
I see the car dad tries to stop but can't I throw my arms in front of my brother to protect him from the glass coming at him my arms got glass stuck in them nothing was able to protect it the 2010 accident is what they called it my parents are in the hospital my papa can't be reached and my grandparents are in Mexico with my aunt and uncle and cousins i had not one family member to watch me and my sister and brother because of the glass in my arms they started to get infected I was late to school at all times cause I watched my sister go off to school but I then had to bring my brother to daycare I hopped onto my bike and drove him there and told the daycare lady that I had to drop him off cause my parents were in the hospital cause we were in the 2010 car crash she took him without any more questions and I went to school I came in late and right away people started to make fun of me cause I was late to school

"Hey look Mrs. goody two shoes is late" laughter rang through the halls

I turned pissed cause I was sick of the fact that everyone still made fun of me so I said "Hey look it's ugly and her little group of uglier people and a few DUMB ugly people too. Well actually you all are dumb!"

Then of course cause I pissed them off they turned on me and did the whole

"What exactly did you just say?" they asked all bratty like.

Me still pissed because of the accident I was scared and upset that my parents were in the hospital and no one in my family was reachable I turned and said
"To make it short and simple for your to small screwed up brains leave me the heck alone not in the mood my parents are in the hospital so I don't care what I do right now after being In the 2010 crash excuse me for being pissed!"

I turned to walk away and heard laughter and then "wow she must be desperate making up the fact that she was in the biggest car crash in like 20 years ha"
I couldn't take it I turned and just punched the closest one of them and they all tried to come at me and I still beat the crap outa her I did a flip that I learned from gymnastics and my bandages broke while the fight was going on and I acted non-chalantly about it.

I said "Oh! Look it broke again ooo man look at that puss, oh hey some more glass came out"

After I beat the crap outa the person I hit I just walked away right to the office and they couldn't suspend me outa school cause no one was home so they had to give me ISS (In School Suspension) and I had it for two weeks and no one messed with me in fact no one even really talked to me I only got a "hi" or walked with my best girl friend and my guy friend said "hi" to me still every now and again and he lately has been talking to me more but never around his girlfriend so nothing changed much except for the fact that he said "hi" more than normal probably because he feels bad about what happened he doesn’t really care about me oh well, but my best friend didn't wanna talk to me much she was terrified the only one who wasn't terrified of me was my one guy friend i think he is a little scared though but he talks to me anyway and personally I think it's cause he wants to be in the army so he's trying to be brave. I think he will be a damn good soldier hell
he'll be top dog in no time.

But then it happened the accident the bus accident, my sisters bus accident could anything go worse I found out at school too in the middle of my favorite class choir she was the only one from the bus to get hurt bad enough to go to the hospital now I knew something was up and it wasn't good it was a terrible, terrible evil and it was after me and my family I knew it. Whatever IT was, was trying to make me suffer watch my family get killed before it killed me or it just wanted me to live the rest of my life with no one both very bad and I had to make sure my brother was not ganna get hurt so I left skool and went home to get my brother and from now on I brought my brother to skool with me.

Of course the whole stupid crash was on the news AGAIN and people asking to interview me were becomeing more and more annoying the whole Jean how do you feel now that all your family except you and your one-year old brother are all in the hostpital?'
'Jean why do you think this has happened?'
'Jean how do you explain that your sister was the only one hurt enough to go to the hostpital?'
And so on.

They were like starving savage wolves!

That was the first time I ever found out I had powers I used them I was thinking 'I wish something would happen to make them leave' thankfuly it wasn't a bad something but I don't believe in couincedences so I thought again 'I wish I had a fridge full of food to feed my brother and I' I concentrated realy hard and it happened I was extatic but it didn't do anything realy big like create money or bring a human being back to life soi asumed it wouldn't kill I didn't try though because I didn't know for sure and it's better to be safe then sorry.

Even with my new powers my fear lied only with my brother, my anger souly with the person/thing that did this to me but for the moment I only care about the safety of my brother and the hope that my family will get well soon.

I had started to drive ilegaly.

Lately I've been feeling like someone been watching me.

Ben has completely stopped talking to me.

But I seem to be seeing more and more of him everyday I went to the store for milk and bread and saw him there alone... again. Ben was kinda kreeping me out but I just ignored it my brother was more importent to me right now I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

I left school and Ben was... on my bus?!
I was so confused but again I ignored it because my brother just started crying.

Suddenly i heard something whisper in my ear!
"You can not essscaaapppee usssss."
I jumped and gave a shrike of surprise.

I could feel something numbing in my brain I felt that feeling before when that THING tried to get inside me but this wasn't a bad kind it wasn't cold it was warm and concerned, and it was...... Close?

'Hello?' I said probing out with my mind.
I felt whatever or whoever it was cring in surprise, oh just another mutant who doesn't know how to control there powers yet.

I figured out I had mine when I wished for something big to happen to make the reporters leave me alone. The big thing that happened was I threw a car into a bank... by accedent of course..... I still liked it though.

I probed some more to try and find the sorce but whoever or whatever it was locked up subconciously I could tell or I'd be able to feel the berrier of sycic energy around them and still be able to pin point their location, I should say the seat thier in.

I gave up and went back to takeing care of my brother and I went home still wondering who or what tried to read me?

I had a voice mail when I got home, I played it and my heart broke into a billion and 1 pieces crying and sobbing on the floor my family in the hospital, all of them my sister my mom my dad all gone dead I calapsed shrieking a scream escaped me that was blood curdiling to much pain to handle my heart was abliterated there was a tiny pics left where I still held for Logan the rest was gone.

Then I felt something inside me break and I stopped crying and stood picked up my brother kissed his sleeping figure and laid him down in the bed if anything happened to him I might go mad.

My thoughts out of control not knowing what to do or who to go to no one is here if I get close to someone they die "NO!" I say firmly it will not happen I will no longer speak with anyone no longer love no longer hate I will be emocionless.

I went to school as normal and I saw something but before I could move the mist had my brother and threw him out the window.

My horrified expression lasted only a milli-second and then my mask retearned the last of my heart was gone nothing left a hollow shell 'everyones dead' no one left to protect but myself I see Jack outside the door I decide to yell at him and ask what the hell his problem was!

I wanted to pick a fight with him, hurt him to show I don't like him don't care for him to protect him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" I screamed in his face I was so close I could smell his breath just as sweet as I rembered. I kicked myself mentaly for never kissing him.

I shook my head to get rid of the thought.


That was reason enough I hit him square in the face winceing cause I knew I was hitting my best friend.

He fell against the wall and fell to the floor I started to walk away, but he swiped his feet under me and made me fall and hit my face against the tile I got pissed!
I got up and drop kicked him in the face and punched him over and over he grabed my hands twisted them behind my back I winced in pain, he turned me over held my hands above my and payed on me pining me to the floor.

He was bleeding but still he whispered in my ear, "I don't wanna fight you Jean."

My brain wirred but I did it without thinking, "To late!" I wisperd back and gave him a cheap shot below the belt and he rolled off me I gave him a good kick to the temple not enough to kill him just enough to knock him out I was bleeding and my wrist hurt from where he grabed me but I ignored the pain of my heart, which I thought had been abliterated guess not, and body and left the school a fugitive of the law and whatever was after me.

But even as far I went I still felt like I was being watched and now whoever, I know it's human and a guy he accedentaly let his feelings shine through when he was trying to read me, was watching me and continuing to try and probe my mind.

I would never realy sleep I always tossed and turned I woke up like every five minutes one time I woke up and saw Ben at the end of my bed but he wasn't realy there I know because I saw my mom step dad brother and sister there before now I'm just seeing things or so i thought.

Pain ripped through my mind, someone is trying to read it forcefully I hate it when that.... that thing does that whatever "it" is it's not the warm touch of the beginner mind reader that was on my bus the day before my brother was thrown out the window.

Images flashed in my head of my family my mom, step-dad, sister, brother all of them.

A lump formed in my head as "it" tryed to break through the berried I had on memeries that I locked away memorries I swore never to remember. That pissed me off and scared me at the same time I locked away the memories for a reason I don't know the reason it was locked away with those memories none the less there was a reason.

"GET OUTA MY HEAD!" I screamed then I started fighting back mentaly I felt "it" crumble a little as "it" tryed to hold on tryed to control me but I would never allow it.

I slipped into my coma state in order to fight this thing head on.

My brain was misted over not a good sign all I saw the thing trying to break the "locks" which bound the memories I swore never to remember.

It was cloked I couldnt see what "it" was but i did know it was not a person not a human not anything I've ever heard of or seen on T.V. even it was floteing as in it has no feat it didn't seem to sence me probably 'couse this was my brain I laughed silently. I threw a mental blow at "it" and the thing fell and hit hard I winced remembering that getting hit INSIDE my brain wouldn't be such a good thing it hissed at me.

"So your the piece of shit that's been hissing in my brain? Huh!" I laughed I easily killed whatever it was or at least I thought I did.

I sat down to concentrate so I could go back to being conciouse when I felt a blow to the side of my head it was a physical blow and it hurt like hell!

I sat up still in my own mind, I was being attacked not me but my unconciouse body!
"The cowered!" I yelled.

Sudenly i smelled something very familiar, something... something I liked. Recognition flooded my mind litteraly I was head deep in memeries of his smell his funny lookin smile, the one dimple, his beautiful eyes everything!
"NO!" I screamed the thing wasn't in my head anymore but if I'm right if Ben is there protecting me on the outside he has no idea what he's up against. Not only that but if he's fighting for me the thing will know that he cares and if "it" knows that he cares then the assumtion can be made that I care about him and killing Jack too would be on the top of the things to do list!

"AHHHH!" I screamed "GET YOUR UGLY FLOATING SELF AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed my power full blast jolted me out of my coma state.

I jumped up and as my fear was realized it pissed
me of more.

My hands were glowing that's never happened before...
"Cool!" I said without thinking.

Ben laughed, then got hit in the head I got scared and angry and the thing and flung my hands out a stream of white and blue energy of some kind came out of my hands and hit "it". Poof gone like a magic trick I couldn't see the thing anymore at least, I couldn't sence it either.

Ben stood up rubed his head and asked "Why you not let me have any fun?" with fake sadness filling his voice.

I laughed even though I should be pissed at him, but hey the guy saved me life.

I walked up and shoved him, "Why do you like to try and get yourself killed?" I said smileing.

"'Cause I'm awesome like that so, HA!" He punched me in the arm, but not with his hand with his... mind!?

I was so shocked I whispered, "It's you? Your the one who's been trying to read my mind!" my anger was riseing.
"YOU! Why the heck have you been trying to read my mind!?"

He could tell I was getting mad, but he didn't back down. I knew he wouldn't he's Ben of corse he would never back down, he'd never admit he was scared either.

"Because I was worried about you. I didn't want you to hurt youself or anyone else, and when you tried to knock me out I just knew something was wrong." He stated mater a factly.

He spoke so calmly it calmed me down... way to quickly I realized. Ben had done his homework on mind reading and mind control then I realized he was touching me his hand was resting lightly on my shoulder I knew right away what he was doing he has the mind control gift I jumped back and sat on the bed and cryed.

He was makeing me show my emotions, it's part of the gift, I was ganna get him for this! I swore I would never let any emotion show again he made me show happiness and now my sadness what's next? Hate, love, pain, anger, ect. he sat down and said it was ganna be ok. I hoped he was right but I knew he wasn't. He was always a bit of an opptomist... well at least around me and his other friends, "So" I said sniffing, "How'd you find out about your powers?"

"Ha, that was easy I started hearing peoples thoughts in my head!" He said smileing.

I laughed, "So you decided to just follow me?"

"No, I watched you from a distence when I tried read your mind I felt you fight back and put up like an invisable wall or something."

So he's the one who's been watching me at least it wasn't some kreep.

"Ha Ha you need to do more research in mind readin' little boy!"

Oh Shut up!" He laughed

I laughed realy hard and he punched me in the arm, but this time with his hand.

"Oh, and Ben you will never be able to make me shut up my talking skills are far beyond your powers speaking of we should probably teach you a little more about them, yes?"

"Okay...?" He looked realy funny, hair all messed up he looked like a girl having a bad hair day except he's not a girl and he looks good with long hair except for the blood stain in his hair he looked realy cute. Well... At least I tought so.

"Okay first things first when you touch someone you can controle thier mind for a short period of time there are ways to lengthen the hold on ther mind but most of them I'm pretty sure you would only wanna do to a girl. Anyway if you touch someone you can make them do pretty much anything you want them to and I meen anything from killing themselves to killing someone else excetera." I said as calmly as posible I've been working on my powers for months and still havn't been able to control people for more then a split second but most of the time that's all I needed.

Bens powers for this sertain use are far beyond mine as far as I can tell but he hasn't been able to move things with his mind very well---

Ben interupted my thoughts, "Jean, does that meen like I could make someone hit someone else, if I was to lazy to do it?"

"Yup." I said giggleing, "You could make a girl kiss you break up with you so you didn't have to... Because I know how much you don't like to "hurt" people." I rolled my eyes remembering how he hadn't wanted to "hurt" Jennifer so he broke up with her by telling someone else to do it made her feel worse, made her feel like... like she wasnt worth enough for him to take time and tell her why he was breaking up with her. I meen a note isn't much better but it's better then being in the room and walking away from them while the person is being broken up with and letting someone else do it.

I remember how my friend reacted, how she... she just walked away laughing at him but i could see her heart broke, it hurt like heck.

I thought I would never have to expiriance such pain, such sorrow but guess what something worse happened all my family is dead and there's nothing I can do about it.

It's like that one time when I invited him over to my house last summer how he bit me I thought it was funny and kinda cute. I wonder if he wished i kissed him or not? If it wasn't for that story he told me about Destiny or what ever her name was I might have kissed him but probably not 'cause he was going out with Janet at the time. I wish he would have kissed me I would have kissed him back with intense curiosity I never kissed a boy before... well outa the family and I kinda wish he would kiss me soon.

I think he's realy cute.

Man it's great to see a guy so sweet cute and NOT gay not that I don't like gey people but you can't realy date one this is usualy the general rules for guys either they're dicks or they're gay it's like a one in a millionths chance u can find a guy like Ben and I found him and I let him slip.

I stopped so I could teach Ben more about his powers he was a very quick learner hich made me jelous it took me months to perfect my powers that's how long I've been on the run and it took him only a matter of hours.

"How's this?" He asked as he touch my shoulder again to control me... again, I think he just likes the fact that he can make me do anything he wants by just touching my shoulder.

"Release me and I'll tell you the truth." I said 'cause I knew that if I told him while still under his control it would be nothing but what he wanted to hear.

He released me and I told him the truth "That was perfect... again!" I let the exasperation fill my voice.

"Ok well it's getting late so you cane have that side and I'll take this side."

He looked at me and goes "We are ganna sleep in the same bed?!" The alarm, curiosity, interest were very clear in his voice but mostly alarm. I laughed remembering he couldn't see it with the bed made.

I deciede to go for it "Do you want to?" I asked jokeingly he seemed to consider for a split second i pulled the covers back and got in bed unzipped the covers that belonged to his side of the bed and pushed the two sides of the bed apart and said, "That side is literaly your side of the bed."

"OH!" he seemed to have relaxed i laughed again.

He fake pouted and said shut up I just laughed again.
Then I said, "You realy should get in bed and get to sleep."

He still looked uncertain I got up and pushed the beds farther apart.
"Happy?!" I asked exsasperated.

He still seemed uncertain.

"Well can't I just go home and sleep there?"

"Sure you can, just don't come cryin' to me then when all your family is dead you can't have any contact with them anymore "it" will follow any lead to go and kill you family too." For the first time ever I saw fear on Bens face cold raw fear.

"I can never see them again?" he ask chokeing on the words.

"Not unles you want them dead." I said emocionless.

Ben understood and he created a mask of calm and serenity and said "Cool."

I knew it was not "cool", I gave him a hug and whispered "Hey cheer up at least we got each other right?"

I felt him tense up and thought oh right that's not realy a good thing is it I sighed went to my bed and mummbled "You don't have to sleep in here you know? I do have a couch downstairs it's not as nice but if you're that upset and you don't wanna see me I can understand I kinda ruined you life but not to point fingers I never asked for your help."

He didn't respond but I heard him crawl into bed, I fell asleep shortly after that.

I woke up to the smell of baken and eggs.
'Man who could be cooking something like that it smells great must be the neighbors.'

I turned over and started to get up and remembered that Ben was here with me now. I noticed he wasn't in bed as I started to wake up I remembered that he told me he enjoyed cooking I smiled and headed down the stairs to the mouth watering smell.

"Goodmorning!" I said brightly.

First GOODmorning I had in a long time.
Ben didn't respond he set the food in front of me and sat down himself with his own food in the chair opposite from me.

"Goodmorning!" I said again my good mood quickly fadeing.

"Morning." He mumbled.

The images from last night flooded my head all of it me telling him he would never be able to see his family or even talk to his family again hit me with more force then any blow I've ever had to the head.

I walked over to him and said, "Ben, are you okay?"

When he didn't respond I hugged him and I hugged him tight he was fighting it I could feel it but eventually he hugged me back.

I whispered it was ganna be ok then I held him at arms length and said "We'er ganna kill this thing and you can go back to your life and I'll come back here to my new life."

He looked torn in two I couldn't help it I used my powers on him and made him cry I only had control for maybe a minute as soon as my control broke he stopped
"See told you crying is a good thing, even if it is only for a few seconds

He gave his crooked smile and told me to "shut up"

I just shook my head and told him everything would be okay.

He shook his head and said "Dont make promises you're not sure you can keep."

I looked at him and said "Your right, I promise I will try with all my might power and life that I will try to make everything as ok as posible!"

I hugged him again went to finish my breakfast which was now cold but still very yummy, he did the same.

When it was time to try and expand his powers to teach him what I knew and for him to teach me what he knew but didn't know he knew because he never tried to expand his powers like we're going to do right now.

"Here think energy, think pure power, think it with a passion!" I was realy excited I never met someone like him before funny, and who accualy listens to me after four hours straight of practiceing we took a break.

We had so much fun together laughing wrestleing he pinned me to many times to count he always would flick his hair in my face and I would stick my tongue out at him. I spit at him once to try and get him off but he said if I spit at him again he would spit back so I went back to sticking my tongue out at him he kept trying to bite me it was alot of fun.

It reminded me of last summer when we were care free with nothing to worry about no pain just care free fun us.

I got that back that day just me and him haveing alot of fun I missed him so much sure he was my friend but I never realy saw him since he started dateing... other people.

I shoved the thought outa my head and just let myself have fun I spoted a weekness in his hold on me and rolled on top of him we wrestled alot longer then we accualy practiced with our powers. Mostly we just took turns pining eatch other and laughing I don't think I ever had that much fun before it was amazing I hadn't taught him to block his thoughts yet so I read his mind and he was haveing fun to finaly I said uncle.

I had to go to store and pick up my contact perscription but I needed Ben to do it. In the car I told him to shake the doctors hand and get him to just give us the perscription he agreed to it even though it was stealing he said he understood why we had to do it.

After we got my perscription it's the first time I stole something very expensive like contacts we got home and I hugged him I was so excited. I loved that he was with me and that he didn't seem to care that he didn't get to see his family and friends for a very long time.

We walked into the bedroom I pushed him on his bed and turned to run away I tried to bind him mentaly but he was prepared he used his mind control on me and made me stand still I tried to move and ended up falling he laughed and let up just enough for me to trip him he fell on top of me hard I started to laugh, so did he we were wrestleing again! I pinned him three times he pinesd me well alot more then I did we'll just go with that. He was laughing and I caught his eye and we just kinda stared at each other.

