
Chapter 1

I look out the window of the limousine I'm currently seated in. I'm on my way to my new home with the Sway family. The Sway family is rich, extremely rich. It's really surprising that my mom and dad had the pleasure of knowing them. Mom. Dad.


The limo passes a small suburban house and I see a father and son playing catch, while a mother and daughter are washing their dog in the sun. The scene causes my heart to swell, and my eyes to tear up. I refuse to let the tears fall, though. I've cried enough tears on the ride here.


The limousine pulls up to a house. I stand corrected...a MANSION! A HUGE FUCKING MANSION! Woah, these parents must be loaded. The driver drives up to the gate, and types in a pin. A beeping noise is heard, and the driver drives through the now open gates.


The driver drives up to the front door and cuts the ignition. He walks around to my side of the limo and opens the door extending his hand to me. I take his hand and allow him to pull me out of the limo. Once I am fully out of the limo, he closes the door and goes to the trunk to get my luggage. I go as well to help him. He opens the trunk and I grab my backpack.


I walk up the steps to the door and debate on whether or not I should knock on the door. Before I can decide on what I want to do, the door opens and out runs a boy. Unfortunately, he runs right into me. As we collide I tumble down the stairs and he just falls on his ass on the top stair...NO FAIR!!! Usually, in these type of situations where the boy and girl collide with each other, the boy would catch the girl keeping her from falling and then say something either super cute or super annoying. It's so not fair that I tumbled down the damn stairs in this situation.  I would love to just lay here, but I can't. I have to be strong and show this boy that he cannot get away with making me tumble down the stairs. I get up and prepare to yell at him but I stop. My eyes widen as they have landed upon a gorgeous boy. He has long blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He is skinny but still has visible muscles. His skin is light brown, almost the color of caramel. He smirks and that makes me realize I'm staring.


"You checking me out princess?", he asks. His voice oh my gosh. NO! Stop that! I cross my arms to show confidence, but really to keep me from shaking at the sound of his voice.


"No! But watch where you're going.", I say to him. He gets up, still with a smirk on his face and I back away from him. Not because I'm scared, just because I don't know anything about this boy, not even his name. With that thought in mind...


"Your name?", I ask him. His smirk widens and his dark blue eyes darken even more if possible.


"Why do you need my name princess? So you can scream it at the top of your lungs later tonight?", he says.


"Ew! Gross! Me getting in the bed with you is as likely to happen as the chance of me winning the lottery. And that chance is 1 in 13,983,816. That's 1 shot in almost 14 million, so I'm NEVER going to get in the bed with you." His eyes grow wide with shock, and then narrow in anger. He opens his mouth to say something, but another boy steps in before he can.


"Jackson leave her alone, it's her first day here.", the new guy says. Jackson is his name. I look at the boy who has just joined this little escapade. He has pale skin and is super skinny. He doesn't look as if he could take down Jackson, but looking at his steel gray eyes I see that he is not someone you want to make angry. So seeing Jackson stomping into the house angrily doesn't surprise me. He runs his hand through his short, curly, brown hair. 


"Sorry about him. He flirts with anything that has boobs and an ass.", the new guy says with a small laugh.


"He's a player isn't he?", I reply. He looks up at me with those intense gray eyes of his.


"Saying he's a player is like saying Lebron James is liked by people.", he said.




"Lebron James isn't liked by people he's loved by people, and Jackson isn't a player he's a manwhore." At this sentence, I start laughing and after a moment he does too. He holds his hand out to me.


"Sway. William Sway, but my friends call me Will." I shake his hand.


"Jones. Faitheny Jones, but my friends call me Faith."


"Faitheny eh?", Will says.


"Yup the one and only." 


"Well Faitheny, do you have "faith" that we can become really good friends?" I chuckle at Will's wordplay.


"I have plenty of "faith" in this newfound friendship." 


"Good. Introductions aside, would you like to come in and meet the gang?"


"Uh, sure."


Will opens the door.





Chapter 2

When you first step into the house, it's like you are stepping into a 5-star hotel lobby but MUCH bigger, and fancier. There are two grand staircases, one on the left and one on the right. The staircases meet at the top in an elegant, homey way. A chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the middle of the room. It's one of those chandeliers that people in movies use to capture people or animals/creatures. Instead of the chandelier being old and rusty, it looks newly furnished, and it glimmers in the light. There are two hallways that lead two different directions. 


In my peripheral vision, I can see Will staring at me and slightly chuckling at my 'awed' reaction. I turn to him, simultaneously closing my mouth. 


"Are you sure you're not renting this house just to impress me?", I ask him.


"Trust me, if we were renting this house it would cost more than the current price of utilities put together. And we certainly wouldn't be renting this house just to impress you." I fake pout. "Hey cheer up. I was just joking." He sounds like he really means it like he really thinks he hurt my feelings. I just have to laugh. 


"You didn't really hurt my feelings. I was just feigning hurt, you know...acting?", I say to him. He looks surprised at first, and then a look of admiration is visible on his face. 


"You know...with those acting skills...I bet you could be an...actress.", he tells me. 


"Oh come on, it was clear I was faking it. You're just really gullible."


"No, I'm not."


"Yes, you are."


"No, I'm not."


"Yes, you are."


"No, I'm-" I cut him off. "About meeting the other guys?", I ask him. He gray eyes widen and he throws a palm against his forehead.


"Geez I'm sorry, I completely forgot. Hang on a sec." He walks over to an intercom that I didn't see on the wall at first and pushes a button. "Sway Boys emergency meeting." He then proceeds to do some clapping pattern, almost like...he's confirming that it's him. In a matter of seconds, I start to hear rumbling around the house, and the ground starts vibrating. 


