

Last year……..

The night was filled with the sound of rain and thunder. Me and my father, Jeffrey Banks, were in his midnight black Cadillac, which was broken down. We were miles away from any town.Dad took me bowling in Atmore and we were on our way back to Monroeville when suddenly Dad notice the line for the fuel was on E.

 "You should've stopped at a gas station." I said smiling as he got back in the car. He went to see if we had a gas jug in the trunk. His Crocodile Don ‘Dee hat was now soaked. Dad took it off and set beside him. His dark brown curly hair was damp but still had a little fluff to it and his dark brown eyes held nothing but joy. My dad was in his forties but looked as if he was in his thirties. The thing that aged him most was his laugh lines by his eyes. He wore  blue jeans that were stained with grease, along with an orange shirt and his wind- breaker jacket that had one or two holes in it. It was close to ten o'clock and we knew if we didn't get home soon, Mom would begin to worry.

 "What? And miss out on all of this." He gestured around us. His voice was husky and, at the same time, a melody to my ears. “No way." I laughed.

 "Dad, you’re so weird."

    "And that's a bad thing? Besides, I'm not the only one who's weird in this family."

 "I know I'm weird too."

 " That's right and there's nothing wrong with that."

  "I know. It makes me unique."

  "Unique and beautiful." Dad said giving me a hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes. He then pulled away and smiled. 


 "Today is your sixteenth birthday and your mom and I got you something." He paused as he reached into the back seat. Dad then pulled a little decorated bag out and handed it to me. “I know you love listening' to music and you only have a radio in your room. So, your mom and I, thought it would be a good idea if we got you something' to get you out of the house and let you still be able to listen to your music."

        "Oh, Dad, y'all didn't." I said taking' the gift paper out as quickly as I could. At the bottom was an iPod and headphones.

"Do you like it?" Dad asked shyly.

"Like it!?" I paused admiring my present. "I love it! Thank you so much Dad. I love you." I said given' him another hug.

"I love you too, baby girl. Now, don't forget to thank your mom when we get home." He said. I nodded. Someone then knocked on the window. "That must be the tow truck. Stay in here."

"Will do." I said as Dad got out into the rain. I was still admiring my iPod when I saw something move at the corner of my eye. I looked up to see a pistol aimed at my father's chest. There were two men. I couldn't see their faces but I could see that they had lean figures. Panic sored through me. I then heard three gunshots rang out into the night. My father collapsed.

"DAD!!!" I yelled. I then got out and ran to my father.

"She's not expose to be here!" One of the men said. The one who spoke had a plaid shirt on and blue jeans. He also had brown hair and red peircing eyes with a scar from his forehead down his right eye. He was the one who shot my father. The man looked familiar but I couldn't place him.

"Let's go." The other man said. The man had a authoriative vioce and it seems he was bigger then I thought. He had broad shoulders and chest.  His eyes were the color of bright emeralds.He wore a plain gray t-shirt with jeans.

"We have to kill her." The shooter urged. His excitement at the thought at killing another person was clear on his face.  I didn't know what to do so I began to put pressure on my father's wounds. I didn't know if they were going to shot me and I didn't care. All I cared about was making sure my Dad would live. Tears blurred my vision.

"No." The other one said. Giving the shooter a menacing stare. They stood there glaring at each other for I don't know how long before the shooter growled, mumbled something to himself, and got in a chevy red truck. The other man looked my way one last time before following his friend. They then left. 

"Dad! Dad!"

"April." He said nearly in a whisper. I took his hand in mine and rested his head on my folded up jacket.

"I'm here, Dad." I managed to say between sobs.

"April, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry, I'm calling' for an ambulance." I said as I dug in my jean pocket and got my cell phone out. Dad stopped me.

"Don't. It's okay I'll be fine."

"No, you won't."

"Baby girl, I'll be fine as long as you are." He paused struggling to take a breath. "April, make me a promise. Promise me you'll take care of your mother and you'll always remember what I taught you. Can you promise me that?" I couldn't answer. "April?"

"Yes, I promise." I said barely able to get the words out.

"Good, good." He paused looking' past me. "It's time for me to go. Good-bye baby girl." Dad said. He then took one last breath and became still in my arms. His tan skin began to grow cold and his liquid, dark brown eyes became glassy. His body no longer a vessel for his soul.

"No," I shoke my head in disbelief," no, Dad, stay with me. Don't leave me alone! Stay with me! Dad!" There was no response. "Someone help!" I yelled, but I knew no one could hear me. With a shaky hand I closed his eyes. A few minutes later the tow truck pulled up and carried us to the hospital. On that night I vowed to never count on anyone for help. My name is April Banks and this is the beginning of my story.

Chapter One: A New Liife

Today I begin my new life, in a new town with new people . I had to leave my home, friends, school and a little part of myself behind, and today is the day I start again, making new mistakes and new beginnings. In a town filled with strangers and natives that I do not know or want to know. I could tell by the town's layout and the way my new house looked that things would never be the same. It's been almost a year since I lost my father. After he died my mother decided to move me from place to place so I wouldn't be able to dwell on the past. Unfortunatly her good intentions were in vain because I am still haunted by the memories and nightmares of that night.If only she knew.

"April, come help me unpack these boxes, please?" My mom, Maria Banks, yelled from the stuffy living room. It was filled with boxes that held the memories of my old life. I shook my head as I put on my gray, plaid fedora. My jeans were loose and my shirt, nearly matched my fedora, except it was red and plaid, my sneakers looked as if I took a knife to them.

"Sorry, Mom, but if you want me to have a normal life then I have to go to school." I said bored and hopeless as I came to a stop in the door way. I leaned on the right side of it, watching my mother shuffled through and move boxes. Her sandy blonde hair was pulled into a messy ponytail. Her, nearly black, brown eyes had dark circles around them. She hasn't got a lot of sleep ever since we moved here, I thought studying her. She wore blue jeans with a lime green ruffled shirt.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Today's your first day at your new school. Are you excited?"

"Yep, nothing like starting' a new semester in a new town. Not knowing' any one is exactly how I wanted to start the year. Thanks Mom." I said sarcastically. I then pushed off and headed to the door.

"We've already had this conversation, April. We had to move here."

"Oh yeah and why is that exactly?"

 "Because I need to find a job and you need to talk to someone." Mom covered her mouth as soon as she said it. She knew she slipped. I gritted my teeth.

"Talk to someone about what?" I asked turning toward her and crossing my arms across my chest. She fell silent. "Oh, I forgot. I need help to forget what happened on the night Dad died." I grimaced at the memory.


"I need to get going. I don't want to be late on my first day. See ya when I get home." I snapped, cutting her off before she could say anything else. She was already digging herself a hole she couldn't get out of. I then grabbed my satchel and backpack, which were by the door, and hurried out to my black 2010 ford truck. On the way to South Coast High School, my new school, one question filled my head. What would I have to put up with today and until I graduate? With every mile I drove, I was getting closer and closer to my answer. It wasn't long until I pulled into the school's parking lot.

 "Here we go." I whispered to myself as I shut off my truck and got out. Immediately, when my foot hit the ground everyone's eyes were on me. As if I was a new species that needed to be analyzed and experimented on. I put my earphones in ignoring people and avoiding eye contact. If I can just make sure that I draw no attention to myself. If I can do that then I won't have to take my medicine, I thought as I scanned the grounds. It was like every other school: the preps in one area, the misfits in the other, geeks  studying and having intellectual conversations and so on and so forth. Great. Someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned to come face to face with a girl who had curly, light brown hair, hazel green eyes, and a tannish complexion. She wore a purple and red striped shirt with black leggings and slip on shoes. I took out one earphone out.

"Hi, I'm Clara Simmons." The girl said. Her voice was filled with kindness and her eyes were filled with excitement. It was strangely familiar to me. She stretched out her hand. "You must be the new student?" I took her hand.

"April Banks, nice to meet you." I said letting' go. I then began to scan the crowd again. I saw a boy with icy blue eyes, dark brown hair, and tan skin headed our way. He was cute but not my type. He wore blue jeans that had holes at the knees, and a black T-shirt, that clinged to his body showing his broad chest and shoulders.

"Hi ya, I'm Seth Adams." The boy said. His voice was like a child's, ecstatic and playful. He reached out his hand as well.

"April Banks." I said shaking his hand.

"I know. I'm here to make sure you get where you need to go. That okay with you?"

"Sounds like a plan to me." I let go of his hand. I saw movement at the corner of my eye. I turned to see him. A boy with jet black cropped hair, misty, green eyes and tan skin. His eyes gave nothing away. I became so fixated on the boy that I accidently pulled out my other earphone. Trying to act cool I began to roll up my earphones and direct my attention back to Clara and Seth.

"What should we do? Should we take her to Nathan now or-," Clara's voice asked. I was confused at first because I was looking right at her when I heard her voice but she didn't really speak. Her question was directed at Seth. He shook his head. 

"No, let them meet later on, by themselves!" Seth protested. Confusion washed over me as I put my iPod in my inner pocket of my satchel. 

"Guys how's it going? ", A husky voice asked. Seth turned toward the green-eyed boy. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. 

"Good, c'mon Nathan." Nathan then saw my gaze going' from him to Seth and Clara.

"I must be hallucinating."

"Y'all I think she can hear us," Clara said. 

"What's going on?" I asked not understanding anything. "How can you talk to each other but your lips aren't moving? How is that possible?" I was freaking out. My heart rate increased and my blood was rushing to my head. I couldn't breath. I was having an anxiety attack. I quickly got back into my truck and opened the glove department. It was becoming more and more difficult to move and breath. 

"Are you okay?" Clara asked. I could see Nathan had joined us. I searched franticly for my medicine bottle. 

"What are you doing?" He asked with nothing but concern in his voice. 

"What's wrong with her?" , Seth asked telepathically. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up for a sec."  I said annoyed. I then found my medicine. With shaking hands I was able to get two pills in my hand and popped them in my mouth. I had to dry swallow but it was worth it. Within a few minutes my heart was slowing down and it was easier to breath.

"April, are you okay?" Clara repeated taking a step back so I could get out.

"I am now." I said with a mocking smile.

"What was that?"

"Anxiety medicine."

"Why do you have anxiety medicine?"

"Because I have really bad anxiety Genius. Anymore stupid questions? No, good now it's my turn to ask a question. How where y'all talking' with each other like that?" I asked glancing at each of them.They exchanged a look and then rested their eyes on me. It was silent, other than the conversations going around us.

"Well, that's going' to be difficult to explain." Nathan finally said.

"Seriously, you're playing that card?" The bell then rung.

"Uh..... April, you have to go to the office to get your schedule." Seth said as he walked away. I glared at his back.

"We'll catch ya later." Clara said taking Seth's lead. I then turned to Nathan. Waiting' for him to say good- bye, but he never did.

"I'll take you to the office." He said looking down at me. I didn't notice it before but he towered over me like I was a child and he was the giant adult.

"Th-thank you." I said shocked. I then started toward the brick building. As we walked I felt someone's eyes on me. By the force of their stare I could tell they were not as friendly as Nathan, Seth, and Clara were. I turned to find the source but I couldn't.

"What's up?" Nathan asked following my gaze.

"Nothing." I said turning back toward the building. The office was behind the corner. "Wow, good thing you lead me here otherwise I might have got lost." He chuckled.

"Yep, I guess I'm the hero of the hour." Nathan joked. I smiled and rolled my eyes, then stepped into the office.

"Hello?" An elderly woman said as politely as she could.

"Hi, I'm April Banks the new student and I was told to come here to get my schedule?"

"Oh, yes, let's see here." The woman said as she rumbled through some papers. Her hair was puffed up like a girl from the 80's and her glasses rested at the tip of her nose. "Ah, here it is, April Banks. Your first period teacher is Mr. Andrews. Let me call down to his class and get him to send a student up. Okay?"

"There's no need." Nathan said. I turned to see him leaning in the doorway.

"Nathan, I should have known you would be helping Ms. April here." The woman said smiling.

"Well, you know how I am Mrs. McCall." He returned her smile. "Now, let me go to my locker and get my books, and then I'll come and take April off your hands. Okay?"

"Okay, dear. April why don't you wait for Nathan outside?" Mrs. McCall said gesturing to the door. I nodded, my gaze never leaving Nathan's grin. He then took off to his locker and I took a seat by the door. Hang in there, April. You can pull through today. Besides you have no choice, I thought. I chuckled slightly at the last part when I saw Nathan was on his way back.

"Okay, let's go." He said letting me take the lead. I could feel his eyes on my back as I walked. They were studying me, analyzing me. My heart began to pound in my ears. Calm down, girl, you don't want to have another attack. I tried to calm my heart when Nathan stepped beside me.

"So," He paused thinking of a way to start a conversation," where you from?"

"No where really." I said avoiding his gaze.

"Hmmm, no where you say? I don't think I've been there." I smiled.

"Well, it's a very small area between 'none of' and 'your business'."

"Oh, I see. Well let's just say I'm a curious cat."

"Why so curious?"

"Why not?" Nathan asked as we came to a stop. I turned his way. He was extremely close to me. I could feel the warmth radiating from his skin. He smelt of the woods and I could feel his breath going down the side of my face. We stood like that for a few seconds. Nathan then took a step back.

"Here we are." He said as he walked past me to the door. When he past, I relaxed. I then exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"Why, Mr. Blake, thank you so much for gracing us with your presence." A man with a British accent said. I looked past Nathan to see a man with a boyish face, brown hair and emerald green eyes, which were hidden behind thick glasses. He wore a, British looking, formal attire with a vest, and suit.

"Sorry, Mr. Andrews, I had to bring the new kid here." Nathan said as he went to his seat by Seth.

"Ah, I see. What is your name dear?" Mr. Andrews asked. I took a step. I could tell when I was in everyone's line of sight because I could feel the attention and my anxiety rise. I hesitated before answering.

"April Banks." I said trying to sound confident, but failing miserably. When I said my name I sounded like a little girl afraid that no one would like her.

"Well, Ms. Banks, why don't you come in and take a seat by Ms. Simmons there." He said pointing to Clara. "And we'll continue with our lesson okay? It is to my understanding that you've already studied the history of the Progressive Era."

"Yes, sir." I said. He nodded in approval. I smiled and went to the empty seat next to the right of Clara. She was smiling like a child who just got a new toy.

"Okay, as you can see class we have new student. Play nice with her." Mr. Andrews said eyeing two girls. He then went on with his lesson. As he did I searched in my satchel for my iPod. This is going to be a long day, I thought turning it down so Mr. Andrews couldn't hear it. When Clara tapped my on the shoulder I knew the dismissal bell rung. I took my headphones out and put my iPod back in my satchel.

"So, who do you have next?" Clara asked as I got up out of my seat.

"Um, English, Mrs.Deevill." I cracked a smile as I said the name." Wow, that's a name." I said looking at Clara. She returned my smile.

"I know right. I'll take you to her."

"Okay." I said. The rest of the trip was filled with jokes and small talk. I didn't mention the telepathy thing her, Seth, and Nathan had going on. I'll save that for another time. When we're all alone, I thought. When we arrived I took a seat nearest to the door. This was next to a girl with wavy, blonde hair and glasses. As I got settled I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see a girl with red eyes, tan skin, jet, black hair, and a mischievous smile. I looked forward again as I realized it was one of the preps outside. She must be the queen prep around here, I thought as she tapped my shoulder again. I turned to her.

"You have no Idea." Clara said. 

"You can read my mind?"


"Cool."  I said giving the 'Queen Bee' my attention.

"Umm, you're in my seat." She said with nothing but snobby attitude in her voice.

"I don't see your name on it." I said smugly. I could feel curious eyes on us now. Yep definitely the queen bee around here, I thought as a corner of my mouth pulled up slightly.

"Well, you better look again." The girl said pointing to a name written in gray, glittery permanent marker. I nodded. I then dug in my satchel and pulled out my black permanent marker and began to scratch it out.

" Hey."

"Now where is it again? I can't see it." I heard some snickers behind me at what I done.

"Look, I don't know who you are or where you came from but let me fill you in on a little secret. I run this school and no new fashion tragedy girl is going to -"

"Is everything okay, April?" Nathan interrupted stepping past the girl. Looking dead at me.


"Yes everything's fine, Nathan, sweetie. We were just having a nice conversation."

"Unfortunately, Natalie, I wasn't talking to you. April?" Nathan said looking at me again. I smiled and looked her dead in the eye.

"Yes," I paused enjoying every second of this," everything's just fine." His smile was kind as Seth stepped beside him.

"If you need a seat you can sit back there with me. You and Seth could trade spots."

"Oh, Baby, that is so sweet." Natalie paused as she took Nathan's arm. I turned my eyes away. I didn't want to see that. "But she's okay here, I'll go instead." She insisted. I didn't turn to look at her but I could hear one of her hands rubbing on Nathan's chest. Seth put a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him. His eyes were trying' to reassure me. I then heard his thoughts 

"Don't worry about her.There's nothing going' on between them." He said turning his gaze toward Natelie. "I think he was talking to April, and I don't mind changing desk......with her." I turned to see Natalie begin to glare at Seth. Anger flared in her eyes and I smiled at that.

"Okay, that settles it. Come on April." Nathan said releasing his arm from Natalie's grasp. I followed him to the back of the classroom. The bell then rung for second period to begin.

"Good morning class." A woman with white hair secured in a tight bun, bottomless, black eyes, and a skirt way up past her waist line said. She was definitely an old timer. The woman had a crackling old voice. She must be Mrs. Deevill. She began to scan the room. My guess, she was seeing who was here and who wasn't until her eyes fell on me.

" I see we have a new student. Lovely, stand up and introduce yourself young lady." I sighed and stood. 

"Hello, my name is April Banks." I said. I then took my seat.

"I didn't tell you to sit back down. Stand back up." Mrs.Deevill said. Natalie and her friends began to snicker. I rolled my eyes and stood back up. "That's good, now where are you from?"

"Kennil County, Alabama."

"What high school are you transferring from?"