I looked away first he kissed my cheek I turned bright red he laughed I got mad and kissed him on the lips hard. He was shocked by my forcfulness at first but started to resipricate, my kisses became softer more wanting in a way. I let my eyes drift shut, my mind started to wirre and my eyes shot open I pushed him off so fast mentaly that I almost knocked him into a lamp but managed to miss it in time.

I moved far on the other side of the room breathing hard.

"Whats wrong?! What did I do!?" his voice sounded alarmed as well it should I have him pinned against the wall with sycic energy.

In ernist he did nothing wrong it was all right perfect just how I imagined his soft touch gental but firm kisses we were like one.

This isn't right no I can't it was to perfect it scared me I let him down he came over and held me close.
I let myself mold into him I was scared I haven't been scared in a very long time I havnt been able to trust anyone and here I was kissing someone who could posibly be under "it"s control I was scared I cried he kissed my hair and I breathed him in deeply the smell calming me I've never has a friend like him that was willing to risk their life for me let alone makeout with me in the middle of the floor.

I went to stretch but remembered I hadn't showered forever

I looked up at him awkwordly and stood up and went to the bathroom I hadn't taken a shower in what felt like forever but it was only like a two to three days I laughed and said "That's why you buy so much secret dio. Jean."

I heard Ben laugh I told him "Get outa my head or I'll bitch slap you!"

"You wouldn't."

"You wanna bet?"

"Yes i do!"

I laughed "Okay!"


I warned ya didn't I? I thought at him he stuck his tongue out at me mentaly, I laughed.

I came out in my robe he caught me off gaurd he kissed me again.

I giggled "Ben common I gatta get dressed."

He ignored me when we got to the bedroom door I stopped and shoved him away mentaly and closed and locked the door, so I could get dressed in piece.

I came out dressed and ready I sat on the couch I was beat so tired a warm shower doesn't help to wake you up either. Ben sat next to me and asked "Do think we'll ever get our lives back?"

I answered his question with a question "Can you bring the dead back to life?"

"I don't think so..." He answered quizicaly.

"Then my life will never be the same and yours most likely won't either because of your new powers but otherwise you will still have a family I'll be all alone."

I fell asleep resting my head on his shoulder and for the first time in forever had a piecful sleep.

woke up I was layed in my bed and covered with my sheat. I didn't freak out like normaly would have I smiled as I remembered what happened the day before.

I got up and found a note saying "Gone to the bar to think, I'll be back soon. Ben"

Panic started to rise i felt like I was ganna be sick a fifteen almost sixteen year old in a bar drinking possibly will deffinately draw unwanted attention.

I sat down and concentrated, the kiss kinda bonded us not like we have to stay together but like it linked us mentaly, I searched for him I found him drinking at the bar thank god nothing alcoholic. I couldn't see who he was sitting with clearly but he was sitting and talking to someone a brain wave I've never picked up before.

I got into the car, he must have walked, I drove as quickly as I could without drawing to much attention to myself.

I got to the bar and as soon as I saw who he was sitting with I froze being a mutant sucks especialy when you don't know how to sence mutant hunters yet. I kicked Ben under the table memtaly and spoke to him in his mind.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" I said panic relayed clearly in my thoughts.

"Jean?" he asked awed "Where are you?" thank god he thought the question at me.

"I'm in the car you need to come now we need to get home!" urgency starting to overwhelm my thoughts.

"Okay I'm comeing, calm down!" worry sliping into his mental voice.

When he came out he immidiatly got in the car and asked what was wrong. I asked where he met the man he was speaking with at the bar.

He bluntly stated "At the bar, why?"

"That man is not a good man to hang around with."

"Why? What's wrong with him?"

"His name is ROBERT B. TENSYON he is the number one mutant hunter AND killer!"

"Oh crap!"

"My point exactly! Do you realize the danger you put us in just by talking to him you could have posibley made it so he can fallow us so now we can't go back to the apartment for a while and not only that yo--!"

He broke my rambleing rage with a kiss. I turned bright red I wasnt expecting that but then again it is Ben he's full of surprises.

"Sorry" I mummbled "For gettting angry I meen it's just.... just that.... that---"

He cut me off "I know your worried about me but Imma big boy I can take care of myself you know."

"Sorry." I mummbled again.

"Dont be," He laughed "Your worried about me I'm glad". He softly hit me in the arm.

I got what he called "the look" on my face. His smile faded quickly he asked horrified "What are your thinking?!"

I laughed "We're going shopping!"

He relaxed a little "I thought you didn't like shopping"

"I don't with my mom 'cause I can't try ANYTHING I want, I have to try on what she wants me to try on"

"Oh! Makes sence"

"Plus I wanna know what you think of my knew shorts and maybe for you I'll buy a dress or two and perhapse a skirt"

"When do we go shopping?!" He asked rubbing his hands together.

I looked at him and we both laughed.

We got to the store and went to the womens department, of corse as usualtheres always one rack on the outside line that shows a tast of what else is in the department.

I caught Ben eyeing up some practicly see through white shirts I laughed.

"What?" He was clueless, such a guy. I rolled my eyes, sometimes i think theres NO difference what so ever between him and other boys his age.

I picked out some shirts shorts and pants.
Ben picked out some baggy pants and a T-shirt.

I only got two outfits the check out lady look at me like I was nutts she leaned in and asked "Your dad put a limit on how many outfits you can buy?"

I got dizzy I hadn't thought about family in 7 months I felt like I was ganna throw up. I breathed in and out to calm myself and told her no she looked at me like I was the crazies girl she ever met.

I walked away and thought 'You have no idea lady'

We got to to the apartment and Ben took a shower and I watched T.V. I slept teribly that night tossed and turned like I used to first time in months.

I sat up and I decided to get some water.

I had a mouth full of water when something grabed me around the neck and started to lift me up but no one was there, I struggled it was a mental attack I tried to find the source.

Ben came out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face that didn't look right on him at all.

'Why?!' I thought at him.

He spoke but it wasn't his voice, or at the very least it wasn't a voice I ever heard him use before "You know perfectly well why Elizabeth"

I was starting to see spots in my vision I was ganna black out. I mentaly kicked Ben in the head, his whole body hit the wall and left an indent but It was enough for whatever was inside him to lose it's control. I fell to the floor and hit my head hard I heard my skull go crack against the hard tile.

Bens body stood and laughed and said "Tsk, tsk, tsk, is that any way to treat an old friend we havn't seen each other in months." "it" kicked me in the stomach.

"Your no friend of mine!" I spat at him through clenched teeth "Your a melevolent basterd that's what you are!" I shouted.

He kicked me in the gut again "Tsk, tsk you never learn do you I own you I will always own you Elizabeth no matter what form you take in reincarnation nore what name. You will always be mine!"

"STOP CALLING ME ELIZABETH THAT IS SO NOT MY NAME! What do they call an ugly thing like you?" I said still threw clenched teeth

"Now Elizebeth," he said draging out the nam,e "you don't remember? Aw. My name is Diablo, and this here boy is my vesil to you!"

"Well you sure got the "Devil" part right"

Then Bens body calapsed on top of me, I couldn't move him the pain shot through me that thing broke three of my ribs. I passed out from the pain.

The next morning I woke up on the couch all patched up pain still running up and down my side where "it" broke my ribes. I moaned and tried to get off the couch. I grimmised and stood up.

"Hey! Sit back down!" his voice said firm but gently worried.

I freaked out and shoved him up against the wall and held him there as I was walking to the door winceing every step of the way.

"MMPH!" he grumbled something under his breath and broke free and started comeing after me.

I screamed but my screams were covered by his hand and he took me to my room, tied me up and threw me on the bed.

"What the hell!" I said threw clenched teethed

"I was about to ask you the same thing," he said no emotion in his eyes or voice just words.

"Well I'm here ask me," I said still seething

"What happened last night?"

"You don't remember beating the shit outa me at all?" I asked bewildered and pissed

"Is that how you got those?" he said motioning with his head tword my broken ribs.

"No" I lathered on the sarcasm "I got these broken playing hop-scotch with some friends I'm sur you know them Ass and Whole"

"Very clever" he said rolling his eyes at me

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Do it again and I'll bite you" he said with a small smile

"You wouldn't dare bite a women who's pissed" I said deffiently

"You wanna bet?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes I do" I said sticking my tongue back out

He did he came over and he bit me just as I was hopeing. I knew he would do it and when he did I started kissing humans he didn't fight it he just went along with it.

I was trying to distract him and it was working I got working on the bindings with my mind but it was difficult trying to undo binds keep my walls up AND make out with this fantastic kisser at the same damn time!

Damn why did HE of all people have to be this things vesil god a good kisser a great person and even greater friend... Damn my life realy does suck.

I got untied but kept kissing him savering every moment he grabed my head and intwined his fingers in it and held me tight, like letting me go would realy let me go.

He was right as soon as he loosened his grip on me I was ganna be gone, gone like the wind.

He never losened his grip though, in fact it only got tighter, my ribs screamed their objections of pain but I ignored them. one hand in my hair the other on my back I tried to pull away I realy needed to go but he wouldn't let me. It was like he was makeing a point. A possesive point if you ask me I didn't mind I liked if only he wasn't the damn things vesil!

My eyes shot open and I pushed him away and he looked at me with knowing in his eyes a knowing that i didn't like and I knew just by letting him touch me I am most likely screwed he has almost the strongest hold you can get on a person and I'm worried 'cause that may not have been ben.

And as soon as I thought about being under his controls I knew I was and just sat down and waited for "Diablo" to show which would be inevitable.

There is no use in trying to fight the controle he had me and there was nothing I could do to fight it.

He came out and started to speak with me I ignored him for a while and then finaly I couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want from me?" I asked simply my mask showing nothing of what was realy happening inside me I was crushed devistated my familys death all over again but worse I believe i may have fallen in love with something evil.

"You" he stated this so bluntly I did know how to respond to it.

"ummm...." I said sounding like an idiot

He looked awkwardly at me I laughed and just walked up to him and hugged him

"if you want me so much prove it!" smileing as I spoke

He looked confused.

"You remember last year when you said you cared more than I would ever know? Well now you can tell me" understanding crossed his handsome features.

"I told you I don't know how to explain" he looked frusterated

"if you tried hard enough you could if you wanted to come on Ben your not dumb so think use that brain of yours!" I was getting frustrate to because i was being stupid just by talking to him.

I threw my hands up in defeat, "UGH! I'm going to take a shower you should think about one too you are really starting to smell!"

My forhead creased with thinking frustration lines.

I just started to get outa the shower and Ben was standing there I screamed he scared the shit out a me.

"GET OUT!" I screamed

He laughed but it wasn't him "Now, now Elizabeth," "it" grinned at me "you really need to work on your people skills that's not how you great a guest" "it" said as it pushed me up against the wall I dropped my towel as the thing began to close my airway and I struggled to breath.

"Elizabeth you will come back to me soon you will soon be mine again just face it this... BOY, your so infatuated with at the moment is just a fling you will come back to me Elizabeth you always will... always have" "It" smiled the most horrible smile I ever saw and it did not fit the face it was on.

"I... am... NOT... Elizabeth!" i was having difficulties breathing and speaking didn't help that at all.

"And... go back.. to... where... you came... from!"
I said agravated trying to remember that spell I read about how to get rid of a demon or whetever this thing was just because he said he was the devil dosnt mean he really was it I was gamma need more proof

"It" let me go and stepped back admireing my body I absent mindedly grabbed my towel and rapped it back around me.

Now that oxygen was flowing back to my brain I could remember the spell, "Amnee unetestestay anunciacarnay penatradestalta ancundam tarsay apegutarnay Ametay!" I screamed the last word and Ben's eyes flashed white and then they where his own again no glint of evil no nothing just pure Ben.

I ran up and hugged him, "Thank god you're ok!"

His back was stiff under my embrace it took me a second to figure out why I let go and walked around him. I had forgoten that I still only had a towel on when I hugged him... oops! Ah he'll get over it. I thought while I was walking around him to.... well OUR room

I came out of the room and I smiled and hugged him and breathed him in. He hugged me back and for the first time in a long time I felt safe, again in his arms.

"Sorry about the towle hug" I said with a sheepish grin.

"t's all forgoten" he said sounding like an old movie

"I wish" I said "a man can never forget something like that and for a 'modest'" I made air quotes around the word modest "man like you it'll haunt you in your dreams ooohh, ooohh" I giggled and he chuckled a deep throught chuckle that only normaly happens when he's really happy

I only wish he loved me as I do him.

If any other person I was traveling with became posessed I would have either killed them or left without a second thought. But I kissed him, I didn't want to leave him I couldn't leave him I loved him and still do nothing will ever change that.

He is mine and no Diablo is ever ganna take that away from me he's already taken to much!

"Safe" I mumbled as he held me again we were now sitting on the couch

"hmm?" he asked

I looked at him and smile "safe" I said again

"what do you mean?"

"I feel safe with you. I always do nothing can touch me but you when Im with you it's like your my own little bubble of protection! I hope that never goes away. The first time I met you, you were..." I paused thinking of a good word to use "Perfect. When we became friends and we hung out you always were there never on your phone or ignoreing me you listened and coforted and... and... nevermind" I said afraid of what he would think if I told him.

"No. Tell me" he said in a calm voice as he moved my chin to make me look him in his dangerous blue eyes. Surprisingly enough he didn't use his powers on me at all.

I turned my head away from his soul seeing gaze.

He got a better hold of my face but gentle as one would hold a baby he held my gaze.
He asked me his voice even gentler then his touch "please tell me Jean"

Still I refused to tell him. I just continued to stare through him at nothingness.

He chuckled

As only he could do I reverted back to a two year old and stuck my tongue out at him.

I was afraid he would use his powers on me so I bound them with a quick spell.

They say witches are evil when accually they just use more of their brain such as Ben and I I just havnt told him yet and I really didn't want to tell him about spells.

But I did really want to tell him but I was terrified he would not like what I said and leave to many people have left me I didn't want him to as well.

Just as I started to try and get out of his arms and into my own little bubble of nothing he stopped me and slowy bent his head so his lips met mine. His powers still wouldn't work bu I knew I would end up telling him his kisses were intoxicating.

I was still kissing him but I called him and ass 'cause he knew what he was doing he chuckled low it sounded like it came from his chest. I bit his lip he bit mine he laid me back on the couch I let out a little gasp as his bite hurt a little he had made me bleed he tried to pull away but I held him in place his flavor dancing on my tongue as it slid in and out of his mouth.
His kisses were not nearly as familiar as I wished they were I intended on changing that.

He pulled away and I fake pouted.

"Will you tell me now"

"Mmm no" I said and grabbed him and continued to kiss him makeing sure his taste will never be forgotten.

I fellt more confident after he kissed me I curled up in his arms tiered and said "I love you"

He didn't stiffen he didn't even flinch but he didn't say it back either he just looked at everything but me

I got up and left the room went to MY room and laid down in my bed and silently beat myself up for saying that I'm so stupid I need to stop telling him everything but if I dont he gets mad at me but the he won't tell me shit!!

UGH!! I got up and went to the window we were 5 stories up that should be enough to kill me. This was the selfish and easy way out but I didn't give a shit anymore I wanted DONE!!
I got up and walked over to the door and turned the lock, as soon as he tried to get in he would no something was up. I had to move fast.

Walking back to the window I knew I wouldn't be able to do it but it like it took me to cut myself that was easier then this still have the scare from when my mom yelled at me my escape I never told anyone, but the jump was a nice thought.

I heard the door jiggle and then there was a loud pounding on it.

"Jean! Are you okay?" he sounded nervous

I decided not to answer him I silently moved his bed in front of the door with my mind no way if I moved it physicaly it would be silent and sat with my legs swinging outside the window I was being stupid and acting like a braty bitch by hey I'm entitled to a little bit but I will say I am going overboard.

He kept bangin on the door I gave him his powers back as soon as I went I to my room so if he couldn't be all macho man and bust down the door physicaly he was ganna do it mentaly.

He called my name againg getting more and more nervous.

Still like the little bitch i knew I was I didn't answer. That was to much for him he busted it down mentaly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled as he was rushing towards me.

I still didn't answer him I just sat there and beat myself up for being stupid.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE!" he yelled stilll comeing for me he said this all quickly but time in my mind had slowed down I mad no move to obay him but no move to go any further into the whole I was digging.

It wasn't just him everything crashed down on me all at once and I started to cry inside only I wouldn't let him see me cry ever again!

I never saw him cry on his own I had to help him. He would never show me truly who he was and odd as it sounds I liked it I like that I liked him it was as if I had no choice in the matter.

Finally time caught up with itself and he was by my side renching me from the window, and pulling me close.

I stiffened "Let me go." my voice much calmer then the total and utter distruction that was going on in my brain.

"HELL NO!" he said starting to get a little angry as he began to drag me away from the window.

Still mega calm but firm, "PLEASE let me go then!" I said resisting him.

"Bite me!" he said with a bitter edge to his voice

So I did and I wasn't gentle like I wanted a kiss I tasted blood.

I felt him grimmace under the pain but he continued to drag me away, I got pissed but I didn't kick and scream like I wanted to I just became dead wait and slumped there on the floor his hand still firmly placed around my arm.


"No.... what crap with me gone your life would go back to normal not like you ever cared anyway"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" he said frustration and confution both playing a part of his emocions... that he alowed me to see.
His voice got softer "I ALWAYS cared about you" he paused calming fighting some other emotion that he wouldn't let me see "and always will"

I looked him in the eyes and said, "Yeah I've been seeing that alot lately" I said sarcasticly "all you do is "care" WHY? WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME ALONE? WHY YOU HAVE TO GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED?" I was screaming at him trying to think of something totally crule to say to him and then I had "I HATE YOU!" I started to hit is cheast screaming I hate you over and over again.


Then I snapped and with one last hit I slumped into his body molded into him sick of living, of my life.

He held me close not saying a word just held me we sat on the bed the stress getting to me I felt like I was ganna pass out he continued to hold me as he laid back on the bed I silently cried as much as I hated it I still felt safe in his arms. With my head on his cheast listen to his heart beat I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning thinking ge would be gone I kinda hoped he would be I moved slitely and he adjusted himself so i could move freely.

I say up and looked at him and asked again "Why? Why do you care what happens to me, why you of all people? You had a life you had friends, family, and you gave it all up for me why?" I pauusrd and answered my own question "Becaue you didn't think you would have to stay with me you just thought it would be a fun little check on Nat and go home. Didn't you?" I asked the question but it wasn't really a question

I sighed "you never know, why do you always have to show up and ruin everything? Your so stupid and idiotic but you also just so... Nevermind it's not important. I wish you did know though."

I had a feeling he knew he just didn't wanna tell me what else is new no one ever told me anything anyways

And I asked the question he avoided "Why do you care so much anyway I'm nothing but white trash if that" I said sounding like a bitch again

"No you not" he said it as if it was the end of the conversation then he didn't know me

"Then what am I?" I asked truly curious of what he had to say I knew I was not worth more then a piece of shit was maybe not even but I HAD to here what he had to say

"just I don't know...!" he said ending ubrubtly

I sat up and pulled away from him fast, my anger rising again he was hiding from me going back onto his shell I could feel it and by the look in his eyes he knew I was getting pissed... again.

I got up off the bed went to the window opened it and stuck my head out.

It was a beautiful day bright sunny 'GREAT!' I thought exasperated I sat down on the windowsill the night before still on my mind but unsure of what to make of it thinking maybe I should still jump while he's acting stupid.

