
Introduction, Wolves' Stories, Anacondee History and Chapter 1

DarkFlame- a loyal warrior of Shadow Clan that wishes to become leader someday
LunarStar- the leader of Shadow Clan and the closest wolf to SunCloud
RavenStar- a warrior of Shadow Clan that is supportive and sneaky and is also the mentor
ShadowCatcher- a warrior of Shadow Clan
Asher- a warrior of Shadow Clan
MoonStar- the leader of Moon Clan that is selfish and strict
Madaster- a slave that was captured by MoonStar that hopes and prays that Moon Clan will lose the battle and he is set free
FlameRider- a warrior of Moon Clan that is rude and a bully
FlashFoot- a warrior of Moon Clan that is just as mean as FlameRider but worse
MoonStone-a warrior of Moon Clan and is also the mentor
SunCloud- a spirit that has a sad story behind herself that only trusted ones know
Heron- SunCloud’s pup
Maple- SunCloud’s second pup
Whisper- SunCloud’s third pup
Rosewater- a suspicious outsider that don’t trust anyone
Dawnfelt- a small cat that no one knows of until the battle begins
Alija- a fox that creeps around everywhere and doesn’t have the ability to talk anymore
Zana- Alija’s brother that talks for her, he follows her around keeping an eye on her, they both are allies with all clans, they don’t care who wins the battle
Soot- a vicious wolf that has rabies
Teethshine- a wolverine that stays hidden in the woods and underbrush
Hooz-a raccoon that attacks everything moving around itself
Melee-a bear
Magger- a baby wolf that was Soot’s pup but he was forced to runaway when Soot got rabies
Most animals fear the lost world of Anacondee. Its one of the most violent places anyone can ever imagine. Fights happen very often unlike most places. Anacondee is in a lost world in a different galaxy that no humans have ever traveled to. Nobody outside of that galaxy ever heard of Anacondee. That’s why nobody has ever heard of it before. Anacondee is rich with gold and gems. But nothing on the planet figured it out yet.
(So for the confusion the warriors and all the characters are wolves not humans!)
It was a cool winter morning in the lost world of Anacondee. And that was the last of Water Clan that had left from their loss against Shadow Clan. Everyone in Moon Clan was gossiping about how Shadow Clan had bared through their victory. When the only wolves struggling were themselves, but they told everyone they were better then ever. Shadow Clan was busy training their new warrior, DarkFlame in the mountains. DarkFlame was in the middle of an important lesson until LunarStar, their leader, interrupts. “DarkFlame camp right now”, barked the leader. DarkFlame replied quickly, “yes sir”. LunarStar and DarkFlame returned to camp (LunarStar’s den) to meet a certain someone. “this is SunCloud, a spirit”, said LunarStar. SunCloud was a spirit that has a bad story in her past that only her and LunarStar knows about. All DarkFlame knew was that she was a healer and she had pups after she was became one. Otherwise, nothing else was revealed. “ DarkFlame you will spend today with SunCloud”, said LunarStar. DarkFlame didn’t really feel comfortable with this. Many bad stories have gone around about SunCloud. Like one story is that she kills everyone that makes her unhappy. “okay you two catch me some grub while your out there, DarkFlame”, said LunarStar as he walked back to the mountains. It was silent for a few moments until SunCloud said, “meet me in the forest.” “yes ma’am”, DarkFlame said back. “I ain’t the queen you know”, said SunCloud that was uncomfortable. “Sorry about that”, said DarkFlame. By that time SunCloud had already faded off into the forest. DarkFlame started her walk to the forest after that.
Chapter 1
In the forest some of Moon Clan was hunting. Before DarkFlame could even get a chance to say anything SunCloud came up to her and said,” my den now!” And she faded off. DarkFlame made her way to meet SunCloud at the entrance of her den. SunCloud floated at the entrance just as expected. “come”, said SunCloud. DarkFlame followed her silently. It was dark, damp, and foggy in her den. Every five feet there was a sign that said, beware. They also had claw marks and cobwebs all over them. While walking through her den DarkFlame asked,” people say you have a sad story behind yourself. Can you tell me that story I will not tell anyone.” SunCloud stopped walking and turned to DarkFlame. Her eyes were as wide as a full moon. They stood there in silence for 10 minutes. Until a piece of rock hit DarkFlame’s paw. She picked up the rock and observed it. Then she looked up at SunCloud and she was gone. The only thing left was a piece of paper of the ground. DarkFlame picked up the paper and put it under her tiara for later. Then she took a few steps and heard growling. DarkFlame ran away quickly. She ended up back at her den. She sat next to her wooden desk and unfolded the piece of paper. It read, my whole life is a mystery needed to be solved. My story is something I only tell wolves that I have gained their trust of. We just meant what do you expect. Tomorrow, my den 12:00am sharp. If your late you pay!
