

I feel a rush of misery pile over me ounce by ounce. The lights of the school were unfamiliar and different from just a school cafeteria as how it always had been. I look around for my date but he doesn’t appear. Never trust anyone. I feel sweaty and clammy hands inside mines, curled with my fingers. Shane is standing by my side being supportive of me and being my only friend, also being extremely creepy by insisting to become my date. I swallow deeply still looking around him. He’s dancing with me pretending to be my date but there was no use, everyone knew that Shane was my step-brother and was thirteen and just in for the visit.
I let his hands go as I wander around for a moment still looking for my date. My long light green shirt swayed softly as I walked away. He didn’t exactly know who I was so I wondered that perhaps, he couldn’t find me. There were many young kids wondering around wondrously, with dates or without. As I walked through, everyone looked at me and then I was stopped by a white velvet gloved hand that I had felt before on this night. “What are you doing here? You said you wouldn’t even come to a dance like this.” He said. ‘He,’ was Matthew Gail. He had a wonderful English accent. He absolutely hated me and I hated him with all my gut as well. I ignored his comment. He stopped me again with his gloved hand.
“You’re so clueless,” Matthew said laughing, “that it’s adorable.” A boy beside him was wearing a black mask and pouring some punch into a paper cup and was handing something to Matthew’s girlfriend. I took it from his hands.
“Uh… excuse me,” the guy said. I ignored him. “Don’t drink that!” The masked boy hit Matthew in the head. Sympathetic, that’s what Matthew said was what he called his feelings for me.
“I faked the date, there’s no one coming for you.” To save me from the embarrassment, I ran away.

“Seventeen year old, Matthew murdered Thursday afternoon after a local dance with some party buddies. If anyone has anything to share on who committed such a gruesome murder, call….”
I sank my hand in a bag of popcorn and sat next to my dad watching the old television. I covered my mouth.
“You were at that party last night.” He commented. “Poor boy, how did the party go anyway, was there anyone who looked like they wanted to kill him?” I shook my head soundlessly. I couldn’t talk. Ever since I had turned twelve, I was soundless, mute, or you could say dumb as in unable to talk. I was lucky this event didn’t take place when I was a child or I wouldn’t be able to interpret words as easily as I could now not being able to speak.
I shrugged. Matthew was an idiot to me, school was a wreck with him around, and why would I even care? I did care, and it was sad that I did. Matthew might’ve been an idiot and all but he didn’t deserve to die when his life was just starting. I took some more popcorn and piled it in to my mouth where some cornels dropped into my shirt. I was to get ready for school this morning and I hadn’t had everything exactly ready. I wondered how Matthew’s girlfriend would react. Would she be disappointed? Would she be depressed? Perhaps petrified? I had no idea of how anyone would react, but usually with deaths in our school, there would be huge announcements of how much we should sacrifice just to go see him or pray for him.
I would not go though. I would probably try and pray for him but it would be too late knowing all of the things he’s done to me.
Shane came from out of the guest room and was changed. “Come on,” he said. I pointed to the TV eating the popcorn still. He nodded. “I know, my mom said we should go to school as help around with the ceremony of that idiot’s death. Why do you care anyway? You hated him.” I frowned and shook my head. I wanted to say something so badly. Just because I didn’t like someone didn’t mean it didn’t sadden me. To know that he was actually dead frightened me. I was at the same party with this guy and once I left, he was gone, dead and gone.
Shane took my hands now. “Come,” he said, “we don’t want to be late today. You really shouldn’t be eating popcorn at this time in the morning.” He added on. I shook my head and put the popcorn bag on the counter. Shane was light skinned and I was in the mix between dark and light but it actually looked as if we were really related. He was the closest to a brother that I was ever going to come to, and he was my second closest friend. The nicest person to me was my friend Amanda.
My name was Orphelia but she called me Lea because the “Feel,” pronunciation in my name, Or’feel’ia, bothered her. My mother, before she died, named me that. I could easily see why. Amanda talked to me sometimes in my dead silence which seemed to bother some people but not her or my family. She was different, yet special to me and it bothered me that I couldn’t see why she was like that. Just nicer than everyone else was all I could guess.
Amanda has known me before I became mute and so did Shane. Shane and I took a walk to the bus stop where the bus would sweep us off of our feet and into the dungeon where all of us belonged. I sat next to Amanda as Shane sat next to his own friends and they all smiled. One of his friends was a kid named Bradley. One thing I can say that is true for everyone is that everyone has a crush, and mine was Bradley. The only imperfection he had was being friends with Matthew. His imperfections were obviously flawless. He had a nice set of marble white teeth that glistened with a curve of his mouth. He had eyes, green, and long and stupid hair that made me stop thinking about him at all. I hated his hair! Was I looking at the right person? Yes, I was, he added hair extensions. His hair now had a rainbow of colors and went down to his shoulders. He put bangs to it making him look like he was some sophisticated Irish man. Why was he so wary of his looks? Amanda looked at me now.
“Hey Lea, are you ok?” I nodded smiling towards her. “Ballet practice is late tomorrow night, they’re finally having guys for practice believe it or not…” she kept talking. I was distracted by the way she talked. One of the guys was someone she knew apparently of how she talked about this one ballet class tomorrow night. “They’re forcing some of the boys from this school and we all have to pick partners to practice with, and I heard one of the guys is Bradley.” I shook my head. I showed her a hand gesture of the hair and pointed him to show that I was not feeling him anymore and that he thought he shouldn’t have any more than one flaw. It bothered me. “I know,” she said. “He’s just trying a little too hard.” I nodded thankful that she understood what I was trying to say, most people wouldn’t. As I looked back at Bradley, I saw Shane. He was only thirteen and he talked to all of the people I knew. He was so much more noticeable that me. I couldn’t talk so no one tried to really talk to me at all. Teachers, when they talked to me, would become frustrated and deny looking at anything I tried to write. They were so impatient that I would sometimes lack on my grades, I wouldn’t be able to tell teachers problems I had been having with people. They wouldn’t listen to me.
As we were sauntering off of the bus, Amanda spoke again. “The class will be on till ten. We will be having a recital in public and perform for people for free and we might even be accepted into dance schools. For you, maybe even more. I envy you; you’re so great at so many things.” I smiled. I like to draw, I like to dance, I liked to act and I liked to sing but all of those things went away when my voice did as well. Now all I could do was draw and dance. I would do other things but it hadn’t really done anything since this thing has left me.
Due to my thinking, I realized that I was inside of the school and Amanda was waving bye and I had something in my pocket. It was the flyer for friends if I wanted anyone special to see it. There was no one exactly special that I wanted to come but I kept it in my pocket anyway.
In the middle of the stair way of our school as I was heading up, a teacher stopped me. “Orphelia?” she asked. I nodded. The teacher there was Mrs. Rodriguez. I nodded to let her know I was listening. She took my arm bringing me back down the stair well. “The principal told me that as soon as you came to class, I should order you to the office, but since you are already here, will you please follow me?”
I nodded. I shivered to the thought of the principal’s office. I had never been in his office before and it had absolutely scared me. I was not used to being in trouble but usually when I was ever called for anything, it was just to get an award I haven’t received, or a note from my step mother, or maybe lunch money. Even though I’ve been through all of these, I still was nervous every time I was called down. Anxiety filled me when I saw Matthew’s girlfriend sitting there piled up to the top of her head with jewelry and soaked lashes pouring down mascara streaks down her cheeks covered in makeup. I gave an annoyed look but swept it away to the look of the principal’s eyes staring at me concentrating.
“Hello, Orphelia,” he said.
I nodded saying “hi” back biting at the edges of my cheeks to keep myself from frowning or laughing at the amount of makeup on Keely, Matthew’s girl. She pointed at me. I urgently backed away as my mouth parted. She stood up from her chair.
“You killed him!” she yelled. “You killed Matthew! He was going to take care of our child and you killed him!” I looked at her blankly, yet blinking. My mouth parted. I longed to yell at her. I wanted to tell her that she was telling lies and that she should shut up. I shook my head. I wanted to write on a piece of paper but I knew the teachers wouldn’t listen. I closed my mouth now. I put my bag down and shook my head. Why would they think I killed Matthew, yes we had our fair share of arguments but I never even threatened him, or did anything to be with him personally. We couldn’t even talk since no sound would ever come out of me.
“Why?” the principal asked, “Why would you do this? Has he ever done anything to you?” Well, I would’ve said yes but they’d have even more suspicions that I’d done it and I didn’t. What in their minds gave them the conclusion that I’d done this?
“I know you did it Summons!” she yelled. Summons. That was my last name but no one’s ever called me by my last name. I shook my head. “No!” she yelled. “You did! After Matthew told her that no one was coming to be her date, she went on a rage and took his white glove and threw it in the punch and she ran out. Matthew ran after her to apologize---” that wasn’t true. Matthew came to manipulate me some more, she hadn’t seen the whole thing, no one had.
“After that,” she continued, “Matthew didn’t come back. He was gone and so was she. There was no blood on the side walk though, only Matthew where she left him, a clean death she did.” I shook my head. Dramatic Keely had a way with words. I wanted to yell at her so much but all I did was shake my head with a furious gaze holding on her made up face. Maybe the tears were faked. Maybe she knew I didn’t kill him but didn’t like me. That couldn’t be possible though. I had never done anything to her. These were real; tears stroking down her with real malodorous sweat. I swallowed in.
After the party, Matthew came towards me and told me how stupid I was to believe that someone would actually want to be with a girl who couldn’t talk and was senseless. Yes, this hurt me terribly, I probably cried but I remembered that I didn’t want to remember this night so I magically swept it from my memories.
I didn’t remember anything else though. I began to cry. I wanted to yell, I didn’t do it you idiots!

Of course no one would listen though, they wouldn’t read it writing it on a paper, and they wouldn’t watch it in sign language, they also couldn’t read my lips which some of the easiest things I mouthed, they refused to look at. I wasn’t stupid. I knew what I was saying. I understood English. I just had this one huge problem that no one would really understand, not even a best friend, not even a step brother, something my parents and family just couldn’t understand. Just because I didn’t speak, didn’t mean that I couldn’t listen, I couldn’t see, it didn’t mean I needed special treatment. They spoke to me like I didn’t know what language they were speaking. They always broke it up in pieces. It drove me to tears.
“Calm down Orphelia, easy girl.” Now these idiots are talking to me like I’m a horse! The man put a hand on my shoulder. “I’m giving you two weeks, do you hear me? Two weeks to see if you can actually find proof that you didn’t do it. I also need you to find a witness of your actions, someone that actually saw it. If you don’t have a witness, Matthew’s parents are prepared to sew you.” I gaped for a moment with my eyes teary and red. I shook my head. I couldn’t even think of talking right now. I was shocked. No one saw what happened! No one can bring me to court; I have no one who saw there was no one. Not even my friend, when we were outside, Matthew and I, he talked and I left. There was absolutely no one watching. The things in my mind would’ve been the things that I’d say aloud.
“You are dismissed Lea,” said Keely. My mouth parted again. I didn’t want to get proof or a witness. I don’t want to do any of this at all. I breathed deeply as the late bell rang. “Lea?” Mrs. Rodriguez said. I closed my eyes and sunk my head in my hands. I coughed a little trying to get ready to talk. There was no noise as usual. Why would I even expect that? I’ve been mute for so long.
I walked along side to class next to my teacher. She didn’t feel bad for me at all. Matthew was her favorite student and now he was gone. We began walking up the stair well to the fifth floor.
“Why would you do that Lea?” she asked. I hated the name Lea; I’d like to be called by my original name. I shook my head. I didn’t kill anyone. No one understood. When we were up in the room, my personal guidance counselor sat at the door. At the sight of the both of us coming up she stood up.
“Lea!” she said. She ran up embracing me. This was all apart of a little act. In front of teachers, she would seem supportive of my issues but she was really cruel and only made my issues worse. I didn’t even really have issues. I was only assigned to a guidance counselor because they thought not being able to talk would stress me, so on the first day of high school, they assigned me to her thinking I already had problems of my own. I didn’t though. I was fine. I had no problems at all. I didn’t hug her bag but felt my eyes closing.
“Are you okay girly?” she asked. I nodded. “Get in class, we were supposed to meet up this morning but you didn’t come.” She was being so nice and smiled every single moment that she could. She had this job to be a personal guidance counselor but it seems she didn’t want to be assigned to me. No one does. I walked into the class where a bunch of students rubbernecked towards me. One guy smiled just for the fun of making me feel uncomfortable. I sat down next to a boy nick-named Rudolph.
“What’s up Lea?” he said. He wasn’t much of a friend really. He just talked when he had nothing to talk about. I shook my head. I pulled my bag around my seat and rubbed my eyes waiting for this part of class to be over. The whole class still had their heads turned to me. They all probably thought I’d killed someone. I feared that some one, sooner or later, would come out of the ocean and pull me down and out of class to have a discussion. The next thing I imagined was my father and my step-mother coming up to the school having a discussion with the teachers. I imagined me getting away with this death thing though, no voice or not. There was no way I could be put into jail without anyone having any proof. For all I know, I could deny and deny for the rest of my life. That would be a whole lot of misery on top of the misery I already had.
I’d have to deal with it until someone revealed the truth and right now it was concealed. To me it had been, I don’t know half of the things that happened that night since I’d erased it from my mind. Memories are supposed to stick with you though. Why weren’t they sticking with me?
“Everyone wants to know what happened in the office.” A random girl in my class blurted out. I was taken by surprise but didn’t show it. How’d she expect to find out? I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t tell them what happened. What did they want me to do? “Write what happened on the board.” The girl said. I looked at her now and tilted my head. I shook my head. She laughed. “Because you killed him.” She said. “We all know that you killed him. It’s doubtless, you’re an idiot and obviously crazy, of course your going to kill the most hottest and popular guy at our school. Now we’re all going to grieve over his grave. Should you even be in this classroom committing such a murderous tack?”
The teacher shushed her. “We don’t know if she did it, she has something to prove so it’s alright for her to stay in this school. If another murder of our students happens, she will be put into jail because then we know no doubt that it’s her.”
Did they think I was deaf too?
“So you’re going to give her a chance to kill another of the students and then you’ll put her into jail?” said Rudolf. My eyes narrowed then. “That could be any of us! Any of us could die!” He got up from his seat and moved to another. I wanted to yell but my voice was not bound to come out. Of course not. I crossed my arms and but my head on my table. “She’s trying to act innocent.” Rudolph said. I sighed deeply so that they all could hear how stupid and annoying I thought they all were. How could they all put me on trial for something no one saw me doing?

“Everyone, I want to say that we shouldn’t be speaking of God in a public school, but God bless this soulful body, for he had only lived seventeen years of a colorless life being beaten by many foster mothers, scowled by many un-holy fathers unlike yourself. Let color fill him in heaven, may the murderer of this body…” everyone looked towards me, “be taken some place to get rid of this terrible possession that has taken over this foul mind and rid the demon out.” I felt so uncomfortable about having such a spiritual speech take place inside our school cafeteria. “Please accept this chair as a gift to this young man and have him know that all these students wish him here. Amen.”
The chair was bedazzled with jewels from Keely. Flowers were being piled on the chair. I felt so bad. I didn’t do it! I would never kill someone if they were evil, if they were good, possessed or not, I wouldn’t be able to do it anyway.
I wanted to run out of this room and yell for my life and leave. Fortunately, it was the end of the day and my guidance counselor approached me. Before she spoke, she breathed heavily.
“Did you do this?” she asked. “If you killed this child, I don’t know what I’m going to say, and why, why did you kill him?” If I could answer, I would. I have ballet practice today and I couldn’t even bother with this right now. It was something I just couldn’t handle at the moment. If I could take everything much more slower and be able to right this down on a piece of paper, then we could easily solve this. No one understood me, no one would listen. They obviously didn’t care about what I thought. It was whether someone said I did it or not. Now all of a sudden just because Matthew’s idiot parents heard a couple of words coming from someone’s mouth meant they were going to sue me. Didn’t they at least ask for some evidence? If I ever planned on being a parent, I would demand evidence before I decide I wanted to bring a child to court with me or not.

I sat in the bus seat later on being gloomy unusually. I was not the talking type obviously and people thought I was gloomy every day, but Amanda could see the difference.
“I heard what happened.” She said. I nodded. “Did you do it?” she asked suddenly aware that there might be something wrong. I shot her a look of defiance. How could she ask such a silly question!? “I’m sorry,” she said, “I should’ve known you wouldn’t do something like that.” She put her hand on top of my head. “You’re a good girl.” I hated it when she did this. I hated when my family acted as if I were someone a lot different than how they I was. I let out a huge breath that felt like I’ve been trying to get out forever. “Are you still going to ballet practice tomorrow?” she asked. I nodded. What were we even going to do in ballet practice anyway? She was apparently obsessed with it.
“It’s going to be great,” she said. “We are going to stay till ten and it will be all night, and since its Saturday, your dad should be able to let you go right?” I nodded. I gave her a questioned look hoping that she could read it. “I know, I know,” she began, “I’m going crazy about this, I just want my partner to be Mac Dale so badly. There actually three guys from each school. I know Mac Dale will be there, so will Bradley and the third person will be someone else but they are only going to have nine guys, they need the exact same amount of girls.
“Maybe, when we get there, I hope there’ll be the girls choosing partners. Maybe the guys will pick partners, which would stink because we know Mac Dale would not pick me. He absolutely hates me but that’s the only thing I love about him. He’s only playing hard to get. Don’t you wish girls could pick partners?”
I shook my head. What if I picked a guy who absolutely despised me? I picked up a paper from my bag and a pencil in my pocket. I wrote down on it. It said: Why are they forcing guys to do this ballet thing? She searched through her mind like it was Google.
“Well,” she began still looking through her head, “I think it’s because no guys were interested in ballet and we have to do this important recital to actually show that we’re improving and in the dance, there has to be guys, so they selected some in the school system at random.” I nodded. Perfect.
I want the guys to choose, I wrote.
“What if everyone chooses who they want and you and the last guy are just stuck together? I’d rather choose so you don’t feel hurt, that’s why I want to be in control. I don’t want to be hurt.” Amanda was smart, and I didn’t want someone to be stuck with me when he probably wanted to be with another girl.

“Yoga again?” Shane asked sitting himself on the couch watching me stretch. I nodded. “Why do you do yoga anyway?” I shrugged. If Shane hadn’t been my step-brother, he would’ve acted as all the other kids did. But other than that, I guess you could call him nice. “Can I do it with you?” he asked. I was officially annoyed. I turned back at him as I stretched my legs over my head and bent forward.
I mouth, “No”. He gets all upset and goes back to his mother. He was only thirteen anyways; I’ll let him be upset even though he was only two years younger than me.
“I bet you’d like it if I told my mom that you murdered someone. My eyes shot open. I stopped stretching I tilt my head to the side upset. He knew well that I hadn’t done that. He knew that I could never do that. I summoned him to do the yoga with me. He didn’t even know how to do it. He could hardly touch his toes; he couldn’t do it at all. I frowned at him as he stood beside me. “Did you do it?” he asked helplessly. I looked at him angrily as I walked away. “Orphelia, I’m sorry, I’m just not so sure what I can believe, as soon as you left, the guy is dead, I just want a clear explanation.”
I yelled at him on top of my lungs practically hurting myself. “How could you get a bigger explanation from me?! I’m mute! Will you ever remember! After I left was when I left and went straight home!” There was silence. My step-brother looked at me silently and sadly. He looked as if he were about to cry. I covered my mouth.
“You forget so easily,” he says with his voice slowly wavering, “but there’s no voice coming from you throat, there’s nothing.” I stared for a moment blankly. I was so embarrassed but sort of happy that he didn’t even laugh. I was straining my throat but for nothing, nothing at all. I held onto my throat and cleared it. There was an awkward silence between us both.
“I’m sorry.” He said sadly. He’s known me for four years so I was surprised that he had an attachment to me as a real brother would. He began to cry as he walked away. I fell to the ground. I’d wait for my father to come back home but I couldn’t let him see me like this: still living in a fantasy, still thinking I could talk. Stop being a baby! I laughed to myself as tears ran off my cheek. I was crying and laughing at the same time. I ran inside my room.
I tucked myself underneath the sheets. What would I explain to him? Should I write on a piece of paper that a couple wanted to send me off to jail for no reason at all? He’d get so upset and go on a rampage through the school until he told off every person in that school to prove that I hadn’t been lying and it was true. I never had been so tense before. I hardly wanted to move. My feet were sweating, my teeth were chattering, I was starving. To give away all the pain, I stopped all of these functions. My heavy eyelids sweeping over me till they closed. It was done, I was asleep at last. Finally. But nightmares were never better than reality.

My hands again, were sweating under a palm of another. I looked down at that other hand that slowly turned into the palms of leaves. This place’s skies were purple that soon turned gray, the sun turned into a huddle of fierce clouds. Creatures loaded into buildings. Where was the palm in my hands? Why had it turned to leave? Who was this person anyway? I can’t be in this place alone. I had opened my mouth to speak but reminded my self that I couldn’t. I’d be stupid to try. A creature leapt on top of me when I finished thinking. I shrieked. I gasped as the creature’s drool came over my shirt. I just made a noise? Not even a noise but a scream which was much stronger than words! I could speak! I put my hands against the creature’s stomach to get it off of me. Gurgling green acid was spit out from his mouth but quickly missed me by an inch. I put my hands under the creatures squirming body. The leaves that were once a palm turned into a dagger and gutted the creature in the stomach. I pushed the creature off of me and I stood up. I picked up the dagger and it fell easily into my hands and…

I woke up now. How didn’t I finish that story? I wanted it to be finished so badly. It was not much of a nightmare as I killed the thing, whatever that thing was. I was talking; I didn’t have a clue to what it sounded like. It still sounded like a twelve year olds’. I was disappointed. That must’ve been something out of the past. I remembered it all of a sudden. This was a dream I had as a child, when I was eight. Sorrow drowned me once again. The palm was actually my fathers and this was just a pigment of how I wanted my life to be back then. That was not how it was to be right now. Above me, my father came in with his work suit. “How you doing?” he asked. I nodded.
“You’re sweating, what’s wrong?” Had I been dreaming long? Dreams did seem to feel like a minute but could’ve been much longer. I got up from the bed. I took the flyer from out of my pants pocket to show my dad. He looked at it with pure frustration. He sighed deeply and nodded. He looked at it seeing that tomorrow; we’d be picking partners, and a ballet routine.
“Are you going to dance with Amanda?” he asked. I showed him the three boys from three schools part. He nodded.
“I don’t think you should go.” He said. I opened my mouth in surprise. I gave him
a questioned look of, Why not?! He smiled. “It’s so late at night; you wouldn’t have enough sleep for a school day.” I pointed over to the Saturday part. He sighed and gave me the flyer which I had taken irritably. “Isn’t it your birthday tomorrow though?” he asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I have never even dreamed of having such a careless dad. My stepmother drew in quickly.
“What’s up?” she asked. I showed her the flyer. She nodded. “You gonna go?” she asked. I waved a hand at my dad again who had his hand connected to his brief case. He shrugged. “I don’t know, she’s only fifteen.”
“Only fifteen!?” My step-mother yelled. “You can be in this thing before the age of fifteen! You have to be….” She stopped and read the flyer. We all knew that this dance competition was for sixteen and higher but I was practically sixteen. My birthday would come any minute now. That was one of the only reasons my dance teacher even let me in, because I was near the age. All of my friends were older than me because I was a little under age for the grade I was in. Not really, my birthday just came later in the year, in December, and this was the winter dance. I smiled weakly. My father nodded.
“I’ll let you do your thing.” He said, “But make sure the dance is your choice.” Why did the dance have to be the one that I chose? I nodded anyway smiling.

I hear a shriek through the phone. “I can’t wait!” Amanda yells. I snap showing that I’m listening. I’ve spent ten minutes on the phone and walking to the dance studio listening to Mac Dale’s name repeatedly. “Mac Dale has to pick me! I got all made up; my make up is perhaps astonishing. I’m already dressed and all.” I snapped again, but before she spoke again, we met at the corner. She shut her phone fast and ran after me. She put her slender arms around me. She was so bony that it was actually a little frightening. Did she have, what was it called? Anorexia?
We were right around the corner from the dance studio. All of the girls were already dressed. Should I have been too? “Why aren’t you dressed?” Amanda said realizing the dressed girls too. I looked around and covered my mouth. I’d be an outcast. “Go in there!” she yelled. “The boys are using the dressing room and the girls have to be ready before them.” Why were the guys getting dressed? I ran before everyone as the watched me as I ran by.
The sun put a glare to my eyes and I couldn’t see. I ran into the dance studio half blind with the shine still in my eyes and I ran into someone’s flat chest. I fell down silently. A bunch of guys surrounded me. They were already here! I realized I ran into Bradley’s chest. I gasped and looked around.
“Are you ok?” One of the guys asked. I nodded. “Is this one of the girls Ms. Alberry?” Ms. Alberry was the dance teacher. She surrounded me to stand me up. “What’s your name?” one of the guys asked. They were all wearing black T-shirts and baggy pants because it was the dress code for guys. They were all muscular and didn’t seem like they wanted to be apart of this. I saw the girls outside sitting waiting for permission inside. They probably thought I was knocked out senseless by the way I fell from Bradley’s chest to the ground. Ms. Alberry helped me up.
“Lea, you know you shouldn’t be in here when it is boy’s turns, those are just the rules.” I nodded. I screened myself up and down gesturing that I hadn’t gotten into my dress yet. “Oh,” she said. I went into the back when all of the girls finally came in. I took off my regular clothes and put on the outfit. I didn’t wear a tutu like some of the other girls. Ms. Alberry told me I should be shown different from the rest of the class. The girls were muttering to each other silently when they stood in. We all wore name tags so we could address each other as adults. I stood by every one of the girls. I finally found out what they were all muttering about.
“There are only eight guys,” Amanda said instantly aware. I noticed it too. There was a chime from the doorbell. The door was always locked when practice started.
“Thanks for reminding me Amanda. He should be here right now.” Ms. Alberry murmured. The door opened to another boy. My eyes widened to the sight of him and my mouth busted into a smiled. All of the other girls laughed as the boy smiled as well.
“How are all of you?” he asked. The teacher hit him in the back of the head. The boy was wearing a tutu that didn’t fit his muscular body and it outlined every part of his shape.
“Get dressed!” My teacher yelled pointing to the dressing room.
A few minutes later, he came out in the clothing he was supposed to wear. He had his name tag on too. “Ok,” my teacher said settled down.
“Hey,” one boy said. My teacher was aggravated.
“Yes?” she asked through gritted teeth. The boy looked at me, it wasn’t the boy who just came in but was another.
“Why is she not wearing a tutu like the rest of the girls?” The girls noticed it too. They all hated having to wear tutus. The tutus they wore were stiff and uncomfortable, though on the other hand, I wore something dressier.
“We’ll get there,” the teacher said. “First, I must represent all the girls on the list, there names are in order of what place they are in line. I have practiced with each boy and girl so I don’t want you to upset me.” Everyone gasped. I hadn’t known the boys were practicing with our teacher. When did they practice with her?
“For the girls, we have Beatrice, Olivia, Tyrone, Natalie, Hannah, Amanda, Carly, Samantha and last, we have Orphelia, reason she is wearing a tutu is because she is best exceptionally. She cannot speak at anytime, just want to let you all know in case you’d think she was ignoring.” She paused for a moment. “For boys, Sam, Garret, Mac Dane, Bradley, Cory, A.K.A Rudolph the boy who I haven’t added to the list yet, Jose, Max, Justin, and the guy who was wearing the retarded tutu, Glytherin.” His name was pronounced, Gli-ther-in.
The teacher smiled glad to have this over with. All the girls began laughing and Glytherin seemed to be secretly upset. Were they laughing because of his name? I thought that they’d laugh because of mine, but I was wrong. The only girls who didn’t laugh was me and Amanda, me because I didn’t understand what was so funny, and Amanda because she wanted to charm every boy with a smile. Her face was dreamy over every guy there.
“Well, ladies?” the dancing teacher said. “Boys get to pick.” I was absolutely relieved; I certainly didn’t want to have to pick a guy that wouldn’t want to be my partner. I didn’t care if no one picked me and I had to be matched up with the guy with no person, I didn’t care.
“Raise your hand if you want to choose first.” A boy’s hand shot up. Each of them had an eye on their own girl now, some just scanning through. The first guy who was picked was Mac Dane. Amanda’s eyes shot open. Mac Dane looked around again. The first girl caught his eye, Beatrice. Amanda’s eyes closed and now she was hoping for Glytherin obviously. She wanted the guys with the looks. I couldn’t help but laugh under my breath. Amanda turned to me. Next chosen was Max to pick. Max took a while, this one. The guys were trying to help him choose. This was disgusting; they were choosing girls off of their looks. Max looked at me, and then at Hannah, back at me, and then at Hannah. Was he actually considering on choosing me? Every one of the girls’ eyes shot at me in surprise and then at Hannah. They began whispering to each other, probably about why this guy was considering.
“Hannah.” Max announced. Hannah was happy; it seemed she got the guy she wanted. Sam chose Natalie, Justin chose Tyron, Garret chose Olivia, Jose chose Samantha. Now there were three girls left. The upset Amanda for only having a little bit of hope for Glytherin, Carly still not sure on who she wanted, and me not guessing at all.
I stood still as Amanda didn’t break a sweat but was smiling oddly flirtatiously with all the boys who all gave her instant smiles back. I tried to ignore it but it was too disturbing for me so I’d looked the whole time. She kept smiling as the next boy tried to make his idea. It was Bradley’s turn. He quickly chose. The girl he chose was Carly. Carly wore a huge smile on her face as Amanda sent me a frown face feeling bad for me but I did nothing but smile.
She was mouthing, Pick me! To absolutely no one. I looked at her strangely and watched as she leaned in her tutu with her make up put on nicely, her hair put back. My hair was strangled along my shoulders just hanging there, but Amanda, she looked like a ballerina, not me.
“Orphelia.” I heard my name called and I stood still. I wasn’t last to be chosen? I was actually chosen over my beautiful best friend? I looked around lost of who said that. “Me,” he said. “Glytherin.” Amanda’s lips parted and dropped down. Jose seemed devastated.
“That was fair man,” he said to Glytherin sarcastically. Amanda’s eyes were filled with anger.
“Now,” Ms. Alberry said. “Let’s get together with our partners. I stood thoughtless until I began letting the thoughts flow into my mind. Did someone actually choose me?
I thought I’d go through a painful torture of some guy being upset to be my partner, but I was picked.
“Hi,” Glytherin said. I sent him a slight smile. I wanted to greet him back but I couldn’t. I lead him near my quarters where I looked up ballet moves and tried them for myself. I sat on a seat as he pulled one beside me.
“Ok,” the teacher said. “I will pass you a book at random and you will reveal what dance it is. Understand?” Everyone nodded. We each took a book out, each girl got to since the guys already got to pick who they wanted to be with. I uncovered our dance: Modern day Sleeping Beauty. These dances were very exotic. I let out a gasp. I didn’t want to do this dance, it seemed unfamiliar and too much. This dance was made for professionals, not someone like me. I shook my head.
“What’s wrong?” Glytherin asked me. I shook my head. Don’t mind. I mouthed something off to him.
Hard? He shrugged.
“It does seem hard; I know I’ve never really been that into ballet.”
Neither have I, I wanted to say. Ever since I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t find anything else to do but dance or draw. “Do you want to do this?” he asked. I shrugged. He came close to me all of a sudden. “Why can’t you speak?” he asked. I didn’t know what to say. I shrugged. “Ms. Alberry! Can I get a piece of paper!?” he yelled across the room.
“Why?” she asked. Glytherin looked as if she were stupid.
“This girl cannot speak, I need a piece of paper to communicate, and it’s as easy as that.” The teacher obviously hated this guy, but they seemed that they’ve known each other for quite some while. The teacher walked up and handed me a piece of paper and a pencil. What was the question again? “Why can’t you talk?” he asked again. I nodded. I began writing on the paper but then stopped. I frowned and shrugged again, I really didn’t know. “Sleeping beauty?” he asked, “Is it what you want to do?” Now I write on the paper.
I don’t like ballet. I write.
He laughs. “But yet you’re named the best in the class.” Amanda was looking at me passed Jose obviously not happy. Some other girls were watching too wondering why this guy picked me. I was obliged to ask too. I wrote again. Why did you choose me over Amanda? I said. You’ve broken her heart.
His eyebrows narrowed. “I didn’t want to pick her.” He said. I nodded. He actually had the patience to let me write, no matter how long it took. How old are you? I wrote. He smiled.
“I’m sixteen today, but you can’t tell anyone.” I nodded.
Happy Birthday, I wrote. I’m turning sixteen sometime this month. He nodded.
“What’s sleeping beauty about?” he asked. I blushed now. I wasn’t at all what the star of Sleeping Beauty should look like. I frowned and he saw through it.
He started for me anyway. “Sleeping beauty is about a beautiful princess, in this case, a beautiful ballerina, who meets a man, in this case, a guy, and an evil person, whoever that is, our background dancers I hope, will cast a spell on you to make you sleep. Then this man-slash-guy finds you where you sleep and wakes you with a kiss, fair enough?” I looked at him seriously.
That sounded more like snow white than sleeping beauty. Were they really that much the same? I blushed to the top. I nodded and shrugged again. “Maybe I got that wrong, are there supposed to be animals in it too?” I shook my head with a large smile. Now that was Snow White. I opened up the book to complicated moves that I wasn’t familiar with. I never danced with a partner, which was probably it. There was one part of the dance where he had to flip me in the air. Yes, he was nice, but I wouldn’t exactly say trustworthy.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to do that.” He said. “Having to look swift and lift somebody in the air; too hard.” I wrote on the paper again. Is it not frustrating having to try to talk to someone who cannot talk back?
The night was slowly drifting towards ten. The whole class was beginning to end. It was nine fifteen though. I had some time to walk with Amanda, unfortunately, she angrily disappeared.
“So how did the both of you find yours, what was it?” the teacher asked.
“Sleeping Beauty.” Glytherin said. “Do you have any easier, less lifting kind off ballets?” She walked back to the bucket of books that had three more ballets in it.
“The little Mermaid,” she announced. “Cinderella, and Romeo and Juliet. All very theatrical really. I would pick Romeo and Juliet though, those are real crowd pleasers and I must have the judges impressed, would you like to try it?”
I looked at my partner who didn’t seem he liked the idea. “It’s all about killing one person for another, it seems dramatic and fake.” The teacher’s eyes widened. “First of all, all of the other stories are magical princesses, Romeo and Juliet is the realest I’ve had yet. Are you saying you could live knowing that Orphelia was dead?”
I smiled helplessly. He laughed. “There’s a huge difference. Orphelia is not my lover.”
The teacher smiled. “Ok,” she said. “It’s either the other ones then if you’d like, Romeo and Juliet has less touching though it’ll make the both of you feel more comfortable.” Glytherin smiled and shook his head.
“Can I see the dances in it then?” The woman gave him the book as the rest of the class left.
“What’s wrong with sleeping beauty anyway?” I showed the woman my leg extension. I could hardly do a split; there was no way I could play sleeping beauty. She nodded. “I understand, but you can go farther than anyone in the class, but not far enough.” Glytherin frowned at the choreography and sent the book of to me to look at. It seemed less hard and was more comfortable. The only thing there was, was the swinging around of legs, the killing, the kissing, and the death. I was so glad that I didn’t have to talk to dance but this one was even worse. I shook my head.
“Come on,” Ms. Alberry said. I shook my head again but smiled faintly. “Do you feel uncomfortable with it?” she asked. “I can take out some parts like the lifts, and then I can replace it with something.”
“You don’t understand, that would ruin it.” said Glytherin.
“So you like it?” the teacher asked.
“It’s nice indeed, but-”
“Good! We have ourselves a crowd pleaser! I’ve been waiting for this moment forever!” She was smiling outrageously. I looked at Glytherin who was shaking his head and repeatedly saying no.

In the end, we had to do the play or else, “Or else what?”
“I cut you off the team.”
“I don’t even like ballet!”
This went on.
“Lea likes ballet; she won’t have a trained partner to work with.” He looked at me now. “Your name’s not Orphelia?” he asked. I shook my head. It is. I wrote on a sheet of paper. “Well,” he said. “Ok, I’ll do it. I don’t want this to be unfair.” He frowned. “Wait,” he said again. “She doesn’t like ballet either!” My eyes widened. This was an inside message saying do not go on any further. He shut himself up. “Never mind,” he said through gritted teeth. “We’ll do the Romeo and Juliet.” It was ten o’clock now. I pointed towards the door. He nodded.
“Bye, I’ll see you Monday.” He said. What about you? I wrote on the sheet of paper as I put it toward him. He smiled. “My mother and she are friends; she’ll pick me up at eleven.” I nodded and I waved to my teacher. I left through the double doors. I held my clothes in my hand and I threw the sheet of paper in the garbage. I walked down the line until I reached home. The rest of the night was a blur when I reached home. Shane opened the door and saw my dizziness. Why was I like this?
“Hey Orphelia, what’s wrong with you?” Shane said holding me under my arms to keep me from falling. My step-mother came too. “Honey what’s wrong?” Where was my dad? I looked around. “He went out, he’s on a trip, last minute one or he could loose his job, and he’ll be gone for a month. My eyes widened. I went up steadying myself finally better. What had just happened? “Honey how was it today?” she asked. I shrugged. So, so. I’d say. Good. I mouthed to her. She smiled. “Time to go to bed it seems,” I nodded putting my bag on a jacket holder. I used the jacket holder for many things. I walked into my room and slammed myself on top of the bed.

When Orphelia, the modest of all could not sleep,
She lay on her bed and counted the sheep.
When the sheep were gone, she turned on her bed,
Hopefully she could sleep on her head instead!
When Orphelia the mighty with her hair all untidy,
Said, “I’m done; I can’t do this, come help me Almighty.”
Who was Almighty, this person or thing that she says?
Her prince that helps rescue, and kissed her to bed.

-Wise words of my mother. Orphelia’s Almighty Prince

Familiar Faces


Sunday was the worst day of all for me. I stayed home all day watching Shane

try and knit sweaters with his grandmothers. Both of them, his grandmother that was married to his grandfather and the one that was divorced. No one could even imagine the amount of tension in the house for the hours.
I had to get ready for school again. I had woken up and the house was unusually quiet, the birds not chirping, the sirens not going on and off like it always had in Queens, New York. I frowned. Something was very wrong. My foot steps on the ground didn’t even make a sound. I looked through my closet for my clothing and the clinging of the hangers didn’t cling.
I put the clothing on and I felt the vibration of noises that I couldn’t hear. My whole body froze and I opened my door silently feeling tears streak up inside of my eyes as a warning that I was going to belt out crying without any noises. I looked out of the door and smelt the smell of frying eggs that popped. My step-mother was saying something that I couldn’t hear, was she becoming mute too? Shane answered and he made no noise also.
I snapped my fingers trying to get their attention. Their gazes went straight to me. I hadn’t heard my own snap, hardly felt it going through my fingers. Shane began coming closer to me talking wordlessly coming through my ears. My step-mother burnt the eggs she was making unfocused by the horrified look in my eyes.
"Are you ok?" She said, but I couldn’t hear it. I was probably the only one who couldn’t hear it. I swallowed hard nearly choking myself. I put a finger around my ear. I hear nothing. I mouthed.
My stepmother stepped forwards and embraced me. She yelled something that I could not interpret. She messed around with my ears trying to see if there was another conclusion to this. She knew she didn’t want it to happen. She yelled in my ears but all I felt was her tears and vibrations.
This would be even harder on my case of not being able to defend myself in court. I was reading and writing others notes. I wanted to stay home today; I didn’t want my teachers to see me this way. I didn’t want the ballet students to see me this way. I didn’t want Glytherin especially, to see me this way, I’ll be afraid that he regrets being my partner and to me, that would hurt more than anything in the world. If someone didn’t want to be my partner just because of some hearing thing hurt me so badly.
I covered my eyes as I cried soundlessly not even hearing what was going on around me. Why is this happening to me? Why s my life slowly fading away? Shane and his mother were still talking. His mother gasped. Shane told her about the murder of Matthew. How could he?
I wanted to fall on my knees and stay home. Shane took me by my arms and headed me outside. Why was he still bringing me? I wanted to yell that I didn’t want to go but I couldn’t say anything. He held my hand as we walked across the street and towards the school. I shook my head with tears all over my face. He nodded mouthing something. We have to? I didn’t know what he was saying at all. Was it really that hard to read lips?

