

Hi my name is Ka’Myra and if I could describe my life in one work the word would be complicated. I live with my older brother Marquis (leader) and his six best friends Jason (jock), Luis (corn ball), Kyle (nerd), Kelvin (clown), Lorenzo (sweet heart), and George (playa).
Most days I like to think of myself as Snow White and them as my sever douche’s. It gives me a laugh. Some days it’s hard with me to deal with all the testosterone. I guess some days are good my brother makes sure everyone treats me with respect. Yeah I know what you’re thinking theirs many stories like mine already out there, but this is my story so it’s going to be different from the others. My boyfriend doesn’t live in the house with me and all the boys are not jocks they all do something different. I won’t lie they are all very handsome in their own way. I would say my best friend in the house is Lorenzo because he’s so sweet and caring. Not saying the others aren’t, just saying he’s the sweetest. I’ve been living with my brother ever since I started high school and I live with him not because my parents are bad parents but because they were moving and I didn’t want to go. I mean would you, I’ve lived here for my whole life and they just expected me to up and leave all my friends and family, so no I didn’t even think of leaving I knew I was staying here there was no doubt in my mind that I was ever going to leave. Well at least not right now. 

Chapter 1 Trapped

“Marquis I’m leaving” I shouted up the stair in the big house my parents owned. I mean it have to be big for eight people to live here you know.
“Where you going?” he shouted back.
“I’m going to meet Will at the movies” I continued.
“Um is that so” Marquis stated sarcastically.
“Yeah”, I said back.
“Sorry Myra but no you’re not”, stated and I’m not one of those girls that let her brother dictate what I do so I didn’t like that he told me I wasn’t going who does he think he is my daddy.
“Sorry but I am” I said back sharply.
“No, you promised Jason and George you’d help them with their Chemistry homework, and it’s not cool to just diss them and leave their test is tomorrow you know”, Marquis is one of those guys that’s really cool most of the time but he does not tolerate lying. He believes if you promise to do something you shouldn’t go back on your word. He believes in loyalty and honesty, that’s his policy (yeah it rhymed)
“Okay fine I’ll go call it off even though I haven’t spent time with my boyfriend in two weeks because of you douches” I stated coldly.
“Good girl” he said and I heard him close his door.
“I’m not a dog, don’t good girl me” I shouted and stomped up the stair to my room and closed my door; I’m not much for slamming door that’s too much work. Yeah this house is pretty big to house all of these different raced people. My parents have money seeing as they own a lot of things car dealerships, hotels, some restaurants, etc. too much to name. This house has 8 bedrooms each one with its own bathroom and build in personalized walk it closet, but of course mines is the best I’m daddy’s little girl and I shop the most (but not as much as most girl I way to busy). There are three floors, the basement has three rooms down there the in home theater game room and my studio’s ( yes more than one I’m very talented not being concede it’s just fact). My dance, art, and recording studio but I mean I not the only one that uses them. The first for up from the basement is the living room, kitchen, dining room, den and study. The den’s ceiling is just windows that can be covered by the automatic shade which is also steal. We aren’t stupid we know people are dumb enough to try and break in but what they don’t know is that the will get shot yeah my brother use to go to the gun rage all the time I go now, he’s already has all his papers and stuff saying its legal for him to bare arms. Anyways on from there is the upstairs which has the rest of the bedrooms and our own little computer technology room (everything is Apple baby). Yes there is also one extra bathroom on each floor for the common folk (just kidding). I sat in my room just lying on my bed listening to music and texting for about 45 minutes when there was a knock on my door.
“Yes” I said in an irritated voice.
“It’s Lorenzo”, he said in his Puerto Rican accent. I so loves hearing him speak especially in his native tongue it’s so sexy. Maybe that’s also a reason why he’s my favorite.
“Come in Sweetheart” I said sitting up still texting.
“Hola mami”, he greeted. I so love it.
“Buenos tardes, poppy”, I greeted back in Spanish.
“Oh nothing I’m just so bored, I been trying find someone to do, want to help me out”, he said jokingly so I busted out laughing.
“You’re so silly”, I said still laughing.
“Aye mami I know”, I love when he calls me mami.
“Anyways me too Marquis won’t let me leave because I promise I’d help dumb and dumber with their homework”, Lorenzo why am I so nice.
“I don’t know mami”, he said laying me head on his chest. I took a deep breath taking in his cologne, he smelled so good. Lorenzo laid back on my bed and put his hand behind his head. I still lay on his chest. He began to rub in my hair knowing that I love that and I began to drift off to sleep. I wake up and Lorenzo is still in my bed watching TV. We have those earphones that let you watch TV without disturbing anyone. My phone iPhone 4 rang and I jumped up to get it Will’s ringtone was playing so I knew it was him.