Signed, SunCloud
DarkFlame looked around. She was freaked out. What would happen if I was late? Would she kill me? Would I be captured? Enslaved? She didn’t know. DarkFlame walked slowly outside and looked at the moon. She started howling like everybody did every night. But she was howling to someone specific, SunCloud. No response from anybody, it was too late for anyone to howl back anyway. She walked back inside and laid down on the floor. Then a sudden knock came from her door. It was LunarStar asking how her and SunCloud got along. DarkFlame said,” pretty good.” “tomorrow I need you to get me my dinner”, demanded LunarStar. “yes sir. I’m sorry I didn’t get you it earlier today.” “may I come in”, he asked. “yes.” They talked for awhile about the battle and tricks they had went over when she was gone. “DarkFlame I’ve always liked you a lot. And you are becoming a healer soon. I want you to take the honor of being queen of the clan. I take that back you just joined, your too new.” DarkFlame didn’t make a sound. Then LunarStar wrapped his tail around DarkFlame’s back. “you will be someday”, he said. LunarStar looked at the moon and said, “ its getting late, you need rest as well as me too. We will talk again tomorrow, but at my den.” DarkFlame nodded. Then they said bye to each other and then LunarStar left. DarkFlame hopped into bed/rug after that and slept. LunarStar passed up his den and went towards SunCloud’s. He entered her den as if it was his own. They talked and talked for hours. Then around 3am LunarStar left and returned back to his den. Another knock came upon DarkFlame’s door. She got up to find that it was RavenStar. “hey girl!”, RavenStar said as soon as the door was opened. “its really late and I’m tired”, said DarkFlame. “come on, just meet me at the swamp right now.”, RavenStar said. DarkFlame agreed and met her at the swamp. Nobody was there. Then RavenStar came out with her mouth glued shut by mud and tree sap. It was FlameRider! He is gonna do something to her! Then FlameRider stepped out from behind a tree. He tied a rope around RavenStar’s neck creating a lease for her as if she was a dog. “let her go!”, growled DarkFlame. Then a leaf covered her sight. She couldn’t see what was happening. “you better watch your mouth DarkFlame.”, snarled FlashFoot. “leave us alone!”, DarkFlame said and then her mouth glued shut just like RavenStar’s. They uncovered her eyes so that she could see what they were gonna do. They put each of them over their shoulders and they carried them to Moon Clan’s camp (MoonStar’s den). When they entered MoonStar’s den they were put inside separate cages made of twigs, sticks, and rocks. FlashFoot and FlameRider sat down in front of each of them. “now tell us. What kind of things do you plan on doing for the battle.”, said FlashFoot as he walked over and wiped off the glue on their mouths. “we are never telling you!”, DarkFlame said. RavenStar clawed and bit the cage trying to break free. FlameRider laughed. “you’re never getting free unless you tell us.” DarkFlame stood up and snarled at them. Showing her razor sharp teeth she said, “ why would we tell you out of anyone else?” FlashFoot replied back, “ because we made a little stop the chamber of secrets and got a book or two.” “so what.”, said RavenStar. “it has different potions in it that can kill anything. And if you don’t listen we might make some potions and give them to you two losers.”, said FlashFoot. DarkFlame and RavenStar looked at each other and unsheathed their claws. “ LunarStar will never let that happen.”, DarkFlame shot back at them. “how are you gonna get in contact with him? Your in cages with nothing on but knee pads, bows and arrows, and a lifestone necklaces! You have no chance.”, said FlashFoot. DarkFlame and RavenStar knew that, but they had no idea what to do but sit there and hope that someone will rescue them. A day had pasted of just sitting there with no food or water. It was 11:30pm and DarkFlame had just remembered that SunCloud is waiting for her at her den. “oh no”, DarkFlame thought to herself. A half an hour passed and it was 12:00am. DarkFlame just laid down ashamed of what she had gotten into. RavenStar just laid there and slept all day long. All of the sudden the ground shook and the lights flashed. FlashFoot was the only one that stayed at the den all day. FlameRider returned to his den. FlashFoot looked around. RavenStar and DarkFlame stood up and dug their claws into the ground. “what’s happening?”, asked RavenStar in a shaky voice. “I have no clue!”, said DarkFlame. Then the lights went out and the doors of the cages were opened. FlashFoot was gone. The lights came back on and there she stood, SunCloud. “come DarkFlame. RavenStar you return home.”, SunCloud said. RavenStar returned back to her den safe and sound and DarkFlame and SunCloud went to SunCloud’s den. “how did you know where is was?”, asked DarkFlame thankfully. “lets just say I know when my friends need me.”, said SunCloud. DarkFlame was shocked. Did she just say friend. They sat in silence for awhile. “thank you for saving me and RavenStar. We needed you.”, said DarkFlame. “don’t mention it kid.”, said SunCloud. “ I want you to meet some wolves, DarkFlame.”, said SunCloud breaking the silence. They walked even deeper into her den. It was darker and quieter. Until yips and yelps echoed through the den. SunCloud called out, “ Heron! Whisper! Maple!” 3 young pups came running out of the back room. “these are my pups. This is Heron. That is Maple. And Whisper.”, SunCloud said proudly. “I have gained your trust enough so you can meet my pups. Not enough though so you can here the story behind us.” DarkFlame’s stomach growled and rumbled. SunCloud then said, “ stay here you guys, ill be back in a minute.” SunCloud walked back into the room where the pups came from and grabbed/rug some food. She came back out and put the rabbit on the floor and said, “ feast.” Heron, Maple, and Whisper started eating the rabbit. Then Whisper looked up at DarkFlame and nudged the rabbit under her feet. Whisper grabbed/rug Heron and Maple and pulled them away. “guys let DarkFlame eat some you pigs!”, said Whisper. “don’t call names!”, said SunCloud. DarkFlame took a small bite off of the rabbit. In the next 5 minutes the rabbit was gone. “thank you again SunCloud.”, said DarkFlame. “don’t worry about it, no need to thank me.”, insisted SunCloud. Then they all went to the canyons for a cool drink from the pond. While they were getting their drink Madaster was there too getting herbs for MoonStar. SunCloud and DarkFlame greeted him because they knew he wanted Shadow Clan to win the battle. He stared at them motionless. He was afraid of SunCloud cause of those rumors spread about her. DarkFlame explained to Madaster that those were rumors and he calmed down a little bit. Then Madaster left still a little frightened by SunCloud. Then SunCloud, DarkFlame, and the pups returned back to SunCloud’s den. They talked about how hard it is caring for pups and then DarkFlame went back to her den and got some rest.

Chapter 2

In the morning DarkFlame went out for a walk in the mountains. The mountains were foggy and damp. It looked like it was about to rain. Clouds gathered above DarkFlame and it started to drizzle. DarkFlame didn’t stop, she continued walking up the steep mountain slope, using her claws for traction. Then it started pouring, but she still walked and walked all the way to the top of the tallest mountain. She howled and howled. A bird perched on a branch near by. Then DarkFlame noticed that the little bird had a piece of paper in its beak. The bird flew over in front of DarkFlame’s nose and dropped the paper at her feet. The bird took off into the sky. But the bird went straight up instead of right or left or down. She unfolded the note and it read; meet me at the chemistry lab tomorrow at 3:00am sharp. From, Su C ud
