
Elliot looks at the girl who just walked in he was hanging out with one of his sempai's helping him with a problem. Looking at the clock he see's class is about to begin, he grabs his pure black messenger bag and begins to leave. Tohru hurriedly opens the sliding door. "I’m here!!" She then bumps into a male student. "Hey, what the hell are you doing?" He Says. "Well, nice to meet you too!" Tohru then angrily takes her seat. The boy takes his seat as well. While the boy veens at Tohru from across the room. The last bell rang for the students to return to their dorms; the next day Elliot heads toward the freshman class. Not caring if he is late or not. He enters the room and the teacher yells at him, ignoring him he sits. *looking at Tohru* "hey weren't u the kid here yesterday late at night?" Tohru looks up at the boy she bumped into the other day and say "Yup, I think, well, I... Uhh... I’m sorry for bumping into you the other day..." The boy looks down at Tohru and smirks "Just don’t do it again...” Tohru looks at the boy and laughs. “Well, watch where you’re going then (winks)." Elliot is shocked by the remark he'd just gotten from Tohru. Elliot sits down mumbling to himself angrily, he then gets called on to answer a question. "I don't feel like answering it, I'll just make you look bad when I correct you when you say my answers wrong" he makes the teacher angry, "make someone who really needs to pass answer it like" He smirks maniacally at Tohru, "like Natsumi over there “Tohru then blushes and sticks her tongue at Elliot, answers the question, correctly. Elliot, flustered sits back in his chair coolly. Then the sensei stands up and announces to the class that he has arranged a new seating chart. He goes through the list then gets to Tohru's name. "Oh man". Tohru thought. "I’m sitting right in front of him... anybody but him!" "Uhh, Yagari-sensei may I be moved somewhere else.” Yea... NO!" he stated. Meanwhile Elliot snickers. Tohru then sits down and as she does the phone rings. It’s for her and ... "awww, come on!" She and Elliot are requested by the headmaster. Elliot stands up ready to go to the headmaster’s office, "what the hell does that old guy want" the teacher yells at him for talking that way, but Elliot just walks out. He waited outside for Tohru, "Hey Natsumi, which way is the headmasters office?" he looked flustered, but at the same time stupid. "Cross-kun" Tohru asked. "What is it Natsumi?" Elliot said frustrated. "What did you do to get us both in trouble?" She Asked. "What? ME!" He yelled. "Why does it have to be me? Huh? Is it because in your little mind you stereotyped me as the "bad boy" or the "punk"? He angrily stated. Just as Tohru was about to argue back, the headmaster opened his door. "Good morning Children!!!" he said in a singing voice. Elliot veened at him and Tohru cheerily replied "Ohayoo!!"The luring dark room of the overlord of the school. Also known as the headmaster’s office. “What about your father’s office! HAHAHA!!” Elliot laughed a little, "see told u not to stereotype me" he walks into the room pushing the old man out of his way. "Hey I’m only 32!!" Says Headmaster Cross. "Who cares you’re still an old man, now explain what’s going on" Elliot sits in the Headmasters chair. "Okay, as it turns out Tsukiyomi High School is getting a night class..." "Yea, what of it?" Says Elliot. "The Night Class will consist entirely of night walkers, vampires, werewolves, and other monsters you haven't even heard of..." *busts out laughing* "Oh, that's grand!!" Elliot said. "What?" Tohru said! "That's insane!" "Well I want you two to be... guardians...if you will. So what do you say?" He asked. "What do I say?" 'I say this is blasphemy, madness..." Elliot said! "Madness..." The Headmaster said. "No... THIS IS SPAARRTTTAAA!!!!!" *Whack* "I was being serious you idiot!" Elliot said!! "Guardians?" Tohru asked. "But you can't be serious..." Elliot looked at Tohru, "I'll only do it if Natsumi does" Elliot looks away from Tohru, "and old man you owe me one if this is some stupid joke again" Elliot grabs his tie when telling him this, He soon lets go when he gets an evil glance from him and stands up. "That would be all." "But... you can't be buying this!" Tohru exclaimed. Just then the evening bell rang for the students to go to their dorms. Twilight was dawning on the sky. "Buy what?" said a voice from the doorway. Elliot and Tohru simultaneously whipped around. "I’m sorry did I startle you, Tohru-Chan?" "Headmaster, you called on me?" "Yes, I did. This is..." "What the Hell... Who does this guy think he is? Walking in without knocking, and not even introducing himself?!" Elliot argued. "Well, I felt there was no need for introductions, but if I must... My name is Akaito Matsuri.? Akaito stated. "Yes... and Akaito-sama is also President of the night class..." Headmaster Cross finished. "What do I care about him...?” "Because he's a... a... a vampire...? Tohru said. "How the hell do you know that?" Elliot asked. "I... I don't know... awww, man I feel sick..." Tohru turns to Akaito. "How did you know my name?" And then she suddenly passes out. Elliot glares at Akaito, “who do think u are calling Natsumi by her first name, get this straight don't piss me off" Headmaster cross looked at Elliot, "ELLIOT CROSS do not be rude to him understand me! Or I may do something you may regret" Elliot paled at his father’s tone, he let out a weak laugh, "fine just listen to one thing if anything happens to anyone in the school I'll kill Matsuri” he glared at the headmaster. The headmaster glared back, "Elliot you are to call him Sir" Elliot then looked away in anger, then bent down to lift Tohru, but Akaito beat him to it, "I will take her to the nurses room” Elliot interrupted, "no way I'm going to leave her with you; I don't trust you Mats.........SIR!!!" he practically spit the word out. Elliot followed Akaito feeling like he was being treated like a servant. Akaito then asked him to grab an Ice pillow since Tohru had a bump from the fall. Elliot did as he said, "Explain" he said angrily. Akaito looked at him calmly, "explain what?" he smirked. Elliot bunched his fist about to swing at Akaito; "I wouldn't do that Cross-kun" Akaito looked at him seriously. Elliot drew his hand down and looked at the floor, then grinded his teeth. Elliot then Sighed, "Ma......Sir you're class is about to start" he looked away at how pathetic he was acting. "I can miss it until Tohru wakes up..." Akaito said. Elliot, struggling not to kill Akaito, said. “She’ll be fine, it’s not like she's dead, and with you around she might end up that way, Sir..." Akaito made it obvious that he did not like the humans tone. "Cross-kun, is there something you wish to tell me?" Akaito said Cooley. "Dammit man, there are several things I'd like to say to you, but as a newly appointed guardian of this school I will hold my tongue... Aw hell with it, I hate you and your kind, you have no right to live among the humans..." Elliot was saying Just then Tohru stirred. "What... What’s going on...?" She mumbled. "I'll wait outside Natsumi, the vampire wishes to speak alone with you!" Elliot walked outside into the hallway. Tohru had a blank look on her face as she watched Elliot storm out the room. “What was that about?” Asked Tohru while rubbing her eyes. Elliot looked in the blank hall and slunk down; not believing that he just lost his cool. He stayed close to the door trying to hear everything, but before he listened in he lost his cool more and slammed his fist in the wall. "Maybe you should go...” Tohru said to Akaito after hearing the loud thud coming from the hallway. "I will leave after I explain myself to you." Akaito said. "Well, I don't think Elliot is comfortable with you here." Tohru argued. "I will leave in a moment; I have class so I can’t stay long..." "Well..." Said Tohru meaner than she wanted to. "I have been watching you...." he started. "Holy Crap! You stalker!!!!" Tohru exclaimed. "... Hold on before you judge, I've been watching you, in order to protect you..." He said. "Protect me from what?" Said Tohru skeptically. "You’re in terrible danger." Akaito said worried. "That is so overrated; guys use that line to hook up with girls all time." She said rolling her eyes. "Most guys aren't vampires..." Damn! The man has a point! Tohru thought. "Akai... Sir, what is it that you are protecting me from?" "Okay for one, you don't have to call me "sir", and for two I haven't an idea, what we are protecting you from." "Okay, That's It! You are scaring me with your "we" protection program. I’m going to be paranoid; I probably won’t be able to take a shower! Not with you…” She trailed off. Elliot couldn't take it anymore, the quiet hallway was making him go crazy, his brain was thinking one hundred miles per minute, and then he remembered something and muttered it out loud, "why aren’t any students right now when we are supposed to be having a night class?" The hallway got darker, Elliot stood up not giving a damn any more he barged in the room, "None of the night class students are here yet that’s a little too weird" he scowled at Akaito. "Natsumi we need to check it out now!" he grabbed her hand, but let go when she pulled back, her face was frightening to him, she had two small puncture holes in her neck, Akaito laughed manically . Elliot woke up at that point to see a few girls wearing different uniforms over him. The first one spoke, "Awww, did you not like the nightmare little boy" Elliot stood up at this and tried to make his way to where Tohru and Akai were. The three girls blocked him. "Move" Elliot growled under his breath, the girls all giggled at how he said it, "I thought the headmaster’s son would be more of a gentleman" the one who looked the oldest out of the group said. One of the younger ones looked at him close to the face this made Elliot uncomfortable, "I'll say it again MOVE" they giggled again. The youngest one out of the group glared at him, "I wouldn't be rude to us; if you know what’s good for you, you see your father has a deal with the people in charge of getting us to come here, that’s our father and our class president’s guardian in there with that messy girl…" rage built in Elliot, "don't talk about Natsumi that way" he said calmly "you can complain about me all you like to my father, but listen well I don't pay attention to what he says" The girls laughed harder. They Looked at Elliot seriously, "you have no idea what you’re father put on the line do you?" They walked away and along the way pushed him against the wall. After the girls left the infirmary’s door opened. Akaito was the first one to step out then Tohru. "I hope this doesn't affect our relationship..." Akaito said. "What relationship?" Tohru replied. Akaito walked away without answering her question. "What was that about?" Elliot asked. "I have no Idea...? She said. She wrinkled her brow in deep thought. Only to have Elliot interrupt it, "We need to start our job, so quit slacking; you are going to explain everything to me later." He said. "Right." Tohru nodded. They walked off to begin they're guardianship. On the way they ran into three extremely beautiful students. "Oh my, it seems we have run into a midnight snack." Said a really buff man. "Calm yourself. Fido." Said the really tall one. "We don't want any trouble." Said the frail and cute-looking one, she was the only female of the group. Elliot looked up at the three, "classes are about to start get to class" he tried to show Tohru no fear was allowed when dealing with the night class students. "Awww. What’re