
Chapter 1: Meeting me and the family

Hi my name is Kelsey, i'm 16, 5'4 I have blonde/ red hair that flows down to my back, I have blue eyes. I'm your typical country girl at least you think I am but I'll get to that. Let me tell you about my family, I have a older brother his name is Austin he's 19, black hair, and green eyes he's also 6'4 VERY TALL, and has muscular arms cause he works out alot. Then there's my sister Lindsey she's 17, 5'5, brown hair to her shoulders, green eyes with glasses, you could say i'm more close to her than anyone else in my family. But now it's time for me to tell you about my mom. She's 5'6 her name is Christina she has long blonde hair and also the sweetest woman you could meet she has green / blue eyes. My dad (AKA derik) he's 6'11, black hair, brown eyes, and big arms but he needs them to protect us and to be the leader it's kinda a must have i'll tell you about that now. My family isn't normal we are Werewolves...yup Werewolves, and before you ask no we don't smell at least the girls dont but the guys yeah they stink when they don't take a shower. Being a Werewolf our one priority in life is to find our mate. Have I found mine yet? Nope. Absolutley not, and I dont need one, right? But my mom says when I met him I wont be able to resist him. But lucky for me school starts tommorrow and i'm scared cause that means I have to start over! That means I have to make friends YUCK! I'm a shy person and very anxious so me making friends highly impossible. But tommorrow i'm starting senior year great. But maybe I will find my mate right?

Chapter 2: New day

 I get woken up from a annoying buzzing sound from my alarm clock

      "Ugh!" as I hit the alarm clock so hard that one of the buttons get stuck. 

After sitting up I hear a knock at the door "Come in!" And my sister opens the door and jumps on my bed. 

"Ready for a new day and a new year?" She says smiling and laughing.

"Read my mind." Yes Werewolves can read minds only in a bond like the mate bond and the pack bond.

She squints her eyes to focus on reading it and i'm saying 'The fuck i'm ready for school I have to deal with people staring at my ass!'

She laughs and says 'Maybe u will meet the one!' 

I roll my eyes at her and get up to start getting ready.

As I get up I hear a knock at my door again it's my brother he looks tierd but it's funny his hair is standing up in different directions.

"What do u want austin?" I say in a annoyance way.

"just saying good morning to my two beautiful sisters."

"Okay idiot good morning" I'm not a morning person ever.

"Good morning big brother" Lindsey says waving.

Austin walks away and lindsey leaves me to get dressed for the new day. I walk over to my closet and open it and pick out some ripped jeans and a pladded shirt that's a little low cut and my cowgirl boots. I run down stairs to see a strange man talking to my parents. I try to read his mind but I can't then my sister taps me and mindlinks with me and says 'Don't even try, i've tried to read his mind but can't.' I look back at them and try to listen but they arent even talking they are mindlikng eachother. I mindlink my sister 'Great they aren't even saying acutal words they are mindlinking eachother, maybe we can join their mindlink.' Lindsey's eyes turn into black as she starts to look angry at something past me. I look the strange man is staring at me and so is my parents. I get up as they walk over to me my mom says "Kelsey you won't be going to school today or ever." My eyes open wide and I look at my sister. You see i've always protected her cause she gets bullied about her wearing glasses and people think that she's not good enough well that's when they deal with me, and I can't leave her not now when she's about to start school!

I look at them and say "NO! IM NOT LEAVING!" My mom and dad sigh, and my mom says "You dont have a choice sit down and let us explain." I sit down and the man starts to explain "Kelsey you are 16 and next month you will be 17, which means you will have your first transformation. With that on it's way means you have to be with your pack and in the pack house for us to help you transform safely and calmly." I sit there for a while looking at my family but mainly my sister because I can sense her saddness and see tears brim her eyes. I look at the man and ask "One who are you, two can my sister come with me?" He pauses for a moment and looks at me and then at Lindsey then back at me and says "I'm Brent i'm the Alpha of your pack and for what's it's worth your bond with your sister seems to be too strong to break or separate, so if it's a way to make you come with us then yes she can come." I then look at her she looks up smiling and looks at me and hugs me and says "Sister adventure, new beginning!!" I laugh and stand up and say "Well let's get to packing." As I walk up the stairs I look at my brother and see him staring at me I tell Lindsey, "Go on up i'll be there in a minute." She nodds and goes up the stairs. I walk over to him and hug him and say, "If you ever need me mindlink me brother I love you remember that." He smiles and nodds.

I go upstairs and get packed with the things I need. After a few hours later i'm ready, so I go and check up on Lindsey, she's ready to go, just chilling on her bed waiting for me to finish. I mindlink her.

'Ready to go sis?'

She sits up and smiles 'You bet i'm ready!'

'Alright let's get our things down stairs and tell Brent we are ready to leave.' 

She nodds and stands up and follows me downstairs where my mom and dad and Brent are talking. Brent stands up and says "You ready to go?"

We both look at eachother and look back at him and nodd at him we say our goodbyes to our parents and brother and take our leave. As soon as I was about to get into the car, I look back at the house that will always be called my home and look at my family once more before getting into the mercades. It wasn't long before me and Lindsey fell asleep because we were bored.

Chapter 3: A new house

I wake up to the sound of a car door being closed. I look to my left and Lindsey is peacfully sleeping and as I look at her I think maybe this will be good for her, she's already met the pack and had her first transformation, but I haven't. I hope she made some friends while she was here. But now we need to go into the new house I tap her and she says "Five more minues!" I laugh.

"You already had 3 hours of sleep, were in Georgia now, so WAKE UP!" I said while shaking her body.

"Ugh, FINE!" We get out of the car and go to grab our things in the back of the car, but when we open it our stuff wasn't there just then I hear Brent say "I've had my son get your things and put them in your rooms." We then nodd at him in a thanking way and walk up the stairs to the house, and we walk in and there's five people standing there waiting for us to enter. Brent then starts to introduce them but then was soon cut off when a boy walked down the staircase. Brent says "Ah my son you decided to join us." 

