
The beginning

Avalons life use to be normal, well as normal as being a Avatar could get. They may have been the last Avatar family alive, but they where happy. But one day when Avalone and her brother where 14 therre parents got called to a mission in Iowa. Thats when the councle decited to kill them. Avalon, and Alex knew what happend to them, but they didn't have the power to stop the councle.So, for 5 year's they mastered ther powers, hopping that one day they could get revenge on there parents.


* Anabell *

Im Anabell. My brother and I are Avatars. That means we can controll earths elements,you know the wether, fire, water, wind,and earth. Alex my brother and I are twins. We both have crazy read hair and light green eyes.


My brother and I were out side using our powers when a note poped out of no were. "Great". I said to my brother. He layed down in the grass, and I goined him. What do you think it is now? My brother said taking hold of the note.  I looked at him. "Well Alex its more or likely saying..." Dear Anabell, and Alex Keythl. How is it to be the only two Avatars left in the supernatural world. And so on." At the end we were both on the ground laughing our buts off. When we calmed down I opend the letter and begain to read outloud.


"Dear  Indangered's we have sumoned all of you to a meeting with the commn"


I stoped to look at my brother. He had a serious face. I looked at him one more time before I continued.

"The resone for thisis because the common needs to speek in privat. Please pick 2-3 people to represent you. The meating is at  !2:00 A.M. at the Shadow night court. this following indangers are to atend.

*Dark Angles*




*Demi Gods*


Last but not least Alex and Anabell Keythl The Avatars.

Good day and thank you

The commons.


I stoped reading. What do you think they want with us? Alex asked standing up. *Sigh* I don't know. Come on we need to get ready. We where walking back to the house when we noticed that someone was moving in next door. Oh well. I gusse we will meat them later. When we got into the house and changed.He was in black jeans, with a white buttoned up shirt. I got dressed in a White tanktop and black jeans as well. What can I say. We like to dress a like.  



We walked to the telaporter and telaported tothe Shadow night court were we came up to some friends of ours.  We walked to Kay and Kyl. There twins too, but there Demi Gods. They were very close to each other like we were. Hey guys whats up? Kay asked as me and Alex sat down by her. Nothing much, what about you? Alex said fist bumping Kyl.  You know the same old, exept Kay cut her hair. Kay and Kyl both beautiful brown hair, with hazle eyes.

We just sat there and waited for the meating to start.




My pack and I just moved into this new naghborhood when we were unpacking. 

my dad came in with a note in his hand. I didn't pay too much atenchen to him, and continued unpacking. "Shan get dressed we need to go".Go? Go where dad?" I asked standing up. Here read this. He handed me a note. It said that us commons have to have a meeting with the indangered. Dad what are Indangered? I asked becaus I had no qlue what they were.Indangered are the supernatural beings that are going out of order and dieing off. 

"Ok what does it mean when they say " And last but not least Anabell and Alex Keythl the Avatars" " Why not say All the Avatars? Well son there brother and sister, there the last of there kind. But be carfull there the most powerfull of all the supernaturals. Well go get dressed and meat me by the telaporter."    "And with that I found the box that had my close in it, and got dressed.


/ Anabell \


We were all separated into our groups. The were cats were proped up in a ledg up above, The Dark Angles where flying up above, the Mermads where in the water, The Demi Gods,and the Mutants where   just sitting there, the Shapeshifters where shifting into all sorts of things, But me and Alex where siting on a ball of fire in the air,

We where all waiting for the commons to come when I looked at my palm. Every supernatural has a marking to tell what they are. Avatars where a earth. I looked down and sall mine moving.  I quickly closed my had and looked up to see if Alex sall. He was staring at me with his eyes wide.Do you know who it is? He asked me.  ( If your wondering what is wrong, when your mark movie it meens your mate is close.) No. Was all I could say before the commons came in. My eyes caught one person. I looked at his mark and it was moving, just like mine and everything.  Crap. I already knew Alex sall . by the looks of his marking he was a werwolf. He was looking around franticly when the Elders started the meeting.