"ARE WE DUE FOR AN EARTHQUAKE?", I have to yell to be heard. Will chuckles at me.




He was right.


Soon after he said that the rumbling stops, and standing around Will and I are nine gorgeous boys. Jackass-Jackson- not included. I suddenly feel overly exposed in my short skirt and floral half shirt that stops above my belly button. 


"Man, what the hell Will? What's the emergency?", one boy asks. He has dirty blonde hair and striking green eyes. His skin is peach like the color. Will look at him with his piercing gray eyes, and gestures to me.


"This is the emergency. Our new guest has arrived." All the boys' eyes land on me and simultaneously widen. At this moment I wish the ground would open up, and swallow me. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't.


"This is the person, well girl, that's moving in with us?", another boy asks. This boy has chocolate brown eyes, and jet black hair. Will nods.


"She's already met Jackson and me of course, now I want all of you to introduce yourselves. Just say your name and age.", Will says.


"What the fuck is this an icebreaker?", the boy with dirty blonde hair and green eyes asks. 


"You could think of this that way if you want.", Will says. Other boys look like they want to protest but when Will glares at those boys they sigh and start introductions. The dirty blonde walks up to me and holds out his hand. I notice that he has freckles literally everywhere on his face.


"I'm Asher, but my friends call me Ash, and I'm 16 years old." I shake his hand.


"Nice to meet you, Ash." He glares at me.


"I said my friends, which you are not included in." He stomps off down one of the hallways. I stare at him as he stomps off. What the hell did I do to you? I don't have time to think much about it, though as the next boy is walking up to me. 


"I'm Martin, and I'm 17 years old." This boy has chocolate brown hair and amber eyes. He's wearing horn-rimmed glasses. I shake his hand. 


"Nice to meet you, Martin."


"Wish I could say the same.", he replies. What the fuck is up with these boys? Will points to a boy that looks just like him. The boy has gray eyes and short, brown, curly hair.


"That's Jesse and he's 18 years old." Jesse walks up to me. I shake his hand and he goes to stand next to Will. This time I don't bother saying nice to meet you. The boy with jet black hair and chocolate brown eyes walks up next, but instead of holding out his hand for me to shake, he tries to hug me. I panic and flip him over my shoulder. I can do with the handshakes, but physical contact like hugs...I've never been a particular fan of. I look down at the poor boy I mercilessly flipped.


"I'm really sorry about that.", I say to him. I look up at the other boys and see five pairs of eyes staring back at me. I hear the boy I flipped groaning on the floor.


"Sorry.", I say again.


"Damn woman.", is the response I get.


"Come on," Will helps the boy up and helps him stand, "dust yourself off and introduce yourself now."


" right? name is Delance and I'm... how old am I again? 16? 17? Yeah, I'm 17. Okay. My name is Delance and I'm 17 years old.", he says. Will shakes his head at Delance, and I give a shy smile.


"I'm gonna take Lance to the kitchen to get an aspirin. You guys, finish introducing yourselves. I'll know if you don't so just do it." Will finishes and heads off towards the direction of the kitchen. I turn to face the 5 boys still standing around me. Jesse went with Will to help Delance. None of the five boys make a move to come up to me, and the silence is awkward. I decide to break it.


"Will Will actually know if you don't finish the introductions?", I ask truly curious. One boy nods his head. 


"Yeah, it's like Will has some magic power that allows him to see through lies and detect unfinished tasks.", the boy says. 


"Well then, come on up and finish the introductions.", I say.


"We don't want to end up like Lance.", the same boy said.


"Come on, you can shake my hand but if you try to hug me that's when you'll get the fate that Lance met.", I say half joking, half serious. The boys stand there for another minute, before the one I was talking to walks up to me, cautiously I notice, and holds out his hand unsure. This boy has blue hair, obviously dyed, and green eyes. His skin is of the darker shades of brown. Like, Hershey brown.


"My name is Isaac and I'm 16 years old.", I nod my head and make sure to shake his hand extra gently to ensure him that I won't hurt him. When he realizes that he's still on his feet he pauses and then scurries away. The next boy walks up. He has red-orange hair and gold eyes. Literally! His eyes are the color gold! And his skin is a caramel color. He has freckles on his cheeks and a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose.


"My name is Samuel, but my friends call me Sam, and I'm 16 years old." I shake his hand, and my breath gets caught in my throat. 


"Your eyes are pretty.", is the "intelligent" answer I manage to respond with. He laughs at me, and I mean it's howling laughter. His laugh is so loud and booming that my ears start ringing. I feel a slight blush creeping up my neck and spreading throughout to my cheeks. 


"Thanks, sweetheart.", he says. He winks at me and then walks away laughing. 2 down, 3 to go. The last three boys all look the same. They all have short, blond hair, and from where I'm standing it looks like they have blue eyes. They all walk up to me at the same time, their steps in sync.


I was wrong, they all have forest green eyes.


"Hi." they all say at the same time.


"My name is Brandon," the one on my left says.


"My name is Bradley," the one in the middle says.


"My name is Braxton," the one on my right says.


"and I'm 18 years old.", they all say at the same time. I'm never going to remember which name goes with which boy.


"Are you guys triplets?", I ask before I can stop myself. Two of the guys laugh, but the one in the middle doesn't.


"No, we all got plastic surgery to look the same.", he says. Before I get a chance to say something to him, he stomps off up the stairs. I've had enough of these damn boys. I haven't done a single thing to them, and yet they're being so rude to me. I feel tears pricking at the corner of my eyes and I quickly wipe them away. I'm not about to let these boys see me cry and I haven't even been here for a full hour. While I'm working on composing myself, Will walks up to me and the last two triplets walk away. 