"Whatever dad." The boy says. He walks in front of me and looks up at me then it hit me something in my mind said 'Mate!' He stares at me with his brown eyes. My body wanted to kiss him but my mind told me to stand there till he makes the first move. He lifts up his hand and touches my wrist sending sparks up my arm to my neck, I bite my lip to not moan cause the sparks are strong but they feel so right for me. I then notice he's staring at my lips and I release my bitten lip and say, "My name is Kelsey." He stares at me for a minute and then says "I'm Ealum, and I'm your mate." We both then get pulled from our trance when Lindsey says, "AWW YALL R TOO CUTE!!" While she says that he pulls me in for a hug and whispers.

"I've been waiting for you my love and now that i've found you i'm not letting you go." Before I could reply Brent pulls him off of me in a rude manner. He continues back to introducing the five people standing in the room. The first person he introduces me to is Audrey she's 18, long black hair, green eyes, she's 6'4 and has a kind smile. "Hi i'm Audrey I hope you enjoy living here with the bunch of us." I laugh and say, "Thank you I hope we can hang together." Next to her was her mate Jason he had Blonde hair and sliver eyes and hes 6'9 with muscular arms, but he wasn't no where near as hot as Ealum. Just then I look at Ealum to find him staring at me with a smirk on his face. I blush and look away and continue to listen to Brent tell me who everyone is. Next was another girl her name is Luna and her mate Trace. Luna had a cresent moon on her neck and long auburn hair that faded into blonde at the ends of her hair and she also had glasses and brown eyes. While Trace had a cresent moon on his neck as well and he had auburn hair that faded to blonde at the ends, with brown eyes. 'And yet again another wolf guy with muscles whats up with that?' I heard Ealum laugh and I questioned what he laughed about when suddenly a voice came into my mindlink and said 'We need them to help protect ourselves, and don't look at him too long or I will have to hurt him.' My eyes widend at his response it sounded like his voice so I knew it was him. 

'How are we mindlinking?' I asked curiously

'Kelsey we are mates and now you have been accepted into the pack so i'm able to read your mind and feel your emotions and also feel your physical pain as you are able to do the same to me.' He laughed again while I blushed.

"Kelsey are you listening to me?" Brent asks trying to be calm

"Oh yes i'm sorry I was thinking about something?"

"Oh do you have a question to ask?" He folds his arms waiting for me to answer.

"y-y-eah..umm..why do Luna and Trace have cresent moons on their necks?"

His eyes widen and he scratches his neck. "Well u see when two mates complete the mate bond they will end up with a certain type of moon on their neck."

"Oh okay.." I drifted off thinking about that for a moment but then ask him. "So who's the last person?"

I then notice Brent taking a moment to get himself back together. I'm guessing it was a rough topic. Brent then moves in front of the last pack member and starts to say "Lindsey, Kelsey this is Kyle this is my other son."

Lindsey looks at him and he was staring at her and I read her mind as her wolf was saying 'MATE, MATE, MATE!' I laugh and walk over to Ealum and say "Is that how we looked?" 

"Yes but I think we were closer together." He winks at me and it makes my heart skip a beat.

Luna, Trace, Audrey, and Jason walked out of the foryer knowing what was going on between them two. I wave bye to them. I look back at lindsey as she hugs Kyle. Then I look at Ealum and now I notice his featues. He has Black culry thick hair, brown eyes, 5'9. I then notice that his arms are bigger than everyone else's, and then I notice a tattoo of a pawprint with a unfinished circle on his arm I look at him and he mindlinks me.

'It's to represent when i'm the Alpha.' He smiles.

'Are you ready to be Alpha?' I ask.

'I was born ready to be the Alpha and now that I have found my mate i'm more than ready.'

I laugh and look at my sister shes smiling while hugging Kyle. Her smiling without me having to make her laugh warms my heart. I know now that this is where we belong, this is our new home.

Chapter 4: Settling in

 *** Authors note, I hope you are enjoying it so far please give me feedback if you like it or any mistakes.***


Well after yesterday's comotion of Me and my sister finding our mates. I decided to start getting my room straightend up and settling in. I started with my dresser. First drawer is for pj's, second drawer is for underwear, bras, and socks. Third drawer is for short sleeve shirts, crop tops, and tank tops. The last drawer is for shorts or copri shorts. Next I decided to start putting things in my closet. I organized it in sections based on what type of clothing it is. As a example I have a sweat shirt section, legging section, jean section, dress section, and coat section. Then after I wanted to get my connecting bathroom straightend, i'm happy I have my own bathroom cause that means I don't have to share it with the guys. 

I was about to change the sheets of my Queen size bed when my thoughts suddenly went to Ealum, my mate. I wanted to see him, his room was next to mine and I can hear his heart beating. I speed ran in front of his door I raised my hand to knock but, I couldn't.

Butterflies filled my stomach, I was nervous to talk to him. But something inside of me got me the courage enough to knock and in seconds the door flew open. Ealum, he stood there so perfectly. But then my eyes trailed down from his face to his body, he wasn't wearing a shirt! I took what felt like hours and looked at his muscular chest and 6 pack. Something in the back of my mind said "Touch him, pin him down on the bed and mate with him! Claim him!" I shook my head to that thought.



~~Ealum's (POV)~~


I was laying in bed thinking about her and smelling her intoxicating smell. She was right next door but it felt like she was much farther away from me and I wanted her to be next to me. Just then a knock at the door, 'Is it her?' my wolf asked.

I opened the door to find my lovely, beautiful mate standing in my doorway. She smiled at me then I saw her eyes look at my chest, she didn't know I wasn't wearing a shirt. 

Her eyes widened a little and I grab her arm and I pulled her into my room. Her smell is strong, too strong I can't hold back. I need to claim her as mine.

Still holding onto her arm I closed the door and lock it and push her up against the door. 

"Kelsey, I know I don't know a thing about you but your smell is too strong for me to hold back, I need to mate with you. Will it be okay if I mate with you? If not I understand and I will wait for you, but if you do I will be yours."

She stays quiet for a minute and stares at me for what seems like forever.


