
Chapter 1 The Break Up

"Deiron are you serious?" asked Shanelle not believing what she was hearing.
"Look Shanelle it's just not working out you know", he said non chalantly.
"Are you seriously breaking up with me because I won't have sex with you", Shanelle asked in anger.
"No it's just I feel your playing to many games",
"Because I won't have sex with you?" Shanelle asked again.
"Well yeah, I guess that is the reason", he answered as if that was just ok.
"Okay, well if you havent heard i'm a virgin", she said emphasizing virgin and being sarcastic.
"Shanelle that's why this isn't working out, I mean unless" he began and Shanelle laughed in disbelief.
"Boy bye" she interjected and hung up. Is he serious, Shanelle thought to her self, I was the best freaking girlfriend he ever had and aside from not having sex with him i was the whole package. Shanelle thought about crying then figure why cry over some one who's not crying over you. She resumed to doing her choresand listening to music. saying to her self "Guess it just wasn't meant to be, oh well"

Chapter 2 A New Place

"Listen Myrie I know you didn't want to leave California and move her but, just think of this as a knew start son" Myrie's dad said as Myrie sat in the passenger side texting his long distance girl friend Kylie"
"Yep", Myrie answered.
"I just don't want you in any more trouble"
"I said yep" Myrie said once more inferring to his father that he got the picture.
"I know you don't want to talk about it Myrie but, why" his father paused and glanced at his son. "We're set , we have money"
"that your money pops, I needed my own" Myrie stated still texting with more attitude.
Myrie is one of those rich troubled whit kids who has no reason for doing the things he does. Recently he's gotten into some trouble, with his folks divored Myrie's mother Michelle couldn't handle it, so she sent him to go live with his father in Columbus, Ohio. His mothers white and his fathers black. He has an identical twin named derrick who is still living with their mother but wants to move out also. Myrie's father Dy'Rell owns a franchise of businesses that sell, produce and video how to use workout equipment. Dy'Rell is just trying to do what he feels is right for his family even though they are all not together. Dy'Rell suddenly thinks his mother and how she told him marrying a women of a different race would bring him trouble, yet his brother was married to a hispanic women so he just figured she didn't like Michelle. Dy'Rell just sucked his teeth at the thought of his mothers words his mother once saidand then thought no you just hve tho pick the right woman.
"Alright Myrie get out the car we're here", Myrie closed his phone and stepped out the car. Knowing his belongings were already here and put away a few days ago. He looked at the house he would now call home and sucked his teeth. The house was much smaller than he was use to. It only had three floors and he was used to like five. He shook his head and walked inside and just roamed each room it was nice the kitchen had a ll stainless steal appliances and black marble counters with an island in the middle of the room. The livingroom was all black and silver and it had a grayish white carpet but it look clean and nice. Myrie didn't notice it before but there was a basement which was filled with arcade games, a bar (juice bar), a 42' HD television hanging on the wall. there was a Xbox 360, Playstion 3, Wii, his dad even brought out the Playstaion 2 and the Nintendo 64. Myrie chuckled to him self remembering when those game system were hot. there where dark brown recliners, love seat and sofa to match. They had a pool table and basket ball shooting game. "This is nice" he said to himself. He walked all the way up stairs and saw their where six room all together well not including the bathroom. His and his fathers rooms, a study , in home theater, and two guess rooms. The study had all apple stuff the two ipad 2, the touch screen computer that could also work with a key board and two ipod touches. Myrie grabbed one assuming one was for him. After exploring he decided it was time to go to his room which he knew was his bedcause it was black red and whit his favorite colors. His bed was black with a mable platform is closet was a giant walkin with mirrors outlined in red. some black and red bean bag chairs a few tables an ipod home system. and one of the bathroom was attached to his room and it was black and white with a jacuzzi tub and shower with five different shower heads inside. Yes thid house was incredible like something off of cribs. "I know he had this house built from ground up" he said to himself once more. Myrie plopped in one of his bean bag chair and threw his head back. Suddenly his father appeared in the door way.
"Hey" his dad spoke scaring Myrie a little.
"Whats up pops"
"Wanna order a pizza?"
"Sure why not" Myrie paused "Pops why ain't no t.v. in here"
"Myrie you know I don't believe in having t.v.'s in bedrooms, I mean have you seen how many t.v.'s are in this house" Dy'Rell said and Myrie chuckled
"I guess" was Myries answer.
"Alright so how you like the spot" his dad asked "Did I do alright?"
"It's hot pops you did good" Myrie chuckled some more and so did his dad.
"Okay then, I thought you would be feeling that basement" his dad said. Even though he own a big francise of companies he still had his time where he didn't use proper english.
"Oh yeah I'm feelin it"
"Alright then, i'ma order that pizza"
"okay", myrie said.
"While I do that go walk around a little you start school tommorrw and its a nice day out side"
"Naw I'm good pops" was Myrie's answer.
"Myrie I wasn't asking you, bye" his dad said while walking away from the door. Myrie sighed and threw his head back. He stood up and went to go change into his basketball shorts and a beater. Myrie may get off sometimes with getting smart with his father, but he doesn't try him to much. I mean like i said his father makes exercise videos, equipment, ect. Also he weighs in a t about 250 pounds all muscle. Myrie could be a lighter version of his father. He has an s-curl where his dad has a fade, he has gray eyes where his dads are brown. Other than that they're both around 6' foot with plump lips and arounded narrow noses. Myrie has a diamond earring in his ear and a tatoo on his forearm that read CASH (his nickname). Both of them have black hair and smooth skin free of any blemish. Myrie grabs his basketball and walk to leave to a park he seen on the drive over. When he arrived at the park he seen only about 8 people there and a few people on the basketball court, they start a game of 2 on 2 and as he starts to play he stops and steals a glance from a girl watching him play. She smiles knowing she's caught and she turns a way shyly. Myrie smiles too but continues to play only stopping when of of the guys yell timeout. Myrie eys the girl up and down. He notices her small but percise figure, she has brown skin and shoulder length curly hair. He watched when she turn her face his way and noticed her skin was smooth and clear excepth for a beauty mark on the right side of her slanted brown eye. When she smile he seen how gorgous and white her smile was. She had some plump lips that looked as if she had just dabbed some lip gloss on. She placed her hand over her eyes noticing shhe had been caught staring again. Then again Myrie was caught to because he was staring just as hard. The guys resumed the game and Myrie thought to himself repeatedly "I got a girlfriend."