you gonna do about it, little boy?" said the buff dude. "He is not going to do anything...” Tohru spoke up. Looking surprised at the little human girl, the buff dude was about to do something when out of nowhere Akaito appeared. "That will be all Ryuu..." Said Akaito. "But..." Ryuu started but Akaito glared at him and he immediately held his tongue. "Hikaru, Chiharu..." "Yes, Akaito-sama." They said in unison. "Why didn't you stop this dog?" "We are sorry, Matsuri-sama..." "I'll deal with you three later." Akaito said. The three of them vanished with that. "I’m sorry did they frighten you?" Akaito asked Tohru. "Well not at all but the fat one looked like he was constipated." Chimed in Elliot. All three of them busted out laughing. "Phew, well to answer your weird question, I'm fine they didn't intimidate me at all! Elliot then looked at how friendly Akaito and Tohru were. Akaito looked at Tohru both were eye to eye; Elliot mumbled under his breath, "why am I acting like the class clown all of a sudden" just low enough for no one to hear. He started to walk off down the hall. "Elliot... Wait, Hey... awww man!" Tohru exclaimed. "Why do you care for him so much?" Akaito asked. "Because he is my new friend, and we are guardians and as far as I'm concerned guardians stick together!" Tohru said proudly, like she just gave a speech in the American congress. Akaito chuckled so sweetly. Tohru blushed. Goddamit, why do you always fall for the bad guy? She tried to shake it off by thinking about her duty when Akaito asked "Why are you blushing?" Damn think up a good one... she thought. "You embarrassed me with your evil laughter of doom!!!" She said. Damn, that sounded gay!!! He laughed some more. "Evil laugh of doom? That's so cute!" Crap he called me cute!! Tohru then got up and ran away, uber fast. Leaving Akaito looking dumb-founded and was that a hint of loneliness? Nah, just my imagination. She thought. Now to find Elliot!! Elliot hid behind a wall; when Tohru started coming his way, "you're late and who said we were friends" He stopped at what he just said, and then looked at Tohru. Her face seemed to find emotion; he decided that he should say something, "ah that’s because you didn't ask me and uh that’s fine..........any way we need to stop at the headmasters office someone said something that’s been bothering me" He grabbed Tohru's wrist remembering his dream he let go in a shock. "What's wrong with you?" Tohru asked. Surprised by the reaction that Elliot just gave. "Don't you worry your vampire-lovin head about it. Elliot withdrew at the comment he just made. "You really are impossible, aren't you?" Tohru snapped. "Don't act like you've known me forever, you don't know me, and, you know what? Screw you! Screw this job, and Screw this stupid vampire and mystical creature bull crap! I'm done!" He then jumped out of the window, and left Tohru there, alone... Tohru began to cry. I didn't mean it. I'm so stupid! Why can't I just keep my big mouth SHUT! "Ugh!" Tohru grunted and kicked the wall. "Ow!" She scowled at her stupidity. Then limped her way to the headmaster’s office, wiping tears as she went. When she arrived she noticed the lights were off. Huh? Tohru thought. What's going on here? She knocked on the office door. No answer. "Hello?" She said opening the door. It creaked eerily; it sent shivers down Tohru's spine. "Headmaster, I heard you..." She gasped. The headmaster's office was covered in blood. Everything. The painting of traditional Kyoto, His desk, and... Oh no! Tohru saw what would scar her for life. Hanging from the ceiling, in the corner was Headmaster Cross... Tohru screamed! Just then she heard running coming from the hallway. Elliot came running into the room, "WHAT the Hel........" Elliot couldn't mutter any words at the sight, he walked toward the corner where is father was hanging. Another set of footsteps came from the hallway a teacher from the night class and Akaito set their sights at the bloody mess. Elliot turned to Akaito showed nothing, but anger and sadness. He then turned back to ceiling corner, he dropped on the ground, ".......why.......WHY!" his fist banged against the wall. His hand slipped down the wall and the blood stuck to his hand; Akaito hid his nose from the smell. Elliot slid onto the floor not moving from his spot; the teacher walked to the desk to see if anything there would be in any use to find who did this. Tohru ran over to Elliot. "Elliot... Elliot are you okay? Oh no! He's in shock... Tohru said frantically. She bent down trying to help him up. He wouldn't budge. The smell of blood was everywhere; it was consuming the once pleasant smell of Headmaster Cross. The night class teacher, Hideki Ryuuga, walked away from the desk, failing to find any evidence of who had committed the crime. He walked over to where Elliot was lying and said. "I'll take him to the infirmary, Tohru, Akaito you call the police, and don't mention about our night class they mustn't know our identity." He then picked up Elliot who was wide awake yet paralyzed, and walked out. Tohru who was still bent down had her hands covered in blood. Akaito walked over. "The police are on their way..." "Are you okay?" He asked. "Why didn't you ask that to Elliot, he sure needs some sympathy?" She hadn't felt so angry and sad at the same time to the extent of this before. She ran out the room to follow Ryuuga-sensei. Leaving Akaito in the bloody room alone. Hideki Ryuuga arrived with Elliot and set him on the bed, Elliot's eyes were glassy. He was covered in the Head Master's blood, Tohru was not far behind she walked in. "Holy crap!" She said. "Is he alive?" "Well his body is going into epileptic shock; the odds are against him... he will die..." He trailed off. "But there is a way we don't have to lose him." He said. "What? What can we do? "Tohru started to cry. She felt as if this was her fault she wasn't there for him. She knows that epileptic shock can be caused by loneliness. And a something that shocks the patient. "Well, we can have Akaito change him..." He trailed off again. "Or he can be a werewolf." "If I wasn't a night walker I would choose the vampire, the only problem is he would need a sufficient amount of blood." "I know he wouldn't want any of those choices." She thought. "But... He doesn't want to die, I hope..." His mind was running miles a minute thinking about the gruesome things he saw before, he tried to snap out of it, but his body wouldn't let him. Was he going to die because of a stupid reason like this; the blood of his father just kept coming back in his mind. He screamed inside and out of his body. A shock came to both Tohru and Hideki Ryuuga, "damn it it’s getting worse, we have to make a decision NOW!" at that moment the school doctor simply known as Night walked in. He walked up and put his hand on the shoulder of both the audience, "is this the kid?" Hideki Ryuuga looked at him; "Night so you came why now?" he looked angry. Night laughed a little; "I got to say this kid is interesting I was walking around and saw how he was being an arrogant show off to that Vampire Punk" Tohru twitched at how he talked about Akaito. Night saw this; "I mean of course Mr. Akaito, I want to take him as a pupil" Tohru looked up confused. Hideki Ryuuga looked at her, "I said either a vampire or werewolf, he is the werewolf I was talking about." he narrowed his eyes. Tohru looked at them both, "no no he wouldn't want that at least if he was a vampire then" she got interrupted by Akaito walking in. "so Cross-kun is in trouble is he?" Tohru looked at him; "please Akaito help him" she looked deeply at him. Akaito looked down, “I wish I could, but it is forbidden unless my father allows me" He looked at Elliot. Another scream came faster, "We have to do something what you must" Hideki Ryuuga couldn't look at Tohru in the eyes. Night smirked a little, but not in a happy way more in sadness, "I'll be a bit woozy so I may faint after this though you must all leave the room at once after I have finished" he looked seriously at everyone. "No, what will happen to Cross-kun?" Tohru said fighting against Akaito who was dragging her outside. "Cross-kun, Cross-kun... ELLIOT!!!! She screamed. "Will someone calm her?" Night asked nodding to Akaito, Akaito acknowledged the gesture then put a hand over Tohru's eyes. A sudden burst of black light and Tohru collapsed. Akaito carried her out of the room. Just then Elliot screamed again. A pain surged through his body, another scream came, "damn it this kid is taking more energy than I thought" Night winced. HIdeki Ryuuga looked at him, "can you make it through it?" Night gave a smirk. "I guess we’ll find out won't we, though I'm sure I will" Elliot screamed once more. Night collapsed on the ground, "so it’s over now" Night was knocked out cold that is until Hideki Ryuuga heard him snore. "Idiot" he looked at Elliot he was grasping his bed and grinding his teeth. Hideki Ryuuga then left the room, and meet Akaito outside. Akaito for once seemed worried, "is he going to live?" The teacher gave a laugh out, "you didn't think you would get rid of him that easily did you?" he saw the unconscious Tohru. Akaito laughed, "don't worry I didn't do anything bad" they waited until Night gained consciousness or would rather wake up from his nap. Elliot's head swelled with new emotions. His head and a little bit above his shoulder were the only pains remaining in his body. Outside they waited, a crash came from inside. Akaito looked up from Tohru, but did not move. Hideki on the other hand literally flew from his spot in the hall. He withdrew the doors to the infirmary to find that it was completely destroyed. "Oh my god!" He exclaimed. The window was wide open. Elliot and his new being has been set loose on campus. The students are in Danger!! He thought. Night, Night Wake up you dog! He said to Night. Then he walked over and kicked him. "Ow! Goddamit! That hurt!" He said. "Well, while your dumb ass was taking a pup-nap, Elliot is loose on campus, a newborn werewolf!" Ryuuga pointed out. "Well, here's what we have to do." said Akaito from the infirmary's doors, with Tohru in his arms. "Gather all Night Class students and faculty and have a battalion protect the day class students, nonchalantly, and the rest of them catch Cross." Ryuuga nodded and went to tell the rest of the faculty to do this. Elliot's senses were going nuts his body was telling him he was hungry, his ears were picking up things like never before, and he felt a rage that was uncontrollable. But his mind could not stop his self. He heard someone approach he knew the voice. Akaito stepped forward; "Cross calm down" he inched toward him. Crack another set of feet, this was a new voice, "Matsuri don't get to close". Elliot panicked in his head he turned to fighting. Tohru was beginning to wake up. "What? Dammit not again!" She got up still a little dizzy and fell down again. She was alone in a weird place. "Elliot!" She said. She jumped out of the bed and took off out the window. She was on the roof of the school. She could see everything from here. "What the hell!!!!?" A blast of black light and a blood curdling yelp. She jumped down on a tree and began running. What she saw next was terrifying. A blood thirsty, big, drool protruding from the mouth, monster. His ear twitched and he turned around. At this point Tohru was shaking. She couldn't move. "Elliot..." The monster turned around completely. Tohru heard Akaito yell at her to get away, but she couldn't move. Akaito then ran towards the monster to distract it. But