
A New Beginning

The icy wind blew against his tall strong figure as he leant across the long broken fence stretching down the edge of the woods. His silver hair laced with snowflakes as the storm picked up speed. Yet he barely noticed. He didn’t even flinch.
“Zero!!” A voice should across the field. He didn’t move. “ZERO!!” The voice repeated.
Closing his eyes, he released a sigh, before he turned to face a man with a ponytail running up to where he stood. Of course; the headmaster.
“Zero!” Headmaster of Cross Academy came up next to him panting. “Come on Zero, the students are back from their break…” He says. “As the prefect, you need to help round them all up…”
“Their memories have been wiped?” Zero asked in a low voice. The headmaster turned serious and nodded.
“All except Yori. Kaname was kind enough to take care of that before…” He glanced at him sympathetically. “Before he left with Yuki and the others…”
Zero’s face was emotionless. “Is there really still a need for me as prefect? Why not choose two others?”
The headmaster sighed. “Zero…you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. However, I cannot simply choose two others as we are not in a position to disclose the Vampire society to others unless absolutely necessary.”
Slipping his hands into his pockets, Zero gave a nod. “Let’s just go.” He conceded.
Slipping back into a fun-loving mood, the headmaster nodded eagerly. “I made dinner for you tonight, my son…!”
“I’m not you son!” Zero threw back, walking ahead.
“God bless you Zero…” The headmaster said in a low voice, trailing after the Vampire Hunter Zero. “You deserve much more than I can give you, my son…”


Things had changed since the incident. It had only been two weeks now, but already Zero felt his training had escalated dramatically as the headmaster Kaien and Zero’s teacher, the hunter Yagari realised the extent of Zero’s new abilities and the heights he could achieve with them. The new leaders of the Hunter’s Association seemed just as interested in the Vampire Vampire-hunter with the blood of three purebloods coursing through his veins, and the stronger of twins born to a hunter’s family, not to mention the very nature he was acquainted with his powers. Being a prefect at the Cross Academy, although a privilege, seemed a bit pathetic for such a hunter. But he continued, knowing full well the potential the school had for causing…disturbances. But without Yuki...he shook his head. She died. Kaname and Yuki Kuran killed her. Yet he still dreamt of her endlessly. Why wouldn’t she just leave him alone??
“Zero!” Girly voices came loudly. “Zero!!”
Gritting his teeth, he stared at the gates. Another downfall to being a vampire, the aura seemed to have an effect on most humans…which made his job the more difficult. His glares were just as deadly, and the girls did back away a little—but only for a short time.
The gates opened, there was a moment of pause, and then the vampires…the night class, walked out. Without Kaname, the dorm president position was vacant, and no one had taken the spot. The number of students in the night class had significantly decreased, much to Zero’s joy. However now, the girls spent much of the time fawning over him, which made his task…problematic. It was strange though, how with the absence of Yuki from his life, his focus fell so dramatically on his hunting skills and his hate of vampires, if possible, increased. Nothing else interested him, nothing else mattered. He kept excelling at academics, and smiled as frequently as he had since his parents passing – close to never.
As the day classes resumed, he got back to his usual spot and sat working through his Math book. Algebra. He found himself in flashback to when he’d tutor Yuki; she was terrible with Math…and English, and Science, History, Art and…well, at school. His grip tightened around his pencil. The purebloods played him for a fool. They killed her. No…his Yuki never really existed. Looking up from his book he once again noticed the girls looking up at him; tiresome. Only Yori focussed only on the teacher, she was…and probably still is, Yuki’s best friend. The door opened, in stepped the headmaster. After exchanging a few words with the teacher, the teacher gestured at Zero to come down. Quietly setting aside his books, he strode down the steps to join the headmaster outside.
“Zero, I’m sure you’re aware our night-class numbers falling, not to mention a breakdown of structure and discipline since…the incident.”
Zero nodded. “I guess. The less vampires the better if you’d ask me. But the day-class students are getting harder to manage. That’s why I asked you to select two new prefects…”
“Well…” The headmaster sighed. “I have a student transferring to fill in the vacant prefect position. But I’ve also invited Lady Miena to take position as night-class Dorm President.”
“And she is…?”
Another sigh. “A pureblood I think will rebuild the night-class structure and keep them in check.”
“Or perhaps that will inevitably reiterate the saga we’ve already been through. How do you know she won’t just use you like Kaname did??”
Headmaster Kaien stopped short. “Kaname did not use us. He had his reasons as does she. Besides, you know as well as I do that despite you’re dedication, the night-class are restless without a dorm president to keep them in line.”
“But why do you insist on bringing those scheming purebloods for the position?! Haven’t you learnt your lesson?”
Kaien gave a tired look. “She’ll be arriving tomorrow afternoon. And the other prefect will be arriving tonight. Be ready.” He says, tuning to walk away. Zero clenched his jaw – how could he?!

The New Prefect

“Are you sure this is the right place?” Keisha asked reaching for the knocker.
“It should be. You’re a Vinn, Kiki, you tell me. Are there any vampires here?” The man smiled.
Keisha stuck her tongue out and knocked on the door. “Just because they’re here, doesn’t make this Cross Academy.” She countered.
The door opened and she turned to stop short. A tall man with silver hair stood before her. He was wearing loose top and pants, and looked as if he just woke up. A strange cross tattoo at the base of his neck caught her attention. Was this the other boy? Zero Kiryu? He smelt like a vampire…sort of. Not really a ‘vampire’ but…
“What?” He asked. He voice was pleasantly deep but a bit drowsy; probably from the sleep. Deciding to get introductions over, she struck out her hand.
“I’m Keisha Vinn. Does Kaien Cross live here?” She asked smiling.
He frowned, ignoring her hand, and gestured her inside. Stepping inside feeling a bit irritated, Keisha walked into the house. What an absolute jerk! Her brother followed her in and soon Kaien walked out of what seemed to be the kitchen. Keisha pushed back a laugh; he was wearing a bright pink apron with white bunnies and flowers edging it and holding large wooden spoon dripping with syrup of some sort. The Legendary Vampire Hunter, Kaien Cross – one of her father’s best friends, and probably the funniest man she knew.
“Keisha!! My little Keisha!” He exclaims tossing away the spoon into the air to envelope her in a hug. Laughing quietly, she strategically manured out of his grip.
“It’s great to see you too uncle.” She smiled.
“You’re related?” Zero asked, stepping forward. Still feeling the sting to his cold reception, she decided to ignore him.
“Oh not really. He’s a friend of our dad’s. Keisha just goes about building relations to everyone.” Her brother laughed.
“Shut up Arrau.” She said giving him a look. Turning back to Kaien, she smiled again. “So…father admitted us here as you wished; but I think you wanted to talk to me personally as well? Is something the matter?”
“Nothing too serious!” Kaien grinned waving it off. “How about you have dinner, and stay here for the night. We’ll set you up for somewhere to stay tomorrow?”
“Sure thing.” Keisha smiled. “Could I just use the bathroom first quickly?”
“Of course.” Kaien smiled. “Zero!”
Zero turned down the hall wordlessly, supposedly heading to the bathroom, so Keisha followed close behind, slightly annoyed how she had to move faster to keep up with his strides.
“You’re very rude, you know that?” Keisha voiced. She had decided not to talk to him, but the silence was a bit awkward.
“And why do you say that?” He asked in a bored tone.
“You just are! Look at you!” She says. “You’ve been as cold as ice.”
He stopped abruptly and Keisha slammed into him and fell back.
“Whoa!” By his quick reflex, Zero took hold of her waist and back, before she fell to the floor and she instinctively threw her arms around his neck for support. “Whoa…” She repeated. Moments stretched out as she took in his gleaning features in the dim light.
“It’s right there.” He breathed.
“W-what?” She asked snapping out of some mild trance.
“The bathroom.” He says, lifting her back up to put her on her feet. “It’s right there.” She quickly stepped back out from him and turned to where he was looking. Sure enough, it looked like a bathroom.
“Uh…okay.” She nodded awkwardly. “Thanks…”
With a casual nod, he turned and walked past her. With a sigh, she stepped into the bathroom. “Yeah, you’re welcome Keisha…” She muttered sarcastically.


Brushing through her large closet, Yuki came to a stop in front of a black skirt and white top. It was her day-class uniform from when she went to Cross Academy, heck; she was there since it was first founded. Releasing a sigh, she brushed her hand over the uniform…she missed her human life. She wanted to go back. There was so much she wanted to change from the past. If only she had known back then, what she really was. What she would become. She hurt Zero, and he now rightfully hated her. He promised he would hunt her down and kill her one day.
“Yuki?” Kaname’s voice came from the door. As a human she would have probably jumped, but not as a pureblood. She turned slowly to face her fiancé, Kaname Kuran.
“Yes Kaname?” She answered smoothly.
“We await you at the dinner table, love. It seems Hanabusa is getting quite hungry.”
“I’ll be right down.” Yuki nods.
Kaname stepped forward to stand beside her. They stood staring at each other for a moment, emotions communicated simply through the eyes. A crimson red flashed in their eyes, Yuki however, turned away. Kaname placed his fingers lightly under her chin, to make her look back at him.
“Is something wrong?” He asked.
“No; everything is perfect Kaname.”
“I would hope so.” He says with a slight smile. “After all the time you had me waiting.”
Yuki’s eyes widened, but after closing her eyes, she nodded. “It is.”
“But something is bothering you Yuki, what is it?” He asked softly.
She sighed and walked back to sit down on the bed. “How do you think things are at the Academy?”
“If you wish, I could send Hanabusa to check up on them for you.”
Yuki smiled. “Yes; I think I would like that. Thankyou Kaname.”
“You are my fiancé; there is nothing you need to thank me for.” Kaname smiles. “However I believe Ruka won’t be too happy reheating our dinner.”
“I’ll just clean up and I’ll be down.” Yuki nods.


Keisha soon appeared to the kitchen area, drying out her long black hair. She wore clean blue pyjamas, with only her simple necklace and bracelet she wore when she first came in. Zero barely glanced at her, and continued to eat his dinner. The smell of lasagne was overpowering, closing her eyes she breathed in the scent, a smile spreading across her face.
“Oh, uncle! That smells divine!” She grinned, moving over to the table. “I knew you could cook, but this is…magical.”
Kaien laughed. “My cooking is magical, but Zero made dinner today.”
“Zero?” She asked bewildered. “You can cook?” Zero barely looked up.
“It’s good isn’t it?” Kaien smiled.
Spooning up some warm lasagne, she took a bite. A grin spread across her face. “Great.” The three continued to dig in when she looked around again. “Wait, where’s Arrau?”
“Yagari came in while you were in the shower; Arrau’s headed off to the boy’s dorm, he’s now the day-class president. Yagari thought a hunter would be best for the job.”
“Yagari?” Keisha frowned. “The one we saw at New Year’s? With the eye-patch?” Zero stopped suddenly, but then continued his eating again.
“That’s the one.” Headmaster replied smiling. Keisha nodded and they soon fell into silence again. Although she didn’t mind eating in silence, she wanted to talk to the silver-head. Find out what his problem was with her and if she had to be stuck with that jerk for the rest of the school term.
“Someone’s at the door.” Zero spoke. Keisha blinked – no there wasn’t. Someone knocked on the door. Okay…so maybe there was. Kaien had already headed out to the door and I decided to continue with the lasagne until he returned.
“Do you want a drink?” It was Zero, who’d asked. Keisha shook her head. “Suit yourself.”
She decided to reflect his silent treatment back onto him and so simply continued to eat. She soon finished though, and putting her cutlery in her plate, she picked it up and headed across the room, to put it in the sink. She turned the tap on, feeling the cool water on her hands – maybe she should wash the dishes; it’s the least she could do, Kaien had always been so kind to her.
“You don’t need to wash them.” Zero said from right behind her. “I’ll do them.”
Keisha turned around with a semi-annoyed look. “I know how to wash dishes. I’ll manage it fine.” She said, reaching out to take his plate. He stopped her midway by taking her hand, and she froze. She lost her senses everywhere except in that hand. She couldn’t even feel the water over her other hand. What the…?
“Kids, Yagari’s back! Set another plate up will you?” Kaien’s voice floated to them from the door.
Quickly snatching her own hand away, she closed the tap and moved away from Zero to the table. Her senses had returned, but her hand felt…sensitive. She quickly started setting up the table for Yagari. The sound of water running in the sink had her turning around, and sure enough, Zero was cleaning the plates. With a short sigh, she finished setting up as Yagari and Kaien walked into the room.
“Mr Yagari.” Keisha greeted with a small wave.
The tall man still had the same get-up. A large brown coat, his hunters’ hat and of course the eye patch. He pushed back his black hair from his good eye and gave me a small smile.
“Miss Vinn.” He nodded. “Good to see you. How’s your father?”
She shrugged. “Same as always, I suppose.”
He nodded. “Nice to hear. Has Kaien run you through everything?”
She grew serious. “I read the report from the Hunters’ Association on the events that took place at Cross Academy a few weeks ago, and uncle did run me through what needs to be done. But I feel as if there’s still something he hasn’t told me…on purpose.”
Yagari glanced at the headmaster, before turning back to Keisha. “Maybe you should drop by to the office after school tomorrow. We’ve got a few things we’d like to clear up.”
She nodded. “Okay. Now I hope you don’t mind, but I’d like to get some study done, and then get some sleep for tomorrow.”
“Of course dear!” Kaien exclaimed. “You have a very big day tomorrow, and Zero will show you around and see you to your classes. Maybe you could even check out the town square while you’re at it. Maybe we could even have lunch together as a family! And…”
“You best go before the old man hurts himself in his excitement.” Yagari cuts in.
“Hey!” Kaien protests. Keisha laughed.
“Okay, night everyone.” She smiled, bounding up the stairs to her room. Now for some quick study…yay.


The large door opened and out stepped young woman with dark red hair cascading down past her shoulders, with a few strands tied back with a white ribbon. She wore a white school jacket with a black shirt and white skirt. Her figure was slim but strong and her green-blue eyes were set firmly on the limo in front of the large house. Held tightly in her right hand, was a thin silver flute; off the end of which hung strings of light silver beads. Her skin was a reflection of perfection, not a spot out of place – she was a vampire. Today would be her first day…or night, at the Academy.
“Lady Miena Tori.” The driver called. “All is ready, my lady.”
She brushed back her hair and walked down the steps to the car, this would be interesting at the very least. Stepping into the car, she gestured to driver to drive on, and the made their way down the road.
She didn’t know an awful lot about the academy, but she knew more than enough about the history it shared with the Kuran family and the Kiryu. Not to mention two of the top vampire hunters taught there…and a third studied there. Zero Kiryu. She smiled. He was one of a kind. Extremely rare possession indeed. Stronger of two twins born to a prominent Hunter’s family, consumed the blood of three purebloods, drained his twin and thus gaining even more strength, and best of all; he too was a vampire, after Shizuka Hio converted him. He also had been the one to kill Kaname’s uncle; Rido Kuran. She smirked; he was indeed one in a billion.
“Mistress, would you like to bid your farewell to Lord and Lady Tori? They’re staying not too far from here.” The driver voiced.
“No, Chian, I’d rather not. We go straight to the Academy.” Miena spoke in her cool smooth voice. “I would hate to be late on my first day.”
“Yes Mistress.” The driver nodded, turning at the next corner. Chian had been her driver ever since she could remember, and he knew perfectly well why she’d rather keep her distance from her parents…well her mother, to be precise.
She zoned back into her evaluation of the Academy. Another key player in its history – Yuki Kuran. She’d heard that Kiryu had a soft spot for the girl, but after she returned to her pureblood state, he vowed to kill her, as he would other purebloods. The thought made her smile. He’d most likely be the most amusing character of them all, no doubt. Shizuka never realised how lucky she really was. Then there’s the headmaster, a legendary Hunter until he retired and lived off beliefs of passivism, and built the school to forge better relations between the vampire word and the human world. He too had a history with the Kuran family, especially with Kaname’s mother, Juri. He put away his sword for her, and his pacifist beliefs rooted from his…acquaintance with her. She did a good job; eliminating the most feared hunter in an ingenious manner. Although rumour had it, that Juri had actually felt love for him too, Miena doubted it. These humans were such fools.
“Chian; how much do you know about the Kurans?” She asked casually.
“I’ll be honest mistress; not much aside from their high standing in society as purebloods and that they have had many conflicts in the past…”
“Haven’t we all?”
He glanced at her from the driver’s mirror and nodded. “Indeed. I guess conflict arise easily with power.”
“Indeed…” Miena replied thoughtfully. “It is almost as if it were our curse.”
Chian remained silent, focusing only in his driving. With a small sigh, Miena turned back to gaze out the window, contemplating the secrets of the pureblood world.