“Hey babe what’s up?” I greeted.
“You know Ka’Myra I been thinking and I just came to realize that this is just not working out” he just stated bluntly.
“What?” I asked in disbelief.
“We just don’t have time for one another you know” he said.
“I mean if this is because I had to cancel our date today my bad but are you sure you just want to break up with me” I asked.
“It’s not just because you missed our date I been thinking this for a while. I don’t want this to be a big bad break up let just both end it you know” he said and I could tell he’s been thinking about this for a while and that he was kind of hurt by having to say this to me.
“Okay but I’m just going to say this now Will I don’t date the same person twice” I said sounding serious but really I was only joking.
“Really, I just want us to have a break from one another I don’t…” I cut him off.
“I’m only joking with you, it’s cool whatever you want, I don’t want any hard feelings between us either” I said and I heard him breathe a sigh of relief.
“So you’re not angry with me?” he asked relieved.
“Of course I’m angry you just broke up with me” I said pretending to be sad. He wasn’t falling for it he knows me so well.
“Myra, I love you and talk to you later” he said
“Bye Will” I said sweetly and we both hung up. I threw myself back on the bed and sighed. I looked at Lorenzo he wasn’t paying attention so I snatch the earphone off his head and sighed again.
“Okay, what’s wrong mami” he said leaning up.
“I’m sad” I said
“Why?” he asked in concern.
“Will just broke up with me” I sighed a long sigh this time.
“Awe I’m sorry you want some ice cream, I think that’s what make girls feel better” he said seriously and I just giggled.
“Yes please I want some butter pecan icecream” I said sitting up quickly.
“Myra you’re really not that sad I know you” he smiled. I still can hear his accent when he speaks.
“You’re right I’ve lived with boys for too long I just don’t care” I giggled.
“You’re so silly Myra”
“I know, but for real lets go down stairs and get icecream” I said in a serious tone.
“Si” he said and hopped off my bed. I followed him to my door and he opened it for me letting me walk through first. What a gentleman. We walked downstairs to find everyone sitting in the living room watching TV. We walk past them and go into the kitchen.
“Lorenzo can you get it” I say with pleading eyes.
“Only because I love you” he says and I smile. He hands me my bowl of icecream and he gets some chocolate icecream for his self.
“I love me some chocolate” he says after he puts the gallons of icecream away. I smile and say you like everything chocolate.
“Si especially my mamis” he says licking his lips making me laugh.
“I guess Sweetheart” I walk down the stairs to my dance studio and Lorenzo follows.
“I love all these mirrors” he says smiling still holding his bowl of chocolate icecream.
“Of course you would with your conceded self”
“True but I mean look at me I’m pretty hot” he says.
“Si muy caliente” I say fanning myself. He chuckles and I place my icecream on the floor. “Sweetheart dance with me” I say turning on my stereo and changing to some salsa music.
“Are you being racist I do know how to dance to regular music” he says jokingly. I smile and he puts his bowl down as well and walks up to me and pulls me into him. We get into the salsa dance stance and start to dance. I always dance when I don’t know how to feel and Lorenzo is a great dancer. Sometimes I just feel so trapped being the only girl to live here and all. Dancing helps me to be able to be free. He twirls me around fast and does all these other crazy things and I love it (dancing also makes me…ya know). The song ends and I stare in Lorenzo’s grey eyes he is so sexy. How am I still a virgin in this house. I look away and make my way toward my icecream. I am not going to lie I have kissed some of the guys in the house but it was never really serious, some were dares and some just to do it. I have to admit Lorenzo is a very good kisser he was a dare but after that dare we started just doing it for the fun of it. That is before I started dating Will and that was 6 months ago. I finished my icecream and got up to go upstairs.
“You coming?” I asked.
“No I’m a stay down here for a while” he said. Like I said the studio’s not just for me, see we all go to this private arts school and Lorenzo a dancer and a poet (figures). I walk up stairs and into the living room where everyone is still watching TV boys.
“Listen George and Jason I’m going to take a shower get ready..” before I could finish George started taking his shirt off.
“Come on lets go” he says walking towards me and everyone laughs except for Marquis oh did I mention he doesn’t really know I kiss anyone for fun he only knows about the dares.
“Stop I was going to say get ready to do your homework you horny thing” I shout and point my finger at him. Everyone laughs
“Oh okay” George says and sits back down. Marquis punches George in his chest and he yells in pain.
“Don’t do my sister like that ever again, understand” Marquis says sternly.
“I feel it bro, literally dang” George says rubbing his chest and I smirk shake my head and go take a shower. Boys can’t live with them can’t live wit out them.