Chapter 5: Will you mate with me?

 ~~Kelsey's (POV)~~


I was standing so close to him, I couldn't answer his question. He wants to mate with me, do I want to do this? 

 'Yes you do' A unknown voice says again. 

I look at him, he looks nervous I had been thinking about this for 5 minutes. 5 minutes we have been standing in his room waiting for me to answer him.

I smile breathe in and look at him and say. "Yes."

His eyes widen and a smile creps on his lips. He leans in and kisses me and my body feels lifeless.

I wrap my arms around his neck to help me stay standing. I felt weak but yet so strong at the same time. He then trails his lips down to my neck, and he kisses it and bites into my neck and sucks some of my blood. I welp and loose control of my body. He lifts me up and my legs wrap around him. 

He removes his teeth and licks my neck to help heal it. He looks at me and says, "Soon there will be a moon there but, my dear it's your turn to mate with me." He moves us onto his bed.

 He puts me down on one side then he lays next to me. I sit on top of him and start to kiss him. I trail my kisses to his neck and bite into his neck and suck some of his blood. He squeezes my hips, it hurts for the males. But then I remove my teeth and lick his neck. 

He looks at me and says "Now we are one. I love you Kelsey." I smile and tell him "I love you too." While hugging him.

After, we laid next to eachother asking questions about eachother. We cuddled up next to eachother and soon fell asleep, my head on his chest and his arm wrapped around my body. 


Chapter 6: New mates

**AUTHORS NOTE*** Hey readers I'm so sorry for no update latley my school has been doing SOL testing and I havent had a chance to make a new chapter and I was tierd from all the writing I did so, I'm going to try to get back into writing a new chapter every morning again!!!



 ~~Lindsey's (POV)~~


As I was laying on my bed after a long day of unpacking I wondered what Kyle was doing. His room was to the left of mine, I knew he was in there because I have all my wolf senses and I can hear his heart beating and sense him there. His smell is too strong, it's the mate bond.

I get up and walk to the door and open it and peep out the door I look to the right where the stairs are, and then look to the left at Kyles door. I walk out and pull my door closed behind me, I felt like I needed to be quiet so I didn't close it all the way. I walked lightly in front of his door.

Before I could knock the door opened and Kyle stood there looking at me like he knew I was there. He smilied and stared at me and he finally started to say.

"Did you need something?" as he smiles.

"Y-ye-yeah I was wondering what you were doing." I look at my feet like they are the most interesting thing right now. I'm nervous.

"Well I was about to come see you actually." He opens the door more. My heart starts to race as I get more nervous. 

"Do you wanna come in and officially meet and get to know one another?" He smiles and motions his hand of saying come in.

As I looked inside his room I saw a personel bathroom, King size bed, a couch over towards aother set of doors that led to a balcony. A 32' inch flat screen TV hung on the wall. To the right of the door a little near the bathroom door is a walk-in closet. 

I looked at him and smiled and without saying a word I walked into his room. I could feel his eyes staring at me. I looked back and notice the door was closed and he was right in front of me. 

"So do you have any questions for me?" He walked over to his bed and layed down and started to look at me waiting for a answer. 

I walked to the other side of the bed and sat next to him and said "Well what's your number one thing to do in life?"

He looks at the ceiling and back at me and smiles and says, "To find my mate ." I blush at those words.

I push his shoulder and laugh and say "Hey! Your not saying that cause you found me, are you?"

"No and no i'm not saying this just to get in your pants, I mean it." His face is straight and his eyes look serious.

"Oh i'm sorry, i'm not good with this mate thing, but it's your turn to ask me a question." I smile at him and wait for him to pick a question. 

He finally sat up and looked at me and said "Do you really want to mate with me, you can feel the mate bond cause I assume you have had your first transformation?" I sat there quiet thinking. 

"Yes I have had my first transformation, and yes I can feel the mate bond why is it so strong?" His eyes widened for a moment.

"Because you are a virgin." He chuckles a little after seeing me blush of nervousness. I didn't find that funny so I get up and walk to the door, he stops me with pleading eyes. "What do you want, you think it's funny to laugh at a virgin because I don't." I give him a firm look.

"I'm sorry Lindsey I didn't know you would get mad please stay with me." He holds out his arm for me to take it in indication for me to stay.

"Kyle, you don't understand i've had people laugh at me my whole life hell my sister had to protect me from them." My voice is getting louder what he said did really hurt me. I push by him and open the door to my sister standing at the door she walks in and pins him against the wall by his throat, her eyes going black I can sense she's angry.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. HER?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER NOT FUCKING HURT HER MORE!!" She releases and pushes him back into the wall. I need to stop her. 

"KELSEY! STOP!" I touched her arm in reassurence. She looks at me with her eyes back to the sky blue color that I love.

"Lindsey, was he making fun of you?!" Her eyes trying to stay to blue but keep going to black. Just then I feel someone behind me it's Ealum. 

"Kelsey just stop I know you want to protect me but please I just need you right now." She drops him and looks at me then looks at Ealum and rolls her eyes and walks past me, but stops infront of Ealum. 

"I'm sorry but she's been bullied all her life and I protect her." She walks out the room. I can feel her anger and saddness. Ealum looks at his brother in disgust and goes after Kelsey. I look at Kyle but tears start to brim my eyes when I look at him. I look away and look down and walk out the door. I walk pass Kelseys room only to hear Ealum apologizing and Kelsey saying its not his fault. I go to my room crawl into my bed to soon be drifted into a darkness of sleep.


Chapter 7: The apology

 ~~Kelseys (POV)~~



As me and Ealum were talking and learning about each other we both heard Lindsey yelling. I immediately linked with her and I felt saddness and embarassment, I got pissed. I ran to the room before I could open the door Lindsey opened it and I saw tears in her eyes. The sight of that made me more pissed. I walked to Kyle I held him against the wall by the neck and said "WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. TO. HER?! YOUR SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER NOT FUCKING HURT HER MORE!!" I released him and slammed him against the wall again to try and make him talk. He just stared at me looking scared. Then I heard Lindsey say, " KELSEY! STOP!" As she touched my arm to try and calm me down. But Kyle dosen't understand that Lindsey has been bullied since she started school. I was not about to have her in this house let alone the Pack House, and having people bully her, especially her mate. I look at Lindsey and say "Lindsey, was he making fun of you?!" I was so upset that something inside of my was saying 'Let's take this asshole down!' But in my mind I knew that was wrong because I don't want to hurt Lindsey like that. 

