
Chapter One

I was in my bedroom at my father’s house in Beaumont, Texas; packing my clothes to move to my mom’s house this week; but all of a sudden the police broke down my bedroom door and I thought what is my mother doing here so I said, “ Where’s my mom?” but none of them answered me so I continued on packing my clothes until a male police officer that I remember from my childhood as Mr. Williams he grabbed me and said, “ Trichele you must come with us.” I just laughed then he punched me and all I remember from there on was waking up in a strange bed and Mr. Williams sitting at the foot of the bed and then he said, “ Good morning Trichele how was your night? I’m sorry about all of this but your mother Jane told me to take you no matter what and we packed the rest of your things for you and this is your mother house so this is your new bedroom plus she wants to talk to you so why don’t you go get dress sweetheart.” I stared at him for a long moment and said, “ Did you just call me sweetheart? If you did you shouldn’t have done that.” He looked at me and said, “ Jane said she always calls you sweetheart. Isn’t that true?” I just walked out the room with my suitcase to change into a skirt, tank top shirt and heels so I walked out the restroom and went outside to go smoke a cigarette so he came outside and said, “ What are you doing?” So I just said what was doing, “Smoking a cigarette.” And he said, “ Your not old enough to smoke. And anyway how old are you?” So I said, “ I’m seventeen. And what’s it to you if I want to smoke a cigarette or two?” He didn’t say anything more about me smoking he just got in the car and looked at me so I died my cigarette out and walked to the car and got in almost the whole way to the police station we didn’t talk to each other so I decided to start a conversation so I said, “ What’s your name?” And he said, “ Officer Felix.” I was thinking to myself `he kind’s of cute I wonder how old he is`.
So I asked him “ So Felix how old are you?” He looked at me for one moment and said, “ I’m thirty-seven and my name is Officer Felix to you Trichele Alice King.” Then after he said my whole name I was totally scared so I said, “ How do you know my whole name and why do I have to call you Officer Felix and not just Felix? Plus I changed my last name to Moone thank you very much.” He stared at the road this time but he said this, “ Well, I’m not going to lie to you you’re too smart for that so I’ll just tell you I like you but you’re to young for me but I do have a son if you’d like to meet him he goes to Lafayette High. And what high school are you going to anyway?” asked Felix. I sighed then said, “ Lafayette High.” I waited a long moment and the he just looked at me once and me and my girlie moods I leaned over the seat as Felix stops at a red light and kiss him but he didn’t even object he just kissed me back and started to put his hand up my skirt and I started to push his hand away…. but I couldn’t make him stop it was scaring me I want him to stop but he didn’t then I did something I thought I would never do I punched him in his face and he stop he slapped me so hard that my face hit the window in his car. I shouldn’t have kissed I got what I deserved for kissing a grow man in his thirties. I wanted to cry so bad but I held it in long enough for him not to think that I’m weak and can’t defend myself against him; if he thinks so he’s got another thing coming for him. Then I looked out the window and noticed that were at the police station.