Chapter 3 Man Where He Come From

"I can't believe he seen me." Shanelle thought to herself "But then again he was looking at me too" she thought some more. Then in thought one off her best friends name Jeena walked up.
"Whats up hun?" she spoke loudly causing basketball guy to look her way again.
"Hey Jeena", Shanelle said still smiling.
"You seem happy for someone who just got dumped" Jeena said cautiously.
"Girl whatever thats his loss not mine", was Shanelle's come back.
"Yeah girl you right", She says shaking her long straight black and brown weave. Jeena is one of them thick girls with big boobs and stands at 5'2 almost the same height as Shanelle. She has dark brown eyes, with a small nose and big lips. Jeena and Shanelle are the best of friends and when people ask how they relate, they say their sisters.
"I still can't believe him though Shanelle" Jeena said in disbelief.
"I don't know why but I do, But I mean I guess I have to"
"Right", Jeena said then turning to the court "Dang who is he?" she asked slowly.
"I'm still tryna figure that out, I think he might be the one that just moved up the street from me" Shanelle said more to herself.
"He is to bad,who ever he is. I don't even like light skins, but I'd be willing to make an exception" Jeena giggled and Shanelle just shook her head.
"He is, girl he was just staring at me a few minutes ago" Shanelle smiled.
"Was he now, so WHat did you do?" Jeena asked.
"Nothing I was staring first to try and see if I knew him but my eyes jus got stuck. He sexy in all different kinds of ways" Shanelle said jokingly fanning herself with her hand. Jeena laughed.
"I guess this is your way of calling dibs, thats cool on to the next one", Jeena said trowing up her hand for a high five.
"I sure hope so" Shanelle giggled.
"Girl lets go", Jeena said standing.
"Okay lets go to that BBQ spot though because I'm hungry"
"Shanelle you always hungry, I just don't know where it go u just so little" Jeena said lightly pinching Shanelles sid.
"I know right, my momma said all all goes to my head"
"She might be right, I mean you do got a pretty bighead though" Jeena said jokingly smiling.
"What ever, I think we should go though I was texting Nae and she there right now"
"Oh okay did you tell her to order for us"
"Naw let me do that now", Shanelle said pulling out her phone to text Mo'Nae. Whe they got to the BBQ spot Jeena greeted Mo'Nae.
"Hey Nae", Jeena said happily.
"Hey girl, Hey Shanelle you okay", she greeted back and asked in concern.
"Oh Nae trust, I perfectly fine, I let that roll off my back like water" Shanelle answered and Jeena and Mo'Nae both giggled and shook their heads.
"Well thats good", Nae said still on the phone. "James I'ma call you back later" she said the hung up.
"Oow James, who's that?" asked Jeena.
"Yeah", Shanell asked.
"Dang, Ya'll nosy, he just this dude I use to talk to way back when" Mo'Nae answered.
When the food came they ate and talked. Shanelle explained once again how Derion broke up with her, then Jeena brought up basket ball guy.
"was he that cute ya'll", Mo'Nae asked trying to picture the guy.
"oow girl yes, he was to bad" Jeena emphasized once again.
"Yeah Nae he was cute" Shanelle smiled.
"Cute, he was 7 scoops with a cherry on top, personally I wanted to eat him all up", Jeena said licking her lips. Everyone started laughing.
"Jeena you crazy", Shanelle and Mo'Nae said in unison and they all started laughing again..
"Okay if he was this fine, why ain't nobody get no number" Nae asked.
"Yeah Shanelle why you ain't get no number, I mean ya'll was the ones playing eye tag" Jeena giggled.
"Shut up" Shanelle said giggling too.
"You know Ms. Shanelle is shy", Mo'Nae said nudging Shanelle and Shanelle gave a shy smile knowing it was true. It took her a month and a half to actually start talking to Derion alone. They talked for a few more minutes the everyone went home to get ready for school the next morning. Shanelle walked past what she thinks basketball guy just moved to. Seeing she only lived 5 houses down and across the street. She smiled to herself then went inside.

Chapter 4 I Gotta Know Her Name

Myrie sat at the island counter in the kitchen eating his pizza and thinking about the girl he seen at the park with the pretty smile, when his phone rang.
"Yeah", Myrie answered.
"What's good Cash" greeted his twin brother Derrick.
"Aye, nothing whats poppin off down there?"
"Shoot nothing, same old same old"
"Oh okay so wheres moms at?" Myrie asked.
"Bro you asking the wrong one, I don't even know" was Derricks response.
"Oh okay" Myrie chuckled.
"I seen your girl today" Derrick stated.
"She was posted up in the mall with ole dude Demarko"
"Rick you serious"
"Aight what do you mean posted?"
"Well, they was in the food court at a table talking and holding hands"
"Umm really" Myrie said trying to sound as calm as possible.
"You ain't worried are you?"
"Naw not really" he said knowing he was lying. "It's cool, but any way I seen this girl today"
"And I see them everyday"
"Naw, she was fire bro. Ohio might not be that bad" Myrie smiled and Derrick laughed.
"I feel it" Derrick said. They talked for a few more minutes then said their goodbyes and hung up. Myrie talked to his dad about where his busstopp was then went to shower, pick out his clothes for the next day, brush his teeth, put his wave cap on and went to sleep.
The next morning he dragged himself outta bed and turned on his ipod. He washed up got dressed knowing his dad was already gone he got some breakfast. He grabbed his belongings and headed for his stop.When he began to a pproach his stop he seen a person and was relieved to know he was at the right stop and wouldn't be alone. Whenhe got close enogh he noticed it was the girl with the pretty smile he had seen at the park. She seemed to be busy listenibg to her music, texting while still holding all her belongings. The girl turned and when she seen Myrie she jumped in fright and dropped her belongings. Myrie stepped quickly to help her gather her things.
"Thank you ", she thanked.
"It's cool", Myrie said back and she turned away.
"So", Myrie started. "What's your name beautiful?" he asked with a smile and she turned to face him with a smile.
"Shanelle, and yours?" she asked politely.
"Myrie, nice to see you again"
"Thats different, and yeah, you too" she smiled.
"You have a really pretty smile" He said and Shanelle couldn't help but smile and blush.
"Thank you, you have a nice..." she paused and looked him up and down. "Face" she finished then puts her head down thinking "why did I just say that".
"Is that your way of saying I'm cute", Myrie asked with a sly smile and Shanelle rolls her eyes and smiles too.
"Take it as what you want", she answered.
"Oh okay, so I seen you checking me out yesterday oor am I mistaken" Myrie asks, but knowing she was. Shanelle puts her hands over her eyes and giggles.
"I was, and if I'm not mistaken you were eying me as well", she smiled and look Myrie square in the eyes.
"I was" he answered stepping closer. Shanelle could smell his cologne and could feel her heart beating faster. She smiled again. Myrie smile back and before he could say anything else the bus pulled up. Shanelle turned to walk to the bus and Myrie admired her every step, to him she moved like a model but it was so natural. Shanelle stepped on the bus nothing but smiles and found her seat with Mo'Nae.
"Hey girl" Nae greeted.
""Hey", Shanelle said back still smiling.
"Why are you so happy this morning?" she asked and on que Myrie walked by sitting 4 seats on the other side of Shanelle. Mo'Nae's eyes grew larger and she gave a little smirk.
"Because Mo'Nae Jesus loves me" The busted out laughing.
"Please tell me thats basketball guy", Mo'nae said trying to look over Shanelle.
"Yes girl, like I said he's cute", she looked at Myrie "No rewing he's BAD" Shanelle said emphasizing bad. She turned to look at him again and noticed he was looking her way too. Shanelle smiled and heard Myrice kind of chuckle.
"oow look at you, already got a new boo to be", Nae said poking Shanelle softly.
"Stop Nae", Shanelle smiled again.
"So I guess this means Deiron who?" Mo'Nae threw her arms up as if she were confused.
"You guessed right" Shanelle laughed.
"I haven't even thought about him until now"
"I'm sure basketball guy be on your mind like that already, Shame, shame ,shame", Mo'Nae said shaking her head side to side smiling.
"Shut up" Shanelle said nudging Mo'Nae. "And his name is Myrie, also hunny I know for a fact that he feeling me too" Shanelle flipped her hair and fluttered her eyes."I guess so, and won't be feeling you if you do that, so don't" Mo'Nae said and the both laughed. The rest of the ride they just talked, Mo'Nae talked about who she talked to the night before and what happened after they left the BBQ spot. The bus finally got to the school. When they stepped off Mo'Nae walked up to her boo who's name is Lamar. Shanelle stopped to put on her lip gloss when someone bumped her, she turned around ready to get smart when she realized it was Myrie. Her face insantly turned soft and a smile emerged.
"I seen that, you were about to go off on me, huh?" he asked and Shanelle giggled a little.
"You must really want to talk to me huh", Shanelle said evading the question.
"I ain't saying I don't" was Myrie's come back. Shanelle seen people staring at the two of them.
"You're kind of new here and seeing you with me might give these people ideas", Shanelle said while walking away, but Myrie still followed.
"So, that means you walk away and what's wrong with ideas?" Myrie said catching up to Shanelle. "What you got a boyfriend or something?" Myrie question. Shanelle stopped and turned to look at Myrie.
"Actually as of yesterday, I am officially single and nothings wrong with ideas it's the wrong ideas that get people in trouble", she smiled.
"Okay I feel that, so you single", Myrie said stepping closer.
"Yeah and I think I should keep it that way for a while"
"Dang, so ole dude messsed it up for everybody huh?" Myrie asked with a smile.
"Well I don't know, only time will tell I guess", Shanelle and Myrie stared into each other eyes, when Shanelle finally looked away she spotted Derion hugged up with some girl named Nikki. Shanelle's eye's grew watery and it finally set in that he had be playing her. She began to feel herself become angry. Myrie turned to where she was staring.
"So I guess that's dude huh?" his voice took on a very serious tone.
"You guessed right, I gotta go", Shanelle began to walk away, but Myrie hates seeing girls with broken hearts so he gently grabbed Shanelle by the arm and put his arm over her shoulder. Shanelle looked up at him and rolled her eyes with a smirk thinking "Who does this guy think he is?"
"You just don't give up do you?" she asked.
"If I did then I wouldn't be a man fighting for what I want", he looked at Shanelle and lifted her chin with his finger.
"I guess not", Shanelle smiled.
"So beautiful can I get your number"
"Wow Myrie I gotta watch you, you got a mouth piece on you" Shanelle poked him in his chest "You kinda slick" his chest was hard as a rock Shanelle thought to herself. She bit down on her bottom lip and that made Myrie smile.
"So did he break up with you or you him?" he asked.
"He broke up with me", Shanelle said with a sigh.
"Well that was his loss" Myrie responded back. They began to walk into the school. Myrie's arm was still over Shanelle's shoulders. Shanelle seen Derion stare at them both, so did Myrie. Both Myrie and Shanelle began to laugh. Entering into the building. Myrie walked Shanelle to her locker and said "So what about that number?"
"What about it?" Shanelle said as if she were confused.
"Girl don't play, can I get it?" Myrie chuckle.
"Yeah I guess, let me see your phone", she smiled. Myrie grabbed his iphone 4s and handed it to Shanelle. Shanelle put her number in it and handed it back.
"So this is your cell?" he asked.
"Of course", she said so Myrie called it and Shanelle grabbed her Galaxy s2 skyrocket. "Is this you?", she asked. Myrie shookhis head yes, Shanelle saved the number and put her phone away.
"So can you show me where the office is?" Myrie asked and Shanelle pointed to her left.
"It's over there you got to get your schedule?"
"Yeah and a locker"
"Well okay then, see you later Myrie, I hope we have some classes together"
"Yeah me too Beautiful"
"I do have a name you know", Shanelle said smilling.
"Yeah I know Shanelle, but it's kind of hard to talk to you with out reffering to what you are"
"Okay then Slick, keep on with that mouth and I'ma have to put you on my list", Shanelle said slowly stepping past Myrie.
"Ooow is the list good?" Myrie asked.
"I don't know yet, you'll just have to see huh?" she said the walkedd down the hall to talk to her friends. Myrie smiled to himself and walked in the office thinking "She might be a challenge"

