
I sighed. I couldn’t help it. The cool breeze flowing off the ocean made me smile happily. I felt the hairs on my neck stand at end; someone had come up behind me and was just standing there.
“Hello.” I heard a male voice say coming from behind me. I recognized it immediately and turned to face the boy.
“Cody, what are you doing here?” I asked the blue eyed, dark haired boy.
“I thought I’d visit you. Is that a crime now?” He asked sarcastically.
“No, but I thought that you’d be in New York by now.” I replied wrapping my jacket tighter around my body.
“Well I couldn’t very well leave you here all by yourself.” Cody replied wrapping his arms around my waist lovingly. I grinned stupidly at him wishing I wasn’t. I knew that I liked Cody more than any other guy that I had ever liked or even dated. I was glad that he hadn’t left but this collage meeting was way more important than me.
“Code you really should be in New York.” I said to him stroking his cheek gently.
“Nah. I don’t really want to be a lawyer anyways. I’d love to be a scientist. You knew that.” Cody said removing my hand from his face. I frowned at him.
“Yeah but-“
“No buts. You matter to me just as much as any future I will ever lead.” Cody interrupted me. Again I frowned and shook my head this time.
“It’s all just too much. Cody I love you too, but nothing will ever be the same and what happens if this doesn’t work out? I would have just sacrificed you entire future. I would never be able to live that down. I would die of guilt if we broke up and I cost you this opportunity.” I said back to him, almost in tears at the very mention of a break-up.
“Well then you’re going to have to come with me.” Cody said pulling back from his hug to be able to look at my face.
“Go where?” I asked totally confused. Cody didn’t answer but instead gave me a few seconds to figure everything out. I gasped finally getting that Cody wanted me to go to New York with him!
“Oh, Cody. I’m not sure. I mean, there are so many criminals in New York!” I said to him nervously looking up at his face.
“Well I’ll protect you, plus your parents have already agreed that you’ll be with me all summer, so that means New York.” He smiled at me triumphantly. I managed a small smile; I mean for god sakes, it was the city that never sleeps with a boy that I truly love!
“See. I knew you’d warm up to the idea.” Cody smiled and kissed my nose.
Walking back to my house Cody held my hand and we looked at the starry sky together, taking our time walking back to my home. Finally we reached the old creaky beach house that was all mine for the summer, although my parents haven’t exactly left yet. Sighing I kissed Cody and went inside, him following close behind me. After the no kissing rule my new stepfather had announced, Cody and I were only able to kiss when he wasn’t around. When I thought back to that day all I remember is me asking, “Why?” and my new father answering, “Because I can’t stand the way you girls make all those noises when you’re kissing!” but he doesn’t mind it at all when he makes my mother sound like a squealing pig.
“Hey Pops. Why are you still here?” I asked when I saw him sprawled across the couch watching the baseball game.
“Your mother wanted to stay and make sure that she got you all packed up for your trip.” My stepfather said absent-mindedly.
“Ah.” I said and walked toward my room which had suitcases filled and clothes piled on my bed and any once visible surface. My mother was in the midst of this mess packing my best clothes and my relaxing clothes.
“Hey mom.” I said cautiously.
“Hi.” She answered back folding a top and putting it in the light blue suitcase.
“So, what’re you doing?” I asked walking a step into my room with the same caution as before.
“Packing your things for your trip to New York.” She replied standing up and looking over me as if I was a baby just yesterday.
“Well I’ll take over that job if you want a break.” I said striding more confidently into my room and looking through a pile of skirts on the desk.
“No. You’re all set, just clean up this mess before you go to bed.” My mother said walking calmly out of my room and back into the family room to be with my step dad. I started picking up tops and folding them before putting them back into my dresser. Cody followed my movements but started putting away bottoms because he was too uncomfortable to touch the other pile of clothes full of my underwear that my mother so gratefully put out on display. I heard Cody laugh a couple minutes into the cleaning process of my room. I turned to see what had sparked Cody’s happy outburst.
“You still have this shirt? Can you even fit into it?” Cody asked holding up a bright pink sweater that was about the size of a 4 year old girl instead of an almost 18 year old woman, but of course I still had time before I was a woman.
“Well of course I can fit into it!” I said snatching the sweater out of his grasp folding it neatly and placing it in the draw. How he had gotten it in a pants pile, I will never know. The cleaning passed easily enough; there was no talking or flirting. When it was down to the last pile of clothes Cody left so that I could put away my under-garments without embarrassment. It was a sweet gesture and I’m sure he knew that I was thankful.
After cleaning my room my parents went to bed and I walked Cody out, although there was no kissing, it was a really sweet and old-timey departure which I will think no more about. In the middle of the night between dreams I was startled awake by a nightmare that I knew would never happen but could be a possibility. Cody was there and that’s what scared me most. Since when did he appear in my dreams? Never that’s when, until now of course.