Chapter Two

Then Officer Felix gets out of the car and says, “ This is Lafayette’s Police Station.” All proud like or something; I then look at Felix and he look’s like he’s excited or something I don’t know what for; he glances at me and says, “ My son Tony isn’t here if you love life don’t tell him or you’re mother for that matter what just happened between us.” I looked at him and said, “ Okay I won’t tell; unless I want you to freaking die; I hate this hellhole of a town Lafayette; I was better off in Beaumont, Texas.” Then he looked at me and said, “ You weren’t better off in Texas because I wouldn’t have giving you your first kiss; if you hadn’t punch me I could have been your first point blank.” I started crying and then I noticed that Jane was walking my way when she stopped in front of me she asked, “ Trichele sweetheart why are you crying; did Mr. Williams threaten to arrest you?” I said, “No he didn’t threaten to arrest me he tried to rape me.” And Jane was totally dumb-founded she was pissed off she punch the crap out of Felix and said, “ If you touch my daughter in that way again I will kill you and I’m serious.” Then we went back to Jane’s house and ate dinner which was fried chicken, rice, red beans, and mustard; well she ate her’s with mustard; I ate my the normal way. I went up to my new bedroom and went to sleep have to start a new school; I didn’t go to sleep until midnight because Jane snores very loudly. I woke up the next morning at seven am, but I have to be at school at eight-thirty am plus I have to take a shower, shave my legs, brush my teeth, wash my face, put my make-up on, and comb my hair. After all of that it was time to get dressed I put a whit spaghetti strap shirt, a blue schoolgirl mini skirt, and white and black converse. So I’m almost to school then I stopped because I noticed that my shoelace was untied so I bend down to retie it; then a car stops a dark blue Volvo; a cute boy with black hair, midnight blue eyes, and a crooked smile with straight teeth he has a bad-boy look he is so hot then I notice that he is right in front of me and then he says, “ Nice outfit; need a ride to school?” I wasn’t paying much attention to but I heard what he was saying but I was to busy examining his car which was a Volvo but it was blue and one of my favorite colors and he has people in his car then I got scared and I said, “ Um, no we’re almost there actually and I should get used to walking. I only live a block way. Oh, yeah my name is Trichele Alice Moone King but you can call me Moone.” And he looked at me like I made my name up then he said, “ Um, cute name; my name is Tony Devon Williams I’m Officer Felix’s son.” He looked like he likes me already but if I was a guy I would like myself too instead of saying that I said, “ I’m Sheriff Jane’s daughter but I guess you already know that. If we can finish this conversion some other time because you are going to make me late to school on my first day.” He looked like he was hurt because I said that so I try to hurry to get to school so I said, “ Sorry, but I have to go now. Bye.” So after I said that I started to walked away; I looked back once and he was in his car and of course he beat me there but I really didn’t give a damn so when I got to school I walked in the parking lot and everybody was staring at me but I couldn’t blame them someone like me who looks so good I would look at myself if I was someone else too; I just look to good for them. But, Tony I’m not to good for him were perfect for each other and he doesn’t believe that I’ll make him believe it in one moment if he let’s me make the moment happen so we’ll see what will happen or not.

Chapter Three

I walk in the office the lady behind the desk had said. “ Ah, Miss King nice to meet you now here is your schedule. Now get to class before you’re late young lady.” So when I had my schedule I walked out the office door to my first class. When I walked by the door I was too scared to go so I took two deep breaths and walked in. I met my new teacher Mr. Ledet and he tells me to sit down and wait for the rest of the class to show up and so I gave him the paper so that he can sign it and he gave me my new Math books so that I can catch up. While I was reading, the class started to arrive and I just sat there quietly and said nothing until I saw Tony walk in. it was like nothing in the world like I was falling down two flights of stairs; he had a seat right behind me then I turned around because I dropped something but somehow he seen me reach for it and he beat me to it and then he looked at me with those beautiful midnight-blue eyes and then Mr. Ledet that asshole told me to introduce myself so I got up and said “ My name is Trichele Alice King and I dance, sing, act, skateboard, surf, play all sports and I’m very smart and I guess that’s all you need to know about me.” I was walking back to my desk and a guy said this to me, “ Geek!” So me with my sassiness I said, “ I bet I’m the cutest geek you ever met though?” Everyone started to laugh at him and boy, was he ashamed so I continued on to my desk and sat down and at least one girl talked to her name and her is Bailey Marie Gomez she’s nice she let me sit with her and her friends at lunch; She very nice and pretty with long jet-black hair like my but kind of shorter than mines. So at lunch everyone was in there own conversions but then my attention was taken on by the guy who called me a geek I mean, Paul came up to me and called me his girl and then kissed me on the cheek and that pissed me off so I get up before he walks away and say, “ I’m not your girl and don’t you every put your hands on me again and if you do you’ll be sorry you did.” And then he walks up to me slaps me and says, “ Go sit you butt down whore!” So me I’m pissed off and I say, “ You gay little punk I said don’t put your hands on me again.” And he says, “ I do what I want when I want.” So I punch the crap out of him and I got my bag and left the school and Tony started to follow me and I said, “ Go away Tony now.” And well, he did go away but I kind of wanted him to stay. By time I got home Jane was there and she was pissed so she grounded me for two weeks. I told her I’m ok with that because I’m not going out with anybody and I went upstairs and started to play my guitar which is midnight-blue with moon and stars on it with my nickname Moone, and I got tired so I went to bed around nine pm.

