
Rules Of Safety

Everyone has a different way of looking at animals. Not everyone cares about them and some people can be very selfish about animals safety. They don't care if they're hungry or hurting. They won't even call animal control and will let them roam the streets allowing the animals to keep populating unwanted babies. Most animals don't survive when they are in the streets without human care, because they fight for food and territory with other stray animals. Some humans hurt them just for kicks if they are annoyed by them. Some get angry when animals continue to hang around their homes. Sometimes mean owners who adopt them will abuse them. My first impression when I look at a cute little animal for the first time are smiles to my face. I see them like they're a little baby in need of parents' care.' When the little animal first opens their cute little eyes and starts to wobble when they walk. I know it brings smiles to my face and warms my heart, just like a cute little human baby does. Animals need love and care just like humans.

This is why I named my book Animals are human too. We know that animals aren't the human species but they have feelings like us to pain and neglect. The reason I chose to say this in my title is because animals can't talk, to let us know how they feel about things. I truly know they do understand things and show feelings to us through their eyes, tails wagging, barks or meows. Other animals use other ways to get us to notice them. Animals can let us know when they feel sick by not being active. It's our love for them that senses that something is wrong, the same way the do when something is wrong with us. Animals can bring laughter to those that love them. If you adopt an animal with good intentions to enjoy their company that animal will always love you. If you treat them just like a member of your family and bond with them they will be your best friend and protect you with their lives. If you're mean to a child that child you abuse will hate you. If you're mean to an animal,they will hate you as well and turn on you for hurting them. If you beat a child they can grow up to be angry and hate people and also be mean adults. They become aggressive just like an abused animal.  Animals and people will fight if they feel threatened with harm. When you love and nourish a child they grow up to feel safe and secure around you.When you do the same for an animal they also feel safe and content around you.

There are similarities to humans and animals in thoughts not spoken. Do we really know what someone is thinking, if they can't communicate with us? We can only know by body language, face expressions or motions. We can tell by the eyes, if they're in pain or suffering in distress. This is how we can tell an animal is suffering in pain or distress too. When we bring a baby home we take special time to make sure that baby is changed bathed and clean. We put powders on them to make them smell nice. We buy toys that are


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Patricia A. Lopez
Bildmaterialien: Patricia A. Lopez
Lektorat: Word Document
Übersetzung: English
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.11.2012
ISBN: 978-3-95500-758-4

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To God, Husband, Family, Friends, Animal Lovers Around The World.

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