

"Yeira! You're so clumsy!!" Mother scolded
I laugh picking up the fallen berries. “Sorry ma. I was—”
“Daydreaming! That’s what you were doing.” She says crossly. “After you’ve picked them up—go wash them the creek and bring them to the village ground—carefully.” She says sternly.
“Yes ma.” I nod. She slipped a small smile before walking off shaking her head. Mothers.
Pushing my long plat behind me; I continued picking up the scattered berries. I had almost finished when a hand swooped down picking up the last of them. I looked up to see Garran—the boy bully of the village. He’d been terrorizing the village girls ever since he realized he could—his parents, if that’s what you’d call them, never stopped him from doing or saying anything.
“Hello Yeira.” He said in a mock cheery voice.
“Garran.” I say flatly.
“How are you? Long-time no speak. I’ve missed you.”
His few mates, Haran and Kefir started chuckling. Truthfully, none of these boys had, or I doubt ever will, grown up to be men. The men of the village, even those younger than the trio, chose to ignore them; unless they fell too out-of-line. Unfortunately most of the men of the village had gone off for the hunting season. That left boys like Garran thinking they know owned the place.
“I’m sure you did.” I say picking up my berry basket.
“Mm.” He smirked taking two steps closer. “Wanna chill at my place, Yeira? It’ll be like the old days. Two friends, one room…”
“I’ll have to pass.” I say. We used to be friends…like, when we were 5. I thought of asking for the remaining berries; but it’s best to avoid trouble where you can. “Enjoy the berries.” I reply simply, turning to walk away.
“Hold on there, sweetie.” He took my arm. I clutched the basket to avoid it tumbling over, I turn to glare at him—he’s going too far. As if realising this, or just so he could lean in even closer, he let go of my arm.
“Won’t you share with me…your other fruit?” He smirked. Disgusting.
But smack talk; I can handle. “With you? No.”
“Oh really?” He sighed. “Here I was thinking we had something, you and I.” He had a sickening tone whenever he talked to the girls.
“Sorry to shatter your dreams, but that’s the only place you’ll find that something; in your dreams. Now if you’ll excuse me.” I say taking a step back; the guy smelt pretty bad. Alcohol, sweat, weed and other filth.
“That dream, dear, will shortly become reality. I suggest you be ready for me.”
Rolling my eyes I walked off on the group—they weren’t worth any time I had.


Humming a local village tune, I set about washing out the berries in the nearby stream. It was only when the birds started flying past me in a hurry did I look up to see them. Sails? Peering closer I could make out the body of a few distant ships. Quickly finishing with the berries and cleaning my hands and face. I ponder what they could be doing here. Surly the merchants weren’t coming already. It was still a few weeks to harvest season. I frown; maybe they’re just some other ships passing by; but ships never come this way, unless for trade at the town. Curiosity and the will of exploration gnawed at my will. Biting my lip, I turn the other way toward the village common field. Mother would be so angry if I was late. Turning back to face the ships I bit my lip again. A quick peek won’t hurt. It would. Come on Yeira, I scold myself, just go tell mother and the others of the ships. I turned back to the sea and they were gone! Not a ship in sight. What? But they were just there—they couldn’t have disappeared or gotten anywhere this fast. The horns of the festival echoed out towards me. Frowning, I turn and head for the field.

Every colour imaginable was at this festival. Colourful food, drinks, clothes and the colourful and heavily designed tents. It was getting late and a few fires had been started. I lit a torch, binding cloth onto the end of a broad stick and setting it alight.
“Yeira!” My friend Tarrasa jogged up to me. “Wow, you’re looking great.”
I glanced down at my decorated green and top and long skirt with red flares coming up the left side of my skirt and top. I also wore the red and green pashmina and green glass bangles.
“You look great yourself.” I smile. She preferred saris, and she wore a beautiful blue one.
“Thanks.” She smiled back. “How’re things on your end?”
I shrug. “Okay enough. Just setting up torches around the place. Can’t eat what you can’t see.”
She nodded laughing. “So the food’s set up?”
I nod. “Mother and the other women are probably finishing up about now.”
“Mm…good. I’m hungry.”
“You’re always hungry.” I laugh, and she joined in.
“Come dance?” She asked. The ‘musically talented’ villagers sat there with their various instruments on the platform, playing the most fun-loving songs. Women stood in a circle clapping while two danced around each other clapping and jumping to the beat.
“Maybe later.” I shrug. It looked like so much fun—and I loved to dance. But women and girls of esteemed families don’t dance. It’s the pride of the family at stake. Well…we don’t dance in public.
“Come on Yeira, it’ll be fun.” She pleaded.
“Go on ahead.” I smile. “I need to light a few more torches.”
Making a face at me she marched off.
With a smile I continue to fix the torches into place around the open field. A large bang caught my attention and I whirled around to see shattered timbre lying everywhere. It was a ship—the ship I saw earlier. It was back? Large rough-clad men jumped down to the ground from the large ship—only a few meters away from where I was standing. They didn’t seem friendly. What would we do without the men here? The foreign men ran up towards us and the village women started worriedly locating their children or siblings and pulling them close. I could see mother taking hold of my younger brother and looking for me.
Some men came around our group—cutting any escape routes. While others walked through the crowd as if they owned the joint. One prominent figure glanced at me; as I gave him the most ‘what the hell are you looking at’ glare back. He stared back, I glared back. He was tall and broad-shouldered and very muscular and robust. Too bad he wasn’t going to last long. Seeming to be getting either amused or annoyed he walked over towards me. Joy. He came to a stop directly in front of me. I stepped backwards instinctively; but he pulled me back.
“Hold up.” He said. “Where’s the fire?” He smirked. I had a good mind of shoving the torch at him and saying ‘in ya face.’
“Yeira!” My mother had called out.
“I’m fine ma.” I say firmly.
“Yeira, is it?” The man spoke. “Mighty fine you are.” He waited for an effect—I gave him none. He reached out as if to touch my cheek; I wacked his hand away.
“Mm… Feisty.” He licked his lips suggestively. “I like ‘em that way. You’re mine.”
“In your worst nightmare.” I glower back. “What do you all want?”
“Hmm?” He moved a step closer. “We want your village goods.”
“They’re not yours to take. But if you mean to trade, then you’re early and you’ll have to wait a few weeks.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Trade?” He laughed. “No-no lovely. We don’t trade—we take.”
“Fine. Take yourselves off our land.” I say.
“I don’t think so.” He smirked. “Ivan!”
A man further down spoke up. “Yes sir?”
“Burn this joint.”
“Yes sir.” He turned as several of the men either took logs out of the fire, or the lit torches and then they headed towards the houses. The small crowd of villagers dispersed in chaos running around as the men struggled to round up everyone.
“No!” I shout.
“I’m afraid that’s life, dear Yeira.” He says taking my elbow. “It’s full of many surprises—and not all are good.”
Soon, the flames began swallowing up the front houses, the men started roping up some of the more pretty women and a few boys, while pushing the other women and children away and throwing more torches at the houses.
“No, please stop!” I turn to the man, teary eyed. This couldn’t be happening.
There was a flicker of something in his orange eyes before he released my arm and walked off. The devil! I had to do something; but what? Pray? Fight? Find some buckets of water? Just then, a tree that had caught fire dropped its branch on the ship—which also set ablaze. This caught all their attention and abandoning the burning village, they rushed towards their burning ship. If nothing else, I should at least use this chance to save others.
I jogged up to where my wheat coloured satchel lay. I pulled out my spare dagger. Without a second thought I quickly moved to where the girls and boys were tied up and began slitting the ropes that bound them together. As if just to slow things down my mother ran up to me pulling at my shirt.
“Yeira, get away. Go now, I’ll do this. Yeira!” She scolded—sounding on the verge of tears.
“Mother!” I say finally turning around. “For the love of god, please don’t hassle me now. Go with Osaka to the farm house—the fire won’t get there. Let me finish this; please.” I plead.
It took a while before I felt she had registered what I said and she looked stubborn on shielding me and my brother.
“Mother.” I repeat. “You brought me up to be brave; not a coward. Don’t turn against me now.”
She gazed back dead-eyed for a bit, then smiled with a nod. “God bless you. If you don’t get home within 15 minutes; I’ll come back, ok?”
I nod, turning back to the ropes.
She soon left with Osaka, as I snapped the ropes of the rest of the captives. Fires roared in the background, and I got up to look at burning houses in distress—oh lord, please help; I pray. I had to get home before mother came back after me. Woman and children were in turmoil, some wailing at the flames and crying—useless. The men were preoccupied splashing water at the burning ship—it wouldn’t last. I decide to rally up the women, so I start pulling at arms and calling for them to gather.
“Please listen—there’s no use of this.” I say over the flames and sound of falling debris. “We need to get to shelter. Those who have no farm house to go to are welcome to come to ours as a temporary shelter—but we have to get out of here!” There was a loud crash—thunder! Praise the Lord!
“T-the fire—” One woman stammered.
“There’s nothing we can do right now.” I counter. “Leave it to god. Come on, we have to go—now!”
The women, children and teenaged boys all nodded in agreement as some headed off to various farms and the remaining followed me on the well-worn path through the forest.
Hurrying down past a few fields, we finally reached home. Picking up my skirt, I ran to the door and rapidly knocked on it. The door cautiously opened, and to my surprise, Haran had opened the door. Frowning, I pushed past him into the house; followed by the four other families from town.
“Mother?” I give her a hug and she hugs me back grinning.
“Your back!” She exclaimed. “Oh Yeira! I was so—,”
“Mother.” I cut in laughing. “Some of the townsfolk came with me—I couldn’t leave them there.”
She glanced behind me. “Good. I brought Haran, Kefir and Garran here too. The poor boys couldn’t tell left from right!” Mothers can be so clueless sometimes. “Now Yeira, we don’t have many rooms—but I think we have enough so each family has one—provided you children sleep out here…oh and then there’s food to make! Hold on.” She walked past me to greet in our new guest. Nothing all that cheery considering their homes were most probably burning up right now.
“Yeira will show you your rooms.” She told them. “I’ll make dinner and we can all get some sleep.”
“I’ll help you Ashanti.” My aunt, one of the families, got up and headed to the kitchen with my mother—leaving the rest of the guest staring at me.
“Come with me.” I say walking down the corridor and gesturing at all the rooms they could take. Soon everyone was settled, but Garran and his friends, my brother and I. I led us back into the living room and gestured to the sofas and the divan.
“You guys can sleep anywhere here.” I say.
“Care to join me?” Garran asked lounging on the couch.
Clenching my jaw I turned to Osaka, who obviously didn’t catch the hint—thank goodness. “Osaka, go find mother and check where she’ll be staying, you can stay with her.
“Yeah, kid, we need our privacy.” Garran leered. The boys laughed.
“Oh, just shut up.” I tell him. At that moment, thunder erupted as the rain started battering down and the room flashed as lightning flickered across the sky outside the window.
“Garran; shut your trap before you get kicked out of this house. My mother wouldn’t do that, but you should well know, I will.”
“Really?” He mocked. “I dare you.”
“Osaka, go.” I say. He ran off as I death glared Garran. This was going to be a long night…


I woke up in the morning feeling a bit cranky. No one else was awake, so I got up quickly and got dressed in the bathroom and came out refreshed. Water ran out though—we’d need extra water today, with all the guests. With a sigh, I picked up two buckets and headed outside.
“Where’re you going?” Haran’s voice.
I turn around to face him defiantly. “None of your business.”
“Your mother won’t be so happy to know you walked off.”
“You want to starve to death? We need water for cooking. And cleaning, but when was the last month you lot showered anyway?” I mock. “I’m going to get water; care to try and stop me?” “Yeira; about what Garran says, look, we –we’re not all like that.”
“Really?” I mock.
“Really.” He spoke earnestly. “We laugh along to it; but believe me, I feel terrible afterwards. I felt really guilty even yesterday. I’m sorry.”
I give him a look. “How do you expect to grow up and be a man, a warrior for the tribe, if you can’t even stand up for the women that jerk taunts? Worse still you support him! I don’t and won’t forgive you, not until you become a man. Not until you grow a back bone.” Seeing no reply I walked off on the jerk.