The note was smeared at the bottom so DarkFlame couldn’t read the complete name. So she assumed it was from SunCloud. It was already 8pm and DarkFlame hadn’t eaten a thing since yesterday when they ate with SunCloud and her pups. She was very hungry so she decided to just forget about it and eat tomorrow. She thought about camping out at the mountain peak but she decided that its better safe then sorry. She walked back to her den and took a long nap. When she woke up it was already 2am. She tried staying awake but she fell asleep again and by the time she woke up again it was 7am. She had missed her meeting with SunCloud at the lab! She jumped up and opened the door and ran right into SunCloud who was about to see if she was okay. “I’m so sorry SunCloud! I fell asleep and I slept longer then I thought. I was just gonna meet you there.”, said DarkFlame. SunCloud looked confused and said, “its ok I just wanted to show you a potion that turns anything to stone. Wanna go right now?” “sure.”, said DarkFlame. SunCloud vanished off into the swamp and walked into the chemistry lab. DarkFlame started out running then slowly ended up crawling. Then FlashFoot came out from behind the bushes with a breathing mask on his face. He threw a net over DarkFlame and took her to Moon Clan’s camp. MoonStar was there as well as Madaster and MoonStone. It was another evil trick they had planned. They put a gas into the air making anyone who breathed it in, weaken quickly. It was almost like they planned it for years because they had a steel cell in the basement of the den that was made to hold a wolf member of Shadow Clan. There was signs on the walls said YOU’LL PAY and YOU’RE GOING DOWN. They tossed DarkFlame into cell and locked it up. No words were spoken during that time. She wished she had the stone potion right now. She was trapped who knew how long she’d be stuck in that cell with no food or water. Then FlashFoot walked down the narrow stairway and threw a piece of meat to DarkFlame. DarkFlame looked around the cell and saw a bowl of water. She was gonna be held captive until she spoke up. Maybe they would kill her after awhile. No one knew. Only MoonStar which never tells anyone anything. The door closed to the jail room in the basement and DarkFlame was clueless. She never knew something like this would happen. Then the door opened and a wolf was standing there panting. The door closed again but the wolf was still inside. The wolf walked down the steps and she recognized it was Madaster. Madaster unlocked the cell door and let her roam the downstairs. She enjoyed the space while she could. Madaster then said,” your fur will not be that nice and smooth for long.” “well thanks”, said DarkFlame quit surprised. “your fur will soon become dirty. It will loose all its color and it will rough and scratchy. I was once captured like you and that happened until I spoke up and I was enslaved. Unless you listen to what I say. You will escape this place and hide for 4 weeks. If you survive you change your fur and everything else. You will become an unknown warrior and will be chosen by your own clan again.” DarkFlame denied the offer saying I don’t trust you. Madaster walked back up the stairway and said quietly, “ good choice.” DarkFlame was puzzled cause he left her out of the cell so she could go anywhere in the jail room. “ill speak up!”, DarkFlame said. The jail room door swung open and the whole clan came down the stairway. “the truth is I wasn’t there when they went over the plan. I wasn’t there I was with someone else that isn’t in any clans.”, DarkFlame said truthfully. Then FlashFoot brought down a lie detector and played the tape that had what she said on it. He played the tape again and the lie detector said truth. So they had to let her free. They grabbed her and took her up the stairs and threw her out the door. “phew”, said DarkFlame. She ran back to the lab hoping SunCloud was there. She opened the door and SunCloud was laying there on the floor, motionless. DarkFlame walked up to her and put one paw on SunCloud. She was breathing and all that stuff. SunCloud jumped up on her feet after DarkFlame took her paw away. “what in the world!?”, said SunCloud. “I thought you were dead or something”, said DarkFlame. “how does a spirit die again?”, said SunCloud. “I don’t know. What about that stone potion now?”, said DarkFlame. “where were you before?”, said SunCloud curiously. So DarkFlame told her the long story and then they made the potion. They only have 3 colors and a flamer at the chemistry lab. “3 red 3 green 3 blue 3 flame gets you a rainbow potion. 3 red 2 green 1 flame gets you a stone potion.”, said SunCloud, “I need to do some research on the ice potion though. There is a killing potion. The recipe is 3 red 1 blue 3 green and I flame.” “ok thanks again”, said DarkFlame and then she left the lab and cautiously walked home. When she got to her den, it was trashed. The wallpaper was ripped, the wood was scratched and mud was everywhere. She was shocked. She walked over to her grass woven rug used as her bed. A wolf laid on her rug/bed with glass shattered on top. The wolf had passed out from the glass in its head. It was FlameRider. DarkFlame knew someone was missing before. She grabbed his hind legs and yanked him under a tree in her territory. She howled for LunarStar and in a minute or two he was there, staring at her as she told him the whole story. They both cleaned up DarkFlame’s den and then went to bed at their own dens. “Remember tomorrow is the pre-round and if we win, we pick the location of the battle.”, said LunarStar reminding DarkFlame. “get some rest”
DarkFlame nodded. Then he left and went back to his den. FlameRider had already fled away by the time LunarStar had gone. The moon was very small that night and the stars weren’t bright at all. Something was happening…or something was going to happen. DarkFlame didn’t sleep at all. She claimed her head was aching to bad. Then a knock came upon her door. “this late at night?”, DarkFlame moaned. She decided to drag herself to the door. When she opened all she saw was a paw, with its claws out, ready to slash her. Her eyes widened and her heart pounded. Who was this and what were they doing?, she thought. Then that claw meant her face and scratched it, hard.

Chapter 3

DarkFlame yelped in pain and fear. She was to tired and weak to claw back. Then she managed to grab her bows and arrows. She aimed the arrow right at the wolf’s head. Then she shot, hitting the wolf right in the middle of its forehead. It collapsed to the ground. Then DarkFlame got herself to her feet and kicked the wolf out of her territory. She decided to carry the wolf into light to discover who it was. When she reached light, she discovered it was MoonStone. He started to wake up so DarkFlame panicked at tossed him 10 feet forward. She ran and ran and ran until she reached her den. When she went in, she slammed the door shut and plopped down on the floor. Her wound was bleeding and it was sour for DarkFlame. If she didn’t get help soon she might hallucinate or possibly die. She didn’t know what to do at this point. Her claws dug into the floor trying to stop her den from tilting off Anacondee. Even though she wouldn’t fall. The hallucinations had began. She saw different birds and wolves in her visions. Then she passed out. When she woke up she claimed the world was pink and black, but it wasn’t. the hallucinations were getting worse and worse. Then she noticed a note on the floor. She picked it up and read, DarkFlame, the ice potion is 3 blue 1 flame. It should be a light periwinkle color. From SunCloud
