
Chapter 5
Symphony’s P.O.V.
As Landon and I walked up the stairs to Lisa’s apartment all I could think of was our kiss in the garden. His lips were sweet and they tasted like mint.
Landon knocked on the door.
A few seconds later Mr. Darulo came to the door. “Symphony!” He hugged me. I always saw him as my father. He was nice and he always took me to the hospital when I needed it. He understood my problems. “It’s your birthday isn’t it?”
I nodded. “Mr. Darulo this is Landon. Landon this is Lisa’s dad, Mr. Darulo.”
They shook hands and Mr. Darulo said, “You can call me George.” Yet he gave me the look that said, Who is this?
“Is Lisa here?”
“Actually she and Trey are up there. They have been worried about you. They thought your dad—”
My eyes got huge when Lisa ran down the stairs and screeched, “Symphy!”
“What!” Treys voice flowed down the hall.
I smiled, “Hey Boo.” She gave a small giggle then she got down to business.
Mr. Darulo smiled, rolled his eyes, and walked away.
“Where have you been? I called you like, uh, about five-thousand times.” Then she looked behind me. Her smile broke out again. “Landon, it’s nice to see you again.” Then her brows knit together. “What are you doing here with Symphony?” Then as quickly as it went her ditzy attitude came back. “Oh yeah! Your dad’s are friends. Sorry I forgot.”
I looked up at Landon, confused.
“I met her behind your house at the park.” He said nonchalantly.
“What were you doing back there anyway?” I put on a fake accusing voice.
“I was just thinking. That’s what I was coming back inside for when you fainted.” I blushed, thinking about that moment.
“So...” Lisa murmured, making everything even more awkward. “Where is your fiancée? I would love to meet her.”
I gave a sarcastic chuckle and chided Landon. “You have another fiancée?!”
That’s when the rain came. It wasn’t a drizzle, it was down pouring.
“O.M.G., Sorry!” Lisa said. She moved aside so that we could get in. Lisa ushered us toward the kitchen where I saw Trey eating some ribs. “Er, what about this ‘other fiancée’ that Symph is smacking you over?”
“He must be bi and has two fiancées. Can’t you share Symphy?” Trey joked.
“No, no. I am totally straight. And I only have one fiancée.” Landon answered Lisa’s question and smiled down at me.
I looked over at Trey and Lisa. “Me.” Trey’s jaw dropped and Lisa was silent. For once.
That did not last long though. “When did you get engaged? Why didn’t you tell me? When is the wedding? Have you gotten a dress yet?” She plastered me with questions.
As fast as she asked I answered faster, knowing that this was probably one of the best days ever. “Four days ago. I lost my phone and you know Mick. And the wedding is in two weeks. And also, not yet. Crystal and I are supposed to go shopping for one in a few days. Do you want to go?”
“YES!” She screeched. She grabbed my hand, and then she looked me up in the eyes. “Where’s the ring? Don’t you have one?”
I looked at Landon and he smoothly whispered, “We were going to get one. Symphony’s choice.”
“Really?” My smile felt like it went ear to ear but I couldn’t help it. I was happy.
Trey, on the other hand, was a little bit pissed. “Excuse me?! So,” He said dramatically as he ticked of things from his fingers. “I don’t have a place to stay—well I’m living with Crazy over here.” He gestured to Lisa, “I can’t go dress shopping ‘cause I’m a dude. My best friend is going to get a ring and I prolly can’t go to that either, ‘cause it’s all ‘Oh, this is my moment’ bull shit. Also my best friend moved and hasn’t even said hi to me and she hasn’t seen me in like—I dunno—4 days!”
“Trey....” I whined. “C’mon. Be happy for us.”
“Oh yeah, one other thing, you can’t even introduce me to this supper hot-hottie!”
I rolled my eyes. “Trey—Landon. A.K.A, my super hot-hottie fiancé.” I sucked in a breath. “Landon—Trey. A.K.A ultimate gay guy who hits on any living thing.”
Lisa turned away, depressed. “Not true. He doesn’t hit on girls.” I knew what she was thinking. He doesn’t hit on me.
Trey giggled. “She’s right.” Lisa turned to me and had a look in her eyes that said, I told you so.
I looked up at Landon then back to the “love bird” and the “do-do bird”. “What are you guys doing today?”
“Smokin’ up a joint.” Trey joked. “Just kidding.” Trey had this thing about him where he didn’t let his famine side out often. The only times he did was really only when he was around me and Lisa. His parents kicked him out when he was 16 (he is now 18) because he told them he liked boys. I was there when it happened and Trey felt so embarrassed that he had cried in front of me.
I didn’t blame him. He had a great relationship with his parents until they found out.
His dad’s reaction was, “I will not have a fucking queer live under my roof!”
His mom cried and said. “Trevon, please, I can’t have a gay baby. What would Lucy think?”
Lucy was my aunt. She and my mom used to be best friends with Freda Aims—until my mom left us. I don’t know about Aunt Lucy though. We had a great relationship also until she said she never wanted to lay eyes on the daughter of a man who beat her sister.
So my question to God was, How could someone we love so much disown us, throw as away like that, just because we are not who they want us to be?
I brought myself back to the present and how He had given me a gift for all that I suffered.
Landon, Tray, and Lisa were warped into a conversation so I sat in the paint chipped chair and waited.
