

i walked along the street, it was sun set. i checked my watch,it was 7 o'clock my dad would not be happy. i walked up to my house, compaired to the other houses on the block it was pretty ugly, paint was chipping, the door was covered in dirt, and the grass looked like it hadn't been cut in a year.

i sighed and opened the door quietly hoping my dad was already passed out drunk, he was mean when he was awake, and i had a scar on my left leg to prove it. saddly dad was watching football totally awake. i tried to sneak passed him, but he noticed me.
"What are you doing here so late?" he demanded.
"dad i was at a friends," i told him.
"tell the truth!" he told me slapping me.
"dad i swear you can call them if you want, i really was at my friends," i told him trying not to cry.

"liar go to your room now!" he screamed. i ran to my room in tears. you see my dad is a drunk to put it simply, i miss my mommy. she tried to help dad in the beginning but it didn't get better dad just got worse and worse. then one day when i was six, my dad was beating up my mom, i remember hiding in the closet just waiting for the screaming to stop. then after two hours the screaming stopped, so i got out of the closet and walked into my parent's bedroom my mom was covered in blood, and being six i thought she was just sleeping.

i shook her she didn't wake up. then thats when my dad came in with a knife he sliced my left leg with it and told me that if i told anyone he would kill me.

chapter 1: a plan

i sat on my bed and sobbed. then suddenly an idea hit me, i didn't have to take this. i didn't need to be hurt like this.but i don't know what to do, only that i didn't need to take this torture. 'maybe i can run away' i thought to myself. but i didn't know where to go, and plus i didn't have any money. maybe i could go to that deserted island mako? but still where would i get the money.

so the next day i figured something out i would mow lawns and not tell dad i was doing it.

adfter about a month i had made about a 150 dollars. so i bought lots of food and a sewing kit. i put them in my back pack and went home. saddly my dad was awake again.
"Where have you been?" he demanded.
"chill dad i just missed the bus," i lied.
"you don't tell me to chill you slut!" he slapped. suddenly i did something i shouldn've done. i slapped him back. he rowred with rage and took off his belt and wammed me in the side with it i shrieked in pain. he laughed and wipped me harder. i screamed in pain. after a fifteen minute beating he got bored and walked over to the couch and passed out drunk.

When i finally stopped crying i got off the floor and grabbed an icepack and taped it to my side. i groaned in pain as i walked up the stairs. i was so mad at my life. why did i have to have a demon spawn for a dad? Why did he have to kill my mom?And finally why does everything happen to me?

i finally desided that now was my chance to run for it. i peeled open my window and thanked god i was on the first story and grabbed my shoes. i climbed out the window wincing in pain.

it was warm outside, i sighed happily at the tempature. i walked to the marina which took about ten minutes. i looked around there were a lot of boats. hm yacht? no to noticable. Row boat? no to small. an average boat? perfect. i smiled happy that my mom taught me how to drive a boat before the "accident". i climbed over and found the boat to be empty. i walked over to the controls. i turned on the boat and sped off to mako island. the ride took two days.

i sighed i had been on this stupid boat two days. i looked at the harrizen, i saw an island. it took about half an hour to reach it. i beached to boat and climbed onto the beach. the sand was smooth and soft.

i sighed in victory. i had finally got away from that monster i was forced to call my dad. but i knew if he was trully my dad he wouldn't hit me, and totally wouldn't have murdered my mommy.
the simple truth was i hated him, i mean he was so mean to me and made me suffer for no good reason.

frowned and walked up the beach a little. i knew some stuff i would need to servive like how to make clothes and tents and blankets. my mom taught me a lot. i knew i would need a basic structure for right now. so i grabbed some drift wood and made the spine for it, then grabbed a sail i found in the boat and drapped it over the spine. it formed a nice tent, and the whole thing took half an hour. then i crawled into it and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the sand.

chapter 2: the moon pool

i woke up with sand in my hair, i sighed sitting up and shaking my head like a dog. sand landed in my lap. i slipped out of the tent. i felt a dry feeling in the back of my throat, then i remembered i hadn't had anything to drink in three days. i needed to find water, i knew that i needed to find a stream.

so i got up and walked up the beach. i looked through the jungle. i found orenge tree and had one. it was sweet and juicy. the search took about three hours. i finally found the stream, though it had high altitude. i jumped over a rock and to the stream. i leaned down and drank from the stream. once i was done i jumped accrossed the rock but i missed and fell down a hole. i landed on my bruised side, i shrieked in pain. i stood up after a couple seconds and looked up the hole. i tried climbing back up but landed on my butt. i sighed and tried again, but it had the same result.

i sighed in frustration. i just got here i didn't want to spend my life stuck in a cave. i looked around the cave for a way out. i saw a huge opening on one side of the cave. it even looked like it had stairs. i pondered this 'there is no way this cave was never inhabited' i thought to my self. i walked up the stairs. what i saw next took my breath away. it was a cone of a valcano, and right below it was a clear pool of water.

thats when i noticed a girl in the corner she was bruised and dirty.
she had black hair, leather jeans, and a envanescence t-shirt.
"are you ok?" i asked.
" i don't know," she sighed.
"well what happened?" i asked her.
she sighed," i fell down this hole."
"oh, well why are you here anyway?" i asked.