"Hey! Did the others introduce themselves while I was gone?", he asks me.


"Yeah.", I say and I wince when I hear how uneven my voice is. 


"Are you okay?", Will asks me. I shake my head knowing that he already heard the unevenness of my voice. 


"What's wrong?"


"It's these damn boys. Asher, Martin, and one of the triplets have only just met me and they're already so rude to me. And let us not forget about the pervert Jackass-" Will cuts me off.


"-Jackson-" To me, his name is Jackass.


"-Jackass. He just gives me the creeps. What did I do to any of those boys to make them hate me?", I accidentally ramble because I'm so worked up. "I mean, they don't know what I went through, and you don't know what I went through, but I'm pretty sure even if y'all did know what I went through they would still be complete assholes." Will stands there shocked. It's like he doesn't know what to say. In the moments of silence that follow, I feel the tears swelling up again. Luckily, Will's stern voice and pissed off expression stop the tears from flowing.


"Dinner is at 7:30. Would you like me to show you to your room?" I can't believe he just completely ignored what I just said. I thought Will was nice, and maybe even a potential friend, but I guess not. Nonetheless, I nod my head, afraid to use my voice at this point, for fear that the tears would start flowing.


"Okay follow me." I silently follow Will up the stairs. After about five minutes, we arrive outside of a birch wood door. Most people would look at this kind of door and say it's ugly, but all I see when I look at this door is natural beauty. Looking down the hall, I see that all doors are made from this same birch wood. Will's voice pulls me out of my thoughts.


"-on the left." Aw crap. I missed all of what he said. 


"I'm sorry what?" I expected him to have an annoyed look on his face, but when I looked at his face I saw the same pissed off expression he wore earlier. I hope I didn't cause him to have that expression. 


"I said, my room is the third door on the left." 


"Oh okay."


"I'll come pick you up for dinner at 7:25."


"Okay." Will walks, no stomps, off down the hall. I sigh and open the door to my room.



Chapter 3

 *Will's POV*


Faith looked like she was about to cry. She's probably in her room crying right now. Was it true? Were the boys really mean to her when I left? I'm going to find out right now. I walk up to the triplets' door and knock. Braxton opens the door.


"Oh hey Will! Bradley was just about to give you the-" I cut him off.


"Were any of the boys mean to Faith? I mean were they rude at all?", I ask him.


"Uh, yeah. You were there when Ash and Martin were rude right?", he asks me.


"What do you mean? I didn't hear anything rude come out of their mouths.", I reply. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck. 


"Well Ash said that Faith wasn't his friend and that she couldn't call him Ash, and Martin basically blew off her friendship." I groan and run my hands down my face.


"Anyone else?", I ask.


"Well, Bradley may or may not have snapped at her.", Braxton admits sheepishly. I'm so pissed at those boys. 


"Who's all in your room?", I ask Braxton.


"Just Brandon and Bradley why?"


"Tell both of them to come to the living room. Also, text the rest of the boys to come to the living room as well."


"Why don't you just use the intercom?", Braxton asks me. 


"Because it's connected to all the rooms including Faith's. I don't want her to know about this meeting.", I explained. 


"Oh okay. Um my phone is dead, so I can't exactly text the rest of the boys.", Braxton says. 


"Fine, I'll text them. Just tell Bradley and Brandon to meet me downstair in the living room.", I say. 


I start to walk down the hall whilst pulling out my phone to text the boys. I click on our group chat.


Will Sway: All Sway boys meet me in the living room RIGHT NOW!!! 


Jackson Sway: Is she down there?


Will Sway: First of all she has a name, it's Faith. Second of all, no she's not.


Jackson Sway: Okay good.


Delance Sway: Aww...Is Jacky upset because for the first time in forever a girl rejected him?


Jackson Sway: You're one to talk. I was told that she mercilessly flipped you over her shoulder when you tried to hug her.


Delance Sway: Shut up. It was unexpected.


Jackson Sway: I bet you trying to hug her was unexpected yet her reflexes were on POINT! 


Delance Sway: ...I'm done.


Jesse Sway: I'm on my way. 


Martin Sway: Lance, dude did you really just quote 'Frozen'?


Delance Sway: NO!...Wait yea I did.


Martin Sway: Haha! I'm on my way downstairs.


Isaac Sway: Ha! All y'all have to actually walk here while I was already sitting on the couch. 


Asher Sway: Is that girl going to be down there?


Will Sway: Once again, that girl has a name, Faith. And no, she is not going to be down there.


Samuel Sway: Why didn't you just use the intercom?


Will Sway: ...


Will Sway: I'm done. See you guys downstairs.


I turn off my phone and continue walking to the living room, ignoring all the noise coming from my phone, indicating that the boys were still texting. I walk into the living room and see that Isaac, Lance, Jesse, Bradley, Brandon, and Braxton are already down here, and sitting on the couches. Asher walks through the front door taking a seat by Jesse on the gold loveseat.


"Where are Jackson, Martin, and Sam?", I ask. All the boys shrug except for Jesse.


"Jackson and Martin are scared to come down here. They think you're lying to them about Faith not being down here. I think Sam is just refusing to come downstairs.", Jesse replied. I pull out my phone again.


Will Sway: Jackson, Martin, and Sam get your asses downstairs RIGHT NOW!!!


Samuel Sway: Why???




Will Sway: Let's do it like this. The last person down here does the dishes after dinner.


As soon as I sent that, I hear feet running down the stairs towards this direction. Two minutes later, Jackson and Martin come sprinting down the hall, and into the living room with Sam right on their tails. When Sam comes in last he groans.


"FRICK!", he yells.


"Well, it looks like Sam will be doing the dishes today.", I say.


