!” I agreed. I grab 12 beers and I followed her walking to her bedroom the funny thing is she walks like a crazy one! HAHAHAHAHA! As we enter her bedroom she turn the lights off and turn on the lamp! So it’s kinda semi-dark. We both sat down and grab a beer, she turn on her television and we watch a comedy show! “Hey! I’ll grab popcorn downstairs” I said. “Sound great!” she nodded. I ran quickly at the kitchen and look for the popcorn box! AHA! Found it! I put in the microwave oven and wait for it to be finished. After I put the popcorn in the bowl I walked straight away to Nikki’s bedroom and as I arrived I saw her laying down the bed laughing! Ugh! My best friend is so crazy for the nth time!

“Here’s the popcorn” I shouted. “Now you’re here, I’m dying to eat popcorn!” she responded. I grab another beer and she did the same. “Hey, don’t drink too much” I warned. “Why so worry my dear best friend?” she smirked. Wait? She just called me her best friend? I smiled at her and she looked a little confused. “What? Why are you smiling?” she asked. “You just call me your best friend again” I explained. “Weirdo! You’re always my best friend!” she stated. We both grabbed popcorn and unexpectedly we stare each other that our faces were so closed and I could feel her breath.

We didn’t move until we slowly leaned to each other. We started kissing and our lips are in perfect shape, it’s like prefect for each other. I gently lay her down in the bed while she’s snaking her arms to my neck. I feel a heat coming from our bodies; she wraps her legs on my waist and I started kissing her from her forehead down to her nose, lips, neck and to her collar bone and sucked it. She moaned and amazingly whispers my name and it turns me really on. “Nikki” I whisper. “Hmmm” she muttered. “You’re turning me on” I smirked. “Whatever” she smiled. I crawl down to her breast and suck them and again she moaned. She slowly takes off my shirt while I unbutton her pants. Now I’m on top of her and we’re both half naked. I sucked gently her breast again and trace a kiss down to her panties; I slowly took it off revealing her pussy I started sucking it gently and she moaned then I realized she’s still a virgin! I crawl back to her ear and asked “You’re still a virgin?” She just nodded as a sign of agreement. Then I go back to where I stopped; I put my fucking finger slowly I saw a tear that dropped on her eye but she just wiped it! From slow to fast, I keep on sucking her pussy and put another finger now it’s two then I put another finger that counts to three. I thought I’ll be the one to lead this sex thing but Nikki got up and pushed me to the bed, now she’s on top of me. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Why? You thought that I’ll just let you do that to me without revenge?” she smirked. She kissed my collar bone and sucked it! Fuck! I moan which makes her smirked again. She stated putting traces from my neck to my 6 packs down to my boxer. “Hey! Nikki, you don’t know how to make it feel better” I was cut off when she sucks my dick. I moaned and moaned and moaned. She’s a good sucker! I pushed her against the bed and smirked! “Now the preparation is ready!” I grinned.


I couldn’t believe it! I’m having sex with my best friend. My best friend will be the first one to kiss me and took my virginity. As he pushed me against my bed again he smirked. We’re both ready! He slowly pushed his dick inside of me at first it really hurts a lot! But when times passed by the hurt became a pleasure. We both moaned; He fastens his pushed and I help him give a perfect shape. It became faster, faster, faster until we both reach our limits. We breathe heavily and he leaned down to kiss me. “I love you Nick!” I admitted.

My phone keeps on ringing luckily it’s just under my pillow, I still really have a headache! How could I drink too much! I answer the phone call and:

ME: Hello?

VOICE: Nikki, its mom

ME: Hey mom? How’s Hawaii?

MOM: It’s great, but I’ll be there tonight

ME: Why?

MOM: Don’t you know that Nick goes back to New York this morning?

(I was shocked and look beside me, a tear dropped on my eye because Nick was not there)

MOM: Hey! Honey? Are you okay?

ME: Yeah! Uhm! Sure, I’ll wait for you tonight

MOM: Okay! See you later

I turn off the phone and quietly sat down on my bed. Did just Nick run off? Last night he took my virginity and now he just vanished? How could he possibly do this to me? Is he just playing games with me?

It’s already 7 pm and mom hasn’t arrived yet I lay down on the couch with eyes that is tired of crying. Last night was still fresh in my memory, I maybe a drunk girl that time but having sex with the man whom I don’t know if I loved him as a best friend or I love him more than that. Why did Nick run away? Am I that horrible? He didn’t even left a note or just call or… I heard a sound of keys that inserted in the doorknob; I stand up to see who it was expecting that it might be Nick even though it’s impossible. I saw mom carrying loads of things. “Hey Nikki, I miss you” she stated. “But mom you just left yesterday” I reminded her. “Whatever” she smiles with eyes rolling. “Where’s Nin?” I asked. “She wants to stay in Hawaii” mom said. “Are you planning to go back there?” I stated. “Yes I might go back there the next day” she said grabbing a glass of water. I just leaned back to the couch and turn on the T.V. “Is everything alright dear?” she asked. “Yes mom why?” I responded. “Well, you’re not the happy girl you used to be” she said walking towards the couch and sat beside me. “Is dad planning to come here?” I asked changing the subject. “Yeah! We’ll take turns so you’ll not be bored” she sighs. “Mom, I’m big enough! I can handle things” I smiled. “You’re not okay, aren’t you” she asked worriedly. “I’m fine mom I was just drunk last night” I said. “Come on! Mother knows if their daughters are lying” she insisted. “Can I ask you something mom?” I asked. “Anything dear” she responded. “Why did Nick left?” I muttered. “Ahh! He told me that he has some unfinished business in New York” she explained. “Will he come back?” I asked. “I don’t know really dear, but I think so because his parents are planning to stay here forever” she smiled. “Ah O-okay! I’ll better take a rest mom I’m really am tired” I lied. “Okay Honey but if anything is bothering you; you can talk to mom alright?” she smiled. “Yes!” I replied.



It’s been 2 weeks since I and Nick have sex and if you’re thinking that I’m pregnant then happy to say that I’m not! And part of it, it’s been also 2 weeks since Nick left me I mean the village. He didn’t mail, he didn’t text nor call. Mom, Nin and Dad have trusted me to be alone in the house for the whole month! Mike and Mich used to stop by every day just to make sure that I’m okay. I also told them what happened and they’re both angry and at the same time sad. If you’re thinking where the hell is Myka; well she also go back to New York. Maybe they’ve continued their relationship! I really wanted to forget about Nick! I mean I’m a girl and he’s the boy. If he really is a true man then he must face me but worst if he forget about me.

I heard a doorbell and I ran downstairs, as I open the door I was shocked that in front of me Mom, Dad, Nin, Nick’s parents and NICK! “Hey big sister! I miss you so much!” Nin shouted full of happiness. I just smiled and hug her including mom and dad. “Hey Nikki, aahh! I have a task for you and Nick” said dad. “huh?” I mumbled. “Do you remember our house near the lake? We used to go camping there when you and Nick were both kids” dad reminded. “Yes? Why?” I asked. Mom smiled including Nick’s parents, I kind of wondered and curios about their actions; Nick on the other hand just remain silent. “You’ll know why dear, but for now prepare the things that you need because tonight you’ll go there” mom smiled. Without any questions I walked upstairs into my bedroom and grab some personal and important things, unfortunately that house of ours beside the lake has no signal and no internet connection! Now that he’s back I’m planning of not talking to him anymore! Yes I love him but I don’t want to be hurt again. As I’m in the middle of packing my things in my closet I heard a clearing throat behind me and I don’t need to turn around because I know its mom. “Nikki?” she started. “Yep?” I replied. “We just wanted you to have fun there with Nick” she smiled. If only she knew what did Nick did to me. “Hey honey, Nick talked to us and he wanted to spend time with you” she smiled. “hmm” I just nodded as a sign of hearing her. After I finished packing my things, mom and I walked downstairs. “Bye dad!” I bid. They just respond with have a great week. Nick grabbed my things and put under the trunk it’s a big black car that well which can handle a trip.
This will be a 2 hour drive luckily I brought my ipod! I don’t want to talk to him duh! But the weird things was, he himself don’t bother to talk to me. Inside the car was really awkward I mean it’s very quiet! There’s no music. I think Nick felt it too because he began a conversation. “Nikki, how are you?” “Good” I replied. “Uhm!” I cut him off “I wanted to sleep”.


