
Home bound

Good that should keep him dead I stepped over the ashes of the Lich the cave smelled of rotten flesh and death but with the lich dead no other child would face the horrors of this place. I looked around the dark cold damp cave his staff had to be around her somewhere I know he had it when I set him on fire could it have burnt with him? I turned around and looked at the smoking ashes no signs of wood of crystals odd It shouldn't have all disintegrated... "Are you done yet Rosalie im tired and I belive your fight attracted a group of mortals." Edmund trotted into the cave his silver eyes casting around as if expecting the Lich to jump out and grab him I smiled. "Oh Edmund are you afraid?" I asked the small black aristocat he looked at me insulted "Afraid how dare you if I was still a warloch I would have banished this Lich with a wave of my hand." He said and he turned his nose up at me I smiled and bent down scooping him up in my arms he kept his face away from me I kissed his neck. "Of course you would my dear Edmund I only teased now lets find that..." I froze my head begin to spin and my spirit left my body I was flying over the ocean the salty blue waves motionless beneath me as I sored onto the land I knew this place The Waylines. my feet touched the ground but I was still pulled forward into the giant rusty gates and into the dead garden where a small blonde little girl sat tears running down her cheeks and a broken mirror in her hands a single tear lay on it "Rosalie." she whispered. And like being jacked back into my body with the force of a thousand winds I opened my eyes Edmund turned and looked at me. "Rosalie are, are you alright?" he asked me a paw raising to touch my cheek and I nodded he looked me in the eyes worried I blinked a couple of times and smiled. "It's time Edmund the cry has been made we are going home." I said and his face dropped "Oh dear." he said I reached out my hand and snapped my fingers imagining my bag in my hand as the energy faded from me my bag started to materalize in my hand. I sat it down Edmund also, and opened it I pulled out a dark green cloak blinking I felt the cloak fall down my body the clothes I wore before dropped into the bag and I pulled out a small crystal pendence of a clover. I draped it over my head and I closed the bag and Picked Edmund up, waving my hand over my bag and it disappeared, I looked Edmund in the eyes and he nodded I closed my eyes visualized the garden and felt the winds carry me back home... I opened my eyes I was back in the Garden the plants still lay in crumpled branches I looked around and sat Edmund down he walked off. I looked at the dead plants and put my hands on my hips looking stern how lazy they have been. "Oh how rude really staying dead like this just rude and lazy, now wake up and show your beauty to the world." they shivered I raised my eyebrow "Excuse me?" I asked them and they shook harder and harder until they became thicker, bigger, and the color returning and soon the Garden was lush green Rose buds tilting I grabbed one and kissed it "Come on love you can do it." I felt them smiling and laughing as the buds opened their lush red petals and the roses blossoming just as the wind blew. "And you dont you dare chill them to death." I told her and I walked out the garden looking at the giant white mansion I used to call home. It looked so old so sad some of the windows were boarded up vines craweled the house the white paint was faded beige I shook my head and walked further down until I reached the beach. No foot traffic that could be due to the fact that it’s fall I picked up a hand full of white sand it smelled so good it was still rich I blew the sand and it began to drift up into the air dancing as if in a ballet I jumped smiling watching the sand drift into the distance I spun around now it was time to meet my family maybe I shouldn't let them know im here just yet. I pulled a mirror out of my pocket I looked in the mirror no reflection I started to project my body into it until I was smiling at myself yet my fingers were clear. I examained my arm it was clear also, I turned and put the mirror back into my cloak pocket and walked back up to the house it was getting dark but im guessing no one was heading to bed yet. "Aperidoras." I whispered and pointed to the door a bright white light bloomed out of the key whole on the lock followed by a clicking sound and the door swung open. the green house was also dead I didnt have time to beraid them but I guess word got around that I was here because they started to shiver and shake and growing I smiled and kept walking until I reached the kitchen door i turned the knob and stepped in. I smiled tomato sauce filled the air a big pot was on the stove I looked to my left Siobhan was bending over in the cabinet she came back out holding a bottle of wine she had cut her long black hair it was now a bob now, and oh my lord her breast were so big... I had to blink a couple of times wait was she oh my she is, she's pregnant a couple of months. She walked past me and stopped doing a double take then she shrugged and walked to the table sitting the wine down and sat down herself and took a breath she looked as if this was the first time she had any rest all day. But as if on key a little blonde girl from my astro summing came running around the corner followed by a taller preteen red hair girl who looked pissed. The blonde girl dived under the