
No School Today?


I blinked as I woke up to flashing blue and red police lights shining through the room as they ambulance, police and firetrucks rushed past. I groaned into my pillow wanting more sleep eventhough I knew that I had to get up for school. I was still tired from staying up until 3:50 something last night from my job. Want to know my job? I'm a part-time stripper along with my twin sister, Alexandria. The only reason that we are stripping is because we are in full custody of our Aunt Rasheeda. She wasn't an evil aunt or anything and our parents aren't dead. My mom and dad are deployed into Iraq and they're probably going to be there for a few years. I love my aunt to death and our parents send us a check every month for our well being, but our aunt wants to save and cut us off $200 to spend on ourselves. It annoys us and it also annoys her when we keep begging her for money because that $400 dollars does'nt even last us a week let alone a month. I groaned as I rolled over knowing that I had to get up. I went across the hall to Alexandria's room but seeing that she was still sleeping, I turned back around and went into the bathroom in my room. Eventhough we were in the custody of Aunt Rasheeda didn't mean we stayed with her. She stayed in a 2 bedroom 2 bath condo while we stayed in a townhouse together since Alexandria refused to share a room and a bathroom. I liked our townhouse better. It was a 2 story 4 bedrooms 4 bathrooms. The contractors made a mistake when they were building the house, so we have two master bedrooms/bathrooms. I loved it. I turned on the shower as I hopped in, getting fresh for the day.



       I rolled my eyes in the darkness as I heard my sister hop in the shower.  Today was Friday. I do not fell like going to school today. I was the older twin by 5 minutes and 48 seconds. I value those 5 minutes of me being an only child. I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and picked out something to wear for the day before I hopped in my shower. I turned on the tv and walked back into the bathroom. "Breaking News, a local high school was recently in a state of dismay for a call for emergency assistance as the school was nearly burnt down to ashes.", the male reporter anoounced. "North Carver High School was in a sudden shock as gang members tried to burn down the school earlier this morning. No students or staff are attending school until the case is resolved of the gang members."  My head shot up at the news. I looked at the flat screen tv and kissed it. God answers prayers when you really need them. I hope they don't solve the case. I threw the clothes I was picking out to wear to school today on the bed and dug through my closet to figure out what am I going to where to work tonight. I shrugged and settled on a cute little two piece. It was a few sizes too small so that it made my boobs collide out of it and as for the thong.. I usually can't pull it up to the top of my ass. I like tha attention from the strip club. It may not have been from who I want it to be, but it was still attention. My sister is just doing this to pay for the hummer she wants and a few other expenses that Aunt Rasheeda refuses to splurge on. I'm not complaining though because she takes good care of us and doesn't spend the money on herself. At least she keeps the refridgerator well stocked along with the pantry. I think I want to throw a party tommorrow just for the hell of it. But along with a party comes a mess, and I don't even like cleaning up my own messes much less someone else's. I was still thinking of the party when I got in the shower.



    After I got out the shower and got dressed, I walked down the hall to Alexandria's room to see if she was up yet. I opened the door and saw the lights on with the tv and the door to her bathroom was closed and I heard the shower running. I looked at the tv and saw that it was on the news. I had to do a double take when I saw my school with a bunch of fire trucks and ambulances around it. I shrugged, I guess it was no school today. I guess I'm going to have to do my hair and make-up and get ready for work tonight. But I'm going to do that right after I take a long ass nap. On a second thought I'm going to stay up and clean up, because if I go to sleep, I'll probably have to depend on Alexandria to wake me up at the  right time when in a fairness, she can't even wake her own self up on time.



  I decided to start flat ironing my hair and do my make-up before I go out to meet my boyfriend, Marcus. He was a tall, muscular, defensive boyfriend and I think I'm falling for him. Hard. We met at school, well kinda, school is the reason we fell in love, but we weren't in school when we finally met each other. He was wearing an adidas warm-up suit with black and white Samoas. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he was getting aggravated by an arguement by his now ex girlfriend, Shawniecia. She wasn't ugly, but at the same time she didn't look that cute standing next to him as I do now. Right now I know it sounds as if I'm the replacement bitch, but she was just a side bitch until I came around. I smiled to myself as I walked downstairs and out of the front door. I took our 2012 Pontiac G8 and met Marcus at his condo 20 minutes away.



      I had just gotten out of the shower when I saw a text message frromAlexandria saying that she was on the way. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw that I had dark sleep lines from last night. My older brother, Matthew, is staying with me because he got evicted from his ghetto apartment. Not only did he bring hisself, but his 2 kids and his babymama, Josie. I'm tired because of Matthew sorry ass want to play Booty Call all night with Josie. These motherfuckers don't even have respect for themselves much less caring if me, the provider, gets any sleep. I don't care I get sleep later, because today is all about Alexandria and what she wants today, the h.b.i.c. (head bitch in charge) will get. I texted my nigga, Zion, to hold all calls about our business with drugs,money, guns and shit because the time that I get with Alexandria is valuable. Today will be just me and her; fuck everyone else for the next 24-48 hours. I left the bathroom and banged on the TEMPORARY room for Matthew,Josie, and the kids. A restless Josie opened the door to look at me. "Yes, Marcus?", She asked sweetly. "I'm gonna need all of ya'll to go out for the day and probably stay at Zion's tonight, because I'm going to be extra busy." , I said real quickly. She nodded her head and smiled. "I'll get the kids up and bring them to a fair and the movies, but I need about 30 dollars.", She asked worriedly. I ran back to my room and came back with 300 dollars. "I don't give a fuck if you watch every movie playing at the movies, just don't come home tonight.", I said frantically. 



