

1 Week after the court house incident

"Please take a seat" Tom entered what used to be a hotel room in Hasting's, it had been taken over by the army during the dead rising from the grave much to the owners disgust. It was on the top floor and had awful floral wall paper that your Grandma would be embarassed by"Can I get you anything" "Can you get me out of this?" "I'm afraid not" The Doc took a seat and Tom sat down on the sofa "So your here because you want to be a Ghost?" "I never said that" "Then why are you here?" "I killed some guy's a few day's ago some army guy's came started building a wall and then told me they had to escort me back here and well I'm here" The Doc shuffled some paper's "I have a written request here that say's you applied signed amd authorised" "Does the signature say Jackson or Kane?" "Kane" "Not me" The Doc shuffled the glasses on his head "Yes well Mr Kane think's you would be an excellent candidate for.." Tom interrupted "Do I have to be here? "I'm sorry?" "Is anything keeping me here?" "No you can leave when you want" "Sweet see you in a whle crocodile" Tom wandered off to the door and opened it. The soldier that had escorted him to the room was still standing their "Argh! Oh there you are I have been looking every where for you" No reaction "Fine I'll sit down" Tom closed the door sat back down on the sofa and put his feet up "What can I do for you Doc?" "Yes er well Mr Kane think's that you are possible candidate for the Ghost's" "Are you asking or telling?" "We cant force you all though Mr Kane urges you to consider it" "To busy to ask me himself though" "He asked you once already" "Does he thik he will get a different answer the 2nd time around" "I dont know will he?" "Probably not" "You should reconsider your 1st mission was a great success" "2 of my friends died while I was doing that FAVOUR for you" "I'm sorry to hear that but you did save sevral thousand people" Tom waved his hand to aknowledge the point "Do you have any military or police training?" "No" "Ever killed someone?" Tom raised an eyebrow "Kind of blunt don't you think" "Have you?" "2" "How do you feel about it?" "I'm dancing on their graves they were right tosser's" "You don't regret it?" "Which is the non-craziest answer?" "Their are no crazy answers here" "Yes their are and you know it" The Doc smiled and removed his glasses and started wiping them with a cloth "Giving up already Doc?" "No... you feel no regret?" "Of course I do" "How do you feel?" "I dont have feeling's I'm not a girl" "Your deflecting with humour" "And your boring" "Will you take this seriously?" "Will you lighten up a little?" "I'm here to do a job" "I'm here cause they made me come here" "The sooner you talk the sooner you can go" "You are in for a long wait Doc"

It was 3 day's before they let Tom return home the whole time he was escorted where ever he went and even then only in the hotel. There was no contact from Kane all though on the day before he left Tom's Psych eval came through, he had passed Kane must be pulling string's. A badge arrived with a contract of 2 years the pay was good Tom turned it down and left Hasting's he kept the badge though. He had no contact with Kane until 2 years later.   

The door fell inwards into the library with a loud thud and Jon walked in "Did you have to kick it off it's hinges?" I asked walking in "I have wanted to do that since I was a kid would you take that away from me?" " Fine but I get to kick open the next one" "Like you could ever do that" "I could I just dont wanna" "Yeah yeah come on we got shit to do" We switched on their torches and walked further into the library it seemed deserted. They took an end of the small local library each and rummaged through the shelves. They were looking for anything to do with history and technology medicine so much had been lost in the last 2 years infomation that humans had collected over thousands of years. I removed a book from the shelf The very hungry catterpilar, I smiled my mum had read this to me when I was a kid. I put it in my bag and looked back at the shelf bared teeth snarled at me and a moan came from it's lips " Shhh quiet in the library" The monster took no notice of the rules and thrust it's arms through one of the shelves grabbed hold of me and pulled me towards the shelf, it was trying to bite but luckily couldnt get through the shelving. I pushed my weight against the shelf and it tipped over on to the creature and it was pulled off me by the weight. More moans echoed from around the library, time to go " Hey Jon" "I know grab what you can and let's go" Tom grabbed a couple of book's God know's what thet were but thet could probably trade them in for something, he headed for the door the moans of the activated dead came from behind him. He almost caved Jon's head in when he came dashing out of the shadow's, they headed for the car and got in and Jon started it up "What did you get?" Jon asked "Er Peppa Pig magical safari" Jon laughed "Anything we can sell?" "A few survival book's map book's and history should get us some good cash" Jon put the Fiesta in gear and they headed for home.

There is a narrow bridge that leads into Tunbridge Wells this was the only entrance in the wall that surronded part of the town. The checkpoint was relativley clear, Jon reached out of the car window and swiped a card a metal gate slid open they drove through and it closed behind them. There was a 20ft drop on to rail way lines below them and ahead another sliding gate but this would not open until they were checked over. A soldier politely ordered them from the car, they gave him their I.D's and were taken to a large green tent, they were checked thoroughly by doctors for any possible signs of infection and whilst this was happening the car would be hosed down searched hosed down and searched again. Tom Jon and the car passed the check their I.D's were returned and they drove through passing people on there assigned duties. Due to a shortage of military personal civilians were required to do more, Tom and Jon were scavengers scouring the area outside of town for anything benifical and took part in thedefense of the town. They pulled up outside of what used to be a car dealership got out and presenter there I.D's to the soldiers at the door and walked in. The former car dealership had been converted into a store house where all the towns supplies and weapons were stored. They walked up to the former reception desk that now was surronded by bullett proof glass a civillian worker smiled inside as they approached "Good afternoon gentleman how can I assist you?" "We got book's" "O.K please place them in the hatch" A drawer similar to those you would find in banks slid opened and they placed the book's inside,In the drawer the book's would be lightly steamed to kill any possible infectious agents on them "Thank you your names please?" They gave the man their details and recieved £100 in £20 notes. This trip had put them over their quota for the month this was a bonus they were required to turn over anything that could be useful for the fightback against the undead this basicaly meant anything the soldier felt like taking Tom and Jon found this out the hard way when they had bottles of whiskey that they intended to sell confiscated as essential supplies for the local guard.