SunCloud had figured out the ice potion.SunCloud was trying to get as much knowledge into DarkFlame as she could before the battle. The battle would and will be a time of hatred, wounds, and caring. DarkFlame wanted to become a healer for her clan. Healers care for wounded warriors and always know what to do when someone is at risk of dying. DarkFlame just laid on the floor thinking about SunCloud and her pups. When she was a pup she always wanted to have a pup or two. But the problem was she didn’t want to have it herself. She wanted it to be a gift or an orphan pup she can take into her home and call it her own. If she had to choose a father she would probably choose LunarStar because he seems to make her comfortable when the day has been bad or she is just in a gloomy or bad mood. Then all of the sudden the door bursts open and its LunarStar. He slams the door behind him and runs for cover. “what is going on?”, said DarkFlame in a shaky voice. “over here, over here now!” said LunarStar typically ignoring her question. So she jumped to her feet and ran to LunarStar’s side. He nudged her closer for safety because only one thing was happening. The prebattle. The battle to start of all the rage and fury between the clans. By the looks of it Moon Clan had started it off by attacking LunarStar. Then LunarStar whispers in DarkFlame’s ear,” don’t feel awkward but we stay close together so MoonStar and his other warriors don’t spot us.” LunarStar pauses. He just noticed DarkFlame’s wounded cheek. He tilted his head in confusion and says, “ did you fight already?” “no another attempted attack by MoonStone. He knocked on the door and I thought it was you so I opened it and he clawed me right in the face. So I shot him with an arrow in the head and drug him outside.”, explained DarkFlame. “ is he alive?” “yes, he had his eyes closed when I drug him out and he awoken in my paws while I viewed who it was so I threw him a few feet in front of me and fled back to my den.” He nodded. An awkward silence fell between them. Until a spear through the window broke it. They both jumped in a mixture of fear and amusement. DarkFlame’s eye shed a tear because her father’s paw print was carved into the window that was smashed. Her father had been killed in a battle when she was a pup. Her father was in Shadow Clan too and he was a healer as well. Then the clan took DarkFlame in for their own. She became a pup of the clan and eventually a young warrior. She was a young warrior for 2 years but now she is a general warrior. Soon she will become a healer just like her father. DarkFlame could here wolves outside snarling as they crept into the broken window. LunarStar snarled back and DarkFlame just stayed frozen in place, next to LunarStar. “ sorry did we interrupt you two?”, snicker FlameRider. LunarStar glances over his shoulder at DarkFlame. DarkFlame remains motionless as LunarStar jumps to his feet snarling and showing his razor sharp teeth. “ lets get the weakling in the corner.”, say FlashFoot to another warrior that no-one really know the name of. He agrees and they start their way toward DarkFlame. DarkFlame sits up and starts a low quiet growl. She releases her retractable claws and grabs her arrows. Her supply rarely runs out because she has about 60 arrows in her sheath. She loads her bow and is ready to shoot until FlashFoot leaps in to attack her. Unexpectedly LunarStar jumps in front of her and gets the impact from the leap and hit’s the floor with a large bang. He yelps when he hit’s the floor. DarkFlame still remains in the same position she was before. Aimed. Ready for impact. Motionless still though. FlashFoot signals the other warrior to attack DarkFlame while FlashFoot trots over near LunarStar lays.LunarStar bites his tongue as if he wasn’t suffering any pain. Which he is. DarkFlame remains frozen as FlashFoot and another warrior creep up to where she is frozen at. DarkFlame panics so she shoots the wolf that is with FlashFoot in the eye. Immediately the wolf collapses to the ground and lays there bleeding. The blood sunk into the crooks and crannies of the wood floor. Another blood stain that would never come out. Then his body started twitching as FlameRider, Moon Clan’s new healer, tries to stop the bleeding. DarkFlame loaded another arrow and says to FlashFoot, “ the same to you if you don’t watch it!” FlashFoot snickers and says, “ you wish!” DarkFlame shot the arrow hitting FlashFoot in the right ear. He paws at the arrow and eventually gets it out. He flicks his ears. “fail”, he mumbles under his breath. Then LunarStar nods to me and calls his name, causing FlashFoot to look at him. DarkFlame shoots the arrow and shortly after whistles to get FlashFoot to turn his head. Which he does. The arrow hits under eye. And he doesn’t even bother to close his eyes as he falls to the ground. By that time the other wolf died from bleeding. DarkFlame smirks at FlashFoot on the ground. Madaster steps up and DarkFlame is thoughtless because she thinks Madaster is a good warrior she doesn’t wanna hurt him. After all he is rooting secretly for Shadow Clan. Then when DarkFlame loads her bow and Madaster had already had his spear ready for throwing. DarkFlame then drops her weapons and sharpens her claws. This will be a weaponless fight with Madaster she decides. Madaster does the same as DarkFlame. DarkFlame decides to make the first move as she walks behind Madaster and bites his back leg sending him to the ground. She was circling him ready to attack again at any moment. She goes in again but to bite the back of his neck. She doesn’t succeed as his claws slash her face causing her to trip back a little. Her face is bleeding bad now. She doesn’t care at this point so she claws him back but in the throat. He collapsed again but this time she didn’t think he was getting back up. So DarkFlame sits down next to him proving he is defenseless. Unexpectedly he grabs the scuff of fur on DarkFlame’s neck. Holding her head in place he holds his paw in the air ready to strike. Then she thinks of an evil trick to break him down to nothing but a weakling. She flinches her eyes and twitches her face to make Madaster back down. As so he does. He lets go of the neck and snatches his weapons and leaves to return to his camp so he can get a head start on his maid work because he backed down instead of DarkFlame. DarkFlame falls to the ground bleeding. MoonStone and FlameRider step up and they smirk as DarkFlame lays there not ready to be slashed again. They don’t even touch her. They just howl. Then comes running into her den, ShadowCatcher, Asher and RavenStar. They all gasp as they put on their weapons. DarkFlame blushes as she lays on the floor struggling to sit up at least. Asher and ShadowCatcher both like DarkFlame. A lot. So they both trot over to her helping her up. “are you ok DarkFlame? Who hurt you? Ill teach them!”, say Asher. Asher is usually described as a “muscle wolf”. He is strong and same with ShadowCatcher. ShadowCatcher is always a show-off. All he tries to do is impress girl wolves. He succeeds. RavenStar likes him a lot. She always jokes around about before you came I was the star of the two boys. That they crowded her all the time. Just as they did to DarkFlame. There was once another girl warrior on Shadow Clan but she was killed in the battle 25 years ago. Every 25 years they have these huge battles like this. Otherwise the clans never made any contact unless they were fighting over prey or something worthless like that. “Madaster and that wolf warrior but Madaster left and that wolf died from my arrow.”, explained DarkFlame pointing to the dead wolf on the floor. “your first kill?”, asked ShadowCatcher. “ yes wolf wise though.”, DarkFlame responds back almost immediately. “I’ve killed many deer and rabbits too.”
