
The hills in Ireland are filled with Magic and Myths that go back to the beginning of time and are home to many differnt beings or people who sometimes meet and fall in love. It was during one of this few chance meeting an Ice Fairy and Dragon Warrior fell in love for a short time and then parted ways but little did they know that their breif passion had created a new race in the magic world. One the fates had long waited for the first of few to be born that has the power to save all life in the world.

chapter one
Birth of fire in ice
Dawn breaks over head and fills the sky in sharp brillant accending red, Setting the new morning sky a flare to mark the day that an ice fairy has given birth to something that never has before walked the magic lands of Ireland. "Oh my word what a tiny creature to bless this hillside Cyrstal a true gift form the fates." declairs the Winter Queen in total awe of the new life that has been created.
"Thank you my queen but I know not what to name this child for she has none of the winter beauty to name her after I fear she might remain nameless untill the fates bless her with a name." cries Cyrstal who is feeling strange emotions she never felt before love, nerves and worringly fear of what this child may have to deal with in her life... The baby's first cries set the nurse fairies in to fulluries of movement that stops when the baby girl opens her eyes for the first time to look apon her mother.
"Oh Fates look at those eyes" gasps the new mother as she looks into eyes that have four colors not the three rings of color like normal magical or mythical being known through out Ireland. "Her eyes are a mix of both ice and fire" comments the Queen in true amazement for she had never seen eyes like this in all of her immortal life.
The strange redish color blending down into yellows and whiteish blues making the most stunning and beautiful eyes but four colors that flash like ice but burn with an intenstity of the hottest fires what a truly special child gifted to have blessed the Ice Fairies.
"Flareance that shall be this childs name, Flare for the fire in her eyes and the ance for the brillance of her crystal whiteish blue color this is in common to the first snows." Delcares the winter queen hoping that the fates would except this name with pride.
"yes oh yes that is perfect your magiesty thank you,Flareance she shall be called Flare for short just like the dawn she was born on!" cries Crystal for surely this child would be blessed for only two other fairy childern had ever in a thousand years to be born had been named by the queen her child was special in every way.
While the Queen said a blessing apoun the new child the Fates appeared in the bed chamber immedently the queen and present fairies except the new mother who was still on her birthing bed bowed in respect for this was a truly blessed day, For the fates had come to bless the new born fairy child.
"Blizadora well met young Queen and Cyrstal Petals what a fine gift you have given these worlds today" spoke the Fate in the middle who is the fate of the present.
" No thank you, your Graces for the chance of me bring this child into the world to start with. She is my first and the best to be blessed with." shyly comments Crystal with her head bowed for all fairies believe the Fates decide everything even births and deaths not just destiny.
"Ah yes you are wise to thank us now but that may not be the case in the future little fairy." Future declares in a chilling voice that leaves Crystal and the Queen in shock how where they to offend the fates by this child?
It was then Flareance started to giggle and souding like twinkling Ice Cycles playing in the wind that made Past and Present of the Fates to smile and laugh with tiny little girl who seemed to know just what was happening and was trying to change the mood of the room, oh yes they decided this child was the one of the few how would help to change everything for the better.
"Finally a magical being who will finally do some good for all worlds not just her birth world, Such a refreshing thing less work for us ladies" Jokes the Past Fate who had the most oddest sense of humor out of the three.
This made Crystal rise her head in shock would they take her baby? Was she but just a vessal and not raise her own flesh and blood would the Fates demand her first born like in the olden days of magic and myths surely not. She wouldn't let them that was her baby and she would keep it even if it killed her.
"Oh hush Crystal your fearful thoughts are unjust and totally wrong we will not be taking the child with us. For she would never survive in the plains of inbetween no you will raise her for 16 years then you must send her to her father for the remanding two years of her childhood so she can know both sides of her blood for one day you all will need her help." Softly explains Future knowing that this child was indeed going to need all the blessing they could give the poor girl.
"Yes your graces but how shall I find her father for the Dragons are not easily found?" asks Cyrstal in confusion then in sudden worry and fear that pass over her face when the thought of Ashened not claiming their baby or possibly never wanting the special girl?