table and turned around grabbing Siobhan holding her for dear life. "Mom that brat took my phone I swear im going to kill her this time and im going to do it with a smile." she said the red hair girl had her hair in a ponytail and she was very pretty a carless kind of pretty she wore a sweater that was too big for her but I think that was the purpose she worked it. Siobhan rolled her eyes and patted the blonde girl head "No, not tonight, no killing tonight now Lilly did you take Bella's phone?" Siobhan asked the small blonde girl Lilly she looked up at her "I kinda just told you she did mom jeez." Siobhan raised an eyebrow and looked at her Bella who looked to the floor and Siobhan looked back down to Lilly "I wont ask again." Lilly nodded and pulled a small phone out of her pocket "I only did it because she called me weird and pushed me." Lilly looked at Bella then to Siobhan "I didnt mean to push her she just she keeps messing with me saying she see's me in her dreams she such a freak mom." as soon as she said it she seemed to regret it Lilly eyes became teary I bent down and blew in her ear she yelped and spun around she blinked a couple of times and looked around. "Ok this is what we are doing, Bella you're grounded for the rest of the week no phone or tv and Lilly you are grounded until next thursday for stealing, now Lilly go apologize and wash up your mother is on her way." Lily nodded and turned around looking back to where I was standing she past bella who followed her I was about to go along when I heard. "You know I really dont think your a freak I kinda love your weirdness but tell a soul and I will toss you into the ocean." Bella said their giggles echoed up the stairs. The door behind me swung open and a tall guy with short brown hair came strutting in. he wore a black shirt and carried a vest and a uniform shirt with the words Sheriff on it he was about six three and was really built he walked to Siobhan with a puzzled look as he bent down and kissed her before pointing over his shoulder. "Um I just came through the back and um Roses lots and lots of Roses in october." Siobhan blinked and he helped her up I moved back and they past me looking out the window. "Oh do you think Lilly..." the man started but Siobhan shook her head "Too advanced maybe a blossom or two but a Acer of Roses is impossible for her to pull off and Bella has been in her room all day maybe..." she started but her husband finished "your mother? but no she never leaves her room." I smiled when they looked at eachother he helped her back to her seat and opened the fridge he poured a cup of milk and sat it in front of her. I felt two more precense enter the house followed by heels and shoes. "No im telling you I could have taken it to trial but she just wanted money so I was forced to settle." A man about five ten came around the corner he had short black hair and wore a gray suit my heart lept as Aine followed him she had her long blonde hair in a bun and she wore blue glasses and a dark blue suit she sat her purse down on the floor and they all sat down at the table. "Wow I can't belive my day three different cases on the same family I just want to eat and go upstairs curl up in bed and sleep my vacation away." Aine said as Siobhan husband got up and carried the pot over to the table he sat it down in the middle and went back to grab a basket of bread he was pouring himself a glass of milk when Lilly and Bella came into the kitchen Bella went strait to her chair and sat down and begin to fill her plate with pasta. Her father turned around "Excuse you rudness." She smiled a bright plastic smile "Hello everyone, i’m grounded by the way for three days." she finished filling her plate and started to eat Lilly jumped into her fathers lap "Hey mommy, daddy have you seen the garden Bella showed me, it's magic right?" she said and it got extreamly quite in the room. "The garden?" Aine looked at Siobhan and she nodded "Go check yourself." Anie stood up and walked out the door the rest of the family kept eating. Aine walked back in shaking her head she smiled at Lilly "Oh I guess the um gardners came early this year." she sat back down and started to eat but Bella looked over "But I thought uncle David fired those guys because every time they try to plant stuff they die in a hour." she said and Lilly nodded "Yea Dad fired those guys." Siobhan looked at her husband Matt and Aine looked to David they all looked worried "Look honey..." Aine started but Bella rolled her eyes "Oh jeez Lilly they are going to lie to us again brace yourself." she puffed out her cheeks and held her nose Lilly did the same while giggling. "As I was saying the plants may have early bloomed which isn’t uncommon there is no such thing as magic." she said and from around the corner Edmund trotted around the corner his eyes narrowed tail swishing back and forth rapidly his sharp teeth bared and a hiss in his chest Bella eyes got wide. "Mom theres a cat in the house." everyone heads flipped around and then down to edmund he glared at them then his head snapped to me. "They changed my room into a gym." he said and I couldn't help but smile as Lilly squeaked and jumped out of her fathers lap "Mom he talked the kitty cat talked." Edmund hissed and looked at her "I’m not a cat you rude little girl I am a Familiar I was the most powerful Warlock of my generation." Aine shook her head "Edmund?" and Edmund turned to her "Aine." he said and