“me too”, said ShadowCatcher. “no time for chitchat you two”, said LunarStar in a shaky voice. “fight!” ShadowCatcher grabbed his knife and so did Asher and DarkFlame. Then another wolf warrior, that Shadow Clan didn’t know the name of, stepped up and aimed his arrow at DarkFlame. DarkFlame blocked the arrow by using the blade of her knife, barely hitting the edge of it. The arrow fell to the floor. The wolf warrior walked up to DarkFlame with his bow loaded ready to fire. DarkFlame put the wolf in a headlock. She held the knife at the wolf’s neck ready to slice at any moment. The wolf pleaded and begged to be let free but DarkFlame didn’t fall for it. She sliced the blade killing the wolf instantly. Then a sudden whistle came upon Moon Clan’s crowd. Everyone fled the den leaving their two dead warriors and Shadow Clan behind them. DarkFlame’s den was trashed completely. Blood everywhere. Two dead bodies. A mess. They managed to clean it up within two hours. Which is pretty quick for a wolf. “can I crash here tonight?”, said LunarStar barely able to move. “of course.”, said DarkFlame. DarkFlame pulls out an old stretcher from when her father was a healer. She slid it under LunarStar’s body and lifted it gently next to her bed. She laid down in the bed while LunarStar started to drift off in a deep sleep. Meanwhile, RavenStar, ShadowCatcher, and Asher left her den. Shadow Clan has more warriors too but they don’t really have names because they only fight and they don’t really communicate with the other warriors. Soon DarkFlame fell asleep as well as LunarStar. DarkFlame had a strange dream that night. Not just any dream though. It was if Moon Clan won and Shadow Clan lost. It was dark, creepy, damp, and mysterious when MoonStar was in charge. The losing clans’ dens were filthy because only Moon Clan could access the water and river sponges for cleaning. The losers only got food or water when MoonStar felt like giving it to them. Which was only about once or twice a week. Then DarkFlame woke up at that point, not wanting to know what was next in the horrible nightmare. She opened her eyes and discovered LunarStar was gone and so was the cast she was going to put on him the next day. He was severely clawed in his hind leg. He couldn’t walk without the cast on his leg. Which simply slid onto his leg. DarkFlame wanted to investigate. She walked outside and discovered him sitting and staring at the moon praying to win the huge dangerous battle. DarkFlame approached LunarStar and sat down next to him and looked at the moon as he spoke in a soft generous tone. DarkFlame’s eyes slowly closed and she drifted off once again. LunarStar smirked and carried her back to her bed as he laid back down on the old stretcher. They slept for awhile until dawn began to approach. The sun was bright and the air was crisp and clean. The sky was cloudless and grass had a soft layer of dew on it. DarkFlame looked outside and saw a rabbit prancing through the grass. DarkFlame stood up and walked to the broken window. She snatched a spear from her stash of weaponry. She threw the spear at the rabbit just hitting its head. The rabbit fell to the ground dead and DarkFlame went to gather her meal. When she picked up the rabbit a dart flew past her head just missing her. DarkFlame took out her knife and held it in her paw tightly. “who are you and what do you think your doing?”, DarkFlame said angrily. Then she let out a large growl. The creature was a fox. A fox no one had ever seen before. The fox didn’t say anything. Then another fox came out of the brush and said,” that is Alija and I am Zana. She cant speak. I speak for her.” DarkFlame was frozen at the look of the foxes. They were filthy and scruffy. Rapid looking. Then Alija stepped out of the bush. She let a few yips and Zana listened carefully. Alija would make yips and each yip meant something that Zana translated into speech. “ she said, greetings we come in peace.” DarkFlame stands motionless still. Alija yipped again. “don’t cause have a fight anymore, she says.” “we…we will try not to but…we must.”, DarkFlame struggled to speak to the foxes. Alija nodded as well as Zana. Alija let out some more yips. Zana nodded but didn’t speak any words. Alija then snarled. “ok! Ok!”, said Zana with a sigh. “fine ill tell them. Alija said that she is trying to put a stop to this battle by… attacking the person who wins and forcing them to call peace forever.”, she continued. DarkFlame narrowed her eyes and snarled under breath as she said,” that would make everything unfair, unbalanced, and much more things that will cause issues! If you even think about attacking the winner you will be punished. It wont be pretty either.” DarkFlame clutched her spear in her hand now. Alija backed up and eventually ran deep into the woods. Zana snapped her teeth once at DarkFlame and ran after Alija. DarkFlame yelled,” this ain’t over yet!” Then yips echoed over the distance. DarkFlame turned around and walked back inside. LunarStar was woken by DarkFlame’s yell and he was startled. DarkFlame said, “just two foxes that plan on attacking and forcing the winner of this battle to bring peace upon all forever.” LunarStar was dumbfounded when he said, “ interesting.” DarkFlame sighed. LunarStar sniffed the air. “storm.”, said LunarStar confidently. DarkFlame also sniffed the air saying, ”yep”. Within the next 20 minutes it was pouring down rain. “lets go to my den”, said LunarStar. DarkFlame nodded. They walked through the rain, side by side holding a weapon. The thunder clapped and crashed above there heads. When they finally reached his den, they were soaked. They shook off their bodies outside the door before running inside to warmth. They walked over to his wooden desk and discovered a note written in very small print. It read: the maple leaf whispered to the sunfilled cloud as the shadows appeared. They were both dumbfounded. “ what does this mean?”, asked DarkFlame. “I have no idea”, said LunarStar. Then SunCloud burst open the door and walked inside to where DarkFlame and LunarStar stood. “it means nothing of your business”, said SunCloud as she snatched the note away. “give me it now, SunCloud”, said LunarStar trying to release SunCloud’s grip on the note. “be gone!”, said SunCloud. LunarStar collapsed to the floor passed out. SunCloud quickly vanished leaving one of her notes where she was standing. It read: nothing of your business remains on this note. If you mention this note or anything that happened this day, you will certainly pay much worse then LunarStar did. - SunCloud
That only means one thing. SunCloud has a secret that involves this battle. A bad secret that could risk the chance of Shadow Clan winning and increasing the chances of Moon Clan.

Chapter 4