" We shall take care of that he will come to get her one the day after her 16th birthday and so make it a grand one for the child we just do love parties and she will desrve hers." Giggles the present Fate while the other two frown at her in disapproval.
"It will be done your Graces my word on this." swares the Winter Queen as she looks at the Past Fate who bestows a small smile on the Queen. "Of course my daughter we know it will be done. We just like to remaind you all of what to do that way it does get done." Reprimes the Past fate for she knew how headstrong the fairies were after all she gave birth to their race.
"Now we must bless the child and leave you to recope for bareing any child is hard work, So I hear by bless this child with wisdom form the ages to know her self and to beable to server the greater good of all kind" says the Past fate in totaly calm voice for she had no idea what else to give the child.
"I bless this child with Patience for she will sorely need it for her life ahead." Declares the Present fate in a chiling voice. While the fairys murmmer in awe the Past and Present fates dissapper form the room no longer needed their job was done.
"I shall bless you Flareance Grace the power of strength and startegy in this life to come of you." Future fate states in contentment one uping her sisters and giveing the girl a head start for what is to come to pass" After giving her blessing the last Fate dissappered form the room leaving the fairies in shock and for once fear of the unknown for what will this child become and to have such strong blessings on top of her natural born gifts?
"Rest now and rejoyce in you new child" says the Queen for she now had a lot of thinking to do about this powerfuly blessed child. "Yes my Queen thank you" sleeply replies Crystal as she hands the baby to a nurse fairy. They would take the best care of her baby was the only one to born in a thousand years which was what worried the Queen to few childeren and a species dies out. While the Queen went to her chambers while the nurses in charge of taking care of the baby.
They started to notice that all the animals that lived in the fairy hills were coming to see the child. One by one each different speices of animal sent one of their kind into the room to rub, lick or touch the child in almost like a blessing only form the magical animals and normal ones. This had never happen before when the last two fairy childern were born here so why were the animals blessing and comeing to this child? The nurse was unsure what to do so she sent a ghost to the queen asking for advice should she keep the animals form the baby or just leave everything be to watch and report?
The Queen had no idea what to say so she called her court together to try and make some kind of sense of what had been given to this world. "My court I have called you today for the Hill has a new member Cyrstal Petals gave birth this dawn to a little girl. I have named this child Flareance for when you see her it will be clear as to why she was named such.
The Queen told her subjects for what she had to say next could cause an up roar through out the worlds of fairy. "My Queen why only one name? what will her second name be all magical names have to parts why only one for this child?" inquires Wind Falls the Queens general. Murmmers ran through the assembled fairies for that was a wise question what would the Queen say just what was this child?
" I did give her two names but I feel as though she will only be known by her first name Flareance. This child is far more special than even I could tell you she was not only blessed by the Fates but each of the animals have given a blessing to the child as well. Have any see such a thing happen before? For I not in my rule but there are a few of you that are able to give adivice on this for you where there in the begining years. Please tell us what your ideas are on this so I can comfort the new mother and the nursing staff." Pleaded the Queen for once having no idea on how to lead her people on this day.
I have only see this once before my lady and it was in the time when the land chose its kings and queens. That magic was lost when the Fates took the bloodlust form our people so everything could live in some kind of harmany with all worlds," rasps winter pine the growing of trees and plant life for he had a place in both the winter court and spring court while the summer and fall kings ruled the rest of the seasons.
"So with the birth of this child she brings back old magic and could possbily be the own who holds the future of fairies in her hands." The Queen comments for she see's the way to ensure not only her peoples future but the way she could bring her people and humans together peacefully.
"Yes your Grace that is what it looks like, but what will you do if this is true? sorely she isn't royal blood and has a claim to the Crown?" Demands White light for he was the next to the queen her self now that his sister was killed in child birth. This made Winter Pine look at him in disgust and the Queen vastly agreed with him her son was not what the worlds needed in a ruler.
"The only thing I can know as of yet is that when the child is fully grown I will place the crown on her if it accepts her then she must be the next Queen of this hill. I will not stand in the way of destiny or the Fates my life is still well needed as yet. so we shall watch and help this child as she grows." Decrees the queen hopeing that her son will not be a problem in the years to come.