Chapter 5 Smiles All Smiles

Myrie got his schedule and his locker which was right across the hall from Shanelle's. "First period English 11, great" he thought. Myrie walked in the class and sat down in the third row. What Myrie missed was he sat diagonally across from Derion, who did see Myrie and rolled his eyes.
"So I guess you new here, so I'ma let you know Shanelle's my girl" Derion said.
"Not from what I hear bra, but it's cool keep thinking that in your mind. It don't matter she won't be yours for long", Myrie said back with not a hint of fear or regret in his voice.
"Ok bra, we'll see", Derion said blowing Myrie off and sitting back in his seat. Myrie shook his head at the thought of Derion.
"Hey man I'm Lamar what's poppin with cha"
"I'm Myrie, what's good bra", They gave each other a pound.
"Don't even pay attention to little dude over there I heard he tried to break little Shanelle's heart"
"I ain't stuntin him, and I guess news travels fast. I thought they just broke up yesterday" Myrie stated.
"Man it do but I probably hear it first because I'm Shanelle's bestfriends boyfriend, and that girl feel like she gotta tell me everything"
"Who little shorty with the....", Myrie stopped him self before he stepped outta line.
"Big booty, yea thats him", another dude turned and said. Lamar kinda smiled and shook his head.
"Hey man I'm Camrell or you cam call me Rell for short" he said and they daped each other up.
"What's up bra I'm Myrie but my peoples call me Cash" Myrie said "And bra I ain't mean to bring up that about your girl"
"It's cool, i ain't blind and niether are you" Lamar said then chuckled and Myrie shook his head and smiled.
"Yeah but your girl is nice man in looks too" Rell said.
"Shut up" Lamar said. Myrie Laughed.
"So man what's up with you, you with te chocolate drop she cute too and she got, never mind", Myrie stopped him self.
"Naw he ain't with Jeena she sunt him on more than one occassion", Lamar said and him and Myrie laughed.
"Man Mar nobody asked you to tell my life story"
"My bad bra" Lamar laughed .
"Yeah wha ever what all don't know is I talk to her yesterday on the book" Rell stated proudly.
"I guess, what you say to her" Myrie asked.
"That's for me to know, yall will see shawty feelin Rell forreal" Rell said feeling hisself.
Myrie and Lamar shook their heads and turned to the front and waited for class to start.
"So you about to get with basketball guy" Jeena asked. Shanelle smiled.
"I don't know we just cool" she answered still smiling.
"Man what ever, Jeena you should have seen them on the bus all googly eyed on each other". Mo'Nae said blinking her eyes like a flirtatious girl. Shanelle and Jeena had to laugh at her. Thankfully the girls had most of their classes together.
"Man who knew you would get over whats his name so fast" Jeena joked.
"I know she been like Derion who since she done caught the eye of oh so georgous Myrie", Mo'Nae said fanning her self with her hand. Shanelle just rolled her eyes, smiled and agave a simple
first period ended Shanelle and Myrie noticed they had 2nd and 3rd period together then it was lunch time and they both had first lunch. Shanelle put her books in her locker and turned to see Myrie's locker was right across from hers.
"I see someone's trying to stay very close" she said to Myrie from across the hall. Myrie finished putting his books away and walked toward Shanelle.
"What's up Beautiful"
"You made sure we had most of the same classes", Shanelle said confidently smiling.
"And how could I do that I never seen your schedule", was his comeback.
"Oow true maybe your psychic", she said jokingly
"Or maybe it was a coincidence", Myrie said smiling.
"Yeah I guess, so who you sitting with at lunch?" Shanelle asked.
"I was hoping you"
"So do I follow you, I mean I don't know where I'm going"
"Yeah I guess you do", she said then Shanelle walked away and Myrie folowed watching Shanelle's every step.