  I was driving for about 20 mins, when I finally arrived at Marcus' house. Just when I was pulling up in one of the parking spaces in front of Marcus' condo and see Josie leaving with her two bad ass kids. Don't get me wrong I'm cool with kids, I just have low patience with them. I walked inside the building and went upstairs to knock on Marcus' door. Instead of Marcus answering the door, it was his old bum of a brother, Matthew. 



    "Matthew get up.", Josie my on-and-off girlfriend for about 8 years said to me. I blinked as I woke up slowly. "I'm taking me and the kids out to the mall and see a movie because Marcus needs the house to hisself today.", She explained. I nodded my head as I was processing the information. "I'ma meet ya'll at the mall in an hour or so.", I said, not really wanting to feel bothered with her and the kids to early in the morning. A couple of minutes later, I heard her slam the front door with the kids and I rolled over to the middle of our shared bed for more room.  If it wasn't for my two kids, I most likely wouldn't be with Josie right now. I would probably still be a player. I heard a loud pounding on the door. Marcus was still in the bathroom taking a shower so I got up from bed and answered the door, thinking that it was Josie forgetting something. I groaned as I opened the door, but it was far from Josie who was standing in front of me. It was Marcus' fine ass girlfriend, Alexandria. She was a thick mocha-skinned chick with light brown hair that came near her elbow. She is not just black; she just has good hair and thick like a Brazilian. She looks fine with a Trukfit hoodie, gray skinny jeans, and Jordans that matched her hoodie. Her slight smile faded to slight frown when she saw that it was me opening the door. "My bad, I thought that you were Marcus. Is he in here.?", She asked. "Yeah, but he's taking a shower. Come in.", I said as I moved to the side of the door so she could pass by. As she came in the house, I had turned my head to check out her ass which was a perfect ten if I might add. 




      Sometimes I think that Matthew needs to really get a life. Everytime I see him when I'm laughing, he somehow has a talent to make my smile disappear in a split second. "Come in.", he said to me as I walked past him into condo. I walked in and without taking another glance back, I went to Marcus' room to take some of my layers of clothes off. I am far from a virgin, but I want everytime to be special. I don't like to be looking ratchet and random while we are fucking. The head bitch in charge is also a classy bitch when it comes to her man. Just like I don't want a sorry-ass nigga like Matthew and Marcus' doesn't want a rachet female like one of his  MANY embarrassingg ex-girlfriends. I walked past him as I felt his eyes staring at me. I walked into Marcus' room and heard the shower running. I took off my Trukfit hoodie, skinny jeans, and Jordans to reveal my new Victoria's Secret laced bra and thong set. After I undressed, I decided to go and get Marcus some breakfast because I know he didn't eat yet. I walked into the kitchen and went to make him some Cinnamon Toast Crunch Cereal. 



     I heard Alexandria making something in the kitchen, so I figured I would go and spy on her to see what she was eating. Before I could even step a foot in the kitchen area, I saw Alexandria on her tip-toes getting a bowl from the top cabinet. She was in a peach bra and thong and I couldn't take my eyes off her.  She as she poured the milk and cereal into the bowl, she didn't even turn around once to notice me. "So this is what you wear underneath your clothes?", I asked, not realizing that I was saying it. She jumped when I said it, and turn around slowly to look at me in disgust. "Why are you worried about it?", She asked, smugly. Even when she's mad, she looks sexy as hell. She rolled her eyes at me as she was putting the milk in the fridge and the cereal away. She brushed past me as if I wasn't standing here. Damn she sexy when she's fiesty.


Getting Home-Schooled


    As soon as I got our of the shower, I put on some cologne and brushed my teeth. I put on the boxers that I had brought in the bathroom with me and opened my bathroom door which leads to my room.  I saw Alexandria sitting on my bed waiting for me with my favorite cereal and a sexy ass bra and thong. That's what I like seeing her in, besides being naked. "Morning Babe.", She said seductively. I walked across the room and kissed her roughly.  "Morning.", I replied. I reached over and was about to undo her bra strap, when she pulled my hand away. "What's wrong?", I asked her. Is she mad at me?  She smiled quickly and shoved the bowl of cereal into my hands. "You can't fuck on an empty stomach.", She said. I laughed and started to eat my favorite breakfast. This is why I love her so much. She's not just a girl in a realtionship for sex, but she really cares about my well-being. I found myself stopping and looking at her body after every spoonful. "I'm going to leave if you don't eat Marcus. I'm serious.", She stated, annoyed that I can't do one thing without staring at her.  I hurried up and cleaned the bowl before she can get off the bed to get dressed and leave. She smiled at me as she took the bowl and went to the kitchen to put it into the dishwasher. I went into the bathroom and got some baby oil, some lotion and edible body oil along with some handcuffs. Yeah, we fuck with handcuffs, I fuck her too rough because I can. I'm the king of that pussy, which belongs to me.  By the time I walked back in the room, Alexandria was just walking in. I went to my closet and got our comforter out for when we fuck because it gets cold when we are naked. She started to drag me to the bed and she pulled me so that I was on top of her. I started to bite my lip because shawty was on that mad game today.  I pulled down her underwear, took off her bra and started to suck on her 32C titties. They were soft and she started moaning when I was flicking my tongue over her nipples. I lifted my face and crushed them on her soft lips. I started fingering her and went until she was a super soaker.



