
The Brood

The Charmer

Maximilien Courtenay was in all forms a Charmer. He would arrive to a Ball and take everyone's breath away, his beauty even as a mortal surpassed many Immortal but attraction was just a part of his Charm. Born of Nobility to a Duc and he himself became a Marquise by the age of six he was well known always his name held the lips of others but this night is the beginning because she saw him.

I walked through the hall name announced and heads turned to me smiles split their faces in half. The air was filled with incense and rose water people dressed in vibrant colors and elegant dresses I opened my hands “Bonjour mon amour!” I yelled and I swept down the hall into the laughing crowds the first woman I saw who was free I grabbed her hands and we danced around the room my feet practically gliding around the marble floor she was breathless but a smile never left her face other joined in. But I never stayed to one woman alway dashing away with a woman until I was making my way back around I saw her she stood watching me I sat the girl on the ground and I noticed my cousin in the midst of an argument with his governess or mistress I forget what she is today. I grabbed him and took the wine out of his hand “My apologise but I need Francois but I assure you when he return you will be well prepared to scold him.” I said and she giggled and I pulled him up the stairs and to the balcony he laughed and leaned over “Maximilian I fear for my life when you become erratic.” he said and I laughed he smiled many assumed he is my brother by our looks we were almost identical though I was the golden haired blue eyed Saint and he was the Dark head Adulterous heathen with green eyes but physically we were twins if I died my hair I could pass off as a better version of him. People weren't far off with this speculation seeing as theres a rumor that follows my father that Francois is his bastard son giving reason why my uncle and father haven't spoken in nineteen years. “That Enchanting creature standing by the ice swan who is she.” I asked him my eyes settling back on her she seemed to be searching the room for something she wore a dark sapphire dress it flowed down her like a river her long black hair twisted in curls hundred of pearls danced around her neck and a giant rose ring on her finger the diamonds made her eyes twinkle like stars. Francois laughed and slapped my back “That is Lady Amedee daughter to the French Ambassador to England, also betrothed to a Duke for political stability.” I leaned over and looked at him I never liked when people laughed at me “Now explain the joke.” I said and he smiled carefully before saying “I would advise you become more familiar with another lady tonight and let this wind past for the good of the family name.” I shook my head and I stared at her “I have fallen already and if you tell me that again I shall cast myself over this balcony before dealing with a broken cold heart.” I said and he looked at me “That almost made me believe love was real.” I looked at him he was married the day he turned seventeen to pull his fathers nobility back to respectable measure I had considerable more luck than he. “How about this I get you three ladies to give their virtues to you tonight and you get me an audience with her.” he looked at me then laughed “Why that seems reasonable.” he yelled and downed his glass and sat it on the table he pointed at his prizes and I nodded and we both swept down the stairs we both went our separate ways it didn’t take long for me to convince them of my intentions but my eyes never left her face my cousin talked to her  and her consort then her eyes caught mine and she gasped then looked away I felt someone touch me and I looked over Francois nodded “Ladies meet us up on the third floor and don’t be shy.” they giggled and headed up the stairs me and francois headed over to Amedee she and her ladies bowed “My Lord.” I grabbed her and lifted her back up I kissed her hand and bent don’t “It should be I who bow to one such as lovely as you.” I looked back up her ladies were swooning she was about to speak when someone grabbed her hand and pulled it from mines. I looked up irritated Francois grabbed my arm holding me back I realized my hand was on my sword hilt. “Maximillian this is Ambassador…” he looked at Francois then back to me “Amedee it is time we make our leave.” he said I looked at this old pathetic fool how dare he intrude? “Excuse you but I…” I started but she shook her head and looked at her father “Father of course I was getting very tired.” she grabbed him by the arm and they headed away she looked back at me a final time sorrow filled eyes. “I understand what you're thinking but the last man who went after her ended up hanging out his hotel window.” Even as he said this I didn’t care my body my heart my soul craved her. the night became more and more daunting to me I guessed my apathetic  mood was evident because everyone avoided me like the plague I didn’t mind I welcomed it I called my carriage around and stalked out I climbed in and headed home we entered the forest on the edge of my land when something felt wrong the carriage slowed then I heard the driver “My lord there is a woman standing on the…” he started then a hissing noise then quiet I drew my sword and opened the door and climbed out I looked around my driver was gone and the horses were going wild evident fear in there eyes I tried to calm them but to no avail. I looked around didn’t he say a woman was… I turned around a woman with vivid red eyes that seemed to swirl with inner liquid she was pale against the dark but her beauty seem to mold around the darkness. “You are mines now and always.” she said I didn't understand but something deep in me told me to either stab her or run but the way she stared at me sent dark shivers down my spine I couldn't move. Even if I did I was still damned she reached up and grabbed me with strength of men she slammed me onto the ground I stared at her not even facing death I didn’t scream. she bent over me “I am weak and tired you are my first… this will hurt.” she whispered and then her teeth changed becoming sharp and she ripped into my throat blinding white hot pain locked my body up it felt as if she was pulling my soul out of my body then it was over I coughed up blood and looked at her “Take it take it all back!” she screamed and she ripped open her wrist and forced it on my mouth red hot blood filled my mouth I don't remember anything after that only awaking to the light of day.