We arrived at their safe house, I wanted to wake Nikki up but I know she’s tired. I just carry her bridal style to our room. Their safe house is just a simple but nice mansion. I remembered the time when Nikki and I used to stay here every summer. We both sleep in the same room, the house is still clean because Nikki’s dad used to pay some people to take a look and clean the house. I lay her down to the bed. I heard a knock and saw an old woman, she looks familiar then I knew that she was the one who took care of me and Nikki when we go to the lake. “Nick, you’ve grown” the old woman greeted. “Nana! How are you?” I replied. We used to call her nana she’s like our grandmother. “Well, still looking and cleaning here” she smiled. “Well at least you’re still okay right?” I smiled back. “Yeah! Is that Nikki?” she asked. “Yeah! She’s tired” I explained. “Well, you better take a rest and I’ll cook some food for both of you” she said. “Is that okay? I mean” she cut me off. “Well of course after all I’ve been serving your family and Nikki’s in my entire life and your families were so nice to me and to my family” she explained. “I just miss you Nana” I hugged her. “Me too” she smiled. She closed the door and walked towards the kitchen, I heard Nikki groaned. “Hey! I didn’t wake you up because you sleep soundly” I said. “As if you didn’t do that to me” she gives me a fake smile. I really need to explain! But I don’t know how to begin.

“Nikki, Nick, dinner is serve” a call from Nana. “Is it Nana?” Nikki asked. “Yeah! She’s already here when we arrived” I replied. “Coming Nana” we shouted. We went to the kitchen and saw Nana smiling at us. “You’ve grown now Nikki” Nana said. “Well, it’s weirder if I’m still a kid” Nikki teased. She gave Nana a big hugged and smile. “Are you staying with us Nana right?” Nikki asked. “Well, only daytime but at night time…” she cut Nana off. “Well Nana it’s up to you if you’ll stay or not” she smiled. “You’re still the same. You and Nick are really perfect for each other” she said. We both stare to one another. “Uhm! Nana we’re just friends” I said. “Well, you’ll stay here for a week I don’t know if what will happen” she grinned. “HAHA! That’s really funny Nana” Nikki interrupts. We all sat down including Nana; the dinner was great! We have time to talk to one another; and the problem between Nikki and I was forgotten that very moment. After we finish eating, we helped Nana cleaning the kitchen. “Well, I have to go now I’ll be back tomorrow morning” Nana said. “Let me drive you to your house Nana” I stated. “No, I can walk” she smiled. “It’s already night Nana” Nikki said. “Well, alright!” Nana agreed. “I’ll just wait here!” Nikki smiled. I led Nana to the entrance door and I followed, Nikki was the only one left in the safe house.

As we go along I noticed Nana is staring at me “What is it Nana?” I asked. “Well, I’m just happy that I saw you and Nikki again” she muttered. “You really miss us, right?” I smirked. “Well of course, half of my life was taking good care of you two” she said. “Thanks for the care Nana” I smiled. “Do you love Nikki?” I suddenly hit the foot break after she asked it. “Sorry about that” she said. “Why did you ask Nana?” I muttered. “Well, I just want to know” she smiled. I started the car engine again. “Well, yeah! I love her as a friend” I muttered. “Is that all?” she asked curiously. “Yes” I stated. After Nana could respond, we arrived at her house. A single storey house that has beautiful garden at the left side with a nice façade and white gate; Nana will really do anything just to have a nice life. “Thanks to your parents, I manage to design my little house” she smiled. “It’s nothing Nana” I smiled back. “You better keep going now, it’s dark and Nikki is just alone in the safe house” she stated. “Yeah! See you tomorrow Nana” I bid.



I’ve been driving slowly because I’m still thinking of how I will explain everything to Nikki. I also wanted to think if I really love Nikki more than a friend. My feeling is too complicated. I don’t want to hurt Nikki, I don’t want to ruin our friendship! If I love her so what! While I was in the middle of thinking it suddenly rains. I step the accelerator of the car until I almost hit the tree; that was too close luckily I arrived safely. I get out on the car and walked to the porch, I press the doorbell and Nikki opens it quickly. “Hey! What are you doing?” I said. She seems uncomfortable which gives me a reason that I must proceed to the shower room. I walked upstairs to our room and look for my stuff before I found it Nikki slammed the door and locked it. “What the heck was that?” I shouted. “Let’s get it straight to the point Nick! What are you up to?” she muttered. “What do you mean?” I ask innocently. “You know what I mean! Don’t be in denial!” she shouted not even keep her eyes of me. “Whatever! I’ll go take a shower” I bid.

I don’t want to sound jerk but I don’t want to give up! Since I left her in the bed and choose to follow Myka in New York I felt guilty! I don’t really want to be here with her, but our parents want us to spend time together and this is not the right time to disappoint them. I turn on the shower and just take a deep breath.


I really don’t know what’s going on! I don’t even have any idea what’s in his mind! I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. I’d rather sleep here than to sleep beside him. I want to let him realized that playing my heart is not good! I can’t deny that I love him now more than ever, he’s the one took everything in me and now he is such a jerk! I lay down on the couch and turn on the TV. I bet he’s finished taking a shower because I heard his footsteps tracking the way downstairs. “Hey! You’ll sleep here?” he asks innocently like there’s no scene happen lately. “Why? Is there any problem?” I muttered. “No, not at all I’m just checking you know” he answer. I long silence occurred, he sat on the mat and also watch the movie. “Do you mind if I sleep beside you?” he smirked. “Knowing that you’ll be gone the next day, I’m pretty much sure NOT!” I shouted. “Pissed off?” he asks. “Not obvious?” I asked back. “Well, I’m just making fun with you. You’ve been so serious lately and uhm! I don’t want to be with a serious person! I’ve changed you know!” he said. “I don’t need your explanation so why don’t you shut your mouth! You JERK!” I stated. “I’m not a Jerk!” he yelled. “And why are you yelling?” I yelled back. We look at each other and I can see in his eyes that he’s pissed off! He punches the floor and stands up straightly and walked upstairs! I really don’t mind if he’s pissed off! Now, my plan is to stay here for a week, do my part and I’ll forget about him! He’s not worth it! He maybe fucked other girls before that’s why he didn’t mind fucking the hell out of me!


It’s already morning and I’m tired to get up, I’m still pissed off about Nikki calling me a jerk! Well, I know I’m a jerk but only to her! The truth is, I don’t know if I love her or not or whatever! So until I can’t make up my mind I will hesitate to get involved into a romance relationship that may tear not only our friendship but rather our families’ closeness as well! I try to get up on the bed only to find a piece of sticky note beside the clock and it says:

I’m going to feel some fresh air! Don’t go look for me! Nana is with you!

I crumpled the sticky note and throw it on the floor; I walked to the bathroom and do my stuff. After I finished making myself look presentable I heard a weird knock on the door. As I open it Nana is standing nervously in front of me. “What’s the matter Nana?” I asked confusingly. “An ----- an accident, Ni---- Nikki…” I didn’t let her finish the sentence instead I grab her arm and led her to my car. “Where is she?” I asked panicky. “Hospital” Nana replied. She told me the direction which I seriously follow, about a 20 minutes’ drive we arrived in the hospital. I went straight to the reception area and ask “Where can I find Nikki Fairy White?” “Oh! The new patient, she’s in the room 38A” the nurse said. I even forgot to thank her because I freak out mixed up with confusion. Nana was the one who go back to the Reception area and thank the nurse, as I was about to open the room of Nikki I heard a boy’s voice. I open the door only to see Nikki sleeping and a guy who is sweating like a pig and the doctor. “Are you the family of this girl?” the doctor asked. “Just a family friend, we’re here for a vacation” I stated. I sat down beside Nikki who was still unconscious. “What happen to her?” I ask. “Well, she fell off the crick luckily this handsome young man was walking there and save the day” the doctor replied. “Will she be alright?” I ask. “Yeah, she can go home if she’ll woke up” the doctor said. “Thanks for your help” I turned to the guy. “No worries, everyone will do that…” he didn’t finish the sentence because of Nikki who woke up confusingly. “Where am I?” she stated. “Hospital” I answered. “Where is the guy who saved me?” she asks. “Hey! Uhm now that you’re up and in the good hands well, I want to say I better be going now” the guy replied. “Wait! I owe you my life, what’s your name?” Nikki asks back, as if I’m not in the room. The doctor cleared his throat which was a sign that he must leave and be right back after the conversation, I nod and he evaporates. “Clint!” the boy said. “Huh?” I hissed. “My name is Clint Moore” he smiled. “Well, thanks again Clint!” Nikki smiled. “Well, I guess I better get going” Clint bid. “Wait! Can I invite you tomorrow? Go fishing?” Nikki asks. Well! Hello! I’m over here, can’t you see it? “I don’t know, maybe?” Clint replied. “Oh well, I’m going to wait! You know where” Nikki smiled. “What about your boyfriend?” Clint nod at me. “We’re just friends” Nikki and I replied quickly. “Sounds good, do you mind if I’ll invite some of my friends?” he asks. GREAT! He’s not stepping the line right? “Of course, meeting new people is good!” Nikki smiled. “Uhm! Ok then, I have to go! My mom’s gonna be sick looking for me” he bid. He walked towards the door and glanced once more, he close the door gently. “What’s up with you?” I mumbled. “Why you care?” she replied angrily. “Are you mad?” I asked. “No! Why would I be mad? We’re friends right? And nothing more!” she replied. I was so pissed off! And now she’s doing some innocent actions?! “Well, I’m fine! You can go back to the safe house. After all, it’s not your obligation to look after me” she faced away from me and sighs. I walk outside and head to the cafeteria just to refresh my mind.