I got to the river and filled up the buckets—there was no smoke coming from town. Hmm…I know I shouldn’t, but a quick check won’t hurt. Leaving the buckets by a tree, I made my way towards the town. On reaching it, I came to an abrupt stop—the side closest to the river, was in ruins. Bits and pieces of houses and stores were now rubble on the ground with black mud. The rest of the town looked untouched. I look up towards the river—the ship was gone. The bandits had left! I turn my gaze to one of the houses…it was half burnt and half standing. There was a sobbing sound. Was someone there? I cautiously moved towards it—and yes; I know this is dangerous. I quietly opened the door and slipped inside the semi enclosed room. The sobbing was more evident. I turned in its direction and just down the room, in the midst of rubble was a child—a small girl. I quickly rushed to her side.
“Shhh…it’s okay. What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” I ask kneeling down, carefully moving aside the rubble. She started crying louder.
“Help. Please, help!” She sobbed.
“Just hold on.” I say softly, luckily she was hiding under a table or something—and she was just trapped—I hope. I finished moving the rubble aside enough to create a large hole. She didn’t need any instruction and she started moving through the hole.
“Slowly…” I urge, helping her out carefully.
On getting out she practically flung herself onto me.
“Whoa, hey, come on. You’re ok.” I laugh.
She started sobbing again. “I lost mama! I—I was so scared…t-the fire a-and lightning…I was going t-to die!”
“Shhh…” I comfort—what was I supposed to say? Don’t worry kid, a couple of flames never hurt anyone. Ah…no.
There was a slow clapping sound from behind me. Releasing the girl I got up and whirled around to find a two men smirking back at us. I recognised one as the jerk that singled me out yesterday—the other was also one of the men. Stepping clearly in front of the girl, I glared back boldly at the men, my heart thudding loudly—I had no weapon.
“Yeira, wasn’t it?” The jerk from yesterday asked smiling. “And you seemed to have rescued a little friend.”
“Leave this village alone.” I glare, shoving past the fear. “You’ve done enough damage, and you’re not welcome here.”
The other man stepped up to stand beside me as if waiting for something, and I looked back at him as if to say ‘what-do–you-plan-to-do-mate?’
“And here I was thinking we were wanted here.”
“I’d tell you what I think of you, but this little girl’s been through enough.” I scorn.
The man standing beside us took my arm harshly and I yelped as he pushed me into the wall.
“Where’re the villagers hiding?” The man asked.
“What?” I squeal as he squeezed my arms harder into the wall. “Get a life you bastards.” I pant when he eased his grip.
“You talk to your masters like that?” He growled raising his hand. Tightening my face I prepared for impact.
“TAO!” I looked up to see the jerk from yesterday had stopped this man, Tao. He had taken hold of the hand only inches from my face.
“Release her.” He ordered. Tao release my arms and I held onto a sigh of relief. “I’ll deal with her; you go help with the scout.” With a nod, Tao left.
There was a pause as the girl inched closer to me.
“Sister?” She asked all so innocently. I give her a comforting gaze before turning a deadly one toward the jerk.
“What? And no thank you?” He asked nonchalantly
“No.” I say simply. “Pack your bags and leave.”
“Look, don’t think I won’t do 10 times worse that what he did, maybe traumatize that little girl by doing so—but don’t think you’ll get away with saying just about anything.” He says. I scoffed, but he ignored it and continued. “Just make it easy on yourself and your village and tell me where they are.”
“No.” I say simply. He took my arm.
“Where are they, Yeira?”
I glare back. “Go jump in the river.”
He gave an irritated sigh. “You know why I stopped Tao?” He asked. I shrug. “ It’s because yesterday, when I claimed you, you became my servant.”
“Excuse me? Serve you??” I mock. “Not bloody likely.”
He pulled me closer and I stumbled onto his hard body—soon dead body. “Yes bloody likely.” He countered. “As for the rest of your village, same goes for them.”
“No.” I say. “The men will be back soon, and cowards like you won’t stand a chance.”
He took hold of my waist. “Cowards??” He asked harshly.
I pulled at his grip. “Just let me go!"
“Maybe it’s time we discipline you.”
I stopped struggling and turned to him rebelliously. “Do your worst, it won’t make a difference.”
He leaned forward onto my face, but I resumed my struggling. “Let me go!! You tyrant!”
“Struggling never helps.” He whispered against my lips.
“You let go of me right now, before I…”
“Before you what?” He asked rising and eyebrow. He brushed his lips against mine, despite my struggles and softly enclosed them. A few heartbeats later he stepped back with a wail. The little girl had hit him in the leg with some broken metal piece.
“You brat!” He scowled reaching out for her collar. Pulling his hand away, I gestured at the door.
“Run!” I say.
She looked to be on the verge of tears, but she turned and ran. But two steps and he took her arm. I bit his shoulder and he cried out; letting go of the girl who ran out the door and out of sight.
“Bitch!” He glowered, pushing me into the wall. “What’d you think that would do??”
“Get her out.” I rebuke.
“And how about you? No one to save you now.”
“I’ve never asked for one.”
“You know I could just take you. Right here, right now.”
“Yeah, I know.” I glare back. “And I don’t care.”
“You should. Unless you’re…interested.”
I scoff. “Not even close.”
Tao walked in the door grinning.
“Xavier, it seems that ladies are living here somewhere close. I saw a woman by the river, it’s her mum—we’ve got her.” Tao smirked.
So his name was Xavier? Xavier turned to me. “Where are they?”
“Sorry Xave, you ain’t getting anything here.”
He looked back at me. “Not even for the lady?”
I clenched my jaw, but I didn’t reply.
“Yo Tao, take out your knife, will ya?” He says
“No!” I say abruptly. “You’ve burnt our village, destroyed so many homes…three of the fields have also burnt down and you destroyed our festival. Is that not enough?? Why can’t you just leave us be?”
“I know…” Xave smiled. “You see, that’s our job.”
“To destroy lives??” I ask shocked. “Get off our soil and into your ships, right now.”
Xavier twisted my arms a little more—enough to get me to yelp.
“You don’t order us. Okay?” He spoke sternly. “You do as we say.”
“No.” I say. “You will leave now.” Thunder erupted in the sky as clouds once again began to gather.
“Or you’ll what?” Xave asked leaning forward.
I smile. “You really want to know? Well, I’ll do this.”
The house began to shake vigorously as the walls collapsed around us—the wind beating into them. Tao jumped aside, narrowly missing a piece the falling roof. The wall I was pinned to also begin to crumble as the roof did. Xave wrapped me in his arms, as I gasped in surprise, and leaped out of the house. We came rolling to a stop and we both looked up to see the house collapse. Tao stood on the other side panting. Xave turned back to look at me and I glared back.
“Get off.” I say flatly.
“I just saved your life.” He says, not moving an inch.
“Get off.” I repeat. “If you think I’m gonna say ‘thank you, I am now in your eternal debt’ forget it.”
He laughed. “There goes that idea.”
I repressed a smile and looked away with a sigh. “Could you get off?”
“I’m quite comfortable actually. But maybe if you…” He trailed off.
“Please?!” I say frustrated
He got off laughing and offered his hand. Ignoring it, I got up and took a few steps back—security reasons, and dusted my dress with my hands.
“Did you do that?” He asked.
“Yes. Now go away before tornados start to break out on you.” I glare.
“Magic? Sorcery? Or trickery?” He asked with a casual smirk.
“God. Now leave.” I say. “Or I’ll go, if you leave me alone.”
Taking my arm he drew me into a hug. “Not ever.”
Pushing him away vigorously I glare at him and he started laughing. “Listen darling,” he continued. “Say, think or argue all you want; you’ll do as you’re told. If not, then you’ll soon learn to.”
“That’s all you know.” I snub.
“Is it?” He smirked, with a sigh he gestured towards Tao. “I could just hand you over to that guy; he ain’t as lenient to the new ones as me, he will hurt you. It’s best for you to do as you’re told, and keep in line.”
“Don’t you dare ever assume you can tell me what to do, you got it?”
He frowned this time. “Assume?” He scoffed. “The repaired ship’s right past those trees; get moving unless you want us to burn the rest of this sorry place.”
“You cold bastard!”
“I’ve been called worse. Here, I’ll make you a deal.” He leaned in towards me. “Come quietly and give me your honest word you won’t run away; and I’ll spare your pitiful villagers. I promise.”
“You don’t scare me anymore. Go ahead, burn the village if you will—you won’t be able to light a match.”
“Not even for her?” I jumped at Tao’s voice. From his hand dangled the girl I’d told to flee. Two other men walked behind him. “The women escaped, but we still got her.”
“Let her go Xave.” I say turning back to Xavier. “She’s just a girl! Please, have a heart.” His face registered something, so I continued. “She’s so young; she doesn’t even know what’s going on.”
He took both my wrists this time. “You know what I want.”
My eyes went hazy as I nodded. “Let her go.” I say in a shaky voice. Xave tilted his head at Tao and he let the girl drop.
“Beat it, kid!!” Tao shouted. Trembling the girl ran into forest crying.
“You brute!!” I shout, tears filling my eyes. “You’re all spineless cowards!”
“Yeira!” Xave reprimanded, pulling at my wrists, causing me to topple over him. “Don’t ever speak to us in such a tone. Understood?”
With a snort, Tao left with the other men and I turned to Xavier teary eyed and gave a small nod looking away immediately. Lifting my face back to look back at him he gave me a tender look.
“It won’t be so hard once you settle.” He said softly.
“You know nothing.” I say weakly, turning to see Tao and the men lighting torches. What?? They were heading towards the standing houses. “What are they doing?!”
“The village must fall.” He says. “It’s code. Your people will be unharmed. I don’t break a deal.”
Tears were flowing down my cheeks. “Not this time, love.” I say bitterly turning to him. “Not this time.”
“What?” He asked confused.
With a smirk, I pulled my wrists away and held them to the sky. There was a rumble as clouds filled the sky. Thunder erupted as bright blue lightning flashed across the sky. The men glanced at the quickly changing skies. Lighting lashed towards the ground and rain came bucketing down. There was a cry as one of the men fell down with blood pouring down his arm. Hail. Large hailstones were starting to fall. Xavier pulled me under his arm and I struggled.
“Are you crazy??” He shouted. “We need to find shelter!”
“You find shelter, on your ship. Leave!!”
He gave me a stubborn look. Calls came from his men as they ran for the ship, some getting hit on the way. A stone grazed Xavier’s left arm and he winced. Pulling away, I swayed my arms causing a large gust of wind at him towards the ship. As if realizing it really was me causing these events he gave me a final long look, before he turned to make a dash for the ship. The waves leaped at the ship, pulling it into the ocean and away from the coast. When out of sight, the weather calmed and with a sigh, I collapsed to the ground; enveloped into the blackness.


“Father?” I choke, opening my eyes slowly. He patted my head smiling.
“You released it.” He smirks. And you did a good job.”
I got up with a start. “Oh no. I’m so sorry, I—I didn’t know what to do and…I just exploded!”
“Yeira, you did well.” He smiled. “I’m not angry. I’m proud.” I felt relieved. “We only just got here, and I think you should know things will be changing now.”
“W—what do you mean?” I ask. What changes?
“The council and the Elders have concurred in a…a reassembly of the village pockets.”
He sighed. “We heard of these Bandits among other threats from other villages—that’s why we rushed back home. Every village and town in this area is going to reunite to reform our nation.”
I nod.
“And they want Auroran blood to take the lead.” He added. I didn’t respond. This meant a new round of politics we had to live through. Fun.

Newcomer, an old acquaintance.

He hadn’t been here in a while. The last time he was here, that village girl—Yeira, had made sure he left for good. He smirked recalling the memories of the past. They’d come to rob and to plunder the village. She’d had him robbed and plundered him and sent him on his way. It didn’t look the same. The river was the same—where they first landed. But where the village houses were—that they had burnt in their last visit—a majestic palace stood. The quest was a hard one. Convince the new Emperor of Kistna to lend their legendary troops and some supplies to help against the foreigners from the North, from destroying the towns and cities of Badin—his home country.
As Xavier looked out at the beautiful fields and large palace; he found it hard to believe it was the same place. That poor-looking village. Standing out in the rain wasn’t going to help much—he had to get help. Maybe his-highness wouldn’t be as cold as the weather…and hopefully no one would recognise him as the bandit from 4 years ago that had destroyed over half the village and left rubble in its place. Walking down to the large white stone gate, he found a rope attached to a large bell. He boldly swang the rope around—ringing the bell. It was much louder than expected and he winced and stepped back from it. A few moments later, a smaller gate within the gate opened and a pretty girl dressed in the beautiful native clothes that he’d seen last time, appeared at the door.
“Yes?” She asked sweetly.
“I need to talk to the emperor.” He says giving a charismatic smile. Use charm to gain entry—check.
She ushered him in smiling brightly. With a polite nod of thanks, he entered the fortress and was led down various paths through the rain by the girl. The Palace looked spectacular—even in such a rainy weather. It was mostly constructed out of marble and glass—or at least that what it seemed—it was beautiful
The girl soon came to a stop in front of the palace gates. She opened the gates and timidly gestured him inside. With a nod he stepped inside and came to a stop. The scenery was breathtaking. Beautiful images and designs were imbedded into the walls and roof and floor. Magnificent chandeliers hung down with a glowing globe in each centre.
“Wait here.” The girl says, slightly blushing. “T-The guards will want to see you.” With a smile she lifted her blue/red skirt and ran off through some hallway, leaving him to take in the beautiful scenery. The castle seemed large on the outside, but it felt huge on the inside. The carpet was also covered in native yet elegant designs and Xavier felt strange with his muddy boots in the clean palace. There was a loud crash as four or five guards, dressed in the native code, carrying dangerously long sharp swords and other weapons turned to Xavier.
“What is your business here?” The first asked roughly. The girl stood behind them looking terrified and guilty.
“I hope to speak to the emperor.” Xavier says boldly.
“The emperor?” The guard mocked. “And who are you?”
“I’m a representative of Badin. We seek help from Kistna against foreigners attacking us from the North. It is an urgent matter, one I must discuss with him.”
The guards talked among themselves in their own language—arguing. Until finally they seemed to have reached an agreement.
“We’ll present you to court tonight. But until then, you will stay in a guarded guestroom. Mila and Roan will take you there.” He spoke. The shy girl and a buff looking guard began walking down a separate hallway, and Xavier soon strode off behind them.

*** Yeira - The newcomer

I wiped a lone tear slipping down my face. Father had been ill for almost a month now. No man was as strong, brave or wise as he. He can’t leave me—not like this. Not this soon. My thoughts were interrupted as there was a knocking at the door. Wiping my eyes and clearing my throat, I spoke up.
“Come in.” I say. Acquaintance
My friend Tarrasa opened the door. “You need to get ready for court.”
I nod. “Okay. I—I’ll be right there.” I say. Getting up and heading for the door.
We walked in silence towards my room, before she finally spoke up. “There’s a man from Badin who wanted to talk to the emperor.” She told me. “I heard he’s coming to court today.”
I shrug. “Good luck to him, but I doubt he’ll be seeing the emperor anytime soon.”
“Mila said he was quite good-looking too.” She winked.
“Yeah, well, that girl’s got nothing better to do than make such comments.” I growl. “I swear; I don’t get what she’s still doing here after everything.”
Tarrasa nodded. “Well you get dressed and after court we can go see the Librarian again.”
I shake my head. “Not today, Tara, I don’t have it in me.”
“Okay, you get ready. I’ll see you in court?”
“Yeah.” I smile. As she turned with a wave and left.
With a sigh I got out of my clothes and put on the more elegant light indigo silk dress. Wrapping the native thin pashmina-scarf lightly around my shoulders and brushing out my long black hair before tying it up; I thought about the cure—water from the silent spring. So many had gone to retrieve it, yet none were successful. I would be. Everyday we’d go to the Librarian as he found us more information about the spring. I’d go again tomorrow…father has to get better.


Mila came often to my room—to the point I was starting to think she was merely looking for excuses to annoy me. There was a knock and then she entered—again.
“I brought you some fruit, sir.” She says.
“Thanks.” I say politely. “But I still have the lunch, snacks, nuts and dry fruits, drinks and all that to finish.”
She giggled nervously. “Yeah.” She moved the new tray onto the already overflowing table. “You know, I wasn’t supposed to let you into the Mahal, or as you might say…the palace, like that.”
“Really?” I say, uninterested.
“Yes, the guards weren’t very happy. But I guess…I thought I just had to.”
I got up with a small smile. “Thanks. Do you know when the court’s taking place?” She was a pretty girl—but she was starting to get annoying.
She nodded. “In a few minutes. Shall we go now?” She asks battering her eyelashes.
I give a small smile. “Yeah ok.” I say.