A canary perched on a small branch outside of LunarStar’s den. It began to sing a beautiful song. DarkFlame’s ears flicked as the song awoke her. She lifted up her head. She looked around the motionless room, only seeing her and LunarStar on the bed. The storm clouds had finally cleared out from the afternoon and now that night had fell, the sky is filled with stars and it’s a dark blue. DarkFlame would usually go out to the mountains and hunt for goats, but LunarStar had his paw wrapped around DarkFlame so that she was protected from the window if the glass shattered from the storm. LunarStar opened his eyes slightly. DarkFlame shrugged and laid back down and cuddled up in a ball next to LunarStar. LunarStar then smiled and closed his eyes again. They laid there for awhile until a knock struck the door. “open up wolves!”, the voice said. DarkFlame jumped up and ran to the door. She loaded an arrow and opened the door. “woah!”, said Zana who was the animal at the door. “watch it! A fox comes to say sorry and he nearly gets shot!” DarkFlame lowered the bow but was ready to shoot at any moment. “what do you want?”, said DarkFlame. “I am telling you that we are sorry. We thought over about the…plan that we were gonna do.”, said Zana in a sincere tone. “we?”, said DarkFlame suspiciously. “she is back in the woods.”, said Zana. “ we talked to Melee and she explained that the plan was a bad idea.” DarkFlame asked,” Melee? Who is that?” “she is a bear that lives in the way back of the woods.”, answered Zana. Zana then nodded his head and walked back into the woods. DarkFlame closed the door and put her arrow down. She went back and cuddled up next to LunarStar again. . A couple hours later the sun started to rise up over the horizon. LunarStar tried not to awake DarkFlame as he stood up to look outside. When he looked outside he noticed something different. The canary was frozen in place on his branch. The butterfly was frozen on the flower. LunarStar sighed and sniffed the air. Then he shouted out to DarkFlame,” your mom is here!” DarkFlame jumped up on her feet and said,” how do you know?” “there is ice and frost everywhere”, said LunarStar. DarkFlame looked outside and sniffed the air. “she isn’t here. She always sends me a note before arrival. This is just winter’s beginning.”, said DarkFlame. “no. then how did the bird and butterfly get frozen?”, said LunarStar protesting. “it’s just the Great Freeze. It happens every year in the beginning of winter.”, said DarkFlame. LunarStar finally agreed. The Great Freeze is when everything freezes outside when a big wind blows over it. Living animals like foxes, wolves, or bears aren’t effected. Except for one year. Nearly a century ago, the Great Freeze nearly had blown out half the animal population. It took months for the ice to melt. Worst year ever in Anacondee history. Just then it started to snow. The snowflakes were so intricate and exquisite. After a minute or two it was like a blizzard. DarkFlame went inside and rolled up in ball on the floor. LunarStar stayed and watched the snow begin to pile up in the grass. LunarStar squinted his eyes as if he saw something in the snow. He did see something. That something was a baby wolf pup with gray fur and bright blue eyes. LunarStar padded to the pup and picked it up in his mouth by the fur on the back of its neck. He trotted back into the den and closed the door gently trying not to startle the pup. DarkFlame lifted up her head and looked at the pup. The pup shivered as the snow on its back started to melt. LunarStar picked up a blanket and threw it over the pup’s back. The pup relaxed a bit. “what is your name?”, asked LunarStar. “Magger.”, hesitated the pup, “and you?” “LunarStar and this is DarkFlame.”, answered LunarStar. DarkFlame nodded her head. The pup’s stomach rumbled. LunarStar picked up a pouch and took a small rabbit out of it. He put the pouch back and skinned the rabbit. He took out his knife and sliced the rabbit into 12 equal slices. He handed 4 to DarkFlame and 4 to Magger. He kept the last 4 for himself. They all ate in silence. “I wish my dad was normal again”, said the pup. “what’s wrong with him? I mean like how is he not normal?”, asked DarkFlame curiously. “My father is Soot. The wolf with rabies that is deep in the woods. I talked to Melee and she told me to runaway and find a den of a nearby wolf. So I found this den and here I am.”, explained Magger. DarkFlame nodded. LunarStar glanced out the window at the snow covered grass. He saw another wolf walking outside. This time he didn’t go outside to get it. It was Soot, looking for his pup. Foam dripped from Soot’s mouth. “Magger your father is here”, said LunarStar. Magger shook his head and said,” I don’t care. I’m not going with him. I am staying here.” “suite yourself”, said LunarStar. Soot howled outside. He screamed repeatedly “Magger I am coming! Come out now”. “ are you sure? He is freaking out outside.”, said LunarStar. “oh fine. Ill go tell him I am not going and he will leave.”, said Magger. “hopefully”, said LunarStar. “people like your father are pretty hard to convince, you know.” “ya, ya”, confidently said Magger. Magger then pushed door and saw his father laying in the soft snow. “dad”, said Magger hesitating. Soot looked up at his pup and just stared. He was breathing heavily, you could tell by” looking front of him at the frosty air coming from where his mouth is. “i am not going with-”, said Magger pausing by hearing the door slam shut behind him. “i am not going with you, dad. I talked to someone and they told me to leave you and go on my own in one of the clans.” Soot got up on his feet and said in a cracked voice,” very well then. Ill will never forget you my son. Whoever told you this will regret it. If i get rid of my problems please come back. I need a wolf like you to care for me when i get older. Please promise me one thing, Magger.” “what?”, said Magger suspiciously. “if you ever see StarPaw again promise me you'll tell her i love her.”, said Soot sincerely. “StarPaw?”, said Magger. “your...your mom.”, said Soot quietly. Magger nodded and thought for a second. “Fire clan”, said Magger out of no where. “she is a warrior of Fire clan i think.” Magger quickly ran for door and opened it swiftly. He slammed it shut behind him. He looked around the den and saw DarkFlame and LunarStar sleeping. He looked back out the window at his sick father walking back into the vast, frigid, woods of the winning clans' dens' once again. The Great Freeze was finally letting up and you can actually see the sky now. LunarStar stepped out the door as snow fell softly now to the ground. He looked at the hidden sun behind the clouds. “lunch time”, said LunarStar as he walked inside again. DarkFlame and Magger slowly stood up and stretched themselves. They wiped their tired eyes. LunarStar walked out the door and Magger and DarkFlame followed. Magger convinved them to let him go to Fire clan. So they took him to Fire clan and then went to the canyons. They went to the pond which had a thin sheet of ice on it. DarkFlame drew with her sharp claw in the ice the Shadow clan symbol. She then pushed out certain parts and made it look like a master piece by using blackberry juice to add the black. For the gray she faintly wiped off some black. A few feet away LunarStar grabs his knife and gently tapped the ice three times causing it to break open and allow water to be reached. He lapped up water slowly. DarkFlame did the same, another few feet away from her work on the opposite side. She lapped up water also, but fast. They stood up and walked to their own dens without a word. While they were at their dens fog formed around the symbol DarkFlame drew. A nearby River clan warrior was walking by and noticed the odd fog. He glared at it suspicously. He watched the Shadow clan symbol slowly form into a Moon clan symbol. The fog disappeared. He knew about SunCloud and her great powers so he just stayed away looking at the symbol. “SunCloud?”, said the warrior. The clouds above his head shrunk and the sun peeked out. He looked around and walked over to the symbol. He noticed in small print it said SunCloud under the symbol. He gasped. He padded away back to his den. The snow had stopped falling and the sun was fully showing now. The ice had almost melted completely. The symbol sank to the bottom of the lake and melted. The River clanner returned to the lake and looked for the symbol. While he searched another warrior of his clan came by and said,” where this symbol, man?” “i dont know. I cant seem to find it. It melted.”, said the other warrior. They both left the canyons. A hawk peered down at the empty canyon pathways. A small woodchuck came out from behind a bush. The hawk dove instantly at the woodchuck. The woodchuck barely escaped by scurring to the bush. The hawk missed and hit the ground. The hawk regained energy and confidence and got on his feet he flew up back into his tree. He soon flew off into the deep dense forest. It was quiet in the canyons. SunCloud appeared where the symbol was. She peered down at its old location. She closed her eyes and mumbled very quiet words. Her eyes opened and she