Just then I sense my mate is closer than where he was before. Then I heard Linsey say "Kelsey just stop I know you want to protect me but please I just need you right now." I finally come to my senses and drop him. When I drop him I look at Kyle trying to feel his emotions as I do the same to Lindsey and Ealum. I was so mad that I can't concentrate enough to feel their emotions. 

I roll my eyes in frustration and walk past Lindsey but to Ealum and stop infront of him and try to explain a little. So I tell him, "I'm sorry but she's been bullied all her life and I protect her." I start to get a wave of saddness for her, I walk out the room only to go to my room. As I lay in my bed I think about when she was happy seemed so long ago. It was when the family went on vacation to a cabin in the woods, it was only us and our family. It was the best vacation because no one was around to bully her. Just me and her and the woods, that was also the first time I ever saw her wolf. Her wolf is gray with a white cresent moon on her chest with green eyes her tail is gray but on the tip it is white to match the cresent moon on her chest. That day she also tried to help me transform and for once that day she made me feel like the little sister, and that made me smile. She showed me how she transforms but when I tried to copy her transformaion I couldn't do it. So I got upset and started to cry and tears fall but Lindsey said

"If you cry, I cry,

u laugh, I laugh,

u smile, I smile,

u run, I run,

you are my other half,

you are my sister but,

you are stronger and a fighter

you can do and be whatever you want as long as you believe in yourself but

even if you don't believe I will be there to believe for you."

Those words made me stop crying and made me want to try harder but I soon found out that I had to wait till I was 17! GREAT! 

I was soon snapped out of my memory when Ealum laid down next to me. I roll over to face him and place my hand on his arm and look into his eyes.

"Ealum, i'm sorry but you-" He cut me off before my sentence was over.

"Kelsey I understand, I understand that you need to be the big sister for her and I understand why you do it. Remember I can read your mind even your memories, so I know all the things that has happened. So I know alot about you now and i'm here to help you and what my brother did was wrong but he also has been through alot too. You see he had a mate before Lindsey and he lost her due to a car crash and the Wolf Goddess gave him a another mate. So when you can just apologize to him and makes things better for the two of you." He said that in a slow calm voice.

"Yeah so wait you know about what happened to me when I stood up for her towards my dad?" I asked sitting up.

"Yes I know what happened that night when you stood up for her and that is very brave of you." He smiled when he said the last part of his sentence.

"Well I wasn't going to lay in bed and listen to him yell and push her for doing absloutley nothing. Ealum all she did was put the fucking towels in the worng place. I felt her getting scared and thats when I got up and stood in front of her and that's when he hit me and then I fell and hit the floor. I got pissed after he hit me and when I got up something took over my body and he got scared and tried to run but I still caught him and when I had him in my hands I looked at him in the eyes and told him he better not hurt me or my sister again or it will be worse for him next time. That was the last time he got mad at either one of us, or any of us." I said that with confidence because I knew I had to do that for Lindsey. I got up and walked to the door. 

"Where are you going?" Ealum asked before I put my hand on the door handle. I turned around.

"I'm going to make things right, family is important and we all need each other so i'm going to make things right, is that okay with you Mr?" I said that laughing at the end. He got up and walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me and smiled and said.

"That's perfect of you to do so Mrs. Holley." He said that smiling and had a sparkle in his eyes that made me have butterflies in my stomach.

"Is your last name Holley?" I said smiling and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Yes it is and so will yours one day my dearest." He smiles and kisses me on the lips sending sparks of fire through my whole body. He pulls back and says "Now go and make things right." I laugh and walk to my sisters room. I knock. No answer. I open it slowly and find her asleep and I close the door behind me and walk slowly to her and sit on the end of the bed closest to her. 

She rolls over and still asleep and I put my hand on her head and close my eyes and concentrate to try and see if shes dreaming of anything and this is one of the many things Lindsey has taught me. Dream reading, which is what im using right now to read and see her dream, if she has one. 

I concentrate and my eyes and vision go black and I see nothing, she isnt having a dream. I move my hand and open my eyes and she is still asleep. I smile and move her hair out of her face and her eyes open and as she scratches her eyes she says "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay relax, it's just time to make things right with you and kyle." I say smiling.

She sits up and I feel her heart rate kick up. 'I understand why but she needs to fix things. I mean hell the poor guy lost his last mate in a car crash-' My thoughts were cut off when Lindsey said "I can't talk to him Kelsey I don't want to." "Lindsey he had a mate before you and he lost his first mate in a car crash and the Wolf Goddess gave him you and you are his last chance at love." She looks at me and her eyes widen and realizes that he really does need her. "Lindsey I will be with you because I need to apologize as well and also i'm sorry for choking your mate you know how I get when someone bullies you, or treats you badly." I stand up and help her up and out the bed and then she looks at me.

"You ready?"

"Yes if I want this to work he needs to know."

"Oh are you sure you want to tell him?"

"Yes I want to be like how you and Ealum are I want to be able to read his mind and laugh and feel his feelings, so yes i'm ready."

We walk to Kyle's room and knock. "Who is it?!" I go to say something but Lindsey holds out her hand in a wait manner and she says. "It's Lindsey I want to talk to you." There's a long moment of silence. "Come in." Lindsey looks at me and said "I'll go first." I nodd and lean against the wall. 



~~Lindseys (POV)~~

I open the door and I see Kyle and my heart stops. He walks up to me and says "Lindsey im so sorry for everything I didn't know and I was just trying to get you to laugh."