In the morning I showered and changed into comfortable clothes suitable for an airplane ride. Cody picked me up in his car (I’m not good with cars so I have no idea what kind it is, just that it is a pretty light blue) and we rode all the way to the airport, getting breakfast at one of the many places to eat there. When we boarded the plane I shook with fear, I’ve never went on a plane before so I was pretty nervous. Cody took that moment to kiss my forehead and stroke my hair, calming my nerves. The flight wasn’t that long and we entertained each other by reading or doing search and finds together (so we’re a weird couple, who cares?).
When we landed my shaking had sub-sided and I was ready for whatever New York was aiming to throw my way. New York, apparently, was happy to have me because not only did we ride a clean cab all the way to Cody’s Aunts house, but we had time to ourselves before we had to meet the family. Instead of kissing like normal couples did, we got ready to meet his family…well I did, he just sat down and watched me nervously get ready laughing as I changed outfits and started to get upset about him replying the same way to each outfit. Finally I had changed into a suitable outfit to meet his aunt.
When we pulled up to the front of this white three story home the thought that the family must be raking it in, but they rent the top two floors to other families, meaning that they need money or they don’t have enough stuff to fill the other floors with, I haven’t found out which yet. Getting out of the car was easier for me because Cody was slammed by his younger cousins Adam and Arabella, who just happen to be fraternal twins. The twins finally tired of fighting for his attention let go and took each of his hands dragging him toward the house with me trailing silently behind. The young girl, I assumed to be Arabella, turned and saw me. She quickly ran and took my hand and chatted about how pretty a pink her room was and I quickly agreed that it has to be such a pretty pink because pink is a wonderful color. Smiling Arabella continued her little girl talk walking me into the house behind her brother and Cody.
“You’re going to stay the night in the guest room aren’t you?” Arabella asked looking up at me after taking me to her room past everyone else.
“I don’t know sweetie. Why don’t you ask Cody, I’m sure he’ll have an answer for you.” I replied and led her slowly back down the stairs toward the room that had the most noise. Arabella let got of my hand as soon as we reached the room and went over to her mother. Cody came over and took the hand that Arabella had left introducing all his family members: Auntie Amy; plump still from having the twins, Uncle David; tall and loud, David Jr.; about 15 and tall like his father, and the twins Adam; short and cute with light brown hair, and Arabella; short, cute and has dark hair in curly ringlets framing her face. I met them all shaking their hands respectfully and taking a seat on the love seat next to Cody.
“How’s everything in Chicago treating you?” Uncle David asked Cody a little while after meeting me.
“Quite well, thanks, how’s everything here?” Cody replied sincerely squeezing my hand.
“Good I suppose. Would you help me in the kitchen Cody?” Uncle David responded quickly and strode out into the corridor. Cody stood following after Uncle David, leaving me alone with the rest of the family. Auntie Amy talked about her home in Chicago and asked questions about me, but soon David Jr. left to go into the kitchen and Arabella asked her mother if Cody and I could stay a couple of nights to which her mother replied that we could so long as we didn’t mind leaving our little apartment and moving into this home. I told her that I wouldn’t mind and Arabella cheered gleefully running up the stairs into her room.
When the men came back Cody’s face was clearly disturbed although you could tell that he was trying hard to hide it. I took hold of his hand and looked at him concerned.
“Amy, Cody has decided that it would be great for him to stay here for awhile longer than planned so the apartment will have to be rented out and they need a place to stay. I think the guest room is suitable don’t you agree?” Uncle David asked his wife.
“Yes, just wonderful.” Auntie Amy replied.
“Haven’t you told them that I can’t stay for more than four weeks?” I asked Cody as we were leaving to go back to the apartment and gather our things.
“Yes, but they won’t reason with me.” Cody replied angrily.
“Why do they want you to stay there anyway?” I asked innocently.
“They want to monitor us and make sure that we aren’t ‘making any mistakes’ as my uncle would put it.”
“That’s what the talk was about? Why did he say that?”
“He wants me to wait until collage, he has concerns for you well being. ‘Because you could almost be the hottest chick on earth’ as David kindly pointed out.”
“Cody if you don’t want to do this, I can go home.” I said touching his arm gently. He stopped talking to get out of the car and grab out few suit cases out to the car.
“I want you to be here with me, but if my aunt and uncle are going to act like this…” he trailed off. The ride back to the house is silent until we walked back into the house where Arabella was playing with some dolls in the living room. She yelped happily and ran to hug us. When Arabella was done welcoming us I looked up to find David Jr. staring at me.
“Hi David.” I said in response to his stare.
“Uncle David needs to speak with you.” He said walking away towards the kitchen where I assume his father was waiting. I followed David into the kitchen and sat at one of the stools at the bar.
“Hello Claire.” Uncle David said walking into the kitchen.