vanished. Back at DarkFlame's den everything was quiet also. She was sleeping until the sun light gleamed through the window onto her eyes. She woke up and walked to the forest. The trees had very little leaves from the Great Freeze. They would be normal again by the increasing temputures though. DarkFlame was going to hunt but she forgot her weapons. So she sharpened her claws and looked around for possible prey. She spotted a small rabbit scampering around near the bushes. She creeped up behind the rabbit slowly. She leaped and dug her claws into the rabbit's back. The rabbit died instantly. She picked the rabbit up in her mouth and carried it to a small fire pit. She used two sharp rocks and made a fire. She used her teeth to remove the rabbit's fur and skin. Once that was done she put the rabbit over the fire to cook. While it was cooking she used the fur, but not the skin to make a small mat. She dug into the ground and pulled out small roots from weeds. She used the roots to sew the fur pieces together. By the time she finished her mat her rabbit was done cooking. She put out the fire with some damp leaves and twigs and took a deep bite out of the rabbit. The bite went to the spine. She removed it's spine and kept the meat in front of her. She grabbed/rug a rock and used it to sharpen the bone. When the bone was sharpened it can take place of a knife for now. She used the bone knife to slice the rabbit into pieces. She ate the pieces fast, but carefully. Before she put the meat in her mouth she checked to see if there was any bugs in it. She only found one piece like that though. After that she carried her mat back to her den and placed it in front of the door inside. She closed the door behind her and sat down on her small rug/bed/rug and fell asleep. Over at LunarStar's den he was just looking out the window silently. Thinking. He then stood up and walked outside. He walked to SunCloud's secret den. He knocked on the wall of her cave like den because she had no door. SunCloud trotted out to the opening and invited him in. He entered her den quietly. Maple came running out from the back of the den. “mommy! Mommy!”, said Maple loudly. “yes dear?”, asked SunCloud generously. “we are hungry.”, said Maple. Heron and Whisper came runnning out too saying they were both hungry also. “ill get them some food”, offered LunarStar. “no, no. They are going to hunt themselves this time.”, said SunCloud as if she had tought them to already, which she didnt. “ok then”, said LunarStar not believing her. They all walked to the swamp. Fish swam around in the swampy landscape. That would be the pups' target first. Heron stepped up first and waded in the water slowly. He pounced on a fish and picked it up in his mouth. He trotted out of the water and put it on the ground. SunCloud made a small fire to cook the fish. While Heron cooked his fish Whisper got into the water. He saw a small log floating on top of the water. He waded over to the log and climbed on top of it. The log started moving around. It wasnt a log though. It was a crocodile. SunCloud ran into the water and lifted Whisper off the crocodile's back. She took him toward the fish. He caught one fish and sprinted towards the fire. They cooked their fish while Maple caught one too. The three pups ate their fish silently. SunCloud went into the water and used a trident to spear a crocodile to eat. She cooked it by the fire and skined and then finally ate it. LunarStar went into the water with nothing but himself and dove under water. He looked at the crocodiles lurking in the deeper sections of the swamp. He swam closer towards a baby crocodile. It slept in front of him. He open his jaws and clamped down on the crocodile. He swam to land and bit its neck. He made sure it wasnt breathing and skined it quickly. He tossed it over the fire and cooked it. He ate it quite fast. So fast that SunCloud was finishing up herr still. Once they all finished they splashed water on the fire and some on their faces. They didnt drink any though. They all walked to the canyons and sat down near the pond. LunarStar drew the symbol of Shadow clan in the dirt by the pond's edge. SunCloud jumped and splashed in the water. The symbol washed away. SunCloud got out and shook off her fur. LunarStar's fur was still wet from the swamp. He shook off also. Heron, Maple and Whisper were sitting there just watching LunarStar and his facial expressions. LunarStar stared at the washed away symbol. He stood up and started to walk back to his den. He went around the corner and stopped he turned around and hid inside a bush. He watched SunCloud carefully draw a symbol of some sort. Then they all left and walked back to her den. LunarStar walked over to the symbol and noticed it was Moon clan's. He thought for a moment. He gasped and whispered to himself”, the maple leaf whispered in the sunfilled cloud as the shadows appeared. Maple and Whisper and SunCloud against Shadow clan. But Heron. This means one thing. Heron wants Shadow clan to win. The rest want Moon clan.” He couldnt believe what he had found out. He sprinted back to DarkFlame's den and pushed open the door. DarkFlame hopped up and looked at him with a mixed emotion. “DarkFlame listen to me”, said LunarStar. DarkFlame nodded and said in a nervous voice,” i will listen, but why?” “because something horrible is happening. You have to promise you wont say anything to anyone else.”, said LunarStar. “i promise”, said DarkFlame confidently. “ well Heron, Maple, Whisper, SunCloud, and me went to swamp to fish. We had some fish and went to the canyons to get a drink. But it turns out no ended up drinking anything. So i drew the Shadow clan symbol in the dirt by the pond. SunCloud saw that i did and jumped into the water and splashed around. The water washed away the symbol. We sat in silence and i left. I turned around a hid in a bush and watched them. Then...”, explained LunarStar but paused to catch his breath. “then she drew Moon clan's symbol in the dirt and left. I thought back to the note we found of hers and it actually means that Maple, Whisper, and SunCloud are secretly helping Moon clan defeat us and our clan. But Heron is with Shadow clan.” “this...this is terrible”, said DarkFlame. They sat silently thinking. Thinking about what to do or say and what not to. They looked at the floor. They glanced out the window. Then they both said at the same time,” dont trust SunCloud.” Anything was possible now. Moon clan or Shadow clan had equal chances. SunCloud can do many things Shadow clan cant even do together. Shadow clan may lose the Battle Of Anacondee.


