
Just As You Are

24/7 chaos taking me by the hand now

I lose my mind/religion to gridlock

Smelling the roses in Grandma's garden  

A lost soul drifts towards meditation

Tomorrow brings more PTA's  

A cold beer in my hand  


Realizing that my present is not my future; A blank wall stares at a somber character.

Another Reflection

Moments leaving me barely conscious

exist within a long-lost past

Fools try

Fools cry  

Memories become a marker to surreal  thoughts

"Golden Boys" fall from grace  

Early morning showers come/go  

Another sinner repents

Moving down "The Yellow Brick Road"

Finding Nemo..


The bi-polar brain is winding down quickly

 Manic activity reaches a point of climax

 Dreams become impossible at the moment

 Internal angst sets the tone of my psyche

 All alone with pen/paper

 Ideas come/go at the speed of light

 Serious fellows ponder

 The poet thinks deeply while writing  

 Words enclosing a melancholy brain anew

 Lost in space?

Pondering the meaning of  everything; I search far/wide for answers that will emancipate my psyche.

Refusing to follow the yellow brick road beyond the "danger" zone; I listen to sleepy politicians giving "robotic" speeches hoping to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.01.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-8746-6

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Dedicated to what could be possible. Imagination plus faith plus hope equals the future.

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