
Back to School

Liza!! If you don’t get up right now, I promise ill dump cold water on you!!! Yea that’s my best friend Katie, yelling at me to get up for school, It's our senior year finally! Summer went by so fast, I’m so not ready to go back yet, but if i don’t my mom will kill me. Even though I've been practically living with Katie for the past year, missing school my mom wouldn't be happy about. Finally I decide it’s time to get up, if I have to go to school, might as well look good doing it. After my shower, I blow dry my long blonde hair and do my makeup. Finally I’m done and so is Katie. Bye mom we both yell in unison and yes I call her parents mom and dad. It’s the perfect temperature outside, the temperature is just right and we look perfect. We both have on jean shorts; mine are dark blue and the fit perfectly. Katie’s are very light colored with dark blue on the pockets. Were both wearing tank tops, mine is pink and ruffled and hers is pink with blue flowers on it. Our shoes, well there simple black flip flops. That’s pretty much all we wear unless it’s snowing. We get to the bus stop just as the bus pulls up so we don’t have to wait long, thank goodness. The bus is full; there are so many people on it. There’s no way Katie and I can sit together so I scan the bus seats. I accidently make eye contact with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, I can barely take my eyes off of them. Finally Katie pushes me to move and I come out of my trance and sit with a random person in the back of the bus. I can’t help but stare at him the whole bus ride. He has medium length blonde hair, and the most beautiful deep blue eyes I've ever seen. My brain is telling me to look away but I just can’t resist, until he catches me looking at him and he gives me this gorgeous smile. I automatically drop my head, my cheeks now flushed; this is embarrassing he is so cute. Finally we are at school, thank gosh, now i just have to get in the building it’s not that hard, I can do this. I run to Katie as soon as i get off the stairs. She saw what happened and she’s not leaving me alone about it teasing me. I’m so busy trying to hide my face from her I don’t notice the person walking towards me then BAM!! My bag dropped and everything spilled out, I just ran into someone. I’m so embarrassed start picking up my things just to avoid finding out who I just ran into. All of a sudden the person bends down and starts helping me. Felling my heart drop when i finally get the courage to look up and see who the victim is. Oh my gosh!! It’s him the boy with that adorable smile, oh my gosh I can’t believe I just ran into him, he probably thinks I’m a klutz, Damn! I look up so embarrassed and realize he’s talking to me, Hello beautiful I’m Aiden what’s your name? I can’t help but smile at that. Did he just call me beautiful i thought? I was obviously thinking out loud because he answers my question with a yes. Uh my.... name is.... Liza I sputter out. All my stuff is back and my bag and we both stand up. He stares at me for a minute then smile at me, I couldn't help but smile and again my face flushes with red. I bow my head so he can’t see me; he put his finger to my chin and lifted my face. It’s adorable when you blush, and you shouldn't hide that smile so much he says with a huge grin on his face, and then he walks away without another word. I’m in a daze, Katie walks over and snaps me out, and she’s been 2 feet away watching the whole thing. You know he’s really cute; I think he likes you she says. No way, look at me Katie I mean seriously. Oh shut up your beautiful she says and don’t try and deny it either. Yeah whatever I’ll see you at lunch I love you, love you to she yells walking away. God that girl is crazy! Oh crap! I’m going to be late, I run down the hallway thankful I wasn't too far from my class! I slowly enter the classroom, trying to make it look like i wasn't running cause my phone was wrong i'm 5 minutes early. I look at Mrs. Hammond who greets me with a smile, I had her last year also she teaches all the art classes. Then my eyes move to the rest of the class, stopping at a boy who i recognize as Aiden, he has an adorable smirk on his face and winks at me. I quickly turn my eyes away from him to my friend Jessica who's waving her arms frantically in my direction. Sliding in beside her she starts to tell me about how her summer went, i m not paying attention though my eyes keep averting to the other row next to us where Aiden is sitting. Hes so Hot its crazy, and he called me beautiful ME! I wonder if he meant it or was just a big flirt like most guys. I notice i'm staring, and i notice hes looking at me with a sly grin on his face. Shit! I turn away betting my face is red. Gosh, he probably thinks i'm a weirdo, what is wrong with me today. My thoughts are interpreted by the bell. I close my eyes as the teacher starts talking. This year i will be assigning everyone a seat she says and my eyes open. Seriously? I hate this! Everyone starts getting up to stand in a line and wait to be given a seat and Aiden comes and stands RIGHT beside me. Don't look at him Liza! Don't do it! but i cant help it, i took a quick glance at him and he and is looking at me smirking, i give him a shy smile then look away! I look up and realize Aiden and I are the only ones not seated, as Mrs. Hammond tells us we will be sitting together at the last table. Just us, as in only me and him know one else. Well this is going to be a long semester i thought to myself. After the teacher explains the rules and such, she tells us we have the rest of the class to do whatever but to stay in our assigned seats. Aiden then turns to me and smiles that dazzling smile. Well now we have time to get to know each other he says, yea, i guess we do i say with a smile. He just looks at me so i decide to start the conversation. So, your new here right? Where you from? I'm from Florida originally, but I've lived in a town not far from here all my life he says. What about you gorgeous? you lived here all your life? there he goes again using those words i'm dying inside but i keep a calm composure. Um unfortunately I've been stuck here all my life I laugh. He then starts laughing with me, we should hangout sometime he says. Wow i thought i didn't expect that. What do you say? uh yea that be awesome i smiled and we exchange numbers right before the bell rings. We walk out the door together and he starts walking in the other direction bye beautiful he calls out. I laugh quietly and say bye back with a huge grin on my face. Today is going to be a good day!(:

Good day right?

I start walking to my next class when i realize i'm bieng glared at by THE most popular girl in school Hannah Justice. The girl who has it all, shes pretty, skinny, and all the guys want her. So youd imagine my suprise when shes glaring at me. What are you looking at i say, with a kind of pissed tone. I dont like her. AT ALL! Havent figured it out yet she retorts. I roll my eyes and start to walk away and she grabs my arm and a shrug her off. Dont touch me i say glaring at her. Listen here, you know that boy Aiden you were talking to? yea stay away from him hes mine! not like hed ever really like you anyways she laughed. First of all i started, I do what i want, i dont care what you say or anyone else in this school for that matter! I see a smile spread on her face as she says i get what i want and i want him so ill get him. with that she twirled in her mini skirt and walked away. Well this good day is going downhill fast i thought walking to class thinking it was too early for all of this. My last 3 classes went by fast and now its time for lunch, Finally i can tell Katie everything everything. I Grab my food and slide in at the table that ive sitten at for the last 3 years of my high school career. Katie is already there and i tell her everything. When i finally get done talking she smiles, looks like you've had a great day doll she says. Ohhhh yeah its been so great i say sarcastically. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and pull it out, i gotta text and i dont recognize the number. the text reads: "Friday, 7 o-clock. you in beautiful?(;" I knew right away who it is and start to smile, I can hear Katie squealing in my ear. She read it over my shoulder, you going to text him back or what she half screams? Oh yea! I snap out of my daze and text him my adress. Wow, this is really happening, i cant wipe the mile off my face, the bell finally rings and i head to my class which is geograghy. Guess whos in this class also? yea. Aiden, he motions for me to sit by him and i dont know anyone else so i walk over and slide in the desk beside him smiling. Excited for friday he says with a wink. Oh yea totally i said with a goofy smile now plastered on my face. The bell sttarts to ring and it kind of made me a little dissappointed, i want to talk to him more. Oh yea let me describe Aiden for you, Hes about 5'7, with just enough muscle hes not really tan but he isnt whit either. He has gorgeous blue eyes that i can get lost into, along with that he has short blonde hair, honestly hes like perfect, and i dont know why he is even bothering with me but i really like it! My last class goes by in a breeze and finally i get to go home. Im riding a different bus home because im going to my moms. I walk into the house and no one is in the front room so I walk into the kitchen, and my mom is sitting at the table, she looks angry. Whats wrong? I ask. "Fucking Steve" she screams pissed off. Wow take it out on me eh? Shut up Liza! I don't need your mouth today, she says. Wow so glad I came home I think. Seriously mom? I yell, stop taking it out on me! You know what you little brat, you better shut the fuck up she screams! Why mom? cause you know i'm right? I'm going to slap you in the mouth Liza i swear! Oh i bet you'd love that huh? You know what mom I'm going back to Katies, I should have never came home, i scream starting to cry. I run downstairs to my room and dial Katies number. She picks up after 2 rings. "Hello?" she says. Can you come pick me up please? She can tell that i'm crying and asks "your mom again?" Yes i say starting to cry more. "I'm on my way!" and we both hang up. My clothes are already packed and i'm ready to go! finally i hear her honk and i run out the door without even glancing at my mom or saying goodbye. As soon as i'm in the car Katie embraces me in a hug. You good enough to go to Walmart she asks. Yea i say wiping my tears. We pull up and park close so we don't have to walk far. Katie has to pick up stuff for dinner her dads cooking BBQ ribs on the grill so we walk to the grocery section. We grab the ribs and go to the sauce isle to grab the BBQ sauce and i look up and see Aiden looking intently at different brands of ranch. I'm doing my best to hide behind Katie, when she says "Oh Liza there's what we need" in a VERY unnecessarily loud voice. Shoot! Now i have to face him. He turns around real quick with that smile on his face. Well funny seeing you here! Ha-ha yea i say, looking around, Katie ditched me. What are you doing her he says. Oh i had to pick up dinner with Katie i say. Oh he says. Next thing i know were walking together through the store and my hand is in his. Oh my goodness I'm dying inside but I'm going to keep my composure, his hand is so warm i never