
CHAPTER ONE: Arabell: Intro

I live in a institution. I don't live in a normal wold. My world has supernatural creatures.Vampires , Werfolves , and Hunters. The Hunters are gifted. They protect the umans from the bad Vampires and Werfolves. They are gifter, I am Gifted


                                    This is my story...


 UG!! Two teens my age are coming to the institution today. AS long as they leave me alone i'll be fine.

Hellow. I'm Arabell. I'm 17 years old. I'v been here for 14 years. I have natural red hair, bright green eyes, and i'm "5'7. Jo and Cathy found me in the orphany when I was three. I'v been training ever sense.



I put my work out music on and startedmy workout at 5:00 a.m like everyday. About 3 hours laterI was done with my warm ups by running non-stop, and I began my real workout. At 3:00 p.m I herd a car pul up , and Jo, Cathy,and the two teens came out.

CHAPTER THREE: Ashtion and Arabell meat



Alright before we begain,Jo said turning to me and my sister. The teen age girl, Arabell has been here for fourteen years. " Wow" I thought to my felf. Jo spoke again. She is your age,now as long as you leav her, her swords, and her nifes aloun she wount kill you. Me and my sister looked at each other. Well lets see how long we live sis, I said two her and we walked in.


( Jo's )

 (  POV )

I showed Ashtion and his sister Ashly the house while Cathy started diner. Ok you two here are your rooms. Ashly you got the one on the right and Ashtion you get the left. See the door down the hall way over there. Yeah,they both said. Well its a no zone. Why? Ashly asked. Thats Arabells room. Well you two get cozy. I'll get you for diner.




Arabell!! Diner!!! I had herd Cathy yell as I was running laps. Hold on I still hav twenty more laps left,I yelled back.

I had finished my twinty-laps and went to the dining room were Cathy, Jo, and and the two new kids were. I sat at the end of the tablelike always, away from everyone else. Well Arabell this is Ashly and her brother Ashtion, Jo said to me. I just sat there eating my diner. You don,t speak much do you? Ashly asked me. I shok me head to answer her. Ashley, Astion you to will start training with me after diner. In a couple of days you will start with Arabell, Jo said.

After diner I went back to training.




Its 8:00 and we have been training for 2 hours.

Jo we are tired are we almost done I asked.  Ha belive me when you train with Arabell you will wish you were never bore.   So who wants to fight.  Wait  we have to fight each outher,me and my sister assked at the same time. Afcours not, one will fight me and one will fight Arabell. So Ashly you pick first me or Arabell. Which one hurts les? Well that whould be me. So its setaled. Ashly will fight me and Ashtion, you will fight Arabell. Oh no I have a bad feeling about this, I thought to my self. I'll be right back let me go get Arabell, Jo said to me as he walked out the door. I looked to Ashly. Really... You had to pick Jo. What?!?! She said. Someone has to fight her, and its not going to be me Ashtion. Well my death wish was to die in piece not pain.



( Arabell's )

    ( POV )

Ashly had just got done fighting Jo, I got to say she has potintial. Now time to see if Astion has some potintian as well. Ashtion and I had just walked onto the mat. READY! SET ! FIGHT ! Jo yelled as we got ready. Ashtion ran at me, but I was to fast and dogged his blow. He spun around only to have me foot conect his chest. He feel to the ground. Five minutes of the same thing he cout my are. Jo and I started laughing. I turned and grabed his arm turned and pushed him to the ground,he had taped out.

   Tomore you both start training. Be up at 5:00. DO NOT BEE LATE








 (Arabell's )


4:59. I was waiting in the kitchen,and Ashly followed by Ashtion walked it.

Ok first of  we will have a protean shake and then we will run,I said as I handed them a shake. They drank it and then followed me. At 7:30 Ashtion asked,are we almost done. Nope we are almost done with the warm up.

 Now do two more laps, and then hit the wights. When they were finishing there laps I was seting up the wights for them. For Ashly, I sat her up to lift 400lb 300 times. For Ashtion, sence he has more uper body strength 700lb 400 times. When they looked at ther charts, they freked. But Ashly caout on and did them. Why does she get less then me? Ashtion yelled at me. I grabed Ashtion by the throut and pined him to the wall.