New to the job

“To explore the forces acting on a beam of electrons in a particle accelerator, we also need to consider the effect of a magnetic field on a charged particle.” Keisha sighed, turning the page; physics sucked. “…since F is equal to Q V B, in the case of magnetic field of a particle accelerator…”
“F must equal E V B.” A masculine voice supplied. The door opened and Zero walked in.
“What do you want?” Keisha asked a bit rudely.
“Kaien sent me to make sure you’d set up in your new room.” His gaze fell to the floor where my suitcase lay; opened but still filled with all my clothes and belongings. “Which you apparently haven’t.”
“I’ll do it myself later.” She says sitting up on my bed frustrated. “Thank him for the concern, but I can manage fine. You probably need the sleep yourself.” Ignoring her comment, he picked up the suitcase and lifted it onto the bed.
“I’m patrolling the school grounds to make sure the night-class students and day-class students aren’t sneaking around the school grounds and getting into trouble. So I won’t be sleeping soon anyhow.”
“All night?” Keisha asked puzzled.
“Not all night. But for the peak hours for sure.” He opened her suitcase further to look inside.
“Hey!!” Keisha leaped across to where he put the suitcase. “That’s my personal stuff. I’m not letting you go through it!”
He looked at her with a bored expression. “Well obviously you don’t know how to unpack. I’m just doing as the headmaster said; help Keisha unpack if she needs it. You clearly do.”
“I do not!” She exclaimed frustrated. “I swear; you’re so annoying! Leave me alone.” She says half-heartedly.
Turning the suitcase around, she ruffled through it while muttering about men. Zero couldn’t help but smirk, but it quickly faded as he got a glance of her features. Her long black hair fell to her side, exposing her bare neck and shoulder. His fangs stretched out at the sight, and he struggled to repress them. Her tanned skin glowing under the moonlight streaming through her window and bed-side lamp. His gaze fell lower to her light curves; legs slightly opened as she kneeled over her suitcase, searching though her belongings. Another part of his anatomy responded, and he clenched his hand into a fist as he held tightly only his own leash. As if feeling his gaze, she looked up in surprise. He snapped his gaze back to her clear brown eyes. Her surprise morphed into irritation.
“Will you quit just silently standing there; you’re making me nervous.” She spoke; her voice amplified though his chest. What on Earth was going on? Feeling a bit confused, Zero turned and walked out without another word. What in the name of…? Who was she?
“Goodnight to you too Zero.” Keisha says rolling her eyes. “You know there’s a think called common courtesy. Nothing fancy, but is being a little more polite gonna kill you?”
Unbeknown to her, he had stood in front of the door and heard her sarcastic comment, before stepping away to get ready for patrolling the school grounds. Putting her physics book away, she pulled out her stuff from her suitcase and began putting it all away. Tomorrow was her first day. She really did want to see the school. It could be fun.
The morning rays lit up his room and Zero got up with a sigh. He didn’t dream tonight like he usually did. Brushing his face lightly, he looked at the clock; 2 hours until the gates open. Giving an exasperated sigh, he got up and moved to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get dressed. He only reached for the handle, when the door opened and Keisha looked up in surprise; her hair was wet and she wore a towel around her body. Apparently we had similar plans, he thought.
“It’s all yours.” She says casually, brushing past him towards her room. His head swivelled to follow her, but he stepped into the bathroom and began stripping off his clothes to take a shower. Unfortunately, due to his vampire senses, he could still smell Keisha’s scent in the bathroom. He breathed it in and much to his dismay, it smelt…nice. Growing more frustrated with himself he stepped into the shower, but images of her showering where he just stood flashed through his mind, solidified by clear her scent. He almost growled in frustration. Why did she have to come here?! Who was she anyway? Come on Zero, get a grip. Yuki. Normally he’d avoid thinking about Yuki at all, but the situation was dire. He tried remembering her time as human, but felt her fall deeper and deeper into the blackness…Keisha’s scent surrounded him again. Close to angry, he stopped the shower and stepped out to quickly get changed and opened the door to exit the bathroom. He bounded down the stairs to find Kaien and Keisha making breakfast and chatting cheerfully.
“Zero!” The headmaster smiled. “Look at this; Keisha helped me with breakfast and look what we made; Samosas!” Zero grunted a reply and sat down at the table. “Someone’s in a grumpy mood.” Kaien smiled putting a plate in front of him. Zero ignored the comment and decided to eat his breakfast.
“How is it?” Keisha asked grinning. Zero barely looked up.
“Not enough salt.” He said finally. Keisha gave him a look, but then took the salt container and tossed it at him. Catching it deftly, he set it aside. “It’s alright, I like it.” He said without looking up.
Keisha pretended to almost choke. “Was that…a compliment?”
Zero did look up this time, his violet eyes as cool as ever. “Take it as you want.” He said simply. Kaien shook his head.
“Sometime I really wonder how my son could be such a grouch.”
“I’m not your son.” Zero says finishing up his Samosa. “Go get ready, we’ll be leaving in ten minutes, and remember your prefect armband.”
Keisha glanced at the headmaster, who pulled out a white armband with the cross logo. Taking it with a nod of thanks, Keisha bounded back up to her room.
“You know, I don’t see why you have to be so rude to her Zero.” Kaien sighed.
Zero frowned. “How was I rude?”
“I tasted the Samosa and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.” Kaien said. “Not to mention your reception wasn’t the warmest yesterday either – I was listening.”
“What did you want me to do? Hugs and kisses, a ‘welcome to the house of Cross’ anthem?”
“No. A ‘Welcome’ would have sufficed.” Kaien said sternly. “Anyway, she’ll be down any moment. Do you plan to show her how to deal with the day-class first or show her around.”
“She has a job to do.” Zero answered simply. “She’ll do that first.”
“Okay, I’m ready. Do we go?” Keisha asked walking down the stairs. She was dressed in the Day-class uniform, with black jacket and skirt, white shirt and long black stockings. She plaited her hair and tied it off with a red ribbon.
Zero glanced at the headmaster, who raised his eyebrows as to say ‘go on’, and turned back to the new prefect.
“Fine. Come on.” Zero said, putting his plates in the sink and finishing his glass of water.
They trotted out of the house and down the path to the gates. Zero had been…cold, to her, which she took as an affront. No matter how hot a guy may or may not be; it didn’t give him the right to look down on others like this. So if he wouldn’t speak with her, she wouldn’t speak with him. They reached the gates in silence to find a crowd of day-class students surrounding the gates.
“So what do I do?” Keisha spoke finally. It had to be asked.
“Since the headmaster thought you would make such a good prefect, and given your arrogance, I’d have though you wouldn’t need the instructions.” Zero scoffed.
That was an affront for sure, Keira scowled. This man was starting to get on her Hunter nerves. Fine.
“Fine then.” She said, stalking ahead of him. Zero smirked; this would be interesting. “Okay; listen up people!!” She shouted. Surprisingly, everyone turned to look at their new prefect, and stopped shouting and cheering over the gates. “There’s a few things I’d like to vocalise.” She said standing in her most authoritarian posture.
“Who are you??” A girl nearby asked. Good question, Zero thought, leaning on a tree beside the group casually.
“I’m Keisha, I’m your new prefect…and let me tell you, and by the looks of things, it seems it’s a going to be a tiresome job. We have a problem, see. You want to crowd around a gate shouting and carrying on like you were for some reason and…”
“We want to see the night-class students!” Another girl shouted. Many others shouted in agreement.
“Okay…” Keisha nodded. “But the night-class students are tired and probably want to go to sleep. But don’t worry, I have a solution.” She voiced proudly. Zero smirked; she was quite the interesting person, quirky. What solution could she possibly have that Yuki and he couldn’t have thought of?
“What’s that?” A boy asked.
“Well, how about you look at them all you want, without stepping on this footpath…” She started.
“We’re forced to do that already!” A girl complained. “That’s a dumb idea.”
“Well maybe if you expanded you attention span just by a fraction, you might actually hear my solution as a whole.” Keisha mocked. There was a pause, before laughter erupted across the crowd. Even Zero could help smiling broadly; something he’d hadn’t done for years.
“Go on.” Zero said loudly. She flashed him a glare and turned back to the crowd.
“So, if you look, and I mean you can even wave or whatever, at these oh-so-special men and women you believe as the night-class…we could hold a seasonal or even monthly dinner at dawn, where both day-class and night-class students can talk and get along. So that you can actually talk and be friends with them when they can actually talk and be friends back. They’re probably tired and exhausted at this time, so you’re wasting your energy anyway. What do you say?” Huh, that was a pretty good idea – except since they’re vampires, they should be kept a mile away from humans at all times.
A slow clapping came from the crowd, the tall boy clapping grinned. Arrau.
“I think it’s an excellent idea, sister.” He says. Zero got up with a start, her idea was presented beautifully, even he thought it ingenious when he heard it; but he can’t allow this to happen! There was enough contact between the classes as it is. The crowd clapped and a few boys whistled, earning a death glare from Zero – causing them to shut up immediately.
“Oh Keisha, you’re kind!” A girl exclaimed. “You’re the best prefect. I’d totally not be such a hassle knowing you actually understand us, or at least try and give us what we want too.”
The gates opened, the crowd turned to look at the night-class. Keisha stopped to see what the fuss could be about. They were vampires. She smirked; obviously it was their looks that captured the crowd’s attention. And those, whose attention was not caught, would be caught in the crowd.
“Okay everyone; let’s give the night-class some space!” Keisha says moving to the end of the footpath. Obligingly, the students stepped back, much to Zero’s surprise, and besides a few waves and calls, no more was exchanged. Impossible. Many of the guys and girls swarmed around Keisha, with welcomes and other phatic communicational exchanges. Feeling a bit aggravated, Zero went in and fished Keisha out, much to the crowd’s dismay.
“Okay, now get to class.” Zero said firmly. “Now.”
As the crowd dispersed, Keisha began struggling. “Let go, you big brute!” He dropped her down and she brushed her clothes. “What’s your problem anyway!?”
“We can’t hold a monthly dinner! They see enough of the night class as it is! It’s not how we do things here.”
“Since the headmaster thought I would make such a good prefect, I guess I don’t need the instructions.” She says. “This is how I roll. If it wasn’t what you wanted, maybe you should’ve just said so when I asked!”
“You’re really starting to get on my nerves.”
“You’re already on my nerves, silver-head. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a school to explore.” She says turning around. Reaching out, he took her wrist. She froze. The touch again took over her senses. Zero could feel it too, and he wanted to let go – but he couldn’t. It was unreal. She turned around to face him confused. What was this?
“Zero Kiryu.” A voice behind them spoke. The both turned to look at the tall night-class girl, with dark red hair and green eyes; she was most definitely a pureblood. Beside her stood Kaien. Zero tightened his hold on Keisha and she winced; what was wrong with this guy?
“And I suppose you are Lady Miena Tori.” Zero spoke.
“I am.” She spoke.
“She just got here this morning.” Kaien explained. “She thought it’d be best if she came early. She requested you would show her around the school.”
“The day-classes are running. Not night-class students allowed.” Zero said firmly.
“Yes, and I told her it would be your choice. You may choose to give her one quick tour now…or tonight – when you’re on duty.” Kaien said. “It’s completely up to you. Then there’s my darling Keisha.” He smiled warmly at her. “You could give two tours in one!”
Zero glanced at Keisha and she pulled on her wrist. He kept his grip locked. “I don’t know.”
“Oh please…” Keisha rolled her eyes. “Uncle, I know this idiot enough. Maybe I could get another day-class student to give me a tour.”
Zero’s jaw ticked. “Fine.” He said, letting Keisha hand go. “A quick tour.”
Kaien nodded. “Wonderful. Have fun, all of you. But remember to come visit me after school Guardians, okay?”
“Guardians?” Keisha asked.
“He sometimes calls us that.” Zero explained in a low voice.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” Keisha says shaking her head.
“Well then, Kiryu, let’s get this tour started, shall we?” Miena purred, taking hold of his hand and pulling him into the school. With a small wave to her ‘uncle’, Keisha made her way into the Academy as well. Something told it was going to be a long day…

