
God's way of touching your heart!

My dear friend! How are you? (wie geht’s?)

Majority of us, normally our regular routine is through- waking up in morning, going to work for eight to ten hours (whether from offices, field work, school work, or house work), time with friends and family and then sleep-is actually already our loaded routine every day. But now all of us suddenly experienced the unprecedented thing that struck or hit us by an instant. All over the world, people are house quarantined and wandering what will happen after the pandemic crisis especially to us, average to middle earner individuals. In short, how we will surpass or overcome this trial if this crisis wasn’t ever happen even before and there are no such pattern mainly to cure immediately the virus and to be given by our health organization and majority of our economy, businesses, work places are in down situation. It is like a movie in theaters that most of us patronized or love to watch.

But at one point in your life, did you also realize, this pandemic was not different for a person who had a cancer and not for long he/she will about to go to heaven. Many of successful entrepreneurs are now leading and having webinars in different platforms in the internet, just to let the majority of our people and their employees to remind and help them to anticipate and prepare them for the coming days and months. We all knew that we really need their assistance and guidance to equip and also lead our way thru such crisis like this. But my friend, is this pandemic is our great worries and problem in life? Let me also remind you, before this pandemic arrived to us, most of us we already had problems and worries that we want to resolve and at least to lessen in our lives. Similar to what I’d said, we had problems in health, relationship in our family, spouse, or friends), financial problem, work problem. Even the problems or worries of other people, we also get involved. There is a saying in our Filipino proverbs “humans with no worries in life are now six feet underground already” (“ang mga taong walang problema sa mundong ito ay iyong six-feet underground na”). In other words, one problem of a person is not enough, there are now tremendous problems all around us that


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Lektorat: Manuel Bulseco III/ bookrix
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.04.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-3711-7

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