wanna let go. Then i see Katie, knowing that i have to go i look at him. Hes just so cute. Ill see you at school he says. Ok i say and start to walk away and he pulls me back and kisses me, his lips are like heaven. My whole body was tingling and at first i wasn't kissing him back because of the shock and he stopped and looked at me. I gave him a smile letting him know that I was fine with it and he kissed me again. This time I kissed him back whole heatedly. I wished we could stay like that forever. Eh -hem i hear Katie scoff and he pulls away and looks at me and smiles. My face is probably red as a cherry right now i can feel it burning but when he looks at me i cant help but smile back a big toothy grin. Well i gotta go he says breaking the silence and he gives me a quick kiss and says see you Friday and with a wink he as gone. I kinda stood there for a minute wondering if this had all really happened. My day had just went from horrible to fantasy in a matter of minutes. Katie i ask, did you see that. Oh yes i did she says and Oh my you are one lucky girl. Yeah i mutter and then i notice she already has everything that we need for dinner and we go to the checkout. I can feel her staring at me as we walk out of the store. What? I say. Nothing just waiting for you to say something. What was it like huh? Was he as good of a kisser as he looks. Well i say lets just say he didn't leave anything to be desired, i mean if he did he must be very talented. We get in the truck and pop are favorite CD in and Say Something by Austin Mahone is the first track. This is our jam so we dance and rock out all the way home. We watched T.V. until supper was ready then went to lay down. Katie is already half asleep and I'm laying awake thinking about today's events My last thought before i fall asleep is I don't even care about anything right now. The hottest boy I've ever seen just kissed me and I'm with my best-friend, This is the best way to end the day.


I wake up with a smile on my face, then i remember what is happening today and my smile gets even bigger. Katie is awake looking at me now, making funny noises and saying my name in weird accents. Yea! Shes my best-friend! (: After my shower I blow dry my hair and straighten it and put a little eyeliner on then I'm ready. We still have about a half hour left before school so I go in the living room where Katie is and sit down. Are you nervous she asks. Me? Nervous? pshhh I've never been so scared in my life.. Oh you will be fine she says i mean he already kissed you, you guys are practically married. Um no Katie your crazy i say. I know i'm just messing with you but seriously you have nothing to worry about you're amazing she says smiling. Thank you i say and give her a hug thinking, what would i do without her. Time to go she says and we hop up and head to the bus stop. I get on the bus and i can feel someones eyes on me, there his eyes. When i walked by his seat he pulled me down to sit with him. I'm not complaining or anything, but Katie would have to sit alone but i look at her and she gives me a wink and mouths its ok. I turn around and look at Aiden and hes got that adorably smile plastered on his face. Still on for tonight right beautiful he says in the most sexiest voice I've ever heard. Absolutely I say not being able to hold back my smile. 7 then he says. Yep i say. He was quite the rest of the way to school but he would occasionally look at me and smile, This boy is going to be the death of me, i swear.
I swear school went by so slowly. The whole day I couldn't focus on anything all i could think about was tonight. What if i say something stupid? What if he gets to know the real me and doesn't like me? I have to push it all out of my brain during the bus ride home. I can do this. Even though I've never been on a date before and I've never had a real boyfriend. Everybody has to start somewhere right. I just hope that i don't mess it up like i do everything else.
Its 6:50 my heart is in my stomach, a million thoughts are running through my head. I look myself over in the mirror once more. I didn't want to "dress up" but i did want to look nice. I had a yellow half shirt with half sleeves that were cut out in the middle revealing my shoulders with my regular black tank top underneath and a pair of blue jean skinny jeans and my black AE boots. To myself i looked alright. Even though its hard for me to see myself as "looking good" very often.I turned to Katie and she smiled at me and said Dang girl you look good. Thanks i said and she could tell i was nervous and she said Liza! You will be fine! I know i said and then the door bell rang. We both looked at each-other and stared jumping up and down squealing. Ok! Ok! I said smoothing my hair and clothes its time.