Elliot just knocked him back a few good yards. Some of the faculty tried to capture Elliot. They failed as well. Elliot looked at Tohru, but kept seeing her as something else something evil.....He stepped backward a bit, but his mind made him charge at her. Elliot gained control as soon as he was in front of her face, he started to change back, "Natsumi?" he fainted. Night caught him before he hit the ground, "hmmm what a wild pup" he looked at Tohru, "did he get you?" Night pushed his glasses up. Tohru was frozen with fear. She didn't even realize the fact she was bleeding a little. "He nipped your arm...” Night said. "Oh?" Tohru said looking at her arm she was shaking so bad, she hated not being able to control herself. "Is Elliot okay?" She asked. "I wouldn't worry about him." Night said. "You need to clean that out unless you want to be a werewolf too." Thrown back by his comment Tohru started hyperventilating. "Calm down, you’re not going to unless you don't clean it out with..." He trailed off. "With some vampire saliva." He finished. "That is what I have to do?" She said skeptically. "That is really gross..." She said. "Well then, have fun transforming. That's the fun part..." He said with a grin. "All of your bones break and reform to canine and..." "Okay, Okay... enough." She said. "Who's going to do it?" Just than Akaito appeared. "It would be my honor." He said gentleman-like. He startled Tohru and she whacked him with her hand. "Oooo, sorry that was my reflex." She said sincerely. She looked at Elliot, who was passed out and asked Hideki if he could do whatever he needed to do. He took Tohru's arm and examined it. He brought her arm toward his mouth and licked it. Tohru shivered. "That is really gross." "Shut up!'' he barked.”Sorry, how would you like it if someone licked your arm, when it’s covered in blood?" She asked. "You don't want me to answer that. He said back. Night than disappeared with Elliot. "Wait!" Tohru said. But it was too late they were gone. "Where is he taking him?" She asked Ryuuga. "Hell if I know... there all better." He said rolling her sleeve back down. That was when Tohru realized his eyes were blood red. Elliot's eyes flickered open, he clinched his head. He looked around, "you're awake?" Elliot flinched at the sound. He noticed that it wasn't the only sound birds were louder than normal, the wind brought new smells, and not only that he wasn't blinded by the sun. He covered his ears, "why is everything so loud? Who are you?" He asked Night. Night walked toward him, "my name is Night I'm the night classes nurse and as for the other question not now" he sat down and handed Elliot a piece of meat. Elliot took the meat, "I bet you're really hungry; any way hurry up I promised Natsumi Tohru she could see you today you've been out for four days" Elliot's finger's dropped the meat. He looked at Night, "I don't want to see her!" Night looked shocked at this, "why's that" He picked up the meat. "I have a feeling I hurt her" Night frowned, "oh really" Elliot looked at him. His head pulsed he grabbed it. His eyes switched from blue to yellow to blue again… "Blood?" his hands dropped. Tohru woke up in her dorm bed, her roommate, Aya, stirred but did not awake. She got out of bed and began her morning routine. After she was dressed and ready she went outside. Today was the day Night-sempai promised she could see Elliot. Just as she began to walk outside she ran into one of the night class students. "What the?" She said baffled. "Why are you here in the morning?" She asked with authority. "Ahhh, Tohru... I am here at the request of our dorm and president Akaito Matsuri." He said. "May I ask your name?" She said. "Sure can." He said cheerily. "I am Kazumi Tadaaki. Vice President of the night class." "It is my pleasure meeting you, Tohru-chan." He said with a smile. "Uhh.. Can you send my apologies to Akaito-sama, I have plans for today." She said sheepishly. "But, you can't refuse him. I'm sure what you had to do can wait." He said as he pulled her toward the east wing of campus. Towards the Night class dorms... "Blood?" Night looked at him, Elliot’s face was scared, and “why do I know the taste of her blood?" he looked at him in admiration. Night sighed, "listen I wasn't going to tell you this before Tohru came, so you wouldn't freak out to much, but you should know that you're not human any more" Elliot's face froze at those words. Tohru was dreading the fact Akaito wanted her, and she really wanted to see Elliot. "Look, I don't want any problems..." "Why would there be a problem? Kazumi asked. "No...Um.. No problem, it's just I really need to go eat breakfast, yea, and my friends are waiting for me. Maybe another time would be..." "You can eat breakfast with us!" He said while putting a hand on her shoulder. "But I thought the night class students are only awake at night." She stated. "Normally, and most of them are only Matsuri-sama is really up." He said. "Ahhh, we are here." He opened the doors and then walked in. "Welcome." said a familiar voice. Akaito looked really different when not in his uniform. Really good. "I see you've met my acquaintance. Kazumi, would you like to join us for breakfast?" Akaito asked. "I would love to, Matsuri-sama. But I have work I must attend to..." Kazumi bowed and disappeared in a puff of smoke. "wha-what do you mean not human" Elliot barely stuttered out, "you're father when u saw his remains you had such bad shock that you're vital organs were shutting down, we had to save you some way you're father would have wanted you to live" he patted his head. Elliot couldn't look up, "so what am I then" Night felt surprised at how well he was taking this. "Werewolf" Elliot shook, "werewolf....but that means I really did..................Natsumi is she ok" he grabbed his shoulder. "You nipped her, but Akaito fixed that he was drooling all over her" he laughed a little. Elliot grew angry at that comment, "I asked you if she's fine, and INSTEAD YOU TELL ME THAT VAMPIRE IS FREAKING GOT HIS EYES ON HER" her picked him up a little by his shirt. Night smacked Elliot down, "Listen well MUTT I was the one who saved you, show some respect towards you're higher, and get this straight whatever a vampire claims cannot be our" he eyes went a yellow with rage. Tohru's ear twitched, like there was some kind of disturbance. "Listen , Akaito-sama, I really have somewhere else I need to be so if you will, please hurry up and tell me why you have summoned me." She said pushing his arm off of her. "Well, if that is what you wish, then, I summoned you here today to tell you to stay away from Elliot..." He said coldly. "I'm here to protect you and in order for me to do that you have to stay away." Tohru could tell he was not playing around but insisted on arguing anyway. "I'm not going to listen to what you have to say. The last time you tried to protect me you got hurt so leave me alone! I can take care of myself." She almost about to burst with anger. Akaito chuckled. "I'm not laughing!" Tohru said. Akaito brushed a strand of her hair out of her face. "You’re so stubborn, you know that." he said sweetly. "I know, now may I leave?" she asked impatiently. "You may, but I'm still going to protect you no matter what." Akaito said triumphantly as if winning an epic battle. Tohru stormed away, Slammed the door and was on her way to meet up with Night-sempai. "NATSUMI is a person she cannot be owned!' He yelled back at his senior his eye yellow with rage too. Elliot collapsed, "you idiot you haven’t eaten and you've been walking around too much" Night calms himself and hands him the meat again. Elliot takes hold of it, and bites into it, though something caught him off guard about it. He then spit it out, "but it looked perfectly good" Night smirked a little, "looks like you want to hunt for blood" he took the meat away from him. Night stood up from the place they sat, "I refuse" Elliot grabbed the meat back "this will be enough" he forced it down. Night shook his head, "you'll need to kill one day" they suddenly stopped speaking their head looked toward the front of the forest. She’s here!" "Ow!" Tohru said as she got smacked in the head by the underbrush. "Stupid tree..." she mumbled to herself. Night-sempai told her to meet him in the old campsite in the woods not too far from campus. Up ahead Tohru could see an opening. The old trail isn't much of a trail anymore. It's more of an obstacle course. When she reached the opening, nobody was around. "Crap, did I take a wrong turn?" She asked herself. "Nope, you made it." Said Night-sempai, startling her. "What the hell man!" She exclaimed out of fright. "Oy!" "Watch your mouth little miss. Just because we are off campus doesn't mean you can use profanity around me!" Night said. Tohru opened up her mouth to argue but then shut it after some thought. "Sorry, Night-sempai..." She apologized. "Where's Elliot? I brought him some rice balls, I remember him saying he like the ones with fish so I made them." Tohru said cheerily. Night took a sideway glance, "well I don't think he can eat""awesome rice balls" Elliot snatched them from her and started to chow down on then. Coughing a couple times, "sorry ate them to fast, but they were good" Night looked away at how idiotic he was acting those tasted like mud to him right now, Elliot gagged a little; Tohru stood up, “Elliot are you ok" he put his hand out. as he gagged up some food," no worries it’s just Night's cooking is horrible so I guess I should have waited until after I gagged his food up before I ate yours sorry" He looked at his feet. Night gave Tohru a piece of meat to; Elliot looked at her, "sorry" his eyes were hidden behind hands. Night and Tohru both looked at him in shock of what he said. "For what, the scratch?" Tohru said half laughing. "It’s nothing, don't worry about it. Night-sempai told me you couldn't control yourself and was surprised you didn't kill me. She said with a smile. "How can you smile like that?" Elliot asked. Tohru looked at him confused. "Elliot... control." said Night. "Elliot, you couldn't control yourself, and I was stupid to be standing right there in the first place." Tohru said. "I’m glad you liked the rice ball." Tohru said, changing the subject. "And, Night-sempai, I'm a vegetarian, so you can have this, sorry." She apologized. "Eh, more for Me." he said taking it and digging in. "How are you feeling?" Tohru asked Elliot. "Eh? A little tired, extremely hungry and I feel really open to the elements around me." He said with open eyes. "Wow! Like how open?" She pried. "I can smell new things, I hear things from a mile away, and I can taste..." He trailed off. "It’s just really different. There was quiet for a while, No one spoke for the longest of times. Night was the first to break it, "Elliot I need to start training you soon" Elliot broke from his stupor. He got up a little to only hear a noise in the distance, Night and he both looked to where the sound came from. Tohru looked at the both of them, "why are both of you" "shhh" Night spoke. Another brush of steps came to their ears, "I'm sure this area is off limits to anyone who hasn't gotten permission" Night stood up beside Elliot. A smell descended towards their noses, "what....Elliot cover your nose now" Night coughed out. Elliot did as told; Elliot still caught a whiff of it. His eyes turned Yellow a bit, "what is this horrid smell" Tohru was confused. Night fell a bit to the ground, "wolfs bane burning" he coughed again. Tohru walked toward night, "Night- sempai are you ok" his eyes closed a little. "Wolfs