Chapter 2 One Just Isn’t Enough

I finished my shower and got dressed putting on my pink cheer short some white and pink knee high sock and my white beater with the word pink in pink written across the chest. It’s from Victoria Secrets and so are the shorts so they say pink on the butt but in white writing. This is all I wear as pajamas and yes my pajamas have to match. I put my shoulder length hair in a ponytail and put my lotion and stuff on before heading back down stairs. I should of took a bath it would of took longer I really don’t want to help their the reason Will broke up with me. Plus it’s a Jacuzzi tub with 50 jets in it and it feels so good. I guess the shower was good we all have the showers with like more than one shower head and a detachable one. I walk down to the study and yell for George and Jason to come in there. They walked in with all the enthusiasm in the world (syke). I opened the chemistry book and it took them like an hour and a half to get what I was trying to explain to them. Gosh I shouldn’t be so selfish these boys need all the help they can get. (I know earlier I said I kissed some of the guys in the house Jason is one and George I don’t plan on it he’s a hoe) Jason is so shy he one of those guys you would expect to be a total butt head because he’s a jock and popular but he’s not he also very sweet but the boy doesn’t have many girlfriends. Let me say this when he does and it’s time to put them to bed he goes all night that boy has stamina. It’s so gross but if I wasn’t me I would totally let him…never mind. He’s brown skin with these deep hazel eyes and crisp waves. He stands about 5’9 and is buff but not like really buff. And his teeth are the most beautiful things I ever seen. I have an obsession with teeth; I hate a person with nasty teeth that’s just nasty to not brush your teeth. George on the other hand don’t get me wrong he is seven scoops with a cherry on top but like I said he’s a hoe. He’s light skinned and proud of it mixed boys are the worst so conceded (just kidding they all aren’t, but I’ve been around enough to say most are) he has deep brown eyes and his teeth are pretty to but I’ in love with Jason’s. He’s 5’7 and has most beautiful body on a man I’ve ever seen (fanning myself). He has this curly light brown hair and tattoos, his lips are plump and they look nice enough to suck on but yea like I said I wouldn’t he’s a hoe. Anyways back to the story. I finished helping them and ordered a pizza peperoni and a cheese on because some people (Kyle and Kelvin) don’t like pepperoni pizza weirdo’s. Kyle is one of the most beautiful white boys I ever seen he has dark brown hair and light blue eyes (that’s so weird) he’s nerdy and like super smart that’s why I’m not understanding why I had to help them two beautiful dummies with their homework. Plus I just realized its Friday why did I listen to Marquis. I just realized I got dumped for nothing, not that I’m tripping or anything. Anyways Kyle’s goes and gets spray tans and has a piecing in his right upper ear plus both his ears pierced, that’s sexy. He’s like 5’6 and the sexiest nerd I ever seen. Kelvin is another mixed kid he’s black and Chinese (Blackinese as I like to call him) he is so hilarious even when he’s not trying to be. He has long straight black hair and these slanted brown eyes he has slits in his eye brows. He also has his ears pierced and he so hot. You know how guy will have an edge up then their hair that’s how his is. He has this little nose and some nice size pouty lips (I love them) I call them Trey Songz lips. He’s the shortest out of all the guy only standing at 5’5 and I’m 5’3 so he isn’t that tall. Let me just say all the guys bodies are the business. Let me just describe everybody then my brother is 6’2 milk chocolate with light brown eyes that unfortunately I didn’t get blessed with. He has black hair with waves he brushes constantly. His teeth are the business and he’s really buff well not like the big body builder buff but buff enough. My brother is very intellectual and is a very smooth talker I guess it runs in the family. Yay