
The Begining

Lightning flashing. The sky pitch black. Thunder crackling its message of despair. Then a child screams fearfully as a dark mysterious figure looms above. The creature grabbed her and dragged her out of the window. The child watches as the creature jumped of the roof running, unfazed. They went into the forest never to be seen again. That child was me Amelia Rose Hughes, turns out that “creature” was my brother, James Alexander Hughes. Oh I forgot to mention that he is a vampire. Turns out the people who were taking care of me before planned to use me as a weapon when I awakened. There was some legend that I the first vampire with violet eyes would be the strongest vampire ever. So yeah that kind of meant that a lot of people, (aka that stand for all types of evil creatures) wanted to either kill or use me as a weapon.
You probably want to know what happened that made my brother come find me so I’ll tell you. Apparently there was a raid at the family mansion I was five, and almost all my family died. The Fabricators (aka someone who could change your memory) made me forget about my family, my friends. When my brother found were I was being hid he knew he would have to get me out very discreetly. Wow if that was the discreet then I wouldn’t want an “indiscreet” rescue. Since that day my brother is around all the time, I mean like he sleep s right outside my door. He is every single one of my classes. I mean hot guys usually don’t even talk to me because there scare of my brother, not that I blame them. My brother says once I get to my full strength he will back off a bit, I doubt it.
This is my first day at The Royal Academy of the Arts. I walk out as dashing as I always am I turn heads as I walk to my locker is the bottom one so I had to bend down to open it, that earned some whistles. I got up and strutted to my first period class surprise, surprise my brother seems to be the teacher. I caught some guys gawking at the sight of me so I blew a kiss at them, you should have seen their faces it was priceless. Then this really hot guy sit next to me I could tell he thought he was a hotty so I winked at him and said
“Do you mind, my friend over there was about to sit there” she said pointing to the dorkiest guy in the room.
He smirks and says “Nah I got here first”
I pout and say “Sure you could sit here.” I got up and sat next to the dork and give him my best smile as I sat next to him.
A guy in the class room says “Wow Tray you just got owned.”
The class bursts into laughter as Tray struggled to keep a straight face. His face got redder and redder, then I hear the teacher’s voice say it’s time for class to start so be quiet. Everyone grew deathly silenced… my brother has a way of scaring people senseless. Any way my brother goes on talking in a monologue about his “life”. I catch Tray looking in my direction and I wave.

When I heard about the new girl being hot, it turn out she is sizzling hot, to bad she is wearing sunglasses over her eye; they had to be spectacular. She has a great sense of humor, but something was off about her. I mean I felt she had a lot of power I mean I should know I’m the Prince of the vampires. I couldn’t wait to see James my old pal…
“Hey, old buddy where have you been?”
“Tray it has been a long time.”
“So have you found your sister yet?”
He smiles and says “Maybe.”
“Dude that’s great, so will I meet miss spectacular soon?”
“You already have.”
“Wait you mean that hot new girl is your sister?”
“Watch it you’re talking about my little sister” He says passive aggressively.
“No harm done, but I have to go.”
“Can she know about me?”
“Sure and if you want to come puppy dog follow me.”
“Man why do you want to hurt my ego so bad???”
I can’t believe my brother Mr. Punctual is actually late at our new meeting place at Café Blanca. I finally see him walking with Tray form my school?????? When they sit next to me I say
“Hope you guys had a great make time making out>”
Tray says “Screw you!”
I say “No thanks you’re not my type.”
“If I wanted to I could make myself your type but I don’t want to.”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night when you think about how you don’t have the amazing me.”
“Okay children stop talking” James says venomously.
Tray and I both crack up laughing at how my brother thinks he can control me just like his students.
Then he breaks of the laughter and says “He knows.”
“After you telling me not to tell anyone you tell someone yourself this is priceless.”
“I only told him because he is my best friend and your future husband.”
“What” Tray and I say at the exact same time.
“So you know he’s a prince and you’re the last princess so it’s only natural. I mean why else wouldn’t I let you have a social life.”
“I thought it was because you were over protective.”
“I am not marrying him.”
“You will trust me because you’re going to fall in love with him.”
