
My real name is not known to anyone but myself.
And even to you I will not give it.
But I would like to be called Akitachi.
My name is Japanese and its an
unusual name. ( Aki, Autumn/ ta, eru, it's die out, end/
and chi is blood) It's plain and simple. My name is part of my story,
but the rest will soon unfold.
Chapter 1
It was an autumn day.
The breeze was not to hot, but not to cold. My favorite time of the year. I was waiting outside my cabin. Some 300,000
years ago.
I can hear you now, in your house. Were ever you are. Asking yourself, “Why 300,000 years ago.” Well that is because I was born at that time. But I am now part of the twenty-first century. I'm a Vampire. A demon of some sort.
Well anyway. I was waiting for a friend.
His name was Doku, (means: heartbeat).
I had been waiting for him to return from a long hunting trip.
The hunting trip lasts for five days. And today is the fifth day.
While I’m waiting, I smell the boiling stew in the woman’s pots
around the village. The woman and the girls of the village
are making a welcome home stew, for the men.
I don't cook with them, because I can't.
I ignore my mom so she couldn't have taught me. And
The children mothers are scared of me, and some of the children are too. So I really can't learn from anyone.
Finally I got tired of waiting and decided to go inside.
She opened the door, and was about to go in when she heard
horses. She slammed the door and started running towards the
gate. She ran fast.
My long black hair went to my waist, but now it was
swinging all over the place. I had
to stop a couple of times to wipe the hair from my face.
When I got to the gate I found Doku riding on a black horse. He was the same age as me,
156 New Moons (13 years). But Doku looked older than she did.
Which was odd.
She notice that there was no more horses.
“I'll ask Doku later.” She whispered to herself.
As she moved closer to him she notice that he had a lot of
cuts, and the blood had covered most of his body.
She moved closer to Doku, and slid him off the horse carefully and delicately. He moaned. Personally it pains me
to see him like this.
“Doku?” I whispered in his ear. I lifted my
head to see if anyone heard the horse. No one, not a single human being. I looked back at Doku and started shaking him
and crying, “Doku! Doku! Doku wake up!” I heard him moan
again so I stopped shaking him and he stopped. So I started again.
Shaking, yelling and shaking, more yelling.
Finally he lifted his head and said, “Shut up and let me sleep.”
He slumped his head again. I continued, shaking, yelling,
shaking, yelling.
Then he lifted his head and stared at me with his calm
green eye's. They were different, they were intense, calm
and alluring. All at the same time.
I stared at him for what seemed like minutes.
He looked away and slumped his head in my lap.
I shook him again.
He jerked and grabbed my hand. It wasn't in a threatening
way but calm.
While lifting his head he said, “Aki,” was what he called me
“will you take me to the abandoned stable so I can talk to you.”
“OK.” I nodded. I helped
him up. He was half walked and half dragged to the abandoned stable. As we entered, I took in our surroundings
I noticed that there was nothing but Hey in the stable.
I laid him down on and uneven pile of Hey.
He breathed in deeply.
“Doku what happened to the others?” I asked as I looked into his eye's, I knew something bad had happened. But he only shook his head. My eye's filled with tears.
“Doku...Please tell me what happened.”
“Yes?” I answered hopefully.
“If you will stop crying I will tell you.”
I nodded and wiped the tears away.
“OK. Yesterday about mid-afternoon, we were traveling
the west path when we were all of a sudden attacked.”
He looked at me with pity.
“Aki I really don't know what attacked us but
everyone was dead. And when I awoke I was the only
one alive. Then someone or some thing knocked me out.
And I awoke with cuts, on a horse, with you yelling at me.”
I blushed. “I'm sorry.”
“No need for you to apologize.” He smiled at me, and even his
smile was alluring.
I sat beside him and gave him a hug.
“I'm just happy you're still alive.”
He doesn't answer but soon comes a reply. He jerks
violently and I feel a sharp pain enter the left side of my neck.
Something was rolling down my neck! I want to scream but I couldn't, my mouth was to dry. And then who would come? I have lost all connection to the villagers.
Fear stirs up inside me. As I was going into shock, I suddenly went numb. My eyes went wide, then I was overcame by darkness.
Chapter 2
I awoke in a dark room, lying on a bed.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” My voice shook.
“Good morning Aki, it's nice to see you awake.” I
could feel his eyes on me.
“Uh, who are you? And how do you know my name?” I asked.
“Do you not recognize my voice?” I thought for a second.
I shook my head. Remembering that it was dark I said,
“No I do not.”
“Ah, Aki, that hurts, that really hurts.”
“Sorry, but really who are you?” Eager to learn who this stranger was.
“I am Doku.” He replied.
“Doku? Than what is my real name?” I don't really believe it's Doku.
“You never told me your Real name.” I could feel him smiling.
“Fine then,” He was really making me mad. “Tell me how old I am.” It was my turn to smile, only me an Doku knew how old I was.