Chapter Four

I’m in my bedroom and it’s been a week and a day since I’ve been grounded. I haven’t been in school since my first day at Lafayette High but I doubt that I’ll ever go back. It’s ten at night on Sunday I’m in my room playing my guitar then all of a sudden my moms comes in my room and says, “ Baby its time you do something to this room.” And me, well, I wasn’t paying attention to her. I’m still playing my guitar and I really don’t feel like talking to her but I don’t want her getting mad since I’m already grounded, so I say, “ Whatever. But what if I want to paint my room a different color? Will you help me paint it or what?” She looks like that’s what she wants to do and she says, “ Yes, I’ll help you and Mr. Williams and his son Tony can help if you want them to.” Then she smiles kind of sneaky-like and I’m thinking ` oh my god I can’t believe she just asked me that! ` So I say “Sure, fine, ok, whatever.” then she walks out my new room. I’m thinking the only reason she’s going to ask Mr. Williams to help is she has a crush on him but that woman needs to think he tried to rape me, but maybe I’ll go out with Tony Williams and see what he’s likes and if he’s my type I’ll consider dating him but for now I got to take my punishment like a grown woman right now and see if I can get along with Jane. I probably won’t even last long enough at school so I might as well start kissing up to her now and not later and make up for what I did on my first day at a new school. And Anyway, Tony’s kind of cute like his father but wait, what if his dad told him that I kissed him but he kissed me back and tried to rap me. Ok, maybe I’m taking it a bit too far but it’s true. Well, I guess we’ll see if his dad told him or not when it’s time to paint my new bedroom. But he likes me already and I know it because I know everything…. Well almost everything that is.

Chapter Five

Today Jane, Mr. Williams, Tony and myself or going to be painting my room and they don’t know what color we’re going to be painting it…. well it’s kind of a surprise I guess. So everyone walks in my room and they all stare at me then Tony says, “What is the color we’re painting your room?” So I said, “ What is everyone staring at?” No one answered me so I said, “ We’re going to be painting my room midnight blue my favorite color, and does anyone have questions?” Nobody said anything everyone just took a couple of paintbrushes and dip their paint brushes in the paint and we were painting, but then Tony said, “ I’m thirsty may I have something to drink please?” I’m thinking if I can get him down stairs with me I can ask him a few questions so I said, “Yeah, sure if you come down stairs with me.” He look pleased when I said that Tony didn’t say anything he nodded twice and he followed me out of my room and down the stairs and into the kitchen and I look in the freezer. And Tony just standing there and I handed him some bottles of water and then he sat at the kitchen table and I sat down too so I can ask him the questions but then he stands up and I was about to get up and follow him out the kitchen but he pushed me back down in the chair and that kind of scared me then Tony said, “ Do you like me Trichele?” and I looked at him for a long moment and he stares at me while he waits for me to answer his question but he’s just so cute I stood up and got a little closer then our lips met each other and we were kissing but this is the crazy part is that our parents came down stairs and they didn’t say anything they just up stairs then we went back up stairs because we didn’t know they had came down the stairs until we went back up stairs and found them going back up the stairs. I really didn’t care that they seen us kiss it was kind of romantic in a weird way though. The next day I went back to school because Jane said that I need my education I haven’t been in school for a fucking month and now she wants me to go back but, I went back everyone stayed out of my and even Bailey and I don’t know why she was supposed to be my friend but it seems not but I really don’t care because she seemed like a mean know it all who wants to be fashionable but she already is and she doesn’t see that yet but I can help her see that only if she’d talk to me. So I went to my next class with Tony and he says he’ll call me later and I walked into the class and sat next to Bailey and she just looked at me but I was scared she wouldn’t talk to me. Then I said, “ Hi, Bailey.” She looked at me and then said, “ Sorry I can’t talk to you anymore we all know you are dating Tony Williams and we’re scared that you’ll become a mean stuck up popular girl.” I was dumbfounded I was really hurt by that I didn’t think she could be so hypercritical so I looked at her for a moment then I said, “I can’t believe you just said that too me I may be going out with Tony the cool guy if you will but no guy will ever change.” I was actually crying and she were just staring at me then I continued, “ You are my only friend but if you don’t see that then don’t ever talk to me again. People are always judging me and saying I’m a bad person but I’m not so if you think I’m a bad person then never and I mean never talk to me again.” They didn’t say anything they just stared straight behind me and I knew at that instant that Tony was behind me so I turned around and looked at him and walked away from all of them and the rest of the our classmates I didn’t want to be embarrassed I only went to that damn school once.