         I couldn't take it anymore, I needed him inside of me. I reached over and pulled down his boxer shorts, revealing his 8 inch dick. He smiled as he lifted me up and layed me down so that my head was on the pillows. I quickly gasped as he was entering me. He doesn't bother taking it slow, so I just lay there and moan. It feels so good. Marcus was just saying 'Shit','Fuck', and 'Damn, Alex'. 



   Alexandria know she on her shit today. She was looking good as hell as she was moaning, scratching my back and biting my shoulder while she was screaming my name. I wanted her to scream louder,so I went faster and rougher. Only thing I heard was Alex screaming my name and my balls slapping against her ass. Soon I heard her come and felt the moisture all over my dick. I came not to long after.  I tumbled over beside her and cuddled her warm, naked body as we went to sleep with shortness of breath.  


Workin' It


After Marcus and I spent the whole day together in bed, around 9:30 I left to come home and get ready for work. As I went to my room to take a shower, I heard Alexis in bed snoring away. I don't know anyone who can get up, shower, brush their teeth, and get dressed just to go back to bed. I shook my head as I came out the shower and put on my sweats while stuffing all of my work clothes into a bag. I walked to Alexis' room and saw that she was still sleeping, so I left her sleeping behind in the house.  When I got to the club, I went straight to the dressing room in the back of the club. I saw that all the girls weren't even here and the ones that are here, don't even have they wigs and weaves on right. I pulled off my sweats and walked down the hallway that leads to the stage.  Just as I was behind the curtains, my manager, Mr. Rick Jones, pulled me to the side. "I want you to perform for a group of men in the V.I.P. room along with your sister, and the are special to me. Where is your sister?", He asked me. I nodded as I told him that she was on her way.


Mr. Jones (The Twins' Manager)

         I slammed my phone into the desk after I got off the phone with my oldest son, Hykeem, who told me that he was waiting in the V.I.P. room with my younger twin sons, Tyreek and Tyrone, for some girls to come in the room. I out of my office and headed toward the stage to see if there was any good girls out right now. I saw noone attractive enough for my sons, so I was about to head into the dressing room, when I ran into Alexandria who reminded me of her and her sister's beautiful appeals. I knew I had to have both of them to dance for the twins' on their birthday and some other less attractive girl for my oldest son, Hykeem.




            I walked in my dad's club 'Skin' all happy and excited as my older brother, Hykeem, was scoping out the easy hoes and my twin, Tyreek, was acting nonchalant about coming here for our birthday. "Ty, stop acting all down, you only turn eighteen once, man.", I told him.  He looked at me blankly for a minute and then looked away. I don't need a nigga like this ruining my night. Hykeem acted like he didn't hear us arguing, but I know he was watching Tyreek on the slick side. I sighed heavily and blocked him out of my mind as soon as we entered the V.I.P. room. Shit is going down tonight.



        I rolled over in the bed and waited for my alarm on my phone to go off, so I can get ready for work. I told Siri to set my alarm at 5:30. I looked at my window and saw that it was way past sunset. "Oh, Shit!", I exclaimed. I jumped out of the bed and took a quick shower. After freshning up, I jumped right into my outfit of the night, with my 2nd outfit in hand just in case. I quickly brushed my light brown hair down and grabbed my keys and left. I walked into the club and ran to the dressing room where I quickly put my clothes in my locker and locked it. I was about to walk out when I saw a note on my locker saying that I had to report to the V.I.P. room.  I started getting nervous and walked up to the door and hesitated to open it. I saw a few girls in the hallway staring at me, so I decided to go in.




        I was scrolling through my phone as I ignored my brothers getting a lap dance from a stripper. I just don't want to. I have better things to do then just sit here getting angry by the second. A woman came in the side door and walked directly to Hykeem and started to give him a lap dance, but it wasn't a normal lap dance. The rule for a lap dance at the club is that you don't touch or feel, but she was feeling and grinding on him as much as he was on her. Not to long after that, I heard the door leading to the hallway opening. In came a beautiful caramel skin girl with long, light brown hair and light brown eyes. As I was eyeing her up and down, I noticed that the girl dancing on my twin brother looks exactly like her. Twins. I chuckled and thought only my Dad would do something like this.  She stood next to the door as if she was waiting for a way to escape, but she stood there frozen. They have to be fraternal twins because she has more ass, titties, light brown eyes and she's more tense, while her sister is loose, taller but thinner and care-free. I like a girl with morals and values. I don't need an undercover hoe. Tyrone gonna have a brand-new fuckbuddy. Her eyes wandered around the room in fear, until they met mine. This chick was bad.



       "Can you come here for a sec?", He asked me. Before I knew it, I was walking to him, with him smirking at me the whole time. He was cute and I noticed that Alexandria was giving a lap dance to his twin. I was walking so far that I almost walked into his wide-spread legs on the sofa. He chuckled and looked up at me. I tried not to make eye contact with him, but his eyes were hazel and mesmerizing. "What's your name?", he asked. "Jenn.", I said, while lying quickly. Alexandria stopped her dance on the other twin and looked me in my face and squinted her eyes at me. "Her name is, Alexis, and mine is Alexandria.",She said. I turned my haed to look at her with disbelief. Why would you tell a  complete stranger our REAL names? The boy in front of me must to have been amused by my lie, because he chuckled right in front of me. "So you gonna lie to me, Alexis?", He asked, with a smirk on his face. I looked away from his piercing hazel eyes. The way he said my name was sexy. The way it just rolled off his tongue as if he was just letting it flow out through his sexy lips. I have to find an escape out of here soon. I mentally took note of the way he looked at me. He was looking at my face, instead of my body. He may be a twin, but they are NOTHING alike. His brother is touching my sister all over her body and not even looking up to see her face, but this one is staring at me as if he is trying to figure me out. I just realized that this whole time I have been daydreaming or night/daydreaming, I was staring into his eyes. I quickly scan the room trying to focus my eyes on something other than him.