Darn Purebloods

Aido made his way quickly to Kaname’s room. Lord Kaname said he had a job for him to do. What that job could be was hard to figure at this hour. Knocking on the door, her let himself in, bowing down with an arm across his chest.
“Lord Kaname?” He asked.
“Hanabusa.” Kaname greeted. “Please, come and sit here. I have a favour to ask of you.”
He looked up to see Lord and Lady Kuran sitting together on divan. He moved over to side in front of them. “What is it?” He asked
“Yuki had been worried over how her friends and family are at Cross Academy.” Kaname spoke. “I’d like someone to check up on those people there and assure their wellbeing, for her.”
Yuki ducked her head. “I’m sorry if it’s a bother, you don’t have to.”
“No…it-it’s no bother Lady Yuki.” Hanabusa assured. “Who would you wish me to report from?”
“Yori, the headmaster, Senri, Rima, Zero,” Kaname frowned at his name, but remained quiet. “And just everyone else in general, I suppose.”
“Can you run this small errand for us, Hanabusa?” Kaname asked.
“Yes of course, Lord Kaname.” Hanabusa bowed. “Is there any message you would like me to deliver?”
Yuki nodded. “Tell the headmaster I miss him dearly, and that he should come and visit sometime.” She looked up with an idea. “How about at the feast on Saturday. Do you think we can invite them all to the feast, Kaname?”
Kaname smiled. “Would it make you happy, dear?”
“Of course Kaname.” She smiled.
“Then it’s alright with me.” He said. “Send them our invitation also. Allow the headmaster to bring any person he feels appropriate.”
“Yes Lord Kaname.” Hanabusa bowed, before getting up to exit. “Should I go now?”
“That would be much appreciated.” Kaname smiled. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Hanabusa bowed again, before making his exit. He smirked; maybe he’d bump into Zero first.
Keisha had found a group of day-class students and ask them if they could show her around. Three boys almost immediately bounced up in agreement. But were securely pushed away by two girls, who said a female tour was best. In the end, the five took her around for a tour, while the others promised to see her in class. She really was making friends faster than she thought possible.
“So that’s the science lab.” Naomi smiled pointing. “And that’s the Art’s building.”
Keisha smiled. “Nice place.”
“Come on, there’s one thing you have to see.” Kevin said taking her hand and hurrying up the path. “Look there, that’s the Academy’s park; right beside the forest.”
Keisha grinned. “Wow…it’s pretty big.”
“It is, isn’t it?” He grinned proudly. “I helped plant a lot of those flowers and fruit trees.”
“And you did an excellent job, my man.” Keisha laughed. “The bathroom’s just down there. How about I meet you guys at the lockers in 10?”
Alias nodded. “Sounds good. Don’t be too long, class starts at 9 sharp.”
“I won’t.” Keisha smiled, trotting off.
Whilst she washed her face and dried off, she thought of her job during the day. Surely it wouldn’t involve much. Her studies were important this year. Looking out the window, she saw it; the fountain. It was just behind the school building. Smiling, she decided to check it out. She still had a few minutes after all. She walked out and made her way to the fountain area.
Meanwhile, Zero had walked Miena around the school as well, pointing out where her classes would be held and the locker area.
“You’re so dull, Kiryu.” She complained. “I was hoping you’d be a bit more playful.”
“I’m not here to be playful, Tori.” He replied. “I’m here to make sure your kind doesn’t screw up at this school.”
She stopped short. “My kind??” She sat down by the fountain. “I believe you are also…my kind. Are you not, Zero Kiryu?”
“We are nothing alike.” He glared. He hated this woman, just as much as any pureblood. Arrogant and heartless. All they could think of was playing other people’s emotions, and fighting amongst each other. Then dragging others to fight their battles for them. Disgusting.
She smirked. “I wouldn’t quite say that. We are both, vampires. We both do lust for blood.” She smiled. “Why not quench that thirst right now, Kiryu?”
His jaw tightened even further. “Not only is it strictly prohibited to drink blood on school grounds, the very thought is taboo.”
“We can go elsewhere.” She purred. That was it. Stepping over to stand directly in front of her, he narrowed his eyes dangerously.
“I may be a vampire; but I’m not anything like the sickening beast before me.” He growled. “But please, go on. The more you reveal, the easier it is for me have you shipped out of the Academy.”
“You lost me at beast…” She smirked, slipping her arms around his neck. “Let’s find a definition shall we?”
Zero glared at her menacingly, before freezing abruptly. Keisha was here, he could feel her. He was about to turn around to see, when Miena suddenly pulled him forward. Momentarily losing his focus caused him to lose balance and he landed on top of her and they both fell into the fountain with a splash. That ‘beach’! She wrapped her hands around him, but stopped immediately at the sound of a gun being cocked to her forehead.
“Move one more muscle and I swear I’ll blow that conceited smirk right off.” He growled, getting up, wet from head to toe.
“I see now why Kaname hated you so much. You’re hardly much of a gentleman.” She says getting up. “Besides, she left before I had a chance to make you look worse.”
“Keisha?” Zero frowned, keeping his pistol, the Bloody Rose, inched from her face. “Why do care about her?”
“I don’t.” She supplies, getting out of the fountain casually. “Well not yet. Thanks for the tour Guardian. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.” She only glanced at him before walking off.
Swirling around, sure enough – Keisha was gone. Why did he care? What was it with that girl? Getting out of the fountain frustrated, he walked over to the men’s bathroom to dry off a bit. He had to tell Kaien to get rid of that brat. She was no different to Kaname or Shizuka – always working an angle.


Zero walked into class late. He seemed dry enough, but his hair was still dripping with water. Without making eye-contact with anyone, he moved to sit at seat near the back. A girl sitting beside Keisha nudged her softly.
“Isn’t he hot?” She smirked.
“Who?” Keisha asked surprised.
“Zero, of course.”
Keisha rolled her eyes. “I’ve seen much better. You don’t have to live with him. He’s such a wet blanket.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “Really? You don’t like him? I’d give up organs to live in the same house.”
“How’s $10?” Keisha smiled.
The girl laughed loudly. “You’re so funny. But I would take that offer if I could.”
The teacher started talking and Keisha’s attention fell on her as she explained the concept of…Probability. Yay…math. It didn’t slip her attention how much the class was affected by that no-good, silver-haired arrogant idiot. Girls especially. She rolled her eyes; this is one of the many things she hated about vampires – which then leads to their vanity.

Zero is a Prick

Lunch bell rang, and Keisha got up and headed to the lockers to put her books away. Lunch time is the best time at school. Avoiding the rest of the students, she made her way to the rocky area nestled in the forest. Peace and quiet. She opened up her lunch and began eating. How beautiful the Samosas smelt! But she couldn’t help thinking why Zero said there wasn’t enough salt. They seemed perfect enough to her. Maybe he’s just an ugly jerk.
“Well, hello there.” A blonde boy with ice blue eyes walked up to where she sat. She frowned; he was a vampire. He wasn’t wearing any uniform though.
“Hello.” Keisha greeted politely. “Can I help you?”
“You could indeed. You see, I’m here running a small errand.”
“I believe night-class students aren’t allowed on school grounds during the day.” Keisha spoke sternly. “I think I may have to ask you to leave.”
“I’m not a night-class student.” He smiled. “Not anymore.”
She sighed. “Okay then, what’s the errand?”
He smiled and walked over to stand in front of her. “It’d be rude of me not to properly introduce myself first.” He took her hand softly and she took a small step back in surprise. “Pleasure to meet you, my sweet lady, I am Hana—,”
“Hanabusa!” A masculine voice shouted. Keisha turned to see Zero step up aggressively. “What are you doing here?” Zero asked taking his hand from Keisha’s.
Hanabusa smirked. “I was simply introducing myself to this lady; surly that’s not against you precious school rules, Zero.”
“Why are you here?” Zero snarled. “Who sent you?”
He smirked. “So scary.”
Within a blink of an eye, vined erupted from the ground, wrapping tightly around Hanabusa and lifting him up off the floor. It must be Zero, Keisha figured. The powers she’d read about. It was a lot more intimidating in reality, than words on a formal Hunters’ documentation.
“Zero, what are you doing?” Keisha asked pushing him back. “Leave him alone! He didn’t do anything wrong.” She argued. The vines tightened for an instant but then released him. Hanabusa dropped to the ground and Zero took a step back.
“You stay out of this.” He says firmly to her.
“No, Kiryu. You stay out of this.” Keisha says firing up. “I believe the man was speaking to me, before you so rudely interrupted!” Zero narrowed his eyes, but didn’t reply. Giving him a hard look, Keisha turned back to the blonde on the floor. “I’m so sorry about that.” She apologised. “He’s just such a pest.”
Hanabusa got up and brushed down his clothes. “No need to apologise, young maiden. It wasn’t your fault.”
Keisha glared at Zero then turning her back to him, she once again faced the blonde. “I’m Keisha.” She said with a smile.
“You’re also a hunter.” Hanabusa remarked.
“Hunter’s daughter, yes. And I hope to be one.” She smirked. “But don’t worry, I’ll spare you.”
Hanabusa looked at her wide-eyed, and then smiled. “Very kind of you.”
“Your errand, my good man?” She asked.
“Oh yes.” He glanced briefly at Zero who continued to look daggers at him. “You see my Lord sent me here to check up on a few people’s wellbeing at the Academy.” He gestured at Zero. “One of whom I see is in perfect health.” He said fixing his tie.
“Who else do you need to see?”
Hanabusa smiled. “The headmaster, Yori and a few members of the night-class; Rima & Senri.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem. How about we start with the headmaster; that way we can also ask his permission for the others?”
“Beautiful and smart, I see.” Hanabusa smiled.
Keisha smirked. “Come after school. Zero and I will pick you up. Now if that’s all…?”
“That is all.” He nodded.
“Then, we’ll see you afterschool. Bye.” She gave a short wave. With a bow to her, then a nod at Zero, he turned and left. Turning around, Keisha decided to walk off on Zero as well, but he stepped into her way.
“He’s a vampire.” Zero said coldly.
“Oh, well done Zero! He is a vampire. The ‘Killer Hunter instincts’ Award is yours for sure.” She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“You know what I mean, Keisha.” He says. She stopped; that was the first time she heard him say her name. It felt strange.
“You mean; I’ll see you after school.” She said, trying to sidestep him. He stepped in her way again.
“No I don’t. You’re so damn naïve. You don’t even know who he is; I do. He’s trouble, stay away from him.”
“No Zero.” Keisha said firmly. “That isn’t the issue. He did nothing wrong, so I had no reason to be disrespectful. I’m not terrible fond of vampires either, but unlike you, I know when to show certain aspects of my personality.”
He looked at her blankly. Without another word, she turned and stepped around him and back to the school. He was so…grumpy. He must really hate that guy; but why? There was only light mention of Hanabusa in the report – but of course, the report can only record the surface features of an event, and often it is the details that are most revealing, as her father had once said.
Oh well, guess she’ll see Hanabusa and Zero afterschool, maybe she could learn more from that.


Miena stepped into the Vampire’s dorm proudly. She sensed a handful vampires in the building; barely enough for a class at most. She looked around; the house was nice though, clean at the very least. Her presence should awaken the night-class students soon. A pureblood had stepped into the house; it wouldn’t go unnoticed. Sure enough, the vampires emerged one by one, freezing immediately when they saw her. She smiled; they were in her possession now. One, however, raced down to bow lowly before her.
“Lady Miena Tori.” The vampire spoke. “An honour, your grace.” She skimmed her eyes over every vampire in the building; they were healthy – and maybe resourceful.
“A pleasure.” She waved off. “I am the new President, obviously, I’d like my room set up immediately. I have called on a few others to help rebuild the night-class, as well as a Vice President and a servant. Prepare rooms for them.”
“As you wish.” The vampire breathed, rising to his feet. “I had been chosen to represent the night-class in your absence, Lady Miena, my name is Josiah.”
“Well, Josiah, perhaps you could be the Vice President instead; if you please me, that is.”
“It would be an honour.” He bowed again before hurrying up the stairs to give out instructions the other students.
“So what do you think, Senri?” Rima asked glancing down at the new Dorm President.
“I think we should have left when we had the chance.” Senri spoke with a sigh. “However, like any pureblood, we won’t know her game until she wants us to know.”
Rima frowned. “I’m sick of their games, to be honest.”
“Who knows, maybe she’s not here with a double motive. Or maybe her double motive won’t involve manipulating everyone around her.”
“Like Lord Kaname?”
Senri shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Either way…she’s a pureblood, and she’s come to restore our safe-haven here; we’ll have to follow her wholeheartedly.”
There was a pause. “You hungry?” Rima asked, holding out a chocolate stick to his lips. He smiled, and bit into it.


“You sickeningly bombastic prick!” Keisha shouted. “How could you describe what happened like that?? You make it sound like we were fully flirting or something!”
Zero frowned. “You were, weren’t you?!”
Kaien sighed. “Come on kids…”
“Why do you think you know everything?! It’s called common courtesy, Kiryu, and I was being polite!” Keisha fired.
“It seemed more than being polite to me, Vinn.” Zero threw back.
“You’re one to talk!” Keisha fumed. “Making out with the Night-Class Dorm President in a fountain! Huh! Oh please…you’re such a hypocrite!”
“Now please, let’s take a deep breath and…” Kaien started.
“Making out?!” Zero shouted. “We were not! You’re the one assuming you know everything!”
“Oh I’m so sorry Zero, here I was thinking you were making out, but no. You simple sat hugging and whispering seductively to each other and then playfully falling into the fountain in each other’s arms! How on Earth was I mistaken?!” Keisha snapped sarcastically.
“Calm down Guardians!” Kaien tried.
“You shouldn’t have been spying on us; maybe you wouldn’t have been mistaken then!” Zero said stepping up closer to glare at her.
“Like I could be bothered! The world doesn’t revolve around you Kiryu! I was coming out of the bathrooms when I saw you. Besides, you bloody jumped into my conversation with the man and pulled him back with your vines!!” Keisha leant forward to glare back. “You used your powers against him with no legitimate reason!”
“You don’t even know him!!” Zero said exasperated.
“Children!!” Kaien shouted this time. They both turned to look at the headmaster, still furious. “You’re making a mountain out of a molehill! You’re overreacting…”
“Me?? He started it!” Keisha scowled pointing crossly at Zero.
“Yeah, real mature Keisha.” Zero said, rolling his eyes.
She turned back to glare at him. “You wanna go me, Kiryu?”
“Anytime.” He said glaring back.
“Zero! Keisha!” Kaien shouted. “This isn’t a rodeo show, this is a school. Now, where is Hanabusa, anyway?”
“He’s outside the building.” Keisha supplied. “Because somebody wouldn’t let him in.” She said looking pointedly at Zero. He narrowed his eyes and turned back to the headmaster.
“Do you want me to fetch him?” Zero asked.
“I’ll send someone to do that. I think I’d like to talk to him alone actually.” Kaien said opening his draw. “But there was one thing I needed to talk to you about Keisha dear.” He pulled out what looked like a blade. “Every guardian needs a hunter’s weapon.”
“That’s for me?” Keisha asked; her anger evaporating. “What is it exactly?”
Kaien smiled. “A special replicative blade. You just press here, and more blades sprout out. It’s like having hundreds of knives in one.” He moved over to hand it to her. She took it with a smile.
“Thank you uncle.” She said, giving him a hug. He laughed.
“You’re very welcome.” He smiled as she pulled away. “Remember to keep them on you at all times.”
“Yes uncle.” She smiled.
He nodded. “Now I want you two to go the house, and sort out whatever issue you have in a civilised manner, understood?”
Keisha turned to glare at Zero who once again wore his ‘bored’ expression. “Yes uncle.” She said finally.
“I’ll meet you at the door.” Zero said finally as she stepped out of the room.
“Whatever.” She said, walking off.
Kaien sighed. “I’ve never known you to be quarrelsome, Zero. What’s the matter?”
Slumping into the chair, he shook his head and brushed back his hair. “I don’t know, headmaster. She just…drives me crazy.”
“Why would you attack Hanabusa like that though?” Kaien asked sitting down. “It doesn’t seem as he breached any school rules specifically. He was barely inside the academy at all when he found Keisha.”
“I—I don’t know. I thought he was hassling Keisha; honestly. Or at least something like that. I really am sorry. A hunter shouldn’t be that impulsive.”
“Not to worry; I’ll sort things out with Hanabusa, but there’s nothing I can do about Keisha. I hope you realise you have to apologise.”
Zero let out a breath. “Yeah.” There was a pause. “Headmaster, I also wanted let you know I’m not so sure on the Dorm President.”
“The one you made out with?” Kaien smiled cheekily.
“I didn’t!” Zero said getting up. “She pulled me into the fountain, when she saw Keisha was watching. Only god knows why. Then I pulled the Bloody Rose on her. I have a feeling she’s trouble.”
Kaien took off his glasses and brushed them over with a sigh. “I see. Well don’t keep Keisha waiting. Pulling the Bloody Rose on a pureblood was reckless, Zero. But I’ll see what I can find out about her motives.”
“Thankyou headmaster.”
Kaien smirked. “That’s okay, you can call me daddy.”
Zero opened the door and stepped out. “Not a chance.” Though he let the smallest of smirks slip as he walked down to where Keisha stood, tapping her foot impatiently.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t like to have some lunch too? I’ll just wait here.” She said sarcastically.
“Are you ever at a loss for words?”
“Never.” She said opening the door. She stopped abruptly at the sight of ice blue eyes sparkling back at her. “Hanabusa?”
“Keisha. Good afternoon.” He smiled, giving a small bow. “And Zero. I thought you were both picking me up. Imagine my surprise when no one showed up.”
“We’re so sorry.” Keisha apologised. “We got…” She turned to glare at Zero. “Distracted.”
“I could hear shouting all the way out here; is everything alright?” He asked.
“Perfect.” Zero said sarcastically walking past them both.
“Don’t walk off on me, Kiryu!” Keisha snapped.
Hanabusa laughed. “Seems you’re not quite getting along.”
“That’s putting it lightly.” Keisha admitted. “Perhaps I will see you again sometime.” She smiled walking past him.
“I am sure of it.” He replied as she jogged to catch up with Zero’s strides.