"Uh....... Kinnel County High School."

"Don't take that tone with me, Young Lady."

"What tone?"

"That tone there."

"What t-. Nevermind, look Mrs.Devil -"

"Deevill. Two e's and two l's don't make a mistake in calling me devil again. Am I understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, now take your seat." I rolled my eyes and took my seat. I then got my iPod out. "What is that? Is that an iPod? Give it to me at once." She began to walk my way with her hand stretched out toward me. I ignored her and turned it on. Mrs.Deevill tried to snatch my headphones out of my ears, but I grabbed her wrist before she could try. I chuckled slightly. I took one headphone out so I could hear her. I could tell by her expression she was furious and shocked.

 "Mrs. Deevill let me fill you in on something. No one takes my iPod. Now they try but they always fail." I smiled to myself. "Not only that they get on my bad side and trust me you don't want that." I released her wrist. She turned away from me.

"Well, unfortunately, I do not care if I'm on your bad side or not." Mrs.Deevill said grabbing the wire that was connected to my headphones. I then grabbed her arm and twisted it behind her back and slammed her into the neighboring desk. The boy who sat there jumped out of his seat. Everyone was silent for several seconds.

"Now, Mrs. Deevill, I avise you not to do that again cause if you do this," I paused putting more pressure on her arm," is going to be ten times worst. I do apologize. I don't like hurting people, but I hate it when people try take my iPod." I said as I slowly released her. I could feel all eyes on me.

"Go to the office!" Mrs.Deevill yelled as she rubbed her wrist. I smirked but soon lost it when I turned and saw Nathan's eyes filled with judgment. I bowed my head and snatched up my bags and left. I put my iPod in my pocket. My blood was racing and anger and sadness began to infuse together making my hands become fist and tears ,that never came to my eyes since my father's funeral, threaten to reveal themselves. There was also confusion in the emotions I felt. Why am I crying? Why do I even care what he or anyone else in this school thinks of me? Questions like these filled my head. I turned a corner and sat down at the end of the lockers. I wanted to sort my thoughts out before I was suspended or I was charged with first degree assault. I soon heard footsteps getting' louder and louder as someone got closer and closer.

"April?" Clara said nearly in a whisper as her head peeked around the corner. I got up as quickly as I could and turned my back to her. I didn't want to see the judgment and fear in her eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I just came to see if you were okay." She paused her voice was kind and sincere." Are you?" Clara asked. I didn't understand. I could tell that my confusion showed on my face because it reflected in her eyes. "You looked rather upset when Mrs.Deevill tried to take your iPod and when you left I didn't think you should be alone. With a temper like yours you would most likely end up with a broken hand from hitting' the wall." She chuckled at her little joke.

"Why do you care and who in their right mind would come after someone with a temper like mine?"

"One, I'm not a person whose in their right mind and besides I have a temper like that to. Second, I care because you're a friend."

"I'll hardly call us friends. We don't even know each other."

"On the contrary we -" Clara froze like she heard someone coming. She signed annoyed." Anyway, why did you freak out? It's just an iPod." I clenched my teeth together.

"My reasons for my actions are no concern of yours or anyone else's at this school. What happens with or to me has nothing to do with you. So, do yourself a favor and stay away from me." I said. I turned to leave, but Clara grabbed my arm in an iron grasp that I couldn't break away from." Let go of m-"

"You can't keep running away forever. I know it's hard moving to a new town and having to start over. Especially, when you're different and when you think you lost the only person who understood you. You just have to trust me when I tell you that I can help." Clara fell silent letting her words sink in. Apart of me wanted to call her a fool, snatch my arm away, and never interact with her again, but another part wanted me to believe her every word and finally have a friend. The only thing I had close to a friend was the little girl I would see in my dreams. We would always be playing with three little boys. The girl had similar features as Clara and the two of the boys had the same features as Seth and Nathan but it was so long ago that I couldn't recall if it was them or not. Before I made my decision there was one question I knew I should ask.

"Why should I trust you? We don't even know each other." I said. She was about to protest but she stopped herself. She released my arm and took a step toward me, moving her lips to my ear.

"Because, I know you want to know how we can all hear each other's thoughts. I know you have questions for Seth, Nathan, and I but your waiting until we're alone. I know that every full moon at midnight you wonder the woods in search of something but you don't know what that something is." Clara said. She pulled away. Shock was the only thing I felt. Every word she spoke was true. I couldn't deny that. I feel silent for a few minutes. "Do you trust me now?" She asked with a smug grin on her face. You can trust her, a voice said in my head. It was familiar, but it wasn't Nathan's, Seth's, or any student's. I couldn't place it but a part of me knew I could trust it, but before I gave her my answer I had to fed my curiosity.

"How do you know all this stuff?" I asked suspiciously.

"I can't tell you that. Well, at least, not right now."

"Then when?"

"Soon." Clara said and chuckled slightly. We stood there silent for several moments. "We'll answer all your questions later, but right now we better get back."


"Yeah, back. We still have class, April."

"I'm pretty sure I'll get arrested if I step in that classroom again."

"Don't worry no one will remember what you did. They'll just think I escorted you to the nurse to get some Tylenol because you had a severe headache."


"It's something else we'll explain later. C'mon." Clara said grabbing my hand and dragging me down the hall. Something told me that I was going' to be confused quite a lot today. Not even pausing Clara rushed into the room with me in tow. As soon as I stepped in every one's eyes were on me. Mrs.Deevill didn't have any resentment on her face.

"Ms. Banks are you well now?" She asked with a well-mannered voice. Remembering what Clara said in the hall, don't worry no one will remember what you did. They'll just think I escorted you to the nurse to get some Tylenol because you had a severe headache, I hesitantly nodded. My heart pounded and my stomach twisted as I walked to my seat next to Nathan. Keeping my gaze down I took my seat and Mrs.Deevill went back to her lesson. I barely listened as I sorted through my thoughts when I heard Nathan's voice in my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I turned to him and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"That's good. I was worry there for a minute."

"You're too young to worry. You'll be getting gray hairs and wrinkles if you keep on."

"I wasn't the only one that got worried. When you stormed out you had all of us worried. Their thoughts were screaming with worry until Clara decided to go after you."  I froze when I heard this. Letting his words sink in. I then decided to ask my questions to change the subject. 

 "How do y'all hear each other's thoughts?"

"Before you start the interrogation I want you to know that I'll be able answer some your questions, but I won't be able to answer them all."

"Okay,so how do y'all communicate telepathically?"

"That's kind of difficult to explain."

"Try me."

"Well, we're kind of connected..... By a bond we formed when we were kids. Okay? We're kind of been inseparable since we were young. This bond, we have, can't be formed by just two people that know each other. It's formed by people who feel drawn to their friends."

"Like love at first sight?"

"I don't follow you."

"Well, when you see someone on the street and you fall in love immediately because you feel something pulling you toward them. You can't really explain it but you know it's something special. Something that not everyone has."

"I see. Well, when you put it that way then yeah it's exactly like that."

"Okay, next question."


"Are you and Natalie going out?" I turned toward him seeing his reaction. I could tell I caught him off guard. Nathan looked my way and gave me a 'are-you-kidding-me' look.

"Are you serious?"


"No! There is no way I'll ever date her."

"The she must really like you."

"Yeah, she has a huge crush on me and I don't know why?" My mouth dropped open at what he said.

"You got to be kidding me." 


"You actually don't know why?"

"I have no clue." I chuckled. 

"Well she may like you for your looks." I turned to face him. He had a grin on his face that was to gorgeous for any normal teenage boy. I had to turn away before my face gave me away. Warmth began to radiate in my chest. I was confused by this feeling but shook it off. 

"Do you know something I don't?"

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Okay, do you have anymore questions?"

"No not really."

"Cool, we better go to our next class." Nathan said after the bell rung. I nodded and stood. Our conversation came to a end and we went our seperate ways. The rest of the day flew by and before I knew it it was time to go home. 

"Hey April, wait up." Nathan called catching up to me. I was about to say hey when we was joined by Natalie.

"Hello, Nathan, sweetie."


"I see your hanging with the new girl again."She paused giving me a once over. " Why don't you ditch her and come hang out with me." Natalie said taking Nathan's arm again and pushing me to the side. I rolled my eyes and kept walking to my truck. 

"Before you go can you help me out?" Nathan pleaded. I turned to face him. He met my gaze and gave me a pleading look. I sighed.

"You owe me." I dropped my bag and walked back to where Nathan and Natalie stood. I then tapped Natalie on the shoulder.

"Okay Ms. Queen Bee let me fill you in on something. Nathan doesn't want you. He doesn't even like you. Why? I don't know I just met you today. SO what's going to happen is I'm going to take Nathan here away from you and your going to deal with it." I said. I then took Nathan's hand and pulled him toward my truck away from Natalie. Who just stood there stunned. When I took Nathan's hand I felt my skin begin to tingle. 

"Now your in the clear." I said when we reached my truck. I then made the mistake in meeting Nathan's stare. I got lost in his eyes. The feeling that I could tell him anything overwhelmed me. My hand in his felt as right as if my hand was made to fit in his. 

"Uh.. You should probably be going." Nathan said taking his hand out of mine. 

"Yeah." I said akwardly averting my gaze. I got in my truck and started it up. I had to get away from Nathan and get my thoughts together but apart of me didn't want to leave. "Bye."

"Bye." And with that I left. The rest of the day went by in a daze. I couldn't stop thinking about Nathan and the way he made me feel. I also thought about Clara and Seth and how they seem so familiar. Before I knew it it was dark and it was time for me to go to sleep.

Chapter Two: A New Friend

 Everyday that has pass since then has been really great. I only hang out with Nathan, Clara and Seth and Natelie has kept her distance. Everything was perfect. Even though every time I get near Nathan confusing and overwhelming feelings consume me. Every night I lie awake wondering why I feel like this? Why is it every time I get near him I feel as if he is my knight in shining armor? Sometimes it even feels like when we make eye contact the world goes away and it's only the two of us. Confusing as it all is I know that if I tell him about anything I feel he'll back away and keep his distance from me and I don't think that is something I can take. Besides the death stares I get from Natalie always make my day. Pulling into the school parking lot I saw a red corvet parked in my parking spot. I sighed and pulled in next to it. It was a fancy car that I never seen before. A teacher must have got a raise or something, I thought admiring the neat paint job and the nice silver rims it had. 

"Hey, April!" Clara yelled near the entrance of the school. She waved me over. I nodded and headed toward them. During the past weeks I began to control the whole 'telepathy' thing that we all shared. I've learn to block them out and keep certain thoughts out of their reach. Which has been handy lately.

"Hey guys." I said looking back one last time to see the red corvet.

"Whacha looking at?" Seth asked following my gaze.

"The red corvet over there. It's pretty nice. I wonder who ownes it?"

"Ethan!" Nathan growled. I turn toward him and wished I hadn't. His green eyes were blazing with hatred. He squared his jaw and balled up his fist as he stared intently at the red corvet. Looking at Nathan made me fear for the owner of the red corvet's life and made me shiver. I gently put my hand on his shoulder. When I did he began to relax . Seeing this, instantly, my fear vanished and the feeling of something much more pleasant took it's place. Nathan looked toward me and smiled a care free smile. I was glad to have the Nathan I knew back. I was curious about this Ethan person but I knew I couldn't ask Nathan about it. I had to wait to ask Seth or Clara.

"So, whose ready to start today off with a bang?" I said hoping to calm my now tense friends. It worked. 

"I am, but I'm still trying to get my schedule changed so I can be in 3rd, 5th, and 6th period with you. So, you don't have to face the Evil Natalie by yourself." Clara whined. I smirked and then punched her in her arm.

"Didn't I tell you not to worry about it. I can handle Natalie and anything her and her  followers throw at me."

"Yeah, I know but it would be nice to have every period with you so you don't feel like your alone." 

"Oh come on that's not the case. I know y'all have my back and for that I am grateful. Besides the only one who really needs to worry about Natalie is this stud muffin here who she has a HUGE crush on." I said pushing Nathan toward Seth. Seth caught him and pushed him toward Clara.

"Oh yeah. Hey baby lets go to the janitor's closet and make out." Clara said trying to mimicked Natalie's voice. We all laughed. The bell then rung. 

"Okay guys, I'll see y'all in 1st period." I said sitting down on the concrete ramp next to the steps. I always waited here so I wouldn't be like a bumper car bumping into everyone until I got to my locker. A few times Nathan and Clara would try to stay and sit with me but I didn't want to make them late. I stared at the ground as I began to gather my thoughts together when a pair of shiny black and red Nike's came into my view. I looked up to see a guy with shaggy brown hair that was brushed to the side and piercing red eyes. I could see his broad chest and shoulders through his gray t-shirt. From where I sat he was a good 6'2 and very good-looking.

"Hey, I'm new here and I was wondering if you could show me where the office is?" He said. His vioce was full of kindness but held a dangerous secret. I turned to see if the hall was almost cleared.

"Go straight and it's right around the corner." I said pionting the way as I got up and gathered my stuff. I left him there and made my way to Mr. Andrews. I entered the classroom right before the tardy bell rung. Mr. Andrews was about to start his lesson when a knock interrupted him.

"Come in." Opening the door was the guy from earlier. From the corner of my eye I saw Nathan and Seth tense up. I turned to see Clara with a shocked look on her face as she stared at the new kid. "And who might you be?"

"My name is Ethan Smith." The new guy said slightly nodding toward the class when he saw me.

"Ah, a new student, you can sit next to Ms. Banks if you like." The seat to my right was empty because the kid who sat there before moved away.Ethan nodded and headed my way. "You wouldn't have to be the brother of a Natalie Smith would you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, let's hope you don't take after her." Ethan nodded again and sat down. Something inside me sent a electrical shock through me as I glanced at Ethan out the corner of my eye. He caught me looking at him several times and smiled. Making me blush a bright red. If this goes on I'll be the color of a tomato by the time I get out of here,  I thought  as I tried to stay focused on what Mr. Andrews was teaching, but something kept compelling me to look at him. From the looks of it it wasn't only me. Every girl in the classroom, except Clara, was looking at him. As if he was a special, delicious prize ready to be devoured. I smirked but when I turned toward Nathan his anger from this morning had returned. I sighed and put my head down.  Today is going to be another long day,  I thought as I looked out the window. Seeing the cloudless baby blue sky and the bright green of the forest that surrounded the school always gave me a sense of peace. I sat there looking out and basking in the feeling of peace when the bell rang and it was time to go to Mrs. Deevill's class.

"Clara do you think I could just stay here and let you go and deal with the Evil Bitch." I whined. Clara rolled her eyes and just grabbed my arm. Pulling me out of my seat as she cast a glance toward Ethan.

"So your name is April?" Ethan asked. Clara froze making her grasp become like a iron shackle. Her nails began to dig into my skin.

"Um... Clara your hurting me." I said trying to pull my arm out of her grasp, but she acted as if she didn't hear me. With a final tug I was out of her grip and lost my balance making me fall into Ethan. He smiled.

"Are you okay?"


"She's fine." Nathan said pulling me behind him. Realization set in. 

"Is this the Ethan who owns the red corvet?" I directed my question to Clara. She nodded. They stared at each other for what felt like hours.

"It's time for you all to go to your next class." Mr. Andrews said.

 "So, where do your go next, April?" Ethan asked not taking his eyes off Nathan.

"That's none of your business." Clara growled. I rolled my eyes.

"Okay  let's be good children and go to our next class." I said leaving them there. I was annoyed and I wasn't about to be dragged into their little fued. Running down the hall I made it to Mrs. Deevill's class before the tardy bell rung. Taking my seat I noticed there was something off. I scanned the room and noticed that, even when Nathan sat next to me , Natalie didn't pay attention to me. I guess, I should be happy but it wasn't like Natalie to just leave me alone. Usually she would greet me with some bitchy comment but not today. What was so special about today? I eyed her until she turned toward me. Narrowing her eyes she lifted up her left hand slowly and flipped me off. I smirked. That's much better, I thought as I pulled out my notebook for this class and began to look around until a familiar face made me freeze. Two seats up from me on the last row was Ethan. I turned to see Nathan trying his hardest to focus on Mrs. Deevill but I could tell he was about to lose it.

"Nathan, are you okay?" I asked. He looked at me and relaxed. Smiling he nodded and looked ahead again. He was lying, because of the way he set his jaw and because of his fist clenching and un-clenching told me his self-control was fading fast. "Don't lie to me."

"Yeah, don't lie to her Nathan."   Ethan said. I turned toward him abruptly, shocked that he could hear us and speak telepathicly as well. My shocked faded when I heard a low menacing growl. Turning to Nathan a cold hand wrapped around my throat and a shiver ran through me once again. The look in his eyes was like a predator eyeing his opponent with nothing but the intention of death. My heart began to pound as fear became my air. I turned away from him but the feeling still lingered . Slowly, the period went on like the never ending sea with waves of fear and mystery raining down on me, beating me until I couldn't move. The bell then rung and relief washed over me.

"April." A female voice whispered in my ear, it was as sweet as honey and the sound was like silk making my heart skip a beat. I looked around but no one spoke."Come to me, April." Hypnotized I walked out the entrance doors and across the school parking lot. I was like a traveler who had been wondering for many days and nights. Never finding what I sought out for. Never stopping, not even when I heard my name." Come to me April. Let me show you who you really are." Unaware of what I was doing I exited the school's parking lot and into the street. I was in the middle of the road when I heard a muffled car horn. Snapping back to reality I saw a pair of headlights heading toward me. Fear grasped me once again until I felt someone tackled me. The right side of my head smacked into the concrete hard. My vision blurred and a pounding in my head began.

