
bloody vampire chapter 1

CHAPTER 1 hello im gento and im a vampire

and this is my life here ill tell you the character minato*my friend and he like anoko anoko*has a crush on minato and is friend with sashi* sashi* has a crush on me and we date in like chapter 3 or 2 something like that *STORY STARTS* gento:*man it's hot* sensei:CLASS IS OVER IT TIME FOR LUNCH sashi:

wow for a vampire you take this sun seriously gento:of course ITS DAMN HOT im a vampire so light hurts me of course you idiot SOMETIMES I JUST WHY YOUR THE SMARTEST GIRL IN CLASS also the strongest vampire i know *sigh* lets go eat lunch minato san minato:zzzzzz gento:minato-san minato:zzzzzzzzzzzzz baka gento zzzzzzzzzz

gento: *gets out of seat* *punches minato on the head and say:DAMNIT MINATO IF YOU DON'T GET UP minato:NOO GENTO DON'T HIT THE BOMB ITS NOT - huh im awake gento:

sorry minato-san but if you die now it won't be fun nee~ *gento shows a twisted face* anoko:ehh? what happened sashi-chan *backround noise IM SORRY DON'T KILL ME FOR JUST CALLING YOU SHUTUP but you are SORRY IT WAIT A MINUTE AT DID YOU SAY NOTHING TAKE THIS * blood splatters every where * everyone in class:wwwwwwwwooooooooowwwwwwwww WAIT HOW THE HELL IS MINATO STILL ALIVE?!!?!?!?!? *at the top of the school where the gang is having lunch* minato:wow lunch would be so much better.......IF I COULD FEEL MY FACE

!!!!!!!!!!1 gento sashi anoko:oh... your still alive? minato:OF COURSE I AM WELL SCINCE WERE ALLLL VAMPIRES!!!! gento sashi anoko: oh yeah we forgot about you minato:T.T I HATE YOU ALL *THE END.

thanks for reading it'll be continued in chapter 2


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2011

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vamp and emos LOL

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