An invitation accepted

“Hanabusa…” Kaien sat down in his chair, gesturing Hanabusa to take the one opposite. Hanabusa sat down with a nod.
“Headmaster Cross, I’m sure you’re wondering why Lord Kaname would have sent me.” Hanabusa started. “But I actually come with a message from Lady Yuki.”
“Yuki?” Kaien asked. “Tell me, how is she?”
“Lady Yuki is in good health, aside from worrying about the academy.” He sighed. “She wanted me to check up on you, Yori, Zero, Senri and Rima, and the day and night class in general.”
“We’re all well.” Kaien smiled. “Tell Yuki not to worry, we’re all fine.”
“Well, Lady Yuki and Lord Kaname also invited you and whoever you deem appropriate to attend the Kuran Feast this Saturday.”
Kaien sighed. “I don’t think Zero will come.”
Hanabusa shrugged. “I would think Lord Kaname would not mind. However, I am not sure about Lady Yuki. Please see what you can do.”
“Give Yuki our thanks and love.”
“Of course, and might I give my humble apologies for the stir I caused this morning? I wanted to talk to Yori but Zero did not take it well. Why I’d say if it weren’t for the new prefect, Keisha; someone, may have been injured.”
Kaien sighed. “Hanabusa, I must ask you not to return to school grounds with prior permission; Zero tends to act impulsively.”
“As you wish headmaster.” Hanabusa nodded. “May I also inquire, I heard there was a new pureblood dorm President; Lady Miena?”
“That is correct.”
“I see. I hope she will also be attending the feast?”
“Well, she is a head member; I don’t see why she can’t.”
“Excellent. So may I give the word of your definite arrival at the feast?”
“Of course. I’ll see if Zero and Keisha will come along also. But please remember, you are not to speak to the day-class students without my prior permission.”
“Of course headmaster. I will take your leave now.”
Kaien nodded. “Give Kaname and Yuki my kindest regards and love.”
“I will.” Hanabusa says, turning and walking out of the room.


Opening the house door, both Keisha and Zero marched into the house; still cross. Keisha more so than Zero, of course. Waltzing up the stairs, she walked into her room to get changed.
“Don’t forget to slam the door!” Zero called out. Oh that jerk! Keisha thought aggravated. Quickly stripping out of her uniform and into her pyjamas, she stormed back downstairs.
“For someone who acts all serious and mature; you’re really childish.” She said, opening the fridge, intending to make a salad.
“You’re one to talk.”
“Just shut up, silver-head.” She snapped pouring a bit too much vinegar into the salad. “You’re such a pain. After all the girls might think of you, I’d gladly give up having to live under the same roof with you.” She said picking up a spoon and walking back upstairs. “They can have it for free!”
When she disappeared from sight, Zero let out a sigh. Why was he being such a pain; he’d never fought like this before. Or been this rude. There was just something about her that…uh! It didn’t necessarily anger him. It just…stirred him up inside. Kaien said it clearly though; he had to apologise. If only for the sake of ties with the Association, putting down his little meal, he treaded slowly up the stairs to her room. This was really going to hurt…his ego. He knocked gently on the door.
“Go away Kiryu, I’m tired of arguing.” Her voice reflected her statement.
“That’s a surprise.” He spoke, instantly regretting it. He opened the door and stepped in. She sat cross-legged on her bed eating her salad. The Television was on a sports car channel; but it didn’t look like she was actually watching. She frowned when he walked in.
“Um, hello? You know, there’s this crazy new ethical invention; it’s called privacy. Try exercising it, will you?”
Zero shook his head. “Do you have a reply to everything?”
“Yes, yes I do. Now, go away or I’ll tell uncle you’re bothering me and invading my privacy.”
“I’m shaking.” Zero said sarcastically. Damn it Zero! He thought; you came to apologise.
“What the heck’s your problem anyway?” She snapped, setting aside her salad on the table. “You have to keep having a go at me? How can you possibly hate me so much, when I just got here??”
There was a pause. Zero let out a sigh. “No, that’s not it.” He said quietly. He moved over to the bed and she frowned. “I’d never hate you, Keisha. I was just worried when I saw Hanabusa with you, that’s all.”
“My father’s a leading hunter.” She said simply.
“You’re not, though.” He replied. When she didn’t respond he added. “Look, I came to apologise. I might have overacted and, well, I’m sorry.”
“Might have??” She asked.
“Keisha; you’re not making it any easier for me…”
“I don’t plan to.” She said simply. “Now, if you could take yourself out of my room, it would be much appreciated.” She said, brushing her hair out of her face.
His gaze again fell to her throat and half-exposed shoulder. Feeling his gaze, Keisha casually pulled up her top a bit further. Much to her surprise, Zero moved to sit right in front of her and gently moved her hand from her top, once again exposing part of her bare shoulder. She looked up in shock.
“Zero…?” She asked. His gaze was locked to her throat and neck and he didn’t reply. “I—I thought I asked you to leave.” She said moving back a little.
He looked up at her and her eyes widened. They were crimson. Oh no. Oh no-no-no, please no. Not now! Her vampire weapon was in her uniform! What did the headmaster say? Always keep the weapon on you. She didn’t think he literally meant ‘always’. Maybe she’ll keep it under her pillow from now on.
“You never apologized.” He said huskily. She shook her head.
“Zero, snap out of it!” She breathed. Trying to get distance between them. Taking hold of her arms, he pushed her down to lay on top of her. Oh no; bad-bad, very bad idea. She thought frantically. His soft silver hair spilled onto her cheek and neck as his lips touched her throat. Her hair was spread out on the mattress, and his hand brushed it lightly, before moving down to rest on her waist.
“Zero, I mean it!” She said stiffening as his tongue grazed down her throat and to her shoulder. She tried pushing him off, but his weight pinned her down – barely allowing her to flinch. She squeezed her eyes shut, expecting a sharp pain, but it never came. His breathing was ragged against her skin, and she once again tried struggling against him. His hand snaked up to her face, the thumb brushing lightly against her bottom lip.
“Mean what?” He asked raspingly, his nose lightly grazing the top of her breast. She was about to reply when he suddenly moved up to her face and pressed his lips against hers. She turned her head in rejection, but he followed; holding her head still with his hands. He was merciless. He bit her lip slightly, enough to make her open up to him. She felt for sure he’d feel her heart thudding hard against his chest. Finally giving in, she tried returning the kiss. A smile crept onto his face as he went deeper. She went completely senseless, feeling nothing but Zero. The sound of a door unlocking, however, made her freeze.
“Kids, I’m home! I have some news for you!” It was Kaien.
Zero finally pulled out with a smirk. “Say you’re sorry.”
“Get off.” She said, still trying to calm her frantic heartbeat. He leaned over and pressed their lips together again. She moved to the side. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry Zero!”
Chuckling softly, he moved so their noses met softly. “How hard was that?”
She blushed, and he actually laughed. “It’s not funny!” She scolded. He kept laughing.
“Yes it is.” He laughed.
“Get off or I’ll tell uncle you assaulted me; which, in fact, you did!” She growled. He rolled off and got up.
“I believe, senorita, your heart is still racing like a race car.” He smirked, standing in an arrogant way beside the wall. Instead of replying, she picked up her pillow and threw it in his face. He caught it in one hand and chuckled. “Temper.” He smirked. She got up and fixed her top in annoyance.
“Jerk.” She said simply. Before walking out of the room in annoyance.
“Love you too.” He said walking out behind her.
They both got down the stairs in synch, turning to see Kaien stocking up the fireplace with more firewood. He turned to see them and raised an eyebrow.
“Have you made up?” He asked. Keisha’s heart almost stopped, thinking at first he said ‘made out’. ‘Made up’ she told herself. Turning to glare at Zero, she turned back to Kaien.
“Not really.” She said folding her arms in annoyance.
“We’ve both apologised.” Zero said with a smirk and glance at Keira’s embarrassed expression.
Kaien smiled. “That’s very good to hear!” He sobered down quickly though. “And I have interesting news to share with you also.” Both Keisha and Zero nodded. “We’ve been invited to the Kuran feast.” He said, “And I’d like you both to attend.”
“What?!” Zero and Keisha exclaimed at the same time. “You’re joking.” Zero said, his humour long gone.
“I’m not.” Kaien said with a sigh. “Look, I know it’s probably not a huge joy for both of you, especially you Zero, but the invitation came from Yuki; she wanted her family to be there, her human family.”
“She’s not my family.” Zero said coldly.
“She’s my family though.” Kaien said. “And Lady Miena, Arrau, Yori, Rima and Senri are also attending.”
“I’m not going to any Kuran feast.” Zero said flatly. “I don’t care even if it were her funeral. I’m not going.”
Kaien sighed. “How about you, Keisha?”
Keisha sighed. “I—I guess I’ll go.” She shrugged.
“What?” Zero exclaimed. “No, she’s not going.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” She lashed back. “I’ll go wherever I want to, thank you very much!”
Kaien jumped in immediately. “Kids, don’t you dare start arguing again!” He sighed. “Are you sure, Keisha? It’s not compulsory.”
“I’m not thrilled by the idea of a vampire feast, but…” She shrugged. “But, I’ll go if you’re going, uncle.”
“Oh Keisha!!” Kaien beamed. “You make me so happy!! My darling little girl!” He moved over to envelope her in a hug; which she dodged.
“It’s no big deal. It might be fun.” She shrugged.
Zero let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine! I’ll go.”
Kaien grinned from ear to ear. “Oh my darling children! You’re so sweet!”
“When is it?” Keisha asked.
“Saturday.” Kaien supplied. “In the afternoon, finishes late into the night. You know vampires…”
“I see.” Keisha nodded. “Well okay. Is that what Hanabusa said?”
“Yes. And he said he wouldn’t be back on school grounds without permission and apologised for any disturbances. I didn’t give him permission to talk to Yori or any other day class students.”
“That’s one piece of good news.” Zero said slumping onto the sofa.
“Well, I’m going to bed.” Keira said with a yawn. “Night everyone.” She said turning back to walk back up the stairs and into the room.
When he was sure she was gone, Kaien turned back to Zero, serious again. “You know, Keisha’s father called to see how she’s doing.”
“Yeah?” Zero asked, slipping back into his serious-bored expression.
“He wanted to be certain she’d be okay here.” Kaien sighed. “I’m thinking of giving her access to the Training Centre.”
Zero shrugged. “If you feel that’s best.”
Kaien smiled. “So what exactly caused you to change your mind about the feast, Zero?”
Zero gave him a look and got up. “Well I can’t let you go get Yori and Keisha killed, now can I? Two hunters, two humans and room full of vampires and purebloods. Not that I doubt your renounced title; but that’s still a recipe for disaster.”
“I think you mean three hunters. Keisha’s going as well.”
“She’s not a hunter yet.” Zero said flatly, moving up the stairs to his room. “Just a hunter’s daughter.”