"Frick!", he says just a little bit quieter this time.


"What is the topic of this meeting?", Jesse asks.


"Faith.", I say simply. Jackson starts frowning and Asher balls up his fist.


"I thought you said that Faitheny wouldn't be down here!", Asher yells.


"She's not going to be down here. I said that she wouldn't be down here, but I didn't say that the meeting wouldn't be about her.", I explain. Asher visibly relaxes.


"Oh okay.", Asher says.


"Anyway, does anyone want to tell me why Faith looked like she was about to cry when I took her to her room?", I ask. Asher smirks and leans back in his seat. Jackson rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. Martin smirks as well and lays down on the couch. The rest of the boys look sympathetic. For who, I don't have a clue. 


"She's probably upset because I told her we aren't friends, and that can't she call me Ash. Poor girl. I almost want to give her the pleasure of my friendship. Almost.", Asher says. I get real angry, real quick. Just as I'm about to say something Martin starts talking.


"I did basically say that it wasn't nice to see her. That might've hurt her feelings but I could care less.", Martin finished with a shrug of his shoulders. I cannot believe they did and said these things to Faith.


"Did anyone else do or say something rude to Faith?", I ask. I want to give Bradley a chance to tell me what he did before I call him out. No one answers me. 


"Bradley, are you positive that you didn't do anything to Faith?", one last chance. In my peripheral vision, I see Braxton tense up. He probably thinks I'm going to tell Bradley that he told me what Bradley said to Faith.


"Why do you assume I did something?", he asks me. 


"Because you have a tendency to snap on people.", I replied.


"Well I didn't do anything to the crybaby.", he says. Instead of ratting out Braxton, I take a different approach.


"Oh, so Faith lied to me?", I ask. I see Braxton visibly relax, but Bradley's expression doesn't change. 


"Yea.", he replies. 


"I don't think she lied to me."


"Don't tell me you're going to believe the crybaby girl's words. Whatever happened to bros before hoes?", he says. 


"That still applies, but some of you are treating Faith very rudely after just having met her.", I reply.


"So you are taking the crybaby's side. I should've known.", Asher says.


"If you know that not all of us were rude to Faith, then why are we all down here for this meeting?", Sam asks me.


"Because I want you all to know this...Faith is our guest now. I don't know for how long, but during the duration of her stay I want all of you to be as polite as possible to her. I don't want to have to hear her cry anymore. Do I make myself clear?", I state.


"Yes dad.", all the boys say. I smile, finally feeling as if something was going right today. I look at my phone and it is 7:20. I pick up Faith in five minutes.


"Dinner is in 10 and yes Faith is eating dinner with us." As soon as I say that all the boys jump off the couch and run into the dining room I shake my head at their eagerness and walk up the stairs to pick up Faith. Wow, it sounds like I'm going to take her on a date. I wish. 

Chapter 4

*Faith's POV*


When I walk into the room, the first thing I see is pink. EVERYWHERE! I mean literally, you cannot look anywhere in this room without seeing pink. This is stereotypical. NOT EVERY GIRL LIKES PINK! In fact, I despise the color pink. Pink is a mistake that happened when red cheated on yellow and blue and got together with white for a one night stand. It's literally the worst thing ever created. Aside from the disgusting color, there is a huge, king size bed in the middle of the room. It has pink blankets and pillows on it. Along one pink wall is two pink doors. One pink door is along another pink wall, and in the back of the room, there is a pink balcony. Seriously? How do you make balcony rails pink? Along the wall with one door, there is a pink vanity with a matching pink, fluffy chair. On the wall opposite that wall, there is a flat screen TV. There's a TV stand underneath the flat screen TV and on the stand, there is a Xbox One, a Xbox 360, and a Playstation 4. In the transparent cabinets on either side of the stand, there are games to all three game systems. These parents must be loaded. What am I talking about? This is the SWAY FAMILY. Of COURSE, they're loaded. 


I walk to the door that is next to the vanity and open it. Inside is a luxurious bathroom. There's a pink toilet, a pink sink with pink cabinets, a huge pink tub, a standing pink shower, a pink hot tub, and another pink door. I look at the mirror and see pink light bulbs outlining the perimeter of the mirror. I walk to the other door and open it. Inside this door, pink towels are folded neatly and are stacked on three separate shelves. I'M SICK OF ALL THIS DAMN PINK! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK? I close the door to the mini closet and walk out the bathroom closing that door as well.


I walk to one of the doors on the opposite wall and open it. This door opens to a set of stairs. I'll explore that later. I close this door and open the door on the other end of this wall, already having an idea as to what is behind this door. Inside this door is a walk in closet. The closet is mainly filled with pink clothes and I make a mental note to burn every single piece of clothing in this room before the end of the month. There's one spot left empty and I suppose that spot is for the clothes that I bought. I walk out of my closet and grab the suitcases that the butler must have brought up to my room. After sorting all my clothes into their designated area, I put the suitcases away and sit on my pink bed. I look at the pink carpet and hum lyrics to "My Immortal" by Evanescence. Eventually, I start singing the words.


"And if you have to leave,

I wish that you would just leave.

Cause your presence still lingers here,

and it won't leave me alone.


These wounds won't seem to heal.

This pain is just too real.

There's just too much that time

cannot erase.


When you cried I wiped away all of your tears. 

When you screamed I'd fight away all of your fears.

And I held your hand through all of these years.

But you still, have

All of me."


"You have a beautiful singing voice." My head snaps up at the sound of another voice. My eyes widen as I see Will leaning casually against the doorframe. My whole face heats up, and I'm pretty sure I'm red as a tomato.


"Thanks.", I whisper.


"It's 7:25. You coming down for dinner?", Will asks me. I shake my head.


