


The Story Begins


Perhaps at some point in our lives, we would want to amend the mistakes that brought trouble not only to ourselves but to the people that we hurt. Most of us are similar to the world we live in, and in our modern times, the most common thoughts that will usually remind us are those biographies of the writer, why he or she thought to write and share his life. Honestly, I don't like to read books or write things when it comes to my personal life. I started writing these simple but serious things in my life in 2013, but up to now, I haven't finished it yet. The reason why I wrote this journal was because of the community that me and my family are going through and, at the same time, how our lives are exposed in this form of petty corruption. But I was more inspired to continue, basically because of fear and anxiety about what it may bring in the future. Later, I will give more emphasis on the circumstances that I’m pointing to and somehow remind our civilians understanding of how it could affect the lives and the way we adapt this to our personal lives. This act of whistle blowing was my personal decision, and my family members and other relatives do not have any attachment to this. Courage and strong will, along with good intentions, to allow myself to stand and do what is just for the people, our freedom, our democracy, and what is really states on our Philippine constitution. Throughout history, our slogan has usually been, "The youth are the hope of our nation." Every first quarter of the year, there are new graduates from different schools. There are groups of degree holders in each institution, whether they are newly elected officers from public or private entities. Our youth are the hope of our nation. However, at every pace of life face, there are many practices that combine common cultural and physical exercises. By a simple analogy, there are acts that are not part of our legal system that are being processed, developed, and passed on to every generation. This is the common culture of deception and dishonesty that most of our government tolerates, whether from the media, public or private institutions. It's been part of the system in doing transactions, but sad to say, it is not legal nor pertaining to any Republic Acts or related laws. It could be more considered as a culture with corrupted behavior and norms by different civilians. It is a global crisis that needs to be addressed by many of us if we want to reduce the problematic corruption, civil war, drugs, money laundering, and others. What should our parents do to stand against corrupt behavior? There were activities that were tempting, violent, and against our legal rights. One of the reasons why I’m also hesitant to continue these is because of the sensitivity that might open and give expansion through the minds of everyone. The pages which I have written have their own evidence, but up to this moment, I am still searching for simple words to encourage everybody to stand and do their part in advocating our battle against corruption. I'd like to share these thoughts in order to achieve true freedom by narrowing and putting more accountability on every civilian in every type of malpractice lingering around our society, developing municipalities, and cities that we can't even notice or stop. I included our government's structure and the various laws enshrined in our constitution. We need to accept the fact that we are still in the early stages of development and many of us are still ignorant when it comes to our constitutional laws. Such as Republic Act 386 Chapter 2 Human Relations and the Philippine Constitution, Article III Section 3, which pertain to our right to privacy. There are large groups of people, and even families, who engage in these acts in a contradictory manner and use them as a way of life. Most of the time, we ignore these acts. And the people who facilitate contradicting ways will try to propagate their corrupt exercises until we are now influenced by these corrupted behaviors. And this is the reason why most of us are distant when it comes to our related laws. In everyday life, it is seldom acknowledged and strictly implemented, like in the Public Attorney’s Office, lawyers', and notary offices. In fact, even school teachers and government officials don't give our citizens a major emphasis and explanation of what it means and the importance of complying with these laws.



Every now and then, I tried watching a program about anti-corruption practices, and one of the Filipino programs I downloaded was entitled "Psychology of Corruption" by TV 5 (Bilang Pilipino 2016, Anong say mo!) The program was for the coming election in our country. I had this deeper advocacy from the time I watched the program. Simple program, but packed with constructive criticism for our country and civilians. Because of the program, it opened my mind to understand what is happening inside a person and why it becomes a social norm and cultural behavior. Today we live in a community where there are different forms of practices that are being conducted and have a regular routine day by day. Before I go deeper, please give me time to introduce myself. I’m 40 years old, a single man, and have never had my own family. I did not have time to flirt, maybe because of the struggles our parents had experienced, so as much as possible, I am more comfortable being alone with God and Jesus. Right now I’m working in the BPO as a representative for Globe clients. This was my first time working in the industry. My previous job was in retail, and I lasted in this industry for over 11 to 13 years. My last employer was at Toy 'R Us, the world's greatest toy store. Maybe most of you are very familiar with this retail store. You heard it right, this company was the rivalry of SM's Toy Kingdom. I do know if you are a new baby boomer customer or employee, and the competition is a bit changed by now. In a small company, Kids Gallery and Infant Product Gallery Corp., I worked as an associate and a concessionaire. Our products that we provide are generally battery operated cars and assorted toy products with generic brands that come from other foreign countries. I’d known several talented employees who I'd been with for many years and up to this day. On one hand, there are those frequent customers who will give you an extra tip as long as they appreciate the service you gave them, and on the other hand, there are those frequent customers who will make some employees feel down. Others will make you smile and laugh, but you must always be aware of those customers who will adopt your human personality. I’m the youngest of the two. Me and my elder sister. Right now, our date and time is March 25, 2020, and a lot of things are happening. To be specific about the event, it has been 2 weeks since we were quarantined at home and this was because of the Corona Virus or COVID-19. I attempted once more to write and finish my story. From this moment, I was inactive at my present job because of the pandemic that affected most of our country and the whole continent. But it was a privilege because of the time I had to spend with my family and attend other courses where I could improve some of my skills. This event almost put everybody on hold. A lot of businesses and employees stopped and closed their establishments because a large number of our civilians were put in home quarantine because of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.04.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-3448-2

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