They left the car dealership and headed for the shopping centre. This place was nothing like it was before it now ressembled an indoor market trader area people selling what you would genrally find in a 2nd hand shop before the dead rose. They moved past the various clothing stalls home made weapons that would probably fall apart in your hand when you needed it most there was only one man they would trust for their weapons. They moved into the foodcourt this was the very high end area of the market bars and glass protected the stores it was not as crowded as upstairs due to the fact that so few people could afford to buy here. Essential things was ironocally named most of the things sold here would not help you in todays world focusing on home made sweets tea coffee alcohol and fine hand made clothes. The man behind the counter dressed immaculateley in a three piece suit looked down his nose at them "Yes gentleman can I help you?" Tom smiled "Yeah is Bob in?" "Do you mean owner Robert?" "Yeah Bob is he in? Tell him Tom has some things he might be interested in" The man sighed "One moment please Sir" He walked back behind the counter. After the 1st time Tom and Jon had lost their bottles of drink to a greedy guard they had approached Jack about installing a compartment under the back seat so they could store anything they wanted with out sticky fingered guards taking it, they would often give a free bottle to the local guard any way so them taking all of the items they were not required to turn over but to help there survival was infuriating, Jon had three bottles of Malibu tucked under his coat Tom had 2 bottles of wine and a bottle of Jack Daniels. A short fat man wearing a white shirt and black tieappeared from behind the counter and waved at them "It's open" They made their way through a door to the right of the shop and Bob greeted them shaking their hands "Boys boys how are you what have you got for me today? Tom and Jon produced the bottles and Bob's eyes almost bulged out of his head "Oh very nice lets see JD well that we can sell Malibu yes I will take that oh and wine wine my God and it's not that cheap tacky shit good work boy's how much do you want for them?" Tom and Jon emerged from the shopping centre they had got a good deal on the bottles £60 for the jack £20 each for the malibu and £30 each for the wine plus a 200 cigarettes in total £280 for an afternoons work they were the modern day version of premier league footballers.

They picked up their weekly rations a couple of beer's and headed back to the car "It's weird how the end of the world financialy made us better off isn't it?" Tom said as they lit up they stopped to enjoy the mils April spring day sitting down on a bench "Mmm nicer if they were still making videogames though" "Yeah but at least with the electric back on we can play the old stuff and the internet is back up sort of" "Yeah" The outside of the shopping centre was deserted apart from a three suspicious looking guys in hoodies in the corner of the promenade giving them the evil eye. Crime was on the rise people were being mugged for their food and supplies the last person who tried to steal Jon's needed his jaw wired shut. The doors to the shopping centre opened a lady in her early 30's walked out her three kids two boys and a girl danced around her as she carried their weekly rations in a box, with out warning the three men walked over to her and knocked her to the ground food fell from the box. The women pleaded with the men not to take food from her childrens mouths the kids just cried I looked at Jon "We going to do something about this?" We put out our fags "Dam right we are HEY!" We ran over to the men "What the hell are you doing!?" "Mind your own dam bussin oof!" Jon punched the 1st man in the gut the 2nd advanced towards him and was headbutted, that left me with the 3rd he grabbed the box and ran down the steps, I pursued him he ran across the road towards the housing area I followed him down the narrow path's he was quick but the inital energy he used to get away from me soon caused him to tire he dropped the box and turned to look at me "Hand it over it's not worth it" The man panted he pulled a knife from his belt, he knew if he was caught stealing food then he would be serving 4 years minimum in prison with hard labour he was not willing to  accept that. I shrugged off my satchel "Have it your way then" The past 2 years me and everyone in my house had religiously learnt sefl defence techniques even Sky would give a fully grown man a run for his money the man came at me with the knife overhand trying to plunge it in to my arm I  sidestepped and as he passed me I stomped on the back of his knee, he howled in pain and swung the knife back around cutting through my coat sleeve and drawing blood it looked deep oh well I will get it fixed up later. He had left his chest exposed and I punched him i the gut hedoubled over dropping the knife I kicked him in the chest again and he dropped. I picked up the box and headed back to Jon. 

When I got back the other 2 men had dissapeared Jon had a bloody nose but seemed pleased with himself. The lady we helped was sat on the steps next to him in tears being comforted by her kids "Here" She looked up and saw the box, she burst into tears again. Feeling slightly awkward I did my best to comfort her just wishing she would stop crying. Eventualy she calmed down she tried to pay us, we declined we gave the kids some of the sweets we had bought for our selves they were happy again, she only lived round the corner so we drove them home and watched as they entered the house, we drove away "Don't it make you feel good to do nice things for no reason Jony?" "Dont call me that hows your arm?" "Not as bad as the other guy's stomach what happened to your nose?" "Mis timed a headbutt" "Nice" I laughed we headed home.                  

An old "friend" returns

"Were back" We stepped into the front room aka Jon's bedroom. We did not want to stay in the flats after what happened their so we returned home. We chucked the rations to Ty who was cooking in the kitchen "Why do I have to do the crap job's?" "Because were awesome and risk getting our arses bite to keep food on the table" Jon joked as we headed back in to Jon's room Sky ran down the stairs we had moved her room in to the attic "Your back did you bring me anything ew you have blood on you" I looked at my arm blood was dripping through the hole in my coat "Oh yeah forgot about that" "For goodness sake wait there" Sky had really grown the last two years we had been unable to find her parents or grand parents so we had officaly adopted her thank's to some help from Kane, Sky returned with some bandages and an ice pack for Jon's nose I took my coat off and she procedded to clean it. Jon looked at the cut "Jack ont got that new coat sorted for you yet" "He has I was gonna pick it up tommorowwww" I winced as Sky poured antiseptic into the cut, she rolled her eyes "Grow up how old are you 7?" "I'm 24 and one third ow" Jon laughed at my suffering "Are you sure you are doing it right this hurts more than the inital cut" Sky finished cleaning the cut and bandaged it we gave her the sweets we got and she ran off to play the videogames I didnt play any more, we really had to be more careful with our power allowance if you go over you either sit in the dark or pay through the nose for extra "Can Tiff come over?" Sky shouted back down the stairs "Have you done your homework?" "Yes" "Did her Mum and Dad say it was O.K?" "Yes" "Do I need to go get her or will her Dad bring her over?" "Her dad will bring her over" "O.K then do I need to feed her to?" "Please!" "Allright" I turned to Jon "This parenting stuff is easy" "Did you actually check she did it?" "I'll do it later" Tiff came over and they retreated to Sky's lair to gossip about what ever 9 year olds gossip about are they to young for boy's? God I'm dreading that chat maybe I can get Ty to do it.

