

And there he stood by my side. The person I cared most about. Protecting me to the very end. I was in a cage of fire and my savoir was holding me as close as possible. He was growing weaker and the only question now is, how do we get out?

Chapter 1

What do you do when you have nothing left? Where do you go when you have no place to live? When life has dropped a bomb on you? I haven't anyone to talk to. They are all gone. All my family, friends and even Andrew. He was my best friend. We did everything together. Now him and everyone I cared about was dead. Were am i suppose to go from here?

I slid down the wall of the dark alley and hung my head.
"What am I going to do?" I whispered to myself.
How am I going to go on? Should I go on? May be I should end myself here and now. No, Andrew wouldn't want me to do that. I have to move on, but to where? Should I just walk until I can't walk anymore? May be thats the best way to go. No one else is left here for me. Shralo is dead to me now. I got up and put my cloak on. I walked down the dark road. I continued walking for many days. I had no food and no water. I finally passed out.
When I woke I was in a large room. I sat up and examined the room. There were 3 beds, the walls were light purple with a white floral design on them, and there was cream carpet. The furniture was all wood and the room smelled of smoke and blood. I was about to get up and explore the room more when I heard foot steps. I scooted back up into the bed and listened to the foot steps. They were coming closer. I waited for them to pass, but instead the door flung open.
There was 2 girls. One had silver hair that went to about her belly button, was pale and and had red eyes. The other had ginger hair that was just above her shoulders, green eyes, and wore a hat that bent over with a cresent moon on the end.
"Your awake," said the ginger.
"You slepted forever..." said the pale one.
"Be nice Maura," said the ginger, "she has had a long journey."
Muara roled her eyes at the ginger.
"My name is Lekty, whats yours" the ginger asked.
"I'm Holo," I replied.
"Hello Holo," Lekty said smiling as she nudged Maura.
"Yeah Hi," Maura said uncaring.
I half smiled then looked around the room.
"This is Adalentis," Lekty explained, "the house we and a few more live in. You are welcome to stay if you have no where else to go."
I smiled and replied "Thank you."
"You must be hungry," Maura said, "I know I am."
"Maura," Lekty said as she turned towards her, "she is not one for you to feast on."
Maura looked at me with disapointment then turned around and left the room.
"Come Holo," Lekty said, "Let us go eat."
I nodded and followed her down the stairs of the huge house. I saw many other beings in the house. Angels, Dark Angels, Half Demons, and a few that even looked human. I was looking around in fasination. I had never saw so many unhuman beings in one spot in my whole life. Lekty turned around and smiled at me as she saw me gaze around the room.
"Neat huh?" She asked.
I smiled and nodded at her in a amazement then added, "Can i meet them?"
"Of course," she said smiling, "after you eat though."
When we got to the kitchen there was food already waiting for me. I sat down and Lekty pushed it toward me. I ate as polietly as I could for being starving. It didn't help that i was excited about meeting everyone in the house.

Chapter 2

Lekty gathered everyone in the overly sized living room.
"This is Holo," Lekty said to everyone, "she will be staying with us in the Adalentis."
Every one started to whisper among themselves. Lekty started to gather everyones attention again. Then walked over to the first in line and motioned me over. She walked me through everyones names and what they were. First was Rain. Rain was a wolf demon. She has black hair down below her boobs, black ears with white tips and teal eyes. Clea was next. She was a dark angel with blue black hair down passed to her butt a bit, rugged black wings and blue eyes. Next to Clea was Taela. She was a cat demon with blonde hair down to the middle of her back, black ears and blue eyes. Neaveh was an angel with very pale pink hair almost to her ankles, elegant white wings, and brown eyes. Next came the boys starting with Erik. Erik was a cat demon with white and black hair, black ears, and blue eyes. Next to Erik stood Iolaus. Iolaus was a dragon master with ear length brown hair, he had brown eyes and a thin dragon tattoo from, what it looked like, his arm pit all the way to the middle of his cheek. Ciel was a modern day knight from what i could tell. He was skill with his magical swords. He had black hair and pale blue eyes.
We got the the end of the line but Lekty look confused. Like she was looking for someone.
"Where did he go?" Lekty whispered to herself, "I just saw him..."
She looked back at everyone and thanked them for their time. They all scattered back to what they were doing. She looked at me then looked at the ledge of the loft up above. She started walking up the stairs and I followed her like a lost puppy. As we walked up the stairs I watched Lekty, with a very concentrated look on her face, mumble to herself.
When we got up stairs I saw a boy in black faced towards the wall listening to music. Lekty saw him shook her head then walked over to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and he turned his head towards her, but not enough that i could see. She was talking to him quietly and he obviously didn't want to hear it until she said something that caught his attention. He hopped up and Lekty moved out of the way. He stared at me with a gental face and I stared at him in disbelief. There was Andrew. I was unbelievely shoked to see him. I had thought he was incinerated with my parents. I started to cry. Andrew walked over to me and threw his arms around me.