Chapter 6 Lunch Time

Shanelle and Myrie walked in the lunch room side by side and noticed a couple stares.
"I guess this is what it's like being with a celebrity", Myrie leaned over and said to Shanelle.
"I'd say your the celebrity and some of these stares are out of jealousy"
"For who you or me"
"I'm going to say both, just so no one gets a big head on their first day", Shanelle said smiling and walking to the lunch line while Myrie smiled and followed happily. Once they sat down Myrie noticed everyone he felt could be potential friends sat at the same table.
"What's up Cash", Lamar said.
"What's poppin with you Mar"
"Cash, who is that", Shanelle asked.
"That's me" Myrie said showing his arm and siding back with pride.
"Why do they call you Cash", Mo'Nae asked.
"I was about to ask the same thing", Jeena said in agreement.
"Because lil momma and chocolate drop, I keep cash", Myrie said and pulled out a wad of money.
"Chocolate drop, my name is Jeena and okay i feel it"
"I think it's cute", Rell walked up and said.
"No one asked you", Jeena said smiling.
"Well my bad Jeena, I didn't mean to offend you in any way", Myrie apologized.
"Oow he got manner, it's okay you can call me that it is cute now that I think about it", Jeena said. Shanelle rolled her eyes and shook her head.
"Any way beautiful where do you live at since I see we have the same busstop", Myrie asked and Shanelle got lost in his eye for a second then answered.
"I guess you'll just be walking me home to see right", Shanelle said flirtastiously.
"I mean why not it's always nice to know someone in the neighborhood", he said just as flirtastiously.
"I wish I lived in that neighborhood", Jeena said.
"Well, we live in the same hood I could walk you home", Rell said excitedly.
"A that's dead", Jeena said and everyone laughed.
"What ever Jeena" Camrell said with hurt feelings.
"Rell you know I'm just playing" Jeena said slightly touching Rell's shoulder. Everyone ate and as the school day went on Shanelle and Myrie found out they had last period together which was just a study hall, so they just finished homework and talked. Shanelle couldn't believe how comfortable she was around him. Myrie wondered why he hadn't told Shanelle he had a girlfriend, being around Shanelle just made him forget all about Kylie. He just put it to the back of his mind.

Chapter 7 The Walk Home

When the buss reached their stop Shanelle shyly stepped of the buss and slowly began to walk home and Myrie quickly got off the buss and followed.
"I thought I was walking you home" Myrie said stepping in front of Shanelle stopping her from walking. Shanelle smiled and said.
"Well some one need to keep up then"
"Yeah I guess so" Myrie said and Shanelle smiled harder.
"So Myrie where are you from?"
"I would love to go there one day"
"Well maybe one day in the future I could take you"
"Dang I just met you and you already wanna take me places" Shanelle said smiling and Myrie chuckled. As they got close to Shanelles house they had already talked about Myrie's twin brother, and about Shanelle's siblings. Myrie and shanelle found that they really enjoyed one anothers company. When they reached Shanelles house Myrie stopped.
"Thanks for walking me home" Shanelle said.
"Yeah its cool, seeing as i only live across the street" he smiled.
"Wow thats crazy, still it was really sweet and I really enjoyed your company" I hope you enjoyed mines Shanelle thought to herself.
"Like I said it's fine and i really enjoyed yours too" he said and Shanelle shyly smiled.
"Thanks" she said "See you later" She said then turned to walk in her house.
"Wait Shanelle" Myrie stopped her "Can I call you later?"
"Listen Myrie don't ask me you decide if you wanna call and I'll decide if i want to answer" she smiled then loudly whispered "Don't ask its not attractive" and she smiled. Myrie smiled back.
"Well I thought I was being polite" Myrie said putting his hands up in a i surrender stance. Shanelle smiled thinking "He is so Goergous"
"It was thank you and sure you can call m, I'll talk to you later" she blushed "Bye"
"Bye" Myrie said back and Shanelle walked in the house. Myrie smiled all the way to his house. (Which is five houses across the street).

Chapter 8 I Just Wanna Text You

(wat u doin?....$Cash$)
(eatin pizza rollz....Smooches xoxo)
(Sum 1 can eat....$Cash$)
(shut up...u jus couldnt wait 2 tlk 2 meh huh?... :)...Smooches xoxo)
(i guess not... plus u da only person i kno around here....$Cash$)
(excuses...u jus wntd to tlk 2 meh....Smooches xoxo)
(u rite i do....$Cash$)
(u wanna go play ball wit meh....Smooches xoxo)
(u cnt ball....$Cash$)
(how u kno u nevr seen meh play....Smooches xoxo)
(giv me 15 beautiful....$Cash$)
(k txt meh wen u leavin....Smooches xoxo)
(OK....Smooches xoxo)
without texting one another back they both came out at the sametime. They walked to the park and played a few games of one on one.
"Now what were you saying about me not being able to ball" Shanelle said Sarcasticly.
"Yeah I guess you aight even though you only won one game"
"What ever" Shanelle laughed.
"So how you know how to play" Myrie asked "I never seen a girl ball like that before" he thought to himself.
"My uncles and my brother, I guess"
"Well you alright...for a girl" he said joking.
"I guess" she laughed.
"Naw I'm only joking you can really ball forreal" and after saying that Shanelle's Phone rang.
"Hold the praise for jus a sec" she smiled. "What do you want Derion?" Shanelle asked in an irritated tone.
"I just wanted to see what you were doing babygirl" he said flirtatiously and Shanelle rolled her eyes.
"I'm doing me and don't call me that, why are you calling me at all you broke up with me, remember" Shanelle stated matter a factly. Myrie stood trying to keep his composure. He was tired of this Derion guy already.
"Well that dont mean we can't be friends" derion said trying to influence Shanelle into thinking he was sincere.
"Ah I don't know about all that, but I'm with a friend right now so all that bull thats flying out your mouth can stop cause I ain't feeling it"
"What friend?" Derion asked and Shanelle got irritated "what give him the right to try and ask me who I'm with" she thought to herself.
"Thats really none of your business but if you must know it's the new boy at school and I really gotta go he's waiting for me to end this lame conversation so by Derion" and that was it. When she hung up Myrie and Shanelle busted out laughing.
"So I'm guessing you have no feeling left for your ex" Myrie said sarcasticly.
"You guessed right"
"Well alright then Beautiful you wanna come chill with me for a minute?" Myrie said hoping he wasn't being too foward.
"Dang so you just think that since I played ball with you that we cool enough for me to go in your house" Shanelle said giving a stern look.
"I'm not trying to" He said and Shanelle cut him off.
"Stop, I'm only joking, I don't know why but for some reason i feel very comfortable with you" she smiled and they walked to his house.

