

December 30, 1899, Ash- 13

“If on the case that our dearest king's demise comes before Ash's sixteenth birthday, the Queen must then gather all the royal men older than thirty years of age and marry someone before three moons time, lest she is usurped and her brother or sister shall rule.” As Ash heard this, his forest green eyes widened. He had not thought word would travel that fast. His father was the best king this kingdom has ever had. He could not think that the council would be this heartless. Grief would stop stop his poor mother from marrying another man. “Master Knight, I have been sent to bring you to help your mother decide the new king and your future father.” Ash looked up to see Lily, his servant, by the door waiting for him. He sighed and stood. “By all means, Lily, let us get the torture over with. Let the hell begin.” Lily sent him a grim look. “Cheer up, Master Knight.” Ash growled and slapped Lily. Lily slammed into the wall. She gave a yelp and scrambled away from Ash. “Do not make me regret keeping you alive. Do not, and I repeat, tell me what to do.” Lily closed her eyes as a tear slipped out. Despite Ash being only thirteen, he had grown up wrestling and fighting with his older brothers and cousins. “Yes, master Knight.” Lily whispered. She stood and walked towards the ballroom. Ash followed, mumbling about servants and dungeons. When Lily opened the ballroom doors, the room instantly quieted. Lily stood up taller and called out loudly. “Prince Ash Knight, Next in line to rule the Sia Empire, has entered. Pay respect and bow before the Prince.” The room instantly faced Ash and bowed. Ash smiled softly. “Rise and resume your pathetic, desperate communes. Please do not think of me as a fool, for I assure you that I shall not let any bumbling idiot take place of my father. If you do not have more than a million euros, you can leave now before I remove you myself.” There was a collective gasp of shock when Ash finished. No one had thought that the thirteen prince, that had been made out as a deary young man, would be this powerful and demanding. There was also a slight pause as about a quarter of the room left. “If you do not have your own land bigger than the half of the Sia Empire, leave.” Ash continued. Another quarter left. Ash grinned, his unnaturally white teeth- which were for some unknown reason sharper than natural- gleaming in the firelight. “If you are older than fifty, leave.” And then only a quarter of originally a great number remained. He nodded. “Consider you remaining men, lucky.” He smiled softly, his beautiful eyes sparkling. “And if you will, treat my poor mother good, for that is all she is.” He bowed his head and made his way to the table set for him and his mother. As he sat down, he sighed and shook his head. He never wanted this day to come. He had never wanted anything that had happened in the last two months. He hoped his mother would choose someone that'll take care of her. A horn blared signaling the entering of his mother. He stood up slowly and bowed. His mother put a hand on his shoulder. “I wish you hadn't interfered. I know you didn't want this, my maknea, but you shouldn't have done that.” She said softly. Her face was heart-shaped and was framed by red curls. She was at her fullest point, with a beautiful body. Hard to believe she was thirty-eight. Ash blushed and shrugged casually. His smile this time was a heart-warming one. The remaining men were surprised to see the prince smile such a smile. She clapped her hands and cleared her throat. “Now let us begin with the introductions.” The first man step forward. “My name is Robert Williams and I am the King of Valent. I own roughly around 500 acres of land. I have more than 3 million euros. And I would love to be your husband.” He said with a smile. Ash sneered. The queen smiled politely and signaled the guards. The guards dragged the man away. Ash laughed. And that was how it continued on for the next three hours. Each and every man said the wrong thing or was not qualified of holding the queen's hand in marriage. Ash simply enjoyed the crys of the men who thought for sure they would be picked. And before long the last man stood before them. He bowed deeply and looked directly into the queen's eyes. His hair was ice blond. His eyes were gray with flecks of sky blue. Ash could tell by the way his mother looked at the man she thought he was interesting. He smiled a crooked smile. “My name is Alexander Valentino. I rule over the lands of Athin. My lands are roughly twice as big as yours. I am an owner of 9 million euros. And I may not be the best man to have around, but I will try my hardest to make you happy.” He said softly in a voice of silk. Ash looked at his mom worry written all over it. “Mother-” She put up a hand to silence Ash. “Well, Alexander you certainly have made an impression.” And before Ash's eyes, he had a new father.