Before I even had the thought he was up by my side pulled me away from the window and had it shut and locked in one fluid motion.

My mind almost automaticly started to check him out but not the parts that other girls check out like his butt and muscles ect., but like I say so much I am sooo NOT like other girls! I checked out his hair that I loved so much, the way he carried his body in fake happiness, the way his eyes shined when they looked at anything. But most of all I noticed the pain in his eyes and it cut deep pain I had caused a very small portion of that pain but i caused it nevertheless I wish I could take it all away I became sad.

Almost immediately he turned and asked "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said trying to push it outa my mind and convince myself as much as him that it was nothing

I could tell how he wasn't ganna let this go but he did for now

I tried to get passed him back to the window but he grabbed me and pulled me away I was really starting to get sick of being man handled like that so I tired to pull away from him but his grip just got tighter "Let me go!" I said getting so fustraited by how he was hadleing me.
"if you keep man handleing me imma kick your ass!" I said viciously

He didn't let me go but he got gentler and he bent down to me and whispered in my ear and said "Bring it!" to my imma kick your ass comment.

I smiled so evily at him I think I saw some fear in his eyes I renched myself away from him I shoved him on the bed sat on him and started to kiss him.

But as soon as he relaxed I rolled off and he was picked up and shoved against the wall and i mentaly really kicked him in the ass I waited to see what he would do to try and free himself, but before I knew what happened my ass was pinched, I made a small yelp of surprise, and I was on the wall next of him.

I laughed so hard and so did he and we both lost concentration and hit the floor i calmed myself down and hit him in the arm, he rubbed it acting like it hurt, I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Don't do that again!" but I was smileing

"Do what?!" he said makeing his eyes overly inocent.

"Pinch my ass." I said still smileing, but sticking my tongue out at him

He chuckled

"Do It again and I'll turn you into an ass ee-haw" I said bursting into giggles

He full out laughed and did it again

I yelped again but melted back into giggles and smacked him in the cheast and said "You are so damn irritateing you know that?"

"what I'm sorry I wasn't listening" he said still laughing

I hit him again and said "Do it again and imma lick your face!"

He did it again and I stuck my tongue out to lick his face but he turned and bit it before it touched his skin. I gave a small scream of surprise and pulled away "your an ass you know that"

"So you said many times" he rolled his eyes

I stuck my tongue out at him, and rolled away I started to get up

He was up in a flash and was by my side he pulled me up and I started to walk away and he pinned me to the bedroom wall

I put my legs around him and tried to pull the back of his knees forward but it didn't work he got in my face and laughed.

I struggled "Get off me!" I said still trying to get my legs up to his cheast so I could push but he got to close I could barley move my breath caught "Get off!" I repeated again

"No" he said smileing evily at me but still himself

That got me back to being the two year old again "Get off me!" I whined

"No" he said again

I stuck my tongue out (again) at him.

He continued to hold me there for what felt like hours but only a few seconds finally I said "Let. Me. Go." I chopped up each word trying to get him to get off but kinda sorta not wanting him to I'm a weird ass chick

He crushed me into the wall a little more. I gasped in surprise as he got really close to my face and said "No" his breath smelling so sweet and the word wrapped around me he was so close and he laughed at my glazed over expression.

I tried to move my hands but he moved then so they were above my head but didn't back away he was still so close

"GET OFF!" I said getting more and more pissed by the fact that he wouldn't listen to me

He laughed "No. You know your cute when your mad"

"Then I'm ganna look DAMN sexy if you don't get off me NOW!" I said not raiseing my voice but still haveing danger in them

"Fine" he said backing away but stilll close enough to touch I had to force myself not to

I stepped away from the wall ad will my foot halfway to the floor I was off my feet and on my bed pinned... Again


His smile widened and he let me up I was expecting what he did next he tried to pin me again but I ducked and flipped him on the bed and sat on him and held his arms up above his head and he laughed at me "You know" he said trying hard not to laugh again "most guys have to pay to have this done to them"

I rolled my eyes "yeah but you arnt most guys are you and this is SO not worth any money I'm not worth anything anyway" I looked away from him and started to get off

He pulled me back on the bed and flipped me so he was on top "Hey, Hey now your worth millions I just don't have it!"

"I wish. I'm not worth more then a blade of grass if even that!" I was so upset I was haveing fun and now I was sad god my life sucked I looked away from him not wantin to meet his gaze "I've never felt loved nothing could love me who could love a thing like me who has the devil rideing her ass!" I was getting angry ugh I hate emotions "you shouldn't be here you should be at home with your family and all those girls rideing you ass" I smiled sadly at him "you shouldn't be here not with me I'm not worth it i never will be your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I ruined you life!" I practicaly screamed at him "you deserve better then me WAY better!" I spoke sadly still not looking at him

"your wrong" he said

"No I'm not. How can you care you shouldn't care all Ive done to you is fuck up your life and that's it what have I giving you? The FRICKING devil himself has possesed you and you still stay I'm not worth it, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not" I kept repeating "I'm not" over and over again still not looking at everything except the one thing that can make me feel he was so close he was touching me and I was pushing him away.

He turned my face to him and said "Wrong you are so worth it" then he kissed me I was so stressed so stiff he was so strong so together why did he have to be so perfect? Why couldn't he have been mean to me at school then he wouldn't be here wouldn't be in danger! Ugh he pulled me closer to him and I relaxed molding my body into his and we kissed our kisses were full of sorry and regret and pain and anger and... Love? I know mine was but was his? I pulled away from him and again we slept together me in his arms snuggling close into the forgiving embrace of my... Friend? Boyfriend? Ah who cares he was here and that's all I cared about he was with me and I with him I prayed that would never change.

I woke up before he did and just layed there but of course as usual I had to get up I felt all gross and sticky I needed a shower.
I stayed in there for about an hour thinking about things...
I was awakened from my thoughts by a loud banging "Hey you okay in there!?"

"Fine" I said back "Just thinking is all"

"about what" he asked

"Nothing just thinking about some things" I said sounding less tiered then I really felt

"what kinda things?" he asked again

"UGH! Can I please have some alone time!?" I yelled

"sorry sorry calm down" he said not sounding at all sorry but still wanting to know what the things were

The truth is, is that I... I just wasn't sure I could do this anymore I had to leave I had to get away from him I felt safe in his arms but not around him he made me feel so vulnerable and I didn't like it! I had to leave I had to get away from him but I didn't think I could. GOD why did he have to have such a hold on me! WHY? As if the water running down my face wasn't enough tears started to wet my face as well.
Why am I such an IDIOT!! "I feel like a ho" I mummbled to myself.

Again he came to the door and banged on it "Jean is something wrong?" He asked clearly worried

"Go away!" I said through clenched teeth

"Jean what's wrong?" he asked getting close to hystarics

"GO AWAY!" I screeched and I heard him fly and hit the wall and sink to the ground. I hadn't ment to do that but it felt so good.

I heard a voice whisper 'good girl come back to me Elizabeth'

"NO!" I screamed and fell to the floor in the shower as pain ripped throughh my body

And kept repeating "no" as another knock on the door sounded but I couldn't hear it very well it was faint and so was I I heard my name once twice thrice then I heard the door smash to the floor.

I was laying in the shower curled up like a a frightened snake I saw feet and hands that tryed to grab me but I shoved them off of me and kept repeating "No go away not good for you" and I slowly rocked back and forth, back and forth.

"No" he said trying to comfort me but only makeing matters worse couldn't he see he was the cause of this? He made me feel I didn't wanna feel I couldn't aford to feel

I'm worth nothing I never have been worth anything to anyone no ones cared much about me ever no one has ever really loved me Ben didn't even love me it was just I wasthenonly girl there that he could aford to get close to without worrying about her being killed he didn't care I was just convinient. He never did care and never will.

With that thought on my mind I slid withing myself and hid from him, from what I was supposed to do, from everything and everyone I was in my own world gone of evil and hurt just me how I liked it how I've always really liked it if people had left me alone at school no friends no jerks I would be fine I wish people would just leave me alone and I wish they always did.

No one cares about stupid fugly Jean and no one ever will.

He shut the water off and put a towel over me then picked me up and layed me in bed. He layed next to me telling me it's ganna be okay over and over again.

I started to warm up as soon as he touched me I couldn't help it he was amazeing I looked up at him and just stared I got lost deep in his eyes, I just wanted to dive into them and never leave again I snuggled close to him relaxeing calming as he ran his fingers up and down my back and through my wet hair I fell asleep again feeling safe and vulnerable at the same time.

I woke up calm and collected I stood up quickly snatching up my towel and got dressed he was stil sleeping I went to the couch and layed ther for a while thinking, dreaming, hopeing, wishing all the things I should really stop doing I turned myself so I was on my side and went back to sleep wearing a T-shirt and boxers I sighed deeeply as I went back into what I hoped would be quiet bliss.

I was wrong.

I was in a beautiful clearing in the woods smileing at the sounds and smells of nature then almost as soon as my shoulders relaxed I heard a noise exactly behind me I thought it would be a normal one of my dreams where one of the "OMG! HE'S SO SEXY!" guys that I normaly snaped at and was rude to.

I smiled in antisipation but I could sence it before I could smell it, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and evey inch of my body was screaming at me to run until my lungs gave out but I was rooted to the spot. I was not in control of my body, then I smelled it the awful stench of death, lost souls and stollen ones I could here their screams and plead for freedom which I new would never come to them.

"Hello my little Elizabeth How are we tonight?" he spoke as if it came from many voices in many directions.

So the coward did not come alone, scared of me I'm sure.

He chuckled as the stench of him wrapped itself aroud my body makeing me feel dirty almost at once.

"Now Elizabeth you do not believe that i am frightened of you do you?" he asked already knowing the answer

I most deffinately did not believe that he was in the slightest bit scared of me but I was only trying to calm myself down from the scream that was building in the very core of my being.

He now laughed damn him to Hell.

"Been there done that" he spoke now with a smokey suductive tone.

Did I just think HIS voice was suductive? BARF!

"Now, now Elisabeth no need to be rude" he said with uterly fake sadness

"Stop reading my mind and I won't be rude to someTHING such as yourself!" I said with a sweet sarcastic smile painted on my face.

He just shook his head I couldn't see it because I was still faceing away from THE DEVIL HIMSELF but I could sure as Hell exists feel the evil swis from side to side as he moved it.

"Now you see that is what I mean." I was lifted off the ground and turned to face him he looked even worse then he smelled his voice SO did not match his smell or looks but then again he's probably stealing the voice of one of the mortal souls he claimed inside him.

As I examined him I could see the souls moving in agony in his stomach see them stretch his skin trying to escape his face was not human it looked like a skull with skin strtched over it that didn't belong while bugs crawled in and out his eyes sunken into his head tongue like a snake horns like a mountin goat twisting and turning skin so black it wasnt even a color that existed in the normal wold.

I floated above ground for a little while then was dropped to my knees as he told me what to do.

"Call me master!" he commanded in a voice never riseing.

"No" I said simply and indifferent

He slapped me hard leaving my skin burning where he had hit it. "Do as I say" he said sounding more animal than his human smoky voice

"NO! you are not my master never were and never shall be!" I said biting through the pain of my face

He bent down and whipered in my ear "The more you strugggle the more it will pain you my love"

"UGH! my love, again i say BARF!" I said laughing

He slapped me again but this time he liggered leaving a heated but not burning spot on my cheek.

I tasted blood I spit it out at him he laughed and dipped his fingersin it and then tasted it. THE SON OF A BITCH TASTED MY BLOOD!

"mmm" he said savoring it "you taste very good better then normal perhapes it's the age i have never been able to find you so quickly."

"I probably taste like a pissed bitch who's ganna figure out how to kill you!" I spoke through clenched teeth and blood

"Oh Jean you make me laugh! You cannot kill me it will break the balance of good and evil; the world would go spiraling into chaos. And on the contrary you taste sweet such as butterscotch or peaches or perhaps the boy toy of yours is correct you do taste a bit like cotton candy"

I was still shocked that he called me why real name finaly but when he said boy toy I screamed bloody murder and sat straight up on bed still screaming at the very though of Ben being a "boy toy" made me sick boy toys were nothingbut men who didn't care what happened to them and slept with women for fun as far as I knew he hadn't slept with anyone ESPECIALLY not me i think i would have remembered that one. Even if he had slept with someone I didn't care.

Ben was up so fast and had me in his arms before I could take my first breath to continue screaming.

He held me tight never letting up till I calmed down at the very least enough for him to ask what was wrong. "What happened what's wrong?" he said kind of freaking out.

God I didn't wanna talk about it I wanted distraction I wanted him to figure out a way to distract me "KISS ME!" I said to him wanting to melt into him to feel the heat pulse from his body to distract me.

He ignored me and continued to ask me what was wrong and what happened and rocking back and forth with me in his arms.

I couldn't take it I knew i promised myself not to do this but I had to break the promise. I used my mind control power to make him do whatever I wanted but I havn't been practicing and I hadn't gotten any better at it but a split second was all I needed and it's what I got.

He bent and kissed me so easily so natural he felt to me my mind went blank just as I hoped it would.

He pulled back as soon as my milisecond do what I want was up, damn. He touched my cheeck gentaly ad traced the handprint that must have gone to my body not just my dream body. When I realized what he was doing it was to late to pull away I felt control slip from me and go to him.

"now" he spoke as if he wasn't forceing me to tell him "what happened that made you scream your head off?"

I told him everything from what he looked like what he did and what he said to me Ben was shakeing he was so pissed.

"How long has that son of a bitch been watching us?" he was struggling to control his rage

"I don't know now will you help me forget please just humer me. Kiss me please!" I was desperate to forget and it was noticable in my voice and face and eyes.

He looked at me and just shook his head and he sat back on the couch with me and just started to stroke my cheek where the slap wasstill outlined in red.

"PLEASE!" I said begging him now. I wasn't powerful enough to do anything right now I was never powerful enough to control him when I really wanted no needed him to but I wanted him to want to do it, not be forced.

He continued to use the same tactics.

I got up and walked away from him to the kitchen area I grabed a knife I pulled out swiftly and before Ben could get to my side I sliced my palm down the center and let myself bleed just to see it was still red to make sure it smelled okay I licked at the edge of the cut and it healed I smiled, it tasted okay normal I thought.

Ben was by my side and the knife thrown accross the room before I knew what happened he had me up against the wall and scream in my face "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"What I do?" i said indifferently

"ARE YOU REALLY ASKING ME THAT?" he said through clenched teeth

"yeah" I said keeping my tine flat tone

He just glared at me.

"Can you let go of me and give me my knife back please?" I said sounding overly sweet

His glare got deeper and he shoved his whole body up against mine pushing me into the wall so I heard a crack as the dry wall started to give as he looked like he wanted to kill something

"Easy buddy watch the murchendise, you break that wall I pay for it 'cause your broke" I said with the fakest sweetest smile I could muster on my face

"Why are you being such a bitch?"

"Because I am one been one for a while!"

"No... you havn't why you started now? And what in gods name did you cut yourself for?!" he asked still pissed at me for that he tightened his grip on my arms he shoved away from me so I could move my legs but not enough to kick and he still held me firmly against the wall

"Accually quite the oposite" a smokey voice said from behind him.

My fear woke up from hiding deep inside me and rose to my throught.

"What the hell?" he was confused because all doors were locked and windows were too plus no one heard anyone come in... or should I say anyTHING!

"Now you got it kid. And Eliza-- I mean Jean why must you have such rude thoughts for me?"

"Because your a total ass!" I sneered at him

"Who the hell are you?" Ben asked baffled at how we knew each other

"Well are you not going to introduce me to your boy toy?" Lucifer asked he prefers the term devil and seemed to think it was funny to give me the Spanish word for devil in the beginning

"A) He is NOT my or any other persons boy toy...that I know of" I looked at him a little uncertain because he has kind of been running off with me knowing where he was going I know I'm not his mom and all but comeon "B) you don't deserve the pleasure and C) I hate you so go to Hell where you belong Lucifer!." I sneered his name and saw anger flair up in his eyes at the sound of his name i laughed without humer

"I did not give you permission to speak my name witch!" he said the word "witch" and a litteral slap crossed my face

I spit as blood it pooled in my mouth " Well first of all not a witch and I think you ment bitch."I smiled at him "So, what would you have me call you then, Bastard? Asshole? Jackass maybe?" I hadn't noticed but Ben was standing in front of me fixated on his eyes

Awe crap I forgot he only sees his desires if he looks in his eyes he can see nothing but what and or who he desires most.

So who might these people be on his mind I knew i wasn't one of them he didn't care about me but like I said his deepest desires I didn't wanna know so I flung him against a wall and he slumped to the floor in pain he wasn't moving I knew I hadn't killed him but i think I knocked him out or he was smart enough to act like I did and very well if he was acting

"Ouch he must like it rough" Lucifer said chuckling looking at the body slumped on the floor opposite of us.

"No he is accually very gentle" I spoke sweetly rolling my eyes "I'M the one who likes things rough" I spoke quickly while I lunged at him

He just waved his hand at me knocking me into a wall making it so all the air was pushed out of my lungs an I could momentarily not breath.

I gasped and got up biting my lip to keep back a cry of pain as I felt my ribs were broken... again!

"Go screw yourself!" I spat spitting at him as he came and pressed me against the wall

"I would much rather you do that for me" he said smileing sweetly at me as i became unable to breath again because of his stench

He leaned in his face just a millimeter away from mine.

I choked back a scream trying unsuccessfully to breath all I could think was hot It was hot very hot I felt like I was burning my body felt as though flames licked from the inside out I saw spots of lights as they began to blurr my vision and the fire getting even hotter inside me all I heard after my vision left me was evil demonic laughter comeing from a human body I knew was not human in the slitest bit.

Then it all went hearing memmorie sight all of it gone I woke up in a room that looked nothing like a home it looked like a rook I had seen in a movie before a torture chamber!

"shit!" I mumbled just my luck

A grone beside me caught my attention I turned my head as far as I could and saw Ben chained just as I was but he had something I didn't he had a tool table sitting beside him!

My panick rose quickly as I realized what was happening HE was going to torture us, for what i did know we knew nothing that could interest him

"Oh you both are up marvalis!" he said strideing in with I huge grin that spread from ear to ear inhuman deffinately. "and Jean I won't be doing the tortureing that is what demons are for no?" he said as if he wanted an answer but I just glared at him chucking mental profanities at him

"Now, now dear that won't help you situation" he spoke and shook his clawed forfingure at me.

"What situation we did nothing to you!" I shreaked

"Oh on the contrare you have made me fall in love with you and you do not love me in return, instead you love something like THAT" he sounded as though he may throwup as he moved his chin in Bens direction.

"Yeah so let him go and you can have me to torture" I said through clentched teeth the smell had gotten greater and I didn't wanna vomit in front of stinky here he may eat it and think it tastes good! BLAH!

"oh but he's the reason you don't love me so I won't physicaly hurt you Im not even ganna hurt your boyfriend here" he smiled waiting for me to say something

I knew there was ganna be blood spilt from Ben if not from HIMSELF then from one of his minnions "Oh joy your not thank you so much kind sir how could I ever repay you?" I said so sarcaticly an unborn baby would be able to pick it up.

"Your to smart you make this game no fun" he said frowning just a bit

"sorry... Oh wait no I'm not" I said flatly

He came up and slapped me his long clawed fingers sliceing through my cheek skin as if it were tissue paper I let out a choked scream on a gasp of pain I could stick my tongue out from the side of my face now.

"Gee Mister thanks a bunch now I have more then one mouth to talk from" I tryed to smile but failed my slashed cheek not able to pull up the corner of my mouth so it looked like a wierd smirk.