"I'm not exactly hungry anymore. Besides, I don't want to face Asher, Bradley, Jackass and Martin."


"You do realize that his name is Jackson, right?"


"You do realize that as of this afternoon, his name is Jackass, right?"


"Why do you call him Jackass?"


"Because I fucking want to. Got a problem with that?", I ask, my voice raising with every word. 


"No, but I have a problem with you yelling at me when I haven't done anything."


"Exactly, you haven't done ANYTHING!", I yell getting angrier by the second. Who is he to ignore what I told him earlier and just come back acting like we're all buddy buddy?


"Explain.", he says simply.


"When I told you about how the boys were treating me you were silent and then you asked to show me the location of my room. You didn't even acknowledge that I had said anything about any of your friends. I thought you were my friend, but that was really low when you just STOOD there and IGNORED what I had said. You completely overlooked it!" Will was quiet. He was breathing heavily, and I thought, just for a second, that I had gone a little overboard.


Just for a second though.


Will closes his eyes and works to breathe normally. When he finally opens his eyes his breathing is normal again. 


"I didn't ignore or overlook what you said. In fact, I was pissed the fuck off that the boys would actually do and say such things to you after just meeting you. I was so pissed, and I didn't want to take my anger out on you. I knew if you and I talked about it, I would flip shit and start yelling. At you, at whoever was closest. So I didn't address what you said simply because I didn't want you to see me angry. I'm sorry you felt as though I ignored and overlooked what you said. That wasn't the case at all. Forgive me?" By the end of his explanation, I feel like a huge bitch. I simply jumped to my own conclusions without having all the facts. I nod to answer his question, of course, I would forgive him.


"I am so sorry Will." His eyebrows furrow together, his face taking on a look of confusion.


"For what?", he asks me.


"For jumping to my own conclusion. It wasn't right nor fair of me to do that. Friends?" This is where the friendly smile I first saw plastered on Will's face came back.


"Friends.", he said. 


"Now will my friend like to come eat dinner with me and the gang?"


"Only if my friend helps get me through the dinner with the obnoxious boys.", I reply with a grin.


"Always.", Will says. And the way he said that it sounded like he was making a much bigger promise than just always helping me deal with his obnoxious friends. Just the thought of that had me absolutely terrified.

Chapter 5

Will leads me down multiple halls, and we eventually arrive at the same place everyone introduced themselves to me. We turn right and a butler opens two large double doors for us to pass through. Let me tell you this...their dining room is amazeballs! Yes, that is a word. Don't judge me for using it. Anyway, the entire dining room is brown, gold, and white. The walls are a light brown color, and the floor is white marble. In the middle of the room is a gold table. It's not a bright gold, it's a subtle gold, a little bit darker than normal gold. The chairs around the table are gold as well. Paintings are hung all over the walls of the dining room. Get this...every single painting is painted in white. The background of the painting is black, and the picture painted on the canvas is painted in white paint.  


"So, you can either sit next to me or you can sit next to Asher."


"You.", Asher and I say at the same time. Asher glares at me and I glare right back. Will steps in front of me blocking Asher from my vision. He says something to Asher and Asher stops glaring but anger is still present in his eyes. Will takes my hand and leads me to two seats that are side by side.


"We kind of have assigned seats. I mean everyone sits in the same seat for every meal so, yeah. If you choose to sit in this seat  then you have to sit here no matter what.", Will says to me. 


"I don't mind." Will looks to be relieved at my response.


"Okay. Good. I don't know why I was nervous about your response. I don't know. I guess it's because you don't seem like a rule follower." I raise a questioning eyebrow at the end of his sentence. 


"I don't seem like a rule follower? How in the world did you come to that questionable conclusion?", I ask him.


"Well...I'm not exactly sure how I came to that conclusion. I guess that's how I saw you after you mercilessly flipped Delance for trying to hug you." Will shrugs at the end of his "explanation". 


"Awe come on! Do we really have to bring this up at DINNER!?!", Delance yells.


"Of course. It was funny.", Will says.


"Yeah, dude. You do realize that we will never let you live that down right?", Martin says.


"But WHY?"


"Because it's not every day that you see a guy get flipped by a girl. It's a rare right actually. Damn, now you're making me wish I was there to record it.", Asher says.


"UGH! My life is over!", Delance yells. 


"Dude, you sound like every girl when she realizes the guy she likes likes another girl or is gay.", Brandon says. 


"That's not true.", I say. Every head turns to look at me, and I immediately regret opening my big mouth. 


"How is it not true sweetheart?", Sam asks me. My face heats up when he calls me sweetheart again. 


"It's not true because not every girl is the same." I inwardly smirk when my voice comes out even and steady.


"I'm pretty sure all girls are the same.", Sam says.


"NO! That is invalid. There are 4 types of girls." I hold up four fingers on my left hand and put my right pointer finger on my left pointer finger.


"One, girls that cake makeup on their faces and sleep with every guy in the school." I put my left pointer finger down and put my right pointer finger on my left index finger.


"Two, girls who don't sleep with every guy, use a fair amount of makeup, and fangirls over the guys they like." I put my left index finger down and put my right pointer finger on my left ring finger. 


"Three, girls that are complete nerds/geeks, care about their grades, almost never wears makeup, and spends most of their time studying for tests that are in a month." I put my left ring finger down and put my right pointer finger on my pinky finger. 


"And four, girls who don't care about their appearance, grades, or what people think of them. They have some friends, but they prefer to be alone." I put my pinky finger down.


"I think you're the first type of girl you listed.", Bradley says. 


"EXCUSE ME!?!", I yell.