“You are 156 New Moons.”
“Oh!! You really are Doku!” I jumped
up to give him a hug, but I soon felt weak. I laid back down.
“Calm down Aki, your body still needs to get used t-.”
“Get used to what?” I was dieing to know.
“Your body still needs to get used to being dead.”
I take back the dieing to know part, “How can I be dead but still be talking to you?”
He only nodded.
“Honestly I don't really now. He never explained it.”
“Who? Who never explained it?”
“I'm sorry but I didn't tell you every thing that happened. After we were attacked a boy about 216 New Moons (18) came to me as I laid distressed and asked me a very important question. Which you had no choice over, And that is life or death. He had asked me if I wanted to live or die a like a human. I couldn't leave my best friend behind so I chose
life. He had bit my neck and I blacked out.
“Oh really? How come you couldn't just tell me?”
“Well. Because I, Because you, Because your my best friend, and I love you...
Like a sister.” The last statement I wasn't so sure of.
“So anyway whats with the room being so dark?” I asked.
“It is so we do not burn in the sunlight.” He sighed annoyed.
“Wh-” He interrupted me.
“Because if the sunlight touches our skin we would turn to
ashes.” He said.
“Doku? Are there any candles?” I asked. After a couple of minutes he responded by standing up and moving around. Finally I heard a candle being lit.
“That's better Doku, thank you.”
“Your welcome Aki.” He smiled.
“Why are you smiling so much?”
“I don't know why. But Aki you really need to get some sleep.”
“Ok.” I laid back down and closed my eyes. I could feel his eyes on me. Which made me uneasy.
I sat up. “Doku?” He turned his head to me.
“I can't sleep.” He got up and moved towards me.
“Do you want me to lay with you?”
I nodded.
He sat next to me, I laid my head in his lap.
I began to fall asleep. Doku pushed a piece of hair out of my face, and kissed me on my forehead.
And said, “Sleep well Aki, I love you.” I nodded, not catching the last part. As I drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
Chapter 3
As I slept I dreampt. The dead do dream or well
the undead does. I dreampt about my mother and my father.
Those years of family fun, watching the Sakura trees lose and regain its peddles. And I remember when me and Doku first meet.
I was running into the forest, my mother and father had been fighting.
And that had made me so mad that I screamed and screamed until my head hurt.
As I entered the forest I ran everywhere. Left, right, straight.
And when I stopped my vision was blurred with tears.
“Hello?” A young boys voice had said. I wiped furiously at my eyes.
“Who are you?” I looked at him. He had dark black hair like mine, and his eyes were a dark green and he was pale. Every feature was almost the same as mine. The only thing different was his gender.
“My name is... I don't think I can remember my name.”
He looked very confused, so I know he was telling the truth.
“Well, my name is Akitachi. And I think I'll call you Doki, do you want to know what it means?” He nodded.
“It means Heartbeat or fast moving,” I smiled.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes!” He smiled. “I like that name a lot.”
“Great, are you lost Doku?”
“I think so.” He said.
“Where's you mother?” I asked.
“I don't think I have one.” Was his answer. I thought that since he had no Mother than he probably doesn't have a Father either.
Maybe I should invite him to come and live with me.
Yes I thought, that is what I shall do.
“Doku? Would you like to live with me and my family?” I nodded to my self, appreciating my own idea.
“Uh, would I be of a burden to you?” He looked as if he was about to cry. I shook my head. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. After a couple of silenced seconds, I held him at arms length and said, “ Don't worry you will not be a burden.”
“Really?” His face lit up.
“Yup and you could even become my best friend.”
“Ok? Promise me Doku that we will always be best friend.” He nodded.
“Yes.” He said. “Forever and always.” He smiled, I tilted my head and laughed.
“Forever and always.” We walked home hand in hand, still laughing.
The next few years were the best. We went exploring and played games. But I noticed that we never really made conversation with other children, we would completely ignore the children. And over the years my family grew apart until only me and Doku had a connection. My parents did not die its just that I didn't want to be with them. They just argued to much.
I was a type of Orphan but I had Doku.
On a day when the women went looking for fruit, the men went hunting for quick prey and when Doku wasn't around.
I decide to try and kill myself. For the reason I don't really know but... I wanted to and so I had to..
It was a unknown feeling.
And then I started. I went to the Great pond Kitakoru and jumped in. I had not yet learned how to swim so I was vulnerable.
I had remembered that they had said to hold
your breath, if we had ever fell into the pond.
So I did just that. Until my lungs begged for air.
My mouth opened, and water rushed in.
I kicked my feet. Struggling to get to the top.
Finally my body went limp.
'Help Doku!' I screamed in my head.
Everything but my mind was numb. So I pleaded
Doku heard my call, which my hope was
fading as I thought about it. But I tried anyway.
Then the unexplained happened...
He answered.
'I'm coming, where are you?' It was
Doku! It really was.