And the court meeting ended but the feelings left in the room were vastly mixed in anger, fear and hope with some for this could be the future that saved all of fairy form the final end.
chapter 2
Raising a future queen
After three days Crystal Petals was ready to show her people their new member but there is a problem Flareance was no where to be found and her nursemaid was in tears all she kept saying is "Damn animals are going to get me exiled or killed, why is it this baby they have to take a fancy to and keep taking her behind my back oh the horror" The poor nurse fairy pasted out in exaugstion.
White Light was pleased and had gone around saying that maybe one of the dogs ate the child" with mock sadness which caused Crystal Petals to promply punch him in the face. With the whole fairy hill searching for the baby the queen was sitting in her throne room shaking her head, yet she sighed and sent the ghost to find the child and have the animals bring the child to her in the throne room she had a treaty to sign with the animals. It was barely two seconds when the baby was brought in by three hounds that are the size or larger of Great Danes. The hounds lifted the blanket with a laughing child and carefully set it down before the Queen bowing their heads in apology or respect the Queen did not know.
"There now she is perfectly fine no harm done, Now Crystal my dear take your baby and get her ready for the first apperance and I shall have a word with the animals" Puffs out the Queen for she is trying not to laugh at not only the look on her Granddaughter face but the looks on the hounds as well. "Aah yes my queen and thank you hounds for watching my baby I shall have meat sent to you and your families" Crystal Petals promised as she bowed to the hounds and picked up her baby. As she stood Crystal was shocked to see the hounds bowing back to her.
This gave the Queen hope that her granddaughter showed not only compassion but understanding that her uncle lacked and hopefully had been past on to her great granddaughter.
"Hounds of fairy is there any among my people who can translate your words for me and mine for you?" Asked the queen using not only words but hand motions as well. what she saw made her very happy and less conflited about what she was to ask. One of the hounds that was marked in bold red and black cocked it head and then shot a look at the smaller brown hound that was standing in the back of the three it gave a smile and sped off. As the one hound left the Red and Black marked one stepped infront of the queen and sat down while the large white one stood behind it watching the door and any movement that happen to pass by the door.
"So I'm going to assume your the ruler or perhaps the learder of your kind here?" the Queen asked hand movements from her self to the hound sitting before her and was shocked when the hound actually nodded in respons. The Queens mouth dropped out in awe just as the brown hound came racing back in to first bow to its leader the to the queen and sat behind its leader and woofed with a bowed head the leader nodded and grinned as the brown hound promptly fell to the ground panting. "would your friend like some water?" the Queen asked hoping she was being friendly when the brown hound nodded and wagged its tail the white hound just shook its head that the smaller hound almost like it was still a puppy an not a full warrior yet.
One of the ghosts brought a goblet of water and a plate of cakes to the brown hound it drank the water but left the food. Which the Queen was about to ask why when Winter Pine came into the room with several of the other animals that must be the leaders of their species. "My Queen Swift Paw told me you wanted to speak with the animals?" Winter Pine was wary for he knew not what the Queen would do untill he saw the water and food infront of Swift Paw and he grinned.
"Yes Winter Pine I need their help!" Cried the Queen shocking everything in the room what has made the Queen so upset? The Cat that was in the room ran to the Largest hound the leader and started purring and the hound just shook its head like it didn't know what was wrong. Winter Pine was listening and nodding as the cat talked.
" Winter Pine you are to be the voice of both animals and mine for my great granddaugther is in danger I want the animals to help me keep her safe like they did for my daugther." pleads the queen hoping the animals would remeber and still feel her lost as their own. the White hound looks up and whined as did the other animals, but the cat ran up to the queen and licked her hand a feeling of understanding and a mothers comfort came over the queen. The Largest hound looked at Winter Pine and then back to the door then at the queen, as if asking for something to be done.
"My queen what is to be said here today should not leave this room or be heard by unwanted ears please seal the doors and block out hearing with these walls." Winter Pine translated while looking at the Hound so he wouldn't miss a word.