         She must of been daydreaming because she was staring at me without even realizing it. When she came back to Earth she looked away from me and was blushing. "Sorry, I was thinking about something.", She said. I hope she was thinking about me! "I'm Tyreek.", I said, trying to clear the awkwardness. She looks nice and she made me happy eversince I got here. I have to know more about her. She looks like a mystery that you would want to solve. She is unique and I will be chasing a girl for the first time in my life. Thankfully I won't turn into Tyrone, because I am actually looking for a serious relationship. "Can you give me a lap dance?", I asked smoothly. I never ever been a player, but I hope that it works tonight.  She smiled sweetly. "You will be the first person I ever gave a lap dance to.", She revealed. I smiled and bit my bottom lip. At the back of my mind, I was wondering if she is a good dancer. Just a coincidence that 'Birthday Song' Intro was coming on at that exact moment. She walked up to me with the beat and brushed her arm against my shoulder. Just her touch got my mind spinning. She walked around me and started to rub the sides of my face.  "ALL I WANT FOR MY BIRTHDAY IS A BIG BOOTY HOE!", 2 Chainz roared out.  My eyes followed her as she got right in front of me and, bent over so far that I thought that she was kissing the floor. But I was wrong, when I looked up at her ass and it was jumping to the song. All eyes in the V.I.P. room were on her and no longer her sister. Her sister looked up and smiled at her sister. I guess it was because she was finally letting loose.  Alexandria went to the bar with my brother and started drinking like there was no tommorrow. A waiter came over to me with 2 drinks and I tapped Alexis to have a drink with me. She came and sat next to me and next thing you know, we were talking, laughing and drinking. I forgot that someone was smoking that Gas near us, so Alexis was drunk and high at the same time. It was 3 a.m. and Alexis was starting to talk more slur and fall asleep. I have to find her sister, but Alexandria along with Tyrone was nowhere to be found and I wasn't gonna leave her alone. I followed Alexis' slurred directions to get her bag out the dressing room and I carried her and her her bag to my car.







Maybe I was High!


           I woke up with a horrible hangover and the top of my head smashed into the headboard. I felt something wrapped around me also. I froze in horror when my headboard moved. I looked moved my head back and realized that I was in a strong chest. I scrunched up my face in confusion of who will this be? I  don't thin--- oh nevermind. This is Tyreek. The cute other half. The what it seems to be a sweetheart. I felt very snug with his arms around my lower waist, which was pulling me closer to him. I think that I'm in love. 


       Last night was so crazy, but fun at the same time. Alexis ended up getting so drunk and Tyrone and Alexis' twin went off somewhere. Since she was so drunk and her sister left, I picked her up, grabbed her stuff and headed back to my shared condo with Tyrone and Hykeem. Hykeem only comes around when his girlfriend kicks him out of their house that dad doesn't know he lives at. We didn't do anything though and I know that this is her first time getting drunk, because shawty had fell asleep as soon as we got in the bedroom.

                    ***Flashback ***

I let her lay down and she grabbed me and pulled me closer. "Don't leave me alone, please.", she said to me with her drooping slightly. I looked at her and saw her shivering. I pulled the covers from under us and took off my shirt and felt her head lean into my chest. I looked down and saw that her eyes were closed and her breathing slowed to a rhythm. 

                    ***End Of Flashback***

She looks like an angel. I like the way her mouth opens but she is not snoring. I find myself just watching her sleep. I want to smash and pass her so bad, but she was so drunk last night, I couldn't get her to do anything and after all, she was drunk and I don't want to take advantage of that. I let her sober up so that we can start to play around.


          I looked up at Tyreek and saw that he was staring at me. I got up and walked around until I spotted my bag on the floor and soon after, I ran into a bathroom. In my bag were extra clothes, body wash, and toothpaste and toothbrush along with my work clothes. I took a quick shower and realized that I didn't have a towel. I quickly put on a bra and drawers and cracked open the bathroom door. I saw that Tyreek was still in the bed and his eyes were closed. I tiptoed out of the bathroom and through bedroom and into the hallway. I started opening doors and then closing them, in search of a linen closet where there are towels, washtowels or something. At this point I'll cover myself up with a sheet. Somehow I ended up in a room with nothing in it. Weird. I walked out of the room and saw a line of photos in frames on the wall in the hallway. I saw a picture of Tyreek and his twin when they were babies. Tyreek looks better than his twin. He has hazel eyes, a natural smile, and he is bigger than his brother but more easy to talk to. I smiled when I saw a picture of a small baby crying in Santa's lap. Tyreek. Just then I felt hands around my waist.