He growled at me

"Ooh scary" I thought maybe I should shut up bacause I might kill us both killed but i bet we are both ganna die anyway so why not end with a bang

"ALIZTHAR!" the demon torturers name i'm sure "Do as you wish to the boy the girl you may to but not visible damage she's mine" he growled walking out

Alizthar walked up to Ben looked him up and down and then looked at the instruments and picked up a small one that looked like a pen but I could smell the demon blood any human could smell it, it was so strong demon blood is deadly to normal humans but to us hybrid humans it just hurts like hell. Ironic isn't it.

I shut my eyes I knew Ben wouldnt scream out in pain his stuberness and pride won't let him as Alizthar ripped open Bens shirt I to leave his cheast bare I couldn't help but open my eyes I looked at his marvalis upper body "Holy shit!" I said under my breath he had a six pack and pecks.

The only sign I got from Ben that he heard me was his damn cute cocky smile he didn't look at me though.

If whatever Alizthar was planning to do to him scarred his sexyness I will personally make sure that the torturer drowned in his own blood.

I hoped he wouldn't look at me he may get himself killed if he did the cheek that Lucifer slashed was the one faceing him psycics have the ability to heal faster then normal humans because we can focause all of our normal healing for our whole body on the one spot I taught Ben that but it doesn't work that fast I learned how to send all of my healing into my spit. That I hadn't taught Ben yet.

Though the spit healing is faster then the consentration healing it still is pretty slow the spit heals in about a hour the consentration in about two hours.

I saw Alizthar stab Ben and closed my eyes and felt his sharp pain as I opened the mental path so he could hear my plan and thoughts that we were ganna get out okay.

'HELL NO!' he screamed in my head 'YOU ARE NOT GANNA DO THAT!'

I ignored him and went on with my plan.

I saw Ben clench his jaw as he was stabbed again and then the knife thingy twisted

"Hey Alizthar he ain't ganna scream." I said a smile in my voice.

Alizthar looked at me "And I supposed you will?" he asked setting his toy down and comeif over to me.

"For you I would scream as long as you asked me to." I said smileing

"oh yeah and why would that be?" he asked eyes narrowing into slits as he studdied me

"Because unlike your boss you don't smell gross you smell good" lie "your cute" big lie "and your sexier then the human boy and your boss you don't have horns sicking out of your head" HUGE lie... except for the horns part. Him and his boss are pretty much as ugly as they come.

'what the hell are you doing!' Ben screamed into my head

'stop worrying about me and try and get loss dumb ass and I'm doing what you do in hell!" I screamed back but with more force I so did not want this thing to think it could have it's way with me well at least not have it happen

Alizthars eyes became dark as lust filled him I could see his puples dialate so you could not long see anything but black.

He walked up to me and grabed me and put his mouth to mine and started kissing me his tongue demanding entrince into my mouth and with reluctance I alowed him to I needed to by time for Ben to get lose.

Ihad to fight the need to through up my insides he tasted awful something I never tasted in my life must be what something dead. Like a corps tasts like but worse

He ripped my shirt open and I felt my whole body go ridged

'Ben hurry, HURRY!' I screamed as hard as I could in my head

No response.

The thing had stepped back for abetted view I assumed I didn't care as long as nothing else happened

I closed my eyes and more pleading this time 'Ben please aswer me'

Still nothing I felt heat rush up my body as someone or something came closer to me my body went even stiffer then it already was I didn't think that was posible.

Then I got a soft kiss on the forhead as my shirt was pulled closed and the fibers knitted back together. I opened my eyes as my bindings were being taken off.

"Oh thank god!" I whispered as my body relaxed a little to much and I callapsed into Bens arm and hugged him so hard I popped his back.

I felt him shiver his back needed popping and it must have felt good. I made a mental not to give him a full body massage when we got out of here and back to safty.

My mind without my permission went back to the kiss Alizthar gave me I shoved away from Ben and reched all the contents in my stomach up and then some I looked around for a body but didn't see one.

"It turned to ash" Ben spoke with so much discusted in his voice I reched some more at the memory.

I absentmindedly looked down at my shirt and saw it was shut "How did you--" I began to ask but Ben interupted me

"Cloth fibers are very easy to make go back together."

"oh..." I felt stupid I knew about the clothe fibers what happened sucked so much my mind is still waaayyy in shock.

I looked at Ben, he still didn't have his shirt on andhis stab wounds were healed must not have been deep or not much demon blood on it or we've been down here longer then I thought.

"Will you please put your shirt back on?" I asked stareing at his muscles

"No" he spoke flately that startled me

"Why?" I asked whineing I really wanted to touch them but we didn't have time

"it burns when I touch it." he spoke as if it were wet and he just didn't want to get cold or something.

"Why doesn't mine burn me?"

"It didn't entend to harm you... In that way" he said through clenched teeth

"okay let's get outa here we can talk later!"


We ran out and surpriseingly enough we had to kill 1 demon 4 goblins 3 drhampans it comes into being when demon mates with a human that has fairy blood in it. This things are very tricky fairies wit humans look and a demons strength and abilitie to kill without a second thought. Not once did I hear or smell Lucifer or feel him something happened that made him flee otherwise I'm lost.

We got back to the apartment and I started packing right away l and didn't think and just thought all clothes pack themselves and before I knew it all my clothes were gone in the suitcase.

I stopped and grabed my clothes and put them back on when I here Ben give a stated shout. "Um.... Jean why am I suddenly in my underwear?" I couldn't help it I burst out laughing he stormed in grabed his shorts and I tossed him a T-shirt he tossed it back

I was struggleing to keep myself under control because of what I had just done.

I threw the shirt back at him and he threwit back at me.

"what the heck, why won't you put your shirt back on?"

He smiled evily "I heard what you said back in that tunle"

I turned red "your point being?"

"I think it's funny" he said laughing

I laughed, "yeah your right it is funny... kinda sorta."

He left the room mumbleing something under his breath about my face turning red.

I continued to pack but suddenly I felt queezy and my vision started getting white and black spots in it and I felt my knees going week and wobbly and hearing the hissing I fought against the blackness that was beginning to overwhelm me.

"You can never esssscape usssss" they said

To many voices in my head head ache blackness and weekness finally exhausted my strength and I succumed to the blackness

Before all my senses when to point blank I heard a faint yell someone was yelling my name I think i know that voice but I couldn't put my finger on it then I was gone


"JEAN!" I was yelling her name over and over again she was not responding barely breathing

"Jean please say something" I never beg but she was scarring me if she was fakeing it she would be laughing by now and I would be pissed

I picked her up and placed her gently on the bed my head spinning like a tilt-a-wherl.

Just great! My thoughts were going wack suddenly a calm fell over me one that always seems to pass over me at any time when I'm confused or upset in some way or another.

My thoughts straightened themselvs out again and I knew I had to get us out of here plane and simple but to where and how.

A scream erupted from my now unconcious friend laying on the bed her body rose with the screams furosity unroll she was no longer on the bed but floating and screaming her scram had gotten worse!

I rushed to the side of the bed thrown back by some invisible energy as soon as I tryed to touch herthen her body collapsed and slumped onto the bed I tryed to touch her again and this time I was able too.

I bent down to her lips putting them to my eat her breathing was nice and calm as if she was sleeping not as if she had just shattered the bathroom mirror.

I finished packing and called for a cab and placed her in it saying she was tiered and was unable to sleep last night because of the party that was going on in the apartment above us the driver accepted this and drove us to the location I picked up from Jean's head.

All of her muscles suddenly tensed next to me and I quickly grabbed her with both arms trying to keep her from screaming and floating in the air... that just might attracked attention.

She struggled but in the end relaxed

I dropped her off at the house and left I wasn't comeing back.... ever!

She's to much work I can't help her anymore she's right I only came because I was scared about what might happen what was that word pitty.

No what am I thinking!?

'Your thinking the sssssafesssst Issss to be away from her!'

"NO!" I screamed and cradled her head in my lap protection my only thought


I awoke in a cold sweat and reached over freaking out but I wasn't in the apartment I was in a dark box all alone. The box was closeing in on me then a new scene I'm back home with my family alive and happy reliveing all their deaths hurt so much. Pain so much pain I'm begging for the soothing blackness to return but it doesn't.

I hear them again screams of pain of people I don't know over all the screams are the laughter of the most awful creations of anything earthly or not.

I scream at them to stop to let me go and leave me be
But the screams and laughter got louder and louder until my head threatened to explode then silance and I feel a cool cloth being pressed to my overheating brow

I sat bolt upright and run so fast all I see is a blackness, then in an instant I'm being pinned to the ground by a force but gentaly I close my eyes and wait for the worst to come.

But someone just sat next to me telling me everything would be all rightim safe now.

He touched me and all my nerve endings screamed for this gentle touch to stop. The pain it caused to not reach out and touch this gentle being was excruciating.

My muscles relaxed and my sight slowly returned, when I oppen my eyes I see a face I don't recognize. The face belongs to a boy gentle with worrie hard with anger.

He pickeded me up and started to ask questions that I didn't hear, I was to atuned to a strange person holding me and telling me I was safe now that nothing would ever happen to me as long as he was alive

My blood froze as this stranger.... No not stranger I know this boy known him for a while but what's his name!

A pain shoots through my body as I begin to look up at his face. I quickly look away as my brain begins to slip into it's blissfuless blackness.

"NO!" I scream as my ears begin to hear the laughter and screams again.
They retreat into the back of my mind waiting for the right time to masecure people inside me again.

I want to scream like the people inside me, cry for the laughter to stop but I don't.

At the moment i decide to be strong snd fight I realize that the boy has picked me up and layed me on the couch of this, this....

"SAFEHOUSE!" I say remembering that I had planned to come her if anything bad happened.

This is the same safehouse I put a spell around to keep out any unwanted things from comeing in any evils. I look at the boy intently, now able to my body's pain been eased the farther from the door I am.

I listen in order to hear the soft hum of the spell to make sure it was still intacted. This boy is not evil and I know him from somewhere but where...!

"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks

"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.

An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I him

"I said are you all right" he says again patient

"yeah yeah fine" I mummble

I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.

His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look enywhere and everywhere but at him.

"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery

"sorry?" I say confused

"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit

"I Dont know what your talking about?" I say frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him

His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.

"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared

"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy

"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think

"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"

"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think

"okay I remember you eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"

"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried

"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache

He looked even more worried

"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.

I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...

"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"

"once but now were just... realky good friends" he enphasised really

His breath smelled wonderful

"hey what's you name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.

"in time" he said

I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"

He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.

"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave

"Jean..." he turned to me hid eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I could figure out why but then I just fell asleep

I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front o me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch armby my head.

"what made you Jump like that?"

I just stared at nothing, not answering him.

He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.

He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself

"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself butas he was yammering I started to remeber everything!

"Jesus Christ ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same

He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze misstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.

"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why

"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"

He froze
I see the car dad tries to stop but can't I throw my arms in front of my brother to protect him from the glass comeing at him my arms got glass stuck in them nothing was able to protect it the 2010 accedent is what they called it my parents are in the hospital my papa can't be reached and my grandparents are in Mexico with my aunt and uncle and cousins i had not one family memeber to watch me and my sister and brother because of the glass in my arms they started to get infected I was late to skool at all times cause I watched my sister go off to skool but I then had to bring my brother to daycare I hopped onto my bike and drove him there and told the daycare lady that I had to drop him off cause my parents were in the hospitle cause we were in the 2010 car crash she took him without anymore questions and I went to school I came in late and right away people started to make fun of me cause I was late to school

"Hey look Mrs. goody two shoes is late" laughter rang throug the halls

I turned pissed cause I was sick of the fact that everyone still made fun of me so I said "Hey look it's ugly and her little group of uglier people and a few DUMB ugly people too. Well acually you all are dumb!"

Then of corse cause I pissed them off they turned on me and did the whole

"What exactly did you just say?" they asked all bratty like.

Me still pissed because of the accedent I was scared and upset that my parents were in the hospitle and no one in my family was reachable I turned and said
"To make it short and simple for your to small screwed up brains leave me the heck alone not in the mood my parents are in the hospitle so I don't care what I do right now after being In the 2010 crash excuse me for being pissed!"

I turned to walk away and heard laughter and then "wow she must be desperate makeing up the fact that she was in the biggest car crash in like 20 years ha"
I couldn't take it I turned and just punched the closest one of them and they all tried to come at me and I still beat the crap outa her I did a flip that I learned from gymnastics and my bandages broke while the fight was going on and I acted non-chalantly about it.

I said "Oh! Look it broke again ooo man look at that puss, oh hey some more glass came out"

After I beat the crap outa the person I hit I just walked away right to the office and they couldn't suspend me outa skool cause no one was home so they had to give me ISS (In School Suspention) and I had it for two weeks and no one messed with me in fact no one even realy talked to me I only got a "hi" or walked with my best girl friend and my guy friend said "hi" to me still every now and again and he lately has been talking to me more but never around his girlfriend so nothing changed much except for the fact that he said "hi" more then normal probably because he feels bad about what happened he doesnt realy care about me oh well, but my best friend didn't wanna talk to me much she was terrified the only one who wasn't teriffied of me was my one guy friend i think he is a little scared though but he talks to me anyway and personaly I think it's cause he wants to be in the army so he's tryingto be brave. I think he will be a damn good soldier hell
he'll be top dog in no time.

But then it happened the accendent the bus accendent, my sisters bus accedent could anything go worse I found out at skool too in the middle of my favorite class chior she was the only one from the bus to get hurt bad enough to go to the hospitle now I knew something was up and it wasn't good it was a terible, terible evil and it was after me and my family I knew it. Whatever IT was, was tring to make me suffer watch my family get killed befor it killed me or it just wanted me to live the rest of my life with no one both very bad and I had to make sure my brother was not ganna get hurt so I left skool and went home to get my brother and from now on I brought my brother to skool with me.

Of course the whole stupid crash was on the news AGAIN and people asking to interview me were becomeing more and more annoying the whole Jean how do you feel now that all your family except you and your one-year old brother are all in the hostpital?'
'Jean why do you think this has happened?'
'Jean how do you explain that your sister was the only one hurt enough to go to the hostpital?'
And so on.

They were like starving savage wolves!

That was the first time I ever found out I had powers I used them I was thinking 'I wish something would happen to make them leave' thankfuly it wasn't a bad something but I don't believe in couincedences so I thought again 'I wish I had a fridge full of food to feed my brother and I' I concentrated realy hard and it happened I was extatic but it didn't do anything realy big like create money or bring a human being back to life soi asumed it wouldn't kill I didn't try though because I didn't know for sure and it's better to be safe then sorry.

Even with my new powers my fear lied only with my brother, my anger souly with the person/thing that did this to me but for the moment I only care about the safety of my brother and the hope that my family will get well soon.

I had started to drive ilegaly.

Lately I've been feeling like someone been watching me.

Ben has completely stopped talking to me.

But I seem to be seeing more and more of him everyday I went to the store for milk and bread and saw him there alone... again. Ben was kinda kreeping me out but I just ignored it my brother was more importent to me right now I wasn't going to let anything happen to him.

I left school and Ben was... on my bus?!
I was so confused but again I ignored it because my brother just started crying.

Suddenly i heard something whisper in my ear!
"You can not essscaaapppee usssss."
I jumped and gave a shrike of surprise.

I could feel something numbing in my brain I felt that feeling before when that THING tried to get inside me but this wasn't a bad kind it wasn't cold it was warm and concerned, and it was...... Close?

'Hello?' I said probing out with my mind.
I felt whatever or whoever it was cring in surprise, oh just another mutant who doesn't know how to control there powers yet.

I figured out I had mine when I wished for something big to happen to make the reporters leave me alone. The big thing that happened was I threw a car into a bank... by accedent of course..... I still liked it though.

I probed some more to try and find the sorce but whoever or whatever it was locked up subconciously I could tell or I'd be able to feel the berrier of sycic energy around them and still be able to pin point their location, I should say the seat thier in.

I gave up and went back to takeing care of my brother and I went home still wondering who or what tried to read me?

I had a voice mail when I got home, I played it and my heart broke into a billion and 1 pieces crying and sobbing on the floor my family in the hospital, all of them my sister my mom my dad all gone dead I calapsed shrieking a scream escaped me that was blood curdiling to much pain to handle my heart was abliterated there was a tiny pics left where I still held for Logan the rest was gone.

Then I felt something inside me break and I stopped crying and stood picked up my brother kissed his sleeping figure and laid him down in the bed if anything happened to him I might go mad.

My thoughts out of control not knowing what to do or who to go to no one is here if I get close to someone they die "NO!" I say firmly it will not happen I will no longer speak with anyone no longer love no longer hate I will be emocionless.

I went to school as normal and I saw something but before I could move the mist had my brother and threw him out the window.

My horrified expression lasted only a milli-second and then my mask retearned the last of my heart was gone nothing left a hollow shell 'everyones dead' no one left to protect but myself I see Jack outside the door I decide to yell at him and ask what the hell his problem was!

I wanted to pick a fight with him, hurt him to show I don't like him don't care for him to protect him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!" I screamed in his face I was so close I could smell his breath just as sweet as I rembered. I kicked myself mentaly for never kissing him.

I shook my head to get rid of the thought.


That was reason enough I hit him square in the face winceing cause I knew I was hitting my best friend.

He fell against the wall and fell to the floor I started to walk away, but he swiped his feet under me and made me fall and hit my face against the tile I got pissed!
I got up and drop kicked him in the face and punched him over and over he grabed my hands twisted them behind my back I winced in pain, he turned me over held my hands above my and payed on me pining me to the floor.

He was bleeding but still he whispered in my ear, "I don't wanna fight you Jean."

My brain wirred but I did it without thinking, "To late!" I wisperd back and gave him a cheap shot below the belt and he rolled off me I gave him a good kick to the temple not enough to kill him just enough to knock him out I was bleeding and my wrist hurt from where he grabed me but I ignored the pain of my heart, which I thought had been abliterated guess not, and body and left the school a fugitive of the law and whatever was after me.

But even as far I went I still felt like I was being watched and now whoever, I know it's human and a guy he accedentaly let his feelings shine through when he was trying to read me, was watching me and continuing to try and probe my mind.

I would never realy sleep I always tossed and turned I woke up like every five minutes one time I woke up and saw Ben at the end of my bed but he wasn't realy there I know because I saw my mom step dad brother and sister there before now I'm just seeing things or so i thought.

Pain ripped through my mind, someone is trying to read it forcefully I hate it when that.... that thing does that whatever "it" is it's not the warm touch of the beginner mind reader that was on my bus the day before my brother was thrown out the window.

Images flashed in my head of my family my mom, step-dad, sister, brother all of them.

A lump formed in my head as "it" tryed to break through the berried I had on memeries that I locked away memorries I swore never to remember. That pissed me off and scared me at the same time I locked away the memories for a reason I don't know the reason it was locked away with those memories none the less there was a reason.

"GET OUTA MY HEAD!" I screamed then I started fighting back mentaly I felt "it" crumble a little as "it" tryed to hold on tryed to control me but I would never allow it.

I slipped into my coma state in order to fight this thing head on.

My brain was misted over not a good sign all I saw the thing trying to break the "locks" which bound the memories I swore never to remember.

It was cloked I couldnt see what "it" was but i did know it was not a person not a human not anything I've ever heard of or seen on T.V. even it was floteing as in it has no feat it didn't seem to sence me probably 'couse this was my brain I laughed silently. I threw a mental blow at "it" and the thing fell and hit hard I winced remembering that getting hit INSIDE my brain wouldn't be such a good thing it hissed at me.