"I ran away," she sighed saddly.
"really? me too," i told her.
"oh i'm sorry," she told me.
"don't be i'm glad i did my dad was an abusive butt head," i told her.
"oh i'm sorry, i ran away because people made fun of me," she sighed.
"i'm sorry, they teased me because my house was dirty," i sighed.
"they teased me because i was goth," she told me.
"well what's wrong with that anyway?" asked.
"I don't know they said i was creepy," she sighed.
"i know how you feel," i sighed.

"Well how long have you been in here?" i asked.
"I don't know maybe six hours," she shrugged.
"wait look theirs tidial rings on that pool," i pointed at the pool.
"so?"" she was lost.
"That maybe a way out," i told her.
"oh," she said less confused.
"i'll check it out," i told her jumping in. i dived under, about fifteen feet down there was a hole. i swam through it. it lead to the reef, then i swam back through it, i could barely here the girl calling me. i

"yep there's a big hole fifteen down we can all fit through," i told gher. "ok," she said jumping in.
"by the way what's your name?" i asked.
"lizzy," she told me.
"i'm Chelsea," i told her.
suddenly the moon came out and shined down on us. the pool started to bubble.
"weird," Lizzy said confused.
then the water started to glow and light balls of light rose up in the air.

"spooky," i sighed. suddenly the moon passed and it stopped as soon as it had started. my legs tingled. "anyway come on," she told me. and with that we swam through the hole fifteen feet down. we surfaced at the same time.
"where is the island?" she asked.
"over there," i said pointing at the island.

so we swam to the main beach. once on shore i led her to my tent and we passed out from excaustion.

chapter 3: mermaids

the next morning i woke up to a snoring Lizzy. i shook her, she opened her eyes.
"i'm up, I'm up," she said sleepily.
"have a nice sleep," i laughed.
she stuck her tongue out at me.
"oh real mature," i laughed. she giggled.
"want to go for a swim?" Lizzy asked.
"sure," i laughed crawling out of the tent with Lizzy on my heals.
"i'll race you," she told me running into the ocean.
i got in the ocean two seconds later. my legs started to tingle. i looked at Lizzy, she looked confused, almost like she felt it too.
Then ten seconds later something amazing happened we grew golden tails.

"oh my god," i screamed.
"what the heck," Lizzy said confused.
"what happened to us?" i asked shocked.
" i think we turned into mermaids," she told me.
"ok i'm totally dreaming pinch me," i told her. she did and it HURT!
"ok we're not dreaming," Lizzy laughed.
"yeah i said pinch me now tare off my skin," i stuck out my tongue at her.

"oh look who's immature now," Lizzy laughed splashing me.
"Hey i'm gonna get you fish butt," I told her as she swam away from me. with a flick of my tail i caught up with her.
"oh my god how did you do that?" she asked me.
"i just flicked my tail like this,' i did and suddenly fifty yards away from Lzzy.
"wow!" i heard her call. then she was suddenly right beside me.
"isn't it awesome?" i smiled.
"totally," she laughed.

chapter 4: a place to call home

Chapter 4

the next few days passed in a daze, we are starting to build a tree house, as well as an out house. it turns out Lizzy's dad was a cunstruction worker. although being a mermaid makes it harder, like when we were harvesting bamboo the sap came out and turned me into a mermaid and as a result i dropped them on my stomache.

but other than that things have been good...

"so how far are we? i asked as i saw Lizzy walking by.
we had diffrent jobs i made stuff like rugs, blankets, and clothes out of palm leaves, and regular leaves.
"I got the suport beam up, now i can start building," she told me.
"cool, what did you make the beam out of?" i asked.
"drift wood, and bamboo," she told me.
"Cool, tell me when i need to get more bamboo," i told her.
she nodded," I will."
"ok," i said turning back to the blanket i was weaving.

So far i had weaved a tiny rug, and a skirt for Lizzy.
after a few hours i got done with the blanket and went on a walk down the beach. there was a pile of drift wood sitting there so i picked it up.
"Lizzy!" i called.
"yeah?" she called back.
"i found some drift wood do you want it?" i asked.
"do you really think i'd say no?" she laughed.
and with that i went over to where she was working and set it next to the structure she was making.
"thanks," she smiled.
"no problem, hey i'm going to go take a nap," i told her.
she nodded and turned back to what ever she was doing.
i headed back and fell asleep on the beach.