  I heard Alexis tiptoe out of the bathroom, so I acted as if I was asleep and let her do whatever. I heard her leave the room and I got up. I walked silently through the house as I looked for her. She probably was gone, didn't even give a fuck that I probably saved her from a lot of trouble. I turned the corner and saw out in the hallway looking at our family portraits. I looked at her and walked up behind her. She didn't even notice me, because she was so absorbed into the picture of me screaming at Santa when I was little. She was smiling, genuinely. She had a beautiful shape. And the bonus was that she's in her bra and underwear, soaking wet. Just Sexy. Before I realized it, I was wrapping my hands around her waist. As soon as I realized it, I took them off of her, but it was not before she realized that I was here. She slightly flinched at my touch and relaxed. She turned around and I saw her chest just busting through the bra. She was staring at me without a shirt on and she quickly looked down and blushed. "I'm sorry, I was looking for a towel and didn't want to wake you.", she explained. I looked down at her trying to look away from me.


     I can't even focus on my own train of thought with him walking around here shirtless. I can't show no interest in him, because probably to him, I'm just another future fuckbuddy. I don't have time for a boothang eithier; especially one that goes to the strip club and bring the girl back home with him. I'm a virgin, but I know he probably was trying to fuck. I was too drunk to do anything last night. I need to go home. I walked away from him and saw my phone on the bed. It was dead. I picked it up and got dressed, got my stuff, thanked him, and left.  As I was walking down the street, I saw a McDonald's and used a girl's phone over there. I asked one of my girls if she can come and pick me up from McDonald's. I can't remember nothing from last night. Maybe I was high!



No Kiss And Tells



    I had no idea what my sister was doing. If I was home and she's not, there's a problem. Right when I was about to pick up my phone and report her missing, she comes through the front door. She was smiling wide and in another world. "Where have you been?",I questioned. She looked at me and smirked. "Waiting around for you last night,but you never came.", she replied back smartly. I looked at her as she walked to her room and slammed the door, leaving me puzzled. What in the hell happened last night?  Did I fuck anyone? My clothes are still on, so I guess not. I got dressed to spend the day with Marcus again. We are actually fuckbuddies, but we call oursleves in a relationship incase someone asks us and we don't want to say fuckbuddies. Until either of us are taken, which won't be long now, we'll be fuckbuddies. I text Alexis to let her know that I was leaving, but she didn't reply. I called her and she didn't pick up the phone. I guess she's mad at me, so I left.




    My phone is dead, so I put it on the charger and went to sleep. I don't want to hear noone's voice right now. I heard Alexandria leave. The least she could have done was told me that she was leaving, but I guess she wants to be stuck-up today. I rolled my eyes before I drifted into a deep sleep.



  I went back to sleep after Alexis left, because I was up all night staring at her. She sleeps so peacefully. I heard my phone vibrating, so I got up and searched for it in the bed. I could have sworn I left it in the bed and I don't remember putting my phone on vibrate either. I opened my bathroom door and saw that my phone was vibrating on the counter. I picked it up and saw a text from Alexandria. What the hell? Since when did I get her number? I typed in my password and it said 'password incorrect'. I looked at my phone and flipped it over and saw a scratch that was never there. I flipped it back over and saw that my screensaver was a picture of Alexis as the wallpaper. Damn. She grabbed the wrong phone. She could be anywhere in New Orleans by now. She left two damn hours ago. Damn. I need to call my dad.



       I walked into the club at 10:50 ready to get some money. I started prepping, when my manager called me into his office. "Yes?", I asked as I walked in the office. He looked up at me and smiled. "Yes, Alexis. I need you to cater to my son. He's in the V.I.P. Section.", He replied. I nodded as I walked out of the room. I was going to go in the V.I.P. room later. Right now, I need to get some lap dances in while the other females are still in the back prepping. I started giving a lap dance to a fat man with cornrows. He smiled at me as he tucked the 50 dollar bill in my thong's strap. I continued my dance and moved on. I kept on thinking about Tyreek for some reason. He probably doesn't even remember my name. His warm chest and his eyes are mesmeriizing. I can't stop thinking about him.



   I had walked into the club and saw only one girl giving dances. Alexis. She looked deep into thought as she was collecting the money. I had hacked her phone and got her number. She is beautiful and very photogenic. She didn't notice me as I slip past the lobby and went to my dad's office to let him know that 
I was here. "Both of the twins aren't working today, so you and your brother gonna have to choose.", He said to me. "Tyrone's at a game so I'm free.", I said before I made my way to the V.I.P. room with my boys. I was here with Deionte, Malik, and Quay. As soon as we sat down, three ugly hoes came in and gave dances to them, leaving me without a piece of ass. Quay rolled up a blunt and passed it to me. I set it up and smoked it. Before I knew it, the room was full of smoke and everyone in it was getting high just by breathing. I needed this.  I waited and waited for Alexis to come in the room. She was still in the main section giving lap dances. I got up and saw Alexis walking to the dressing room counting her money. She went to my dad's office and gave him his 10% cut and grabbed her bag. She came back out with a white t-shirt, shorts with fishnets on underneath, red, black and white jordans with a red and white obey hat. She looking bad.

        "I was waiting for you in the V.I.P. room.", I said to her.  She looked up at me as she adknowledged me. Her eyebrows perked up in interest. "So your his son?", she asked. I nodded and she shook her head in disbelief. "When am I gonna get my dance?", I asked her.  "I'm off the clock now.", She said as she started walking away. "Are you here tommorrow?", I asked again. She looked back. "No, but my sister is." I don't want her damn sister, I want her. I followed her as she walked out into the parking lot. She looked for her car and rolled her eyes when she couldn't find it. "Where are you walking to?", I asked her, as she started speedwalking down the sidewalk, shivering. "Home."  I tried to catch her, but she was walking too fast. I got in my car and started driving, looking for her. Where could she go that quick?