Siobhan clutched her heart Edmund turned back to me, "Either you do something about my room or I will." this time he looked at Matt he was the fittest guy in the room so the gym must belong to him. Anie looked in my direction squinting "Rosalie?" she asked timidly Siobhan turned around and looked for me. I snapped my finger  and felt a rush as my image returned everyone jumped back with a gasp. Siobhan jumped up and ran to me, Matt right behind her for support she grabbed me and pulled me into her hugging and kissing me "Rosalie where have you been?" she pulled back to look at me tears streaming down her face I smiled and wiped them. "I think the question is where haven’t I been." she smiled through the tears I reached into my cloak pocket and pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her tears she shook her head. "No no im fine." I nodded "I know you are but tears are a powerful magic source." she rolled her eyes and let me go I looked at Aine she was standing staring at me. "Well hello to you too." I said under my breath she looked as if she was in an internal debate. "Mom who is that lady." Bella asked and Lilly jumped up and down "Duh Bell's shes a witch and thats her cat." Lilly said Edmund hissed and I nodded "aren't we all, just a bit magical." I said and her eyes widened and mouth opened "I knew it." she whispered I took my hood off and she blinked "It was you, you not Bella in my dreams it was you." I smile and nodded walking to her "Was I now? very peculiar indeed Lillian." I said and she smiled harder "You know my name." I nodded "Um Aine do something."  I looked up Aine's husband David was looking at his frozen wife Aine nodded. "Girls go wash up and go to bed." Aine said Lilly looked at her horrified "No." she said but Aine yelled "Now!" Bella jumped up and grabbed her cousin by the hand she practically pulled her up the stairs. I leaned against the counter Siobhan had to sit back down. Matt stared at Edmund who returned the gesture with a narrowed glare but Aine and her David watched me. "I dont think this is healthy for the girls.” he said I looked at him "Excuse me who are you." I asked him crossing my arms "David, and you are?" he asked me "Rosalie." I said and he raised a eyebrow. "And why are you here?" He asked his jaw tightening I chuckled "I Kinda own the house so." He laughed this time "Hardly my mother in law owns the house." he pointed upstairs. "Oh well last time I checked the house was passed down to the oldest witch in the family, that means me since my sisters and mother forbade their magic." he shook his head "Worst than Lilly." I looked at him and smiled "You dont belive in magic do you?" I asked him and he shrugged "I belive in science not fantasys about flying around on brooms." he snorted "Well you know humans got the whole broom's for transportation wrong, we either use the winds to carry us or teleport by warping space and time around us its a high cost of magic but worth it if you need to get somewhere instantly." I said and he rolled his eyes "Oh dear you shouldn't have." Edmund said "Loquismaointe" I whispered his pupils dilated "This family is simply out of control I need to move my family out of this town and away from this family." he said Siobhan, Matt, and Aine all looked at him he blinked and looked at them "What, wait did I say something?" Aine snapped around and looked at me. "Dont use magic on my husband again Rosalie." she yelled Matt looked at me "That was magic, those words he said?" he asked me and I nodded "A simple truth spell." I said and Siobhan looked at Matt. "Honey how about you two go and make sure the girls are ready for bed." Matt nodded but David look ready to make a stand but one look from Matt he turned and walked up the stairs. "What are you doing here Rosalie?" Aine asked me I felt a twinge in my heart "I was called by Lilly in her time of need, and from what she said about the dreams it clearly means she's been trying to reach out to me for a while now and here I am here to help her become the witch she wants to be." I said Aine stormed over her hand raised and came down for my face but her hand froze mid air a silver mist surrounding her hand she looked at it then me before yanking her hand back. "She's my daughter Rosalie I wont lose her like I lost..." I grabbed her hands and held them "Like you lost mother and me?" I said her eyes got teary I reached out my other hand and Siobhan grabbed it. "I wont apologize for leaving it was the right thing, but look im a witch a powerful witch I do good things too I travel the world beating bad creatures and evil beings, but every day for eleven years I missed you both and I promise not to hurt you again but Aine if you do what you did to me with Lilly the same will happen to her, she will leave." I said Aine blinked away the tears Siobhan laughed "Look she sounds so grown." Aine laughed "Oh look at thoes jugs you carry." I said and we laughed... I felt a powerful source come from upstairs I tensed up and Edmund spun around he hissed a white breath coming out of his mouth I let them go. "Stay down here." I turned and ran up the stairs two at a time my edmund right behind me I turned the corner just as the screaming came there were blue lights coming from my old bedroom I held my hand out as I ran down the hall I pulled with my mind and my hand and the door flew off its hinges and I ducked as it past me. we ran into the room blue light illuminated the whole room David was on the floor a gash in his head unconscious and Matt was holding his gun standing in front of Lilly his eyes glued to his daughter but what caught my attention was the Dryad she was standing seven feet high her hair was gone but thorns grew painfully out of her head she was holding Bella in the air by the neck. the Dryad was shedding her cracking skin falling off like dead bark her arms like dying branches she had holes all around her. "Ti thélete to paidí ?"