my eyes snapped open and I felt someone arms wrapped around mines two smells gathered in my nose one was freshly dug earth I was surrounded by it and the second was Autumn Crocus it was all around me I looked around where was I? In a box no couldn't be wait what happened last night And like searing fire etching memories into my mind the woman the bite the blood the pain. “Are you awake?” a sweet but powerful voice asked I nodded “good, it’s time for you to hunt.” I felt her hand move then she punched the box top and like a cannon exploding the wood and dirt exploded into the air she stood up as light cast down into the box and I was blinded it was so bright as If I was staring directly into the sun with a glass eye. When it began to dull I recognized the woman from last night she looked at me with black eyes her mouth was caked in dried blood “Come now.” she bent down and grabbed my shoulder and helped me up I looked around everything was so vivid the grass was illuminated green the sky was so beautiful and even though the sun was out I could still see the stars the smells were amazing as if everything was fresh I looked down and I was shocked it wasn't a box it was a coffin I looked at her “what did you do to me?” I asked her and she walked to me and rubbed my face “I have made you my first immortal child you are now a vampire Maximilian.” I started shaking my head and she tightened her grip I winced “Do not fail me Maximilian now lets hunt or you will die.” she turned and jumped into the tree even with ease I gasped “Keep up or die.” she said and she turned and started running I dashed after her because just like last night that fear she radiated seemed stronger she sprinted faster through the forest I followed. As I ran the world around me became a blur but I still recognized everything in vivid images. I became lost in the run it was so fun and my body seemed to become attuned to the speed moving on it’s own dodging the trees without thinking running was like breathing. I didn’t realise where we were until she turned on the spot and pushed me on the ground I looked up and she smiled crouching down. “Now go inside and feed.” I looked over and saw a Manor on the edge of a lake I knew this house I forced the dull dark memories into my mind “The Marigolds.” I said and she looked back at me uncaring “Go!” she yelled and I stood I knew this family of course they will share a meal with me but I was afraid they wouldn’t accept Maria I stopped walking how did I know her name? I looked back she was crouched on the grass watching me with an expressionless face I turned around and walked to the door I crossed the yard in seconds I knocked on the door and waited it swung open the butler noticed me and smiled but it faltered “Lord Maximilian?” he asked and I smiled brightly at him “I was wondering if I could partake breakfast with your lords.” I said and he blinked and stared at me his face blushing “Oh of course come in let me…” he seemed to shy to say anything else and he practically skipped into the sitting room I heard clanking followed by footsteps. The Marigolds came out the father and his two daughters someone gasped and they all stopped and stared horror but that didn't last long because they too smiled and seem to calm. “I’m sorry for intruding but I am starving I…” thats what started it thinking about starving a twisting gut wrenching in my stomach hot acid rose into my throat I wanted to scream I looked at them they were shaded red as if I was looking out a wine glass. Their veins seemed to come out their skin they hearts… I could see their beating hearts and hear them beating so warm and the memories of last night came rushing to my mind and I realised what I was. “Bitch.” I said before I pounced my body moving on it’s own will I overtook the father I ripped his throat out like cotton sweet hot blood squirted on me and I sucked it the girls and the butler screamed but I was lost for a second something was passing my eyes. a woman, the woman with child in a medow. giving birth to three daughters the death of one and the woman. I was reliving his most vivid memories I dropped him screaming a blood curling scream but I grabbed the youngest girl and twisted her neck and then the butler he had grabbed a sword off the wall. and I ripped my shirt open and screamed “End me!” and he jabbed the sword into my heart I fell to my knees the door burst open and Maria came in she pounced on the butler and ripped his head off. the other girl fell on the floor shaking no having convulsions Maria crawled over to her like a cat she lifted the girl and bit her neck slowly “Come!” she ordered something deep in my heart that wasnt the sword forced me up and to her I bent to her “Feed!” I opened my mouth and sucked on her neck memories flashed my mind but what hurt me the most was she was in love from afar with the boy from across the lake… I could feel her dying and Maria pushed me away and threw the body “Stop feeding before they die or you will become sick.” she said and I stood up something deep within me changed that day I stood and  nodded and headed up the stairs “Where are you going?” she asked and I looked at her smiling “I need to change darling.” I said and she blinked a couple of time and turned away I walked up the stairs and into the father room I found a couple of clothes that fit and I met her on the balcony I looked at the house across the lake it was magnificent. “If you ever use your gift on me again I will end you.” she said and I looked at her “Gift?” I asked her and she looked across the lake “You will learn.” she said and then she looked at me her eyes red and fangs exposed “Want to hunt.” she asked and I looked at my house across the lake “No not here.” I said and turned walking back into the house I past a mirror my eyes were no longer icy blue but blood red “They will return to normal in a years time a small price to pay.” she said and we dashed out the house…

