
Chapter 1

“I am Bonnie Trivio. I am only 13 years old. I live in District 4. My 17 year old sister, May, is very ill. If she gets reaped today, I will volunteer for her”, I repeatedly say to myself in the small mirror in my room. In a couple minutes I will leaving with my family to go to reaping.
I grab my flat shoes and walk down the creeky old staircase that leads down to a small kitchen and a doorway to outside. I go straight for the door and step outside. Its warm out, so no need for socks today. I run down the narrow street and walk onto an old boardwalk that leads to the beach. Once my feet touch the soft sand, I start to walk to shore. The beach is a mile long stretch where some fisherman fish. My brother and my father used to fish here. Until one time they were out very far in the water and a small shark attacked my brother. My father was fine though. My brother lost one of his legs and was reaped for the games a year later. He was killed by the District 7 tribute within the second day. My father never came to this beach since. He always goes to the larger one in the other direction.
Once I reach shore I let the water splash my feet. I pull out a piece of string from my lime green dress. I walk around the shore looking for seashells I could possibly put on my necklace. Once I find at least 10 I string them onto my string. I tie the string around my wrist to make a bracelet.
As soon as I reached to grab more string for a necklace, the reaping bell rang from the Justice Building. I rinse off the sand from my hand in the water and start running back home. Once I get there and slide through the door and slip on my flats.
“Bonnie! We need to get to the reaping”, yells my teary eyed mother from the bottom of the staircase. “I am right here mom!”, I say back. She turns around and has a look of anger on her face. “Why isn't your hair done”, she says. “I was making myself a bracelet for the reaping. To tie my outfit together”, I say back and hold up my wrist for her to see. She nods and starts to comb my hair with her fingers. My hair is a wavy dirty blond. My sister's is very curly and the same color. My father has chocolate brown hair and of course my mother's, dirty blond.
Once she finishes May comes down the stairs, coughing like crazy. My mother fixes her dress and tries to comb her hair too. My father still lays on his matress upstairs, dreading to even think about losing another child from the Capitol's torture. Exspecially since 2 girls and 2 boys are chosen this year. Its the annual 25th Hunger Games, so its a Quarter Quell.
The mother hurries May and I outside. Us three all walk to the Justice Building with our head high. Our mother kisses both our foreheads and goes to walk to the group of parents when she turns back and whispers in my ear,” Make the right choice, Bonnie.” I nod and she walks back to the parents. May gets her finger pricked first and I am only seperated by a 12 year old in front of me. Once its my turn and look away as they take my blood sample. I move along and go with my group of 13 year olds. My best friend from school, Alice, comes up to me. “Hi Bonnie”, she says. “Hi, you look nice.”, I say back. “Are you nervous?” “No not really. Either way I know my mother will be watching my every move. To be sure I make the right choice.” She pushes a hair away from my eyes and says,” You'll be just fine. I promise.”
I look back at the line for blood samples and its gone. Now its time to watch the video and get chosen to go fight to death. A blue haired lady walks up onto the small stage. Her skin is tinted blue and looks like fish scales. Her hair is pin straight and seaweed green. “Welcome to District 4's annual 25th Hunger Games reaping! First, before everything gets exciting we will watch a video explaing all the questions you all have!”, says the lady. “Oh yes I almost forgot! Happy Hunger Games! My name is Culvia by the way! Cause when those 4 lucky boys and girls get to spend lots of time with me, you'll need to know my name!” Then the video begins to play and everyone goes silent.