Towards the school as we walked in from the bus which Amanda had not appeared to be on, kids looked past me as Shane walked me around making sure that if someone were telling me to move, he’d move me if I hadn’t known. Every one watched. The silence of this loud hallway frightened me. Every one saw my tears. This was the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. I cried into my hands now.
We made it up to the principal’s office. Shane and him were talking as I saw the principal’s eyes widened. I read his lips. Helen Keller. I frowned and cried some more. How could he say that about me? He put a hand on my back and probably said the same thing he had before. Calm down, it’s alright girl.

I’m not a freaking horse you idiot! My saddening worsened as I fell to the floor.
Shane began having a conversation as I felt the late bell ring and random students watching me through the window. My vision began to blur. What was next? My eyes?! Would everything I had to be me become gone? All talents that I might’ve hoped for were gone! With my speech, I’d sing, with my ears, I’d be a life guard. With my eyes, I’d be a dancer, and with this practice, I’d be afraid that it’d be the last. My vision blurred up some more. Perhaps last night was my last.
The upsetting disaster overwhelmed me but I made no sound at all. Help me! All I want is help! The principal tried and calmed me down again but that was his first attempt.

It was later on now and I was hoping that maybe dance would be ok. I was already dressed. Maybe I would try a little harder this afternoon when I practiced at ballet. Maybe the lip reading would be better, or that’s what I hoped.
I sighed deeply as I walked alone. I was deaf. I had to face it now. It was definitely true, I was definitely deaf. I shouldn’t even go to this place with me in this position to cry and cry. On the way there, I saw all the guys go in groups. They talked but I heard nothing. I saw Glytherin with them as well. He waved to me as a greeting. I weakly smiled and waved back. He walked towards me dragging me to walk faster.
He was talking things and I wish I could tell him to stop here. I had to go home. I didn’t want my dance teacher to know all my problems. The tears came again. Why was I deaf!? What is going on with me?! I stopped in my tracks and Glytherin stopped pulling me feeling the yank of my arms and where my feet stop. “Something wrong?” he asked. I nodded.
Very wrong. I mouth but don’t tell anyone. He nods deeply in interest. He pulls me along so that we could get into ballet first. I followed him reluctantly. We stepped inside the double doors and the teacher was talking to the class. On the board, she was teaching simple extensions for the thirty minute class. I already knew how to do simple extensions. He dragged me to my quarter and the teacher handed us our books. I went along with everything trying to look happy at least. I had the paper and pencil already sitting beside me and I smiled knowing that she cared now.
I felt Glytherin muttering something to me close in my ear, and then, I heard it. “Gonna help me with my extensions?” he asks. I gasp and look blankly forward and try to calm down. I nodded. He chuckled. He stood far away and I could feel the vibration of his voice, but I could not hear. I pulled him close again. He seemed utterly confused. “What’s wrong?” he asked. I pull him closer wanting to hear more clearly and everything is clear. How come I can’t hear from other people? I write on my paper. I’ve become deaf, just this morning.

He looked at the paper not in amusement but in confusion. He looks at me closer with worried eyes. “Really?” he asked. I nodded with tears coming down. I wiped them away as the teacher came up to show us the position of the leg extension. I stand up with Glytherin right behind me. The objective of this was to make sure that the leg goes up high enough but not too quickly. He reached quickly down at my feet and pulled it up. He held onto my stomach making sure I don’t fall. I tried to lean but he held me straight so that the extension would go smoothly. He pulls my leg higher.
I felt the pain building up in my calves. I bring it higher, and higher. Then all of a sudden, I feel a certain warmth against my cheek. My leg was touching my face now. I had done the extension to the highest, until I fell down in a split. I’ve never done a split before. I was proud of myself and very elated to know that it hadn’t hurt when I fell. Glytherin pulled me back up. I smiled deeply as the teacher clapped.
She muttered something that I didn’t hear. She pulled me up into the correct stanza and pulled Glytherin behind me again. What was she doing? If I could hear, this would be a lot easier. She took his hands and puts it at my waist and his other hand under my thigh and slowly putting his hand up my calve as he pulled my leg higher and there was no pain at all there. And soon, he let go…

It was six and this was the normal time for the class to end when on regular schedule. It was getting dark again. Today the day was sort of painful but after ballet, I had gotten myself together again. Maybe, Glytherin was becoming bored of me now, now that I couldn’t hear much of anything without his mouth being up to my ears.
I felt his footsteps patter out on the ground. He turned me around. “Come.” I saw him say, not exactly hear. I shook my head. I couldn’t go. I had to be home in time or everyone would worry. He pulled onto me now. Please.

He mouthed. I gulped slowly as I followed after where he was running. He was extremely fast and I tried my best to catch up but my vision was blurring. He saw what was happening. I saw three of him now all going in other directions. Which one of him was the right direction I should be going in? All I knew was that all three of him was running back for me.
I was lifted and he held the back of my legs as I was up against his shoulder. I wanted to scream so badly. He was talking. I could feel his heart beating and talking extremely fast. It wasn’t something you could easily ignore. What was wrong? He put me down now, and I fell. Everything blacked out after that as I felt my head hit hard metal. I saw a slight frown and saw him mouth an apology, and that was all.

I heard laughing and I saw a few men walking across from where I was lying down. It was a beautiful morning? Was it really morning? Have I been knocked out all night? I saw my dream again. The palm, turning into leaves, leaves turning into a dagger, and…
I saw the rest. … And the sword turning into armor around me, a golden armor. An armor that had only filled my arm. I walked away from the beastly creature as it sat there spasming and dying slowly.
I looked around as the few men, one familiar, were talking about their joyride around the kingdom.
Kingdom, seriously? I sat up but some one pushed me back down as the men surrounded me.
“Are you ok?” the familiar guy asked. I nodded. Glytherin came around and smiled at me. “You don’t notice it?” he asked. I gave him a questioned look. What was he talking about? “I gave you a gift,” he said. “Not one, but two gifts that everyone should just have, for the rest of their lives but are sometimes not meant to be held onto. Obviously, these two gifts are yours to keep for the next ten years, and then you have to come back.” I was so confused. I questioned him again. What was he talking about?! “I’ve given you back what was rightfully yours, what earth has taken from you, the ability to hear.”
I gasped. I didn’t even realize it. I could’ve been ecstatic but I didn’t even notice it. “And I’ve given you another gift,” he said. This can’t be true, it really can’t be, if this is a dream, I’m not following as well as I hoped too. “Talk to me,” he said. “Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours.” All of a sudden, Glytherin was compassionate in his words. He was surprised of what I tried to say, my voice course though. “Glytherin?” I said hearing the own words in me made me scared. I’ve never expected my voice to sound like this. I cleared my throat now and spoke his name again. “Glytherin!” It came out more clearly. My vision was clearer now. How did he do it? I stood up and I hugged him. This was the greatest gift I’d ever receive. He pushed me away a little bit then. “Listen, though,” he said. “Being in this place is perhaps better than the other place you were in.”
“The dance studio? I know, it wasn’t my favorite place in the world either.”
He smiled. “I love your voice.” He said. “Hearing it makes you seem unfamiliar, anyway, I’m not talking about the dance studio, and I’m saying that if you stayed in that place any longer, you could’ve perished. You could’ve died. It was taking all five of your senses until you were no more, understand that. The Earth’s Poisonous air is alien to you, and breathing this air makes it all better.”
“I’m not an alien.” I objected. He sees that I feel offended. “I know,” he says. “But the air to you is alien, you’re more of an inhuman kind of species, my fiancé hasn’t yet found out what you are because I didn’t tell her. She’ll be so upset to see that I’ve brought you here.”
“Why would she be upset?” I asked. He steadied himself a bit on his feet.
“My fiancé doesn’t want me bringing any girl into this place if they are from earth, it’s a simple rule.” The guys nodded. “These are my friends,” Glytherin pointed out. His friends seemed to be older. How old was Glytherin really? How many lies had he told about himself, was Glytherin really his name?
“How old are you?” I asked him. He thought about this for a second. He did lie about his age before.
“I’m sixteen, as I said before.” I nodded.
“What’s your name?” I asked. My voice sounds nothing like a twelve year old’s.
“Same as before,” he answered.
“How are you sixteen and getting married?” I said wonderingly. He smiled now. I didn’t want any nonsense. I just wanted him to answer the question.
“Because I am.” He answered. I was ready to throw off a tantrum. Did any of these people know any thing? “Because,” the young man said in a familiar English accent, “his princess is forcing him to marry her.” Glytherin’s eyes widened. He slapped the guy in the face and pinned him down to the floor with his foot on his back.
“Rigor, that’s personal!” he yelled. I stepped back a bit. Glytherin pushed him on his back one more time and finally let go.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized, “but we have to go now.” Now I knew why he didn’t want to do Romeo and Juliet, or any of those princess stories, because he already has a princess of his own. If I’d known some things I would’ve objected from it. Glytherin began leading me out of the door. I walked towards it as the guys sent me sad faces and waved bye.
Why were they acting sad? Was Glytherin bad? His princess is forcing him to marry her. It was the princess wasn’t it, that everyone was afraid of? I walked out of the door with Glytherin behind me. He was still wearing that same black t-shirt with the baggy pants. It doesn’t seem presentable to address the princess, other than me; I look like a dirty fairy almost.
Glytherin glanced at me once or twice. Into sight, I saw the castle.
“Oh my goodness.” I said. “It’s huge.” He smiled and nodded. He looked at himself up and down.
“You know what you are?” he asked. I shook my head. “Well,” he said. “You’re on a whole other dimension, your not breathing earth’s air---”
“I’m not an alien! What are you talking about?” I said. He raised his eyebrows. “We’ll find out,” he said. “You’re not an alien but you breath this air, the earth’s air is toxic to you, it is to everyone who is born here. It’s just how it is.” I was completely confused.
“And what is that supposed to mean? I’ve been living on earth almost all of my life...I think.” He nodded.
“Yes, but when you live there for ten years, you begin to loose some of your senses and what ever makes you, you. Like your voice, then it took away your hearing, next it would’ve been your taste, touch, smell, and last to go would’ve been sight and you would’ve died.” I didn’t believe a thing he was saying. I looked up at the sky. This whole place reminds me of that stupid dream I had when I was eight.
It reminded me of my mother and all the things she made up to make me go to sleep when I had dreams. These setting of these dreams were very close to what was right here. I felt something break down on me. I was having another dream wasn’t I? When Glytherin dropped me, I must be out of my mind now. I couldn’t speak; I couldn’t hear still, it was only a dream. Disappointment filled me. I walked on trying to let this moment last. I looked at the flowers, I looked at the green grass and all of the people who were all wearing armor like I had been which transformed into a whole lot of things. Unlike my dream, the sky was a bright orange color, not blue but such a bright orange, it reminded me of butterflies. I hated butterflies. “It looks like it’s going to rain.” Glytherin commented. “That’s why the sky is orange this morning; it always does that when it rains.”

We reached the castle door that took some force to actually get open. Rust sprinted from it as I tried to push. As I looked inside, I refused to go in.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. I spread my hand over the surface of the castle. It was all velvet carpet. Was this medieval business? I didn’t like medieval dreams. The castle seemed like a million stories high, in fact, I didn’t see where it actually stopped in the sky. “After you.” Glytherin said.
I stepped on the carpet with my ballerina flats. It made a noise that rustled. Glytherin came in after me. “What are we doing here?” my voice echoed. Glytherin shushed me. “I don’t want anyone to exactly know you’re here.” He said. Why couldn’t anyone know I was here? I felt palms underneath mine. I felt a longing to shriek as all of a sudden, armor built onto him. He dragged away.
“What’d you do to me?” he asked. He hasn’t seen this either? I shrugged and he stopped there. “Wow.” He said. “I’ve wanted to get armor for so long, how do you do that? Did you use some kind of spell? The princess will be pleased that I finally have my armor; she actually thought I was going to be the ineffective guy.” I looked at him with confusion. The armor lowly scaled up his body and went down to shape up his legs and neatly covered his head into a shield. “Can you help me get this off though,” he said muffled. “I mean, it’s nice to get armor that is made the correct size for you, but I don’t think I want it on when I go to the queen.”
“I don’t know how to take it off and I have no idea how it even came on.” I said. He sighed silently. “That’s too bad.” He said. “I wanted to keep it.” He began ripping the scales of armor one by one as each disappeared before falling to the ground and making too much noise.
He told me to follow him again. We went through a couple of halls where names were put into each door showing whose rooms it was for. All names were something that you haven’t really heard before but based off of real names. Ethanian, Gloretta, Nathro etc. I eyed each name remembering some and the easiest ones, forgotten. As I walked on, I bumped into someone who stood tall. “Hello, Glytherin, what are you doing here?”
Glytherin stuttered for a moment. “Looking for the queen.” He answered. The man I bumped into settled his eyes on me.
“What is the princess doing out of her throne?” he asked Glytherin again. He breathed out showing much stress.
“Explanations are only due to the queen, not one of her soldiers." Glytherin grabbed my hand again but there was no armor. I guess once you do it once, and tear it apart. You can’t do it again. He pulled me aside and brought me to a bigger area of the castle as two women sat on a thrown. Glytherin pulled me to the right of the hall behind a small wall to keep me from being seen.
“Ok,” he said, “the queen and the princess don’t like me barging into their home, and they definitely don’t want me coming in with anyone either.”
“But you’re getting married to one of them.” I complained. He nodded.
“I know, but it doesn’t mean anything, and perhaps you heard that the woman is forcing me to marry her, well, don’t tell that to anyone, you and my friends are to only one’s who know.” He looked around for a moment. “Stay here until I say, ‘I need you to meet someone.’ understand?” I nodded. I stayed behind the wall. Glytherin went forward. I heard a small tiny voice. It was the princess.
“What are you doing here Glythe? It’s early in the morning, you know this is my relaxing time; I can’t be bothered with your non stop pestering.” He nodded.
“I understand Ophelia…” that’s when I stopped listening. Ophelia? That was too close to my actual name, Orphelia. “Anyway, I need you to meet someone.” I stepped out from the wall but the princess yelled for me to stay. “Glytherin!” she yelled. “You know I can’t have random murderers seeing my real identity! You know that! How could you put me in danger like this? You and my mother and residents and guards, and guests, and dress designers, and your friends, and my friends, and the civilians know, not murderers!”
“No, they aren’t the only ones who know,” Glytherin said. “This person knows exactly what you look like, you definitely just think it’s ok going around fairies and stealing there identities, but this person that you chose, was not human.” He then turned to me and beckoned me to appear before the throne. Something told me though, that this would be a terrible idea, so I didn’t move.
He walked towards me. I shook my head. “I can’t!” I whispered. He pulled me. “I know, it’s like a stranger taking you away, but I need you to do this.” He pulled me from the corner. I looked at the princess in front of me now. Brown eyes, light brown skin, loose curls spilling down her face. Eyes opened with shock along with her mouth. This princess person, looked exactly like me. I felt like running away, but that would be like running away from your own shadow. I gasped unusually.
“Oh my goodness.” I couldn’t help but saying it. I was shocked by my own voice but the princesses was much different. I couldn’t help but doing any thing else but stare at my own eyes like in a mirror. The queen frowned.
“Glytherin,” she said obviously scared. “How dare you bring this thing from a different dimension?” I looked at the queen speak and look nothing of my own mother. But the princess, she’s stolen my identity! She looked embarrassed of seeing the face she’s stolen, why would she need to steal others faces?
“Because,” Glytherin began again, “she was dying, she was loosing her senses after breathing earth’s air for twelve years, and something about her, maybe something about her face, and the very familiar name caught me off guard. You said that that was your face!” he said with anger bolting out of every letter.
“Now you just put another of our kind in danger.” The queen stood up from her throne revealing very unsteady knees. “You should’ve let the girl die then.”
“I couldn’t!” he yelled. “She reminded me of Ophelia, or is that your name? I’m not even sure I know you now. What is your name?” Ophelia stood steadily. She stood up from her thrown as well throwing herself at Glytherin. I backed up. She was hugging him and crying and yelling on the top of her lungs.
“I just wanted you to fall in love with me!” she yelled, and this reminded me of a certain someone I knew. Keely. “Some one told me you were best friends with a girl named Orphelia at the age of two. I knew she was a fairy but I wanted to be someone that was familiar to you! So I changed myself, in look for a husband. I found you, with Orphelia’s face, you seemed to recognize me, and you believed that my name was Ophelia instead. Everything was fine. That’s it. I didn’t want to be that ugly girl anymore! I didn’t want to be her!”
The queen patted her on the back. “I’ve never been friends with this guy.” I said pointing to Glytherin. “I don’t know anything about him.” Glytherin turned to me.
“We were friends until your mother sent you to a different dimension, but she should’ve brought you back knowing you couldn’t stay over ten years.” I didn’t say anything about my mother’s death. I didn’t even recognize this person’s face, at all.

“I don’t know you,” I said apologizing. The princess had her arms rapped around him.
“I just wanted to be a beautiful princess, if I had stayed the same way, you’d never fall for me.” She said. He fell for my face?

Glytherin helplessly patted her back. “Yes,” he said. “If it weren’t for the familiar face, I wouldn’t have addressed you, but if you just took the time to meet me, there could’ve been less lies due to our marriage.”
She nodded. “First, let’s discuss everything in our bedroom.” She took my dainty hands, her hands in this case, and rapped her fingers in his. The queen looked angrily at me. “Hi.” I said. “Are you leaving?” she asked. “Get out of here, my soon to be son in law and my daughter are having a conversation in their room, do you really need to be here?” There was nowhere else for me to go. I was taken here, against my will, by someone who was friends with me for some time. I didn’t know what to do at all.
“How do I get out of here?”
“How did you get in?” she asked.
I shrugged now. “I was unconscious when I was brought here.” She took sometime to look at me. “Is your daughter going to let everyone know that they’ve been fooled with a face that belongs to me, and a name?” The woman rolled her eyes and nodded. “Of course not, she likes the face she is wearing, she believes it something she can get to attract people.”
I shook my head. “It doesn’t attract people at my school, but she does know how to make herself look pretty.”
“Try to put your hair up sometimes, or try to smile and you’ll see the beauty in your features.” She was being nice all of a sudden. “Do you need a place to stay?” she asked. I nodded as I played with my fingers trying my best not to look in her eyes. “Too bad.” She murmured. “Let me call my guards to escort you outside---”
“No!” I yelled finally looking into her deep golden eyes.
“I don’t allow fairies in my castle!” she yelled. I was surprised. A fairy? But then again, I do remember Ophelia saying something about a fairy. I knew she was a fairy! But I wanted to be someone close to you!

“I’m not a fairy,” I said. “I don’t have wings, I don’t sparkle, and I’m not what you all think I am. You all have stolen my identity but you don’t notice that I’m human?” The woman shook her head.
“The air!” she yelled. “The one that you’re breathing in is poisonous to every human! But fairy’s are scarce these days, your lucky you’re alive, none of them make it having to be involved with war, which reminds me. I think I could use you.” She bent over in her chair and pulled something from underneath it. It was a book. She began flipping through the pages. People and Faculty of War.

I stared at her soundlessly as if I were still mute. “Ah!” she yelled. “Here we are, the only fairies actually left in this dimension are five, and we have three living in a cabin three miles down. Maybe you can take your skinny legs and walk. My mouth dropped. “Listen, you can stay here for no more than a week, and then you must find a way for these fairies to let you in, or you must go back to the other dimension.” I nodded happily. I was getting a room. A certain one of my mother’s poems entered my mind quickly.

Liar, liar, pants on fire,
Threw a tomato at your tire,
Went to you job and got you fired,
Liar, liar pants on fire.

What she was saying reminded me of this poem. Either, she was going to give me a job, and catch me on fire, or throw something in the way to keep me from moving on.
“Is there a catch?”

I was following the queen after seeing my room which was the basement. She was pulling me through the whole castle which seemed like miles long.
“Do you have your wings?” she asked. I shook my head. I hadn’t even been aware that I was supposed to have wings. “The catch honey is-”
“I thought the catch was having to sleep in the basement.” I said. She smiled and shook here head.
“No,” she said smiling at me with pearly white teeth. “Actually, the catch is attending war; we’re running out of the magical kinds, like you, the fairies. We have warriors; we have giants, but only few fairies participating.” I was never the kind of person who ever thought about war. “You’d be a sky warrior,” she added on, “if we ever find your wings in time.” I stopped in my place. The queen turned to look at me. The unfamiliar voice of me spoke.
“I can’t be in war; I’m hardly strong enough to do ballet, which I really need to get back to in time.” She breathed heavily letting all the air come out of her bubbled mouth. “What day of the week did you get here?”
“I said what day of the week.”
“Monday,” I answered weakly.
“Today is Thursday.”
I shrieked, “You’re kidding! I had to learn this dance, I have to do it in order to get on with life, it affects on if I get to go to a special arts college! I can’t stay here! I’m still in learning!” She pulled me along with her again around the castle.
“If you want to live, get a last week’s breath of fresh air and I will let you return with all the practice you can get, it’ll just be you and me.” I shook my head.
“Glytherin’s my partner.”
“When did they have partners?” she asked. “In ballet, it was always me myself and I.” That’s because you’re old.

I wanted to say. “Glytherin and you can practice your dance; I don’t want to ruin your life. You, I, and he will work on it together.” She smiled now. We reached a door to a room named, The Queen's. “In here, I will give you an offer of some clothing that you will be wearing as a guest, if anyone asks; you are the sister of the queen.” I nodded. I stepped foot into the room as she opened it and immediately twisted her hair in her fingers for some reason. “The king’s sleeping.” She said. That was bad. “I don’t want to interfere with his sleeping so be quieter than a mouse.” I nodded.
The king’s face was a bunch of wrinkles and lines sprawled across his face with two baggy cheeks like a bull dogs.
I tiptoed in. She led me to her closet that contained a billion robes. The closet, for a queen was small. Where was the rest of it? “This is the guest’s closet,” she said. I nodded with realization spraying all over the place.
“Who’s there?” I heard a deep voice say. I turned behind me. “What are the both of you doing in my beauty sleep? Lindsay, why are you wearing that dirty ballet dress? Your twenty-one years old, we agreed to be over this obsession, as for Glytherin, tell him to fetch me a glass of water.”
The princess’s name was Lindsay? She was twenty-one? The queen shushed her husband. “This is the girl of the face that Lindsay stole, believe it or not, and she was a fairy as well, so she couldn’t die in the process and she’s forgotten all about it.”
The queen seemed to trust me with all of these words. “Please don’t tell Glytherin though, I want to give Lindsay time to finally announce before they get married.” I nodded trying to edge out a smile but I was officially unable to smile when I had the thought of this girl Lindsay in my head because she reminded me a lot of the girl named Keely. Then all of a sudden, I remembered that I had to find proof within two weeks that I hadn’t killed Matthew.
I gasped at the thought of it. “I have to get back!” I whispered. “I’ve only got two weeks to prove Keely wrong, two weeks to show that that I haven’t killed Matthew, two weeks to keep myself from going to court and being sued. I have to go!” I began to run to get out of the room but was grabbed back. I turned to see the queen holding my wrist.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
I answered quickly. “I have only two weeks to find proof that I hadn’t killed someone at my school and I must leave as soon as I can.” She scratched the top of her head. “I was really hoping that we could probably practice ballet, I haven’t done it for so long, but I guess we can pass for now. You must stay till the end of the day if you don’t want to die, because you’ve been here for four days now, just stay one more. Leave tomorrow morning and come back in another ten years and maybe that time, you can stay.” I nodded. She threw me a robe now.
“Thanks.” She lied next to her husband and stayed there.
“You may leave.” She said. I nodded. I tripped over a hanger on my way there and fell out of the door while it automatically closed behind me. Four feet stepped before me. I looked up to the familiar face of me, Lindsay, and to the oddly unfamiliar face of Glytherin. He seemed that he had just came because when I saw his feet, they were still moving towards me.
“What are you doing?” he asked his fiancé. It tore me apart having to see such a young guy falling for a girl five years older than him. I sighed.
“You heard everything.” She said. I nodded. She was eaves dropping. “Are you really going back with her to do this ballet thing?” She asked Glytherin. He looked down on me.
“Perhaps, yes, if that’s when she needs to go. But why do you have to go so quickly, Orphelia?” The other girl shook to hearing the name.
“Because,” I said, “as well as I’m doing the ballet and getting into school, I also have to find proof in two weeks that I didn’t kill someone, and his parents have been trying to sue me for the death of him. And my family, what do you think they think?” I stood up from where I’d fallen. “But I’m staying tonight. I can find another partner, you can stay here.” I said to Glytherin.
“You’ll find another guy in the town that you live in with as much practice as me?” he asked. I thought about it. There were a lot of people on the street I lived in within New York that actually new ballet. “Don’t worry, I’ll come.”
I nodded. “Where are you heading? So you have a room?” the girl asked. I nodded clutching her mother’s guest clothes tightly to me as I began walking in the other direction. “Will we see you around the castle?” She asked. I shook my head.
“I plan on keeping myself to myself today,” I walked on for the rest of that. I kept looking back on my familiar face. Get rid of it! I looked back at the couple. She was hanging tightly onto him. I couldn’t even picture myself hugging anyone that tightly, not even my father, but now I have, and it’s a picture of someone I knew somewhere near birth, or since I was two; practically a stranger. My face would haunt me in the night. Orphelia, Ophelia. Who would be smart enough to see the difference, I was, I knew exactly that it wasn’t my name. How come Glytherin didn’t? He didn’t know me as well as I knew myself though. I walked further and then downstairs. I turned into the heated basement with a layout couch stranded in the middle of the floor. I sat on it as the noon sun rolled by me and onto my cheeks warming me some more. I lied down as I felt sweat trickle down my ballet dress that I’d have to replace at ballet practice tomorrow. I took it over my head and pulled some of the clothing on. I had on a dress that scratched me in every place. It went down my arms and touched the floor. It had a golden outline and a brick red middle. It was pretty, yet very uncomfortable. I sat there for now, and then I waited to see if I’d ever come to bring myself up.

Giving In

It was finally morning again and I was prepared to leave from this place as quickly as I could. The dress hurt me more than it had the day before. I knew that even though I stayed this one night, I still had to pay by wearing uncomfortable clothing and also having to cooperate with the war.
I got up from the bed as Glytherin was looking through the basement closet. Did he even notice I was in the room at all?
“Hello?” I said showing him that I was there. He jumped up dropping some of his things on the ground. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to startle you; I thought you knew I was here.” He immediately objected. He looked at me steadily and looked stunned.
“I guess since she returned your face, it comes out a little bit more on you, that’s good. Lindsay told me that her mother sent you off to Guest Room 210. She even said that she herself made sure. I guess it’s all Lies with Lindsay. Can you believe that she’s twenty-one? She did

have the face of you so I guess it tricked me a bit, but your face still resembles how it did a while ago.” I nodded getting up from the couch. Last night was practically a blur. I remember waking up several of times to the sounds of people I didn’t know coming in and out.
“Are you ok?” he asked. “Your back doesn’t hurt or anything? The springs are still broken and are popping out from the sides.”
“I’m fine.” I replied trying to get up easily. He began complaining again.
“I’ve been sleeping beside this woman for a couple of years now thinking we were the perfect couple and all.” He stopped now. He realized the person he was really talking about was me. He looked down on himself now taking the things from the closet and propping it back up on its shelf. “Ready to leave now?” he asked.
I nodded. He opened the door letting me out. I looked around at the huge sunny windows that surrounded the place. I soaked up the sun and coughed from all of the humidity I took in from the basement. Glytherin patted me on the back. “Don’t worry,” he said. “I’ll work this problem out between Lindsay and her mother.” He looked at me up and down. “Why are you wearing that?” he asked. I saw my dress wrinkled from top to bottom.
I shrugged. “I accepted all I could get from the queen.” I said.
“Well,” he said. “I’ve been told that those dresses haven’t been worn sine the seventies, you can get home and dress differently then.” I heard footsteps approaching behind us. “Glytherin!” Lindsay was yelling. I looked at her face now. It wasn’t mine; she gave more of me back to my face, I guess that was what Glytherin meant.
She hooked up onto the long sleeves of his shirt now. “Are you leaving already?” she asked.
Glytherin nodded. “Why? I told you this morning I was getting ready to leave with Orphelia right away.” Her face was still pretty; it was like anyone’s face, why did she even want mine?
“Ok, Glytherin, be careful, I need you to help me pick out a dress in public, you know how it gets in public.” Glytherin nodded with an uninterested look in his face. “When will you be back?” she asked.
“In a month or two.” He answered. “We’re going to flash out of here, do you mind?” Lindsay shook her head. She pecked his cheek with her lips.
“I swear if you’re late, you know what’s coming to you.” She reminded him.
He looked serious now. “Yes,” he said. Now he looked at me. “Hold onto my arm please.” I hooked onto his arm now allowing myself space. I was gone for five days now. I wondered if anything would change with me gone. Glytherin checked his clock, and the next thing I knew, I was looking through space. I was looking through blackness that had white flashes of light in some places. I could not see Glytherin but I felt my arm hook onto him until the black tunnel ended and I fell out of his grip. I felt hard earth underneath me. The sun was shining and rain was pouring down on me. My hair was all wet now and I was completely shaken from the coldness. The dress began to scratch me on every single area of my arms. I looked at my arm where blood was from the scratches. The dress was practically made out of rose thorns. I gasped. The queen wasn’t being nice, she probably hated me. I looked up as I saw where we were… again. We were behind the dance studio. I looked through it where I saw my dance teacher leaving. I wanted to talk to her for so long and I was so happy I’d be able to spurt out a couple of words. I began running towards her. She stared at me with eyes widened. She had a sad face on. I read her lips as she talked. She didn’t put it into a voice because she thought I couldn’t hear. I smiled even larger as I felt Glytherin step behind me. The sun burned me. “I can talk!” I yelled.
Instead of the woman jumping up for joy, her eyes just widened more and she stepped back. “And I can hear!” I yelled. She shook her head.
“I’ve never heard of such miracles before. This is fabulous!” She put her lengthy arms around me. “Oh my goodness, Orphelia! Your mother must be so happy.”
“Step-mother,” I corrected her. “And actually, I haven’t told her yet, it just happened this morning.” I was a liar. I was a cold liar and I was near to hating myself for it. Just because I had a voice didn’t mean I had to use it to lie.
“Glytherin,” she said to him. “Where have the both of you been? You have a couple days of work needed to be done in one. I’m telling you, it’ll be a lot. Where’ve you been?” I didn’t answer to this and I wasn’t going to. In all truth, I had no idea of where we’ve been. “One of her friends said she was sick at home and I just found her today,” Glytherin said. “On the other hand, my aunt took me on a trip for a few.”
The teacher smiled. “Ok, today I want you guys here at three, earlier than the others meaning right after school cause we have to perfect your ballet. Understand?” I nodded as I began to walk off. It seemed that Glytherin wanted to immediately object this. I walked home in the cold morning kind of glad that I was wearing this long thorn embroidered dress. Yes, it hurt but it was warm and made of polyester.
I crossed the street happier now that I could hear everything and also happy that I could talk. I’d have to get ready and head right to school after this. As I went across the street, I spotted Amanda. She stared at me thoroughly. I didn’t send off any expression towards her at all. She looked at me and I saw her coming towards me.
I began walking the other direction. She’d been so mad at me and it was obvious too. She walked out on me that one night when we should’ve walked home together. She didn’t even try to talk to me or call me over because she thought I couldn’t hear.
I began walking a bit faster towards the school. The thorns scratched against my arms again drawing more blood then a needle but it looked like it was stray cloth in the dress so no one seemed to notice. I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. I turned around hastily.
She was there with sad and depressed eyes. “I’m sorry.” She said. I never was

angry at her, why was she apologizing?
“It’s fine.” I answered still startled by my own voice. Her eyes widened.
“Did you just talk to me?” she asked. She dropped her book bag on the ground now. “Oh my goodness! You’re so pretty today! And you’ve just talked to me!” She had her arms on my shoulders jumping up and down. “How’d you get that fixed? Now we can talk on the phone, we can help you out with murder thing; maybe you can ever convince Glytherin to be my partner!” She was ecstatic now. Glytherin and I were supposed to help each other though. I didn’t know what he was but I would never be able to get him not to be my partner. I guess I just couldn’t tell her about it then.
“I gotta get home and get dressed Amanda, I’ll see you at school later.”
“Where have you been?” she asked now. I hesitated and began walking in the other direction.
“I was sick while going off somewhere for a few days.” That was my answer, and that was it. I had nothing else to say now.

I rang the doorbell of the large apartment my step-mother, my dad, me and my step-brother lived in. To most kids, they hated their step-family, but I loved them as much as I loved my real ones. Someone peeked through the looking glass but couldn’t catch sight of me.
“Who is it?” Shane asked. “If it’s one of the cheerleaders from school, my step-dad is a cop! You can’t bully me anymore!” I looked awkwardly through. I don’t resemble any of the cheerleaders at all, not even my ensemble was the look that a cheerleader might wear in public. He looked as if he were just leaving for school.
“It’s me.” I said. He stepped back from the door. I forgot he couldn’t recognize my voice as much as I couldn’t. “I’m sorry, Shane. It’s me, Orphelia.” I heard a stumble next to the door.
“That is not the face of my stepsister, and plus, she can’t talk, whoever is pulling this prank is an idiot.”
“Open the door Shane!” I yelled. He slowly opened it looking at my face closer. Through the looking glass, things must’ve looked different. He opened it wider and stared directly at me.
“You look different.” He said. I looked different? I felt the same. I ran to the mirror in the bathroom as Shane followed me. “How the heck are you talking?!” he asked. I shook my head. I looked at my facial features in the mirror. Dark brown color, my skin was now a darker shade of brown, showing my features that I wasn’t Hispanic, but mixed. I gasped. I now saw that my eyes were light brown instead of dull. I could’ve been less ghostly if it weren’t for that princess stealing things from me; as my face. My back shot out a large pain. I ached backwards and fell to the floor.
“Orphelia, are you ok?” Shane asked. I felt my back and the pressure that went into it like a knife digging in. I hissed through my teeth. I ignored Shane. “Are you still going to school?” he asked. I ignored again but stood up and heaved my back into the wall and the sudden pain stopped. I breathed heavily putting my hands into my recklessly curly hair.

I ran into my room and rushed inside stealing a pair of pants and a shirt with a tie over it. I put in a pair of my mother’s earrings and opened a book of hers that I made sure was always on my dresser. It was a book of her poems. I noticed that so far, I memorized two. Orphelia’s Almighty Prince

and Liar Liar Pants on Fire.

I admired all of her poems that she read to me out of her book. I looked at another one. I had my mind set up to memorize each and every one of them until I reached July when summer would approach. I turned a page to a random one in the book folding it in and immediately with a dog ear to show that I had already come across it.

Sometimes we are missed,
It is destined to be.
We put are lives at risk,
This seems appropriate to me.
I love you now,
When I’d loathed you then,
That’s why I write this, right here in pen.

This particular poem didn’t have a name, only this one hadn’t and I knew this because I already remember it. My mother wrote this for my father deliberately before the day she died. I think she knew.
I placed the book down as I headed out with Shane holding on to his arm to make him come with me instead of stuttering. While walking in the street, he looked at me fully. Even though Shane was younger than me, he was taller. He was nearly six feet and it was unbelievable but I was five eight. I was tall too.
“What’s going on Orphelia? You’ve been gone for nearly five days; you can talk and hear, you look different, what did you do over the nights? Get yourself done? Did you freaking die your hair? That’s unbelievable. How could you do this to yourself, let’s hope you didn’t get plastic surgery, and then let me talk about the contacts, what up with those? And how about the face? It’s the middle of winter! There’s no way someone gets a tan like that in the winter! Unless, you spent some time at the tanning booth, your dad will be so angry!” I shut him up.
“I don’t know what’s going on!” I yelled. “Please just calm down now.” He didn’t talk another word on the way there but kept uncomfortably staring at me as if we weren’t brother or sister. As we reached school though, I parted from him as I saw the gates locking. “NO!” I yelled. I ran for my life as a teacher stopped and stared surprised from the wavering voice coming out of me.
“Orphelia?” she asked. I went through the gate at once beckoning for Shane to come in after. “Orphelia, I thought you’d gone mute and deaf.” I nodded and smiled running to my first class. I marched up the stairs and the thundering sounds startled some people walking through the stair well. I went into my first class and saw my guidance counselor looking at me. She waved.
“Hi.” I said. Her eyes widened as I opened the door to my classroom. I took a seat next to Cory: Rudolph. He sat a little farther from me. The teacher wrote on the board. As soon as she was finished writing, I read it as the class turned to look at me. They looked at everything that had brightened on me and then back at the board. It had said, "At twelve, the principal would like to talk to you about the murder investigation."
I nodded. What were they going to do if I didn’t find any proof that I hadn’t done it? Where they going to let those snobby rich jerks sue me? This I could not let happen. There was always silence between me and my teachers. Rudolph raised his hand now.
“How is she going to do anything if she can’t hear?” he asked. I shook my head.
“I can hear, Cory.” I said to him.
“Orphelia?” the teacher asked. “Is that really you?” I nodded at her feeling kind of lonely here. It was me.

It was always me. I was the same person I was before but I could talk and hear. What was the problem? The class still stared at me murmuring. “It’s good news,” she said. “That you can hear and talk and all. You must be very elated.”
I nodded. It was true, I was happier than anything---anyone else in the world, more than anything else ever

in the world.
The teacher nodded.
When twelve o’clock came around, it was already the beginning of lunch; I guess those teachers just didn’t like me to be healthy. What more could I expect? I went over to the principal’s office again. I was prepared to blurt out everything. I came into the room as Matthew’s parents were staring at me wonderingly.
“This is the wrong child, do you perhaps have a sister?” his mother asked. I shook my head.
“This is me, Orphelia.” I said.
The principal looked at me and smiled. “Good thing you have some of your things back, everyone’s been telling me about it. If you couldn’t hear or talk, I’d probably die of frustration.” I didn’t smile at him at all, not even curve my lips, it was a perfect straight line, nearly the opposite of what he looked like. The slight smile crept away from his face. He cleared his throat uncomfortably.
“Anyway,” he began. “Matthew’s having a funeral, tonight actually, at six thirty and you must attend because people believe the people who commit the crime, have to pay the time, but since we don’t know that you did it, you have to show up and pay some other way.”
“I didn’t do it though, I object.”
“Listen,” he said calmly. “We received a tape for the few days you weren’t home, and it was a recording from the cameras outside of the school, let’s look at it.” He took a short remote from his desk and pushed a flat red button, which I indicate was the ON one. The TV first flashed a couple of times trying to rotate the recording inside, and suddenly, the appearance and sound was efficiently clearer.
I saw Matthew running after me while I wore my rag tag dress and I was holding a liquid in my hand. I heard little mutters from him that weren’t clear enough to point out. “The apology,” the principal said. The next moment in the video, I threw the drink in my hand in his face and threw the cup on the floor. The principal stopped the tape for a moment and looked at me.
Matthew hadn’t been apologizing. He pressed play again, what was the dramatic pause for then? I saw myself running away. I had left from the seen. The last person there, was Matthew, and he shout a retort and fell to his knees holding his eyes and licking the contents around his mouth as if he couldn’t resist. The next thing I knew, there was a sizzling noise, my mouth widened. Matthew began burning; his skin began peeling off of him like wood scaling away with a shrieking noise of aluminum. The next part I’d come to see was a surprise to all of us. The rest of them probably didn’t watch it before I did.
His muscle slowly peeled off, the rest was bone and then it turned to ashes.
His mother was yelling and tried to jump out of her seat to come running after me. I had goose bumps all over me. “What the hell was that drink!?” the principal yelled. I shook my head.
“I did that but the thing that was in my hands, I’d already taken a sip of it. I don’t understand why it hadn’t affected me!” I backed away from the woman slowly coming behind the principal’s desk. “That video must not be shared, what I was drinking shouldn’t have killed him.” The principal was furious.
“You’re going to court!” he yelled. “We want to see proof in court! We had just seen this boy die before our eyes and you expect us not to believe it?!” My lips parted. I hadn’t done anything with the drink, I drank it too and I wasn’t poisoned.
“First of all, Matthew was not apologizing; he came to tell me that I didn’t have to be embarrassed and told me that I shouldn’t ever expect a date to go to the dance with me. I poured the drink in his face, it was Hawaiian Punch. That was all it was, nothing more.”
He pointed towards the door. “Leave,” he said. “I want this sorted out in a week and a half, if this is not quickly brought to justice, other students at the dance will be involved. As for you, I think I’d find private seats at school along with no school activities.” I nodded. I didn’t do any school activities any way. Why should I even care? I walked through the hallways where students all around looked at me weird.
“Did I hear her yell at the principal?” one said.
“Isn’t she going to be sued and expelled?” said another. I kept my head down.