Mila and I finally arrived at the large hall, and I thought if I never heard her voice again, it would still be too soon. She hadn’t stopped talking ever since we’d left the room. And she was extremely clingy, and I had had little luck brushing her off. But it seemed everyone had a place in the court and she left me to join a group of other giggling girls. I turn away from them and gaze at the magnificently decorated large hall. Roan, the big guard nudged me forward, and I followed his direction. I had got to the centre of the court before I froze in my tracks. The most stunning woman I had ever seen had walked into the room. I felt my heart leap frantically. She was of average height, slim, with soft-looking black hair tied up in loose bun. But that wasn’t all—I’d seen her before, hadn’t I? She had a familiar arrogant aura and that same swagger to her walk. Graceful yet powerful. She turned to face the court and caught sight of me, and her warm copper brown eyes reflected what my golden eyes did. Recognition. She blinked and shook her head as if to confirm if it were true—it was. She stepped back with a frown and I smiled brightly at her—Yeira! It’d been 4 years too long. She was a teenager back then, she was a woman now. So much for not being recognised…
“Xavier?” She asked. The hall fell silent as everyone flicked gazes between me and her.
“Yeira.” I greet. “Long time no see.” Roan nudged me in the ribs.
“That’s the Empress; call her by title you fool.” He whispered. My eyes widened; Empress?? She was surly dressed royally, but—she wasn’t anything as royal four years ago. What happened?
She seemed to collect herself and raised her hands for everyone to be seated. And took a seat on the throne herself. “What seems the problem here?” She asked calmly.
“This man is a representative of the Badin nation and he seeks help against Northern Foreigners.” Roan debriefed. She gave a nod and he stepped away with a bow.
“Speak.” She told me. Did I have to be formal with her now? Was she married to the emperor? …Was she married?
“Ah…that’s right. We need assistance from your…I mean, from Kistna.” My confidence had shattered, and I felt extremely nervous. She was the last person I thought I’d have to convince—and she would be the hardest.
“You want military support…from us?” She smirked—that’s not a good sign. “Had we not been such a civilised society, I’d have had you thrown in a cell for coming back here.”
What should I say to that? “And I’d happily go there.” I bluff. “My country needs me to do this, to seek help in defending our homes. I was wrong for what I did four years ago, I can only ask for forgiveness from you nation.”
She cocked her head to the side questioningly. “Forgiveness? That is something only the court as a whole can issue. Allow me to fill everyone in on who you are. Bring back a few memories.”
I nod, trying to seem humble and she rose to her feet to face the large audience. I had to avert my eyes from her body to avoid seeming disrespectful with my gaze.
“Members of the palace. This is the 10th seasonal palace court we’ve had. Those of you, who’d been on these lands four years ago, will recall the festival of lights in which our village was plundered and nearly completely destroyed by bandits.” There were murmurs of agreement and a few gasps as pieces clicked together for some. “Let me introduce you, to the captain of those bandits of our past; Xavier.” She gestured towards me as the court started talking amongst themselves as some pointed at me in recognition.
I glance around before facing Yeira again. “Y—I mean, Empress,” I start. “Indeed you are correct. I was one of the bandits—not the captain…”
“Well done.” She spoke sarcastically. I repressed saying something rude back and continued.
“Believe me, I am sorry for what trouble we had caused you, but it’s not us…bandits that are calling for aid. When I left them, I returned to my home country Badin, and it is my home that calls for alliance. I know not why they’d ask me to court you all, but they did. And I wish to leave with hope for Badin’s future.” There was a pause as everyone fell silent. All eyes turned to Yeira. She frowned, thinking,
“This may be my empire, but my people will decide what is appropriate.” She spoke at last. “And I will seek council of the elders.” She turned face the group of 5 seated in elegant chairs to her left. They were indeed old, some serious, some smiling and some thoughtful. They began talking in low voices, until finally one rose. An old yet sturdy man, wearing a navy turban.
“Empress, we advise forgiveness. Not only does this man seem sincere, but also with so many lives at stake, it is the right thing to do.” He spoke firmly and clearly before sitting back down.
“Thankyou grandfather.” Yeira smiled. “Any objections?” My heart raced, but no one spoke up. With a nod, Yeira spoke up. “Pardoned. Discussion on side of the troops can be dealt with tomorrow with the head of warriors.” She paused as if to check for objections before continuing. “There are other matters we need to clear; you are welcome to take a seat if you wish. Otherwise, someone will see you to your room, so you may rest. I’m sure you’ve had a long journey.” I caught onto the hint she wanted me to leave. Not wanting to anger the…‘empress’ I gave a nod.
“Very kind of you, I’ll take my leave.” I say. She gave a nod and sat down
“I’ll see him to his room.” Mila offered respectfully.
Yeira raised an eyebrow. “I think it best if Roan would do the…honour of escorting our guest to his quarters.” She obviously still had a hating towards me—not good.
Roan got up obligingly and gestured me out of the hall. Not knowing how to exit formally. I think of waving or curtsying—no that’s stupid, so I just kind of lingered there for a bit before heading outside followed by a smirking Roan.


“What’s so funny?” I ask him as we walked down the hallway.
“You didn’t know how to show leave when you left.” He chuckled. “I thought it was quite funny. Even the Empress was close to laughing.”
“Really?” I ask surprised, I hadn’t seen her smile once at me. “How do you…exit?”
He laughed out loud this time. “Newcomers can be a lot of fun. Well…you fold your hands respectfully and say…well you could have said goodnight or something or give a farewell nod and a small bow.”
I give him a look. “Well how was I supposed to know?”
He came to a stop in front of my room and opened the door. “Fair point. You best stay in your room tonight. If you need something, call us.” I nod and he continued. “You seem a good man; if you ever need anything let me know.” He smiled.
I nod with a smile. “Thanks, I appreciate that.”
He returned it and walked off, leaving me to my room.


Court business was over and most people that were not resided in the palace had taken their horses and headed home. Others went to their rooms to sleep. I walked towards my own room, nodding to a few of the guards on night duty. Xavier. I snort; I’d have kicked him out of the castle as soon as I saw him had I not been filling in for father. With a sigh, I changed into a nightdress and opened and brushed out my hair. But father wouldn’t have done that—even if he’d known he was one of those thugs. I glance out the large window by my bed, the sun had almost set, beautiful birds rested on my balcony. Putting down my brush, I moved over and opened the large curved and colourful glass doors. The birds all flew towards me and then off into the sky and I giggled—well, all but one. Will. The dark brown hawk tilted its head when it saw me. Smiling I tilted my head back at it.
“Hello, Will.” I greeted him. He squawked back a greeting. Stroking under his beak softly, I murmured soothingly to him. It flew up and around the balcony.
Pushing back my long hair with a laugh, I followed him with my gaze before someone in the balcony to my right caught my attention. I froze. Xavier was looking back at me. I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment. Had he seen all that? He was smiling, so I’m guessing he had. Giving him an annoyed glance, I turn to head back inside. Who’d have guessed he got the room beside mine?? There was a good amount of a gap between our balconies at least—I could sleep in peace.
“Wait! Yeira!” He called out. Clenching my jaw, I came to a stop. “Hey, I—I really am sorry for what happened all those years ago…I—”
“I don’t care, Xave.” I cut in. “If I had my way, I’d have kicked you out without a second glance. But I must respect the Elders. My father wouldn’t have you kicked out, so I mustn’t either.”
“You father?” He asked. Those amber eyes looked back at me softly; concerned. My heart caught in my throat; I’d dreamt of them endlessly. No Yeira, I scold, stop it. Clearing my throat I take a step back.
“Father is the Emperor of the land, he’s ill so I’ve taken his place. And it’s really because of him you’re still here.” I finish, trying to sound emotionless.
“Is he getting better?”
“Why do you care?” I ask glaring. “We’ll talk tomorrow with the Captain of our military. Goodnight.” I turn and walk through the glass doors, back into my room. Closing and locking the doors behind me—something I’ve never done before.
With a sigh, I squeezed my eyes shut and rested my back on the doors and slid down. Lord give me strength. I cry.


I woke up next morning exhausted, my back hurt…I’d fell asleep on the floor yesterday. Stupid. Giving myself whack on the head, I quickly washed and changed into clean comfortable clothes. I had to remember something today…what was it? Oh yeah. Xavier. The warriors. The meeting. With a sigh, I loosely tied up my hair into a plat with a ribbon and turn to face the window. The scenery was beautiful, the rising sun, the fields, the morning music coming from town. I’d usually walk outside to breathe in the crisp clean country air—but not with that jerk next-door. Turning on my heel, I walked outside and walked down the various open halls before coming to a stop before father’s room. I was about to enter when someone called out my name. I turn and smile at my good friend Janos. The stable boy.
“Janos. How are you?” I greet.
“Wonderful.” He smiled. “Haran’s called for you. He’s got the new guy there as well.”
I nod. “Okay.” I glance back at father’s door. “Could you take care of father for me? The medicines and all?”
He smiled. “I’d give my life for his-majesty. You go on to Haran; I’ll do what I can, and I’ll call for aunty.”
I nod smiling and breeze off towards Haran’s office. He had done as I had told him 4 years ago; he left Garran, the village bully, and he defended the women and children he once tormented. And as was his dream, he trained and became one of the most loved and elite warriors. With a quick knock, I entered his office room.
“Yeira!” Haran greeted. “Come take a seat.”
“Good morning Haran.” I smile. It was then I realised Xavier was already in the room. “Xave.” I nod taking a seat. Returning the nod, he also turned to face Haran.
“So let’s get down to this. I sought out these Northern ‘foreigners’; they’re the Deben. A small kingdom pocket. A bunch of nuts fighting for more land—they broke off from their mother empire a few months ago—no doubt they’re trying to expand their petty kingdom.” Haran rolled his eyes and I laughed.
“So, how many are there?” I ask.
He shrugged. “Should be no more than 1000…”
“5000 men.” Xavier spoke. “At least.”
Haran frowned. “Ten thousand? Really? Did you see these men yourself?”
“Of course I did, what do you take me for? There’re over five thousand of them—I was a commander of the forces against them.”
“No need to get so rude.” I rebuke.
“I can get as rude as—” He stopped as if rethinking what he was saying. “Sorry. My mistake, continue.”
“You seem to be making a lot of these ‘mistakes’ Xavier.” I say. When he didn’t respond, Haran cleared his throat.
“Five thousand? No worries.” He glanced onto a few sheets he had. “We could easily beat them with 2 troops. That’s 100 men.”
Xavier gave him a look. “Beat 5 thousand men with a hundred? Are you crazy? We’ve only got 300 men still fighting; how do you plan to defeat them with 400 in total?”
“These are warriors from Kistna, Xavier.” I reprimand. “They’re better than you think. Personally I think one troop’s enough.”
“What?!” Xave looked baffled. “50 men? Are you serious??”
Haran laughed. “Yeira, come on, two troops to be safe.”
I smirk. “Fine. But only because you’re a good friend.” He gave an appreciative nod.
“Are you guys for real? 50-100 men? How are that many men supposed to take on five thousand? The Deben took down more than half our army without breaking sweat.”
“Are you deaf?” I ask with a glare. He turned to give me a look. “They’re Kistna men, not Badin’s. Maybe you should see them in action before you judge.”
Xave sighed. “Fine. They better be that good. A leader taking on a hundred to two hundred isn’t surprising, but the entire troop??”
I get up getting annoyed. “Our leaders are tough enough to take on a thousand at a time. You wanted our help and you’re getting it. I don’t think you’re in a position to doubt us.”
Xave raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t I? I have to see if you’re fully ready to support us, or go seek help from our other sister empire.”
“We are no sister empire of yours.” I glare. “Like I told you before, the only reason we’re helping is because that’s what the Elders say, and what my father would want.”
There was a pause. “And your mother?” He asked.
“With god.” I say simply.
“Oh.” He looked away. Haran cleared his throat again.
“I’ll ready the troops, and we’ll see if we can get them armed and out of here before sunset.” Haran says. “Yeira, perhaps it’s best if you…ah…attend to palace matters. I’ll deal with this.”
I give a nod. “Very well. I trust you.” I turn to the door and gesture at Xavier. “If he gives you any, and I mean any trouble; let me know, ok?”
“I’ll do that.” He laughs. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
With a final glare at Xavier, I left the room.

Unexpected rescue?


Why did she hate me so much? I think annoyed. Turning back to my new friend I try ignoring her thoughts. Haran was a great bloke, and we were getting along really well. He’d shown some of the troops during combat practices—and they really were good. I even trained with them myself, and I’d have been proud of such a group of men. Their training areas were great and Haran showed how much they trained—no wonder they were so good. After choosing two troops and sending them off to get ready Haran and I sat down talking.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked me.
“Why does she hate me so much?” I ask with a sigh. “Surely four years is ample time to forgive and forget.”
Haran laughed. “Yeah, depending on the issue, it can be. Don’t be so hard on her—she’s gone and is going through a lot right now.”
I sigh. “Yeah, I know. Her dad.”
He gave me a funny look. “Yeah, her dad the emperor will die if he doesn’t get that spring-water. That isn’t something to take lightly. And frankly, the bandits were hard on her. Her mother’s passing was hard on her. As was the recovery of this place—she’s doing amazingly after everything that’s happened in the four years.”
I nod slowly. “When and how did her mother pass away?”
“Uh…about, two months or so after you left.” Haran hesitated. “You know…I think she might…” He trailed off.
“Mm?” I urged him on.
Haran shrugged. “I dunno. I think you should ask her yourself that question. I thought maybe…maybe she connected some of the, ah, events we went through to you. You know; a negative attachment.”
I sigh. “Yeah.”
“You like her?” He asked curiously.
“What?” I give him a look. “No. I just think it’d be easier if she just…” I struggled to look for the right words. “Cooperated?”
Haran laughed. “Yeah ok, whatever.” He rose to his feet with a bounce. “I best escort you to your bedchamber so you can rest for the feast tonight.”
“Feast?” I ask surprise.
“Yes.” He smiled. “There’s a feast being held in your honour tonight. Also a good place to gather everyone, give luck to the men. The troops leave tomorrow morning, it’s a long journey and we have to brief them thoroughly on it.”
I nod. “And I have to attend this feast? And briefing?”
He smirked. “Unless you want to fall deeper in Yeira’s bad books, yes you do.”
“Well if you put it that way…” I chuckle.
He laughed. “Oh, and another thing. Ah…you may want to choose a horse for yourself. For tomorrow.”
“We go by land?”
“Okay.” I look towards the forest and hills and beautiful scenery before me. “Could I just go out for a run with some horse? It’d be good to get used to it.”
He nodded. “Of course you can. Just let the stable-boy know how far and where you’re going.”
“Right. I’ll see you later at the feast.” I farewell and jog over to the stables.


On reaching the door, I knocked quickly on it. A girl opened the door and looked up startled at me.
“Hey, I was hoping to get a horse out for a run.” I smile extending my hand politely.
Timidly she took it and gestured me to come inside. It was a neat stable—large too. The individual horse stalls lined up in two rows, with some horses sticking there well groomed heads out as if to see the newcomer. Unlike the horses in Badin, these horses hadn’t had their hair cut and locks of hair fell down their faces—looked good.
“Oh it’s you!” It was then I turned to recognise the owner of the voice—Mila. She came in the door to stand beside the other girl and the two of the smiled brightly at me. Great. Now how could I get rid of them?
“Hey.” I greet awkwardly.
She whispered something to her friend and with a giggle the girl trotted off.
“Hi. I heard your name in court yesterday, Xavier was it?”
“Yeah.” I say pulling out the nearest sturdy looking horse. “Do you know where the stable boy is? I’m supposed to tell him where I’m going.”
She nodded eagerly. “He left not long ago. Tell me, and I’ll tell him when I see him.”
“Ah…” I hesitated. “Tell him I’m just strolling around the forest to the West, is that ok?” I say strapping on the nearby saddle and reins.
“Yes of course. When will you be back?” She asked sweetly
“Soon.” I say getting onto the horse. “See ya.” Without waiting for a reply I galloped off. Too much attention is definitely a bad thing.