 Commons and indangereds please calm down. Why have you called us here?!?!Alex yelled out. With that everyone looked at him, that means me to. Even that Werwolf boy.I quickly smaked him in the head. "Oww what was that for?"  Shut  upAlex. I demanded


Alex Keythle please calm down. Now we where trying to say that we somend you all up becaus there is a great force coming for the indangered. Everyone in the room stured.Please calm down. Now we will pare the indangered up with a common group. now lets see. Dark Angles and Angles, Werecats and Demons, Mermades and mutants your with the  Vampires, Shapeshifters your with the withes, Demi gods your with the Dragons, and Anabell Alex your with the Werwolfs. Now any oposed? Me and Alex rased our hands. Yes? They asked

{ Shane }

 My hand was swerling during the meeting. When they where done saying who was with who we found out that we're with the only two Avatars left. When they asked who was oposed no-one rased there hand exept those two. Yes? The coulsle asked.

The girl spoke firs. Before she spoke I sall the swerals of her mark were moving . SHE WAS MY MATE. And then she spoke.

Sir you know we don't need protection. You also know we are the most powerfull supernaturals to live. We can protect ourself. Anabell  if you can't remember you and your brother are the last of the Avatars. WHO'S FALT IS THAT!!!  YOU KNOW THAT ITS YOUR FALT FOR THERE DEATHS!!!  The girl yelled.Her brother pulled her back down making her sit. The counsle stoped talking. 

Im sorry but the vote is done. Alex take your sister home. I whatched as tha Avatar gave his sister a telaporter crictle. She had  looked so mad when she left. My dad whent to talk to him. In the mean while I stood there with the rest of my pack we where talking,while waiting for my dad to come so we go home. When my dad came back I found out that we just mover a cross the street from them.  


"GREAT." I thought to myself


When I got home I was pissed. I mean who does the councle think they are?  For peat sakes Alex and I are the the most powerfull Supernaturals in the world.They don't tell us what to do with our lifes.We can take careof our selfs.


I ran to the woods; the sky was grey and thunder craked. We can take care of our selfs, I thought to my self. I  got to a safe place where no humans could see me. I let all of my power out...something I havent done for a long time. All of a suden fire came from nowhere, the ground started shaking, it started raining, the wind started blowing. I was ataking everything in my way. I herd something and stoped right before I hit Alex with a fireball.  He stood there by him self looking an me.


WE DON'T NEED HELP ALEX!!! WE CAN PROTECT OUR SELFS!! I yelled at him. HE walked up to me and huged me. I know I know. But like the councle said.. ?When he said that I pushed him away.   

   OH HELL NO ALEX YOU BETTER NOT TAKE THERE SIDE. YOU KNOW THERE THE RESON FOR ALL THE OTHER AVATARS DEATH!!! OUR OWN MOTHER AND FATHER DIED BECAUS Of THEM!! THEY SENT THEM ON THE MISSION TO KILL THEM!! I yelled again.  I know Anabell I know. Calm down. I know there the reason but what can we do? He said puting his arms around me. The earth stoped shaking and everything went quite. Come on lets go home. Oh bye the way Anabell before I can forget the Werwolfs we're partnered with just moved in next door.


" GREAT"  ( Hint the sarcasm )

We made our way back home. I went strain to my room. I brushed my hair, changed, and went to sleep. I dreemed about how my family was before our parents died.


Shane } 


We  finaly got home from the meating. As I sat down in the kitchen I noticed something different with the sky. When we left the sky was sunny; no cloud in sight. When we got back dark clouds where everywere. In the distance from the woods I fall what looked like the earth elements moving.

I had one gusse.   Anabell, and Alex.    All of a suden it  all stoped, and the sun came out again.


            Later on I decited to ask my dad some questiond about that meating.        Dad what did the councl mean by there is a great force after the indangered?  I asked siting down in one of his office chairs.   I don't  know son. All they said is that we need to protect the indangered.  Ok well if Alex and Anabell are the two most powerfull supernaturals that why do they need protection?  Shane whats with the questions? My dad demanded. Sorry, Sorry; just curious.  Ok well they may be powerful but that doesn't mean they can't get hurt.   Why are you so interested all of a sudden? He asked with a weird face.

I stutered before saying" Hhuu..nothing...nothing." I said a little too fast, and walked to my room.


 { Still Shane }


A couple days later I was sitting in the livingroom, when dad came out to me. Son do you want to learn more about the Indangered? He asked me coming in. Yeah sure. Ok follow me.  I followed him into his study where I found a large old book on his desk.  He sat down in his desk while I sat in the are chair to listen to him.  Ok well  lets start. So the book say's that the most indangered are the Mermades, Mutand, and Avatars. Over time there where more and more becoming indangered.                            