The Child

Rose Wilder, was born a sickly girl from a sickly mother in those days Cancer wasn’t know so when it spread through Rose’s lungs she was left to live her days in the bed or the small playroom in the house never to step out. Her father made sure she was seen by the best doctors or priest had the best toys money could buy but Rose was destined to a life alone that was until She heard her sing.

“Come little Rose come lets play on the piano forte.” I looked up my Governess Luria was sitting at the piano she smiled at me I crawled out of bed and sat my book down  “Jane Austen-Pride and Prejudice” and walked over to her my tiny feet stomping in the carpet floor. I slid across the stool she smiled and reached over and opened the window I took a breath and begin playing Les oiseaux dans la charmille

Dans les cieux l'astre du jour,

Tout parle à la jeune fille d'amour!

Ah! Voilà la chanson gentille

La chanson d'Olympia! Ah!

Tout ce qui chante et résonne

Et soupire, tour à tour,

Emeut son coeur qui frissonne d'amour!

Ah! Voilà la chanson mignonne

La chanson d'Olympia! Ah!” I finished and my hands slid from the piano I looked at my Governess and she wiped away tears from her eyes and reached down and hugged me “Wonderful Rose.” she stood up and excused herself I knew she was was just going to fetch my tonic I stood up and walked back to bed I was becoming light headed when I felt giggly and bubbly inside so warm. I turned around and I froze the most beautiful man stood in my room honey gold curls fell to his ears bright bright blue icy eyes stared at me even pale and lean he was beautiful I had to look away because he seemed to become brighter as the sun at noon. “Oh Mon cheri please don’t stop that was the most angelic sound my ears have caressed in my old life.” my face became hot and I coughed again he walked closer and bent down “My name is Max Mon Cheri and what is yours?” he rubbed my face his cold hands sent shivers down my spine “Rose Wilder… I.. who are you?” I asked him not really caring I just wanted him to talk he laughed a sound that echoed through me “I already told you Max.” he said and was about to speak again when cold fear crawled into the room I looked over a woman was sitting on my piano watching me with cold red eyes her long red hair seem  to move like sleeping snakes. she wore a dark red pants and shirt wrapped in a cloak. “Your sick aren't you?” he asked and I nodded “Of course I can smell it in your scent it corrodes your sweet lemon tang.” I had no ideal what he was talking about but I just wanted him to talk more the woman and Max both looked away to the door. “Max deal with the servants I shall deal with her I decided I want her.” Edward nodded then looked at me he smiled his bright white teeth at me and I felt pure inside he stood and walked out the room “See you in the dark Mon Cheri.” he said and he walked out the room shutting his door behind him I looked at the dresser the woman was gone but before I could think more someone grabbed me and pulled me to the bed she held me “Now you will never know mortal fears again Child.” she whispered and she kissed my neck I felt a slow slicing and burning that crept through my body but I couldn't scream then she released me and sliced her wrist open with her with her sharp teeth like a beast and she pressed it to my mouth I clung to her hand sucking down the sweet nectar until she screamed and forced me away. she looked paler than before “Sleep Child.” I felt my eyelids shutting…