"April are you okay?" A muffled voice asked. I looked up and rubbed my head, pulling my hand away I saw blood. When my vision became more clear. I looked up to see who rescued me. It was Ethan. He had such a worried expression on his face. I didn't know what to do or what to say. He saved my life, I thought. Lifting me up he carried me to his Corvet. I didn't protest. My strength was drained and my head was killing me. Starting the car we left not even stopping to tell any one where we were going. My thoughts became cludered and a wave of weariness washed over me. Darkness tug at my vision and soon that was all I could see. I was floating in the air looking up at a star filled sky, the clouds covered the moon. Nothing could touch me or pull me into a fit of despair. I was at peace, until the clouds moved. The feeling of excurciating pain shot through me. My bones began to snap out of place. I couldn't scream because I was shocked at what the moon looked like. It was as red as blood. Realizing this wasn't real, I found my voice and screamed at the top of my lungs. I sat up quickly, drenched in sweat.

"April!" Ethan said taking my hand in his.

"Where am I?" I asked looking around and I saw that I was in a hospital bed.

"Your at the hospital. You hit your head pretty hard." Remembering what happened Ethan squeezed my hand.

"What's my condition?"

"It's just a bumped and cut. They stitched you up and said after some rest you could go home."

"Good." I said getting up. My legs were wobbly so it was hard to stand but I managed. Taking a step I fell into Ethan. "Thanks."

"No problem just take it easy." He paused looking at me with desire. He wanted to say more but didn't. Turning away he said, " Come on, Let's go." Helping me we made out the hospital and to his car. I told him where I lived and rested the whole ride to my house.

"We're here." Ethan said pulling up in front of my house. Two new cars and my truck was in the drive way. Nathan, Clara, and Seth must be here. Sighning I got out and walked to the front door. It opened and a angry Nathan push pass me and went straight to Ethan.

"Where did you take her?!" Nathan asked with nothing but anger in his vioce. He grabbed Ethan by his collar and slammed him into his red corvet. Ethan said nothing. Rushing to help him I grabbed Nathan and pulled him back.

"He took me to the hospital. He saved me from getting run over and I hit my head and lost conscious. So back off!" I said getting between Nathan and Ethan.

"Did he touch you?"

"Really, Nathan? No, I just magicly picked my own unconcious self up and walked to the hospital.... Of course he touched me, but to only pick me up and take me to his car."That look from Mrs. Deevill's classroom returned. "Look Nathan today Ethan saved me. The beef between you two has nothing to do with me."

"It has everything to do with you! Your the reason we're fighting!" Nathan snapped.

"How? I didn't know you guys until a few weeks ago and I only met him today!"

"No, April. You've met them before." My mom said from the door. Confusion washed over me as I stared at my mom.

"What do you mean?"

"When you was tweleve years old you was in a car accident with me. We were both injured pretty bad but both of us healed quickly. You suffered a blow to your head that made you forget about Nathon, Ethan, Seth, and Clara and also made you forget your life before the accident. I'm sorry April I should of told you this sooner, but I thought with time you'll get your memories back. Unfortunatly, they never did." Mom said. This is too much.  I searched my brain for any recollection of what my mother was saying, there was none. As I really tried to focus I began to remember my dreams. 

"The little girl." I said turning toward Clara. "Your the little girl I see in my dreams and you three are the little boys." I turned to each of them remembering the times we all played and laughed. Sometimes it was just me and Clara, other times it was all of us. Our laughs echoed in my ears and warmth that it gave me, when we were all together, began to spread throughout my body. Suddenly, a flow of images passed before my eyes and it became too much. My breaths shortened and my heart began to pound. I collasped and the last image I saw was a large gray wolf howling at a bright red full moon. 

Chapter Three: Secrets Revealed

Twice in one day I have lost consciousness and both times I have seen a red moon. I don't know what the significance of that moon is but it began to haunt my every thought. The feeling of it being familiar overwhelmed me as if I knew of a time when that red moon changed me into something divine yet horrid, beautiful yet ugly, peaceful yet feared. The sound of something snapping brought my attention to my surroundings. I was in a little area of woods surrounded by trees. Above I saw the red moon in all its glory. It was happening again the snapping and relocating of my bones. The pain never reached me. Why? I don't know but I know I don't want to see what I was becoming. Closing my eyes I waited for the sound of snapping bones to stop ringing in my ears. All of a sudden, a smooth gentle hand began to caress my arm. It wasn't my mother's touch nor that of Nathan, Clara, or Seth yet it was familiar. Slowly, opening my eyes I saw a woman who looked exactly like me surrounded by a bright white light. 

"April, you can stand now." She said. Her voice was like mine soft and sweet but yet held so much pain and suffering. Her glossy wavy brown hair reached to the middle of her back and her honey brown eyes glistened with unshed tears. She wore a white silk gown, it looked like one of the gowns you see in medieval movies, and a little crown on her head.She smiled a calming smile as she helped me up.Mesmerized by her and confused as to why she looked like me I simple stared.

"Wh-Who are you?" I asked finding my voice. With a smile she answered softly.

"My name is Amanda. Your ancestor" She said it with such elegance and grace.

"Ancestor? You mean your one of my great- great- greats?" I laughed. "There is no way that that's true."

"Then how is it that I look so much like you? Can you explain that April Banks because I would love to know?" Her smile disappeared and she waited for me to answer. How could I answer such a thing like that, I thought still admiring the way she held her posture and stood there with an emotionless face. Sighing in defeat I bowed my head.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I want you to deliver a message to your pack's leader. I would -"

"Wait, what? What are you talking about? My pack's leader?"

"You don't know?" Amanda asked in disbelief.

"Know what?" I asked eyeing her. Blinking rapidly she looked away and turned her back to me.

"Why is it you don't know?"

"Know what?" I asked again annoyed.

"That your...... a werewolf." She said facing me again. I tried to hide my smile but I wasn't succeeding.

"A werewolf, really? Now I see you've lost your marbles."

"I'm not lying. I am telling you the truth."

"Yeah right. So, I'm a a girl who changes into a hairy beast when the full moon comes out. Yeah I don't think so."

"Then how can you explain the visions you've had of the Red Moon and the Great Gray wolf? Can you explain that?" She asked eyeing me, waiting for an answer.

"Easy, their just dreams."

"Are you so sure of that?" Amanda said eyeing me skeptically. Apart of me knew that they were just dreams but another part knew that they weren't. They were something more complex than dreams. As silence filled the air our surroundings shifted until we were in a meadow, but instead of it being a regular night there was a reddish glow coming from the sky. Looking up I saw the Red Moon and couldn't take my eyes off it. "It's called the First Wolf's Moon." She said snapping me back to reality. Turning to her I noticed she was doing the same thing I did. She was admiring the Red Moon as if it was calling to her. "There is a legend about it. According to the story, many centuries ago, back when men had to thrive on land to survive, there was a man. He had gotten separated from his hunting party and was wondering the woods. For days he wondered never stopping to rest or eat. As he walked the woods he never knew that someone was watching him." She paused turning her gaze to me. "It was the queen of the forest, the Gray Wolf. She watched him never making herself known, never making a sound. She always was caring. She watched the man, seeing what he was doing. Making sure he wasn't attacked by predators and that he was left alone. Until one day he colasped from exhaustion and hunger. When he did the Gray Wolf slowly approached the man to see if he was pretending. Seeing that he wasn't she called together a company of deer and few birds to help her. With all their help they gently put him on her back. She then took him back to her home and took care of him. For days, she scavenged for food for the man and let him rest. Soon days became weeks and soon the man was able to go hunt for his own food."

"As he lived with her she protected him and he made sure there was enough food for both of them. They grew comfortable with each other. When weeks became months they grew inseparatable. Little did they know that the man's hunting party was out looking for him. Some even spot the Gray Wolf and began to spread rumors about how she was a monster and how she must of savagely attacked the man and ate him. Anger rose in the man's friends and family's hearts. In rage they stormed the forest in search for her home. One night, they found it and while the man was gathering firewood and the Gray Wolf was sleeping. They came in with their spears and relentless stabbed her where every they could. She never attacked them or tried to protect herself. She just howled once and then met the eyes of all the hunters. Blinded by their rage they didn't notice her actions. As her blood stained the ground the moon began to turn blood red. Looking to the sky the man saw this. He knew that her and the moon was connected and because of that he knew something horrible was happening to the her. He ran back to the place that has been his home for months and confronted the attackers. Shocked they dropped their weapons. They told him on how there were rumors about the Gray Wolf attacking him. The man yelled that if it wasn't for her, he would of died. Ashamed they bowed their head and stepped away from the dying queen. The man then went to the her side. She looked into his eyes for the final time and took her last breath. Seeing her body become limp the man began to weep. He was like that for several long moments until he heard something whisper in his ear. Without knowing that the words was a spell given to him by the forest spirits, he said them. "Makto Necta Bosu" and what happened next changed everything. When he said those words a bright light glowed around the Gray Wolf and soon she was no longer a wolf but a woman with long flowing black hair and skin kissed by the sun.  She was beautiful and she was alive. After that night they lived together and found out that although she was no longer a wolf all the time; every time the Red Moon entered the sky she would turn back and roam the woods looking after all who dwelled there and all who needed the woods to survive. She was the first werewolf." Amanda said finishing the story and watching me. Studying my reaction.

"That's a good story but what does that have to do with me?" 

"After everything happened the queen and the man settled down and had children of their on and in turn their children had children. Generation after generation until you. You are the last of her line." I froze.

"She- She is one of my ancestors?" Amanda nodded. I released a breath that I didn't know I was holding. As I stood there I began to notice that our surroundings were beggining to shimmer and fade, as did Amanda.

"We don't have a lot of time. Let me tell you why I'm here. Tell your packs leader that the dark force has returned and he is coming to claim something he has been desiring for many centuries."

"Who is the dark force?"

"Eli." Amanda said her vioce becoming like the wind. Soon she was gone and a bright light was all I could see. As my eyes adjusted I began to see wooden walls with pictures of a smiling family. A woman with long dark red hair and emerald green eyes was holding a little boy. That boy was Nathan. I could tell because I've seen him so many times in my dreams. No, my memories. I noticed a night stand made of oak wood with a lamp was beside the bed to my right with a glass of water. Seeing it I realized how parched I was. Without hesitation I grabbed the cup and gulped it down without stopping. I was in a queen size bed that had silk sheets and a cover that made me want to go back to sleep. There was a knock on the door. 

"Come in." I said barely above a whisper. Coming into the room was Nathan. Smiling his charming smile he sat at the foot of the bed. 

"Hey." I said sitting up. 

"Hey, you feeling okay?" 

"Other than being a little thirsty I'm fine. How long have I been out?" 

"Little over twelve hours." 

"What? What happened after I passed out?" 

"Ethan left and we brought you here to my house." 

"He left voluntarily or did you threaten him?" Nathan averted his gaze and fell silent. I rolled my eyes. "Wait, why couldn't I stay at my house?" He still didn't look at me or answer. Realization dawned on me. "I'm here because Ethan knew where I live, right?"  Raising a eyebrow I stared at Nathan waiting for him to respond. With a simple nod I sighed.  "Look maybe you should fill me in on why y'all are fighting, since it has to do with me?"  Hesitantly, Nathan was about to answer when Amanda's voice rung in my ears. I want you to deliver a message to your packs leader. I then got up and left, going down the hallway I began to smell the scent of the forest and could hear the crackling of a fire. The sounds of laughter filled the air as I got closer and closer to the living room. I soon saw my mother and a man, with jet black hair that was tied back in a ponytail and his brilliant baby blue eyes reflected the fire. They were sitting on a black leather couch, each with a wine glass in their hand. I cleared my throat.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." I said eyeing my mother, who began to blush. Standing the man reached out his hand to me.

"Hi my name is Richard Blake, Nathan's Uncle." The man said as I shook his hand. His voice was sweet but still held a sense of pride and joy. Something inside me made me wanted to bow my head to him. I knew then that this was the leader of my pack. The Alpha. 

"Mr. Blake-" I began.

"Please just Richard." Richard cut in.

"Okay, Richard. May I speak with you alone for a sec?" 

"Whatever you have to say you can say in front of your mother."

"No, I can't." I leaned in closer to his ear. "It's a message from Amanda." I said hoping the name would ring a bell. From the look on his face I could tell it did. 

"Like I said what you have to say, you can say in front of your mother. She knows." Richard paused nervously looking at me. I was stunned. " So does Seth, Clara and... Nathan." As Richard said their name Seth, Clara and Nathan stepped into the room. Looking from one to another confusion hit me like a giant wave. Taking a deep breath I turned back to Richard.

"Amanda said to tell you that Eli is back and he is coming to get something he has been desiring for a long time." As I said this Richard's face did not change. It was as if he was wearing a mask but, really he knew what I was going to say before I said it. 

 "The Black Knights are back?" Nathan said with anger and hatred filling his eyes. "That can't be. He may be his ancestor but he doesn't have the power to bring them back."

"He does and he has."

"Uncle, you knew?"

"Unfortunately, yes. There has been some activity but they've calmed down recently."

"I wonder why." Seth interjected sarcasticly. 

"Okay that's it!" I yelled. The feeling of confusion overwhelmed me again and I was tired of it. " Listen, and listen good. We are all going to sit down and you are going to explain what the hell is happening! Am I understood?" Everyone stared at me. One by one they sat down and waited for me to start asking questions I've been wanting to ask since I met them. "We're all werewolves, right?" 

"Yes. We are a pack." 

"That's the reason we can communicate through  telepathy."


"By the way Nathan said 'his ancestor' when I told you about Eli. I know he's dead. So, who was he back then and who is his reincarnation now?"

"A long time ago he was a bodyguard for your ancestor Amanda. He fell in love with her, but she didn't return his feelings. She was in love with another man his named Nicoli. Knowing this Eli was in raged, so he left the clan and formed one of his own. He fo-"

"The Black Knights, okay I got that part. So, who is he now?"


"Really, Nathan, you expect me to believe that when you acted so rude and voilent toward him. You just don't want me near him."

"He speaks the truth." Richard said standing, along with my mom.

"Let her see for herself the truth." My mom said putting a hand on Richard's shoulder. With a nod Nathan stood and got a antique box from over the fire place and gave it to me. I hesitated looking from one person to another. Opening it slightly I saw a amulet with a bright red ruby in the middle of a silver circle. It was enchanting. I went to brush my fingers over it when Nathan grabbed my hand. Warmth spread through me from where his skin met mine.  The confusing feelings I've been feeling for Nathan surfaced and intensified. 

"Do you think she can handle it?" His eyes were filled with worry as he looked at me. 

"She's my daughter. She can take it." Mom said with an encouraging smile and with that Nathan released my hand. I didn't want him to let go.  Apart of me longed for his touch ever since the day I let go of his hand on the first day I met him. I didn't dwell on it long for I knew they were all looking at me. Waiting for me to proceed with what I was doing. Turning my attention back to the amulet I gently brushed my fingers over it. When I did a flood of images flashed through my mind. 

Amanda was holding hands with a man who looked exactly like Nathan. Nicoli.  They were laughing and caressing each other so lovingly. Looking at each other as if where one ended the other began. It was a beautiful sight until, in the background ,I saw a man with red eyes filled with hate. My breath caught. I only knew of two people with red eyes like that. Looking closely I saw him, even though I really didn't want to. Ethan stood eyeing Amanda and Nicoli as if they were the reason his life was ruined. Eli. The next image was of Amanda and Nicoli holding each other after they made love. Both out of breath and both looking as if they wouldn't rather be anywhere else but here in each other's arms. They were lying in a king size bed with silk sheets and curtains hanging around the bed. This scene was the most beautiful of all but the next image was one of horror and sadness. A woman screams filled my ears as I saw Amanda sweating in the same bed as they were in in the previous image. Nicoli was holding her hand as he watched. She was giving birth. A maiden, that I assumed was Clara's ancestor, was telling her to push.

"Come on, Princess Amanda. You must push."

"I can't! I can't!" Amanda cried. 

"You have to. The baby is almost here. I can see the head." Gathering all her strength. Amanda took in a deep breath and pushed. Soon her screams were replaced with a cries of a baby. "It's a baby boy." Clara's ancestor said gathering the baby in swaddling cloth and handing him to Nicoli. 

"Thank you Clarice." Amanda said taking Clarice's hand in hers. 

"What shall you name him?" She asked. Taking her baby in her arms Amanda simply said.

"He shall be called Gabriel." The peace and silence was short lived when Amanda began feeling pain again. 

"There's another one coming?" Clarice said in surprised. She then banged on the door. A man who looked like Seth walked in wearing a knight's armor. 

"Samuel, take Gabriel." Nicoli said in a rushed taking the baby from Amanda. Samuel did as he was told and took the baby outside. 

"You have to push again Princess." Clarice said. Amanda repeated the process and soon another baby was born and this one was a girl. 

"Gabriella." Amanda said without hesitation. She was out of breath and tired when Samuel came in.

"The Black Knights are coming." He said in a rush handing Gabriel to Clarice. 

"Go." Amanda said before Nicoli could say anything. "Take the children and go." 

"I'm not going to leave you."

"You have to. For the children."

"No I won't."

"Nicoli please. This is my last request of you. You have protected me for so long. Now, it's time for you to protect another." Amanda said caressing his cheek. I knew he wanted to say more but he didn't. Taking Gabriella in his arms him, Clarice and Samuel left. When they were gone Amanda took off the necklace she was wearing. It was the amulet. She put it under her pillow when Eli and his men burst in. With a tired smile she turned to him.

"Your too late. I have already given birth to my children." Sadness and anger flashed in his eyes. Going to her side he took her hand in his. After a moment of silence Eli spoke.

"Why?" He asked, his voice cracking. "Why did you choose him over me?" 

"I love him."

"So much that your willing to die in his stead?"

"Yes." Amanda paused wiping a tear that had fallen for Eli's eyes." I am sorry that I couldn't love you." Meeting her gaze determination and desire replaced his sadness and anger.

"Make no mistake I will have you in this life or the next." Eli said through gritted teeth. He then raised his sword and pierced Amanda's heart. Like the Gray Wolf, Amanda met Eli's gaze as she took her last breath. 

I was then rushed back into the present. The amulet fell from my hand and I colasped. Nathan caught me in his arms.