'I'm at the Great pond Kitakoru. Please hurry,
I don't think I can last much longer!'
'I'll hurry.' He said, then silenced
followed. I was slipping in and out of conscience.
The next thing I knew I was being pulled
out of the water. I gave in to darkness, knowing I
was safe.
When I awoke I was in the arms
of my best friend, and life saver Doku.
But it wasn't a dream, it was the present. And
as I laid back down on his lap. I tried to think
about what happened after he had rescued
me, from my death.
I woke, my surrounding's were the
woods. And Doku was running with me cradled
in his arms like a baby.
I looked up at him, his eyes were red from crying.
A tear landed on my cheek. I made no move to
wipe it off.
She reached up and wiped away a tear.
He looked down.
“Why are you crying? Shouldn't you be happy?”
He looked at me as though I was a ghost.
“Aki? Are you really alive? I checked and
you were as good as dead. So how? How are you
breathing? A fresh tear rolled down his cheek,
I wiped that away too.
“Doku I don't know how I'm still alive
but you really shouldn't cry. I'm
Alive and well, so please don't cry.”
“Please don't cry.” He repeated in a ghostly state.
“Doku? Doku!”
“Could you put me down now?”
“Oh sorry.” He sat me down on a nearby log.
“Aki, Aki wake up! It's time for us to go
hunting.” I sat up on my elbow. I noticed that
he was already opening the door. She ran to him,
“Why do we need to hunt, if we're dead how can
we eat?”
“I don't know, it's like magic. He never explained
“Then how do you know any of this?” I asked
“Never mind I don't care. Do you think
we can still talk to each other with our thoughts?”
Looking up at him I asked.
“I don't know. Maybe we should try it, it might
come in handy. But I'll go first.” I nodded, He closed
his eyes, and I heard him.
'Aki? Can you hear me?'
“Doku, it works!” I gave him a hug.
He nodded, “Yea it works.” He smiled.
We were walking along the east path.
“Doku what are we looking for to eat?” I asked.
“I think we have to drink Chi, blood.” He responded,
I had tough him some of my village native language.
“We have to drink it? It sounds gross.”
“ Well yours tasted good.”I looked up at him and
glared. He laughed.
“It's not funny. It's really rude, drinking your
best friends blood.
“But that was the only way to become what you
are. Leaves crunched behind us, as I turned around
and Doku went down. Them I felt pressure on
my neck. Everything went black.
Chapter 4
I woke up on a bed, in a dark room.
But this time I don't think Doku did this.
“Hello Aki, Nice to see your awake.” A voice said.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I am Doku's Master.” Something brushed my
cheek, I flinched.
“What should I call you?”
“You can call me Zero.” He said.
“Ok Zero, where is Doku?” I asked.
My head was yanked sideways.
I could feel breath on my lips.
“He's next to you.” I heard a smile hidden
in his voice. I tried to move, but my arms didn't reply.
“How come I can't move?”
“Because Doku does not wish for you to move.”
How does he control me? I thought. But I didnot
ask.“Do you wanna know something?” He asked me.
“You're his servant, and I'm his master.
Which makes him my servant. And that means that
you must listen to me and him.”
“Really?” I asked.
“So that means you could let me move again?”
“Do you have a candle? I would like to see your face.”
He must of gotten up. He lit it, light covered the whole
“Better?” He asked, I nodded.
He had dark black hair, dark intense green eyes,
and paler than me.
Everything thing was the same as me, but gender.
Just like me and Doku!
“Where are you from?” I asked.
“Where ever you are from,” he smiled.
“Does that mean that you were born in my village?”

“Yes, as was Doku.” I gasped.
“Me and Doku were brothers, twins actual. Thirteen years ago after Doku and I was born, our parents were
forced to travel to another village. Because We had been born on the Devils Birthday. As you know if a baby was born on that day they were consider a child of the devil.

And as we were traveling to another village
we were robbed. And he was taken. Years past our parents died of old age , and I became older.”
I nodded. “Can I get up now?”
“Yes,” he said.
“So how did you become what you are” She asked curiosity taking over.
He shrugged his shoulder. “I just woke up one
day and craved for blood.” He looked at Doku.
“Does he remember you?” He shook his head.
“No, he doesn't. But I am very glad that that you took care of my family. Thank You.”
“Your Welcome,” She replied.
Doku slowly sat up. He looked at his twin
then at me. “Who are you?” He asked the man.
“I'm Zero, and I am your twin Brother.”
Doku stared at Zero. His Mouth gaped open.
“My wha-?”
He nodded.
'Tsuki is he for real?'
'Yes.' she replied. 'He is your twin brother.' Doku nodded.
But when I turned around to look at Zero, I was struck
upside my head. Liquid poured out but no pain came. I was slowly losing my surroundings. The last thing I heard was evil laughter. Then I fell unconscious.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2010

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to those humans who wish they were vampires. And those Vampires who wish they were human.

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