Maria went off alone angry at Max again they had been fighting on and off for a while now but it didn't get bad until she said “Even the innocent ones dies.” it was so out of context seeing as they were arguing about what song I should sing and Max surprised me by flipping the Piano forte at her which she shattered and hissed at him their fangs exposed at each other. I hated when they did this because of their gifts it amplified their intents Maria made the room become cold and sent fear through the room, while edward seem to force away the light and draw in the dark and damned he looked like death at the door. But somehow Edward manage to smile and bring back the light and love which disgusted Maria and she stormed out the hotel room. “How about we go and hunt Mon cheri?” I smiled and he took my hand and we walked down the streets of boston Saint Patricks day had all Irish men dancing in the streets dancing and fireworks filled the streets no one gave us a second look just a young man and his daughter out for a night stroll. Max walked into a club which was filled and at once everyone was in love with him his charisma filled them and they wanted more. I was so small that no one noticed me I ducked and dodged under tables not touching anyone something the grace of an immortal could do. I perched myself under a table and watched Max perform this was his favorite part of the hunt the performance dancing around the club laughing talking I smiled. Max was so peculiar Maria always made sure we stayed with the time with clothes and events I had trouble with it and Maria avoided Mortals when she could but Max seemed to follow the trends like a mortal his clothes were styled and tailored  by top designers but he managed to keep an air of the French Nobility he was born into. “wheres my Rose come sing me a song.” he yelled over the crowed I smiled and crawled out he lifted me up and sat me on the table “Sing me At last will you Mon Cheri?” he asked and I laughed his charm was on full even I was caught in the cloud “Hey you can’t you have a kid in here!” the bartender yelled fury boiled into my heart and I snapped my head at him Max covered my eyes which i’m sure turned blood red. “Remember who the doll plays child.” Max whispered even over the music and voices I heard him and I blinked forcing my eyes back green it really wasn't the bartenders fault it just sometimes I forget I live in the body of a six year old. I opened my mouth and let Etta James “At Last.” below I had the crowed swooning Max was mouthing the words his scent filled the room it was like sniffing a pot of molten gold. Soon Max was pulling me out the building to the regret of all I didn’t realise where we were heading until I recognized the man walking ahead he was the husband of a known painter in the area I rolled my eyes he must have been in the club and Max made him. Max caught up to the man and in seconds they were talking as if they were brothers who went separate ways he invited us up to the loft the door open and his wife was sitting naked painting she looked over irritated but as soon as her eyes landed on Max she was lost in his Charm. Somehow Max had the woman paint me I wasn't so happy about this seeing as Maria had a rule about our images but Max promised to burn it. he and the husband sat on the couch drinking champagne when Max reached over to whisper into his ear the man giggled and leaned his head back Max kept his head over I could see him draining his blood and smell it my stomach churned. but to his wife it looked like they were whispering to each other after a while the scent bothered me I was starving “Max I am hungry also.” I said and he looked up licking his lips “Fine but remember what I told you slowly and you won't kill her.” I looked at him spotless not a speck of blood the man was still living but he was breathing slow and pale his neck healed from the venom in Max. the woman looked at us “Wait what?” she asked but I was a blur on top of her Max dashed over to the radio and blasted it the woman screamed I whispered in her ear “Sleep.” and she collapsed “Slowly.” Max whispered and I nodded my fangs dropped down and I slowly bit into her neck I retracted them once I pierced her skin and started sucking her blood her memories passed my eyes like a movie. She was having an affair with her husbands sister. “Child.” Max said cautiously and he reached over the primal animal in me hissed at him and I vice gripped her and kicked away I clung to the wall while drinking her I was lost in my feeding… I had killed her but Max told me don’t worry one day I would be able to control it I nodded and we left we were walking down the street when I saw a puppy I bent down and touched his neck Max looked disgusted animals usually stayed away from our kind but they seemed to love me he walked ahead a bit and was looking at some clothes in a window. When I heard clumsy footsteps I looked behind me a drunk man and his friend was walking to me he had a strange look on his face I smelled something wrong with his liver meaning his blood wouldn't taste good. “That’s my puppy little girl.” he said slurring I stood up “well you should feed him more he’s all bone you creep.” I said and he bent down and pet the dog it’s tail went between it’s legs he lifted up “Ungrateful mutt.” he said before he kicked it I moved without thinking and caught him before he hit the wall I looked back at him hissing but before could scream I yelled “Take that glass and slice your throat!” his body tensed and he started walking to the ground and picked up a long ridged glass his eyes shaking with fear his mouth moved holding back his cry that was trapped and he sliced his own neck. “What the…” the other man started but Max was there he snapped the mans neck with a twist he was quick cold and clinical when he killed he reached over and grabbed my hand and we walked down the alley before breaking out into a run we made it back before Maria and Max started packing he was about to scold me and I knew it but before he could I started brushing my hair and absently humming his favorite beatle song. When Maria came back I knew it was time to go she was covered in blood the smell of death followed her. So max didn’t have to tell her what I did seeing as she went on a killing spree we would be going anyway. “It’s my turn to pick and I want to go to Russia it snows a lot there.” Max raised his eyes “I think Alaska will be better dear.” he said and smiled brightly at me I never had a chance. My eyelids Drooped heavily Max looked at me then sighed “When was the last time you dreamed?” he asked me and I yawned and wiped my eye “A week or two.” I said and he shook his head “Well this will delay us she is too young to try to last another day.” he said but Maria walked over to me and grabbed my hand She smelled like sweet blood and a flower I couldn’t place she smiled down at me “Come child dream with me it’s been awhile since we shared a dream.” we walked into the next room and we climbed into the bed together she held me and my eyes closed seconds before the sun rose. Max dreams were always filled with laughter and dancing with my singing it was basically heaven on earth. But with Maria’s gift to induce fear and her animalistic view on life you would expect her dreams to be filled with horror. But instead it was filled with the beauty of the world as if seen through the eyes of a thoughtful optimistic fox the colors and scents in her dreams were so vivid it made me cry.