Chapter 9 Shoulda, Coulda

"Wow this is nice" Shanelle said in awe.
"Yeah I guess but my other house is nicier" he said sounding down.
"You miss being there" Shanelle asked leaning against a wall.
"Yeah I guess I do" he smiled "But lets get off of that I want to show you something" he grabbed Shanelle's hand and led her to the game room.
"Oh my gosh, this is amazing, what does your family do?" she asked surprised.
"I live here with my dad and he make exercise videos and makes and sell exercise equipment"
"So he must be huge"
"Yeah he's pretty big"
Shanelle and Myrie played around for a bit and watched t.v., then Myrie ordered them a pizza.
"I can't believe I'm this comfortable with you and we just met" Shanelle said while thinking "I hope I not falling for him already"
"Yeah I have that affect on people" he joked." I'm just playing, forreal I feel the same way"
"So where's your dad anyway" Shanelle sid noticing he hadn't shown up the whole time she was there.
"I don't know he was here when I left"
"Oh well he's gone now, I kinda wanted to meet him"
"Why?" Myrie asked.
"Because Myrie I'm in his house, he doesn't know me and it's polite"
"Oh you wanna then kind of girls" Myrie said turning away from Shanelle.
"What kind would that be?" She asked confused.
"A good girl" he smiled.
"I guess I am is that a bad thing?" she wondered more to herself.
"No it's just I don't have alot of friends like you"
"Aww we're friends" Shanelle smiled.
"Yeah" Myrie smiled back.
"So I guess that makes you a bad boy huh?" she said more flirtatiously than joking.
"Hum I wouldn't say all that" he said stepping a little closer to Shanelle.
"Well thats too bad I heard good girls always fall for bad boys" she said flirtatiously joking and then turning away to sit on the sofa.
"I wouldn't be so sure, bad boys always hurt good girls" Myrie said and Shanelle instantly thought of Derion then they heard the door bell. "I'l be right back I think that's the pizza"
"Okay" Shanelle said and thought "Oh I'm falling for him am I vunarable or am I really feeling him" then Myrie was back with two cups sprite and the pepperoni pizza.
"Ready to eat?" he asked.
"Once you get to know me you'll learn I'm always down to eat some food"
Myrie laughed "Alright then" they ate and talked some more.
"Oh wow it's 9:30 I think I better be leaving now" Shanelle said looking at her phone "Plus my mom has called me like three times so yeah I'd better go" she said and smiled.
"Yeah I guess so" Myrie said and stood up. "Want me to walk you home?" he asked and Shanelle thought "Aww what a gentleman"
"No to be honest all you have to do is watch me from your door" she smiled and so did Myrie. They walked up stairs to the front door.
"Well Myrie I guess I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah I guess so"
"I really had fun today thanks"
"It's cool I had fun too" then it was silent.
"Okay well bye" Shanelle said and turned to walk away.
"Wait no hug you eat most of the pizza the you just leave without giving me a hug" Myrie joked.
"Shut up, and your right you can't be no bad boy you're too soft" Shanelle said with a smile. She walked up to Myrie and he bent down to hug her.
"Boy your too tall" Shanell said still hugging Myrie.
"No it's just your short" Myrie said with a chuckle. Then they just stood in each others embrace Shanelle became lost in the scent of Myrie's cologne and Myrie was just infatuated with being in Shanelle's arms, feeling her skin thinking "Should i be thinking about her this way, we just met and I do still kinda have a girlfriend. Who hasn't texted or called me all day today" They loosened their embrace and juststared at one another.
"Well I'll see you in the morning I guess" Shanelle said staring Myrie in his eyes becoming lost again so she looked somewhere else and then began to think about how it would feel to kiss his lips.
"Yeah" Myrie said looking Shanelle up and down slowly and wondering if he should kiss her but decided against it because it was too soon and because of his "girlfriend".
"See you later, tomorrow" he corrected himself.
"Bye" then Shanelle walked home "I should have kissed him" and Myrie to himself "I should have kissed her"

Chapter 10 2weeks later late Friday afternoon

"So whats up for your weekend Shanelle?" Myrie asked as they walk home from the busstop.
"I don't kno Nae and Jeena might come stay over what about you?" she asked..
"Well Mar and Rell coming by to play some ball in few then after that I'm not sure, maybe after that ya'll can stop by my house and we can all just chill. Do that sound cool with you?"
"Yeah Myrie that actually sounds fun"
"Well okay beutiful text me or call me when they get to your house"
"okay"Shanelle said reaching her house.Shanelle went and changed her clothes and got ready for the rest of her day. Shanelle put on her black jeggings and white fitted tshirt that read "never pressed" on it. She then put on her black hoop earrings and black flats. She threw her hair in a slick ponytail seeing that it grew atleast 3 1/2 inches since two weeks before. 'My hair is growing fast' she thought to herself. her phone began to ring.
"yep, yep" she answered seeing it was Jeena.
"I'm around the corner" Jeena responded.
"okay" Shanelle said then they hung up, then there was a knock at the door.
"Shanelle I'm leaving and Nae's here" Shanelle's mother Toya shouted.
"Okay mom just to let you know we might go and chill at Myrie's " Shanelle said hoping her mom wouldn't mind.
"okay I'll be calling to make sure yall ain't being too grown" her mom said while MoNae walked in her room.
"okay" Shanelle said smiling hard. Then she heard the front door close.
"Hey Nae, why you ain't call and let me know you was on your way"
"Listen Shanelle I had to get out my house and to be honest I forgot"
"Wow okay" Shanelle laughed. There was another knock at the door it was Jeena.
"So when did you decide we were going over to Myrie's" MoNae said smiling.
"He asked me to because Rell and Mar suppose to be there with him" Shanelle responded quickly.
"Yeah okay so you and MoNae gone be all booed up and yall gone leave me with Rell, yall ain't even right" Jeena said picking up some of Shanelle's movies.
"Jeena you don't have to front in front of us we know you kinda feelin Rell and thats okay he's a nice guy and he's really feelin you" MoNae giggled.
"I ain't frontin because I don't like him" Jeena said rolling her eyes.
"Yeah okay" Shanelle teased.
"whatever" Jeena said flipping her hand in a whatever motion. Shanelle laughed and then said
"Come on yall they at the park" Shanelle said still giggling. They grabbed their stuff and headed to the park. When the got there they were in awe noticing the boys were shirtless playing ball. Jeena smiled to herself noticing Rell had a nice six pack and he was actually a little buff. Shanell noticed and looked a Jeena smiling.
"So what were you saying about not feelin him" MonNae said still in awe.
"Nothing at all" Jeena said and they all busted out laughing. The girls walked over to a picnic table and just watched.
"Jeena you should really talk to Rell though, he really does like and girl he has a job"
"Yeah at ACM" Jeena sneered.
"So a job is a job and thats even better we can go to the movies for free" Shanelle said high fiving MoNae.
"True" Jeena smiled.
"So" MoNae said.
"So What?" was Jeena reply.
"Are you gonna talk to him tonight?" MoNae smiled.
"It all depend on if he's still interested" Jeean said seriously. Shanell and MoNae looked at each other and busted out laughing.
"Of course he's still interested" Shanelle said still laughing.
"Then we'll see" Jeena smiled. The girls watched the boys play and talked untill they were done.
"Alright yall ready to go" Mar asked.
"Yeah" MoNae answered and walked toward her man and kissed him sweaty and all.
"Yall played a good game" she said smiling.
"Yeah but Cash still won" Rell said shaking his head as Myrie tied his shoe and smiled.
"Alright come on yall" Myrie said walking toward Shanelle.
"Yeah cause I'm hungry" Shanelle said grabbing her stomach.
"Like thats new" Myrie said poking Shanelle in the side.
"Stop it" Shanelle giggled.
"Yall need to stop" Jeena said laughing "Yall might as well go out"
"I don't think Myrie's girlfriend would like that" Shanelle said smiling at Myrie and turning toward his house.
"I think I should fix that" Myrie said following Shanelle.
"I do too cause this game is getting old and we all know yall like each other" Jeena smiled.
"Right, it's so obvious" MoNae laughed.
"Okay yall I think they got it" Mar said grabbing MoNae by the waist.
"Yeah yall ganging up on dude he got it" Rell said putting his shirt over his shoulder.
"well we just making sure" Jeena said smiling.