As soon as I get out of view from Tyreek, I feel hands around my mouth and I'm being picked up. I feel hands trying to feel on me but I'm fighting. I bite the hand that was around my mouth and hear a loud yell. I get picked up again and tossed over someone back. I'm screaming my ass off. Dear Lord, Please don't let me get raped. I can't even see their faces. What if I catch a disease? Boom! Boom! Boom!  "Get the Fuck off of her!!!!" I looked around in the darkness and saw nothing. I felt the grimy hands leave me, causing me to drop to the ground, which are being replaced by warm, strong hands. Tyreek. I stand up as I crush all my weight on him. I'm still shaking. I'm shaking to the point where I can barely stand by myself. He walks me silently to his car and we ride in silence. At this point I don't give a fuck where we go, as long as he doesn't leave me alone.










I'm mad as fuck. Eventhough she is not my girl, I like her a lot and don't want anything bad to happen to her. I know where she lives, because when I hacked her phone her home address and WiFi settings connect to one address. Caffin Avenue a.k.a 9th Ward, New Orleans. As soon as I pull up, I realize that her sister is still not at home. We get out the car and she hands me the keys, because she is shaking so much. I unlock the door and set her bag inside. I come back out to pick her up. She points to lead the way to her bedroom. I lay her on the bed and went back downstairs to get her bag. When I came back up, she is against the wall with her eyes closed. I caught her right before she fell. "I'ma lock the door when I leave, okay?", I said, knowing that I don't want to leave.  She looked me in my eyes and I saw tears rolling down her face. "Don't leave me. Please.", she said. I kissed her. I had to.




    I felt his soft lips crash against mine, while he was wrapping my legs around him. He is a gentleman, forreal. I let him pick me up and bring me to the bed. I changed into a pajama t-shirt  and the matching underwear. He took off everything except his polo boxers and his nike socks. He turned off the lights and climbed in the bed with me. His huge arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer into him. I like him. He fell asleep, before I did. This let me be able to stare at him without freaking him out.

Morals and Values


 I got up and saw that Alexis was still sleeping. I can't believe a nigga would try and rape her. I rode back to my house to get a few clothes, toothbrush, and stuff. I would take a shower at my house,but if I take too long and Alexis wakes up, who knows what she will do. I stopped at McDonald's to get us some breakfast. Luckily, I got back before she woke up. I took a shower and came back into the room to find her gone. I heard voices outside, so I peeked out the window and saw Alexis and her sister walking down the sidewalk. Alexandria was wearing a Sharks snapback while Alexis was repping Chicago bulls. They are the opposite in so many ways.

 "I really like him and Tyreek probably doesn't even remember my fuckin name!", I heard Alexis yell to her twin. Alexandria looked at her and rolled her eyes. "You don't like him, you have way deeper feelings for him than just a like.", Alexandria said. "How do you know?" Alexandria looked back at her and smirked at her. "You'll see.", She said before hopping in the car and driving off, leaving Alexis standing there in confusion. I'm glad that we have mutual feelings for each other. I'm noticing that I have deep feelings for her, too. I want to shoot the fool who she was giving a lap dance to. I also want to kill the niggas that tried to rape her. I never felt protective of a girl before. I have feelings for her too.


   As soon as I got into the house, I changed into something more comfortable. I changed into my red, white and black jordans that I wore yesterday and took off my shirt and pants and traded it in for a long jean jacket that stops just  below my ass. I felt hungry, so I headed for the stairs. I felt hands on my waist so I immediately stopped where I was and sat on the stairs. I looked up and saw Tyreek towering over me. He looked so fine in a white and black snapback with a white t-shirt and shorts and we are wearing the same exact shoes! "Where you going?", he asked playfully. He sat right behind me so his face was hovering over mine. "Nowhere.", I replied. He smiled at me. "Tyreek, I'm quitting stripping.",I revealed. He looked into my eyes. "Why?", he asked. I rolled my eyes. "I see how jealous you get and eventhough I'm not your girl, I don't want to be disrespectful to you when I know it hurts you. Because if a girl was on you I would flip.", I explained. He nodded, understandingly. "I was just gonna ask you about that." I looked up at him. "Ask me about stripping?" He shook his head. "Nah, when you was gonna admit that you wanna be my girl?",he asked me. "Whenever you want me to.",I replied. He bit his bottom lip. I leaned my head all the way back and kissed him.

Now or Never..


       It's been almost 3 days since I saw Alexis, because we had to go to New York to take care of some family bussiness. I have been thinking about Alexis like crazy. I bought her a diamond necklace, but I had to fight with her to take it. Eventhough it aggravates me, I know that she's not with me for the wrong reasons. "I rather work myself, than to depend on anyone for it.", she told me. And I respect that. I told her the day I come back, we going on a date at 9:30. I didn't tell her how to dress. This is a test to see how she will act if I bring her to Waffle House. Before I knew it, it was time to pick her up. She came out of the house looking casual but flawless at the same time.We both had on white t-shirts and jeans with white jordans. "Why is it that you wear the same thing that I wear?", I asked her as she got in the car. She looked at me in confusion and rolled her eyes. "This is a coincidence, last time it wasn't. You came to my house in my red, black and white Jordan's that I wore the night before.", I said. He laughed. "Whatever, Alexis."