Tiff ended up staying the night we had breakfast we had nothing planned today Jon started the Xbox up Ty did the same in his room and I walked Tiff home. Her parents don't seem to like me very much I think the only reason they let her come over is because their are so few kids in the local school I only got a grunt of thank's and the door slammed in my face why is it most people I meet either want to eat me stab me or hate me? Oh well not dwelling on this I headed to Jack's junk shop best place to go for you'r zombie killing need's I got adiscount of course having saved the owners life 2 years earliear. The bell over the door rang as I entered and Jack looked up from what looked like half a radiator. He had grown a beard and his once black hair was showing more and more trails of grey his work clothes were covered in grease he smiled as he once again buried his head in his work "Hey Jack got your note saying my coat was done" Jack didnt look up "Yeah it's on that dummy over there" He waved at a former store mannequin "Try it on and I'll tell you all about it" I took the coat off the dummy, I liked this coat black and thick with a velvet inside kept you warm on those cold days all though it has needed to be taken to a tailor a few times to repair various tears rips and those blood stains that just wont come out. I took my coat off and Jack saw my bandaged arm "Playing superman again?" "Yeah no one loves a hero any more" "What is it with you and that arm?" It was a good question my left and dominant arm seemed to always take the brunt of the punishment I had fractured it 2 years ago fighting a nasty piece of work called Graham before that when I was a kid I had dislocated and cracked a couple of bones play fighting some one twice my size after that I said to myself I would never do it again, I did.  

The coat felt the same as before just a little heavier "Jack you sure you have done something to this it feels the same?" "That's how you tell a great craftsman from an average one" He put down a random piece of metal. "I have had the boy's put a kevlar weave into it should make it pretty much bite proof I have also tightened it up so it hugs your body more so you wont get grabbed by one of those things" "Pretty much bite proof?" "Well eventually they will get through but the inital bite should be stopped in it's tracks it will stop you being infected by a lucky suprise bite" I nodded "How will it fair against knives you know how people like to stab me" "A slashing motion will not get through but a stabbing motion will get through but the damage will be reduced due to the kevlar slowing it down" "Thnk's Jack you done with my crossbow?" Jack took a swig of tea (His job paid well better than mine plus he could expense his electric needs) "Mmm yes it's over here" Jack had asked to borrow it when he agreed to modify the coat, he lacked a diagram or any other model to make his own so asked to use mine for a point of reference. He handed it back to me it was smaller than your average crossbow but packed a punch and would pierce the skull of anything up to 50ft after that it was hit and miss "I tightened the string oiled it and made a few minor repairs and" "A scope" I looked down the sight and through the scope aiming at the dummys head and pulled the trigger, right between the eyes, I smiled "I'm charging you for that" Jack joked. I paid and thanked Jack and left as he went to yell at one of his young apprentices something about "Do you want to blow us all up you moron?"

As I got to my front door some one was waiting for me he was a little shorter than me with grey hair in a grey suit and sun glasses but he radiated authority I knew him only as Kane and he did something for the military. He smiled as he saw me "Tom how are you?" He grasped my hand and shook it "Fine how are you?" He took his glasses off revealing his cold blue eyes "Fine fine I was wondering if we could talk I got you a present" He opened the brown paper bag he was carrying revealing can's of IRN BRU dam I have not had a can of that in so long "What do you want?" "To talk" "About?" "Can we talk inside?" "No" "Why not?" "The house is a mess you might think I'm a slob" "I dont mind I have children your age" That was something new "Fine Sky is home and I don't feel like having to explain who you are" He smiled again "Very well maybe my car?" "I was taught never to get in a car with stange men" "Come on Tom you know me" "Yet you are still strange" "Where would you like to talk?" "Come on this way you are buying me a drink"

Feel like saving the world?

"You have been busy the last couple of years" Me and Kane sat down outside a hair dressers where some picnic tables had been set up, hethrew me a can of Irn Bru I nodded my thanks and opened it "According to the invoices you have got more salvage than any one else in the country" I gulped down more of my drink "What can I say were here to help" "Hmm yes you have also recieved more official rebukes for going into heavily infested areas than the rest of the scavanger teams at this outpost put together" "Hey I didnt here "any one complain when we got all that medicine from the hospital when the winter turned nasty people started to get sick and die if we didnt do it then half of this outpost would be dead" I slammed my drink down on the table, Kane raised a hand to stop my rant "Personally I would have let you go but it was the outpost cammanders decision not mine" "He didn't moan to much when his kids got sick he quite happily used them then and what about the survey we did on the petrol station's and that tanker full of diesel we got" "I know I know you have done a lot it's the only reason the commander didn't lock you up for a couple of months" "Are we here to discuss my scavenging tactics or is their something else?" Kane threw me another can obviously worried I might walk off before I heard him out, he pulled out a black folder and opened it he pulled out a thick file and took out a photograph and passed it to me. It showed a man lieing on the pavement blood pooled around him he had been brutally stabbed multiple times his head almost removed from his body "I heard about this some nut job running round ganking people for their rations how many haas their been 4 5 now?" " 6 and I'm afraid it's not as clear cut as that this man and these" He pulled out 5 more photos each as grisly as the 1st "They were all Ghost's Tom" "Glad I didn't sighn up then enough people want to kill me as it is" "Someone is targeting them" "Send the soldiers to deal with it then" "I cant trust them" "Yet you trust me?" "The identities of all Ghost's is a secret except to higher up military personal even the Ghost's don't know each other's identity" "Inside job? You think someone is killing our own guys?" Kane gathered up the photos "It could only be some one on the inside 1 random Ghost killed maybe but 5 means someone is targeting them" "Find someone else" "I'm sorry?" "I'm not doing it" "Don't you care?" "I care but I'm not doing it" Our conversation was interrupted when three men approached us one slammed his fist down on the table we looked up at him his nose was still busted  from where he had his chat with Jon yesterday "So their you are you little prick get up" I took a swig of my drink and set it down "Can I help you gentleman?" The man turned the table over me and Kane remained sitting "Something on your mind?" He grabbed me and hauled me to my feet "Look guy's you dont want to do this" He punched me in the mouth I fell to the floor and he kicked me in the stomach and picked me up again pulling me so close I could smell his oniony breath, big mistake I quickly punched him twice in his broken nose he raised his hands instinctavley I stepped behind him and put my arms round his neck in a choke hold his friends advanced "Ah ah ah back off or I will snap his neck" I increased the pressure on the hold I had no idea how to snap the guys neck but I could easily choke him out Kane was still sitting down watching an amused look on his face "Little help here boss?" "I think you are doing fine" Seeing that Kane had no intention of helping me the other 2 men moved forward obviousl having lost all concern for their friend. I released the hold and kicked the man into his 2 friends I pulled out my baton and dashed forward swinging at their legs sending 2 of them to the floor I grabbed the third kneed him in the stomach and headbutted him before following up with a forearm under the jaw he dropped. The guy who I had not choked out was hobbling to his feet he didnt seem to want to continue the fight "Take your friends and piss off" The man helped his comrades to their feet and they hobbled off down the road.