The school day was quickly nearing an end and I had been all upset and my eyes were weary. As I was about to leave, I spotted Shane.
“You ok?” he asked. I nodded wiping my eyes before I could let tears fall into my face. I hated it when people saw when I cried. It was immensely embarrassing. “Are you still doing ballet?” he asked.
I nodded again. “I’ll see you back home.” I said parting from him. Shane was surrounded by people who were older than him. He wasn’t even that smart, but he had so many friends. Why didn’t I? I was older than him and hardly had any friends in my own age group. I was fifteen, almost everyone I knew was seventeen or older, but of course those people weren’t my actual friends. I went into the girl’s locker room where some girls were getting ready for volley ball, or tennis training, while I had to go to ballet class before everyone else. I went inside my locker and was ready to pull out my ballet dress but realized it was ruined and somewhere in that other dimension that only Glytherin could take me. I’d have to plead for another dress again.
I walked outside of the hall where I met New York’s transportation. I never knew it came around this time. I ran around to it taking money out of my book bag as quickly as I could. I ran up the steps as soon as the driver was getting ready to close the bus.
“Hello,” I murmured. “How much is it?” I asked. The driver waved a gesture to the back to get on board. I handed him five dollars and moved to the back of the bus as I was still walking down the isle and I slumped forward nearly falling until I fell into someone.
“Hey,” he said. “What are you doing here?” he was standing up neatly against a pole because the bus was too full. It was Glytherin. “I didn’t know you came to this school.” He said. I nodded standing beside him.
“I was told to ask you a question.” I said simply. “My best friend, you know Amanda right?” he nodded still looking forward. “Well, she was wondering if you’d switch partners to be with her instead, I think she’s doing Beauty and the Beast.” He looked at the ground simply as his face twisted for a moment considering the idea. “You’d rather be partners with Jose, than being partners with someone you knew in the past?”
I shrugged. “I’d pick anyone, as long as they don’t mind being with me, I know Jose wanted to be with me until you picked first though.” He nodded again. He seemed to be thinking.
“No.” he answered. “I truly don’t want to be disturbed with Amanda, sure she’s pretty but I’m not doing Beauty and the Beast.”
I shook my head. “She said she’d be willing to do Romeo and Juliet, she told me in one of our classes today.”
“It seems you tell your friends everything.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Don’t tell them about what happened last night or what you remember.”
“I won’t.”
“Back on topic,” I said. “She wants to be partners with you.” He laughed under his breath.
“I’ve never had someone want to get rid of me so much, I’ve always been the guy to get rid of, but not this much. And I’ve never had someone who wanted me so much, it’s ridiculous.” I became impatient. “Please just pick

her!” I said yelling but only letting him hear.
He nodded. “Ok.” He said plainly. “That hurt.”
I nodded looking forward. He did too. A moment, I felt bad. He wasn’t crying, he didn’t look hurt, he didn’t saying anything further about it, so maybe he was just toying with me. I felt extremely sympathetic. If I didn’t let Amanda be his partner, she’d kill me. If I did, he’d be upset thinking I thought he was a disgrace.
“You know I don’t… hate you right?” I asked with discipline in my voice. He looked towards me with annoyance.
“I left my fiancé at home, to make sure that you got into this special future of yours and you expect me to dance with someone else, I should probably just leave then.”
I shook my head. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I wasn’t being smart, of course I’ll dance with you, I’ll see how Amanda fairs, I’m just afraid how she’ll react if she doesn’t get what she wants, it’s like that with every guy for her, ugly or not. She doesn’t care. The only reason she didn’t laugh at your name when she met you was because she thought that if she didn’t laugh, you’d find her as an exception to the rest and you’d pick her.”
He laughed now; loud and clear but didn’t become an outcast according to the rest of the loud bus. I ignored it trying to be calm. “So are you saying that you didn’t laugh either because you wanted me to pick you?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I didn’t laugh because people laugh at the way my name is pronounced, everyone does it too. 'Or Feel Lia!' They’d yell. It sounded like a fragment to another half of a sentence. ‘You can feel the dog, Or Feel Lia instead.” He smiled slightly. “Don’t laugh,” I murmured quietly. He didn’t laugh. We went around a corner where a lot of the people stopped. The ballet studio was right across the street, I could walk the rest of the way. I began coming off. The driver looked at me and hugged me tightly. “Thanks for the two dollar tip.” He said. I nodded. I had always thought it was five dollars to go onto a bus. I was definitely wrong. I wanted to take my money back so badly now.
Glytherin came off after me. I walked across the street over to the studio where some people were smoking but Ms. Alberry shooed them away. She caught sight of us and waved. She summoned us over. I began to run. As I entered the place, it looked like she moved things around. Things probably changed ever since I hadn’t been here.
“So,” she said. “We’ve been practicing our moves that we had to perfect before we did the simple acting part. You know how to do the extension of legs; you know how to do everything so we’re going to pick a seen from the ballet. There are always four, four extreme parts of the ballet that you must do.” I nodded. Glytherin behind me seemed extremely bored with himself. If this was still about the exchanging partners, I was going to fall and cry. “The first part of Romeo and Juliet is when they meet. You both should know the story; you both are the right age and well, you have to learn to lift.” She looked steadily at Glytherin’s arms looking at his muscles. “We have to put those things to use honey.” She said. Glytherin seemed to be in a moment of his own.

I changed into a more suitable outfit for the time. Ms. Alberry told me that a new outfit didn’t have to be worn at the time. I agreed to that. She didn’t need to give me more time to ruin it again. I wore tights with a shirt long enough to be a dress. It touched my knees. I read out in the book of the first part, there were tons of lifts but I couldn’t come to trust anyone at the moment. I had never had anyone lift me before and I wasn’t preparing to let this time be now. Now I stood in position.
“Ok Mr. Romeo,” my teacher said. “Woo Juliet. You start of with spinning her around, you know the steps.” The music began to start. The first thing I felt was Glytherin’s breath pouring down my back. As uncomfortable as that was, I didn’t say anything about it. I stood on my toes now as Glytherin followed me around stage. Balance these days weren’t my problems, the trust was. Glytherin swiftly came towards me and took my arms. “Extend her leg,” my teacher said. Now he put his hands out to outline which way my legs were going.
He turned me around now and pulled me to a spin. “Now,” my teacher said looking in her book. “Romeo steals a kiss,” my eyes widen, “but we’ll save that for the real show. Juliet look like he just kissed you and be surprised!” she was yelling these orders all so quickly. I backed away as I was supposed to. Glytherin came back now, it was time for the jump, and I saw it coming. “Romeo stay away but Juliet comes back with a leap and a spin.” The music was going. I began to run but then I stopped and so did the music.
“Juliet!” she yelled. “Orphelia!” she corrected herself. “May I call you by the names you’re playing? It gets kind of frustrating trying to say your real ones.” She ignored our answer. “Juliet, you are supposed to run into his arms, spin and lift, can we try this again but with a bit more courage?” I couldn’t do anything but nod now. It was five now and in an hour, the rest of the class would be coming. She was only being hard on us because she knew all the things we had to learn in this amount of time. We got back at the part of the song and she rewinded it a couple of seconds. “Go!” she yelled forcefully. There he was, Glytherin waiting for my approach. I ran I leapt and twisted and he caught me and spun me around as I stayed in the correct position. I was finally proud of myself. “Now spin her Romeo! Juliet puts leg around, hand on stomach, action!”
Glytherin began twirling me helplessly but laughing. “She’s way too into this.” He murmured in my ear. I wrapped my right leg around him as he put a hand over my stomach. My breathing was unusual to being this close to anyone. It was uncomfortable. “Hold in air Romeo! Juliet stays steady in stanza and Romeo kisses hand! Understand?!” She yelled. The music sounded a bit faster so we went along with it. He lifts me up steadying me against him and I stay still. He puts his hand near my lips but doesn’t actually touch at all. “Juliet, run away! But Romeo, you know this is your true love, stop her now!”
I began gracefully running away but Glytherin stops in front of me. He takes me by hand again and lifts me ahead farther. This was becoming stupid to me but it was probably better to my teacher. She was crying in a handkerchief. “So beautiful!” she yelled. “Now smile! Romeo lifts Juliet onto your shoulders and as you spin, your mask falls off revealing your true identity! Your shocked Romeo! Juliet runs away but becomes close again as you lift she and Juliet touch his face!” We did exactly that. Then the music stopped. I slammed down tothe ground with Glytherin right beside me, me tired, and he exhausted. “That was beautiful!” our teacher yelled. “I could definitely see the connection between Romeo’s love for Juliet! Juliet’s sadness that she knows she shouldn’t be doing what she was.” She clapped her hands now. “Brava!” she yelled.
What connection? There was no connection! I felt nothing at all except a stupid act that wasn’t playing right for me. “I’ve never in my life,” she said, “have met two people that can perfect Romeo and Juliet!” I didn’t feel that I perfected it. “Glytherin, you are so strong!” she yelled. I slipped away for a moment. I gasped for air.
“I don’t like this one!” I yelled. “Perhaps you have a different one?” There was a kiss in the beginning, one in the middle, two at the end or maybe even more, I wasn’t sure but I wasn't comfortable kissing someone who was getting married. It’s the weirdest thing you’ll ever do in your life, even if it’s only a sixteen year old guy. I didn’t care. “But the connection,” she said. “You both were playing your parts perfectly, I was completely in love with it, and you’ve already done the hard moves, the most of the work isn’t done a lot.”
“That makes no sense!” I yelled. I have never been this way before. “Come on Juliet- Orphelia, it’s a puny dance, it doesn’t take much effort.”
“Much effort?” I said trying to calm myself down. “I can’t do this.” I said. The unusualness of being close to someone rushed over me. This was not the position I wanted to be in. Maybe Sleeping Beauty would’ve been better, less kissing, less lifts, more extension but at a moment that my heart beat so fast, I couldn’t control myself.
“Orphelia, don’t be stubborn, I can’t give you anything else, we have to make progress, maybe you’d like to come tomorrow? I think that’d be the best idea for you. Take a break, you were home sick, come tomorrow, I don’t think I can take anymore either.” She laughed. I felt apologetic now. I tried to step forward but fell. Being lifted in the air was too much for me. On the other hand, Glytherin looked wiped out and blank. “I’m sorry Glytherin.” I apologized. “I just,” I couldn’t get up when I wanted to. “I just feel, a little bit- these dances are done by older professionals, you know anyway that I’m too young for this class, but I don't feel comfortable doing this type of ballet.” She smiled.
“Go on ahead honey, we’ll speak more tomorrow. I got a headache off of all the yelling,” I nodded. My head ached too. “Do you want to get changed?” she asked, “or want to wear it with you home. I didn’t mean to upset you today.” All of a sudden, through the doors, all of the other dancers spilled in. I saw Amanda who looked directly at Glytherin. I saw the look on her face saying, "why isn’t he mine yet?" I had no reply at the moment although I wish I could say at least something.
She pulled Glytherin’s arms. “Why don’t you want to be my partner!?” I heard her say loudly only in his ears, to me, it was a whisper. Glytherin stepped back.
“Tell me why we should be partners.” He said.
Amanda stood cross armed. “Because,” she began. “I’m pretty,” I gasped at this. She thought I was ugly?
“And Orphelia’s pretty too.” Glytherin said mocking her voice.
“Well, I’m not losing my hearing and my voice.”
“Neither is she.” Glytherin objected.
“I’m attractive to men.” She said. “More feminine than Orphelia can ever be, of course you’ll love a feminine girl. Orphelia is still such a child.”
Did she think I could not hear this?
“How old are you?” Glytherin asked at last.
“Seventeen.” She answered.
Glytherin nodded. “Well isn’t that sad, I guess I’m the only guy who doesn’t fall for older woman.” She echoed him now. Glytherin walked past me. I followed him. I put a hand on his shoulder.
“Thank you,” I said.
“I thought she was your friend.” He said.
I nodded.
“That’s what I thought too.”
He nodded.
“The Romeo and Juliet thing,” he said. “To heck with it, I’m not doing that.”
I nodded. “I completely understand, now that I have a voice, I can get into special art schools, thanks for that as well.” He smiled. “Good, cause I’m ready to go home.” He looked on his wrist for his watch that would bring him back. It was gone. “Where’d it go?” he said. He looked around on the ground where there was nothing there.
“I don’t recall seeing you have it on since after the bus, maybe you dropped it while we were dancing.” He checked his pockets and reached in mine. I jumped back. “What are you doing!?” I yelled. He ignored me as he ran back to the ballet studio. He came back to me now. What was he doing? “It’s no where near here.” He announced. “But I don’t exactly know where.”
“Should we find it?” I asked. He shook his head. “It’ll be there in the morning wherever it is. It potentially burns human hands.” I nodded trying not to look surprised.
“Well, I’m going home then.” I said. I turned around but his arm tugged back at me. What did he want?
“I’m supposed to do ballet till eight o’clock, what will I do with all the spare time? Watch movies with my grandmother?” I laughed at that.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Finally,” he said. “I was waiting for you to buy me something.” A smile spread all over his face. Buying him stuff? That couldn’t be. “Do you have any money on you?” I asked. He checked in his back pockets and handed me a ten dollar bill. “What are you going to do with it?” he asked.

The Older, The Wiser

I stuffed a piece of garlic bread in my mouth as I looked over at the guy seated across from us. He was wearing a high tie and wore long hair and rainbow sunglasses like a hippy and was showing his date how many meatballs he could stuff into his mouth at once. That was very attractive, and the most that he could put was five.
“That’s disgusting.” Glytherin murmured to me. As the guy was having a hard time, drool began spilling from his mouth. I looked away now. “No, Orphelia, his hot date’s walking away. Look, she’s embarrassed, she’s blushing!”
I laughed. Of course this lady was blushing! The man came to our table now.
“Hello?” he said. “Are you guys impressed?” I smelt his meatball breath approaching from twenty feet away. I flinched back. Glytherin pushed him away with a finger steadying the guy back. “Is this your job?” he asked. “To scare off costumers?” I laughed to myself. The guy was mad and embarrassed. “Am I scaring you?” he asked, “Huh tubby? Huh softie, am I scaring you?” Glytherin smiled softly. No one called anyone tubby these days.
“No,” he said. “My friend here is afraid to look at you.” He gave the man a napkin as I slimy knot of drool hug off of his lip.
“Sir, you have something... just hanging there.” I said. The man was breathing right over us.
“Please go away,” Glytherin said. The man began walking sadly. I felt like laughing but I didn’t.
Glytherin looked down at his food. We were only eating some stuff from Subway and I didn’t get to go out any places or order my own food, today I had the chance to. I stared at him as he sat there silently. I couldn’t let an awkwardness between us begin. Not now, I couldn’t take the silence. We had nothing much to say since we didn’t know a lot about each other. “What school do you go to?” I asked.
“Yours,” he answered.
“Since when?”
“Yesterday, I was on the bus that arrived at your school today, got enrolled yesterday.”
“I have never seen you there, not even today.”
He nodded. “Yeah, but you’ll see me tomorrow; I was only here for the last couple of minutes of the day.”
I nodded. I was getting ready to throw away the other half of my sandwich until he stopped me.
“Just give it to me.” He said. “Sit down. You used my ten bucks for both of these, I’ve already cut this sandwich three times so you could eat it, now I'll cut them in pieces so you can eat the rest." He pulled a plastic knife from the bag. I felt like a child. He cut the pieces of the sandwich and put one on the fork. Was he going to feed me?

He handed me the fork now.
I guess not, that would be embarrassing, as if having your food cut up was embarrassing enough. I looked around. No one was actually looking, and if anyone had, they’d think I needed special treatment because I was dropped on my head when I was born, or I was born upside down, or something wrong happened at my birth. That’s how everything started.
“I can't believe someone you called your best friend looked straight at your imperfections to get me to be her partner. It’s terrible how some people treated you just because you couldn’t talk for a while. When you show off what you can do, they’re all going to run off to you. Girls asking you to come to their parties, guys asking you on dates,” he went on.
Now a familiarity went through me. I felt like I did

know him now. I felt like he knew me as well, as if we’d been friends for ten years at most. I cut him through his speech of losers and people’s imperfections.
“How long have I known you?” I asked. “I’m completely clueless of how I’ve come to know you. Especially of how you could memorize my face in Lindsay if we haven’t known each other for too long.”
He sat back in his seat. “Well,” he said. “I can’t forget you, I was in the same hospital as you, when you were born, and my mother was taking me home and she saw you there. After she saw you, she recognized a friend. She brought me in the same room as you and she set me next to you. Some things can never be forgotten. Especially seeing my mother being yelled at for taking me into a new born baby’s crib, I was a few days old at the most.” He stopped there and in a few moments, I realized he was done.
“Fascinating, do you know more?” I asked.
He shook his head. “Nothing but that, and the fact that you were two and your mother was bringing you to a different dimension. My mom probably thought it was going to be somewhere not on earth, so she didn’t bother looking.” I nodded leaning forward listening. He laughed. “That’s all I got!”
I backed up now. “Perfect,” I said. “You have me waiting for more,” I ate the last bite of the subway and I eat a piece of tomato that was not even ordered. “Disgusting.” I said with my mouth full. “Can I spit it out or something?” he shook his head.
“Please.” I pleaded.
“Go, I’m not your mother.” I ran to the garbage, put my hair back, and spit it out. I remember the last time I’d ate a tomato. I’d been six and didn’t like them. I wonder why now, they didn’t taste that bad but… Now I remember. I was highly allergic and passed out in my mother’s family room. Who passes out because of a tomato?
I wasted my time walking back to the table. “It’s a good thing I didn’t eat it.” I said. He gave me a questioned look.
“Why?” he asked.
I answered now with my voice wavering a bit. “I’m allergic. I think I should go home.” He nodded and looked at something. I followed his gaze. The hand’s clock. It was 9:37. I’d been so caught up in talking, watching the hippy meatballs guy and taking time eating a sandwich that I hadn’t even cared for the time.
“Oh no,” I said. “Shane’s been waiting for me probably all night.” I announced.
His eyes double crossed. We got up from the seat and the shirt/dress was hardly giving me any protection from the winter air of the night.
“Who’s Shane?” Glytherin asked climbing out of his seat to follow me outside. We walked along the sidewalk. “My step-brother, why?” I said. He shook his head. “What time do you usually get back?” he asked.
“8:05.” I answered. “Why do you need to know?”
He shrugged. “I hate awkward silence; I always need convers……”

I drew a deep breath in and another out. “Are you ok Ophelia?” Shane said hovering over me feeding me something. Was it soup? I took a sip of it. It was hot water, no flavor at all. It was absolutely disgusting.
“WH-What are you doing?” I asked forging the soup away from me.
“Your sick Lea, you know this. I’m upset with you anyway, you forgot about me and went on a stupid date with some guy who probably only likes you because you’ve changed. Don’t fall for guys like that.” I shook my head not understanding. “And it’s ten something; the doctor said it should wear off in an hour more if you’d stay awake.” His voice was deep.
“What happened?” I asked. He laughed soundlessly. “You were on a date, forgot about me, ate a tomato, passed out, now you’re sick.” I shook my head. What was he talking about?
“I was never on a date, and I don’t remember eating a tomato, you know I hate those.” Shane kept trying to feed me hot water.
“Well, your friend over there told me otherwise that you accidentally ate a tomato, tried to spit it out, when you were walking back, you passed out and you were non stop talking about me.” Non stop talking about him? Now I remembered, and I’d only mentioned Shane once, Glytherin is the one who mentioned Shane and made me talk about him.
I heard Glytherin’s voice and then my step-mother. What was he doing out there? I sat up from bed and listened to the conversation. Shane laid me back down. One thing I hated about Shane was that, before our parents got married, Shane had his own little crush on me, and even though we weren’t related, he thought it was ok.
It wasn’t.

Now he wanted to spend all the time he could with me all day, everyday. It was disgusting.
“Get off of me, Shane!” I said pushing his hand away. I got up from the bed struggling. I opened the door silently where it cast off a screech. I stayed silent looking out of it. My step-mother was sitting on the couch and Glytherin was just leaving.
“Good bye, honey,” she said. Glytherin waved and walked on. I came out of the room now. She patted on the couch besides her telling me to sit. I sat there. “It’s late,” she said wearily. “Where were you? What that guy said was obviously a lie.”
“What did he say?” I asked.
“Well,” she began. “He said that the both of you had to go to ballet earlier than everyone else and you left earlier than everyone else and walked off somewhere and you ate a tomato. That’s the most stupid lie I’ve ever heard. He probably doesn’t know, but you knew that you were allergic.”
“It was incidental,” I said. “I was eating something, it had a tomato in it, and well, a minute later, I passed out. It wasn’t a lie.”
“Where you were for those couple of days, when Shane called and told me you arrived this morning, the police got upset that I called them for a problem that was easily solved.” I sighed. How long was I passed out for? Maybe an hour and a half? It was nearly eleven though. I looked in her eyes and saw nothing there.
“I don’t know what happened, the ballet teacher got frustrated with me and I don’t think I want to do ballet anymore.” My step-mother sighed.
“I was really hoping that you’d be able to do something that your step-mama did, so you could live up to something I do. That’s how it goes in movies anyways.” She stuttered something that I couldn’t comprehend and then sunk into my shoulder. “I’ve always wanted a daughter!” she cried.
She put her arms around me. “Daughters tell the truth! Daughters don’t lie, daughters are encouraged to do things that their own gender---their mother---do!” I backed up as her tears soaked my shirt/dress. I wanted to say something very badly now, something that I’ve always wanted to say, back then, I didn’t have the voice. Now I do, but would she feel offended if I said it?
“You’re not my mother though; I’ve always lived up to what my own mother did.” I said it, it was done. She got up from my shoulder now.
“Really?” she said. “There’s absolutely nothing in my life that you’d want to live up to that I did?” I thought about this now. She had a husband, a kid, and another kid. She worked and earned enough money for a rich life, she wore beautiful clothing, and she had nice hair I guess.
“No,” I said. “There isn’t much of anything, but you are a good person.”
She stood up. “Go to bed Orphelia, I’m glad we had this talk.” I nodded. She went over to her room.
Shane walked across the hall. “Great, my mother prefers you over me.” He angrily stomped so that the people down stairs could hear his rampage. No one seemed to like how I spoke to them. I was trying my best to be nice to everyone, I was the same as I was before, but all of a sudden, I’m partners with Glytherin, Amanda hates me. I speak out what I say about the murder, everyone else hates me for killing the hottest guy ever, and Shane’s mother prefers a daughter than her own son, which was harsh

. Now Shane hates me.
I curled up into a ball at the end of the long couch. I looked at the dark TV and watched the night lights roll through them. I heard the sirens and the constant chatter of people outside. I closed my eyes trying not to cry now. What was the point in crying? It was going to continue but I wouldn’t be in ballet anymore, maybe acting, or singing. I didn’t know which way to go. Maybe if I turned left, took a right, went another left, into a tunnel and then hid there, everything would be fine. That would be a coma and I’d hide inside for a couple of years, but that was fine with me. What am I talking about!? No one wants to be in a coma! I looked at the television again, and then I closed my heavy eyelids and felt a blanket of darkness creep over me.

I ran now over to my dresser. “It’s eight thirty Orphelia! You are thirty minutes late idiot!” Shane yelled. “Now I’m late because of you.
I picked up my mother’s poetry journal. “Do we really have time for this?” Shane asked. I had my clothing on and my bag on my back. Shane took the book out of my hands. “Just take it to school with you.” He said. “It’ll be fine.” I snatched the book away from him and looked through the book into the next poem.

Distilled, and clear
It is placed somewhere,
It is hard to see
In the boiling atmosphere.
You’ll find it later,
Begin looking now,
What you’re looking for,
You’ll find somehow.

Another one unnamed. Sometimes, I believed that these poems had no meanings. She didn’t read me all of the poems she had. She never read any of the serious ones to me. Only the ones that played with my mind, as the Liar

one or Almighty

, she read the ones that were for a child to hear even though this one was actually signed my name. I would ask a million people what it meant and get no answer from them at all that would make sense.
Shane was pulling me out of the door. I felt cold white substances spread over my hair. Snow? “I looked on the weather forecast,” he said. “We weren’t supposed to be getting snow today, but it’s cool right?” he had an arm around me. I pushed him off.
“Yeah, it’s cool.” I said mocking him. I ran across the street while the light turned green after and Shane was left on the other side waiting for the cars to pass. I felt so bad for leaving him there, he was my step-brother but the thought of him liking me was preposterous. I ran towards the school letting the cars pass by.
“Orphelia wait up!” Shane was yelling. I skipped the bus and ran faster. The familiar sudden pain entered my back. I screamed as I fell before me. A man came up to me trying to help me up. The pain faded away as quickly as it had come.
“No, it’s fine.” I said running away quickly. My panting was taking over. What was up with the feeling in my back? It hurt and felt like a knife trying to run through me. I hated anything to do with knives so the feeling was terrible. There was no blood, there was nothing. I kept on running and turned on the street of my school nearly half an hour away.
Amanda. I wondered what she would say to me at school. She thought that I couldn’t hear what she was saying to Glytherin, but when she approaches me, she is going to hear the most awful things.
I stopped and emptied all of those thoughts from my mind. Of course I wasn’t going to be nice to her, but I felt like I just couldn’t do it. I was going to talk to her and declare that we aren’t friends any longer. I stepped into the school as another teacher pulled me aside.
“Twelve?” I asked. She nodded. Of course this was for another meeting with the principal, a private meeting. I stepped out looking for her now. I looked at the time. I was five minutes early from where the buses would start arriving. I sat inside the office as the principal sat in his seat badgering some thing in his hand.
From time to time, he’d look towards me and then when I looked back at him, he’d turn away. After doing this a couple of times, he spoke. “What are you doing here Lea?”
“That’s not my name,” I said before answering. “And I accidentally came early; I hope that won’t be a problem.” The principal shook his head. “Want to talk about the murder?” he asked. I shook my head.
“I’m not going to talk about it now and at twelve o’clock.” I replied. He smiled.
“Did you do it?” he asked. “The way your answer is going and the tape is going, I don’t know what I’m going to do. It’s a bit hard to take in and breathe out. Everyone is so sure you did it, but you’re positive you didn’t. Le---Orphelia, I can’t do much of anything for you, and I apologize. It’s either proof, or court.” I nodded.
“I’m aware.”
I looked forward and the first bell rang. “I have to go.”
I stepped out into the hallways now, there she was, walking alone, looking for someone. The whole crowd moved forwards to the cafeteria where most of them ate breakfast. Her eye slowly crept to mine.
“Lea!” she yelled. That name made me want to kill the people who called me it. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly. “Where were you this morning?” she asked. I shrugged.
“I ran here,” I said. “It was easy; I just lost a lung is all.” She smiled and hugged me again. I pushed her away softly. “Did you know Glytherin was on the bus!?” she asked. “We had a conversation, about how we should partner up, I think he’s still considering it.” Lies, she was telling lies. Glytherin wasn't considering it because first of all, he hated her. Second, he hated ballet. “I think Glytherin was telling you lies," she told me. "He wasn’t really on vacation those days when he was gone, he was skipping class. I saw him yesterday, I think you were sick or something and you were coming to tell the dance teacher, and then that’s when he bailed out.”
I nodded. “I thought friends never lied.” I said sadly. Obviously, Amanda hadn’t seen that, after me and Glytherin walked away, he followed me somewhere else and I was with him the whole time. “Amanda, why are you lying to me?”
Now she looked shocked. “What do you mean lying? I’m your best friend, I’d never lie, especially to you; you are the biggest thing ever to me. I would never lie to you.” And sh repeated that last sentence nervously. I shook my head.
“I heard what you said to Glytherin when you were persuading him to be your partner. Let me get feminine and put on my lip gloss before I tell you what’s next, or would you rather hear without hesitation?”
Her eyes were set behind me and above me now. “I hate

you,” I said. “And I don’t need you talking to me and saying things behind my back just for a guy you like, I didn’t think you were that desperate.” Her eyes were sad. Using the word feminine shocked her the most. I was glad I said it.
I turned but knocked into someone. I shrieked and ear splitting shriek and backed up. It was Glytherin. He looked down on me.
“It seems you’re ok.” He said. I walked passed him and hid behind a wall while he faced Amanda. “Hey Amanda,” he said. She looked blankly into his face. “Listen, Orphelia was with me that evening, we were excused from class, we went to eat and then went home, you aren’t a smart liar, find the facts before you blurt out things to other people.”
Her face was spread out in horror and redness. I walked upstairs to class now. I was happy she heard what she should’ve. It was her time to feel hurt when she was hurt by others. It killed me to see her get away with that. Soon enough, I’d shake it off.
I went upstairs and saw my guidance counselor sitting by the door as usual. Why was she still my guidance counselor if I could hear and talk? Maybe it was because of the murder. I stepped inside the classroom without even talking to her. My teacher greeted me. I was the first person in the class as the rest of them rushed in along with Glytherin making this his first class to attend. Rudolph looked at me unusually, with his face contorted in this way and that.
He backed up from the seat I sat at as usual. I ignored it. I chose not to care. The late bell finally rang. “We have a new student.” The teacher said. She looked at him. “His name is Glith-erring Remby. She smiled. The kids in the class didn’t laugh but gave confused faces.
“What name is Glitherring? Is it a type of snake?” Rudolph asked. I shot him a look. Then I began to wonder, what type of name was

it? The teacher ignored Rudolph’s remark.
“Glytherin, tell the class about you as you would do if it were the first day of school.” Glytherin stayed seated. I looked at the clock as he was about to talk. It was 9:15 now. I wanted to get over this murder thing. How would I find proof that I hadn’t killed Matthew?
“First of all,” Glytherin began, “my name is based on a warriors, it has a lot to do of where you are born from, I’m sixteen, and I don’t have any hobbies.” No hobbies,

I thought.
Who had no hobbies? Was my name based on where I was born?
“Good,” the teacher said. “My name is Mrs. Rodriguez and this class is writing! Do you like writing Glith-erring?”
“Glytherin,” he corrected her. “And I’m fine with writing I guess, not my best subject, but yes,” The teacher nodded. The class was silent for a moment while everyone stared back at him.
“Ok,” the teacher said at last. “Most of the people in this class don’t have the best handwriting, how is yours?”
Glytherin smiled. “I don’t mean to show off but I can actually write in eighty different fonts on size eighteen.” The teacher smiled.
“That’s perfect, we can have you become teacher sometime.” She smiled greatly and began to write on the board.

Twelve o’clock began to come around again and at the time that I’d miss lunch. I sighed as most of the others were heading to the cafeteria and I was heading into the principal’s office for more of a discussion. I hated having to deal with this. I wondered if my dad even knew about it now. I went by the office but heard voices. I guess I could just barge in, it was my time to talk anyway.
I opened the door and Glytherin’s and the principal’s eyes were on me. “Sit Lea-Orphelia,” I did. “Why are you here again?” he asked Glytherin.
“Because,” he said. “I found a lock of hair glued to my apple; do you not find a lock of hair glued to your lunch disgusting? I’d rather eat leftovers from a garbage can than eat here.”
The principal rolled his eyes. “You’re over reacting, let me see the apple.” He said. Glytherin pulled out the apple from his pocket. There it was, a lock of hair was cut and was stuck to the apple with its apple juice.
I made a face. This was truthfully unappetizing. “We’ll talk about this later, I’m having another meeting.” The principal said.
“About what? Is anything more important than lacking hygiene?”
The principal nodded. “Does murder not sound important to you son?”
Glytherin's eyes revealed surprise. “Oh, what about murder?” he looked towards me now.
“I told you this before; this is why I had to come back.” I said it aloud with the principal confused wondering. Come back from where?
Glytherin nodded. “I didn’t think it was so serious, sorry. Who murdered who?”
“Well,” the principal said. “At a school dance, this girl-Orphelia-was said to have killed a very popular boy named Matthew, it’s said she killed him with a drink, most likely poison. If she wants to be safe from court, she has to prove that she didn’t do it.” I nodded thinking about this. How much longer did I have? What day was it anyway? Friday? It felt like a boring and terrible Monday.
“Matthew?” Glytherin repeated. “Can we talk?” he asked me.
I nodded. “What?”
He pointed to the door. “Out there.” He said.
“May I be excuse for five minutes?” I asked. The principal nodded. I opened the door and Glytherin came out after me. “What’s wrong?” I asked. He ignored my question.
“At the dance, did you wear a-something, perhaps, green? Light green?” I smiled.
“Yeah, how’d you know?” I thought for a second. “Do most fairies wear green? I’ve seen Tinkerbell millions of times, I’m just wondering---”
He shook his head. “I was at that dance.” He declared. My mind went immediately silent of all the thoughts I could’ve been thinking, I didn’t even listen to the meanings of the words anymore, just the sound of it coming from his mouth.
“The party was only for students.” I said.
He nodded. “I know. But not everyone follows the rules, you know that.” I shook my head. It was impossible to get into a dance like that without having a ticket. “I was wearing a mask!” he yelled silently. “A black mask! You took a drink from me and I told you not to drink it! Then you ran out."

“You’re so clueless,” Matthew said laughing, “that it’s adorable.” A boy beside him was wearing a black mask and pouring some punch into a paper cup and was handing something to Matthew. I took it from his hands. “Uh… excuse me,” the guy said. I ignored him. “Don’t drink that!” Sympathetic, that’s what Matthew said was what he called his feelings for me. “I faked the date, there’s no one coming for you.” Then I ran away.

I gasped. “You gave me the drink!” I whispered loudly. “You poisoned Matthew! Not me!” I said pointing myself. Anger filled me. “Why were you trying to poison him!?”
Glytherin shrugged and then thought better of it. “I wasn't,” he said. “Anyway, the poison was for someone else, not him, I just needed to find the right drink to hide black poison in, and my first spot was there, at the party.”
“Who was the poison for?” I asked. He didn’t answer. “You need to tell them I didn’t do it.” I said. “You need to tell them you did, I’ve been going crazy, say it was an accident, they’ll probably believe you, and it’ll be fine.” He shook his head as the light lit dimly on him.
“I’d love to, I’m telling you, but they won’t understand, they’ll be asking why I carry poison, why I set it in my drink, why I was at a school party when I wasn’t enrolled yet, they’ll ask me if I tried to kill myself, then I’ll have to take classes for depression!”
I blanked out and staggered backwards and received balance again. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I can’t live like that.” Did he even care how I would spend some of my life living if I didn’t gain proof?
“That’s not...nice,” I said painfully, knowing that the word 'nice' shouldn't have been used by a fifteen year old. “You aren’t a nice person. I’d thank me right now for taking the blame even though I haven’t done so yet. I thought maybe you’d do this to be nice but you can’t even go that far. I can lose all of my money and be poor. Once you see me poor, I don’t know if you’ll want to help, but if you do, there'll be more complications than there already are.”
I realized my voice had been wavering. My eyes had become red and weary and tears were falling.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“Go back to lunch!” I yelled. I slammed the office door open and slammed it closed behind me trying to put on a smile but there was no way if I was crying like this. I began to sob. “What’s wrong Lea?”
“Stop calling me Lea!” I yelled. “My name isn’t Lea! It’s Orphelia! I was named Orphelia…!”

I was walking on my way to the ballet studio so I could finally tell my teacher that I had quit now. I would miss ballet and all but it was fine with me. I wanted to do other things. I wanted to try new things. I’d gotten over my afternoon tantrum and was back on track. I breathed deeply for a while after that as my guidance counselor did nothing at all. She was the best, every kid didn’t want to be helped but fix themselves on their own.
I walked down the rocky sidewalk and fixed my eyes into the stone. I looked at the angle the sun glared on it. I was going through so much, I wish I could stop going in trances and Glytherin would just tell them once and for all. It would’ve been a lot easier but a lot harder for him. To me, I thought he was sensitive, from how much I knew him now. I couldn’t tell, maybe he was sensitive, maybe he wasn’t. But I knew he was a warrior, his name was based on it. If I was a warrior, which I was, I’d stand up for others and take them out of their misery. I had already been due to stand in war from the queens orders. She dressed me in rose thorns and the scars were still there but it seemed that no one ever really noticed.
I stood at the front door. Everyone was loaded up in their tutus or their baggy shorts and long shirts. I stepped inside with my bag on my back. Ms. Alberry put an eye on me and then looked around.
“Where’s Glytherin?” she asked. I was hesitant to answer.
“That’s the thing,” I said. “We’re both quitting.” I looked down at my feet feeling the stares of everyone in the room and I tried to disregard it, tried to lock it away. I looked to the side of the room where Amanda stood still looking at me with that silly look on her face, a look of evilness, regret, and a plain apologetic look that got guys all the time whenever she cheated. I looked back at my teacher.
“Why are you leaving us? You’ve been here so long.” I nodded and tried to cheat a smile through my fake lips. I shook my head. “I know,” I said. “I’ve been going through some things that I have to get fixed and I wouldn’t be able to come anyway, so…” I scrunched my nose.
Behind me the door opened, to Glytherin. All of the eyes went to him now. He looked astonished. “Is everything alright?” he asked. I stepped through the door leaving giving him an angry look.
“I’m sorry!” he yelled right before the door closed. I heard it open again. I clutched onto my bag fiercely as I walked faster away.
I felt a tug on my arm pulling me the other direction. He was bringing me into the studio now. Eyes went to me. What was he doing?
“Listen,” he said. “I want you all to pass this on, I have accidentally

killed Matthew, it was my entire fault and it was just an accident. There you go.” He looked at me now and let go. “Are you happy?”
“Very.” I stormed out again. This time, he didn’t follow me. He had also acted like killing Matthew had been no big deal either.
I walked around the corner to where my house would be. Right before I ran onto my street, a woman popped up in front of me. She was a very old woman with wrinkles covering each and every face feature.
“Help me!” she yelled. She held a baby up in front of me. “My child!” she yelled. “He’s having trouble breathing! Fix him, fix him with a spell!” What was she talking about?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about ma’am.” I said apologetically. “I can’t fix children with spells.”
She shook her head. “I’m not going crazy! I know you can fix him, I know you can, you have to!” I shook my head. She put the child in my hands. I had trouble carrying it. For a moment, nothing happened.
“What do you want me to do!?” I yelled.
“I know you’re not certified," she said, "but for these things, I know you are allowed to do, I promise you won’t get in trouble!”
I shook my head. For a moment, I focused on the child. It was breathing heavily and was trying to keep up with the pace.
I wish it would start breathing so the old woman could leave me alone. I just wished these things would happen. I wasn’t certified for a license, I couldn’t fix him on a street. And suddenly, it stopped breathing.
Instantaneously, a sudden pressure hit the baby’s chest. It gagged a moment. I still looked at it as the grandmother watched in horror. Another pressure went to it. As much as my eyes wanted to look away, they stayed there; they were focused on that empty stare of a baby of one or two. One more pressure, and the baby began to breathe again and began to bawl. My hands let go suddenly out of fear as the old woman caught the child and carried it in her arms. She looked at me helplessly.
“Thank you,” she murmured, “for agreeing to do this, for doing this for a stranger. I’ve always loved fairies as a little girl; I don’t understand why the population is going so low. Maybe it’s the hunters, but what I must say is, watch out.” She shot me a glare that had me stepping backwards.
“How do you know, that I’m…” I didn’t finish. I was wordless. The woman had kissed me on the cheek.
“It’s obvious,” she said. “You’re glowing, all of the time.”
Glowing? What did she mean by glowing? “Do you want to come by?” she asked. “At my home, I want everyone to meet the last fairy they’ll ever see, unless you ever live long enough to reproduce more.” My eyes widened. Reproduce more?!
“No thank you,” I said. “I have to go home.”
“Before you die!” she yelled. “Please, before they kill you, let my family see.” Kill me? “I can protect you perhaps; I have many spells, many other transactions as well.” I shook my head as I tried to walk past. She pulled on my arm. “I need them to see you, show them your pretty wings even.” I shook my head. She held onto the crying baby. She looked into my eyes now. “Oh, sweetheart. Those are depressing eyes your wearing, maybe even devastated, fairies shouldn’t be sad for too long, it can turn you into something else. Honey, I can make you happy!”
“No one!” I yelled. “Will ever make me happy, do you understand?” She was a little taken back.
“Can’t even let an old woman try?” she asked. I was shattered. I looked through her now. I saw her honey hair and the curl to it. I saw her eyes busted and bruises all over. Had she been beaten?
“Ok,” I agreed. “But I really have to get home in an hour, so if you don’t mind if we can quicken this up a bit?” She nodded and smiled as a bus came up and rolled forward. We went inside and sat on the first available seat in the back where no one could hear us talking.
“Have you ever wanted to meet the queen?” she asked. I knew exactly what she was talking about.
“I already have,” I said. Her eyes widened as she cradled the baby in her arms.
“You have?!” she asked. “No fairy has ever met the queen, you’re the first!” I nodded smiling.
“She had me wear a dress made of rose thorns. She isn’t the nicest.”
The woman’s smile faded. “My name is Cathie.” She said putting a hand out to me. “I’m human.” She said assuring me. If she was human, why did she know more stuff than I did? How had she been so sure of what I was? Because obviously, I’m not glowing. The rest of the time, we rode in silence.