 Tyreek is fine as hell. We went into to Waffle House and some waiter was trying to flirt with Tyreek and I was getting mad. I went up to her, when I pretended to go to the bathroom, and told her about herself. She said sorry and we got a male waiter. After we finished eating, Tyreek dared me to do a handstand and kiss him. I did it and I made him do it.


  As soon as we got back to Alexis house, she changed into shorts and a shirt and I changed into burgundy shorts, no shirt, with a matching snapback.  "I missed you so much. Don't leave me here like that again.", Alexis said. She was kissing me and she's a virgin. I know she not ready for this. "Alexis, you not ready.", I told her, trying my best not to get hard. "Why are you hard?", she asked. She pushed me back into the bed and climbed on top of me. She was kissing me and I can't hold it in anymore. I want her. Bad.


      I missed him so much when he was gone. And it wasn't even for a week! I think I'm slowly falling in love with him, but I'll never tell him that. I won't look like a fool  when he tells me that he doesn't feel the same way about me. He let his hat roll off the bed as he got into the kiss. He reached for my baby oil on the dresser next to the bed. He then fished a Magnum out of his pocket. I kept kissing him eventhough we both knew that it was about to go down. I started to kiss him on his chest while he ripped off my shirt and tugged at my bra. After I was topless, I felt the baby oil all over me. He took off my shorts and panties in a nano-second. He started taking off his clothes, and he felt my body tense up. "If it's not what you wanna do then--", he started.  "I'm a virgin.", I told him as I looked him in the eyes.  "You want to do this?", he asked. I looked at him with all seriousness and nodded my head.  "It's now or never.", I said.


Last Month....


 It's been a month since I had sex with Tyreek and he has been the best boyfriend ever. I can't wait for summertime with him. We see each other a lot, but for only short periods of time. I just got over a horrible food poisoning. I was throwing up three times a day for like everyday. I need to get bikinis and stuff. Before we left for the beach, my older cousin, LaLa, spray painted our hair blonde. We looked exotic with our matching black and white swimsuits, eventhough my stomach still hurts.


  Marcus had to go on a family vacation and Tyreek has been going to New York a lot lately. Not only is that weird, but Alexis has been throwing up a lot lately and clucthing her stomach in pain. She said she had food poisoning, but no food poisoning lasts for a whole month. Something's up and I'm going to find out. "I see you staring at her. Don't worry, you not the only one who's suspicious. Just wait til we get back to the house to say something.", LaLa said. I nodded my head as I noticed that Alexis has disappeared once again to the bathroom. She can't be fucking. She can't be! After all she's a virgin and we can't have kids anyway. Well I know I can't due to a birth complication. If I can't have kids, then she can't! I mean we came out of the same exit, on the same day, the same way, and we have the same DNA! I just came out first.


  My stomach is still having the after effects of the sickness. I'm in the bathroom throwing up today for the 3rd time! I don't think my sister and my cousin noticed. I'ma go home and sleep it off.

LaLa (Twins' Cousin)

  We were on the way home when I stopped at CVS pharmacy to pick up some stuff. I got out and picked up chips, a few drinks and a pregnancy test. I bought more drinks than chips because I want Alexis to pee on this stick tonight. I took the pregnancy tests out of the bag and put it in my purse after I bought it, so Alexis won't catch up to what I'm doing. We drove home and Alexandria and I hopped right in the shower, leaving Alexis to wait. This is good because when I get out, I can inform Alexandria while Alexis is still in the shower.


   Both of them took a long time in the shower and I have to throw up again! Ughhh. "Both of us are done now.", Lala said, as she was coming down the stairs. Alexandria was not too far behind her and they were fully dressed. They might be going somewhere, but I don't even have the energy right now to bother them. I took a nice, soothing 30 minute shower. When I got out I quickly got dressed and went downstairs to see LaLa and Alexandria looking at some movie with chips and drinks. I sat down on the loveseat and started drinking every soda. I mean my throat is dry from throwing up all day.  Within a two-minute time frame I had to pee. "When you go to the bathroom, take this with you.", LaLa said to me as she handed me a bag. I nodded, not really paying attention. I closed and locked the bathroom door and opened the box.  Pregnancy Test. What the hell am I--- Oh Shit! I can't believe I never put that in the back of my head. I can't have kids, because Alexandria can't have any. I quickly peed on the test and paced around the room, waiting for my result. I sat it on the side of the counter. My anxiety is starting to get the best of me, because I'm once again, throwing up. I looked back and saw that the results were done. I'm too scared to read it. At this point, I didn't realize that the tv downstairs was no longer audible, I didn't realize that LaLa and Alexandria were at the door trying to get me to open it, I didn't realize anything  else except me sobbing and reading the lines that determined the 8-lettered word. Positive a.ka. Pregnant.



    Alexis has been crying for days and days, especially since Tyreek is not coming back until tonight. We went to the doctor's 4 days ago and found out that I can't have kids. Not her. I cleaned up the house and everything, so when Tyreek comes back, they will have their privacy. Alexis will have this whole house to herself unless she goes over there. She has 60 hours to tell him what the hell is going on. If she doesn't, I will. They a cute couple, so having a baby will just make them even closer. I hope. God did this for a reason. Alexis went down to the park on our street to chill and mentally prepare herself for tonight.