The Avatars keep the piece between the common and the Indangered.  THat changed when The councle took over, and the Avatars started going missing more often.  So thats why we need to protect them.                    

  Hey dad what if I told you my mate was a Avatar? I said trying not to stir.  WHAT??  Are you saying that Anabell is your mate?   Yes. I whispered. I did'n here you. I said yes.  Does she know?  How should I know?  Ok,okcalm down let me call Alex. Wait what?  I asked standing up.  Shane its ok. Fine go a head. I'm going to take a walk. See ya.




Alex i'm going into the woods for a little, see you later! I yelled at him.  Ok I'l be right back any way. Ok bye.   I whent on my normall trail to where Alex and  I's secret spot was. We had a waterfall, ball of fire that lit the cave, a wind tunle. Everythin a Avatar could dream of. The best thing... We made it by ourself's. I was floting in the water minding my own businuss when I hered something. I used the wind to pull me out of the water, and amed myself with fireballs.                       WHO"S THERE? I yelled out. COME OUT I KNOW YOUR THERE!

 Out of know where the wolf boy comes out. How did you get in here?  I kind of followed you in here. HE said with his hand on the back of his neck.  Why? I asked cautiously.  Well I wanted to formally introduce myself. I'm Shane. He said sticking out his hand.  I setaled down.  Anabell. I replied shaking his hand. When Our hands meat I felt a little spark. I pulled back amediantly, knowing he felt it too.     

Well this is akward. He said. Yeah kinda.                     We  stayed at the little cozy spot just talking. I learned a lot about him. How his mother died giving birth to him. How he has a older brother back where they moved from.   We where inthe water spring when I sall Alex standing there.  Hey, how long you ben there?   Not that long. He looked at  me and smirked when his eyes sall Shane. I made a vine grow and hit him in the back of the head.

" Oww what did I do?"

"Shut up Alex."


We all stayed there laughing talking, and just having fun. 

 An then we mad up our minds to go home. 



Shane, Alex, and I where walking in the woods when out of now where three men in blood red robes came into sight.  Well Iff it isn't the last two Avatars left. The one in the middle said. I knew who they where right away

.They where the councle. What do you want?  Alex said steping infrount of me and Shane.  Isn't it clear? We want to end the Avatars. Next thing you know They threw knifes with poison on theme, the same knifes to kill our parents. Alex didn,t get time to react to what happend. Lukly I did and made earth wall between us and them.   ALEX GET SHANE OUT OF HERE!!! I yelled at them. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU ANA-  I SAID NOWWWW!!!  I yelled louder. They took off. 


I took the wall down to fight them. I hit the first one with a fireball that sent him flying.  The next one throu more knifes at me, that I easly missed using water.  The first one came back into sight.  The whole fight the leader just whatched. I let out all my power. The earth shaked, the sky grew dark and I was pissed. I threw rocks on fire at the two untill they where dead.   The leader walked up to me and started fighting me hand-to-hand combat. At the end he was about to pass out. Right before he did, he pulled out a dager and slashed my arm.  If I'm going down...Your going with me. Fuck!!! I left him trying to get home as fast as I can, before a nother councl member came out of nowere and caught me. He bent down to my ear and said


"Your coming with me girl. The councle wants you, Dead or Alive now lets get going, or we'll be late" HE then hit me over the dead with a rock and then I pased out. 


When I woke up I looked around. I was in a small room tied up to a chair. I tryed to use my fire to melt the chains but it didn't work.   You can try Anabell, but those chains are made of  a fallen comet.   Crap that was the only thing in the world that can stop us.  What  do you want from me you fat fucker?!! I basicly screamed at him. 
You got a mouth on you girl. you see, we where sent to capture you, then torture you, then later kill you. And maby have a little fun with you before we kill you. 

With that he pulled on the chain, whitch burned my skin.  Ok ok I'm coming. God I hate acting so week. They then pulled me into a nother ruum with a wip made out of a comet.


Let me tell ya something, When that wip hits your back IT HURTS LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER!!! But I didn't yell. You never show that your week infront of the bad guy. He laughed at me when I was as quiet as posible. " HA!" Foolish girl,  acting strong won't save you know."   I just looked up at him. DO YOUR WORST YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!  I yelled at him, letting him know I was not weak. 