(What do you want child?) she asked me "Giatí eíste tóso makriá apó sas déntro ?"(Why are you so far from your tree) I asked her in greek and she let out a high pitch scream so full of pain and she slammed Bella onto the wall bella winced tears streaming down her face. "Put my daughter down or I will open fire." Matt yelled the Dryad ignored him "Aftó to paidí skótose to déntro mou spíti mou agápi mou!" (This child killed my tree my home my love!) she looked at me tears running down her face tears of blood. "Prospáthisa na nosokóma píso gia tin ygeía , allá ótan írthe to krýo péthane , allá ézisa giatí ?"(I tried to nurse her back to health, but when the cold came she died, yet I lived why?) she asked me. "Vlépo̱ óti eíste pethaínoun epísi̱s , allá den ypárchei kanénas trópos gia na férei to déntro sas píso sti zoí kai ti dolofonía anipsiá mou den tha sas voithísei na xechásete tin chaméni , allá ísos énas trópos gia tous?(I can see that you are dying also but there is no way to bring your tree back to life and killing my niece won't help you forget the lost but their maybe another way) she looked at me blood running down her face she dropped Bella and Edmund bounded over to her. I held my hand out to her and she looked down at it then whimpered before taking it. "Matt help David, don't worry about Bella Edmund can heal her.” I walked back down the stair the Dryads hands were becoming more fragile Aine and Siobhan was at the stairs they gasped when they seen us "Open the back door." I said Siobhan nodded and turned and opened the door Aine shook her head glaring at me. I walked the weeping dying Dryad out to the garden I turned to her. "Im sure you have a piece of your tree on you?" she nodded and she held her hand up to her chest before plunging her hand through it and ripping out her heart. It was a crystal heart wrapped in wooden veins the blue light fading fast. she kissed it and held it out to me I touched it and she cryed "I understand now i’m going to eternally bound you to this earth you and your tree." I said this in english and she nodded "aeternadair." I said I had never done a bonding spell but finding the right words were easy what I wasn’t expecting was the draw of magic that it would consume the pendent I use to cast it was emptied in seconds I constantly add energy to it but the spell started to draw from me a golden dust flowed off of my body and into her and her heart began to beat again the blue light becoming stronger the holes began to seal in her body and her hair grew back longer and longer she smiled. "I hear her I can hear her thank you thank you soo much I shall forever be in your debt." she said her body glowing gold with my magic. the earth started to wrap around her feet up to her knees. she looked around like a child on christmas day. I stepped back but my powers kept seeping into her I was becoming tired and had to kneel her body started to become a wooden she laughed and laughed as she grew higher and thicker becoming a tall beautiful oak tree. I fell and someone grabbed me "Are you ok?" I looked over Lilly was holding me "Go and take this and wipe it on your daddys cut and whisper desinefola." I said and she nodded and I handed her the hanker chif I used to wipe Siobhans tears she turned and ran back up the hill I laid down my head spinning and leaned against the new oak tree her branches leaned down cressing my cheek I smiled and looked up into the window where someone is standing watching me I looked closer Ilana was standing watching me she havent changed over the years she turned and walked away I laid my head back and closed my eyes. That night I dreamed or did I, I was sitting in a meadow on a rock a soft stream ran down hill I sniffed the Air it smelled like the ocean I looked to my left the sun was rising the crimson dawn above I picked up a Lilly and sniffed it it was fresh but felt so light in my hand and thats when I noticed the whispering  I looked around for it but couldn't find anyone I looked to the sun again and a blinding emerald light flashed the sun turned to ashes and I gasp I couldn't breath I fell to my knees I looked up as a Lich came crawling out he was giant with hundreds of trapped souls circling him his dark rasp voice rung out as he laughed at me he waved his hand over the meadow of lilies and they caught fire he laughed as the lilies screamed out before he turned to me and grabbed my chest and started to rip my heart out of me. "malumdiúltaigh" I screamed and his hand was ripped off of me and he was pushed back screaming as he was sucked back into the ash wait no not screaming laughing. a small light apeared above me and I reached for it willing to go through it I gasped as I awoke in the guest bed sweating breathing hard. someone had changed my clothes I looked around a empty room except for the bed and a chair. I got up and walked to the bathroom I took off my shirt and pants heading to the bath I waved my hand over the tub faucet I was risking