"Kyle its fine, I'm sorry too cause of my sister when she did that she only did that because ive never been able to protect myself so she's always had to do it for me and it feels good that shes does that because it made me feel like shes my wall that protects me from all the bad people and things in life." I said smiling.

Kyle walks closer to me and puts his hand on my cheek and rubs it, it makes me smile. "Lindsey I didn't know that you were bullied I sensed the saddness in you but I didn't know what it was from. Can you ever forgive me Lindsey?" he says with a nervous look and a serious look in his eyes.

I look at him with no expression on my face for about five minutes talking to my wolf. She keeps saying forgive him he didn't know, and how was he supposed to know. But the question to me is, was I ready to forgive him? 

After about another five minutes I look up and he looks like he's almost sweating. I laugh and say "Are you sweating?" he looks at me with a confused look on his face.

"I mean it is warm in here and im nervous to what you're going to say to me but, you didn't answer my question. Will you forgive me?" 

"Yes but! I want you to know something else." I look behind me towards the door and Kelsey walks in. I look at Kyle and his eyes seem scared and angry. 

"Don't she came here in peace this time, trust me." I smile looking at her. She looks at me smiles breathes in and looks at Kyle. "Look Kyle I'm sorry for pinning you onto the wall and yelling at you but, you need to know that Lindsey was bullied ever since she started school and also she used to get beat by our dad, and one day I got tired of it and ran in front of her and instead of our dad hitting her he hit me. Then after that I've always protected her and I need you to be there for her now." Kelsey says she looks at me and I know what she wants to say now. 

"Kyle I know about your mate that died in a car crash, I'm so sorry but you have me now and I'm not going anywhere." I say with a smile on my face hoping he dosen't get sad. He looks at me and has weak eyes and I finally feel his same feelings and it makes tears brim my eyes. I hug him to make him stop feeling like that. He hugs me back and the pain of saddness in my heart leaves. He whispers in my ear, "Even though I did love her, I want you to know that I love you more, and yes it still pains me but we are now connected together." I felt his hand rub my back and it made me smile that I made him happy.

I look at Kelsey and she's smiling at us both and I mindlink her 'You can go now, thanks sis'

'Lindsey just be more open to him now and let him in, I know it's been hard but try.'

'Yeah I will just go to sleep'

'Okay fine, but I'm not sleeping alone if you know what I mean' Kelsey laughs.

"Kelsey just go!" I yelled but laughing at the same time as so she is also laughing as well. She turns around and walks out the room and closes the door.



Chapter 8: Wolf? What wolf?

~~Kelseys (POV)~~


As I walked back down the hall I walked by Ealums room and I didnt feel him in his room like I normally do. I knocked on the door lightly and there was no response. I open the door and looked around he wasn't here. "Where did he go?" I asked myself. You see I failied to mention that I have anxiety and I freak out when I can't find someone that I need. So I speed run downstairs and to the left is a long hallway and to the right is the living room. So I check the living room first, no sight of him. I start to feel my anxiety catch up to me and I know if I don't find him soon I will end up screaming his name in worry. So I run down the long hallway and I run into someone.

"OUCH!" I look up and it's Brent.

"Kelsey, are you alright?" he hold out his hand to help me stand back up.

"Um yes." I stand up and start looking around for him and trying to feel his presence but, there's no feeling or sign of him.

"Kelsey, are you looking for him?" he looks at me with a smile on his face like he knew.

I blush "Yes I am, I have-" He cut me off.

"Yes I know you have anxiety, your parents told me when I came and picked you up that day. Just breathe. He stepped out for a minute." A voice in my head started screaming in pain, it pained me so much that I screamed with it as well and fell to the ground coldness started to over take my senses.

"KELSEY! CAN YOU HEAR ME!" Brent was yelling at me but everything went black.



~~Ealums (POV)~~


As Kelsey and Lindsey work things out with my brother I thought I would go to the Office and work on a few things that I have planned for the pack when I would lead the pack and make Kelsey my Queen. The thougth of that made me smile so big that I thought I wouldn't be able to feel my face for a whole day. I walked outside and got into my car (BMW X2) and went off to the Office. I drove up the driveway of the Office and I looked at the clock it's only 7:45 P.M. 'Wow to just think that only 3 hours ago I met my mate.' I smiled at the thought of her. As I sat down at my desk doing work and planning for the pack, I got a phone call from my dad saying that Kelsey passed out cold. 

"Dad what happened to her?"

"Ealum just come home from the Office!"

"Okay I'm coming right now!"

As I gather my things and getting in the car the pack is blowing up my phone with texts about Kelsey. I'm driving as fast as I can to get to her and taking all the back roads to cut the stop lights. I arrive 4 minutes later and as soon as I get out the car Luna comes running out the pack house crying.




Once I knew where she was I was there in a second I saw my dad, Lindsey, Audrey, and everyone else around her. I look to my father in anger. "What happned to her?!"

"Son we need to talk."

"Yeah we do so, tell me!" I start to see him get nervous.

"Ealum, Kelsey is already starting her transformation and yes it's starting very early."

"What are you talking about the transformation starts after her 17th birthday. This is impossible." I start to get upset as I looked at her there on my bed in a coma from her transformation. I decide to go for a run to burn off some anger I run to the woods and feel my wolf itching to get out and I transform hearing the clothes from my body rip to pieces. I run to the borders of our teritory and check around for any unusual wonderers or smells. I feel like now since my mate is in her transformaation state that its my job to look around our teritory. But I stop for a moment and look at the sky and look at the stars and then the moon and think to myself. About my mate, she must be scared.


~~Kelsey's (POV)~~

'I can't see a thing where am I?' im so confused of what happened to me.
'We are meeting for the first time Kelsey, hello im Accalia and I am your wolf.'

Once I hear the word Wolf I immediately wake up and Im burning up and alone. Something tells me to get out the house but also my body is in severe pain and my legs feel like they are on fire. I try to stand and once I make my way to the door I lose my balance and I start using my strength to hold me up. Something in my mind says go outside and I know I need to get out there. 