“Wow he must have done something to make you this crazy.”
“Oh it’s time to go meet his family about now.”
“You heard me let’s go.”
That was a surprise finding out I’m engaged to this temptress. Well it was a pleasant surprises none of the less. I wonder if her brother packed up her stuff he knows the custom. I wonder how I’m going to stand being married right now and spending a month alone (sort of) with this amazing temptress.
I wonder why my brother is getting me dressed up in this amazing purple dress he chose himself. Something is going on maybe they’re going to throw a surprise ball in my honor? For some reason I highly doubt it. It turns out I was right at Tray’s house we had a strange meeting that was in a language I didn’t understand, at the end of it they said you are now married go to the cottage. My mouth hanging open at thought of marrying him.
Then I say “You got to be kidding me, I’m not marrying him.”
My brother says “You already have.”
I storm of and then Tray stops me by saying “wow you’re really excited about our honey moon aren’t you.”
“As if”
“This is going to be fun”
“I’m not marrying you.”
“You already did”
“How was I supposed to know what that meeting was supposed to mean”
“You could have asked your brother.”
“You know he wouldn’t have told me.”
“So what is the whole cottage thing about?”
“Oh that is where we will spend our honey moon at.”
“Already told you I’m not marrying you!”
“And I told you already are.”
“Stop saying that already, first my brother now you.”
“Calm down Miss Spectacular.”
“I dare you to call me that again.”
“Miss Spectacular”
I grab him and say “Do you really want to get me madder.”
“Yes because you look really hot right now.”
“Amelia put lover boy down gently.” James says threateningly.
“Oh you mean not like this???” I say throwing him across the room.
“Ouch” Screams Tray.
“Let me talk to her alone”
“Sure” Tray says leaving.
“So why didn’t you tell me?”
“I knew you would act this way.”
“This is so messed up; I thought you would always be there to take care of me.”
“Look I will always watch over you but more and more powerful beings are coming to get you before you’re fully awakened.”
“But why is it more dangerous”
“They found more of the prophesy.”
“What does it say?”
“Let’s just say you were reborn from one of our strongest ancestors who never got the chance to fully awaken.”
“Do you mean Alicia Von Benedict?”
“Oh no does that mean Tray is Brandon Lane reborn??”
“Does that mean I’m going to have to destroy Tray?”
“No it means that you need to be with him to help control him.”
“How will I be able to control him?”
“Don’t you remember that he went insane after she left him?’
“Yeah well, if you stay with him this time he shouldn’t go on a killing spree like last time.”
“Why did she leave him?”
“She didn’t realize how great her love was for him in time.”
“So does Tray know this?”
“No and he shouldn’t find out.”
“When did they find the scroll of prophesy?”
“Two months ago”
“I hope he never finds out.”
My Mind went blank then I saw a woman running into a forest looking behind her. A dark shadow flew past her, and then engulfs her in darkness. Then a Loud noise drew me out of my day dream as my brother screamed at me to wake up.
“What happened?
“You passed out”
“That has never happened to me before.”
“I know”
“So what made me pass out?”
Tray comes in looking nervous as he says “Are you ready to go?”
“Look I’m go to go but you better not try doing anything to me.”
“Fine I’ll leave you alone
“Okay let’s go.”
As we leave his house Tray waves at his parents, then walks to a Ferrari that was jet black. We both get in the car and he starts driving. The scenery is absolutely gorgeous with lakes and rivers all around us. As the hours pass by I start to get sleepier then I finely caved into my sleep when I found out we had five more hours to get there.
I sat there thinking of what all happened today, wondering if it could be crazier. I mean I’m married to a super woman that happens to be ultra-hot. I just noticed she was a sleep I sigh what a relief I don’t have to worry about her trying to escape. Then all of the sudden the car pool stops and I am looking at the biggest werewolf I have ever seen.
I woke up sensing something was wrong I see trying to fight this huge werewolf. I’m all like ughhh now I have to go and save him. I used my vampire speed to get behind him and pull out my revolver made for situations like this, and I shoot though his back he screams angrily slowly sliding to the ground.