Chapter 5

An owl screeched outside in the dead of night breaking the silence that covered the woods of SunCloud's den. The moon shined even brighter than usual. SunCloud tip-toed out of her small room over to the door of her long, old den. She peeked out side at the night. Her yellow-green eyes almost glowed. She howled low and loud. Many howls echoed back. “ perfect”, she said and shortly after laughed evily. She quietly walked back into her den and sat on her bed. She looked down at Heron and shook her head. She then just sat and waited. Meanwhile back at DarkFlame's den they sat in silence. Just thinking about Moon Clan and SunCloud as a team shattered most of their confidence. “nobody can know, DarkFlame. No one.”, said LunarStar. DarkFlame nodded and said,” i know. You can trust me, LunarStar.” He nods. LunarStar looked over at the door. He heard something. “ go over into the corner right now. Hurry!”, he whispered to DarkFlame. DarkFlame sprinted to the corner without any questions asked. LunarStar grabbed a spear and was ready to throw it. He opened the door and he was tranquilized. He collasped on the ground. DarkFlame peeked around the corner and watched his feet disappear behind the door. Someone walked inside and shut the door behind them. DarkFlame loaded a bow and stood up. The intruder walked around the corner and DarkFlame shot. The arrow perced through the warrior's side. They collapsed to the floor. DarkFlame grabbed a knife and walked over to the wolf. She identified him as MoonStone. She picked him up and dragged him to SunCloud's den. She left with nothing said and went off to find LunarStar. But when she was walking away she heard laughter. She ran over and hid in a bush. It was FlameRider, FlashFoot, and MoonStar. They were all dragging LunarStar body. When they walked up to MoonStone, they threw water on him. He woke up and FlameRider, the healer, applied cream onto the arrow wound. MoonStone stood up. “it was DarkFlame. That new warrior.”, said MoonStone. “we know. We have something else planned for her. She will never exspect it.”, said FlashFoot. They all dragged LunarStar into her den and never came back out. So DarkFlame ran out of the bushes and down to Moon Clan camp. Madaster was the only one inside. She busted open the door and loaded her bow. Madaster was cleaning the floors. She aimed the bow at Madaster and said,” freeze! Drop everything!” He dropped everything. “what! What is happening?”, he said as he looked around frantically. “Listen up. What are they doing to him? I bet you know! Dont you?”, DarkFlame yells. He shook his head repeatedly. DarkFlame snapped her jaw together. She shot the arrow at Madaster's paw. He yelped. She walked out of the camp and slammed the door behind her. DarkFlame sprinted back to her den. She grabbed all her weapons and put on armor. She slid every possible sword or knife into her sheath. She put arrows in her quiver too. She sharpened some of her bone knifes and found a wooden cup with a lid. She grabbed a backpack made out of thin vines. She threw her cup into it and a couple bone knifes. She closed the pack and threw it over her shoulder. She threw her game bag into the pack also. She ran out the door and into the canyons. She opened her pack and pulled out the cup. She filled it with water. She closed the cup and threw it into the pack again. She ran out into the forest. She found a very small clearing that just big enough for her to set up a small camp ground for herself. She unsheathed her claws and jumped on a low branch on a tree. She clinged to a higher one and made her way up to the middle of the tree. She looked around and didn't see anything or anyone else. She jumped down and landed perfectly. She pulled out a small tent that was already in the pack. She set it up quickly and made so all you had to do to put it away was pull a string. She pulled out her sword and practiced fighting with it against a tree. The sun was setting so she crawled into her tent. She sat her quiver, sheath, and pack next to her on the ground. She layed down and drifted off into a light sleep. She was awaken by laughter of in the distance. She threw her pack, sheath, and quiver over her shoulder again. She packed up her tent also. Instead she put her quiver inside her pack, just so the opening could stick out to reach the arrows. She did the same thing with her sheath. She took a sip of water and grabbed her bow. She loaded it quicked and kept it aimed in front of her. She crept up near the bushes and peeks through them just enough to see anything in the large clearing. She saw Moon Clanner with weapons heading toward her den. She paused and watched them walk out of the clearing on the path to the winning dens. She ran the other way. She tuck her bow in the top of the pack, similar to the sheath and quiver. She kept her nose to the ground and eyes on where she was going. She was sniffing out where the Moon Clanners came from. She eventually was in the swamp. She looked around. She didnt see anything. She took out a sword and walked forward. When she came to the opening, she gasped. LunarStar was on a rope that was tied to a tree branch above the water. Crocodiles lurked the waters of the swamp. DarkFlame gasped again. She ran over to him. She poked his motionless tail. His tail didn't move still. She tried bending it and it snapped off. It was a fake. She narrowed her eyes and cut the rope holding it up. The statue floated on top of the water. She shook her head and walked away. A twig snapped behind her. She turned around and the Moon Clanners had followed her. Her eyes widened and ears perked. She jerked foward and turned and ran deep into the tree. The clanners chased her. She tripped over a branch and rolled down a small hill. When she stood up and turned to run farther, she noticed she was at the canyons and she was on one of the top peaks. She looked down and the other peak leading down to the pond and ground. She turned back around and saw the clanners had blocked her off. They all snickered. She pointed her sword striaght ahead. She was shaking badly. They came closer and closer to her. She was on the edge now. She swallowed hard and put her sword in her sheath. She closed her eyes and breathed easily. She opened her eyes and turned around. She leaped off the cliff. Falling 15 feet down to the next peak she landed it barely. The Moon Clanners peeked over the cliff above. She jumped down another 15 feet. There was still 5 15 feet peaks below and then a 20 feet drop to the ground. She jumped down another. She heard the Moon Clanners talking above. Then watched one by one jump down the first 15 feet. One of them stumbled. The others barely landed. She then thought about who they all were. It was MoonStone, FlashFoot, and FlameRider. FlameRider was the one who stumbled. She jumped down another 15 feet. 3 more 15 feet drops she thought. She jumped down one more. And then another drop. She had only one left. MoonStone jumped down two more drops. Leaving 4 left for him. FlashFoot stayed up at the second peak with FlameRider. MoonStone jumped down another one. He was now at the peak above DarkFlame now. She looked down at the 20 feet drop and jumped. At that same moment MoonStone jumped down the last 15 feet peak. When DarkFlame reached the ground she came down with a thunk. MoonStone didn't dare to jump he took out a rope and put some tree sap on the bottom of it. He tossed the sappy end up the peak. He climbed up the rope wobbly. He reached the top and did the same thing until he reached FlameRider and FlashFoot. He stuck the rope to the top peak and each of them climbed up and disappeared over the cliff. When DarkFlame had landed she cut her hind leg on a rock and also twisted it. She laid there in pain and tried to stop the bleeding then remembered that she had packed a first aid kit in her pack. She put on a bandage and stood up. She could walk. She tried running and it was more like jogging. She picked up all her belongings and walked to her den. She hid in the bushes and peeked through. She saw wolves inside. She searched through the bushes quietly and ended up finding something useful. A pair binoculars. She held them to her eyes and looked through the window in her den. She then saw it was FlameRider, MoonStone, and FlashFoot inside using something. She looked closer and saw they were using her healing kit. She then remebered that she forgot it. She waited there for a while until all three of them left the den. She made sure they were gone and walked up to the window. She peeked inside, seeing no one. She opened the door and quickly gathered all the other healing supplies she hadn't packed before. She put them away neatly and when she turned to go out the door, FlashFoot, FlameRider, and Moonstone were watching her. They were armed with weaponry and they were all healed from the wounds previously. DarkFlame pinned back her ears and snarled slightly. “ we knew you were coming here for those supplies. Soon they will be ours, for the battle.”, snickered FlameRider. DarkFlame took out a sword and held her head high. “ where is LunarStar. Tell me and no one gets hurt.”, said DarkFlame. FlashFoot stepped foward with a spear and said,” we will see about that.” DarkFlame puts her sword away and took out two knives. She chucks one at FlashFoot but he dodges it with his spear. The knife slides to DarkFlame's feet and she picks it up. She acts as if she was throwing one, but she threw two and one was dodged and the other one hits FlameRider, who was standing behind FlashFoot, in the chest. Instead of falling he leaned to the side. “One down”, thought DarkFlame. A snarling started behind all of them. They all turned around and Hooz was glaring at them. He leaped onto MoonStone's face and clawed him viciously. MoonStone fell to the ground trying to remove him from his face. FlashFoot hesitated, but managed to remove Hooz away with out getting clawed himself.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.03.2012

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