I collapsed the baton turned the table back over and sat back down with Kane "Thanks for the help" "You seemed to have everything in hand" "And if I didnt?" "You would have died alone on a street corner like my agents" I sighed he was right "Did I ever tell you I hate you?" He laughed "I will make a note of it" "What do you need me to do?"     



How do I get myself into these situations? I was in a bus shelter in a small infested town and it was pouring down with rain. This was part of my Ghost training 2 days surviving on my own the only goal be alive when they come back to pick me up. I had protested this idea if people were being taken out then I wanted to find this guy now not spend two weeks on some government ordered course. Me and Jon who had decided to join me got into a car with Kane and drove for I dont know how far I was then told to get out they threw a water bottle at me (empty) said see you in two days and drove off. After a few seconds of disbelief I realised thisarea was heavily infested with the dead. I was not to worried if I could find some where safe to sleep going with out food for a few days did not really bother me what was my most pressing concern at the moment? Only 10 fags to last me for that time.

I put my fag out and looked around at the small town I was in a few dead had taken notice of me and were starting to wander over through the down pour normally I liked rainy days but not this heavy. I took off at a jog towards a row of houses. After an hour or so of making my way through back gardens climbig over fences and falling in a fish pond that I had not notice after trying to get away from the dead and not seen on the other side. Eventually I found one to my likeing the fences were high and the only access to the back garden was a solid wooden door if something startedto pound on it I would hear it. The house was pebble dashed and my shoes squelched as I made my way to the back door I tried to open it. Locked. No big concern I checked the garden throughly I didnt want anything coming up behind me as I tried to pick the lock. There was a large dog flap in the door I pushed it open a little looked clear. As I had done with all the other houses I had tried I knocked on the door and waited not out of good old fashioned English politeness  but because any undead inside would hear the noise would come running well maybe not running stumbling is more accurate and I would know not to waste my time with this house and move on. I waited for 30 seconds no response. I pulled out my pickand set to work, it did not take long the lock was old and worn I probably could of opened it with a screw driver. The door opened. I was in a dated kitchen I shut the door behind me and extended my baton I walked down the corridor off the kitchen and knocked on the door no response I opened it. Clear. I repeated this process with the bathroom and the 3 bedrooms upstairs. All clear well that was one worry off my mind. I went back downstairs and tried the kettle no power. The outpost had power groups of engineers  had quickly secured power genarators and various stations to guarantee our power. I reached into my satchel and pulled out my survival stove it was small and light weight and poured some water from my bottle (I had filled it up whilst out in the rain) and turned the stove on and it started to boil. I searched the house for anything I could use I did not check the fridge that would be a big mistake. The kitchen cupboards yielded 3 pot noodles and some coffee just a week out of date nice I was set. I was not hungry just yet so I took the boiling water and had a coffee. I took it back to the front room  removed and wringed my soaked clothes placing them on the radiator I doubt they would dry much on a cold radiator but it was better than nothing I sat down and read a few magazines on the table. Their were no articles on the dead they had taken over so quickly none of the magazines or papers had time to respond before their staff were turned or trapped. It was still raining as I peeked out the curtains a few dead were milling around but were not actively moving towards me that was a good sighn. I had a small rechargable lanturn on me  I draped my coat over it so I could have some reading light for later but with out it alerting the dead to my presense. I started the mini stove up and cooked up my pot noodle despit expiring a week ago it still tasted the samec hicken and mushroom not my favorite flavour but in times like this you put taste aside or you starve. It was hot food that I was lucky to find so I should not complain to much.

In the early evening I read the newspapers from 2 years ago did the crossword well as much as I could with out an internet connection on me. I heard a noise at the back door I instantly dropped my pen and extinguished the light. I sat in the darkness more sounds from the kitchen did the dog flap just go. The noise sounded like an animal padding about on the tile floor. I quickly grabbed my clothes hating the feel of the half dry t-shirt sliding over my head and grabbed my shit. I turned on my torch pointing it at the floor didn't want to attract more creatures of the night than necessary. I walked to the door and cracked it open, a large German Shepard looked back at me it was shaggy and dirty "I don't suppose you are friendly?" The dog growled and bared it's teeth in response "Of course you arent" I slammed the door just as it launched itself at me it rebounded off but was soon back up barking at the door. "Shit" I grabbed my stuff and headed for the window the dog would not be able to work the door knob but the noise it was making would attract every undead in the area. I jumped out fortunatley I was on the ground floor and the dead had not managed to shuffle over yet. I took off running getting out of their line of site before slowing to a jog guess I need a new holiday home.

I spent the remainder of my time in the town laying on the roof of the bus shelter it didnt stop raining the whole time bored out of my mind to much noise and movement would excite the undead. About midday the day after a car cruised down the street I jumped down slightly stiff from lack of movement my back was killing me. The car stopped an obviously scared jumpy man got out he gave me a look of terror before taking off down the road "Good luck" I yelled after him he turned back to look and tripped over his own feet "You are gonna need it" I muttered as I ducked into the car "I would call that guy back in if I were you boss" I said to Kane he looked comfartable and well feed "He know's what he is doing" "Yeah heard that before got any food" Kane threw me a ham roll I demolished it "Youre soaked" "Yeah long story basicaly found house big scary dog argh! Run away stay on bus shelter for 36 hours" "You had a nice time then?" "Still better than 5 seconds with you" He smiled at this "You jumped in the car awfully quick though" "The other guy was awfully quick to jump out, besides you have already asked me for something it's not like you can lay on any more shit" Kane feighned looking hurt "Oh believe me it can always get worse" "Mind if I jump out and try to make friends with the dog again?" "Afraid not"

It was a 3 hour drive home Kane let me sleep I needed it if I was gonna be hunting down a serial killer.