Palace duties wear me out, and they’re boring too. I gazed lovingly at the beautiful lake. Father. For him, I’d find the Silent Spring. There was sound behind me and I got up with a gasp. No one there. There were a few more sounds, as if someone or something was coming closer. My heart picked up speed and I pulled out my dagger. Nothing to worry about Yeira, I tell myself, probably just some animal or something. The leaves parted as a man stepped through. That wasn’t an animal. It was a man. His face was masked and he looked fully armed. Maybe he was just a friendly stranger worried about his…ah…skin complexion? Thus the mask. Yeah. Four other men stepped out of the bushes around me and I stepped back cautiously. Maybe ‘friendly’ is the wrong word.
“State you name.” I say sounding braver than I felt. Rather than reply, his hand reached out and he took hold of my wrist. I screamed. The other men surrounded me, as I twisted my arm free and slashed my dagger at him, deeply cutting his arm. Another man pulled me away by the arm, and so I bit him. With a cry, he flung me back as I collided into a tree. The other three men started closing in me; definitely not friendly. The closest pulled a fist back and I winced, preparing for the impact. It never came. Cautiously opening my eyes, I looked up to see a man’s back—I felt a déjà vu. A man with an extremely well-build body and longish dark hair stood defensively in front of me. Mr Sexy had caught the assassin’s punch midway and in turn punched him the stomach, and then cuffed him in the face, letting the man fall to the ground howling. Three other men leapt at Mr Sexy and I stood admiring his great fighting skills. He kicked the first in the stomach and then taking the two like ragdolls, he slammed their heads together, letting them fall to the floor. The masked men fled after that. The whole lot of them. Mr Sexy turned to face me and my heart leaped to see who he was. My eyes widened. Xave?
“Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” He asked tenderly.
“You?!” I exclaim bewildered. “What are you doing here??”
He gave me a puzzled look. “Saving your life maybe?? You’re welcome, by the way.”
I bit my lip—he had saved me. “Sorry.” I glance up at him timidly. “Thanks for that.”
He smiled. “Welcome. Who were they?”
“I dunno.” I say. “Seriously though, what are you doing here?”
He sighed. “I was out riding one of your horses, when I heard your scream. I came here to find that rogue push you to the tree—I stepped in. Why’re you out here alone anyway?? Shouldn’t you be in the palace?”
“I’ll be where I want to be.” I say defensively. “Shouldn’t you be minding your own business?”
“Hello?! They could’ve killed you, or worse!”
“Yeah I know. I’ve been in that situation before.” I say looking pointedly at him. He stepped back baffled.
“It was four years ago!” He exclaimed.
“Yeah thanks; but I can count.” I say. He stood staring at me for a moment and I glared back.
“Know what? Fine.” He finally says. “I’m riding back to the palace; I suggest you come with me.”
“What? On the same horse?”
He groaned in annoyance. “Yes, on the same horse.” I give him a look.
“Fine.” I say striding ahead of him. He followed behind me muttering something about being stubborn and hot-headed—he’d better be talking about the weather, I think to myself.


I had to sit in front—yet he won’t let me ride. I had only awkwardly managed to let him lift me up onto the horse. Worse part being the tingling in my stomach every time his arms brushed around me—which happened continuously throughout the journey; every time the horse galloped. When we finally came near the palace, I told him to stop at let me off to avoid anyone seeing. He either couldn’t or wouldn’t listen and he steadied the horse towards the stables. On reaching the open stable doors, he moved the horse in and helped me get off. Once my feet were back on solid ground I turned angrily at him.
“Are you deaf?? I told you to let me down near the forest edge!” I grumble.
“Yeah whatever.” He says, turning as if to leave. I took hold of his arm, and he turned around. My stomach fluttered as he met my eyes and I instantly pulled my hand away. “What?” He asked blandly.
“You forget whose land you’re on, dear Xave.” I say “I rule here, and you shouldn’t turn your back on the Empress.”
He stepped forward and reached out as if to touch my cheek, but stopped. “I won’t.” I gave him a baffled look. It took a while for me to register the full meaning; I opened my mouth to give a rude reply, but we both turned as Janos walked in with a greeting.
“Yeira?” Janos says surprised.
“Janos!” I greet back, moving away from Xavier. “I’ll see you at the feast tonight?”
He laughed running his hand through his messy brown hair. “Yes of course, Tsarina. Or should I say Rani? Maharani?”
“You should say Yeira.” I smirk walking out the door. “Don’t be late!” I say to Janos before facing Xavier. “I’ll see you there.” I nod. He nodded back and I walked off; clenching my fist to my heart.

Then Thief in the Night


I hate him, I tell myself for the thousandth time. I’d changed into the clothes for the feast and I walked out of the glass doors onto my balcony. With a quick check to make sure he wasn’t out. Will flew down beside me and I knelt to pat my beautiful bird. Will looked back at me questioningly and I smile.
“I hate him.” I tell Will. “He ruined everything.”
“Four years ago.” He reasoned.
“So? He still—,”
“He what? Burnt the village? Yes he did. But that’s not why you hate him Yeira.”
There were times I wish I didn’t have this telepathic ability with other aura-bound creatures. At times like these, birds are more useful when they can’t talk back.
“You’d best get to this feast.” He cautioned.
“How’d you know about that??” I ask puzzled.
“I have ears, you know, and they work fine.” He almost looked as if he smiled. I laugh.
“Enough with the smack-talk.” I laugh moving away from the edge. “Bye Will.”
He squawked and flew off. He didn’t usually talk to me much—and he never really needed to. Company was more than enough—still is. I was almost starting to understand his squawking. The sun was moving in towards the horizon. Tearing my gaze from the skies, I walked away from the balcony. On with the feast.


I stood smiling at the native girls. They seemed to want to ask something, but couldn’t decide who’d come up to ask. They were well dressed, in colourful native clothes and rows of bangles. And they looked very pretty. Two of the girls looked up at me and broke up giggling shyly again. It was then that I recognised one of them as Mila. She caught my eye and walked over—oh no. She came to a stop in front of me and stood at a pose that could only be described as a lead on. I smiled—nice dress though, almost like the one Yeira wore the day—the day we raided. Clenching my jaw I looked away.
“Hello Xavier…ah…” She started.
“Just Xavier.” I say flatly.
“Yes, Xavier.” She chimed. “Nice name. I guess you know mine already, but I’ll reintroduce myself. I’m Mila; I let you in that day.”
“I remember you.” I say with a half-smile.
She smiled. “Yeah. I wasn’t supposed to; guards got very angry at me because of that, but I don’t mind. It was worth it.”
Worth it?? “Uh…thanks…?” Hadn’t she run this by me already?
“Don’t mention it. My friends here wanted to talk to you…” She gestured to the other girls, who came over. “They wanted to meet you as well.” The four girls looked way too keen.
“Ah, nice to meet youse all.” I say.
“You’re very tall.” One comments.
“Er, thanks.”
“Are you married?” Another asks. “Are you a warrior? You look so fit. Are you staying here for good? Where’re you from?”
“Xavier.” Someone called. I turned to meet my saviour—Haran.
“Haran.” I greet, moving towards him with the brothers-in-arms grip.
“I see you’re getting quite comfortable…” He gestured at the girls. I shake my head and he laughs. “Well anyway, how’s our Empress treating you? Still cold?”
I sigh. “Yeah. I don’t really get it; I reckon I’ve been alright to her ever since I’ve come.”
“She’s…different. Don’t judge her like the rest—not much black and white there.”
“Yeah, but what do I have to do for her to let it go?”
“She’ll let it go soon enough.” He says sympathetically. His eyes flicked to the door. “Speaking of whom, here she is.”
I look up at the door to see her walk in. I froze and my heart drummed a little louder, a little faster. She walked straight to a group at the end of the hall—the elders.
“You’d best go talk to her now if you can, before Aksum comes.” Haran smirked.
I turn to look at him with an expression I hoped looked indifferent. “Aksum?”
“The guy’s been on her tail for three years.” Haran chuckled. “Done everything he could to get her hand in marriage from her father. It’s a long story; I’ll tell you some other day. My point is, if you want to talk to her; apologize or give thanks or whatever—now’s the time.”
I give him a smile. “You’re a real mate, ya know that?”
“Yeah.” He smirks. “I know.”
With a laugh, I head across the room toward where Yeira stood. She wasn’t there anymore. I turned to face Haran. Grinning he gestured out the foyer door. With a grateful nod, I turned towards the large glass foyer doors; with their fine white curtains blowing about in the air. She was standing near the edge of the foyer. Hair strands that escaped their hold flew around her face. Her long skirt rippled and moved with the wind. She seemed to be chatting with that stable boy…Janos? He seemed to catch my eye and nudged Yeira. She turned to the side to face me puzzled and my heart caught in my throat as her soft brown eyes met mine.
“Hello!” Janos walked over grinning.
“Hey.” I say shaking his hand. A moment after, Yeira came to stand beside him and he winked at me.
“I better see to the food; you know, make sure everything’s prepared.” He says to Yeira. She gave him a look and he walked off. She looked as if she intended to walk off too, but hesitated.
“Yeira.” I step in her way and she stopped.
“What is it?” She asks.
“Uh…” What did Haran say again? “Ah, thanks. I mean, thanks for the feast, it’s really nice.”
“Tradition.” She replied.
“And thanks also for the help…for Badin.”
“Thank the Elders.” She replies impassively. She looked behind me and something registered across her face.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, turning to face where she was looking. I felt her cool hand pull me away and look at her again, and I thought I would jump her right there. Biting my tongue I forced myself to calm myself. She’s the Empress I remind myself; be polite.
“Nothing.” She says quickly. “Let’s go outside.” Taking my hand she breezed past the foyer and into the outer corridor; avoiding most of the crowd.
“What was that all about?” I ask surprised.
“Nothing.” She says casually. “Just wanted to come outside.”
No…there’s something else you’re not telling me, I think, but I keep it to myself. We walked for a bit and it was only then I could really get a good look at her. The white/red/orange/green dress was nice, and seemed to hug her frame perfectly. That native matching scarf she wore loosely around her shoulders was just begging to be pulled away, just to reveal more. She turned to face me curiously.
“What do you think?” She asked tilting her head to the side, questioningly.
“Beautiful…” I breathe.
She smiled. “Yeah; the Mahal was built on traditional designs and…”
I smirk. “I wasn’t actually talking about the palace. Though you’re right, it’s nice too.” I almost laughed at her taken aback expression. “You look great.” I smile.
She hesitated. “Ah…thank you.”
“Honesty.” I say offhandedly. Although she hinted a smile, she looked like she would punch me and I laugh. “Hey, can I ask you something.” I say as we continue walking.
“You didn’t want me to stay. So why’d you let me? Was it just for the Elders and your father?”
She frowned. “I’ll let you stay if only just to show you how we prospered despite what happened those years ago, despite what you bandits did.”
I nod awkwardly. “What happened when we left?”
“After you left, we began rebuilding our basic homes.” She shrugged. “But soon villages from the North and South came seeking refuge. Their best warriors had been killed many women and children taken, many injured. We gave them shelter, built more houses. It was all very sudden—and as events past the Elders proclaimed that we should solidify and mark our territory as our own kingdom…” She glanced at me before continuing. “My father is well respected and so got nominated Emperor.”
“And how’s he now?” I ask gently.
“Ill.” She sighed. “There’s an antidote, but all that have gone after it have either not returned, or returned empty-handed.”
“The spring water?” I ask.
A cloud passed over her features as she turned to glare suspiciously at me. “How’d you know about that? Have you been spying on us? What’s your game here??”
“Whoa, Yeira!” I say. “Haran mentioned some spring-water; that’s all.”
She held my gaze as if searching for something. She seemed to have found it as she gave a nod and continued. “I see.” She glanced away nervously. “Enjoy the feast. I’ll see you see you at the briefing—I don’t want to be disturbed at the moment. Let anyone who asks know.”
“Something wrong?”
“None of your business, Xavier.” She rebuked. “Leave me alone.” Puzzled, I nod doubtfully, and she left. That didn’t go well.
Had I said something wrong? Puzzled and a bit annoyed, I turned to head back to the hall. I turn around to see a man standing at the end of the hall. Arms crossed and sullen faced. Raising an eyebrow, I walked down the hall; intending to pass him without a glance.
“Newcomer.” He spoke.
I stopped beside him and turned to face him. “Me?”
“Mm.” He nodded “I don’t want to see you with her again. Got it?”
I give him a puzzled look. “Yeira?”
His eyes narrowed and he looked as if he’d fight me—his funeral. “Empress Tsarina. Yes. Stay away for your own good.”
I give him a look. “Is that some sort of half-baked threat? Empress Tsarina will tell me to go away if that’s her wish. Who are you to speak for her?”
He looked as if he were about to snap. “I’m Prince Aksum. You will soon know who I am to speak for her. I told you what I had to; I’m done here.” He snarled.
“Charming.” I mock walking off. I felt sorry for Yeira—what a pig Aksum seemed. I wonder what his full story is…maybe I could ask her later. No. Not after what my last question did.


“You seem lost.” I look up to see a smirking Haran.
“Mm.” I smile. “Just bored of sitting here. Aren’t we supposed to go through the plans for Badin?”
“Yeah…when Yeira comes.” He shrugged. “She’s a bit late—but I guess we could get started without her. If we say it was your idea.” I nod absently and Haran gave a funny look. “What’s on your mind my friend?”
I shake my head. “Nothing—just tired.” I give what I hoped was a genuine smile. Haran look at me apprehensively.
“Tired?” He asked doubtful.
“Exhausted.” I lie. Yeira was on my mind. Things keep getting from bad to worse. The door opened and she walked in. We all stood up respectfully. I smiled. It was strange how despite her petite frame—well compared to the men around her, she still managed to look distinguished and powerful.
“Please, take a seat.” We all sat down. She turned to face Haran. “Let’s start.”
He nodded and two of the other men seated around the oblong table got up. “These are the two troop captains.” The men bowed and sat down again. “There’re a few strategies and time-plans we have.” Haran said. “We have enemy in-tell and we know some strengths we need to overcome. The Northern foreigners are an international threat…” Haran continued to talk and I felt myself gazing thoughtfully at Yeira—she seemed bored as well; though she listened carefully and nodded to various validations. Brushing my gaze over her figure, I found my thoughts take a dangerous path. Pulling my attention back to Haran, I tried to make sense of what he was saying.
“I can’t.” Yeira spoke. I looked up puzzled. What was the question?
Haran looked at her perplexed. “May I ask the reason?”
There was a pause—then she spoke. “I can’t allow you to go as you’ll be busy looking after the Empire.”
Haran looked puzzled. “The…Empire?”
She nodded. “I’ve decided to…leave on the expedition I mentioned earlier to you. While I’m gone; I want you to be in charge.”
“Yeira…” He shook his head. “Yes Empress. With all due respect, do you think it wise to go alone on such a journey? And wouldn’t Aksum be a better candidate as Temporary Empire caretaker?”
“No. You have greater experience and my trust. As for the journey—I’ll be fine alone.”
I felt puzzled. “What journey?” I ask. Haran shook his head and someone in the room sighed.
“If all other business is out of the way—I’ll turn in for the day.” Yeira ignored my question. “I guess I’ll get ready in the morning and go through the details then.”
“Morning?!” Haran exclaimed. “Isn’t that…soon?” Yeira gave him a look and he cleared his throat. “Of course Tsarina. As you wish. Good night; we’ll discuss further in the morning.”
She nodded. “Night everyone.” She glanced briefly at me with a nod and left the room as gracefully as she came in.
Haran sat down with an exasperated sigh as the other men gathered their belongings and headed out of the room.
“Haran?” I asked as the men left. “What was that all about?”
His jaw clenched. “She’s so…obstinate. Too much.” His eyes flung open and he turned to face me with the look hinting he had an idea. “You could totally help.” He smiled.
“Huh? What’s going on here?” I ask.
“She’s going after her father’s antidote—alone. What if you go with her? The men can deal with Badin, and I’ll deal with the kingdom.”
“I’d love to.” I say earnestly. “But I doubt she’ll let me.”
“Convince her. I—I don’t feel right sending her off alone—or with Aksum.” He added with a laugh. “You’re a good man; I trust you and you fight well—very well. Please?”
I smile. “I’ll try my best; if she lets me—I’ll be more than happy to go.”
“Thanks.” Haran smiled getting up and extending his hand. “Now, maybe we should enjoy the rest of this feast.”
I nod. “I like that idea.”