Another Quarrel

Sliding her fingers across the wooden cabinet at the end of her room, Miena gave a small smile.
“It’s not exactly 10-star,” She said turning around. “But it’s well-kept.”
“Thank you, my Lady.” Josiah said bowing low again. “My Lady, a vampire by the name of Kāos has requested you audience; he has brought with him sixteen other vampires.”
Miena smiled again, turning around to look as Josiah carefully. “You’re afraid I shall appoint other vampires and leave you in the distance, my sweet Josiah?”
He bowed lower still. “I—I do, my lady. However being of any service to a pureblood is always an honour. I seek no more.”
“Oh Josiah…” Miena smiled sweetly, walking gracefully over stand right in front of him. “I don’t discard those that aid me.” She traced his jaw with her fingers with a growing smile. “I am not Kaname Kuran.” He froze at the mention of their previous Dorm President. With a small chuckle, she continued to stroke his cheek gently.
“Yes my lady…” He said, hypnotised by Miena’s touch.
“All I ask is for your undying loyalty, as I ask from all those I choose to keep…close.” She whispered seductively. “You will grant me that, won’t you sweet Josiah?”
Josiah gulped, feeling the close proximity with the Lady Miena jarring his very soul. “Forever, My Lady. I will remain loyal to you until my last breath.”
“I know you will…” She said sweetly moving back. “Let Kāos in.”
“Of course, my lady.” He said. Getting up quietly, he quickly walked out of the room.
Miena smirked; they were so easy. No wonder they were played so easily by Kaname. She turned back to the large window opposite the door. The bright round moon in the blue-black sky…how beautiful. Her simple long silver flute appeared in her left hand, raising it softly to her lips, she began to play. The melodious tune was carried off by the winds, travelling to every corner of the Night dorm and the fields outside. For a while she kept playing the tune beautifully; it was a sound of perfection, of grace and beauty. She played effortlessly; string the notes perfectly along in time and pitch. After a few moments longer, she softly ended the piece.
She smiled; things were at peace – for now. She should know better than anyone; peace doesn’t ever last very long. Slipping the flute back into her coat. She waited for the vampires outside her door to finally decide to knock. They did.
“Come in.” She said, moving to sit onto the new divan she’d ordered. He stepped in; Kāos. Dark brown hair, of average height and build but with eyes as black as charcoal. Stepping forward three steps, then kneeling down as he always did.
“My Lady Miena.” He greeted respectfully.
“Dear Kāos.” She smiled. “Please, get up.” He rose back to his feet.
“As you wish. I have brought vampires who approached me and asked to come to the Academy.” He said gesturing to the door. “A man named Josiah is showing them to their rooms.”
“I see.” She nodded. “And who is still waiting outside the door?”
The door opened again, and in entered two vampires. A girl with orange hair tied up in pigtails and a boy with purple brown hair and grey blue eyes.
“This is Rima Touya and Senri Shiki.” Kāos introduces. “They wished to see you in person.”
“Very well.” Miena nods. “You may leave for now Kāos; I would think they would like to talk to me in person, privately.”
With a nod, Kāos’s body vaporised, as he left the trio in peace.
“I heard of your loyalty to Kaname Kuran.” Miena said tossing her hair back. “Not that it matters now. However, I also heard of the loss of dear Takuma Ichijo. My deepest condolences to you both.”
Their eyes widened at the motion. Rima looked away with a sigh. “We came to see who the new president was. Miena Tori, am I correct?”
“Indubitably.” Miena smiled and got up with a sigh. “So I must ask. Regarding Takuma’s sword; I would hope you have kept it somewhere secure.”
Senri looked up this time. There was silence for a while, and then he spoke. “Yes.”
Miena turned to look out the window again. “I can bring him back you know.”
Both Rima and Senri looked back suddenly. “How?” They both asked in union. When Miena didn’t reply, Rima sighed.
“You’re lying.” Rima frowned.
Miena laughed and turned to face the two. “Such little faith?” She shook her head. “I can, but I know he is devoted only and only to Kaname Kuran. If I raise him from his coffin, he will have to accept me as his master.”
Senri frowned. “So…you can find him for us? Bring him back?”
“If he’s ready to bind his life to mine; yes, I can.” Miena supplied. “However, that is his choice. Kaname could have well brought him back, for a small price of course, but he didn’t.” Miena smirked. “But perhaps he didn’t require Takuma’s further service…”
“Takuma gave his life for Lord Kaname!” Rima shouted. “How could Lord Kaname turn his back on him?!”
“But on the same token, perhaps I am wrong, although that doesn’t happen very often. Perhaps Kaname has his own reasons for turning away from Takuma.”
Senri spoke up this time. “We just wanted to know exactly what you wanted from us.”
“I want nothing, except whatever you wish to give, Senri.” Miena spoke smoothly. “However if you are asking why I came here? Perhaps as time flows on, the answer will be as clear as the full moon in the night sky.”
Rima and Senri glanced at each other before bowing down. “Yes, Lady Miena.”
The sound of a flute woke Keisha up. She wasn’t really in deep sleep before anyway, getting up quietly, she opened her window and letting in the cool night breeze. She breathed in the fresh smell of the early spring night air. It smelt beautiful. Hmm…how about a quick stroll outside? She knew that Prefects were supposed to patrol during the night as well as the day, but Kaien had insisted in the letter she let Zero handle the night. She smirked, he’d insisted not ordered. Slipping her Hunter’s knives into her belt, she slipped on her shoes and leapt out of the window to the short distance to the ground. Landing gracefully, she turned to the path to the Academy gates. Running sprightly down the paths and through the forest area, she made her way into the school, her long black hair flying around her.
She finally reached the fountain area and stopped to catch her breath. She loved running; especially on a cool but not too cold night like this. She sat down exhausted.
“Ai amah!” She breathed. “That was fun, but exhausting.” She turned around to splash some water onto her face. Sighing gratefully, she leant back on the fountain edge and closed her eyes. She lay tuning herself in with the environment. There was no one nearby, but she felt too tired to be sure. Patrolling probably involved more ‘guarding’ and less ‘kick back and relaxing’, but the headmaster did say Zero had it relatively under control.
“What are you doing?” It was Zero. Uh! You’re not meant to be here, she thought; Go away! Instead she sat up with a sigh and gave him the bored look he usually gave her.
“Patrolling.” She answered. He folded him arms and gave her a look.
“Go to bed girly; you’ll only get in the way.” He said. “You seem to be doing more relaxing than patrolling.” Don’t you think I know that? She thought sarcastically. She got up and folded her arms, taking his stance.
“Get in the way? Girly?” She asked. “You act as if this is some mafia undercover work. How can I possibly get in your way as you waltz around making sure little day-class kids are in bed and night-class are in class?” She asked, giving him a look. “It’s like babysitting.”
He sighed. “You’re always ready for a fight aren’t you?” He walked over to the fountain. “There are classes of vampires running in that room, and always the possible lovesick human girl or boy, who thinks it’s okay to go take photos of them, or even talk to them. Honey, there’s a bloody pureblood in there. What do you think happens if she finds one and gets a little thirsty?”
“Then go protect them.” Keisha answers in the same tone.
“What if she finds you here and gets thirsty?”
“Bad luck for her.”
“Keisha, please!” He sighed. “You don’t know what you’re dealing with here. You can’t act like—,” He stopped short.
“I can’t act like what, Zero?” She asked, confused. He turned around to face a figure behind them.
“Well well…” A girl chucked. “Keisha Vinn and Zero Kiryu. I thought I sensed two hunter bred rogues.”
“Miena.” Zero said simply. She stepped out from behind the trees and into the moonlight. Lady Miena Tori.
“Zero.” She returned. “Hm.” She smiled tapping her silver flute to her cheek thoughtfully. “Correct me if I’m wrong Kiryu, but I don’t believe you ever formally introduced me to your little friend there. How rude.”
Zero narrowed his eyes. “What do you want, pureblood?”
She laughed. “You’re so funny, my sweet Kiryu. I’m asking you to introduce me, of course.” Zero didn’t flinch. Feeling a little awkward, Keisha raised her hand in the friendliest way she could muster.
“I’m Keisha.” She supplied. “Nice to meet you.”
Miena smiled. “Likewise.” She drifted a bit closer. “I’m sure you know who I am, though. But allow me to reintroduce myself; I’m Miena.”
“Miena Tori, yes?” Keisha asked. “Your parents own the Torrita Star Resorts, don’t they?”
She stiffened for an instant, but then relaxed again. “They do. I see you did your research.” She said moving to stand beside Keisha.
“We have other places to secure, Vinn, let’s go.” Zero said flatly, locking gazes with Miena.
Miena smirked. “Well then in that case; don’t let me keep you.”
“Come on Keisha.” Zero said walking back away from the fountains.
“Uh…see ya.” She said uncomfortably to the pureblood, before turning to follow Zero. As soon as she got out of hearing range, Zero turned to face her heatedly.
“You’re such an idiot, Vinn!!” He said angrily.
“What?” Keisha gave him a confused look.
“You won’t come out patrolling again; is that understood?!” He said.
“Why not?!”
“Because I said so!” Zero fumes. “God Keisha, will you stop irritating me like this?! You’re so damned pigheaded, you don’t listen – you just argue! You drive me bloody crazy! I can’t work with someone like you!! Why can’t you be more like Yuki, and just be a bit more compliant!?? Heck, if it weren’t for Kaien and your father, I doubt I’d have to put up with you!” He’d only said the words before realising what he’d said and turned away with a sigh. They both stood silently, soaking in his harsh words. More like Yuki? Her father and Kaien? She drove him crazy and irritated him? “Keisha…I—,”
“Shut up, Kiryu.” Keisha cut in. “You’ve said enough.” She turned around; she’d fought with him before, but this time she felt she could be close to tears. Taking in a deep breath; she ran.
“Keisha!!” His voice echoed as she only ran faster, her hair flying wildly, her shoes digging in further in the ground. She heard him call out again, but his voice was more distant and she ran faster and faster. Her breath more ragged as she approached the path leading to the house. You obviously don’t want me around Zero, she thought, so have it your way.

A bit of revenge

“Lady Yuki, I’m not sure that dress will be…adequate. Try this one.” Ruka suggested, handing Yuki a pink and white dress with lacy fringes.
Yuki almost pulled a face, but then nodded. “I’ll try it.” Yuki and Ruka had decided to go shopping for the Kuran feast coming up. Hanabusa had joined them, but went visiting other shops while they shopped for dresses.
“It’s beautiful. Yuki smiled. “We’ll take it. I hope Hanabusa bought enough food.”
Ruka scoffed. “He’d have bought enough cake, for sure. He can be such a pig sometimes.”
“Hey, I like cake!” Yuki smiled. Then shook her head. “But I see your point. Perhaps we best go rescue the poor shopkeeper he’s bargaining with.”
The girls walked out of the stall and headed down to the Bakery, and sure enough, Hanabusa stood pointing out box after box of cake and other confectionaries. Walking right up to him, Ruka wacked her hand against his head.
“Ow! Ruka! What was that for??” Hanabusa asked rubbing his head.
“Lord Kaname would be very unimpressed seeing the amount of sweets and lack of actual food you’re purchasing, idiot.”
He rubbed his head again. “I was going to buy some food next anyway. Cake’s food too you know.” Ruka raised her hand, making him wince. “Okay-okay!” He conceded. “Er, shopkeeper sir, that’s enough, thanks. Could we also place an order for some dinner delicacies you may have to offer?”
Yuki chuckled. “Okay guys, I’ll wait outside. Come out when you’re done.”
“But Lady Yuki, you shouldn’t be left alone!” Hanabusa protested, but it was too late. Yuki stepped out the door and left the two to finish their purchasing.
She took a seat on the public seats with a sigh. Hanabusa assured her all was well, but something had occurred when he went to check on them that he was hiding from her. Kaname knew what happened too; Hanabusa had told him. But they both kept it from her. She knew it involved Zero; she’d caught onto that much – but no more.
“Zero…” She sighed. “Maybe if I’m lucky, you will be the one to kill me. If it has to be someone, I’d want it to be you.”
Her ears perked up again as Ruka and Hanabusa stepped out of the shop and looked around for her. I guess, she thought, time will tell.


Humming a soft tune, Kaien had set about making breakfast. Zero and Keisha had had a fight. Although it seemed worse this time, he observed. Zero set about sharpening one of the hunter swords, while Keisha flicked though channels on T.V. and they hadn’t spoken a word since they gotten ready for school.
“You kids are awfully quiet today.” He voiced, putting out the breakfast. Zero paused for a moment, and then continued sharpening the sword.
“Just a bit sleepy still, that’s all, uncle.” Keisha replied, turning off the telly.
“Sleepy?” Kaien raised an eyebrow. “What time did you go to bed, dear?”
“Not late.” She replied moving over to the breakfast table. “Actually, I’m not that hungry. I should get going. I trust the students, but I should get there before the gates open. Bye, uncle.” She waved, picking up her bag and heading out the door. As soon as the door closed, Kaien turned to Zero.
“Zero…” He started sternly.
“Yes, it’s my fault and yes, I know I shouldn’t have said what I did.” Zero said with a sigh. “I better go too.” He said picking up his bag and walking out.
The door closed and Kaien shook his head. Kids.


Keisha had well and truly avoided Zero completely at school. He frowned, what he had said may have been wrong, but it certainly wasn’t that bad. Why was she being so…withdrawn? Usually he couldn’t get her to shut up. But now, as they walked to town, as Kaien insisted they do after school, she hadn’t uttered a word. The shops came up ahead, and she acted as if she had come alone. Walking straight into one of the grocery shops, she started talking to the shopkeeper, pointing out to certain items. Zero came to stand beside her. She didn’t acknowledge his presence.
“No, not that one!” She said, slightly leaning over the counter to point at the other loaves of bread in line on the shelves. “Those.”
Waddling over to where she had pointed, he plopped them into a bag, along with the other groceries and put them on the counter with a smile.
“That’ll be fifty dollars, miss.” He spoke. She nodded and dug out her purse. Pulling out a fifty dollar note, Zero handed it to the shopkeeper and picked up the bags. She looked like she was about to protest, but after thinking better of it; she pursed her lips and walked out of the shop. With a nod to the keeper, Zero walked out after her. She had taken what he said way too seriously. Even he was never this cold.
He looked around to see where she was, only to find her walking into another shop. He walked to the shop door, but then stopped. ‘Ladies’ Garments’, read the shop label. Shaking his head, he walked in; she had to have picked this next on purpose – knowing this is the last place he would want to go shopping. She breezed through the dresses and clothing before finally settling on two simple yet elegant dresses and three tops and two jeans. Zero sat down with a sigh as she went in to try the various items, growing more and more bored. She was taking longer just to get back at him – he knew it. In honesty she wasn’t the pink and fashion girly type, he knew that for sure; she was just annoying him. Good job indeed.
“I’ll take these.” She said to the shop manager, handing them over. She glanced at me lightly before turning away with a small smirk. “Now…for the shoes.” She said, loud enough for Zero to her. He groaned in annoyance. She was so damned…uh!
Finally she ran out of things to purchase, and took her things to the counter. Putting all the clothes and shoes and scarves and shawls and…whatever else into bags, they turned to look at us both.
“That’ll be 270.” The lady said with a smile. Zero sighed and pulled out the money to pay and grabbed the other bag, walking out of the store.
That’ll teach you, Keisha smiled. She was actually annoyed with shopping as well, but she assumed it was much worse for Kiryu. Good for her.
Walking back towards the house Zero glanced at Keisha. She still hadn’t spoken to him. He sighed; fine then, he’ll talk to her.
“Keisha, look…” He started.
“Save your breathe Kiryu.” She said cutting in. “Don’t want to hear it.”
Zero frowned. “Too bad then, because you’ll just have to.” He said. She didn’t fire back like she usually did. He sighed. “Look…I’m sorry about what I said last night. I—I shouldn’t have said that.” She continued walking without a word. He looked at her but then turned away with a sigh. “I never meant it to hurt you, Keisha. I was just…just a bit…” He sighed again. “I don’t know, angry? Upset?” Worried about you? He thought.
“You meant every word, Kiryu.” She said, keeping her gaze locked ahead of her. “I know.” Often when we spill over with emotion, the deepest feelings, and the truth, come out. He was definitely aggro over the top that time. And she had no doubt he meant every word.
“Keisha, I didn’t mean every word the way I said it…please, it’s not like I hate you or that you’re impossible to work with because you’re a nuisance. It’s just—,”
“Just stop it!” She said loudly. “Leave me alone, okay? I have to complete one term at least here; then I’ll be out of your hair for good.”
Zero stopped. “One term? What do you mean?”
She finally stopped and turned to stare back at him. “I called my father last night, and don’t worry; I didn’t mention you, and he agreed I can transfer to another school at the end of the term. You can just fly solo again after that.” She turned back and started walking again. Lord, she took it way too seriously, Zero thought. Staring at her walking ahead he contemplated if he would be happier if she left. Would he? He sighed, that’s not exactly what he wanted though. Clenching his jaw, he followed behind her. Why did he have to explode at her like that?! Are you happy now? A voice asked through his head. Shut up, he breathed.


The Feast

The silhouettes of two bodies could be seen in the dark room. A tall confident woman draining the blood from another vampire. They stood for a few more moments as she dug her fangs deeper until the second body dropped to the floor with a sigh.
“Lady Miena…” The figure released. Wiping her mouth she stepped out of the room. She’d had tasted better, she decided, but it was better than nothing. She walked into the bathroom, checking her dark dress carefully – good, no blood spill. It was a sleek dress, the straps of the dress hung low on her arms. She had on the most lustrous jewellery and kept her flute between the folds of her dress. Pulling out her flute, she cracked a smile; this would be a most interesting feast.
“Lady Miena?” Some knocked on the door. She sighed and opened the door. Kāos stood on the other side, she smiled.
“Kāos, is something the matter?”
He bowed down. “Rima and Senri seem to say they are…bored, of waiting outside. They wished to know when the departure will be.”
“Soon.” Miena waved off.
“Yes, my Lady.” He bowed again. “Are we going by foot or car?”
Miena frowned; she didn’t even need to walk – she could teleport; so could he. But then she nodded. “We’ll take the car.”
“As you wish.” He said. And with that, he turned and left. Miena smiled; Kāos had been loyal to her since she could remember. But that was because the Tori family had giving him shelter when no else had. How did Kaname buy the loyalties of the likes of Rima, Senri and Tamaki? She turned back to face the mirror. And it wasn’t just because he was a pureblood. Tying her hair up with a clip, she thought carefully. What was it about that man? What spell had he casted?
“Well Kaname, seems we’ll be talking soon enough.” She smiled. “I’m sure there’s much I could learn from you…and Yuki.”