Once I get to the stairs im practically crawling by then. Everything hurts im crying from the pain, I'm halfway down the stairs. Once I get to the door this is the part when it hurts the most, I need to stand up. I grab onto the door handle and pull the door open and the cool air hits my face and it makes me feel like I am free. As my hands are on the door handle I pull myself up and I wimper to the pain that I'm feeling. I finally manage to get myself to stand up and limp out the door. As I close the door I start sweating and shaking.

'Kelsey calm down I'm here for you and this is when I take over anyway. So, I have to ask are you ready to met your wolf form?'


Before I could say a whole word I start growing paws and thick white fur and I feel my back crackling and I'm now standing on all fours like a wolf would. I can hear birds from miles away and the river flowing near the valley and feel the wet dirt under my paws.

'Kelsey we have a date with destiney.'

'Um, who is this?' I tilt my head in confusion.

'That dosent matter right now, right now we need to go the Queen is calling for us.'

I start running towards the woods and I feel warm against the cold air. I'm moving so fast but everything is in slow motion I can see so much farther than what I can normally see. Soon I arrive to a cave that looks ancient has paintings of wolves with powers, but they all answer to one wolf with markings on the mane. I keep walking in my wolf form and start to feel something inside me open up and notice that something is about to happen to me. I walk into a open area with a ceiling full of galaxies and stars and moons from all across the universe. 

'Now Kelsey we howl to let her know we are here.'

'What? Why would I do that-'


After I howl the ground starts to shake and a door opens and a light is moving closer to me. It's the Wolf Goddess. Her bright white thick fur and markings on her mane proves that its her. She walks in slowly and quietly not even moving a rock or making a sound. 

'Well hello my Bodolf blood sister.'

'What is a Bodolf blood sister?'

'Well you and I are connected we share the same powers and the same DNA.'

'What? How? My parents haven't told me that we are related to the Wolf Goddess.'

'That's because I chose you my Bodolf, and Bodolf means Wolf Leader and I chose you to help me put this temple back in order. This temple used to be filled with legendary wolves from all over. That was before, the war between the Vampires and Werewolves. The war nearly wiped out all the wolves that was ever known, even the bravest and bestest of men and women that I knew died protecting me and my children. But no matter how hard we faught they still killed my pups and since I lost then I've been waiting for someone like you to be born.'

'Why me?'

'I chose you becuase you look my little girl Nala. She's still alive she's the oldest and first born. They captured her that day of the war and since that day I have been watching them and what they do to her.'

'Okay so what do I need to do?'

'Follow me.'

She turned around and went through the tunnel where she came out of and lead the way and her fur was so bright it was making it easy to see where we were going. When we got out the tunnel there was a round table with stone flat bed like chairs. To the left was a huge throne and to the right was some rooms. The Queen went to go in the thorne and wait fo rm to finish look around. But I couldn't help notice that my new pack names was on each of the bed like chairs. But in the corner next to the Queens thronewas a fountain like sink high enough for a wolf to drink from.

 'Bodolf drink from it so that the others will know that I'm still alive and drinking formt he fountain is only for Bodolf and his or her mate.'

*drinks from the fountain*

'Now you hold the same power as me but when your mate drinks form this fountain he will not have the same powers because I did not choose him. But his powers will get stronger.'

As the Queen was talking I started to feel something inside of me feel like it was breaking free from my soul. It was a burning feeling from the fountains water and all the powers I would soon own. I soon was laying on the floor and the Queen standing over me making sure everything was going right. I started to feel more and more pain every second that past and it was getting so intense that I'm getting hot from all the shaking and soon darkness over took my senses. 

'My Bodolf I will carry you back to your pack house.'




I suddenly wake up and notice that Queen is carrying me and I'm still in human form.

'My Queen you don't have to carry me anymore.'

'Nonsense you can't walk and we are almost there we crossed your borders about 20 minutes ago and we can see the pack house from here.'


As I relaxed I stared at the woods and all the animals around us and the Queen carrying me like there was nothing on her back. We arrived at the pack house and she slowly and carefully placed me on the front steps an drang the door bell.

'I'll be back my Bodolf.'

She ran towards the woods and disappeared into the shadows. I layed there on the front steps for what felt like 20 minutes, but the door opened and it was Lindsey.

"OMG KELSEY!" she hugged me while saying that but it hurt and I whinned in pain.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" she looked at me with a confused look.

'Lindsey get me some clothes.' I said trying to be calm

"Okay let me get someone to drag you inside. GUYS I NEED HELP, IT"S KELSEY!" Before I knew it everyone except Ealum was around me trying to get me in the house without hurting me, but they still hurt me and I was crying with the pain it felt like hot iron touching my skin. They carry me to the living room close the blinds and leave when Lindsey brings me clothes. I tell her to stay in case I can't stand on my own. I transform back into my human form and as soon as I do my hand has a Full moon on my hand and a wolf howling into the moon. I try to cover it up but Lindsey sees it when she hands me my clothes.

"Kelsey, what is that from?" She asks looking worried.
"I'll explain later right now I need food and something to drink, can you make me something?" I ask putting on the rest of my clothes and sitting down.

"Yeah I can but, you gotta sit in there with me and explain while I make your usual."

"Okay fine but you can't tell anyone just yet if I tell you. Got it?" I said with a sincere look.

She helped me up and walk into the kitchen and I sat at the Island table and she started my usual which is Mac n cheese.

"So spill what happened to you?"

"There's a Wolf that you won't believe me if I told you was still alive."

"Wolf? What Wolf?"

"The Wolf Goddess is still alive Lindsey, I saw her today and I'm her Bodolf."




"OMG Kelsey that's amazing!" she said handing me my food.

"Yup it sure is." I said as I'm stuffing my face. Lindsey laughs at me stuffing my face.

"Lindsey? Where is Ealum?" I said remembering what happened before I blacked out.

She looked away from me and answred. "Lindsey! Where is he!?"

She sighed "Kelsey he's been gone for hours looking for you." My heart sank he's been gone trying to find me.

"What?" I stood up on my own with no trouble at all and walked ot the front door.

"Kelsey I can't let you go." Lindsey followed me to the door.