When my sister told me to get Shane to safty I did. I took him back to his house where we ran into his dad.  Whats wrong boys? Where's Anabell. HE asked a little scared as he looked around.  We both wher out of breath but answered as best as we could.   The...councle...atack...  When we calmed down we explaned better.

A hour or so pased when I felt burning on my back.   We need to get here now!!  I yelled.  Alex whats wrong? Shane asked. She's geting hurt we need to get to her.  How do you know this? Shane's dad asked coming in.  Years ago we did a spell that makes it where we can tell it the other is hurt reall bad. We have to go. NOW!!!  Ok,ok lets go. Shane said following me.


Me, Shane, his dad, and his whole pack helped us look. We went to the woods where the three councl men layed there, all dead but one. The leader was barly brething. I walked up to him and grabed him by the throght.                


  WHERE IS SHE?  I yelled at him. central.  Crap comet central. That means She, or I cant us our powers. I killed the councle member and yelled out.  FUCK!!!        Alex whats wrong? We know where she is. Shane said turning tward me.  I explaned to him that comets block our powers.   Well we'll Help you. Thanks guy's but we're going to need more help.


 Wait a sec while I cann some people ok.  I said to them as I pulled out my phone and whent to my contakts. I called Kyl.

 " Hey Kyl is Kay with you?  Yeah man whats up?  Ok put it on speker.  Hey Alex whats up?

Kay said as she got to the phone.  "Ok guys here's the thing. The councle got Anabell and took her to coment central."   HOLY SHIT COMET CENTRAL. " Yeah we have Shane's pack but you know we will need more help. Can you get the Demi God's to help. OF CORCE MEAT US AT THE CENTRAL AT 5:00.    Ok see ya there.

We met up at 5:00 just as planed, and went in. I then felt the wip stop on her back.  " Guys something is wrong."  What is it? Shane, Kay, and Kyl asked all together. They stoped wiping her. I said getting even more worred.  The second I said that we herd a scream, not just any scream, it was Anabell. My back burned even worse. We have to hurry!! Shane yellede.   ANABELL WHERE ARE YOU?!! I screamed. We all herd her week cry. here. Me and Shane herd her.   Kay, Kyl hold the others off for us.   Got ya, said Kyl.

We then ran to where Anabell was. We sall her in a room being wiped, not just any wip. Like the chane it was a comet wip, with acid on it. Shane got the door down and we prepared ourselfs to fight the councle membres. 





Fuck this wip was really hurting. Thay where about to crak me. They stoped for a milli-second before geting a nother wip. This one was thiker that the other, they also pored acid on it.  It was going to hurt really bad. I counted down waiting for it to come. 3.....2.....1. I herd the wip hit my back. I couldnt hold it in and I screamed. I also started to cry.  I knew Alex for shore felt that one do to the bond spell.  


They hit me repetedly. on and on. My back was all bloody, so as the wip. Then we hered banging outside.  I then herd Alex scream.  ANABELL WHERE ARE YOU?   I tryed the best as I could to yell. here!!  Alex and Shane ran in. But before they could get to me the 5 guys torturing me attaked them. The where doing ok. They took down 2. Than one of the 3 left took down shane.They kicked him until he was laying in the floor holding his stomic. Alex jumped in front of him . But he also got hit in the head and fell down. They punched Alex in the head. They layed there watching as they almost about to die. The councle members laughed at them.  Foolish boys now we get the pleasure of killing you. Than fave fun with the girl before we kill her too.


The 3 guys took out the poison knifes.  " No not again.They can't die too." Its do or die time. I could do this,I thought to myself. I summoned all the power I could"  They through the knifes. As they came Alex and Shane closed there eyes awating death. seconds before the knifes hit them I summend it all. A  stone wall bloked them. Alex and Shane opend there eyes. Shane layed there skocked, almost as shocked as Alex. I then brought down the wall.  The 3 guy looked scared before one said

 " Its impobile. This room is made out of comet."  I looked at them.


"Nothing imposible, and your going to regret hiting me with that wip, and also for hurting my brother, and my mate."  

They took there fighting stance.  Bring it little girl.  We're not scared of you Oh you should be scared of me.