bane normally brings out the worse side in us, but burning it makes us weak and tired" he fell asleep. Elliot stood in front of Tohru, "Natsumi stay behind me it might be dangerous" the sound now came from the side of them. "Well, I'm going to go see if Night-sempai is okay." She said. "No! Stay behind me!" Elliot said assertively, with his hand over his face. "But..." She started. "But Nothing!" He finished. Tohru did what he said but couldn't help but to glance over at Night-sempai every second or so. "That smell is getting stronger." Tohru pointed out. "Get out of here!" He said. "Why!" she said. "Just do it!" He turned to her his eyes were bright yellow. She looked at him and took off. She darted into the woods and kept running after about 10 minutes of running, she stopped and thought. Crap I haven't been keeping track of where I was going. It was already twilight. "Crap!" She said aloud. She wondered if Elliot was alright. "I hope he is..." She said. Then continued onward. Elliot was breathing heavy; "damn the smell is really thick" He went toward the noise. Stopping short, he looked toward the place Tohru went, "we walked right into their trap!" Tohru was starting to get paranoid. She didn't like the fact of being alone in the middle of the woods at night. The more she thought about it, the more it frightened her. Normally it wouldn't bother her, but with the last week’s events, she is really paranoid to be alone. She heard what sounded like a stick break. Her eyes widened with fear. "Wh... Who's there?" She asked like a little child. "I have a knife!" She lied. "And I'm not afraid to use it." Man the only weapon she had, if you classify it as a weapon, was the leftover rice balls. She broke out into a cold sweat. She began running. Frantically, she hid in a hollowed out log. The footsteps were coming closer. Her heartbeat fastened. Tep, tep, tep. The footsteps came faster and closer. Elliot looked around at his surroundings the smell was dissipating. He heard Tohru. He started to run toward the way he heard her, something grabbed him and yanked him backwards into a tree. "Don't move." Said a serious voice. Tohru was still hiding in the log when the footsteps stopped. "Screw this!!!" She screamed and flew out of the log. She almost got away when something grabbed her by her waist. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" She screamed. Elliot looked at the people who had stopped him, but they put him in the spot where the sun would blind him most all he could see is that they were students from the night class. He looked at them, "what's going on here?" the others just laughed. "He warned her not to see you and we are making sure that you don't see her" one said. "You’re talking about Natsumi" he growled a little, but stopped at the sound he made. They laughed again. SHHHHH... said a soothing voice. Tohru turned around to see Akaito’s smirking face. She started to hit him. "Leggo' of me!" She said repeatedly. "Hey, Ow, stop it you silly girl!" Tohru stopped but then wiggled free. "What the hell are you doing?" She demanded. "Protecting you." He said half sarcastic. "Were you the one burning wolfs bane?" She asked. "No." He said. She searched his face for any sign of dishonesty, but gave up when she found none. "Well, then go find out who." She told him. "Someone is trying to hurt Elliot and whether u like it or not I'm getting involved." She said stubbornly. Then as he was about to speak a loud howling sound came from the woods where Tohru came from. Elliot lost it, they were carrying wolf's bane; he was going to go after the closest. He started toward one, but they laughed; he barred his teeth at them. out of nowhere Night came crashing at him in wolf from throwing him away from them a little, he bit at Elliot, "wake up from you're stupor mutt" he growled at Elliot. Night felt the smell of wolfs bane also he slowly let the wolf in him take control, the sound of feet from more people were coming. Night was no longer in control of himself he ran towards the sound; Tohru and Akaito were the noise. Night lunged at then Akaito threw him aside, Elliot felt him gaining control. Akaito not noticing Night wasn't all the way out; started to walk toward the group. Night lunged at them once more, but failed by getting bashed in the side by Elliot; Akaito turned around to see growling and saw that Elliot was close to Tohru. "Elliot! Are you okay?" She said walking towards him. "Tohru! Get the Hell Back!!! Akaito Yelled. "No!" She yelled back. Tohru looked into Elliot's eyes and could tell he was still in control. "Elliot, if you can hear me, calm down." She said in the sweetest voice she could. Elliot nudged her and then knelt down as if he wanted her to get on his back. So Tohru climbed up. Held on tight, and then Elliot took off like a speeding bullet. "Dammit!" Was all they heard from Akaito as they sped away. Elliot ran to an opening a little way away; he let Tohru down, she had leaves in her hair. Akaito chased after them, Elliot started to growl at the opening that they came from knowing that he was coming. After all, to Elliot it was his fault about the wolfs bane, he made sure Tohru was behind him, he limped from the bite he earned earlier from Night. His eyes narrowed as Akaito entered, "Tohru why did run off I have to make you're safe" he started to walk toward her. Elliot cut him off from his path. Just as Elliot was about to lunge at Akaito, Tohru jumped in between them. Elliot couldn't stop and bit her. Elliot's eyes widened and he let go. Tohru let out a blood curdling scream and fell to the ground clutching her shoulder. "Elliot, I’m so sorry I didn't mean to." She started. The pain was unbearable. She was bleeding pretty badly. Akaito, shocked at what Tohru just did, looked at her, then at her shoulder. "The blood..." he said. His eyes turned bright red. He started toward her. Elliot let out a loud snarl. But Akaito ignored it. He picked up Tohru and disappeared into the woods. Elliot tried to listen in as much as possible to hear where he went, but he was being as quiet as possible it seemed. Tohru's blood dripped down his face, he reclaimed his human form, "Dammit!" he screamed. Out of nowhere a snap was heard he turned to face Night who was still out of control, Night lugged at him Elliot tried to dodge, but he got his leg. At that moment he heard a noise close to the end of the forest. Transforming back he turned on Night, warning him to get away from him. Night then backed off a little realizing what he had done. Elliot knew he was going to be slow with an injured leg, he ran as fast as he could toward the noise hoping it was Akaito and Tohru. Tohru was withering in pain. "Akaito, am I going to die?" She asked. "Shhh," he said still jumping from tree to tree. After a couple of minutes he stopped. "Tohru, I’m going to cleanse your body, but in order for me to do this I'm going to have to take in some of your blood." He said. "Will I become a vampire?" She asked shaking violently. "Do you want to?" He asked. "No." She said using up a lot of her energy. "Akaito... please, don't... hurt... Elliot." She said and went limp. Akaito pulled her toward him. And began to drink her blood. Elliot Arrived to the scene of Akaito drinking her blood; he grew angry and growled at him. He ran towards Akaito, but stopped short looking at the blood the smell reached his nose. He went into his human form hoping that the urges he just had would stop. Elliot stepped backwards he then looked at Akaito, "what the hell are you doing to her Akaito" he flinched a little at his leg pain. Akaito looked at him with Blood red eyes, but did not stop. Tohru was beginning to turn even paler than she normally was. "Akaito! STOP!" Elliot said charging at Akaito. Akaito dropped Tohru with a gasp. Elliot rammed him so hard in the gut. Tohru was not dead. She could hear everything that was going on but she was too weak to move. She opened her eyes to see Elliot and Akaito fighting. She tried to yell at them to stop but all she could force out was a whimper. Elliot and Akaito stopped to her surprise. Elliot walked over to her, but got pushed by Akaito out of the way. Elliot's foot was bleeding horribly now, he walked behind Akaito knowing not to say anything. He remembered he knocked her out of Akaito’s hands, "Dammit why did I do that" he yelled at himself out loud. Akaito picked up Tohru. She flinched from the pain. "May I continue!" Asked Akaito, he was beginning to get pissed off. "What are you doing to her? Will she be a Vampire?" Elliot asked. "A Half vampire..." Akaito said looking at Tohru, who they both knew was dying. Elliot looked at Tohru then at Akaito, he knew there wasn't a choice in the matter. "Will she need to drink blood?" Elliot asked. "Only mine..." Akaito said. Elliot did not want him to carry on but he didn't want Tohru to die. "Fine.." Elliot said turning away. Akaito bit his wrist with his fangs and attempted to feed it to Tohru. She would not let him. She managed to say "nooo." Akaito did what he had to do. He took in his own blood in his mouth than forced it in Tohru. Elliot turned around to see Akaito mouth to mouth with Tohru. Elliot was about to puke. Elliot backed off a little, Night caught up to them now in human form, “Elliot you should leave them now!" he grabbed his shoulder. "Not until I make sure she's going to be fine after that I promise I'll listen to what you have to say" he looked at the sight with sad eyes. "This is my fault isn't it?" he surprisingly asked Akaito. "You do not wish for me to answer that." Akaito said seriously. Akaito licked the rest of the blood off of Tohru's shoulder. When he was done the wound was gone! Elliot was shocked. "What the???" "She's a half vampire know remember." Akaito said. "When will she be awake?" he asked Akaito. Akaito looked at Elliot, “soon" he seemed angry to say that. Elliot saw the small glare he gave him, "I'll get out of your hair as soon as I know she's fine don't worry" he said kindly back. Akaito was still pissed, "you can stay in my business all you want, but I want you out of Tohru's got that" his red angry eyes were expecting an argument from him. Though Elliot knew he did things wrong," I understand" he didn't even have a sarcastic tone with him. Night had seen Elliot's leg and took him aside, "lets clean that up it will heal all right, but were not vampires so it will at least take an hour and a half" Elliot tore part of his pants. He proceeded to give the piece of cloth to Night, “use that" Night shook his head. "You’re not going to give me a choice in what to use are you?" he tried to cheer him up, but Elliot's eyes kept glancing at the calm Tohru. Tohru was deep in her own psyche. She was walking in a abyss. She's hearing Akaito and Elliot's voices but she can't find them. She's searching and searching but no matter how much she runs she isn’t going anywhere. "HELP!!!" Akaito, Elliot, and Night were all startled by Tohru's sudden outburst. "Is she alright?" Elliot asked. "Her body is going through a transformation, I don't really know." Akaito said truthfully. "When will she be awake?" he asked Akaito. Akaito looked at Elliot, “soon" he seemed angry to say that. Elliot saw the small glare he gave him, "I'll get out of your hair as soon as I know she's fine don't worry" he said kindly back. Akaito was still pissed, "you can stay in my business all you want, but I want you out of Tohru's got that" his red angry eyes were expecting an argument from him. Though Elliot knew he did things wrong," I understand" he didn't even have a sarcastic