Chapter 11 Chillin

Everybody was just chilling im Myries basement playing arcade games, shooting hoops, playing pool, and watching t.v.
"I swear I wish I lived here" Rell said.
"Shoot me too"Jeena said.
"Well yall welcome to come over whenever just let mme know" Myrie said getting up from watching t.v. with Shanelle. "Are yall hungry?" Myrie asked.
"Of course" Shanelle said firrst to answer.
"Of course you are Shanelle" Myrie said smiling.
"Well you asked" Shanelle giggled.
"Come on then" Myrie said. Myrie Shanell and Camrell walked up to the kitchen. Where Camrells eyes looked as if they would pop out his head when Myrie opend the cabinets and the refrigerator.
"Get what you want" Myrie said generously.
"Don't tell him that Myrie he gone try and take your whole kitchen" Shanelle said jokingly.
"Shut up Shanelle, I only want a couple of things" Rell said grabbing the big bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos, a six pack of orange soda, some Chips Ahoy cookies, the bag of Starburst, and the bag of Skittles.
"See what a couple of things looks like Myrie" Shanelle said pointing toward Camrell.
"Shut up Shanelle I'm grabbing things for everyone" Camrell said defensively.
"okay" Shanelle laughed and Rell walked out of the kitchen and back down the stairs.
"I hope your dad won't mind us eating all his food" Shanella said seriously.
"Naw thats why he buys it my dad don't eat stuff like this and he's barely home to even notice"
"Oh okay"
"So" Shanelle said softly.
"So" Myrie said back.
"I want some real food you got some of them frozen hot wings"
"Yeah Shanelle they in the freezer"
"Okay you want some" Shanelle said taking out the bag.
"Yeah, but I wanna talk to you"
"Go head talk" Shanelle said as she put the pre-cooked hot wings in the micrwave.
"I know I told you about my girlfriendand all that"
"yeah" Shanelle said wondering where this was going.
"well do you think I should break up with her since were so far away from one another" Myrie asked sincerly. 'YES!!' Shanelle screamed in her mind. 'tell him yes' Shanelle thought to herself.
"Well Myrie it all depends on if you love her and if you still feelin her, you know?"
"Well to be honest I'm kinda feelin somebody else right now" Myrie smiled.
"Is that so" Shanelle smiled back.
"Yeah thats why I need to know if I should give up on the old to try and get to know the new better"
"Myrie I don't want you to break up with her for me" Shanelle said even though she really did.
"Who said I was talking about you" Myrie said walking out the kitchen to his room.
"How you just gone say that and leave" Shanelle shouted.
"Well come here"
"I ain't coming up there"
"Why you scared" Myrie joked but in reality she was a little afraid.
"Never would I be"
"Then come here I ain't gone do anything to you" Myrie teased.
"Shut up" Shanelle said and walked up the stairs. Shanelle had never been up stairs, she wondered what would happen next.
"Myrie" She called out.
"Come here" Myrie called and Shanelle followed the sound of his voice. She walked in to what seemed to be Myrie's room. Myrie sat in a bean bag chir with his phone at hand.
"Sit down" Myrie whispered and Shanelle sat on his bed. Myrie then put his phone to his ear and waited for someone to answer. Finally he said
"Myrie what are you doing?" Shanelle asked in a whisper. Myrie put up his finger as if to tell her to wait and be quiet. So Shanelle laid back on his bed and put her hands over her face.
"So what you doing right now" after he said that he put the phone on speaker.
"Nothing chillin, I been thinking about you"
"Is that so?" Myrie said as if he knew she was lieing.
"Yeah baby of course" Kylie giggled and so did Shanell slightly to herself.
"Kylie I need to ask you a question" Myrie said seriously.
"Go head" Kylie answered.
"Are you cheating on me?" Myrie asked but he already knew the truth. "You don't have to lie I already know the truth" He finished.
"Myrie I'm sorry its just I can't do this long distance thing" she answered sadly.
"Why didn't you just tell me that Kylie?"
"Because I didn't want to hurt you, I guess this is hurting you more than me just telling you huh?"
"Well I apoligize really I do"
"It's cool I'm not really mad, how can I be I mean we should have known being so far from one another wouldn't really work out" Myrie said.
"Maybe it's just not for us, you know maybe we weren't right for one another"
"Maybe your right Kylie, I'll talk to you later"
"Okay bye Myrie"
"Bye" Myrie said and they hung up. Myrie looked at Shanelle who was still laying back on his bed. Shanell turned to look at Myrie and she gave kind of a smirk.
"So" She said.
"So what?"
"What does this mean?" she asked.
"what does what mean?" Myrie said playing dumb. Shanelle rolled her eyes.
"Nothing I guess"
"Oh you mean with us"
"Naw" Shanelle said sarcastically.
"I don't know, what do you want it to mean, I ended that relationship so I could get to know a certain person I was really beginning to like" He said getting up to sit on the bed but Shanelle still just laid on the bed turned toward Myrie.
"So who's the girl your feelin" Shanelle asked softly.
"Oh you know her, her name starts with a S"
"I wonder" Shanelle said putting her finger to her chin as if she was thinking.
"It's you and you know it"
"Is it now " Shanelle said finally leaning up.
"Yeah I really like you, you down to Earth and funny, smart, beatiful, and I can talk to you about anything" Myrie said looking Shanelle in the eyes.
"Aww" she said smiling "I guess your alright" she said lightly shoving Myrie's shoulder.
"Whatever you want me, I can see it in your eyes"
"Some ones a little over confident" Shanelle smiled.
"No really how do you really feel about me " Myrie said changing the subject.
"Well I really enjoy being with you, your sweet, funny, Hansome, strong, and yet I still feel there's more to you than your telling or not telling"
"Why do you think that?"
"Myrie you asked how i feel about you and thats how I feel"
"You right thats why you should let take you on a date"
"I really don't like dating, it puts to much pressure on people"
"okay so what do you want?"
"Really to be honest and don't laugh"
"Okay" he smiled.
"I just want to be with you"
"Like ho what do uou mean?"
"Like this, us chillin just being with you makes me smile"
"So what you tryna be my girlfriend?"
"No it's too early for that, I just want to chill with you"
"So if I asked you, you would say no?"
"Of course not so don't ask" Shanelle smiled.
"What if I wanted to kiss you, friends don't do that, and I been thinking about kissing you for a while now, just to know how it would feel"
"I ain't gonna lie I've thought about kissing you too. I thought about how I would react if you did and how you would react if I kissed you, I just haven't said anything"
"A closed mouth don't get fed" Myrie smiled.
"Yeah but I didn't want it to be akward, you know"
"Yeah Shanelle I understand but I really do like you alot. Its like we just click. Feel me"
"Yeah, like when we first met, you are just so easy going and easy to be around. I never get this close to anyone this fast, espiecially if it's a guy"
"What you get nervous or something ?"
"Hey don't judge me, but yes"
"It's cool I'm not judging thats actually kind of cute" Myrie said and Shanelle smiled.
"Whatever" Shanelle said giggling
"So what?" Shanelle questioned in confusions.
"What about that kiss?"
"No you can't just ask me, you have to catch me off gaurd"
"I'm not asking you I'm telling you I want one, now"
"You can't just demand, it has to be special"
"Aww you wanna them kind of girls"
"What kind of girl is that?"
"Then cinderella girls, the ones that believe in true love"
"No I'm just one of them girls that believe some moments should be special"
"Okay so no dates but you want it to be special"
"Yeah that sounds backwards and confusing but your smart you can handle it"
"Yeah Beautiful, I got it"
"Okay Hansome I'm sure you do" Shanelle smiled and sstood from Myries bed. She then began to walk out Myrie's room. Myrie softly grabbed her hand and turned her around. Shanelle stared into his eyes, Myrie leaned down and softly gave her her a peck on the lips.
"Myrie" Shanelle said softly in disbelief.
"Well we'll just have a do over and next time it will be a real one not a first grade kiss like that one"
"Dang, you was kissing in first grade" Shanelle smiled.
"Yeah I did somethings faster than most and I did other things slower"
"Well speaking of doing things, I want you to know something"
"What that your a virgin?"
"Yeah how did you know"
"You just have this innocent look about you"
"Well this is the look of innocence baby" Shanelle said flirtasiously smiling.
"Well okay, Baby" Myrie smiled back.
"Okay well now that we have talked and everything lets go warm up my chicken and check on everyone"
"Okay" Myrie said but neither moved. Shanelle grabbed Myrie's hand and led him back to his room and closed the door.
"Shanelle what are you doing?"
"I want to be alone, with you" She said seductively.
"Oh really"
"Yes, I don't want to be with everybody" She finished. Myrie softly caressed Shanelle's face and Shanelle stared into his eyes. Then Myrie lifted her chin and passionately kissed her. Shanelle wrapped her arms around his neck and his him back with just as much passion. Myrie guided Shanelle to the bed and they just kissed and kissed. Myrie slid his tongue in Shanelle's mouth. Shanelle let their tongues explore one anothers mouths. To Shanelle it felt like fireworks and Myrie the same.
"Yes Myrie" said while kissing Myrie.
"Yes What?" Myrie said still kissing her back.
"I want to be your girlfriend" Shanelle said and she kissed him one more time before being pulled into a embrace so intense Shanelle felt like there was electricity.