The week is finally over and I’m fully recovered about my falling after the incident Clint and I became so close which pushes Nick to stop reacting but go with the flow. I noticed that he wasn’t that over protective and over trying friends with me anymore. Packing my belongings and peak one last look to the room I felt relieved, I promise Clint that I’ll see him the next time but he also promise that he’ll visit if he’ll got a chance. I put on my jacket and walk downstairs dropping my bag on the couch, Nana smiled at me genuinely and give me a hug. Nick popped in from the kitchen and grab my bag, Nana also give him a bear hug. “Be careful on your way, and you two come visit me often” she smiled sweetly. I kiss her right cheek and wave goodbye; I climb into the passenger’s seat and buckle my seatbelt. Nick on the other hand climb on the driver’s seat and do the same.

The road is smooth, no head hitting and no bumping rocks, I suddenly felt awkward inside the car, Nick haven’t talk to me since the fishing time with Clint and two girls. I try not to talk to him but I want to know why he’s acting strange. “What’s with non-talking?” I mutter, I looked at him and he frowns. “What do you mean?” he shrugs. “You’ve been so weird lately, no talking, no caring or whatsoever…why?” he just focused in his driving and not intended to answer my question. I didn’t mind it anyway, I’m tired of him though I still love him more than a friend. Since he took my virginity I couldn’t stop but think that he would love me too. “You better take a sleep, a 30 minute drive and we will be at your house” he said. “You’ll stay at our house?” I asked curiously. “I’ll just drop you there” I frown and sigh, why? Should I ask him? “But don’t worry, I’ll just want to go home but tomorrow we can spend time together if you want” he smirks. “Honestly, I don’t know how to picture your behavior! Are you mad or whatsoever?” I hissed. He frowns but smirk “I’m just trying to study my best friend, lately you and Clint became close I just thought you want to be alone with him” I blush and giggle. How can he say that? Is he jealous? I just remember the conversation between me and Clint…

“Do you love him don’t you?” Clint asked. “Who?” I muttered. “Don’t play games with me here Nikki, the way you looked at him, the way you smile when he’s around, the way you blushed and giggle every time he felt embarrassed! It’s a sign that you love him” I gasps and flush am I that obvious? “Lookie here kiddo! He loves you too, why don’t you just make the first move?” he smirk. “No way! I’m the girl here Clint” I replied. “Though why him? Why not me?” he smirk. “What do you mean?” I giggle. “You know I like you don’t play stupidity around me” he hissed. “Now who’s talking, Clint….” He suddenly shook his head and smile genuinely “I know Nikki, I know!”

“Why are you smirking Nikki?” I frown automatically. Shit! “Why you care?” I snap. “Well, we’re already here” Nick sighs. “Thanks for the ride, see you then” I climb out the car and close the passenger’s door; I walk to the porch when I feel a rocky arms around my waist. “Too fast for that Nikki” Nick smirk, I flush and now I think I’m redder than the rose. “What do you mean? And what the hell are you doing?” I hold my breath then suddenly Nick pulls me closer to his body, I felt electricity running through my veins. OH MY! Can I just die today? “Just grabbing the moment that I can hold you ‘til I bid goodbye” he grins. Just now and then, I can look him closely he really has the finest nose, a remarkable lips, I can also see his beautiful bluish-greenish eyes he’s so perfect. “Amuse with my looks best?” he smirk again. “Amuse yourself! You look disgusting you know that?” He frowns and laugh, actually we both laugh. We stop laughing when we heard the door opened, Nick quickly untangled my body to his and smiles. “They’re here!” My mom hugged me and so did dad! “We missed you two so much, hey Nick your parent’s are here” dad grab our things and put it inside the house, we follow him until we reach the living area sitting on the couch were Nick’s parent’s and? Myka? “Hey babe, I missed you” Myka gave Nick a grateful bear hug “I miss you too” Nick replied. “Nikki” Myka nods at me “Myka” I respond a nod for acknowledgement. “How’s your stay there?” Nick’s mom asked. Nick told them everything, specifically everything! I wonder why Myka’s here, are they together again! If that so, then why did Nick grab me about an hour or so ago? Mom walked in front of me and smile “Nikki, we’re both planning to send you to New York, with Nick and Myka” “Mom? Why?” I chilled, with them? Is there any pain that I need to bear? “Nick’s parents have decided and so as we that you and Nick will become a perfect business partner, well of course because you were best friends since God knows when!” she smile sweetly. Mom if only you knew! “When?” I asked. “Tomorrow!” she replied. “Why is so sudden mom? We just came back here! Give me a break!” I snap. Nick walks towards us with Myka all over his body, can this be more embarrassing moment? I want to kick them both but I don’t have the guts to say my reason for kicking them I giggle. “Why is there any giggling best?” Nick snap! “Can you two get some room? Just to remind you, this is not your house” I hissed. “Jelly?” Nick smirk. “Why would I? Besides Clint is the most perfect buddy!” I teased. Two can play the game. “Who’s Clint?” Mom snap “The guy that helped her the time that she falls on the crick” Nick explained. “Really? You met him?” Mom asked amuses. “Why so amused mom?” I give my mom a confuse look “We know he’s dad! Don’t you remember Nikki?” mom replied. Is this a bad news or good news? After I can reply, dad is walking to where were talking; I looked at Myka who still hell wrapping her arms around his boy! For fuck sake can she just stop? “I heard a Clint name here” dad smiled. “Yeah? And am I in trouble or what?” I furrow. “Well, if you two don’t remember him then let me enlighten your memories” mom stated. “Picture this out, a boy who wants to marry the girl he liked but was stop by an over protective colleague; the boy cried and ran towards his parents telling them that someone stole his bride” I think at the moment and memories flowing over my brain, now I remember! Clint was the boy who wants to marry me but Nick doesn’t want to let him win my heart because of being his over protective friend! THE WORLD IS SO SMALL! “I remember it!” Nick and I say it together. We stare to one another then the doorbell rang. Dad walks towards the door to look who’s the visitor, Nick and I still stunned about the flashback memory, if he’s the guy then why he didn’t approach me or tell me about the past events? Does he still remember it? I hope yes! He’s the first guy I love and Nick knew it! But since Nick’s family left the village, my parents have no time to visit the safe house that’s why I forgot the boy with a ring. He’s my first love, my first crush! I was back into the reality when I saw the visitor in the kitchen! CLINT! He’s here, CRAP! I’m so messy! “Good evening falling girl” he smirk. I flush and felt embarrassed, why he’s here? “Nick” “Clint” they both exchange nods, “Clint! What a visit? Why didn’t you tell us?” mom hopped out from the stool bar and give Clint a warm welcome hug. “I thought the girl who lived here told you that I’m going to visit her” he looked at me and I blush again. What’s this feeling, I just blush when Clint say something. “What are you talking about Tita?” Clint asked. “I just bring them back to the olden days, they forgot you don’t you know?” mom so talkative, ugh! “Sad to say but I knew it Tita!” Clint sighs but smirk. Is he teasing me? Ugh! Ground get absorb me now! Nick’s parents popped out from the kitchen and gasp when they saw Clint. They too give Clint a heart welcoming hug!

Mom prepared the food and we talked a lot, after the dinner seeing that it was already night and the rain suddenly occurs, they stay the night in our house. As I was sitting inside the theater room to just watch movie, I notice that someone is staring at me I looked at the starting area of the person’s eyes and I saw my little sister staring blankly at me “Hey! I didn’t saw you in the dinner table, where were you?” I smile. She just gazes at me with an angry look. “Is there any problem?” “{I just miss you but you didn’t approach me in my room” she sobs. I ran towards her and give her a hug; she’s still my baby sister. “Stop crying, I’m sorry I was just shock about the happenings lately. Want to watch movie with me?” I try to change the subject. A knock from the door occurs and there Clint, Nick and Myka standing. “Hey, why is there a drama movie here?” Myka snap! “Why don’t you shut your mouth?” I hissed. I’m so bloody mad at her! “Nin?” Clint asked. “CLINT!” Nin jump happily and hug him, does she know her? When? Why didn’t I know him? Sounds unfair! “You visit? Why didn’t you let us know?” Nin punched his arms. “Easy little girl, I just came to visit my old friend that doesn’t remember me anymore” he pouted. I can’t hide my laughter and all of us laugh.