we get to get back to Lorenzo well he’s Puerto Rican need I say more. He has smooth way sandy brown hair with, did I mention his grey eyes so sexy. He has this blemish free skin well except for this tiny (beauty mark) beside his left eye. His lips are this dark brownish pink color I can’t explain it and they are soft a rose peddles maybe that’s because he licks them all the time. He has long what I like to call (girly eye lashes) and some chin hair. He’s 5’8 and a half yes I said and a half. And his voice it’s not too deep are too high it’s perfect and his teeth, perfect. Last but not least Luis my Italian corn ball. He has that skin Italian have you know with that olive tint to it. He’s the best because he can cook and very well might I add. He has an accent too. So sexy and he has a Ceasar hair cut yes I said Ceasar, but it look good on him though with his black shiny hair. He has dark brownish grey eyes (if that makes sense) and stands at 5’8 his nose is pointy but not long. I love when he tells story of house Italy is. He has thick eyebrows but there not bushy and they don’t connect he’s also gorgeous. Like I said I don’t know how I remained a virgin in this house full of sexy guy. Never mind I remember their all douches yes even Lorenzo when he wants to be. Let’s get back to this story though and back to my pizza I ordered it from Luis’s favorite pizza place (figures) I have to admit I kissed Kyle too (white boys need chocolate love too) . I know you’re wondering who I haven’t kissed its George, Kelvin and Luis there the hoes. Kyle is too actually with his nerdy self but I made an exception for him oh and I haven’t kissed my brother but that should be obvious. I have a kissing problem but one just isn’t enough and like I said some were dares. Plus they weren’t even closely related. The pizza’s finally arrived and I munched down on like 6 pieces. I grabbed a cream soda out the fridge and drank it down with a loud burp (yeah baby that was sexy)
“She’s just one of the guys” kelvin joked and everyone laughed. I was kind of tired so I said I was going to bed and went upstairs. I walked in my room went and brushed my teeth, turned my TV off that Lorenzo left on. I turned on my purple low neon lights that go around the sides of my ceiling. After that I check my phone and text a few people one of which was one of my best friends who is names Malay and she want to come over tomorrow. I text her [Idc] and I fall asleep. I woke back up at like 2 a.m. and go down to the kitchen for something to drink. After that I see someone is still up in the basement the only two people that sleep down there are Kyle and Lorenzo so I go down to see which one is still up. Of course it you guessed it Lorenzo (sweetheart) his door is cracked and I can tell he’s in the bathroom because I hear the shower so I flop on his memory foam bed and wait for him to come out. I hear the water turn off and I sit up. Lorenzo steps out the bathroom with nothing but his towel on his hair is all curly and he’s glistening form the water left on his body. I look in awe (I could just eat him up) he jumps when he sees me and I smile. It’s funny because he almost drops his towel. He still says nothing though he just walks in his closet with the door open and drops his towel and I see his muscle booty. I smile and he looks back and gives a flirtatious smirk and slides on his boxers and gray sweat pants. Oh and he rubbed his lotion on his upper body. Then my Sweetheart closes his door and turns off his light and opens his curtains (yes even the basement has windows). I lay back on the bed and I feel Lorenzo lay next to me so I snuggle up to his chest and play in his hair and he rubs mine. I run my fingers across his chest and trace his abs then I feel myself drifting and I fall asleep.
When I awaken I feel Lorenzo’s arms around my waist and his erection against my butt (yeah gross) I lift his arm softly and get up. I look at Lorenzo and smile he’s even sexy sleeping. I always seem to be the first one up so I leave his room quietly and rush up to my room. I love living in a house full of boys.