"Done, I wish you all would sit and each talk to me as one ruler to another from now on you all will be treated like other royalty I sware my life on that" States the queen shocking all the animals and Winter Pine for he had hoped for this day for a long time. The animals sat where they were but Winter Pine stayed standing till the Queen beckond him to sit in the conserts chair that has remand empty for five thousand years what would happen if he sat on that chair?
"Please Winter Pine I need your help" begged the queen hopeing that when he sat on the chair it would except him as her new consort and help her rule towards the future when Flareance would take her turn on the throne. "As my Queen bids" bowed White Pine hoping the throne didn't give him a nasty shock if he was not worthy to sit on it.
The animals all bowed as he pasted and the queen held her breath for she could just be getting her love and a partner to help her out. White Pine looked at the Queen and saw what he had waited four thousand years to see showing in her eyes and he sat on the consort throne and the room lighted up with green and gold colors the throne had excepted White Pine as the new king of the Hill Fairies. As the throne stopped glowing the animals all bowed and the hill ghosts appered with a crown and place it on White Pine's head and bowed in retreat.
" On this day I have my new king and my true love bless you Fates for this day" Cried the Queen crying in happiness. " Thank you my lady and you all as well" as he bowed to the animals and ghosts for they were the network of the hill. The Queen wipped her tears and smiled to the assembled animals " Now you have a voice in my court and will be reconzied as such I ask you to help me protect our futuer" I, Blizzadora ask not as the Winter Queen but as a greatgrand parent. The Cat looked up almost in confusion and shook it head the meowed "What do you mean our future and how is the new child your Great granddaughter I was there when Ice kisses past away the baby was blue and lifeless it was taken away said to have died!" White Pine said with his own confusion and then he relized the way his love has always treated Crystal Petals as if she was her daughter remade.
With a sigh the Queen put her head into her hands and begain to explain what happen and why she kept it a secrect. "The baby lived I had her renamed and hidden to protect her. that is why my sister said the baby was one of her people and that she couldnt find some one to take her in was so that I could make it look like she was a foundling. To protect her form her uncle who made it clear that he would do anything to claim the throne even kill again for it ." Spills the Queen for more questions would be asked nad the answeres were going to cause much grief.
The white hound growled and started towards the door but a growl for its leader stopped it in his tracks and it wasnt happy to be ordered to stay. "I have no proof other than hear say that my son killed his father and tried to kill his sister but if its true then he could try to do the same to Flareance and we can not let this happen she is to be a apart of something big that will save not only our world but others as well." rasped the Queen for crying had left her horse and drained now that the secret was out.
chapter 3
Childhood years
Flareance is now 11 years old in normal human age but in fairy age she's 1100 yrs old and still growing she is still small but has massive strenght and speed she can't fly but she can run and often races the horses in a game just to get the foals to play with her teaching her to build not only strength but her character as well.
The Queen held an assembly for her and presented both Flareance and Crystal Petals as she her grand childern and giving them a joint chance for the throne with White Light and his childern yet it was the crown that chose it's next ruler of the Hillside and could not be opposed.
After the court disbanded the queen asked Flareance if she thought of what she wanted to do later in her life after going to live with her fathers people and learning what they had to teach her would she be willing to come back and try the crown and the chance of being a Queen in her own right?
The young girl looked to the sky and then around the throne room and surprised an immortal Queen by saying "My Lady if that is to be my destiny then I shall gladly wear the Crown of Winter and serve my people to my best ability and help not only my mothers people or my fathers but every one who in habits this planet for I believe that is when we all will be in peace and safety."
It was with these words that the Queen of Winter knew that she had her heir in front of her and that maybe her people would be better led by this future queen. Crystal Petals sent a blessing to the Fates that nothing happened to her child and that she be giving everything in their power to make sure she lived to see her father so that his people could teach her the way of a warrior and a survivor.
As the years of Flareance's childhood flew by with Queen training her and her mother making sure she was never hurt or upset in anyway and her animal friends would never leave her alone if her great uncle was around her. Although she loved everyone and all the animals she hated being treated so special but the other kids in the Fairy Hillside treated her like a misfit and worse if they thought they could get away with it which they didn't between Flareance's powers and her body gaurds she was untouchable or so everyone thought.