"April, are you okay?" He asked. The images were still fresh in my mind. Amanda and Nicoli holding each other, kissing, laughing, and just being together. The way he looked at her with such desire. It was beautiful and it reflected in Nathan's eyes. 

"I'm fine." I said not looking away from Nathan. He reached his hand up and brushed away a tear.

"Yeah I see that." He said barely above a whisper. I could feel it. The same feelings Amanda had for Nicoli I had for Nathan. It overwhelmed me and made me feel at peace. 

"That's why you got angry when I went off with Ethan? You thought he had hurt me?"

"Yes. When we were kids everyone thought that Ethan wouldn't follow in the same footsteps as his ancestor, but we were wrong. Once you lost your memory your father took you and your mother away from us. He didn't want you to be apart of the pack anymore. Ethan's father Jason got mad and hunted your father and you down and-"

"He found us last year." The glowing red eyes I saw that night. The shooter's eyes. "But I don't understand why would he be mad that I left? Why would he care?" 

"Because of the prophecy."

"What prophecy?"

"The one about you." Richard said. "It states that the last remaining carrier of the Great Gray Wolf's blood will have great power and whoever can marry and have a child with the carrier will determine the future for all to come. If the child is born from one who is good then all will be well, but if the child is born of evil all will be lost."

"Great Power? Children? How the hell do you expect me to take all this in all at once? I mean, I just found out that I am a werewolf, that I'm the last of the first werewolf's bloodline and now your saying if I screw a good guy everything will be ok but if I make a mistake and screw a bad guy everyone will be doomed?"

"April!" Mom snapped.

"What, Mom, I mean come on is what I'm saying wrong? I don't think so." I sighed and stood with my back to everyone. " I know because my senses aren't heighten that I haven't had the pleasure of shifting. So, when will that happen?"

"Tomorrow, on your seventeenth birthday." Mom answered. After everything I thought nothing could surprise me but I was wrong. So soon. Since Dad died I stopped celebrating my birthday and now not only do I have to remember what happened I also have to go through a probably an excruciating experience. Yay. 

"Is tomorrow the day of the First Wolf's Moon?" Mom nodded slightly. "Good." And with that I went back to Nathan's room and rested for the rest of the day. I knew the pain would come over me tomorrow. The snapping and moving of my bones and muscles. It would be like I was tortured until it ended. Every now and then Clara and Nathan would come to see if I was okay. I would answer with a simple "Of course, I'm just resting" or "I'm preparing myself. I need my strength for the shift." But the truth was I couldn't sleep. The thought of changing into a beast and not being normal anymore made me feel as if I was a monster. Going through Nathan's nightstand I found a notepad and a pen. 


    It's almost been a year since you left me and as the days go on I still feel the pain of your lose. You was my rock and my best friend. Now that your gone I've stumbled upon stuff that I don't yet understand. The fear I feel is a choking hazard and the fact that you won't be beside me to help me through this change makes the fear grow. Daddy, if you get this. I beg you, please be with me when I shift. Only you can help me through a time such as this. I love you Daddy. Please be with me tomorrow. 

Standing I went to the living room and burned the letter. As I did tears rolled down my face. Feeling numb I went back to the room and fell asleep. Dreaming of a new life and of the Gray Wolf howling at the First Wolf's Moon calling me to join her. 

Chapter Four: The Shift

Waking to the sound of chirping birds. I slowly got up and went to the living room. Really taking in my surroundings  I saw two plush black leather couches facing each other with a polished brown coffee table in between them.  There was a love seat at the end of the coffee table and a stone fireplace at the other end. The walls were decorated with pictures of Nathan's family and Indian art. The kitchen was just around the corner. It had polished marble counter tops and a island with a pan rack above it.The stove was a flat top and the cabinets were made of polished oak. The stainless steel sink was to the left wall and had a window where you could see out into the woods. Going back into the living room I saw glass sliding doors and a patio. Making my way out onto the patio and saw a very comfortable looking picnic table to my right near the steps. Taking a seat I took in a deep breath. It felt good to breath in something that would never change. Seeing the sunlight shine through the trees, hitting them just right, made me smile and be filled with a sense of peace and happiness. The sun warmed my skin as I admired it's beauty. I loved this time of day. Dawn. The time where no one was up yet and you was alone. The sincerity was something I've been missing for along time. Closing my eyes and basking in the sunlight a warm hand rubbed my shoulders. 

"Good Morning." Nathan whispered in my ear making my heart skip a beat. To feel his hands moving over my shoulders and gently brush against my neck with his thumbs was something that made my heart beat so fast it felt like it was about to explode. I didn't want to pull away but I knew I had to. Guys like Nathan were sweet and nice but I barely knew him. It scared me how quickly I could fall for him. 

"Nathan, are you like your ancestor? Are you my protector?" I asked turning to face him. Looking into his eyes all I saw was relief and a desire. The same desire I saw last night. He nodded. I began to feel nothing but disbelief and anxiety rise. Keeping calm I asked the question that plagued me ever since I saw the past. "So staying with me, being nice to me, being my friend, is all apart of your job?"  A sharp pain shot through my chest and the longer he stayed silent the more it spread throughout my body. Nathan seem as if he was having a internal war with himself. He took a step back. 

"I'm sorry, April." That's all he said and that's all he had to say. Adverting my eyes and turning to face the woods again I simple nodded. 

"That's what I thought. It's okay, at least you didn't take it too far. Besides if the roles where reversed I would of done the same thing." I said keeping my composure. The sunlight held no more warmth and the morning wind was colder than when I first came out here. "I'm going to go for a walk." 

"Would you like me to come with you?" 

"No, that's okay. I'll be back before anything special happens." I said forcing a smile. I then made my way pass him and back inside. As soon as I closed the glass door mom came in with my duffel bag in her hand. 

"Hey hon-." She stopped seeing my expression. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. What's in the duffel bag?"

"Your clothes."

"Is my cell phone in there?"

"Good." I said taking the duffel bag and shuffling through it until I found my phone and earphones. When I did I made my way out the door and down the stairs and into the woods I went. I felt Nathan's eyes following my every move until I was out of sight. As I walked I began to realize that the woods that filled me with such sincerity and warmth this morning was long gone now. The forest I walk through now is one that fills me with lonliness and chills me to the bone. I couldn't figure out why all of a sudden I felt like this. I don't have any feelings for him, do I? I asked myself . I then started to remember all my encounters with other guys and compared them to all the times I've spent with Nathan. None of them gave me the feelings that Nathan did. Thinking about it all began to give me a headache. So I just stopped thinking and lost myself in the melody of 'Les Miserables- Own My Own' . All of a sudden I found myself feeling as if I was 'Poupine from the movie. A girl who was madly in love with one of her friends and ended up dying for him. Sad but beautiful and extremely depressing to compare myself too.  I stopped abruptly. I don't know why, just something told me to stop.

"April." A familiar voice said. I turned my head looking to my right and then left wondering who was the one who said my name. "April." The voice said again. I spun, losing my balance and falling onto my back.

"Whose there?" I asked. My fear rising. I wasn't usually scared but hearing my name and seeing no one around me had me on edge.

"April, don't be afraid." I rolled my eyes. Really, I thought as I stood up.

"Okay, whoever you are, come out. You don't want me to be afraid? Okay fine I'll be pissed instead. Now come out." I said clenching my fist. A chuckle sounded behind me. When I turned I lost my breath. "Dad?" It's been a year since I heard his voice. Maybe that's why I didn't recognize his voice. I haven't heard it in so long.

"Yes, Angel, it's me." He said smiling. At first he was nothing but a outline of himself but as I began to focus on him. He began to become solid. Dad outstretched his hand toward me.

"Why are you here?" I asked. I wasn't able to ask anything else but that. If I am asleep don't wake me up from this beautiful dream, I thought taking a step toward him. I looked him up and down finally taking him all in. His grease stained pants and bright neon orange shirt. His Crocadile-Don-Dee hat and the way his dark brown hair curled under it. His dark brown eyes danced with life and happiness. His boots crunched on fallen leaves as he stepped closer. He looked the same as he did the day he was killed, minus the bullet holes. A tear slowly ran down my cheek as I once again gazed upon my father in all his glory.

"I got your letter." The melody of his voice still made me feel like a child.

"What le-" I froze. The letter I burned. "Your here to help me shift." Dad nodded.

"It seems some high spirits think that it is necessary for me to be here during your first shift. They said something about the moon could consume your soul before your able to fully change."


"I have no idea. I'm just here under orders." He smiled looking me in my eyes. "And I've missed you, April." That was it. That was all I could take before I ran and crashed into him. He was so solid. So real that when I ran into him, he almost lost his footing.

"I've missed you too, Daddy." I said as tears began to stream down my face.

"I know honey, I know. Your letters were filled with so much sadness. It became harder and harder to read them." Dad said as he tightened his hold on me and patted my head. I didn't know how long we stayed like that. All I know is the feeling of my father's arms around me. Holding me. Protecting me from all the evil in the world. He was the only person who made me feel safe. Well, him and..... Nathan.

"Dad." I paused breaking the silence of the darkening woods. 


"Do you know someone named Nathan Blake?"

"Your guardian? Yeah, why?"

"No reason."

"April." I could hear my father's scrutiny in his voice. I sighed.

"How did you know your were in love with Mom?" I asked trying to change the subject. It worked.

"Easy, my wolf told me."

"Not following you." Dad chuckled.

"Well, I I don't know per se if it was my wolf or not. All I know is when I saw your mother for the first time something drew to me to her. It was like something was pushing and pulling me towards her, and when I first touched her hand it was like I was struck by lightning. A warmth began to spread throughout my whole body starting from my chest. " He paused. I turned to see his eyes glazed over as if he was in a far away place. "That's how I knew that she was my mate." I smiled. Dad sounded like a teenage boy talking about his first love. He may of been twenty to thirty years older then me but he described exactly how I felt toward Nathan. Dad cleared his throat. "Why do you ask?"

"Because that's how I feel toward Nathan but I'm scared." I said snuggling up closer to my Dad.


"Because I'm scared this is nothing but a dream and he may disappear if I get closer to him."

"That will never happen. But that is not the real reason your scared. So, why don't you tell me the real reason your afraid." I sighed.

"I'm scared he'll share the same fate as you. I'm scared he'll die because of me." I said staring at a tree. We sat there in silence, letting my words sink in. When I felt my Dad stiffen. Before I could ask what was wrong a sharp pain began to shot through me. "It's time." I screamed. Arching my back and rolling away from my dad. I glanced to see if he was still there but he wasn't. A new kind of pain shot through me as I looked at where he once was. He was gone again taking away from me when I really needed him. Fear began to mix with the pain at the thought that I was alone. With all of the strength I could muster I screamed from him. "Dad!Dad!!!" Soon my screams became nothing as they began to die down and the pain began to make me mute. The snapping of my bones was all that I could hear. I soon heard the sound of some one running toward me, but that soon was drowned out by my bones dislocating and relocating again.

"April." Nathan's voice called but his voice was muffled. My vision began to blur with tears until I looked up at the rolling clouds. Revealing a bright full moon slowly turning red. Just as fast as it came the pain became a after thought as I became absorbed in the beauty of the turning moon. I was hypnotized. My vision narrowing until I could see nothing but the moon.

"April, look away. If you only focus on it you'll lose your mind." My dad's voice said.

"How do you know?"

"Because the moon will make it to where you'll think your not human anymore. I know because it almost did that to me. The first change is the time where your wolf can be apart of you or it can take over and kill you. You have to be strong enough to fight the urge." I didn't want to listen to him but a part of me knew he was right. It took all my will power to close my eyes but I did and as soon as I did the pain came back ten time worse. The pain knocked the air out of my lungs. I couldn't scream. I could hear the shredding of my skin as fur took it's place. The stretching and shredding of my skin brought my voice back.

"April!" Nathan yelled. I turned to him. Looking into his emerald green eyes all I saw was worry and concern. I then heard a howling in my head and voice that whispered Mate. I didn't know who the voice belonged to but I didn't care. All I know is that Nathan was there and I had to survive this and be strong so I could be with him. Closing my mouth I made sure no more screams escaped. When I did my shift began to go in slow motion. My hands began to stretch and became long claws that looked as if with one sweep of my paw I could take down a tree.. Long grey fur exploded all over my body. My head was crushed and reshaped into a snout. My teeth became long sharp canines that ripped through anything. My ears stretched and became pointed. My legs became like hind legs of a dogs. I glanced toward the moon one last time and saw that it was completely blood red. Signaling the end of my transformation. Raising my chest and throwing my head back I let out a howl of victory over my shift. My howl was joined by many more. Abruptly I stopped and looked around. To my right I saw three massive wolves: My mom, Clara, and Seth. I knew who was which because their fur matched their hair when they were human. To my left I didn't see wolves all I saw was eyes watching me and right in front of me was a jet black wolf. I froze. His eyes were the color of emeralds. Nathan.

"You're beautiful." Nathan said. Everyone nodded in agreement. I wanted to smile but there was something I had to ask.

"Why are you all in wolf form?"

"We wanted to go with you on your first run." Clara said filled with excitement, taking a step forward. I shook my massive head.

"Thank you, but no. I need to do this by myself. I need to understand and accept it on my own. I hope you understand." Looking from one to the other they all nodded. They were disappointed but this was something I had to do alone.

"Be careful." My mom said coming toward me. She put her wolf forehead against mine and nuzzled me. Then turned and walked toward Nathan's house. One by one they left. When they were all gone I closed my eyes and let my wolf instincts take over and before I knew it I was running full speed through the woods. The trees whizzed by me , becoming nothing but a blur. Until I broke through the tree line into a meadow. The same meadow I first talked to Amanda in. The moon was the brightest here and even more hypnotizing. The red tint cast by it took up all my vision. As if I was asleep I walked to the center of the meadow. Never once taking my eyes off the sky. Lost in the moon's glory I didn't even notice that I was no longer alone.


Turning toward the sound waiting for a attack, but no one was there. Looking closely, not even a 100 feet away was a doe and a fawn. Seeing them made my mouth water. The doe had juicy, plump sides and legs. She was the only thing I was focused on at the moment. Looking into her black eyes I waited for her to run. The hope of a chase, of running after something made my blood rush. Looking at me one last time, the doe turned and ran. The fawn not far behind her. Without hesitation I gave hot pursuit. The chase was intoxicating and well deserved. So I prolonged it the best I could until I couldn't fight the hunger growing inside of me. With one graceful leap the chase was over. The doe was dead. The taste of its blood was something that fueled my wolf. Making me rip it apart with my teeth and savor the taste as the meat eased down my throat. Something that once was alive was now dead at my feet. Soon I was done and turned away and the sight that greeted me made me froze. The fawn was there staring at me. I didn't know how long she had been there but I knew she sat there quietly as I savagely ripped her mother apart. Looking into her eyes I saw the reflection of myself. A massive gray wolf with dark red blood smeared and dripping from it's mouth. Apart of myself broke and a whimper came from me. I was a monster. I just ripped this doe, this fawn's mother apart right in front of her. Why? Because I was hungry? Because I was a wolf? Even a wolf should have the decency and hide this from a child, but I didn't.

Lowering my head I walked away, ashamed by what I done. It wasn't right. To my wolf it was but to my human self it was almost like killing a human mother in front of her child. Like Ethan's dad did to me. I'm just like my father's killers. That one thought shot through me and chilled me to the core. I hated the men who took the only person who truly understood me and killed him. My anger made my blood biol and a growl rumble in my chest.

"Calm yourself before we end up doing something we'll both regret." A voice whispered in my head. I froze.

"Who are you?"

"I am your wolf. My name is Terra."This should of probably freaked me out but from all that I've been through this was just something else that I had to except.

"So your apart of me now?"

"I have always been apart of you, April. I chose you to be my carrier long ago. I've just been asleep. Now I am finally awake."I paused for a moment thinking over her words when realization hit me.

"Your the Great Grey Wolf. The Queen of the woods that protected the hunter so long ago, right?"

"Yes I am."

"Why are you back?"

"Because evil is brewing and the only way your can stop it is with my help."

"How can you help us when you couldn't even help yourself back then?"

"Because you still don't have your memories back and I believe you are stronger then those around you think. Your destiny has been written many centuries ago, April. It's time for you to accept it."

"I guess I have no choice." 

"Everything will be okay. Now that your back with your pack you'll be able to face the evil that is coming." I knew that she was right. With my friends and my mom by my side I could do anything just to keep them safe. "Let's rest."  I nodded suddenly exhausted. I settled next to a tree and before my fears of failing and people dying because of me could plague my mind I was fast asleep. 


Chapter Five: Reborn

      The air was moist as was the grass beneath me. Warmth danced on my skin. Slowly, I opened my eyes and gasped. Sunlight was peaking through the trees to where I laid, giving the woods a look of enchantment, but that is not what took my breath away. No, it was how clearly I could see the bark of a tree across from me as if I was right next to it. It was how clearly I could see the meadow even though I was miles away from it. It was how clearly I could hear a squirrel start it's day even though it was no where near me. And finally, it was how I could smell the dew and flowers all around me and those far away. I was reborn into a world filled with so many amazing things. I was so wrapped up in the things I could smell and see that I didn't hear someone approaching.

     "April?" Nathan said as if he was talking to small, scared child. I turned to him. Once our eyes met something inside me snapped and a flood of emotions washed over me. One, specifically, was more intense then the rest. I didn't know what it was but it made me feel light as a feather. Warmth began to spread from my chest. My heart pounded against my ribs and before I knew it Nathan was in my arms.  He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

     "Um.... April?" Clara said from behind me. She sounded amused and a little bit on the verge of laughter. Even though I didn't want to, I slowly let go of Nathan. When I looked at him his face was tomato red as he adverted his eyes to stare at something else. I turned to Clara confused.

     "What?" I could tell she was a second away from bursting out laughing but she was trying not to.

     "Your kind of, how should I say, naked right now. You also have something on your face."