The room shaked fire came out of nowere. I threw it at them. They all screamed when the fire hit me. One of them sneaked away behind me and threw the acid on my open cuts that where on my back. I hissed in pain when I felt it contact my skinn.  I whiped around and crushed him between two rock walls untill he was dead. Alex and Shane where up fighting the other two when the two droped. I looked at Alex, and Shane.        Shane was in his wolf worm. I went to move tward them But I past out. 


All I sall before was them coming to catch me.

I was laying on something soft but it was moving, I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. So I layed there trying to get comfortable. What ever I was laying on was so soft I felt safe.




Alex said that she lost a little two much blood, but that she will be ok. I was still in my wolf form when I was carrying her. I felt her toss and turn untill she woke up. I turned my big wolf head and licked her. She started gigling and threw her arms around my neck. She soon fell asleep afterward again. 

Alex said to go ahead and whatch her while  he whent to talk to the Demi Gods.  I took her to my house, and up the stairs to my room. I changed back into my human form and got dressed. 


When I want to lay her down, I moved a piece of her scarlet red hair out of her face.  Man she is so beautyful. I layed her down and layed down next to her.    

  I layed there for two ta three hours whatching her sleep. She woke up and asked " where am I ?"  I chukled as I pulled her closer. Your at my place. She layed her head on my chest."What time is it?"  Hmmm...I looked at my clock.  Its about 9:00 P.M.  Wow really? I slept for a long time. You shor did. 

I looked her in the eyes.She did the same. We leand in close. So close that our lips where inches apart.

  She then moved her head twards me, conecting our lips. She wraped her arms around my neck, while I wraped my arms around her waist pulling her ontop of me.  

I licked her bottom lip; which only caused her to moan into my mouth. We stayed like that for a while, untill she pulled away and layed her head on my chest.   


 I wanted to stay this way forever, in Shanes arms where I knew I was safe.  I reached my head up to his and gave him another kiss.  " I love you Shane." I said laying my head back on his chest.  I love you too Anabell, I always will.   We fell back asleep like that. When I'm with Shane, it feels like theres nothing else in the world.


*                                                                      *                                                         *

I woke un the next morning to a empty bed ant the smell of bacon, and eggs. A few moments later Shane walked throgh the door with a omlet and bacon. " You didn't have to do this ya know." I said to his as he handed me my food.

Of cource I did.  I wanted to make you something.He said giving me a kiss.  Well than thank you Shane. I said kissing him back.  We where sitting on his bed when my phone got a text.  It was Kay


Kay: Hey where are you?!


Me: I'm ok I'm at Shane's


Kay: Ok, hurry and get to your house. Me kyl and Alex are waiting. Bring Shane too.


Me: Ok be there in a sec.


I sent the text, and draged Shane out of the bed. Where we going? Shane asked. My house there waiting for us. Who? Who's waiting for us?  Oh Kay, Kyl, and Alex. Kay said to bring you with me. Oh ok I gusse.   We made our way to my house.  Kyl was the firs to great us. He said that  Kay and Alex where in the kitchen, and he jave me $20.00.  

I told you so. Who's the boss now. I said to him.  What's going on? Shane said.  "Oh nothing.. just that me and Kyle bet on who Kay's mate would be. He said a vampire. I said Alex. And now he gave me $20.00.   

Whatever Anabell, it was a lucky gusse.  

Me and Shane walked into the kitchen when Alex and Kay where kissing.  " Aww  how cute."  I said making them jump.  Kay blushed while Alex got something to eat.   Aww don't be ashamed Kay. Its hard being mated to someont that ugly isn't is? I asked playing around.


 " Calm down Alex it was a joke."  We walked into the livingroom waiting for Kyl, Kay, and my brother.  When they all got in here I asked, " So what did you want to tell us?"  Alex was the first to speak.  We are going to war with the councle.    We are?  Shane said holding my hand.  Yeah, after what happend with Anabell, we have alies to help us fight with them.  Kyl said.  Who's all going to fight them?   We don't know who all will fight, but Kyl, and Kay got the Demi God's to help.

We also have the Werecats, Mermades, and the Mutants with us.   The councle has the Vamps, Angles, and Dark Angles.       So how are we going to do this? Shane asked.    Well first we need to build up in numbers, then we need to prep ourselfs for the fight.     " Oh Anabell can I talk to you alone?" Alex asked pointing tward the kitchen.   Yeah sure right behind you. I said geting up from my seat.       I followed him into the kitchen waiting for ih explination.   Ok, well what is it Alex? I asked.   He stod there before he talked.  Back in comet centeral... how did you do that? Use your powers I mean?     