Chapter 3 Box of chocolate (Lorenzo)

Ka’Myra is crazy i can’t believe she was in my room at 2 a.m. I mean I definitely didn’t mind. I should have kissed her I wanted to kiss her but that’s moving way too fast. I mean her and Will just broke up. I know she think I didn’t see her leave out my room but I did and I know we both don’t nothing serious it’s just all fun and games. I swear she’s like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get with her. I’ve always admired how bonita she is she makes me want to tocarla en todos los diferentes tipos de formas (touch on in all different types of ways).
Yo que podría comérsela…. (I could eat…..) Never mind. I won’t even go there. I love her soft long black hair. Her deep slanted brown eyes and her round nose. That beauty mark on her right cheek and her full, plump heart shaped lips. I just love viendo su sonrisa (seeing her smile) it brightens my day. She’s a chica bien formada (shapely girl) perfectly shaped in all the right places. Myra just doesn’t know what she makes me want to do. I usually don’t think this way of a female. I don’t know lo que la chica está haciendo a mí (what that girl is doing to me). ¿Qué puedo decir? Me encanta el chocolate. (What can I say? I love chocolate.) I get up and got to take a shower and get dressed. When I’m finished I noticed it was on 10:00 dang this the earliest I ever been up. I put my hair in a ponytail and threw on some black basketball shorts and a white beater. When I walked up stair all was quiet except in the dining room where I saw Myra sitting talking to her friend Malay. Why is she even here this early? Malay is Beautiful to I think she’s Latina and black she has black long curls that go to the middle of her back and light brown eyes. Her body is on point too. Oh and she has dimples that’s cute. I walked in with an orange and chocolate, chocolate chip muffin and sat down across from them.
“Hola Malay” I greeted
“Buenos días Lorenzo” She greeted back.
“¿Qué estás haciendo aquí tan temprano en la mañana?” (What are you doing here this early in the morning?) I asked with a yawn.
“La invité Ella” (I invited her) Myra jumped in and Malay giggled.
“Oh, lo siento” (Oh sorry) I said throwing my hands up.
“Está bien Sweetheart” (Okay Sweetheart) she said and I gave a slight smile.
“¿Dónde está tu hermano?” (Where is your brother?) Malay asked smiling.
“Probably sleeping” Myra said in disgust and I laughed. “I’m surprised you’re up this early Lorenzo”
“Yeah me either but just wasn’t tired” was my come back. I could see she was trying to be a butt hole but that was okay.
“I’m going to go wake your brother up” Malay said to Myra and she nodded. Malay walked up the stairs and we were alone.
“Me gusta su forma de hablar español” (I like the way you speak Spanish) I said eating my muffin and she giggled which made me smile.
“Tu trasero es agradable” (Your butt is nice) she smiled.
“Muchas gracias” (thank you) I said smiling. “I wish I could’ve seen yours mami” I said taking a bite of my orange.
“Sweetheart I didn’t know you were so freaky” she said as if in shock.
“I’m Puerto Rican mami” I said with a flirtatious grin.
“True” she said standing up and leaving me in the dining room alone. I sat and ate my food then threw my trash away and went back down to my room and onto my bed I need a nap. This girl must be something having me up before 12:00. I am sure to pass out somewhere if I don’t go back to sleep not. She’s just like a box of chocolate and as I’ve said before I love my chocolate.

Chapter 4 What do we call this?

I went back in the dining room hoping my Sweetheart was still in there but her wasn’t he must have went back to sleep. Awe that poor thing he was all tuckered out.

I was awakened by a girl kissing my neck I knew exactly who it was by the way she was kissing my neck. It was Malay, Myra friend who had a crush on me and I am not going to lie I am truly feeling her too. She climbed on top of me while still kissing on my neck. I felt her hands tracing my chest and abs. Man; she had me feeling real nice. I placed my hands on her hips and she looked at me smiling seductively. I put one of my hands in her hair and pulled her head back so I could return some kisses to her neck.
“Si Papi” she said in a low moan and it turned me on more. I placed my lips on hers and kissed her roughly she tasted so good I flipped us so she was on the bottom I kissed her more and she opened her mouth slightly letting me know I could explore her mouth so I did and our tongues danced with one another and I was about to go nuts. I lifted her shirt and smiled at her belly button ring. I kissed her stomach and she let out passionate sighs I went lower and she began to say something in Spanish I think she said “Papi please don’t go lower” but I ignored her and kissed her bikini line and she moaned. She spoke Spanish again saying “please” in another low moan. So I came back up to her neck and kissed and sucked on determined to leave my mark. She grabbed my face and pulled it up to hers. I so love Spanish girls. We paused to get air then I had to get up because it was getting too heated in here for me and it was too early in the day. She looked at me breathing heavy. She stood up and then pushed me up against the wall; she wrapped her arms around my neck and hoped up wrapping her legs around my waist so I turned so she was pinned on the wall. She asked for it.

I went to my room and took a shower and got dressed just putting on my some white and pink basketball shorts and a pink beater. I placed my hair in a high ponytail and put my whit gold hoop earrings in. after that I dabbed on my pink sugar smell good oil and some lip gloss after I brushed my teeth. I grabbed my iPod and started listening to some music when there was a knock on my door.
“Yeah” I said.
“It’s Jason” oh yes sweet, shy Jason.
“Come in” he opened the door and rushed in. “What’s up Jock” I said sweetly
“What girl is here?”
“Malay why?” I asked confused.
“You’ll never guess what’s happening right now” he said nonchalantly.
“What?” I said excitedly.
“Your friend is getting it in with your brother” he said the he stood up from my bed. I had the most shocked look on my face I already know.
“What!” I shouted “How do you know?” I asked getting upset.
“My rooms right next to his and there are a lot of Spanish speaking going on. I scrunched my nose up in disgust and Jason laughed.
“It’s so not funny Jason; I don’t want him to hurt my friend”
“Too late for that” he said in a low voice and I slapped the back of his neck.
“Stop it; I wasn’t talking about like that” I said scolding him while he rubbed the back of his head.
“I don’t think he will he actually cares about Malay and trust me I know we duded talk too”
“Yeah just as much as girls if not more” I giggled.
“Shut up” he said shoving me softly. I smiled and so did Jason he moved it closely and started kissing my neck. I moaned softly. Let me tell you Jason is a really good kisser I mean that boy is really nice with his lips. It’s like he knows all the right spots to kiss you.
“Jason” I said in another low moan.
“I got it” he said softly and he stopped kissing my neck. I breathed in deep. Jason is so sexy. He stood up and walked out my room. Oh gosh these guys are going to drive me insane.

