
Death's Angel

When you look at me you smirk,
When you get near me all alone you fear.
But with your friends you are strong,
You taunt and pester at me.

Yet when the dark comes and night grows full,
All of you will tremble and be scared.
I am not your friend like before, I am new and old.
But I know something you don't.

I know the feel of pain and death,
But i chose life and light.
Yet you make me regret the choice,
Where were you when the car swerved off the road?

Do you know how it feels to die, to see life go?
I know who you were with on my last night.
I asked you to leave with me,
But you stayed to play and you drank and you smoked.

Now you know how I feel,
But you are not going to heaven like me.
You were the one who drove drunk and high,
You never should have tried to fly.

Now you lie at the dam,
They all will miss you but they all knew.
That in the end you would take the easy way out.
But in the end you still killed the only friend you truly had.

It was me on the sidewalk and you in the driver's seat.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.11.2011

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To Katie your sister took your life and the world is a darker place without you in it.

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