    "Huh?" I was confused but then the memories of last night resurfaced. My first shift, my run, the meadow, the moon, and the...... Horror filled me as I remembered what I did. The deer I chased down and killed right in front of it's fawn..... It's child. My guilt and anger at what I done washed away all the happiness and warmth I had felt just mere seconds ago. I sank to my knees. All the feelings bore down on me until they were nothing but distant memories. I wasn't happy or anger. I was just numb.

     "April, are you okay?" Nathan asked as he draped a blanket around me.

    "No." My voice was emotionless. " I killed a living creature last night."

    "What was it?"

      "A deer."

    "Wait a minute, your freaking out because you killed a deer?" Seth said. He was leaning on a tree. He then began to laugh like it was the funniest thing he ever heard. Anger boiled inside me as he continued to laugh. Moving at lightning speed and before any one could stop me I had Seth by the neck. Pressing him against the tree he was on my vision changed, turning red once again.

    "No, Seth, I'm freaking out because I killed that deer in front of her child. I killed a living creature in front of it's baby. Just like the people who killed my father did to me. I ripped her apart while that fawn watched." With the start of every sentence my tears welled up and soon began to stream down my face like a never ending river. My grip loosen and Seth sank down to the foot of the tree.

    "Everything will be okay, April." Clara said as she went to check on Seth. Immediately, I felt shame and guilt for what I did. Seth was rubbing his neck and taking in big gulps of air.

    "You were angry." Terra said soothingly, but that wasn't an excuse. Nathan came to my side, put the blanket back on me, and gathered me in his arms.

    "Why did I do that?" I paused. "I've never done that before. Not until now."

    "It's because of the shift. You'll get angry easily and faster then before, but you will learn to control that." Even though he tried to comfort me, I still felt as if I had turned into a monster.

    "What have I become?"

    "Something beautiful." Nathan said pulling me tightly against him. He then began to lead me back to his house with Clara and Seth a few feet behind us. As we walked the guilt I felt became heavier and heavier with each step. "Don't worry he'll heal."

     "I'm glad, I just hope he can forgive me."

    "We're a pack. He has already forgiven you."

    "A pack? I haven't agreed to be apart of your pack."

    "You will."

    "How do you know what I will and won't do?"

    " Because I'm connected with you."

    "No you mean it's apart of your job to get me to agree to be apart of your pack." All of a sudden being next to him was like being next to my prison guard. So I quicken my step and got as far away from him as I could. Soon we broke through the tree line. On the terrace stood my mother, Rick, some people I never met before, and some I've met around school. Mom smiled at me as I made my way toward them.

    "Who are these people?"

    "Your pack." My mother's voice said in my head.

    "They are not my pack."

    "They will be."

    "Don't count on it." I snapped. Mom bowed her head and our private conversation ended. As I made my way up the steps I could see the boys watching closely as the opening of the blanket flowed open with my movements, giving them a sneak peak at what was hidden underneath. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Behind me I heard Nathan growl. Sounding possessive over something that wasn't his.

     "Advert your eyes boys." Rick said stepping in front of them. They did as he said. "Thank you." Rolling my eyes I continued passed them and into the house. Going straight to Nathan's room. There I found my suitcase and gathered up a pair of puke green shorts that reached my mid-thigh and my black Tap-Out shirt and went to the bathroom. The floor was lined with white tile and the sink was made of blue marble. Next to the sink was a closet that held the towels, wash clothes, and the necessities for a event free bath/shower. The shower was a block in a corner where the walls were see through and the bath was next to it. It was round and blissfully white. They both appealed to me but the thought of a long bath was more tempting. I went to the tub and turned on the hot water. As I waited for it to fill up I went to the mirror and dropped the blanket. I studied myself. The twigs that were stuck in my hair. The dirt and dried animal blood that caked my face but, unfortunately, that is all that looked horrendous. My body seemed to have transformed. My skin glowed as if I was surrounded by a blinding light. I seemed taller and my muscles seemed more toned then usual. It looked as if I spent a time or two at the gym when in reality I didn't never go near the gym. Gingerly, I picked the twig out of my hair and threw them into a trash can next to the toilet which so happen to be in a closed in closet next to the door and shower. I then went and got a towel and washed cloth, turned off the water and slowly lowered myself into the welcoming and calming serenity of the bath. Slowly, I submerged myself and let the sound of the outside world drain away. Unfortunately, even under water I could still hear conversations that were being held at different ends of the house. One of which was of how hot I was. Another was how I would handle the pressure of being the One. And the last one, the one that struck me to my core, was of the topic of me finding my mate and soon.

     "My mate. I haven't been a werewolf for a day and their already discussing me finding a mate?! No absolutely not and it's none of their business."

    "It kind of is." Terra said. I groaned.

   "You know, I was hoping i could have a bath without anyone or 'thing' in my head."

   "Sorry, I could feel your emotions becoming unstable."

   "Unstable? I'm perfectly fine."

   "Tell that to the side of the tub."

   "What?" I opened my eyes and saw where my hand was gripping the side of the tub so hard it left dents where my fingers were. I sat up and took a breath. I then went through the process of washing my body and hair. When I was done I sat there trying to drown out all the conversations and all the noises. For the first time in my life all I wanted was silence. I don't know how long I sat there until I heard someone enter Nathan's room.

   "April?" Nathan said on the other side of the door. He knocked. "April, you okay?"

   "Yeah, I'm fine." I said a little too bitterly. " I'm just getting a bath. I'll be out in a min-" Nathan entered. Looking at him now the same feeling that consumed me when I first saw him today came over me again. It was blissful and amazing but unlike the last time this feeling was destroyed when I remembered the cold truth. His job. I'm his jo-

   "Quit that!" Nathan demanded through gritted teeth. He then took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." Nathan grabbed my towel and handed it to me. When he turned his back I got out and wrapped it around me.

   "Sorry, I forgot you can hear my thoughts now."

   "Everyone can." I groaned.

   "Great it wasn't enough that you, my mother, Clara, and Simon are in my head but now a bunch of strangers are too." Usually at this point I would be frustrated but now that I'm different I'm full out fuming.

   "Don't worry I'll teach you how to block them out."

   "Okay you can do that when I'm not completely naked now leave!"

   "Look I know you are mad but that doesn't give you the right to snap at me."

      "The right? The Right?! Does any one in this DAMN house have the right to talk about me? Talk about how I'm expose to find my MATE ? I may be new to this whole werewolf thing but I know what a FUCKING mate is and no one has the right to talk about my love life and I hope every one of them MOTHER FUCKERS hear me!!!!" I yelled.

     "That's enough, April. They just want you to be protected."

     "Don't even. I can take care of myself."

     "No you can't. Not with your enemy out there planning and waiting for the time to strike. You're not strong enough to face them alone."

    "You don't know anything about me." I said getting mere inches away from his face. The house fell silent. Everyone listened to my words and my screaming.

    "Looks like that's the only way they can hear you." Terra said. I knew she was grinning but I couldn't bring myself to join her. "Listen, Kid, you should know we have already found our mate."

   "What?! Where?!"

   "Right in front of you." I gasped. Hoping beyond hope that Nathan didn't hear her. He studied me for a moment. I stepped away and turned my back to him.

   "What's wrong?" Nathan asked confused. I hesitated before answering.

    "Everything." I whispered. I knew he heard me. "Please leave, Nathan. I need sometime to myself." He stood there silent for a few brief moments and then sighed.

      "Very well." Nathan said. I heard the door shut behind him as he left. I don't know how long I stood there staring at the white tile. I don't even know the moment I sunk down to my knees and began to sob. Time alluded me until I got too cold and the sun disappeared, going to rest until dawn comes again. Feeling numb I stood, dressed myself and fell on Nathan's bed. That night I couldn't sleep. The shock of seeing my father set in and so did the thought that I am forever changed. I laid on my side, staring at the wall watching shadows pass on it and watching it go from light to dark. I stayed like that until my stomach grumble. Slowly, I stood and made my way down the hall. When I entered the living room my mom was on the coach asleep her cover on the floor. I was still mad at her but she was still my mother. I grabbed the fallen blanket and secured it on her. I gave her a peck on the cheek and made my way to the kitchen. I went straight to the fridge, which was also stainless steel, and opened it. Inside I found a pack of bologna and sliced cheese so I decided to make a sandwich. 

     "Make two please." Clara said as I began to set things on the island. Her arms were folded and she was leaning on the counter. 

   "Sure." I said not skipping a beat. I could feel her watching me. "Anything else I can do for you?"

   "Yeah..... You can tell me what's wrong."

    "What you mean?"

    "Don't play stupid. I heard you yesterday along with everyone else. I also heard you crying. So, tell me." 

     "Clara, I really don't want to." 

     "Too bad. Spill." I knew I wasn't going to get rid of her unless I told her the truth. I sighed. 

     "I over heard a few conversations talking about how I need to find a mate. It made me mad that they think they have the right to talk about my love life. Not only that the shock of the change and the shock of me hearing from Terra that I've already found my mate. It's just-"

      "Wait. Whose Terra?"

    "My wolf."

    "You can communicate with your wolf?" Clara asked her voice filled with awe. Her eyes widen and I nearly laughed. She reminded me of a little child being offered a cookie or candy. It was adorable. 

      "Yeah, can't you?"  

     "No. It's been said that only the descendent of the Primo Luna is able to talk to their wolf."

     "The Primo Luna?"

     "It means the First Luna in Latin. Anyway, you being able to talk to your wolf is truly amazing and a gift. The only time others can talk to theirs is when they find their mate but you.... you can talk to someone that really knows you. It's terribilis ."


     "Another Latin word meaning awesome." Clara said smiling from ear to ear. I chuckled a little as I began to make my and her sandwiches. 

    "First, you need to stop with the whole Latin thing you got going on because it's just confusing me more and more, okay. And, second there's nothing really great about communication with Terra. Especially, when she only tells me things that I DO NOT want to hear."

    "Like what?" 

     "Nothing." I said handing Clara her two sandwiches. 

    "Oh, come on, April, tell me." 


    "Why not?"

     "Because she's wrong and that's the end of it." 

     "How are you so sure?"

      "Because there is no way in HELL that I will be a mate to an jackass like Nathan!" I said my voice getting louder. The house went still until I heard two doors open from the hall way and the squeak of leather as my mother sat up. I sighed. My secret was out now and there is nothing I can do to take it back. "Clara can you put all the stuff away? And if you're still hungry then eat me sandwiches. I'm not hungry anymore." 


       "Is it true?" My mother said in the doorway. I stared at the island. 

       "That's what Terra says."


       "Her wolf." Clara said as she squeezed my shoulder. We shared a glance and she went on to clean up the mess I made. I walked past my mom trying to avoid a subject I didn't want to talk about but it seems fate had other plans. Because in the living room stood Rick and... Nathan. 

        "Mate!"  Terra said. Her voice was so fill with a sort of girlie excitement that made me hesitate a minute.

         "Shut up!" The room was silent and you could feel the tension in the air.

          "Is it true?" Nathan asked taking a step toward me. His voice was filled with hope and excitement. It took all my will power not to throw my arms around him and feel his embrace again. To feel the warmth of his body, to smell his scent and get intoxicated with it, to once again feel that special tingle go through my body, when his skin touch mine, one last time. I knew if I spoke my will would break so I just simple nodded. Nathan smiled and took another stepped forward. I took two back. A flash of hurt went across his face. Rick put his hand on Nathan's shoulder and spoke.

            "April, if you and Nathan are truly mates then that's great. We-"

            "We're not mates." I said eyeing Rick. The anger inside me was still there and I knew that I shouldn't dwell on it forever. So, I had to say one last thing before I'd let this matter rest. " I am the one who chooses who I am with. Understand? And I can't be with someone who only approached me because I was his -"

             "I told you to stop saying that."

             "I can't Nathan. Do you know how hard it is to hear from a guy you deeply care about that you are his job? You don't. So, let me tell you how it feels. It feels like a numbing void. It consumes your every thought. Every time you think that maybe... maybe y'all can be together. It's destroyed by that one thought. That one little thought that says you are nothing to him but a job."

              "That's not true!" Nathan snapped. "Look you've said your peace now it's my turn, okay. Now shut up and listen...... I do care about you. I mean, yes in the beginning I was told to approach you but I didn't know it was going to be you. I didn't know who it was going to be. All I knew was that someone from my past was coming back. And when I saw you, I knew you were meant to be mine. Not because my wolf told me but because when I saw you it's like everything disappeared and it was just you and me. When I'm close to you I feel like the luckiest guy in the world and I... I love you, April." I didn't know what to do or what to say. I just stood there staring at him, not believing what I just heard.

            "What did you just say?" My voice wasn't my own.  It was small and soft like it came from a child.

            "I said I love you." Before I knew it I was lost once again in that intoxicating feeling where warmth began to spread starting from my chest. It was amazing. Terra was doing a little happy girl dance. Mom and Clara were looking on from the kitchen threshold and Rick stood motionless looking from me to Nathan and back again. He then coughed.  Forcing all attention on him.

          "I think it'll be best if y'all went outside and talk this out."

          "No it's okay. There is nothing more to say. All that's left now is for us to process what was said." Mom said. Saving me from acting right then. "Come on, April. Go lay down. I know you didn't sleep last night and I'll bring your sandwiches to you." I nodded and did what she said. She was right everyone there needed to process what was said. I ate and then fell into a blissful sleep. When I woke the next morning I felt that I was truly reborn.


Chapter Six: Memories Return


He loves me? Does he really? These are the questions that plagued my thoughts as I laid there in Nathan's bed. He shocked everyone when he said it but to me it wasn't what he said. It's how he said it. I could hear in his voice the raw emotion and the anger at my accusation that I was nothing but a job to him. 

  "You should talk to him." Terra said as sweetly as she could.

  "I can't." My voice sounded weak and fragile. I then sat up and drew my knees to me.Wrapping my arms around my legs I rested my chin on my knees.

   "Why not?"

   "Because I don't know what I feel. I'm so confused and adding you into the mix isn't helping."

   "Maybe if you talk to him and not argue then maybe you can figure something out."

   "Terra, it won't help. Besides it's the middle of the night. There is no way he'll be up now." 

   "Why don't you try and find out?" I sighed in defeat. I wasn't going to win this battle with Terra but I knew she was right. I needed to talk to him. But my feelings toward him have changed.  Like everything else. Not long ago I always said that no matter what who I married or dated would be someone I chose. Unfortunately that had changed. I won't chose I'm with. Terra will and that mad me madder then anything else. Having my freedom to make a decision stripped away from me made me feel like I was nothing but a pawn. Who had no thoughts, no choice, no freedom. I was nothing but obedient and useful. 

    "You really need to stop with that. You have a choice. Me and you are now one. So whatever I want you want it too." 

    "It doesn't feel that way."

    "Because you didn't want to admit it to yourself until I came along. Now you know that you subconsciously wanted Nathan and it scares the hell out of you. But you aren't the first. Many of your ancestors didn't want to admit to themselves that they wanted the their guardian. Until finally they realized that their guardian was the man they wanted with or without me. You'll come to the same realization. But you have to talk to him first."

     "You're not going to let this go until I talk to him, are you?"


     "You suck."  Taking a deep breath I tried to send a message to only Nathan. I hoped that I wouldn't wake anyone up and a part of me hoped he would be asleep. "Nathan, you up?"

      "Yeah." Hearing his voice in my head made my heart rate speed up. 

      "You....You want to talk?" 

      "I thought we did that earlier." I could hear his sadness and a little bit of anger in his voice.

      "Please, Nathan. We need to talk." I waited for him to reply. It got to the point where I thought he was ignoring me. "Nathan?"

      "I'll be there in a minute."And he was right. Before I knew it he was knocking on the door. My heart skipped a beat. I hesitated. The words 'Come in' stuck in my throat and I had no way to get them out. I wanted to see him. I needed to. But fear gripped me. What will I say? What will be our next step? Will I lose him after this? Without waiting for me to answer him, Nathan walked in. My breath caught in my throat. He wore nothing but navy blue gym shorts. I adverted my gaze. He was beautiful. His muscles bulged. He looked as if he worked out every day. Keeping a physique that was simple gorgeous.  Closing the door, Nathan stood there with his arms crossed.

     "You wanted to talk?" He said. I could hear the amusement in his voice. I kept my eyes on the wall. Terra kept pestering me to look and admire him. She even told me to go have a feel but I couldn't. 

     "Uh... could you put a shirt on?" I asked as I felt my cheeks warm up. 

    "I could but why would I? I get hot at night. Besides you would have to pass me one." 

     "Where are they?"

    "In the dresser." Thankfully the dresser was near the wall I was looking at. Keeping my eyes focused on that I got up, grabbed a black shirt, and handed it to Nathan. He reached out to grab it and our hands touched. That tingle I felt the first time we touched was there, but it was different. This time it came full force. Warmth began to spread through out my body and before I noticed what I was doing I slowly turned around and met his stare. Nathan's eyes were filled with longing, love, and a deep desire that I knew all too well. I began to breath heavily. I wanted so bad to touch, to kiss him, to become his. It was a feeling that over powered. 

      "His your mate. Of course you will feel like this toward him." Terra said.

     "Shut up!" I said snapping myself back to reality. It took all I had to pull my hand away from his. When I did I turned my back to him and took a sit on the bed.

    "Did you feel that?" I asked. My voice sounded like it came from a child who was afraid.

   "You know I did." Nathan said as he put on the shirt I gave him.

   "What was that?" 

  "Our connection. Our wolves have already excepted each other as mates and so their giving us a little push toward each other until we give in."

    "So, basically we had no choice in the matter?"

   "We do. At any moment we could reject the other but it will be painful for both of us." I turned to face him.

   "What do you mean?"

   "When a wolves chose to be mates they bond together to get their host to also agree. When they bond they tie their spirits together. Making them the other ones half. But the host of the wolves still have a choice in the matter. if they chose to reject the mate that their wolf has chosen for them then the two wolves spirits tear apart and that hurts like hell. After its done the host will feel forever as if a part of themselves is gone. They will try to fill the void but they won't be able to." 