tone with him. Night had seen Elliot's leg and took him aside, "lets clean that up it will heal all right, but were not vampires so it will at least take an hour and a half" Elliot tore part of his pants. He proceeded to give the piece of cloth to Night, “use that" Night shook his head. "You’re not going to give me a choice in what to use are you?" he tried to cheer him up, but Elliot's eyes kept glancing at the calm Tohru. Tohru was deep in her own psyche. She was walking in a abyss. She's hearing Akaito and Elliot's voices but she can't find them. She's searching and searching but no matter how much she runs she isn’t going anywhere. "HELP!!!" Akaito, Elliot, and Night were all startled by Tohru's sudden outburst. "Is she alright?" Elliot asked. "Her body is going through a transformation, I don't really know." Akaito said truthfully. Elliot got up away from Night and went over to Tohru, "I was wondering b/c I went through the same thing when I was changing" he confessed he felt like an idiot. "NO you changed like a wild animal a monster, she isn't as hot-headed as you she will be fine" Akaito let out his anger on Elliot he then looked at him, "sorry I shouldn't be yelling at you in this situation" Akaito said nicely. "No you're right" Elliot said calmly, "any way you're right she'll be fine" Night didn't seem as optimistic. Tohru woke up just as she saw a light. She looked up. She saw Akaito and Elliot smiling at each other. "You're getting along now?" She said shocked. "I must be dead!" All three of them laughed. "No, you’re only half way there." Said a pessimistic Night. "WHAT!!!" She said. She sat straight up. "You told me I wouldn't become a vampire. Or am I not a vampire! Oh No! IM A ZOMBIE!!!!! AHHHHH!!!" She jumped on Akaito ready to punch him. But she stopped, she saw Akaito and Elliot's faces. They were happy. Relieved. "What?" She asked. Elliot burst out laughing, "all right it’s good that you're safe" he got up and started to leave with Night. He looked back at her, "Akaito you bastard take care of Natsumi" Night transferred to his wolf from as Elliot followed he winced at his leg. "Where are you going?" Tohru called out after Elliot. But Elliot must've been too far away to hear her. "Awww... He didn't hear me." She said saddened. "Man the moon must be really bright because I can see perfectly. And Ewww I smell terrible." She stated. Akaito laughed. "There isn't a moon out tonight, and you smell fine, it's just your new senses kicking in." "Wow, I feel great!" She said standing up and stretching. "Ok, how about we get back to our dorms?" Akaito asked. "Awww already!" Tohru complained. "But I'm so hungry!!!" "What do I eat now?" She asked tilting her head. "Well you need to drink blood now. But like any vampire you can eat anything." Akaito said. "Unlike Elliot," Before Tohru could ask why he said. "Werewolves cannot eat human food." "Ohhh! Man that sucks." She said okay so where is the hemoglobin or a certain pill I must take?" She asked “You read too much manga!" Akaito said with a laugh. Then he got serious and pulled Tohru closer to him. "You have to drink from me." Tohru pulled away. ''I will not!!!" She then ran, incredibly fast. She thought she was fast before, but now, she could feel the wind through her hair her heart flickering beating with new blood. She never looked back she just kept going. When she reached the school she realized she was tired. Elliot stopped a for a while, and sat. Night walked toward him, "what’s wrong?" he then heard a loud growl from Elliot's stomach, "I see" Night patted his head. "Werewolves can't eat human food so you need to start hunting now" He looked at Elliot who had a serious face, "I won't do it" Night lowered a glare at him. "Fine starve yourself, by the way at school make sure you don't go near Natsumi Tohru!" he made clear. "I already said I would stay away from her" he stomach growled. They headed back to the school. Tohru crawled into her bed after a nice long hot shower. That was when Aya walked in. "Wow, haven't seen you all day, girly!" She said cheerily. "Yea, I had a looong day." Tohru looked at Aya. "OMG! Did you get contacts?" She gasped. "Why?" Tohru asked. "Your eyes are Bright Red, almost glowing!" She exclaimed. "Uhh, a trick of the light, silly!" She said laughing. "Well Good night" Tohru said and rolled over. "Good night." Said Aya with a concerned face. Elliot sat at his seat earlier than usual, he was breathing hard. Elliot's ears were ringing with the chatter of students, his head started to hurt. Tohru walked in with Aya. Elliot perked up. Tohru waived but he just ignored her. Tohru looked at him confused and took her seat in front of him. She wanted to turn around and say something but something told her not to. Then she noticed the bickering of the students. With her heightened hearing it made her wince. Then she heard Yagari-sensei walking down the hallway. He walked in with his normal hate the world smile. "Morning class." ""MORNING"" we all chimed. That hurt like crazy. "Good news! We got a new headmaster! And your new prefects are right here in this very classroom!" He said. Tohru, Elliot would you please come up here and receive your arm tabs." They both stood up a little embarrassed. Got their tabs and sat down. As soon as Elliot sat down he felt uncomfortable, and got up to leave the room. "Elliot Cross where are you going?" he turned around, "bathroom" he said quietly the class giggled. He got to the bathroom it was Empty he went to the nearest toilet, "you should really listen to me when I say stuff" night appeared behind him. "You’re not feeling good are you?" Elliot ignored him and started to leave the bathroom Night followed. "Who is the new Headmaster?" he asked angrily, "I haven’t meet him yet sorry to say" Elliot got a few feet from the class door. "Then you’re no use" he walked into the classroom and took his seat when he walked by Tohru he couldn't look at her. Tohru sensed Elliot's emotions. Wow these new powers are amazing!!! She thought. I feel really bad. Why is Elliot acting toward me this way! If Akaito has something to do about it... he better have a protector!!! Just then she and Elliot were called out of the classroom. Finally. She thought, now I can get to the bottom of this! Elliot got up and made his way toward the door trying to get out of the class room before he talked to Tohru unlike himself he tripped over, he quickly regained his stance. Tohru was already gone out the door. Elliot wondered what that was about. Tohru was trying to gather herself. She wondered if the new headmaster knew about the night class. She heard a rustling behind her and picked up her pace. She knew it was Elliot. I hope I don't hurt his feelings by avoiding him. She reached the headmasters room. When she touched the doorknob she shivered remembering that one fate full night. She then knocked, hearing a man's voice telling her to proceed. Elliot made his way to the headmaster’s office. He stopped at the headmaster's door his had dropped before the door he started to remember the gore. His body started to shake; Elliot grabbed his hand for it to stop shaking. His body wouldn't stop shaking. Though he still knocked, a man’s voice told him to come in. Tohru turned to see Elliot a little bit shaken. The new headmaster was a handsome man, long medium-brown hair and deep brown eyes. "Ahhh, Cross-kun, come in, come in, I have many a things to tell you both. Elliot just looked at him with no emotion. Tohru spoke up. "Elliot this is our new headmaster, Headmaster Matsuri." Elliot snapped out of whatever haze he was in before and looked at the headmaster. Sure enough there was a resemblance. Brown hair, handsome, those eyes. "Your Akaito's father..." Elliot said through his teeth. Headmaster Matsuri looked at him through his spectacles. "I am." He said. "How… How did you get the headmaster position" he couldn't hide his anger at this. Tohru looked at him backing off a little; Elliot had seen the way she was backing up and he stopped. He coughed a little, "sorry I was just wondering.” Tohru backed up a little. Elliot and the headmaster both saw this. The headmaster then cleared his throat. "I understand that my son had turned you...Tohru. Is that so?" He asked looking at her up and down. "Well, I was told I was turned into a 'half' vampire." She said shyly. Elliot flinched at this. The headmaster got up and walked over to Tohru and circled her as if checking her out. Then he put a hand on her shoulder and leaned in real close. "You know you’re very lucky... If you were a full vampire, there would be dire consequences for you and for my son." He said with a seductive smile. Tohru looked up at him with widened eyes. The headmaster took his hand off his shoulder and walked over to Elliot. "But that's not the case with you now is it?" He turned to Elliot. Elliot shuddered at what he said, "What do you mean?" he didn't face the new headmaster at all. Headmaster Matsuri then went in front of him, Elliot then looked down, "you should look at your new Headmaster in the eyes when he is talking to you" he said in a stern voice. Elliot's anger grew. When he looked up he had yellowed eyes. "Yes, Headmaster." Elliot said viciously. Tohru yet again as the idiot she is ran in between them. "You both need to stop this madness!" "Elliot we are guardians, Headmaster, you are in control of the school, but you do not own the students!" She stated. "But I own you!" He said grabbing her by her wrists. "You most certainly do not!" She said, she could control her own strength and pushed the headmaster so hard he flew back. Tohru's heart beat fastened. "Headmaster! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean..." The headmaster said nothing but glared up at her. "It is fine, just watch yourself young one." He said propping himself up on his desk. Elliot couldn't help but snicker, but he hid it so no one would see. The headmaster, now looking straight at him said. "Elliot..." Elliot paused, "yes" he looked at him, "I need to talk to you, alone Tohru you may go" he shooed her away. Tohru went out of the door, but did not move from the spot out door. The Headmaster then sat in the chair from his desk, "what Night did was completely irresponsible" he said calmly. Elliot cringed at this, "no offense headmaster, but he saved my life. Yes I hate how I am now, but it just means I can kill whoever killed my father" Noticing what he just said out loud quieted him. The new headmaster let out a small laugh, "you're quite blood thirsty, and this is why Night is going to be punished besides you were not his to claim" he said very seriously. Elliot backed away a little, "I'm not his property and what the hell do you mean" He couldn't help, but yell at him. The headmaster looked did not budge from fright, "Do not yell young man at me, Elliot you are new to being a filthy wolf, but there are things that may happen that will be very dangerous" He walked toward him. Elliot stepped back. "But that is to come, for now you and Tohru will be in charge of both classes. Here is your weapon." He said pulling out a sterling silver gun. Elliot took it and it burned his hands. "What the?" Elliot said startled. "Whoops," said the headmaster. "I forgot. Werewolves can't touch silver. How foolish of me." He said. Elliot knew he did it on purpose. "You will have to deal with out a weapon I suppose, Ahhh, no. Here..." He said handing him a stick. "A stick!!!" Elliot said getting mad. The headmaster laughed. He pressed a button on it and it opened into a crossbow. "Oh." Elliot said