"Well I mean, look at what you're wearing. The first type of girl you listed is basically a slut. What you're wearing right now makes you look like a slut. I wouldn't be surprised if you banged half the guys at your old school, and maybe a few girls as well if you swing both ways.", Bradley says. I. Cannot. Believe. That. He. Just. SAID THAT! My face heats up but not with blush, with anger. I start breathing rapidly, and if I sit here any longer I think I'm going to snap Bradley's neck. I stand up so fast that my chair falls backward onto the floor. Looking at the boys faces my anger turns to sadness. He's right. I do look like a slut right now. I didn't bang anybody at my old school, though. I'm still a virgin. I've never even had a boyfriend.


I don't say anything to anybody. I just run out of the dining room, up the stairs and straight to my room. Once I'm safely in my room I go straight to my closet. I pick out some sweats and a baggy hoodie with a Uindy symbol on the front. I don't bother going to the bathroom. I just change in my closet. Once I'm changed, I step outside my closet, close the door, and put my dirty clothes in the hamper in my bathroom.


I look in the mirror and at the makeup on my face. There isn't a lot. Just some mascara, eyeliner, and a faint blush. I don't use foundation or concealer. I grab my makeup bag, that I stored in the cabinet under the sink, and pull out my makeup remover wipes. I remove all the makeup off my face and put my hair into a loose ponytail, that I tuck into my hoodie. When I look in the mirror now, all I see is a broken girl's eyes staring back at me. I don't see her face, her clothes, or anything else. I only see her eyes. Her shattered, broken eyes. 


I splash cold water on my face to bring some color back into my face. Hot water takes color out of my face. Cold water puts color back into my face. Don't ask me why this is. Not even I know. When a satisfying amount of color has taken place on my face, I dry my face and walk out my room.


Chapter 6

 When I reach the doors to the dining room the butler moves to open the doors for me. I put my hand up signaling for him to wait, and he does. On the other side of the doors, the boys are laughing, and joking, and making fun of each other. Being a family. I look at the butler and nod for him to open the doors. He does, and immediately all boys eyes turn to me. 


I don't look anyone directly in the eye. I walk to my seat silently and sit down. It's eerily silent in the room. As if they were expecting me to blow up and start yelling at any second. 


After a couple minutes, the chef brings me my plate. Today's dinner is lasagna since that's what's on my plate. I pick up my fork and put the smallest amount of lasagna possible on the fork. I put the lasagna in my mouth. I have to admit, this tastes really good. Sadly, I'm not that hungry anymore.


It's still dead silent in the room and it's getting extremely uncomfortable. 


"You guys can go back to your conversations. Don't let the slut stop you.", I whisper so softly, that I don't even know if they actually heard me. 


"Faith-", Will starts to talk, but I cut him off.


"-no really. It's fine. You don't have to try to convince me that I'm not a slut." I could feel the tears start to form. 


"I mean. It's not like I'm a virgin. It's not like I've never had a boyfriend in my life. It's not like I've never kissed a guy, never been touched anywhere, never been hugged by anyone but my parents." My voice cracks noticeably when I say, parents. The tears are threatening to fall, but thankfully I hold them back. 


It's silent again so I risk a glance upwards. Most of the boys have left the table, which is probably why it's so damn quiet in here. Only Will, Sam, and I are still sitting at the table. Will is still eating, and Sam is just sitting there. I'm too lazy, and emotionally and physically drained to move my ass.


After Will is finished eating, he gets up and leaves the table with barely a glance in my direction. When Will leaves the room, Sam speaks. 


"I don't think you're a slut. I didn't even think you looked like a slut, to be honest with you." I look up and see a boyish grin plastered on Sam's face. I return it with a weak smile.




"You're most indefinitely welcome."


Sam still doesn't move. He just sits there grinning at me. It's getting kind of creepy.


"Not trying to be rude or anything, but why are you still sitting here?"


"Well, I have to wash the dishes today. I lost a race between me, Jackson, and Martin." He shrugs as if it's no big deal. 


"Could I...Can I..." I take a deep breath and start again.


"Would it be a problem if I washed dishes with you?", I ask. Sam stares at me for a moment before breaking out into another ear-splitting laugh.


"Of course you can wash dishes with me, sweetheart. Why-why did you think I would have a problem with that?", he asks.


"I don't know.", I admit. I sheepishly look up at Sam's face to be met with an ear to ear boyish grin.


Sam takes my hand, grabs the plate that Will left on the table and directs me to the kitchen. Once we're in the kitchen, Sam puts the plate in the sink and turns around to face me. 


"So, how are we going to do this? Are you washing and I'm drying or am I washing and you're drying?", he asks me. I shrug.


"I'm cool with whatever. You assign." Sam's grin widens even more if possible.


"Alright then, I wash you dry." I look into his eyes and see an unrecognizable emotion in them.


"Okie dokie lokie.", I say.


"Okie...dokie...lokie?", Sam repeats slowly while raising a questioning eyebrow.


"Yes. Okie dokie lokie. Is there a problem?" 


"No no no. No problem here whatsoever. No.", Sam replies quickly. I smile.


"Alright, then these dishes aren't going to wash themselves are they?"


"No, they're not.", I reply. I walk over to the dishes, take the dishes out of the sink, and start the water, whilst putting the stopper in the sink. I organize all the dishes on the side of the sink while the soap water runs. When the water is high enough I shut off the water and put the dishes neatly into the sink to soak for about 5 minutes. I turn around to find Sam staring intently at me, the boyish grin still plastered on his face. It seems like he is always smiling. 


"Why are you smiling at me like that?", I ask him.


"You had this look of concentration on your face while you were prepping the dishes. Your face looked like this." Sam makes a funny face that does not represent my concentration face at all. Despite my mood and the events from dinner, I laugh. I laugh a genuine laugh, cackle, snorts and all. When I'm finally done laughing, Sam looks like he just won a Grammy. The delight in his golden eyes is present and clear. 