We walked up to her front door.
“Ok,” she said. “Our family is filled with warriors. Our entire family is filled with warriors, which has made me forget, what’s your name?”
“Orphelia,” I answered.
She nodded and smiled. “You’d think that is a common name for a fairy, but it isn’t. I’ve never heard of it in my life.” I nodded.
It wasn’t common for this dimension, and it wasn’t in the other. What a coincidence.
She knocked on the door and I heard barking noise and the baby began to howl again. The door swung open as a handsome guy approached and leaned.
“What have we here ma?” he asked the woman, obviously his grandmother.
“This is Orphelia,” she said. “Let her in.” The guy moved from out of the way. He didn’t have blond hair, but dark brown and light brown skin. He had a muscular shape to him, looked much like a warrior should, how I'd expect them to be. I stepped inside coming with a smile. The woman set the baby down as it began to walk around. “Here,” she said. The house was an enormous size compared to where I lived. Compared to where anyone lived, actually.
I heard grunting noises coming from the other side. “What’s that?” I asked listening.
“Oh,” the woman said. “Training, you know how it goes. This place is very private, hidden by humans.”
I nodded.
“Who is this ma?” the boy asked again.
“Say 'hi!'” she yelled.
“Hello,” he said to me with dark brown eyes staring towards me, deep eyes. I smiled.
“Hello.” I said nervously.
“Well,” his grandmother said. “This girl is Orphelia.” He flinched at my name. I felt obligated to say something against it so he wouldn’t think me weird.
“She is the last fairy you’ll ever see.” She said smiling. “Isn’t she beautiful?” the guy began circling me.
“Yes, indeed,” he said. I suddenly began to blush, which was sort of embarrassing. I smiled hard to make the feeling go away and I was sort of glad that I'd agreed to come. But I could no longer have any crushes from now on.
“Fairies die rather easily, they’re too sensitive.” He said now. All of a sudden, the dreaminess I felt from him was gone. The feeling of happiness to being here was just nonsense.
“I’m a warrior,” I said. The guy came up in realization. “I guess you aren’t too soft, but all fairies think they’re delicate, they always have to be so nice and happy all of the time.”
“Not this girl,” said his grandmother. “I actually see a sort of depression in her eyes.” I wasn’t depressed.
“I had a bad day is all; I can be upset, can't I?” Now I sent a rotten smile at the guy.
He sent the same one back to me. “A fairy with a grudge, even better.”
His grandmother took my arm now. “Don’t mind him.” She said. “He was always a stubborn child, since he’s turned twenty, he’s been awfully mean.” How old was he now then? I felt a gag coming up in me but I didn’t show it.
Over in the kitchen, two younger children were eating a freshly baked batch of cupcakes. They looked at me strangely. I walked passed the kitchen and stepped into a backyard where I saw the two people fighting. They were holding gear and laughing like a happy couple.
“That’s my son and daughter in law, aren’t they so cute?” she asked me. I nodded trying to find cuteness in them. They stopped fighting at the sight of me. The woman stopped immediately and looked at me with wide and stranger eyes than the two boys.
“Listen,” the older woman said to her daughter. “Your grandson lost his breath again, you’re lucky I found this young girl on my way back home, she saved him.”
Her daughter took her shoulders and pulled her away as her husband looked at me. “Nice to meet you,” he said.
“We haven’t met.” I protested. “You can start by telling me your name though.” The man looked at me silently and played with his fingers.
“My name is Glythera.” I nodded to him.
I guessed names that started with, "Glythe" were pretty popular amongst warriors.
“Mine is Orphelia, nice to meet you now.” I spit out a hand but he didn’t shake it. I took it back awkwardly. I heard the woman’s voice now.
“You aren’t supposed to bring fairies here! Not even if they are rare and need protection, they bring so much trouble! You know that!” I heard the heavy wheezing of the woman.
“She saved your son though, I needed to take her, and she even met the queen.” She said. Their whispering was terrible. The man still looked at me with amazement.
“You’re glowing,” he said. “With what? Happiness? Anger? Fear?” What was he asking? I shook my head.
“What are you talking about, glowing?” he looked at me now and a chill ran down my spine.
“Fairies sort of glow when they’re filled with a lot of emotion, only someone without the human eye can see it if you weren’t sure. You’re a fairy, you should know.” I shook my head.
“This fairy business only began when I went into another dimension, that’s when it started.”
“Yes, you went into a place that you were meant to be in, breathed its air, things start happening,” he gave an afterthought. “That’s how it goes.” The woman and her mother in law came back out.
“Hi,” she said. “My name is Merlin. Would you like something to eat Orphelia?” I shook my head.
“I need to be getting home soon anyway, I shouldn’t really be here.” Merlin nodded.
“Nonsense!” the older woman yelled. “I must show you the protection and other things for the huge gift you’ve done for our family.”
Merlin shot her a look. “It’s ok.” I said. “I don’t need protection.”
“No,” the woman said. “But we do need more fairies in our world.”
I shook my head. “I’m not going to reproduce fairies!” I said bitterly. “I’ve got to go.”
“No,” old woman said. “I want the family to meet a fairy, the whole one, tell the boys your name, wait for my grandson to come home, he should be here any second now, and then let me honor you with protection spells.”
I nodded. “I’ll wait. Why are you so sure I’m going to die though?” I asked. This was very plain to see now.
“Fairies,” Merlin said. “Like you, are dangerous and don’t take much caution into how they look in public. You could be shot, killed for telling something that fairies cannot keep in. It’s how you are.”
I wanted to yell, I’m not like that!

I wasn’t. I did pour a liquid into someone’s eyes and killed them, but I’ve never done anything worse. I was more of a silent person. I just wasn’t now because these people got on my nerves and I hadn’t talked for so long of what I’ve been waiting to talk about for years.
The doorbell rang. “Right after he sees a fairy, you can leave.” She began walking towards the door. “I’ve told all of my grandsons the stories of fairies and how only some existed, now he’ll see one!” She opened the door and in the doorway stood a built body and he was walking in. He put his bag on the floor and his school jacket from around him. He looked up to me now with astonished eyes.
“Hello again Orphelia, when you ran out of that studio, I was afraid we’d never get the chance to talk again.”
This was Glytherin’s family?! His parent’s names had even sounded like his. His parents looked dumbfounded. “You know this girl?” his father asked.
“She’s a fairy!” the old woman yelled. He nodded. “I know, you’ve all met her before, so stop acting like strangers.” He stepped over to the kitchen. Was he not as surprised as I was? His family did resemble him but I didn’t notice it before. He snatched the cupcakes from the two little boys, they looked like his nephews, and he put the cupcakes on top of the refrigerator.
“How do we know her?” his mother asked. He took a while to answer.
“It’s Lyalia’s daughter, how have you forgotten so easily?” Lyalia was my mother. The woman looked at me now.
“How didn’t I notice?” she asked herself. “You look exactly like her.” I didn’t even see it in myself.
“What are you doing here?” Glytherin finally asked me. By the way his tone sounded, he was obviously upset. He beckoned me to the kitchen to talk. I came along and he opened the refrigerator in front of us so no one could see. I felt his breath; he was too close to me.
“How could you just leave?” he asked. “I was stuck there trying to give an explanation; it looks like I’ll be in trouble later, but you could’ve stayed to help me.”
I shook my head. “I have to go.” I said.
He nodded. “You should,” he paused a moment, “but then why did you follow my grandmother home?” I looked at him closely now.
“Close the refrigerator Glytherin!” I heard the boy say. He didn’t.
“Your grandmother brought me here.” I said. “She said I was going to die soon so she wanted to protect me.” He looked around for a moment.
“Close it!” the boy yelled.
“Who is that?” I asked.
“My brother.” He answered. “You’ve met my mom and dad, my grandmother and then my three nephews.” I nodded. The little baby, the two cupcake eaters, the rude and ungrateful brother. His family was all grown up it seems, and he was the younger sibling.
“Your grandmother came up to me as I was walking home, told me to save your nephew, the youngest one. He wasn’t breathing right and he was shortening of breath. She made me hold him and then something went across his chest like CPR. Then he was breathing and crying again.”
He looked at me steadily and closed the refrigerator door and immediately got up from the corner and walked around in the hall. “Come,” he said. I didn’t want to. I was already going to be three minutes late by the time I walked home.
“Come,” he repeated. I followed him now and his grandmother followed me excitedly. What was she excited for? He took a lock from the hedge of the door and unlocked it. He stepped inside reluctantly pulling me along. Inside, the room was an octagon shape. It had lightly browned wood for walls and wooden shelves on every side with bottles sitting on top.
“What’s this?” I asked. Instead of Glytherin answering me, his grandmother did.
“This dear, is your protection!” I looked at her oddly. I didn’t need protection. Who was going to come for me anyway? No one in the world wanted to kill me, but some people did see me glow which was kind of weird for me.
“Who would be trying to kill me?” I asked. “I don’t feel like I need protection.”
The woman shook her head sadly. “Most fairies, I heard, live on their own, they don’t have spell binders to help them or warriors as friends, and they only have others of their kind, so they aren’t protected." Glytherin began wandering inside of the room scraping dust off of the furniture. “
How long had it been since you cleaned the place Elizabeth?” Glytherin asked. Something that he said put me off guard; I think it was the fact that everyone called the old woman, ma, or mother, or mother in law. He called her Elizabeth. Even stranger, she told me before that her name was Cathie, so this was confusing.
“It’s been a few years at the least, all of the potions are still active.” She looked at me now. “I’ll give you three potions, of any one of them that you want.”
I sighed deeply. I didn’t want a potion. I didn’t want anything. I just wanted to leave now. The later I was, the more trouble I’d be in with Shane and my step-mother. “I really have to go,” I insisted. “I can’t take potions or spells; I’m not used to those kinds of things.”
“You saved a child!” she yelled.
“No I didn’t!” I yelled back. The woman looked at me in the eyes and grabbed my hands. “Ok,” she looked across the walls scraping each bottle along with her nails. “We have sleeping ones, strength ones, bravery ones, all kinds of potions, you just pick one.”
I sighed. “Bravery?” I asked. She shook her head.
“Don’t pick that one.” She said.
“But you told me---”
“NO!” she yelled. I shut up. I walked along with her scanning some. They were all rusty. Did she expect me to drink out of these? As I ran through some of the potions, a bright orange one different from the others, caught my eye.
“How about this one?” I asked. She handed me the bottle. It was longer than the other ones as well. “You want this one?” she asked. I nodded. She laughed. “It shows your true emotions, can get into deep contact with your life,” and I nodded.
“A lot of people would see me, wouldn’t they?” I asked. “They’d see who the real me was like.”
Glytherin laughed behind me. I looked at him and scowled. “I want this one.” I said.
The woman frowned. “Try it out, drink some from the bottle, it lasts about an hour. I want to see how you fair. It literally bursts your mind until you get everything out.” I opened the cap. Things were roaming around inside. Were they bugs? No, they looked like huge cellulite that manufacture how it works.
“Is this ok to drink? I mean, there are things that are visible that shouldn’t be visible to me.” The woman grabbed the bottle and peeked inside.
“I see nothing.” She said. She sniffed it. “Smells like oranges,” she commented. “Just drink it.” I raised it to my lips and my breath blew dust of the corners.
“Will this get me sick?” I asked. The woman rolled her eyes at me and put her hands on her hips. Without an answer, I took a sip. It smelt like oranges for sure, but it tasted nothing like it.
I shook my head trying to get the sour and bitter taste to exit my mouth, but it was to no use. “This is disgusting.” I said. “It tastes like ant crap.” I was spreading the truth already? How could something work so instantly like this? Glytherin laughed at me. The woman snatched the bottle away from me.
“I can’t let you have this,” she said as she put it back on the shelf. “You have a bad taste in potions, especially for a young adult like yourself.”
I shook my head. “What are you talking about? I’ve never had potions before so why would you expect me to? I’m extremely late now and I have to leave, I’m sorry.” I spotted Glytherin in the corner. “And as for you, I’d cut the laughing out, you’re really pissing me off. By the way, I don’t want to be here, as I said, I can say it again and again for a million times, but will you people let me out? No. Most people are upset that I can talk now; they find everything I say offensive. But these are the things I’ve wanted to say for years, so I apologize if I sound offensive, but seriously. Being in here with you is like being in a jail. I just want to leave.” Glytherin’s smile was swept off of his face. His grandmother had an edge of a smile still on her.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
She shook her head. “It’s fine dear, if we make you so miserable, than, you should go.” I shook my head. I went into her ear now.
“You don’t make me miserable, it’s the other

person in the room.” She looked back at him now.
“Glytherin,” she said. “Can you leave for a moment while I pick out a potion for Orphelia, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want you here.” I nodded reassuring him. He smiled tightly and then left. “Ok,” she said. “Now that he’s gone, what do you think you’re lacking?” I thought for a moment.
“What was I lacking?” I said more to myself than to the old woman in the room. "Sorry, i didn't mean to say that aloud."
“Well,” the woman said. “If you want the potion off, I can give you something, it undoes potions. It’s a little hot and spicy though. You might want water.” She handed me the potion.
“I don't want to take any potions right now. I feel too uncomfortable having to drink something that makes my personality different. What might this do?” I was talking aloud again. I quickly put this other thing to my lips again and began to swallow.
Immediately after three agitating gulps, I dropped it to the ground. This one tasted a little like Red Hot bubble gum in liquid form. I swallowed the remains of it sticking to my taste buds. “Ow.” I said as it edged my throat.
“I know,” she said. “It’s not the best tasting.” She began taking potions from off of the shelves and put six in a paper bag. “Ok,” she said. “I want you to eye all of them, but whenever you want to drink some, take sips at a time. They can be very painful once taken in with too much at a time.” I nodded. “I just gave some things that you might’ve lacked. You can go home now; I don’t want you to be out passed curfew.”
Curfew was a couple of minutes ago. Tonight, I was supposed to come home exactly at 7:00 so we could all have dinner. I was so late. “Thanks,” I said.

I was walked out of the door as a few people said goodbye, but mostly only Elizabeth. She was probably the only one excited to see me there. Glytherin stayed in his room for the rest of the time.
I walked outside on the front porch and began looking through the bag. I pulled out a transparent purple bottle with reddish liquid inside. Bravery

. I pulled out another, this time green. Happiness

. Another one was the orange bottle. Why the heck would she give me that!? The rest of the three stood for, abundance

, boldness

, and last but not least, unthoughtfulness

. First of all this wasn’t a word, and second, who wouldn’t want to be thoughtful? Bravery, I guess I wasn’t brave. Happiness, I guess I wasn’t happy, the orange one, I must speak my mind. Abundance, I should be a little bit more into things. Boldness, be a woman? Last, unthoughtfulness. I thought too much? While having this process in my mind, I walked up to my front door.
It was Friday and eight o’clock, I went to an old woman's house, took some potions, took a bus back home, and then now, I'm arriving. I opened my door with a key I had. To a first look inside, I realized no one was even there. I wandered around in the dark apartment. My father’s work boots were next to the front door. He was home? I stepped over to the refrigerator. On top it said,

Went to dinner without you, you should really carry your phone as well. I’m disappointed in you Ophelia, you’re better than this. Be ready to have a very thorough argument. Dad.

I sighed. I was so sorry right now, I wanted to call him and say, it’s not my fault. I was dragged down by an old woman, she was introducing some things to me! Had my father known what I was? If he did, maybe I could tell him and he’d understand, but if he didn’t, then what was I going to do. I stepped into my bedroom where a bunch of notes were left on my bed. I scanned over all of them, they were all from Shane. “I hate Shane!” I yelled. Why was he in love me? It’s...weird.

Love Notes Can Be Written

I was being grounded. I’ve been home all Saturday and Sunday. I went straight on the school bus and straight back home too. When Glytherin announced to the whole school what had happened. He’d been in a few problems and avoided my sight of him and wouldn’t talk to me any longer.
Now, Saturday was coming around again. I’d be off of this grown up timeout and be heading somewhere else. Where would I go though? I had no friends, no afternoon studies, no hangout areas. What would I do? Saturday was my birthday and my dad was out of town again and it was estimated that he wouldn’t come back for another while. I had no one but Shane and Shane hated me at the moment.

A Week Later (Saturday)

My eye lids lightly go up away from my eyes as I open them to Shane’s face over me now. He kissed my cheek. “Hello Orphelia,” he said delightedly. “You seem to be blushing this morning.” How could he see me blush?
I covered my cheeks quickly. “What are you doing!?” I yelled. He laughed soundlessly.
“Happy birthday Orphelia.” I looked around as anger filled me. I felt my cheek again and I still felt the pressure of his lips against my skin.
“I’m definitely telling your mother!” I yelled.
He laughed again but proudly and obnoxiously. “You’re going to tell my mother that your fourteen year old brother gave you a peck on the cheek?” I thought about this. It was just like having a little brother giving you a kiss to say he loves you. I looked at him reluctant to say anything. I got up hastily and went over to my shelf. I snatched the book up. Since I was grounded, I was not aloud to read my mother’s poems. This rule was set up by Shane’s mom. Maybe she was jealous. She was upset when I told her I didn’t want anything of her life. I loved my mother; I loved her a lot more than I loved her. I’d known my mother until I lost my hearing and she died, which was twelve years. Now I was on my fourth year of knowing my step-mother.
Was I going to get a sweet sixteen? No. I wasn’t involved in anything but school parties; I chaperoned in school parties and only attended one; the day Matthew had died. Poor Matthew. I looked up into the book and turned to another random page. I looked at it steadily. This one seemed a lot less worded.

Love notes can be written,
They’ll leave you feeling smitten.
Love notes can be sung,
They’ll leave your ear drums rung.
Love notes can be said,
But the one you’ll read will be read.

Another one signed Orphelia? I warm rush went over me. It was like my mother was talking to me. I didn’t know how, but it seemed that she was. I usually gave an afterthought to these poems but I decided I didn’t even want to think about it.
I heard the door crash open. I slammed the book down and turned around.
“Happy birthday Orphelia!” It was my step-mom. I smiled slightly. She was holding a warm exotic smelling plate in her hands.
“What’s that?” I asked. She smiled delightedly. It was a good thing she hadn’t seen me reading the poem book. She would’ve up and left.
“I have birthday pan-cakes!” She laughed putting it in my hands. It was six golden brown pancakes sitting there topped off with strawberries and whoop cream and loads of syrup.
“Yum,” I said trying to sound enthusiastic. The problem was, whatever my step-mother put in to food, I didn’t trust. I had never actually trusted her when my dad wasn’t home. I thought she was a sweet person and all but she couldn’t be trusted. “Thank you.” I said. “Do you mind if I stay in my room a while?”
The woman nodded and left. I was off grounding but I didn’t care. I stared at the pancakes. The smell drove me crazy. I really wanted to taste it. Why did I feel so threatened by this woman? I cut a piece out. I was going to die if I ate something that she’s made. I’m going to die. I stuck the piece in my mouth. As I expected, they weren’t good. I ran to my bathroom and spit it out in the garbage.
The pancakes weren’t nearly cooked. It was such a waste. She couldn’t cook, she shouldn’t try. I felt terrible for having to care, but she was so terrible I’d rather cut my tongue off than have to eat any of her food. I could make my own. I could fend myself if I ran away couldn’t I? Sometimes I think that she hated me, but then again, she’s always wanted me to be more of a daughter to her.
School this week was like living in the devil’s chamber. Glytherin began walking around with Amanda practically ganging up on me. It was terrible how they stood together. Glytherin hated her too. I don’t understand, was he trying to make me angry? Amanda had shot me so many evil glares that it wasn’t funny to me. I’d always taken Amanda as the good girl because she was the only one who liked me in school. I was wrong, she was a lot like Keely, Matthew’s girl, or Matthew’s used-to-be girl. He was gone now. I wonder if they’d be the perfect friends, and then Glytherin and Amanda would be like them and they’d start hanging out with their friends and leave me completely.
These things are what everyone does not want to go through in school dealing with people who hate you or find you disgusting to be around. I felt like a repellant. I locked my door and I lied down there for a while. I wanted to go through a whole day being silent and sitting here. This would be the perfect birthday present. Not being near Shane or his mother. Not having my father sit and worry. Not having Amanda or Glytherin worry me. If anything could be any better… the potions!
A week ago when I’d gotten the potions, hid it, and put it under my bed. I reached down under me and all six sat there untouched. I stared at them wonderingly. Which one would perhaps make this day any better? Bravery? Abundance? Boldness? Happiness? The orange thing? Or maybe, Unthoughtfulness.
I would love not being thoughtful for just a moment. I looked at the label on the back. It lasted up to one day, disregards all of your thoughts so you don’t worry as much, is for purpose if you are permanently locked up in your mind alone. I thought, would this work? It lasted a day. Could this do something wrong for me? I wasn’t exactly locked, I wasn’t anything at the moment other than lying unhappily in bed.
My eyes switched over the happiness potion. I looked on the back of this too. It lasted one day, it keeps you happy, it was in use to disregard sadness. I wasn’t completely sad, I was just unhappy, not happy, not sad, I was just being my boring old self. My eyes ran over the orange potion. I looked at the back label even though I’d experienced this one already. It was meant to tell things that are on the mind. It lasted an hour, and was meant for saying things on the mind that couldn’t be put in words from what you’ve heard of. I breathed in. I wanted to get stuff off of my mind, not put wordless things into words. I wanted to not be afraid to say things. I looked at bravery now. To make oneself brave. Lasts three hours, and was used for when there were impossible situations, you’d be able to make things happen. What did it mean by that? I didn’t want to make things happen; I wanted to not be afraid, to feel like I could do something. I looked at abundance. I wasn’t abundance so I was gonna drop it. Today was my birthday, I didn’t want fake emotions to show.
I came up from the door now. “Did you like it?” Shane asked eating his floury pancakes that were fully cooked.
“Delicious,” I said out of full mockery. “Do you mind if I go out today, to the park possibly?” I asked my step-mother. She shook her head.
“Run off into your imaginary world of foolery.”
I ignored that and nodded. I dressed into a white t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I put my hair in a bow and my shoes untied. I looked around wandering for one more thing. Where were my keys? Shane threw them at me as I flinched away. They fell to the ground. I looked at him blandly.
“Thanks,” I said with a harsh tone. He smiled. Were they actually starting to hate me? I opened the door as I stepped out. I heard the sound of dogs barking and the cars roaming the street. The air smelt of water. It always smelt like rain this week. It was a non-stop raining week for us but today, it was unusually bright. I felt that sudden sharp pain in my back again.
I fell to the ground dropping my keys before me. I yelped. I put one hand on my back and another on the floor keeping me up. I soon fell down. The pain felt like an extremely dull knife trying to cut through me but couldn’t. I turned around on the ground trying to lean the pain into the floor. I pounced on the ground in awkward movements that you’d see a person who was in agony do.
I yelled again as the sharp pain began to feel like it was ripping through me. I heard footsteps approaching. I ignored it due to the pain. What if someone thought I was crazy? That would be the worst thing in the world. The pain finally cut through my skin a bit, I heard a ripping sound and I think I could’ve died from the shock.
On my birthday? Really? I was actually hoping that it could be a bit decent. “Are you ok Orphelia?” he asked, Glytherin. “No one should be going through the pain that you do.” I looked up in front of me. “Are you ok?” he said again. I nodded looking at him. I was wearing a white t-shirt. I was hoping the blood hadn’t gotten through the shirt if there was any.
“Come on,” he said reaching a hand out to me. I didn’t take it but felt some more shooting pain. “Orphelia, take my hand please.” He kept it out there but I didn’t look at him. I could hardly move from in the cramp of space I was in now to get the pain away. Why did my back do this every morning anyway? I felt his hands underneath my arms and he was pulling me up. He was strong like a warrior should be, but gentle like a doctor.
Look, there was actually something human about him. I didn’t open my eyes. “Look,” he said. I opened them now to see. He pulled out something from his pocket that was glittering. “I found my watch at the studio this morning; Ms. Alberry let me and my mother in.”
The pain began to burn. “I can’t move,” I said, “I feel too firm to do anything, I have no strength at all. I can’t believe I’m not crying or sweating. That’s unlikely of me.”
He chuckled under his breath. “Manners, fairies always have manners. Meaning no sweating, no messes, no being too out there, not being an outcast, I’d say.” I wasn’t an outcast. This was absolutely true.
“I’m going to pull you into the other dimension for a day,” he said. I shook my head vigorously.
“NO way!” I said quietly without waking any neighbors. “I don’t want to bother with your fiancé or you mother-in-law, I don’t want to do that!”
“The day,” he said. “Not the night.”
I nodded. What would I do in a place like that all night? All of a sudden, blankness.
* * *

The next moment, I felt myself falling to hard ground. I hit my back and yelled. A man surrounded me.
“What the hell is going on around here? An unexpected child birth?” I scowled a face at him. “Glytherin,” the man said. “Have you brought home another angry leprechaun?” The man had a strong English accent that I admired greatly. It was beautiful.
“No,” Glytherin said. “Tell me, Rigor, have you ever seen a fairy get her wings, I hear it’s quite nice.” He said mocking him. Rigor stood back a bit.
“Wings!?” I yelled. “I don’t want wings!” Glytherin smirked. Was he enjoying the pain I was in? The pain quickly stopped. Was it something about this place that changed everything?
“Fairies are so pretty,” Rigor said. “Naïve, but gorgeous, aren’t they Glytherin?” Glytherin didn’t answer. I stayed on the floor.
“I’m not naïve!” I yelled. Rigor smiled. I felt something underneath me. It felt like cloth. Rigor’s eyes widened.
“That is quite nice,” he said. “It looks kind of velvety; I haven’t seen any pair of wings like that before. Very essential actually.” I looked underneath me. There lay two wings that were a deep blood red color of velvet and were extremely patterned with black swirls coming across it. “Definitely the wings of a warrior.” Rigor said taking a cigarette out of his pocket.”
Glytherin slapped him across the face taking it out of his hands. He threw it on the floor and stepped on it. Glytherin put a hand out to me. “Better?” he asked. I took his hand now nodding. Rigor stared at him now. “Are you both going to the castle like before?” Glytherin shook his head.
“Why would I want to take anyone near the princess or her mother? They’re such devilish people. I’ve told you about them haven’t I?” Rigor nodded.
“Well,” he said. “You should get out of the infirmary while I clean up, a critic is coming for some cleaning stuff. I told him we were the cleanest in the land, along with the only in the land.” I got up from the floor and looked behind me like a dog chasing its tail. I began turning around even. Glytherin held me straight.
“You may not want to do that in public.” He said leaving.
Rigor laughed. “As I said, naïve!” I wanted to growl at him too, just like a dog would. I followed Glytherin out. He handed me something. I held it up as it seemed to be a bottle. Glytherin looked at me in the corner of his eye. “Drink it,” he said. “It’s protection. It lasts all day so that means, no one can kill you unless striking at you physically.”
What was the point of that? I could easily die anyways. He touched my wings and I felt it. It was like it was apart of me and apart of my nervous system.
“That’s so cool.” He said looking behind me. I began drinking the potion. “The perfect description for your wings would be rose petals, purplish, and reddish.” I thought about this. It definitely would. We began walking in a zigzagged path of grass as the rest was surrounded by a meadow of colorful flowers.
“What were you planning to do today?” he asked me still in amazement of my wings. I shook my head.
“Nothing much.” I said.
He nodded. “Good, because I wanted to show you around today. Like right here, this path points us to mountains, going into trains, to wild animals. I was even hoping that I could try to teach you how to fly. I also wanted to introduce you to some fairies you may know. And maybe, you could even think about living here.” I walked further along the path now. I stopped thinking for a moment.
“What?” I said. “I can’t live here, it would be too much.”
Glytherin nodded. “But, it would be a lot safer for you.” I nodded as well.
“I know,” I said. “But I’m so young, I never have even thought of moving out of my house and being ready to live on my own.”
He looked at me with his eyes squinted. “I know,” he looked straight ahead of him. “And I never even thought about getting married.” My back felt sore from all of the days that I’d hurt myself. He pointed ahead of us. “That’s the sea,” he said. I nodded. “People are going to ask,” he said getting off topic. “Why won’t you go to the beach with us? Why don’t you wear tank tops? Why don’t you come with us to get a massage?” I looked at him questioning. “What are you going to say Orphelia? I have wings?”

I shook my head. “Let me switch the topic,” I said. “Why have you been ignoring me along with Amanda lately?” He stared out as we were getting closer. Then I noticed he had an afterthought.
“I haven’t been doing that.” He said. “Amanda’s always beside me! She’s such an idiot! I mean, once she found out that I was kinda, mad at you, she thought it was ok to be talking to me.”
“Oh, and you think it’s ok to talk to me

?” I asked. He thought for a moment.
“Oh, I thought that-”
I shook my head. “I’m just joking.” I said. Now I could smell sea salt and fish from the sea.
“Now,” Glytherin said. “Do you want to meet the last fairy? The other three died yesterday in a combat war in another dimension.” I looked at him.
“What!” I yelled. “They all died?” He nodded.
“There aren’t any more of you, which must be a bummer.”
“How do fairies die so easily?”
“Delicateness, very delicate. This is why I’ve told the queen not to put you in war; my grandmother likes you too much. She’d hate it if you were dead.”
I smiled. “I think everyone should just get rid of the population so we could just stop worrying that we’re extinct, me and the last.” He looked at me crazily.
“What? That’s the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard.” He pulled me along. Was the sun setting? Was it already night here? Were we living by a different star other than the sun because this one seemed like it was just born a few weeks ago. It was a deep pinkish color that was slowly fading into yellow.
“What time is it?” I asked.
Glytherin checked his watch. “7:30 pm.”
“I thought I said I didn’t want to spend the night!” He shook his head and laughed. “No, it’s seven thirty in the morning here, back at your house, it’s probably near eleven. The sun’s rising, can’t you see it?” Setting and rising were both different things. But it felt like night. We reached the sidewalk along the beach. The sand wasn’t a brownish yellowish color though. It was red. I hesitated to go on but Glytherin walked forward. I stepped on it too. The sand was extremely cool. At the end of the beach, was a hut.
“She lives there,” he said. “She’s about twenty-three years old and she’s dying. Her name is Dominique. To tell you the truth, she’s pretty good looking.” I gave him a sideways glance. “Yeah, but you know all older fairies are good looking when in this generation, but in the next, maybe not so much.” I nodded showing him that I wasn’t offended by this.
We walked in as the waves became higher. It began touching my feet. I screamed. The water was cold sheets of ice coming from one place to another. It was December and everything but you usually don’t expect ice sheets where I’m from.
Glytherin covered my mouth. “Do you know that people want to sleep in till at least ten?” I shook my head. He still pulled me along uncovering my mouth. He swept me to the other side of him so I wouldn’t touch the ice anymore. I thought the ice was going to stick to me and freeze and never come off then I’d end up having to cut my feet off. Could someone ever think of the possibilities?
We reached the hut now and it was smaller than I’d seen it just a while ago. Glytherin looked through the peep hole. “She’s awake.” He murmured as he began knocking on the door. Fairies were so soft; I don’t understand why they would let you do war other than to make you die. It made no sense at all.
“Who is it?” I heard someone say at the door.
“Glytherin,” he said, “I have someone here for you.”
I heard her sigh. “Honey, you know I’m too sick to meet anyone, tell this person to come by later tonight.”
“She’s leaving before night comes.”
“The door’s open, come on in.”
Glytherin touched the knob and brought his hand back to something rusty on his fingers. Then he turned it. The door made a creaking noise like what you’d hear in a haunted house.
As soon as the door revealed me, the woman made a disgusted face. “Who is this?” she asked. “And why have you brought her in my home? I thought you were bringing my mother for her last farewell.” She said to Glytherin but only looking at me. She had dark braids in her hair and her wings were all dented and were a bright purple, reminding me of the ones that I'd just recently seen for myself; my own.
“Well,” Glytherin said. “She’s

Orphelia, I was wondering if you’d help her out. She doesn’t know how to fly, so I am coming to you before you’d die.” A poem. That’s what he reminded me of. What’s up with poems? I read them every day.
Dominique smiled. “You’re so selfish Glytherin.”
“I know,” he admitted. “But I thought she should learn from the best and the last, it’ll be sad when you go though. You’ve helped my mother and me so much and you’re so appreciated. I don’t think your time should be coming so soon.”
She nodded. “I know,” she said. She turned her eyes to me again. “What’s your name?” she asked.
“Orphelia.” I answered shortly
“You have pretty wings Or-feel-lee-uh.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mind me asking, but did you have your mother steal for some wings like that, because I won’t tell.” Glytherin shook his head.
“No way, she got them today: here.”
The woman nodded. “It’s just that, wings like that, yes, they’re pretty, but someone can steal them if they’re real, so you better watch out. Now, you wanted to learn to fly right?” I nodded.
It wasn’t something ideal though. The woman was scary to me. I had a huge feeling she didn’t like me that much, and a huge feeling that she wanted to rip these things off of my back. The woman told me to come here as she talked to Glytherin. Before anything, she told me to sit on the bed beside her, and she began feeling my wings and twirling my hair around her fingers.
“So Glytherin,” she said. “When are you and the princess getting married?” her eyebrows rose. “When you guys get married, we’ll be able to finally see her, what’s her name? Oh-feel-lee-uh?” Dominique gasped and looked at me realizing the recognition between the both of our names, except that small difference. “Is this her? I don’t ever think I’ve heard you say she was a fairy! Glytherin that is strictly forbidden! You know that.”
Glytherin shook his head. “No, Dominique, this is my friend, since birth, my fiancé is Lindsay, have you so soon forgotten?”
Dominique nodded. “I forgot the brat changed her name, I forgot how spoiled you said she was; I don’t know why I’m getting so excited.” Glytherin nodded as the woman turned to me. “Flap your wings.” She said. I gave her a questioned look. “Glytherin get out.” She said.
Glytherin left the hut and waited outside. “No looking through the peeping hole!” she yelled. Glytherin didn’t answer but you could tell he was gone since you couldn’t see his shadow.
“I don’t know how to flap my wings.” I said. The woman looked at me strangely.
“Really?” she asked.
“I’ve only known I was a fairy about two weeks ago. My mother died, I don’t know if she was a fairy or not, but she’s gone so I don’t have anyone else to talk to.” She nodded again. “I’m going to move you wings for you and you have to tell me where you feel the entry.” What was she talking about? She put her fingers along my wings and she began to move them. I felt a pinch at the edge of my back. “There?” she asked as she felt it. I nodded. “Mind if I pull your wings out?” she asked.
Immediately, I ran up from off of the bed and across the room.

” I said.
“Do you even want to be a fairy? It’s a bust. You die all the time. I’m lucky I even made it this far. I had no help from anyone and I’m closest to the oldest living fairy there’s ever been. If you give this up, you can actually live a full life.” She looked at me steadily. “You look healthy to me.” I shook my head. I liked to daydream; I didn’t want to give it up. I thought she was supposed to help me. Not make me feel scared of her.
“Why do you want mine, you have a perfectly set for yourself. You’re going to die anyway, I don’t get it.”
The woman tilted her head and nodded. “I know,” she said, “but if I could get a hold of your wings and sell them, I could live. That’s all I want to do, I sell your wings, use that to help doctors bring me to life, and then that would be easily helped. I could live, and so would you.”
I shook my head. “By the way I’m meeting you; I bet you’d never do that for anyone else.”
She nodded. “That’s absolutely true.” I thought she’d say more after this but she didn’t, she didn’t say anything.
“No.” I said. “There’s no way I’m going to give you my wings, not now, not when I’m dead, and not in hell.” She gulped hardly against her throat to the point that I could see it.
“I’m dying, I need help.” I looked at her easily.
“I would but, that would be very painful for me, you’re not even a doctor either.”
“Do I have to?” she asked. “To pull out little girls’ wings? How old are you anyway, 13?” I shook my head. This was Shane’s age, not mine. I am glad I didn’t use the unthoughtfulness spell or I would’ve just handed my wings over.
“Do you mind if I leave?” I asked.
She nodded. “Of course I mind, I want to live!” She had an evil look to her eyes. Her face was contorted in a way that you could tell wasn't normal. “I just want to live. I don’t want to die anymore! You do understand how scary it is to die, right? It’s painful; I’m in so much pain, so much! I just want the doctor’s to keep me alive for a while.”
I nodded. “Exactly, my wings would only keep you alive for a longer while; I wouldn’t be saving anyone’s life.” She breathed heavily rolling her eyes at me. But then when she didn’t stop, I realized what had happened. Her eyes were rolling up inside her head and came back around. I gave her a disgusted face and then she looked at me. She sneezed. “Sorry,” she said sniffing. “I’m extremely sick.” I still looked at her weird. “I have less than a day to live, please give this moment to me and let me take your wings. I want to say goodbye to my family, and without your wings, I don’t have the strength to leave home.”
I just got my wings today though, I don’t understand this. She began talking again but I blocked what she was saying out. “I gotta go.” I insisted. The woman began to cry. I turned the knob where Glytherin still was.
“What’s wrong?” he said looking through the door. I shrugged. “She wanted my wings,” I whispered. “She wanted to sell them to keep her alive but then she was going to die anyway and there wouldn’t be a population at all.”
“But I thought you said that we should get rid of the population to keep everyone from worrying that it’d become extinct.” I nodded.
“I know,” I said. “But I like this, I like to breathe this air, I want to be me. Not be turned into something different.” He nodded. “Good.” He said. “She’s usually better behaved; I don’t know why she’s crying for your wings. It’s absolutely unbelievable.” I nodded.