3 Days later

"What do you mean training is not over yet?" "Their is more to do dont worry the worst is over" "Thats what people say when shit is about to fall from the sky" "Well enjoy the rain" I was walking down a road at the out post houses either side of me, it was pissing down with rain the streets were deserted if someone was gonna kill me I would see them coming I was talking to Kane on a wireless headset "I hate these headsets they make you look like a crazy person talking to yourself" "The shrink you saw is suprised you arent already" "What?" "Nothing see any one?" "Yeah I spy with my little eye something beginning with R" Thats a no then" I continued on down the street what was I even looking for? Or was I just meant to walk around with a target on my back and not die to quickly so the TRT could het here. TRT or Threat Response Team were basically a SWAT  team they would jump out of a non descript van jump out shoot things and jump back in and dissapear. A large coach was making it's way down the road but something was wrong it was swerving the driver was in the grips of a monster "Er boss we have a problem" "Are you being followed?" "No" The coach was carrening down the road it overbalanced and rolled on to it's side I started to run towards it I pulled a balaclava with eyes and and a mouth hole cut out and pulled it on "A coach has crashed at my location dead are on board" "We are sending a team now" He was calm I'm glad one of us was. I got to the coach a the glass was all cracked and smoke was pouring out from some where. People had started to come out from their houses and were wandering over, I hear glass smash at the back of the coach one of the monsters had smashed the back window and was starting to crawl out I clicked my heel and the stilletto blade in my heel extended and I drove it into it's skull "Boss you might want to hurry up their starting to crawl out Hey!! Get away from it!" I moved to the other side of the coach where a few people had gathered and were peering inside, I chased them away "60 seconds" "How far away were they from me you lying tosser?" "Do you really want to get in to this now?" "No hey Sir please step away from the coach" A man with blonde hair was reaching inside the coach through a broken window "Hey get away" I tried to pull him away he turned to look at me "Whats wrong with you their could be people dying in there" "Help is on the way now get away" I pulled his arm again but he brushed it off reaching in, then the familiar howl of a human in pain came from the window. The man recoiled holding his hand two fingers were missing, he had been marked for death. No one moved for a moment I looked at the man and he stared back instinctavley my baton clicked in to place "Nooo!" He tackled me sending me sprawling to the ground kicking me in the nut on the way, He took off into the nearby woods. 

A plain white Ford Transit van pulled up 7 men jumped out wearing what looked like riot gear 3 immediatley gathered up the survivors looking for anyone who may be infected the other 3 started shooting in to the coach. The last man apparantly the guy running the show ran over to me as I got up from the sucker kick "DON'T MOVE DON'T MOVE" "I work for Kane moron" Brushing his machine gun out of my face, he spoke in to his headset for a second and helped me up "What happened?" "The fuck if I know but one guy was infected he ran in to the wood's I'm going after him" "We will secure things as quickly as possible and follow" "Yeah I bet you will" "What was that?" "Nothing" And I headed in to the woods "Kane I'm pursuing an infected civillian through the woods on my own" "What direction are you heading" "I dont bloody know do I look like a compass? Hold on" I slowed down there was blood on the ground a steady trail dripping doen the natural forest path, like bread crumbs "I got a blood trail I'm following it" "Keep me informed backup is on the way" "Yeah I'm holding my breath for that" I followed the trail for about half a mile until I got to the outpost boundary fence leaning against it was the man a large stick in one hand "Hey!" I shouted over to him, he looked up tears in his eyes I was about 20 feet from him he did not respond "Come on man you made me chase you at least put the stick down" He looked down 1st at his infected hand then at the branch "Please let me go I have a family" "You know I cant do that" "Please I want to see them one last time" More tears rolled down his cheek "If you see your family what if you turn what would you do to them?" "I wont" "You know thats not true it's not your fault it's just what happens" "It's not fair!!" "I'm sorry" The man started to walk towards me stick at his side I wasnt sure what to do soon the decision was made for me. Gunshots rang out behind me when he was 5 feet away 3 shots hit him straight in the chest he fell to his knees nd tumble backwards. I moved towards him he was still alive just coughing blood "Hey it's O.K" I knelt beside him and put my hand on his shoulder he spluttered some more "I'll tell them you love them and you died saving lives don't worry" I sensed this is what he was trying to say he nodded "STEP BACK!" I was roughly shoved backwards and landed on my arse as a TRT member shot the man point blank in the face and turned to me "Go back to the coach" I was not in the mood to argue and I stormed off back through the woods "Situation report" "He's dead" "Clarifaction" "He is really dead" "Recieved"

Tom headed back through the woods and to the crash site sitting down on the curb waiting to be checked he pulled off the balaclava in the woods any one their would think he was an unlucky bystander. Acrossthe road a man watched him smoking a fag his next target was found.   




Nothing like bad news

"How did it go?" "How do you think? She shrugged her shoulders said oh well and made me a cup of tea" "No need for sarcasim you wanted to do it" Kane had called just as I was leaving the widows house, he was right though I had volounteered to tell her waht had happened to her husband "Did you tell her the truth?" "God no" How could I have told her the reason that her husband was dead was because he was a fool "I told her he was infected after trying to rescue survivors from the crashed coach saved a couple of people" "That was nice of you" "Easier than the died being a moron alternative besides it is not like she will ever see the official report, how did the coach get through the checkpoint?" Kane paused before answering "We don't know the coach and people were checked" "Not closely enough" "Obviously" "We are going over the procedure and checking the coach for an idea of what happened" "Any one make it out?" "No" "How many?" "47" Just like that 47 lives gone snuffed out due to one mistake "Anything I can do?" "You want to help now?" "Do you want my help or not?" I have given you a patrol route tonight at 8pm rest up" "O.K I'll call you when I leave" I hung up.