"What?", I ask.


"Nothing it's just, your laugh is so musical and I'm the one who made you laugh." My cheeks heat up with a familiarizing red.


"Thanks.", I mumble. 


"OKAY TIME TO WASH THE DISHES!", Sam yells. I laugh again but this time without the cackles, and the snorts and all. 


"Okay.", is all I say.


Sam shows me where the plates, cups, and silverware are put up. He stands in front of the sink, and washes the dishes, while I stand off to the right of him and dry every dish he hands to me. After I dry the dish, I put it up where it's supposed to go. When we are finished, I start to put the drying towel away when something cold hits me in the face. Sam starts laughing.


I peel the wet towel off of me and smirk. Oh, two can play this game. While Sam is busy laughing, I fill the sink with hot water, soak the towel with hot water, and fill a plastic cup with hot water. As he is still laughing I pour the scorching water down his back. He jerks back immediately and when he does I throw the hot towel on his chest. He leans forward, catching the towel in his hands, but forgetting that the towel is hot. He immediately drops the towel and puts his hands in the sink water. Almost immediately he jerks his hands out of that water. I start laughing. HARD! He cuts on what I'm guessing is cold water and puts his hands under the flowing water sighing in content. He glares at me but no anger is present in his eyes. 


After 3 minutes of having his hands under the water, he cuts off the water and looks at me. We don't do or say anything. He stares at me, I stare at him. Suddenly, he dips his hand in the bubble water and puts the bubbles all over my face. THE BUBBLES BURN! HOW THE FUCK DO BUBBLES BURN? Instead of screaming or scrambling to get the bubbles off my face, I grab a handful of bubbles and put them on Sam's face. 


"FRICK!", Sam yells.


Sam isn't as strong as I am I guess. 


"FRICK IT FRICKING BURNS!" I start laughing. By now the bubbles on my face have cooled down. So that means the bubbles in the sink should be cooled down as well. I put my hand in the water and sure enough, the bubbles are cool. I pick up two handfuls of the cool bubbles and put them on Sam's face. Sam glares at me again and splashes me with water. My hoodie gets completely soaked. I glare at Sam, he smiles at me. I splash Sam with water and soak his shirt. We glare at each other and the bubble war begins. We constantly splash each other with water getting each other more and more soaked. Just when I was about to splash Sam again, someone clears their throat, catching Sam and I's attention.





Chapter 7

"Well, you two seem to be having fun."


"We were just washing the dishes Will.", Sam says.


"So splashing water on each other is washing the dishes? Thanks for the memo.", Will says.


"She needed a little cheering up, I figured I would cheer her up." Will glares at Sam.


"Come on Faith, I'll show you to your room.", Will says.


"No, I'll show her.", Sam insists.


"I'll show her."


"I'll show her."




"I'll show myself thank you very much.", I say.


"Are you sure you know the way?", Will asks me.


"Of course.", I say while walking away.


I walk out the kitchen, through the dining room, and up the stairs to my room. When I reach my room I open the door, walk in, and close the door. I grab a pair of pajamas from the closet, sweat pants and a sweater, before going into the bathroom and taking a shower. I get out the shower and put on the sweatpants and sweater. So I don't wear undergarments to bed, sue me. I go commando when I'm on the down-low, yo. I'm weird as fuck... I throw my dirty clothes into the hamper and climb under the pink comforter.


I pick up my phone and scroll through my gallery stopping on a specific picture. Everything was great before this asshole decided to jump in my life and ruin everything. Life was perfect. The perfect family, perfect school, perfect friends, perfect everything. Why did he have to come along and ruin it all? I wish I could go back in time to before he came. Then I could warn everyone about the damage he would cause when he first arrived. I miss my old life. I was perfect. I had great friends, great grades, and I was the only high school student that was never out past their curfew. Everyone saw me as a goody-two-shoes. Now all people see me as is a whore. How can I be a whore when I'm a virgin? I guess it's all about appearance these days. Well, guess what...It's going to be a LONG time before anyone sees any skin of mine besides my hands and face. 


I cut off my phone and set it on my pink drawer. All this pink is giving me a headache. The last thought I have before I go to sleep is, "I wonder what tomorrow will be like..."




I wake up when a cold liquid is suddenly all over my face and body.


"FUCK!", I yell. I sit up and rub my eyes. When I can see, I look around and spot Sam with an empty bucket in his hands, a charming smile on his face, and an unrecognizable emotion in his eyes.


"You know, you're even cuter when you're pissed off.", he says.


"Why the fuck would you do that?", I ask. 


"Because I've been up here for the past hour and a half trying to wake your ass up." He ends his "explanation" with a charming smile in my direction.


"How the hell would you wake my ass up if my ass doesn't even sleep? Huh?"


"You know what the fuck I meant."


"Or did I?"


"Yes, you did." He pauses. "Or at least you should know what I meant." 


"You can't tell me what I do and do not know. You're not my brain. You don't know what information is stored in here." I point to my head.


"Oh, my fucking gosh sweetheart. You're killing me." Sam looks annoyed.


"You know, you're even cuter when you're annoyed Skittles." He looks at me weird.


"Skittles?", he asks.


"What? You call me sweetheart, I thought it would only be fair if I call you a nickname that starts with an S.", I say in defense.


"I chose sweetheart because my name starts with an S. Give me a nickname that starts with F.", he tells me. I think for a moment before I come up with the perfect nickname.


"FLUFFY!", I yell.


"Why that?", he asks me.


"Because that's what I want to call you. That's what I'm going to call you.", I nod my head. 