Oh gosh I just did it to my sister’s best friend. I think Malay is thinking the same thing.
“So what do we call this?” I asked pointing between us.
“What do you mean?” she asked in a confused tone while slipping her pants back on and going to straighten up her hair.
“Us?” I said in a question like tone.
“I don’t know what this was?” she asked pointing to the mess we made.
“Let’s just call it me officially making you my girlfriend” I said and she smiled.
“I have a confession” she said lowly.
“What’s up ma” I said wrapping my arms around her waist.
“I was a virgin” she said bluntly.
“I couldn’t tell” I said flirtatiously. She gave a seductive smile and I leaned down and kissed her slowly this time and passionately. Myra is going to kill me.

I am so going to kill him. Why would he do this to me? I not even going to trip off this. We all sat in the den waiting for Malay and Marquis to join us I was sitting on Kelvins lap and he was trying to braid my hair. He’s a weird boy. I laughed because he was really trying.
“Your hair is stupid” he said giving up
“Maybe it’s the other way around Kyle said not even looking up from the book he was reading and I giggled.
“Myra” Kelvin said as if I betrayed him or something.
“What you called my hair stupid”
“I’m sorry Myra’s hair” he apologized then petted my hair like it was a dog.
“You are such a clown” I laughed. I stopped laughing when Malay and Marquis walked in hand in hand. I really don’t know what to think if he didn’t care he would have to her as soon as they finished and then left her hanging. Like I said before Marquis is serious about honesty even when it hurts. Yeah he’s a douche just like the rest of them.
“What’s going on” I asked suspiciously
“Oh umm Myra” Marquis started “I slept with your best friend and now she’s my girlfriend” he said emphasizing best friend and girlfriend.
“Are you serious?” I asked not believing them.
“Yes dead” Malay said all smiles and blushing.
“Okay!” I kind of shouted and everybody jumped. About 20 minutes passed and everybody started leaving the house Malay and Marquis, Kyle and Kelvin, and Jason and Luis. When everyone was gone I walked downstairs to Lorenzo’s room and he was still sleeping. I placed my hand under his shirt and traced his 8 pack (yeah baby) he jumped and I smiled innocently.
“Ready to get that hair done” I said picking my nails and before I knew it I was on the floor. Lorenzo pushed me off the bed how rude. I stayed on the floor and started crying (did I mention I study acting too, so multitalented) Lorenzo hoped out his bed and lean down to see if I was ok when I grabbed and twisted his nipple. He yelled in agony and stood up and ran stopping up stair to laugh and yelled “purple nurple Sweetheart” I laughed some more and I heard him begin to start running I ran up the stairs and hid in my bedroom closet. I stood quietly waiting it took him like 10 minutes to find me. He opened the closet do and I shouted “Took you long enough, what did you stop to have lunch” I said sarcastically and he laughed grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder he threw my on the bed and tickled me. “Okay” I scream still laughing and he stops. “Let’s get that head all nice and freshly braided”
“Yeah, no my head need to rest mami” he said and rolled my eyes. I begged him for hours everyone had been gone all day Saturday is date day. We leave all day and just chill with whomever and whoever comes back first loses. Lorenzo never plays and I forfeit this time see as I have been dumped.
It was now about 9 o’clock and I was bored.
“Sweetheart can I at least play in your hair” I asked my eyes pleading.
“Okay mami only because I’m tired of hearing you ask papi” he said and I smiled and skipped downstairs to his room where I usually played in his hair. Lorenzo sat down in his comfy big brown chair and turned on some music. This is always what we do when I do his hair. I walked behind his chair and took out his ponytail. I started massaging his hair and he groaned softly. I know what Lorenzo likes.