The Prodigal

Now when you think of Maximilian Son of Maria the Dark, you would consider him the perfect Vampire his gifts so strong he can affect humans and even older vampires both without strain. To charm with into loving him as a God or he can even switch that as in becoming antisocial so that people avoided him or embracing the dark in the world becoming a true powerful monster. He knows when to let humans live or kill them without hesitation and profession, he never became emotionally attached to humans and is exempt at blending in or disappearing from humans in seconds. But he was nothing compared to Iris Shepard, Iris Shepard born 1991 to the Esteemed doctors Elaina and Matthew she was a prodigal writing symphonies at the age of  six graduating Harvard at thirteen publishing countless articles before she was sixteen and nineteen engaged to the air of the european Rockefeller. But this time it wasn’t Maria who spotted her it was him Maximilian was working the crowds at a Polo Charity event he wore blinding white summer suit with a fedora and black shades to calm the intensity of the sun rays on his eyes. known as Max Copperfield he portrayed of a young bachelor living off his dying grandmothers fourtuned his french accent at front of the charade. She never noticed him she was sipping on a glass of lemonade watching her loved Jordan prance around on his stallion his short black curls bouncing his striking green eyes he was so bold and courageous but so warm and loving like a burning flame in the wind so powerful yet able to bend to the will of others needs. they had both just returned from their year long african missionary she loved it and Doctor Matthew healed and helped so many. He even cried on the plane back he waved at me and I heard my sister giggled “Love you to Jordan.” I said and he smiled and puffed out his chest and rode around my sister grabbed my hand and leaned in “Can you imagine in one week you will be married to him and… riding that stallion.” I laughed and pulled up her hand on my stomach she looked at me “Oh my…” I covered up her mouth as she rubbed my small bump on my stomach “Quiet we aren't telling anyone until the vows but i'm sure daddy have his suspicions you know him.” and she nodded and kissed me “how far along?” she asked me and I replaced her hand with mines “almost five.” I said and she was about to say something when she was gawking at something to my left “What?” I asked and she nodded “Sculpted marvel to the left staring at you.” I looked to my left a golden curly head guy was staring at me with icy blue eyes his expression was unreadable and then he started to us I looked back at my sister “Who is he?” she asked and I shook my head and was about to say that I didn't know when I felt a ice cold hand on my bare shoulder. I looked around he stared at me “Amedee… but how I saw…” he said but he seemed flustered which seemed odd on his face and then he bent down and he hugged me tightly I had to catch my breath and then he was away speaking french so fast I barely caught any words. He looked back and my Sister stood up and grabbed his shoulder and said “Ok buddy you're cute and all but time too go!” she pulled but he didn't budge instead he looked at her with a cold stabbing stare I felt my heart become cold like ice. “Sir I think you have me mistaken with someone else my name isn’t Amedee it’s Iris and excuse me.” I said and he released me like I burnt him and stood up stiffly “Excuse me madame.” he said and he turned on the spot and walked away glancing through the crowed like wind. After the game we met up with Jordan I wanted to avoid the whole incident but as soon as we were packing up and heading out he confronted us again. Jordan took a step forward his hand on my stomach and he blocked me and my sister they stared into each others eyes but no matter how bigger Jordan was he looked fragile next to this man. “Excuse me sir I don’t know you but I want no trouble I just ask you to never touch my fiance again like that and excuse us as we take our leave.” even mad Jordan kept his manners and it surprised me that he saw what happened. The man looked at me then blinked “I am truly sorry for my erratic behavior but I assumed you were someone I know long ago you bear her looks with striking resemblance down to your voice and scent… I mean perfume goodbye.” he turned and walked away again and Jordan shook his head “Can we go now?” My sister said her thoughts on the Yacht trip we headed out but I would never see the boat I received a call from one of my patients and I had to met them at the hospital I took a cab and was in the hospital for hours when I finally made it out he was there his red eyes was the last thing I remember until I drifted in and out not able to move or open my eyes I caught a short conversation before It started. “It’s not her you know that.” a womans voice deep but sensual something exploded “Don’t say that this is my second chance to love in this damned life you condemned me too.” a mans voice followed by the female laugh “Me oh let’s not pretend you don’t enjoy this life and her death is on your hand I warned you and you disobeyed me.” she said and someone hissed “How dare you I can handle my self you self absorbed bitch and if you do it I won't have to restrain!” he yelled and she laughed “Trains darling trains.” she said laughing there were explosions followed by hissing followed by “As your maker I command you to restrain yourself you fool!” a thump on the floor “What trains mommy?” a little girl no couldn’t be and then I felt soft hands on my neck “No guarantee she’s a match the her body might fight the venom it happens if she dies it’s not my fault but if she lives I won’t nothing to do with her she’s your responsibility Max.” and then pain ran through my body I awoke to dark murky memories and filled with pain and hatred but for what or whom?