impressed. "Ammo?" He asked. "It has a special type of ammo that does not need reloading, so you’re good." He said impressed. "And this is for Tohru." He pulled out a katana. "Yea, she's already dangerous with nothing, let's not add to that." Elliot said sarcastically. "But this only harms night creatures." said the headmaster. Elliot took hold of it, "well get out of my office mutt" he laughed and patted his head. Elliot pushed his hand off he then started to leave, "Oh and Elliot you're father I'm quite sorry we were friends back in the day, before he meet your mother" Elliot glared at him when he mentioned his mother. Then slammed the door on his way out surprised to see Tohru standing right there; he jumped a bit. "What the hell are you doing right here" he asked, she looked at him and laughed a bit. Elliot pushed the weapon toward her, "that’s yours" he looked in her eyes, "you have to do something about them" he pointed out. Tohru looked confused, " people are going to notice your eyes are red now, let’s go see Night he might have contacts you can use" she pointed at something before they started to walk. "Why do you have a stick, oh wait I know" she grabbed and threw it, "fetch" she laughed. Elliot looked at how far it was thrown, and slumped a bit. When he looked back at her she was smiling, "Dammit" Elliot cursed under his breath. He proceeded to get it and come back, "don't do that again" Tohru wasn't listening she was laughing so hard, "it worked though!" she held her stomach. "I'm sorry, that just made my day!" She wiped a tear from her eye, from laughing so hard, and asked. "Why did he give you a sick?" He walked over to her and whacked her over the head with it. "To do that!" He said laughing at his own joke. "We need to go see Night." He repeated. "Okay." Tohru said rubbing her head. As they were walking, Tohru became aware all of a sudden and got out her katana. Standing behind her was Night. "Jeez Man! Don't do that!!!" She said. "I could've killed you!!" "Yea..." He said moving the blade away from him. "Elliot what did I tell you!" He yelled. "Hey, we don't have a choice the new headmaster, aka Akaito's father, assigned us to guardian duty." He said shrugging his shoulders in a lazy attitude. "Any way got any contacts for her" he pointed at Tohru, Night looked at Tohru. Night went to the door, "yeah I should, Tohru come in; Elliot stay outside" he glared. Looking down at what was in his hand, "Elliot I know I call you mutt, but why do you have a stick?" he looked confused. "Shut it" he hit Night on the head with it, the two proceeded in the room both rubbing their heads. Night looked in the cabinets; "I swear I get no respect from him, Tohru do happen to know why his hand was burnt a little?" it came out worriedly. "That's what that smell is?" She asked looking at Elliot's hand. Elliot pulled back. "The headmaster ''accidentally gave me a silver gun. It burnt a little, no big." He said looking away from them and out the window. "That ass!" Said Night! "Who is he by the way?" Asked Night, who was still rummaging in the cabinets. "We told you already!" Elliot said raising his voice. "Akaito's father." Tohru said. "Oh! That's right." He said hitting his forehead. "Ahhh! Here we are!" He pulled out a box of green eyed contacts. "This should be good enough." He said handing it to Tohru. "Thanks!!" I had to avoid looking at everybody today!!" She said with a laugh. She put them in. "How does it look?" She asked looking at them cutely. Elliot laughed, "fix the the left one you didn't put it on right" Tohru sighed a little then asked again. Night looked at the two, "all right you both off you go I have other students to help" they both looked at the empty room. "Seriously I didn't even know you really worked" they both laughed, "out!" he growled. Tohru and Elliot walked toward the door laughing a bit, Tohru walked out first; Night grabbed Elliot's shoulder, "just because you have to work together doesn’t mean you can still be friendly with her, I'm going to see if I can get the headmaster to change his mind" he stated. Elliot looked away and walked out of the nurse's office. Tohru turned around. "I heard that!!" She said glaring at Night. "Just because Akaito told you to do something does not mean I have to avoid Elliot or Vice versa!" Something weird started to happen the contacts fell out and her eyes were bright red. Fire emitted around her and it was hot!!! Akaito then appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Tohru. The fire immediately disappeared. "Whoa!" Tohru exclaimed. "That was kewl!!!" She said to Akaito. Night just looked at her than at Akaito and turned into his office, shut the door and left everybody there in silence. "Holy crap! You could've burn the whole school down!" Elliot said. "Well, I didn't know I could do that!" She said back with an apology. Akaito let go of her. "You’re not supposed to be able to do that." He said. The headmaster appeared just like Akaito. "No she is not." He said with a smirk. Tohru and Elliot looked at each other they knew something bad was about to happen “all right explain it to us" he told them confused as hell, Elliot coughed again. Tohru looked at him. Akaito glared at Elliot, "what are you still here for" Akaito's fathers put his hand on his shoulder. "They are assigned to guardian duty" Akaito looked ready to tear his father’s head off. "Hey let's not forget that I'm not going to listen to you!" She pointed at Akaito. "Elliot is my friend and I choose to talk to him you do not choose for me!!" She said with a humph! "The headmaster looked at Akaito's stoned expression. "Well, you have a stubborn one, don't you?" He said half laughing. Akaito really wanted to kill his dad know for pointing out the obvious! "I know! She won't submit!" Akaito walked over to Tohru and leaned in to her. "Your eyes would change back to normal color if you would just drink from me." He said seductively. "In your dreams!!" She said backing away and hiding behind Elliot. Akaito sighed. "Well Father, What am I to do? She refuses to drink from me." He looked up at his father hoping he would have an answer. "Well, she could always... drink from me." He said taking a step towards her. "Like Hell she is!" Elliot and Akaito both said teaming up on the headmaster. "Just saying." Said the headmaster. "What are we going to do with you? Tohru." Akaito asked. But when Elliot turned around she was gone. "What the HELL?!? Where'd she go?" Said Elliot. Elliot kept looking for where she disappeared, Akaito looked at him, "you have to be kidding me" he then started to look. The headmaster began to laugh, Elliot and Akaito looked at him, "Help us Look!" they said at the same time. They both looked at each other and yelled. "Stop copying me! No You! AGH!!!" The headmaster laughed some more. "Tee hee!" Tohru laughed as she ran. She stopped when she reached the outside. "I hate being in uncomfortable situations!" Just then a loud crack came from the woods. Tohru whipped out her katana. Now this is a weapon. She thought. "You There! Come Out!" She said. "Put that thing away..." Said an unfamiliar voice. Elliot and Akaito were searching frantically from classroom to classroom. "Where could she be?" Elliot asked aloud. Just as he said that they were passing a hall where you could see outside. Sure enough, there was Tohru, she had her weapon out and she looked like she was about to attack. Elliot ran first, while Akaito jumped out of the window, "you idiot" Elliot screamed at him. Akaito was soon by Tohru, Elliot checked to see if any students had seen what happened, "you forgot that I let the students go early didn't you" the headmaster told him. Elliot about to jump out the window also, "you won't be in any use as you are now just so you know" he told him. Elliot looked back at him, "I'll be fine old man" he jumped not landing very gracefully. "Ow Dammit" Elliot screamed and ran toward the others. The headmaster laughed, "well I should make sure they'll be all right........wait did he just call me a old man, “ELLIOT CROSS COME BACK" Elliot laughed when he caught up. Tohru looked at Akaito and Elliot. "There is somebody in the woods." They heard a maniacal laugh. "See!" She said. Then something emerged out of the shadows. "YOU!!!" Akaito yelled emitting black flashes of light. "HAHAHAHA!" The person laughed catching the light and pinching it out. "Still weak I see, Akaito-kun!" It said. Just then the headmaster came and yelled. "Get Tohru out of here!" He jumped into the air. All you could see was a flash of white light. The person emitted a glassy solid. Ice. "Now!" Said the headmaster landing with perfect poise. "Come on!" Screamed Akaito grabbing Tohru, but she wouldn't budge. "Who are you?" Tohru asked. "You know me..." The shadow said. "Soon you shall be here with me..." The shadow went to attack her with ice, he almost hit her. The Ice was emitting so much cold. Tohru passed out. Akaito and Elliot grabbed her and ran! Leaving the headmaster there alone. "Who the hell was that" Elliot asked, "why the hell was he after Natsumi?" Akaito put Tohru on his back. Elliot looked at Akaito who was quiet, "you'd think that person would be smarter, he must have known someone was going to be here!" he made Akaito stop for a minute. Akaito put Tohru down, "you're right" they heard a scuffle, "I'm starting to hate when I'm right" Akaito looked at Elliot. "This is the only time I will trust you with Tohru now leave as fast as possible" Elliot knew Akaito was serious and grabbed Tohru then took off. "You idiot go into you're wolf from you'll be faster" he yelled at him, "If I do that then she might fall off" he yelled back still running. The person faced him this one a female, Elliot got a ways away. When another female dropped a bag on the ground this one not menacing, "Mom?" Elliot said. Again Tohru could hear Elliot. But she was walking in her past. She remembered when she left America, she remembered her adopted parents. And she remembered not being an orphan. She remembered how her father used to smile at her and play airplane with her, and her mother she remembered the day she walked out on Tohru. "I'll always be here with you, I love you." was the last words she heard her mother say. She remembered that a week later, her mother was found dead, a homicide... Then her father. He died in front of her. He was teaching her how to fish. "I suck at fishing Papa, I must not be special like you." That was when a wild wolf came out of the woods and tried to attack her. Her father pushed her out of the way. He managed to kill the wolf... but lost too much blood. The last words he said to her was, "You are special, and you will find that out sooner or later, I love you." Tohru started mumbling in her sleep, Elliot stepped back, "what are you doing here, you left home" he stated. The woman’s eye's started to tear up, "Elliot is that you" she ran towards him. Elliot he got out of the way of her; she looked at him, "you've grown so big, I came back so we can be a family again" she looked like she was hurt by his actions. "You can see you're younger sister for the first time" he was shocked by her words, "what younger sister?" he asked. She laughed a little sadly, "that’s right you probably don't remember her I mean I left when you were three and she was one" She grabbed Elliot's hand. "Don't touch me!" he yelled "why are you back all of a sudden if you wanted me to be your family again why now?" it sounded like he was pleading. She smiled, "you're father took you away from me and I don't like you to be surrounded by these