it not knowing how much power I had but I didn’t feel the magic pull as the tub begin to fill I was about to sit in the tub when I looked into the mirror and noticed claw marks above my chest I gasped and tried to calm myself I sat into the tub. "Edmund." I whispered and waited I didnt have to wait long because he trotted into the room. "You summond me ?" I nodded and lifted out of the tub showing him my chest "What happened." he asked me and I sanked back in "I had a premanition last night." he shook his head "Mia blocked that sense it must have been a vivid dream you..." I looked at him "I know how a dream feels like and I also know that dreams don’t leave scars It was the Lich we fought before..." I was saying this and I thought back I never stripped the ashes of the lich he's not dead. I jumped up Edmund stepped back hissing at the water around him "Edmund I never stripped that Lich did I?" I asked him he was about to say something when his eyes widened "We must hurry." I walked back into the room and looked around. I couldnt find any clothes I sat him on the bed and "Did you see where they put my stuff?" I asked him and he shook his head to the side. Ok so I need my bag I dont know where it is I need it to come to me with everything inside not just the bag. "How should I word this?" I asked Edmund he closed his eyes thinking "how about personal possession with a simple summoning phrase one where you can visualize what you will be bringing." he said I nodded I raised my hand up, "Perathoghairm" I felt the air above my hand vibrate and become warmer and like forcing two magnets together my hand hovered over my emerald green bag. I sat it down and pulled out my cloak, it would be simple to conjour some clothes but my cloak had alot of protection wards sewn into it just touching it I could feel a soft humming vibration I focoused and closed my eyes imagioning dark green pants around my legs until the smooth breeze disappered my bare legs covered by pants I did the same with a shirt before I wrapped my cloak around me. "Come on lets go." I said to Edmund and he leaped into my arms and I instantly spun on the spot my body leaving the room as time and space warped around me my feet hit the ground and I looked around Edmund jumped out of my arms we were back in the cave where we killed the Lich yesterday it was still dark and cold but it felt lighter with the Lich dead I walked over to the spot where his Ashes should be and froze the spot was empty no ashes this can't be he is dead but his ashes... "Edmund it’s gone the Lich ashes are gone!" I yelled and he came over "Calm yourself maybe the wind carried them off." he said unconvinced I looked down at him "this far into the cave no Edmund something is wrong." I said and he tensed up his black and silver fur rising he spun around and hissed. "Oh now keep your kitty under control." I turned around Three elves stood behind us Adrodunous like all elves their beauty was striking faintly pale silver skin long white hair in ponytails illuminstic yellow eyes all standing seven feet. they wore white leather and silk armor and carried long bows and silver epee swords the who I assumed to be the leader of the group step forward smirking. "The little witch Rosalie how do you fair?" he asked I knew it was a male now that I could hear the slight masculant wisp in his voice. I smiled and nodded "A little far away from France huh or are you lost, just take the northwestern wind and you should be home guys. "Child dont insult my intellegince why are you here?" he asked me I shrugged nonchaluntly "I dont know thinking about a winter home here what about you?" his hand slid over his hilt and he slowly walked to me Edmund hissed and his form shivered and he walked in front of me in the form of a black lion. "Oh im so afraid. now unless you dont want a problem child I suggest you leave." he said I looked behind him the other two elves had drawn their swords the tips encased of a white crystal. "Im here to boil th ashes of a Lich I vanquished yesterday I..." I was saying but disgust crossed his face "We have been holding this place for over three moons no Lich has been hiding here child the only intrusion that we have come across is you child." Edmund swiped at him but he dodged it swiftly and I grabbed his fur and pulled him back. "You dare attack..." he started but I cut him off still clinging to Edmunds fur "Im sorry for intruding upon your claimed land excuse us I will escort myself and my family out goodbye." before they could reply I time warped us back across the world and into the garden, Edmund was back to his normal form he turned on me teeth bared I raised my eyebrow. "That was three elf warriors edmund im strong but not prepared for that and we really don't need to strike a war with the elves with the witch community in disarray." he huffed but he didn’t argue I sighed and sat down under the Oak tree she bent over a bit to shade me I smiled "Ok so the elves have claimed the cave but why?" I asked edmund he was curled in my lap purring "Do you think they are working with the Lich?" he asked me lazyly but that doesnt make sense elves hate imperfection and the Lich is imperfect by nature. "No that cant be but im not getting a good vibe here.. I think im going to force a premonition to see if that will help." I said edmund purring hesitated but he continued he hated when I used my seer powers once when I was fifteen I was lost in a trace for a