“Wow you didn’t even use your powers and resorted to a gun.”
“Well it got the job down without me having to go all crazy in which I might of killed you, besides why should I waist my energy on one werewolf.”
“Why is that?”
“Never now if there just a decoy with a bigger army getting closer; so let’s get out of here.”
“Were to”
“I don’t know do you have any friends in this area.”
“I have a younger brother that lives close to here.”
“Lead the way.”
Tray runs through the forest leading the way to his brother’s house. In 45 minutes we get there.
“Hey Tray didn’t know you were coming to visit.”
“I did know either.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say I’m married and while we were driving to the cottage we were attacked by a werewolf.”
“Seriously… I wasn’t even invited, oh well so was it a powerful werewolf.”
“How did you kill it I didn’t my wife shot it in the back.”
“Awe no fist fight killing, is she that weak.”
“No quite the opposite she is James sister.”
“You mean the chosen one, so why didn’t she use her strength.”
“She said she didn’t want to waste her energy while there could be an army or something.”
“How weird is that?”
“Excuse me I don’t like it when people talk about me like I’m not here. Besides it would make sense to you if you only had my brother and yourself to keep their army of you usually they send a couple thousand, we always get so exhausted. Plus I didn’t think your brother was all that strong considering my brother could take four of those at one time as fast as lightning.”
“Wow Tray is she usually like this?”
“No usually she’s really sarcastic anyway; I need to call our parents.”
Wow I actually found someone more annoying than Tray. Tray goes into the hose and calls his parents. He is in there for a long time before he comes out and walks to his brother. Apparently we were going to stay here instead of the cottage, which I think is awesome.
“So where is my room?”
“I’ll show you” Tray said as he led me through the hall way “tada here it is”
“I hope your room is far away from mine. For your safety…”
“Actually yours and my room our connected.”
“You better be kidding, or I might have to beat you up again.”
“Don’t be so violent there are no other rooms left, there are banquets planned here all month, we were lucky to even get these rooms on such short notice.”
“Whoopy doo I’m going to go home.”
“When I was talking to my mom she told me something I have to tell you. It’s James he’s dead.”
“What do you mean he’s dead?”
“The Fabricators and the werewolves have joined forces so they could try to kill you.”
“What does that have to do with my brother?”
“They did the thousand cut torture then they killed him.”
“They messed with the wrong vampire!!!!!!!!! They are dead meat the whole lot of them!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Look that’s exactly what they want let me get my friends together and we’ll deal with this.”
“No more dying because of me I’m going alone.”
“No I am coming with you.”
“Just stay here if my brother couldn’t defeat them you definitely don’t have a chance.”
“Well that’s not going to stop me from avenging James death he was my best friend.”
“Fine but don’t get in my way.”

The begining of the end

Chapter 2 Fully Awakened
We speed across the road not caring about nothing other than getting rid of those useless scums who killed James but first we’re going to his funeral. He reeked of the Daren Broke Clan after the funeral A few of James closets friend joined in what was going to be the fight of their lives. As we sped across the road to the tribe of Nathor were it was going to be a terrifically horrible battle were a lot of werewolves would die. No one dared to speak as Amelia led them with a look that was more frightening than battle every one new she was almost awakened and would decimate all those in her way. She must be in a lot of pain. We continued to run as the sun went down. It was past midnight and everyone was tired Amelia agreed to wait until dawn to continue.
The only reason I agreed to stop was she could sense her brother was near. So I went into the forest alone, as I turned I saw him. Emotions took over and I ran to my brother and said “How are you alive they told me you were dead.”
“I had to fake my death, thank you for bringing my most loyal friends; I have to tell them what’s going on.”
“How about you tell me first?”
“Just come and all will be explained.”
“Hey everyone I have something to tell you.”
Everyone looks and screams
“Look you guys I faked my death because you all are in danger when they think I’m alive.”
“How is that possible??”
“They are going to try harder if they knew I was alive.”
“Because your parents gave me the last of their strength so I could protect you.”
“Don’t you mean our parents?”
“Ummmm. I’m not your brother your parent were my best friends and they told me to take care of you as if you were my little sister, so I did.”