creatures" he froze at that word. He fixed Tohru on his back, "how do you know about them" he glared. Tohru busted into flames. Elliot dropped her. "Elliot..." his mother said.”What is that?" "Come back to me please." "We can be a family again... me, you, your father, and your little sister!" She said grabbing at him. Elliot looked at Tohru. "Dad is dead... Mom. We were never a family!" He said changing into wolf form. His mom looked at him with widened eyes, she turned ghost white. "What did he do to you...?” Just than a girl emerged from behind her. "Raven, get back from that monster!" Elliot's mother screamed. That hurt Elliot, Elliot, in order to control his anger, picked up Tohru on his back and fled. He ran towards the dorms, he stopped when he got to the front, and sat down stomach aching. He put Tohru on the ground softly, "what caused you to go into flames like that again?" His stomach hurt he used a lot of energy running. He kept seeing his mothers face over and over; a sound was heard from the side. Elliot growled at it Raven appeared out of the corner of the building, "Elliot?" she smiled and walked toward him. He went back into human form, "Raven mom will be mad at you if you're around me" he patted her head. She hugged Elliot, "what are you?","I missed my big brother, but when I had seen you I was scared" she started to cry. Tohru woke up. "E-Elliot?" She mumbled opening her eyes to see him with a girl about 2-3 years younger than him. Elliot let go of the little and told her to go back to her mother. She refused and as much as it hurt him he growled. He picked up Tohru again and ran off. "Elliot-onisama!!!!" The little girl screamed. But Elliot ignored her. It's best this way. He thought, he couldn't help but to let out a tear. Tohru looked up at him not fully conscious. "Elliot..." She said. She was ghost white. "What is wrong?" she asked. "Nothing and why the hell did you burn my back a while ago" he let some of his anger vent out on her. He stopped, "were going in circles" his feet gave way, "damn it" Tohru got up. "Where is Akaito?" she looked at him, but Elliot didn't really here her, "Natsumi we'll have to stay here for awhile" he clutched the ground. "What happened, are you alright?" Tohru asked. Elliot was shaking. "Come on don't pass out please! Help!" She reached down and picked him up. That's right I am stronger now. She thought. She started to run. She ran all the way to her dorm. She put Elliot in her bed and ran outside. "I need to find a kitchen, the last time Elliot was this way it was because he couldn't eat!" She said aloud. Elliot was sweating, he was so weak. He was falling in and out of sleep. Tohru found the school cafeteria. I hope they have raw meat!! She thought. As she was walking up the stairs to the chef's kitchen there was a loud slam of the cafeteria's doors. She ran and hid. Wait if I can have outbursts of fire, I wonder if I can control it. She thought real hard of hot things. About camp fires, and fire in general. Just then she felt heat spread through her body. She harnessed it. Then right when she heard the footsteps were to close for comfort she let go of all that frustration and energy! Wham!! She hit Akaito. He went flying back. "Oh no!" Tohru screamed. Elliot was slipping into sleep, his eyes flickered open and closed sometimes the regular blue other times the yellow of a wolves. He looked around not knowing where he was, he tried to sit up, but failed. He didn't see Tohru, he wondered where she went, and Elliot then heard a crash down stairs. Elliot rolled out of the bed and used the wall for him to stand up, "damn" he barely said. "Akaito! Akaito... Are you okay? Akaito... Please be alive!!!" She ran over to him. He wasn't moving. "Oh! Akaito, I'm so sorry!" She started to cry. "I promise I'll do whatever you say, just stay alive!!!!" He's not breathing!!! She thought, then she thought if they breathed. There was an eerie presence in the room. But she didn't care, she ignored it. Akaito was bleeding, she decided that if she gave him her blood he would get better. Like in the movies. She slit her wrist and tried to give it to him. He couldn't swallow. He's still alive! She thought, because Akaito's fangs came out, probably from the smell if blood. She decided to do something she thought she never would do in her life! "Akaito, please don't die!!!" She whispered. She took in her own blood and kissed him, forcing the blood down his throat. But before she could finish, something grabbed her and flung her across the room. Another crash was heard from the same place, Elliot just got to the door. Night opened Tohru's room, "Tohru headmaster asked me to check on you" he saw Elliot , "what are you doing Elliot" he noticed how pale he was. "Damn it Elliot I told you to eat something, and where is Tohru" He grabbed Elliot and started for the kitchen. "I'll have to help you first" they soon got to the Cafeteria. When they walked in Tohru was pinned against the wall. The person holding her there was the same person who threatened her before. Akaito was lying on the ground unconscious. Night changed into wolf form and lunged after the mystery guy. He jumped out the window but dropped Tohru, it was clear that his intention to take her with because he hesitated but saw Night and continued. Elliot fell to the floor and began crawling towards her and Night. Night, now in human form, ran into the kitchen and got some meat. He gave it to Elliot. Elliot had no choice but to eat it. After he was done he felt refreshed and reenergized! Night looked at him and nodded toward Tohru. Elliot ran toward Tohru, "Tohru you okay" he was still quite dizzy, but cleared the area of glass around her. He noticed her wrist was bleeding, then took a cloth and wrapped it around her wrist. Elliot walked to Akaito and lifted him, "what are you doing" he shook him violently. Akaito had blood around his mouth. "Damn!" It smelt like Tohru's. She must've tried to feed it to him. Akaito started to awaken. Elliot laid him on the ground. "Where's Tohru?" Akaito asked. She was lying on the ground with a lot of cuts. She wasn't breathing. Elliot ran over to her when he noticed this. "Akaito, I think she's... dead..." He said, his voice shaking. "No... She can't be!" Akaito got up limping, he licked his lips, and he tasted her blood. "She saved me.." he said meekly. Akaito walked over to her. "Is there any way we can save her?" Elliot asked. "I don't know, we can try!" Akaito said sadly without any hope in his voice. He bit his wrist and fed it to Tohru. It went down but nothing happened. He gave more to her. She didn't respond in any way. "She's really dead...! Akaito looked at her she looked peaceful. But then she started to cough. She violently started coughing the color started to return to her cheeks. Elliot look shocked at this, "she was hungry?" he said half-heartedly. Night came over and helped her up, Akaito looked relieved. Elliot then grabbed Akaito by the collar of his shirt, "you owe us an explanation" he pushed him away. Night then walked in front of the two because it looked like they were going to fight, "he owes Tohru an apology not you" he glared. Elliot looked back at him, "I'm just as much a part of this!" he then heard something, "you did you do that to him" it was his mother. "Get out of here woman! You do not belong here!!" Just then the little girl came out from behind her. "Don't talk to my mommy that way!" She said. Then she transformed into some horrible thing. "What is that!" Akaito asked. Night answered. It's a demon, it uses humans to get what they want. They can put false memories and emotions into the victim’s minds. Elliot thought. That is why I couldn't remember ever having a sister. "Damn, I'm so stupid!!!" He said changing into wolf form. His mother passed out and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Elliot stopped in shock. "The demon used your mother, he ate her life." Night said in a saddened tone. "Elliot I am sorry..." Elliot was so angry he just lunged at the demon. The girl tried to fool with his mind again, and appeared as Elliot's father. "Why would you go after me?" Elliot couldn't take it anymore he let the beast in him take over. Tohru asked, "Did she kill Elliot's father too?" Night looked at her, "most likely not, the demon can also take on a form that the mind wishes to see most" he said. A scream from the demon, "stop I'm sorry" Elliot kept on attacking. Elliot didn't stop until the demon was ripped apart blood everywhere. The demon's remains disappeared in a wisp of smoke just like Elliot's mother did. Elliot changed back into human form and was breathing heavy. He looked back at Tohru. He was covered in blood and his shirt was torn. He collapsed, simultaneously Tohru did too. "All the more reason for me to come with you" he started to walk toward the door, Tohru went in front of him. "Will you stop that" he freaked out a little she stopped him from getting out, “you have to promise you won't do anything please" Elliot narrowed his eyes. "Fine" he left the room Night was on the other side, "I know you're not going to do that" he whispered, "you're damn right I'm not" he whispered back low enough for her to not hear. Night grabbed his shoulder before leaving, "you know she's going to hate you if you do this" he told him. Elliot laughed a little, "I thought that’s what you wanted?" Elliot forgot his bag. So he walked his way back in the nurses office, "I forgot my bag" he said to Tohru. But Tohru was not in the room. The window was wide open, sunlight was beaming in. Elliot ran to the window. Tohru was sitting on the roof ogling with her katana. "Oy!" Elliot yelled out the window. "Ya!" She yelled back. "What're you doing?" He asked. "Jumping down..." She said as she jumped. "I hope none of the day class kids saw that." Elliot said. When he turned around there was Night in his face. Elliot, out of reflex, punched him. "Don't do that!" He yelled. It knocked the wind out of Night. Elliot then picked up his bag and ran out the door leaving Night there to cringe. He couldn't help but laugh at what happened to Night, Elliot ran up to the roof, “you made sure no one had seen you right" he looked around. He sighed a bit; "you have to be more careful" he sat down then layed on his back. When someone spoke, "I saw her" he sat right back up. Elliot looked at the girl, "hey Natsumi what are we going to do" Tohru kind of looked at him with an awkward smile. He sighed once more, "she's Ami Hinata from our class she's kind of shy though" she informed. Ami lifted her glasses back to her eyes, "what is she?" she said shyly. Elliot walked over to her, "what do you mean what is she?" he tried to act like she was hallucinating things. "Um... Well, She... Uh... just jumped off the roof and well... survived." She said fiddling with her hair. "That roof?" Elliot asked playing dumb. "Ummm... Yes." She said looking down. "Well, I can explain this for you, girl, I can do that too, but that is because the new headmaster is experimenting on us." Elliot said pretending to be afraid. "He takes these long needles filled with god knows what and then injects us with it." She looked up at him frightened. "R-R... really?" She asked nervously. Elliot shook his head yes. "But please, don't tell anybody. He'd kill us if word got out. Ok?" Elliot asked with puppy dog eyes. She nodded and ran off. "Wow, Elliot..." Tohru said."That had to be the lamest story I've ever heard... and she believed it!!" She said laughing. He started to laugh, "I can't believe she did" He fell down laughing, "So