
Dear Diary,
Hey its Renesmee i just turned 10 today.I have gotten this journal from Esme.I mom Isabella and Dad Edward Cullen watched me open all my presents.I shoved cake in emmett's Face.He got a kick out of that.Well Mom Says its time to go to bed.
Renesmee Cullen

Dear Diary,
One thing i forgot to tell you about my diary is that Esme,Made it personally with a picture of me as a baby.Well like 3 years old.You would count that as a baby right?I got to go,Alice is taking me shopping along with bella.Alice wont tell me why shes taking me she says its a surprise.
Nessie Cullen <3
Dear Diary,
Soo yesterday Alice took me shopping for clothes,like she didnt get me enough yesterday,and emse went along with us and got bella a journal.Well Anyways Its Dinner.Im Half Human so i need to eat,dont i?
Nessie Cullen.
Dear Diary,
Iam Very sick today,my mom is very woried,Carlisle says its nothing,Just the flu.Im Hope im not sick when Grandma Renee comes to visit.
Dear Diary,
Sorry Diary,I havent been writing,in so long.Ive been sick.But tomarrow is the day when renee is visiting. I must go now,Alice Wants to do my hair.
Renesmee Cullen.
Dear Diary,
My Hair looks Awesome,Thanks Alice!Iam writing this while Mommy and Daddy are watching Romeo and Juliet,Mommy says its Such a Classic,Iam sitting in front of the T.v. not hearing much of the words Romeo is saying.
Nessie Cullen.
Dear Diary,
Esme is saying im growing so fast,and much mature,and mommy agrees.
Nessie Cullen
Dear Diary,
Today Jacob came to visit today.If you havent already none,Jacob has inprinted on me.We had so much fun.We played Board games, and did some other stuff.but then for some reason Jacob got mad at Daddy,and turned into a werewolf,and mommy said i had to go inside
.Mom says its time for bed,
Renesmee Cullen
Dear Diary,
Looks Like Iam going to need Esme make me another journal,im slowly running out of pages.
Nessie Cullen
Dear Diary,
I asked Esme to make me a new diary,and she said she would.But im not rally sure when,but i hope its soon.I would go buy one from the store,but i like Esme's Homemaid ones.
Renesmee Cullen
Dear Diary,
This is My Last page,but when i get a new diary i will fill you in on whats going on in my life,Kay?Well got to go,Dinner.
Renesmee Cullen


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.01.2011

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