Chapter Six

I went home after that and today was Jane’s day off and she asked why I was crying and why I was I home so early I told her why and she told me just to cry and the pain will go away and it did until Tony call Jane answered the phone she told him to hold on a moment and then when I heard his voice I hung up I couldn’t talk to him I was scared he would be mad at me. The next day of school was the hardest day of my life Jane dropped me to school because I didn’t want to walk because Tony would stop me and try to talk to me. I seen Tony by my locker so I decided it was time to tell him what I’m thinking so he was smiling and I was so nervous I was hesitating when I was getting closer to him but he didn’t seem to notice then Tony said, “Hey, cutie pie what’s up with you. You’ve been acting very weird lately like you’re not yourself or something.” I was so nervous I think I was sweating but I wasn’t so I started off by saying, “ Tony we’ve only been dating for a month and my friends hate me because they think I’ll become a stuck up popular girl like all the others and I told them I guy will never change and guys don’t change me but I think it’s time spilt up for a while I just don’t want to be hurt.” He looked at me like he was pissed then he said, “You think that doesn’t hurt me that you want to breakup it hurts a lot I hope you know that Trichele.” He was very angry and I was crying again and then I said, “ I know it hurts but I think it’s for the best for now can’t we talk about this later we don’t need to talk about this at school this is private.” Tony just nodded and walked away I was still crying and then Bailey and her friends came while I was crying and was kind of mad at them so I said, “Now you are going to talk to me when I break going to up with Tony? Well I don’t want to hear it.” And they seemed pissed at me to well I really didn’t care mind was on Tony at the moment I got the books I needed for Mr. Ledet’s class I wiped my tears away and walked to class I sat down thinking about my mad almost ex-boyfriend Tony Devon Williams sitting right behind me. I can feel his eyes on me it makes me feel awkward. Then Mr. Ledet called on me because he knew I wasn’t paying attention so I answered him with the wrong answer I said 24 but the answer was three numbers off which was stupidly weird. So it was after school Jane came pick me up and I was happy I didn’t see Tony’s face yet I; he also called on my cell to tell me he’s coming over at five o’clock so we can talk in private like I wanted, but I was completely nervous what if Felix tells Tony before he comes to my house I think it’s time to tell Tony what happened between me and his father.