We pick a movie to watch and Nin sleep beside me, I cuddle her and lay her head on my lap. “I can carry her to her room if you want” Clint said. “Don’t worry about it Clint, it’s fine though!” I replied, I can feel some eyes staring at us then I look at the location of that blazing eyes and I gasps in horror! Bloody hell! Nick is madly staring at us, I just smile sweetly at him but he looks furious. What is his problem? Clint jerk away from me but I grab his arms he frowns. “Don’t if you don’t mind I need you by my side, you know to help me from Nin” I smiled. “Okay! But I think there’s a blazing furious eyes staring at us don’t you feel anything?” he whisper. I giggle, he too can feel the angry look of Nick, and well who cares he has his girlfriend all around his bloody body! “Don’t worry, I don’t give a shit!” I smirk. “You’re so…” “charming and I know that” I teased. “HAHA! Funny” he replied. The movie is so romantic with action and drama 3 in 1 in short summary. I’m sleepy which lead me to let my head sleep on Clint’s hard chest! I felt warm and then darkness claims me.



I keep looking at Nikki and Clint! Did I just felt Jelly? Fuck! I remember the day when Nikki and Clint a wedding show when we were kids. I really don’t like that game, it’s like losing my best friend because of another man! As the movie is in the climax part, I again glaze at them. Nikki is now sleeping on Clint’s chest, Clint notice me and smile. “She’s beautiful don’t you think?” he said “I know that already” I replied “I mean your girl” he nod at Myka whose sleeping beside me “You like her?” I asked. “What? Bloody NO! I just want to let you know that you can’t have two girls at once” what is he talking about? I just smile and focused on the movie. About a minute or so Nikki is awake “Hey Clint!” she stated. “Hey Nikki” he replied. “Am I that heavy?” “No! You know what I can look at you every day” fuck! Did he really just say that? “Nikki, your mom told me that you will come with me in New York?” I change the subject “Yeah! I just need to pack up my things so that we can go tonight!” “Tonight?” I asked. I check my Iphone and shit! It’s already morning. “Yeah! Tonight!” I correct! “Well, I better get going don’t you think?” Clint interrupts. “Why don’t you come with us in New York?” Nikki asked. What the fuck is she thinking? If she think that I will agree then she’s wrong! “Well, maybe I just visit you there. I have some things to do, you know family business” he replied. “Family Business?” I asked. “Yeah! If only Nikki just go in Hawaii maybe we saw each other there but she didn’t…” “So you’re in Hawaii?” Nikki snaps! “Yeah! Actually I’m waiting for you there because your parents told me that you will be my date but unfortunately you didn’t come” he pouted. “Oh! That’s unfortunate” I snap. They both turn at me with a confuse look on their face! What did I just say? I’m sounding like a girl! For me to hide my unforgivable jealousy I give them a wicked smile. “You’re so pathetic don’t you know?” Nikki hissed. “What? I just give some sympathy to Clint! That must be so bloody boring not having a date…” “Actually I do have a date and it was Nin” Clint snaps. “Oh? So you like Nin? I think you’re so older than her” I snap back “Well, just a friendly date dude and hey! I ‘m serious that I’ll marry the girl even though I was just a kid” I give him a wicked grin but a blazing I-will-kill-you look. “Is that so?” I smile “Well? Maybe someday Clint! But for now can you just two stop arguing okay? Don’t you feel that you two are already shouting?” Nikki interrupts. I really am angry right now! Pretty much mad of him! I don’t like this feeling! I have my girl! I love her! I don’t know!

Myka woke up after the floorshow “Hey! I really sleep deeply” she lean down and kissed me on the lips. I was shock but kissed her back. “Get some room you bloody insane” Nikki shouts. “Why don’t we leave them here and go upstairs” I heard Clint whisper to Nikki. After they can escape in the theater room I pushed Myka to gasps some hair. “Stay! I just missed my girl and Nikki? You must be okay with it now because you’re coming with us to New York” I said. “Whatever!” she rolled her eyes on me “Myka you really have the best guy” Nikki smirk “I know right?” Myka replied. “Well, Clint can you lend me a hand? You know, Nin?” Nikki points Nin’s body lying in her side. “Sure…” “I’ll do that” I muttered. “Don’t worry, I can do it and besides your girl needs you here” Clint smiled. “Yeah! And I want to talk to Clint so we better get going? See you guys later” Nikki said and then there gone.

Myka and I were left in the theater room “You’re jealous of them, are you?” Myka asked which makes me frowns. It’s not obvious is it? “Huh? What? Why should I?” I replied innocently. “Don’t lie to me Nick, I know you; I know that you just take me back because you don’t want to ruin your relationship with Nikki but hey! I’m not stupid to just neglect the fact that you’re just hurting yourself and worst Nikki” she smiled. “No! I will learn to love you, I will forget her…” “How Nick? She’s coming with us; she will be your business partner. Yeah! I can fool her that I’m still madly deeply in love with you but you can’t hide the truth that no matter what we do, she already stole your heart!” I sigh and lean down on the couch, actually Myka’s right! Nikki stole my heart since the time that we have sex! I was just too afraid to tell her because maybe, just maybe she doesn’t love me like the way I do and the fact that I hurt her so much. “Hey! Here’s the deal, why don’t we play this game ‘til we find out if she’s in love with you but you know Nick I bet she’s in love with you but just afraid to show it because I’m here” Myka snaps. “What? No! I don’t know But Myka I don’t want to hurt you anymore and I don’t want to play games with her, she’s different. She’s not just my best friend anymore! I love her” there I said it loud and clear which makes both Myka and I jump off the couch. “Aha! I told you that you love her” Crap! Clint? “Are you spying on us?” Myka asks. “Well, let’s just say YES!” Clint smirks. “Here’s the deal, I will win her heart Nick!” Clint warned. “Are you threatening me Clint?”

“No I’m not; I’m serious now that I know that you love her it’s like the most interesting competition I will be facing”

“Well, you better be ready Clint! I will fight” I hissed. But how? How will I tell Nikki that I love her? I will talk to her! Now is the time!

“Okay! Let’s see” Clint smirked. I didn’t respond to his words and ran off towards Nikki’s room! I must tell her! I must tell her. I knock at the door of Nikki waiting for the response “Come in” she said. I burst in to her room and I saw her packing up. “Where are you going?” I asked confusingly. “Duh! New York!” Bang! I nearly forgot that but whatever I need to talk to her. “Do you like Clint?” I asked. What’s the matter with me, direct to the point you bastard stupid Nick. “Why did you asked?” she gave me a what’s-up-with-you look. “Nothing, you know I just want to…” “maybe” she snap. My whole world just falls down! “What?” I asked but now I want a clear answer. “Maybe? Well, he’s single and so as I. You know, maybe we can work things out and besides I don’t have a boyfriend ever since because of you damned protective stunts” she smirk. “Are you smirking on me?” I smile. “Well, it’s up to you. Now cards on the table, why did you just ask?”

“Nothing, I just want to know what my best friend feels when she met her childhood crush! You know, I can still remember the day you keep on talking about him that’s sound annoying actually” I grin. “Well, I’m sorry but you know seeing him again makes me like well…” “I know but best I’m here for you” I snap. I was hurt, I was numb, I was stupid now it’s too late and clearly too late. “Hey! I’m sleepy” she said. “Well, I guess I have to go no” I replied. “Where are you going?” she asks. “Downstairs! You’re sleepy right, so I want to give you more privacy. After all, you’re still mad at me” I pouted. I heard her giggle and without a doubt she hugged me “What?” I frown. “Best I’m sorry for what I did! Yeah I was mad at you but you know big head! I missed you so much! I forgive you” she said. I sigh in relief, but still I’m hurt! I hug her tight and if only time will stop ticking for just a day! “Would you like to sleep beside me?” she asks. “What?” “why? Are you afraid? About the sex part, well let’s just forget it okay? We are both drunk and you know when alcohol runs through your veins…” “Yeah, yeah, yeah! Let’s sleep I’m also tired” I snap!