"I thought I lost you," he said quietly in my ear.
"I thought I lost you too," I replied.
He backed up and slightly smiled. I smiled back and sheaded a few more tears. Andrew looked back to Lekty and closed his eyes, look a deep breath and let it out slowly. He looked back at me and grabbed my hand. He started pulling me back down the many stairs I had just walked up. When we got down stairs, everyone staring at the new girl holding hands with the quiet loner, he pulled me down a hallway.
"Close your eyes," he said.
"Why?" i asked.
"Just trust me," he said sweetly.
I closed my eyes and he led me to the end of the hallway. He let go of my hand and felt a breeze. He took a hold of my hand once again and led me further out.
"Open your eyes," he said.
I opened my eyes to see a beautiful scenery with a tree house exactly like Andrew's and mine that we use to play in as kids. My eyes widend and i gasped quietly.
"Oh my..." i started.
"You like it?" he asked.
"Like it?" i asked, "I love it!"
"I built it with my own two hands," he started, " just for you."
I smiled and sheaded a couple tears. Andrew leaned over to me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his shoulder. He pulled pulled away and walked towards the tree house.
"This way," he said, "my lady."
I climbed up the ladder of the tree house, Andrew following. He sat down in the corner and I looked around amazed. I felt like I was in Shralo again. Playing in the tree house with Andrew and coming up with new ways to freak people out with Andrew's ears and our magic.
When I looked back at Andrew he looked as if he were in a deep thought. I walked over to him in the corner, sat down next to him, and layed my head on his shoulder. We both dozed off and slepted in the tree house that night.