"So your the piece of shit that's been hissing in my brain? Huh!" I laughed I easily killed whatever it was or at least I thought I did.

I sat down to concentrate so I could go back to being conciouse when I felt a blow to the side of my head it was a physical blow and it hurt like hell!

I sat up still in my own mind, I was being attacked not me but my unconciouse body!
"The cowered!" I yelled.

Sudenly i smelled something very familiar, something... something I liked. Recognition flooded my mind litteraly I was head deep in memeries of his smell his funny lookin smile, the one dimple, his beautiful eyes everything!
"NO!" I screamed the thing wasn't in my head anymore but if I'm right if Ben is there protecting me on the outside he has no idea what he's up against. Not only that but if he's fighting for me the thing will know that he cares and if "it" knows that he cares then the assumtion can be made that I care about him and killing Jack too would be on the top of the things to do list!

"AHHHH!" I screamed "GET YOUR UGLY FLOATING SELF AWAY FROM HIM!" I screamed my power full blast jolted me out of my coma state.

I jumped up and as my fear was realized it pissed
me of more.

My hands were glowing that's never happened before...
"Cool!" I said without thinking.

Ben laughed, then got hit in the head I got scared and angry and the thing and flung my hands out a stream of white and blue energy of some kind came out of my hands and hit "it". Poof gone like a magic trick I couldn't see the thing anymore at least, I couldn't sence it either.

Ben stood up rubed his head and asked "Why you not let me have any fun?" with fake sadness filling his voice.

I laughed even though I should be pissed at him, but hey the guy saved me life.

I walked up and shoved him, "Why do you like to try and get yourself killed?" I said smileing.

"'Cause I'm awesome like that so, HA!" He punched me in the arm, but not with his hand with his... mind!?

I was so shocked I whispered, "It's you? Your the one who's been trying to read my mind!" my anger was riseing.
"YOU! Why the heck have you been trying to read my mind!?"

He could tell I was getting mad, but he didn't back down. I knew he wouldn't he's Ben of corse he would never back down, he'd never admit he was scared either.

"Because I was worried about you. I didn't want you to hurt youself or anyone else, and when you tried to knock me out I just knew something was wrong." He stated mater a factly.

He spoke so calmly it calmed me down... way to quickly I realized. Ben had done his homework on mind reading and mind control then I realized he was touching me his hand was resting lightly on my shoulder I knew right away what he was doing he has the mind control gift I jumped back and sat on the bed and cryed.

He was makeing me show my emotions, it's part of the gift, I was ganna get him for this! I swore I would never let any emotion show again he made me show happiness and now my sadness what's next? Hate, love, pain, anger, ect. he sat down and said it was ganna be ok. I hoped he was right but I knew he wasn't. He was always a bit of an opptomist... well at least around me and his other friends, "So" I said sniffing, "How'd you find out about your powers?"

"Ha, that was easy I started hearing peoples thoughts in my head!" He said smileing.

I laughed, "So you decided to just follow me?"

"No, I watched you from a distence when I tried read your mind I felt you fight back and put up like an invisable wall or something."

So he's the one who's been watching me at least it wasn't some kreep.

"Ha Ha you need to do more research in mind readin' little boy!"

Oh Shut up!" He laughed

I laughed realy hard and he punched me in the arm, but this time with his hand.

"Oh, and Ben you will never be able to make me shut up my talking skills are far beyond your powers speaking of we should probably teach you a little more about them, yes?"

"Okay...?" He looked realy funny, hair all messed up he looked like a girl having a bad hair day except he's not a girl and he looks good with long hair except for the blood stain in his hair he looked realy cute. Well... At least I tought so.

"Okay first things first when you touch someone you can controle thier mind for a short period of time there are ways to lengthen the hold on ther mind but most of them I'm pretty sure you would only wanna do to a girl. Anyway if you touch someone you can make them do pretty much anything you want them to and I meen anything from killing themselves to killing someone else excetera." I said as calmly as posible I've been working on my powers for months and still havn't been able to control people for more then a split second but most of the time that's all I needed.

Bens powers for this sertain use are far beyond mine as far as I can tell but he hasn't been able to move things with his mind very well---

Ben interupted my thoughts, "Jean, does that meen like I could make someone hit someone else, if I was to lazy to do it?"

"Yup." I said giggleing, "You could make a girl kiss you break up with you so you didn't have to... Because I know how much you don't like to "hurt" people." I rolled my eyes remembering how he hadn't wanted to "hurt" Jennifer so he broke up with her by telling someone else to do it made her feel worse, made her feel like... like she wasnt worth enough for him to take time and tell her why he was breaking up with her. I meen a note isn't much better but it's better then being in the room and walking away from them while the person is being broken up with and letting someone else do it.

I remember how my friend reacted, how she... she just walked away laughing at him but i could see her heart broke, it hurt like heck.

I thought I would never have to expiriance such pain, such sorrow but guess what something worse happened all my family is dead and there's nothing I can do about it.

It's like that one time when I invited him over to my house last summer how he bit me I thought it was funny and kinda cute. I wonder if he wished i kissed him or not? If it wasn't for that story he told me about Destiny or what ever her name was I might have kissed him but probably not 'cause he was going out with Janet at the time. I wish he would have kissed me I would have kissed him back with intense curiosity I never kissed a boy before... well outa the family and I kinda wish he would kiss me soon.

I think he's realy cute.

Man it's great to see a guy so sweet cute and NOT gay not that I don't like gey people but you can't realy date one this is usualy the general rules for guys either they're dicks or they're gay it's like a one in a millionths chance u can find a guy like Ben and I found him and I let him slip.

I stopped so I could teach Ben more about his powers he was a very quick learner hich made me jelous it took me months to perfect my powers that's how long I've been on the run and it took him only a matter of hours.

"How's this?" He asked as he touch my shoulder again to control me... again, I think he just likes the fact that he can make me do anything he wants by just touching my shoulder.

"Release me and I'll tell you the truth." I said 'cause I knew that if I told him while still under his control it would be nothing but what he wanted to hear.

He released me and I told him the truth "That was perfect... again!" I let the exasperation fill my voice.

"Ok well it's getting late so you cane have that side and I'll take this side."

He looked at me and goes "We are ganna sleep in the same bed?!" The alarm, curiosity, interest were very clear in his voice but mostly alarm. I laughed remembering he couldn't see it with the bed made.

I deciede to go for it "Do you want to?" I asked jokeingly he seemed to consider for a split second i pulled the covers back and got in bed unzipped the covers that belonged to his side of the bed and pushed the two sides of the bed apart and said, "That side is literaly your side of the bed."

"OH!" he seemed to have relaxed i laughed again.

He fake pouted and said shut up I just laughed again.
Then I said, "You realy should get in bed and get to sleep."

He still looked uncertain I got up and pushed the beds farther apart.
"Happy?!" I asked exsasperated.

He still seemed uncertain.

"Well can't I just go home and sleep there?"

"Sure you can, just don't come cryin' to me then when all your family is dead you can't have any contact with them anymore "it" will follow any lead to go and kill you family too." For the first time ever I saw fear on Bens face cold raw fear.

"I can never see them again?" he ask chokeing on the words.

"Not unles you want them dead." I said emocionless.

Ben understood and he created a mask of calm and serenity and said "Cool."

I knew it was not "cool", I gave him a hug and whispered "Hey cheer up at least we got each other right?"

I felt him tense up and thought oh right that's not realy a good thing is it I sighed went to my bed and mummbled "You don't have to sleep in here you know? I do have a couch downstairs it's not as nice but if you're that upset and you don't wanna see me I can understand I kinda ruined you life but not to point fingers I never asked for your help."

He didn't respond but I heard him crawl into bed, I fell asleep shortly after that.

I woke up to the smell of baken and eggs.
'Man who could be cooking something like that it smells great must be the neighbors.'

I turned over and started to get up and remembered that Ben was here with me now. I noticed he wasn't in bed as I started to wake up I remembered that he told me he enjoyed cooking I smiled and headed down the stairs to the mouth watering smell.

"Goodmorning!" I said brightly.

First GOODmorning I had in a long time.
Ben didn't respond he set the food in front of me and sat down himself with his own food in the chair opposite from me.

"Goodmorning!" I said again my good mood quickly fadeing.

"Morning." He mumbled.

The images from last night flooded my head all of it me telling him he would never be able to see his family or even talk to his family again hit me with more force then any blow I've ever had to the head.

I walked over to him and said, "Ben, are you okay?"

When he didn't respond I hugged him and I hugged him tight he was fighting it I could feel it but eventually he hugged me back.

I whispered it was ganna be ok then I held him at arms length and said "We'er ganna kill this thing and you can go back to your life and I'll come back here to my new life."

He looked torn in two I couldn't help it I used my powers on him and made him cry I only had control for maybe a minute as soon as my control broke he stopped
"See told you crying is a good thing, even if it is only for a few seconds

He gave his crooked smile and told me to "shut up"

I just shook my head and told him everything would be okay.

He shook his head and said "Dont make promises you're not sure you can keep."

I looked at him and said "Your right, I promise I will try with all my might power and life that I will try to make everything as ok as posible!"

I hugged him again went to finish my breakfast which was now cold but still very yummy, he did the same.

When it was time to try and expand his powers to teach him what I knew and for him to teach me what he knew but didn't know he knew because he never tried to expand his powers like we're going to do right now.

"Here think energy, think pure power, think it with a passion!" I was realy excited I never met someone like him before funny, and who accualy listens to me after four hours straight of practiceing we took a break.

We had so much fun together laughing wrestleing he pinned me to many times to count he always would flick his hair in my face and I would stick my tongue out at him. I spit at him once to try and get him off but he said if I spit at him again he would spit back so I went back to sticking my tongue out at him he kept trying to bite me it was alot of fun.

It reminded me of last summer when we were care free with nothing to worry about no pain just care free fun us.

I got that back that day just me and him haveing alot of fun I missed him so much sure he was my friend but I never realy saw him since he started dateing... other people.

I shoved the thought outa my head and just let myself have fun I spoted a weekness in his hold on me and rolled on top of him we wrestled alot longer then we accualy practiced with our powers. Mostly we just took turns pining eatch other and laughing I don't think I ever had that much fun before it was amazing I hadn't taught him to block his thoughts yet so I read his mind and he was haveing fun to finaly I said uncle.

I had to go to store and pick up my contact perscription but I needed Ben to do it. In the car I told him to shake the doctors hand and get him to just give us the perscription he agreed to it even though it was stealing he said he understood why we had to do it.

After we got my perscription it's the first time I stole something very expensive like contacts we got home and I hugged him I was so excited. I loved that he was with me and that he didn't seem to care that he didn't get to see his family and friends for a very long time.

We walked into the bedroom I pushed him on his bed and turned to run away I tried to bind him mentaly but he was prepared he used his mind control on me and made me stand still I tried to move and ended up falling he laughed and let up just enough for me to trip him he fell on top of me hard I started to laugh, so did he we were wrestleing again! I pinned him three times he pinesd me well alot more then I did we'll just go with that. He was laughing and I caught his eye and we just kinda stared at each other.

I looked away first he kissed my cheek I turned bright red he laughed I got mad and kissed him on the lips hard. He was shocked by my forcfulness at first but started to resipricate, my kisses became softer more wanting in a way. I let my eyes drift shut, my mind started to wirre and my eyes shot open I pushed him off so fast mentaly that I almost knocked him into a lamp but managed to miss it in time.

I moved far on the other side of the room breathing hard.

"Whats wrong?! What did I do!?" his voice sounded alarmed as well it should I have him pinned against the wall with sycic energy.

In ernist he did nothing wrong it was all right perfect just how I imagined his soft touch gental but firm kisses we were like one.

This isn't right no I can't it was to perfect it scared me I let him down he came over and held me close.
I let myself mold into him I was scared I haven't been scared in a very long time I havnt been able to trust anyone and here I was kissing someone who could posibly be under "it"s control I was scared I cried he kissed my hair and I breathed him in deeply the smell calming me I've never has a friend like him that was willing to risk their life for me let alone makeout with me in the middle of the floor.

I went to stretch but remembered I hadn't showered forever

I looked up at him awkwordly and stood up and went to the bathroom I hadn't taken a shower in what felt like forever but it was only like a two to three days I laughed and said "That's why you buy so much secret dio. Jean."

I heard Ben laugh I told him "Get outa my head or I'll bitch slap you!"

"You wouldn't."

"You wanna bet?"

"Yes i do!"

I laughed "Okay!"


I warned ya didn't I? I thought at him he stuck his tongue out at me mentaly, I laughed.

I came out in my robe he caught me off gaurd he kissed me again.

I giggled "Ben common I gatta get dressed."

He ignored me when we got to the bedroom door I stopped and shoved him away mentaly and closed and locked the door, so I could get dressed in piece.

I came out dressed and ready I sat on the couch I was beat so tired a warm shower doesn't help to wake you up either. Ben sat next to me and asked "Do think we'll ever get our lives back?"

I answered his question with a question "Can you bring the dead back to life?"

"I don't think so..." He answered quizicaly.

"Then my life will never be the same and yours most likely won't either because of your new powers but otherwise you will still have a family I'll be all alone."

I fell asleep resting my head on his shoulder and for the first time in forever had a piecful sleep.

woke up I was layed in my bed and covered with my sheat. I didn't freak out like normaly would have I smiled as I remembered what happened the day before.

I got up and found a note saying "Gone to the bar to think, I'll be back soon. Ben"

Panic started to rise i felt like I was ganna be sick a fifteen almost sixteen year old in a bar drinking possibly will deffinately draw unwanted attention.

I sat down and concentrated, the kiss kinda bonded us not like we have to stay together but like it linked us mentaly, I searched for him I found him drinking at the bar thank god nothing alcoholic. I couldn't see who he was sitting with clearly but he was sitting and talking to someone a brain wave I've never picked up before.

I got into the car, he must have walked, I drove as quickly as I could without drawing to much attention to myself.

I got to the bar and as soon as I saw who he was sitting with I froze being a mutant sucks especialy when you don't know how to sence mutant hunters yet. I kicked Ben under the table memtaly and spoke to him in his mind.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM!" I said panic relayed clearly in my thoughts.

"Jean?" he asked awed "Where are you?" thank god he thought the question at me.

"I'm in the car you need to come now we need to get home!" urgency starting to overwhelm my thoughts.

"Okay I'm comeing, calm down!" worry sliping into his mental voice.

When he came out he immidiatly got in the car and asked what was wrong. I asked where he met the man he was speaking with at the bar.

He bluntly stated "At the bar, why?"

"That man is not a good man to hang around with."

"Why? What's wrong with him?"

"His name is ROBERT B. TENSYON he is the number one mutant hunter AND killer!"

"Oh crap!"

"My point exactly! Do you realize the danger you put us in just by talking to him you could have posibley made it so he can fallow us so now we can't go back to the apartment for a while and not only that yo--!"

He broke my rambleing rage with a kiss. I turned bright red I wasnt expecting that but then again it is Ben he's full of surprises.

"Sorry" I mummbled "For gettting angry I meen it's just.... just that.... that---"

He cut me off "I know your worried about me but Imma big boy I can take care of myself you know."

"Sorry." I mummbled again.

"Dont be," He laughed "Your worried about me I'm glad". He softly hit me in the arm.

I got what he called "the look" on my face. His smile faded quickly he asked horrified "What are your thinking?!"

I laughed "We're going shopping!"

He relaxed a little "I thought you didn't like shopping"

"I don't with my mom 'cause I can't try ANYTHING I want, I have to try on what she wants me to try on"

"Oh! Makes sence"

"Plus I wanna know what you think of my knew shorts and maybe for you I'll buy a dress or two and perhapse a skirt"

"When do we go shopping?!" He asked rubbing his hands together.

I looked at him and we both laughed.

We got to the store and went to the womens department, of corse as usualtheres always one rack on the outside line that shows a tast of what else is in the department.

I caught Ben eyeing up some practicly see through white shirts I laughed.

"What?" He was clueless, such a guy. I rolled my eyes, sometimes i think theres NO difference what so ever between him and other boys his age.

I picked out some shirts shorts and pants.
Ben picked out some baggy pants and a T-shirt.

I only got two outfits the check out lady look at me like I was nutts she leaned in and asked "Your dad put a limit on how many outfits you can buy?"

I got dizzy I hadn't thought about family in 7 months I felt like I was ganna throw up. I breathed in and out to calm myself and told her no she looked at me like I was the crazies girl she ever met.

I walked away and thought 'You have no idea lady'

We got to to the apartment and Ben took a shower and I watched T.V. I slept teribly that night tossed and turned like I used to first time in months.

I sat up and I decided to get some water.

I had a mouth full of water when something grabed me around the neck and started to lift me up but no one was there, I struggled it was a mental attack I tried to find the source.

Ben came out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face that didn't look right on him at all.

'Why?!' I thought at him.

He spoke but it wasn't his voice, or at the very least it wasn't a voice I ever heard him use before "You know perfectly well why Elizabeth"

I was starting to see spots in my vision I was ganna black out. I mentaly kicked Ben in the head, his whole body hit the wall and left an indent but It was enough for whatever was inside him to lose it's control. I fell to the floor and hit my head hard I heard my skull go crack against the hard tile.

Bens body stood and laughed and said "Tsk, tsk, tsk, is that any way to treat an old friend we havn't seen each other in months." "it" kicked me in the stomach.

"Your no friend of mine!" I spat at him through clenched teeth "Your a melevolent basterd that's what you are!" I shouted.

He kicked me in the gut again "Tsk, tsk you never learn do you I own you I will always own you Elizabeth no matter what form you take in reincarnation nore what name. You will always be mine!"

"STOP CALLING ME ELIZABETH THAT IS SO NOT MY NAME! What do they call an ugly thing like you?" I said still threw clenched teeth

"Now Elizebeth," he said draging out the nam,e "you don't remember? Aw. My name is Diablo, and this here boy is my vesil to you!"

"Well you sure got the "Devil" part right"

Then Bens body calapsed on top of me, I couldn't move him the pain shot through me that thing broke three of my ribs. I passed out from the pain.

The next morning I woke up on the couch all patched up pain still running up and down my side where "it" broke my ribes. I moaned and tried to get off the couch. I grimmised and stood up.

"Hey! Sit back down!" his voice said firm but gently worried.

I freaked out and shoved him up against the wall and held him there as I was walking to the door winceing every step of the way.

"MMPH!" he grumbled something under his breath and broke free and started comeing after me.

I screamed but my screams were covered by his hand and he took me to my room, tied me up and threw me on the bed.

"What the hell!" I said threw clenched teethed

"I was about to ask you the same thing," he said no emotion in his eyes or voice just words.

"Well I'm here ask me," I said still seething

"What happened last night?"

"You don't remember beating the shit outa me at all?" I asked bewildered and pissed

"Is that how you got those?" he said motioning with his head tword my broken ribs.

"No" I lathered on the sarcasm "I got these broken playing hop-scotch with some friends I'm sur you know them Ass and Whole"

"Very clever" he said rolling his eyes at me

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Do it again and I'll bite you" he said with a small smile

"You wouldn't dare bite a women who's pissed" I said deffiently

"You wanna bet?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes I do" I said sticking my tongue back out

He did he came over and he bit me just as I was hopeing. I knew he would do it and when he did I started kissing humans he didn't fight it he just went along with it.

I was trying to distract him and it was working I got working on the bindings with my mind but it was difficult trying to undo binds keep my walls up AND make out with this fantastic kisser at the same damn time!

Damn why did HE of all people have to be this things vesil god a good kisser a great person and even greater friend... Damn my life realy does suck.