When its finished playing Culvia comes back out to the microphone and sets 2 large bowls on 2 tables on each side of her. “As always, ladies first!”, she says as she reaches into the glass bowl and pulls out one slip of paper. “One of the two District 4 girl tributes will be.... Kaydee Gaflee!” Of the very few times i've seen Kaydee, she was very thin and pale. She slowly walks up onto the stage. I can tell she is nervous from her shaky hands. “And for the next District 4 female tribute!” She reaches her hand in the large bowl and pulls out another slip. “Alice Huverts!” My head looks right at her and she is speechless. Her feet slowly start moving her closer to the stage. “I volunteer”, I say but not loud enough for people to hear me. I keep repeating myself until I'm yelling it aloud. Alice looks at me and shakes her head. “Thats the spirit of the games! Now whats your name dear?”, says Culvia, waving me to come up onto the stage. Alice stays where she is as I walk up onto the stage and says,” Bonnies Trivio.” “Now for the gentlemen!”, she says and reaches into the other glass bowl. I look out into the crowd of relieved girls and the worried nervous, some confident, boys. “Harry Stuberts!”, she calls out. Harry shoots up onto the stage, not giving anyone the chance to volunteer. “The last boy tribute for the 25th annual Hunger Games will be... Andy Fetchess!” Andy walks slowly onto the stage. His hair is chocolate brown and combed to the side. We all shake hands and when I shake Andy's he makes it almost impossible not to look into his silky brown eyes. “These are the tributes of the 25th Hunger Games!”, says Culvia waiting for an applause but nothing happens.
I look out into the crowd and see my sister coughing into her arm, almost crying. I look back and my mom which has her face buried in my father's arms. I look at my father, holding back the tears and horrifying memories. A pair of peacekeepers escorts us all to into the Justice Building, where everyone says there last goodbyes.
As soon as I get put into a room and dive onto the leather couch and bury my face in the soft pillow. Someone walks in the door and by the way it gently closes, I could tell its Alice. “You didn'y have to do that, you know. I was just shaken. Not helpless”, she says trying to act like she wasn't going to cry. I sit up and look at her standing by the table. “But thank you anyway”, she says as she plops down next to me. “I didn't know what I was doing out there. I just couldn't take the chance of losing my best friend. We both know your better off with out me, then me with out you. You have other friends, unlike me. I too shy to meet anyone new”, I say. She bites her bottom lip not knowing what to say next. She reaches into the back of her shoe and pulls out a spiral shell with a golden chain connecting it to make a necklace. She peels open my shaky hand and places it inside. She gently closes my fingers over the necklace. “Remember? The day we made these necklaces. When we got the gold chains from an elderly woman on the beach. I still kept mine, even though you lost yours in the sea. Keep it. Just remember, you'll always be the best friend I will never forget.” She stands and gives he long hug. The doors swing open and the Peacekeepers shout,” times up! Out!”
As soon as the doors closed they swung back open and my sister, mother, and father all piled inside. “Sweety are you ok? Its gonna be fine!”, says my mother as she embraces me. “Mom I am fine. If I volunteered then it means I chose to go.”, I say back trying to hide the fact that I am going to die soon. “I hope they train you to use weapons! You only know how to throw knives and use a spear!”, says my father. “She knows what she is doing, dad. If she can throw spears and knives, she will fine with the Career pack.”, says May. “Career pack? I am not going with them! With my luck they would kill me at night!”, I blurt out. “true”, says May. “remember what I taught you about fishing, Bonnie? Fish! You need food, so fish!”, says my father sitting in the chair across from me. “You never know what the arena is like though. Who knows, it could a desert! Or a rainforest! Or anything!”, I say. “Our time is almost up, lets say our goodbyes.”, says my mother hugging me tightly. My father agrees and so does May. “I believe in you, Bonnie. I know you'll win. I love you”, whispers May as she kisses my cheek. My father hugs me too and says,” I love you. Just please don't go for the weapons in the Cornicopia.” I nod and my mother runs towards me and starts to cry. She hugs me so tight. “i will miss you, Bonnie. I love you! We all love you!”, she says. “I love all of you guys. I will win for our district. I promise.”, I say as the Peacekeepers take them away.
The next person to visit is Culvia telling me to come with her. So thats it. No more visitors. I follow her and we get all the others too. She leads us up into a train. I look out the window at the relieved faces of both parents and children. Then I see the other parents and friends of us tributes. My heart sinks at the sight of my family crying cause of me. I look at the other tributes and they look like they feel the same way as me. Kaydee was crying her eyes out though. Harry on the other hand was just the same as me. So is Andy but his eyes are slowing tearing up.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2012

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