After like 2 minutes later I was getting impatient. “The driver’s waiting.”
“I have to grab my purse.” Lisa said.
Landon grabbed my hand and took me out to the car.
“Are you okay? Home sick?”
I shook my head. “Not at all.” I shrugged. “I mean yeah, I miss my friends and all, but I feel great otherwise.”
“You don’t miss your dad?” I shook my head and left it at that. “Oh.... Okay?”
The bell rang as we walked into the jewelry store.
“Hello.” A petite woman said as she approached us.
“Aunt Julia!” Landon held out his arms. “Aunt Julia, this is my fiancée Symphony. Symphony, my aunt Julia owns the shop. Aunt Julia she can get whatever ring her heart desires.” Landon replied smoothly.
“Is there any price range?” He shook his head. “Okay then. Follow me, please.” She stopped at a clear case over by the register and pointed. “This is what we call ‘The Rose’.” And I understood why.
The main stone was white but then surrounding it where small specialized cuts of diamonds in red and pink. The ring was gorgeous, but still not in my tastes.
Julia and Landon looked at me while I studied it a little more. I was too pink. I shook my head.
She smiled, assuring me that it was my opinion on what my ring should be. “That one’s not in my tastes either.”
“Can I get something less... floral?” I asked, shyly.
She ushered us over to a case in the center of the room. She flicked on a switch and the diamonds glowed like the sun. She opened the case and pulled out a manikin hand that had a set of wedding bands and engagement rings on it.
The ring I had my eye on looked like it was 24 karat gold and it had a diamond the size of the diameter of my thumb. Plus it had two diamonds on either side of it and they were perfect little stones that had the tint of blue in them that reminded me of London’s eye color. And just like those beautiful eyes, they had golden flecks in them.
“Are the blue and gold diamond’s naturally made like that?” I asked curiously.
Julia nodded. “They formed like that. Actually,” She turned to another case. “We have the necklace and bracelet to match.”
I gasped. They were even more exquisite. The necklace was a diamond chocker and in the center was the same kind of beautiful blue stone set in it. It was circular and was larger than the ring diamonds but the other diamonds that were displayed around it were cut into a shape I didn’t even know existed. The bracelet was a smaller version of it.
Julia placed the items on my body. They were cold and a little heavy but nothing would change my mind. I wanted them. It just depended on the price.
Landon looked at me and he smiled. “Is that the ring you want? If it is, you can get the necklace and bracelet too.”
I hugged him. “Really? I mean it has to be really expensive. You can’t spend all that money on me.”
“Think of it as an early wedding present.” Then he did what I never would have expected.
He kissed me.
It was better than the first but I was a little worried about what people would think.
Oh who was I kidding?! I loved it and I absolutely did not care who saw.
Landon pulled away soon though and asked, “How much for all tree?”
Julia held up a finger and rushed over to the counter where a manual was lying. “I believe there is a discount for all of them together. Plus you can get a family/employee discount.” She winked and flipped through for a few seconds then she found a code. “Do you want all three now? If you do, you probably want to get insurance for them. We have a good deal on insurance if you buy it here.”
“Symphony, will you please go out to the car with Trey and Lisa? I don’t want you to see the price.”
“Is it a lot?” I cringed.
“Don’t worry about it baby.” He smoothed down my hair.
I sighed and did as he asked.
I walked across the room then turned back. “Do you want me to take this off?”
Julia looked up and smiled. She walked over to me and re-unlocked the case, she pulled out the bracelet, then put it on my left wrist.
Then I noticed my yellowing bruise. I switched arms. She lifted her gaze to my scared eyes then she glanced back down to my wrist.
Julia lowered her voice. “Did he do this to you?”
I swallowed hard. “No. Honestly, Landon has never hurt me.”
“Then who did dear?” The older woman had a very concerned facial expression.
“My-my father.” I felt I had to tell someone. “Don’t tell Landon! He doesn’t know.” I hissed.
She thought about it. “Well..., you have to promise to tell him if anything like this happens ever again. My nephew is very understanding. And he loves you.”
“He does not. This whole thing was arranged.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Do you think Landon would buy a girl—who he does not love—three very, very expensive gifts?”
I shook my head. “No. But how do you know that he loves me?”
She chuckled. “The way his eyes sparkle, the way he kissed you a few minutes ago.... Trust me dear, I have been in that boys life since day number one and I know when he is holding something in. He loves you, he just doesn’t know it himself.” She pulled out a card with her number on it. “This is all my contacts. Call me if you need anything. Got that?”
I smiled and nodded. She pulled me into her arms. “Welcome to the family Symphony.”
Welcome to the family.


Texte: Aug. 2010
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 14.08.2010

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To Lisa and Yuno!

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