
More books by Trix Joyce

Stories of a Caged Girl - August 2023

Ebook available on most ebook platforms!


I also have published a few books under my legal name and those are in Swedish only.

Book description

Welcome to learn about what you can do to balance your inner and outer happiness. This is a philosophical book that is not like something else you will stumble upon. Many “self-help books” talk about goal-setting and making habits with the target of wanting something outside of oneself. Often external validation or a career we want or something like that. This book is not that, this book explores our inner worlds and how we can feel more content with what we already have but still search for a fulfilling life and make our internal and external goals go hand-in-hand. This is not a book about external and material goals like guiding you for societal success though. It will teach you how to find your inner happiness instead. It has a spiritual approach as well as a psychological approach, but there’s no specific religion attached to this book. It just explores these internal journeys in a way that I feel is worth discussing, as a generally spiritual person and a person who has studied evidence-based psychology as well. This is, however, a highly philosophical read and it also contains my own philosophical thoughts I have developed over the years. So be prepared to read about things you have not heard of before. 


Content warning: This book is written almost like a memoir and I have included parts of my own journey as a basis for the more educational and informational content in this book. That means that I’m describing topics including sexual assault, abuse, domestic violence, ableism, mental- and physical health issues, and such. If you are not in a place where you want to read about that - although this book doesn’t explore these topics very heavily - I suggest waiting with this book. I won’t discuss the topics in an intense and descriptive manner, but it is worth saying that this book contains such topics regardless.

Table of Content



Chapter 1: My journey

Chapter 2: Looking within

Chapter 3: To feel content with what’s inside

Chapter 4: Finding inner peace

Chapter 5: Your internal life purpose

Chapter 6: My Philosophy

Chapter 7: More of my thinking

Chapter 8: Conclusion

Bonus content

Thank you

Copyright notice


Introduction and important information


This book is for anyone who feels lost, regardless of your achievements or lack thereof. This book is for people who are ready to look beyond material things and outer requirements, simply put; people who are prepared to look within to find peace.

No matter your current life situation, regardless if you have built a life you are proud of when it comes to career, family, and stuff like that, if you feel like there must be something more profound than the expectations from society; then this book can help you - with some work from yourself of course!


If you are thinking right now; “Who is she to talk about these things?”, then I will soon tell you why. Meanwhile, I can tell you something to encourage you to read this book further: I have no job or career, I live on benefits due to a disability and I was ready to give up because I felt I had no life purpose. Until I decided to look within and see what was there instead of looking to external things to make me happy. In the end, I can’t erase my disability, and I can’t force my body to work if I simply can not, but what I can do is decide what’s important in life from the outlook on life that I have right now. One other thing I can decide is how I respond to my life circumstances. 


I still have no career or possibility to work a paid job at this moment when I’m writing this, I still don’t have much when it comes to societal standards. However, I still think my life has a purpose. Because I’m in charge of my life's purpose.


My goal with this book is to bring the same opportunity to you: the opportunity to see that you decide what’s a purposeful life (and not) regardless of where you are right now.


This is not a book that will ever tell you to quit working on your goals though. This is just a complementary way of thinking about life in general. If you want to have a career and you are able to live out your dreams, of course, you can do that. What I mean is that anyone “should” choose their life purpose based on their internal world and not based on the external pressure from the outer world. That - of course - does not hinder you from outer success either. There needs to be a balance of the two.


How to use this book

You’ll notice that I wrote this book from my own journey, a little bit like some kind of a memoir. But it’s intended to be a book you can apply to your own life as well. Just replace me with you! Although there is a lot of wisdom in reading others' stories of how they have helped themselves, I have sections in this book with practical exercises, and also just thought experiments - “food for thought” -  for you to explore.


I want this book to be helpful to others even if I write it with my own experiences as a basis for the knowledge I share.



This book is not a replacement for therapy and I’m not an expert or a mental health professional. This book is simply based on my life experiences and the wisdom I’ve gained from living life as Trix. I have some education in psychology, and I have a degree in social education, but I’m not a licensed psychologist or something even remotely close to that. As I’ve previously written, I do not work a job. The education I have has helped me write this book, and some things are based on my education. However, I do not claim to be an expert on anything other than being a human being who has survived life so far.


Another thing I want to have out of the way is… grammar! I’m not a native English speaker and I didn’t have the opportunity to have this book edited and/or proofread by someone who works in the book industry or by a native English speaker. I have done my very best to proofread and edit everything myself, but as we all know, we can sometimes be blind to our own works. There might be some mistakes in this book, but I hope the important message comes through regardless.


Content Warning

This book contains descriptions of violent behavior and assault, especially in the first chapter about my life journey. My journey is relevant to the rest of the book though, so please continue with caution and be prepared for that. If you need to skip the first chapter for mental health reasons, I would rather you lay down this book and choose another book to read, since the rest of the book is based on the first chapter.


Some last words about the spirituality of this book

When reading this book, I suggest you read it with an open mind. Even though this is not a religious book at all, I will touch on spiritual subjects. That is mainly because I’m a spiritual person and identify with Paganism, Buddhism, and such teachings. However, I will share concepts based on pure science as well and I hope I’ve managed to balance these very different concepts.


What I ultimately mean is that you may take what works for you and leave what doesn’t. You are welcome to pick your favorite things and just leave what doesn’t resonate with you. That’s totally fine!


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Trix Joyce
Bildmaterialien: Trix Joyce
Cover: Trix Joyce
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.09.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-5190-7

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is dedicated to Knut Arne Vilhelm Johansson, my grandfather who always encouraged me to "think for myself" and figure things out on my own. Without that, I would never have become a philosopher!

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