We began walking near some woods where another house was. “Where are we going?” I asked. “I don’t want to be in someone’s house anymore, especially here, if someone tries to attack me, there will be no room for me to run away due to all of these trees.” Glytherin nodded.
“Yet, the only person you’d come to run away from would be me.”
“Why would I be running from you?” I asked. He shrugged. “Perhaps this is the house I live in when I’m not at the other dimension, when I’m not with my friends, when I’m not at Lindsay’s and when I’m not at my family’s house. I’m going to have to find a way to get, away. Understand?”
I nodded. “I’ve never met someone who’s sixteen and has their own house. It’s pretty incredible. You live on your own, do you pay for this?” He shook his head.
“Not if I’m the one that made this.” My eyes widened. “That’s cool.”
We came up to the front door where Glytherin pulled out his keys and stuffed them into the lock and opened it. Inside was a rocky cavern with a bright red carpet and furniture everywhere. It looked like a grown man might’ve lived here in the woods and made a million dollars and spent it on the inside of the house. My mouth widened without me knowing it. “Would you like to go in?” Glytherin asked.
I nodded. I was about to step in but then a spinning ball of fur rolled out the door. I screamed. “What is that!?”
Glytherin looked at it as it rolled off into the woods.
“I should close the windows before I leave, I don’t do that often.” He stepped inside and carefully slammed the windows down. I stayed there looking into the big house. It looked at least three stories high.
“Come in.” Glytherin said turning a light on. Everything shone brightly. I stepped inside as the door closed behind me. I flinched at it. “It doesn’t close until it feels that no one is near the door anymore, so it can’t slam you in the face.” I nodded my head tot this. Glytherin looked behind me now and at my wings. What was so important about wings? “I’m going to give you a jacket.” He said. “Around here, fairies are like animals, or that’s how people treat you, they want you for your skin, which are your wings.”
He handed me a jacket off of a peg and I put them over my wings. I heard shouting on the top floor. I looked up in an alarming fashion. “What’s that?” I asked looking around for Glytherin, but he was already running upstairs. I went up after him. I went up to the top of the stairs bumping into him. “What are you doing here?” he asked. I looked up passed him and spotted at most, five guys all the same age as Glytherin all in muscle and armor playing what looked like games on a TV. They all guiltily looked at him as if they did something wrong.
They all held beer bottles in their hands. “It’s been a while since you came down here Glythe.”
Glytherin nodded. “It’s been a week, I lost my watch.” The guys nodded and began tilting their heads to look at what they found behind him, me. I began hiding behind him trying to ignore their stares. “What do you have behind you Glythe? A gun? Are you going to kill us because we snuck into your house again?” Glytherin looked behind him not noticing that I was there.
“Oh,” he said. “This isn’t any gun, guys seriously? Just get out of my house.” One guy attempted to stand up but fell down again. “Just go downstairs.” Glytherin said now looking at them with disgust. One guy got up holding another. Glytherin helped out and once I was unhidden, the guys looked at me going down the stairs.
“Who are you?”
Glytherin began pulling one of the guys downstairs. A guy looked up at me, probably the only sensible one who wasn’t drunk other than Glytherin.
“Hello,” I said, “my name is Orphelia.” The guy nodded and pulled the guy down stairs. Glytherin was already at the bottom.
“Orphelia, can you pull the last two guys down?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I murmured. The last two guys were the least bulky out of all of them but were indeed muscular, kind of like Glytherin. “Ok,” I murmured to myself. I put my hands underneath their arms and their eyes opened to mine.
“Hello?” he said. I nodded. “Who are you?” he asked. I didn’t answer but slumped the both of them down stairs.
Once they were all done, there were four bodies on the ground, and Glytherin and the sensible guy were watching out on them along with me. “This is Lydiard, Orphelia.” I nodded to him. “Tell me,” he said to Lydiard. “What are you and the guys doing in my house? I might’ve kept the windows opened, but that wasn’t a sign saying: Free to come in and play my video games all you want!”
Lydiard looked guiltily at the ground. “Sorry Glytherin, we said we’d stay around for a few minutes and leave last night with everything in one piece but then they brought their cooler and began drinking and got a hangover this morning. I had nothing to do with the games. I was just there lying down making sure they wouldn’t break any of your crap.”
Glytherin looked angrily at them. “Ok,” he said. “Come Orphelia.” He dragged me back upstairs after all of that pulling of the other guys. I tripped over my own feet many of times. “What are we doing?” he asked. “I’m showing you my room.”

We stayed up there for hours looking around the house at different things. Elizabeth gave him potions too. The potions he had though were stuff that he had to make his life easier. He had many potions that were ineffective on him. Happiness potions, love potions, courage potions. They were all the same. In his room, I realized that he was very into art. He made things look so real in their artistic ways. I saw some baby pictures at the end that were in a drawer far off from the rest of the room. I picked one out. This was him in a hospital in this dimension with another child. I gasped.
“What?” he asked. I showed him the picture. It was the two of us in the same hospital room. I looked further into my picture and there was my mother in the background, and his.
“Oh,” he said. “I know, pretty nice right, it’s actually hard to look back on a life that you thought would always be perfect. Things don’t turn out what they seem to be, not all of the times." I nodded.
“I’m sorry. What’s wrong with your life anyway? It seems perfect to me.” He smiled and slumped against his king sized bed. “You have a huge house; you are famous for the engagement with the princess, everyone knows you, meaning popular, and you have so much support from your family that it’s unbelievable. What is not perfect

about that?” He frowned in thought.
“Everything,” he said. “The only reason why I have all of these things is because of the princess. She pays my mother and my grandmother. I don’t even love her, not even like her either. She’s gorgeous, yes, with the other face, and with the one she has now…” he realized what was wrong with that.
He left the room now, without finishing anything to try to keep it from becoming awkward. I began to blush and this time I knew it was easily able to be seen through my skin. She had my face then, he thought I was gorgeous, but I felt happy that someone actually thought that. Shane thought that as well, but I didn’t really care.
“Wanna get out of here?” I heard Glytherin yell from down stairs. I began running. Yes, actually, I do. “Come on,” he said. We walked out of the door and out into the woods again. The same creature that came out of the house went straight back in without letting me see its face.
“What is that?” I asked. “And why does it keep rolling around like that?” Glytherin shrugged.
“To tell you the truth, I’ve never seen anything like that.” I looked at him awkwardly. He was the one that lived here. I could hardly even believe him. We went down the path again. It was getting dark now. The moon was slowly rising.
“I should begin to leave,” I said.
He shook his head. “You said you were spending the day here.” He said.
“Yup,” I agreed. “And I said I wasn’t spending the night.”
He nodded. “But you meant you weren’t going to sleep here, what I want you to do, is stay her until eight at least, and I’ll return you home, I promise.” I thought about this for a second. I didn’t want to be here too long. All I really meant to do was stay at the park all day to spend my birthday. I wanted to look at the sky and remember this day, although, this day was pretty memorable as well, spending a few conscious hours at this dimension was fine.
“Ok,” I said. “I’ll stay no longer than eight.” Glytherin shook his head. “It’s seven o’clock now though; you have to stay a little longer, nine?”
I breathed deeply and nodded. I walked farther from the house. My hair got caught in the branch above me. I pulled stressfully. Glytherin looked at me. “Are you ok?” he asked. I nodded. He began to pull on it. “I’m sorry…” he said tugging, “that I live out here.” I shook my head. “Stay still.” He said. I stopped shaking my head.
The sky quickly turned a bright pink. “What’s up with the skies?” I asked, and the amount of questions a person as me could ask in a day was sort of mind-blowing. Glytherin shook his head still tugging and then I felt the pressure release.
“It does that when it’s going to rain, which is perfect for tonight.” Why would raining be perfect on my birthday? But of course, I didn’t tell him it was my birthday anyway, and I definitely wasn’t planning on it either.
I felt a slight raindrop touch my shoulder. They were purple. “This is definitely interesting.” I commented. “A very common color to me.” I nodded and smiled as we walked along. As we did, I saw Glytherin’s friend, Lydiard walking around again. “What are you doing here again?” Glytherin yelled.
Lydiard jumped in horror. “I’ve been here all day,” he admitted. “Waiting for the thing to begin, I guess you’ve been doing the same,” and Glytherin nodded. What thing? I ignored this. “Would you both like to come with me?” he asked. “I sure need a companion to walk with, in this case, companions.”
Glytherin ran up to him and put an arm around his shoulder. “Did you know…?” I hear Lydiard begin. I looked at the purple rain drops falling on to my arms. They were oddly familiar but I knew I hadn’t seen anything like this before. Did it taste like water? I stuck my tongue out. A clear raindrop was falling slowly towards me and I looked at it hard enough to see the reflection of Lydiard jumping towards me. The next moment, Lydiard was on top of me and looking down. Goodness this guy was hard boned!
“Ow…” I murmured. He rests his elbows beside me to get up.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “You don’t drink purple raindrops, are you human? Only humans do that.” We began walking on as Glytherin walked ahead of us. “The rain is only for celebration purposes, like party balloons. They are only for celebration, but if you try to pop one in your mouth, you can choke on it. The purple rain; it is only when we are having a celebration, try to get one on your tongue, it goes to your throat, and it chokes you automatically.” He paused. "Like a balloon." I nodded trying to seem calm. I could’ve died!

But unfortunately, I was yelling on the inside.
The moon began hanging in the sky. I heard songs and singing now. What celebration was this? “Come on,” Glytherin indicated. Lydiard and I began to run up to him. Right before us, amongst the trees was a bunch of lights.
“Everyone’s there.” I said. “Everyone who lives in this dimension, are they there? What is this for anyway?” Glytherin shrugged.
A night winter breeze snuck up on me again. Even Lydiard shivered. “Do you want my jacket?” he asked. I shook my head reluctantly. I was already wearing Glytherin’s but that was only to not show my wings. He gave me the jacket anyway. “I know you want my jacket.” He smiled. He put it around my shoulders and Glytherin immediately began running and pulling me forwards.
He held my hand in his. He looked directly at me with the most sweetness he could, I could easily see the attempt. We were a few steps from out of the woods and we’d be immediately in the party. Due to all of the noise, I could hardly hear him, but enough that I took in the words. “This is the celebration of your mothers’ death, the day she died. She was great amongst others, you must know that. No one knows you’re her daughter, but,” I stopped him.
“This is a celebration of my mother?” I asked. He nodded.
“You may not like the idea that I’m bringing you here, but you were born here. This would be an honor for you mother knowing that you are celebrating in this place, in honor of her. It’s a tragedy she’s died, and I really do apologize.”
How could I have forgotten that my mother died on my own birthday? I was so busy thinking about myself this whole entire day, not even thinking about grieving her, I read her poems and didn’t even have a clue. She died that long time ago and it gave me flashes. She was on the ground, she had no strength. She died as a young, healthy, untouched woman. She died from no heart attack, the doctors had said. She wasn’t murdered. She didn’t even have a scratch on her. I should’ve gotten a clue.
The purple rain stopped all around me and so did Glytherin. He looked at me with sad eyes knowing how I’d feel about this. This was one definite reason to why this day was never the happiest one for me to experience. Everything was frozen; I couldn’t hear the music anymore. My hair was soaked and my eyes even more with tears. Everything quickly unfroze. Glytherin was there still staring. “Was this not a good idea?” he asked. Lydiard was already into the party and walked passed us a while ago.
I breathed deeply looking at my feet and my legs as they shook. I nodded. I tied my arms around him. I sobbed into his shirt but it wouldn’t make a difference with him soaked by the rain. He held onto me tightly.
“Thank you,” I murmured. I felt helpless. I felt so weak and definitely naïve now

. I felt as if I could die in his arms. I never cried over my mother. I never thought of how much loss I had and how much pain it felt to lose her. I let go of him and wiped the tears on my shirt. My eyes were probably weary and red as how they’d been whenever I cried.
“We should go,” I said pointing over to the party. He nodded pulling my hands behind him. I tried to clear up quickly. We walked in. The grass was grainy and long and was filled with butterflies and different creatures like the puffballs that went through Glytherin’s door.
There were so many of them, their eyes were so pretty and light blue. Around other than puffballs were warriors, giants, witches, and then there were trolls. The puffballs jumped up and down high of the ground and bouncing against the hard ground. A giant came over me. Glytherin pushed me forward. I knotted my feet to the ground restraining to but he overpowered my strength of my feet. The giant got down on one knee. He had an Irish accent. “Will you pretty-girl-who-looks-like-an-Angel-and-comes-from-the-skies-and-does-tricks-to-my-head-that-makes-me-ask-random-questions dance with me?” I looked at Glytherin who proposed for me to say my answer. I didn’t know what to say. I looked into his deep eyes. They were practically the size of my head.
“Sure, I mean, if that’d make you happy…” I agreed.
The giant laid a huge finger on my shoulder. “You’re such a sweet girl, but I mean, will you be my acquaintance to Lyalia’s dance?”
“Oh!” I said in shock. “That’s so nice of you to ask me!” The man looked passed me and at the smiling Glytherin. “Oh, is this your date?” the giant asked him. Glytherin shook his head.
“Go along.” He said. Glytherin began laughing, why was this? All of a sudden, the giant picked me up in his hands. I held back what would’ve been a long and painful scream by covering my mouth. He now held me by my hands and waved me around like a doll. Glytherin walked away now.
“The queen and the princess are coming?” I heard someone ask. The giant took all of its attention from me.
“Thank you milady,” he said putting me down. He pulled something out of his pocket. It was a rose, shriveled up indeed but I was very thankful. He stepped away now. Once I was back on the floor, I could hear the voices much more clearly.
“Glytherin your fiancé is coming!” A man yelled. Rigor. I looked around. I began following people’s stares. I saw them both, the queen and the princess both riding in carriages being pulled by two men. No horses? Everyone bowed before her including Glytherin.
“Stand up Glytherin!” the queen yelled. “We’re your family now. The princess jumped down from the carriage now. She stood next to Glytherin. The whole party was silent. I heard Glytherin murmur something.
The queen jumped down and slapped him in the face. “Hosted by me you idiot!” she yelled. “Not just the woman should be honored, but also the host.” I felt tears come to my eyes again but I shut them as I bowed.
“You may stand.” The princess said. “And turn on the music.” Glytherin felt his cheek as the voices rose again and people began to dance happily. The queen and princess were having a conversation and I came a bit closer to hear.
“Glytherin, how dare you say that this party is for a lousy fairy, you don’t want to make us sound bad do you?” The queen asked. When he didn’t answer, the princess slapped his other cheek. The queen parted from this group and spotted me in the crowd.
“Orelia, what are you doing here?”
“Orphelia,” I corrected her.
“Whatever,” she murmured. I practically had the same name as her daughter used to have. “Why are you dressed so poorly? Would you like to wear another of my dresses?”
Why does she want to hurt me so bad? I shook my head looking at all the casually dressed people and then looking at what she wore, except the one I wore had thorns when hers was made of cotton. I shook my head again reassuring myself. The queen took my hand. She began to grab me in the other direction but once she turned, she knocked into Glytherin’s face.
“Ow! Glytherin, watch where you’re going!” He unleashed the grip of her tight and bony hands. “I think she should be getting home right about now, it’s late.” He took me around the shoulder. As he was ready to look at his watch, which by the way, said seven forty-five, the princess came up to him.
“Ok, Glytherin, come back soon, or soon enough to arrive at the wedding, which is in a month. Do you understand?” Glytherin nodded. She kissed his cheek and he flinched at the pain he felt from it. I felt sorry for him.
He was being forced to marry the princess, who knew why exactly, and they tortured him and he couldn’t do anything about it. “Bye Lindsay,” he said. “I’ll be back in thirty days then.”
“Thirty days-” and then we were out. We were in the blank space of the dimension traveler and we were in empty space, until I easily landed on my feet by myself. I remember how Glytherin told me that he’d send me back to my home and he’d send himself back to his. My apartment’s lights were on. Glytherin forgot to remind me, the times were different! Back at the other dimension would be seven forty-five, here it would be four hours later, and it was almost midnight. I was almost sure he tricked me.
I got the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the doors. I opened it to my step-mother’s angry face.
“Where have you been?” she asked. “I’ve just taken you off from being grounded and you treat me like this?” I looked blankly as Shane took his uncooperative face and stared at me while eating a piece of gum. “I’m sorry,” I apologized. “I don’t know where the time went.” And it was true, I didn’t.
“Anyways,” my step-mother said with a little less anger in her voice. “I think your dad sent you a present, I didn’t unwrap it because it was for you, I didn’t want to give that privilege of yours up.” She went over to the counter and handed it to me. “Happy birthday while it lasts Orphelia, good night. I’m going to bed now.” I held my present in my hand. Shane sat up from his spot as he came to me.
“Hey,” he said. “Can I see it?” He popped a bubble in my face. I shook my head disgustedly.
“I’m going to open this in my room, which is mine, and that will be locked.” Shane rocked forcefully back and forth to his room.
“I’ll see it,” he said in a mocking singing voice. His door creaked closed behind him and the light flickered off. I changed my clothing into something more for the night time. I sat in my bed with my father’s present in my hand. I loved him, and he was gone so long these days. I don’t know what kind of business trips these were, but they were not the easiest obviously. I opened the nicely fine ribbon. It went away like silk. I unraveled the box now. When I opened it, inside laid a rose over a book. I looked at it crossly.
What message was my father trying to send me?
I looked at the quick words over the cover. They were sloppy letters terribly written.

In hardly neater letters, laid my name next to his and a bunch of other stuff. Glytherin, Orphelia?
What did that mean? I opened the book. In the neatest letter I was prepared to see, it said, From Glytherin

. I was astonished to see this. He was with me all day, how could he send this out? And how had he known that it was my birthday? I immediately remembered the time he told me, when we were friends, he couldn’t forget my face. Meaning, he remembered my birth date, he practically knew me more than I knew myself.
I looked further into the book. I gave another thought. This book was made by me and Glytherin; it had my handwriting as a child, and his as well. It seemed that we knew each other in that dimension as well as this. It was amazing. How long had we actually known each other? I tried to look for dates before I read any of the things. At the last page of the book, it said 2000. I gasped. This was when we were five?! He obviously wanted me to know this because he gave this to me. He told me we stopped seeing each other when we were two. Had he come to see me?
I went to the first page of the book. It was titled: By Orphelia.

I guess there wasn’t any name to any of these. I began reading…

Glytherin isn’t bold,
His poems are made of gold
He throws water on the road
None of his screen plays have been sold
He tells on me is what he’s told.

I looked at this out of satisfactory. I smiled at it. I actually remembered something of Glytherin that I hadn’t remembered before. I looked at another one but it was signed by his name this time.

Orphelia is a child,
Her hair is never wild
She goes on about being vile
She doesn’t have a sense of style...

The rest were soft scribbles. I remembered this one as well. Some of these were actually made earlier than two thousand. Glytherin and I were both three years old and we were both learning pronouns and nouns. We both were being home schooled. I laughed to myself being as silent as could be.
I went through the book a couple more times and went through some pictures of the both of us, but when we were older than just two or three, but when we were five. We were both so delightful. One was signed by this date now, the one that we were in at the moment, 2011. It was a lot neater than the other one’s and a lot easier to read.

Orphelia is a special girl,
Who brightens and spins this entire world.
She’s loving, understanding, and full of hope
Some times makes me feel kind of like a dope.
Cherishes and loves the ones who keep her in place
One day, I wish that I can keep you safe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY


What did that mean? I looked at one last picture on the second-to-last page. What was this? A large smile of mine laughing and Glytherin next to me kind of shying away, but there was one thing that made this special. My lips against Glytherin’s cheek.

Believing Lies

Today was another day of school. Sunday, I was being grounded again for coming home so late. Later than I’d ever been before. Shane woke me up with a kiss to the mouth this moment. I felt like I was going to kill him today. I opened up to another of my mother’s poems in her books.

A chilly night gives me such a freight,
If only you were here on this snowy night.
The comfort of my child in my arms,
She gives me such a warmth,
Please let her no harm.
When you died today, all I could do is cry,
So I left my daughter believing lies.

Once again, I had no idea what my mother was writing about. I’d never known that she wrote such meaningful poems that had absolutely no sense at all. I knew though, my mother was never crazy. She obviously knew what she was talking about since she had written so many of of her own experiences, and then she went off and died on me.
I ignored this. I was already dressed in my clothes and a large jacket on along with my back. Shane was knocking on my door. “Come on Orphelia! I don’t want to be late for the bus!”
I slammed open the door and crashed his cheek with the back of my hand. “Don’t ever kiss me again!” I yelled. “Ever!”
He backed up feeling his cheek looking near to a sob. I overlooked him and went on out of the door. He followed me holding onto his bag nearly. “Wh-why did you do that to me!?” he yelled sadly. I didn’t listen. I went out the door as the wind over flooded the streets. Shane was crying now. He wiped his tears away with his shirt. Thirteen year old boys don’t cry! I wanted to yell.
We ran down the stairs and began walking towards the bus stop. He walked slumping behind me. I felt an extreme rush of GUILTY all over me. He’d be angry for the rest of the day. I would never be able to ignore his weeps. I’ve known him for so long. How come he hasn’t gotten used to me as his sister yet? I felt like he was apart of my family but I felt extremely exposed when I was near him.
Did he ever sleep next to me during the night? Did he ever play with me like a doll? See, you don’t really know what’s going on after someone like him kisses you like how he did. I stopped walking and he bumped into me and took a few steps back.
I turned around on my heels as he was unconfidently blubbering and acted like he wanted everyone to see him crying. I put my arms around him with regret. I didn’t want to do this. It was one slap, that was all. “I’m sorry Shane.” I said. I kissed his cheek. “But don’t get any wrong ideas.” I let go of him and began walking. “See Shane, anyone who sees me kiss you thinks of me as the older sister and you of the younger brother.”
Our neighbor walked across the street staring. “Orphelia! You do know that is illegal now don’t you!” She threw her cane in the air. “It’s been illegal for so long!” As much as I was frowning, Shane was smiling greatly, a little too greatly. I pulled him along to the bus stop where I’d always liked to part from him. I began to step away.
“Orphelia, where are you going?” he asked. This was my number one way of staying away from Amanda’s scowls to me. “I missed breakfast,” I said as I began to run off.
“Can I come with you!?” he yelled.
The bus came along the corner and stopped near Shane who went on watching me and went next to Bradley on the bus. I’d probably want Bradley now, he cut his hair down and everything but something was wrong, the way he acted was not appealing to me. There always had to be something wrong.

I passed a café with the smell rolling out of the doors and windows. I didn’t really want breakfast though; I wasn’t in the mood even if the smell was great.

The school wasn’t open yet. Just running to school was faster than riding the bus. The bus went all these ways and another just to pick up students and it caused much more time and less arriving. The doors were open. I went into the principal’s office where I sat down. He sat there looking at me the way he did before.
“Wanna talk Orphelia?” he asked. I shook my head. Why would I want to talk?
“I’m just waiting for school to begin. We can talk at our usual time as always, twelve o’clock.” I came to a realization. I forgot Glytherin admitted it was him. He was being all nice to me on Saturday that I could hardly remember. It’s not how someone who is angry with you would act.
“Yeah,” the principal said. “I just want to talk this morning, obviously, you know the person who really did it and we observed it was an accident, but we can’t have people carrying poison to parties. Matthew was so much older than a lot of people, most of you are only fifteen and all.” Sixteen. “But I can’t have this happening, not even pouring drinks in other people’s faces, it’s not good behavior.” I nodded still staring out of the door waiting for the bell to ring.
Nothing happened.
“I know it’s not good behavior, I just---he didn’t have good behavior on his own either. He liked to make fun of other people, at the dance, I was called up to dance with someone, but he called and it ended up only being a joke, by him.

I left the dance and I was extremely mad at him. It’s not like I poured the drink for no reason at all. I think that well before, you should’ve talked to him about his own behavior, and I’m glad he at least got a taste of his own medicine.” I immediately regretted saying that. “I didn’t mean the poison!” I yelled.
The bell finally rang. I looked at the principal now who let me go. “I’m sorry,” he said. “That you had to go through this.” The kids began going out in the hall.
“Thank you,” I murmured not feeling it. I went out and through the double doors came out Amanda, walking by herself. I walked passed her and then I turned around pulling her by her shoulder.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked. She turned to look at me. She looked like she’d been crying. I didn’t ask her what happened though. I knew she wouldn’t want me in her business.
“Nothing’s wrong,” she said. “I acted the way I did because I was desperate, that’s correct. I don’t know why I’d damage my friend just by listing things wrong about you trying to convince him, but now he’s gone, both of you are gone, out of ballet, practically out of my life. I thought me and Glytherin would be an excellent couple, but you don’t know how much he hates me! He tells me to stay away from him, no guy has ever told me that when I’m being a flirt! They play along with it! He walked away! I was wearing make-up and everything and he walked away!” She fell into my shoulder and sobbed. “That happened just this morning and he walked away! He hates me!” I shook my head not hugging her back. I leaned her away from me.
“Just because I ask if there is something wrong, I don’t need an explanation; it is a yes or no question.”
She backed away. “Why are you being like this!?” she yelled. The hallway kind of silenced. “You’re treating me like Kelly! I’m better than her! I just want Glytherin! That’s all I’m telling you and you’re acting like it doesn’t matter to you! It mattered to you when we were in ballet.”
“Could I talk then?” I asked. “Could you hear my thoughts or something cause I don’t recall ever caring about whether you wanted Glytherin or not, and I don’t care now, because you are being like Kelly. You’re probably somewhat in it for what he has, I’m not telling you to give up, and I’m not telling you to go on, why? Because I don’t care!”
Kelly started over to me now. “What am I like?” she asked. “I’m the best person you’ll ever meet.” I tried to get out of the argument by walking away but Kelly pulled me back. She swung a bejeweled fist at my face.
It hit my cheek. Automatically, I felt a bruise there. I touched my face. She flung another arm but someone held it back. I stared around me. There stood Glytherin, and as before, he'd been there. He wasn’t exactly wearing school uniform but a jacket of his own over it. He swung her arm down.
“Cat fight!” he yelled. I looked at him stupidly; just standing there wondering what had stepped into his mind. “What the hell are you doing Kelly?” he asked.
Kelly swallowed and looked at him intensely. Kelly looked down at her fist. I felt my cheek again. One brush against it with my finger, and I felt stings. The hallway was still watching. “That could’ve turned out to be something more than what it began to be. What offended you? Knowing that people thought you were a brat or that now you’re an evil cartoon characters to others?”
She shot him eyes and stood carefully trying not to run away. “Glytherin, you have no business being in our little conversation.” Kelly said.
“Conversation?” he asked. “I gotta say, some of it was about me and you, I think I’m a piece of it.” Kelly had blush washing over her. She reached up to the back of Glytherin’s neck and pulled her lips to his. He pushed her away instantly wiping his lips as theirs had pulled away.
“What was that!?” he yelled. Amanda had a whole smile from ear to ear. Glytherin was furious.
Amanda’s smile faded. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like that.” She said. “You have to like it, I’m beautiful, I’m everything compared to everyone, but Keely, I’m like a diamond while the rest are garbage.”
“There you go again Amanda!” I told her coming back into my conversation. “You did it again, not every one has to be pretty to get a guy. Bradley didn’t pick you, Cory didn’t pick you, and you were left with Jose, someone who didn’t even want you.”
“You have to be pretty to keep them from leaving though don’t you?” she asked.
Why was she doing this? Why was she so obsessed with this beauty thing? Was I really that ugly to her? Was I really that much of a piece of garbage to everyone based on how other people look? I breathed deeply. “Maybe your right, maybe that’s why your parents aren’t married.”
“Are you calling my parents ugly?” she asked. “Look at you! You have the rattiest look to you sometimes. You don’t wear anything to make yourself different, you don’t wear any blush, you never smile,” everyone focused on my face, “you couldn’t talk for a lot of your life, you cry a lot, you have short hair,” but my hair reached the middle of back and even had a bit of a curly to it, “whenever you wake up in the morning, you look drunk! You, I could call, are the rudest, yet far the ugliest person I’ve ever met and ever will meet. Remember this when you’re ninety two and you remember how I got married and I still will be. That’s all I care about, the future, you’re living too much in the past! Good thing your mother’s dead also, who would want to see their daughter grow up like this? If my daughter had a personality like yours or was as ugly as you are, I’d kill her, and I’d meet another man quickly so mine would look so much more attractive, I don’t think anyone would want something like you.”
My eyes began to water. I was ready to say something else but the halls were completely silent now. I’d say, that’s a lot of words out of a girl like you!

Or I know you are but what am I?

I stood there looking at her. I didn’t want to cry in front of everyone. “As I said,” she began, “you cry too much.”

I moved away from the empty hall and ran up stairs. I heard people begin to yell and even the principal’s voice. If only he’d done something earlier. I was drowned by silence once I made it up to the stairwell. I sat in a corner and that’s where I began to cry. I hid myself into my knees and over thought everything she said. What she said was extremely harsh to me. But what if it was true? Would people really kill their daughters if they looked like me?
I felt like another round of tears was going to fall. Before they did, the door to the stairwell opened. Glytherin ran up and went on his knees beside me. “Leave me alone,” I said in a whisper. He tried to shush me now. “I don’t want anyone to talk to me now that I know how everyone else feels about me.” I began crying over the words and I don’t think he even understood. “Go away!” I yelled. It echoed up and down the stairs which went extremely high. He pulled me up.
“No one thinks that,” he said. “I could bet you that not even Keely thinks that is true. I can bet you that Amanda said all that crap just to make you angry.”
I stood up steadily. “She said she’d kill her child if it looked like me!” I yelled still weeping. Glytherin shook his head and pulled me into him as I fell onto my knees harshly with a lot of force.
He pulled me back up. “I don’t think anyone would do that unless they were crazy murderers. I’m telling you, you’re beautiful, if you believe that, you don’t have to mind what those idiots might say.”
“I don’t believe that!” I yelled. He rolled his eyes up seeming annoyed. “Do you think I’m too over dramatic right now, Glytherin? Well then you can leave, I don’t mind being alone the whole day, I don’t mind committing suicide either, but you’d stop me because I’m the only fairy! Isn’t that correct, Glytherin? Isn’t that why you’d stop me? You don’t want the fairies to go extinct? Well I don’t care about my self! Meaning, I don’t care about the fairies meaning I don’t even want to be here right now!”
Glytherin shushed me now and let me fall down as he sat beside me. This was the worst morning for me today. I was being treated like a ten year old by Glytherin, all the time. For God’s sake! He wanted to keep me safe! Even though it seemed ridiculous, I was thankful for it.
“Thank you,” I said turning my words into a small whimper.
“For what?” he asked not looking at me but straight up. I looked at him though. He now turned to me.
“For the present, thank you. It made me exceptionally happy; out of all the gifts I was given.” He nodded.
“No really, thank you.” He nodded again looking up at the ceiling. That was it? A nod? I say thank you I usually expect something else, like a reply.
“I didn’t think you’d get that.” He said.
“Get what?” I asked.
“The poems inside.” He answered.
“The last one I didn’t understand, maybe the last line perhaps, explain that for me please.” I wiped a tear and laughed and he smiled.
“Why are we even talking about this anyway?” he asked. “It just probably means something different in our dimension than what it means in this one. You probably had the whole thing wrong. It’s probably opposite of what you’re thinking, I don’t know.”

One day, I wish that I can keep you safe.

Safe, safe, safe.

When I heard these words, I didn’t really think of his grandmother. I kept going through the poem in my bedroom wondering what he meant by opposite.
When he said this, I felt like a ten year old, opposite of ten to me, is twenty, a twenty year old. That seemed wrong, maybe it was opposite of young, maybe I could be a sixty year old. I was a fairy, maybe that’s all it meant. I was a fairy, and I was in danger.
I felt my cheek where the bruise was gone but I still felt pain. I took the large jacket off of my back and I let my wings out free. I cut a hole into my school shirt trying to let my wings out. I locked the door now whenever I was in my room. I couldn’t risk my step-mother or Shane trying to come in at any time. They would knock on the doors continuously asking me what happened at school today, or Shane telling me in private, “Orphelia, they were lying, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.”
And that made me disregard him even more. Whenever he was there, I had a sudden urge to repel and hide. That’s how I felt when I was around him.
I went through my mother’s poem book again. Being locked up in my room was devastating. I looked at the same poem I had stared at only once.

Love note can be written,
They’ll leave you feeling smitten.
Love notes can be sung,
They’ll leave your ear drums rung.
Love notes can be said,
But the one you’ll read will be read.

I thought about this for a moment. It gave me a lot to think about. I could think of a million meanings to each and everyone of my mother’s poems, but to all conclusions, there was only one.

We were all eating at a seafood restaurant about an hour away from the apartment. The crystal lights above us were spraying different colors and everything. The smell didn’t smell of seafood at all, it smelled more like chicken.
The personal table we were seated at was definitely personal. It was parted from the rest of the crowd: the dancers, the singers, the waiters; no waitresses. It was oddly silent on the top. I wore an uncomfortably tight white dress that went down to my knees. We were waiting to be served.
“So Orphelia,” my step-mother said. “I hear what happened at school.” I looked down at my glass filled with water. I nodded. What about school did you hear about? I would’ve asked that if I wanted to be sarcastic.
“Which part? The one with Keely and Amanda or when I was in science taking a test?” The woman stared at me uncomfortably.
“You know,” she said. “You would’ve been pretty if you were born from me, I’m not sure how your mother looks but I’m just saying, you’d be in better shape right now.” I scowled her.
“I’d end up worst if I were in your shoes.” I told her. Shane gave me a face.
“Why are you like this Orphelia?” she asked. “You’re different now; I liked it better when you were nice to me and did not say things-”
“At all?” I said trying to complete her sentence. “You don’t know the thoughts I think if I hadn’t talked at all. Now you know something I’ve been dying to say to you since I could talk again. Let’s hear a few shall we?” I ignored her answer. “Everyone thinks me being able to talk is a bad thing, something’s I think about you: You’re a brat, you raised a terrible son, you always want me to be like you but you and I don’t have the same blood, Shane probably even thinks about that with my dad. It’s absolutely obvious. Aren’t I right Shane?” He didn’t answer.
My step-mother looked at me astonished.
“I’m sorry, please excuse me.” I said getting up from the table. I wiped my eyes away. Why did I say that? Was it just because I was angry? I went over to the bathroom and into the handicapped stall. I took off a black shawl I was wearing to hide my wings. They sprung out of it. I looked at the deep red. I didn’t want them to be bent like Dominique’s.
I wanted my wings to be normal and I wanted to wear them freely, like any fairy in the other dimension could. If I lived there, would everything be better? I hated the princess and queen there. I could never be able to leave, and what about my father? Where was my father? I had this terrible feeling that he was gone, or cheating. Maybe he lost his job? I don’t know but where was he. I hadn’t felt related to him in any way. With him gone, I didn’t know what to do, didn’t know what to expect. The last time he came, was when I was grounded. Sometimes, I couldn’t even remember what my father looked like since he didn’t take pictures, he didn’t come home often and he didn’t talk to me on the phone so I couldn’t match a simple voice with a phone. I folded my wings up against my bag and pulled on the tight shawl around my shoulders.
I stepped out of the bathroom now and knocked into a waiter. “Watch where you are going!” he yelled dropping a large lobster on the floor. He had a suave Italian accent.
I stared at him as he picked the food up and put it on the plate. He looked at me angrily. “What are you doing here?” he said. “Go to the kitchen where woman like you belong! Make me another lobster! Now