We both climb on the bed and I embrace her. I really missed this girl, though I know that It’s hard to win her love again, but why so sudden Nikki? Now that I’m ready to tell you how I feel, why? Is this what they called karma or it’s too late? I will win you back! I will. “Nick! What if Myka will look after you tonight?” she muttered. “We broke up already” I admitted. “What? Why?” she raised her head so now I were face to face. “Well, we just realize that we couldn’t work things out anymore” “Then what did she say?” I glanced at her and sigh. “Well, she agreed to it! You know, it’s complicated, you will know but maybe someday” I smiled. “So does this means that you need to date another girl to accompany you?” she grins. “Well, maybe I need to face the world on my own for now. You know works and things” “But…” “Nikki, we need to take a rest, we have a flight later on I don’t want to be exhausted okay?” I snap. “Is Myka coming with us?” “Yeah! She lived there” I replied. “I want to sleep so mornight” I snap.



I felt the heat burning on my arms and my legs are surrounded by long legs, as I open my lazy eyes I saw my best friend embracing me tight. Last night was fun, I got my best friend back though he reveals that Myka and him are done and I well… I met my first crush or love or whatsoever again! But the most confusing part was why the hell Nick asked me about my feelings! Why now? I’m totally confused about this but I need to be fair. Clint taught me to forget my feelings about Nick and well actually not totally but I do really need to forget my feelings for him?

I unwrapped myself from his embrace put unfortunately he hugged me tighter. “Hey! Are you trying to kill me?” I snap. “Hmmm… I just miss the olden days where you and I used to do this” he mumbled. “GET UP! I’m hungry” I muttered. He slowly releases me and cocooned to my side, I was again able to see his perfect face. “Amuse by my face best?” he snaps. “Amuse yourself! Get up now; we need to be ready for tonight!” I shouted. He quickly gets up and pouted, why he’s so cute while doing that kind of face dance. “What’s the time?” he asks. I look at my clock on my bedside table and holy shit! It’s already 6 in the afternoon! We only got 3 hours to prepare. “We over slept!” I mouth. He frowns and gazes to my clock, and then I giggle looking his pale face. “Why so pale Nick?” I tease. “Shut up you shorty! We really do overslept! I must go home and prepare my stuff, see you this evening” before I could response, his nowhere in sight! That really was fast.

I decided to walk to my bathroom and take a quick shower and by means of quick just 10 minutes shower. As the water sooths in my body I snap back about the revelation last night about Nick and Myka. Why so sudden? Why now? Now, that I already ugh! How frustrating, maybe this is the sign that Nick and I are just best friends and no more!

I finished my bath and quickly put on my black jeans and white shirt. I looked at the mirror and I saw the innocent happy girl back then. People do change, especially me. I put some lip gloss and eye liner then I’m done. I wear a pair of high-cut black converse shoes. Now It’s perfect, I’m like a rock-star that so afraid to sing in front of people. I heard a knock on my door. “Come in” I mutter. The door open and Clint is standing there. “Good morning” he says shyly. “Good morning” I turned around to look at him and give him a bear hug. “How’s your sleep?”

“Well, I have this weird dream though” he raises his hand towards his check. “What kind of weird dream?” I look at him quizzically. “Well, in my dream you told me that you love me. It’s just a dream right?” he pouted. Oh! Now, he’s playing games with me. I roll my eyes and giggle. He’s really crazy! “Is my dream amuses you my bride?”

“A little bit my groom” I giggle. We stare at each other and then burst out laughing. “You know, you better eat your let me think ahh! Breakfast, lunch and dinner; All in one” he smirk. “I know right, I really overslept!” “Is it just you or?”

My mouth drops open. “Don’t be shocked about it Nikki, I know Nick slept with you” he sighs. “Well, yeah! I missed him and besides he ask me something weird last night about my feelings for you” “Your feelings for me?”
I flush about the topic, I quickly looked down so that he’ll never notice my red-like-tomato face. Unfortunately, he grabs my chin so now we’re face to face. “Why are you blushing? What was your feeling for me Nikki?” he asks seriously with blue eyes staring at mine. I really don’t know now, I’m so confused. Do I love him? Or I just shock that I saw him again but what about Nick? “I’m waiting” he mutters.

“I---- uhm! I don’t know” I admit. “You don’t know what?” he asks confusingly still looking at me. I push him away because I can’t hold on his gaze, it’s like burning to my head and makes me feel crazy about his question. “Nikki?” he sighs. “Look, I really don’t know yet. Maybe I loved you but I love Nick or just…”

“You can’t love two guys at the same time Nikki. I tell you, I’m still waiting” he action to leave my room when. “I LOVE YOU” did I really just say that? After a blink of my eye my lips was on Clint’s I feel loved, lust, excitement and ---. We both pushed each other when we heard a footsteps stop in front of us. Holy cow! Nick, he’s here!

Nick looked at me directly, with blazing eyes and unpredicted expression. “Nick” that’s just the only words I can say by now. “I think I disturbed the new couples” he said dryly without leaving his gaze on me. I looked at Clint and his also in shock, then “Not really, you just came in time” Clint smile. What should I do? But who cares? Clint is now my boyfriend and Nick is now my best friend; that’s just it!

“Why don’t you introduce me to your boyfriend Nikki?” Nick nods at Clint. I literally freeze.


After I left at Nikki’s house, I quickly go home. I saw Myka packing her things up and she told me that she’ll just wait for me and Nikki in the airport, she needs to do something. After we have the conversation, I quickly pack my things never wasting a second. I must be hurry to go back at Nikki’s house; I wanted to go to the seashore, where we used to talk something serious and because I wanted to tell her my feelings there, even though it’s complicated. I’m finished packing my things, mom and dad went at Nikki’s house first then I follow them. I put my pack up stuffs inside my car and drive carefully.

I arrived at Nikki’s house and I saw our parent’s laughing in the kitchen. “Where’s Nikki?” they all turn around to look at me “She’s still in her bedroom” her mom said gracefully. I smile at them and turn my head to the stairs. “By the way, Clint is with her” her dad shouts. I was shocked and not moved because the two news hits me directly to my heart. First, Nikki’s dad told me that Clint is with her and now this? Seeing their lips together, my best friend kissing other man? I don’t know what to do. Should I run? Should I punch this man?

But I heard her, I heard Nikki say that she loves Clint.

We had some kind of faked I’m-happy-for-my-best-friend conversation.

“Nick, you know him already, why bother introduce?” she whisper. “Well, yeah!” that’s all that I can say. “Why are you here?” the asshole has spoken. “Well, uhm! I wanted to ask Nikki if she’s ready to go” I nod at Nikki. “Well, yes. I’m ready to go” and about 5 minutes there’s an awkward silence in the air.

“I better go downstairs so I could give you some privacy” I lied, I don’t really want to leave but what’s the point? She already chooses Clint and it’s my entire fault. If I just damn admit the fact that I already fall in love with her since the day I came back and not after the sex thing! “Sure, I’ll be downstairs later best” she smiles at me. “Clint” I nod at him. “Nick” he nods back.
I look away at them and went straight downstairs. I can feel a stab at my back; I can feel my tears attempting to give up. I want to stay away from here but I don’t want to be weak. I sat down at the couch waiting patiently for Nikki and Clint to get down. When I jump out of the couch because of Nin, seriously? “Why so silent Nick?” she mutter. “As a matter of fact that I’m just alone in this living area and no one to have some conversations with” I tease but the pain strikes back. “Don’t deny it Nick, honestly it’s obvious and I saw what happen last night and tonight”

“Then why are you asking?” I snap. “Don’t give up with my sister; she didn’t give up with you. Not until today, I think” I frown and mouth drops open. What does she mean? “Well, I mean. I don’t like Clint like that, It’s better that you’ll be my sister’s only one prince charming or whatsoever” Hell, yeah! She really does read my mind? So is this mean that I got her blessing?

“Yes! And please don’t over think things, I’m not a mind reader but I like reading books that’s why I know what are you thinking when I say some unbelievable words” she smirks. She maybe younger than me but she really has a point. I smile at her but she rolls her eyes. “Remember what I told you”

I nod at her and sigh could I make it? Nikki already gives up. “Nick, it’s about time” I jerk out and see all of them in the living area. I haven’t notice them there, did they hear our conversation? I scan the faces and now I’m looking at the eyes of Nin. “Nick and I just have a little talk” thanks for that Nin.

We said our goodbyes to one another, my parents and Nikki’s parents will visit us sometimes. Clint as well will visit us there every second week of the month. We both get inside the taxi and went to our destination, to the airport.



