
In Antipathia - 2008


Those quips from your nips
Are suction cup tenticals
Sarcastic barnicals in the hull
Of bitter tabernacles

Abject, object, plank
Leave your foot prints at the bank
And as the sea washes them away
Their imprint will decide ocean's sway

Undulations and Bed Spread

The bones on her back pulsate
with every expectant breath
Caving in to the ridicule
of every lost escaping drop
Of the mana above her
balloon knot twisted teat
As your ribs are protruding into me
Like grimcrack artifacts erected in tribute
To a bed that's a little less colder than yesterday's

Conch Shell

There's a light in the attic
And I've fucking had it
Cus' your bass is scaring the haddock
And I can't fish any more
When you turn a tantrum
Better pray to your phantom
Clucking with boasted bantam
Pupa, go plant a chrysanthemum
Hiccup, cure
Call the sitter
When they erupt in crysalis
In months notice
Born of warts and bitter
An oil painting of you
Bloated in onus because this is
How not to have to dry the dishes

And they will howl

You've got a passion for fashion
And Christ as a vice
I've been wearing your thinking cap
And I got a headful of lice
Yesterday at the chapel
I baptised three blind mice
In trade for their seeing eye dog
To pull my sled through the ice
Afterall, alms giving has a price

When discontent met her winter
She said, "Wait for Spring, or maybe
I'll make your Summer one to remember."
We have an indecision for every season
And Athena's ryhme for every reason
Until the day we all fall down

Words for Scavenger Birds

Judas in the desert
The vulture flies full circle
Got some silver but still a peasant
Put some money in the bank
For the past for the present

As the blood drains out of you
And your skin turns a purple hue
And your eyes have lost their blue
And your veins are visable
Like smashed orange strands
Of a discarded pumpkin
And now instead of picking the vulture
The vulture is eating through
Instead of picking the vulture
The vulture is picking at you

A child born still
All because of your will
Cause you're your own merchant
Cause you're your own shill
And I got a lot of Ill Will
So when I am looking over you
You can swallow my control pill
And the blood rushes out of you
And your skin turns a purple hue
And innocent eyes have lost their blue
You can stare empty throated at the sun
In a diorama made of a baby's shoe box
And as the sun sets the vulture has eyes for you

The Period at the End of this Sentence

I am a man and a passionate beast
spending my time mourning the deceased
with the currency earned from my inner peace
in an empty bed where solace sleeps

Empathy for an Enemy

the fool on the hill
with his guitar straped to his hilt
she'll love him until
she see's another man on a stilt

God acts upon his own voliton
I wouldn't call myself a victim
she cheated on Chad like a Mission
maybe she'll do it again, again

some say the sparks will fly
when they were paid for by another guy
it didn't cost a fortune, that purple-pink tie
i purchased just as much as what you deny
don't worry nobody wants her back
we've already been stabbed in the eye
and when her crows feet attack
the birds of paradise can only sigh

come up from the water frog man
you swallowed too much in your snorkle
as your lungs collapse again
the narcissist, she'll chortle

Silver Bullets

We grew marigolds
to ward the Werewolves away
We read parables
to keep the evil spirits at bay

Upon reconciliation
on a lesbian's judgement day
the liars quagmire
drowns us anyway

She's got bad complexion
he has an erection
could cause an infection
too stupid from addiction
you're your own affliction
and the doctors on vacation

Archimedes’ Screw

All the wind in the world
Can't make the water rise to land
So when the turbine churns
It twists the wrist of fate but never turns the hand

When it's ripe for irrigation
I use the wrong nomenclature
Callouses covering frustration
The seeds are laid, that I'll bet you
An auger
Digging by water
All tied up in roots
There's no reverse on Archimedes' screw

The Absence

In the empty and through the absences
I am cherished, I am abstinent
I can't feel you even in your presence
You may be rich but your words are mere
If there is no one around
Will they even ever hear this sound
All I needed to learn was embedded in the ground
In the void existed the completion I've found


Naked in vomit
Now that you're charted
As often as Halley's comet
Like the seas are parted
Viewed from the Bunker Hill Monument

Reflux Reflex Reflection

I dream about the day
I can hear the soft
Sussation of your giggles
Through the gargled filter
Of the blood in your throat
Because these walls have ears
And I want to pierce them

Sticks and stones may break
Your bones
Eat your favorite bubble gum
And swallow it with gravy
Spend no worry because
Even when you're available
We wouldn't take you in our navy