I do experiments on you do I?" Headmaster said behind him. Elliot sat up, "uh hey what are you doing here" he asked, Tohru started to then laugh at Elliot. Headmaster wasn't laughing, "it’s not funny I don't want my students to think that I perform experiments on students!" he whined. Tohru and Elliot both laughed really hard. "Please don't kill us headmaster." Tohru pretend pleaded. "Yes, we promise not to spill the beans anymore." Elliot said. They cracked up even harder. "Wait a minute; aren't vampires supposed to burst into flames when in the sunlight?" Tohru asked, while wiping the tear from her eye. "Wow, you do read a lot of manga..." The Headmaster said. "Why does everybody say that?" Tohru said all huffy. "Because you do!" Said Elliot. The headmaster than said. "No, we do not burst into flames and we are not allergic to garlic, we can touch crosses, and holy water does not bother us." He said rolling his eyes. "Kewl! What does hurt you?" Tohru asked. "Silver... and a stake through the heart would kill anybody don't ya think?" He said getting irritated. "Well, I came out here to enjoy the weather, but you two ruined it." He said. Elliot got up to stretch; "well we should get to work Natsumi" he took out the stick that the headmaster gave him from before. Both Natsumi and the Headmaster laugh, "it’s just too funny seeing you with that" Elliot looked at them angry, "even you headmaster you were the one who gave it to me!" he hit them both over the head with it. "But it's not dark yet." Tohru complained. "Yea, well it was a half day!" He said. Tohru could tell he just wanted to get away from the headmaster. "Ok..." She said disappointed. "Oh, and Tohru..." The headmaster said. "Akaito was looking for you." He said. "Well, tell him I'll be hiding." She said with a giggle. She and Elliot were off. "Hey Elliot?" She asked. "Yea..." He said. "Wanna have a race to see who's fastest?" She asked with excitement. "Why do you want to find out a stupid thing like that?" he asked, "besides we would need a big wide open space" he looked at Tohru who was giving the puppy eyes. Using his own trick against him; he looked for a way to escape the eyes, "why are you going to hide from Akaito any way" Elliot tried to avoid the race at all cost. "Because..." She said over dramatically. "I really don't like him. I mean I appreciate him saving me and all, but I have this weird feeling about him." She said trailing off as if falling into deep thought. "Anyways..." She said changing the subject. "Are you just afraid I will kick your but at something as simple as a race?" She said egging him on. "You... beat me... awww, I see what you’re trying to do. Act your age! We are guardians, we protect, not play. There is no time for play." Elliot said. But when he looked at Tohru, she sighed. "Fine..." She said all huffy. "But we need to keep out of Akaito's sight ok?" She asked. "You are a weird one..." Elliot said with a smile. They began to search around the area; "well all we have to do is check the sporting area and pool area" he told Tohru. They went to check the pool out first Elliot stopped at the gate, "all right go ahead and check the pool area" he pushed Tohru forward. Tohru then looked at him, "why do I always have to check the pool area?" Elliot looked away, "oh and in gym class when we have to swim you never swim" the gears grinded in her head. She then started to laugh, "Don’t tell me you can't swim!" Elliot blushed at that, “a lot of people can't swim ok" he punched her in the area. She glared back at him then had a look around. "All Clear!" She said with a thumb up. "Oh really..." Said an all too familiar voice behind her. "Boo!" She screamed. Turned around and pushed him into the pool. "Don't do that you pedo!!!" She yelled after him. Ker splash!!! She waited for him to resurface, after a minute or so she was getting worried. "Oops! What if he can't swim?" She asked Elliot. But Elliot was too busy laughing. She stripped down into her undershirt and undershorts then dove in. She didn't see him anywhere down there. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She turned around and there was Akaito not moving, the eerie silence of the underwater didn't help. All she could hear was her own heartbeat echoing in her ears. "Oh no!!" She said underwater sending hundreds of little air bubbles. Elliot was still laughing, Akaito didn't take it too well, and “you were helping her avoid me weren't you" he glared. Elliot stopped laughing and looked back, "so what if I was?" Elliot glared back. Tohru was just happy that she had a chance that she could get away. Akaito walked over to Elliot and grabbed him by his shirt, then threw him quickly into the pool. Akaito's body disappeared and another splash from up ahead. Tohru was running out of air. She swam quickly to the top and saw Akaito laughing her heart almost stopped. Where was Elliot? She looked over she saw a black mass struggling. Tohru dove under again. There was Elliot, he was moving slower and slower. Tohru reacted fast she swam over to him and swam as fast as she could to the top of the pool. She threw Elliot over the side and got out. He wasn't breathing. She performed CPR. She checked his pulse. It was slowing. She had no choice but to perform mouth to mouth. He had a lot of water in his lungs. Akaito now sorry for what he did, said. "I'm so sorry I didn't know..." "Shut up!" She barked at him. She performed the mouth to mouth procedure. Akaito looked away. After a few times of CPR, Elliot started to cough up the water in his lungs. Coughing up all the water Elliot looked around the area seeing Tohru above him, he sat up coughing more. He stood up cautiously, "are you okay Elliot?" she asked him. Elliot walked over to Akaito and pushed him into the gate then left the swimming area, "I'll check the rest" he dashed off to the sports area. "Why'd you do that?" Tohru demanded. "I didn't know he couldn't swim!" He said innocently. He looked at her all soaking wet. She had to be freezing, he thought. She had nothing on but her undergarments. He took off his uniform jacket and handed it to her. "Take it..." He said. She blushed. "No!" She ran over to her clothes and her weapon and began dressing. "I'm perfectly fine with my own clothes, thank you!" She said all snooty. "So why have you been avoiding me?" He asked. "Me, avoid you!" She rolled her eyes and acted offended. "Never!" She said sarcastically, squeezing the chlorine out of her hair. "My father passed your message." He said with straight eyes. She flung her hair over her shoulder. "Well, if you must know, I really don't like you!" She said flatly. He looked taken back at her comment. "Why?" He asked with saddened eyes. "Do you think I want to spend the rest of my life having random outbursts of fire, and drinking your blood?" She asked him, tears welling in her eyes. "Didn't think so!" She said, and ran off. Akaito walked over to the pool and looked at his reflection. "Why does she hate me?" He asked to himself. He splashed the water making his reflection ripple. Elliot was on the soccer field some students were playing on it. "Hey get off the field and back to the dorms" he yelled at them. Still they did not move he walked toward the three people left. It was the girls he meet in the hall before, "still haven't figured out what we meant little boy" the oldest said. Tohru was running towards the sports fields when a something hit her. She let out air. Was I just gut punched? She thought. Right there in front of her was the big buff night class student from before. She dropped to her knees. "How'd that feel, little girl?" He asked starting to drool. She looked up at him with red eyes. She felt that burning sensation again. "How dare you hit a guardian?" She asked angrily. He backed up obviously not expecting her to yell at him let alone float. Fire started to emit everywhere around her. If they were inside the school would be toast by now, luckily they were on the track field. "Tohru, stop." Said a very concerned headmaster, who appeared from nowhere. "Why should I?" She asked him ready to attack. "Because I asked you too and because you are a guardian and guardians do not kill the students." He said looking at her with interest. "He attacked me; I'm going to teach him a lesson... in proper etiquette toward women!! She yelled throwing a fire ball at him. She missed but it sure as hell scared the wolf. Akaito, now on the field, walked up to her and whispered something in her ear. She immediately stopped and ran toward the soccer field. They all watched her as she sped away. “Go after her!” The headmaster told Akaito. He nodded than vanished. "As for you!" Said the headmaster. "20 days suspension!" The wolf whimpered but did not argue. Elliot glared at the three of them, "so if I'm not mistaken are you the ones who killed him" they smiled a little. The smallest one walked up toward him, "I suppose we could be a suspect" they all laughed. The middle one finally spoke, "Elliot Cross we are not here to get in a fight with you I am here to tell you that our father would like to meet you" she seemed to be the leader. He calmed down a little," and what if I say I don't want to meet with him?" he clenched his fist. "Then I guess" they pulled out Ami, "will have to take her to father and later will ask Natsumi Tohru to come and visit" Ami started to cry. He clenched his fists more then stopped, "fine, put the girl down" he admitted defeat, "not until we get to where we need to be" she argued the deal with him. Tohru was running so fast she felt as if she wasn't even touching the ground. She looked down. She wasn't. "Agh!" She yelled and tripped over herself. Was I just flying? She asked herself in thought. No back to Elliot! She shook her head. She tried to fly again but failed. She reached the soccer field. No one, wait up ahead. It was a person. No a lot of persons. She ran over there as fast as she could. "Look what the cat dragged in." Said a girl with really long and wavy hair. "Speak of the human." Said another one with Jet black, straight as a needle, hair. Elliot growled. "Ami?" Tohru asked. The girl from her class. She looked scared half to death. "What's going on?" Tohru said. She walked up and showed the girls her arm band. "As a guardian it is my duty to ask you three to leave this day class student alone, punishment for disobeying is suspension or expulsion!" She said in an "I win" tone. Just then the girl with Jet Black hair that was straight went to attack Tohru, "hold it, He has all ready agreed to come with us" the medium sized girl called off her sister. Elliot looked like he was about to jump in the way of the attack, Tohru looked at Elliot in confusion. Elliot then walked and stood by the girls, "I'll be right back don't worry about Ami I'll make sure she won't get hurt" they then started to walk away. "Oh no you don't!!!" Tohru said. "We are a family and family sticks together!" She said dead serious. "You've got to be kidding me!" Said one of the girls. Elliot blushed. "This is neither the time nor the place." They began walking again. "I am coming with!" Tohru said. "Fine, human, just do not cause us any problems." Said the middle one. They let Ami go, she apparently fainted. "Humans..." Said the one with wavy hair. They all disappeared into the night. Akaito arriving at the scene found Ami. "What the hell?" He said looking at the girl. He picked her up. She smelt of night walkers. "Dammit!" he said.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.05.2010

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