  I went to sit on a bench to sort things out in my head. It kida chilly out, so I got dressed in jeans and a varsity jacket. I hope he doesn't call me a hoe. I just pray he doesn't wild out on me. I really don't feel like being on Maury in 9 months, well 8 months now. I sighed heavily and started walking back home and I felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a hug from behind. Tyreek. "I missed you so much.", He said into my ear as he was biting it. "I missed you too.", I said as I broke into a smile. He spun me around so I was facing him. He looked sexy, as always. He crushed his lips against me, slightly sending me backwards. If it wasn't for his arms wrapping around me, then I would have fell on my ass. He had on a white Trukfit sweater with jeans and Jordans and of course, a snapback. Tyreek

 I been missing this girl alot. I love her, I really do. I'm not going to tell her until she tells me. We walked into the house and Alexandria was packing clothes into the car. As she was reversing out of the driveway, she waved bye at us and gave Alexis a hard glare and Alexis nodded in return. What the hell is that all about? I'ma act like I didn't see that and ask Alexis about that later. I get to spend the whole weekend with my girl. I brought a bunch of clothes over and shit. I was going to break up with her because I thought she wasn't feeling me, but the way she is crying right now is real. "Don't ever leave me alone like that again. It's been a whole damn month.", She cried. I sat on her bed and smoked a quick blunt. She came over to me, laughing hard. She high already? I took off her jacket and she took off my shirt. I kissed her. I didn't see my girl in a long ass time, hell I'm ready to go! Magnum all in the back pocket. She kissed me back and cracked up again.

She seemed to snap out her happy trance and left the room. Damn, did I ruin the mood? I found her downstairs on the sofa, crying. I just froze at the doorway. "I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry.", She sobbed into her knees. What the fuck is she talking about? "You're going to leave me now!", She cried.  I looked at her cautiously. What did she do? "Did you cheat on me?", I asked her. She shook her head. "That would be a little easier to deal with.",she said. "You have an STD?",I asked her. If she do, then it's a wrap. "No, I only fucked you. Unless you have something that you want to tell me about.", She said. I shook my head no. "Tell me, Alexis. Tell me everything.", I demanded. She looked up at me. "I'm pregnant.", She said. Yeah, Cheating would have been  easier to cope with. This is unbelievable.

Askin All Dem Questions


His facial expression went from aggravated, to doubt then to confusion. "How did you find out?", He asked me. I looked him in the eye. "I took a pregnancy test and then I went to the doctor.", I told him. He nodded. "What are you planning to do with the baby?", He asked. I shrugged. "Adoption, maybe?"


I'm shocked as hell right now. Alexis just looks lost for words at everything. I know she scared, because I am too. My Aunt was our caretaker when my brothers and I were little. My Dad and Uncle were Mobsters/Gangbangers and they still are while my mom ran off with another man. Eversince my mom left, my dad has been dating a lot of women to fill that void. I'm guessing that it's still not filled even with his sons here. I never was taught how to live as a proper family. I want to tell her what I'm thinking but I can't. Thinking of my parents and my upbringing makes me mad all over again. I can't do it no more. "I'm here to support you. I want to keep our kid.", I told her. She looked at me with a genuine smile on my face as if she was waiting on me to say that. "Look at my ultrasound picture.", She said as she shoved an envelope to me. You can barely see the baby, but you can tell that there's one in there. "There's my NBA star, right there.", I said. I'm going to love this kid more than life itself. -"My doctor said that the baby is as big as a lime right now.", She said, looking at the picture with me. "Are you really going to give my seed up?", I asked her. She looked at me with a seriousness. "It's just an option.", she replied. She looked down at the floor and avoided eye contact with me. I can't take this. My brothers and  family are at risk of dying, and Alexis is pregnant. I'm stressed to the max right now. I want to let her make her decision but when it comes to abortion, I have to say hell no to her. I won't sit around and watch her kill our baby.

The Struggle Is Real


  Alexis has been a complete mess. Eversince She has told Tyreek, he has left to go who knows where. I feel so bad for her; I thought she was crying hard when she found out that she was pregnant, but now she cries three times a day. She doesn't even talk or nothing. Just showers, eat and sleep.  I went up to Tyreek and Tyrone's condo to find noone there. I had high hopes for Tyreek but it's just going downhill for her. I will be the aunt to a child who has a deadbeat dad. I thought Tyreek was better than that. I don't want to see my sister go through this by herself. "Alexandria, do you hate me?", Alexis said to me, stopping me in my train of thought. I looked at her with all sadness in my eyes, eventhough I tried to contain it. "I was jealous of the fact that you can have kids and I can't, but now I feel horrible. I feel bad that he left you. At least you have me.", I told her. She nodded as she smiled a bittersweet smile. "I'll be okay. I'm just scared." I turned to see her with tears rolling down her face. Tyreek will get it when he comes back. "Alexis, what will you be scared of?", I asked her.


 What will I be scared of? That's a good ass question. I'm thinking of being responsible for someone other than myself. I don't want Tyreek to leave me, though he already did. Alexandria is standing there looking at me like I'm helpless. I should have saw this coming. I should have. Now I'm going to be a teen single parent. I used to laugh at the girls when they be like: #TEAM_SINGLE!! on Instagram. I'll be like single is not a team, you are alone. I thought that shit was so funny then. It's not.  #THE_STRUGGLE_IS_REAL


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.05.2013

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