     "So you're telling me that Terra and your wolf- "


    "Luss? That's your wolf's name?"


    "Okay, how did you come up with that?"

    "I didn't. Like you I can communicate with my wolf,but I can't do it all the time. Only when in wolf form. "

     "Oh....anyway, Luss and Terra basically took it upon themselves to make themselves mates?" 

     "Yep it was beautiful to watch."

     "You saw them bind together."

    "Yeah... we-we both did." As soon as he said the words I was no longer sitting on his bed. 

The scene that stood before me was when me and Nathan were twelve years old. We were behind his house in the woods, sitting on a boulder that was covered in moss. I could feel it under me. It was cold and wet but I didn't care. All I cared about was Nathan sitting next to me. I could feel the warmth radiating from his body. It was dawn and the sun was coming up. But all I could think about was him. For the longest time I've had a crush on him. Every day and hour I was with him I couldn't help but admire him and feel close to him.  Even though the sun was casting the forest in a beautiful light i couldn't help but look at Nathan. Everything about him was intoxicating. His smell, his laugh, the way he moved.

      "Why are you looking at me?" Nathan said turning toward me. I looked away.

      "No reason." 


     "It's nothing Nat. I was just making sure you didn't have a bug on you." I lied meeting his gaze. I knew I was caught but I wasn't about to admit to him that I liked him. When I met his stare I felt something inside stir and I knew he felt it too. And before either of us could say a word a grey light ascended from my chest. A black light came from him. We watched as they circled each other. Getting higher and higher. They eventually took on a shape and those shapes were two wolves. One grey and one black. They paid no attention to us and looked at each other. They step toward each other until the touched each others forehead. Then they vanished. I gasped in shock as I felt my wolf return to my body. Hesitantly, I turned to Nathan. He met my gaze.

    "Does that mean what I think it means?" I asked my voice shaky. Nathan nodded and just like that I was back in Nathan's room on his bed.

      "April, are you okay?" Nathan asked. My head was in my hands and he was crouched down beside me. The look of concern on his face made my heart do a flip. I slowly met his gaze. 

     "I remember."

     "You what?" 

     "I remember. I remember me and you together when Luss and Terra joined." The look of realization came across his face as my words began to sink in. Before I could stop my self I reached my hand out and caressed his cheek. I remembered all the times I stole looks at him hoping he wouldn't see me. I remember when I realized I liked Nathan. 

      "That's why you chose him. You knew I was falling in love with him."

      "I promised you when you were young that I wouldn't make you mate with a man you didn't love and who I didn't think would be good for you." 

      "Thank you."

       "No problem." And with that our conversation ended. With all my focus on Nathan I noticed he had a look of hope on his face. 

        "April, does this mean you accept me?"

         "As a mate no." Nathan bowed his head. I put my finger under his chin and lifted his head so I could look him in the eye. "But as a boyfriend, yes." A boyish grin spread across his face as a light appeared in his eyes. In one swift motion he lifted me up and hugged me tight. I giggled. Nathan seemed to be happy over something so little, but I guess beginning to be something more then a friend would make any wolf happy.  

            "Thank you." Nathan said as he set me on the ground.

            "For what?"

             "For not friend zoning me for life."  Nathan said with a smile. He kept his hands on my waist and pulled me closer. Even though he wasn't touching my skin I still had a tingling sensation where his hands were.

             "I don't think I've could of done that." I said wrapping my hands around his neck. The way we were felt so natural. Like we've done this a thousand times. I loved how it felt to have my arms around his neck and to have his on my hips. Terra howled once in approval.  Even though this moment was filled with happiness a feeling of tiredness and weakness came over me. It made my knees buckle. I would of hit the floor if Nathan wasn't holding me. 

             "What's wrong?" I sat on the bed. 

              "It's nothing. I'm just tired. It seems like my memories take a lot to remember."

             "Then you should get some rest and I...I should go." Nathan turned to leave. I grabbed his hand.

            "Don't go." He slowly turned to face me. "Please, stay with me tonight?" I could tell I took him by surprised. I surprised myself but I didn't want him to leave. Hesitantly,  he closed the door and slowly slide in beside me.  I snuggled up close to him. Putting my head on his chest I could hear how fast his heart was beating. It sounded as if at any moment his heart would pound itself out his chest. Hearing this made my heart match his rhythm. It was like a simple touch would put him on edge. It was intoxicating. Wasn't every day were you could drive a boy to their knees with just a simple touch . I smiled. "Your heart is pounding."

          "You don't know how long I have been waiting for this." Nathan said as he slowly moved his arm and hand to were they gently caressed my shoulder. His statement took me by surprise.

         "How... How long have you been waiting for this?" I said looking up at him. He was so happy over something so simple.

         "For as long as I can remember." His voice was nothing but a whisper. But with that one statement I was pushed back into another memory.

It at night and me and him were outside on his terrace at the picnic table. I was leaning against Nathan and he had his arms wrapped around me. The night sky shined with the full moon giving us a spot light. It was perfect and beautiful.

               "I wish we could stay like this forever." I said in a care free voice.  I then took a deep breath. Then a feeling of dread washed over me. I knew this wouldn't be able to last. Not forever because my father was taking me and my mom away from here. From this place of peace and I have no idea why.

               "Me too." Nathan said as he tighten his grip and pulled me closer to him. Tomorrow I was suppose to move away from him. How could I do that? Nathan was the one I was suppose to be with. How could I stand to be so far away from him? I sighed.

               " You know we're going to be like Romeo and Juliet right?"

               "What do you mean?"

               "Don't play dumb Nathan." I sat up and pulled away from him. " You know my dad is moving us away and I won't be able to see you. Not to sound like a love sick teenager but I'm going to miss you and not seeing you is going to drive me crazy." Nathan put his hand on my shoulder.

               "I know it is and it's going to drive me crazy to but we'll get through this. Together." I turned to face him. As I stared into his eyes I knew that leaving him was going to be the hardest thing I've ever done.

              "April, It's time for us to go." My mom yelled from inside.

              "Coming." I replied looking one last time at Nathan. "Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow That I shall say good night till it be morrow."  I gently put my hand on his cheek, gave him a soft kiss, and got up to leave. Nathan grabbed my hand before I could go.

             "O blessed, blessed night! I am afeard, Being night, all this is but a dream, Too flattering sweet to be substantial." I smiled.

             "I didn't know you knew Romeo and Juliet. Well at least what they say. Looks, like I learn something knew about you every day." I said leaning over and kissing him on his forehead.  "I'll see you around."

              "Yeah, see ya." And with that I made my way inside.

              "Hey hon. you ready?" Mom asked completely oblivious to my heart slowly breaking.

               "Yeah." Taking one last look at Nathan I left.

               "April? April, are you okay?" Nathan asked franticly, shaking me as if he was trying to wake me from a coma.

               "Nathan, stop please." I said putting my hand on his chest and sitting up.

              "What is it? Did you remember something else?"

              "Yeah. I- I think I just remembered the day of the crash."

              "You mean you remembered the crash? What happened and everything?"

              "No, I remembered saying good bye to you." Meeting Nathan's gaze I saw him in a new light. I saw him as I saw him when we were twelve.  An amazing beautiful boy who was the best thing I could ever have and all that I wanted. It's ironic I use to think that twelve year olds didn't know what love was, but now I know that no matter what age you are if you find true love then it doesn't matter how many people tell you that you're wrong. You know with every fiber of your being that what you're feeling is right.  The way Nathan looked at me now hadn't changed from the first day I met him or at least when I meet him for the second time. But this time I knew what his eyes were filled with. What they always been filled with love, pure love. Gently putting my hand to his cheek and I did something that I have never done before. I leaned in and kissed him. It was nothing but a soft brief kiss, but it felt like something so much more. It felt like being struck by lightning but in a good way.

              "What- What was that for?" Nathan asked smiling his goofy grin.

              "Nothing. I just felt like doing it"

              "Well, um, you feel like doing it again."

              "I don't know. Maybe." I said leaning in. When our lips met again it was like a fire came to life in both of us and we couldn't get enough of each other. Our hands explored every inch of each other. I pressed my chest to his trying to get as close as I could to him. My heart was pounding as I felt a tingling between my legs. I was aroused and I wanted more of Nathan. I don't know when he did this but Nathan manage to position me to were I was straddling him. I could feel his erection through his shorts and I wanted him inside me. I wanted to be one with him and be forever bound to him and only him. At that moment something happened that will forever be scaring to me.


                "April, are you a-" My mother stopped abruptly in the threshold of the room with Richard right behind her. I froze. I didn't turn to face her because I didn't know what to say or do in a situation like this. I could feel my mother's eyes drilling hole in my back. Nathan was holding his breath and looking at me. He was waiting for me to make the first move but I didn't. That is until I heard my mother start growling. Richard cleared his throat.

                 "Um... April please get off my nephew." Keeping my eyes forward I slowly moved and position myself in a kneeling position on the bed still facing the wall. My cheeks began to burn. There was no way I was going to face my mother. Not now, not while Nathan was on my bed.

                   "So, I see we've caught you at a bad time." My mother said clearly holding back her anger. "But we wanted to know if you were okay." My throat was dry as I swallowed. Hoping to be able to get enough moisture so I could speak, but that was a long shot.

                    "Yeah..... I'm....I'm, uh, fine, Mom. S-Sorry to have worried you."

                   "Well, we see that." Hearing chuckling I turned to see Clara and Seth behind mom and Richard. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against my knees.

                  "Well Terra you got any bright ideas?"


               "Great." Nathan and I were on our own and neither of us knew what to say to get us out of this. They basically caught us with our pants down. So to speak.

                        "Mrs. Banks, I can explain."

                        "I bet."

                      "It was my fault. When April told me she accepted me as her boyfriend I got too excited. Then our wolves took over and I'm sorry. I should have went but-"

                     "But I asked him to stay. It was my fault as well. I'm sorry." Meeting my mother's eyes for the first time she did something I didn't expect her to do. She smiled.

                     "It's okay, April. I understand."

                      "You do?"

                      "Yeah. When I first found your father and our wolves merged it was amazing. We couldn't stay away from each other. When I was with him he made me feel like I was the most beautiful thing in the world. He made me feel special. So yeah I understand." I smiled. Seeing how my mother's eyes lit up as she talk about my father I loved it. I always wanted something like that. I turned and looked at Nathan. When our eyes met I knew that I finally found what my mother and father had.

                     "Mom, the reason I wanted Nathan to stay was because I-I remembered a couple of things that happened before the accident."

                       "You did?"

                      "Yeah. I remembered when I wolves merged and I remembered when we said good bye the day of the accident. And when I started to remember lot feelings came back and it took a lot out of me. So, I know this may be a long shot but I was wondering could he still stay. We'll sleep with the door open and everything. I just want to know if I'll remember anything else." I pleaded. I could tell immediately she was about to totally reject my idea when Clara stepped in.

                     "Before you shot down April's idea would it be better if me and Seth sleep in here with them. Like we use to do as kids. Besides it may trigger a memory." We all waited nervously for Mom's answer.


                  "Yes, thank you Mom." I said getting up and hugging her. Seth ran and jumped on the bed.

                "You sure Mrs. Banks? I mean we could very naughty things in here." Seth joked. Nathan got a pillow and hit him upside the head.

              "Okay kids. Why don't you all pile in so we can all go back to bed." Richard said as he closed the door. We then divided the bed. Me and Nathan were on the right side with me at the edge. Seth and Clara were on the left with Seth next to Nathan. Wrapping his arms around me I felt at home.

                "Good night, April." Nathan whispered in my ear.

               "Good night." I said as I closed my eyes. As soon as my mind drifted off it was like a dam broke loose and all my memories floated back to me. I remembered everything. From playing with Clara, Seth, and Nathan to watching TV with my parents. I remember laughing at my dad's jokes and having mini food fights in the kitchen. My mind was filled with all the beautiful memories I lost at twelve years old. And now they would be forever cherished and never forgotten.

Chapter Seven: Natalie Attacks


I woke to the smell of bacon and the sound of popping cooking grease. I grinned, not because of the bacon, but because I was still in the arms of the man I cared for. Turning slowly, so I wouldn't wake Nathan, I faced him. I watched his chest fall and rise and ran my hand across it. Feeling his chest move under my hand was perfect. His lean muscles were something from a fantasy. Moving my hand up began to caress his cheek and I began memorizing his face with my eyes and my hand. The feel of it soft and smooth, the way he slept with his lips parted slightly. As if waiting for a kiss. The way he looked so peaceful. It was a beautiful sight and one that I will treasure always.

         "If you keep looking at me like that you're going to drill holes in my head." Nathan said groggily as he turned to face me and smiled.


        "Don't be. Besides I could get use to this."

        "Use to what?"

       "Waking up to you." Nathan gently caressed my cheek.

       "Sorry to interrupt this romantic moment but breakfast is ready." Mom said leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.

         "Okay Mom. We'll be there in a sec." I said getting up.

         "You better hurry before Seth and Clara eat it all."

         "Seth and Clara? I thought they were asleep."

         "Nope we've been up for an hour." Seth said as he stepped up behind my mom. He was chewing on a piece of bacon. I chuckled.

           "Hurry up before all the bacon is gone."

           "Okay, we're on our way." Getting up me and Nathan followed my mom and Seth to the kitchen, where we saw Clara sitting at the island and Richard cooking more bacon.

            "Well, look who decided to wake up." Richard said as he put freshly cooked bacon on a plate. Looking across the island my mouth began to water. Laying there in all its glory was bacon, eggs, sausages, cheese grits, and a mountain of toast. It was a breakfast for champions and before I knew what I was doing I was attacking the buffet like I've hadn't eaten in days. It wasn't until I heard Terra laughing in my head then I stopped. I slowly turned and saw everyone smiling, trying not to laugh.

            "I'm sorry." I said as I swallowed what I had in my mouth and backed away from the island. "I- I don't know what came over me."

             "It's okay sweetie. It happens. After the first shift you get very hungry and tired. Add on top of that everything you've been through. It takes a lot out of you."

              "Thanks, Mom. I think I've had more than my fair share. So, I'll leave the rest for you guys and everyone else."

            "Everyone else?"

           "Yeah the rest of the pack."

          "Oh they've all gone home."

         "Really? I thought werewolves stayed in the same house or at least in the same area as everyone."

        "We do they just leave a two miles away. We believe in privacy."

        "What if one of you is attacked?"

         "If that happens then the rest of the pack will be alerted and we'll try to get to them as fast as we can."

       "Sounds reasonable."

        "Okay that's enough questioning for today. You all have things to do." Mom said making her way towards Richard.

        "What you mean?"

        "Well, you have to get your stuff and take it back to our house. Clara will take you there. And Seth and Nathan have to help Richard around here."

        "Okay." I said stealing a glance at Nathan. He looked as disappointed as I felt. I walked over to him and gave him a side hug. "It'll be okay. We'll still have school." Nathan looked at me and smirked.

         "Speaking of school, you have an excuse for missing the pass three days. You were sick with a fever."

         "Sounds simple enough. Any way I'm going to gather up my stuff then I'm going to go for a run. Clara just tell me when you're ready to head out."

         "Okay, but before you start preparing to go home, Mrs. Banks I was wondering if April could spend the night at my house?" Clara asked looking extremely nervous.

         "Sorry, Clara but I think its best that April spends some time at our new house. So, she can get use to it."

        "Oh, okay." I could tell Clara was very disappointed but my mom was right. I've been away from the new house for about four to five days and it already felt more like a home then that house. And I knew there was only one way to get my mom and Clara what they wanted.

         "Well, what if Clara stayed the night at the new house with us?" I asked coming to Clara's rescue.

          "That sounds okay but Clara has to ask her mom first."

          "No problem, I'll do it right now." Clara ran out of the room before another word was said. I chuckled and followed after her. As Clara got her mom on the phone I went into Nathan's room and started packing my things. When I then felt eyes on me watching me intently. It was the same feeling I had on Ethan's first day. I looked around but no one was there. I then went to the window and looked out. I saw nothing. A feeling of fear and confusion began to snake up my spine. Shaking it off I went to make the bed when Nathan came in.

            "You know I just got use to having you here."

           "I know, but my mom is right. I have to get use to that house. Otherwise, I'll never want to leave here. Besides after last night I think we need to slow things down before we do something we're not ready for."

          "Yeah, I guess. So what were you doing before I came in?" I pulled away and gestured to my suitcase on the bed. "You all packed?"

          "Yeah, I didn't have much here to begin with." I said as I took one last glance out the window. I still felt like I was being watched and I didn't like it. Someone or something was out there and it was very interested in me and what I was doing.



           "I was asking if you were about to go for your run. Were you?"

             "Oh, yeah." I reached into my suitcase grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top. "All I need to do is get changed. So that means you have to leave."

              "Yeah, I guessed that much. Besides Cole and I got to go help Richard clean out the shed. So that'll take some time."

             "Sure will. You better get started on that." I said with a smile as I gently shoved him toward the door. Nathan smiled, gave me a quick kiss, and left to help his uncle. Closing the door I began to get ready. When I had my running shoes on and my IPod hooked up, I raced to the woods. I was desperate to feel that feeling of freedom that I felt when I shift. Standing out on the patio I looked out at the vast forest in front of me and for the first time since my dad died. I felt like I was home. Taking a starting position, I took one deep breath and jumped. Flying through the air I felt adrenaline rush through my veins. I was so intoxicated by the feeling that I didn't see that I was headed for a tree. Terra was screaming a warning in my head but it was too late. I crashed into the tree and hit every branch on the way down. When I finally hit solid ground the air was knocked out of my lungs.

              "You okay?" Terra asked.

             "Owww." Was all I could say. Slowly getting back to my feet I assessed the damaged. I wasn't seriously injured but I was severely bruised.

            "You still want to go for a run?"