I could hear the festivities from my balcony, and I even caught sight of the fireworks and Xavier by the food stalls. I smiled seeing him so caught up in the various foods and dishes. I may not like him, and he may be an idiot sometimes—but there’s something about him that’s…special. No doubt the tailing girls saw it too. He seemed to brush them off quite skilfully—but that means practice; the player. I turned my attention back to the skies—the fireworks were beautiful—but so was the night sky. The large full moon flooded the palace festivities with light. I glanced back down at Xavier; he was gone. Furrowing my brow, I looked around the large area—he just disappeared. Special, maybe, but definitely strange.
“He’s turned in for the day.” Will’s voice came in as the hawk glided onto my balcony edge.
“Who?” I ask…although it was obvious who.
“You know.” Will flapped his wings and I smiled.
“Yeah-yeah, okay.” I give him a look. “Well, the banquet’s over, and I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, so I best go to sleep too. Night Will.” I wave. Will flapped his wing again, and with a nod I head back inside to get changed…and maybe a cold shower before bed.


The feast was well and truly over as I stepped out of my bathroom drying my long black hair. It flowed down past my waist, and took a little while to dry. I put on my silk nightgown and put away the towels and slipped into bed. I lay awake tossing and turning in bed. Father. I have to do something. I can’t let him…leave. With a sigh, I sat up, pushing back my still-wet hair. Tomorrow the troops were leaving for Badin. I have to go ask the native wise woman—the shaman elder, for advise on the spring water.
I rubbed my temples softly trying to clear my head. Suddenly there was a sound of shuffling near my cupboard—all the royal jewels are kept there! Peering closely, I noticed a silhouette—a burglar! Maybe I should call for help…what if it was one of those men by the lake?! My heart raced faster. Come on Yeira, I tell myself, be brave, be strong—get a weapon. Looking to my left, I saw the hilt of my sword—the Goddess. Stepping quietly out of bed, I took hold of the sword—leaving its wooden cover on…for now. I stepped up behind the tall figure, unsteady with nervousness and slammed the sword at his back. He howled and turned—I couldn’t make out his features, but I’m sure he wasn’t happy. He took my arm and I kicked his stomach. We struggled and I fought feebly in the dark, one thing was for sure—strength wasn’t my strong asset, so I tried dexterity. As I bounced to the side to sidestep his arm, my foot caught in the rug and I landed on the bed edge with a cry, and taking hold of my wrists, he pinned me to the mattress. I struggled, but he was too strong and pinned me down with his apparently large solid body. The lights flickered on. Squinting at the sudden brightness I stared back into the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen—golden and soft. Wait a sec; Xavier? I glanced at the door to see a wide-eyed Tarrasa at the light switch. Her cheeks flushed red and she quickly dropped her gaze and cleared her throat.
“I—I’m sorry, I thought I heard movement and so…” she glanced up nervously. “I came to check on you. Sorry for…ah…disturbing you…”
“Nothing we can’t get back to.” Xavier smirked.
“What!?” I yell. Tarrasa nervously closed the door and I heard her quick footsteps move away to her own room. I turn back to look at Xavier. Oh…my…gosh. No wonder Tarrasa went red, not only was Xave half-naked, wearing only some shorts—and he looked incredibly hot by the way, the guy was ripped—well-built and bronze skin not unlike my own, but different. But my gown was slipping and I guess our current…ah…position may have led to the wrong idea. “Get off me you idiot!” I shout—not too loud lest to draw more attention. Man did he look hot right now.
“Hey, you attacked me.” He countered. What?! The nerve!
“What?!” I shout. “Of course I attacked you, what the hell are you doing in my room?! Trying to steal something?? Once a thief, always a thief! You thug! You brute! After all we’ve given you—,” He covered my mouth with his hand.
“Yeira! Listen!” He sighed. “I know this…looks bad, and I know you hate me and everything, but I thought you’d still be awake. I—I want to help. I want to help your dad…and I want to help you.” He finished softly.
I gave him a baffled look and mumbled under his hand.
“If I remove my hand—you can’t scream and you have to hear me out.” He says. I nod and he removed his hand. “Yeira, I know—I feel you’re angry at me and what I said today. And how you reacted…I never meant it to be like that. I only wanted to…you know, break the ice. I want to help you in return for you helping me. That’s all! No other hidden motives like you think.”
“Get off me.” I say flatly. Sweet or not, this was not a posture one could think clearly nor talk sensibly in. He shook his head and held my arms above me. I need to pull my wrists away; they didn’t hurt, but…his touch. It was strange.
“Also, I wanted to clarify that I am sorry; genuinely.” He says.
I sigh. “We’ll talk in the morning.”
“No Yeira, please. Tell me I can help; you have to.”
I look up crossly. “I don’t have to do anything!” I say. “Leave now, or I’ll kick you out personally.”
“I said now!!” I drew out the Ancient energy—Aura through my centre, but to my greatest surprise, his eyes began to glow. Glow! They were glowing bright green. My eyes glow too—but I have a tie to the Ancients. The Aura-bound ancestors—my eyes glow blue when I draw energy—why were his glowing??
“Yeira?? Your—your eyes….” He trailed off. I let the energy drift as our eyes returned to normal.
“Xave…” I sigh. “I—I’m going to see the shaman—well the wise-woman tomorrow. You can come if you want. You have to behave though.” I say. I had to ask her about this.
“Yeira…your eyes; they were…”
“An Azure colour?” I sigh. “Yeah, yours changed too. Look Xave; I’ll send for you tomorrow and we can decide on this then—for now, I would greatly appreciate you get off me and go to your own room. I’m tired and I…”
He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I almost gasped at the suddenness of the kiss. He pressed up further against me as the kissed deepened—it seemed endless and the world spun round. You’re an Empress Yeira, I scold myself. I smirked back; not right now. Making out ain’t gonna get you any closer to the spring; true. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back a little. Smiling, he released my lips making me blush.
“Had enough already?” His voice was deep and husky. When I didn’t respond he smirked. “Night, Yeira.” He says with a small smile. I was unable to respond. He caressed my hair with his hand softly and then getting off me with a wink he slipped into the night.
What just…? Why…? I sat up bewildered into my bed. What was that all about? That…idiot! Did he just…kiss me? Mm…but it was…I sigh and lie down; he said he wanted to help. That didn’t help…maybe it did; but…crap! Tarrasa! What would she be thinking?? Oh lord. How am I supposed to convince her there was nothing going on? Well…not exactly nothing. I touch my lips lightly; definitely not nothing. With a smirk, I fell back into bed to the land of dreams.

Journey's begining


I’m never nervous. Not nervous when I had to take on a 1000 men army with 200 men. Not nervous when we strayed thousands of metres off in the sea in the middle of two consecutive storms. Not even nervous when I had been called to court the enemy King’s daughter; by force. I wasn’t even nervous at the ambush on the way back. But I was nervous right now; just as I was when I first came here. I hadn’t meant to do that. Kiss the Empress? Not a good idea. I hit my head with my fist; I just don’t think sometimes—what’s wrong with me? She could declare assault and have me off with nothing but a spared life. I couldn’t help it! It was hard enough leaving her when I did.
I wanted to make things right and so I jumped onto her balcony to see if she was still awake. One thing led to another and she hit my back and I tried to pull the weapon away. Then her friend came in. I chuckled now at the thought. Both of them were equally embarrassed and startled. Mm…Yeira. I didn’t touch the Empress—it was Yeira. And she’s lucky I didn’t pull that gown right off. I smirked at the thought—how would she have reacted to that? I laughed quietly; not very well I presume. Lost in my own thoughts, I got startled as I heard a rapid knocking at the door. Walking over to the door, I opened to find Roan smiling on the other side.
“Empress will see you now.” He says gesturing away from my room.
“I—I’ll be right there.” I say. “Where is there exactly?” I ask
Roan grinned. “Her lounge. I hope you’re not in too much trouble mate; she hardly ever invites anyone there. Good luck.” He waved walking off.
I closed the door with a smirk. I hope so too. Quickly getting dressed I washed my hands and face—ready to see Yeira.
“Yeira.” I greet walking into a stunning and traditional native-looking sofa room. She gave a nod from where she was standing.
“Sit down; I’m almost ready.” She says. She wore simple native clothes with a sword to her waist and held a small brown bag, and was filling it with…supplies? A dagger? Plants?
“What are you doing?” I ask moving over to stand beside her. She looked up fretfully at me and so I took a step back—no doubt she hadn’t forgotten last night.
“I—I thought you wanted to…come.” She says quickly tying up the bag.
“Yeah sure, but where? Are you talking about the spring?” I ask puzzled.
“I am.” She says before looking up sceptically at me. “What you said…yesterday. Was it just a bluff, or were you serious?”
“Serious!” I say a bit too quickly. She gave a thoughtful moment and then nodded. “We’ll start at the Shaman’s cottage; she knows where the spring is—sort of. I’m leaving Haran in charge of the palace while we’re going—the troops should have left for your home by now; so we better get going.”
I nod. “Alright, do I take anything? I’ve got my sword.” I ask. She smirked.
“You can get what you need at the Shaman’s house. No worries there.”
I nod slowly and she gestures to the door. “Well we best get going then.” She says.
“Whoa. You don’t waste any time, do you?” I smile.
Her face dropped. “There isn’t much time to waste.” Oops, I think, I always say the wrong thing! “Thanks.” She adds.
I look at her puzzled. “What for??”
“For wanting to help. For the care.” She says softly.
I smile. “Always.” She smiled back. I felt bad taking credit for what was Haran’s idea; but I couldn’t tell her that, then he’d be in trouble, and so would I. “So…” I decide to ask. “Your friend yesterday…what’d you say to her? Have you…ah, talked to her?”
She looked like she was repressing a laugh. “I hate you.” She says. I look up a bit worried but she smiled and I relaxed. I laugh.
“What’d you say?” I press.
She did laugh this time—and a beautiful sound it was. “I told her you got lost and it was dark and I attacked you thinking you were a thief.” She shook her head smiling. “I don’ think she bought it though.”
I smiled lovingly at her happy figure. “You know, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you laugh and seen you smile.” For me.
She smiled shyly and I grin—who could have thought of Yeira as being bashful. I laughed and she gave me a look. “You laughing at me?” She asked trying to mask her smile and look serious.
I shake my head but then say “Yes.” She laughed again pushed me lightly towards the door. I clenched my fists to restrain from picking her up in one clean swoop and carrying her out.
We walked out laughing down the corridor. I have to admit it was nice to see a smile in place of the usual glare. We got outside the palace chatting, laughing and joking around. We’d gone half-way down the stairs when I noticed her become tense.
“What’s up Yeira? You seem edgy.” I say.
“Nothing’s up.” She says looking ahead. “Just keep walking.”
I give her a confused look—which she ignored. I glanced around until my eyes met his, Aksum was standing by the end of the rail; arms folded and angry. Seeing Yeira’s movements, it seemed she planned to simply walk past. On reaching him, he put out his arm to stop us.
“Whoa-whoa-whoa princess. Where’re you going?” He asked grinning
“We’re going to see the shaman.” She says offhandedly. He glanced at me irritated.
“And what? You’re taking that newcomer with you?” He gestured to me. She frowned and gave a nod and I bit my tongue to avoid saying anything back. The ‘Empress’ was being addressed and in reality, I had no right to say anything. Aksum smirked. “Want me to escort you?” He asked stepping in front of her.
“We’ll be alright; thanks for your concern.”
“I insist.” He pressed.
“I must refuse.” She shrugged sidestepping him. That was when he made the mistake—he reached out to take hold of her arm, only to be stooped midway by me. Yeira looked up worriedly as I held Aksum’s wrist an inch away from her. He turned his face to look daggers at me.
“How dare you?! You dare take hold of me you outsider?” He snarled.
Yeira looked frightfully at me. What was she afraid of? The guy just came past my shoulders in height. She should know I’d flatten this guy in one hit. Or was she scared I’d hurt him? I hope not.
“How dare you try and take her arm? And by force.” I countered. “I guess I wasn’t clear enough last time so let me rephrase my message; I don’t follow your orders, I do as I please, and I go by my own codes. Do what you will, try all you want; keep that in mind. And don’t ever touch her again, or I might show you just why I was deemed one of the most notorious bandits ever to raid.” I let his wrist drop limply to his side. Yeira’s face reflected the surprise of the few guards around us…who had obviously overheard the exchange. When he didn’t reply I gestured down the large steps. “Empress Tsarina…should we get going?” She nodded hesitantly and we continued down the stairs past the wide-eyed Aksum and guards.
We crossed the palace walls in silence. It was when we got into the forest that Yeira finally turned to face me smiling.
“Thanks Xave.” She smiled sweetly. That was worth dying for.
“My pleasure Empress.” I smile. “Although why and how you, of all people, put up with that is beside me.”
She gave a shrug. “Ethical commitments.” She paused. “You’ve talked to him before??”
I nod. “Charming fellow.” I say sarcastically. “Delightful.” She laughed and so I continued. “May I ask why it is you put up with him, yet blow a house down if I say something of the sort?”
She sighed. “Our families have a history. It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” I smile
She gave a small laugh. “Yeah ok. Hmm….well, when the Empire was formed; it didn’t just form because we all came around and thought it was a good idea. Our past lineages were Emperors; we just rebuilt the olden Territory of the Ancients.”
“And a great job you did, might I add.” I smirk. She gave me a look before continuing.
“Well anyway, back then there were also people known as Aurorans. They led the Empire, so there wasn’t really one Emperor/Empress. Well, publically there was an Emperor; but he was…less of a chief and more heritage retain—largely respected, but his verdict or decree on any matter could be negated instantly if the Aurorans so wished.”
“The Last Emperor’s descendants had been traced down to Aksum’s family and so when the Empire rebuild, and his father passed away, he was to be crowned Emperor. But then descendants of the Aurorans were traced; my father was a direct descendant of an Auroran and so the nation all demanded father be Emperor. He did, but then fell ill and I had to take over as the successor.” She sighed. “Aksum, being the ‘real’ descendant of the royals, well, I—I have to give him some leniency. Though I wish Harran could take over—he’s the other royal heir, but younger than Aksum, so he couldn’t be appointed without Aksum’s consent…”
“He’s a good man; and a good leader.” I concur.
“He is.” She nods.
There was a pause. “Isn’t there something else you’re forgetting?” I ask. “He wants to marry you?”
“He wants to marry into the Aura lineage. He wants the Empire.” She scoffs.
I shrug. “From what you told me, the Aurorans seem of higher endorsement anyway. How many are there?”
“She’ll know.” She gestured grinning at the cottage in front of us.
We had arrived earlier than I had thought we would. Giggling like a schoolgirl, Yeira pulled me to the cottage door.
“You’ll love her.” She told me grinning. “Not your typical wise shaman though.”
The door opened and on the other side stood a cross looking woman who glared suspiciously at me. Yeira jumped up with a greeting and the shaman’s face melted into a welcoming smile.
“Yeira; my child!” She beamed. “You’ve come after quite a while.” She gestured to me. “Who’s he?”
Yeira cleared her throat. “Well…there’s actually something I need to ask you about that. I do know he’s…ah—well, he’s one of the bandits from four years ago…” She trailed off. “He came for military support and now he wants to help me in return…” The shaman stepped aside and ushered us inside.

The cottage was quite roomy from the inside. The shaman stood staring suspiciously at me.
“Do you trust this man? She asked Yeira. I smiled at seeing Yeira blush. The Shaman stepped towards me and struck out her hand. “Give me your hand.” She instructed.
I glanced at Yeira—who nodded. I give the shaman my hand, which she held palm up, gazing at it with such scrutiny—I felt extremely uncomfortable. She glanced up at me—and smiled. “Welcome son.” She smiled. “A good man and a deeply meaningful future you will have.” She turned to Yeira. “You came for something?”
Yeira nodded. “We’re…we’re going after the spring...”
The shaman nodded knowingly. “I’m guessing you’ll need supplies and information. Well, young man, all supplies in the store are at your disposal.” She gestured to a door in the corner of the room. “Leave me and Yeira to converse privately.” She added. With a nod and a longing look at Yeira, I headed for the ‘store’.