This was one question I did not know how to answer.  I don't know Alex. I just did.  When I sall them pull out those knifes I freaked. I knew they were about to kill you. I couldn't let that happen again. They were going to kill you and Shane just like they killed mom and dad. So I gusse I just snaped. I didn't even know I was crying untill Alex whiped away my tears, and huged me.    


" Its ok Anabell your safe. Nothing can hurt us now."  He wispered in my ear.  Thanks Alex your the best.I said hugging him back, untill Shane and the others came into the kitchen.  Ok guys we need a plan. Kyl said sittilg down at the table.Ok so first we need to get numbers. Shane, you and your pack are in charge of that. Do you think you can do that? Kyl asked again.  Yeah man we'll handle that part.    Ok good. Alex and I will build a bass in the woods for training. I said sitting on Shanes lap.  Ok everyone lets go. Alex said getting up. 


 Later that week Alex and Istarted on the bass. " How big do we need to build this Alex?" I asked building the wals out of stone. " I don't know what about the size of Shadow Court?" He asked building the other wall.  Ok sure. 

We got done building the bass around 6:00. Kay, and Kyl goined us. He guys how's it coming along? Kyl assked.  Well its not perfict but its good. Alex said walking into it.  We had fireballs in the seilling keeping it let. Ok now we need to get the rest. I said building the meeting table in the middle.   A while later Shane, his pack, and our followers came in.  Good now lets start. Kyl said taking over the meeting. Ok so as you all know we have gon to war with the councle. That means we need your help. Now Wherecats your not much different from the Wherewolfs, so you will train with them.  Now the rest of the groups. You partner up. 

The leaders will plan the battle.     



So as everyone was training, Me, Alex, Shane, Kay, Kyl, the other group leaders, and Shanes dad where in the planing room.


So how are we going to plan the attack.   Alex spoke up.


" We need to let them attack first."  I finished his words. " They will wait for us to attack, then they will ambush us."  Are you sure? Shane's dad asked.  "Yes. Our parents where on a mission when they where ambushed. Thats what they do. They wait, then they strike." Alex said.   Ok then lets prepare.  


Weeks passed, and we waited.   I was sitting on the river edg when Shane came up to me. 


Hey how are you?  He asked sitting down by me.    Good, I guess. I layed my head on his shoulder and relaxed.  He was pulling his hand through my hair.   " I love you Shane."  I whispered to him closing my eyes.  

I love you too Anabell. 



I must of fallen asleep because next thing I new, I woke up in Shanes room.  I couldn't move because Shane had his arm around my waist. I turned over to face him. He was already awake. "Hey." I said.  Good morning. He said leaning in for a kiss.  I love you. He said. I love you too. I cuddled back into his chest untill my phone went off.   

" Hello?". I asked.       it was Kay. Hey where are ou. Its like 11:00.  I looked at the clock.   "Oh shit." Be there in a sec.  


We where walking to the bass when Kay ran outside. Kay what is it?  Shane asked.    The councle. There moving this way. We need to get ready. Hurry up.  We got inside and meat up with the others.     "Hey guys, so whats the plan?"   We wait. Everyone is ready. Now all we need is them to come.   Ok got it. 

It look's like its time to go to war. Now we wait.

I hope we win. We need to win. For my parents.

For everyone the councle killed. We will win.

Let the war begin.




We watched them walk into a open field as we did the same.  The had maby about 100-200 tops.

     The councle leader walked out from the group. Alex, Anabell, my dad, and I walked out to him.

" You can end this you know." He said to us, well more like Anabell and Alex. Why? So you can wait and kill us too?  Anabell said with anger in her voice. " We should have killed you two when we killed your parents."  That was when things got livid.  The sky turned grey and the ground shook. Thats when the fight started. Our army charged when there's did, only to make a big clash in the middle. 

I sall Anabell go after the councle member, while Alex took the second in command.  Me and my pack soon shifted and goind the fight.   