I was not far from home it was mid-day and the sun was out for a change, Jon was out with Toby doing some scavenging I was going to go originaly but yesterdays events changed that Ty was out sweeping streets. I stooped to tie my shoe lace, a bolt of paronoia hit me and I stood up, looked round nothing kids were running by closely followed by their parents ushering them to stay close even behind walls people still feared the dead. I opened the front door locked it behind me and went in to the kitchen, I grabbed a beer and downed half "You should cut back" I looked up, Sky was standing by the door "Don't you have work?" "Don't you have school?" "It's Saturday" I put the beer down "Maybe I should drink less" "It's my birthday tommorow I'm gonna be 10" "Oh er" We have never really discussed birthdays the last 2 years  I did not know her exact age even the adoption paperwork lacked an exact date of birth as she could not remember it, wait if I didn't know how did she know "How do you know it's your birthday?" She shrugged "Everyone else gets one just cause I cant remember mine dont mean I cant have one" "I guess not but why now?" "Two years ago you rescued me" Wow had it really been 2 years "So it's my birthday now" I laughed O.K what do you want?" "Can I have a sleep over in the tent?" Oh crap a sleep over in the tent would involve me having to sit up all night by the back door listening to girl chat due to the fact the other kids parents would expect them to be watched at all times, I winced "Yeah course you can" "Can I have 3 friends come over?" "Yeah sure if their mum and dad say it's O.K I got in a lot of trouble with Amy's dad last time you decided to have a sleep over with out asking" "O'K" "We better go get midnight feast snacks then hadnt we?" "Yay!" She ran upstairs to grab her coat I watched as she went, I think she is one of the few things that keep me going at times. My phone rang I picked it up "Tom" "It was the outpost commander" "Yes what can I do for you on this lovely day boss?" "We need someone to make up the numbers on a supply run" "Call Stokes I have done my scheduled haul this month and over time and you owe three favours for making up the numbers last month" "Stokes is other wise detained" "The drunk tank again?" "Yeah" Sky came down the stairs buttoning up her coat her smile faded when she saw me on the phone it only ever meant one thing, 30 seconds later I would be out the door. It came to me at once this commander has yelled screamed and threatened me whilst constantly asking for favours all the while letting Stokes a violent drunk swagger around, you know what fuck him, I smiled at Sky "Well good he will be easy to find" "I need a favour Tom" "Well to bad I'm calling in one of mine it's my daughters birthday" I could hear cursing coming from the phone as I hung up. Sky laughed "Are you gonna be in trouble?" "Nah if he locked me up he would have no one to yell at" The phone rang again, Sky looked down at her feet, it was the commander again I turned it off and put it on the kitchen counter "Right shall we go?"

The next few hours were something I sorely needed no dead trying to eat me no living trying to attack me just a shopping trip with my adopted child. I had never called her my daughter before she did not call me dad just Tom I thought it would be disrespectful to her actual dad but if she would have called me that I dont think I would have minded to much. I let her drag me around various clothes shops she was getting a bit to old for dolls now, she bumped in to Amy a friend from school and they proceded to talk about what ever it is girls that age talk about whilst I had to make awkward chit chat with her father, he did not seem to like the idea of his child sleeping outside in a tent but brow beating from his daughter and my assurance that I would be up all night keeping an eye on them changed his mind. We stopped for a late lunch and I feigned understanding of the fashion trends she was trying to explain to me. After that it was a stop for sweets and snacks before leaving and stopping at Tiff's to ask if she could come to the sleep over. I may have left out the tent part all though Sky was miming it behind my back and I could see her excitement.

"And so I go from happyness to misery" It was 10pm I had been wandering on a seemingly random patrol for the last 2 hours the sun had long since set and the rain had returned with avengence along with powerful wind speeds "Yes well I had to explain to your out post commander why you hung up on him" "You didnt need to do that I told him" "He wanted you arrested" "Yeah I would be out the second he wanted something so I would be de-arrested in 30 seconds, boss there is fuck all here I'm cold and soaked I dont think any one is going to  try and kill me today unfortunatley" I looked around darkness rain houses and more rain no one was out this time of night "I'm going home I wont be doing this tomorrow and I mean it" "Hold on" I heard the urgency in Kanes voice "27 respond" He was not talking to me "27 respond" No answer "Who is 27?" "27 respond!" "Another Ghost?" "Ghost 27 is not responding" "Where are they?" "Head up the road and turn on to Cleaveland" I started to run in to the night maybe I would be lucky maybe they dropped their ear piece or it broke couldnt get a signal or just pissed off for a break. After 10 mins I was on Cleaveland "O.K I'm there where now?" "Head down the road" I followed the road for a little while before reaching the end an alley was on my left "Boss am I close?" "You are with in 50 metres of them" I pulled out my torch and switched it on shining it down the alley, in the middle of the narrow path was what looked like a bunch of garbage bags, that is what I was hoping for as I walked towards the alley. On closer inspection it was not trash, it was a man thrown out like trash. He lay on his front, I carefully turned him over he was barely alive blood flowed freely from a wound high up on his chest he was struggling to breathe, I propped him up against my knee "Boss man down man down" No response "Boss?" Nothing "Kane! You tosser if you don't answer I.." "You will what?" This was not Kane's voice it was another mans soft but dripping with venom "Who the hell is this?" "I'm behind you" I turned my flashlight around. Nothing. The man laughed "Scared?" "Why don't you come and ask me personally?" He laughed again "Why are you doing this?" "Why?" "That's what I said"

Something moved in front of me and I swung the flash light around again "You are very nervous how long have you done this for? Are you raw meat? Fresh out of training" The wire fencing on one side of the alley clanged I jumped a man stood there "You are jumpy" The same voice he wore a balaclava and camo jacket. I gently lowered the injured mans head to the ground he had stopped spluttering he was dead I stood up and got close to the fence "Is he dead?" The man asked "Yeah you kill him?" "Yes" "You are under arrest" "You have no authority of arrest" "Fine citizens arrest then" The man chuckled again "I would like to see you try" "Come over the fence then" "No youre time will come I have been watching you" "What" "That little girl you look after she seems lovely" "You come near here I will kill you" He chuckled again it was as close to a maniacal laugh as you could get "You don't have to worry about that worry about yourself" I walked close to the fence "I wont worry" "Why is that?" "Because I'm not afraid of you" "Yes you are you panicked when you couldnt contact youre boss the sounds the way you whirl the torch you are afraid" "Maybe I am but I am not afraid of one thing" I stepped right up to the wire fence he walked forward to "And whats that?" "I'm not afraid to act" I pulled my knife from my pocket and jammed it throuugth one of the gaps in the fence I hit flesh. The man snarled turned and ran in to the night. I did not chase him I had what I needed the rain continued to pour down as I tried to contact Kane.



Chasing Ghost's

I managed to get through to Kane after the man left I had police army you name it swarming the area 2 seconds later but the man had escaped. I was not to concerned with this every person when they come in to this outpost or any other outpost has finger prints and DNA taken a requirement for entry to make all the crime in the area more manageable. I handed my knife to an officer and left, the knife did not go deep enough for a fatal wound but one drop of blood would be enough.