1 Yell at me again and you will die. 2 The reson is becaus you have more uper body stringth then her ok. So now I'm going to show you that its easy ok. He shok his head yes. I sat him down and grabed the wight. I picked it up like it was a pillow. Now get to work. You two beter be done when I get back.


( Ashtion's )

    ( POV )

Man she is hard on us, i said to Ashly. Ya i noticed. Good night sis, I said to her as I went to my room. For some resson I Couldn't get Arabell out of my mind. How come I cant get her out of my mind, and every time i touched her I felt a little shock. I'll have to ask Jo about that tomore.




In the morning I got up and asked Jo what all of that means. Jo said," Well it means one thing". "You two are mates".  What are maten Jo, I asked. A mate is your soul mate. They are the one person you will be with forever.In order to become fuely mated you have to first, Mark each other, seal the mark, and haveto compleat it by...,he traild off.COMPLEAT IT BY WHAT ? You have to have sex to compleat is. Um... So what do I do,I asked. Well first you let her warm up to you. Well good luck ,Oh and its 5:05 your late. Oh shit she is going to kill me.




( Ten minutes ago )

I had herd what Ashtion said to Jo, I already know what a mate is. But know I have a mate. So let the fun begain.


Its now 5:04

Keep Running Ashly, I yelled to her. OK,she yelled back. 5:05 Ashtion  came in. YOUR LATE, I yelled at him . I know i'm so sorry, he said. YOU WILL BE. Ashly ceep running. Ashtion see this 1,000 pound wight. Yes? Pick it up 400 times. WHAT? you hured me pick it up 400 times. I can't pick it even one time, and I highly dought you can pick it three times with no sweat.Watch me, and I picked up no sweat. NOW PICK IT UP 400 TIMES.


" What, he might be my mate but I woun't go easy on him". I thought to myself


( Arabell's )


It was saterday and I was giving Ashly and Ashtion a break.

I sang along to the song as I worked out.




   Doctor, you ain't got a pill

  For whatever's makin' this world ill

You can't get forgiven inside the store

And peace it's a politicain's war


You won't find no resolution in

The bottom of the bottle

In the stares, or Aristotle

the only answer to the problem

Is people loving people

That's the enemy of everything that's evil

Ain't  no quick fix at the end of a needle

It's just people lovin'people



In the mittle of my work out I herd the door open and close. I turned the music down, and looked to see who it was. It was Ashtion. Yes? I asked him. Me and Ashly are going out later and we wanted to know if you'll go with us? He asked me. I don't know . I got to ge back to training;with that I walked off.


( Ashly's)


SO...what did she say, what did she say?!?! I asked Ashtion.  She said "she don't know'. Yes, I yelled with exitmaint. Ashtion do you know what this means, I asked him? No what does it mean? HELLO!! She is warming up to us dip-wad. Oh. 

        It's now 6:30. Ashtion im going to see if she is coming with us. ok.  I walked to the practice room to see Arabell training. Um... Arabell? Yes she said? Do you want to go with us; we're going to the mall. I don't think I should, she said. Why? Well im not the one to go out and stuff. Plzzz plzzz come! I beged her. Fine. Yes, and with that I ran up and huger her. Be ready in ten minutes. I left the room to go tell Ashtion the good news. She said yes, Ashtion said with a shocked look on his face. Yes; she said yes.

She came  down. You ready I asked her. Yeah, I guss. We all wint to the car, me and Ashtion are in the frount and Arabell is in the back.

My favorite song came on the radio, but I didn't turn it up because I didn't know what Arabell would say.       Can you turn it up plz, I herd her ask. Yeah this is my favorite song. Mine to I herd her say. Me and Ashtion looked at each other and smiled. Me and Arabell sang to the song

People loving people 

We had got back from the mall. Thanks for coming with us Arabell. Well if you guys need me i'll be trayning.


 ( Ashtion )

     ( POV)

It was still sunday, Me and Ashly were watching Arabell practice when Jo came up to us. What are you to up to. Nothing Ashly said. Then she asked, Why does Arabell train so much? Hmmm well thats hard to explain. She didn't grow up like you two did. She has ben training sense she was little. When I started to train her, I whould say take a break, or get some rest, but she whould push herself. Sometimes she whould push herself so hard she whould cry. But the whole time she has been here she has cried onec. When? I asked. She was 5. She broke her knee, but she ceep going. Why? Ashly asked. Well she said that if she took breaks that it whould make her week. When I asked her where she was 14 she said its for her punishment. Punishment?? Me and Ashly asked. Jo stood there fore a minute before countinuing. She said it was her fault that here parents didn't want her, she said because she was to week. So from that say fouward she has traind. So much that she is beter than me. I whached her. Later that night I stared up into the selling before going to bed.