four years since I had awaken Maria barely spoke any words to me but I alway caught her staring at me then she would stand and leave the room, Bitch... baby Rose was my only condolence always climbing into my bed or going hunting with me she gravitated to me I had no ill intents to her. But Max in the beginning he was like a puppy in heat always trying to swoon me but I never felt attraction to him the more he tried the more I was irritated until one day he snuck into my bed and I shoved my claws into his stomach and pulled out his intestines. after that day he seemed to become distant from me I once heard him aruguing to Maria about me being broken and maybe he should gracefully free me to the afterlife there was a quick slice of the air followed by a scream then Max stormed out the room holding the meat on his throat to his neck he swam to france and we haven't seen or heard from him in six months. tonight me and baby Rose had just finished hunting the bodies lay in their beds spotless sleeping we exited and was running over the rooftops of the italian houses when I felt a magnetic pull from my left baby Rose head snapped the direction also and we both stopped “Who?” she asked and I stared until I saw them, three vampires gliding our way I tensed a bit in front of Rose they were gliding meaning they were over a hundred and that meant they were powerful Rose was older and just starting levitating but they were obviously stronger and she wasn’t a fighter. they stopped in front of us two women long curly brown hair and red eyes against their olive skin they stared at us the man looked over my body he had long black hair and hazel eyes he wore no shirt over his white pants he had scars running over his chest. “And what do we have here?” he asked and looked over to his ladies who hissed at me Rose hissed back grabbing my hand. “Who the hell are you?” I asked and the girl on the right jumped up at me hissing claws and fangs out. “No bella wait.” he said and she grabbed and hugged the other girl thats when I noticed they were twins. “Well I am Michael and you are feeding in our territory.” I swallowed a hiss hunting in another's territory usually ended with a head being ripped off and burned “We have been here for three months and haven’t seen a trace of you.” I said and he nodded “Of course we were in Greece visiting my Maker, this is Bella and Isabella my lovely wives and children who is your maker?” he asked I knew this game he wanted to know who created us so if he do kill us he will be able to handle our maker who will seek vengeance. “Like I said I saw no trace of you in the city but if you staked claim here we shall leave no harm no foul.” I never moved my eyes from him he was smiling a smile I didn't trust a smile from someone who loved killing and I would be damned if I threw around Maria’s name as a crutch. “Well see now we can't just let you go after you insulted me by killing on my land…” Rose spoke up “we don't kill.” she said and he looked down any thought of us being bastard Vamps were gone out the window. “Well in any way I need a head to compensate.” he said and stood up this guy was powerful and old I could sense it. If I was going to do something to save Rose I needed to do it now. I lunged at him when I felt my body tug the ground I was paralysed? he laughed “Iris I can't move!” rose yelled Crap he laughed louder sadistically “You see my loves have the ability to bond bodies easy when hunting better when slaying vampires no matter who your maker will be if they come seeking us my ladies will stop them while I end your maker.” he said and I cringed “Rose…” I said and she understood “Kill Bella!” she screamed her voice sounded like many voices Bella stopped locking at me and turned to her sister lunging at her neck the surprise was enough she ripped her head off Bella screamed but I was already crushing her back on top of her sister squirming body “Don't Move Michael!” Rose screamed  I grabbed Bella by the head she hissed at me she was old but i’m guessing years releasing on her powers she didn't fight much. I aimed my claws at her throat and jammed them in her throat severing her spine she would heal but I only needed a second. Michael screamed louder struggling I stared in her eyes and I forced my pain through she tensed and it was over her heart and brain corroded and dark bloold fell out her nose mouth and ears. a sound like glass shattering and I didnt get time to react before Micheal shoved his claw into my chest I screamed and flipped him over but he was up and we were at it moving like blurs both only getting in deep slices that healed in seconds when he grabbed me and slammed me on the ground his hand around my throat he screamed and pulled suddenly head head was yanked back and he fell to the ground convulsing “Get up.” Maria said I was up and so was Rose who fell when her mental grip was broken I looked at her she was covered in blood naked I didnt call her I thought I looked at Rose who looked down Maria looked at me “We shall disgust this later.” she said then she waved at Micheal and he stopped he crawled up shaking “What the… Maria the Dark!” he said astonished “But I…” he started but Maria looked at him “You attacked my children a crime I will kill you for but not today seeing as they killed your I won’t you to leave and run to your maker beg him to beg me for forgiveness and I won’t kill you without mercy i might even let you live for a few more decades.” she said and he looked at her lost and paler than any vampire I had seen “but they…” he started but begin to convulse hitting the ground hard but it lasted a second “Begon.” she said and he was off gliding and falling away. she looked at us “Back to the Vineyard.” I didn't want to anger her more so I grabbed Rose hand and jumped off the building keeping near humans on the road because Maria was following us on the roofs.