Chapter 1
Truth Ash-18

Through the next five years Ash fell into a desperate insanity. This new king was nothing compared to his father. Ash hated his new father. Whenever Alexander fell into a drunken anger, he would yell at his mother. More often than not, Ash would yell back. But, that would only get him a beating. Ash tried many times to get his mother to get rid of the evil man called his 'father'. His mother was too deep in the looks of this monster. Ash punched the wall, pleased with the echoing sound that erupted. “I have to get rid of him. I have to, for my mother's sake.” He whispered to himself. Lily, his servant, looked up. “Master Knight, what is it now that you plan?” Ash glared at her. He knew of Lily and Alexander. Alexander had bribed her to spy on him. “Nothing that is for you to have knowledge of.” He sighed and waved his hand. Lily narrowed her eyes and left his bedroom. He thought of how mother was getting sick. He hoped that she will turn out alright. He did not want to live with the monster that is his step-father. Ash sighed and put on his night clothes. He could not think of all the things that could go wrong. He sighed and went to sleep.
* * * * *
Lily went up the tower stairs. She had been meaning to speak with Alexander for some time now. Lily felt that Ash has been on to them, every question asked goes unanswered. Every single one. She knocked on the ebony door. Alexander opened it almost soon after. “What have you learned?” She sighed. “Nothing yet, Master Alex. I suspect the boy is onto us. He used to tell me everything, now nothing.” Alexander growled. “I must know what that little freak is planning.” Alex crossed to the other side of the room and picked up a book. “What if, Master Alex, the boy is not planning anything? What if he is just a bit angered? His actions may not mean he is after power.” She ended in a whisper. Alex sighed. “That may be, but still, his eighteenth birthday is coming up.” He frowned. “And we both know that day would be my ending.” Lily sighed. “What do you suppose we do? We can't get the truth out of him.” Her head snapped up. “Can we?” Alex grinned. “Lily dear, you are a genius!” She smiled. “I shall be on my way, call back when it's done.” She left without another word. Alexander went to the potion cabinet. “Apertis ostiis apertis oculis, verum et nihili nisi verum videri possit audiri.” He hummed to himself. Alex grabbed three eye of newt, a small container of crystal dust, and five drops of painful tears. “I could make a mind reading potion. But if I make truth potion, he'll be fully aware of what he is saying, he'll be torturing himself.” He went to the potion mixer at the other side. “Three eye of newt.” The eyes stared at him while they were boiled and bloated. “Oh, stop that, I'm not the one that got caught!” He growled and looked at the book. “Three eye of newt. Second, painful tear-” he added the tear and winced as the potion turned black and a wail erupted from the pot. “Third, crystal dust. Lastly add a cut up hair of victim braided with sage.” As he added the ingredients, the potion turned clear. He laughed. “Watch out now, little Ash. The burning has yet to come.” His laughing grew louder and louder. Alex knew that he will change his fate. At any cost.

* * * * * * *
Ash awoke to the sound of lightening. He frowned. He had not sensed that through the entire day. Why would it start now? There was a knock at his door. “Go ahead in, Lily.” Lily opened the grand doors of Ash's bedroom and smiled as Ash took in the tea tray. He frowned. “What do have you there, Lily? It better not be any potion or poison, because I guarantee that I will not move on. I will make your life living hell.” He swung his legs off the bed and yawned. Lily licked her lips. “Master Va-” She started. Ash growled and stood up. He pointed a finger at her. “Do not! I repeat, do not call me by that evil, devil's incarnate name! You shall call me by Knight and nothing else!” He yelled at her. Ash did not want that name to be tied to him. He hated that man and hated his name too. Lily hung her head, hoping that Ash did not see the excited gleam in her eye. Nor her wicked smile. “Yes, Master Knight.” He took a deep breath and motioned for her to come forward. "Come on then..." He said softly. Lily set the tray down and poured the tea. She turned a bit and blocked Ash from watching her as she poured an extra material into his cup. She stirred it softly. "Here you go, Master Knight." Ash wrapped his hand around the cup and immediately felt something was wrong. "Lily..." His voice set at a warning tone. "What have you done?" He asked slowly setting the cup back down. Lily gulped. "Nothing, Master Knight." Ash could tell she was lying. "If you do not tell me the truth I swear that not one soul will stop me from ripping you apart my self." His eyes narrowed. Lily hung her head. "It's the king. He feels threatened by you. He-" There was a loud bang when the door was thrown open. At the door was Alexander. His face was set in fury. "You little imbecile! I swear I'm going to kill you!" He threw himself at Lily. They hit the floor with a thud. Lily let out a strangled gasp. Alexander's hands were wrapped around her neck. Ash tackled Alexander off of Lily. "I can't believe you would do that!" Ash yelled. Alex grinned. "Well you spoiled little brat. Of course I would. All you have to do is marry someone and I'll be thrown out of here. No, I will not be downgraded by a child." With the last word, Ash grew very angered. "Child?! You dare call me a CHILD?!?" Ash roared and threw himself at Alex once again. Alex struggled as Ash's fury and extreme strength plummeted him with vicious speed. Alex kicked Ash off. Ash landed a couple of yards away. Alex got up his face barely recognizable. One of his eyes was already swelling up. His lips resembled raw meat and his nose was broken various places. "You should be grateful I married your mother. You should be grateful your weren't already kicked out." Alexander looked up at the guards that Lily had brought. "Take Ash and dispose of him. I've waited to long." Ash growled. "You want to know what I was planning?!?" Alexander frowned. "Well, do you." Ash whispered. When Ash was kicked he hit the floor and skidded, opening up his cheek and bloodying his eyes, making them look as though he was crying blood. Alex nodded, wondering what was with Ash. "I wanted... I wanted to make you go away at first. You took attention away... then you made mi-ama cry... and I wanted to make you pay. I wanted to take what you cared most for away. I thought, at first, it was mi-ama... then I realized you only cared for power. And I will take it." Ash glared at Alex. "I swear I will." He said wickedly, smiling a cruel smile. Alex narrowed his eyes. "Away with him, guards." Ash smiled and shrugged. "Even better, I'll get to know some ladies."



Texte: All rights go the author. Any names, places, etc. used are fully accidental.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.01.2013

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To those people that stop and think, why aren't there any fairy tales about guys?

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