It was during her 15th birthday dinner that some one tried to poison Flarenace the day before she would start her work with the soliders learning to defened her self from her own kind when she would take the throne. As she fell and started to fade away one of the Fates came to her saying it wasn't her time and that she was stronger than any poison know to any living creature.
"Use the Magic in you blood to save you and seek out the one who means to kill you and declare Kin Slayer on them for that if you dont they will kill you the next time!" snapped the Fate and sent through the blessing of Wisdom the knowleged of self healing.
The rush of power and the knowleg flowed through her limbs and faught the poison and unleshed her other half that took over more then just her mind. Her dragon half made her even more beautiful by making her face shaper in detail and she grew fangs, claws and smoke came from her nostrils in a deadly stream. When she opened her eyes the circels were pure blazing pools for fire buring with hatred and anger.
The Queen ran straight to her but stopped when the girl laid those eyes on her and for once the queen was afraid for her own life not her peoples for not protecting this child. "My dear child what has happen to you?" asks the queen not showing her fear and faced this new girl with a royal grace. "I was posioned my queen and I call Kin Slayer on the accused" growls Flareance who was ready to take the life of the one who had caused her grandmothers death and the death of the first King of the Hillside Fairies.
White Pine stood up and walked to her and looked into her eyes " Who my greatness did this act against you and the crown of fairy?" he asked for he had an idea and wouldnt know how his queen would take it. "Hear me Fairy of Hillside my attemped murder is none other than My Great Uncle WHITE LIGHT!" Flareance screamed the name of the person who was no where to be seen in the dinner hall.
The Queen blinked but did not say nothing to defend her son but shed one tear for him as she trunned her back to the hall and called on her blood to bring her son before her to face his crime. As the tear shed for her son ran down her face she took a blade form her dress and made a cut on her plam and called to the fates to bring the seed of her blood and flesh before her to settle the Kin Slayer oath and to end a murders life to save the future of her people.
The Fates heard the Queens Plead and made White Light face his crime and his most certin death which he stretched out as he faught the pull of his mother blood call and was crawling towards his doom to stop infront of Flareance who now stood a stunning 5'8 for a fairy with fire buring in her eyes as she looked apoun her would be killer with no pity just anger.
"White Light I call Kin Slayer on you for trying to take my life and those of my first king and my grandmother both died by the poison you gave me. For this you will be put to death by my fire to burn away your hate and your greed to leave the ashes of you body as a reminder that murder is death to anyoen who tries it." growled Flareance as she made in her open hands a fire balls the size of the sun and threw it on White Light setting him ablaze and the court listen to the snapping flames and his screams as he burned.
After the flames died out all that was left was a pile of ashes at the feet of Flareance who was now the most dangerous Fairy in the Winter Court for as the ashes cooled she froze them and handed them to Light Rays the son of the Murderous White Light. "Don't follow in your fathers foot steps for you are better than he ever was live to making his memory a thing of the past and make your people trust you in your own right not becuase of your father." Flareance said in her normal voice for all her power had went into that fire ball and she didn't want to have to kill another one of her people just to protect her own life.
chapter 4
childhood gone by.
In the days after the death of White Light the Winter Queen had Flareance start training with the Fairy Ice Warriors. They where the defenders and soilders that pushed winter froward when summer refused to budge on time.
It was during these training sessions with the Queen watching over that Flareance really began to show great skills and worried her greatgrandmother more than ever. Making the Queen wonder how she was going to watch over the girl and when it could be done with out Flareance knowing about it. The animals would be the perfect way to not only watch over her but keep her safe as well resaoned the Queen.
As Flarenace trainned for life as a fairy warrior and Queen she went thro more than any normal Fairy teenager had to deal with if she wasnt to careful and moved to quick she could accidently freeze something or someone it was non leathal but handy when being bullied but made it so that the Queen gave her more trainning in Tolerance and calming tactics.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2011

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My mother for putting up with my imagination all these years.

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