Chapter Seven

Well, it’s five thirty in the afternoon he’s thirty minutes late I want to cry so badly it hurts so bad to breakup with him and to know that he is hurting badly because he loves me and we only been dating for a month. I just heard a car door I think it’s over here. I told myself to get ready for either yelling or crying. I heard a knock at the door so I got up and went answer it. It was Tony he still looked pissed off at me but I managed to talk I said, “ Tony are you still mad at me for what happened at school this morning?” he nodded I can’t believe he is still mad at me but then he finally said, “You know what Trichele I never really cared if you’d like me because when I first saw I wanted to have a happy relationship together but it seems like you don’t so it’s whatever. I just want you to know… that I still love you and want be with you. Goodbye.” He got up kissed me and walked out; then I got up and screamed, “ Wait! Tony my first day here your dad was giving me a ride to the police station and we were at a red light and I kissed and I got what I deserved he tried to have his way with me he put his hand up my skirt but I punch and he stopped; I’m really sorry and I’m not usually that whorish.” He stared at me like I was a freaking criminal or something then said, “ You kissed my father then try to say that he tried to rape you…. you know what Trichele I don’t like girls who lie to get what they want in life so I guess I really was wrong about you.” I looked at him as if he was two dogs fighting for a piece of meat and said, “ You are a son of bitch you think I’m lying why would I lie about something this serious. I fucking hate you…. you…you asshole!” his face was red when I say red I mean like scarlet red or something he was totally pissed at me. Then that look that’s he’s giving me it was like I just made a capital murder or something. Then Tony said something that I didn’t like, “ You are a bitch and you deserve what you fucking happened to you because you’re a slut that needs to go back on the corner need a pimp?” then it felt like I just did arson I feel guilty and hot like I’m sweating or something. Then I jumped on him and started beating his ass and saying, “ How dare you tell me that you I should kill you.” And then we were really fighting he smacked me in the face and I kicked him in his penis and then he was on his knees and then I kicked in is cute ass face and then blood came out his mouth. But none of those things stopped him; he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into him and put those beautiful and natural pink lips on top of mine for the last time when the kiss was over he tried to leave and said, “ Trichele I love you I’m sorry for what I did and I’m sorry for what I’m about to say to you… I slept with Bailey…. When we were going out…. That’s why she didn’t want to your friend anymore because she felt bad.” He stands there like a donkey he-honing and gave me the opportunity to beat his ass again this time I got a knife and slashed his tires, carved my name in his seats, and got a baseball bat and broke his whensheild he just standed there and let me then he called my mom and she brought me to a physic ward but, I’m not crazy I have anger, depression, and trust issues.

Part 2

Chapter Eight

When I walked in the crazy hospital an old lady was at the desk she looked at me and said, “ Well hello sweetheart what is your name?” I looked at her and noticed her name tag her name is Betsy then I said, “ Well hello there I’m not crazy my mom thinks I am but I’m not please let me out her Betsy.” Betsy looked at me again and then said, “ Everyone I want you to know we may have a runner on hands.” Then I said, “ You stupid old lady I’m not a runner I just want to get out of here; will you please help me out I’m normal I just issues.” She looked at me and everyone was staring at me; I can’t believe this place makes us do strip searches.
When they were bringing me to my room and my new roommate they said the girl’s name is Lemon I thought they were lying until I met the girl she a caramel color with intensive red I think she was a brunette her hair to about over her ear, you can tell by the marks in her face that her lip and eyebrow are pierced. I said, “What’s up? My name is Trichele but people call me Moone. What’s yo name?”
She looked at me and said, “ My name is Lemon yea my name is Lemon.” Lemon’s clothes are all black and her side of the room is fully black too. She was staring me down and she was fucking scaring me but I think I can handle her in a fight she might win though she looked like she was emo or something then she said, “ Need some help unpacking ya clothes ya heard me?” I looked at her and said, “ No, I’m good; you from New Orleans?” she looked at me and said, “No I’m from here why; what it sound like I’m from da N.O huh?” I looked at her and said very seriously, “ Are you a lesbian; I just want to know because you know I like boys. I’m not trying to be rude or all in your business.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.05.2010

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