“But he’s a foreigner!” I say frustrated. “And he didn’t even know anything—he still doesn’t know much about the Auroras and the Tenet. His eyes were glowing!!” I fall into the couch frustrated.
She gave me a sympathetic look. “Blue?”
“Green.” I sigh. “A beautiful green—emerald.”
She frowned. “Green??” She gave a thoughtful look. “I swear I’ve read it somewhere—I can’t point it out right now, but…” She trailed off.
“He’s a foreigner! Newcomer! He doesn’t know anything! How can he be tied to the Auroras?? Let alone a descendant??”
“Maybe you need to find out more about him.” She suggested.
I give her a look. “Joy.” I say sarcastically. “As if it weren’t bad enough as it is.”
She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately closed it as we heard Xavier close the door—fully dressed in our traditional native male clothes. My eyes widened—he looked…amazing! I smiled; maybe going out into the middle of nowhere with the hunk wouldn’t be so bad. It fit him really well. A sword hung lightly from his waist from a leather belt. His hair fell down—some strands just touching his shoulders—his broad shoulders. Muscular arms…wide chest. Tall, strong, handsome. He walked up to us with a smirk.
“Like what you see?” He asked me quirking an eyebrow.
I looked back up embarrassed. He and shaman laughed at my blushed cheeks and I give him a look. “It’s the native clothes. They’re nice.” I say nonchalantly.
He smirked. “Sure…it was just the clothes you’re admiring. Or who’s wearing them?” The Shaman laughed again as I gave him a ‘shut-up’ look.
“You have the map?” The shaman asked Xavier grinning, He shook his head and the shaman disappeared into the nearby closet only to re-emerge with a large sheet of paper. “Here.” She handed him the map. “It’s got all sites labelled on it. Head for Oasis Tura, and you’ll get to your destination. It won’t be an easy journey—many have tried, many failed. You’ll come across many surprises and trials you have to pass…just be careful with that map. And good luck.” She smiled.
I walked to the door—knowing that was her way of saying ‘now get out of the cottage’. Xavier soon caught on and followed me out. With a wave I farewelled the finest shaman in the empire.
“Pray for us!” I call out. She nodded with a laugh, and I followed Xavier back down into the forest; with Xavier deeply connected to the map. What comedy.
My legs were aching and I slumped down beside a tree. We’d travelled really far—I didn’t even recognise this area; which meant I had to follow him. How embarrassing.
“Come on Empress, we should get ahead while there’s daylight.” He smirked. When I gave him my ‘shut-up’ look, he laughed. “Come on, just a few more meters.”
“You’ve been saying that since we left the Shaman cottage. And that was over 3 hours ago. Don’t act like you’re not tired either.” I say annoyed.
“I’m not.” He says turning to face me fully. “Just past that orchid, there will be a village. We’ll stop there for the night.”
“What orchid??” I squint to get a better look. “I don’t see an orchid.”
“It’s just a bit further.”
“How much further Mr I-don’t-get-tired.”
“A few acres Ms Complain-a-lot.”
I give him a look. “I may not know where we are, but I still own the land you’re standing on; and I could have you kicked off it if you’re not careful.”
“You and what army?” He challenged with a smirk.
“I, sir, don’t need an army.” I say pushing past him to walk on ahead. He had pointed in this direction, hadn’t he?
He followed behind me chuckling—what a don.

We walked for another half-hour before I turned to face him. “Where’s the orchid??”
He shrugged. “Should have been here,”
I glare at him. “Tell me we’re not lost.”
“We’re not lost.”
I give him a look. “And be honest.”
“We’re lost.” He smirked.
“Xavier!” I grumble. “This ain’t funny; what’ll we do now??”
“We could always just make wild erotic love out in the wilderness and—ow!” I pinched his ear and he yelped laughing.
“Don’t talk to your Empress like that!” I scold blushing. He winked and I let go of his ear with a huff. “Seriously Xavier, what do we do?”
He laughed. “Perhaps we should find a river, Empress Tsarina.”
I give him a look. “Fine. I guess we follow it in the hope of finding a settlement?”
“That’s right.”
I give him a look. “Seriously? What if there isn’t?”
“I’m open to any other ideas.” I didn’t reply so he walked on ahead. Fine; walk aimlessly in hope of finding civilization it is then.

Village Raid


There was little in the way of small talk between us. Yeira was annoyed at being ‘lost’ which was apparently my fault. Just because I had the map? I was reading it perfectly fine; just after a while the things on the map weren’t showing up! I looked up to see a grey mist above the tree further down.
“Yeira!” I call. She turned briskly. “Smoke—out there; near the mountains.” I point.
She let out a sigh of relief. “Another village I hope. I’m sick of following this stream you’ve named a river; hopelessly lost.” I laughed and she picked up speed as we both headed towards the smoke.
We walked quite far until finally we jogged up to a small pond and stopped to take a breather Yeira shook her head smiling.
“I think we can make it before sunset.” She chirps.
I smile. “I think so too. I’ll fill up my drink bottle; quick break and then we’re heading off again.”
She nodded. “Okay. Though I think the Stream back there has clean freshwater; I wouldn’t fill up in this pond.” She smirks.
I smile. “Ok. Be right back.”

Filling up my bottle, I sat down for a bit by the stream. I drained some of the water—and wow. It tasted beautifully sweet. The sun was warm and lying semi-lazily in the shade; I almost got lost in the moment. There was a scream—Yeira! I bounce up and ran down to where the small pond was. This better not be something stupid like a spider, I think. Holy crud. They’re back? It was the same men from the other day. The masked dark-clad creeps had surrounded her. One pulled viciously at her arm. Her sword lay behind them—out of reach. I came to a stop behind him, pulled him away from her and thrust my fist in the face. Hopefully that’ll leave a mark. I don’t know why, but my blood was boiling and I was more aggressive than I would have thought I’d be. I wanted to slay the lot! Especially the one who’d touched Yeira. Knocking down the filth three by three I mopped them down well. They’d fall; and I’d just drag them up again and keep bashing them.
“Xavier, that’s enough!” She pulled on my sleeve. Pulling my arm out of her grasp, I flung the man whose collar I was holding, a few meters off. “Xavier!” She took hold of my arm again. “Are you crazy?”
The vermin group fled and I turned to face her gaze firmly with my own. “Why the hell would you be defending them?!”
“Defending them??” She punched my arm and I scowled.
“Hey! What was that for?!” I say rubbing my arm.
“Why would I defend them? Maybe because you were about to kill them!”
“So?!” I ask surprised.
“What do you mean ‘so’??” She gave me a look. Releasing a sigh she calmed herself and spoke again. “Xave…I thank god, and you, you made it here in time and for your help…but I—I couldn’t let you kill them! Not now that…” She trailed off. “At least I know who they are now.” She whispered slumping to the ground.
“Who?!” I ask.
She closed her eyes and lent back on the tree. “You know not everyone united for my father. They’re part of Garran’s gang. They—they want Aksum to rule; they don’t think one Auroran progeny hold any right in leading the country. Xavier……I’m sick of this politics. I don’t even want to be the ruler.”
My temper faded and I stayed quiet. What could I say? I sat down beside her quietly and she rested her head on my shoulder. I resisted putting arm around her and breathed in the rose-scent aroma from her hair. Mm…caving in, I did wrap her shoulders under my arm.
“Xave?” She looked up. “Can I—ah, ask you about…well, about your past? I mean, your parents, your home town…”
“Why?” I ask simply.
She hesitated. “Curiosity…”
“I hope you don’t mind Tsarina, I’d rather keep my past to myself.” I say glancing only briefly at her. She seemed disappointed. My heart clenched. Maybe I should just tell her everything. No. Never. She may be…breathtaking in every way, but I can’t put that much faith in her; in anyone.
She nodded. “Fair enough…I guess…”
I tilted my head to face her, but this time she wouldn’t look at me. “I’m sorry Yeira…I--” I was cut off by a shout. We both looked up to see a middle aged man in a turban heading for us. Yeira quickly got up and started speaking rapidly in the native language. The man came to a stop and I got up to my feet. They exchanged various comments in some other language, and he finally nodded and faced me.
“I’m Lushun Kumar; Kumar for short.” He spoke in Kistni this time—I could understand that.
“Xavier.” I say extending my hand, which he took.
“I heard a scream, then as I came here—those hooded felons were running…well limping off injured. I feared you were one of them.” He apologised.
“Oh.” I said simply. Then I laughed. “I guess Yeira’s scream’s very piercing like that—hard to ignore.”
“Xave!” She slapped my arm. “So you were trying to ignore me, were you??”
“No-no-no.” I laugh. “That’s not what I meant—”
“Empress Yeira?” Kumar asked. “Who’d have thought?” He beamed.
“Yes…ah, pleasure to meet you.” She said uncertainly folding her hands in greeting.
“You seem tired.” He smiled, “Please, come rest at our village, my queen, it’s not far. You and your guard seem to have had a long journey.”
“Guard??” She gave me a look. “He lacks the discipline and regard required to be a guard. Just a nuisance accompanying me on my journey. But thank you for the offer; we do need shelter for the night.”
He nodded laughing as I shook my head repressing a smile. “Nuisance, ay? Well no bother, you’re both welcomed to the village with open arms.” Kumar smiled gesturing past the forest. “It’s not very far; just follow me.” And we did.

Kumar kept questioning Yeira on where we were going and why; and I had to admit she evaded giving a response quite skilfully. Right now we were both in the village ‘guest room’. We’d gotten clean and we ate some dinner, and then decided to pick up another map—that Yeira insisted on carrying. She kept flicking back and forth between the two maps frowning—deep in thought. Shaking my head with a smile, I turned back to the various weapons the villagers had dug up for me.
“I don’t get it.” She says.
I look up from the gleaming sharp sword on the table. “Hmm?”
“The maps—they’re different. The map from this village doesn’t match the Shaman Sarina’s map.”
“What?” I moved up to her and pulled the two maps away to scan over them. True to what she had said—the maps were different. “How can that be?”
She snatched the maps back with an annoyed look. “That’s what I was thinking. The terrain couldn’t have changed much in the last few years. Either the map Sarina gave us is really old…or just different.” She looked up at I smiled.
“Indeed.” I concur, slipping my hand under the two maps and pulling them away again.
“Hey!” She reached out but I stepped a few steps back. “Xave! Give them back!” She stepped after me.
With a smirk I held them in the air. “Don’t snatch.” I say.
She stretched out and jumped for the maps—held safely well above my head. “Xave! You snatched them from me first!” She argued. I laughed and she folded her arms across her chest indignantly.
“How about trades for a kiss?”
Her cheeks flushed and she gave me a well-annoyed look. “Xavier Dork-a lot. You know what? Keep the map. See if I care.” With a huff, she turned on her heels and began walking away.
“Yeira!” I stretch out my arm and pulled her back, almost causing her to stumble. “I only kid, madam. No need to get huffy.” A small smile slipped onto her face. I felt the maps slip out of my hold.
“I win.” She smirked.
“Yeira!” I laugh feigning an irritated look. “That’s cheating.” I reached out for her arm. She bounded a few steps back laughing,
“There is no cheating, monsieur, just talent.” She smirked. “Night.”
“Not so fast, mademoiselle.” I smile walking forward. “I want some answers.”
“Like what?” She asked tilting her head.
“Like whom Garran is.” I say—I’d been thinking about him for a while. What grudge did he have and who was he?
“Garran…” She sighed. “Was a…boy at our village…he was there when you raided.” She shrugged. “The local bully you could say.”
“What does he have against you?” I ask thoughtfully.
She shrugged. “Childhood grudges no doubt. I stood up to him and…I guess he didn’t like not getting what he wanted.”
“What did he want?”
She looked up anxiously. “Nothing, never mind about that.”
“Yeira…” I sigh. “Come on, spill.”
She looked apprehensive and shook her head. “No, go to bed and rest. We’re leaving in the morning.” She stepped to the side to leave and I took her arm quickly.
“Yeira. Please. If he’s the gang leader, and they’ve tracked you down to here; I need to know who he is, what he wants and how that connects to you.”
She pulled uselessly at my grip. “Let go.”
“Xavier—…ah…what’s your last name?” She asked ceasing her struggles for a moment. I almost smiled.
“Just Xavier.” I reply. “Now answer my question.”
She gave me a look. “Well then listen, Just Xavier; if I scream, the villagers will set fire to you, you do know that right?”
I laugh. “Yeah, I’m sure they wouldn’t like to see the guard restraining their Empress.”
“Xavier!” She scowled. “I’m not telling you, so let me go.”
I smirk. “You’re not telling me, so no.”
There was a large blast and the walls shook. Yeira turned to look through the window frightened. There was a light coming the houses on the other side—fire?
“Did you do that?” I ask, remembering the last time she had…gone freaky on me.
“What?” She only glanced back at me. “No of course not. Why would I use Aura against my own people?” She turned to face me grief-stricken. “Xavier…I—I think it’s an ambush. They found us.”
I looked at her tenderly before glancing back at the flickering flames only 50 meters or so from us. “Come on then, we’d better get out of here.” I say. Still holding onto her arm I pulled her out of the room ahead of me, and we ran down the corridor. Smoke was clearly evident now, and although it didn’t bother me much—the smell was getting stronger. We had reached for the door handle when someone took hold of my shoulder from behind; I was about to smash my fist in the stranger face’s when I turned to recognise Kumar. He held some cloth in an arm and he shoved it towards me.
“Get her out of here, and wear these cloaks—it’ll be easier to slip away in the dark. Take the back door.” He pointed to the back of the house. “And keep her safe, you hear me?”
I nodded. Yeira coughed and shook her head. “Your village. I’m so sorry Kumar; I’ve brought this upon you. We have to help, Xavier.” She spoke sternly at me.
“You can do little now, the men are getting armed and we will cover your exit. Just leave, my queen.” He turned quickly to me. “Get her out of here, by any means necessary.”
“I will. Farewell Kumar and best of luck.” I say. Yeira shook her head.
“No! We can’t let this happen!” She coughed. Kumar gave me a nod and I slipped my arm under her legs and swept her up as she struggled. “No Xavier, put me down! That’s a command.” Kumar threw the cloak around us, and I ran to the backdoor and out into the night air, hearing a farewell from Kumar. Yeira had started crying and although I felt terrible, I had to get her away from the village.