Date Night

When I opened the door Aiden was standing there with his hands in his pockets smiling a shy smile that i had never seen on him before. I mean it was adorable but it was kind of shocking due to our previous encounters. Ready he said. Yea. He grabbed my hand and we started walking down the walkway and Katies mom yells "Make good Choices". Gosh she just loves to be embarrassing. We both laughed a little and continues and we walked up to this car. It was Dark Black with butterfly doors and to be honest i had never seen this kind of car before. This is your car i asked? Yes it is he smiled proudly.Wow I thought as he opened the door and i got in. On the way to the movies I realized just how fast this car could go. I wasn't scared though i liked it. We got our tickets and went in the theater and got popcorn and drinks. When we sat down i caught him looking at my hands. It looked like he was debating on weather to grab one or not. Then he looked at me and noticed that i saw him and i gave him a smile and he swooped my hand into his. His hands are so warm compared to mine. It feels nice holding his hand. We sat down in one of the back rows which i didn't mind. The movie "Die Hard" started playing but i wasn't paying much attention. I was so nervous i couldn't focus on anything. I keep thinking about how good my hand felt in his he gives me this un-controllable feeling that i have never felt before with anyone. He didn't really say much the whole time i was starting to doubt that he even liked me. when we pulled up to my house he stopped and looked at me. He was biting his lip and he looked oh so sexy. I felt like i needed to break the silence so i said I had fun tonight. I'm glad he said. I got the balls too say what was on my mind so i turned to him and said look if you don't like me its ok you don't have to pretend i mean you barley talked all night. No I like you he said, I like you a lot its just that. Then he said something and i didn't quite catch it. What i asked? Nothing its stupid he said. No what i said just tell me. You kinda make me nervous he said so i almost couldn't hear. What? No way! Me? Hoe could such a sexy guy like you be nervous around me i said. Clearly he has selective hearing because he instantly got that cocky smile and said you think i'm sexy? I wonder how he can go from this shy guy one second to Rico Suave the next. Umm well face is red i can feel it, i cant bear to look at him. You know your'e adorable when you blush right he said. No i said looking down at my hands and he grabbed my chin and turned my face to his. Then he had both hands on the sides of my face and he was looking into my eyes and playing with my hair with his thumb. He looked down at my lips and back to my eyes, i was watching his every move and when he leaned in i felt like i couldn't breathe. When he kissed me I felt like my head was going to explode and i never wanted to stop. When he pulled away i noticed my hands were around his neck. Obviously he noticed also because he bit his lip and looked at me and leaned in again and next thing i knew i was on his side of the car in his lap on top of him. Now i'm not this kind of girl. What is this boy doing to me? then i quickly pulled away. I have to go i said. He looked kind of sad then bounced back with a smile and said i know. We got out of the car and he leaned on the hood as i said goodbye. I was halfway up the walk when i turned around and ran to him and kissed him 1 more time. Goodnight beautiful he said and that's the last thing i thought about before I fell asleep...<3


Texte: shayla tribbett
Bildmaterialien: shayla tribbett
Lektorat: shayla tribbett
Übersetzung: shayla tribbett
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.12.2012

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