"Sweetheart, what kind of name is that?"


"Uh, a name." Sam shakes his head at me.


"You're something else sweetheart. Get up and get dressed. We're going out."


"Going where?", I ask.


"It's a surprise.", Sam tells me.


"Who's all going?" Sam shakes his head. 


"You have a lot of questions this morning sweetheart. You, me, and the triplets are going." My eyes widen.


"Isn't Bradley one of the triplets?" Even I can detect the panic in my voice. Sam looks confused at the sudden panic in my voice.


"Um, yeah. Why are you asking?" I rapidly shake my head back and forth.


"I'm not going."


"Why sweetheart?"


"Because I'm not."


"Is it because of Bradley?" I don't respond. Sam sighs.


"It is isn't it?" I still don't respond. Sam grabs my hand with one of his and puts his other hand on my thigh.


"If this is about Bradley, don't worry about him. Where we're going, I won't leave your side. I promise."


"I don't know Sam." I look away from him.


"Trust me. And, call me Fluffy." He smiles that charming smile, and I find myself nodding. He smiles again. 


"Alright, get dressed sweetheart. Oh, and wear a swimsuit." Sam walks out and shuts the door behind him. But not long after someone else opens it and walks straight in, without even knocking.

Chapter 8

 He chuckles but it doesn't sound happy to me.


"You and Sam seem to be getting very close.", Will says.


"Uh, yeah I guess we are.", I say. I'm not quite sure where this conversation is going.


"Figures." I frown.


"What's that supposed to mean?", I ask.


"Don't worry about it. Do you want a tour of the house? I'm free all day because my usual plans are canceled." Will rubs the back of his neck. I think about how Sam just told me that we were going somewhere.


"Not right now. Maybe later?" Will suddenly gets this blank expression on his face.


"You know what? Just forget about it, I have other things to do anyway."


"I just meant that-" Will cuts me off.


"I bet the reason you don't want that tour is that Sam already offered you one. Or maybe Sam is taking you somewhere. Or maybe you and Sam are going to hang out later. Whatever the fucking reason I know it has to do with Sam." Will says that in a calm voice but the harshness of the words feels like a slap in the face. I get up and walk towards Will.


"Will?" He doesn't look at me.


"Will please look at me." He reluctantly lets his eyes rest on my face. 


"Just because I'm becoming close friends with one of the guys here doesn't mean that we can't be friends. Sam didn't offer to give me a tour of the house, but he did say he wanted to take me out today. It won't just be the two of us though, the triplets are coming as well. How about when I get back you can give me a tour of the house? Does that sound good?" I stare into his stormy gray eyes and silently hope he says yes. 


"Sure. I guess I could free up some time for you.", he finally replies with a twinkle in his eye. I scoff.


"You can free up time for me? I think I'm the one freeing up time for you.", I say with a smirk.


"No, you got me twisted. I'm freeing up time for you." I laugh.


"One, you told me earlier that you're free all day because your usual plans are canceled. Two, did you just quote Beyonce?" The tips of Will's ears turn a light shade of pink, giving away his answer before he has said anything. 


"So what if I did?"


"If you did, then you're not as manly as I thought you to be when I first met you." Even though he's a little low on the muscle, he made Jackass back down. Jackass looks like he's a football player or a wrestler. He was really manly when I first met him.


"I'm plenty manly. If a guy listens to Beyonce that doesn't make him any less manly. In fact, it makes him more manly."


"How does it make him, or in this case you, more manly?" Will visibly thinks about my question. I mean literally, you can tell he's thinking. His eyebrows are furrowed together, and a bit of his tongue is peeking out of the corner of his mouth.


"Well-" He begins to answer but is interrupted.






"Well, uh, I guess you uh, have to get ready then."


"Yeah, I have to get ready, but I'll meet up with you later for that tour yeah?" Will smiles and I feel like all is well again. 


"Sure.", he replies and then walks out of my room, closing the door behind him. I get up and walk into my closet. I look at the swimsuits that are hung up and realize that most of them are strings with strips of fabric attached. Typical boys. After looking through the most of the swimsuits, I find something that divers usually wear. It's all black with Cerulean blue, wavy lines going down the sides of it. Perfect. I throw it on along with some black flip flops and walk out my closet. I grab my swim bag and throw my phone, headphones, wallet, sunscreen, glasses, and goggles in it. What? I never go swimming without my goggles. If you're in a pool, the chlorine stings your eyes, and if you're in the ocean the salt stings your eyes. Better to be safe than sorry. I walk into the bathroom and grab one of the pink towels, throwing that into the bag as well. After double checking to make sure I have everything, I walk out my room, close the door and begin my trek down the stairs. 


Ένα ταξίδι χιλιάδων βημάτων πρέπει να ξεκινά με ένα. His words echo in my mind and I shake my head and lock the thought of him away deep in the back of my mind. I don't want to remember.


Before I go down the last set of stairs I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and try to prepare myself for anything that may happen. Although, one can never be truly prepared for everything. Once I think I'm ready I open my eyes and descend the stairs. At the bottom I find 10 pairs of eyes staring at me instead of the 8 pairs of eyes that I was expecting. 





Chapter 9

 "WHAT'S SHE DOING HERE!" Wow, I love you too. Wait what?


"Well, I do live here now so..." I shrug while trailing off at the end of my sentence.


"You guys have to learn to get along. You're going to be living together for who knows how long. So get over your differences and just be friends already. Start over or something." I look over at Jackson and decide against gagging due to the fact that his pants were practically around his ankles.


Texte: Twilight Sparkle
Bildmaterialien: Twilight Sparkle
Lektorat: Twilight Sparkle
Übersetzung: Twilight Sparkle
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2016

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