Kane did not call me the next night even if he did I would not have picked up Sky's birthday was my only concern and it went smoothly apart from the fact I had to sit in the rain for 8 hours listening about which boys they found hot apparantly Richard Davidson is hot stuff. But they had fun the girls stayed the next night to why not youre only 10 once.

Jon walked the girls home whilst I caught up on some much needed sleep, then my phone rang I rolled over and picked it up with out looking at who was calling "Mike if this is you piss off I did my shifts give Stokes some coffee and stop calling me" "And good morning to you" Kane replied "You were my second guess do you want to hear the response I had lined up or should I just put the phone down?" "Now I see why the outpost commander loves to hate you" I was still lying face down on the bed eyes closed "Yeah I'm certainly something allright" I yawned "Hmm yes you are we have the resuilts back on the knife" "Does that mean I can have it back I like that knife" Knife was a mild way of putting it my knife was a kukri, it was used in Nepal as a multi tool and by the Nepalese Gurkhas as a weapon when I saw it for sale I had to have it even though I had to do double supply runs to afford it "Yes you can have it back but we have a problem" "If you lost it you are paying for a new one" "The DNA is not on our database" I sat up "Everyones on there you cant get in with out being checked are the walls compromised?" "I don't think so I think it is more likely that this back up the theory of being an inside job, they removed themselves from the database" "Why do I get the feeling this is going to be a long day" I sighed heavily before continuing "You need me to walk out on to the street with a targeton my back again?" "No this has become more how can I put this? Above youre pay grade" "Boss don't you love me any more?" "I'll be in touch" He hung up. I threw the phone on to the bed, Clio my silver tabby cat opened one eye squinting at me with annoyance "Don't you start" Almost immediatley the phone rang again I picked it up "Bat Cave" "Cut the shit" "Oh goody I wondered when I would be hearing from you again Commander I hear you wanted to arrest me?" "You are a lucky man" "Yeah I get cheered in the street where ever I go I think some people are in my garden again trying to erect a statue of me I told them to stop but.." He cut me off "I don't have time for this Tom I have a job for you yes or no?" "What needs doing?" "The job you turned down yesterday I sent Stoke's and a couple of guy's out they havent come back" "Probably drinking in a ditch some where have you tried yelling Stokes here boy got a bottle of gin for ya" "Cut the crap Jackson youre new bff can only help you so much you will respect me dam it!" I tried not to snigger down the phone but could not stiffle it completely "O.K what was he meant to be doing before his highly likely booze cruise?" "We sent him to the fire station in Tonbridge you know it?" I went there when I was a kid, met the firemen sat in the fire engine tried the hose one of my earliest childhood memories "Yeah I know it why was he at a fire station any way?" "We needed spare parts for the engines a couple of ours have been on the fritz lately" "So what takes priority the parts or Stokes?" The Commander took a moment to think "Parts first Stokes is second priority" "All right I will do the job but if I find him drunk I get to punch him" "Deal" "O.K I'm just waiting for Jon to get back and we will head out" "Tom?" "Yeah?" "Be careful" "Please it's my middle name well actually it's" "I'm serious Stoke's is a drunk but he is not a fool he has not made contact in almost 24 hours if something got him" "Don't worry I'll come back in one piece who would you yell at if I wasn't here?" I hung up. Clio looked at me through squinting eyes "I said don't start" 

"You should really learn to drive man" Jon said as we left the safety of the outpost "Why when I have a driver?" "What if I don't make it on this trip" "I'm sure I can figure it out, that's the go pedal that's the stop pedal and the big circle thing turns the wheels" He chuckled St Elmo's Fire clame up on the ipod and Jom moved to shuffle the song, the one thing we never agreed on music. Eventualy we settled on a playlist of songs we both liked Bowling for Soup it is.

As we pulled up Punk Rock 101 finished. The Fire station was a large two storey brick building. The paint on the once red shutter doors was peeling badly, just behind the station was a brick tower where the former residents of this place would do their drills. No sign of Stoke's or his car. The song changed over and Mark Collie's In Time started to play "Well that's not ominous" Jon said "Do you think they will accept that as an excuse for not going in?" "Probably not" "Better prove why we are the A-Team then"  The undead presense was minimal but we would need to be in and out as quick as possible, Groups reguarly herded the dead to this area before speeding off and the undead being to dumb to make there way back to the original location. We got out and moved quickly to the station heading round the side. We came to a wooden double door with safety glass. Jon moved to smash the glass with his Crichete (A cricket bat that was split down the middle was bat on one side and a blade on the other) I stopped him moved forward and pushed the door it swung open "After you then" Jon said waving me through I stepped in "Ladies first" Jon said "Men just before" "Cock" "Baldie" After that fantastic exchange of opinion we looked around. We were in a stair well concrete steps lead up to the firemans sleeping area, and there was a double door on this floor leading to the fire engine garage "Where do we start?" Jon asked "Priority was getting the parts" Jon could see from the look on my face that I did not agree with that. We decided to clear the fire engine area, there was a lot of blood around but we could not find any dead and ues we checked under the engines and inside I have seen the movies. Jon opened up the compartments and set to work taking out the parts we needed, I headed back in to the stair well closing the door behind me so nothing would suprise Jon and started up the stairs.

More blood here on the white bannisters the stairs the walls but it was all old and rust coloured. I got to the top and entred a corridor. I stopped to listen. No groaning or moaning. I knocked on the 1st wood door, no response I opened it. Beds and not much else the whole place was a mess beds that looked as if they had only just been recently abandoned all though there lat occupants had not been back for 2 years. I closed the door and procedded to the next a broom cupboard radio room nothing interesting in either. Then the last door, I knocked no sound, I opened the door. The first thing that hit me was the smell of blood. This was a medium sized kitchen area, a basic one with plastic chairs crowded round a table and a full size snooker table further back next to a large red sofa in front of an ancient TV. Blood was all over the kitchen the chairs, as I moved further in to the room I could see the source 3 bodies laid out on the floor side by side. I cautiously approached extending the batton. This was not the deads doing I could not see any bite marks but bite or not we all turn in the end. I nudged Stokes who was in the middle of the three with my foot no response I did the same with the other two nothing. I squatted down next to them and saw why they were not turning, a small bullett hole dead centre of the forehead on all of them burns surronded the entry wound, the shot was point blank more useless knowledge I had picked up from CSI. It was difficult to see the wounds until you were close. But the gun shot seemed to be an after thought cuts stabs covered the mens arms faces throats that explained all the blood but what got them? Thoughts ran through my head the door opened behind me "Done all ready?" I asked, no respone, stupidly I didn't turn around "Some one shot them who would do that?" "Me" A voice said softly. I knew that voice I turned and saw that balaclava face just as the butt of a gun hit me in the temple. 