Our travel to the airport is peace and quiet. Nikki and I didn’t bother talking. We get our baggage. “Finally you’re here” we turn our eyes to the owner of that voice and we saw Myka waving and smiling at us. I kiss her cheeks, Nikki did the same. “I’ve been waiting here for almost 2 hours” she pouted. She’s still the childish girl that I’ve tried to be my girl back then. “Well, I’m sorry there’s some kind of thing happen” I smirk. “Can we check our baggage now?” Nikki said dryly. “I’ve check mine already” Myka sighs. “That’s all right I think we can manage, why don’t you go inside first? I think the line will be long and we’ll be on board soon” Nikki hisses. “What do you think Nick?” Myka ask with a smirk on her face.

“Well, that’s a great idea!” I agree. Nikki and I checked out baggage in and line up to be looked up so that we can go into the boarding area. Waiting and standing is so boring and now I’m tired, but thank God we’re already in the plane. Since we arrived in the airport until in the airplane, Nikki and I haven’t talked too much. I’m sitting next to the window and Nikki is sitting right next to me. Unfortunately, Myka was sitting at the back.


I wanted to talk to Nick but I’m afraid of what he’ll think about me. He saw everything at my house; I wanted to explain but how? Since we arrived at the airport until we sat down in the airplane there’s no conversation that was happening between the two of us. I really want to talk to him about what happen.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board this flight to New York. My name is John Finney and I’m your in-flight Director. Your cabin crew are here to ensure you have an enjoyable flight to New York this Evening.

As the welcome announcement keeps on going on I feel Nick’s eyes are staring at me. “Hi” I whisper. “Hi” he sighs. “Excited?” that’s the only word I could manage to speak. “Not really, how about you?” he still not taking his eyes off me. “I miss my family already…” “And also Clint?” he snaps.

“Wait don’t tell me that you’re jealous?” I tease. He didn’t bother to tease back, he just fastens his seatbelt and takes a deep sigh and I don’t know? SLEEP? Is he jealous? But why?

- - 00000000 - -

We hope you have enjoyed the in-flight entertainment. We are now preparing to land. The bar is closed and we will soon collect your headset. May I remind you to complete your arrival and immigration documentation by the time we arrive?

I woke up from my very good sleep and now I just realized that we’re already in New York City and we’re preparing to land. I’m so excited; Nick is looking at the window. “I didn’t bother to wake you up when they serve your food” Nick stated. “That’s alright! I’m not hungry though”

Ladies & Gentlemen, now We're approaching New York where the local time is 09:00. At this stage you should be in your seat with your seatbelt firmly, fastened. Personal television screens, footrests and seat tables must be stowed away and all hand luggage stored either in the overhead lockers or under the seat in front. Please ensure all electronic devices including laptop computers and computer games are turned off.

After hours and hours of traveling we safely arrived at Nick’s condo unit. Myka on the other hand left us so that we could rest. “Are you hungry?” Nick breaks the silence. “Kind of” I mutter. “I’ll just grab a food and uhm! You can take a shower first, remember this is New York!” he says dryly. What’s up with him?

Before I take a shower I log on to Facebook and message Clint

Groom, we already arrived. We’re currently staying in Nick’s condo unit. I’ll chat you later after I take a quick shower.

I press send then I add him as a friend. As I was about to go inside the shower room I heard a message.

And it was from CLINT!

Bride, that’s awesome… just message me if you’re finished… and please be quick! I miss you already; I hope to see you much sooner.

I giggle and walk to the bathroom. “The food will be here an hour” Nick announces. I pretend to ignore him and shut the bathroom door. Finally, I can stay away from his awkward sight! Our awkward silence gives me Goosebumps, and keeps me thinking that this is bad! So bad!

After an hour staying in the bathroom, Nick knock on the bathroom door which makes me jump. “Are you okay in there? It’s been like for ages” though his voice is serious I know that he is smirking like idiot. “I’m okay best, don’t worry nothings gonna happen to me. I just love spending time in the bathroom” fine! Try to mess around him Nikki. Why the hell did I just say such lame words? Crossing my fingers, I hope Nick take my answer.

“Whatever you say Nikki, but we both know that it’s a lame excuse don’t you think?” I hear him chuckle. I then smiling inside, yeah right! He didn’t buy the lame excuse. I take a deep breath and decided to get out of the bathroom before anything else could happen.

I open the bathroom door, there I saw Nick sitting on the couch while watching T.V “Welcome back Nikki” he smirks. “Shut up you jerk!” I yell. “Ewe, can you put some clothes on? Don’t want to see you naked” he said while covering his hands on his eyes. “Tell me about it! How about the time we had…” I stop for a moment and clear my mind. The time we had sex, I need to forget about it! “Time we had what?” there I notice that he’s standing in front of me. How did he do that? Am I thinking so many things that I haven’t even notice him move?

“Ah! Nothing, where’s the food anyway?” I directly change the subject and try to walk pass him but it’s kind of too late. I can feel his body moves at my back pulling me close to him. I can feel his heartbeat, the hot breath to my shoulder. I can feel the electricity runs through my body, I wanted to move away but I can’t. I honestly still have this kind of effect when I’m with him.

I struggle myself to move away but he tightens his grip “Don’t, please Nikki. Just for a while” I froze, and then I felt his arms hugging me tight. His head resting on my shoulder, my back on his front while his lips kissing my hair. “Nick…” “Shhh! Don’t worry about them, just for a while let us forget about them but us” I have the force to respond back when I was cut off by a song “When I’m With You by Faber Drive”

“Just like the song, let us make every second count” he whispers. I close my eyes and feel his presence. I miss him, I love him! The man that I love from a very long, long time

As the song ends my phone vibrates which indicates a message. Clint! What have I done? I have a boyfriend but I’m flirting with my best friend! Without a doubt I push Nick away from me. How could I possibly do it? “Nikki…” “Please Nick, don’t. I already have a boyfriend and we both now that” after that I walk towards the bedroom and shut the door close.



I lost her, really lost her. She choose Clint for the second time, I just painfully watch her walk to the bedroom leaving me behind. I’m weakening, I don’t want this anymore. Why? Why did you give up on me Nikki? Am I that heavy burden for you?

A knock from my door occur, I quickly open it without checking who it was. “Hey! I’m back, anyway is there any food in here?” Myka is standing on my doorstep. I sigh and give her some space to enter my condo; can I tell her about what happen? “Nick? Are you okay?” she asks.

“I’ll be lying if I told you that I am” I smile. “What happen? Where’s Nikki?” “She’s in the bedroom. Anyway, can we talk privately?”

“Yes, what’s that all about Nick?” “Not here, let’s go at the restaurant across the street”

Myka nods and open the door, I wanted to tell Nikki that I’m going to the restaurant with Myka but I don’t want to bother her after the scene. I don’t want to say that it’s a mistake because I know that it was my intention, just for a while I want her to feel that I love her. Even just for a while.

I and Myka arrived at the restaurant; we sat on a table that is beside the window which can make me look over the building where my condo sits. The waiter check our table and waiting for our orders. After we chose the food that we want, the waiter left us. “So, what’s this story about?” Myka snaps. I look at her and sigh, I don’t know if it’s alright if she will change my place as Nikki’s business partner. I mean after what happen in the condo, like maybe there will be an awkward atmosphere between me and Nikki and it might be the reason why we couldn’t work properly.

“Nick? Tell me, is there any scenes that happen between the two of you?” she again snaps. I look away from her but despite all attempts I know Myka that much. She knows if I’m lying or not. “Yes” I whisper. She gasps with horror, darn it! I just hug her that’s all. “What did you do? Did you---“ “Stop it ok? I just hug her; I’m so desperate about her and Clint!” I calmly say. “So that’s what you wanted to tell me this very whole time?” she pouts. Then, I slight smile erupts on my face.

“Unfortunately, no” I smirk and she exhale a relief. “Then, that’s good because I’m not that type of advice giver you know” she smirk back. “That’s why you’re the one I wanted to talk to because I’m not asking some advice. Anyway, I just want to you know. I just---“ “Get to the point you big head!” she smile. “Wait, I’m nervous on asking you about this huge favor because you might---“ “Say it!” she snaps which makes me nervous more. Is she crazy?

“I want you to take my place as Nikki’s business partner” I told her straight away holding my breath and make her throw the water on my face. “I’m sorry, you surprise me. What did you just say?” she gasps. “You heard me clearly so don’t make me say it again, I don’t want to be wet!” I snap while wiping my face. “Why? Your dad and mom told you that you should teach Nikki how to run a business” she reminded me. I never think of that, well maybe now I remember “You can do it! I teach you all the things about running a business. You can teach her” I said seriously.

“You just can’t back out now Nick, how about Nikki’s feelings about this sudden---“ “She will be alright, Clint is with her. She doesn’t need me now” I cut her off. “But Nick, what if---“ “Take it or leave it? I mean if you don’t want to then I maybe force to find someone else” I said. “What about Nikki’s parents and your parents?” “I’ll talk to them, I will manage it my way” I smile.