           "Yeah, adrenaline would help me right now." Catching my breath, I began to run. Run faster than before the shift. It was amazing. Feeling the wind blowing against my face. Feeling my muscles grow and move with grace. Smelling everything in the air, seeing things so clearly. It was amazing. It was freedom. I forgot about everything that worried me in the past like college and dealing with Natalie torturing me every day at school. And focused on the things that filled my heart with joy like Nathan and the way he looks at me. And finally having all my memories back. Like I movie I went through my memories one at a time. Remembering all the laughs, smiles, and beautiful moments I had with everyone. I was a new person and I was ready to embrace my new life. I was so caught up in my run and my memories that I didn't hear someone coming up on my left, until they knocked me for a whim. The air in my lungs was knocked out of me as my back hit the trunk of a tree. My right shoulder took most of the impact and felt like it was dislocated. Falling to my knees and grabbing my shoulder I looked around frantic.

            "Who's out there!" I yelled as I looked as hard as I could, searching for the person who hit me. Then I heard a very sinister laugh that sounded as if it was coming from everywhere.

           "Hurt didn't it?" A voice said. I couldn't tell who it was. It was like they were speaking through a voice changer. "I hoped it did."

           "April, you okay? What's going on?" Clara asked in my head.

           "Yeah, I'm okay, but someone is out here with me. I don't know who it is but they hit like a truck."

          "You want me to get Nathan and Seth and come find you."

          "No, I can take care of myself. Just don't do anything. I'm going to find out who the hell this is." I said cutting off our connection.

          "Who are you?" I asked in the calmest voice I could manage. I searched for any movement. Anything that would give away the person's position.

           "I'm the person who is going mess up everything that's good in your life."

           "Why? What have I done to you?"

          "You were born with MY birth right. I should be the one who had the Great Grey Wolf's blood flowing through my veins. Because of you and your father my and my father's lives were ruined."

        "What did I do?"

       "Your father stole Marie from my father and because of that a bitch took what was rightfully mine."

        "That's not my fault. I wasn't even born."

        "Shut it Bitch. I'm going to do something I've been wanting to do since I was a kid. I'm going kill you nice and slow." Anger boiled inside me at my attacker's words.

        "Then what are you waiting for?" My assailant laughed.

       "Not now Ms. Banks. I'm going to wait till all those that you love see you die. It's the perfect way to go. I'll be seeing you soon." And that was the last thing my attacker said. After a while all I could hear was the birds singing. I was unnerved so I started heading back.. At every noise I jumped. At every movement I was alerted and ready to pounce. I didn't like the way I felt. Like a child scared to go near the closet because a monster was in there.
       "April!" Nathan yelled as he waved at me.
       "It seems Clara didn't tell him."
      "Thank god." I raised my right arm to wave back and soon regreted my actions. A shooting pain ran from my shoulder down to my fingers. I grimaced and quickly dropped my arm to my side. Hoping that Nathan didn't see my pain but seems like I was out of luck. Before I knew it Nathan was by my side.
      "What's wrong?"
     "Nothing. I'm fine. Go back to what you were doing?" I said shooing him away with my left arm. He then reached out from my right arm. I took a step back.
      "Let me see your arm." I held up my left arm. "Your other arm."
      "Just let me see it." Nathan reached out toward my right arm again and I swiped his hand away.
      "No." We stood ther for a moment waiting to see who will flinch first. Neither of us did. I thought he would give soon but I was wrong. Before I could react Nathan grabbed my arm and yanked it toward him. I gritted my teeth and screamed a very throaty scream. It wasn't loud but it was clear I was in pain. Nathan just looked at me with scrutinizing eyes. I knew what he was thinking. He wanted to see my wound but I didn't want to show him. I just shook my head no.
        "Please, April. Let me see." His voice was filled with worry and it was so hard to say no. looking at him one last time. I sighed in defeat and slowly unzipped my jacket and gingerly eased it over my right shoulder. I gasped when I saw it. My shoulder wasn't white anymore. It was a dark purple and blue and I knew then that it was dislocated. Nathan gently rubbe his fingers acrossed it. "Who did this to you?"
         "I don't know." Nathan met my gaze.
         "It's dislocated."
          "I know."
         "I have to push it back in the socket."
         "I know."
          "It's going to hurt." I chuckled.
           "I know." Taking the rest of my jacket off. I put one of my sleeves in my mouth and put my left hand on the trunk of a tree bracing myself for the pain.
         "Take a deep breath." I did as told. " One.... Two..... Three." As soon as he said three he pushed and I heard a very loud pop. At that moment I was glad I had something to muffled my scream. Clasping to my knees and grabbing my arm I felt tears well up in my eyes. Nathan gathered me in his arms. The pain throbbing through my shoulder was better now but it still hurt. "It's okay it's over now."
      "You know you can't tell anyone about this."
     "You can't Nathan. This can't involve anyone."
      "Why not?"
     "Because- Because I can take care of myself."

 "I'm sure you can but if you're in danger then everyone needs to know."

          "Nathan, please, for me, don't say anything." I said studying his face. Hoping beyond hope that he would give in. Nathan sighed in defeat.

          "Fine but if anything else happens we're going to tell tell them. Deal?"

           "Deal. Thank you." I said. I then got to my feet and kissed him on the cheek. Nathan smiled.             "Well I need to get my stuff together if I'm going home. I'll see you before I leave?"


            "Okay. Well see ya." I then made my way to the house. Clara met me at the patio. She had a childish grin on her face. "What?"

          "I saw that."

          "I bet you did. But before you start with your girly squeal and non-stop talking. I need to gather my things and I need someone to help me ease my shoulder pain."

          "Just roll your shoulder and the pain should go away."


         "Yeah, we heal fast." Clara said with a smile. I did as she said and began to roll my shoulder forward. It was sore at first but soon it was feeling normal again. I was amazed at how fast I healed. But being amazed at what I can do now was something I needed to get use to.

         "Anyway, you ready for tonight?" I asked as I made my way in side and toward Nathan's room.

           "Yeah, I'm all packed and ready to go."

           "Good. Now I need to do the same." Clara closed the door behind us as we entered Nathan's room. Grabbing my suitcase and starting to put my things in it I could feel Clara burning holes in the side of my face. I knew she wanted to know what happened in the woods but I couldn't tell her the truth. Looks like it was time to spin another story. I sighed. "Nothing big happened Clara. Someone knocked me down, I didn't get a good look at them, and before I knew it they were gone like they were never there in the first place."

           "Oh, really?"

         "Yeah, really."

         "That isn't what you told Nathan."

         "What do you mean?" I paused. "You were ease dropping on our conversation! Seriously, Clara. How would you feel if I did that to you and Seth?"

          "I wouldn't care. Besides me and Seth aren't together so there's no way I'll talk to him about something like this." Clara said eyeing the floor. I began to study her face and smiled. I knew that look. The look that said "What is this feeling?" "Why am I feeling this?". I sat down on the end of the bed.

           "So when did it happen?"

          "When did what happen?"

           "Oh, you know. When did both of your wolves merge and become  one?"


           "When did your wolves decide to be mates?"


           "Didn't see the merging process?"


          "Oh, that must be a First Wolf Bloodline thing?"

           "It is." Terra clarified.

           "What makes you think that me and Seth are mates?" Clara's cheeks began to redden and I grin spread across my face.

          "I don't know maybe you're not. Maybe you are. How do you feel around him?" Clara said nothing for awhile. We soon heard the boys talking outside the window. Walking toward it Clara had a look in her eyes that said it all. "Clara?"

           " It may sound crazy and a little like a childish fantasy but when I'm around him I feel as if the world would stop for one tiny moment then I would know how it feels to be beside an angel. Every time he's near me it's like I'm near a black hole and at any moment I will be sucked in but I wouldn't be lost darkness. But be surrounded by a beautiful light. When I think about him I feel my heart begin to pound and then a deep sadness takes over. Because I know that I may never have this perfect angel as my mate." Clara paused her voice breaking and I could see the tears in her eyes begin to form. " You don't how long I've dreamed of being his. You don't know how every night I cry silent tears because I want to be with him so badly it hurts. He's everything I want and yet I'm not what he wants. I'd rather endure this pain then keep him from his true mate."

               "What makes you think that you're not his true mate?"



            "Because I've told him."

           "You've told him what?"

         "What I just told you, that I cared for him and that I think we may be mates but when I did he flat out told me we weren't. He said he felt nothing like that toward me. He only saw me as a friend nothing more."

         "That can't be."

         "It isn't?" Terra said making her presence known.

        "What do you mean?"

       "They are mates."

       "Then why did Seth tell Clara otherwise?"

       "Maybe she told them when they were young. Ask her when she told him."

       "Hey Clara when did you tell Seth that you thought y'all were mates?"

"When we were fourteen, why?" I sighed.

"She should of waited. The males don't feel their mate bond till at least sixteen or seventeen years of age."

"But Nathan felt our connection right away."

"That was because you and him have been together many times in past lives. Your bond is greater then any others."I rolled my eyes. It seems like everything that happens to me is more special then anything else.

"Clara, you told him too early."

"What?" Clara turned to me confused but I could see a glint of hope in her eyes at my words.

"It looks like the boys don't feel their mate bonds till they're sixteen or seventeen. So you told him two to three years too early."


"According to Terra, yeah." Clara smiled a big beautiful smile and hugged me tight.

     "So I think it's time for you to go down there and tell Seth how you feel." A flash of fear came across her face.

"No I couldn't." Clara said glancing out the window one last time. "Besides they're gone. I can't now. Oh well."I could tell her nerves were on edge. For her sake I dropped the subject and continued packing my things. The look of uncertainty was plastered on her face. Guilt began to swarm its way through me. If only I knew how to mind my own business. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Nathan and..and Seth." I heard Clara gasp at the sound of Seth's name. I looked to her and the look on her face said it all. She was scared about what might happen when I open that door but she was also hopeful. "It's now or never Clara." I opened the door and pushed Nathan back. I then pushed Seth into the room and slammed the door shut. I heard Nathan chuckle behind me. I turned to him. "If you knew why I was doing this then you would't be laughing at me right now."

"Oh, I know why you're doing this. We heard everything outside."

"Then he knows?"

"Yep. Actually when he heard what she said it took everything in my power to make sure he didn't rush up the stairs, kick in the door, and scare her." I smirked and then pressed my ear against the door.

"April, get away from the door." Nathan said putting his hand on my shoulders and guiding me away. "She'll tell you what happened later." I look one last time at Nathan's door, hoping beyond hope that Clara would have the courage to tell Seth what she told me. He may of already heard it outside but it would mean so much more if he was facing her and heard it from her. I make my way into the living room and sat on one of the love seats. Waiting for Clara, I was nervous for her but this was something she had to do on her own. Nathan sat next to me. I leaned on him and he put his arm around me and held me close. We didn't say anything just sat there enjoying being close to each other. I don't know how long we sat there like that but it was soon over when we heard Nathan's bedroom door open and Clara walking down the hallway. She had my suitcase in her hand and she walked like she was a zombie.

"What happened?" I asked getting up.

"I- I don't know." Clara said. The look on her face was one of shock and confusion. "Um.... Can we go?"

"Sure." I followed her out to her car. A Grey 2009 Jeep Wrangler in nice condition. "Whao, you go off road often?" Clara smirked.

"No but to get to Nathan's house is more difficult then you think. Just look." Clara pointed down the driveway and she was right. The road leading to my house was down a narrow dirt road that was a mile long. It was a tight squeeze for any car. Getting in I threw my suitcase in the back seat as Clara started the car. 

" So, to my house?"

"Yep." Clara said as she gunned it down the road.

"Whoa, what's the rush?"

"There's no rush just making sure we don't get stuck on the way to the road."

"When we get to the pavement, you'll slow down?"

           "Yeah." And she did. After our brief conversation on the road the ride to my house was filled with silence. It was suffocating. It took everything I had to keep my mouth shut and not ask her what was wrong. I knew if she wanted me to know she'll tell me, but the wait was killing me. I wanted to know. I wanted to know, so I could help her. But I've already ruined things with my noisiness. Pulling up to my house, I never felt as happy as I did getting out of the car and rushing up to my room.

"You know you left your stuff in the car right?" Clara said dropping her suitcase on the floor and as I flopped on my bed. I groaned.

"I know."

"You going to get?"

"Maybe later. Right now I'm sulking in how your bad mood is my fault."

"What? Who said I was in a bad mood?"

"I can tell by the way your acting. The silence, the way you nearly wrecked trying to get away from Nathan's house, the way you walked out of Nathan's room after talking with Seth. The awkwardness in the car nearly killed me." Clara laughed as she plopped down beside me.

"I'm not in a bad mood. I'm just shocked."

"Why?" Clara didn't say anything. I looked her way and saw that she was biting her lip. "Oh no no no no, you aren't going to keep this from me are you?"

"No. But I don't want to tell you now. I'll tell you tonight, okay?"

"You're trying to kill me aren't you?"

"No I just want to torture you as long as I can." Clara said as she got up and made her way down stairs.

"You suck." I groaned sitting up and leaning against the wall. The window to my left I could see a clear view of the woods behind our house. Using my heightened senses, I tried to see as far as I could see. The woods behind my house was beautiful but not as beautiful as the forest that surrounded Nathan's house.

"So you excited to be home?" Clara said as she leaned on my doorway with a bowl of vanilla ice cream in her hand.

"Yeah." I chuckled. "I see you've made yourself at home."

"Yes I have. Anyway, you going to tell me who attacked you or not?"

"To be honest I don't know who attacked me. I just know someone tackled me, ran into the woods, and used what sounded like a voice manipulator thing and that's it. The person was very good at hiding."

"Did they smell familiar?"

"Um... no." I looked her like she just lost her mind.

"What? When someone attacks me I usually smell them. That way when I smell that scent again then I know who it was."

"Sorry, but they didn't stop long enough for me to get a whiff." I chuckled. I then got the same feeling I had when I was in Nathan's room earlier that day. I looked out my window, studying the woods as if at any moment the trees will move. Someone was out there and they were watching me. I don't know why and I don't know who but I knew that whoever it was wasn't someone friendly. A chill slithered down my spine. For some reason I felt as if my world would soon become a battlefield. And I needed to be ready. After that the day went by normally. Well, as normal as it could. Me and Clara watched movies and made jokes about it and when we got hungry we nearly cleaned out my refrigerator. When my mother finally decided to come home it was around ten at night. Me and Clara were watching the famous Twilight when she came in.

"You girls are still up? Shouldn't y'all be in bed?" Mom asked when she saw us.


"Because it's a school night. You've missed enough days as it is. You have to go to school so you can get caught up."

"Oh, I forgot. Can we just stay up long enough to finish this movie?"

     "No, go to be bed. You're going to be drowning in makeup work and extra credit all of tomorrow. Now go to bed. "

                "Yes, sir." I said giving my mother a mock salute and marching up stairs with Clara following behind me. We changed and hopped into bed. Falling asleep was harder than usual. I guess, that was because I got use to sleeping in Nathan's bed. I smiled at the thought. Closing my eyes, I began to visualize he's room. The hardwood floors that chilled my feet, the window that let in the sunshine so it could brighten the room and fill it with a beautiful light. The pictures that hanged on the walls. All of them of his mother and him laughing about things that I would never know. Many times I've looked and studied those pictures and that I could actually hear their laughter. I could see his room so vividly that I began to feel the cotton sheets under me and the plush comforter giving me warmth. But what I really missed was the way they all smelled. Like the woods that surrounded his house. At that moment I was no longer in my bed, but in his. Turning my head, I saw him. Nathan. Nathan's smile was gentle and warm. Like a child's. He reached his hand out toward me, as if to lay it on my cheek but instead he grabbed my shoulder.


          "Wake Up! "He said as he shook me. My eyes flew open and sat up looking around. Something wasn't right. Taking deep breath, I smelt lilies in the air. Alarms started going off in my head. We didn't have lilies. Moving as slowly as I could to not wake up Clara I eased out of my room and walked slowly done the stair. The smell of lilies where getting stronger and stronger as I eased into the kitchen. I froze in my tracks. Standing next to the sink was Natalie. Her eyes glowing blood red.

"Natalie?" I was in shock.

"Hello, April. Sorry did I wake you?" She asked mockingly as she smiled a villainous smile.

"What are you doing here?"

"Fulfilling a promise."

"What promise?"

"Oh, come on cupcake. You can't tell me you already forgotten what happen on your little run today." I was confused at first but then my shoulder began to throb.

"That was you?"

"That's right." Natalie laughed. I hear Terra begin to growl. "Now, enough chit chat. Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" Before I could say anything Natalie pinned me to the wall. Her hand around my throat. She lifted me a few feet off the ground. Panic began to soar through me as her nails dug into my skin. There was nothing I could do. I was completely helpless. I was done for. It wasn't long before I began to black spots.

"Now, I can have what is rightfully me mine."

"April, shift. It's the only way. You can beat her."

"No! I'll shift when she does."

"You may not live that long."

"Have faith, Terra. Have faith." Gathering what little strength I had. I raised my hand and slammed my forearm down at the cress of her arm. The pressure on my neck lessen enough for me to breath. Doing it again Natalie lost her hold on my neck. Using my legs, I kicked her away and toward the other way. Catching my breath, I pinned her to the wall and a growled.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises, cupcake, but you got to do more than that to beat me." Before I knew it Natalie had me pinned again but before she could latch onto me again I head butted her, knocking her back. I then gave her a right hook to the side of her face. Natalie looked at me in shock. I smirked and readied myself.

"This isn't my first time fighting with a bitch!"

"I see. Well looks like we better take this outside." Natalie said. Keeping her eyes on me. She slowly made her way out the back door. I followed. Shutting the door behind me I never took my eyes off of her.

"Be careful. She may not be alone." Terra warned. I scanned the woods behind Natalie, looking for any movement. Listening for any sound to prove that she wasn't alone. Using my distraction as an advantage Natalie attacked but not as a human but as a wolf. A giant honey brown wolf. She jumped and sliced a me with her claws. Catching me on the arm. Terra growled as pain seared up my arm. I smirked.