Lizzy's point of view

i attached the first plank of bamboo to the tree house. it fit nicely on the suport beam plus i nailed it to the tree so yeah, i'm like my dad i never go any where with out nails or glue, although pounding in a nail with a rock just makes me feel like an idiot. I should probably make a hammer soon.

i felt like having a snack so i dropped my rock and started looking for something to eat, i found a banna tree. i grabbed a mound of them and took them to the camp fire we made out of wood from the palm trees. i rosted the bannana's for about a minute and ate one. i took out my plant gide and looked at a couple fruits and vegetables, as well as roots. At that momment Chelsea came over she had sand in her hair.

"Hey, looks like some one needs a swim," i laughed. she nodded.
"well what are waiting for christmas let's go," i laughed.
and with that we dove in, and just swam and splashed around for about four hours.
i knew i had found a place to call home.

chapter 5: a new girl

chapter 5

it has been a week since we became mermaids, and it was awesome we figured out Lizzy could move things with her mind(mager help), and i could light things on fire. and we can swim up to 156 miles per hour max.

The tree house is coming along swimmingly, we have the floor made and we are starting on the walls. and Lizzy finally made a hammer, as well as a pickaxe. and the out house is finally done.

We had also learned to make three types of tea using herbs we found on the island, as well as how to dry bannanas...

"so are you almost done with the tree house?" i asked.
"yes but i'll need to go back to the mainland," she told me.
"what if someone notices you?" i asked.
"oh they won't they didn't even notice me when i was there," she told me.
"I'm sorry Lizzy," i sighed.
"Oh it's fine they won't even recognize me now that i'm not wearing goth clothes," she told me.
"anyway i'm gonna look around the island anyway," i said.
"Ok just don't get eaten," she laughed.
"I'd be more worried about the animals, you do know i can set things on fire right," i laughed.
"yeah i do know that," she smiled.

"anyway do you want to take the boat or swim?" i asked.
"Duh swim," she said rolling her eyes.
i stuck my tongue out at her.
"Oh, real mature Chelsea, real mature," she giggled.
"anyway yeah i'll be back by sun set," i told her.
"ok, later," she said walking down the beach.
i walked into the joungle for about twenty minutes then stopped for an orenge. i had two then kept going. i was half way across the island when i heard a cry for help. i turned towards the sound. a girl about fourteen with long blond hair and green eyes was trapped her leg was under a rock.i pushed the rock aside.

"are you ok?" i asked her.
"it hurts!" she whimpered.
"can you stand?" i asked.
"i could try," she said trying to stand up but when she put weight on her leg she screamed in pain and fell down.
"i guess not," she sighed. i patted her back.

'LIZZY!' i screamed in my mind. 'Oh my god are you a ghost?' her voice replied. 'No i'm Chelsea No get your but down here i need you!' i called in my mind. 'What happened?' the voice asked. 'i found a girl she broke her leg and i need you to carry her with your power!' i told Lizzy.

"by the way what is your name?" i asked.
"Bella,Bella Edwards," she told me.
"what are you doing here?" i asked.
"i ran away," she told me.
"same here, anyway my friend will be here soon to help," i told her.
"how? How does she know you found me?" she asked.
"You wouldn't believe me if i told you," i sighed.

"want a bet?" she smiled.
"ok promise not to tell?" i asked. she nodded.
"Me and the other girl who live on this island are mermaids," i told her. "oh i thought you where going to say you were a hybrid," she told me.
"What's a hybrid?" i asked.
"it's a half vampire half human," she told me.

"are you one of those?" i asked. she nodded.
"now let's go," she said standing up.
"how did you heal so fast?" i asked.
"it comes along with being a hybrid," she told me.
"Oh," i sighed. 'false alarm she already healed' i called to Lizzy. 'what the heck girl she broke her leg' she demanded. 'she's a hybrid or as we know dampire' i called back. 'so what does that have to do with anything?'. 'they heal fast' i replied.

"ok so do you want to come back with me?" i asked.
"sure," she smiled.
"do you have any powers?" i asked her.
"yeah i'm a shield," she told me.
"your a what?" i asked confused.
"i have a force feild," she laughed

"anyway come on," i told her.
"i could carry you," she told me. i looked at her like she was insane.
she laughed, "vamps and hybrids have super stregnth."
"oh, then how do you know where we are?" i asked.
"your scent," she told me.
"what ever," i sighed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.09.2012

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