
Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Christa and this is my story.
I live in a town called Tygh Valley, Oregon it's one of the smaller towns in Oregon the population is only 224 people. I probably should mention that me and my family are all vampires. I am 16 a skinny brunett I am hyper and won't take anybodies crap and I can run faster then all of my family my power is I can go into someones head and make them think and feel their deaths but no actual harm comes to them. Blake is a blonde haired well muscled man of about 18 his power is seduction yes we are naturally seductive but he is more so than us. The other brother is Cameron he has black hair and is also 18 not as well muscled as Blake but they're still there his power is to control the weather it comes in handy because we dont like the sunligt that much we can stand it but after a while you get a head ache. Then last but not least my sister Brittney she is 17 with blonde hair and her power is she is a sheild its very helpful in an attack with other vampires especially ones with bigger numbers than our own.
Anyway lets get on with the story. One day as we were running through the woods to see if there might be any stray humans to feed on we come across this scent thats not humans and not our own. Its one of other vampires. So we ready ourselves for a fight. When we find the other vampires it hits us that first feeling of true love that almost takes your breath away, which wouldn't really matter to us, those other vampires that we were ready to kill were our true soul mates.
Apparently they felt it to bcause they were just standing there aw struck. There were a total of four vampires in there group one was a skinny medium sized blonde ,the other was a skinny short long haired blonde, one of the males was a tall muscled brunett, and last but not least the one I felt most draw to was a tall well muscle curly haired brunett.I was the first to speak I might be the youngest but I am the most outgoing.

"Hello, my name is Christa and we mean you no trouble"

The curly haired brunett answered and said,"Hello Christa my name is Jimmy and this is my family. I would like you to meet Rachel, Sierra, and Zach"

"Why hello Rachel,I am Cameron its nice to meet you" Cameron said winking at her.

"Sierra, my name is Blake" said Blake macholy.

I was the next to speak," Ok sorry to interrupt this love fest ,but is there anything you guys were looking for?"

"We were actually looking for a place to start over."said Jimmy shyly.

"Well this is the perfect place the towns small so we have to hunt outside of town ,but of course its not that much trouble. I have one question for all of you do you guys have any special abilities?" I said trying not to be too pushy.

"Yes, we do" replied Jimmy," I can control the element fire."

"And I can see the future",Sierra said gloatingly.

"I can read peoples minds except for Brittney" Zach smiled and winked at her.

"Of course I'm always last ,but anyway I have the power of mesmerization it's where I can just look at some one and make them do whatever I want," said Rachel.

It was Jimmy who spoke next," Do any of you have powers?"

We all went through and explained our powers next thing we notice it was dusk.

"Would you all like to come back to our house and stay the night?" I said winking at Jimmy.

Chapter 2

We got back to our house it was a modern style home with 4 levels, 7 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, which we didn't need but looked good, an 8 car garage,and a huge basement which we used as like a media center/ library.

We showed them around and asked if they wanted their own bedrooms, but there were only 3 extra so someone would have to share.

"Oh I will make the sacrifice and stay in Blake's room" said Sierra oh so nobly.

"Ok well I guess then that the rest of you get your own bedroom if you like" I said.

"Oh well since its her first night in this new scary place I think Rachel should stay with me so I can you know just "reassure" her that she safe here" said Cameron.

"I think thats a really good idea cause I'm kinda scared" said Rachel faking a scared look.

Then the two couples went upstairs and all that were left were me, Jimmy, Brittney, and Zach.

Zach chimned in, " Aw what the heck I'm not even gonna lie Brittney can I stay in your room?"

"I don't see any reason why not right Christa?" Brittney questioned

"I guess cause I'm letting everyone else do it." I said angrily. And at that they kinda ran up to her room.

Jimmy came over to me and grabbed me by the waist and whispered in my ear, " Shhh calm down and lets go upstairs."

I followed him up the stairs. I mean come on now what girl is gonna stop a cute guy from taking her up to her room and be honest. While I was thinking this I also asked myself the question how does he know where my room is and answered back with he probably is following my scent. When we got to my room Jimmy immediately went and sat on my bed as if he had done it a thousand times.

He said," This might sound weird but I feel like this is how its supposed to be it just feels right."

I replied," I know me too I feel like I have known you forever and yet the only thing I know about you is your power and thats all you know about me," as I told him this I went and slowly sat down on the bed.

" Well lets get to know more about each other," he said and as he did he pulled me over to his chestand," tell me everything about your life."

I said," Are you sure cause that might take a little while I'm a little old."

" I'm sure and I've got all the time in the world." he said with a grin.

" Ok well I am 115 I will be 116 August 12. I was born in the year 1895. I was born into a rich family in the south. I had my mother and father and my two sisters one older which was Stephanie and the younger one was Carrie. Well one normal afternoon we were eating supper there was a knock on the door all of the sudden. My father excuses himself from the table and we all get up to see who it could be and my father opens the door to a beautiful African American woman who is sobbing he says," Ma'm can I help you," she replies by throwing him against the wall and screaming you killed my husband you killed him. Well apperently her husband had worked for my dad on his farm and had died of a stroke a couple of moths ago but I'm guessing she didn't know that. She picked off the rest of my family one by one first my mother then Stephanie and then Carrie all I could do was watch helplessly as my family got masacred. I could have sworn I'd be next and I was hoping for it because after seeing that I no longer wanted to live I wanted to die proudly by my family's side, but she had other plans for me. Next thing I knew I woke up in my new life as soon as I got myself together I dicided to go looking for the woman who had killed my family and do the same to her so I started traveling the world, and thats how I found my new family. Around 1915 I found Blake he had just been mugged and left to die in the alley so I saved him and gave him the option to go off on his own or come with me it was his choice and as you can see he chose to come with me. Next was Brittney I found her around 1941 she was about to be killed by the Nazi's for helping Jews out of the country so I saved her and gave her the same option as Blake and at first she chose to go off on her own and I told her that was fine and that I hoped to see her sometime. We went our seperate ways. Last was Cameron I found him about 1950 he was preaching the Bible to tribes in South Africa and accidentally stumbled across a savage tribe who beat him and left him lying there thinking he was dead oh believe me he wished he was but again I saved him and also gave him the same option as the other two and he said he would come with me. A few months later we were in India and ran into Brittney again it was then that she decided to come with us. I never did find the woman but I will never stop looking but after a while we decided to take a little break and we found this place and fell in love with its scenery and have been here ever since 1984," as I finished I looked up at the clock and it said it was only 3 am. I decided to look up at Jimmy to see if he was still paying attention and as I looked up at him he was staring straight in my eyes.

" See know I know all about you," he said with a big grin.

" Yes now you know all about be sooo what about you?" I said smiling back

He said," I promise I will tell you some other time but lets just do one person tonight okay?"

" Of course it ok," I replied snuggling up to his chest.

Chapter 3

The night flew by I don't even want to know what the others were doing and I'm not even going to ask. The next morning was beautiful. We got up and went down to the library on our way down we saw each of the 3 couples in the living room as if they were waiting for us.

" Goodmorning everyone." I said

" Goodmorning" they all replied together.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.07.2011

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