All i do is think of you

you another week went by and Myrie was excited because his brother was coming to town.
"I can't wait for you to see him Shanelle” “Neither can I you keep talking about him” “Ma bad in excited"
"It's cool, I understand “they said walking home. “It’s just, I haven't seen Derrick a while, I kind of missed my brother"
"That’s understandable Myrie" "Yeah but I want you to meet him"
"Isn't he your twin" "Yeah but we don't act alike and his hair is longer than mine"
"Oh okay so when do you want me to meet him” “sometime today"
"Don't you want to spend time with him before you introduce him to me, I know you missed him “Naw it cool he wants to meet you"
"Okay so how long is he saying: "To be honest in not sure he didn't say"
"Oh" "Yep Myrie said they appreciate shanelle's house "Well Myrie let me go change and I’ll be right over there okay" "Okay Myrie responded then kissed Shanelle on the forehead and went home.

There was a knock at the door.
"Who is it Shanelle called out" "Jeena" "Jeena what you doing here" "I was board" "Oh" "So what up, what you bout to get into" "Nothing Myrie want me to meet his brother today and I’m kind of nervous" "Want me to come with you" " I don’t know let me see if it's okay with him first" "Call him Jeena said smiling. Shanelle picked up the phone and Myrie answered on the second ring.
“What’s up beautiful?”
“Umm Jeena just showed up so can I just meet your brother tomorrow I don’t want it to be too much”
“No it’s cool she can come”
“You sure babe”
“Yeah I’m positive” Shanelle could hear him smiling through the phone.
“Okay well here we come then is he there yet?”
“Yeah he just got here”
“Okay well see you in a sec”
“Alright bye”
“Bye” then they hung up.
“Dang Shanelle no I love you” Jeena smiled.
“Shut up it’s too early for all of that”
“True” Jeena said and ten they left. Arriving at Myrie’s house Shanelle was nervous.
“Girl chill out” Jeena trying to get Shanelle to relax.
Shanelle knocked on the door trying to smile.
“Who is it?” Myrie called out.
“Shanelle” she answered.
“Oh Come in” he shouted and Shanelle and Jeena walked in.
“Shanelle, Jeena come upstairs we’re in my room” Myrie shouted again. Shanelle took a deep breath and walked up stairs while Jeena followed behind her. When Shanelle walked in the room she looked back and forth between Myrie and Derrick they looked almost exactly alike well except for the fact that derrick’s had long black hair that came past his shoulders and he was tad bit darker than Myrie. Derrick also had a tattoo on his neck but his read ‘D-Money’ and his eyes were hazel not grey. Shanelle thought that was weird seeing that there dad’s eyes were brown.
“Hi, I’m Shanelle and this is my friend Jeena” Shanelle said smiling.
“Hey Shanelle, Myrie your right she is beautiful”
“Thank you” Shanelle blushed.
“Yeah you a little skinnier than I expected but that’s cool”
“Okay I guess” Shanelle smiled uncomfortably.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you” Derrick smiled.
“It’s okay I'm not offended, I know I’m little”
“Yeah and I like it so what he say don’t matter” Myrie said wrapping his arms around shanelles waist and kissing her neck. Shanelle giggled.
“Well my bad anyway” Derrick apologized.
“It’s cool really I’m not offended” Shanelle giggled again while Myrie was still holding her.
“Alright so I’m guessing this is chocolate drop” Derrick said and Jeena smiled. “Your right Myrie she is my type”
“What, Myrie you trying to hook me up” Jeena said in shock.
“Naw he just wanted to know if there were any girls down here that looked like someone he would chill with” Myrie explained.
“I was about to say you got something for Jeena I don’t know about” Shanelle said as she tilted her head to look up at Myrie.
“Of course not Beautiful” Myrie said and he bent his head down to kiss Shanelle’s cheek and Shanelle smiled.
“So Miss Jeena am I your type?” Derrick asked.
“Well you are very attractive but I don’t know you to know if you’re my type”
“I feel that so why don’t you come downstairs with me so we can talk and leave these two alone” Derrick said staring at Jeena while licking his lips.
“You’re really bold huh” Jeena giggled.
“I guess that runs in the family” Shanelle added and she and Jeena began to laugh.
“Yeah I guess so, come on I won’t bite I promise” Derrick smiled flirtatiously toward Jeena.
“So what will you do?” Jeena flirtatiously asked.
“Come on and we can talk about that” Derrick said while taking Jeena’s hand and walking out of the room.
When Shanelle knew they were down stairs Shanelle shook her head and just said wow.
“I told you we were different”
“Yeah you’re more conservative and you think about how you approach a female while your brother is just out there he seems like a player”
“So what I didn’t flirt with you enough”
“Yeah you did but what I’m saying is you and your brother’s definition is totally different”
“I see, you mean mines is more passionate as his is more blunt like he don’t care”
“Yeah you’re a sweetheart or maybe that’s just an act and your just sneaky” Shanelle said backing away from Myrie eying him slyly.
“No I’m a gentleman”
“Yeah but your brother is not”
“I guess but I can be rough when need be, I just know not to act like that all the time”
“Really so what do you when acting rough”
“You want me to tell you or show you”
“I want you to show me” Shanelle said flirtatiously.
“Okay” Myrie said then he walked up and grabbed Shanelle by the waist and picked her up wrapping her legs around his waist. He looked at Shanelle and she gave a seductive smile. Myrie pushed her up against a wall and pinned her arms up while kissing her lips passionately. Shanelle broke the kiss and went down to kiss Myrie’s neck; he released her arms so she could drape them around his neck.
“Maybe you’re the sneaky one” Myrie joked.
“Shut up and put me down” Shanelle giggled.
“Okay” Myrie smiled and he laid her down on the bed and started kissing her again.
“Myrie please” Shanelle said in a whisper.
“Please what?” he said continuing to kiss her. He was in between her legs and Shanelle was beginning to feel warm in a place she had never felt warm before.
“Umm please umm” Shanelle said at a loss for words.
“Stop, keep going, what?” Myrie said pulling Shanelle’s waist up more toward him. Shanelle felt his hard and became moist.
“Damn I want to say keep going but you have to stop” Shanelle said in a soft tone softly pushing Myrie off of her.
“Okay” Myrie said smiling.
“You’re not mad?”
“Why would I be your only doing what you feel is right for you and I respect that” he said softly taking her face and kissing her softy on the forehead.
“You are so different from the guys here Myrie”
“Of course, why would I want to act like the guy who hurt you, I'm the upgrade baby girl so get use to this” Myrie said half-jokingly and Shanelle couldn’t help still feeling hot and was smiling.
“You sure are” Shanelle smiled.
“Shanelle you’re different too though”
“What do you mean?” Shanelle asked still laying back on the bed.
“You’re a lady and you carry yourself with such a presence that it amazes me that your still a you know” Myrie said and then shrugged.
“What a virgin”
“Exactly, you’re so classy and so beautiful I feel like we could make this relationship last a long time, you’re very special to me and I never felt this way toward any girl especially on I just met”
Shanelle felt as if he just sang her the most perfect song.
“Myrie I feel the same way”
“You do, because I kind of felt like I was feeling this way too fast, you know”
“Naw baby you’re moving at exactly the right sped for me” Shanelle said then she grabbed Myrie’s face pulled it down toward hers and kissed him slowly and deeply.