"You really shouldn't have done that." Letting Terra take over, I let out a growl, shifted and attacked. Slashing at her with my claws and trying to bite her neck. I caught her on the side of her face with my claws. Natalie than threw her body weight at me and pushed me against a tree. Using the tree as a wall, Natalie went on the attack, slicing me with her claws without a moment's pause. Not once giving me the chance to attack or defend. I was in the worse position ever and knew I wasn't going to get any chance to get out of it. As my blood stained my fur and the ground, my strength was draining as was my ability to stay conscious. As my blood fell and my life felt like it was draining out of me there was only one thought that crossed my mind.

"Nathan." I called out to him through our link. Even in my head my voice sounded so weak.

    "April?! What's wrong?"

"N-Natalie, she's... she's here. I can't fight her Nathan. Not in wolf form at least."

"April, don't give up. I'm on my way. Just try to hang in there if you can, please."

"I- I don't know if I can."

"Please. Try. I can't lose you again." Those words gave me strength. Positioning my hind legs on her stomach and use whatever I had left to kick her away. Natalie smacked into the side of my house and then to the ground. Using this to my advantage I attacked. Slashing and clawing. The desire to rip her apart and taste her blood was beginning to overpower me. I bite her neck and tore a chunk out.

"APRIL, Stop!!!" Terra exclaimed.

"Why?! She deserves this and more."

"Don't be like her. Your better than her."

"I can't stop."

"Yes, you can. Just step back. Don't become a monster, April. Hold on to your humanity. Think about those you love. They wouldn't want you to become something you're not. Just stop." My mother and Nathan's faces flashed into my mind. Slowly, I stopped and took a step back. Seeing all the damage I had done. Natalie took a minute to get back up to her feet. Blood stained her fur and even though her wounds closing, blood poured out like a red waterfall making a pool at her feet. Looking at her, my anger boiled inside of me. Anger at her for making me do that and anger at myself for giving her what she wanted. Me, not as a human or wolf but as a monster. Natalie shifted back into her human form. Even though her blood stained her skin and even though she was still in pain she had a murderous look in her eyes. She smiled a smile that would make the cruelest, evilest man shiver.

"Looks like you win this round but next time, I will kill you, April Rose Banks." With those being her last words Natalie disappeared. Leaving nothing but a ghost glow in my view as she ran with nothing on her back, like a ghost she vanished. Once she did a wave of exhaustion washed over me. Laying down I soon felt my body returning to normal and soon I was a naked girl, lying in her back yard, on her back looking up at the stars. Looking at the sky I once again felt alone. I was cold and nothing could warm me. A tear slowly ran down my face. I was getting lost in the feeling of despair when I heard heavy footsteps. Turning my head, I saw a black wolf with beautiful green eyes staring at me.

"Nathan?" I whispered. My voice sounded broken. Nathan took a step toward me and pushed me with his nose. I knew he was telling me to get up but I couldn't. My body felt too heavy, but even though that was the case I managed to lift my hand and ran my fingers through his fur.

"You have to get up, April." I smiled when I heard his voice. In that moment, I was no longer cold. Slowly, I stood up and hugged my giant wolf. My beautiful, loving wolf. I didn't want to let him go. Never, not now, not ever.

"April!" My mother yelled as she burst out the back door with Clara right behind her. I turned to them and worry washed over me. Their faces were deathly white and drenched in sweat. Clara handed me a blanket. I wrapped it around myself.

"What happen to you guys?" I asked as Clara gave Nathan a blanket.

"It seems before your little fight your mother and I were injected with a large amount of wolfbane. While we were asleep. That's why we couldn't help you." Clara said looking away in shame. I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry everything is okay now. You two go back in and rest."

"I don't think we'll get much sleep tonight." Mom said as she patted my head.

"You should come back to my house." Nathan said. He was in his human form. I smiled and shook my head.

"We can't. We have our own home and we can't just up and leave because of a bully busted in. "

"Yes, you can. It's not safe here."

"That may be the case but there's nothing we can do. We're moved in."


"So, it's our home. It's not like we can move in with you and your uncle. It'll be too crowded."

"No it won't. You've stayed with us before and it wasn't crowded."

"Still we can't."

"Why not?"

"Just because..."

"Because why? I'm not leaving until you can tell me why you can't move in with us?" I was lost for words.

"Because... Because. Mom." I turned to my mom hoping she'll help me. Hoping she'll shot this idea down but she didn't say anything. For the first time in all my life my mother stood there with nothing to say about where we live. I was shocked. "Mom?"

"I. I don't really think that's a bad idea."

"Wait, what?"

"I just think at his place you'll be much safer. At least for tonight." I didn't know what to say.

"I think it's a good idea." Clara said with a little smirk on her face. I glared at her.

"It seems as though this wolfbane has gone to their heads. Since I'm the only one thinking clearly I say we stay here."

"What happened if she decides to comes back? What will you do then?" Nathan asked.

"Fight her again."

"You can't fight her all night."

"Watch me." Nathan said nothing. He just stood there glaring at me. I didn't care. This was my home and I wasn't going to leave just because a dog came to my door and bared its teeth.

"You should listen to Nathan, April." Richard said as he, Seth and many others came out of the woods.

"Rick? Why are you here?" He smirked.

"I'm the alpha. When someone gets attacked I come to help. We all do."

"But something tells me you're not here to help me."

"Sorry, April. I believe Nathan is right on this one."

"Of course you do." I rolled my eyes and headed toward the back door.

"Where you going?"

"To put on some clothes and get my duffel bag. Unless you want me naked at your house all day every day." I turned and looked at Richard. He chuckled.

"I don't believe my nephew has enough self-control for you to do that."

"I was thinking the same thing." Seth said with a grin. I glanced toward Nathan. He smiled and turned away.

"You having problems over there?"

"You have no idea." Nathan replied meeting my gaze. I smiled and went inside. After I got dressed, grabbed my duffel bag, and got into my truck. Heading to Nathan's house with Clara following me, I couldn't help but feel a little bit relieved at the fact that I would once again sleep in Nathan's house. With him in the same house as me. A smile crept across my face as we got closer and closer to Nathan's house. Once we arrived my mother and I  were directed to a guest room that was right across the hall from Nathan's room.Saying good night to mom I got into bed and had good night's sleep.


Chapter Eight: Training Begins

  "April, time to get up." Nathan said in a soothing tone. Hearing his voice made me smile but I didn't open my eyes. "I know you're awake." I stayed silent. "If I was you I would open your eyes unless you want a wake up call you're not going to like." My smile grew. The thought of Nathan punishing me for not waking up when he told me sent goosebumps up and down my body. "Okay then." I waited in anticipation for him do something. My breathing pick up and my heart pounded when all of a wave of ice cold water drenched me. I screamed and jumped out of the bed. Standing in the doorway was Clara and Seth. Seth was holding a blue bucket in his hands. They all busted out laughing.

         "I told you to wake up." Nathan not even trying to hide his amusement. Slowly, I crossed my arms and glared at them.

      "Do you think that was wise?" Richard asked behind Clara and Seth. They turned to him and stopped laughing.

"What do you mean?" Seth asked.

      "Well, April was in a fight last night with a trained fighter and won without any help from us."


       "So, You've seen her mad and you just dumped cold water on her. How do you think she is going to react to that." Clara, Seth and Nathan slowly turned to me. Meeting my glare Seth dropped the bucket and put his hands up as if to surrender. I smirked and gestured to myself.

"Remember April, we're friends." Seth said. 

"I'm cold and wet."

"We- We'll get you a towel you to dry off and Nathan here will warm you up." Clara replied.

"That's tempting but I have something better in mind." I paused watching the wheels turn in their heads. "Run." I said and they took off with me close on their heels. They ran toward the woods hoping to find a place to hide from me. Laughter was in the air as if we were once again kids playing. taking a leap I tackled Clara. We rolled until I had her pinned.

"I win."

"I don't think so." Seth said side swiped me, knocking me off Clara. I elbowed him in the ribs and got out of his grasp. Getting to my feet I readied myself for the next attack.

"That was low, Seth."

"What can I say, I can't let you hurt my girlfriend."

"Wait, What?" I said shocked looking toward Clara for confirmation. Before she could say anything Nathan tackled me and pinned me.

"I win." He said with a satisfied smirk.

"Oh come on Nathan I was in the middle of something very important."

"Don't care. If I was Ethan or Natalie I could of killed you"

"You shouldn't be so serious."

      "Yes, I should. You got lucky last night. Next time could be different." Nathan said with nothing but worry with a little bit of anger. I lost my smile . Suddenly, the child like feeling was gone, replaced by a more serious saddening feeling. Nathan was right. I got lucky. Thanks to my troublemaker background I was experienced in fighting but not in fighting werewolf style. I won because Terra was in control. Nathan got to his feet and went to leave. I grabbed his hand.

"You're right. Next time could be different . So," I stood. "train me."


"You're a trained fighter but not just a trained fighter a fighter that is trained to protect the bloodline of the First Wolf. So, therefore you are the only one who is qualified to train me. Do you disagree?" Nathan hesitated before shaking his head.

"Any way we could help?" Clara asked. I smiled.

"Of course who do you think I'm going to sparing with so Nathan can evaluate where I'm at." I said with a mischievous grin on my face. Clara smiled back.

"Just like old times."

"Yep." I said getting up.

"Well, that's good and all but before you can start your training you all have to go to school." Mom said leaning on a tree with a smile on her face.

"She's right." Seth said nudging me. "Race you back to the house."

"Your on." With that we took off toward Nathan's house running as fast as our legs could take us, and with all of us being a werewolf that was pretty fast. When we got back to the house Seth and Clara left ahead of Nathan and I. As I got ready I tried my best to keep my distance from Nathan. Every time we were close he would always do something to distract me or get me all hot and bothered. Once I was ready I left. Nathan stayed behind to talk to Richard about my training and what I would be doing once we started. On the way to school I calmed my nerves. Pulling into the school parking lot my eyes went straight toward where Clara and Seth were standing. Clara waved at me. I smiled and parked. Going to stand with Clara and Seth I pulled my hood down.

" What's up?" Clara said with a childish grin.

"Nothing. Why?" I asked confused. She just saw me not even an hour ago. What could of possibly happened to me in one hour.

"No reason." She said chuckling. "Your face is all red."

"No it's not." I covered my cheeks with my hand.

"Oh, yes it is." Clara and Seth said in unison. I turned away from them.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. I felt my cheeks start to get warmer under my hands. That soon changed. The warmth gave way to a deep shivering chill as I locked eyes with Natalie Smith. The events that happened last night came flooding back into my mind. Before I could stop myself, a growl rumbled in my throat. Natalie smirked. I could feel my anger and Terra's combine and the thirst for Natalie's blood became on the verge of being uncontrollable. this caused my eyes to once again become blood red. Natalie lost her smile and turned away with a look of absolute terror on her face. With a feeling of satisfaction I turned my attention back to Clara and Seth. They were laughing, oblivious to my little stare down with Natalie, but soon they lost their laughter once they looked eyes with me. They turned their gaze downwards.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Your- Your eyes." Was all Clara could say. Her voice was trembling. Taking a closer look at Clara I saw that she was like a abused animal once again faced with her cruel master. I was confused. "Your eyes are still red."


"It's the power of your eyes."


"Once your eyes turn red it makes every wolf's blood turn cold. It makes all wolves fear you. It's another power your bloodline carries."

"Weren't my eyes red last night?"

"No," Terra said. "I wasn't the one who fought with Natalie last night. You were. So your eyes stayed the same."

"Aren't we the same person."

"No, April, we aren't. You're April Elizabeth Banks and I am Terra Cortez. Two different minds in one body."

"Oh, but you've never taken over my body have you?"


"Then how do my eyes turn red."

"When our emotions come together, when we are one in mind and body that is when your eyes turn red and your powers come out."


"Now, close your eyes and calm yourself." I didn't do as Terra said. I wanted to see if Clara was right. I wanted to see if my power would make everyone fear me as if I was a monster. Looking out into the crowd, those who met my gaze looked away frightened and advised those around them to not look my way. Even those who knew me and where apart of my pack turned away. Sadness came to seep in but my anger also grew. My anger was becoming was becoming uncontrollable when I saw him. Nathan had finally arrived.

"April." Terra said trying to get me to do as she said.

"I have to see."


"I have to see."

"See what, April?"

"If I'm a monster in his eyes." At that Terra fell silent. She knew who I was talking about and she knew what his reaction would mean to me. If he turned away then I would know I was a monster but if he could still look at me with love then I knew that I was just a little different. I waited. My heart began to pound in my ears and my hands began to sweat. Fear gripped my heart in a vise grip threatening to kill me in that moment. I waited for Nathan to meet my gaze. I waited for what seemed like a eternity when finally he looked my way. My heart stop ,as did my breathing, as I waited for his reaction. I watched him praying to God that he wouldn't look away. That he would still give me that look that melted my heart. Nathan stopped in his tracks and my heart sank. A tear escaped and made it's way down my cheek. Nathan's face was unreadable. I didn't know what he thought, but it couldn't of been good. Nathan then smiled and kissed my forehead and both of my eye lids. When he did my eyes turned back to normal.

"Your not a monster. Your beautiful, both of you are." Nathan said through our connection. He wiped away my tear and stroked my cheek. I smiled.

"Thank you." Was all I could say.Even though, it wasn't much I knew Nathan knew how grateful I was and how much he set my heart at ease.

     "Oh, I don't know if I can handle all this sweetness." Seth said looking away. I smirked and turned toward him.

"Maybe you should take a page out of his book." Seth looked at me confused. I glanced at Clara who seemed to have her attention somewhere else. I followed her gaze." Looks like I'm not the only one pissed at Natalie."

"I just remembered I needed to pay her back for some injections."

"What?" Seth asked taking a step closer to Clara. "What injections?" Clara ignored him. Seth looked to me for the answer. I sighed.

"Natalie injected her and my mom with Wolfbane before waking me."

"What?!" Seth exclaimed causing those near us to look our way. Clara shushed him.

"Geez Seth. Yell a little louder I don't think people in New York heard you yet."

"I don't care."

"Don't worry it's over with. I'm okay." Clara said trying to ease Seth's anger. She put her hand on his arm and that seem to calm just a little bit. Squaring his jaw and gritting his teeth Seth put a protective arm around Clara and kept his gaze on Natalie. He had a murderous look in his eyes. I smiled as Clara began to blush. Unfortunately, it seemed Seth's anger was getting to him. Even though Clara's presence seemed to have some affect on him that effect was wearing off. Nathan grabbed Seth's arm as he took a step forward. Pulling to the side Nathan began to calm Seth. Clara stared at Seth as the boys left to talk privately. Her look was one of worry. I smacked her arm to get her attention.


"Tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"When did this happen?"


"You and Seth."

"What about us?"

"Don't play dumb." Clara smiled a shy smile. When she went to say something her wolf appeared. A big reddish orange furred wolf floated out of Clara's body and made it's way toward Seth where a big dark brown wolf waited patiently. Pressing their foreheads together a light illuminated and thy both vanished.

"Whoa, what just happened?" Clara said trying to catch her balance. I just smiled. "What?"

"Your wolf and Seth's just merged." I said trying to contain my excitement.

"Does that mean we're..." Clara looked toward Seth when their eyes met she couldn't finish her question. Seth slowly made his way back toward us.

"I'll tell you later." I whispered in her ear. I grabbed Nathan's arm. "We'll leave you two lovebirds alone." I pulled Nathan to my spot on beside the stairs. Nathan sat down and I sat on his lap.

"Well this is new." Nathan said with a smile.

"I could always get up." I said standing. Nathan pulled me back down and gave me a kiss.

"Don't get up." He said giving me a slow lingering kiss. I smiled. We then looked at our friends who seemed to be having a intimate conversation that was filled with light jokes. They laughed and eased closer as best they could.

"You saw it, didn't you?" Nathan asked keeping his gaze on our friends.

"Yep." I said proudly. Watching Seth and Clara talking I felt a little bit of warmth. Finally they can be happy.

"Whose going to be happy?" Ethan asked suddenly appearing beside me and Nathan. Before I could react Nathan had me off his lap and he was between me and Ethan. Keeping Ethan as far away from me as he possibly could. A chill went down my spine. "Is it Seth and Clara?"

"That's none of your business." Nathan growled.

"Oh, Nathan still made about me taking April home that day. You shouldn't be so insecure." Ethan pat Nathan's shoulder.

"Ethan." I snapped bringing Ethan's attention to me. "I was attacked last night at my home. Know anything about it?"

"Nope. Why?"

"Because the attacker was your sister." Ethan's smile dropped.

"What do you mean?"

"I think her words were pretty clear."

"Are you sure it was Natalie?" Ethan asked ignoring Nathan.

"Yes." Ethan fell silent and glared his sister's way. He then stormed off toward her, grabbed her, and yanked her to the side of the school.

"What was that about?" Seth asked as the bell rang.

"We just told him about last night."

"He looked pissed."

"He looked like a idiot." Nathan said grabbing his book bag and stomping into the school. The day went by event free. After Ethan stormed off with Natalie I didn't see them all day. The day was peaceful for the most part. Unfortunately, I couldn't appreciate the peace. To me it was the calm before the storm. Heading to my truck I heard thunder and looked up. I felt Terra start getting excited.

"Looks like it's going to rain." I said.

"Yeah, looks like your training is going to be a lot more fun then I thought." Clara said patting me on the shoulder.

"Training? In the rain?"

"Yep, there isn't a better time for it." Seth said as everyone threw their stuff in my truck. I felt the a raindrop fall on my cheek Then it was storming and drenching us to the bone.

"So when does my training start?"

"Now." Nathan said as Clara, Seth, and him take off toward the woods that were across he street. I threw my backpack in my truck and gave pursuit. Once again we were running and everything was a blur. My senses were heightened. I could see a mile ahead and hear things even further away. It was in this moment that I felt whole and knew the true meaning of bliss. Getting lost in the moment something ran in front of me and tripped me.

"Got to stay alert, April." Clara said her voice fading . She was right. This


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.09.2014

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