I got untied but kept kissing him savering every moment he grabed my head and intwined his fingers in it and held me tight, like letting me go would realy let me go.

He was right as soon as he loosened his grip on me I was ganna be gone, gone like the wind.

He never losened his grip though, in fact it only got tighter, my ribs screamed their objections of pain but I ignored them. one hand in my hair the other on my back I tried to pull away I realy needed to go but he wouldn't let me. It was like he was makeing a point. A possesive point if you ask me I didn't mind I liked if only he wasn't the damn things vesil!

My eyes shot open and I pushed him away and he looked at me with knowing in his eyes a knowing that i didn't like and I knew just by letting him touch me I am most likely screwed he has almost the strongest hold you can get on a person and I'm worried 'cause that may not have been ben.

And as soon as I thought about being under his controls I knew I was and just sat down and waited for "Diablo" to show which would be inevitable.

There is no use in trying to fight the controle he had me and there was nothing I could do to fight it.

He came out and started to speak with me I ignored him for a while and then finaly I couldn't take it anymore.

"What do you want from me?" I asked simply my mask showing nothing of what was realy happening inside me I was crushed devistated my familys death all over again but worse I believe i may have fallen in love with something evil.

"You" he stated this so bluntly I did know how to respond to it.

"ummm...." I said sounding like an idiot

He looked awkwardly at me I laughed and just walked up to him and hugged him

"if you want me so much prove it!" smileing as I spoke

He looked confused.

"You remember last year when you said you cared more than I would ever know? Well now you can tell me" understanding crossed his handsome features.

"I told you I don't know how to explain" he looked frusterated

"if you tried hard enough you could if you wanted to come on Ben your not dumb so think use that brain of yours!" I was getting frustrate to because i was being stupid just by talking to him.

I threw my hands up in defeat, "UGH! I'm going to take a shower you should think about one too you are really starting to smell!"

My forhead creased with thinking frustration lines.

I just started to get outa the shower and Ben was standing there I screamed he scared the shit out a me.

"GET OUT!" I screamed

He laughed but it wasn't him "Now, now Elizabeth," "it" grinned at me "you really need to work on your people skills that's not how you great a guest" "it" said as it pushed me up against the wall I dropped my towel as the thing began to close my airway and I struggled to breath.

"Elizabeth you will come back to me soon you will soon be mine again just face it this... BOY, your so infatuated with at the moment is just a fling you will come back to me Elizabeth you always will... always have" "It" smiled the most horrible smile I ever saw and it did not fit the face it was on.

"I... am... NOT... Elizabeth!" i was having difficulties breathing and speaking didn't help that at all.

"And... go back.. to... where... you came... from!"
I said agravated trying to remember that spell I read about how to get rid of a demon or whetever this thing was just because he said he was the devil dosnt mean he really was it I was gamma need more proof

"It" let me go and stepped back admireing my body I absent mindedly grabbed my towel and rapped it back around me.

Now that oxygen was flowing back to my brain I could remember the spell, "Amnee unetestestay anunciacarnay penatradestalta ancundam tarsay apegutarnay Ametay!" I screamed the last word and Ben's eyes flashed white and then they where his own again no glint of evil no nothing just pure Ben.

I ran up and hugged him, "Thank god you're ok!"

His back was stiff under my embrace it took me a second to figure out why I let go and walked around him. I had forgoten that I still only had a towel on when I hugged him... oops! Ah he'll get over it. I thought while I was walking around him to.... well OUR room

I came out of the room and I smiled and hugged him and breathed him in. He hugged me back and for the first time in a long time I felt safe, again in his arms.

"Sorry about the towle hug" I said with a sheepish grin.

"t's all forgoten" he said sounding like an old movie

"I wish" I said "a man can never forget something like that and for a 'modest'" I made air quotes around the word modest "man like you it'll haunt you in your dreams ooohh, ooohh" I giggled and he chuckled a deep throught chuckle that only normaly happens when he's really happy

I only wish he loved me as I do him.

If any other person I was traveling with became posessed I would have either killed them or left without a second thought. But I kissed him, I didn't want to leave him I couldn't leave him I loved him and still do nothing will ever change that.

He is mine and no Diablo is ever ganna take that away from me he's already taken to much!

"Safe" I mumbled as he held me again we were now sitting on the couch

"hmm?" he asked

I looked at him and smile "safe" I said again

"what do you mean?"

"I feel safe with you. I always do nothing can touch me but you when Im with you it's like your my own little bubble of protection! I hope that never goes away. The first time I met you, you were..." I paused thinking of a good word to use "Perfect. When we became friends and we hung out you always were there never on your phone or ignoreing me you listened and coforted and... and... nevermind" I said afraid of what he would think if I told him.

"No. Tell me" he said in a calm voice as he moved my chin to make me look him in his dangerous blue eyes. Surprisingly enough he didn't use his powers on me at all.

I turned my head away from his soul seeing gaze.

He got a better hold of my face but gentle as one would hold a baby he held my gaze.
He asked me his voice even gentler then his touch "please tell me Jean"

Still I refused to tell him. I just continued to stare through him at nothingness.

He chuckled

As only he could do I reverted back to a two year old and stuck my tongue out at him.

I was afraid he would use his powers on me so I bound them with a quick spell.

They say witches are evil when accually they just use more of their brain such as Ben and I I just havnt told him yet and I really didn't want to tell him about spells.

But I did really want to tell him but I was terrified he would not like what I said and leave to many people have left me I didn't want him to as well.

Just as I started to try and get out of his arms and into my own little bubble of nothing he stopped me and slowy bent his head so his lips met mine. His powers still wouldn't work bu I knew I would end up telling him his kisses were intoxicating.

I was still kissing him but I called him and ass 'cause he knew what he was doing he chuckled low it sounded like it came from his chest. I bit his lip he bit mine he laid me back on the couch I let out a little gasp as his bite hurt a little he had made me bleed he tried to pull away but I held him in place his flavor dancing on my tongue as it slid in and out of his mouth.
His kisses were not nearly as familiar as I wished they were I intended on changing that.

He pulled away and I fake pouted.

"Will you tell me now"

"Mmm no" I said and grabbed him and continued to kiss him makeing sure his taste will never be forgotten.

I fellt more confident after he kissed me I curled up in his arms tiered and said "I love you"

He didn't stiffen he didn't even flinch but he didn't say it back either he just looked at everything but me

I got up and left the room went to MY room and laid down in my bed and silently beat myself up for saying that I'm so stupid I need to stop telling him everything but if I dont he gets mad at me but the he won't tell me shit!!

UGH!! I got up and went to the window we were 5 stories up that should be enough to kill me. This was the selfish and easy way out but I didn't give a shit anymore I wanted DONE!!
I got up and walked over to the door and turned the lock, as soon as he tried to get in he would no something was up. I had to move fast.

Walking back to the window I knew I wouldn't be able to do it but it like it took me to cut myself that was easier then this still have the scare from when my mom yelled at me my escape I never told anyone, but the jump was a nice thought.

I heard the door jiggle and then there was a loud pounding on it.

"Jean! Are you okay?" he sounded nervous

I decided not to answer him I silently moved his bed in front of the door with my mind no way if I moved it physicaly it would be silent and sat with my legs swinging outside the window I was being stupid and acting like a braty bitch by hey I'm entitled to a little bit but I will say I am going overboard.

He kept bangin on the door I gave him his powers back as soon as I went I to my room so if he couldn't be all macho man and bust down the door physicaly he was ganna do it mentaly.

He called my name againg getting more and more nervous.

Still like the little bitch i knew I was I didn't answer. That was to much for him he busted it down mentaly.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" He yelled as he was rushing towards me.

I still didn't answer him I just sat there and beat myself up for being stupid.

"GET DOWN FROM THERE!" he yelled stilll comeing for me he said this all quickly but time in my mind had slowed down I mad no move to obay him but no move to go any further into the whole I was digging.

It wasn't just him everything crashed down on me all at once and I started to cry inside only I wouldn't let him see me cry ever again!

I never saw him cry on his own I had to help him. He would never show me truly who he was and odd as it sounds I liked it I like that I liked him it was as if I had no choice in the matter.

Finally time caught up with itself and he was by my side renching me from the window, and pulling me close.

I stiffened "Let me go." my voice much calmer then the total and utter distruction that was going on in my brain.

"HELL NO!" he said starting to get a little angry as he began to drag me away from the window.

Still mega calm but firm, "PLEASE let me go then!" I said resisting him.

"Bite me!" he said with a bitter edge to his voice

So I did and I wasn't gentle like I wanted a kiss I tasted blood.

I felt him grimmace under the pain but he continued to drag me away, I got pissed but I didn't kick and scream like I wanted to I just became dead wait and slumped there on the floor his hand still firmly placed around my arm.


"No.... what crap with me gone your life would go back to normal not like you ever cared anyway"

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" he said frustration and confution both playing a part of his emocions... that he alowed me to see.
His voice got softer "I ALWAYS cared about you" he paused calming fighting dome othe emotion that he wouldn't let me see "and always will"

I looked him in the eyes and said, "Yeah I've been seeing that alot lately" I said sarcasticly "all you do is "care" WHY? WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST LET ME ALONE? WHY YOU HAVE TO GO AND MAKE THINGS SO COMPLICATED?" I was screaming at him trying to think of something totally crule to say to him and then I had "I HATE YOU!" I started to hit is cheast screaming I hate you over and over again.


Then I snapped and with one last hit I slumped into his body molded into him sick of living, of my life.

He held me close not saying a word just held me we sat on the bed the stress getting to me I felt like I was ganna pass out he continued to hold me as he laid back on the bed I silently cried as much as I hated it I still felt safe in his arms. With my head on his cheast listen to his heart beat I fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning thinking ge would be gone I kinda hoped he would be I moved slitely and he adjusted himself so i could move freely.

I say up and looked at him and asked again "Why? Why do you care what happens to me, why you of all people? You had a life you had friends, family, and you gave it all up for me why?" I pauusrd and answered my own question "Becaue you didn't think you would have to stay with me you just thought it would be a fun little check on Nat and go home. Didn't you?" I asked the question but it wasn't really a question

I sighed "you never know, why do you always have to show up and ruin everything? Your so stupid and idiotic but you also just so... Nevermind it's not important. I wish you did know though."

I had a feeling he knew he just didn't wanna tell me what else is new no one ever told me anything anyways

And I asked the question he avoided "Why do you care so much anyway I'm nothing but white trash if that" I said sounding like a bitch again

"No you not" he said it as if it was the end of the conversation then he didn't know me

"Then what am I?" I asked truly curious of what he had to say I knew I was not worth more then a piece of shit was maybe not even but I HAD to here what he had to say

"just I don't know...!" he said ending ubrubtly

I sat up and pulled away from him fast, my anger rising again he was hiding from me going back onto his shell I could feel it and by the look in his eyes he knew I was getting pissed... again.

I got up off the bed went to the window opened it and stuck my head out.

It was a beautiful day bright sunny 'GREAT!' I thought exasperated I sat down on the windowsill the night before still on my mind but unsure of what to make of it thinking maybe I should still jump while he's acting stupid.

Before I even had the thought he was up by my side pulled me away from the window and had it shut and locked in one fluid motion.

My mind almost automaticly started to check him out but not the parts that other girls check out like his butt and muscles ect., but like I say so much I am sooo NOT like other girls! I checked out his hair that I loved so much, the way he carried his body in fake happiness, the way his eyes shined when they looked at anything. But most of all I noticed the pain in his eyes and it cut deep pain I had caused a very small portion of that pain but i caused it nevertheless I wish I could take it all away I became sad.

Almost immediately he turned and asked "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said trying to push it outa my mind and convince myself as much as him that it was nothing

I could tell how he wasn't ganna let this go but he did for now

I tried to get passed him back to the window but he grabbed me and pulled me away I was really starting to get sick of being man handled like that so I tired to pull away from him but his grip just got tighter "Let me go!" I said getting so fustraited by how he was hadleing me.
"if you keep man handleing me imma kick your ass!" I said viciously

He didn't let me go but he got gentler and he bent down to me and whispered in my ear and said "Bring it!" to my imma kick your ass comment.

I smiled so evily at him I think I saw some fear in his eyes I renched myself away from him I shoved him on the bed sat on him and started to kiss him.

But as soon as he relaxed I rolled off and he was picked up and shoved against the wall and i mentaly really kicked him in the ass I waited to see what he would do to try and free himself, but before I knew what happened my ass was pinched, I made a small yelp of surprise, and I was on the wall next of him.

I laughed so hard and so did he and we both lost concentration and hit the floor i calmed myself down and hit him in the arm, he rubbed it acting like it hurt, I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Don't do that again!" but I was smileing

"Do what?!" he said makeing his eyes overly inocent.

"Pinch my ass." I said still smileing, but sticking my tongue out at him

He chuckled

"Do It again and I'll turn you into an ass ee-haw" I said bursting into giggles

He full out laughed and did it again

I yelped again but melted back into giggles and smacked him in the cheast and said "You are so damn irritateing you know that?"

"what I'm sorry I wasn't listening" he said still laughing

I hit him again and said "Do it again and imma lick your face!"

He did it again and I stuck my tongue out to lick his face but he turned and bit it before it touched his skin. I gave a small scream of surprise and pulled away "your an ass you know that"

"So you said many times" he rolled his eyes

I stuck my tongue out at him, and rolled away I started to get up

He was up in a flash and was by my side he pulled me up and I started to walk away and he pinned me to the bedroom wall

I put my legs around him and tried to pull the back of his knees forward but it didn't work he got in my face and laughed.

I struggled "Get off me!" I said still trying to get my legs up to his cheast so I could push but he got to close I could barley move my breath caught "Get off!" I repeated again

"No" he said smileing evily at me but still himself

That got me back to being the two year old again "Get off me!" I whined

"No" he said again

I stuck my tongue out (again) at him.

He continued to hold me there for what felt like hours but only a few seconds finally I said "Let. Me. Go." I chopped up each word trying to get him to get off but kinda sorta not wanting him to I'm a weird ass chick

He crushed me into the wall a little more. I gasped in surprise as he got really close to my face and said "No" his breath smelling so sweet and the word wrapped around me he was so close and he laughed at my glazed over expression.

I tried to move my hands but he moved then so they were above my head but didn't back away he was still so close

"GET OFF!" I said getting more and more pissed by the fact that he wouldn't listen to me

He laughed "No. You know your cute when your mad"

"Then I'm ganna look DAMN sexy if you don't get off me NOW!" I said not raiseing my voice but still haveing danger in them

"Fine" he said backing away but stilll close enough to touch I had to force myself not to

I stepped away from the wall ad will my foot halfway to the floor I was off my feet and on my bed pinned... Again


His smile widened and he let me up I was expecting what he did next he tried to pin me again but I ducked and flipped him on the bed and sat on him and held his arms up above his head and he laughed at me "You know" he said trying hard not to laugh again "most guys have to pay to have this done to them"

I rolled my eyes "yeah but you arnt most guys are you and this is SO not worth any money I'm not worth anything anyway" I looked away from him and started to get off

He pulled me back on the bed and flipped me so he was on top "Hey, Hey now your worth millions I just don't have it!"

"I wish. I'm not worth more then a blade of grass if even that!" I was so upset I was haveing fun and now I was sad god my life sucked I looked away from him not wantin to meet his gaze "I've never felt loved nothing could love me who could love a thing like me who has the devil rideing her ass!" I was getting angry ugh I hate emotions "you shouldn't be here you should be at home with your family and all those girls rideing you ass" I smiled sadly at him "you shouldn't be here not with me I'm not worth it i never will be your the best thing that has ever happened to me and I ruined you life!" I practicaly screamed at him "you deserve better then me WAY better!" I spoke sadly still not looking at him

"your wrong" he said

"No I'm not. How can you care you shouldn't care all Ive done to you is fuck up your life and that's it what have I giving you? The FRICKING devil himself has possesed you and you still stay I'm not worth it, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not" I kept repeating "I'm not" over and over again still not looking at everything except the one thing that can make me feel he was so close he was touching me and I was pushing him away.

He turned my face to him and said "Wrong you are so worth it" then he kissed me I was so stressed so stiff he was so strong so together why did he have to be so perfect? Why couldn't he have been mean to me at school then he wouldn't be here wouldn't be in danger! Ugh he pulled me closer to him and I relaxed molding my body into his and we kissed our kisses were full of sorry and regret and pain and anger and... Love? I know mine was but was his? I pulled away from him and again we slept together me in his arms snuggling close into the forgiving embrace of my... Friend? Boyfriend? Ah who cares he was here and that's all I cared about he was with me and I with him I prayed that would never change.

I woke up before he did and just layed there but of course as usual I had to get up I felt all gross and sticky I needed a shower.
I stayed in there for about an hour thinking about things...
I was awakened from my thoughts by a loud banging "Hey you okay in there!?"

"Fine" I said back "Just thinking is all"

"about what" he asked

"Nothing just thinking about some things" I said sounding less tiered then I really felt

"what kinda things?" he asked again

"UGH! Can I please have some alone time!?" I yelled

"sorry sorry calm down" he said not sounding at all sorry but still wanting to know what the things were

The truth is, is that I... I just wasn't sure I could do this anymore I had to leave I had to get away from him I felt safe in his arms but not around him he made me feel so vulnerable and I didn't like it! I had to leave I had to get away from him but I didn't think I could. GOD why did he have to have such a hold on me! WHY? As if the water running down my face wasn't enough tears started to wet my face as well.
Why am I such an IDIOT!! "I feel like a ho" I mummbled to myself.

Again he came to the door and banged on it "Jean is something wrong?" He asked clearly worried

"Go away!" I said through clenched teeth

"Jean what's wrong?" he asked getting close to hystarics

"GO AWAY!" I screeched and I heard him fly and hit the wall and sink to the ground. I hadn't ment to do that but it felt so good.

I heard a voice whisper 'good girl come back to me Elizabeth'

"NO!" I screamed and fell to the floor in the shower as pain ripped throughh my body

And kept repeating "no" as another knock on the door sounded but I couldn't hear it very well it was faint and so was I I heard my name once twice thrice then I heard the door smash to the floor.

I was laying in the shower curled up like a a frightened snake I saw feet and hands that tryed to grab me but I shoved them off of me and kept repeating "No go away not good for you" and I slowly rocked back and forth, back and forth.

"No" he said trying to comfort me but only makeing matters worse couldn't he see he was the cause of this? He made me feel I didn't wanna feel I couldn't aford to feel

I'm worth nothing I never have been worth anything to anyone no ones cared much about me ever no one has ever really loved me Ben didn't even love me it was just I wasthenonly girl there that he could aford to get close to without worrying about her being killed he didn't care I was just convinient. He never did care and never will.

With that thought on my mind I slid withing myself and hid from him, from what I was supposed to do, from everything and everyone I was in my own world gone of evil and hurt just me how I liked it how I've always really liked it if people had left me alone at school no friends no jerks I would be fine I wish people would just leave me alone and I wish they always did.

No one cares about stupid fugly Jean and no one ever will.

He shut the water off and put a towel over me then picked me up and layed me in bed. He layed next to me telling me it's ganna be okay over and over again.

I started to warm up as soon as he touched me I couldn't help it he was amazeing I looked up at him and just stared I got lost deep in his eyes, I just wanted to dive into them and never leave again I snuggled close to him relaxeing calming as he ran his fingers up and down my back and through my wet hair I fell asleep again feeling safe and vulnerable at the same time.