!” I refused to.
“No,” I said. He turned around to me.
“NOW!” he yelled. I began turning to the kitchen. I walked in to seeing as much as fifteen woman and fifteen men all preparing food. The woman wore exactly what I did. A man took my arm now and escorting me out of the kitchen.
“Where are you going?” he asked.
“To cook,” I said. He shook his head only looking forward.
“We have enough cooking woman, go to the dance floor, and dance with the men, and every thirty minutes, change start-out partners.” I looked at him confused. I didn’t even work here.
“Change partners?” I asked. He nodded. I went down into the public restaurant where older and masked men were waiting to be approached. My eyebrows narrowed. “Why am I dancing with the men who work here?” I asked.
The man shrugged. “Just go, it’s entertainment; do you remember all of your steps?” Without letting me answer, he threw me out onto the dance floor. A couple of other woman were flung out onto the dance floor and swung into their man’s arms. I just went to the remaining guy as the woman who was supposed to be assigned to him went back into the restaurant.
The man didn’t look at me once at all. He flung me spinning as soon as he caught me and tango music turned on. Another guy looked strangely at me as he was dancing. I was almost flung by the guy’s strength but he caught me by the dress and pulled me back to him. He put his hand underneath my back and put me down slowly that my straightened hair touched the ground. He pulled back unlike the other people and grabbed me a mask. If he wasn’t looking, how’d he notice I wasn’t wearing a mask? I quickly stretched it on my head even though I had no business being there. He went back to the dance steps now. He slid my foot upwards now in the rhythm of the tango and then gave me a short kiss on the lips.
“Hello fairy,” he said. “Taking care of those wings?” he uncovered his mask quickly just to show me who he was and it was Glytherin’s brother. I gasped. He turned me around and across the dance floor. The tango was a bit more upbeat now. I was caught by another guy who was shamefully looking away and taking me by the hand and steadily walking across the floor. He kissed my hand now and looked up at me with a large smile until his eyes rested directly in mine. His eyes had questions all inside of them.
“Orphelia?” he said while dancing. This voice was obviously Glytherin’s. He swung me in a spiral and let go but steadied me when the music stopped playing. He bowed so I did too. He parted me from the rest of the crowd. “What are you doing here?” he asked. He looked at my dress. “You’re a chef here?” I felt kind of embarrassed that my dress resembled the chefs.
“No,” I answered. “Shane chose this for me. He said I’d look pretty in it. We were just going out to dinner and I accidentally knocked over a waiter's food, and like you, he’s mistaken me for a chef.” I smiled weakly as he laughed.
“Great,” he said. We walked through the restaurant now.
“You know what this guy told me?” I said. Glytherin shook his head. “He said, ‘Woman! Go back to the kitchen where you belong!’ So sexist isn’t it?”
Glytherin stared carefully. “He really said that?” he asked. I nodded.
You don’t usually hear men make remarks like that once you’re out of tenth grade, then their all about making you do these sexist things. I couldn’t nearly believe what had happened.
“Does your whole family work here?” I said after a pause. Glytherin shook his head.
“After ballet, I began working here with my brother only. I’m not that good at this though.”
I shook my head. “I beg to disagre.” I said.
He nodded. “Thanks.” He looked down shyly at his feet.
“Are you leaving now?” he asked. “It’s getting late.”
I began to take the mask off of me as it brushed my hair back. I shook my head. “I haven’t even eaten dinner yet, I guess I’ll just go back up-”
“No!” he said suddely. “Stay here, or can you?” I looked on the upper floor of the seafood restaurant and spotted Shane and my step-mother sitting there. They were laughing as a strange man approached them and sat in my seat. He began eating my plate of food with his hands twisted onto my fork. Had she forgotten about me? I wasn’t even gone that long.
“Sure I can,” I said answering Glytherin.
We sat near the glass bar where other people sat in isolated chairs and some lonely ones looked off into the distance. Glytherin was working behind it. Was he old enough to work behind a bar? “You want a drink?” he asked.
I looked at him worryingly. Did he drink? Because I would have to surely assure him that we couldn’t be friends anymore. So I asked, “Do you

drink?” Glytherin’s eyes widened.
“Are you still living in this fantasy?” What was he talking about?
“Come on,” I said. “Just answer the question.” He tilted his head slightly. He held a wine glass in his hand filled with a cocktail. He took a sip of it. “I don’t know, you tell me.” Obviously, that was a yes.
“Why?” I asked. I didn’t want to stop being friends with him.
“Because,” he said over extending the word. “I’m allowed to, all I had to do was get a fake ID and say I was twenty-one or older.” He began to whisper. “If I’m allowed to drink in the other dimension, I was thinking I could do the same too. I don’t even like wines or beers or any of that stuff, most of whatever I have is filled with lemonade or some kind of juice.” He handed the drink to me. “Want some?” he quickly opened a drawer and dropped a twisty straw inside of it.
I shook my head. “No thanks.”
“Just a sip.”
“Uh-uh, no, thank you.”
“I’m not doing any big time drinking like my friends.”
“I’ll pass.”
He raised the straw to my lips and I actually forced myself to drink some. I quickly swallowed. Glytherin smiled.
“You’re a liar,” I said. This drink was filled with fruits. It didn’t have an alcoholic beverage in it at all.
“I don’t drink,” he said taking another sip from the straw. He looked above him and took off the mask. I nodded. He came from the counter gesturing another man to take his place. It was the man who told me to get on the dance floor and then pushed me. I hated that man, but how else would I have known Glytherin and his brother worked there?
Glytherin sat next to me. Just as he opened his mouth to say words, the lights turned off. I looked around for a moment as Glytherin sighed in disappointment. “Here we go,” he murmured. A spotlight was turned onto the front of the restaurant where a man locked the doors and held a microphone and guitar in his hands.
“Hola!” he yelled in a Mexican accent. “Ohpa!” he yelled now. The lights didn’t turn on and I saw nothing but the man and the faint backs of people along the lights.
“Let us embarrass people tonight!” he said. He sounded and reminded me of George Lopez.
Glytherin sighed. “What happened?” I asked him at last. He shook his head as the bar light began illuminating his face. “My friend up there, Charles," he explained, "he thinks starting this new thing will attract customers, it makes me feel like running away truthfully. I told him not to do it.”
“As I promised,” the man said. “I’m going to embarrass, Glytherin first! He told me this wouldn’t work out, but he is so

wrong!” Glytherin’s eyes widened. I laughed noisily as the spot light rested on him. Glytherin’s eyes turned a light brown when it went on him. “This is Glytherin, my co-worker…. Who is on a date in the middle of the job? This guy needs to be fired!”
Glytherin shook his head. “No I don’t Charles! I’m resting and talking to a person! Give me a break.” He put his hands on his head. The spot light rested on me now. I frowned and smiled at the same time.
“Yes?” I asked. Charles stared at me. “Who the hell are you chica?” he said. Was he allowed to curse in a public restaurant? I waved at him. I felt pain rush to my cheeks. I don’t know this guy and obviously he didn’t know me. The spotlight stayed on me for a moment as everyone looked.
“What do you work as?” he asked. I shrugged. “Do you have hobbies?” he asked. I shook my head even though I had a tons load of hobbies. “Chica do you do anything with your life? Where are you from, what are you a descent of?” I took a while to answer and then I shrugged. He looked at me boringly.
“Move the light!” Glytherin yelled to him and Charles moved it. The tenseness of my body finally moved away. “I don’t think I’ll be coming here again.” I said uncomfortably straightening out my dress. Glytherin smiled and nodded. All of a sudden, I wasn’t really hungry any more.
After a couple of moments, people begged the guy to stop and threatened if they had to come to this restaurant again and go through this, they wouldn’t be coming back any time soon. I heard my name being called in the distance now. It wasn’t from anyone in the crowd, and it wasn’t Charles either. Glytherin pulled me now, up and over the bar with my feet spilling over a drink. Here we were behind the bar face to face.
I leapt in amazement that I could even do that. “What happened?” I asked.
“I’ve got to go.”
He had a look of realization on his face. Glytherin shook his head. “You can’t,” he said. “You’re a freaking fairy for God’s sake, Orphelia, you can’t do this anymore!” I looked at him and he wore exhausted eyes but not even a bag under them, just extremely fair skin.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
He nodded. “You have to live in the other dimension. You’re gonna get hurt out there.” I shook my head.
“How could I?” I asked. “I don’t care about my step-mother my step-brother, you could say I have practically nothing to live for,” I saw hurt in his eyes and I ignored it, “but I do have my father, how do you think he’ll feel when he’s found I ran away?”
Glytherin closed his eyes like he was trying to fill up on a moments rest and then he opened them.
“He’s not your father,” he said. “He doesn’t care about you either. You’re mother told you lies so you could live a normal life. You have to understand, you hardly know this man. When your father died when you were four, your mother told you he was going on a business trip and all you did was live one quarter of your life with another guy you called your father. That guy is cheating on your step-mother anyway; I thought someone ought to know.”
I gasped at this. How did he know this? I don’t remember my father ever dying, but then again, Glytherin said that my mother had told me he’d been going on business trips. And that was very true. He was gone so long that I hadn’t remembered what his face looked like, and when he did, I just believed that the face I saw was actually his. I breathed deeply. “That was a lot to pour on me Glytherin.”
Glytherin nodded. “I know,” he admitted. “But I have to take you with me now; I had to find a quick way to convince you that you aren’t missing out on much.” It began getting clammy under the counter but I still could hear the faint voices of Shane calling out for me.
“Orphelia, my love!”
Glytherin flinched at this. “Isn’t that supposed to be your step-brother?” he asked trying to look over the counter-top, but I pulled him back down by his sleeve. I felt his breath on my face when he went back down. It smelled clear and uneasily cold.
“Yes, that is my step-brother; he is very weird and has a crush on me.” Glytherin nodded acting like he knew the feeling, but he hadn’t had any sisters so it wouldn’t make any sense. “Listen,” I said. “I have no where to live, no money, no nothing.” I explained. “I can’t live like that.”
He steadied me. He seemed extremely impatient. Why did I have to go so badly?
“That’s fine,” he said. “You can live at my house until I ask someone to get something for you---please just do this!”
“Why don’t you just take me now?” I asked
“I’m not going to take you against your will.”
I nodded. “I’ll go.” I said. “But I don’t exactly feel comfortable. Did you know I was going to be here? Were you spying on me, Glytherin, cause then I’ll have the obligation not to speak to you anymore.” He shook his head.
“No,” he said. “I had no idea that you were here, but I was going to tell you anyway. The way things are happening is going exceptionally fast, before anything else happens; I think you should go where you belong. Don’t you understand? No one can know what you are.”
“No one does and no one will!” I whispered loudly. He smiled---no like he felt bad for me. I felt extremely bad for him if he hadn’t stopped that.
“You glow

,” he said.
“Why do people keep saying that to me?” I asked. “I don’t glow!”
Glytherin’s eyes narrowed. “Aren’t you unusually angry?” he asked. “You always have something to yell about, that may be a reason you glow, and you can have strong emotions-that’s not the point! Choose now or forever hold your piece.”
“You’re not my reverend,” I side commented. “I’ll go, I said that already.” He nodded.
“Well isn’t that perfect?”
“Your attitude is very discomforting.”
“It took you a while.”
I kept thinking though. Was he sure no one would miss me? I felt very alone if no one did anyway. Maybe this would be good, maybe I’d know other people there, perhaps I could go to school there if there was one. It was a lot prettier there anyway. It was in another dimension. There was no litter, no police, but soldiers. There was no army, but a clad of warriors. I think I could learn to like it.
Glytherin hooked onto my arm now. He looked at his watch that showed the other dimension time, six pm. I looked around as the spotlights of the restaurant went around still regardless of what people threatened. I heard a couple more voices of my step-mother.
“Orphelia, if you are hiding from me, I’m going to ground you again you little brat!” Glytherin pressed the button now, and we were immediately sent off into endless space that would go on and on unless we were stopped. Would I miss it? An unfamiliar strong wind took over and went through my hair as all I saw was darkness and stars. I still felt Glytherin beside me but couldn’t find him without night vision. I saw the watch shining and the shadow of Glytherin’s hands reaching for the button.

Marriage Complications

My feet steadily touched the bright green grass and stepped on a beer bottle. I was wearing high heels and the piece of broken bottle was stuck to it. I reached for my foot and took it off. I looked in front of me where Glytherin’s house was. He frowned. The house seemed to be taken over by many people and a party seemed to be hosted by a couple of his idiot friends. Bottles were being thrown of the roof by celebrating warriors. What were they celebrating? Nothing perhaps, they were all idiots and very immature.
I saw the sensible Lydiard on the roof whooping and throwing his shirt above his head and swinging it around dancing. My mouth opened but I pulled it up without anyone noticing.
Glytherin grabbed me forward and tried opening the door. It was locked. Who’d lock his front door if they didn’t even live here? Did he go through this all the time? This was ridiculous. Where I lived, I’d never heard of anyone’s friends coming over to their house when they were way out of town and start a party. It was bizarre.
Glytherin grabbed the key out of his pocket and focused on the lock. He swung open the door while over a hundred people were dancing crazily in all these costumes. A costume party? Some of them were even wearing fake wings. That was kind of like people dressing up as cave men on Halloween.
I looked at Glytherin who didn’t have an angry expression on his face but looked serious. He led me to the stereo. He didn’t lead me but I followed him. He shouted something to me but I couldn’t hear him over the loud music and the yelling people. “What!?” I yelled. He put his hands over his ears and told me to do it.
I carefully put my hands over my ears trying not to knock my earrings off. All of a sudden, Glytherin pulled the plug to the stereo and he covered his ears as an earsplitting noise came out of it and it broke. Everyone else covered their ears and fell to the ground.
Even though they were covering, the noise was probably bouncing off of their brains because I could still hear the noise loud and clear. Glytherin uncovered now and so did I. “You said he wasn’t coming back in a month!” someone yelled. “Glytherin what are you doing here? Everyone said you’d only be back for your wedding.”
“There are wedding rehearsals,” he said heading in a different direction. I followed him. He yelled up the stairs. “Everyone down! Party’s over!” I heard a bunch of boos come from that direction.
“What are you all doing here anyway?” he asked. Before anyone could answer, three or four puffballs rolled out an open window. I looked that direction with loads of confusion. “Everyone out,” Glytherin said very calmly. “Though, next time I see another party in my house not hosted by me, you guys won’t be let off the hook. I shall hit all of you with a whip before you leave next time.” Every one looked at him in fear and I gave him a sideways glance. He spotted me.
“I’m just joking!” he yelled. “But I will find the host put on trial!” Everyone began coming out of his house each carrying a souvenir. Glytherin’s eyes narrowed his two eyes on everything they carried. “No,” he said. “Don’t leave yet!” Everyone stood in a single filed line.
Glytherin’s house was huge. People were probably all stealing different things every visit. He went up to the line of people exiting the door. He stared at the things they had in their hands and glared at them uneasily. I waited for him to take back the stuff.
“You can have that,” he said to the first guy. “No, yes, no way, nope, what the hell are you thinking?” he went down the line. “That’s personal you idiot!” He grabbed the book away from him and practically growled at the guy. Some people left with something of Glytherin’s things and others with nothing at all.
Glytherin ran upstairs and I heard a door slam shut. I went up to the roof top where I saw everyone was leaving. Some people are just very stupid. I headed downstairs again and the whole entire house was empty. I knocked on Glytherin’s door knowing immediately that it was locked.
Did Glytherin have a girlish diary that was too personal for him to show to anyone? That would be greatly embarrassing. “Orphelia, come in.” he said. The door wasn’t locked? That was hard to see when he ran up the stairs yelling at that last guy.
I opened the door. I looked around the room that was nearly full of different suitcases and the room was emptied of everything else. I smiled. “What’s going on in here?” I asked. Glytherin looked around for himself. He was sitting on his bed putting all of his stuff in his drawers. “Well,” he said. “I’m going to be leaving soon.” I looked at him crossly. I tilted my head.
“Why would you be leaving?” I asked. He looked and put some more things away.
“You know I can’t be here, with you, in the same house. Do you know how bad that looks?” I thought about that now. I nodded. It would look as if he were cheating on his fiancé. “And plus,” he said. “I’m getting married soon; I’ll be on my honey moon.” I nodded.
“So when are you leaving?” I asked.
He looked around again. “Right now,” he said. “I’m going to be living at the castle for a few days practicing the wedding, making plans. Don’t worry; you’ll be invited for sure.”
“You’re going to leave me here?” I asked. Glytherin narrowed his eyes at me now.
“Yes,” he said. “I wouldn’t have invited you here if I hadn’t been leaving, and anyway, I’ll come back, check up on you,” he stood up from the bed now. His door swung open. The man looked behind him and watched the puffballs roll by.
“Glytherin what happened-” He cut off looking at me. “Hello, Orphelia,” he said. It was Rigor again, the guy with the perfect English accent that I adored greatly. I waved to him uncomfortably. “Glytherin what happened here? You threw a party? It doesn’t really seem much like you, you know?”
Glytherin shook his head. “Someone broke in again and took a lot of my stuff with them.”
“The usual,” he replied. “Everyone’s waiting for you in the van, you might want to come.”
“Is Lindsay in there?” Glytherin asked.
Rigor sent him a twisted face. “Who the heck’s Lindsay?”
Glytherin ignored him. “My fiancé, Ophelia wasn’t her real name.” Glytherin looked ashamed.
“You’ve been thinking she was someone else? Why would she want to change her name?”
Glytherin began clipping some bags along with him ignoring Rigor. “Is she there or not?” he asked. Rigor shook his head. Glytherin began to exit the room with some of the suit cases as rigor held onto the rest. Glytherin gestured me with him. I followed them both downstairs. I would’ve offered my help but something seemed off.
He went through the front door where Rigor loaded his things up. Before Glytherin left, he looked at me, this time he really looked

at me, deeply. It kind of scared me. I felt like he was looking into all of my terrible imperfections, like the unattractive look I got when I cried, or the way my feet just couldn’t stay still when I was in these positions.
“Don’t throw any parties,” he said. My eyes widened along with my jaw dropping.
After waiting for such a meaningful statement, I get, ‘Don’t throw any parties’? I thought he said we were friends, now he’s acting like I’m his maid that’s taking care of the house for him over the weekend. I crossed my arms now. I hope he couldn’t see through me, my anger, my disappointment, my urge to run away and go back no matter how much my step-mother would be mad at me.
My glowing.

Rigor though was the only one to notice. He came forward to me now. He touched my shoulder. “Is everything okay Orphelia?” he asked. I nodded closing my eyes and then opening them again. I swallowed hard. I went back the other direction and then Rigor pulled me back. Glytherin was already in the van looking straight forward. Rigor closed the door a moment. He never seemed so serious. How old was he? Twenty-five probably at the youngest.
“What’s going on?” he asked. “He told me that he was planning to take you here, me and Glytherin are the good friends I got to say, but do you want to be here? Is wherever you came from really that much better?”
I shook my head. “It’s a terrible place filled with terrible people and unbelievable liars, I love it here, I’m fine.”
Rigor shook his head. “No you aren’t” he objected.
“Yes I am.”
“No you’re not.”
“Yes I’m fine.”
“You can’t be, you’re glowing and pouting.”
I stood silent for a moment. “No I’m not fine!” I yelled. “I don’t want to be alone. Being alone is very complicated and Glytherin’s treating me like some housemother! It’ll be terrible, and plus, he’s treating me like he’s my father! Two in one deal!”
Rigor looked down still hooking onto my shoulder. “He’s only acting like that---”
“Because he’s busy,” I said completing his sentence. “I know, I shouldn’t be like this. I’ve been busy before, everyone has.”
Rigor shook his head. “He’s only acting like that,” he began and then a short pause, “because he’s afraid you’ll see through him. It’s what some people do, and I know exactly what he’s doing here. Trust me. I’ve done this to so many people. I don’t know what he’s hiding from you, but he’ll tell you later on. He also wanted me to tell you that foods in the kitchen and you can sleep wherever you want.”
There he goes again, treating me like that.
“Great,” I said. “Remind him that I’m not retarded.” Rigor nodded and went off. He headed into the huge van and I looked through the window. It seemed that Rigor was telling him and Glytherin nodded. I was disgusted by this.
Could Glytherin ever be not serious? The thing was, Glytherin wasn’t hiding anything, this was how he was, even though he never acted this way before. What if he was

hiding something?
I went back up to his room and sat on his bed. I looked around to the now emptiness. It was so silent and I could still hear the foreign puffballs rolling around. One of them went through the door rapidly and tipped over a night stand where Glytherin stuffed his, “Personal,” stuff. The papers went flying out of it and as I tried to put them back in, I noticed many familiar ones. There was a planner that was calling out my name, it was written all inside of it. When I opened it, I realized it wasn’t much of a planner, and not a diary, but more of a writing of things that was on his mind or that needed to just be put on paper. When I read it, I was disappointed.

It’s killing me that Orphelia is here,
I wish I’d never found her. She is pleasant and all but with everyone around, and the way she acts-she just messes up everything. I’m getting married in twenty-nine days. How do I keep myself from regretting this? With Orphelia here, it’s hard to focus on anything…

I picked up the rest of his things and I put it in the drawer, yes, it hurt to see this but even though no one was here, I kept myself smiling so I wouldn’t feel embarrassed. So I wouldn’t feel embarrassed feeling this way. He obviously hated me, but this wasn’t something to hide, I practically already knew it. I forgot about what he looked like completely now. I pictured him as an angry old man taking in a little girl like me and treating me as the slave. He hadn’t asked me to clean for him though. I just felt this way.

Glytherin headed up the hall of the castle. He looked up and down the stair cases figuring which way to go. He had suitcases in his hand and felt a slither up his spine. Something about this place and meeting his fiancé killed him. He didn’t want to be married to this witch, or whatever rhymed with that. He didn’t even want to be here. He wanted to stay home and watch TV and go to a regular school like all of his stupid friends.
She didn’t respect him. She told him what to do and told him what to say and where to be. She was so obsessed with this wedding thing that it was unbelievable.
He thought about the first time they’d ever met. He was out working in the back of the castle whistling to “She’ll be Coming ‘Round the Mountain.” The princess had been spying him out of the back window. He’d been cutting shrubs. Finally, he’d realized she’d been there and she stepped away before he could see her face.
Immediately, she was attracted to this guy out of all warriors but she knew he’d accept her with her normal face; it didn’t pop out like it should’ve. Plus, she was too much older and she was already beginning to get wrinkles around the corners of her eyes. She wasn’t attractive, yet she wasn’t ugly. She asked around for soldiers and asked who the warrior was outside of her window.
There had only been five people in the whole castle who actually saw her identity back then. That’s when she heard about Orphelia. Everyone who ever heard of Glytherin speak of her knew who she was. They described her as his kindergarten crush, best friend he could have, or very pretty, and those were the two words she really needed. She had a spell put on her thinking that this “Orphelia” was a human being. The problem with not being human was that this person wouldn’t die once you stole their face. Stealing someone’s face gave them half of what they were, half complexion, half of their abilities. She took half of that and added it to herself. The next morning, she confronted Glytherin.
Glytherin was shocked the see someone he’s known. She told him her name; she’d said it was Ophelia. He knew that somehow this wasn’t right. He remembered that the girl he knew a while ago had been Orphelia. He had questioned the princess and how she was a princess all of a sudden. There was so much confusion that the princess began making up stories. After, she begged him to marry her. They had only known each other for three weeks. He refused to because he knew there was something different and that this woman was not the same girl. She’d make him wash clothes, nuzzle her nose with his. He knew the girl he knew before had never done any of these strange contorted things. He knew something was wrong. Before he could refuse again, the queen had shown herself demanding it. Glytherin knew that the queen was not Orphelia’s mother, and he was slowly catching on. And that’s when Glytherin said yes but began secretly looking for Orphelia in the other dimension.

Glytherin went up the stair well trudging along his suit cases with men in front of him taking it as well. All of a sudden, he saw the queen’s figure running down the stairs. Glytherin dropped his bags and reluctantly outstretched his arms as she hugged him. “Glytherin you’re back!” she yelled. “I didn’t think you’d come back until the wedding! I was so worried.”
Glytherin nodded. “There are

wedding plans.” He said blandly. He realized that the queen had a wedding dress on. What was she doing? “What are you wearing?” he asked. She twirled around in the dress looking up and down herself. “I’m just partnering up with Lindsay, showing her the dresses, picking the maid of honor. Maybe that lady friend of yours, Ohreelia?”
Glytherin looked at her disappointingly and went farther up the stairs ignoring the woman’s smile. He felt bad for Orphelia and what he wished he could’ve done or said. He wished he could’ve stayed, gotten to be with her longer before he ruined his life by marrying this idiot. It was always Orphelia; she was always the one he’d wanted a chance with. It was never Lindsay.
Orphelia, bringing her there could’ve been a large mistake. What if the princess found her there? What if anyone found her there? He had to keep her upset in order to make sure that if anyone found her, she’d express how much he’d hated him. He wanted to see her again. Even though he said he wouldn’t, he wanted to. He didn’t care about the lousy princess. She thought she’d stolen his heart. She didn’t, someone else already had.
He reached the top stair where he caught the princess wearing, or fitting on, a red wedding dress the color of blood. To think that, Glytherin shook his head in disgust of it. Lindsay was annoyed now.
“Glytherin,” she said. “You have absolutely no taste. No one cares about what you think.” She turned back to a long mirror and spread the dress out in front of her as she marveled. The men brought Glytherin’s bags up to another room. He sat on a chair watching his fiancé. “Glytherin what would you like me to wear, sweetie, since you aren’t too into this dress. Do you like blue? Would you like me wearing green?”
“Wear white.” He objected. “The bridesmaids wear the stupid colored stuff.”
Lindsay turned to look at him. “Not nice Glytherin,” she said. “Not nice.” She picked out a white dress now and pulled off the one she was wearing in front of him. For a moment, she looked to see if Glytherin was watching her.
He wasn’t.
“Glytherin…” she said trying to get his attention.
“I’m not interested.” He said blandly. He turned his head away to look at the queen twirling the wedding dress on the dance floor.
“If you’re so interested in my mother, marry her!” she yelled. Now Glytherin was looking at her. She wore what most girls wore. It wasn’t interesting to him. He looked though.
“There’s nothing to see here.” He commented. “I just see a woman who seems to be at least five years older than me.” Lindsay rolled her eyes.
“But Glytherin,” she whined. “Don’t I look good

without any clothes on?”
Glytherin busted out laughing now. He leaned forwards and back in his chair and laughed. The princess had blush all over her face as she fit on another dress. “Shut up Glytherin!” she yelled. “We’re getting married! Going to have kids as well! You’re going to have to get used to it!”
Glytherin shook his head. “Kids?” he asked. “No, thank you, you can adopt if you'd like though.”
She pouted now. “I hate you!” she yelled. The color went from her face. She looked as if she were going to run off into a tantrum but she stayed in her spot with her dress looking at him with tears running down her blushed up cheeks. She stepped towards him. Glytherin’s face was serious.
“I’m sorry.” He said. She leaned down to hug him now and sat on his lap. This wasn’t the response he was looking for. She put her head on his shoulder.
“I was thinking Glytherin,” she said. Glytherin nodded breathing deeply. “Maybe we should get married sooner, maybe someday like, perhaps tomorrow?” Glytherin’s eyes shot open wider than they were before. Tomorrow?

He thought. After everything, she wants to get married tomorrow?

He hesitated to answer.
“What gave you that idea?” he asked.
She shrugged and sat up looking up into the ceiling and uncomfortably twisting her fingers in her sweaty hands. “Well,” she said. “You’re a warrior, you’re going to be heading off into the war, and Glytherin, it won’t be safe, and you know that.” She stalled for a moment picking up a whine glass and drinking some sort of alcoholic beverage out of it. “Well,” she said between two huge gulps. “What if you die?” she asked.
Glytherin stood up now disregarding the fact that she'd been sitting on top of him.
“I’ll never have the experience of ever getting married. So maybe we should get married first and we’ll both have the experience before you die. It’ll be easy. You don’t even need the wedding rehearsals; it’ll be fine without them. You can do it Glytherin, it’ll be fine.” Glytherin looked at her as if she were crazy.
She was expecting him to die. This filled him with hurt. “What if I don’t die?” he asked. “Then we’d be rushed into things.”
The princess shook her head. “Glytherin, it’s most likely. Not everyone will live through this.” Glytherin frowned. What if he did

die? He’s never going to get to see Orphelia again at all. He wouldn’t even get to say goodbye, not that she really wanted to see him.
“I’m going to the room, Lindsay.” He said.
As he walked away, Lindsay took him by the shoulder. “But Glytherin,” she said. “Get ready by tonight. I have the bridesmaids and my maid of honor, my mother, set up and I have your guys, and the reverend. It’ll be a very special last two days you get to see me.” Glytherin nodded and managed a smile.
He decided now, he had to see Orphelia tonight.

It was late now. It was slowly turning into the time I got here, 6:30, to when I was in the shower, 9:30. I felt the warm water on my skin and I turned it to hot. It wasn’t exactly steaming though.
I got out now covering my self with a towel and then back to Glytherin’s room where I’d been all day, and where I’d be the next, and the next, and possibly, the next. I hadn’t really explored the house. I’ve only been in his room. Maybe if I looked more, I’d discover more.
I got dressed back into my dress but took off the shawl. It was easier to let my wings breathe and to be free to have them wherever I wanted to. They still weren’t bent and I was hoping to keep it that way. I looked in the mirror now. How long had I been glowing? Perhaps the whole night? I don’t understand though, I glowed a colorless color and that was all. How did people notice in the day? Did the colors change according to my moods? That’s very awkward to me. Maybe everyone could see right through me. They could tell when I was angry, could tell when I was sad? This whole fairy thing was absolutely killing me.
I went downstairs now with my dress slowly waving behind me. I looked around. I saw the kitchen and realized I hadn’t really eaten. I sauntered over to the kitchen where a load of empty beer bottles were. They weren’t Glytherin’s though, and you could tell. There were lipstick stains on every single one of them, or maybe he invited girls over and decided to make them kiss it trying to frame others. Maybe he was lying about not wanting to drink anything. Maybe he went out with other girls and was being someone’s fiancé at the same time. Maybe he didn’t even like me. I thought rapidly. Who cared if he liked me? I didn’t think it before so why am I thinking this now? I did think it before but it doesn’t seem right now. After how he’s abandoned me, after he writes freaking notes about me in a book, after he runs away to get married!
I stopped thinking for a moment. Why was I doing this? It made no sense. I had to be obvious with myself now, who could deny something like this? Who could deny that I might’ve had a tiny crush? (Extremely tiny though, magnificently tiny.) I didn’t care about Bradley or Glytherin’s brother. He was too old anyway. I couldn’t deny though. It wasn’t any crush. I just wished he hadn't hated me as he described.
I ignored the rest of my thoughts or feelings and searched through the fridge. There was a pizza box that I didn’t want to dare touch. Maybe Glytherin should’ve reminded himself that someone threw a party at his house, he shouldn’t have expected there to be an ounce of food left anyway.
How could I live like this? It was like being an adult. I couldn’t live alone. I didn’t even know how to take care of myself. I’d rather be with Shane. I could marry him for all I care if he’d take me back after leaving him so long.
No, that’s too wrong. I’d never marry Shane even if it depended on my life. All I wanted to do was go back. The people I lived with were practically not even close to my family if the guy that I thought was my father wasn’t. I went over this a few times in my head too. Now I decided to make a big fuss out of it.
I heard there would be war soon. Would the soldiers be fighting around here? This would be the perfect place to fight. It was nearly empty except for the huge house that was in the middle of no where. What would I do? I can’t walk out there on my own. I can’t do any of this on my own. What the hell was I even supposed to eat?! I was going to die!
I wasn’t even stable. I felt like I wanted to rip this house to pieces. What about Dominique? Didn’t she live in a little hut or something by the beach? Would I be able to reach her at all? I just remembered then. I let her die. She was going to die anyway but maybe if I had gave her my wings… No. I wouldn’t have given her my wings, but look at the terrible state I was in now.
It was dark, all I could see were the dark shadows of the woods outside and puffballs were still somewhere inside the house. I don’t exactly know where but, I was pretty sure anyone could be out there without me knowing it. It’d be terrible.
I took a double look inside the freezer. There was nothing in there either. I took a look in the cabinet. I saw a macaroni box as well. There was nothing in there but one tiny grain of macaroni. Who’d make Mac and cheese for a party like this? It made no appropriate sense. As I began walking away from the food section of the house, I entered the living room. The couches were set appropriately in the middle of the big space as the huge flat screen was set against the wall. How was there such a luxurious place in such a natured place like this?
I slumped down looking straight across from me. The remote was sitting on the small coffee table. It was surprising that there hadn’t even been a mess left behind. I smelt a soft burning smell. It didn’t smell like barbeque as it usually did when I smelt a burning smell. I looked behind me from where I sensed it. The stereo was still smoking from where Glytherin pulled the plug a little too rapidly just to hurt everyone’s ears.
I remembered the loud noise that was pretty louder to everyone else. I tried to imagine it again. It was faint now in my ears. It sort of sounded like a yell. I closed my eyes while I listened to the noises outside. The wind sounded like a rustle and the time was slowly turning into ten. The moonlight went on a dark spot in the house. The TV remote. I picked it up and looked at it mysteriously. It was round and numbered differently.
I remembered a station now. It was 68. I pressed the button and it put me at a children’s channel. No wonder, I hadn’t gone on a TV like this for so long. I’d expected it to be something else, like maybe The 70’s Show. Something interesting. I was stuck there watching Proon. It was a show about how all children should eat prunes because they were good for you. I’d never liked this show. It was made by a fairy much like me and it was made by her friend who seemed to be somewhat green. Were there goblins too?
I shook it off. I took multiple trips over to the refrigerator and the freezer, back to the pantry just to see if something new would pop up. I was starving. When last did I eat? I’d usually skip breakfast, eat lunch, and eat dinner, no matter how important the first meal of the day was. I was never in the mood for it.
Why didn’t I just kill myself other then having to starve to death and feeling the pain in my weak body? I don’t know, maybe a miracle would happen.
I heard sudden noises outside of the window. I came up from the couch in alarm. I turned the TV down slowly. Proons was still on. This was perfect. Hunters were already out for me. Maybe they’d feed me though. I took that thought out of my mind now. I didn’t want anyone to know I was there, even if they were going to feed me. I didn’t want to be enslaved for the rest of my life.
Glytherin did say I was in danger. I was the last of my species. I couldn’t die now, not that I cared. I heard footsteps approach and the wind beating against the door. Or were those the knocks at the door? Either way, both things were happening. I sat up from the couch slowly trying not to make it creak. Didn’t Glytherin have some weapons around here or something? He was a warrior. Something dragged me to the door. He didn’t even have a peeking hole, or a looking glass.
Oh, now what do I do? The guy was rich but didn’t have a looking glass? Why was I being so stubborn about this? I could hear the stubbornness in my voice even though I wasn’t talking aloud. Why am I being like this at all? I stayed in front of the door as another knock came in pounding into my back.
I was obligated to open the door but I didn’t want anyone to see my wings. I wish they were gone for just this moment and then they’d come back. I put my hand to the knob as another knocking came through.
“Orphelia!” I heard someone yell. “God! Tell me you’re there!” It was Glytherin. I swung the door open to see him standing there open minded holding a box of pizza and the wind practically blowing him off the front porch. What was he doing here? Why weren’t there any guards with him either? I dragged him inside.
The door slammed shut behind him. “I thought you weren’t coming back.” I said crossing my arms.
He smiled and gave me the pizza box and looked at the TV. “It’s so dark,” he commented. “Why don’t you turn on the lights?” he put his hands toward the door and clicked a switch that I hadn’t remembered being there before. The whole entire house lit up.
“Interesting.” I said looking around. “The only places I’ve discovered was your room, the shower and the kitchen. Nice of you to remind yourself that there might not be any food.”
He frowned. I placed the pizza box on the table and took out a slice. “Did you leave something?” I asked.
He shook his head. He seemed sad all of a sudden. Whatever happened, I of course didn’t know about it.
“Anything wrong?” I asked pulling out a plate and putting the slice on top of it. He shook his head. “The war, it’s in two days.” I nodded. “Is there something wrong? Do you think I should register for the war? I mean, is it too late?” I could easily put my mind to anything I wanted to do.
He was standing there looking at me and shook his head.
“I’m doing this,” he said. “For the people here, like you, so you don’t have to fight. There are a lot more people here than you’ve seen. There’s nearly five million, a thousand of us are going to be in the war. It’s actually concerned me for the first time that maybe,” he stopped there as he saw a puffball roll by his foot. I smiled. He looked uneasy now. “What if I die?” he asked now. My eyes jumped out of their sockets unexpectedly. I felt like they jump out of their sockets and began rolling on the floor like the puffball but smaller. How could he even ask this? What I learned was to wish for the best. To pray at least. What gave him this idea?
“Are you scared?” I asked him.
He smiled and shook his head. “I’m just asking 'what if?'.” He said. What if, I’ve heard people say not to ask that?
“I doubt you’ll die.” I said.
The smile swept from his face. What? Had that made him feel worse?
Wasn’t other people’s opinions supposed to work? “That isn’t what Lindsay said,” he said. “She actually said the opposite.” I nodded even though I didn’t understand at all why any one would say that when they were getting married to them.
“That’s very stupid.” I commented. “You’re a strong person; I bet you that you could handle yourself.” It seemed very silent.
“So,” Glytherin said. “She said before I die in the war, she wants us to be married to feel a day of experience.”
I was pretty sure my blood ran cold and my skin went pail. I felt the prickles of hairs on my back. I felt my wings sprint up. I felt a rush of coldness go through me and unlike the unusual, I felt uncomfortably nauseous. “That’s wonderful!” I yelled. “At least you can get the marriage part over with, but trust me, you won’t die! It’ll be great! What time tomorrow? Has your guests found out yet?!” I was extremely loud like I’d been ecstatic about this.
“Well,” Glytherin said surprised by my optimistic attitude. “I’m glad you’re happy for me, everyone knows already. We sent out the message through the whole town. It’s at 11:00 I believe.” I nodded with an unbelievably large smile across my face. I tried to keep myself from frowning but you could see an accidental frown at the corner of my mouth but Glytherin didn’t look at me to notice it.
“You must be so excited.” I said taking a large bite out of my pizza, only because it was the only way to keep me silent and shut up.
“Yes,” he said. “I’ve been waiting to get married to my twenty-one year old wife who stole your identity and a piece of your name, I’m definitely ecstatic.” I finished my pizza in seconds and put the plate in the sink. Now, Glytherin was never going to come back.
“I’m gonna be a second,” I said. I ran up the stairs and tried not to show my face. I opened the bathroom door and flung myself inside. I fell into the bathtub but disregarded the pain. I sunk there by myself and cried. That’s exactly what I did. I sobbed in my dress silently until I felt alone.
“Get married,” I whispered to myself. “Get married, I don’t really care whether you get married to her or not. There won’t be any reason to sob over this, but when I get married, and I get a husband and all, you’re gonna wish that you hadn’t made this decision.” I looked at myself confidently into a hand mirror. I smiled at my red eyes. “I love you, and I don’t want you to get married to Lindsay, there I said it aloud.”
Although, I was only whispering; talking to myself even, which wasn't a good sign. After a moment of looking at myself cry, I stood up and looked at my wet dress. My hair was wet, my whole entire body soaked. I fell into a bath of soapy water. My wings were limp and wet now. This was perfect. I had an extra thing just holding me down. I stood up as the water trickled down my legs and I put a towel over my head drying me off. I looked into the bathroom mirror as my wings were drooping.
I opened the bathroom door as I went down stairs. Glytherin looked at me coming down and immediately rushed me back up. “What happened?” he asked not too much alarmed. “I fell into a tub of water by accident.” I said lamely and swallowing intensely. “What about you?” I asked. Glytherin shook his head and ran me back up to the bathroom. He searched through many of the cabinets and pulled out something a dark black. A robe. Who wears black robes? It’s not usual. He handed it to me. “Putting yourself in cold water in winter, very smart Orphelia.” He seemed upset. I nodded frowning.
“Accident.” I reassured him. He nodded murmuring something under his breath. “Why are you really here?” I asked him. He handed me a T-shirt and nothing else. Did he just want me to get dressed in a T-shirt? No pants? Only under garments. Sometimes, I don’t understand some people. I said thank you anyway.
When he left, I put on the T-shirt and the robe directly over it. It wasn’t a bath robe but just one made of polyester to keep you warm. I tied it around me now exiting the bathroom. Was I like a child to him? I felt like one. I never exactly felt this way as someone always needed to take care of me. My wings bent easily underneath the shirt because it was large.
I had a sudden urge to look through some more of Glytherin’s stuff to see more notes of what he thought of me, but then, that gave me another thought. Maybe he came here just to take the notes away remembering it was in his room. I would bust out on him so he would know I’ve already seen the stupid hate notes. Why did he regret taking me here? But of course he couldn’t have just written these today. It made no sense whatsoever.
I opened the room door silently to just take a peek of what Glytherin was doing. He was dressed differently now. Was he going to sleep here? How were some of his clothes even here? I thought he was packing. He didn’t hear me when I was opening the door though. He was doing almost exactly what I thought he had. He was looking through the notes. I spotted the one that I had read, the only one that I’d read. He looked at it sadly. I heard him breathe in deep. I didn’t want to walk in on him now. I felt too bad. What was wrong with him? He’d been treating me so badly and I just didn’t want to take my anger out on him now? I opened the door and he sent me a startled look.
“Are you ok?” I asked him now for the third time. He nodded refilling his drawer. Another puffball rolled in the room and out an open window that had the wind plowing in. Glytherin’s short hair rolled in place.
He looked at me steadily. “I’m fine.” He answered. “Are you

ok?” he asked.
I shook my head. “I read some of your notes.” I said. Suddenly, his cheeks flushed a deep scarlet.
“Why do you regret me being here?” I asked. “I don’t understand, you were begging me before.” The blushing left his cheeks.
“Oh,” he said. “That note.” What other note was there? “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I don’t want to discuss the things that you’ve secretly read.”
“It had my name on it,” I objected. “Of course I’m just a bit curious.”
“All of them had your name on it, why read that one? Because it was the only one you found saying something bad?”
“No, it was the first one I saw.”
“I don’t think you should be looking through my things, let alone, being in my bedroom.”
Now I scorned him. “I’m sorry,” I said. “You told me to sleep wherever I wanted, I guess wherever I want means not your bedroom.” He was angry now but I had my hands on my hips and my stare steady trying not to let go on my look.
He took the note in his hand now and slowly ripped it in half. “It wasn’t yours to understand to begin with.”
His words were poisonous along with his tone. I faced him setting back a few steps to stay out of his room. Even though he wasn’t yelling, this was the first time he’d really gotten mad at me. “Come in,” he said. I stepped in his room now. “Close the door.” He said. “I don’t want anymore of those animals coming in.” He closed the window.
“Are you staying here?” I asked. Glytherin looked up at me and nodded.
“I leave near eight though.” I looked around. The room was dark and I felt sad. Should I have stayed with my step-mother? Why did I keep asking myself this? If I knew how it would be, I think I wouldn’t have gone.
“Is there anyway you could take me back?” I asked. I didn’t move from my spot much farther away from Glytherin. Glytherin was calm about this question.
“I could see why you’d ask.” He said. “I just wanted to keep you safe, but I guess it’s a little too hard with everything that’s happened, and don’t you want to come to my wedding? You seemed pretty excited.” I nodded.
Why was I lying? Why couldn’t I just tell him how upset I was? I approached the bed now and I sat beside him.
“You don’t know,” I began. “How upset I am that you’re getting married already.” I said smiling as if I were taking everything as a joke. I lied down there looking at the ceiling. “It kills me to know that you’re doing this. No one should be so young marrying a girl so much older than you. She’s old enough to drink, you aren’t.”
Glytherin lied down too. “I’m so glad you admitted that.” He said. “You know, she’s already thinking about kids.” I turned to look at him now. He looked back at me and bit his lip and busted out into a laugh. “I looked at her just like that when she told me about it.” I nodded. I was tired now. “I’m sorry as well; I wish I didn’t have to leave you here. You can take my house if it isn’t destroyed after the war.”
I nodded.
I turned to him. “Why don’t you object?” I asked. He turned to me as well.
“Because,” he said sighing. “It’s not good to object like this when the marriage is already prepared and she’d haunt me for the rest of my life if I did.” Now I looked at him steadily.
“But,” I said. I hesitated to say this but if he was going to be gone, I had nothing to lose. “But what if you were with me instead?” He turned to me now looking confused.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
“You know