Chapter 5 The way you make me feel

I rubbed my fingertips in his scalp and he sighed slowly and I smiled. I love being in control.
“I’m hungry Sweetheart, I’m going to order Chinese want anything.
“Yeah just 4 shrimp eggrolls and some off that sweet red sauce” he said licking his lips and I giggled.
“Okay” and I skipped out his room and up the stairs I ordered the food and waited for them to show up before I went back down stairs. When the food was finally delivered I paid the guy and skipped back to Lorenzo’s room where he was taking another shower. I sat the food down on his bedside table and sat on his bed like I did the night before he came out this time with his boxers on (man I wanted to see his muscle booty) he smiled.
“You get my food woman” he said as if he was controlling something I let him and nodded yes. He walked over to where I was sitting legs dangling off the bed. He opened the bag and looked at me. I couldn’t help but stare his hair was wet and curly again his body was glistening and them eye, them eyes put me in a trance. He kneeled down as if he was going to sit and he flipped his light switch on the side of his bed and opened his curtains with a touch of a button. He then was on his knees right in front of me and he began to open my legs and slide his body up until he gently pushed me back on his bed and I took in his scent he smelled so good. His body was still wet and while upstairs I had changed into my pajamas black cheer shorts white and black knee high socks and a white beater so I felt his damp body crawl up my leg and on top of me. I could feel my body getting hot and I could feel Lorenzo breathing on my neck it sent chills down my spine and I shuttered a little and I think he liked it because I could feel him smiling. He gently ran his fingertips across my exposed chest and I sighed slowly. He then wrapped my legs around his waist and I loved how I felt so I let him. Then out of know where he lifted me up and I was pushed up against a wall, I could still feel his warm breath on my neck. I placed my hand in his wet hair and grabbed a handful of it and tucked on it. I already know he likes it I’ve done this plenty of time. Not what he’s doing now I’ve never done this is so quiet except for the music which is slow and sensual. His hair is so soft. I let go and he presses me up against the wall harder how he can hold me up this long. I let out a low moan because it feels so good to be this close to him. He finally kisses my neck and it feels so good. (My neck is definitely my spot) his hands slid up my shirt and up to my stomach I have a little 6 pack myself. His hands move up higher and somehow he gets my shirt off without removing me from this wall. I am so confused right now. I place my face in the crook of his neck and breathe he let out a low groan. I begin to kiss and suck on his neck I a pro at giving hickeys. He groans again and I go to the other side. He grabs my ponytail wraps it around his hand and yanks it back. I love getting my hair pulled. My head goes back and he kisses my neck again. I smile we are having a control war here. Suddenly I’m on the bed again and he’s on top.
“¿Mami qué estás haciendo a mí?” (Mami what are you doing to me?) I don’t know what to say.
“Dame un beso” (Kiss me) I said. He leans and softly kisses my lips slowly. My leg are still around his waist and this intense kiss is making my toes curl. I slightly open my mouth letting him know he can explore my mouth and his tongue me mine. He starts grinding on me a little and it feel wonderful (yes I one of those freaky virgins) he pushes himself harder on my and I moan. I don’t like feeling like I lost and moaning loudly is a sigh of weakness so I switch our position so I’m on top. I lick his chest and let my tongue trace the indents of his abs. he groans lowly. No that’s not good enough I come back up and kiss his neck and rubbing in his hair. He groans a little louder but it’s still not good enough so I start grinding on him with his boxer on and finely he lets out the moan I wanted. I smile with satisfaction and he switches us again he kisses my body until he reaches my bikini line and he slowly grabs my shorts when we hear the guys are back. He quickly comes up and kisses me one more time before turning on the light throwing me my shirt and walking to his closet to get clothes on I put my shirt back on and the my Sweetheart comes out with basketball shorts on and a beater on. I cover my mouth and point to his neck; he looks in the mirror and sees the hickey I left on his neck.
“I’ll just say you left me here to go be with some hoe for an hour” I said and he shook his head yes. I stood up and grabbed the bag of Chinese food and threw him his bag with his 4 eggrolls.
“Where my sauce?” he asked and I dig to the bottom of the bag and hand him one of the bowls of sweet and sour sauce. Everyone comes running down stairs and the bust into Sweetheart room. I give them a what’s wrong with you’ll look.
“So what happened here tonight?” Kyle asked with a wild smirk on his face.
“Lorenzo wouldn’t know he left me here for like 2 hour to go be with some hoe the he came back with Chinese food and a hickey” I said as if I were angry. (I so need an Oscar Award right now)
“A hickey” Jason says enthusiastically.
“Yeah but I forgave him because he brought Chinese and I love Chinese” I said smiling wildly.
“Man sucks we thought you two were down here getting it on” Kyle stated bluntly.
I gave him a what’s wrong with you look and said.
“Your gross you were trying to come watch”, I said scrunching up my nose.
“Yeah because personally Myra I think you’re an undercover freak” Kyle said and everyone laughed. I rolled my eyes.
“Where’s Marquis and Malay?” I ask.
“They’re not back”
“No” I said in a duh toned voice.
“So that means we lost” Jason stated he hates losing. That’s a jock for you.
“I guess so” I said giggling because he was really upset that he lost.
“I’m not Kevin Hart, don’t laugh at my pain” he said and everyone laughed again. I shook my head. A few minutes past and everyone started to leave. I still could feel his kisses all over my body. I walked to the door and closed and lock it because everyone was up stair I looks at Lorenzo walked up to him and just kissed him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close kissing me harder. (So loving how this feels). We finally break away from one another and I breathe in deeply. He stares at me and I just give a flirtatious smile and walk away. As I began to walk to the door he smacks my butt and I look back at him and shack my head.
“Shame on you” I say waging my finger at him and he chuckles and opens the door for me. I walk out and I can feel his eyes watching my every step.
“Stop staring at my butt” I say stopping in mid step.
“Lo siento” (sorry) he said.
“Sweetheart what am I going to do with you” I say in a low tone.
“Mami whatever you want” he says lowly and his voice makes me shutter. I smile.
“I’ll keep that in mind” I say and walk up the stairs to join the boys in the living room. When I enter I sit and listen to their conversations which was probably the wrong choose because they were speaking about things I so did not want to hear.