I woke up calm and collected I stood up quickly snatching up my towel and got dressed he was stil sleeping I went to the couch and layed ther for a while thinking, dreaming, hopeing, wishing all the things I should really stop doing I turned myself so I was on my side and went back to sleep wearing a T-shirt and boxers I sighed deeeply as I went back into what I hoped would be quiet bliss.

I was wrong.

I was in a beautiful clearing in the woods smileing at the sounds and smells of nature then almost as soon as my shoulders relaxed I heard a noise exactly behind me I thought it would be a normal one of my dreams where one of the "OMG! HE'S SO SEXY!" guys that I normaly snaped at and was rude to.

I smiled in antisipation but I could sence it before I could smell it, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and evey inch of my body was screaming at me to run until my lungs gave out but I was rooted to the spot. I was not in control of my body, then I smelled it the awful stench of death, lost souls and stollen ones I could here their screams and plead for freedom which I new would never come to them.

"Hello my little Elizabeth How are we tonight?" he spoke as if it came from many voices in many directions.

So the coward did not come alone, scared of me I'm sure.

He chuckled as the stench of him wrapped itself aroud my body makeing me feel dirty almost at once.

"Now Elizabeth you do not believe that i am frightened of you do you?" he asked already knowing the answer

I most deffinately did not believe that he was in the slightest bit scared of me but I was only trying to calm myself down from the scream that was building in the very core of my being.

He now laughed damn him to Hell.

"Been there done that" he spoke now with a smokey suductive tone.

Did I just think HIS voice was suductive? BARF!

"Now, now Elisabeth no need to be rude" he said with uterly fake sadness

"Stop reading my mind and I won't be rude to someTHING such as yourself!" I said with a sweet sarcastic smile painted on my face.

He just shook his head I couldn't see it because I was still faceing away from THE DEVIL HIMSELF but I could sure as Hell exists feel the evil swis from side to side as he moved it.

"Now you see that is what I mean." I was lifted off the ground and turned to face him he looked even worse then he smelled his voice SO did not match his smell or looks but then again he's probably stealing the voice of one of the mortal souls he claimed inside him.

As I examined him I could see the souls moving in agony in his stomach see them stretch his skin trying to escape his face was not human it looked like a skull with skin strtched over it that didn't belong while bugs crawled in and out his eyes sunken into his head tongue like a snake horns like a mountin goat twisting and turning skin so black it wasnt even a color that existed in the normal wold.

I floated above ground for a little while then was dropped to my knees as he told me what to do.

"Call me master!" he commanded in a voice never riseing.

"No" I said simply and indifferent

He slapped me hard leaving my skin burning where he had hit it. "Do as I say" he said sounding more animal than his human smoky voice

"NO! you are not my master never were and never shall be!" I said biting through the pain of my face

He bent down and whipered in my ear "The more you strugggle the more it will pain you my love"

"UGH! my love, again i say BARF!" I said laughing

He slapped me again but this time he liggered leaving a heated but not burning spot on my cheek.

I tasted blood I spit it out at him he laughed and dipped his fingersin it and then tasted it. THE SON OF A BITCH TASTED MY BLOOD!

"mmm" he said savoring it "you taste very good better then normal perhapes it's the age i have never been able to find you so quickly."

"I probably taste like a pissed bitch who's ganna figure out how to kill you!" I spoke through clenched teeth and blood

"Oh Jean you make me laugh! You cannot kill me it will break the balance of good and evil; the world would go spiraling into chaos. And on the contrary you taste sweet such as butterscotch or peaches or perhaps the boy toy of yours is correct you do taste a bit like cotton candy"

I was still shocked that he called me why real name finaly but when he said boy toy I screamed bloody murder and sat straight up on bed still screaming at the very though of Ben being a "boy toy" made me sick boy toys were nothingbut men who didn't care what happened to them and slept with women for fun as far as I knew he hadn't slept with anyone ESPECIALLY not me i think i would have remembered that one. Even if he had slept with someone I didn't care.

Ben was up so fast and had me in his arms before I could take my first breath to continue screaming.

He held me tight never letting up till I calmed down at the very least enough for him to ask what was wrong. "What happened what's wrong?" he said kind of freaking out.

God I didn't wanna talk about it I wanted distraction I wanted him to figure out a way to distract me "KISS ME!" I said to him wanting to melt into him to feel the heat pulse from his body to distract me.

He ignored me and continued to ask me what was wrong and what happened and rocking back and forth with me in his arms.

I couldn't take it I knew i promised myself not to do this but I had to break the promise. I used my mind control power to make him do whatever I wanted but I havn't been practicing and I hadn't gotten any better at it but a split second was all I needed and it's what I got.

He bent and kissed me so easily so natural he felt to me my mind went blank just as I hoped it would.

He pulled back as soon as my milisecond do what I want was up, damn. He touched my cheeck gentaly ad traced the handprint that must have gone to my body not just my dream body. When I realized what he was doing it was to late to pull away I felt control slip from me and go to him.

"now" he spoke as if he wasn't forceing me to tell him "what happened that made you scream your head off?"

I told him everything from what he looked like what he did and what he said to me Ben was shakeing he was so pissed.

"How long has that son of a bitch been watching us?" he was struggling to control his rage

"I don't know now will you help me forget please just humer me. Kiss me please!" I was desperate to forget and it was noticable in my voice and face and eyes.

He looked at me and just shook his head and he sat back on the couch with me and just started to stroke my cheek where the slap wasstill outlined in red.

"PLEASE!" I said begging him now. I wasn't powerful enough to do anything right now I was never powerful enough to control him when I really wanted no needed him to but I wanted him to want to do it, not be forced.

He continued to use the same tactics.

I got up and walked away from him to the kitchen area I grabed a knife I pulled out swiftly and before Ben could get to my side I sliced my palm down the center and let myself bleed just to see it was still red to make sure it smelled okay I licked at the edge of the cut and it healed I smiled, it tasted okay normal I thought.

Ben was by my side and the knife thrown accross the room before I knew what happened he had me up against the wall and scream in my face "WHAT THE HELL!?"

"What I do?" i said indifferently

"ARE YOU REALLY ASKING ME THAT?" he said through clenched teeth

"yeah" I said keeping my tine flat tone

He just glared at me.

"Can you let go of me and give me my knife back please?" I said sounding overly sweet

His glare got deeper and he shoved his whole body up against mine pushing me into the wall so I heard a crack as the dry wall started to give as he looked like he wanted to kill something

"Easy buddy watch the murchendise, you break that wall I pay for it 'cause your broke" I said with the fakest sweetest smile I could muster on my face

"Why are you being such a bitch?"

"Because I am one been one for a while!"

"No... you havn't why you started now? And what in gods name did you cut yourself for?!" he asked still pissed at me for that he tightened his grip on my arms he shoved away from me so I could move my legs but not enough to kick and he still held me firmly against the wall

"Accually quite the oposite" a smokey voice said from behind him.

My fear woke up from hiding deep inside me and rose to my throught.

"What the hell?" he was confused because all doors were locked and windows were too plus no one heard anyone come in... or should I say anyTHING!

"Now you got it kid. And Eliza-- I mean Jean why must you have such rude thoughts for me?"

"Because your a total ass!" I sneered at him

"Who the hell are you?" Ben asked baffled at how we knew each other

"Well are you not going to introduce me to your boy toy?" Lucifer asked he prefers the term devil and seemed to think it was funny to give me the Spanish word for devil in the beginning

"A) He is NOT my or any other persons boy toy...that I know of" I looked at him a little uncertain because he has kind of been running off with me knowing where he was going I know I'm not his mom and all but comeon "B) you don't deserve the pleasure and C) I hate you so go to Hell where you belong Lucifer!." I sneered his name and saw anger flair up in his eyes at the sound of his name i laughed without humer

"I did not give you permission to speak my name witch!" he said the word "witch" and a litteral slap crossed my face

I spit as blood it pooled in my mouth " Well first of all not a witch and I think you ment bitch."I smiled at him "So, what would you have me call you then, Bastard? Asshole? Jackass maybe?" I hadn't noticed but Ben was standing in front of me fixated on his eyes

Awe crap I forgot he only sees his desires if he looks in his eyes he can see nothing but what and or who he desires most.

So who might these people be on his mind I knew i wasn't one of them he didn't care about me but like I said his deepest desires I didn't wanna know so I flung him against a wall and he slumped to the floor in pain he wasn't moving I knew I hadn't killed him but i think I knocked him out or he was smart enough to act like I did and very well if he was acting

"Ouch he must like it rough" Lucifer said chuckling looking at the body slumped on the floor opposite of us.

"No he is accually very gentle" I spoke sweetly rolling my eyes "I'M the one who likes things rough" I spoke quickly while I lunged at him

He just waved his hand at me knocking me into a wall making it so all the air was pushed out of my lungs an I could momentarily not breath.

I gasped and got up biting my lip to keep back a cry of pain as I felt my ribs were broken... again!

"Go screw yourself!" I spat spitting at him as he came and pressed me against the wall

"I would much rather you do that for me" he said smileing sweetly at me as i became unable to breath again because of his stench

He leaned in his face just a millimeter away from mine.

I choked back a scream trying unsuccessfully to breath all I could think was hot It was hot very hot I felt like I was burning my body felt as though flames licked from the inside out I saw spots of lights as they began to blurr my vision and the fire getting even hotter inside me all I heard after my vision left me was evil demonic laughter comeing from a human body I knew was not human in the slitest bit.

Then it all went hearing memmorie sight all of it gone I woke up in a room that looked nothing like a home it looked like a rook I had seen in a movie before a torture chamber!

"shit!" I mumbled just my luck

A grone beside me caught my attention I turned my head as far as I could and saw Ben chained just as I was but he had something I didn't he had a tool table sitting beside him!

My panick rose quickly as I realized what was happening HE was going to torture us, for what i did know we knew nothing that could interest him

"Oh you both are up marvalis!" he said strideing in with I huge grin that spread from ear to ear inhuman deffinately. "and Jean I won't be doing the tortureing that is what demons are for no?" he said as if he wanted an answer but I just glared at him chucking mental profanities at him

"Now, now dear that won't help you situation" he spoke and shook his clawed forfingure at me.

"What situation we did nothing to you!" I shreaked

"Oh on the contrare you have made me fall in love with you and you do not love me in return, instead you love something like THAT" he sounded as though he may throwup as he moved his chin in Bens direction.

"Yeah so let him go and you can have me to torture" I said through clentched teeth the smell had gotten greater and I didn't wanna vomit in front of stinky here he may eat it and think it tastes good! BLAH!

"oh but he's the reason you don't love me so I won't physicaly hurt you Im not even ganna hurt your boyfriend here" he smiled waiting for me to say something

I knew there was ganna be blood spilt from Ben if not from HIMSELF then from one of his minnions "Oh joy your not thank you so much kind sir how could I ever repay you?" I said so sarcaticly an unborn baby would be able to pick it up.

"Your to smart you make this game no fun" he said frowning just a bit

"sorry... Oh wait no I'm not" I said flatly

He came up and slapped me his long clawed fingers sliceing through my cheek skin as if it were tissue paper I let out a choked scream on a gasp of pain I could stick my tongue out from the side of my face now.

"Gee Mister thanks a bunch now I have more then one mouth to talk from" I tryed to smile but failed my slashed cheek not able to pull up the corner of my mouth so it looked like a wierd smirk.

He growled at me

"Ooh scary" I thought maybe I should shut up bacause I might kill us both killed but i bet we are both ganna die anyway so why not end with a bang

"ALIZTHAR!" the demon torturers name i'm sure "Do as you wish to the boy the girl you may to but not visible damage she's mine" he growled walking out

Alizthar walked up to Ben looked him up and down and then looked at the instruments and picked up a small one that looked like a pen but I could smell the demon blood any human could smell it, it was so strong demon blood is deadly to normal humans but to us hybrid humans it just hurts like hell. Ironic isn't it.

I shut my eyes I knew Ben wouldnt scream out in pain his stuberness and pride won't let him as Alizthar ripped open Bens shirt I to leave his cheast bare I couldn't help but open my eyes I looked at his marvalis upper body "Holy shit!" I said under my breath he had a six pack and pecks.

The only sign I got from Ben that he heard me was his damn cute cocky smile he didn't look at me though.

If whatever Alizthar was planning to do to him scarred his sexyness I will personally make sure that the torturer drowned in his own blood.

I hoped he wouldn't look at me he may get himself killed if he did the cheek that Lucifer slashed was the one faceing him psycics have the ability to heal faster then normal humans because we can focause all of our normal healing for our whole body on the one spot I taught Ben that but it doesn't work that fast I learned how to send all of my healing into my spit. That I hadn't taught Ben yet.

Though the spit healing is faster then the consentration healing it still is pretty slow the spit heals in about a hour the consentration in about two hours.

I saw Alizthar stab Ben and closed my eyes and felt his sharp pain as I opened the mental path so he could hear my plan and thoughts that we were ganna get out okay.

'HELL NO!' he screamed in my head 'YOU ARE NOT GANNA DO THAT!'

I ignored him and went on with my plan.

I saw Ben clench his jaw as he was stabbed again and then the knife thingy twisted

"Hey Alizthar he ain't ganna scream." I said a smile in my voice.

Alizthar looked at me "And I supposed you will?" he asked setting his toy down and comeif over to me.

"For you I would scream as long as you asked me to." I said smileing

"oh yeah and why would that be?" he asked eyes narrowing into slits as he studdied me

"Because unlike your boss you don't smell gross you smell good" lie "your cute" big lie "and your sexier then the human boy and your boss you don't have horns sicking out of your head" HUGE lie... except for the horns part. Him and his boss are pretty much as ugly as they come.

'what the hell are you doing!' Ben screamed into my head

'stop worrying about me and try and get loss dumb ass and I'm doing what you do in hell!" I screamed back but with more force I so did not want this thing to think it could have it's way with me well at least not have it happen

Alizthars eyes became dark as lust filled him I could see his puples dialate so you could not long see anything but black.

He walked up to me and grabed me and put his mouth to mine and started kissing me his tongue demanding entrince into my mouth and with reluctance I alowed him to I needed to by time for Ben to get lose.

Ihad to fight the need to through up my insides he tasted awful something I never tasted in my life must be what something dead. Like a corps tasts like but worse

He ripped my shirt open and I felt my whole body go ridged

'Ben hurry, HURRY!' I screamed as hard as I could in my head

No response.

The thing had stepped back for abetted view I assumed I didn't care as long as nothing else happened

I closed my eyes and more pleading this time 'Ben please aswer me'

Still nothing I felt heat rush up my body as someone or something came closer to me my body went even stiffer then it already was I didn't think that was posible.

Then I got a soft kiss on the forhead as my shirt was pulled closed and the fibers knitted back together. I opened my eyes as my bindings were being taken off.

"Oh thank god!" I whispered as my body relaxed a little to much and I callapsed into Bens arm and hugged him so hard I popped his back.

I felt him shiver his back needed popping and it must have felt good. I made a mental not to give him a full body massage when we got out of here and back to safty.

My mind without my permission went back to the kiss Alizthar gave me I shoved away from Ben and reched all the contents in my stomach up and then some I looked around for a body but didn't see one.

"It turned to ash" Ben spoke with so much discusted in his voice I reched some more at the memory.

I absentmindedly looked down at my shirt and saw it was shut "How did you--" I began to ask but Ben interupted me

"Cloth fibers are very easy to make go back together."

"oh..." I felt stupid I knew about the clothe fibers what happened sucked so much my mind is still waaayyy in shock.

I looked at Ben, he still didn't have his shirt on andhis stab wounds were healed must not have been deep or not much demon blood on it or we've been down here longer then I thought.

"Will you please put your shirt back on?" I asked stareing at his muscles

"No" he spoke flately that startled me

"Why?" I asked whineing I really wanted to touch them but we didn't have time

"it burns when I touch it." he spoke as if it were wet and he just didn't want to get cold or something.

"Why doesn't mine burn me?"

"It didn't entend to harm you... In that way" he said through clenched teeth

"okay let's get outa here we can talk later!"


We ran out and surpriseingly enough we had to kill 1 demon 4 goblins 3 drhampans it comes into being when demon mates with a human that has fairy blood in it. This things are very tricky fairies wit humans look and a demons strength and abilitie to kill without a second thought. Not once did I hear or smell Lucifer or feel him something happened that made him flee otherwise I'm lost.

We got back to the apartment and I started packing right away l and didn't think and just thought all clothes pack themselves and before I knew it all my clothes were gone in the suitcase.

I stopped and grabed my clothes and put them back on when I here Ben give a stated shout. "Um.... Jean why am I suddenly in my underwear?" I couldn't help it I burst out laughing he stormed in grabed his shorts and I tossed him a T-shirt he tossed it back

I was struggleing to keep myself under control because of what I had just done.

I threw the shirt back at him and he threwit back at me.

"what the heck, why won't you put your shirt back on?"

He smiled evily "I heard what you said back in that tunle"

I turned red "your point being?"

"I think it's funny" he said laughing

I laughed, "yeah your right it is funny... kinda sorta."

He left the room mumbleing something under his breath about my face turning red.

I continued to pack but suddenly I felt queezy and my vision started getting white and black spots in it and I felt my knees going week and wobbly and hearing the hissing I fought against the blackness that was beginning to overwhelm me.

"You can never esssscape usssss" they said

To many voices in my head head ache blackness and weekness finally exhausted my strength and I succumed to the blackness

Before all my senses when to point blank I heard a faint yell someone was yelling my name I think i know that voice but I couldn't put my finger on it then I was gone


"JEAN!" I was yelling her name over and over again she was not responding barely breathing

"Jean please say something" I never beg but she was scarring me if she was fakeing it she would be laughing by now and I would be pissed

I picked her up and placed her gently on the bed my head spinning like a tilt-a-wherl.

Just great! My thoughts were going wack suddenly a calm fell over me one that always seems to pass over me at any time when I'm confused or upset in some way or another.

My thoughts straightened themselvs out again and I knew I had to get us out of here plane and simple but to where and how.

A scream erupted from my now unconcious friend laying on the bed her body rose with the screams furosity unroll she was no longer on the bed but floating and screaming her scram had gotten worse!

I rushed to the side of the bed thrown back by some invisible energy as soon as I tryed to touch herthen her body collapsed and slumped onto the bed I tryed to touch her again and this time I was able too.

I bent down to her lips putting them to my eat her breathing was nice and calm as if she was sleeping not as if she had just shattered the bathroom mirror.

I finished packing and called for a cab and placed her in it saying she was tiered and was unable to sleep last night because of the party that was going on in the apartment above us the driver accepted this and drove us to the location I picked up from Jean's head.

All of her muscles suddenly tensed next to me and I quickly grabbed her with both arms trying to keep her from screaming and floating in the air... that just might attracked attention.

She struggled but in the end relaxed

I dropped her off at the house and left I wasn't comeing back.... ever!

She's to much work I can't help her anymore she's right I only came because I was scared about what might happen what was that word pitty.

No what am I thinking!?

'Your thinking the sssssafesssst Issss to be away from her!'

"NO!" I screamed and cradled her head in my lap protection my only thought


I awoke in a cold sweat and reached over freaking out but I wasn't in the apartment I was in a dark box all alone. The box was closeing in on me then a new scene I'm back home with my family alive and happy reliveing all their deaths hurt so much. Pain so much pain I'm begging for the soothing blackness to return but it doesn't.

I hear them again screams of pain of people I don't know over all the screams are the laughter of the most awful creations of anything earthly or not.

I scream at them to stop to let me go and leave me be
But the screams and laughter got louder and louder until my head threatened to explode then silance and I feel a cool cloth being pressed to my overheating brow

I sat bolt upright and run so fast all I see is a blackness, then in an instant I'm being pinned to the ground by a force but gentaly I close my eyes and wait for the worst to come.