Mary named her little lamb Adam
Because she knew you were
A pig and we'd never eat him
Sleep well tonight, my friend
Tomorrow, instead of chops
we are having ham

The Rules of the Road

when i saw you on the freeway
it was like a day hadn't passed
as i pictured your body on the pavement
passing through shattered glass
i sat and wondered
which mole was lacerated from first to last

look before you lane change, apply the brake and halt
too busy applying chapstick to kiss your diety
your soul spread out all over the asphalt
and there you were hemorrhaging pity

upon your carcass they gazed
sigalert on the 5 at 4:20
all respects were duly paid
even though they couldn't identify the body
a tribute of roses was still laid

Houston, we have a pablum

So, I said, later instigator
After I'm done singing over the neighbors
I'll see ya in a pit of alligators
I know the Smiths, the Charles, and the McGregors
they all own a shovel
they'll never love you
Keep dreaming paleontologist dreams
Of a great upheaval
But hollow bones are black and blue
And that Stegosaurus is translucent too

Crabwise & the Blood Puddle

An adder of the alley
Goody Glover's wears the tape tonight
An instigator waiting for a rally
And her skin is on my tounge

Better love that little girl
Cause you ain't tall enough
To ride the rollercoaster

So, as I light my last cigarette
And the smoke leaves trails you're afraid to follow
I'll clear my throat
I'll clear my chamber

Never request her, never sequester
Because these demask apparitions
Are moon lit reflections of you

I, Harbor, warn you not to port here

little girl of woe
dream boat that you are
when the wind doesn't blow
you have to row your ship to the bar

three pennies in a Koi pond wishing well
i trudged the lake and combed the bed
Sally's soul under a sea shell
yesterday, i found her severed head


when this depression hits
we will have to take them down
wolves out on the street
lapping up their menstration

wash our hands in the puddles
of what you've left for us
rubicund sepia swirls
you're evidence is in our cuticles

might be for the best
we are talented people
we will inherit the earth

The Practice

You don't practice
so you're stuck on the bleachers
leaving your parish
before the preachers
with a porno magazine
that heralds augmented features
standing accused of descension
by the bitter heart's of pretension
as an act of contrition becomes
submission. but i digress, i've transgressed.

The Mine

Mary was so solitary
When there was nary a query
She talked in soliloquy
In a little house on the praire
Never a diamond, not for a quarry
Buried by the chapel where they were to marry

For those who atone in an empty home

searching for meaning
digging in the soil
discovering a smile
in the foliage past a clearing
for an epiphany in the three bears porridge
somewhere in the forest of neverlast

dealing with benediction
in the land of truth and fiction
trying to light a fire with two sticks and friction
with convictions that bind you to a felon's restriction
without a book of instruction

crucified upside down
like saint peter on saint patrick's seder
without the ascension of absolution's pretension
refusing virtue's curfews for remission
without asking permission of yesterday's demons

the truth of passion's pledge

Encomium - 2009

Epicure Manicure & The Nail Biter

Whitney bought a bonnet
Cause he sings too many sonnets
And it protects her from hornets
That were paid for by his wallet
And as you're chased over balcony
Only to be saved by an awning
you'll land right on your feet
Under the canopy of morning
Then you'll buzz his door again
And ask for your belongings


Oh, reminiscent son
Oh, oneiric daughter
I hemorrhage under your red wound
Once in a blue moon I turn purple

With anxious pangs in pituitary gland
as the change sieves through the hole burned in his hand clangs to the ground cleaned of copper
in translucent bags so you know we recycle

As your fingers start to furrow
They demarcate blood trails I can follow
On scathing sea
You're so wet you cauterize me

Hey, Fever

We've had a break up
In make up town
Spanish ship galleon
A flash in my mouth
Spreads the back of my
Head like wings of a falcon
You rode a coin redemption stallion
But I've got a silver cross medallion
That should be hanging between your
Breast, the blood of Christ and Eucharist
Even in the south and the south west
All cows still eat grass


It has been so cold
When I got a chimney
I gave it the flue


The children are laughing a window away
You sold your daughter for a quarter
and compensation pay
They chuckle through rock throws that won't stay at bay
And here we are holding hands walking away

With the vigor of vinegar
You course through my veins
I'll brush away your bangs
To satiate my stomach pangs
So maudlin, and I'm kissing porcelain

Caught in the undertow
Are you sure we're at shore
There's a wide open ocean
Free of closure and full of fruition
Despite inclement condition
I would ask you but I don't need your permission