I slammed the door shut Maria was already on the couch I pulled my shirt off and grabbed another one and slipped it on. “I would expect you to be more grateful that I saved you.” Maria said I spun around she raised an eyebrow I hissed involuntarily and she was up and smashing my head into the wall Rose screamed I stared Maria in her red eyes “Don’t you ever.” she whispered in my ear I reared my leg back and hit her in the knee I heard a pop and she fell to the ground I wasn’t stupid that bone would heal in seconds so I was on top of her slicing her face with my claws she flipped me off and I rolled back up I was going for her throat when I felt like gagging and then I fell every dark thing in my body clawing at my head I couldn’t scream it hurt so much but this was her mistake I caught her eye with mines and sent those fears and pain back into her she yelped and fell to her knee I stopped convulsing on the ground she was clutching her chest. “Don’t you ever do that again!” I realized we both had said this I stood up and backed into the next room and slammed the door I turned to the mirror and stared at my reflection. Bright red eyes long straight black hair with streaks of red a faint scar on my throat I blinked and my eyes became green I blinked again and they were blue. It wasn’t a gift but Max seemed it as a sign from my first life where I loved him when I had one green eye and one blue. I hated being a Vampire but at the same instance I felt like I was born to be one.

The Charmer-1844 three years after becoming a vampire Maximilian was allowed by Maria to travel alone he had become a proficient vampire in a matter of months and some would expect this “Newborn” to be an older vampire. He was given a three set of rules to follow one “Don’t be discovered.” two “Don’t intrude on another's territory without introduction or invitation.” and finally a rule Maria set up just for him “Stay the hell away from that silly girl.” the one rule Max would never listen to one he will always regret….

I stepped off the train and headed down the street not many people were coming off seeing as winter was just thickening and humans tend to stay inside when it’s a bit frigid outside. I flipped the thin tailored 