Chapter 6 Running

I went to bed after that and at 3 in the morning I was awaken by someone entering my room. I stayed still until I felt them lay beside me in my bed. I wondered if it was Lorenzo until they started kissing my neck. It was Jason like I said before the boy knows how to use his mouth. I turned to face him.
“Hi Jock” I said in almost a whisper. He just looks at me deep into my eyes. I stared back not knowing what else to do. He got off my bed and stood. “Where are you going?” I asked him but he just kept walking toward my door. I hoped out my bed and walk quickly over to him. He reached for my door knob but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. He stared at me as I did him. I placed my hand on the side of his face and rubbed it. He grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his neck softly. Then he grabbed my waist and pulled me in close. We still just stared at one another. He pulled my thigh up and wrapped my leg around his waist, and then I was in the air. He had my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He still just stared at me (what’s up with all this staring) I was pressed up against my door so I took one hand and locked it. He smiled and turned and pressed me up against a different wall. The this boy took one of his hands that he was holding my waist with and grabbed my arms from around his neck and slid then up the wall so they were over my head. Jason was rough but gentle at the same time and I loved it. He kissed my neck, the way only he could. I gave a passionate sigh. And he went to my chest still holding me up against the wall with my hands over my head. I gave a slight moan but it was really low. Yes he was in control, but I really don’t mind because it feels so wonderful. He pressed me harder against the wall and his other hand slid up my waist and his hands feel so good. He stopped and stared at me. I was beginning to breathe harder.
“I want you so bad” he stated in a low tone and his voice turned me on even more. I felt my body become very warm and tingly. I didn’t know what to say back so I just stared in his eyes. Jason eased closer to my face kissed me on my neck and put me down slowly. I was so confused I just stood there while he unlocked my door and walked out my room. Just then I realized I wanted him too. Lorenzo and I both know that we just enjoy the company and it’s just a game to Lorenzo but with Jason and me it is real. I feel a certain way around then two around Lorenzo I just want to feel he touch me and I want to hear him say dirty things to me in Spanish it’s just infatuation and lust between us other than that were just good friends. Around Jason I feel warm and fuzzy inside. With him I want to just talk and lay in his arms and oh yeah kiss him. I really don’t know. I think that’s why I spent more time with Lorenzo anyway because there’s no real feeling involved, I think I running away from my feeling for Jason. I walked over to my bed and slid in my blanket and fell asleep and then woke back up at 6 a.m. I just decided to go for a run I grabbed a jacket and slid on my running shoes, slid my hair into a high ponytail and walked downstairs and out the door. I breathed in the crisp morning air it feels so good outside. Then I just take off and jog. Running feels so good. It gives me time to think. I run down the street and around a corner. I run to this park and just break into a sprint. No one’s there and it looks so beautiful here in the morning. The sun starts to come out and I realized I have ran around this big old park three times so I slow down and turn to walk home.


Texte: Kalaeja
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.02.2012

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