Trojan Horse

When I heard about your second daughter
I got sarcastic like a murder of crows
Maybe it was too much information
Or we didn't exchange our proper "hello"s
Either way, you're on the bad side of thirty
And I'm still a little too thirsty
For your tears to satiate me

Eunuch Electorate

I've got a little lever
That will alleviate all the pressure
Let's hang Chad on a brand new measure
My teeth are chattering and
I'm feeling a little indentured

You prop me up with my propositions
I am abstinent and full of superstitions
That's a lot of food in empty kitchens
One will balance the budget with infomercials
And the other with 8 years of military missions

I've got a little redistribution
Red fish, blue fish
You've got no choice when you
only lure two fish
Punch a ballot for your piece of mind
Hang another banner and alert us of your kind
I can't see the hair on your palms
Masturbations made us blind


I've got my crush
in a bindle
she's barefoot
because I couldn't fit her sandals
in the habit and she'll be having none of that
she'll be having none of that

Alprazolam Traipsed

An insect I didn't know
was clacking his antenna
beside my window
Pictures are painted
with paw prints on wood floor
that's the cat's meow

Eight legs
two goblin eyes
Four legs
million monster eyes

When your cat crawls to bed
make sure it isn't an arachnid

Cider Inside Her

Dormant darling doormat
Sit inside my belly
Heartburn's welling in my throat
And God's up for a felony

She's got slings and arrows
Together we took down Goliath
With the cider inside her
Like Shrinky Dinks and Play Dough
Dormant darling doormat
Let's go double-dutch
When they fill in these walls
We'll both be here

The Bar

Yeah, you're a little young for me
But Jesus Christ, you're 23
Have another lime
This Patron pays for its self effacing
The salt on my hand is masticating
You're missing your prime and depreciating
Maybe it's a matter of litigation
Or I have a woman's intuition
Every good story has a happy ending
You'll never be a lawyer and I'd rather be masturbating


From the scorched earth
that used to be this pigeon's perch
I made a minuscule dirtbag
that couldn't bare the weight of ridicule
Snow has memory
but can't stand the brunt of weight
and when we land and when it melts
be thankfully it wasn't concrete


I prefer Hobson's choice
but I guess it's a Baker's dozen tonight
You can break my foot
And I'll still blame it on a patch of ice
Cause when I have words for Judas
I flip bricks like Q*bert
So bring your henchmen
Cause I'm a ten ton leviathan
All problems solved
Cause you're ugly as sin
and I'm absolved


Thanks for reminding me
You're so bright you've blinded me
We're taking on water
bloated at sea
Protected from lobster
Suffocated by bib
Lubrication and butter
I like the cut of your jib


They went off to sea where the devil may be
but their keel ran aground
so says the prophecy
All the Sirens sang their favorite song
As the hull filled with water they sing along
“Oh, a Sailor set to sea
With his fair lady
He drank too much rum
She gave him too much gum
And his face was the last she'd see
His face was the last she'd see”

Morning War - 2010

Morning War

I remember when we slept through
Old Ironside's answer to the sun
Air raid sirens that set off the alarm
My bare feet hit the cold wood floor
Casualties of the morning war
Twenty-seven degrees never felt as cold
As when I was walking away from you
Left on the altar of an empty bed
A sacrifice offered to the day ahead
When the battle is over
I'll trace you with my fingers
Until then I'll sketch you out in words
While serving on the frontline
Of this morning war

Under Lock & Bee

There is a door protected by a bee
With wings fluttering furiously
Above the lock making heresy honey
Just peek through the hole
To not disturb the hive
It'll only open with a skeleton key
Turned by a hand that's skinned alive
And through the passage on the other side
There will be no trial he'll regret he tried
As he walks oblivious to swollen stings
Veins exposed pulled like marionette strings
In a procession of the penitent
There is no stopping the longing of the intimate
Because they are each others destination
She his healer and he her libation
In kind her heart for flesh resurrected
United behind the door the bee protected


Rappel parables
Beaten in the narrative
She only lived it
The rest were livid
Her children were on the tracks
A fetus in their lunch pails tucked into napsacks
She'd bite the doubters if she only had the teeth
At least someone was blithe, save for Santa
No more Christmas, no more wreath

Will Work For Food

How tall does the beanstock grow
That my magic seeds will spawn?
Because, this Giant germinates a green thumb
How high do I have to climb before the night fades dawn
The dead of winter? Or maybe autumn?
And can I make it to the top before I fall right back to the Bottom?
I ask this question when I'm in bed,
The answer comes in order as it is said:
Fee! Fie! Foe! Fum!
I smell the blood of an American
Be he 'live, or be he dead,
I'll grind his bones to make my bread