I hadn’t stopped crying as Xave came to a stop by a lake a few acres away from the village. I tried to stop—I did. But as I swallowed down a few tears, more came flooding through. I had probably drenched his shirt in tears as I pressed up against him weeping like a small girl. Gosh Yeira, you’re an Empress, I thought. I felt something stoke my hair. I peeled my face from his chest to look into those amber eyes.
“We’ll rest here.” He whispered softly. I didn’t reply, worried I’d probably just start crying again if I opened my mouth to speak. He walked over towards a broad oak with a mossy base and placed me down carefully, kneeling down beside me. “We had to go.”
I bit my lip to stop another flow of tears and a stiff nod.
He pulled a cloak around me. “I’m going to scout around to make sure no one followed us—stay here, ok?” He touched my cheek lightly and rose to leave.
My hand shot out and took hold of his sleeve. I couldn’t say anything, but I wouldn’t let go. He had stopped. “You’ll be safe here.” He assured.
“And you?” I asked in a low voice. “Xave…do you know h-how guilty I feel right now? What if something happens to you??” I barely managed to keep a steady voice.
“Nothing will happen. And you have nothing to feel guilty for.”
“Not again.” My voice quivered. “I can’t let this happen. I—I’m going to use Aura.” I say decisively. I got up, despair slowly replaced with anger. “They’ll regret this attack.”
“No Yeira! We can’t let them confirm your location!” Xavier took my arm as I strode to the pond.
“Yes we can Xavier. I have to.” I turned to face the village drawing on the Aura. I knew my eyes were a bright blue. The wind whipped past me as my long hair rippled around me in the strong wind.
“Yeira!” Xavier called. And a glance at him revealed the same emerald glowing eyes as the other night. Powerful and ravishing bright green glow emitted from his eyes—but I couldn’t get distracted. They needed me. I was improving. The last time I had brought about a storm on a burning village was when the raids happened. I hadn’t pulled on the Aura as such; the power was snatched up from all different locations back then—most of which were feeble. But not now. I raised a hand in the sky as bright blue lightning flashed across the darkening sky. I felt my feet leave the earth as I twirled up and felt the skies envelop me with their power. Then it rained. The water was bucketing down—it was a stunning storm. Lightning ripped across the sky. The thunder rang loud shaking the Earth vigorously. The flames in the village would die out quickly in this rain. I faintly heard Xavier call out to me—but I wasn’t finished. The flames of the village had gone, but the punishment of the villains was not.
“Yeira!” Xavier’s voice was loader—more desperate. There was a green flicker coming from below. I glanced down as raging green flame had erupted from the ground, racing into the sky shooting past me. What?! My focus faltered and I felt myself fall like a rock down to Earth. Xavier called out my name again. And I prepared myself for the crash. I felt something enclose around me as I splashed into and was engulfed by the water. Something dragged me up to the surface as I coughed and spluttered the water out.
“OH Yeira!!” Arms wrapped themselves around me. Xavier. I felt myself being pressed hard against his large body. He held me tightly in a bear hug as if he wouldn’t let go for the world.
“X—Xavier…I—I can’t…I can’t breathe.” I rasped. He let go but held onto my shoulders tightly.
“Yeira! What were you thinking?! I told you not to do that!! What if I hadn’t caught you in time?!” He chided. He must have leaped across the pond when I fell and we splashed into the water together.
“I had to do this!”
“No you didn’t! Because of that stupid stunt you pulled you could have—,” He stopped short. “What if I hadn’t caught you?!”
“I wouldn’t have fallen, if it wasn’t for that eruption!” I refute. “Xave there’s—there’s something you don’t know, and—,” I was cut short as his lips found mine. Not again! This kiss was hard and demanding. Was it passion or fear? Do I even care? I could hardly even think as he crushed my smaller frame against him. It was starting to hurt and I heard myself whimper pleadingly. He pulled out for a breath and we both gasped for air. I looked up and as expected his eyes were no longer green. But his amber eyes carried a flame of their own. Once again he took hold of my hair from the back of my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This time I struggled against the kiss. Tearing my face away I panted heavily from the lack of oxygen.
“Xavier please.” I puffed. He released a breath and let go of my shoulders. Oh no! I felt myself sink into the waters. I think I tried calling out before I sank into the pond. Mercifully, I felt him dive down next to me and pull me out again. We broke through the surface with a deep breath.
“Are you trying to suffocate me??” I exclaim. I felt my lungs would burn with the pressure they’ve been put under.
“Yeira…why didn’t you…?” He started.
“I can’t swim you idiot!” I say punching him some-what jokingly. To my annoyance, he started laughing. Jerk. “It’s not funny!” I complain. He finally managed to stop himself and shook his head with a smirk.
“You never cease to amaze.” He sighed. He swam me to the end of the lake and we clambered over the edge, drenched head to toe and through to the skin. I slumped down under the large oak. The forest parted in a beautiful circle around the lake. I groaned stressfully as I rubbed my temples. Xavier…was he connected to the blast? Who the hell is he? “I’ll start a fire.” I looked up to see him.
“How? Everything’s wet.” I ask.
He grinned. “Not everything.” He stepped over to my satchel and pulled out a box. “Being a raider had its plus points back in the day.” He smiled. “We acquired these split sticks in Wamuran. I slipped it into your bag at the Shaman’s place.”
I peered closely at the thin sticks he pulled out. Kneeling down beside me he snapped the sticks in front of us, and dropped them onto the wet ground. The sticks were alight and burning well—very well. Seemingly careless of the wet surface they lay on.
“Wow.” I breathed. “How long do they burn for?”
He leant back on the tree beside me with a sigh. “An hour, maybe two if we’re lucky. But it’s alright I’ve got a few more.”
I nodded. Glancing at the flickering flames. I felt him pull off his shirt and coat and dump it near the fire to dry. The wind was blowing softly and I could smell his masculine scent wafting over to me. It was like…Xavier. Indescribable yet addictive.
“Aren’t you going to take off your clothes?” He had asked. I felt my cheeks burn.
He laughed. “You’re drenched through!”
“I’m perfectly—ah…ACHOO!” I sneezed. Great timing, I think sarcastically.
“Yeira! You could get a fever!” Without waiting for my reply—not that he would care to listen if I had—he basically stripped my wet shirt right off—then the singlet. I fought back, but damn his strength. Holding me down; he slipped off my pants and I yelped.
“Xavier! Unhand me right now!” I yell. He laughed and pulled one of the cloaks out and wrapped it around my shoulders. Nervously I pulled the cloak tightly around me, still glaring at the pleased looking Xavier.
“Hey, it was for your own good. What if you’d caught pneumonia?”
“I’d still have my pride!”
He smirked. “I’d have had to lie on top of you…in the nude.”
“WHAT?!” I shout. I drew the cloak even tighter around me. “Disrespectful little snitch…” I mutter under my breath. I almost squealed again as Xave pulled me up against him.
“You know you love me though.” He smirked, had he heard what I said? A cooler breeze blew over and with a sigh; I leaned in closer to the large attractive erotic male source of heat beside me.
“Did you…did you have something to do with the explosion?”
He didn’t reply at first. He finally turned to look at me carefully. “I don’t know.”
I nod. I needed to ask him more…but the last time I had, he’d basically told me to mind my own business. Besides, there were many other questions on my mind. Like what the hell was that all about?? And…I’d never seen such a green glow. But there was something about it…a familiarity. Something subconsciously familiar. Something…
“Amazing.” Xavier spoke. I gave him a funny look.
He looked into my eyes for a moment then smiled. “Sorry, I was thinking aloud.”
I turn back to staring at the pond. “Oh.” He pulled me up so I sat in his lap with my head resting on his chest, and he put his arms around me.
“If I wasn’t so cold, I’d push you away.” I sigh snuggling into his wide chest. “So don’t get any ideas.” He laughed and I smiled contently. A lovely sound it was.
“I’m sure you would…” He smiled.
I woke up contently with a yawn. I felt warm. Opening my eyes slowly I felt a blanket around me. No wait, that’s a cloak…two cloaks. One underneath me and one around. The pillow seemed to be my satchel wrapped in a t-shirt. A very pleasant smelling t-shirt. A quick glance around revealed I was no longer in the forest. It seemed like a…a wooden shelter? And a missing Xavier. I got up in a rush.
“Xave?” I call.
“Hmm?” I looked to the side to see him unsheathing a sword over a large rock. Probably to sharpen it. Phew, he was still here.
“Where are we??” I ask puzzled. Pushing away the cloak, I look around confused. Nothing was familiar.
“We couldn’t stay there.” He said examining the sword. “Those goons would have found us. So I brought us here.”
“Where exactly is here?” I ask stretching.
He smiled and looked up at me. “A shelter I found and fixed further upstream. Slept well?” He asked.
I nodded drowsily. “Very well. How about you?”
He grinned. “Not too bad. Of course I had to stay up on watch, but on the plus side, I don’t think they know where we are currently.”
“Watch?!” I exclaim. “Didn’t you get any sleep?”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll get ready to move out again in a few minutes.”
“Xavier!” I scold, getting up and grabbing the pillow and cloak. “I am not taking a sleep-deprived man with me on a treacherous journey through the forests. You better get some sleep now, before we head off.” I say stalking up to him and putting the pillow behind him, arms folded in my best stance of defiance.
“Yeira, really. I’m fine. I’ve done this before. I’m not going to be sleep deprived over one day…” He started.
“Yes you are. Now, sleep.” I order.
He gave me a look. “No.”
“Sleep!” I repeat. “That’s an imperial command.”
“Yeira, stop worrying and just get ready and dressed.” He says shaking his head. I hadn’t noticed I was only dressed as well as I was last night. At least he hadn’t tried to dress me when I was asleep. I pulled my own cloak closer around me. I knelt down beside him and pushed him back.
“Sleep.” I say stubbornly. “It’s not fair I get to snooze off and you don’t. If we need to stay lookout, you could’ve woken me up for a shift or two!”
He leant back onto the pillow with a small smile. “Well isn’t this curious, my Empress seems to be concerned for my welfare.”
“Shut up Xavier.” I sigh. I found my dry clothes sticking out of my satchel—or now pillow. I reached to pull them out only to find a hand grip onto my wrist.
“Care to join me?” He asked. I had a pang filled déjà vu moment. Garran…that day. My jaw clenched, and I pulled my wrist away, along with my clothes.
“I care not.” I say crossly. “I’m going to get changed outside…” I say getting up and walking out of the room, receiving a baffled look from Xave.

He emerged from the ‘shelter’ a few moments later and came to a stop beside me. I had changed into the dry clothes and I didn’t want to look up. I felt him take a seat on the log beside me, but my gaze didn’t falter from the forest ahead.
“You okay?” He asked in a low voice.
I nodded. “I’m ready; get your stuff and we’ll get going.” I felt him take my chin and turn me to look at him. My breath caught in my throat. His longish hair toppled around him so invitingly. The amber eyes. The…the…I drop my gaze to floor.
“Yeira, tell me what’s wrong. I’m sorry if I upset you before.” He continued in a gentle voice. “And for yesterday, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
I shook my head I got up to my feet. That had crossed my mind several times, but not what was presently plaguing my thoughts. What strange annexation of the mind is this?
“Come on Xave, I want to get going.” I say. There was the sound of footsteps retreating back in to the ‘tent’. Xave re-emerged shortly with his stuff and handed it to me.
“Ok Empress. You take my things and I’ll just clean the scene, and I guess we can get going.”
I tilted my head curiously. “Clean the scene??”
He gave a small smile. “We don’t want those dummies realising we were here. You know; a clean exit!” I gave a blank look and he laughed. “Never mind. Just let me do this.” I nodded and he began ‘wiping our trail’. Looked like rummaging around the leaves and making a mess if you’d as me. He even splashed water all over the inside of it! He seemed pleased with his work and he relieved me of his bundle and walked on ahead.
“What was that all about??” I ask bounding ahead to catch-up.
“Skill.” He smirked. “We want to stay invisible, so negate all possibility of your location as being true.”
I gave him a doubtful look. “If you say so.”
“I do.” He smirks.

An old friend


We walked for hours, and Yeira seemed to be getting tired. I was surprised she hadn’t asked me to stop for a break. Pride, I guess. I almost smiled. She seemed a bit touchy of late. We had been walking in almost complete silence, and it was uncomfortable and a bit awkward. As we kept moving, I felt Yeira stumble over a root and reached out for her arm before she fell.
“Whoa! Yeira, you wanna take a break?” I asked. She pulled her wrist away heatedly and shook her head.
“No. Let’s keep moving.” She turned and walked on ahead. She looked like she’d pass out soon enough. I doubt we were even still in the central Kistna region. We’d soon be reaching the next kingdom in Kistna.
“Yeira, you look as if you’re about to faint. Let’s rest for a bit.” I say.
“No…I’m not.” She spoke stubbornly. “If you’re tired, fine, rest here. I’m sure you can catch up to me later.”
I walked up to stand in front of her with my arms folded across my chest decisively. “We either rest, or I carry you. I am not taking a physically-fatigued woman with me on a treacherous journey through the forests.” I smirk. Point to me.
“Xavier!” She exclaim annoyed. “We don’t have time to rest; we need to be as quick as we can be.”
“Okay.” I agree. She gave me a suspicious look.
“What are you playing at here—?” She was cut off again as I swoop her up and continued to walk down the forest trail. “Xavier! Put me down!! I mean it! By order of the—!” I pinched her side and she yelped. “What was that for?!”
“Your safety, madam.” I say sounding serious. “What if someone had heard who issued the order? They’d know who you were.” I add in a low voice.
“You put me down, this instant, or so help me I’ll…!”
“So we rest?” I ask innocently.
“Fine!” I let her slip down and she struggled regaining her footing, then with a huff she stormed of near a tree stump and sat down grumbling something in another language. Laughing, I walked over to sit opposite. She gave me a glare, and pulled out some lunch from her satchel and began eating. We sat in silence until she spoke again.
“There’s some in the satchel for you too, if you want some. Outer pocket.” She offered, without making eye-contact.
“Thanks.” I opened it to find a packaged lunch for me too. Opening it we both sat there eating in silence. What was she mad about this time? Well…I guess there’s a lot to pick from, I chuckle. Maybe I should just ask.
“You’re real quiet.” I comment. She kept eating as if to ignore me.
“Nicely observed Sherlock.” She replied finally. I almost smiled.
“Well? What’s the reason?”
She gave me a look. “Mind your own…” She stopped mid-sentence then shook her head. “Sorry, I’ve…I’ve just had a lot on my mind.”
I nod carefully. “May I ask what it is?”
“You may. But I doubt I’ll answer.” She shrugged. “Not that it matters.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“It doesn’t.” She replied. We remained quiet for another few painful minutes, until she finally spoke up again. “Xave, who are you exactly? I mean, I don’t know anything about you. Your family? Friends? Hometown? Birthday?”
So was I on her mind? That’s not so bad. I smile. “I, madam, am Xavier. And I have no family at present, no single place I know as ‘home’, my friends are all over the country and my birthday is in August.”
She looked thoughtful. “No parents? No siblings?”
I felt my jaw tighten. “Why are you asking?”
She glanced up briefly at me before dropping her gaze back to her food. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, you know.”
I don’t, I think. I remained silent as I thought it over. I had an attraction to her, I’ll admit it, but…how much should I tell her? Are we even friends, or would she still have me kicked out of the palace if she could? “My parents died long ago.” I say simply; that was putting it lightly. Her face dropped.
“Xave…” She gave a sympathetic look. “I’m so sorry. I guess that’s why you didn’t…” She shook her head. “Same with your siblings?”
I nod. “Dead.”
She bit her lip. “Xavier, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. I just didn’t know why you weren’t—”
“It’s okay.” I smile, cutting in. “Just don’t tell anyone else. I hate answering all those questions this brings.”
She nodded. “Of course I won’t.” There was a pause and she dropped her packaging into her satchel and stared at the ground. “Do you miss them?” She asked softly.
“I do.”
She nodded thoughtfully. “Thanks for coming with me after the spring.” She looked up with her soft brown eyes to meet mine. “It was very kind of you.”
I smile. “It was my pleasure.” I slip my wrapping in her satchel and get up. “Shall we continue?”
She smiled lightly. “I think we shall.”