Alread there where a lot of people who have fell. Our side and theres; theres mostly.  A vampire came up behind me and jumped on my back and tred to bite me. I rolled trying to get him off of me.  After a couple times, he fell off and I riped his head off. The battle was about 60% over with us winning. Anabell was still fighting off the councle's leader when a Angle ran up behind her and stabed her before I could get to her.She strugled, but before she fell she killed there leader. I went after the Angle that hurt my mate, and attacked him. He tried to fly away, but I ripped off his wing, as he screamed in pain.I bit into his neak killing him right there, and ran to Anabell. At this point the war was pretty much over. I sall Anabell fall to the ground clutching her side.  I ran to her side and caught her before she hit the ground. She was bleeding really bad. I picked her up and ran to the house, with Alex, and my dad right behind us. 


I layed her down on the couch and got the medical kit. My hands where shaking to much to clean her up so my dad did it. After he cleand her up, and put her on a heart moniter. 


-30 minuts later-


She layed there looking up at the celling, not speaking to us.Thats when her heart rate started to drop.     It showed how her heart was not doing so good. I ran next to her.  Anabell please  Don't leave me. I whispered to her.She reached up and wiped the tear's away. I looked into her eyes.

"I love you." She said then her hand fell. The moniter flat lined and I started to cry. I looked over at Alex and he was cring. My dad spoke up. Come on boys lets go. We will deal with this later, come on.   My dad had to drag Alex and I out of the room with the help of Kyl.    I went to my room and cryed till I fell asleep.






She can't be dead. I said to Kyl, and Kay. Alex I know she's your sister, and we know how much you love her but you need to let her go. She's...She's...She's...dead Alex. Kay said to me on the verg of crying. "Not exactly." Said a voice that I thout I'd never hear again.  I look over to the door and see my parents.  " But.. your...and... I couldn't talk. I was in shock.   Honey your in shock look at me. My mother said coming up to me. But how are you here? ou and dad died.    I said looking her in the eye.  She smiled. We will explain later. Right now we need to help your sister. Where is she?  My mom asked. Here we'll show you, Alex go get shane. Kyl said showing my parents where Anabell was.

Shane's room and knocked on his door. He didn't answer so I opend his door slowly only to see him asleep. It looked like he cryed himself to sleep. Then again he does think his mate is dead.   I walked over to the bed and shock him.  " Shane wake up. There's something ou need to know." I said.  Finally after five minutes of shaking him he woke up.  What Alex.  He said. I could tell he was trying not to cry. I smiled at him.  Why are you smiling Alex? Do you relise that you just lost your sister? He said as a tear slid down his face. Come on Shane thers something you need to see. Trust me you will be ok. I said to him walking to the door. I won't be ok unless you found a way to bring Anabell back. He said sitting up. I turned to him and my smile grew.   He sall that and jumped up. "Did you find a way?" He asked with hope in his voice.  "Nope. I didn't." I said. His face droped, and he almost started cring again.  He didn't but we did. My mom and dad said standing by the door. 

Who are you? Shane asked.  Why we're your mates parents. My dad said with a smile. but.. she said yall where dead.  We'll explain later.

Right now we need to save Anabell.





I reall hope Anabell's mom and dad know how to save her.   I got snaped out of my thoughts from Alex. "Shane come on we need to go into the livingroom." He said grabing my arm.  Alex I can't go in there. I can't see her  cold body, not again. I said starting to cry.  Shane, she's not dead. There is still a way to save her, but you need to help us. Alex's mom said putting her hand on my shoulder.  Ok lets do it. 


We walked into the room, and there on the table with a pillow under her head.  Ok Shane go by her rright side, and Alex by her left. Clair,Alex's mom said. We did as told and we took her hand.  Clair and her husband stood at her head. OkShane you being her mate means we need to use some of your blood, and Alex you basicly being her double means we also have to use yours to.  Ok so what do we need to do? I asked.  Well you and Alex need to give blood, here let me see our hand's. We stuck our hands out over a bowl, and she took the dager over our palms and cut into them.   When we had enough blood we put a band over our hands.  Ok not we need to get it into her system.  But you two need to be making contact with her to make it work.  They took a needle and put it in a vain on  her arm.   The blood went from the bowl to her amr.   Now what? Alex asked. We need to do a chant. You two just think of the most favoritable memory of her, and we'll do the rest. 


I thought about the time when we first meet at her's and Alex's little hide out. How she almost threw a fire ball at me.  Then that same day we layd in the little pond and talked and talked.  I instantly smiled. 