what I mean.” I said.
He shrugged. “Maybe things would be better.” He replied. Things would be a lot better for me. I wouldn’t be so upset. He closed his eyes not before he set a timer for eight o’clock. He put his arms to his sides but used one to turn off a lamp.
Now it was officially dark, there was no light at all. All I could see was the exceptional outside light reflecting in his eyes that soon closed.
I hovered over him silently, suddenly, and as reluctant as I had ever been, I pressed my lips against his. Without looking, he came up to meet me. He held the back of my head and let me kiss him. He didn’t let go. There we were, in the middle of the night, kissing. I knew how bad this was. His hands touched my face and then he let go of me. He looked at me again and smiled. Was he not surprised?
I stared completely in shock. Some kind of sudden triumph had hit me like a striking train. The smile went from his face. “I can’t,” he said sitting up immediately scratching his head confused. “Orphelia,” he said. “You really mess me up.” So was this what he meant in the hate notes?
“Are you blaming me?” I asked. He shook his head. “But you did kiss me when I was trying to sleep. I really don't think that's fair, if you don’t mind, I’m going to go.”
He went over to the door and went out. Seriously? “You’re going to leave? Now?” I said raising my voice so he could hear me. He opened the door again and nodded. I stood up from the bed chasing him down the stairs. “Please don’t leave.” I said. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to leave, because sooner or later, you’re gonna be gone and I won’t even see you again.”
“So you believe I’m gonna die?” he asked.
I shook my head. What was I trying to incline? “No,” I said. “I mean you’re going to be gone as in, married, on honeymoons, and you won’t have the time for me like you just had now. I don’t want you to leave.” I came down the stairs to where he was at and he backed up a bit like I was a poisonous rattle snake.
“I’ll always have time for you, it’s not like we won’t be friends anymore.” I was glowing, he knew it, and I knew it. Soon enough, I could be glowing enough to light the whole world. He put a hand to his temple like he didn’t have much patience.
“I don’t want to be just friends with you Glytherin.” I said now with the least confidence in the world. I was wet now, thinking it was sweat; it was just tears covering me all the way. “I don’t want you to get married because I want a chance.” He began to walk away. I came closer to him just as he reached the door. I felt like I wanted to fall on the floor and whine.
“I can’t do this.” He said readying himself to leave in the dark cold night.
“But I love you...just a bit too much to let you go right now,” I said shrugging, smiling, laughing and crying all at the same time. I must’ve looked like a mess, but I realized I wasn’t glowing. But this was true to me. Too fast for me to capture, he moved back to his place where his body was again in contact with mine. Our lips locking and his arms around my waist. I held onto him tightly so I wouldn’t fall to all of the pressure he put onto me.
I mysteriously wondered if he could taste my tears. He put my hair from around my face with his hand and leaned me against a wall like I was too heavy to carry. He put his hands near me unraveling the robe, cautiously, and just then, there was a knock on the door. He parted from me faster than when he came. He went over to the front door and opened it. It was Rigor again. “Well,” he said. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting your passionate kiss, before your wedding day, with another woman, was I?”
Glytherin scratched his head looking confused as before. “Don’t hide anything from me, mate.” Rigor said walking in and staring at me all messed up looking, but the tears were gone. I’d wiped them off before he’d stepped in. I was in an open robe staring blankly in this guy’s eyes. He laughed. “That’s sad,” he said. He handed me a box that he had in his hands. He pulled Glytherin upstairs as he looked after me. I sat on the couch and looked at the box. I heard both of them talking upstairs. I still had this empty feeling and an even emptier one when I opened the box.
This was great. Glytherin bought me a dress to attend to the wedding with. This wedding thing was really going to happen wasn’t it? I looked at the dress. It was really beautiful but I doubt that it would look good on me. It’s all about the certain shape you have when you wear things like this. That’s how it’s always been with me.
The night was getting too late now, and too many things were happening at once. Everything would’ve been fine if Rigor hadn’t broken and entered. I picked up the dress now. There were two straight holes through the back of it. Me and my special needs. I listened to the guys upstairs. Rigor was trying to whisper silently.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked. Glytherin didn’t answer. “I feel bad for that poor girl now that you explain this; she’s going to be left heart broken. You should’ve never even started anything.”
“I tried to stop it, but I guess I couldn’t succeed.” I leaned back on the couch.
“If anyone finds out Glytherin---”
“But you’re the only one who knows. You won’t tell anyone will you?”
It sounded like Rigor hesitated. “Of course not,” he said at last. “But I’m only doing it for the girl. How is she going to go on like this? I heard what she said to you, I heard the conversation. I only knocked on the door when I saw that you were going way too far with it.” He was probably talking about the robe.
“And I thank you Rigor, but it’s not going to change anything.”
“Well, when you’re gone, she’s going to miss you even more than she would have if you hadn’t done that crap. You know I can’t bear seeing people grieve.” I lied down now on the couch and stared at the blank TV. I refused to listen any more. Rigor came fumbling down the stairs. “Orphelia, love, you don’t have to come to the wedding if you wouldn’t like to.” Glytherin came after him in sensible clothing being ready to leave. “Glytherin has to leave before he gets another woman pregnant.”
Glytherin stopped in his tracks and stared unbearably at Rigor who was laughing. “I’m joking!” he yelled. “Orphelia, but if you are coming, tell me now. The princess needs a maid of honor.”
I stood up from my spot. “Why would I want to be her maid of honor?” I asked him. Rigor shrugged as Glytherin was already leaving and out into the big van that didn’t hold any passengers.
“Let’s say the queen likes you, and she wants you to be her daughter’s made of honor. You don’t have to become maid of honor, but you may like it. At least you’re not one of the bridesmaids. They’re not in the best shape right now. They’re wearing green dresses; yours will look the best out of all of them. This is why I gave you the dress, so everyone will realize how much you stand out, and hopefully, you’ll be envied more than just by the audience, but by the bride. Goodbye!” He waved and ran out of the house and into the truck next to Glytherin as he put the keys in the ignition and took off.
Did this mean I had to show up? I sat back on the couch and turned on the TV. I wasn’t exactly happy right now. Would I be like Cinderella? Cinderella was more on the paler side. I was not. She had beautiful blond hair. I didn’t. She could walk in heels. I couldn’t. She was married to a prince, and I would never be. Lindsay had all of these things that I wouldn’t have. I liked myself for these traits though, because, even though she had these things, Glytherin didn’t love her. He loved me.

A Breathtaking Wedding

I woke up on the same couch the next morning. I yawned and spread my hands out widely before me and I sat up. There were different woman around the place staring at me. They were all dressed the same and were all eating a slice of cold pizza in a plate from last night.
I gave them a stare. I didn’t scream from shock. I felt used to people walking in and out of the place. The woman threw each of their plates in the garbage when they saw that I was awake.
“I like your wings, baby.” One woman said. She was very bony and much older than me by many decades. “You don’t see fairies anymore, we thought they were extinct. By the way, you fly in your sleep.”
I looked at her strangely. They watched me in my sleep? I didn’t even think I knew how to fly. This was strange, very strange and I put my hands over my eyes to keep myself from embarrassment. “Is there something you need?” I asked.
A woman who was not that bony, but a bit more on the chunkier side, came up to me taking off my blankets. “Did you have bad dreams last night honey?” she said in a very deep voice. I shook my head sitting up and scrambling my fingers through my hair.
“You look like you got drunk,” a man said behind me. What were these people doing here? The man was wearing a maid’s outfit. It wasn’t really that bright outside earlier. What did they want from me?
Now I was suspecting things. “Is there something you all need from me?” I asked. “Because I don’t own the house. I don’t know what the owner would think if I lent you something, I’m imagining extremely pissed though.” Another woman who I hadn’t realized had been behind me, laughed.
“Do you know Rigor?” she asked. “That buff man who talks weird?”
“That’s called an accent.” I corrected her. This was strange because they all had Spanish accents. “And yes, I do know Rigor. Is there something you want from him?”
The woman shook her head trudging a bag across the floor. “Are you Onelta?” she asked. Was my name really that unfamiliar?
I shook my head. “It’s Orphelia.”
The woman nodded now. “Sorry,” she said. “I guess we have the wrong person.”
“No,” I said. “You have the right person.”
The woman nodded. “We are here for makeup and to make sure everything on you fits.” I nodded trying to understand but obviously not taking in everything correctly.
“Mr. Trimly will do your hair and the woman will do all the other stuff understand? Like we’ll help you with your shower.”
What time was it? “I can do that myself,” I said.

After I took my shower, I covered myself with a towel and five women were in the bedroom waiting for me. It was strange how Rigor wanted me to be better looking than the bride. Wouldn’t that mess everything up? What about the wings? How would people react to my wings? I looked at the clock now. It was 7:30 am. It was only thirty more minutes until I had to show up to the wedding. Where was my step-mother when I needed her? She’d actually be a little less out of my business when she was trying to make me look pretty. This was over the top. The woman set underclothes, regular clothing, and then the dress.
“Get dressed babe!” The only man yelled. “I gotta fix up your hair! The princess will be expecting you soon!” I know that! Why did the queen want me as maid of honor? Because I was Glytherin’s best friend, or used to be? He had other friends now. Quickly, I was dressed in my overalls and my dress. I didn’t have time to see how I looked in the mirror right now because I was quickly brought to makeup. This was agonizing labor. I had hardly even done anything for myself. They had me try on all of these different shoes that I wasn’t interested in. Especially high heels. I didn’t wear high heels because no matter what, I was always told by other people that I was too young. I didn’t understand that.
After picking out the right shoes, I was sat at the makeup counter. “OK,” the woman said. She began murmuring to her friends. “Are you mixed?” she asked me coming out of a complicated conversation. I nodded wondering why she asked me this.
The woman nodded and began picking out a gold color from her eye shadow. I wasn’t allowed the wear makeup either. I was too young. She began spreading it on my eyes. “It doesn’t match!” A woman yelled. I didn’t get one chance to look at myself in the mirror, and anyway, I felt bare. My arms felt bare, my legs felt bare as well but they were covered in the silk of the dress.
“Red matches!” One woman yelled. “Give her red! It’s the color of her wings!” another yelled. I didn’t want to be apart of this. They began putting different colors on both of my eyes. “Do you see what I’m trying to do here? This bronze color goes nicely with her skin complexion. For god’s sake Shell, she’s mixed!”
Shell looked at my face now and I was looking at her distractedly.
“We should go with gold.” Shell said now. “I think it goes better with her skin complexion, don’t you Mattie?”
Mattie looked at her angrily and began spreading the color over my eyes once again and taking the other off. I was just going along with whatever they said. As soon as that was over with, I had my teeth brushed for me and red lipstick plastered all over my lips. That’s when another argument began and they left my lips no color at all.
The next place I went to was to do my hair. I had a bunch of different ingredients put in from left to right. My hair was straightened and then curled against my back still looking long. They put short bangs in front of me that rested near my eyebrows but then was pinned to the side. Accessories were then put on and when the job was done, someone immediately questioned it.
“Do you think…”
“No it’ll be fine.”
“She doesn’t look like a fairy,”
“More like an angel. I think we’ve done a nice job. Rigor said she had to look better than anyone there. Isn’t it weird that she doesn’t look much different though? I may've over exaggerated on the angel thing.”
“Should we add more makeup?” Mattie asked. “I didn’t want to add too much make up, mascara and eye shadow was all I put. Should I put more?”
“I think it’s better off if we actually took it off.”
“I think all we needed was the hair to be done and the dress and we would’ve been fine. Her eyelashes were already black, I couldn’t do much of anything.” Shell announced. “Listen, we’re a couple of minutes late. Some orders from Rigor were that we cannot let the queen, princess or her fiancé see her, or all of them will be upset.”
I felt like I was going to throw up. “I can’t do this.” I announced. “This is too much for me. I am supposed to be the maid of honor. I’m supposed to be helping out. Let me go look in the mirror.”
“Wait!” A woman yelled. “Rigor said you weren’t aloud to see yourself!”
I questioned a look on her now. “Rigor’s an idiot.” I said to her feeling shame in my voice. “How would any of you think you’d get away with that? What if you guys made me unbelievably ugly. What if there was something I didn’t like about it? What if you guys cast a spell on me to look really pretty? I need to know these things right now. I don’t want anyone’s wedding day ruined. I’d feel too bad.” I went over to the mirror now but a hand pulled me back.
“We’re late!” The man yelled. Now, he pulled me forcefully into a black SUV. He watched me as he walked. He yelled again. “One foot in front of the other! Where were you born? In Texas!?” That was extremely offensive. I believe I was born somewhere around here. If only I knew where. I was loaded into the back of the van and was squished with five people in a seat.
Why did Rigor send so many people? To make millions of suggestions? All of a sudden, people began touching my ears. “What are these holes?” they asked. I felt my ears as well to see what they were talking about.
“They’re called piercings.” I corrected her annoyed.
She felt my ears again. “Oh, I’m not aloud to get mine till I’m fifty.” I looked at her strangely. How long did some people expect to live?
“How old are you?” I asked. She let go of my ears now rubbing the texture in her hands. Why was she doing that?
“I’m forty-nine now. I’ll be getting mine soon.” I nodded. The woman looked so young though.
“Why is Rigor doing this?” Mattie asked. “Why does he want you to come to a wedding dressed this way?”
“Why is it inappropriate?” I asked suddenly alarmed. The woman shook her head. “Then what do you mean, like that?” I asked her.
She shook her head. “Why was he so desperate for us to get our hands on you?” I thought about it for a moment. I hadn’t known why either. He didn’t even tell me about this. All he said is that he wanted to make more than the audiences envy me. What if I was disguised as a different person? What if he’d make what look in the mirror look like me and the real person I looked like wasn’t shown to my own self? That would be so confusing. Will I ever change back?
“I don’t know,” I finally answered. “He didn’t even tell me about you all coming here.”
“Well, he told us,” said a woman with a badge on saying Maria. They all had wonderful Spanish accents that reminded me of a Spanish tango. They seemed capable to be those kinds of woman. If you put all of them in a salsa dress, they’d all look dazzling.
Some didn’t look a day over twenty-one. What were they anyway that made them age so slowly?
“Witches,” a woman said answering.
Oh my goodness! They were all reading my thoughts. Have they been reading my thoughts the whole entire time?
“It’s your glow,” she said. “You’re not sweating but you glow brilliantly. Do you know the color? It’s actually a faint colorless glow to you. It’s really pretty. But we were reading your mind, the glow doesn’t tell everything. Although, you may want to stop it. It’s a bit confusing when people ask the same questions, ‘Why the heck are you glowing honey?’ It’d be kind of embarrassing if you ask me.”
“How do I stop it then?” I asked. The woman looked serious.
“Kill yourself!” she yelled. The whole van busted out laughing. “Sorry,” she said now. “You can actually just block your mind. I can give you a potion to stop it, although it does have a few side effects.”
The woman took a small bottle. “Side effects?” I asked. She looked at me steadily as if I weren’t someone nice. I could guess I wasn’t.
“Dying.” She said. The whole van laughed again. I didn’t smile and I didn’t put on a serious face, just looked at her steadily waiting for another answer. “It’s just very spicy, your tongue can be burnt is all, and it’s kind of like potion remover potion.” I nodded. Last time I’d tasted that, which was at Glytherin’s house, his mother and father’s house actually, when Elizabeth, his grandmother, had me taste potions. I nodded.
She gave me the bottle that actually stung in my hands. Did she carry this around with her? I opened the cap and took a drink. The liquid burned my throat. I took a few deep breaths and then I felt it and screamed.

Now, we were parked in front of the castle where everything seemed low. It was only nine o’clock now and I was being released, finally.
“Let me call Rigor up,” said the guy. He picked up a cell phone and began calling. The whole city or town was empty. What about the castle? Was that empty too? I hoped so. I hoped it was empty of all people.
I heard Rigor coming opening the double doors to the castle. He looked at me and smiled like a baby. “You look cute Orphelia.” He said. I looked at him with eyes very furious. “Especially when you’re angry.” He grabbed my back and pulled me inside. Unlike outside where there was always howling wind and different animal noises, in here, it was silent other than the echoes of our shoes.
“Where’s everyone?” I asked. Rigor turned to me. “Upstairs.” He replied. “Try to stay away from Glytherin until the wedding for me.” I nodded.
Why did I have to be here so early? Why couldn’t I have stayed in like the rest of the people at home and still sleeping? “Can I look at myself now Rigor?” I said mocking his wonderful accent. Rigor let go of me and let me alone. I ran over to the bathroom where my shoes were tapping the floor even harder. I looked at myself now in the mirror. My hair looked a bit shorter but still what some girls would call long. The dress was extremely long, lingering behind me even. This wasn’t good.
My makeup was put on accordingly bringing out my caramel colored skin. I shook my head. This couldn’t be happening. I’ve always wanted to be beautiful, but, I didn’t wear makeup like this. It still looked like me, the makeup was ok I guess, but the dress. The dress was full, and long. This would only be embarrassing for me. What plans did Rigor even have? I ran out of the bathroom now and into him. “I’m not going to this wedding!” I whispered. “I cannot look like this and go into the princess’s wedding. Do you see how bad this looks? I being like an outcast in this dark long beautiful dress will not make a difference. Not even if I think I love the dress, I will not ruin this for her, or importantly, embarrass myself over how many people?”
“Two thousand.”
“Two thousand people!” I yelled. “I’m definitely not going to embarrass myself in front of two thousand people! I can’t do what you wish. I can’t do what everyone wishes, meaning, coming to this wedding. It’ll only ruin me.”
He looked me in the eyes now. “But Orphelia, you’re so beautiful, this is your chance to show more than what you are.”
I shook my head. “This is all I am but with a dress.” I replied to his statement. Rigor’s reddish blonde hair fell in front of me when he leaned over me putting his head on my shoulder. Now I could feel him.
“Why do you want me to do this so badly?” I asked holding onto his shoulders.
“You’re here,” he replied. “Everyone is, the thing believe it or not is going to start in less than two hours. I feel bad for you. I’m giving you a chance to do something. I need you to see the chance I’m giving you though or you won’t understand properly. This is Glytherin’s wedding day, to a twenty-one year old woman, not to you, the younger girl who is much more beautiful in every way. He needs to see that. The crowd needs to know this woman’s age, needs to know everything. You need to tell them. I’m Glytherin’s best man; he’ll only be upset if I

did. You’re the girl he loves; he’ll only fall harder for you. Do you understand what I’m giving you? You can’t give up. Plus, I hate the queen and princess. I want them to feel jealous.” Now I couldn’t give up.
“I don’t know what to say,” I replied. He leaned off of my shoulder.
“All you need to say is that you’ll be the made of honor.” I nodded to this. No matter how much I was going to be embarrassed and how much hate I would get. I wanted Glytherin. But what if he didn’t respect this? What if he actually hated the idea and got mad at me? What if I was ruining his life by doing this? This could be bad. Lindsay would literally haunt him for the rest of his life. These were always the simplest beginnings to questions. What if, what if, what if.

That was always how it was with me. I had to stop. I had to do something different than just waking up in the morning, going to school for five days, doing something special on Saturdays, spending time knitting with Shane’s grandmothers on Sundays. I didn’t want to do that anymore. Though even if I had done that, it would be the same thing, but I’d know that I’d be waking up here.
“Thank you,” I said to Rigor now. He nodded trying to bare a smile. He did. “Sit in the waiting room. I think there’s no one in there at the moment. I don’t want you to be seen before the princess." I nodded. Rigor went upstairs. “I’m going to make sure Glytherin stays up.” He reminded me. I went over to the waiting room and sat in a seat. It was indeed very silent. I looked around. It was very white. It kind of looked like an infirmary.
I looked around at the desk and listened to the silence. How long was Rigor going to keep me here? Oh no, I was going to stay here so no one would see me before the wedding. This is a disaster. I can’t. It’s impossible.
I began to get antsy. Stop it! Stop moving so much! I don’t want anyone to know I’m here other than Rigor!
I began hearing voices. This was bad already. I didn’t want to be hearing voices! I looked around for a moment. I couldn’t do this on my own. I hardly knew half of what I should be doing. Should I run and hide? Was it really that big of a deal if anyone saw me? What if someone---then there I was again. I was still saying what if. I didn’t understand. I was never like this. Well I was---Goodness! I’m hesitating. I heard the voice a little bit louder. It was inside this room. It was definitely inside this room.
“No, not now, I don’t want drugs Rigor! That won’t calm me down. I don’t want to see you right now.” They were all whispers. “I’m in the waiting room, for what reason? Why do you seem so surprised?” Then all of a sudden, the voice turned into a figure as I covered myself. It was Glytherin. He hadn’t even looked at me but was still talking. Was I invisible to him? He began pacing up and down. This room was white. I was the brightest color he was going to see in this room. He turned off the cell phone and put it in his pocket. If he saw me, that was it.
And then he turned.
His face turned a pail white color and now he looked like he was frozen. I covered my face quickly but it made no difference. “What… are ... you doing?” He unfroze himself and began walking towards me grabbing my hands away from my face. “It’s no use, I saw you Orphelia, what are you doing dressed like that? You’re the made of honor. Not the bride.” I nodded painfully. Tell your best man that

, I’d wanted to say.
But Rigor, he was being all nice and polite. I couldn’t do something like this to him. “I don’t know what I was thinking,” I said blaming it on me. I stood up from the seat. Glytherin looked at me from bottom to top. “You can’t go in like that.” He said with the most intention ever. “I can’t let anyone see you like that.”
“But that’s the plan Glytherin, that’s what they said. No one can see me like this until I run down the isle being your stupid fiancé’s maid of freaking honor!” I stopped myself. Why was I so upset? Why was I putting this out on him? “I’m sorry,” I said.
“What who said?” Glytherin asked. Now, Rigor came into the room looking at something on his phone.
“Orphelia, I don’t know where Glytherin is but you should really be on the look-” He stopped now looking up surprised to see what was lying out in front of him.
“So you did this?” Glytherin said pointing at Rigor. “Get her into a different dress or get a new maid of honor!”
“This is a prepared dress and we have no more Glytherin, I made this especially to fit her body. You can’t argue with this. Come on Glythe.”
He shook his head rigorously.
“But if she enters, that’s the end of that. The queen will kill her.”
Rigor accepted this. “The queen may be evil, but I’ll make sure no one hurts her. Why are you so cautious any way? It’s not like you really care about how this will effect everyone.”
Glytherin smiled faintly. “I care about how it will affect my bride. I can’t deal with you both right now. Get her out of the dress, or out of here. That’s how it’ll happen or no dice, I’ll take her out my self.”
“You’re going to threaten her Glytherin?” Glytherin covered his face. He looked at me now.
“Can you just go?” he asked. “I can’t have you here, not looking how you do.”
Before I could answer, Rigor spoke. “So you don’t think she’s pretty Glythe?” Oh no. Glytherin looked at him steadily and then looked at me. “Rigor, I just need her out-”
“Glytherin, you didn’t answer me.”
Glytherin looked at me again and tensed. I didn’t care right now if he said yes or no, right now, I preferred he just told the truth and I’d be fine with it. If it were no, I wouldn’t say anything, if it were yes, I wouldn’t say anything. I was most likely just being neutral about it all. “Yes, Rigor, she’s pretty.”
“Is she cute?” Rigor asked.
Glytherin looked at him crossly and squinted his eyes in confusion. What was Rigor up to? Trying to embarrass me I’d think? “Huh, Glytherin? Is she cute to you?” Glytherin didn’t smile. “Sure-”
“Glythe is she gorgeous?”
Now he was angry. “Stop doing that,” he said now. “I know what you’re doing and you aren’t going to get out of it as easily as you get out of many things, if it weren’t for you, she would’ve never known I was getting married in the first place.”
“So you’d cheat on your wife with me if I hadn’t known you were engaged?” I asked stiffly.
Now Glytherin’s face went red. “That’s not what I meant Orphelia-”
“This days going to suck for you Glytherin.” Rigor announced. A sudden bell rang. Glytherin looked around and so did Rigor. I just stayed still ignoring it. “The guests have entered the building.” Said Rigor looking at the front door. “Why are they here? Didn’t we say 11:00? What time is it now?”
“The time changed to ten; didn’t you both get the message?” Glytherin said. “Rigor, you were in the castle all night, you knew didn’t you?” My eyes widened. I felt sick.
“Rigor, I can’t do this,” I began to stand up and Rigor placed me back down.
“You’re so beautiful, you’ll be fine.” I sat back down easily.
Glytherin’s eyes followed me and softened. “I’m sorry,” he said.
What was he even sorry about? “I have to go, and you and Rigor are going to be partners walking down the isle. Rigor, enjoy it while it lasts. I want you both to be the first to walk down. Understand?” Rigor nodded. Glytherin ran upstairs now where the wedding would be held.
“I feel sick,” I said when he was gone.
“It’ll be over once you say, I object.”
My eyes widened even more than they had before. “I object? I don’t think so. I thought we were going to make the princess stop it herself.” Rigor smiled and shook his head. “I don’t believe so, the queen wants her daughter to be married, and Glytherin is the one she wants her daughter to be married to. She won’t give him up. If we let them be married, then he’ll be unhappier than ever. She’ll hit him, feed him to some animals. You have to do this Orphelia.”
I nodded still unsure whether I should take the action or not. What if I messed up and blacked out from the unfamiliar stares? There I was again with the stupid ‘What ifs,’ I nodded again assuring him that I’d do this.
I stood up again as he placed me in front of him. He held my dress so no one could see it. “Your wings are pretty, has anyone ever told you that?” he asked. I nodded. Many people had. The woman who woke me up in the morning eating pizza, Dominique, you, Glytherin, and that was about it.
We began walking out of the waiting room very silently. I was afraid of my heels clacking against the glass floor. To keep me from worrying about that, Rigor picked me up from my shoulders. I kept back a scream. He was holding me and his hands went painfully into my arms. The crowd of people didn’t even take a small glance at us. We slowly went up the long stair case and I frowned at how much pressure I was probably putting on this guy. How much weight was I? Was it different here like how it was on the moon? I doubted that. The moon wasn’t a different dimension; it was just a different place. We were still on earth.
Once we reached the last step of the stair, the whole hallway was empty. Rigor let me down putting the heels on carpet not making more than a rustle. He pointed to a door. “Over there love, is where you go in and come out of the other door. I’m coming with you anyway so, it doesn’t really matter." He dragged me now and his tie was swinging all over the place. We made it into the door where a burst of noise came in.
Bunches of woman were talking and were wearing vomit green dresses. There was a shade of wear the isle began. It was a white shade. Where was the princess? I stayed in a corner where no one could see me.
“Where are all the guys?” Rigor asked. The ladies looked at him now putting on stockings.
“On the other side of the room,” one girl said. “You can stay on our side though.” Said another and other girls agreed. “I’m going to catch the flowers!” One woman yelled. They all discussed it until Rigor spoke once again.
“No ladies, I’m going to catch the flowers.” They had their hands on their hips.
“Silly Rigor, it’s only for the girls to do, I’m sorry.”
“I had no idea,” said Rigor sarcastically.

After a few more minutes of waiting. I began to get a little into a rush. I wanted this to be over. I wanted this part of my life to be done with. This isn’t the most fun I’ve actually had before. Rigor came up to me.
"I’m going on the other side now.” He said. “Become first in line will you?” I nodded. “Are you ok?” he asked. I nodded again only swallowing hard. I wasn’t ok. I still felt sick; I don’t want to be such an outcast like this. I still felt embarrassed.
“It’ll be fine,” he reminded me. “Be first in line.” He gave me thumbs up. “What about my wings?” I said now remembering that I had them. He looked blankly into the sky.
“Everyone will receive a pleasant surprise this morning I’m guessing.” He began to walk away but I had a huge urge to pull him back.
A man holding a camera came in the room now. “There is five more minutes until the maid of honor has to get out there, where is she anyway?” I raised my hand still staying in the dark corner. “Good,” he murmured incredulously. “Anyway, let me tell you, five minutes, when you hear the music, the maid of honor goes out with the best man. Understand?” I nodded.
This was definitely not going to work out well. The man left the room now and the girls were looking out the shade to the five thousand people out there. “That’s a huge isle.” One woman murmured. “Why isn’t Glytherin smiling? Today is his wedding day; the groom should always be smiling.”
“I think it’s the nerves,” Rigor said at the other half of the room. “We were on the phone earlier and he seemed like he’d been going crazy. The guy’s extremely nervous; I bet you he’s sweating through his bones.”
“That makes no sense Rigor, and plus, he doesn’t look nervous, more exhausted than anything and plus again, he’s not sweating at all.”
Rigor looked out now. “Well, maybe he’s been up all night worrying about being nervous, and now instead of the nerve, he’s being more worry than anything. It all depends on his moods on some days, but now we all know that we are now apart of the princess' wedding. It’ll be extreme.” Rigor looked forward now with his hands before him. He was at the front of the line where I ought to be. But of course, I wasn’t. I was reluctantly waiting for the music to start.
“Rigor, do you know how Glytherin proposed since you know so much about him?” A girl asked.
Rigor hesitated. This was a forced marriage on Glytherin. “Well,” Rigor said. “It was all on a sunny afternoon. Glytherin thought he knew this girl, but of course he didn’t. One day, they fell in love; Glytherin couldn’t take it how much he’d been wanting her. He proposed, but she said no, he asked her a week later, she said no. He asked her a month later and asked so desperately in the moonlight on a terrace, that she said yes." Rigor practically chuckled of this lie. "And that was that. Glytherin put in so much more details because he was in love with this woman and couldn’t hold in his inner thoughts with me.” Now, Rigor looked at me. Everyone turned as well. Was he talking about me? Other than the marriage part, but the non stop talking?
“Really?” I asked in an over-vulnerable voice.
Rigor nodded. “He’d black out sometimes when he talked about her, even before he saw her again.”
“I thought you said that they never met before,” the same woman said. Rigor shook his head. “Maybe I got the story a bit wrong,” he said pulling his pants up and looking straight forward again.
“What a lovely story though, I didn’t think guys could be so sensitive in their words. It’s actually kind of beautiful, that Glytherin loves her so much and is acting so worried.”
That wasn’t the case at all. Glytherin was scared, not in having to get married, but scared in how he was going to spend the rest of his life with this five year older woman.
I wished though, that I’d even have the courage to go out there. I began to feel nauseous again, not that it was because of the dress, but because I knew I couldn’t do this. This was all too much to deal with. When did I get here anyway? I never even expected Glytherin to be so rude to me this morning either.
The man came out again. “Three more minutes you guys, and everything’s been changed by the groom, he wants the maid of honor and the best man to go up last, so Rigor, back of the line partnered up with the girl in the corner.”
The man left. “Yes!” Rigor yelled. “Isn’t that great!?” I nodded now. I could stay in this corner until everyone left first.
The girls looked at Glytherin who was outside. There was a small dinging in my ears now. The music. No! It wasn’t three minutes yet! I had another one hundred and eighty seconds to worry! I needed those seconds! The woman began coming out of the shade. I shook my head vigorously. No, no, no, no, I can’t do this! I breathed deeply now and looked off onto the other side of the small room where I saw Rigor looking around confused as the men's line was slowly shortening.
When most of the woman was gone, I got in line too. Rigor gestured breathing. I knew how to breathe! I wasn’t in labor. I just needed some help. I was panicking and didn’t know what to do. Just then, I felt my heart skip a beat. Stop worrying, everything will be alright…… unless it goes wrong. Rigor was looking at me.
“Are you glowing?” he asked. I looked at my skin. The potion was supposed to stay longer than that!
Another woman went off into the long isle. I saw through the shade how long it was. Rigor and I were supposed to be dressed different than the others. We were different. Rigor was dressed in a white suit instead of black, and then I was dressed in something totally inappropriate for someone else’s wedding.
The line shortened up by another bride’s maid. No, no, no, no, no, this can’t be happening. Rigor locked arms with me and whispered in my ear. “You stopped glowing, that’s good.”
I calmed down now. As long as I wasn’t glowing again. The line shortened now. We were next. I breathed slowly until Rigor finally grabbed me through the shade. Everyone stood up and smiled, all two thousand of them.
They thought I was the princess! The music was a lot louder now. Glytherin gestured them to sit. He whispered something to the reverend to tell them I wasn’t her. Everyone sat in pure amazement. Everyone’s eyes were on me, even Glytherin’s.
That’s all I really cared about anyway. I looked at all of the other people and smiled. I even felt some people touch my wings. I slapped some of their hands away. What the heck were they doing? The walk felt longer the closer we got to Glytherin. He was expressionless.
That was good to me; at least I didn’t have to see what he really felt, unless he had no feelings right now. I hear murmurs through the crowd of two thousand people. “A fairy?” some people were whispering. “What is she wearing if she isn’t the-” I had a sudden urge to walk faster but Rigor kept me walking two miles an hour.
I breathed deeply and let out a faint smile. Now we were there, Rigor separated from me standing next to Glytherin who had his eyes on me even when I did stand next to where the princess was to stand. Then he looked away.
Now, the music played differently. It was more of a gentle sound than anything. It was really beautiful. This was a sign that the princess was coming next. The reverend stared at me for a moment. I glared back at him and whispered, “Is there something wrong?” He shook his head and looked at my wings uncertainly.
“You’re a fairy,” he said. “We were all pretty sure those things were gone.” Now the shade was opening. I wonder how it would be if I hadn’t been able to talk again. This is how it all started out hadn’t it been? I was in ballet, speechless, and then Glytherin came along. He was such a happy person joking around and all. But here, he was serious and sad and wasn’t usually happy to be here.
I looked at Rigor. Lindsay was waking down the isle now and everyone stood up. The music grew louder. She was smiling greatly and wearing loads of unnecessary makeup. Wasn’t that special? Her dress was white and as she looked at the crowd, her eyes quickly turned to me but she only smiled widely.
A man was hooked beside her, her father most likely. I swallowed deeply. Glytherin watched her intensely. This was going to be absolutely special. Three flower girls were holding onto the end of her dress. I looked down and me feet that were swallowed up by my dress.
Rigor looked at me now and smiled and gave me a secretive thumbs up again. Now, once Lindsay was finally standing next to Glytherin, she gave her flowers over to me and sent me a smirk. What was she trying to send off? I took it gratefully. Now, this was the time, this was the time I would have to say objection, or forever hold my peace. I didn’t think this time would come so quickly. She switched her feet around in her dress repeatedly.
Was she nervous too? I looked at her on a large screen for everyone to see. She was so luminous and she was smiling greatly. What if she was in love with Glytherin? That would be so terrible of me if she were in love with him because then what would I do? I couldn’t possibly do anything. I couldn’t ruin someone’s wedding day like this. Glytherin wasn’t in love with her either, I knew this, so if I didn’t do this... He’d be upset, and I would be even more so. Rigor sent me a reassuring nod. I shook my head.
His eyes widened now only looking at me with more anger in the world. What?

He mouthed.
I can’t.

Why not?

He asked.
She loves him,

I replied very slowly trying to make sure he understood clearly, and he did. No that woman does not


He said even slower but seemed like he was shouting.
Glytherin was watching me mouth words and that’s when the reverend began talking. I can’t ruin this!

I said back to Rigor.
He shook his head. You won’t ruin anyone,

he said now very sure. I shook my head now.
“Ok,” the reverend said. Rigor was nodding vigorously. I shook my head and felt a tear fall down. Oh no! My mascara! I didn't even wear make-up, and I decided to mess it up now? I was going to be a wreck! I just had to tell people that I was heartfelt by vows. Right there would be the easiest way to go at the moment.

. He mouthed now. The reverend began to speak again. “Now, before we start the wedding,” he was looking curiously at me and Rigor. “Be-Before we uh…” Rigor was still mouthing stuff and Glytherin looked and kicked him in the shin. Rigor held himself up now with his face showing his pain.
Object, Orphelia.

I looked down in obvious anger of what to do. “Are you and your wife done here?” the reverend asked Rigor. Glytherin’s eyes widened.
“Wife?” he asked me. Lindsay turned back to me.
Oh, the confusion! I shook my head with my eyes held open to trying not to make a sound.
“Now,” said the reverend once again. “Before we start, are there any objections of why these two should not become one?”
As I looked at Glytherin, I saw his eyes switch passed the princess' and directly and over to mine. What? Was this some sort of reassurance to do it? That he wanted me to do it?
Rigors eyes were furious now. I stepped away from the princess now farther and farther off the stand.
The people were watching me crazily as if what I was doing was exceptionally wrong. I began to hear murmurs within the crowd. Now I was in the middle of the isle holding flowers in my beautiful red dress with mascara tears running down my face and my hair in front of my eyes. I held up a hand smiling.
“I object.” I said silently. The whole crowd gasped and began shouting retorts and began murmuring even louder. Glytherin’s eyes were on me like he hadn’t seen it coming, but it was obvious. He knew that I loved him. I explained to him all last night that I didn’t want him married.
“Will you please tell us why you are making this objection being the princess’s maid of honor?” I swallowed.
“Because,” I began. Lindsay looked furiously towards me. “This woman is twenty-one years old. Also, I don’t even know her. I’ve met her for one day and she stole my identity for years. Also because, she forced Glytherin to marry her. I don’t believe she loves him. This is why I object.” My eyes were steady on the reverend who was eyeing Lindsay who was staring at Glytherin who was marveling me. I smiled.
“Well Glythe,” said Lindsay who was furiously touching his face, “It doesn’t matter what she says, she’s a liar anyway right? We’ll just get married.”
“I object too.” Rigor said. He wasn’t standing near me but behind Glytherin. I was too afraid to be near the princess and objecting at the same time.
“Why do you object Rigor?” The reverend asked. Rigor must’ve been popular. Everyone I knew, knew him.