One week later
“So your brother is moving down here Shanelle asked.
“Yeah I guess my mom can’t handle him either”
“so your down here because you were too much to handle?”
“I think I may have tamed you, what do you think?” Shanelle said jokingly.
“Whatever” Myrie smiled and Shanelle laid her head back on his shoulder and her rubbed is hands softly through her soft hair.
“But seriously what were you doing that was so bad. Your life prior to this is such a mystery to me”
“You really want to know” Myrie said in a very serious tone.
“Yes” Shanelle answered cautiously.
“I was just in to the wrong things you know, I was smoking weed, drinking, fighting, and I was trying to get with any girl that was willing to get with me”
“Wait didn’t you have a girlfriend”
“Exactly” Myrie answered and Shanelle lean straight up her eyes became sad and confused. she looked as if she would cry and she thought back to Deiron and him cheating on her. Then she thought to the lies he would tell her about him not cheating. She wondered if Myrie would do the same thing. Myrie saw the look on her face so he lifted her chin with his finger.
“Listen Shanelle I would never hurt you intentionally”
“Okay” Shanelle said dryly.
“Naw it don’t seem like you understand. I would never want to hurt you r u understanding that”
“Yes Myrie” Shanelle said getting agitated.
“Okay, but I’m not going to sit here and say I would never hurt you because I don’t know that for sure” Myrie explained and Shanelle pulled away.
“Okay Myrie I get it, listen I got some other things to do so I’ll talk to you later” Shanelle said as she stood but Myrie also stood and gentle grabbed her arm and turned her so she was looking at his eyes.
“Listen don’t play me like I’m stupid you have nothing to do your just mad because I didn’t say what you wanted to hear. Listen baby wouldn’t you rather I tell you the truth than lie to you?” Myrie stared into Shanelle’s eyes and Shanelle sighed.
“Of course” Shanelle answered
“Then don’t be upset, stay” Myrie said pleading with his eyes.
“I don’t know Myrie this is just a lot to think about okay”
“Yeah okay I understand, but I got strong feelings for you and I keep saying I wouldn’t hurt you on purpose”
“Okay, I got that” Shanelle said rolling her eyes.
“You’re so stubborn” Myrie said getting irritated.
“Okay and” Shanelle said harshly.
“Oh my gosh Shanelle”
“Whatever I said I’d see you later”
“Yep alright” Myrie said letting her arm go. Shanelle began to walk away toward the door.
“Shanelle wait” Myrie called and Shanelle turned toward Myrie. Myrie walked up to Shanelle and he wrapped his arms around her waist and looked down at her. Though Shanelle was upset she still enjoyed how it felt to be wrapped in Myrie’s arms. She looked up at Myrie and stared in his grey eyes. Myrie leaned down and kissed Shanelle.
“I don’t want you to leave upset” Myrie said still with his arms around her waist.
“I know I don’t want to be mad at you either, it’s not fun” she said innocently and Myrie chuckled softly.
“Why are you so stubborn” Myrie asked rocking them gentle side to side.
“Because that’s how I am”
“Well ease up a bit baby girl”
“I’ll try” she smiled. Myrie pulled Shanelle closer to him.
“So do you really have to leave?” Myrie asked kissing Shanelle’s neck softly hitting her spot. Shanelle hummed softly.
“Umm I, I umm no I guess not” she said stuttering feeling warm and tingly again.
“Good because I want to spend time with my baby” he said still kissing her neck.
“Okay” Shanelle said hoarsely. ‘How can this guy have this much power over me’ Shanelle thought to herself
“Come on” Myrie smiled and led them to the basement where they found Derrick playing on the Xbox 360.
“Hey Derrick” Shanelle greeted.
“What's popping little shawty”
“I do have a name” Shanelle giggled.
“Yeah but it’s too long” Derrick said
“And little shawty is short” she responded.
Derrick paused the game “Okay hey what’s up Shanelle how are you today”
“Someone must have got manners over night huh” Shanelle laughed.
“You got a smart mouth” derrick said “But it’s cool soft chicks are no fun”
“Oh okay”
“So where’s your friend at?” Derrick asked.
“Who?” Shanelle asked just to see if he knew her name.
“Little chocolate, umm Jeena”
“Oh Jeena I don’t know, why don’t you call her”
“I don’t have her number” he said and Shanelle grabbed a piece of paper and wrote the number down and handed it to him. “Yeah that’s what’s up I'm a go hit her up right now” derrick said walking up the steps to call Jeena, leaving Myrie and Shanelle alone again. Myrie picked up a pool stick.
“Want to play?” he asked.
“Oh sure you’re about to get whooped on”
“Oh am I” Myrie laughed “By who I don’t see any competition” he added sarcastically.
“Yeah okay let’s just play” Shanelle said smiling.
“Alright then” he said and Shanelle won the first game.
“So baby what were you saying” Shanelle said smiling victoriously.
“You got lucky”
“No I just know how to play” Shanelle said putting the pool stick down and walking up to Myrie. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It’s okay baby you can’t win everything” she smiled then stood on her tip toes to kiss him.
“I guess not” Myrie said softly and kissed her back.
“Shanelle some little shawty named Mo’ Nae up her to see you!” Derrick yelled. Shanelle grabbed Myrie hand and the walked upstairs together. Nae was texting sitting at the kitchen island.
“I’m a need for you to have your company come to your house” Derrick said pointing at Shanelle when he said you.
“I did go to her house but as you can see she’s not over there so I knew she would be over here” Nae said rolling her eyes and then getting back to her text message.
“Aye, okay little shawty it’s all good, Aye Shanelle I like her she got that I don’t care attitude” Derrick said chuckling. Derrick smiled at Mo’ Nae and she just shook her head and said
“firstly my name is Mo’ Nae, not little shawty. Secondly you are rude and I don’t have a problem with being rude back”
“Oh okay well let me try this again, hello my name is Derrick and I’m Myrie’s twin. What is your name miss?” derrick said extending his hand.
“Hello Derrick I’m Mo’ Nae and it’s nice to meet you” Nae said shaking his hand giving a soft smile.
“So did you call her?” Shanelle asked remembering why Derrick came upstairs.
“Yes but she didn’t answer, but I think that okay” Derrick said still smiling back at Nae.
“Okay” Shanelle said hesitantly “well what’s up Nae?”
“Nothing really I was just bored and wanted to come visit you”
“Well where is Lamar?” Myrie asked
“He went out of town this weekend. So I was coming to see if Shanelle wanted to go somewhere with me but I see you all are busy so… I guess I’ll just go back home” Mo’ Nae said finally releasing Derricks hand and standing up. Shanelle was always the type of friend that dropped whatever she was doing to be at her friend’s side”
“What Nae so where did you want to go?” Shanelle asked
“I just wanted to chill go to the mall, get icecream, Cinnabon, you know and shop of course” Mo’ Nae smiled at the thought of shopping.
“Yeah that does sound fun”, Shanelle said smiling back having the same thoughts.
“Myrie and Derrick yall could come to if I was messing up any plans that you all had” Mo’ Nae said pleading with her eyes for them to say yes.
“It’s cool Nae that sounds fun” Myrie added.
“Derrick, I would really like if you came too so I don’t feel like the third wheel” Nae said pleading with Derrick too.
“Yeah I’ll come, it’ll be fun” Derrick said with a crooked smile and Nae smiled back. Shanelle looked at both Mo’ Nae and Derrick and knew that there was trouble to come.


Texte: Kalaeja
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.02.2012

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