month he worried about me. I scratched him on the side of the neck just below the ear and he purred more twisting around to softly biting on my finger I closed my eyes letting my mind calm my body becoming numb my senses heightened just for a split second before nothing I was nowhere I am no where i am no one... white light, pure white light cold white light light should be warm welcoming but instead it’s cold... my eyes popped open I gasped for air and looked around the sun had fallen to set "Anything?" Edmund asked he yawned he must have fallen asleep while I was searching "Too damn cryptic why can’t the Source just spit out what it have to say why does it like riddles so damn much?" edmund laughed and said “It’s ancient and bored.” I stood up and looked at the house a dull red aurora was in my mother's room the rest of the house was empty. "Im bored now and no one's home." I said and edmund smiled wickedly "You know maybe this is a perfect time to reintroduce yourself to the town." I smirked why I do love this cat so. I turned and walked down the garden to the fountain "first let’s set some things up, this is suppose to represent our magic and protect us." I looked around to the garden and the house "are you going to cast a spell on it?" Edmund asked me twisting through my legs "No magic already flows through this place im just going to awaken and energize it." I spreaded my arms and summon magic from the source my body filled with it it became as golden and crimson aura surged out of me "Awake!" I screamed and the magic burst from me engulfing the whole land everything became brighter the house started to shake and groan but that was all.. "I. Said.. Awake!" I screamed and released even more power like a helicopter landing in a feild everything leaned away and back the plants and trees became lusher the ground sucked the weeds back down and trimmed themselves. the house started to repair itself and the white paint wasnt dull anymore. sweet blue water raised out of the foutain and birds and squirls and rabbits came trotting and flying into the garden. "Now listen up animals enjoy the garden but don’t dare eat the veggies poop on  the house we promise you will have seeds and nuts to your hearts content enjoy those if not I will deal with you." they all became silent in acknowledgement. I turned around and looked up into the window my mother was watching me when she saw that I was returning the favor she swung the curtains close. "Edmund your room is returned to normal I will see you later im going into town." before he could say anything I emit warped to the town entrance. I was still pumped up on source magic and I felt the need to show off. I did a simple summoning spell and a ruby red glossy Motorcycle my style I looked at my cloak and snapped my fingers emerald green flames erupted on my clothes it didn't burn just like the light from my vision it was cold I snapped them again and the flames fell away I was wearing Emerald green leather capri's a black leather jacket that came down to my belly button with emerald green fur around the collar Ruby red gloves Red stilettos boots I bent down into the mirror and kissed it my lips got warm and when I lifted them off they left a red lipstick stain. "I look wicked!" I said I and got on the bike I kicked down and hit the throttle my hair flew back as I sped into town. I twisted and turned as the Colonial town came back into my memories unchanged except from the starbuck and other modern stores. I turned down " Rose street the street named after our family which money and magic founded this town. I did a stoppie in front of my family shop. as soon as the back wheel hit the ground I got off looking around. people on the street stopped what they were doing to look at me  I smiled "Hello everyone how are you?" I said waving "Rosalie Rose?" I turned around "Megan Reed?" A slim perky blonde with the fakest smile was crossing the street to me she wore a pale blue power dress with a small hat on her big blonde head and carried a tablet. "Oh my l'anta it really is you isnt it." she stopped in front of me and looked me up and down blinking "Megan Reed long..." she cut me off "Megan Taggart, im married now to the mayor of the town." she shoved a big diamond ring under my nose waving it. "Oh well how nice." I said oh lord something else for her to brag about. "Well we all thought we would never see you again you just cant beleive the rumors that spreaded when you up and disappered." she said he bright blue eyes batting innocently. hell I bet she started those rumors I smiled "well nice catching up." I said and I tried to walk past her but she blocked my path "Well where have you been for the last decade?" I sighed "Well I went to..." she cut me off again "I heard you was sent to Tennessee to stay with your distant family because you got pregnant by some drifter in town." as soon as she said this I couldn’t help it usually i’m in control of my power but as soon as she said it on a clear and sunny day lightning struck the mailbox across the street everyone jumped I turned around to watch the burning box the door to Eclipsed burst open and Siobhan can rushing out she wore a apron that was stained with food she grabbed me by the arm "Rosalie come inside I have a soup I want you to try." she pulled me away from everyone and into the diner they had changed the style from when I was a kid they kept the warmer colors but added flat screen menus a bigger