“So, if this will happen where will you at?” she asks. “I’ll be leaving. I’m planning to go overseas, I just need to think and when I’m ready I will come back” I said. “So you will talk to Nikki about this?” “No, I’m not coming back to my condo. Tell her that, I might be leaving tonight. I’ll just give you an update to where I am or what I’m doing” “So now you will just leave her hanging?” she snaps. “Nikki will understand it. It’s for our own good” then I close topic.

After the conversation that we both share, Myka decided to talk to Nikki and explain everything while I decided to call my dad and told them that my plans change.

Dad’s phone is ringing. I check-in in the hotel, waiting for my flight bound to Australia. I just wanted to think, I know that Nikki is now happy with Clint and I must be happy for her but I’m not. Every time I think that they will be together again is killing me slowly. “Hello?” dad finally answers his phone. “Nick, how are things doing there?” “Yeah, great dad” I said but I know that he’s not convince about my word. “Is there a problem?” then boom! I can’t hide anything from dad, he always pin point all of my secrets and thing that can bother me.

Before I answer his question I take a deep breath. “Yes, I’m planning to go overseas” “What about Nikki? Who will teach her?” “I already talk to Myka dad. Besides, I can rely on Myka and I know she will not disappoint me” I sigh. And there’s a minute of silence between the lines. “Is this personal that you want to discuss with the old man, son?” I frown when my room in hotel door open, standing there is the old man; my father, my dad.

“How long have you been here?” I snap while ending the call between us. “So long that you haven’t even notice” he smiles and gives me a hug. I close the door, and let him sit at the couch. “So, what’s the problem between you and Nikki?” he straightly got to the point. “I love her” then tears starts running down to my cheeks. “I kind of notice” “She loves someone else dad, and it’s all because of me I just--- I just take her for granted” “So you want a drink?” dad smirks. I just nod and smile.

While taking a drink of white wine dad look at me and smile “You know what son? Take your time on moving on but remember Nikki never gave up on you not until Clint come back into her life” I sigh and look on the window. N.Y.C view is so fantastic. “I just want to change my point of view, me being okay and can deal through the hardships. Dad, I just want to find myself. Take my time like you’ve said”

“Nick, you’re smart enough to do your own thing. Do whatever you want to do, but never forgot to look back and smile to those heartbreaks. Maybe this time Nikki and you is not meant for each other, not just yet. But we don’t know that at the end of the story, you and Nikki will live happily ever after” “Dammit dad, you just nailed it” I laugh.

“I’m serious but yeah” dad laughs. “I’ve been watching the two of you from the very beginning. When you were kids like in the middle school, you keep on telling the people that you will never be a couple because friendship is always the choice but when you see each other again that perspective seems to change” dad continues.

“I know, but it’s like a cycle dad. That time, Nikki loves me but I’m in a relationship with Myka. Now, I love her but she’s in a relationship with Clint” I mumble.

“Well, son that’s life. I better go now, take time to think” he bids. “Wait, when did you arrive here?” I ask curiously. “We have the same flight kiddo, and I’ve been watching your every move because I know what happen back there. Nikki kissing Clint” then dad’s gone.

That old man, but I’m happy that we have a talk. My phone buzzes and it’s a message from dad. It’s nice spending time with my boy

I smile and hit reply.
Thanks for the preach dad

I dive on the bed and wait for the time, I’ll be leaving for Australia and I don’t know how long I’ll be there. How’s Nikki now? Is she okay, is she mad? I hope she will understand these things.



Myka told me everything, about Nick’s plan and all. I don’t have any problems with it and besides by Nick’s moving on with his life is a good plan for both of us. But I know this doesn’t convince me, him leaving me? Our story is a total mess up.

“Do you know where will he be going?” I ask Myka who is looking at me with pity. “He doesn’t want to let you know Nikki” she said. I just nod and take a deep breath. “Can I ask you something?” Myka states which makes me smile. It’s like this whole thing is ridiculously awkward. Her being my business partner after our whole mess up relationship because we both love the same guy. Duh!

“Yes, but be sure that I can answer it” I tease. She laughs and smiles. “I know you can answer this. This is just a simple question. Do you still love Nick?” My smile fades and changes into pout. Do I still love him? But I already have a boyfriend. Clint, I love Clint! “I already have a boy---“ “I know, but that doesn’t answer the question” she snaps. “What about you Myka?” I ask changing the subject. “Yes, I still love him” “How can you say that without thinking?” I mutter.

“If you love someone and you’re brave enough to let everyone know then you don’t need to think” she smiles. She really has a point though. Do I really love Clint? Or I’m just convincing myself that I love him even though I know that Nick is the one ruling my heart? Am I that coward? Am I that selfish?

“I guess I’m not that brave enough to answer your question Myka” I inhale desperately. “I guess so” looking at me she handed me my phone which makes me wonder, I saw Clint’s name. Clint is calling me eighteen times and I haven’t even notice it because I’m busy thinking about Nick. I smile at Myka who is still staring at me.

“If you love Nick why did you broke up with him or something?” I ask. “Because I know that no matter what I’ll do, he will be forever head over heels in love with his best friend” she shrugs. “What do you mean?” I ask “I know that since he left your village, he realized that he’s in love with you but he doesn’t have any courage to tell you and accept it in his self because you both keep on saying that you will choose friendship rather than be in a relationship” she coughs “Remember the time that he didn’t respond you letter? It’s because I’m too jealous about you, he keeps on telling me how lovable; sweet; amazing; gorgeous and all the positive compliments a girl could ask for. I know, I sound like terrible or insane but that’s me. I don’t want to regret on things that I haven’t done. So in short I didn’t regret those endless jealousies I made just because I want him to be mine”

“I already know that but not the compliment part” I smile. “He’s so keen on replying your mails but afraid to let me know about it” then she stops talking because of my phone which vibrates indicating a call. Clint! I signal Myka to keep quiet and I answer the phone.

“Clint I’m sorry I haven’t answer your calls bec---“ “Nikki, I’m on my way to L.A. I want to talk to you very important. I’ll see you later” then Clint hangs up didn’t give her a chance to respond. “What happen?” Myka snaps. “Clint is on his way here in L.A and he told me that we need to talk something important” I said with a confuse look. “So, what’s with the creepy look on your face?” “He just hangs up on me” I yell. Myka laugh and sigh. “You’re weird, you know that” I snap.

“Well you both really need to talk. About your feelings for him” she said. “I love him” I scold. “Says who?” she smirk. Then again, she’s right. I keep on convincing my mind that I love him but my heart won’t cooperate.

“I think your right, it’s unfair for him” after I say that Myka claps her hand smile. “So, it’s really too late now” she smirk. “You can sleep her if you want to after all it’s not my condo and speaking of that I’m planning to leave this place. I don’t want any memory of Nick from now on---“ “Until when?” Myka cuts me off “Until I’m ready to face the reality but maybe it’s not that easy and I know that work will help me” I smile.

“Okay, well goodnight” Myka shouts. I on the other hand lay down on the couch separate to Myka’s and let the darkness consumes me.



I drifted off by the light that enters into the condo, it’s a lovely day. I turn around just to watch Myka siting on where she sleeps while having a cup of coffee on her hands. “Good Morning” she greets. “I think you do have an appointment this early on the restaurant across the road, don’t you think?” she continues. I frown and check my watch, and it say’s ten in the morning. “I have to go, I need to tell Clint that—“ “Don’t worry, I text him already that you are still sleeping and he said that he’ll just wait for you” she smile.

I went straight to the bathroom and do my own thing. I must be presentable on facing Clint for our conversation. I need to be focus on my point and tell him how sorry I am.

My phone buzzes indicating a call. “Hello, who is this?” I ask while tying my hair into a pony tail. “Good Morning Nikki, it’s me Clint. I’m waiting for you; just tell me if you’re ready okay?” “Yeah, I’m on my way and I’m sorry for that” I said while catching my breath because I’m putting my clothes on now. I don’t have time to take a shower ad besides it’s just a coffee thing right? And we don’t need to talk too much longer. “That’s good, let’s just grab a cup of coffee” he said. “Yes, that’s really my plan so see you soon” then after that I hang up. I don’t want him to hang up with me again.

I walk straight to the place where I and Clint will be meeting. I left Myka in the condo; she’s helping me pack-up some things so that I can move to another place and start a new life without thinking about having a relationship with someone else.