Armure de L'amour

They'll catch us if they can
They'll beat us until we grin
Because this is too powerful
For sabotage
So baby, please break me
In case of emergency
There'll be no espionage
We'll winnow conspiracy
They'll be riddled by our
Accentuated eccentricity
And widowed by negativity
Because I'm the armor around you
And you're the soldier inside me

The Living Dead

For those not here
For those she'll miss
For those she'll pray for
Like a savior on a crucifix
In their absence
And in their stead
All love will protect her
That knowledge is all she'll need
Under masks and costume auspice
Candy coated memories
Of past Trick or Treats
For all the friends that can't be here
All hallowed and revered
Happy Halloween
We're all dressed up and wish
You could join us


In the afterglow
On noir sheets
I'll be your light
Reflected phosphor
A rarest resin
From the Dominican
As it shone blue
In the presence of the blind
It took the man with
Ultra violet eyes
And unattenuated frequency
To see your recherche


In to the point
Of no return
The line we cross
Despite what we've learned
To look the beast of our past
Right in the eyes
And take its strength
A concave pit all filled with fear
Paved over by a knowing near
That there will be no excuse
Or alibi, as time will tell
On a clock only we can see
With hands a'ticking
Held by you and me

The Beast With Two Backs

The beast with two backs
Was craving too many snacks
He'll offer to seat you
Then sedate and he'll eat you
It's a pleasure to meet...
"Oh, no, I think he meant meat!"
Five meals a day
Is far too much for many
And when he sees you undressed
His appetite will know no abeyance
Because this beast is possessed
And you are his seance

Ambient Solstice

As it stood ever and green
Hooks stuck through hanging string
Yule log burning on an HD screen
The word for disease in Chinese is bing

The candles were lit with a flame branches bent
On the couches arm her leg was pressed
Their reflection in a silver ornament
Outside a bird watches from an empty nest

Hair like garland wraped in his grasp
She's his Christmas morning and he's agog
The moment ends in a final gasp
As she laps up the remaining eggnog

Precession of the Equinoxes

Everybody gets a star
That forms her constellation
She may be no astrologer
But in order to see them all
In a naked night from afar
You’ve got to stand a world away
Zodiacal light is always luminous
On the East before dawn
So keep folding creases for empty boxes
Filled with memories and proxy hugs
There’s so much frustration just for trying
As they continue multiplying
In a pile under the sky
As she wonders what to put inside
Her mouth releases a frozen sigh
So just grab that bull by the horns
Because this Taurus sign never forms
Without these stars you've made boxes for

Hibernation Anxiety

She cleaned off the snow from her paw
Blood rushed to skin during the thaw
Shivering by the side of the lake
There's no reflection in the ice
She can't see how cold she looks
Teasing the surface with the first step she'll take
The next move a fracture she can't entice
This seemed much simpler last season
If only her syrup could flavor the slush
The wound dripping a cherry musk
If only she could cross with certainty
Earmuffs speaking scrutiny
Sleep and dreams taunt her from the other side
"I can pass this, I'll even swim!" she cried
To not concede she'd fail if she tried
But if it is not fully frozen
And the wrong choice is chosen
This'll be the last lake she ever saw

Mjr. Arcana

My hands are gnarled with pentacles
Around my finger like numerals
In her cherry dress
Buried under snowflake funerals
Sign of the cross, knee at the pew
It's midnight at the end of the world and
We're out way past curfew
Do you hear that wind chime chiming?
It's just the Hanged Man nickle & dimming
From his fylfot cross
Laugh all you want but he's got the best view
Over the choir singing
We never heard him applying
The bomb for the work he'd set to do
The traitor is the twelveth card in a deck
Stacked against you


The battle we woke up to
Was the trudging feet we'd heard
Scaling fallen walls
A disaster has been incurred

He straps on his belt
After a kiss he knows is goodbye
In a guerilla war on our country side

Words that go unsaid
Cowards don't call their shots
But widows sleep in empty beds
Mourning a war
Fought over a thousand virgins
Prostituted in an evening of whores

So send out the SOS via MMS
We've got your location on GPS
Your carpet bomb won't need dry cleaning
As under great duress she wore
Her wedding dress to catch the wounds
On a tapestry painted by her enemy
She can hang in a museum of the life unseen
That morning she'd rather have wore nothing