screen for tv and a cappuccino and frappe machine she sat me down at the counter and walked behind it shaking her head at me. "Rosalie, just because you have powers doesnt mean you have to flaunt them." she whispered to me looking stern I smiled and raised my hands innocently. "Hey dont look at me... aw come on Siobhan give me some credit here I didnt hit her and this town have freak weather all the time." I said and siobhan rolled her eyes I reached over and grabbed a giant cookie off of the palet and took a bite off of it but before I could take another Siobhan snatched it out of my hand. "Your going to ruin your lunch.. Mike can you bring me some mushroom raviolie onion soup and a slice of french bread." she said to a waiter he was wiping tables he couldnt be older then eighteen. He looked over at me then blushed and hurried clumsyly to the kitchen. Siobhan looked from him to me then shook her head. "What the hell are you wearing?" I looked down then smiled and tugged her ear "Im a modern day witch what can I say?" she smiled I looked down at her stomach and then back to her "Oh can I please?" she smiled again and nodded I yelped and bent down placing both of my hands on her stomach I closed my eyes and felt the vibrations "Oh my he is so powerful I can feel his magic flowing out of him, oh hello little one I am auntie Rosalie." I said to her stomach because at that moment I could feel him awaking from his sleep she started off cranky but on hearing my voice he became happy. "Rosalie did, did you say he?" I looked up Siobhan had tears in her eyes I stood up "Oh im so sorry I thought you knew." I apologized to her but she only shook her head. "No we, um we suspected but Matt always wanted a boy so we um we hoped." I reached over and hugged her I understand that I didn't ask her permission but still I did it anyway I found the safest and happiest memory I had and let it fill me up and then I thought about the baby in her womb and entwined the memory and thought when the two were one I pushed the emotion out of me and into her she gasped and blinked I turned away hiding my guilty face and sat back down Mike had returned and was sitting down my lunch he smiled at me and I looked up I winked and bit my lip his whole face went red instantly and he rushed back to the kitchen. Siobhan smiled and shook her head she looked at me "You are evil..." turned to her and swallowed my soup "I'm wicked." I said and she smiled the food was amazing "Best soup I had since I was in Japan and this spirit made me diner for saving his shrine." Siobhan laughed but looked at me side ways. "So where have you been all of these years?" I swallowed the french bread and sipped on the coke I looked over to her she watched me. "Well the night of my thirteenth birthday after the ceremony I ascended even after mom and Aine refused to bless me, Edmund summoned a witch my the name of Mia she accepted me as her student and for two years we lived in the mountains in Athens where she constantly kept my head in books." I looked over at Siobhan she was gawking "Yeah I know me studying, but she made sure I understood everything I needed to know." I sipped on the coke again then looked over, "During thoes two years I had a problem with my sleep I had strang realistic dreams I seemed to become lost in them Athena told me they were visons that I was a Seer she said it was time to get my familes book of shadows, so we traveled to Ireland and serched for months for it and i saw the most amazing things there I was thinking one night while Athena was resting if I was a seer then maybe I could use my dream to find the book So I told edmund he wanted to awake Athena but I convinced him not to and I let the vision come to me two months I was trapped between worlds but when I awoke I knew how to get the book and I summoned it to me." Siobhan gasped and I nodded "another year passed in training with the spells in the book of shadows Athena said it was time I ventured off into the world, I left that morning to travel I met so many magical people found lost cities everything but my magic seemed to just be awaking it took me three years until I found out why I was at a ceremony for a acending sorceror and I had the strongest vison ever I was in the core of the source of all magic then I realized I was the core I am the source of all magic." I looked over the clock said a quater to one. "I had a purpose then to reunite the Wizarding world too long we have been apart and I fear something is coming Darkness in the name of the light so until yesterday I sought out an evil creature stopped them and did my best to help wizards and witches become a community again." She nodded I cant belive that she is so understanding "Soo...?" I asked she smiled at me "your breast finaly came in." I looked at her and she laughed I smiled and she nudged me "Eat I have to run to the bank I will be right back." I nodded and she turned and walked out the door.  