I run everything I knew and loved was a lie. I couldn’t have just got back my brother to lose him again. Noticing I was surround by trees that were in full blossom. Tray walks hesitantly towards me and gives me a hug.
He says “I know your hurting, but you have to see he did it to keep his promise to your parents.”
“I know but I hate the fact that he didn’t tell me sooner.”
“You would act the same way you’re acting right now.”
“It hurts to find out he is alive, then to find out he is not my brother it was like losing him all over again.”
“Honey, he may not be your blood relative but, he will always be there for you.”
The sun was setting “We need to find my brother right now.”
“Yeah let’s go”
We started running to the place we last saw my brother he was surrounded by dead bodies. He looked like he was going to collapse.
“Amelia I love you take care I’m sorry that I am dying right after I just found you again.”
“No you can’t die, don’t leave me you still have to protect me.”
“Darling sister let me hug you for the last time. I’m surrounded by a pit of nothingness. The dark abyss is finally calling me back I give you the last of my strength.”
“I don’t want your strength I want you.”
“Bye, I will always love you sis.”
“No, don’t go.”
“Amelia he’s gone.”
“What am I going to do?”
“Live, complete your destiny.”
“How can I?”
“You have to or else his death will mean nothing.”
“How can you talk like that I thought he was your best friend?”
“He was and, I’m pretty sure he would want you to be happy and safe.”
“What about what I want?”
“Right now you are so confused, come on we should get out of here.”
“Where are we going?”
“To a place only your brother and I knew.”
“K let’s go.”
They held hands as they ran never talking, never stopping to rest because they knew that the fight had just begun. There enemies wouldn’t give up until they captured or kill her. It was time to face the music and take a stand, and this would end very soon. Nothing was going to stop her from avenging her brother’s death. Plus Tray is right by her side so everything should turn out alright.
“Is it really necessary for you to train me?”
“Yes because if we were to get attacked by an army I need to know you’re strong of to watch out for me, like you know I’ve got your back.”
“Makes sense”
“Enough for today you keep practicing I’m going to go make some food.”
Two days later…
“Come on Tray we have only ran 60 miles so far why are you so tired. I could do this in my sleep.”
“Well sorry I’m apparently not as amazing as you.”
“True but you got your looks.”
“Oh, so you’re extremely happy we are married aren’t you.”
“Now I am but before I thought you were really stuck up.”
“Ouch, that hurts.”
“Ah… poor baby.”
“Hey, that’s not a nice thing to say.”
“When did I say I was nice?”
“That’s true… Miss Spectacular.”
“Do you remember what happened the last time you said that?”
“Yeah, but you love me”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes I am.”
“Oh well I guess … oh that’s I do love you what gave it away.”
“Maybe the fact that you told me it yesterday”
“I did say that yesterday”
“Okay enough with the talking, it’s time to train”
“Oh so are you ready to lose?”
“Nope today is the day I win.”
“Feeling cocky are you”
“Do you want me to tie my hand so might win?”
“No thanks.”
“Alright get ready to lose.”
in the background I heard someone laughing. Then I felt as if there was an army coming.
“Good young grasshopper you have learned to sense your enemies” Amelia whispered.
“So what’s the plan?”
“It’s time to go ballistic and stomp them to the ground… are you ready for this?”
“Yeah let’s get the party started.”
“Okay I’ll take the left you take the right”
Just then they all stormed in a wave of soldiers.
One of the soldier said “We come in peace; we have come to protect the chosen ones”
“Wait what the heck is with army storming over here, then stopping saying “we come in peace””
“I don’t know but they must be really dim witted.”
“Would you have not attacked and killed a person who came alone”
“See that is why we had to use this way to be able to talk to you”
“Well hurry up and say what you need to say”

“We have come to protect the royal family the Great War is approaching and for our survival we need you to awaken to your full capabilities and lead us into the battle.”
“So who’s going to be against us?”
“All the other magical creatures”
“What about our allies?”
“They betrayed us”
“So why so you think I’m a Royal.”
“We traced your heritage and you are direct descendant of our Queen.”
“Alright where is this going to be at?”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2013

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