Keisha stepped downstairs in a neat sapphire dress with white highlights and a slightly low cut neckline. It was simple, but looked fabulous. The folds of the dress reached down to her toes and she wore simple matching earrings and necklace, with her signature bracelet. She never took it off. Zero examined it closely this time. It was silver, with pale red and blue streaks knotted together. Small charms hung off it with various alien symbols. Tearing his gaze of the bracelet, he scanned her figure again as she breezes to the cabinet.
“Uncle Kaien?” She called.
“Yes dear?” His voice came from the kitchen.
“Have you seen my shawl? I brought it down before; but I don’t know where it’s gone.”
“Here.” Zero said. She stopped abruptly and turned to look at him. Zero held a blue and white shawl in his hand. Her gaze brushed over his figure. He hadn’t put in as much effort as he could. He wore a suit, but in his casual style. No tie and rolled up sleeves; clean boots though. She walked over and held out her hand. Spreading it out he, pulled it around her; much to her surprise. He held onto the two ends at the base of her neck and they stared at each other for a long moment.
“I like your bracelet.” He said softly. He touched her wrist with the bracelet gently as if to add weight to his comment. She froze at the touch again. It was so…weird. Finally pulling her hand away she took a step back, strangely disappointed.
“Thanks for the shawl.” She said simply, turning to walk into the kitchen.
Releasing a sigh, Zero turned to watch her leave. “My pleasure.” He said quietly.
The door opened and who else but Yagari walked in smugly.
“You weren’t planning on leaving without me were you?” He asked, in his usual attire.
“Yagari.” Keisha smiled. “Great to see you’re coming.”
“Are the others here yet?” Kaien asked walking out.
“Yori and Arrau are here.” Yagari gestured as a light skinned girl with short light brown hair stepped into the house with a bow. She was dressed in pink and beige. Arrau stepped in after her; dressed well in his suit with a red rose in his pocket. Keisha walked over to Yori and smiled.
“I’m Keisha; pleased to meet you.” She said sticking out her hand.
“I’m Yori.” The girl smiled shaking her hand. “I guess we’d better make a start.”
Kaien laughed. “You’ll meet Yuki soon enough Yori. Come on let’s get going, Miena is probably waiting with the others at the gates.”
Arrau stepped in front of Keisha with a teasing smile. “What and you’re not pleased to meet me?”
Keisha smiled back. “Sure I am…”
He laughed and enveloped her in a small hug. “Okay then, shall we get going?”
“I think we shall.” Yagari smiled walking out.
Keisha smiles. “Who’s the rose for?”
Arrau laughed. “We’ll see.” Rolling his eyes, Zero walked out after Yagari.
They stepped outside to see a car roll up to them; a limo. The window slid down slowly and Miena sat inside, some strands of her blood red hair fell on her face.
“Well-well-well; it seems you could all do with a ride.” She said.
Kaien smiled. “Thank you Miena.” Opening the door, he stepped inside, followed by the others. As luck had it, Keisha had to squeeze in beside Kiryu. Joy. The car pulled out of the paths and onto the road.
“We’ll be there in 20 minutes.” The driver spoke.
“Thanks Kāos.” Miena replied. She glanced at and smiled. “Keisha, how are you.”
“I’m alright.” Keisha replied. “Rima, Senri.” She greeted. They raised their hands.
“Hey.” Rima spoke. Senri yawned.
“So what are we gonna do there?” Zero asked flatly.
“Enjoy yourself, Zero.” Miena replied, before Kaien.
“Are we going to be…you know, the only humans there?” Yori asked.
“We are.” Kaien replied from beside the driver. “But that doesn't mean anything really. It’s just like any other party…”
“Until you tick someone off.” Zero added. “Look, just stay close to us. Okay?”
Yori nodded. “I just…I just want to see Yuki. Is she doing well? Is Kaname treating her properly? How does she fit in in her new life? You know…”
Zero arched an eyebrow. Keisha smiled. “Of course Yori.” Kaien said. “I’ll take you.”
The car hit a bump, and they all swung sideways. Keisha collided into Zero with a thud. He wrapped his arms around her to prevent a chain reaction of falls. The car sped on.
“Uh…” Keisha looked up. Violet eyes, just as shocked as she felt. Heart thudding a little louder, she pulled away with a blush. An awkward silence fell upon them until Yagari cracked up laughing.
“Care to share what’s so funny?” Zero asked giving him a look.
“Nothing really.” He laughed. “Anyway we’ll be arriving at the hall soon enough.”
Zero gave him a look, before turning to gaze out of the window; Miena’s gaze heavy on him.


The soft music of the orchestra radiated from the Kuran House. They had a formal welcome from the footmen, who escorted them into the hall. The hall and footmen stopped and bowed lowly to the ground as they entered. Lady Miena – of course; pureblood influence. The interior was magnificent. Keisha walked in with awe. Large chandeliers hung off the roof, curtains were of a dark red royal colour. Tables were set up along the walls with appetizers. She looked carefully – they seemed normal enough. She winced, though what if there was weird filling and stuff? Like blood in the spring rolls. Her through tightened in disgust – she wouldn’t be hungry tonight.
“Would you like a drink?” A voice asked from behind her. She swung around to look into the same icy blue eyes of Hanabusa. She smiled.
“No thank you.” She shrugged. “I’m alright.” He laughed. She quirked her eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head still laughing. “The drinks aren’t spiked. They’re normal drinks you’d have had. Lemonade, juice…and blood.” He chuckled. Her eyes widened and he laughed again. “Just a joke. There’s no blood. We vampires aren’t that lowly.”
She smirked. “Aren’t you?”
‘No, not really.” His smiled widened as he looked behind her. “Zero! How kind of you to join us.”
She turned to see his grumpy figure looking daggers at the blonde vampire. She turned her back on him and turned to walk to the tables. Despite what he had said – she still felt weary about eating anything there, but a glass of water couldn’t hurt.
“Keisha Naoi Vinn.” A man said with a smile at her. “Only daughter of a top ranking Hunter Jiaozuo Vinn. One sibling. Male. Arrau Vinn. Mother Zany Vinn. Attends school at Cross Academy.”
She looked at him surprised. “Seems you really have me mapped out. Now may I ask who you might be?”
He smiled and stepped forward. “Ladino Pavaki.” He grinned. “At your service.”
“And…you know so much about me because…?”
He chuckled. “My father works in the council. We need to keep tabs on leading hunters. You’re father for instance.”
“And her daughter?” Keisha asked arching an eyebrow.
“I was told you would be here tonight. Along with three other hunters; yet I count four others.”
She smiled. “Why is it only vampires can see me as a Hunter? Zero pretty much laughed at the very idea.”
He frowned. “Zero Kiryu? He’s a hotspot of investigation. Especially after what happened with the Kurans.” She nodded. He continued on. “He’s leading the charts in the most feared hunter. He took on Rido, and killed two purebloods.”
Keisha sighed. “Yeah, I read the hunter’s files but…you never really know.” She shrugged.
He sighed. “Allow me to sign my death warrant and have a dance with a vampire hunter, Miss Vinn…”
She had a strange feeling, a sudden urge to agree to the dance. “Okay.” She laughed. “And don’t worry; I won’t kill you until perhaps after the dance.”
He struck out his hand with a smile. “Very well. I may as well enjoy my last dance then, hey?” She looked a bit uncomfortable, but then shrugged.
“Alright, one dance.” She took his hand. Smiling broadly, he pulled her into the centre and began dancing. She could feel the eyes of vampires on her since she first entered the room, but they seemed…heavier now.
“You’re so tense.” He remarked. “Block everyone else out.”
She glanced at him with a funny look. “How do you know whether or not everyone else is bothering me or not?”
He smiled. “Because I’m only half vampire and so I understand both vampire and human thinking and actions very well.”
Keisha tilted her head interested. “Half?” She smiled inwardly, that made more sense. The other vampires seemed a lot more hostile. She’d wondered why he was being friendly to a hunter.
“Mhm.” He nodded. “And I can sense thoughts.”
“You’re psychic?”
“Not exactly…” He shrugged. “But sort of. I can’t tell exactly what you’re thinking. But yeah.”
“Interesting.” Keisha smiled. She glanced at Zero leaning against the wall beside Yori and Arrau across the hall. She still felt a bit weird dancing with a total stranger. Why did she say yes?? That was totally out of character for her! He laughed.
“Sorry.” He smiled. “I have influence on others thoughts. I may have…” He had swayed her thoughts!
Keisha stopped abruptly. “You don’t have to be a psychic to know the end of that sentence. Just so you know; I hate the very thought of being manipulated.”
He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry.”
She stepped back into pace with the music slipping a smirk. “But I admire honesty.”
He grinned. “I thought you might.”
She laughed out loud. “And you’re a comedian. What was your name again?”
“Ladino. But I’m usually just called Dino by my friends.”
“Nice.” She grinned, speeding up with the music. “Dino it is.”

Trouble at the Kurans'

“So when is Yuki coming?” Yori asked for the hundredth time. Zero sighed irritably.
“I don’t know, and I don’t really care.” Zero said. “Just wait for a bit. Or ask Kaien.”
“Headmaster?” She asked. “Okay, hold on.” She walked down the hall to where Yagari and Kaien stood talking together in low voices.
“I don’t like it.” Arrau said leaning on the wall beside Zero. “Kiki shouldn’t be dancing with some strange vampire.” He said frowning. Zero shut his eyes; he’d seen them too. He didn’t like it either.
“You’re sister’s quite a handful.” Zero commented.
“She is.” Arrau agreed. “About the Academy though; after the huge reconstruction both the Senate and Vampire Council have had because of the…events that happened there – is this human-vampire structure really going to help?”
“I doubt it.” Zero admitted. “But it’s what the old man wants.” Zero tilted his head towards Kaien.
They stood staring and Keisha dancing and talking vivaciously with her vampire dance partner. Finally Arrau and Zero both let out a long sigh.
“Why don’t you go fetch her?” Zero asked.
“Like she’ll ever listen to me.” Arrau said rolling his eyes. “Why don’t you go?”
Zero gave him a look. “She hates my guts.”
Arrau shook his head. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She hates most vampires.” Zero felt a sinking feeling in his stomach for some strange reason. Arrau continued. “I think we’ll need to get her some more combat training. She’s been asking for it but…father and I didn’t see why she’d need it so soon.”
Zero frowned. “How much does she have?”
“A bit of the basics.” Arrau shrugged. “Oh well, she’s as stubborn as a mule when she wants to be. I’m just going to go get some cake.”
“Kay.” Zero said with a nod. The song finally came to a close and Keisha and the vampire separated with a laugh. Still talking energetically to him, she moved to where the drinks were kept. Something tore inside Zero. He turned to see Arrau walking over with a plate of cake.
“The Kurans are surely taking their time.” Arrau said eating a piece of his cake.
“Mm.” Zero agreed. His eyes still glued to the couple walking casually down the hall. Standing up straight, he took a step forward. “I’m getting sick of this. Yuki comes, Yori can say hi and then we leave. I’m going to go get Keisha, you coming?”
Arrau nodded. “Yeah. I honestly don’t know what Kiki is thinking. Let’s go.” The two men walked across the hall to approach Keisha. The vampire boy stopped talking as they moved to stand directly beside the pair and Keisha turned to look at them surprised. They didn’t look too happy.
“Come on.” Zero said. “You’re coming to Kaien.”
“Why?” She asked surprised.
“Because we say so.” Zero said simply.
“Come on Kiki.” Arrau said eating another piece of his cake. “You can’t be that clueless.”
She glared at him but then sighed. “Fine. I’ll see you later?” She asked her partner. He nodded and walked off, feeling the commanding aura emanating from the two male hunters.
“Why on earth were you even with that guy?” Arrau asked tapping her head. “He doesn’t seem your type at all.”
“Of course he isn’t.” She scowled slightly. “He asked me for a dance. He’s half vamp half human. I just—,”
The large hall door opened and the three turned to face a pureblood couple step in gracefully. It was the Kurans. The hall fell silent as they entered. All the vampires bowed down low to Lady and Lord Kuran. All except Lady Miena, who, also was a pureblood and her servant Kāos, who only offered a small bow. Yuki’s eyes turned immediately to look straight at Zero. They stared silently until Yori jumped past and towards Yuki. She too turned joyfully to see her best friend and opened her arms.
“Yori!” She exclaimed happily. The two friends hugged and Kaien and Yagari walked up to stand beside them.
“How about your father?” Kaien said smiling. Yuki stepped towards him grinning and hugged him.
“I missed you father.” She said.
“Oh Yuki!” He said crying happily. Yagari rolled his eyes and smacked him on the head. Yuki turned to face Zero’s old teacher.
“Nice to see you again, Mr Yagari.” She said with a nod. He arched his eyebrow.
“Same to you, little lady.” He said. “Or rather, Lady Yuki.”
She smiled. “Yeah, I’m not so little now am I?”
“I see Zero agreed to come.” Kaname said, staring at him across the hall.
“Yes well…it wasn’t easy.” Kaien confessed. “But never mind that. Senri and Rima said they wanted to talk to you in private.” Kaname nodded.
“Perhaps I should go see them now. Yuki will want to see all of her friends.”
Yuki smiled. “Yes, thankyou Kaname.”


“The Kurans.” Arrau said in a low voice. Hanabusa appeared behind them as Kaname disappeared into some room after talking quietly with the headmaster.
“Keisha.” He said with a smile. “A dance?”
She turned to look at Zero, who glared a silent warning at the blonde. Arrau rolled his eyes but smiled.
“Why not.” She said taking his hand and moving again to the dance floor.
“Uh. That girl!” Zero growled.
Arrau laughed. “I told you, she can be stubborn when she wants to be.” He sobered up quickly. “Ay Zero? I think Lady Yuki headed over to us.”
Zero narrowed his eyes but didn’t respond.
Arrau glanced between the two, spooning another piece of cake. “I’ll leave you two to some privacy.” He said, turning to walk towards Yori for a dance.
Yuki finally walked up to stand right in front of him. “Zero.” She greeted.
He simply stared back wordlessly. She sighed.
“I have something for you.” She said walking towards the open balcony. “Coming?”
Clenching his jaw, he followed her to the balcony. She dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out a gun. The gun he’d given her so long ago. The gun she was meant to use to kill him, if he ever lost control of his human. He glared at her.
“Don’t waste my time Kuran.” He said simply, turning to leave. She took his hand quickly.
“No, wait, Zero!” She said. He pulled his hand out of her grasp coldly.
“Don’t touch me.” He growled.
“Zero please…” She said, sounding hurt. “Please listen. I’m asking you something as Yuki Cross, the human Yuki.” He stopped and looked at her carefully.
“She’s dead.” He said simply. It seemed to have bit her harder than he wanted. She winced.
“Zero…” She shook her head and held out the gun. “You don’t get it do you? I know you probably hate me now. You despise my very existence…because now I’m the vampire. But…I can’t hate you Zero.” A tear rolled off her cheek and he froze. “I asked you the last time we met, what would happen if I became a vampire…”
“I doesn’t matter now…” He said finally.
“Zero, I want you to be the one to kill me.” She said pressing the gun into his hand. “Please.”
He looked up at her warm eyes. Memories of the past washing over like new-born nightmares. He couldn’t bring himself to be any colder. He’d told her she could do anything she wanted with his life. Even her fiancé Kaname Kuran said confidently that Zero would never betray Yuki. Because there was love.
“Things have changed.” Zero said softly. She nodded silently. He sighed and looked out to the sky; Fate’s cruel games.
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while.” Yuki whispered. “I just didn’t think you’d want anything to do with me any longer.”
Zero turned back to look at her. Did he want any more to do with her? The smell of blood caught both their attentions. His heart shouted through his conscience – he recognised that scent! Pushing past Yuki, he ran back inside the hall.