Chapter 3

"Holo?" asked a voice "You up there?"
Andrew woke up to the voice, and not knowing I was already awake, answered before me with his best impression of me, "Yeah I'm here"
"That is so not how I sound," I said laughing.
Andrew looked at me and laughed too.
Can you come here?" the voice asked.
"Yep," I said, "I'm coming."
I stood up and went down the ladder of the tree house to see Ciel.
"Hey Ciel," I said supprise.
"Hey," he replied, "Lekty wants me to take you into town with me today."
"Uh," I said looking back at Andrew. Andrew stared at Ciel a moment and look back at me and nodded. "Okay," I continued.
I looked at Andrew once more and when I turned my head back to talk to Ciel he was gone. I ran through the door to the house trying to catch up with him. When I finally caught up he was arguing with Taela. I slowly approched them and stuck my head around Ciel.
"Is everything okay?" I asked.
"No-" Taela started to say when she got cut off by Ciel.
"Yes everything is fine," He said as he turned his head back to Taela, "don't worry."
"But-" Taela went on.
"It's going to be fine," Ciel said to her, "I'll be back soon."
"Okay," She said sadly.
"I love you," He said kissing her head.
"I love you too," She mumbled.
"Ready?" He asked turning to me.
"Yeah," I said, "I guess."
He walked towards the front door and I followed. We walked to a motorcycle that was black with with blue streaks on it. He hopped on and handed me the helmet. I slipped it on and got on the motorcycle too. He started it up and drove down the long drive way onto the road. We were off to the town. When we go to town he parked his bike in an alley between the book store and the bakery. We hopped off and I took off the helmet. He clipped it on the handle bar, took a deep breath, and looked back at me.
"Here we are," He said, "Cadia and all its little glory."
I took a quick look behind me to see what the town looked like, "It look nice."
"Yeah, nice is the word," he said sarcasticly as he grabbed my hand, "Lets go."
Ciel pulled me along as we went threw many stores. We went to the book store and got a book for Nevaeh, to the bakery for a muffin for Iolaus, to the outfitters to get a new pair of pants for Erik and a couple shirts for Maura. We also went to the music store for Andrew, the store with all the make up for Taela and got some black eye liner for Clea, and we went to the market to get some ingreadiants for Lekty. When we were down we went and sat down by the fountain for a break.
"Do you always have to do this?" I asked him.
"Pretty much," he answered.
"Why don't you all take turns?" I asked.
"I've always done it so I know what everyone wants," he replied.
"Oh," I said softly, "Well don't you ever get something for yourself?"
"Not usually," he said, "occasionally I go look at swords."
"I see," i said, "so you like swords?"
"I can make swords out of nothing as long I wear this chain on my neck." he replied.
"Awesome," I said amazed, "can I see when we get home?"
He hesitated for a moment as he stared off into the distance, "You may not need to wait till we get home."
Aproching was a guy with black hair, a lip ring, black eye liner, a black dog colar, green eyes, and a black jacket with fuzz around the neck. He looked like the stariotypical evil emo. The guy stood in front of us and smiled a bit.
"What do you want Zeth?" Ciel asked sturnly standing up in front of me.
"What I can't visit a friend?" Zeth replied sarcastically.
Ciel glarred at him for a moment, "Don't play games with me."
"We heard you got a new roomie at Adalentis," He said.
"Why do you care?" He asked still sounding sturn.
"Is that her?" He asked peering over Ciel shoulder.
Ciel didn't reply and just glarred at him. Zeth glarred back and then softend his face as he lifted his head up slightly.
"Why so serious," Zeth asked creepily as he smiled slightly again.
Ciel continued to glare at Zeth. He was ready to fight if it had to be done.
"Calm down presious," he said, "I'm not going to hurt either of you unless necessary."
Ciel tilted his head up a bit and softend his face a bit, "Why are you here then?"
"I'm here to talk to her," Zeth said pointing to me.
"Forget it," Ciel immediatly replied.
"And who are you exactly?" I said peering over Ciel's shoulder.
"Why sweetie," he said, "I am Zeth Denro. The best male Angel of Death there is."
"And why do you want to talk to me?" I asked.
"Well really I was just sent here to see who you were, what you can do, and if you were good to ask you to come to Manehala." He explained.
"Well," I said, "I am Holo, I am a mage who doesn't know all of her abilities yet and I will not be leaving Adalentis to come with you to Manehala, what ever that it."
"Manehala is the house my people and I live in," Zeth explained, "It is like Adalentis but better. And if you don't know all your abilities then one of our great people can help you learn them."
"Like I said," I continued, "I'm not leaving Adalentis."
He stared at me for a moment, "If this is because of Andrew then that wont be a problem. If you come he will follow."
"How did you-" I said while being interupted by Ciel.
"Zeth can go through peoples past thoughts," Ciel explained, "He just chooses to act ignorant so nobody knows."
"So what do you say Holo?" Asked Zeth, "Would you like to come to Manehala?"
I looked and Ciel and thought of everyone at Adalentis and Andrew waiting for me to get back.
"I'd like to stay with everyone at Adalentis," I said, "They took me in and gave me a home when I did't have anyone else. I don't need to learn any of my magic again. I'm fine with where I am and who I am with. I care more about Andrew than I care about my magic and what you could do to me. I'm not going with you to Manehala."
Zeth glared at me and opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and looked like he was going to scream. At that moment Ciel bent backwards with his arms spread out and his chest pushed up as he slowly started falling to the ground. As his face came to my view his eyes were completely white. I started to shead a few tears.
"What are you doing to him!?" I excalmed.
He closed his mouth and Ciel fell to the ground and gasped for air. I ran up to him and dropped to my knees. I rolled him on his back so I could see his face. His eyes were back to their pale blue selves and he seemed to be relaxed now. I looked slowly back up to Zeth. He was smirking at me.
"So do you want to come with me now?" He asked.
I looked back down to Ciel and took a deep breath, "What did you do to him..."
"I attempted to take his soul," He said, "All I have to do to suck the soul out of any one person is scream a pitch only they can hear."
My eyes widend in shock, "Theres no way you can accually do that can you?"
"I just did," he replied, "didn't I?"
"If you don't hurt him anymore," I said, "I will come with you."
"Exellent," He answered.
"But," I added, "only to see what it's like."
"Fair enough," He said.
"If I don't want to stay," I said, "I am leaving to go back to Adalentis."
"Alright," He said softly, reaching out for my hand.
I stood up and walked toward him. I took Zeth's hand and looked at Ciel. He was reaching out for me. My eye's started to water as Zeth pulled me away. I reached out with my other hand towards Ciel. He was eventually out of sight.

Chapter 4

"Here we are," Zeth said to me, looking gazefully into my eyes.
I looked away, "Let's just get this over with so I can leave."
"Alright..." he replied grabbing my hand, "Let's go."
I walked with my head down behind him. I could tell everybody was starring at me. I was filled with fear as i lifted my head to see a woman in dark, tattered clothing. She had large black wings and a long, silver staff. She looked at me with disgust.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.01.2012

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