“Hey” I jump after recognizing Clint’s voice. He’s with a girl, a beautiful one. “Hi” I smile and walk towards them. “Nikki, meet Shelly my fiancée. Shelly meet Nikki” Clint introduces that makes me gasp. “Hi” I said sarcastically. What the hell? “Hello Nikki” she smiles “Clint babe, I have to go. I just accompany you but I really need to see my friend” she continues. “Sure, I also need to talk to Nikki privately” Clint said. After that Shelly left us.

“So, when’s the wedding” I ask full of anger. “I know that you’re mad that’s why I wanted to talk to you” he said “I’m sorry Nikki, I should have told you much sooner” he shrugs “I don’t know but dad told me about this whole arrangement plan and I was like ‘okay’ but I love you” he finish.

“You love me? Tell me about it! Like ‘hey I love you but I have a fiancée that’s why I need to talk to you and tell you I’m sorry’ is that what you want to tell me? Or I that the summary of all this bullshit?” I said calming my voice as possible. Clint just keeps his silence and bows his head. “Well, it’s not a big deal for me though; I really want to break-up with you” I try to sound nice but I’m terribly beyond mad. “I think that it was unfair for you but after what I witness this morning I literally change my word that I was unfair with Nick” I yell. I couldn’t handle myself anymore.

“Do you know how much I’ve cost for being with you? How many people I left behind to be with you? Clint, I lost my best friend because of you, because of choosing you! I gave up my love for him so that I can love you wholly without limitations but this is what I get?” I sob.

“Nikki, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry” he begs “No matter how much you apologies Clint, I will never get my best friend back. I’ve lost him, now I don’t even know if he still loves me” I mutter whipping my tears away.

“What do I need to do for you to forgive me?” he asks. I look at him with hatred look. I’m so pissed by him. “I don’t want to see you anymore until my heart stops beating” I said seriously and then I left him behind, not caring if he’s shock or not but I mean it.



I live my life according to my wants. An elegant fashion model and a successful entrepreneur at age of 22, if I will look back to my old self 3 years from ago, then it’s really safe to say that I do really change a lot.

I was walking on the seashore, taking a deep breath and feeling the salt water beneath my feet it’s summer. This is home; the place where the story begins; the seashore where I and Nick first meet. Speaking of Nick? It’s been 3 years where I last saw him. That very moment that we are in his condo unit and he hug me knowing that I am still committed to Clint who already has a fiancée. Since he left for overseas, I wasn’t able to get news from him. Myka on the other hand already moved on and is 3 months married.

“Nikki” my mom called. I wave at her signaling her that I heard her call. We’re on the seashore, the place where Nick and I used to talk some serious thought. We’re having a family picnic with mom and dad and Nin. I walk towards their place. “It’s a very nice day dad” I said while hugging him tight. “Yes it is honey” he smiles.

I look at Nin who is fond of texting. She’s now grown, beautiful and smart. I then glance at my mom who is so busy unpacking our stuff and there I notice that there are lots of plates? “Mom, why are you putting tons and tons of plates?” I mutter. She frowns then smiles turning to dad “Oh! Haven’t we mentioned you that this is not just a family picnic? We have visitor coming Nikki” dad said. I just nod looking the sea.

“They’re here” mom shouts. Is it really necessary? Dad and mom stands up and well, including Nin but me? I’m not good in approaching visitors that’s why I didn’t bother to turn my eyes on the new arrivals. Instead I put my earphones on my ear and drift myself into listening. Then the song is Summertime by Bridgit Mendler. I sigh knowing that this song is for best friends and now I’m sitting alone wondering where my best friend is.

Later I know someone grab the right earphone from my ear. Ugh! Who the heck is--- NICK! He’s here beside me now! “Nikki” he greets. “Nick” I greet back. “You didn’t greet us, why?” he pouts. My mouth drops open it’s been 3 years and now he’s here. God! I miss him so much. “Nikki, are you alright?” he asks. Instead of answering his questions, I give him a bear hug. “Nick! I miss you, you are really here” “Yes, okay I’m here” then after an awkward moment of silence I release him then I quickly stand up.That move is not good Nikki!

My subconscious spats. “Nikki, you look lovely as always” Nick’s mom greets and hugs me. “Thanks Tita, you as well” I mutter then, Nick dad scoops me into a great embrace. Same as Nick, I never saw his parents for 3 years too. “Why don’t you both talks for a while? We’re sure that you need to do some chats” mom said. I frown then I glance at Nick who is still smiling at me.

“Y---yes sure” I mutter. After that, Nick walk towards the sea and I follow his lead. We walk and walk and walk and walk. It’s like fifteen minutes silence between the two of us. I want to talk to him but I don’t know where to start. “Hey, can I have your number?” Nick asks breaking the silence. “Sure” I said. I gave him my number and he did the same thing. And when we’re finish exchanging our mobile number, an awkward silence occurs again.

We keep on walking away from our parents, Nick sit on a big rock and he offers the other side of the rock. I accept the offer and sit down next to him.

“How are you?” I ask. “I’m doing well, how about you? I heard so much about you” he said not leaving my eyes. “I wish I could say the same” I whisper. “Yeah, I was so busy in Australia” he sigh and now he’s glancing back to the sea. He’s physical appearance changes; he’s lot hotter, handsome in short perfect. “I bet you love that country” I smile turning my eye focus to our picnic area. “Yes, I love that country but there’s still no place like home” taking a deep breath he put his arm on my shoulder taking me by surprise.

I didn’t bother to argue with it after all, this man that is by my side is my best friend and not just that, I love him but I bet he doesn’t love me like that anymore. Well, I don’t care as long as he’s happy then I am too. “I know what you mean” I mumble.

“Nikki, I thought you totally forgotten me” he said no taking his eyes on the sea. In his voice I know that he’s serious but I don’t know what type of topic is this “You wish Nick! I will never forget you” I hit his head and make him turn his face on me “What was that for?” he shouts. “Don’t you are shout at me” I punch his shoulder and we ended up laughing.

“So, who’s your new now?” he ask. “What do you mean?” I ask back. “You know, boys that head over heels asking for you permission” he smirks. “Ah! You mean those boys? Well, I don’t have any interest on that part Nick” I smirk.

“How about you Nick?” I whisper. “How about me what?” he ask confuse. “The same question but not boys rather girls” I tease. “You don’t have to know it” he snaps and he stands up stratching his muscle then he sits back again.

“Come on, where best friend’s right?” I ask, hopefully yes? “Yes, of course” he said smiling at me. “So be honest with me. Who do you like?” I demand. “No one, I love someone” I felt a knife stabs at my back, he might know this girl when he’s in Austalia. I want to walk away but I don’t want to be rude and I must be happy for him so I just manage to “Ohhh, she must be very lucky” “Definitely, I love her since the day I met her” he smiles; there I saw how happy knowing this girl. “Really? Well, since we're best friends I wanna meet her. Please call her” I asks convincing myself that I will be alright. “Oh! Okay” he said. This is it! He takes out his phone and call the girl No go backs. I’m waiting for Nick signal when my phone buzzes and I’m receiving a call, it’s a private number. I signal a hand “Best, hold on. I think I'm receiving a call” he nods at me and I answer the phone. “Hello, who is this?” I answer, after that I heard some giggling “Nikki, I love you”

My mouth drops open, it was Nick. He loves me. That jealousy that I felt earlier evaporates; it was like gone with the wind. “I hang up and turn my gaze on him who is smiling. “What did you say?” I ask him so that it will be clear. I thought he will whisper it but I was wrong “I Love You Nikki and I want to spend the rest of my life loving, cherishing, and taking good care of you. I love you, I love my best friend and if you’ll give me a chance I will marry you and spend all my life with you”

Tears prickles on my face, the man whom I love want to spend his whole life with me. “What are you asking?” I smile. “I want you to be my girlfriend but I’ll take my chances to ask you to be my wife” he smiles walking closely to me. Feet, inches, centimeters, millimeters until the space between us became empty.

“Nikki, I was so afraid to take a risk last 3 years ago. Instead of fighting for my love, I left you behind. I easily give up on us but now, I never regret moving on from that life because here we are, fits on a perfect place. I can stand on my feet and I will take any responsibilities. Nikki, I have to admit that I love you since the day I met you. I love you since the day I start learning things. I love you until forever. I want you to be the mother of my child; I take back my first question. I don’t want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to be my wife. Nikki, will you marry me?”

I couldn’t help but answer some tears of joy. Do I want to spend my whole life with him? Yes!

Before I could answer, Nick’s lips meet mine. It was a very passionate and soft sweet kiss. “Yes, I will marry you. I love you more than you ever knew” and then he gently kisses me again.

From now on, Nick and I will make the best of our love story. I love him and he loves me. This is what I call home.

The End

Thank you for the hearts and thanks for having time to read my very first book! =) I hope you like it! God Bless


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.09.2012

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