Keisha saw Zero walk out onto the balcony behind Yuki Kuran. Hanabusa turned and she could no longer see the balcony.
“You dance well.” He smiled. “Did you take classes?”
Keisha turned her attention back to Hanabusa. “Thanks and no. I used to dance with my brothers.”
He frowned. “As far as I’m aware, you only have one brother.”
“Well my cousin brothers. Hunter families are usually very close.” She laughed. “They used to put crazy music on and teach me guy dance moves.”
“I see.” He grinned. He glanced up across the room to see Senri and Rima exit the room Kaname was in. He frowned – what was going on? The song ended and a new one came on. Keisha stepped back.
“Maybe I will try one of the drinks.” She said smiling.
He smiled and bowed. “I guess I’ll see you around.” He rose and walked off with a smile, it faded quickly as he made his way to the room with Lord Kaname. He could always just ask what was going on.
She turned to walk over to where the drinks were kept. A small girl tugged at her dress and she turned to smile brightly.
“Hello.” Keisha said kindly.
She gestured to a room across the narrow corridor. “You’re a vampire hunter. Hunters kill vampires don’t they?” she asked.
Keisha frowned. “Well…yes. Only bad vampires, why dear?”
Tears fell down her cheek. “You have to kill him. He’s a bad vampire, please!” She said pointing to the corridor at the end. “He’s got mommy! He’s hurting her!!”
“What??” Keisha looked up worriedly. “Go get the headmaster.” She pointed to the end of the hall. “Him. I’ll go see what’s going on; okay?” She smiled. The little girl nodded and ran off. Stepping cautiously into the corridor, she walked up to the room and knocked three times.
“Hello?” She said. “Anyone inside?” At no reply, she turned the doorknob – it wasn’t locked. Walking into the dim room she frowned – there were vampires in here. And one of them was right…beside her!
The door shut behind her and she felt a cold hand clasp her wrist. She was about to scream, but she was pulled away and a hand covered her mouth. The figure snickered – it was a male.
“Dead end, hunter.” He whispered. “Dead.”
She jerked her foot back to kick his groin, and he abruptly let go, only to pull out a rapier. She pulled out her own knives and threw them at him. He moved aside, dodging most of them, except one cutting across his arm and one across his chest. His gaze turned deadly in the dim lighting.
“You bitch!” He shouted he leapt across and started slashing wildly with his rapier. The other vampires jumped on her too attacking wildly from all directions. She began dodging and deflecting, but he pushed her to the opposing wall. He slashed at her and three others pinned her to the wall. She tried moving aside, but the knife sliced across her cheek. She winced at the pain. Pulling her head to the side by her hair, he exposed her throat.
“You disgusting pig!!” She shouted, trying to kick him.
He laughed. “Insults from a dead girl? I think I’ll live.” He said brushing his lips down her throat. She struggled against him, but his grip only tightened – causing her to cry in pain.
The door flew across the room with a crash. He stopped and turned around to look at the angry man standing where the door once was. Tilting her head, Keisha caught sight of who it was. Her heart leaped.
“Zero!” She called gratefully; close to tears. The man holding her, took her by the front of her dress and pulled her out in front of him; holding a knife to her throat.
“Stay where you are Kiryu.” He threatened. “Or an innocent human might lose her life.”
Keisha struggled as the knife pressed closer to her throat. Zero’s eyes widened remembering the situation with Yuki and Rido. He glared at the man holding the knife.
“Get your filthy hands off her.” He echoed.
The man sneered. “My master would rather she died than that. So that is what will happen.”
Zero frowned. A piece of the door ripped out and flew across the room; knocking the knife out of his clasp. The other vampires immediately started throwing all sorts of weapons at Zero and charged from all sides. Zero vaporised the weapons without even flinching, then turning to the side he leapt over his assailants. Landing gracefully on the other side, the window cracked into smaller pieces, he gestured to the group of vampires at the end. The shooting pieces of glass cut through the skins of the vampires; some going through the heart and chest. Zero stood up to his full height, assessing the final opponent. The man holding Keisha stepped back in shock; still holding Keisha by the arm as a part of the floor liquefied and wrapped around his legs. Keisha pulled out of his grasp and moved over near Zero alarmed. That’s when it happened. Zero pulled out the Bloody Rose. She looked in shock; he wasn’t going to…use it here, was he?!
“I find you’re very existence insulting. You’ll regret tonight.” He said pulling the trigger. Keisha stepped back in surprise as bright light erupted from the gun and shot towards him. His terrified expression twisted in pain, as the energy hit him. He screamed loudly before a loud explosion had the room collapsing and he shattered into a zillion pieces.
“Zero!” Keisha cried burying her face into his chest. He looked at her in surprise, but then offered a hug. When he felt her sobbing against him, a weird hurt ripped his chest. He hugged her more warmly with a sigh.
“Come on, don’t cry Keisha…” He said holding her a little tighter. “Please.” Keisha’s crying stopped, she looked up in surprised. Zero can be…kind?
“Zero.” Yuki said softly. Kaien and Arrau stood beside her, running over after hearing the commotion.
“Keisha!” Arrau said worriedly. “Your cheek! What happened?” Pulling away from Zero, she ran over to hug her brother. Zero closed his eyes thoughtfully. He didn’t want her to move away.
“Dear, what happened; what were you doing in here?” Kaien asked pulling her to him.
“There was a little girl…” She started in a quaking voice. “She wanted me to come in here.”
“A little girl??” Zero asked, his eyes widening in surprise. He turned around. “You trusted a little vampire girl and walked into a dark isolated room!? What’s wrong with you?!”
“Zero!!” Kaien scolded. “It’s okay Keisha darling.” He said giving her another hug. “Zero was just worried.” Zero gave him a look.
Kaname appeared beside her, frowning. “What obscenity.” Keisha moved back to look squarely at the pureblood. “My sincerest apologies Ms Vinn. I haven’t the faintest idea what this many vampires have been doing here.” He glanced at Zero. “Many thanks to Zero Kiryu for cleaning up this filth.”
“But there were no little kids at the feast tonight.” Yuki said frowning.
“Yuki, perhaps could you take Keisha for a drink of water and tell the footman no one may leave the house?” Kaname asked softly. Yuki nodded. Smiling at Keisha, she walked out. Keisha followed close behind.
Arrau ruffled through the dead bodies of the vampires. He stopped at the pocket. “They certainly have a lot of money on them.” He said going through each of their jackets. He looked up frowning. “They each have exactly one thousand dollars – each.”
Kaien frowned. “They were paid for this job.” He shook his head and took off his glasses. “No doubt the ‘small girl’ was one of their ways of getting Keisha in here. Which can only mean; that…”
“…Someone’s after her.” Arrau finished.
“Who?” Zero asked.
“One of our dad’s enemies no doubt.” Arrau replied frowning. Keisha and Yuki walked back into the room.
“No one’s leaving the building.” Yuki confirmed. “Until you give the word.”
Kaname smiled. “Thank you, Yuki.”
“Perhaps, Zero, you should take Keisha home now. We’ll figure out what’s going on here.”
Zero nodded and pulled her out. They walked silently past some of the guests and to the door. The footmen stopped them at the base of the stairs.
“Let them go.” Kaname spoke from behind them. The footmen nodded and stepped aside. Kaname moved over to stand in front of Keisha. “Again, I’m very sorry about what happened tonight. My most sincere apologies.”
“That’s okay.” Keisha said with a small nod.
“My apologies to you too…Zero.” He said carefully.
Zero didn’t reply. Pulling out a gun, he handed it to Kaname. It was the one he’d given Yuki – who had given it back today, when asking him to be the one to kill her in the future.
“I think Lady Kuran dropped this.” Zero said simply, walking past. “Keisha, come on.”
Keisha awkwardly nodded thanks to Kaname, before catching up with Zero. Kaname frowned…he’d seen Yuki with this gun, but how had Zero gotten hold of it? Looking out from the balcony, tears slipped down Yuki’s face. He’d returned the gun. He didn’t want anything to do with her. Her only crime being born a pureblood, and then accepting that fate? Another tear slid down her cheek. Zero; why?


They walked in silence for a while. Before Keisha finally spoke up.
“Why couldn’t we take the car?” She asked. Zero didn’t reply. She sighed and kept walking. He was so gentle before, why was he again back to the no-talk-only-glare Zero? She looked up at the large mansion. It was an image of perfection…except for a huge hole in one end – the room the fought in.
“What exactly were you thinking going into that room?” Zero asked finally.
She sighed. “A small girl asked me to kill a bad-vampire, because he had her mom. I told her to go get Kaien while I checked it out…”
“Okay, so what on Earth made you think you could handle it on your own??” Zero asked crossly. She didn’t reply. She was a Hunter’s daughter. She believed in justice and she was worried for the girl’s mother; that was the reason.
“I just did.” She said finally. They kept walking; she looked back at the mansion with its hole. “I kinda feel bad. You blew up a hole in their house.”
He didn’t slow. “They’re purebloods. They can fix it.” He replied nonchalantly.
“Thanks for today Zero.” She said. “And I’m sorry for the trouble I caused.” She said softly. Zero stopped walking. He looked at her thoughtfully.
“You scared us to death.” He said. “I want to know why you didn’t just call me straight away. Or Arrau?”
Keisha looked up sheepishly. “You looked busy with Lady Yuki and…Arrau was dancing with Yori. I…I guess it’s probably because I’m a Hunter’s daughter. Maybe it’s just in my blood.”
Zero looked sternly at her but then sighed. “Keisha.” He pulled her in for a hug. She froze at the intimacy. “You got hurt.” He added, brushing her cheek. “It kills me to think what if I hadn’t gotten there in time…” She closed her eyes as a light feeling took over. Everything felt misty for a moment. She opened her eyes to find herself in her room; still in the hands of Zero Kiryu. She looked up into the violet eyes in surprise.
He smiled. “I teleported us.” The trance crashed. He could teleport??
“Then why didn’t you do that before?!” Keisha asked stepping back. He smiled. He could only teleport when certain tides rolled in and they roll in and out at random times. The Shifting Tides. Ohhh yea.
“Good to see you’re feeling better.” He shook his head and stepped outside the room. “Get changed and I’ll cook us up something to eat.” With that, he walked out of the room.
With his departure, she felt the cold envelope her again. She was a fail at being a Hunter. Stripping out of her clothes, she dressed herself in her nightclothes again and stepped out of her room. She could hear the shower running. Walking into the living room, she walked over to the veranda, staring out at the night sky. She rubbed her face in exhaustion. She couldn’t do anything right. Father would have been so…disappointed. She wanted to be a lead Hunter too but…she was always getting rescued. Then there was Zero. He was so…powerful. She curled up on the chair thoughtfully; she never imagined he’d have so much power. It seemed to be greater than even a pureblood!
She shook her head and looked back at the sky. Useless, why did she have to be so absolutely useless? The sound of music had her up with a start. Zero had gotten changed and he walked over. His hair still wet, the smell he had was unique. His aura was even more so. Powerful but mysteriously diverse. He walked up and kneeled down beside her.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked tenderly.
Keisha cleared her throat. “Nothing serious. I think the only thing that really hurts would be my ego.” She joked.
He took her chin in his hand. “Now, about that cut.” He leaned forward. Her eyes widened, thinking he was going to kiss her or something. His lips brushed across the cut on her cheek. She closed her eyes, the slight sting fading. A light tingly feeling where her cut was. She felt the tingling stop and he drew back. She opened her eyes and touched her cheek. She couldn’t feel any cut. It was gone! She looked up at him with surprise.
“Is there anything you can’t do?” She ask bewildered.
He smirked. “You really want an answer to that?” She smiled and got up shaking her head. “All I know is you danced with every vampire at the Kuran Feast; but not me.”
Keisha laughed. “What would a vampire Vampire-Hunter want, dancing with little old me?” She said walking towards the kitchen.
He reached out and took her arm. “Quite a lot actually.”
She grinned and they both stepped into place and began dancing to the faster music playing on the radio. Twirling around with the song she laughed loudly.
“Who knew Mr Grumpy and Serious knew how to have fun.” She said doing another twirl. He pulled her over by the arm and lifting her up he swung her around. She squealed. “Zero!” She laughed. Putting her down softly, he swiftly took her mouth in his. She froze for an instant but then relaxed and followed his lead. Feeling her mind and heart in overdrive, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her hands in his soft hair as his arms snaked around her waist. The kiss deepened and she felt his heart beating against hers. She smiled; what a man. The song came to an end and she finally ended the kiss, completely out of breath. He smiled.
“How’s that for fun?” He smirked cheekily. She looked at him bewildered, still trying to calm herself down. She stepped out of his grasp and shook her head.
“I think I’m out of my mind.” She sighed. He smiled and stepped forward again. Figuring out his intensions, she took another step back scared. He seemed to notice this and stopped. Confusion reflected on his face, and he looked away with a sigh. She felt her heart sink – she hadn’t meant it as a rejection.
“Yeah, you should get some sleep.” He said not looking back at her. Her eyes softened, he was upset… “Are you okay now?” He asked looking up briefly.
She nodded. “Yeah, I—I’m fine.” Was she?
He nodded and moved to the door. Her heart sunk even further.
“Where’re you going?” She asked worried.
He glanced at her before wrapping a cloak around him. “Kaien will need my help. Don’t wait up. Night.” He said walking out. She pressed her hand to her heart.
“Night.” She said. The door closed and she fell to her knees. What was wrong with her?? Getting up slowly, she made her way into her room. Slumping into her bed she looked up at the ceiling. His soft silky silver hair, strong body and violet eyes haunting her thoughts. This feeling had been growing within her for a while now. Was she…in love? She shut her eyes with a sigh.
In love with a vampire?? He was a hunter, but her father hated any creature that drained the blood of others to survive, and she’d always agreed. Leeches, he called them. Kaien used to agree too, until…Juri. She shook her head, but Zero’s image stayed strong in her mind. His very being, his everything swam around her mind and heart. Just one term, she told herself, before sinking into a deep sleep.