When his bare feet hit the cold wood floor
Casualties of the Morning War

Addicts Attics - 2012

A Tension Whore

Check-in at false places
Updated for the masses
One more to Markoff
A new listing on Craig's
Like English traffic
Running over Swedish legs
Then there are translations
Typed with no affect
You're under 6 feet
You're shorter than dirt
Why not just do it?
Who could it hurt?
A puddle pooling of rose red
Wine glass shattered by a Russian instead
Little meaning, empty hand
A knotted rope blowing in the wind
They came calling
But there’s no body there
Employee culprit
My bully pulpit

Prop Work Knife

There’s the king of broken wing
Flying in a figure eight
As the sun beats down
A halo formed his gilded crown
Placed upon the trophy
A shriveled jewel forged of entropy
That could glow in the dark
With burned out potential

Place the thorns upon your head
The speculum spreads to his heart
Inviting a vicious spectrum
Through those jaws of life
As I drew blood
With a prop work knife

The Bigot Tree

We've been picking apples
from the bigot tree
Chop it down and build a chapel
To worship our deity

You hit every branch when you
Fell from the ugly tree
It’s always coldest at night
Let’s keep warm by the cross again
They’ll come from afar to see
The righteous burning bright

All Greek To Me

When they wrote seventy-nine
On the back of a bullet
Were you in a cave, my Minotaur?
Or did Icarus lose his wing in plain sight?
Burnt away by a trigger’s sunlight
This blood paints a picture that’s parallax
With the brush strokes of a propeller
Spinning at the back of your necks

Remember when you sang, Siren?
Can you hear the melody as you lay next to your scion?
Hercules came to bring Zeus his Nemean lion
He finished his labor and you woke up with Poseidon
The lightning crashed when the rubble rejoiced
The thunder echoed and silenced your voice
Drifting across the river Styx
To be judged by Persephone, Hades, and Cerberus

Redacted Reenactment

This is not a redacted reenactment
Clues die-cast dropped as caltrops
Little metal landmines
Acting as a reminder
Of cobble stone horse trots
Galloping to our latest destination
As we walk away
The steeple stands behind us
Fingers clenched and eyes aimed forward
A lock's ahead, it is no detour
Peek through the hole and inside
You'll see, a bed's been made
That's still empty
A sunbeam falls highlighting the mahogany
Over her shoulder she can hear
His whispers and nepenthe promises
And she picks them like a lock
That he had the key for
Forged by a 'smith bonded in a year
Knock, he'll let you in
This is not a redacted reenactment

Polaroid Umbrella

These are the photographs we want to take
Of memories in shallow graves
That we can dig up on rainy days
So you can be my shelter on rainy days


Indented on the label
An Egyptian inscription
I'm too nervous
To fill my Xanax prescription
White coat at a pharmacy
Selling some more milligrams
Transparency of TSA body scans
It's just another chemical burn
On an azure counter at dusk
Light the glass & God'll meet us
Take apart
Rape the heart
There is nothing inside

Cellophane Sarcophagus

Little imperfections
And half used napkins
Stains at recess
Bed bugs and bitches
Staples and bats
I read the herald and
Couldn't figure out if the pipe
Was copper or crack
But baby I'm made of
Iron and there's no crease
I can't unfold
Don’t be alarmed
That’s just the crinkling
Of my cellophane Sarcophagus

Harlequin Ichthyosis

Do you see the fluid seeping through its sutured head
With thread tensioned against the beating of our bitter parts
Your touch a salvo safe keeping unwinding this technician's twine
There's no needle that can form the scar tissue detailed
With demon hoof prints that are grafted in lattice handshakes
Debasing a cardiac shrine

When all the scales are showing
On our Harlequin Ichthyosis infant
Only we can be its panacea
There's no rewind in euthanized solution
No soul in the remains of an abortion
And no solace for caretakers who forgot who they care for

You are the artisan of my desire
Accentuator of my humanity, I am your sentry
We are eternally in cupidity
Without avarice fated under Boston's skyline
For this spirit together we devine
To not ask would be remiss
Will you be my valentine?

Addict Attic

Ask the asp
To find the missing clasp
That caused the locket to slip
Through chain link loops
With a photo inside
Revealing her identity
With horses in reigns
Tugged through the marsh
There she's been
Since the middle of March
As the dental record plays softly
Across vinyl and skin
They knew it was her
Before the search began
But that needle kept turning
Until it was all the way in

the end


Texte: T. Dooner
Bildmaterialien: T. Dooner
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.02.2012

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