"Come with me then." I looked at her with desparation and worry. Just as I said that everyone else came downstairs and said "Were coming to." Luna walked up to me and said "Kelsey, I know Brent didn't tell you this but, he's my brother and I'm just as worried about him as you are so promise me this as you being a future Luna, promise me we will find him no stopping?"

"Luna he's my mate I will never stop untill I find him." I smiled at her for reassurance.

 Trace cut in, "Alright, alright enough promises can we just go find our leader already?"

We laughed and walked out the door.





Chapter 9: The Promise

~~Kelsey's (POV)~~


"Kelsey, have you found him yet?!" Luna screamed from one side of the feild. 

"No, but I did find something strange. Come here!" she was immediately by my side.


"What is this Luna?" I said looking at her.

"Kelsey, this is his royalty crown." she picked up the royalty crown.

"But Luna it's a ring how is it a crown?"

Luna laughed "No it's to symbolize he's a leader or King of a pack, you will be getting one soon." she smiled when she said that last part to me.

"Kelsey, I need you to be your wolf and yes I know you don't know how but smell this ring and talk with your wolf and try to smell out his scent."

 I stared at her and then at the ring.

'Kelsey we can do this just smell it and it will all click to us.' I took the ring from Lunas hand and studied the ring. It has a blue jewel on the top and around the jewel said "Red moon pack. Leader." On the sides it has a wolf howling at the moon. The ring was attached to a high school class styled ring. I looked at the ring one more time, closed my eyes, lifted the ring up to my nose and breathed in and I first got a hint of dirt and water. Then I got his scent it freaked me out at first because I thought this whole thing was a lie, that I can actually pick up my mates scent.

"Luna, I got it!" I smiled at her and said with joy.

"Good now look around for visions or a path." she said looking around. I looked around I didn't see anything until I turned around and I saw what happened to my mate. He was fighting to get to me and then vampires attacked him. I started to cry watching what was happening to him.

"Luna, I can't watch this anymore. I can't watch him get attacked by Vampires and get hurt." I looked away and wiped my eyes and stand up and instead of beign upset I get angry. I clench my fists and punch the first thing I see which was a tree. I surprised myself by punching through the whole tree and Luna was surprised. I start laughing hysterically.

'Bodolf that's what that fountain does, it makes you stronger and heal faster than everyone else.' The Queen said to me through mindlink. 

'Queen, when will we meet again?' I asked her with very ploite tone, but also with curiosity.

'Your wolf will tell you.' After she said that I felt her presence leave from my mind.

With me being stronger and knowing that I watch what happens to my mate this time fully and understand I have to be strong not just for him but myself and the pack that him and I will once lead together. After the fighting was over and Ealum was being carried away I start walking where they go with my mate. 

As I watch them take him from us I get more angry because they hurt him and beat him to almost death. Luna stayed close to me while I watch them carry my mate throughtout the whole walk I had to urge to touch him and ask if he was okay. But I knew he wouldn't be there if I did touch him or try to talk to him. I look to my right and Luna looks like she sees what I see and she sheds a tear. I stop and turn to her.

"Hey we are going to get him back, I promised you." I said with confidence and smile at her to make her feel better. She nodds and keeps walking. 

We stop walking a little after that and they dropped Ealum and they approched a cave and removed a pebble from the right side and there was a number pad they entered the numbers 4578 and the rock that was in front of them moved up in front of them as a secret door. They picked up Ealum and dragged him inside as he is still bleeding. I couldn't see anything else after the door shut.

"Luna he's in there." I said pointing to the door.

She tilts her head and says "Theres nothing there Kelsey. It's just a rock." I walk over to the pebble and move it to show the number pad that they used to open the doors. Luna smiles and hugs me. "YOU DID IT YO-" I cut her off and put my hand over her mouth.

"SHH! You don't know how hollow the rock is and you don't know if they can hear us." Her eyes open wide and she whispers "I'm sorry lets go tell the others we found him and we will come back, as a pack. Just thank you for the promise." I smile "Of course."

Chapter 10: The moon is your friend

*** AUTHORS NOTE*** im sorry for not writing latley ive been taking my sols and been getting ready for more so please be patient with me writing more to the book and I will try to get back to it as fast as I can. 


~~(Kelseys POV)~~

I woke up the next day to Ealum sleeping peacfully next to me and his arm was wrapped around me in warmth and comfort. I slowly took his arm and tried to move it off of me and before I knew he grabbed me and pulled me closer to him. "Great." I said whispering and rolling my eyes. I tried to slide out of his arms grasp and I couldn't even move and I felt closed in  I couldn't take it and I just got up like a normal being. I turned around and he didn't even budge he just stayed there and I laughed to myself.

I went to Lindsey's room and found her not there I went to Kyle's door and opened it slightly to find her not there. I went downstairs and checked to living room and kitchen and she wasnt in the house. I mindlinked her.

 'Lindsey where are you at?' 

'Kelsey come to the backyard.'

I walked over to the door and found her laying in the grass and walked outisde and layed next to her.

And then I wake up, it was a dream I looked to my right and he wasnt there. "It was all a dream." I started crying with my head on my knees my love is still out there and he isn't here next to me to tell me its okay and that he's okay. I wanted to tell him that I'm sorry and that I love him and that he means everything to me and how happy he makes me and that I want to hug him and hear his heart beating. But that thought was gone when Luna came in my room.

"Kelsey we found them so hurry and get ready we cant lose them again." With that said I shot up from my bed and got dressed in under 3 minues and ran downstairs where everyone was wating for me and I walked right passed them to go outside and said "Where to?" as they followed me outside. Luna stepped closer to me and said "Follow us but please don't go off on your own." I nodded and they started to lead the way.