But someone just sat next to me telling me everything would be all rightim safe now.

He touched me and all my nerve endings screamed for this gentle touch to stop. The pain it caused to not reach out and touch this gentle being was excruciating.

My muscles relaxed and my sight slowly returned, when I oppen my eyes I see a face I don't recognize. The face belongs to a boy gentle with worrie hard with anger.

He pickeded me up and started to ask questions that I didn't hear, I was to atuned to a strange person holding me and telling me I was safe now that nothing would ever happen to me as long as he was alive

My blood froze as this stranger.... No not stranger I know this boy known him for a while but what's his name!

A pain shoots through my body as I begin to look up at his face. I quickly look away as my brain begins to slip into it's blissfuless blackness.

"NO!" I scream as my ears begin to hear the laughter and screams again.
They retreat into the back of my mind waiting for the right time to masecure people inside me again.

I want to scream like the people inside me, cry for the laughter to stop but I don't.

At the moment i decide to be strong snd fight I realize that the boy has picked me up and layed me on the couch of this, this....

"SAFEHOUSE!" I say remembering that I had planned to come her if anything bad happened.

This is the same safehouse I put a spell around to keep out any unwanted things from comeing in any evils. I look at the boy intently, now able to my body's pain been eased the farther from the door I am.

I listen in order to hear the soft hum of the spell to make sure it was still intacted. This boy is not evil and I know him from somewhere but where...!

"Hey Jean are you okay?" he asks

"Huh?" I say still trying to figure out who this good looking guy is.

An image flashes in my mind of the boy but he now has short hair but nothing else has changed.
My eyes lock on his face and move to his lips turned down in a worried frown back to his now short hair and stop at his eyes so blue green it scared me a bit I saw my reflection in them he was staring at me as hard as I at him

"I said are you all right" he says again patient

"yeah yeah fine" I mummble

I attempt to get up I jump up fast. VERY bad idea I find my self falling not able to do anythinging to stop it.

His arms grabbed me and lifted me up like I was a baby my arms atomaticaly wrapped around his neck I quick let go and look anywhere and everywhere but at him.

"You scared the crap outa me J!" he said starting to get a little angery

"sorry?" I say confused

"Did you get hurt what happened?" he asked relaxing a bit

"I Dont know what your talking about!" I said frustrated "Your the one who's in my home!" I say anger riseing "How do you even know about this place? How do you know my name? WHO ARE YOU!" I yell at him

His face falls from angery to worrie to sadness to realization.

"Jean do you remember anything about me?" he was worried and scared

"So I do know you?" I asked him thanking god I'm not crazy

"Yeah... ya do" he says letting me remember... I think

"Ok yes I do rememer some of you.
You cut your hair?"

"Yes it kept getting in the way of... things" he looked at my lips I think

"okay I remember your eyes they used to be blue and they... I remember you told me they change color to your mood!"

"Yeah... Okay what else?" he said still worried

"Ummm..." I said getting a REALLY bad headache

He looked even more worried

"I feel like I know you but I don't know why I don't know your name but I know about your eyes and your hair. I've seen you before many times but I... I.." Then everything went black as the pain in my head shot to a level I couldn't handle and I passed out.

I slowly came to and felt a cold rag or something being pressed to my forehead my eyelids fluttered open, he was on me in a flash he's arms on either sid of my body he face so close to me I could smell him I took a deep breath and remembered something... Something happy his lips were on mine and I was in bliss he's kissed me? I don't even know his name...

"Umm... I know I sound like and idiot but are you my... Umm my boyfriend"

"once but now were just... really good friends" he enphasised really

His breath smelled wonderful

"hey what's your name anyway?" I asked curiousity getting the best of me I wanted to get my head screwed on straight so I could remember how much the "really" was because I "really" wanted to kiss him... again I guess at least from the snips of my past I keep getting it's happened before.

"in time" he said

I looked him in the eye and said in a monotone voice "you've kissed me before"

He went rigid and I swear I saw a hint of a smile on his lips but he also began to turn away at the same time. I grabbed his arm but he didnt give me another look.

"Wait..." i said desperaitly not wanting him to leave

"Jean..." he turned to me his eyes sad but he didn't say another word he just layed down next to me on the couch and sighed I couldnt figure out why but I just fell asleep

I woke up with a start and he jumped up fast an stood in front of me my dreams were awful not dreams nighmares. When he saw nothing was wrong he sat on the couch arm by my head.

"what made you Jump like that?"

I just stared at nothing, not answering him.

He knelt down in front of me very close to my face looking into my eyes like he could see my soul and I did what I was thinking about for the longest time... I kissed him.

He began to kiss me back and as pain shot into my brain he pulled away fast, he got up and started to pace back and forth talking to himself

"No it's not right.. She can't remember anything I shouldn't be kissing her!" he was angry with himself but as he was yammering I started to remeber everything!

"Jesus Christ Ben would you just shut the hell up" I was smileing as I said it but I ment it all the same

He glared at me and continued to pace and mummble angerly to himself. He froze midstep and looked at me a bit shocked but composed himself quickly.

"you remembered my name... that's good!" he said but then he got even angrier at himself I had no clue why

"Hey, hey, HEY!" I yelled he stopped "I remember everything" I smiled a bit of my "danger" smile at him and said with extra emphasis "and I mean EVERYTHING"

He froze and stared at me hard

"Define EVERYTHING" he said I smiled way to sweetly

"My,My denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen at least I know it didn't happen when I was AWAKE..." I paused for dramatic effect "I'm just kidding why should there be something? Besides the fact that you wanna kiss me again?" I smiled again to sweetly "yes I am reading your mind and no your not good at hiding your thoughts"

"who says I wanna kiss you" he smirked at me "ya ever think i could b thinkin of a different girl?" he finished

I mached his smirk

"your THINKING it and it's NOT about another girl" I said still smirking "cause images of you and me on the floor at the old place and on the couch, us on the floor laughing cause you kept pinching my ass and I threw you against a wall ect." I smirked but then it turned into a sad smile "and.. Of me biteing you when you pulled me away from the windowsill... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you..." I looked away and got up to walk away from him but he read my thoughts and were by the knives in an instant.

He grabbed me and threw me back on the couch and just stared at me

"you know one day you'll forget about me kissing me doesn't help anymore nothing does if I'm gone it all gets better life will go on you'll forget about me in time and no one will miss me" I looked away and jumped of the couch and had the knife in my and and he started to move close "one more step and I won't breath anymore gimme one good reason I shouldn't because you'll get over me you'll forget your life will be better with me gone so I'm doing this FOR you so if you try to say "me" it won't work because I'm doing it FOR you!" tears streake down my face tears of anger of pain for bringing him into this I could feel him in my mind probing for something to use to make me stop

I looked away for one second and he was by my side fighting me for the knife "JUST LET ME GO NOTHING YOU DO WILL WORK ON ME ANYMORE!" I looked him in the eyes but I let go of the knife.

He flung the knife across the room burrying it in the wall and wrapped his arms around me and held me close

"DAMMIT BEN FUCKING LET ME GO I SAID NOTHING WILL WORK AND YOUR TRYING TO CURE EVERYTHING WITH A HUG!" I pushed away enough to look in his eyes "You were almost killed because of me... if I were dead nothing bad would ever happen to you again!" I stared into his blue eyes hard

"you being dead would be worse than me dieing" he said looking right back in my eyes "now calm down" instantly I felt calm oh man he needs to stop using his powers on me

I glared at him "stop using magic on me you don't know what I've seen or done for that matter and you won't ever understand..." but my voice was becoming week bcause he was calming me down so I did what I could I stuck my tongue out at him and thought the line of things I wanted to say to him but couldn't and also told him I hate that he makes me revert back to a two year old little girl.

"I WILL bite your tongue if you stick it out again and you are two and two year olds get spankings for misbehaveing" he stared at me a smile pulling at the corner of his lips

I thought at him 'you wouldn't dare! and one year olds get slapped cause they ain't got no ass to spank' I stuck my tongue out at him again just because.

He quickly bit my tongue and I could tell he was about to put me to sleep I flung him angenst the wall.

He landed hard and stuck there I walked up to him suspened him in ther air circleing him. I made him go down on his knees looked him in the eyes my eyes shineing "I win!" I stuck my tongue out again "I ain't ganna go to sleep for a while deary I been sleeping for what 2-3 DAYS now haha!" I let him go but I had my guard up against his magic and spun to face him

I havnt used my powers on him almost ever but even though he was shocked he said "two can play at that" and flung himself across the room and colided with me hard enough to knock the wind outa me for a second, but that was all he needed he was sitting on me more like laying on me like I was a sofa.

"get the hell off!" I said struggleing

"or what?" he said smileing sweetly

"or you'll force my hand" I smiled evily "...and I mean it literaly"

He stared for a second then said "bring it" and smiled with his own evil smile

I flung my hands at him and he flew off, not as far as I wanted him to go I felt a block... the little shits been watching me block him.

He groaned and rolled over jumping to his feet "Fine, like I said TWO can play at that game" he smile and flung his hands at me I easily deflected it

And stuck my tongue out at him... again. He was by my side in the blink of an eye I gasped as he grabbed me and threw me on the couch pinning me there I glared at him "You little shit you've been into my books you learned how to project" project is a term meaning flash from one place to another in litteraly the blink of an eye.

"Yup yup" he said smileing getting his face a bit TO close to mine "some good stuff too why you keeping it from me?"

I couldn't tell if he was talking about my colection of spell books or me I got dizzy. I could feel him reading my mind but I couldn't stop it his hands were on me he was makeing sure I could t block him out of what I was thinking at that moment, and right now I was still trying to figure out If he ment why was I keeping the books from him or myself.

He let his body fall on me compleatly. I groaned "Your... not as light... as you think you... are. Get. Off." I smiled and stuck my tongue out yet again

He smiled and me "No.." he said getting his face even closer to mine so we were about the thinkness of one sheet of paper away from each other

I started going cross eyed I finally got frustraited "are you ganna kiss me or are you just ganna lay on me?" I sighed

He laugh and said "if you want a kiss get it yourself"

"Hmm let me think about that how bout NOT and you get off me"


"Why not?"

"oh stop complaining you know you like it"

"ok then" I smiled "I'm going to bed" I blinked and my cloths were off and on so fast you couldn't see a thing I was in my silky PJ's tank with silky shorts best sleeping clothes EVER!

He blinked "what the..." he looked confused

"yes I did just change while you were LITERALLY on top of me" I smiled sweetly waiting for his reaction.

He didn't skip a beat he changed into his too a muscle shirt and pajama pants.

I glared at him and laughed "are you TRYING to make me kiss you?"

"..maayybbee.." he dragged put the word

"well it and ganna work" I turned on my side and close my eyes to go to sleep he still stayed on top of me I was hopeing his shirt would come off...

Suddnly I felt his bare skin on my arms and hands and I opened my eyes to find he didn't have a shirt on he looked confused, so I know he didn't do it.

"damn I need to learn to control my emotions better" I mummbled I made his short disapear he didn't hear me or at least didn't say anything

All of a sudden my hair was out of it's pokey tail and cascadeing down my sholders I looked at him he was smileing evily

I gasped shocked I didn't think he would do anything back "sorry" I mummbled "I didn't mean to" still mummbling I waited for him to say or do something.
He said "You know you really are beautiful especialy with your hair down" he smiled at me a warm smile and I smiled back ,but just to mess with him I stuck my tongue out again and then pulled it quickly back in I cept doing that for a while.

He laughed and covered my mouth with his hand "Licking your lips is bad you know" he said still laughing

I bit and licked his hand trying to get it off of my mouth he just smiled and moved it.

I pushed his body away from me as far as I could and said "are you ganna sleep ON me or what?"

He chuckled and said "yup. Not like I could sleep with

I smiled "you could dumb ass" i laughed "its called lauing NEXT to me!" i stuck my tongue out and laughed again then said "do you wanna listen to the radio?" to change the subject

He pretended to pout"awe only next"
he laughed too "sure why not you know what kind I like" he chuckled again.

I made it play and it was playing "are you ganna kiss me or not" one of my favorite song but then I remembered what I just said to him and laughed uncomfortably "I'm sorry I'll change the song!" my nevouseness was detectable I'm my voice. I blushed and looked away my mind was open to him I couldn't block him out I was afraid of what he would say.

He laughed at me... again. I pouted he moved so he was laying behind me on the back of the couch and put his arms around me he knew I would run if he didn't. Smart boy.

I turned the couch into a bed, a nice poster king sized bed I hated sleeping on couches there so uncomfortable.

I rolled over so I was face to face with him and kissed him on his cheek and his nose I was ganna wait to see if he was ganna kiss me or if I would just go to sleep.

He kissed me back same places then moved to hover over my lips. The moment his lips touched mine electricity shot through me I gasped but didn't pull away, he pulled me closer still kissing me. I flipped over so I was more comfortable never moveing my mouth from his.

He grabbed my back and pulled me even closer, we were like one person in two seperately bodies.

He bit my lip and I bit his he pulled away I was breathing hard my heart pounding his was too. He kissed my mouth then my cheek and went to my neck biteing gently and getting slightly rougher but not to bad. I liked it, one of his hands was twisted in my hair the other one was on my lower back.

I pulled away and sat cross legged smileing "I win" I said smileing

He rolled his eyes and said "yeah ok what ever blondy needs to come give me another kiss" I laughed as he pulled me back into his arms and kissed me again he pulled me down so iwas laying next to him then he rolled on top of me still kissing me but trying to crush me too, I stopped and had a giggle attack

"Get off and put a shirt back on I'm not quit a slut yet" I emphasized yet on purpose and then resolved back into my giggle fit.

"no you like it and I don't wanna make you made byedoing something toy don't like for example getting off you." he laughed "and are you sure you not one already"

"so what if I like it I said get off!" but I was smileing so it didn't work as a threat "or at LEAST put a shirt back on"

"Hey now I'M not the one who got rid of it you did so it's your fault." he laughed and poked me

"do it again and I'll put my foot in your ass" I said laughed

Of corse he did it again

I laughed grabbed his head and kissed him again. I pulled bac and said "By the way I am VERY sure I'm not a slut for anyone BUT you" I was still laughing "So I'm not really a slut, ya dumb ass!" I laughed and rolled over on him reslting and kissing him at the same time, he's not a great multitasker. He can do one or the other, I laughed again.

I pulled away and just stared at him just because I could I was ontop now!

I tried to get up but he had me locked in his arms I tryed to pull away his eyes were lit up.

"let me go stud" I laughed so hard i pushed his chest no magic just me but he held me that smileing.

I had an idea "bet you you can't make
me kiss you!" I said sticking out my tongue

He bit my tongue and pulled me down next to him. I looked at him and laughed a dreamy sort of laugh.

I was tired but I didn't wanna go to sleep I physically pinched his ass and used magic to get to the other end of the bed in a second and just stared at him like a lioness stalking danerous pray

"two can play at that" he smiled evily at me and my tank turned into a middrift, before I knew it I was on the floor tangled up kissing him again. I pulled back and threw him against the wall holding him there.

"Your so right two can play now it's my turn" my outfit that was PJ's was now a tight short jean skirt this bikini top. Not modest at all I was showin off on purpose.

His eyes were on fire I laughed and freed him. Slowly walking towards him as my hair curled itself in slow ringlets running down my back and sholders.

I was standing right in front of him now "like I said your right. Two can play" I flashed a smile at him and then turned to walk away just to be funny I turned around winked and bit my lip ever so slightly.

He ran up behind me and spun me around kissing me again his hands on my hips mine around his neck. His hands slid down and pinched my ass not hard but enough to make me gasp in surprise. I guided him to the bed and jumped on him so he fell on it I laughed when our heads knocked together.

"Well so much for me trying to be sexy!" I rolled away laughing.

He rolled right after me and kissed my neck, my cheek, my nose, everywhere except my lips.

"Your always sexy." he said between kisses.

I laughed grabed his face looked him in the eyes kissed them both then I kissed his mouth hungrily and he kissed me back it was a kiss of ergency, desire, passion. We were rolling on the bed never pausing to breath the kiss was so natural it was like we already were breathing.

Just about as fast as it started it ended because I fell off the bed.

I lifted my head "Again I say I fail at being sexy" I groaned and then laughed. "I should just stop trying" I turned back into my PJ's red instead of blue this time but still silk. I love silk it's just so soft and feels good. I rubbed my silk covered tummy I forgot he was in the room for a second and I was back into being my ten year old self always smelling and touching anything that was soft.

He just laughed and pulled me back up onto the bed.

I rubbed the back of my head sitting crosslegged. "ow! Well that's ganna hurt in da morning, you know it's not as fun as I made it look"

"Ha! really I thought you looked like you had fun!"

"I was HAVING fun" I corrected him "if u thought it looked like so much fun why dont you try it?" I said then shoved him off the bed.

He hit the ground with a grunt mummbling to himself. At least it wasn't bad mummbling, I just started to laugh uncontrolably.

He had to make it worse by tackleing me to the floor, at least he let was under me when we landed, he started to tickle me.

I used my powers to hold his hands above his head, I put a shirt back on him and stuck my tongue out for foot messure.

I crawled into bed makeing him stay on the floor for a few seconds then I let him go.

He crawled in bed and rapped his arms around me, I nussled my face into his neck and looked up into his face. He was staring at the wall with such force I thought it was ganna cave in.

"what ya thinking about?" I asked

"nothing it just helps me sleep."

"Awe I thought something would be on your mind I would help you get it off your mind" I raised my eybrows and smiled

He raised his eybrows back at me "how so?"

"oh I don't know I woulda figured SOMETHING out I'm not dumb! But nothings on your mind so imma go to sleep, night!" I smiled at him and giggled as I turned away

"no I'm just good at fooling you!" he winked

"ah fooling me which is why I giggled when I turned away cause you fooled me" I rooked my eyes "remind me again why I even lik you?" I scrunched up my nose a bit and struggled to keep a straight face.

"cause your a dumb blond" he said it then kissed me

I pulled back "you can't talk your hair is lighter than mine I am a DIRTY blond not a dumb one and I mean my hair color... most of the time anyway" I bit my lip and looked away

"oh really now? Why don't you make now one of the rare times it's not just your hair color" he winked at me

I blushed and looked away "I have a headache" i said smileing the lamest and oldest excuse in the book and he's the one who told me that to!

"you know that's not a good excuse endorfins are released makeing the pain go away" he said rolling his eyes

"You just wanna kiss me again don't you just admit it!" I said squinting and smiling at him.

"...maybe...." he said smiling

"I won't let you kiss me and I won't kiss you until you admit it" I said crossing my arms and sitting up

"fine I admit it" he grabbed me and kissed me, my hair fell down my face so it was like a cutain on both sides hiding our faces from view.

I looked down at him "you know for a guy who isn't a man whore you sure like to makeout with me" I sad laughing and then stuck my tongue out.

He bit my tongue "when did I ever say I wasn't I man whore? I never denied it I just told you not to call me it" he laughed and kissed me again

I pulled away "so you do admit it I KNEW it!" I grinned I jumped on top of him, I bent down and whispered in his ear "but your my man whore!" my eyes were twinkling I could see my reflection in his eyes. I sat there smiling and staring at him like the idiot I was.

He pulled me down to him and kissed me again my heart was pounding my temperature riseing our breath was coming in shallow bursts.

I pulled away and sat on the edge of the bed and looked anywhere but at him

He looked at me funny "what's wrong?"

"nothing" I looked at him and smiled but he could tell it was fake he knew me to well


Texte: true.vampire.witch
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.03.2012

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