“Because,” Rigor began. “Everything that girl said was true, and that's what I object upon, and plus, I’m pretty sure he’s in love with someone else, someone who was afraid to say this, to say objection. He knows it too. He’s been in love with this person ever since.”
The princess and reverend gave Rigor a disgusted look, and then looked at Glytherin who was dumbfounded.
“Glytherin,” Lindsay said worryingly. “Are you in love with Rigor? Not that it’s disgusting but I was hoping that you’d be in love with me.” She looked sad. Rigor sent her a look.
“That’s not true,” Glytherin admitted. “I’m not in love with Rigor.” Rigor exhaled slowly.
“Come on,” said Lindsay to the reverend. “Let’s get on with our marriage.” The reverend began searching in the book. I froze up now. Glytherin, you’re going to let this be? How could he? I was staring from in the middle of the isle. I realized, last night, I told Glytherin I loved him, not that he loved me back. This made perfect sense. Rigor looked at me sadly. He ran off of the stand and hugged up against me.
“But,” Glytherin said. “I don’t love you either," The princess backed up knocking into one of her woman.
“Glytherin?” she whimpered. “Are you kidding me?” Glytherin shook his head naturally.
“Why would I love you? Every couple of hours, you threaten me, I’m sixteen years old and you’ve forced me to marry you. You treat my friends like crap. Why would I love you?” She was obviously broken, and broken up with.
She stood back giving her bride maids another push back. She stared at me now. “It’s her!” she yelled pointing towards me. “You’re in love with her!” A man from the crowd stood up.
“I swear I saw them kissing last night! I saw it with my own eyes! He was cheating my lady... Do I get a reward or something for revealing that?” Glytherin’s eyes steadily went on Rigor. Rigor detached from me and was now shaking his head.
“I remember being the only one there!” he yelled. The princess was looking at me evilly now. I was only doing the dress thing. This was the only part I was apart of. I didn’t understand.
“He’s mine!” she yelled. She lifted her dress now. “How dare you come into my wedding looking like that, getting people to object? She took off her high heels and I took off mine backing up in case I should start running. She began trying to take off her earrings but was beginning to have a problem. I swallowed deeply. “I’m going to rip your throat out!” she yelled now taking her last earring out.
Now, she started running. I went back behind me but the ground began to shake. I looked around and caught Glytherin holding back the princesses arms but everyone looked up. Just laying over me, was a sharp metallic instrument that seemed larger than the castle itself. Glytherin pushed the princess to the ground and took me away from the thing. I looked at it unsure of what it was. I was close to him now feeling his clean breath as I backed up against him.
“What is that?” I asked him shortening of air.
He looked at it blindingly. “It’s supposed to be the sign of the war starting; they said it would be tomorrow though.”
The princess was yelling. “I want to be married to you Glytherin!” she yelled. Glytherin ignored her. I was glad too. I was glad for many things, but this was the end.
“You’re a fairy,” he told me. “Fairies have wands don’t they?” he asked.
I shrugged. “Maybe the Fairly Odd Parents, perhaps even Cinderella’s fairy God mother, but now, I’m pretty sure I’m not either of those.”
He looked up at it. “You’re the last fairy warrior; I want you to go back to my house. I can’t risk you dying, not today, when you’re older and close to death, then maybe.”
He handed me his watch. I shook my head still taking it. “I can help,” I said. “I swear!” There were screams now and they were all over the place. Warriors had their wives take shelter as they took out their gear. “You’d be the only girl there since there aren’t anymore fairies. We wouldn’t even use fairies if they couldn’t fly. You can’t go.”
“I demand her to!” The princess yelled.
“Shut up!” Glytherin yelled.
“I want to help!” I yelled. He looked at me angrily. “Lindsay wants you to die!” he yelled. “In the process of defeating these people, she’ll try to be killing you as well! I need you to go back to my house!” I shook my head dropping the watch and taking myself out of his grip. I began running away and I could hear his footsteps running after me. I began up the stairs.
I stepped up to the roof where I saw the metallic juncture releasing the building. Down below where all of the warriors escaped to, were creatures. Flying creatures, ground creatures, which attacked people on the ground. This is why they needed fairies like me. None of the warriors had been dead, so that was good. I was starting off with confidence. Now, Glytherin was on the roof and running towards me with the ground shaking underneath him.
“Orphelia, come over here please.”
I turned and smiled and laughed at him. “Glytherin, I’m not your child. Please promise me that you’ll stop treating me like a child.” He nodded.
“Just don’t do what I think you will, promise me, just come over here and-” He broke off yelling my name. I felt the wind in my hair and my dress uneasily flowing behind me makes a flapping noise, also going along with my wings. I was soaring now. I was also flying. From the ground, I could’ve looked like a red bird in the winter.
My wings flew behind me and I rose now over the stabbing metallic. It seemed to just be a sign of war; it was probably just shot out to let everyone know they were coming. Glytherin was running back downstairs last time I saw him. I was flying, for the first time, and it was absolutely excellent. That was actually until I reached the war part of the place. Flying creatures with wings much uglier than mine were attacking the warriors on the ground. Right beside me, probably an inch a way, a bomb passes. A fire red bomb that heated me and burned a part of my right arm. I touched it as I kept flying.
Men that we were fighting against had a tentacle like shape to them. They wore armor and had knives, but they weren’t any where close to what our warriors were. Our warriors weren’t exactly human either. They could see things that humans couldn’t, but these warriors, were green and had an expertise mind of their own. They slashed at some of the men and his head went flying off. I tried to bare the sight but I closed my eyes for a moment while the flying head landed in my hands. I stared at if for a moment. I gave it a good look. This man had blond hair and crooked teeth.
He was shocked because his face was in awe. Now I screamed and dropped it. One of the flying creatures took interest in me now. That’s when it began flying towards me. I had just realized that this creature had more than I did. It had wings, feet and hands, but it also had four inch teeth, another set of ears, eyes going around its blistered head, and claws the size of rulers.
I gulped and dived down. The creature began following me quicker than I could fly. I just realized how to fly today, if I explained it to him, would it stop following me and go with someone else?
I heard my name being heard now. “Orphelia!” I looked down reflexively. There was Glytherin in an armor that actually fit correctly, it reminded me of the first time I touched him and it built armor around his body. How did he get a new one? He gestured me to come down to him. He obviously saw the creature behind me. I dived down even lower. He began taking something out of his pocket. I couldn’t stop so I had to go in circles until he took the thing out.
It was a knife. For the final time when I reached out below me, I grabbed it in my hands. I’d never used a knife before, in my life. This was something diverse to me now.
I swam back up into the air now looking behind me at the monster following me with slime and ichor dropping down its low jaw like it had some kind of flesh to eat before it found me. I turned around not really that sure of myself, or even confident, but as the thing turned to me, it slashed into the knife that was pointing towards it. I breathed deeply as it fell to the ground. As it fell down, more of the flying creatures noticed me.
It went up in the air as I stayed momentarily still. “I thought fairies were extinct.” One said in a snarling voice that was unpredictable and very hard to understand. I looked at him wonderingly. Was he going to attack or what? It came closer. What the heck was it doing? According to my instincts, I should be flying away. I looked at Glytherin who was slicing away some men with a knife as they kept on coming up to him and their heads flew all over the place. I breathed deeply. “Are you ok sweetie?” One asked. I stabbed it with my knife with powerful force. The rest of the creatures looked at me in shock. It charged. I slung their hands off first as blood spurted out onto the ground. I gasped at the sight of this blood and looked at it mysteriously.
I flew away now over to Glytherin, before I could even get to lower ground, a monster knocked me out of the air. I went falling and fell into arms, Glytherin’s. He looked at me with warning eyes. “Orphelia,” he growled. He pushed me back up into the air.
I didn’t enjoy it when he was angry with me. I went soaring back up now. I looked around for some more of the creatures. There weren’t any more. Some I killed, most, the warriors did. I began lowering myself easily to the ground, when something hit me. I staggered back as I saw a man looking at me. Rigor.
“What are you doing here Orphelia? Shouldn’t you be at Glytherin’s house right now?” he looked at me amazed but more amazing than me being out here was that he was still cutting creatures with his left hands an steadying himself with his right. “Orphelia what are you doing here?!” he yelled now.
I went back into focus. “Helping,” I replied.
“There aren’t anymore Vorgloves though.” He said. What were Vorgloves? I thought about it for a second, they were probably the creatures that could fly.
“Oh,” I said. “And who do you think helped a bit with that?” I asked. Rigor left this alone and ignored me for a moment.
“Good,” he said at last. Behind me, a green man struck at my dress streaking a slash through it. I hated wearing the dress anyway, it was pretty and all but it was too much for me. Where it slashed, there were also cut marks. Did fairies have to wear shield too?
“Orphelia,” Rigor said. “I advise you leave before someone goes for your wings. I really do.” I slashed at the man in front of me where green liquid spilled. I grunted.
“I can’t,” I said. “This is fun anyway; I can live it… through!” A man came on top of me now. He licked my face with a slurping sound. Rigor was leaning against a creature and was trying to over power it. My knife was underneath me but this things body was too heavy to lift off. It was already light and pulling over me as a knife was put through its throat. There Glytherin was, still more furious than ever.
He gave me a hand pulling me up. The sky became dusty now. There was fallen red and green blood on the ground from Glytherin’s kind and theirs. I would’ve felt a sudden urge to vomit, but for some reason, I hadn’t. Something began charging at Glytherin now but he was still looking at me too angry to notice it. I slashed at it behind him. He smiled now.
“Glytherin!” I yelled at him angrily. “You idiot!” I turned around and slashed at the next thing that was behind me. All of a sudden, I felt hands on my wings. I turned around ready to slash but Glytherin was tucking my wings inside my dress.
“You may want to be fond of those,” he reminded me. “One goes, or both, then you’re dead.” I nodded trying to be sure of myself. I ran through the warriors who seemed to be making an easy way of the killing but not all were exactly succeeding. A lot of them had died already. I heard screams coming from the castle now. My leg was already aching and pounding against my body.
I ran inside the castle limping coming to a princess who was still on the ground where Glytherin left her. She was having a tantrum on the floor. Once she saw me, she got up and her mother ran to her side. “I’m going to kill you!” she yelled. “I swear you are going to die tonight!”
I breathed deeply. “That’s only if you don’t die first,” I reminded her. “There are a bunch of animals out there.”
“They’re not animals!” the queen yelled. “They’re some of our kind gone bad! They need our help is all.”
“They don’t need our help!” I yelled. “They’re killing some of your men out there and you don’t have anything to do with it!”
The princess stood up. “They can try to kill those sick people. I don’t care for either of them.” She was crying now and I wasn’t surprised. “Why are you doing this to me Orphelia? You were the only girl I actually considered to be my maid of honor and you ruined my wedding, why?”
“Because,” I began to answer. “You don’t know me, and because---”
She stopped me. “Because you love Glytherin? Well I do too! I knew him for so long! So much longer than you!” I thought about that for a moment. I’d known him a lot longer than she had, I just knew it. All of a sudden, a brilliant shine was beside my face. I looked beside me and around me was a sword. Was she handing this to me or was she trying to kill me? She was obviously trying to put me up against her for a fight but I hadn’t even known how to throw a knife correctly.
She had a sword in her hand, the same as the one she threw to me. “I was to make a deal,” she said. She looked serious and was standing straight. “We will fight, whoever dies or gets too injured to fight any longer, loses. Understand Orphelia?”
Oh no, I can’t win anything. I can’t even win fastest runner, smartest person, funniest… there were so many categories and I couldn’t even win in those. How could I even try to win this? “Have you had any experience in sword fighting?” she asked.
I shook my head wearily. She knew she’d have to win. “What if I don’t want to have this fight?” I asked.
She shrugged. “You’ll die someway, in your sleep perhaps?” I shivered. I didn’t want to die in my sleep and I didn’t want to die doing this. But this, this was fighting over Glytherin.
“But,” I began to complain. “How will you live positively if you know Glytherin isn’t in love with you?” She eyed at me and she swallowed deeply like I had been the whole time.
“I believe I can live not being loved.” Her eyes were red and the tears didn’t stop flowing. “Let’s announce this first so Glytherin knows it’s true. I want you to announce it so he believes.
I shook my head. “You can tell him, I will just say it’s true. But do you think it will be ok to distract all the men at this time?”
The queen looked sadly at her feet. We should end this rage. Lindsay shook her head and sniffled into a tissue. “Mom, get me the microphone,” she ordered. Her mother went near where the reverend stood and pulled out a microphone connected to a myriad of cords and handed it to her daughter.
Her daughter turned it on now without it making any noise. I didn’t want to do this. I don’t want anyone to get distracted. “Hello citizens, please don’t stop your fighting, just listen please. I, Princess Lindsay Dermot, will be fighting the one and only Orphelia peasant person for what was going to be my husband. The woman, or young girl who dies, will no longer be living obviously,” she laughed, “but the woman or young girl who lives, will keep Glytherin. Let’s face it though; it’ll always be the woman.”
Now, I couldn’t even believe I was fighting for Glytherin like this, like I knew I could take care of myself. I knew I couldn’t though. “Fight’s starting now.” She threw the microphone behind her where it struck the hard wooden floor. My feet were cold underneath it, my dress was ruined, and I was all messed up. I took the sword out of the wall behind me with some struggle. Lindsay laughed soundlessly but was smiling. Why was she so sure she was going to live? All of a sudden, an animal burst through the door and were attacking a couple of men. Now, Lindsay was taking charge towards me. I pulled up my knife-it was heavy-and struck it to her waist. As that happened, her knife struck my shoulder. There was a small line of blood, no big deal I guess. She leaned to her side off balance. She struck at me again but this time, my sword slashed across hers. Her sword’s weight was slowly fumbled down on me. I gave out a shriek as I released her sword from mine’s grip.
She laughed slowly as she struck at my waist. This wasn’t equal! I had no experience at all. She bit her lip leaving her blood behind. What in the world was wrong with this woman? She turned to me and twisted leaping in the air striking for my feet and then I moved it certainly and stuck at hers. She yelled out of pain.
“Damn you Orphelia!” she yelled. This wasn’t the nicest of things said to me for a while and I didn’t mind it either. I looked at her uncertainly. Her toe was cut off. I covered my mouth now. ”I’m going to kill you!” she charged at me once again and I moved out of the way so she crashed into the wall. If I could start off slow and then end up letting her loose without killing her, I think that would become the best idea. She slashed a scratch a long my collar bone. This was absolutely great.
I touched it where no blood came off. I laughed at her. She hadn’t scratched me at all. She swung at my hands and my finger was cut but only stung like a paper cut. The cut was practically the size of a paper cut.
“This is lame,” I said teasing her. Now I sliced her at her hair where a lot of it was cut off as well. She touched it now. Her nice fine blond curly hair now cut into a shrub. “Glytherin will still think I’m beautiful!” she yelled.
“I know,” I said. “That was an accident, I was aiming for your neck.” She gasped and shredded her sword and my head where she caught nothing but air. There was always dodge ball, the only thing I was good at in PE.
I smiled delightedly. Our sword rubbed against each other again. I looked at her and she was slowly laughing against it so loudly that the castle began to echo her shrieking high pitch snarl. She was like a mixed breed dog with rabies. She had spit flinging out of her mouth in anger. I ignored all of her actions and began putting pressure against her. She began bending backwards. She knew that if she let go of her grip, my knife would cut her straight in half. Now, she fell to the ground and my knife accidentally cut the bottom of her chin and blood the color of black began to spill. I looked at it in disgust but she hadn’t given up. “Give me a chance!” she yelled. “Please don’t kill me!”
“You wanted the fight!” I demanded. “You wanted this! I’m only proving something!”
“You’re a coward! You’re afraid to die! Admit it!”
“No,” she said still holding on the sword tightly. “I just want Glytherin back.”
I let go of her now. “You told him that he was surely going to die after the war, you told him that and it scared him.” She didn’t strike at me once she got up.
“That’s why he came back to me in order to say good bye, to me. I don’t mean to be like this, but, you would’ve been a terrible wife anyway, and I’m pretty sure this is illegal in all ways to be married with a sixteen year old being the age you are.”
“Oh really?” she said. “I bet it’s not legal to be having a tiny crush on a boy being your age!”
How old did I look to her? I calmed down a moment still guarding myself with my sword. “I’m sixteen,” I said. “That’s perfectly fine.”
She struck again, her knife going for my throat. I quickly moved out of the way and sliced at her calf. She screamed in pain and fell flinging her knife towards me. The next moment, the knife went through my stomach. The back of my dress broke open and my wings opened up steadily. Lindsay looked at me carefully.
I fell to the ground. She laughed now. Blood began spurting out from where I was cut. I didn’t cry or yell. I didn’t make any reaction at all. I took the knife from under me. Lindsay stood up from her place. “Do you give in, or do I have to kill you?” She asked. I sat up from my spot and pulled out a hand.
“I give up.” I said. “I can hardly move.” She looked at me and tilted her head.
“Really?” she asked. I nodded assuring her.
She pulled me up and I placed the knife in her stomach.
“Not really!” I yelled going into a scream. “Of course I’m not going to let you go so easily!” She didn’t fall like I did but didn’t give up either. Unbelievably, she nursed herself back to health. Now, she turned a green color. Was she going to throw up or something? No, she wasn’t.
Now what was once her legs began turning into those tentacle things that I’d seen on the men outside. I looked at her tentatively. She looked at me as her height grew a couple of inches over mine.
“I won’t let you

go so easily!” she yelled now. She flung herself over me for a moment and threw the knife out of my hand. I swung a fist at her face not making much of a difference of anything. My hand just slipped through her slimy face. She was taller than most of the men outside and she was a lot more disgusting. I looked her up and down. Her voice was deeper now.
“Are you a guy?” I asked. Her blond hair had shredded from her head. She shook her head with slime falling easily from it. “What should I do with you?” she said circling me. “Kill you, eat you, burn you, keep your ashes as well? I would love another bowl of ashes to add to my collection. If only I wanted to do that. I want to kill you in front of Glytherin,” she said. I looked up at her as her breath piled over me in a rotten garbage smell.
“You can do whatever you want to.” I told her. “No one will care.”
“Then,” she added. “I will make Glytherin my husband or I’ll kill the rest of his friends, and if he doesn’t do that, I’ll kill his family and if he doesn’t marry me then, I’ll just have to kill him.” I looked down at her toe that was missing one and black blood was spilling from it. Didn’t the other men have green slime as their blood? I believed so.
“Don’t do that,” I murmured. “You don’t want to wreck some of the best people. They could make a difference for you. Don’t you want to be pretty? They can make you pretty. You just-don’t kill anyone alright?” She looked at me without mercy.
“But I’ll kill you,” she said in an anguish voice. I swallowed, hard and nodded.
“Yes, but no one else, even if Glytherin says he doesn’t want to marry you. You’ll find someone else, I promise. You could find any guy in like, two days if you looked. Just don’t kill anyone.”
She smiled and hardly looked at me. “I’ll see what I can do about that, but I’m not making any promises.” She said in a lower voice. She held the sword to my neck and brought me outside. She was holding the microphone. “Everyone stop the battling!” she yelled. Everyone heard distant gasping. Glytherin and Rigor were both standing side by side watching.
“I am your princess as you all may know. I’m killing this dear Orphelia because I want the ones who might love her, to suffer, and to marry me. It goes all around.”
I glanced at everyone’s faces. Almost all of her men were dead. Only a few stood. I looked down at the ground as my neck curled around the sword waiting for her to stop talking so I could die already. She didn’t exactly loosen up, but she did talk more softly. Then, I felt a soft sharp point on my back. Lindsay fell back leaving a scrape on my cheekbone from the sword and Glytherin taking his knife from her heart. He looked at the sputtering creature, and then he looked up at me. The fighting went on again but the men were terrified that the princess had been punctured.
“See what I told you?” Glytherin said. “I wanted you to go back but now, you’re even more injured than I am.” He looked at me up and down and I gave him a straight yet satisfying face.
“What does that mean?” I asked. “I know you killed her, and I did nothing but she’s gone isn’t she? I’m not hurt am I?” that was stupid to ask. “If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t have even gotten that close to her. She was too distracted.”
Glytherin nodded. He came closer and tugged arms around me, and then, I felt all of my cuts come in harder. I looked at all of them. They were deeper than they seemed. The stab in my stomach went all the way through to my back. The scratch at my collar bone went from there to my chest. My waist wasn’t as bad as I thought and I hadn’t even noticed it. Then there, is when I blanked out.


I felt as if I were going to throw up. Pain ached me everywhere and I remember not much of what happened last night. Not much of whatever took place was in my head. Did I hit myself in the head at all? I’d actually expect it. I didn’t get up from whatever place I was lying down in. I understood why Glytherin didn’t want me to be in the war. I was practically the only person of this place living that got so badly injured, but I was battling the princess of those tentacle people. Don’t I get some props for actually staying alive?
I guess I couldn’t get everything. Where was I anyway? Everything was a huge blur until a bunch of figures were propped up over me. I pointed at each one. This one would be Shane, this one would be my step-mother and the other would be my father worrying and wondering why I hadn’t come home. All three of them stared. Shane was bigger than usual. Finally, he had gotten into shape. Before, he was just some bony thirteen year old in high school playing with my high school crushes and telling them how I’d talk about them too much.
I hated him for that. My eyes went directly to the snow outside. I smiled. It was so pretty and lively. Nothing of what I usually saw. Shane propped down and hugged me. “Go away.” I said. “I told you not to touch me again.” I turned and slapped him in the face along with that.
Then I heard an English accent. “You never said that love.”
“Oh,” I said. “Sorry… uh…” What the heck was this guys name again? “Sorry, Michael.” I said.
“It’s Rigor,” he corrected me. My vision cleared and I sat up.
I gasped. “What am I doing here?” I asked. “I should be home right now.” It was very clear that I wasn’t. It was snowing here and it was actually beautiful. Who I thought was my dad was way off. It was just some guy helping me, along with his wife who I thought was my step-mother. “I’m sorry, I should really go now.” I stood up and fell in Rigor’s arms. He laid me back into the couch. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Are you planning to keep me hostage? Because I’m not going.”
Rigor shook his head unsteady. “You can’t go home now,” he said. “You’re too… unstable, even for a girl.” The woman who was looking after me shot him a look.
Not all girls are unstable, especially not her, for a fairy.” She turned to me now.
“Would you like a drink hon?” She had an English accent too and so did the man as they murmured off to each other. I shook my head anyway. I heard hard shoes coming down hard stairs.
“Good morning everybody,” Glytherin said. I looked around to him. “How’s it going with Juliet?” he asked smiling.
I tried to ignore it but I couldn’t. “I don’t know Romeo,” Rigor said. “But I’m glad you didn’t kill yourself yet, evidently, she's alive.”
Glytherin knelt by me now. The woman shushed Rigor. “Come over here babe for a moment,” she said. So these were Rigor’s parents?
Glytherin looked at me but didn’t smile as largely. “You ok?” he asked. I nodded.
“Where are we?” I asked. This house was unfamiliar.
“Well,” Glytherin said. “My house was bombed during the war so we’ll be living here for a while, Rigor’s house. He older folks living with him and all but you don’t mind do you?”
I shook my head lazily. “I just want to get up,” I admitted. I leaned up but he put his hand on my chest and leaned me back down.
“But there’s no point if you can’t,” he said. “It’s eight in the morning. You should get some more rest.”
I looked at him wearily and I shook my head. “I’m not tired.” I said leaning up again.
He did the same exact thing. My heart began to race now. Everything was in pain but I couldn’t bear this. “Please?” I said. “Let me up.” I leaned out from the couch and Glytherin put his arm underneath me now. He let go of me. I was walking. Walking perfectly actually. I was just a little dizzy since I awoke. “Do I fly in my sleep?” I asked. He looked at me awkwardly. “Oh, wait no one should’ve been watching anyway.” I blushed.
“I did,” he said. “You don’t even move in your sleep, but I hope it doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable, you know, that I watched you in your sleep, it’s just that I was worried that you’d stop breathing and I…”
“It’s ok.” I acknowledged him. My heart began racing even faster. “As long as it was because you're worried. It wasn’t like you did that because you were trying to find an equation on killing me. So it’s fine.”
He began walking upstairs with a hand on my back. He led me into the quest room where it looked like he slept. “Listen,” he said. He pulled something from under the bed. He opened it and put it to my mouth where I opened and swallowed. I took a large gulp and then felt it all rush to my head. “What was that?” I asked.
“It’s a protective potion. Physically and mentally this time. I’m not going through that again.” He shuddered. He took out another from the bag. He opened it and popped that into my mouth too. I swallowed gingerly trying to ignore the taste. Before I could get a chance to talk he did so with another. I swallowed. “What are those?!” I asked.
“Protection, pain reliever and injury reducer.”
I looked at him crossly. “Where’d you get that?” I asked. He closed up his bag. “From Elizabeth,” he said. “I got it last night.” Immediately, the pain I had went away along with the cuts and scratches and holes in my body. Maybe just a bit of scrapes. “Thank you,” I said. He nodded. “I’m sorry if I’ve ever been over protective of you acting like you’re my daughter. I guess I was being stupid and I was now feeding those to you. I guess I just wanted to get that part done with. As I mentioned, I’m sorry. You’re my age. I don’t even know why I…”
“It’s ok.” I said interrupting him. “You just like me a lot that’s all.” He flinched. “That’s not true.”
”You admitted it at your wedding.”
He looked around his room for a minute. “Well…” he said. “At least I don’t have to admit it.”
“Admit what?” I asked him.
“That I like you.” He answered.
“You just did.” I said plainly having my head straight on. I remembered the first time I met him. He was all happy like how he was now, not formal or all about business but just himself.
“We’re going back to your house tonight.” He said. I looked up at him in confusion. I didn’t want to be back there. In my room with Shane there and all. Shane. I wondered how he was doing now. I’d been gone more than a day. How would he react? What time was it today anyway? What about Amanda? What in the world do I do about her? I didn’t want to go back.
“Why?” I asked. “Did you see how much trouble I was going through there? And Matthew, they’re going to suspect us more about Matthew since both of us didn’t show up.” Glytherin shook his head. “Matthew is fine. He is probably alive already. It’s just that, well…”
“Well what?” he didn’t answer when Rigor came into the room on his cellular device.
“What are the both talking about in here?” he asked. Glytherin looked at me specifically for an answer.
“Uh… Rigor,” I said stammering. “We were talking about this kid in my school, that’s all.”
“Who might that be?” he asked all of a sudden completely interested.
“A boy named Matthew,” I said smiling. “Do you know him or something?”
Rigor sat on the bed near Glytherin and Glytherin lied down on his back. Rigor put his phone down and looked at me seriously and closed his eyes.
“Hello, nice to meet you Orphelia, my name is Matthew Gail, I used to think you were a creep for not talking so when you took that poisonous drink, I let you have it thinking you’d accidentally kill yourself, instead you sprayed me in the face and I evaporated along with my watch that I use to go to different dimensions with, and now I can’t get out of this one. Congratulations.” Glytherin was looking curiously at Rigor who seemed to want to smile but couldn’t.
“That was back then though,” he said. “I didn’t know you well.”
He looked nothing like Matthew but he did have that same English accent. Why did he do all those things to me for the couple of years that I knew him? This explained so much of Glytherin being at the party too. “Great,” I said. “That was some nice years, wish it didn’t go away so easily.” There was some awkward silence afterwards.
I stepped out of the room where I left the both of them and went back to Rigor’s mother. I refused to call him Matthew, the guy who ruined my life. I couldn’t be mad anymore though. Rigor did so many things for me and I just couldn’t.

Later on, we walked on the beach. I was able to wear my wings freely, but I didn’t with my coat on. The beach was the only way we could get to the infirmary, and the infirmary was the only way we could transport into whatever hell I lived in. Rigor and Glytherin were talking behind me. About usual stuff, what happened during the war, what we were all going to do next: live in Rigor’s house?
Snow was still falling, but gently. The infirmary was just in sight and it was whiter than ever. Glytherin and Rigor were still talking. “Are you sure?” Rigor asked.
“That would be a risk. What if you need it again?”
“Need what?” I asked getting in the way.
Rigor smiled. “He said he’d throw away his transporter, it’s the only one here, and he wants to trash it.”
I looked at Glytherin now. “Why?” I asked. Glytherin bit his lip. He seemed tense as he was crossing his arms. “I’ll explain it to you later,” he said. “We just have to get back before a storm starts.” It was four o’clock here and eight o’clock around where I lived. Why did we have to choose now? I just remembered.
Glytherin had explained to me that we were going to go to my house, then to the school to un-enroll me and then we would come back. Why would he want to un-enroll me? It made sense. I gave it a quick thought. Was it to stop charging my step-mother for me going there? I guess that was nice. I didn’t really care for her though. We walked on now and I looked around. The ice of the ocean fell on my feet again. I staggered away from it now.
I’d never be used to the coldness of this place that stayed winter for every year of its days. I thought about when I got to go to the beach. I’d never be able to do that again. I’d never be able to go outside and ride my bike. I’d never get to do ballet. Did this place have other stuff that I could do here? Could I become an actress? Did they even have those? Could I become a singer either? I knew they had dancing. Dancing was so popular and it was what everyone had in every place available. All of a sudden, I realized Glytherin had been talking to me.
“Hey!” Rigor yelled. “Are you ok?” he asked.
I nodded. “I’m sorry, what did you say?” I said turning to Glytherin.
“Well,” he said. “I was wondering what you thought about going on a trip with Rigor’s parents next month, without him.” I looked at Rigor now.
“That makes no sense, I hardly even know your parents.”
Rigor looked dumbly at the ground. “I told you Rigor.” Glytherin said to him.
Glytherin stared at me for a moment and then looked away and smiled while talking to Rigor again about movies. Movies? There were acting jobs around here weren’t there? “Glytherin?” I said. He looked up at me letting me know he was listening. “So I’m not going home?” His stare turned kind of confused and a little disappointed.
“If you want to.” He answered putting his sneakers in the sand. The sand felt colder than the sea, which was because I wasn’t wearing any shoes or sandals at all. Just one of Glytherin’s huge coat and a pair of jeans he picked up from my house.
This morning, I realized that my hair was still the same way as it was before. I was going to keep it this way. I liked it. I didn’t wear makeup though. It wasn’t what I usually did.
“So are you going to?” he asked. I thought back at what he said. If you want to. I shook my head.
“I was miserable.” I admitted. He nodded with his disappointment erasing from his face. He looked up at me.
“Good.” He answered. “I was hoping you wouldn’t want to.” I could easily tell too. Rigors head was down tangling his hair up in curls. We reached the door of the infirmary. I looked around it and it was white like the first time I entered. This is where I got my ability to talk and my wings. This is where my life differed. I stepped in and Glytherin held my hand as Rigor, on the other side of me, hooked onto my shoulder. Glytherin looked at the watch as if looking for the time of day and then I went into certain blackness. What I saw was different now. I couldn’t see Glytherin or Rigor but I did see the stars and then my ballet class, my school, then Glytherin’s house, then my house.
He pressed the button which stopped it. Once I touched ground again, I tumbled down as both of the guys reached up to get me. I hadn’t dropped before. Why now? I was in my bedroom. I looked around. Everything was as it was left except open drawers where Glytherin got some stuff. I looked around, I immediately knew what I wanted first. I grabbed my mother’s poetry book from off of my dresser along with Glytherin’s one from my birthday which he immediately blushed to and looked away. I chuckled softly.
Underneath my bed, I grabbed a hold of a picture of my mother and I took a potion that was left under my bed. It was the un-thoughtful-ness one. I really needed this one. Elizabeth was right. I did think too much. I looked at it and had it set in my arms. “I got everything I need.” I said unconfidently. Glytherin nodded and Rigor pulled a plastic bag out of his back pocket. I filled it with my things as he let it go and gave it to me. I tied it up with my fingers shaking. Why were they shaking? Why was everyone so silent too? I felt uncomfortable. “Next place, the school.” Glytherin announced holding my hand again. We all connected.

The hallways were bright and noisy. I looked around as parents were walking around. I looked around at Rigor who didn’t look much like himself anymore. What happened?! He was Matthew again! I tapped Glytherin. He sent me a straight stare and I pointed to Rigor whose arm I let go of.
Glytherin nodded and still clutched my hand. “It’s something he put on himself; he looks different in all dimensions. Rigor stared down at me as I stared carefully up. All of a sudden, I wanted to punch him in the face. He reminded me of Matthew and all the pain he caused. Then all of a sudden, a girl came from a hallway. She looked stubbornly at Rigor who was standing there stubbornly smiling. It was Keely. She wasn’t happy either.
“Matthew?” She said. Her full attention was on him not recognizing anyone else. You could tell Rigor wasn’t interested in her. She tied arms around him. “I knew she didn’t kill you!” tears ran down her face. Rigor looked annoyed.
“No you didn’t,” Glytherin said. She released Rigor and looked at Glytherin. “You actually were the first to blame her.”
Keely slowly looked at me. “Wow,” she said. “You look, different. Prettier actually-no hard feelings right?”
“Just because,” I began. “You complement me and then expect me to forgive you won’t mean that I will. Why would you care anyway if I forgave you?” She shot me a poisonous glance. Glytherin grabbed me the other way. I just realized that she’d been wearing an evening gown and was sparkling as usual. I looked back at her curiously.
“What’s the event?” I asked.
She smiled now still attached to Rigor. “It’s the celebration of your death, might as well not show up. You’ll just ruin a great party.” Glytherin looked down at me.
“You’re dead?” he asked. I looked up at him now. Did I look dead? He felt me, he touched me. I was definitely not dead!
“What do you mean dead?” I asked.
She looked at me plainly. “That’s what everyone thinks. I’m not surprised though. I met Matthew after the party where no one saw him. Then he left. He wasn’t poisoned, he wasn’t disintegrated, he probably just went on a runaway trip.” She looked at Rigor and touched his lip and kissed him. “Isn’t that right babe?” she asked. Rigor looked around at me and Glytherin who were staring angrily.
Why didn’t Rigor tell anyone? He must’ve thought that. Why didn’t he tell anyone that before I splashed him, that someone saw him directly after? This was extremely messed up.
“So that means I’m already off the list,” I said to Glytherin trying to change his mood.
“I guess there was no reason for us even coming,” he admitted. He released my hand and began walking in the other direction.
“Oh, but Glytherin,” Keely said. “Everyone thinks you’ve been at home sick, they want you back though. When are you going to tell them you’re fine?” Glytherin still had anger in his eyes.
He shrugged. “When Matthew does,” he said. Rigor was exceptionally angry. I didn’t want him to turn into a Matthew face. I just wasn’t used to that. I only wanted to see Rigor. Rigor hesitated.
“I can’t.” he admitted. “I can’t do that; I don’t want to come here anymore.” I thought about this. Wouldn’t everyone end up revealing themselves in the end?
“Matthew tell them! Keep this bad hate off of Glytherin and Lea!” Oh no. “Please Matthew! Lea is so upset that you don’t even understand! Glytherin, I don’t even understand how this was blamed on him, but Lea, think about the girls.” Lea… lea… lea… It’s all about lea.
“Lea isn’t my name!” I yelled. Rage went through me and out a lot slower than it had with Glytherin. “It’s not my name so please! I’m begging you don’t call me that.”
Keely parted from Rigor and Glytherin looked down at his shoes. “Keely, no one needs to know that we’re here. None of us need to be here, understand.” I’d expect someone to stop me now. “I advise you to go off with your little friends and have fun celebrating my death like you said. Don’t force Rigor---Matthew…” I exasperated for a moment. “Don’t force Matthew to come back because obviously he doesn’t want to.”
“When did you care so much for my boyfriend?!” she yelled. I was shocked. Why did some people think we were together? Glytherin stared up at her expressionless.
“I don’t.” I said. “I mean I do, but not like that.” She threw herself at me but a hand held her back just like that day when Keely and Amanda were fighting against me. It was Glytherin. He was always there when I needed to be protected.
“Keely, I advise that you go on off to that special place of yours, and cry. Cry, do you understand? The poison was meant for you, Matthew wanted you dead, and so did I. Please go without a mention of us to anyone, please?” She looked remote and sober now.
“Orphelia, were you apart of this too?” I shook my head. “Yes you were!” she yelled. “You probably influenced them to do this to me!” She was crying now and was no longer serious. “You hated me so you wanted me dead anyway!” This was the same reason why she suspected me of killing Rigor/Matthew. I didn’t want to kill anyway. “She didn’t cause it!” Glytherin yelled. “God, Keely! You can be so over dramatic! Go away!” All of a sudden, a pile of students entered the hallway along with some teachers. Emptiness overfilled me. I felt nauseous and I felt like I was supposed to run away. Like a huge mob had flown over me and I was trapped.
Glytherin put on an easier face now. “Hello.” He said waving. Rigor was over flown too. He was laughing in disappointment. I was the only serious looking person there that was actually paying attention and realizing how much more worse this was than it had already been. A couple of eyes screened over me, not a couple, but the whole thing, then they went off to Glytherin and then to Rigor. Glytherin let go of my hand now trying not to cause anything. “Lea?” the principal said. Tears were all over his face. “It’s ghosts.” He whimpered. The whole hallway was staring at us incredulously.
“They’re not ghosts,” Keely said. “They’re the real thing. They look different don’t they? Glytherin’s a little bit more, I don’t know---I don't know. Matthew somehow, is a little bit more, less wrecked? And then Lea, well, we already know what’s different about this girl. She’s alive, she looks different in appearance, and she’s done something.” I looked up at Glytherin.
“Do I look different?” I whimpered. He looked as confused as I did. He slowly shook his head.
“I don’t know what they are seeing but I’m seeing the same person that I’ve seen before, after the princess gave you back your identity.” I nodded. Suddenly, a girl ran up to me and felt my face. Amanda. She put her arms around me as her glossy texture of tears soaked Glytherin’s jacket. She sniffed as her red eyes turned to me. “You don’t look different,” she whimpered. “She’s just jealous, and so was I. You’re the prettiest girl I know!” She didn't have to flatter me with her falseness. She sunk deeply into the sweater. “I thought you were dead!” I didn’t put my arms back around her. What was she talking about? I felt extremely bad. Glytherin took her hands and pushed her away a little.
“Glytherin? What are you doing here? We thought you were sick.” said the principal. “Well who’s telling stories?” he asked. The principal looked around. “Rudolph-Cory said he was close to you and you told him you were ill.” Glytherin shook his head. “Who the hell’s Cory and why would he make that up? Who said Orphelia was dead? Who makes up these jokes?”
Cory came from out of the crowd. “Who says that someone they know-Matthew-is dead when he knows he’s well alive. Who makes that kind of joke? You’re practically talking about yourself babe.”
The crowd began agreeing. “I had a purpose.” said Glytherin swallowing harshly. I hadn’t spoken to anyone but Glytherin and Keely since we’d gotten here.
All of a sudden, in the middle of the crowd. Three people stood out. “If that is really you, give me a kiss, on the mouth.” It was Shane. Why did this idiot do this to me?
“Even before I left Shane, I didn’t kiss you. That’s disgusting.” I said. He looked at me now. He was so young. Much younger than I’d been anyway. Shane was crying.
“Where have you been?” he blubbered. Guiltiness came now. It was spread all over my face. Anyone who wasn’t stupid could see this. Glytherin was watching carefully seeing what was happening here. “Don’t cry,” he murmured. I fought the urge.
“I’m sorry Shane.” I said with a bit of a waver to my voice. “I didn’t really think you’d miss me that much.” I was angry at Glytherin now. Why had he told me I wouldn’t be missing out?
“Especially showing up with this guy!” Shane yelled pointing at Glytherin. “Do you know how that makes me feel? Knowing that you’ve been gone and cheating with me with some guy you’ve known a month or so?” Blush…blush…blush. Glytherin especially, the blush came right to his cheeks.
“I wasn’t cheating you, if we weren’t ever together.” I said now getting the guilt out of me. I thought he missed me like family. Not like what he was doing now. “Who spread the rumor that I was dead anyway?” I asked. A hand rose up. Shane’s. “Great,” I murmured. Why would Shane do that anyway?
A hesitant silence came along. It crept all over me. Things began getting blurry and everything. I couldn’t even stand the amount of eyes that were all over me. My father looked angrier than any other feeling. Why was it so silent now?
My eyes blurred now. I turned to Glytherin who was patting me on the shoulder talking to me. The whole entire hallway was talking as well. Not again. Please tell me this isn’t happening again.
I moved, but I couldn’t feel it. Now I was running. I knew perfectly well that I was running. I couldn’t see anything now. Just a faint darkness. The air smelt dusty.
That was the only thing I had in experience right now. The smell. We were obviously outside and I could sense a smell of pastries filled my nose. I tried to scream but there was no vibration at my mouth. Where was I going? I felt a sudden vibration around my ears. There was nothing there.
I mouthed something but it seemed that no one heard, or I didn’t hear the reply. I lost grip of my mother’s and Glytherin’s poetry book. I stopped steady as something pulled on me to keep going. I refused to. I would not keep going without those things. Where was I now? I fell down off something that seemed like a pothole. This blackness was confusing. Who was near me? Who was surrounding me?
I felt no vibrations now. I felt nothing. Suddenly, I had something in my mouth. It was a piece of the bag. At least I could still taste. I was running again now and my teeth had a grip on the bag.
My mind wasn’t empty of anything. I wanted to know what was going on around me but there was no way that I could tell. I was terrified but I couldn’t express it. Where have I been now? The smell felt rainy now, and extremely cold. I felt something on my tongue now. It was cold and it was precipitating hail. I swallowed a piece by accident but didn’t choke on it. Then as it did before, I was in that same space that wasn’t black, but was white.
Two arms were at my side and I could see them both. Glytherin, Rigor and myself. I feel them I could hear them breathe. That certain blankness left when I was again, in the infirmary with the bag in my mouth, their arms at my side. And myself in its place.


Texte: @pastandpresent, inc. All Rights Reserved
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2012

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