“Hello Uncle David.” I said turning to face him.
“I know you and my nephew are getting along quite well aren’t you? You can’t help but notice.” He said answering his own question so I just nodded politely.
“Well earlier I talked to Cody and he said that you both were enjoying your relationship and I hope you don’t do anything to mess it up.”
“Sir, I have no intention to mess up our relationship. Cody and I have something very special and I’m sorry for you to have to take these precautions because you think we are too young. We are a perfectly suitable age and he hasn’t told his family yet but we are engaged. He asked me last weekend.”
“Where is your ring?”
“As not to bring up any suspicions I leave it off waiting for Cody to tell his family, I have it right here in my purse.” I took out a small golden ring with a single diamond in the middle letting it shine underneath the kitchen lights. Uncle David rushed out of the room. I walked slowly in the direction of the living room where I heard excited yelling.
“WELL WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!?!?!?!?!?” Uncle David asked clutching Cody’s shoulder.
“I didn’t know when the right time was.” Cody replied
“Well I am so happy for the two of you.” His uncle beamed at me.
“Thank you” I smiled back.
“Well don’t just stand there! Kiss her!” David yelled at Cody making me laugh at Cody’s small blush. I walked over and pecked his cheek to save some humiliation.
“No. A real kiss.” David demanded of me. I turned and faced him smiling.
“Why would you like to see?” I asked as Cody’s arm enveloped my waist.
“Cause this is your official engagement party so, there has to be a real kiss.” David said stepping closer to me. I turned toward Cody now and just looked at him waiting for him to take the lead. He stared back not daring to make a move.
“Oh my god…is a passionate kiss that hard to ask for at an engagement party?” David complained. It was then that Cody leaned in and kissed me passionately as the audience in my head went: “Aaaawwwww”.
“Well thank god! I thought you might be faking your engagement if you guys wouldn’t kiss.” David exclaimed and I rustled his sandy blonde hair. Auntie Amy was smiling proudly up at Cody, she was a quiet woman I had figured, but by the look on her face you could tell she was proud and wanted to show it.
“When will the wedding be?” Adam asked speaking up for the first time that I had ever heard him.
“Soon dear, but now it’s bed time, it’s getting quite late.” Adam’s mother cooed.
“But mama, we have a party tonight. Did you forget?” Arabella said tugging on the hem of her mother’s shirt.
“No, honey, I didn’t forget. It’s very late though and you need your sleep. Tomorrow is a very big day.” Auntie Amy said and took both her children’s hands and walked them upstairs to their bedroom. I sat on the love seat expecting Cody to come sit next to me but, the kiss in front of his family must have embarrassed him so he went and sat in a seat to himself while his cousin came and sat next to me. The wedding was clearly the topic on all the boy’s minds.
“So…” David said waiting for me to pick up the topic.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in bed too?” I asked kidding with him.
“Ssssshhhhhh! Don’t tell mommy!” David whispered in a little kid voice with a grin on his face.
Laughing I said: “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks…so how did you meet Cody? Must’ve been hard to find him, he has such a boring personality.” David said with the same grin on and I could tell he was kidding.
“We met at a friends party talked, drank. In the end he drove me home and we had made four more dates.”
“Ah. Got a pretty girl at a party. Should’ve known.” He laughed and stood up to go and talk to Cody. I was left on the silky white couch, alone.
The rest of the night went well until we saw the guest room. It was beautiful and sea themed with blue walls and a carpet floor. There was minimal lighting and a master bathroom that also featured the sea theme. The problem was the bed. There was only one, we had never been in the same bed before; it was going to get awkward.
“Auntie Amy do you have another spare bed?” I asked nervously.
“No. You two are engaged now! You should be sleeping with each other now. It’s what couples do.” She said with a laugh and closed the door behind her. I glanced at Cody. His face was pale and he hadn’t moved a muscle since we had entered the room.
“Cody, I’m sure we can pull it off…but we’ll just have to try.”
“I didn’t think that we would be reduced to a lie. We’re not engaged, where did you get that ring?” Cody said without any emotion.
“I didn’t either but it got us out of trouble and that’s what we needed rite? I got the ring from a pawn shop four years ago; I thought it might come in handy someday.” I replied and put my luggage next to the wardrobe.
“Well, it did.” Cody said finally out of his stupor and putting his luggage next to mine.
“Yes it did.” I said and walked over and kissed him. I was briefly aware of a door opening but I didn’t react to it.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know that you’d be…never mind. Sorry.” David said and backed out of the room closing the door silently. I smiled to myself, just like home.
“What was that for? Did you know he was coming?” Cody asked me wrapping his arms around my waist.
“It was because you needed one and no. I didn’t but it got rid of him huh?” I replied and played with the hair on the back of his head. He leaned down and kissed me back. We kept going for about and hour before we decided to unpack our luggage.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.07.2010

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