collar over my neck and headed up the stairs the cold was warm to me but I had to play the look. My personal Coupe was waiting white with golden trims pure blood white stallions my God I really am ostentatious without trying. “Did you find the girl?” I asked my valet as he held the door open for me I glided inside. “Yes sir she is staying in her… husbands cabin while he is out in the city.” I looked at him “Take me there now!” I said a snarl snaking up my throat my dark prowl raised the boys heart rate I reached over and slammed the door shut “Amedee my love I am coming.” I whispered to the heavens as the carriage carried me across the land. I learned years ago that a vampires mind is a vast place and if I did not hold my attention I could be easily distracted as a kitten to a ball of yarn, I was at the moment thinking of Amedee’s sweet voice when I realized the Coupe was not moving a few seconds in my mind and hours had passed. I climbed out and looked at the Manor in the woods the grounds were well kept and from the heart beats in the side house the servants are asleep and the main house only a small slow sweet beating. “Stay here boy.” I said as I advanced to the door I heard him mumble “I look older than you.. boy.” I turned to him and stared at him his eyes caught mine “That maybe but with remarks like that you wont live to see your golden years.” I said before spinning on my heels and walking to the wooden door I raised my hand to knock but thought better of it. Seeing as the servants were already looking out the windows at the Coupe I closed my eyes my internal clock gave me the hour of midnight I move with speed of the wind and was at her window I could see her through the thin white lace curtains. She lay in a unrestful sleep a quill and parchment on the desk beside her I held my gaze to her closed lids and with my dark powers I entered her dreams. she was dancing in a small meadow alone a single golden light cast upon her a true angel. “Amedee love.” she stopped and looked at me shocked but happy “I wrote to you but you never..” I touched her lips to silence her “awake.” I whispered into her ear and with a jerk her body was reanimated with life she looked around bewildered then she smiled and whispered “A dream.” I tapped on the window softly with my nail and she turned and gasped running to me. “Maximilian, how but Max.” she said flinging the window open I smiled “Love invite me in.” I said softly she blushed “How are you here what are you doing up here.” she asked my body couldnt take it she was so close to me but my damned body couldnt touch her. “I will explain everything just let me in.” I said and she nodded  I smiled “No love you must say it please hurry.” I said and she noticed something wrong “Max are you sick, you look so pale.” I shook my head at her prying eyes “Just let me in.” I said again but she walked backwards “Who are you?” she asked me and I stood up releasing my golden Aurora into the house cloaking her and for a split second she smiled but she stopped. “No this is wrong you're wrong not Max not my Max.” she said I growled “Just let me in I will explain!” I growled and she shrieked My heart felt colder and I regret that sight but anger was replaced when I heard another carriage arriving and then heavy steps “Amedee?” a mans voice she looked around “You must go now before Edward…” heavy footsteps running up the stairs and then the door burst open “I knew you were unfaithful while im away, where the bloody hell is he?” a man with long black hair asked he grabbed her arm as he serched the room when he noticed the window open. I could use my dark prowl to become invisible to the human eye but something deep in my soul wanted him to see me he screamed and ran to the window I laughed and jumped down Chanting “Come lover boy!” in english he ran out the room and down into the house Amedee screaming behind him. the back door burst open and he came out with a pistol in his hand “Fight like a man!” I screamed and in rage he shot me the bullet grazed my heart dropping me like stone from shock “No!” Amedee screamed as she clutched my bleeding corpse but the bullet was already sliding out the wound knitting back together. the inner demon was awaken something any Vampire wounded could not prevent the instinct to survive. I pushed her off me and I snarled so loudly and other worldly that his heart skipped a few beats fear crawling into his soul clawing at it with eternal rips that will never heal. The animal around became petrified I looked at him hs body shaking I could see myself in his gaze. my shirt soaked in my blood a hole paler than the rest of my skin. my blood red eyes glowing my fangs extended I crouched and disappeared from him he gasped but I was already draining him from behind his life force fading. “No Max please I love him.” Amedee whispered in her sweet pain filled voice. I dropped him and looked at her her veins showing pale skin red I blinked forcing the thoughts and my eyes to return to normal. “Why?” I asked and she stood up walking to me “because my Max is dead…” she said I felt something burning sliding down my cheek she reached up wiping it away wincing I grabbed her hand and looked at the scar running down her palm I touched my eyes. “Even my tears are cursed.” I said to her I looked down to her husband I bent down and bit into my wrist I held it to his mouth and he swallowed a bit and I let go. “He will dream of death and love for a while but he will live.” I said and before she could say another thing I was miles away. I gazed at the church for hours even when the people came they watch me motionless staring but I was contemplating revealing my nature and not resiting as they burned me but Maria Commanded me not to do any true harm to myself and im sure these pressing thoughts at breaking the command or trying were giving her vibes and she would be flying to me now. When I heard her laughter miles away through Him I said I wasnt the same now I was a monster Dead not her Max and if I cant be her Max then she will die. Full speed I ran through the country gliding over the land animals moving out my way I tracked him using his mind by feeding from him I was connected to him. I stopped on the tracks I looked to the west I could see them miles before they saw me I smiled thinking of my first time seeing her of falling in love with her. the sound of the train whistle blowing for me to move but I just planted my feet. the train was inches away I reached out and grabbed it and flung the train and the cars into the air. I watch heartlessly as they soared higher and higher and then smashing into the ground in a blaze of fire and death. watching silver mist of lives rise into the air screaming in agony I laughed and laughed. “What have you done you fool!” I spun around Maria watched me with wide eyes “I finished my Mortal will with that silly girl.” I laughed and he eyes changed from honey brown to red to completely pitch black void and she clung to my neck and held me in the sky snarling, the ground under her shook and the wind completely stopped. she sple in a dark voice “I warned you Max and for disobeying my command I ground you for three decades.” she said I was breathless the fear in my body making me want to die and burn but that felt it wasnt enough even the stories of hell in the bible could not compare to her sight. The sun hid behind the night from Maria. I blinked for only a second but when I opened my eyes we were thousand of miles away in a dark cave she had chained me with silver chains that burned my skin “I warned you.” she said before closing the silver coffin she ignored my screams even the ones in my soul pleading.

Rose- 2011

Maria and Isabella left already, Isabella to the States and Maria to god knows where I only stayed in Italy awaiting Max. I sat on the ledge of the clock tower my heart matching the tick tocks of the seconds I looked over the horizon the crimson sky painting the sun into existence. I sighed I don’t know how long it would be until Max returned Maria suggested I took a seasonal rest but I dont want to miss out years in the world.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.10.2013

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