 * Alex*



When mom told me what to do I thought of when we where little on how my dad would pick us up and put us on his sholders when we where eating ice-cream, and then she whould drop hers, and mom whould get her a new one. When I opend my eyes I looked down to see Anabell breathing, and Shane smiling. 

My mom told us it whould be a while intill she whould wake up. Now all we have to do is wait.




I layed there unable to open my eyes. I could here everrythin around me. What shocked me the most where the two voices that I haven't herd sense Alex and I where 14. Where my parents really alive? It can't be posible. The died.

The next thing I know; my life less body is being picked up and caryed. I was layed on something soft. Probebly a bed.         I felt someone lay down next to me. It must be Shane. If only I could snuggle into him. But sadly I can't move. I guess I will be in a coma for a while. 



     It had been 4 days sense I last woke up, and I could finally move some of my bod, but I still couldn't move.  I was gussing it was night time because Shane came in and layed down next to me. "I love you." He whisperd. I snugled into him, and his body tensed when I did that. Probably becaus I haven't moved sense that day I went into acoma.  

I woke up the next morning with Shanes arm around m wast. I carfully climed out of his hold and went to the kitcken to get something to eat. When Iwalked in Kay and Kyl where facing to me, while Alex's back was to me. I put my finger to my lips to tell them not tto move. I crept slowly over to him than, "BAM". I jumped on his back and he fell onto the floor. 


He yelled. I turned arount and sall me.  ANABELL YOUR AWAYK! He yelled, hugging me so tight that I thought I was going to vomit. Yeah Alex put me down.  HE put me down, and I noticed Shane standing there by the stair. I ran and jumped on him rapping my legs around his wast, and hugging him.   "I've missed you Shane."   I said crYng into his shoulder.  He smiled at me before leting me down. I then looked at the two figures to my right. My mom and dad smiled at me. I hugged them both, while wisperd "You got a lot to explain."





We where all sitting in the livingroom, waiting for an explination from my parents.  After a while, my mom was the first to speak. "Ok so from the start, when the councle sent there men after us, we fought.Yes, we did die, but like you there where still more avatars." She said, then my dad took over from there. "We didn't know that there was a whole communtiy of Avatars still left. We found out that they have been watching the councle, and that the found out that they where planing on taking out what they belived where the two last Avatars. Then everyone then decided we need to go back out of hidding and keep piece between the supernatural."  He finished and took a deep breath.  "Why didn't you come out of hidding sooner? Why did you wait so long? Why did you leav me and Alex alone on ourselfs?We where 14 years old!" I asked as I started to cry.  My mom ran up and huged me. "Baby I'm so sorry. We wheren't aloud to, but we where able to watch over you, so if we knew you where in serious troble thats when we could help you."  She said as her hug got tighter.  I hugged her back. "Well you'er here know. 

The rest of the day whent by amazingly,even though I was basicly put on bed rest, because I was still to weak from the battle. All I cared about was that I got my family back. I have my mother, and father, my twin/best friend, and Shane the love of my life.  


I was sitting on the couch in the livingroom watchin T.V. While drinkin my soda whet my mom came in.  "So, Ana dear when do I get grand-baby's." She askked  plain and simple. I almost choked on my driink.   "What?" I asked as my voice got a little high.  "Oh come on. It will happen sooner or later, so why are you ashamed of me asking this question?"  She stated, whiile leaning back and fixing her nails.

"I'm only 19 mom!" I yelled at her.  Shane picked then to come out into the room. "What are you guy's talking about?" He said as he took a bit out of the apple he had.  "Oh I was just asking Anabell when I'm getting gra--"  Luckly I coverd her mouth with my hand befor she could finish the sentence.  "Mom lets just keep that between me and ou, Ok?"  She shook her head yes before she got up and walked into the kitchen.  "So are you going to tell me what that was about?"  He asked as he walked over to the couch and sat down by me.  "Fine but you have to promise not to laugh, or make fun of me."  I said.  "Ok, lets have it."   Great I knew this was going to be embaricing.   "My mom decided to ask when she was getting grand kids."  I said as I turned my head away. 

I was waiting for him to start laughing at me or something, but he grabed my chin and made him look at him.   "It's nothing to be embareced about." Was all he said before he kissed me.  


 We herd a cough over by the door way. I looked up to see Alex, and I smiled at him.   


Yep I was preaty sure that my family was complet now. I tought to myself.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2015

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