A silhouette of a cloaked man running over the roofs, cast shadows over the large mansion. He slipped in through the window and bowed down panting.
“Master…” He panted. “She…she got away. The Kiryu son appeared and all the men were killed.”
A man appeared before him in the shadows, the only feature visible were bright glowing eyes. He flung a chair at his quivering servant, who ducked down as the chair hit the wall and smashed.
“This is what I paid them for??!” He bellowed.
“Master, please…” The servant pleaded. “I’m sure they would have succeeded if the other Hunters hadn’t arrived.”
The master stood silently. “Keisha won’t get away that easily; we have too much use of her to simply let go.” He sighed. “It seems Lady Miena might be a better strategy. Go to her. Tell her your unnamed master will pay handsomely for bringing Keisha Vinn, drained of blood and energy…to the Northern graveyard. One week.”
The servant relaxed a little. “As you wish, master. May I ask, master, whether you want this girl alive or dead?”
He laughed. “I prefer her to be alive.”
The servant bowed down again. “As you wish, my Lord.”
“And make sure no one sees you.” He added. “And also bring me some more…bodies, human and vampire. I need blood.”
“Yes, my Lord.” The figure touched his head to the floor, before turning and jumping out of the window once again.
The master laughed. “So it seems, my dear, you have a few body guards…” The windows shattered. “…it won’t protect you.”


“I don’t get it.” Arrau got up with a sigh. “The guests saw a dark clad figure hanging around outside this room – and they didn’t come tell their Lord Kuran?”
Kaname narrowed his gaze. “I wondered that too. But I suppose there is little wonder – vampires aren’t that suspicious of dark-clad figures, and nor are we as paranoid as humans tend to be.”
“Why are you helping anyway?” Zero asked icily. “If vampires aren’t so paranoid, why don’t you go back to your cosy room and leave us to the investigation?”
“Zero…” Kaien sighed.
“Because you ripped a hole in my house.” Kaname replied. “And because that nice Hunter girl will most probably be attacked again and probably be killed the second time. That would upset Yuki.”
Zero glared at him and Kaname glared back. Yuki sighed. “Maybe if work together a bit more, we might find out who was behind this.” She says.
“We don’t need your help.” Zero snapped.
“And you left her alone in the Cross house?” Kaname asked, still looking at Zero. “How quaint. You don’t need any help at all it would seem.”
Zero frowned. He couldn’t stay with her. Things were getting…deep. He turned away, deciding to ignore the pureblood Kurans.
“Wait, you left her alone?!” Arrau turned to Zero. “What if they followed you?? What if they’re at the house right now??”
Zero got up again looking bored. “We teleported – the only way someone would know where she was, is by overhearing you two repeating her location and how defenceless she is over and over again.” Arrau shut up and Kaname frowned again
“Maybe we should head back.” Kaien said with a sigh. “School starts again tomorrow, and we should make sure everything is in check. And that my niece if faring okay.”
“That sort of makes her my cousin, right?” Yuki said smiling. “Wow, I’d love to meet her again some time.” Kaien smiled.
“Not in your life.” Zero glared.
“Do you wish to repeat that?” Kaname said frowning.
“Okay guys!” Kaien says stepping between Kaname and Zero. “We best get going now, Kaname, thanks again for your help. Yagari will stay here and continue with the investigation. We best get Yori home too. Yuki turned to give her best friend a hug.
“Thanks for coming Yori.” She said smiling.
Yori smiled and hugged back. “No matter what happens. You’ll always be…”
“My best friend.” They spoke in union.
Zero rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. Ignoring the farewells uttered and walked out of the house. Keisha. He sighed and looked up at the night sky. Why was it that his heart was so attracted to her? But, he glanced back at the house, yet the human Yuki still…meant something. He shook his head. No; Yuki meant nothing. She’s now nothing but an evil pureblood daughter of the Kurans. Disgusting creatures; he thought, walking ahead.


Keisha bounded downstairs for breakfast that morning; Zero looking as bored as ever. She bit her lip and turned to Kaien instead.
“Morning uncle.” She said. Zero looked up at her voice.
“Morning, dear Keisha.” Kaien smiled. “Did you sleep well?” Did she sleep well? Not at all, she dreamt of violet and silver all night.
“Yeah, okay.” She shrugged, sitting down to eat her breakfast. “But uncle…I wanted to ask you something…”
Kaien looked back at her from the stove. “Yes dear?”
She sighed and glanced at Zero before looking at the headmaster. “I—I want to train.”
Kaien put down his cake batter with a frown. “Train? To be a hunter?”
She nodded. “Please uncle?”
He sighed and moved over to her. “Keisha…if this is because of what happened yesterday; it’s okay; we’ll protect you.”
“Uncle I know…” She shook her head. “I know you will. I just really want to train. I’ve been meaning to for ages, but yesterday just reminded me how long it’d been since I learnt the basics! Uncle please?”
Zero got up this time. “I’ll teach her.” He offered. Kaien and Keisha both turned to look at him surprised. Keisha’s gaze softened and then she looked back at Kaien. Kaien sighed.
“Sure, why not.” He shrugged. “I’ll have to tell your father though.”
Keisha smiled and gave him a hug. “Oh thank you uncle!” She grinned.
Kaien laughed. “Only if you both show me you can cooperate.” Keisha stepped back and he continued. “The builders fixed our front gate, but it looks ugly. If you both can work together to repair the front stone gate; I’ll let you train.”
Keisha nodded. “Okay.”
Zero sighed. “Do we have to?”
Kaien nodded. “Yes you do.” He gestured at Keisha, issuing a silent warning.
Zero glanced at Keisha and then sighed. “Fine.”
Keisha squealed. “Yes! Oh thank you uncle! I love you Zero!!” She stopped suddenly. Zero froze as well. Kaien laughed at patted her head.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled. “Now you better get going. School starts soon, and just because there is no morning duty today doesn’t mean you can be late for class.”
Putting her dishes in the sink, she picked up her bag and walked to the door.
“Okay, we’ll see.” She smiled. Zero picked up his bag and followed her out.


Miena toyed with her silver flute while a dark-clad servant waited patiently in front of her for her decision. She finally looked up and smiled.

“So you want this Keisha girl, for whatever price I put on?” She asked raising an eyebrow. “And you won’t even tell me your master’s name?”

The servant shook his head. She laughed.

“You know I can get the name forcefully, don’t you?” She asked. He nodded. She sighed. “Well, tell him I’m no cheap disposable criminal for hire. If all he has to offer is money, I suggest he look elsewhere.”

The servant looked up. “So you refuse?” He asked.

“I gave you my answer.” She said tapping the flute gently to her cheek. “You are dismissed.” He bowed and turned and leaped out of the window obligingly. She rolled her eyes with a sigh. Vinn was sure getting herself tangled in some deep trouble.

She pondered further on what action would be appropriate. She could easily have extracted a name from the servant – but that was hardly subtle or of enough gain for the possible risks it could pose. She traced the flute again gently. She could notify the headmaster; especially after what happened at the Kuran estate. She smirked, or she could enjoy the entertainment on offer. There was a knock at her door.

“Come in.” She voiced. The door opened and in stepped Kāos.

He bowed down low and she gestured him to speak. “I couldn’t find out what was exchanged in that room.” He said. The room Senri and Rima were talking to Kaname.

She nodded. “Never mind that, Kāos, I have a new task for you.” She smiled



“I can’t believe I agreed to this.” Zero had been complaining for a while now – all through lunch actually. It was the best time to do it as there was a soccer match at the other side of the school and basically no one was around. Keisha gave him a look and continued tying up a part of the new frame for the front gate of the academy. He sighed and pulled another bar down to be tied.

“Now, just tie that off, and then you can do that whoosh thing…” Keisha said signalling with her hands, “and fill it up with stone and I’ll fit a blood stone at the centre of the Academy cross.”

Zero quirked an eyebrow. “That whoosh thing?”

She stomped her foot lightly in irritation. “You know! Where…where the rock goes all liquid-y and you kinda…” She gestured a lifting motion with her hands. “You know, move it, and it goes all whoosh.”

He looked at her blankly, before bursting into laughter. She frowned in response. He shook his head and leant back on the frame. “You really do have a way with words.” He joked laughing. She stomped her foot again.

“Zero! You know what I mean!” She said furrowing her brow.

He calmed himself down and smiled. “Yeah, okay.” He smiled. “I gotcha.”

She tied of the final part of the frame and pulled over the long ladder. He smirked – too adorable. His eyes flashed red for an instant as the stones liquefied and glided through the frame into the shape of the large stone arch. Climbing up the ladder, she held her large blood stone near the centre of the arch.

“Okay, I got it.” She said. Zero’s eyes flashed again as the arch turned solid, the large bloodstone glued to its centre. She turned with a bright smile.

“Now we just need to carve out the cross and we’re done. Oh, and test the metal drop-gate thing.” She said grinning.

Zero smirked and took hold of the ladder. “Okay then come down.”

“You can’t make me.” She said with a defiant smirk. He smiled mischievously – a challenge had been issued. Taking hold of the ladder he gave it a jerk, her face reflected utter shock and she let a scream rip as she plummeted down. Zero opened his arms and moved forward quickly; she wasn’t actually meant to fall!

“Keisha!” He gasped as she fell down onto him. Although he caught her, the sheer surprise and force had him land on the ground with a thud. His arms quickly wrapped around her to keep her in place, her lips brushing against his cheek. They lay there frozen for a few seconds; Zero had absorbed most of the physical shock, but Keisha lay stunned, mentally and emotionally shocked. She could feel him, his cheek against hers, his intoxicating smell, his heavy arms, his steady heart beat…

“Comfortable?” Zero asked in her ear. She snapped out of her daze and lifted her face blushing.

“I’m so sorry.” She said lifting herself up and off him. “Oh lord, Zero; are you hurt? I mean, of course you are – I fell on you. But I mean, are you okay? Lord, Zero I’m so sorry.” She stammered.

He sat up looking amused. “I caused you to fall, Keisha. I should be asking you those questions. You don’t need to apologise.” Oh yeah, she thought, he did. She shook her head.

“But you caught me.” She said softly; he looked at her tenderly, how sweet. “That’s why you got hurt.” She sighed and kneeled next to him. “Take off your shirt.” Zero quirked an eyebrow.

“Just the shirt?” He asked a touch suggestively. Keisha flushed red, but then scowled.

“Just do it, smartarse.” She said looking away. He laughed, but took it off anyway. She fixed her eyes on his, not daring to look down at the man candy – he’d never let her live that down. He smirked.

“What next?” He asked brazenly. She turned him around by the arm frustrated. The strong, muscular, masculine…she smacked herself – the arm. Ignoring the sensual feelings erupting from the contact, though her body, she focused on his…masculine – she shook her head again; his back. Taking a deep breath, she faced it again. No bruises. But a few grazes and scratches. She touched one lightly. He flinched.

“Oh sorry, did that hurt?” She asked pulling back her hand. He shook his head.

“No-no. Not my back…” He turned to look back at her eyes; your touch, he thought. She look expectantly at him to finish his sentence. When he didn’t, she sighed and looked away again. Glancing back at his back, she was surprised at the healing. They were practically gone. She looked back at him.

“It-it healed.” She said moving back. He smiled and pulled on his shirt again.

“Is your inspection over?” He asked buttoning op his shirt. She blushed again.

“Sorry…I just—,” She started. He covered her mouth with his fingers and leaned in close to her face.

“I don’t want to hear another apology.” He said softly. Keisha froze at the kindness it was spoken with. Where was the cold distant Zero she’d heard of and met early on? Who was this man?? Then out of the blue, Zero’s eyes flashed and he pushed her down as a gunshot fired. She looked up in shock.

“Zero!!” She yelled. He held her down as he scanned the area, blood dripping down his arm—he’d been shot. She tried to get up, but he held her down. She instead followed his gaze and looked around to scan the area. She frowned…there were vampires here. He let her go slowly and stood up. This wasn’t like him. It was near impossible to sneak up on the prime knight of the hunters. Well, he thought, time to amend the small slip-up.

“Ah!!” Someone shouted from behind the trees, he’d been flung up by…Zero? A vine had flung him off by wrapping around his ankle. The man’s body flew into the air and landed face first at Zero’s feet. This was closely followed by a series of screams as vampires landed around them, flung down like ragdolls. One took hold of Keisha’s wrist savagely and pulled her against him. Zero eyes flashed with ferocity as spikes grew from the ground and into the vampire, shattering him into a million pieces.

“What are so many vampires doing here??” Keisha gasped moving closer to Zero.

His jaw ticked, but he didn’t reply. Instead, the ground opened up and consumed the remaining vampires – except one; who still lay unconscious at Zero’s feet. Picking him up like a light toy, Zero flung him over his shoulder and walked towards the gate.

“Zero, wait!” Keisha shouted running after him. “Your arm!”


“What do you mean he missed the shot?!” The master roared. The servant quaked.

“H-he got Kiryu though, sir.” He stammered.

“What good does that do?” The master snarled. “Kiryu is a fully trained and highly dangerous predator whose vampire abilities have, in fact, amplified his hunter abilities and he’ll probably heal completely in ten minutes!!” He stopped short. “Zero Kiryu was with her?”

“Y-yes master.” The servant bowed.

The master’s red eyes grew brighter. “How did they manage to sneak up on him?” He sat down thoughtfully. “Interesting…it seems Zero has a weak link.” He sighed. “Not that it matters much. Keisha is not to be approached in his presence – is that understood? Or in the presence of any of those other vampire hunters. We don’t want to give them any leads… or waste good men for that matter.”

“Yes master.”

“Has Lady Miena changed her mind yet?”

The servant bowed lowly again. “Another servant was sent; she repeated her previous reply and asked not to be bothered to come again unless…y-you actually had something useful to offer.”

He nodded. “I see. Not unexpected, I just need Vinn’s daughter and the pieces should fall together beautifully.”

“Yes master.”


“Zero!!” Keisha cried bursting into the infirmary where he sat, bandaging his injured arm. He looked up at her and sighed.

“It’s just a graze.” He said. “Go back to class.”

“Make me!” She rebuked. “I mean…uh,” She sighed. “How’s your arm?”

He got up with a sigh. “I can’t believe you convinced the headmaster to make me wear this.” He said pointing to the bandage. “It’s no big deal.”

Keisha gave him a look. “You got shot Zero. Of course it’s a big deal!” Zero glowered, but she continued. “Besides, uncle says we can both have the rest of the day off so he can send Mr Yagari to investigate what happened.”

More like to make sure you don’t get attacked again…especially at school, Zero thought.

“Why did they attack us? To get to you?” Keisha asked. Zero frowned – he’d been told it best to keep her in the dark. After all, she’d have a fit at the thought of being babysat because she could possibly be in serious danger.

“Well…perhaps.” He said finally. He moved over to the door and turned to face Keisha. “Go find Arrau and go home. I’ll stay and help Yagari.” He said opening the door.

“But you need to rest!” Keisha protested.

“No I don’t.”

“But Zero—,”

“I’m not human!!” He finally shouted. She stepped back at the outburst. “We don’t get hurt or injured easily, I’m practically already healed and I don’t need to go ‘rest’. I’ll be fine, now go get Arrau and just leave!”

There was a moment of silence before she finally spoke up. “You’re human to me, Zero.” She said softly. “And…I just feel bad because you got shot trying to protect me.” She said. Zero looked at her, surprised at the softness of her voice – the honesty in her voice. And he’d practically yelled at her. She stepped out the doorway, intending to walk off. He reached out to stop her, but she was already half-way down the corridor. He clenched his jaw and pressed his head to the doorframe. Stupid, he thought to himself, now you’ve really gone and done it. You’re human to me, Zero. He heard her voice again and closed his eyes. Keisha…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2012

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