I started to eat my food when Mike came over and started to wipe the counter he had short blond cowlick and light brown eyes he smiled at me watching i guess finding a way to say something I swallowed what I was chewing over. "Hey Mike right?" I asked him he smiled "Yea mike, michael, mikie, whatever you want to call me." he said his voice switching octaves I wiped my hand on the napkin and reached over the counter he blushed then grabbed my hand with sweaty palms and shook very energetically. "So mike you in my sister's resturant?" he nodded his face slowly returning to normal "Yea well only in the mornings until Bella and Lilly get out of school then i go to school in Danvill the city over." I nodded as he said this "Oh college how nice I never went." he smiled "It's very hectic at times but I like it.. um if you dont mind me asking where are you from?" I smiled and shook my head "Dont worry about it well I was born here raised until I was thirteen where I moved to Paris then I traveled the world." his eyes got big and he watched me with amazment "Paris, the world wow have you ever been to Brazil?" I had a flash back of the Coco in Brazil she was devouring disobediant children bad or not kids are going to be kids I still remember thoses peircing shadowie eyes. "Once I had a very nice time." Mike seemed to become more amazed we started to talk more of my traveling trolls and giants excluded the dish rag lay forgotten when a bell sounded in the distance I turned and looked out the window. "Oh good the girls are out of school, I wonder where Siobhan is right now." Mike said before excusing himself he had to get his things ready. I didnt really care I was thinking about Siobhan also I grabbed a bottle of water and poured it into the empty soup bowl I looked into it I took my right hand and waved it over the water without even touching it the water begin to swirl softly until Siobhan came into view I couldn't tell where she was but I could only see her through the closes reflective item but befor the image faded I saw her holding a blue sock. "Wow are you making a potion, hey isnt that aunt Siobhan." I snapped my hands and the water evaperated I looked next to me Lilly was sitting on the counter looking into the bowl. "Hello little one, how was school?" she smiled she had her blonde hair in a ponytail and was wearing a pink short sleeve shirt and white jeans and yello fip flops. "Oh it was good until Malissa Taggart called me weird because I was reading during recess, but really she needs the workout becase shes ten and that isnt baby fat anymore." I smiled and she laughed "hey mikie off to school?" I looked behind me Bella was tying a apron around her purple hoody and red pants he glasses reflected the light. "Oh yeah see you later kid." as he passed by he ruffled her head her face turned red and she turned and almost dashed into the back he passed me and smiled "um see you around?" he asked me "oh um sure." I said he smiled and left Lilly suddenly had a fit of giggles "What is wrong with you?" I asked her and she looked around "Bella is irrevocably in love with Mike." as soon as she said it she began to giggle I heard the door open and turned around bella came out the kitchen she took one look at Lilly and realized what happened. "Shut up!" she yelled I was totaly caught off guard and the force nearly knocked me off my chair. But Lilly wasnt so lucky she compleatly fell off of the counter with a crack along with everything on the counter. it was over as soon as it started I stood up and ran to lilly she sat up and was holding her head her blonde hair was matted with dark red blood her eyes tearing up. "Hey now don’t worry I know it hurt just let me see it ok." she nodded and I placed my hand on the back of her head over the wound “ceannsana” a white light grew under my hand and Lilly gasped I closed my eyes I had to guide each muscle and skin and hair back into their place healing is always difficult. it took me less than a minute because the wound was so small but finally I let go I stood up and help her up she looked at me and smiled her lips moved without talking but I could see  the word Magic upon her lips I smiled and looked around the diner a good thing it was empty Bella stood against the wall her face wet from tears I walked to her "Don’t cry love you did nothing wrong." I grabbed her hand and looked around the cafe which was in dissaray "Watch this." I reached out and pointed my hand at the clock I focused and let the magic fill me I started to twirl my fingers counter clock wise until the hands stopped moving and then the seconds hand begin to tick back wards the stuff on the floor begin to shiver until they lifted up and flew back to where they came broke glasses repaired themselves and water sodas refilled. she gasped also and looked at me amazed Lilly was jumping up and down. "I told you we are wit..." Lilly was yelling, I yelled out in my head "silentium" and mid sentice she gagged on her voice the door opened and three men came in all wearing casual clothes. she looked at me accusingly I smiled and cut the spell she whistled to check that her voice had returned I let go of Bellas hand and she went to go take orders. I walked past the three men who had seated themselves in the only booth by the door. I walked to Lilly and flicked her nose she giggled walked over to the cash register and propped herself up onto the chair. I sat down in the chair I was getting restless waiting on Siobhan I puffed air out of my mouth. Lilly was in her own world reading a book. I smiled, just like her mother Aine loves to read I lifted my finger and like flipping a like switch I directed a slight breeze over to lillys face lifting her hair. she scratched her head and contenued reading I did it again this time she looked up but I was pretending to look at the menu.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.05.2013

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