“Tell me we’re not lost again.” Yeira grumbled.
I laugh. “Okay.” The map said the forest should have ended by now—or soon anyway…
I look up from the map. “What?”
“Look up there. Beyond the hill—rooftops!”
I grin. “We’re making good progress, it seems.”
“Well come on then.” She smiled pulling my hand towards the distant rooftops. We ran up towards the hill and stopped on top to see a…town?
“What do you think this is?” I ask. Yeira grinned at me. Without replying, she took my hand again and quickly headed down towards it.
On reaching the edge, we stopped in front of a large area, scattered with stalls. Yeira smirked at me.
“Behold the Saladin Bazaar.” She smiled.
I give her a funny look. “You like shopping?”
She laughed. “No, silly. My friend lives here. Samir.”
I nod slowly. “So, are we going to meet this friend?”
“Of course. He’s the best, I bet he’ll know just what supplies we might need and all about…well everything! So maybe he could tip us in about our…” Yeira glanced around the busy marketplace before continuing. “Um…destination.”
I nod. “And weapons.”
She shrugged. “I have the Goddess. I don’t need another weapon. You can get some if you like—not that we’ll probably even need them.”
“I think we will.” I say seriously. “And who’s the Goddess?”
She smiled brightly again. “My sword.” She laughed. “Duh.”
“Duh…” I mimic with a smile. I glint of a metal behind her had my hands on her shoulders suddenly, I was about to pull her away when I realised the glint came from a belt, not a weapon. I look up to find the owner of the belt familiar—too familiar.
“Xave?” Yeira looked at me confused.
I glance down to her soft copper eyes. Sigh…wait; she was looking at me bemused. What was the question? Oh, my grip. I quickly let go of her shoulders. “Sorry.” I apologise, with one of my charming smiles of course.
“What’s wrong?” She asked turning to look at the crowds behind her; trying to follow my previous gaze.
“N-nothing.” I say quickly. “So where is this friend of yours?”
She turned to look at me suspiciously. “Nothing ay? Don’t think I buy that.” She folded her arms across her chest. “Tell me honestly.”
What to say? Think Xavier think. “Ah…just—just a pretty girl walked past. You didn’t see her.” I smirk.
She frowned. “So why the hell did you grab my shoulders while mooning at some other girl?? I swear, boys are so…” She shook her head. “Whatever. I know where his stall should be; just give me the map.”
I gave it to her with an impish grin. “Jealous…?” She punched my shoulder irritably and I laughed.
“You wish, lover boy.” She scanned over the map and looked up. “Come on, it shouldn’t be far.”


“Are you sure this is the right place?” He asked me. Why don’t you ask some pretty girl that walks past? I was about to leer. Instead I nodded. There was small silver bell tied above the stall. I rang it twice and within a few beats, from around the corner came one of my best friends. Samir the Great, as we used to call him.
He stopped suddenly on seeing me and I gave him the biggest brightest smile I could. “Remember me your Greatness?”
His face cracked into a beam. “Yeira?”
I nod smiling. “It’s been too long!” I greet the blue-eyed x-village prankster. I walked around the stall to envelop him in a friendly hug. He returned it laughing.
“It really has.” He agreed
Xave cleared his throat. “Somewhere out of the crowds would be a better idea, don’t you think?” He asked.
“Of course.” I agree. “Samir?”
Samir smiled. “Right this way my friends.” I had missed his twinkling blue eyes and mischievous looks. It really had been too long.
We walked a little further away from the stalls to a small house. Opening the door, he ushered us inside.
“Madora?” Samir called out. There was the sound of running footsteps as a girl stepped out to greet him. It was his sister—well half-sister, the not-so-shy caramel haired girl I knew so long ago.
“Brother! Your home.” She turned to glance at me and Xavier. “You brought friends?”
Samir laughed. “I did. You remember Yeira don’t you?” She folded her hands in greeting and I smiled.
“Of course.” She smiled. “And the gentleman?” I coughed back a laugh and Xave gave me look. Samir laughed.
“I don’t know” Samir says, looking at me questioningly. “Fiancé perhaps?” I blushed and he laughed. “So you’re Aksum?” He asked.
I bet Xave to a reply. “Aksum is not my fiancé, and he is not Aksum and he is not my fiancé!”
Samir laughed out loudly. “You’ve always been so fun to mess around with. Can’t you tell I’m kidding girl?”
I almost pout and instead I turn my attention to a drooling Madora puppy-eyeing Xavier. I roll my eyes, she hadn’t changed much.
“Well...” Xavier glanced at me. “We were hoping for some in-tell and supplies before we head off again.”
“Head off??” Samir frowned. “Surely you’ll stay a night or two, won’t you? Madora can clear out a room for youse and…”
“Sorry, but we need to get going soon Samir.” I apologise. “It’s important.”
Samir pouted. “More important than your self-proclaimed best friend.”
I smile lightly. “I’m afraid so.” I say thinking of the how important this really was. Papa…
I felt Xavier brush my back comfortingly. I gave him an appreciative look before readdressing Samir.
“We really need your help.” I say. “Xave wants weapons and I want advice.”
“Xave? Is that your name?” Madora asked sweetly. “It’s a nice name.”
“Xavier.” Xave says politely extending his hand. “Yeira just can’t be bothered pronouncing it.” Madora looked like she was about to faint, and she clutched onto his hand a bit too generously.
Samir turned to face me. “Weapons?”
I shrug. “We’re travelling through the woods and jungles so it’s best to be safe I guess.”
Samir nodded slowly. “I know what you might need. Sit down and I’ll bring it over.” I smile thanks, and Xave and I sat down on the small sofa area, waiting for Samir. Madora turned to Xave eagerly.
“Should I get some…refreshments?” She purred. I almost scoffed out loud; how cheap.
Xave shook his head. “Thanks, but I’m alright. How about you Yeira?” He asked smiling.
“Water would be good.” I shrug offhandedly
Madora nodded and headed off.
“Do you smell that?” Xave asked seriously.
“Mm…” He gave me a playful look. “Jealousy.”
“Maybe your nose is stuffed, because I smell nothing.” I scoff. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.”
“Is that a way to address your ‘fiancé’?”
I put on a thoughtful look. “No it isn’t. Good thing I didn’t call him that then, isn’t it?”
Xavier laughed and leant in closer to my face.
“Mm… Feisty.” He smirked. “I like ‘em that way.” I felt my heart stop and I sat in utter shock. The last time he had said that. The last time when…
“Here they are.” Samir’s voice came from behind us and Xave moved back. Coming up beside us, he laid out weapons of all sort out of large bags onto the table. Out poured knives, swords, shields, bows, arrows, spears, spikey balls, ricochet blades, knuckle-busters, smoke bombs, the list goes on…
Xave got up grinning and walked over to examine the various types of weaponry. “Neat stuff.” He grinned.
Samir nodded. “At your disposal. As for the in-tell…” He face me. “Well, where’re you headed?”
“Oasis Tura.” I supply. “What can you tell us?”
Samir frowned. “Don’t go there. Yeira, promise me you won’t.”
“What?” I glanced at Xavier, who shrugged. “Why not?”
“Why yes??” He asked getting agitated. “Yeira, there’s no way in without crossing two of the most lethal areas. Kalbaristan and the Loci. Kalbar is a terrible king, he’s a tyrant. If he realises who you are; you could get hurt. He’s a power hungry maniac.”
Xave seemed thoughtful as I took my defiance stance. “We have no choice. We have to go. If you can help, we’d appreciate it, but we’re not backing off.”
“Yeira please…” Samir insisted. “What emergency could have you..?” He paused. “Who knows of your journey?”
I sigh. “The Elders, I didn’t tell papa, Aksum might know or find out if he checks on the shaman, Haran and Haran’s trusted men, Janos, Tarrasa and…” I thought harder. “I think that’s all. The region has been told I’ve gone away on ‘family matters’.”
“You forgot those Garran pests.” Xave added. “They know you’re not away on ‘family matters’ as such implied.”
Samir stepped forward. “Garran? I swear he’s been nothing but trouble since our village days. If he knows, that’s not good. If you have to go; at least let me come with you. Three is better than two.”
I was about the protest, when Madora stepped in from behind me. “Four’s better than three.” She tried.
Samir scowled. “You are not going.”
“Oh please brother, please!!” She begged putting down the tray and glass. “Please, please, please? I am not staying here by myself. What if some stranger comes along and there’s no one to protect me?” She asked. Sulk-sulk-sulk.
Samir sighed. “Follow orders?”
“I will, I promise.” She purred.
“Yeira?” Samir asked me questioningly.
I sigh. “Fine. You can come; though I’m not sure about your sister—it’s going to be really dangerous and—,”
“Well if Samir is coming, why deny his sister?” Xave asked.
Madora beamed. “Yes exactly! Please Xavier.”
Xave smiled and I shrug. “Fine.” I give in. “But can we at least finally get down to business?”
“Well,” Samir sighed. “The weapons are there. I’m coming with you, so you have the in-tell. And I guess Madora and I should just get ready and we’ll be in our way.”
I nod. “Okay, but hurry up then.”
Samir smiled and ushered Madora to her room and bounded off to his own. I sit down with a sigh and Xave slumps down next to me.
“I don’t like where this is going.” I say annoyed.
“Why not?”
“Samir, I can trust, but Madora…will she be a help or a pain on this trip?”
Xavier smiled. “Who knows? We’ll know once we head out.”
“And how long will that take?” I sigh. “Xave, I’m worried each second we spend sitting here, father moves closer to…” Xave covered my mouth his fingers.
“Shhh…” He whispered. “He’ll be fine; you can’t think so negatively.”
I felt my eyes cloud, and I turn my face away quickly. “I’m…tired Xave. I don’t know what to do. We’re on our way through the most dangerous areas of Kistna and beyond, and here we are with an old friend and a tag-along sister, who we can’t even trust!”
“We can’t?” He gave me confused look. “You practically walked into the house and blurted out where we’re going and how straight off. Now you tell me you don’t trust them?”
I sigh. “Not that type.” How am I supposed to explain this to him? “Xavier, I can’t show the Aura power in front of them. And you can’t say a word of the last time I went blue-eyed and what-not.”
He sat thinking for a bit. “But I thought everyone already knew you have Aura powers.”
“They do.” But they don’t know about you, I think. “Just…don’t mention it—please.” What if he mention’s his green eyes? Or the fire explosion? Not that I don’t trust Samir, but I have a feeling it could be dangerous.
There was a pause then Xave finally shrugged. “If you say so.” He glanced at me. “Could I ask you something?”
He paused for a bit. “So Samir, you and Garran all knew each other in your village, right? You said he was the local bully; so what happened? I really would like to know.”
I look away. “Believe me when I say things just got messy. There’s a lot we all don’t know and…well everyone’s having a guess as the best way the kingdom should run…”
“No.” He shook his head and took my hand. “I mean after we left. After we destroyed everything and you sent us on our way, bruised bodies and battered prides; what happened here? What happened with you and Samir and what enforced Garran against you so much?”
“Greed, Vanity and Spite.” Xave and I both turn to see Samir with a bag lazily slung over his shoulder smiling broadly. “For two non-engaged people, you two seem awful comfy.”
I felt heat rising to my cheeks and I pull my hand away from Xavier; who, by the way, simply laughed and pulled his arm around my waist—jerk. Getting off the couch, I move over towards Samir.
“Can you get your sister so we can leave?” I sigh. He smirks.
“You seem embarrassed?” He teased. “Did I say something inappropriate?”
I pull my fist back to punch his laughing face, only to see his much more annoying sister bound down the stairs with not one, not two not even three…but four bags and a purse! All seemingly overflowing with stuff and she dressed in a short pink foreigner skirt with matching high-heals over-glossed lips and, well—another foreigner want-to-be. Clenching my jaw I begin counting backwards from a thousand. Where in the world did she think we’re going??
“I—I don’t know if…” Xave hesitated. “If that’s appropriate or necessary. Madora, are you sure you need all that stuff?”
“Are you sure you’re dressed correctly??” I add. “We’re traveling through forests and jungles and rural villages, not going to the Central City.”
“Madora…” Samir sighed. “Please don’t do this.”
She looked shocked. “What’s wrong?? I thought we’d be gone for a while, so I prepared myself.”
“Yeah, I’m sure you could fend for yourself against savage beasts and tigers with those classy high-heals.” I mutter. Xavier seemed to have heard me, because he started chuckling.
“Now-now Yeira, be a kind queen and at least praise you subject’s effort.” Xave smirked
I rolled my eyes. “Can we go now??”
Samir and Xavier started laughing as Madora huffed out of the house.
“Hey Yeira.” Samir smiled. “You didn’t take any of the weapons.” He commented.
“I have my Goddess.” I smirk. “Best sword ever.”
“Yeah I know.” He laughed. “I helped my dad fix it up for you…if you remember. But do you have a secondary defence? Any other just-in-case weapon?”
I shake my head. Samir laughs and walks over to armaments and pulls out a slim dagger and hands it to me. I grin.
“Well ok.” I smile. “I’ll take it, only because you’re a good friend.”
“I’m flattered.” He smiled back
“Care to get doing?” Xavier spoke. Smiling broadly, I skipped out of the house, tucking the dagger away.


Slipping past the various stalls, the four of us made our way across the market place I couldn’t help but notice Xavier’s tenseness. He kept really close to me—and I mean really close. He kept bumping into me and I started getting annoyed. I wanted to snap, but pursing my lips together, I kept going. As we made a turn, I felt his strong hands clasp my shoulders and pull me back. I fell back onto him with a yelp. What in the world?? Samir and Madora both turned to look at us as I pulled away from my psycho companion.
“What’s with you Xave??” I ask surprised. “What was that all about?”
He didn’t even look at me and kept scanning the area around us. He finally spoke up. “Nothing. Let’s keep going.” He said in a low voice, walking on ahead. What?! Muttering in irritably, I followed close behind. Samir looked as if about to burst up laughing any minute. He beamed at me with a wink.
Slowly-slowly we made our way out of the town and down a wide dirt road that seemed to twist around various and vast crop fields. Samir started whistling the local village tune, and I found my scowl transform into a grin. It was the local village tune we sung in our village a few years ago; before his family moved to the town up here. I couldn’t whistle so instead I started singing along to it. Even Madora was smiling a bit. Xave kept his serious face on; ignoring it, I kept up the chirpy harvesting song from our childhood. When the song finally ended, Samir let out a loud cheering whistle and I started laughing.
“Yep, I still got it.” He said smugly; cause me to laugh even more.
“Got what? Whistling talent?” I ask with a smirk.
“No-no.” He gave me a cheeky look. “Make a girl sing her heart out…for me.” I roll my eyes—yeah, sure.
“In your dreams, hot shot.” I laugh.
“So, I’m dreaming now am I?” He smirked skipping up to walk beside me. “Then…if I do something now, it’ll be okay, because it’s just a dream.” I gave him a cautious look—he was kidding right?
“No.” I say, trying to keep the light mood light. “The tune was nice though.” I sigh. “Like at our village.”
“Nice?” He pulled his arm around my shoulders. “Nice? Girl, it was as freakily amazing.”
I laughed. “Freakily?”
“Freakily.” Samir smirked.
Xave cleared his throat. “We better find shelter.” He said shooting me an annoyed glance. “It’ll be nightfall soon.” I smirked – jealous much?
“There’s a hotel not far from here, near the edge of the next city. About an hour’s walk max.” Samir smiled. “It’s nice; and it’s safe.”
Xave nodded. “Alright, we stay the night there.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.11.2012

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