How am I going to ask her, I thought. Ashtion go ask her already,my sister yelled at me. Ok ok i'm going.

I walked up to her door. Here I go, just know Ashtion, thats all you have to do. * knok knok * Come in. Hey um... Arabell I was wondering if you would go out with me?You know ,just me and you. To a restrant or something.


Yeah sure.

Ok see ya.


I walked out of her room and went to talk with Ashly. Well did she say yes Ashtion. I looked at her. Yes she said yes. 


( Arabell's )


 Me and Ashtion have been together ever sense he asked me out, whitch by the way it's are two year anaversary.Plus we have also mated with each other. Hey you, Ashtion said to me walking in the training room. Hey.  

ASHTION, ARABELL, ASHLY, I GOT A MISSION YOUR YOU THREE. What is it, we asked? There is a group of roge werwolves out killing people. I need you to handel it. OK, where is there location? Ashley asked. There is a old run down werhouse at the edge of town. I belive thats where they are, Jo said. Well lets get ready, Said Ashtion. We got to the werhouse,but there was already a group of hunters there. Can I help you;the leader of there group said. Yes, yes you can, Ashtion said walking forward. We are to assist you with the roges. Oh so your the ones Jo sent. Yes yes we are Ashly said. Welll I'm Daman, he said looking to Ashly. Shall we go, he asked? We shall, Ashtion said. As we were walking by Ashly brushed against Daman. Arabell, can I talk to you in private? Um...sure. We got aloun, what is it ? Um Daman is my ... Mate . Well good for you can we go now? Are you going to help me? No I had to comfront Ashtion so... have fun,NOW LETS GO . We got back to  them, and Ashtion wispered to me, so what was that all about?  Daman is here mate, I wispered back to him. Oh ok.  We walked into the werhouse and found the roges. Well look at what we have here, they sent the hunters for us. We'll have fun killing you. I'd like to see you try, I said throghing a nife at one of them. It hit him straight in the head and he droped to the ground. We had killed all but one, he came up and hit me in my head so hard i got dizzy. Asht---. I had pased out. I woke up later to Ashtion laying next to me. How long have I been out? Two hours. Wow. Arabell can I ask ou something? Yeah, what is it? Well this is my anaversary present to you. He got to one knee and asked, WILL YOU MARY ME?

Yes, Yes I WILL. Now my present to you is this, I walked over to him ,and pooled his hand over my stomic.  I'm pregnet.  He looked at me befor picking me up and spining in circles. I'm  gona be a daddy he yelled. I love you baby. I love you too Ashtion, I love you too.



    ( POV )

Puch baby push, I said to Arabell. What do you think i'm doing. Alright Arabell one last push,the the docter said. Then I herd a baby crie. It's a girl I said with a smile. What is her name AVALON, I herd Arabell wispered. Later as the doctor left I got into the bed with my beautifull wife and baby. Look's like we got a new little hunter on her hands.  Mmhm. You got that right. I leand down and kissed her, then I kissed our baby. Good night sweetheart. Good night Avalon.


We went home the next day. Wait till Ashly sees her beautifull niece. She will want to hold her thats for shor,Arabell said. You got that right that I want to hold her, Ashly said coming out of nowere with Daman. Were is my niece. Right here, I said to my sister. She has you Eyes Arabell, and your Hair Ashtion. 

   Yes I know. Were is the little darling, we herd Cathy say. Right here safe and sound. Let me see her, Jo said. Arabell handed Avalon to Jo . She has that scary look in her eyes like you did when you where little Arabell. Thats a good thing, I said. How? Ashly asked. It means her mate will be scared of her like I was, I said. Arabell smacked me. What? What did I do? Do you really want her mate to be scared of her? Arabell asked me. Yes, I want my daughter to be aa virgin for as long as posible. Ashtion, Shut up. Arabell said as she gave me a " stop or i'll kill you" look. Ok ok i'll stop. Lets go home.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.11.2014

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This book is to my family. Love you all

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