Soon we were back to the same spot I found when I tracked Ealum down, but this time the door was opened. I looked at Luna in confusion and she motioned me to go in. I turned to walk in and slowly and tried to step as light as possible. I walked a little bit farther and I could hear chattering in the distance and I smelled a familiar smell, it was Ealum and everyone else knew it too. As we walked closer I could see what we were up against and it wasn't Vampires like everyone thought insead it was Free roamers which are werewolves that decided to not be in a clan or family. There so many of them and then they brought Ealum out and I couldn't believe what they did to him a Royal like him he was bruised and broken and he needed us. As I looked him over at all the damage they have done to him I started to cry seeing him in pain was the worst thing I have ever seen, then Lindsey touched my shoulder and whispered "It will be okay we will get him back." Little did she know that only made me cry more. I decided the smart way would be to come back in the right state of mind and be smarter than attacking them now. 

Later I found myself laying in the grass of feild behind the house and thinking and wondering how I was supposed to get Ealum, my mate back. As I laid there and I tried to think of anyway to get him from out of there and get him back home, but there was only the thought of "What if I fail?" I tossed and turned of the possibilities of what would happen, but everything had the same question circling in my head, "What if I fail?" I sarted to feel the warmness of tears brimming to come down my face. Just the thought of the endless failure was enought to make me think that I may never see him again.

But as I lay in the grass I look up at the moon and I feel calm and I start to think clearly. I start to breathe easily and stop crying. I become straight faced and relax a little and recongize the wind blowing over me. The trees leaves brushing in the wind. I sit up and look up at the moon and it's like it was telling me to breathe and relax I sigh and whisper to myself "What should I do?" The wind started blowing harder the leaves of trees falling off the branches and landing on the ground forming a path. I look up at the moon and think

"Accalia what do you think? If your here." 

'I'm here and you should follow it I'm curious how about you?'

"Of course I am."

I get up and walk over towards the path and start to follow it. I pick up the first leaf I see and there's a one of the markings from the Queen on it.

"Accalia ready to have some fun?"

'Oh yeah I'm ready let's do this!!'

Just like that paws and nails growing and my bones start cracking and my thick white fur shinning in the moonlight. I shake my head and stretch and crack my legs and back. 

'Accalia you ready?'

"Oh yeah lets go!!"

We sprinted following the path of leaves and I enjoyed feeling the cool air throught the thick coat of fur, and feeling the grass, dirt, and leaves I havent felt before in a while or for the first time for the leaves. Finally we arrive and it's a open lake in the middle of a feild not the cave from where I first met her. But there was a faint smell around the lake, it was familar. The wind whispers in my ears. "Listen to your heart." 

Then in the far distance I see something moving.


"I see it."

She leans down low to the ground and snarls, we aren't alone. The object gets closer and closer and my vision clears it's a black wolf. The Wolf dosen't seem to be a threat as the wolf gets closer. I ease up and raise my head and the wolf pounces on me and licks me. With the warmness I knew who it was.

"Ealum?" I tilt my head in confusion.

'Yes it's me, beautiful.' As he walks closer to me my heart races and I look down and see he as a white sun on his shoulder and his eyes follow mine.

'You have a moon on your shoulder from me as well. We are one Kelsey.' All I could do is smile.

I shifted back into my human form and a question hit me as I waited for him to shift back with me. 

"Ealum how did you escape?" I asked nervously. Before he could asnwer I was in his arms and on the way back inside the pack house. He looks down at me and finally answers.

"The Moon told me to leave and I found a easy way out and as soon as I did I ran to you." He hugged me and embraced me in his arms as I did him. I thought to myself after a few moments in his arms and thought.

'Is my power connected to the moon? I need answers.'


Chapter 11: Completing the mating bond.

 ~~(Kelseys POV)~~





      As me and Ealum walk back to the pack house I can't help but think to myself of how I somehow might have connected myself to the moon and tell my mate to get back to me and make him a safe path to get back to me. Was that me or just a coincidence that it made him a path home. Ealum squeezes me and his touch sends sparks up my arm of love and safeness in my body and I feel whole. I stop and grab his arm and look at him and hug him and say.

"Please don't leave me again the pain I endured from our separation felt loney."

"Kelsey I didn't want to be separated from you I wanted to be here with you at home in our pack house with our family." He brushes my hair back behind my ear and leans in close to me and my heart melts and I can't help but blush. 

"I'm afriad that if I kiss you I'll lose control of myself and want to complete our mating bond." He says with lust in his eyes. I look at him my heart practically beating out of my chest.

"Kiss me" I say smiling and he leans in and kisses me and I kiss him back and my body loses all control and my wolf wants him we both want him. Our kiss becomes more passionate and I feel his hands slide down under my butt and he grabs it and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and feel his warm body against mine and I wimper in pleasure and he bites my lip and smiles at me and pins my body to a tree allowing his hands to roam freely over my body. He pulls away and looks at me and says.

"Baby are you sure you want to do this with me?" he looks at me scared of my answer. I smile and say.

"Theres no on else that I want to do this with honey."

He smiles and kisses me passionately and I run my hands up his arms and curl my fingers in his hair. He scoops me back up in his arms and lays me down in the grass and trails his kisses down my naked body. He leans back up and whispers in my ear "I wanna know how you taste baby girl." I blush and bite my lip and nod letting him know it was okay. His eyes full of lust and hunger he scoots himself down my body and lays down in between my legs and he begins to kiss my sweet spot of my body. 

I quiver from his touch and my body becomes hungry I want more of him I want all of him to be mine. I begin to moan and massage his head with my nails as he continues to go down farther down and licks my opening and he moves his mouth over my clit and licks it and he slowly massages my opening with a finger of his. My body is wanting more of him and I look down and moan at his touch he becomes more aggresive and pushes me back down to lay down.

"Just relax baby girl." He says to me as he pushes a finger inside of me. My body is warm I don't even care if we are in the woods finishing the mating bond I just want him. He leans up and looks me in the eye and asks me "Are you a virgin?" Nervousness flows through my body and I look at him in the eye and nod. He smiles and says "I am too I've been waiting to find you for this moment."


Texte: edited by me!
Bildmaterialien: google images
Cover: google images
Lektorat: Me
Übersetzung: english
Satz: normal
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.03.2018

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i want to dedicate this to everyone who reads this soon, enjoy! please inbox me or leave a comment of what u think or if u want more.

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