"Get up!" The words cut through my daze, I sat up. The room was blurry it looked smokey. A burning smell filled the room, the bastard he set the place on fire. I looked to the door, Jon wa there pounding on the glass, it was double glazed and it was taking a while. I went to the bodies and took a picture with my phone and then moved to the door. It was locked, a large explosion rocked the building  and we struggled to maintain our balance "Get out" I said to Jon through the glass, his face was shocked "I can get out don't worry" "You sure?" "Yeah I'm fine meet you at the car" He nodded and left. The room was starting to fill with smoke now, I moved to the windows they were not double glazed, I picked up my baton and swung it at the glass it shattered. I looked out and 15ft below concrete greeted me, I  pushed out the glass around the edges and moved to the sofa. It was heavy as hell and difficult to manouvere, eventualy I was able to push it out and I braced myself to make the jump, God I hate heights but I have jumped from higher, in the back of my head I wondered if the oxygen tanks had blown yet, almost in response to this thought the bang kicked up again, time to go, I jumped the sofa rose to great me and I landed awkwardly driving my knees in to my stomach winding me. As I got to my feet every single window in the building was blown out chased by flames as the tanks ignited, glass covered me. I heard Jon honk and ran to the car and got in, the noise was going to attract dead for miles "What did you do?" Jon asked flooring the accelerator "That fucker was here the one with the balaclava" "How did he know we were here?" "I don't know I'm not bloody psychic"

We stopped a half mile away from the station in an empty car park, we got out and checked each other fior injury and had a smoke and a snack "Did you get the parts?" "Yeah there in the boot" I nodded "Did you see any one hear anything?" "No nothing but I was totally occupied with the engine" "How the fuck did he know where we were" The question bothered us all the way back to the outpost, the commander would no doubt be upet about the lose of tokes arsehole or not, and the fact we had destroyed another building even though it was technicaly not our fault. I would contact Kane when we got back he may have told me it was now none of my business but this confirmed it was an inside job and now he had set his sights on me.               



We hung round in the car park for a while, we had plenty of near death experiences between us last yearJon had broken his arm after he had been thrown out of a 2nd storey window by some nut job on a scavenging operation, I had to drag him out. But it is not like he had never returned the favour numerous times we had run in to bandits and Jon was  far superior at fighting the living than me being larger and stronger. not that I was a slouch. The dead were starting to show an interest in us so we got in the car and pulled back on to Tonbridge High Street, the dead from London flowed down here during the first couple of days the dead started to rise many still remained, I pulled out the first aid kit from the glove compartment and procedded to sew up the cut on my temple I swear Jon aimed for every pot hole to make my task more difficult. After almost poking my out 4 times I was done "The guards are gonna want to do a full check on you now Jon smiled "You are with me you will get the same he stopped smiling. Coming back through the checkpoint was a major pain in the arse if the guard saw any wound they would spend 2 hours checking every path of skin and an extra 20 mins hoseing down with ice cold water, annoying and paranod yes but in this world paranoid is a good thing.

After being almost violated with the scrub brush shower I got changed and we headed to the outpost Commander's office. I didn't bother knocking, I almost got killed I was not going to hang around. The Commander was reading through a thick file as I stormed in he jumped and reached for his gun before seeing it was me. Book cases lined three of the four walls many of the book's had been recovered by me and Jon and then confiscated by him saying they were crucial to public safety "Jesus" He clutched his chest "No just Tom is fine" He was a young man but the stress of this hob had aged him well before his time, dark brown hair already starting to grey heavily, I threw myself on to his sofa and put my feet up "I assume you are back?" He said sighing and putting down the file "Oh yeah I'm back some one tried to kill me again" "Who?" "Dunno he wore a balaclava" "Bandit?" "Maybe" The Commander didn't know about Kane's investigation, hell the Commander himself could be involved "Did you find Stokes?" I sat up serious now "Yeah he was dead when we got there" "Did they get him?" They implied the dead "No someone cut their throats and shot them" The Commander drummed his fingers on the table "Did you get the part's?" He aked softly "Yeah" "O.K" I felt orry for him but I gave him a full run down of what happened leaving out certain parts that Kane would want kept on a need to know basis. He sat silently when I finished "O.K Tom thank you" "You need anything else boss?" "Stokes was meant to be doing an escort for a farm transport tommorow don't suppose you would do it?" Normally we would yell at each other before I stormed out, but Stokes was a good friend of the Commander's I let him off the hook "Yeah sure what time?" "Be at Appledon by 10 you will have a trainee with you to make up the numbers for you and Jon" I tried my hardest to keep the annoyance off my face, I hated taking trainees so many times we had taken them out it was like baby sitting, don't touch that, don't do that, dont wander off in the end they all most got themelves or me and Jon killed we had never lost one but we had come close. But we could keep the trainee in the car me and Jon would do the work. I turned to leave, I put my hand on the door knob stopped and turned the commander had pulled out a small bottle of whiskey and poured himself a drink "Boss" He looked up at me "I'm sorry" He nodded and I left to speak to Kane.   

Kane did not say much just muttered mmhm said he would look in to it though I dont see the point as the fire station is probably still burning, he hung up. Jon was waiting outside for me by the car and got in "I'll be back in a bit" Jon raised an eyebrow "Where you going?" "For a walk" He nodded and headed off. I didn't need to walk for long until I got to my destination. St Barnabus Parish was a large red bricked church that enjoyed a large share of the local congregation. There were at least 5 churches in the area though a few had now been converted to store houses and barracks for soldiers. After the outpost was established religion had enjoyed a massive surge in popularity services were held every day multiple times a day, when things start going wrong for humans they run screaming to the God's they neglected and forgot about, many believed the rising dead were a punishment from God for our sins I did not believe this. The service was already well underway I sat in an empty seat at the back the elderly lady next to me looked and smiled "God be with you" I smiled back "And also with you" I don't know why I come here I'm not sure if I believe, before all this happened I wanted to believe but 2 years of not just seeing the dead rise but the evil humans are willing to do to each other, I wondered if we were beyond saving. I sat and listened to the whole service rising and singing for hymns all though my singing voice is awful.

When the service ended I stayed to stack the chairs whilst others moved to the kitchen for refreshment the Vicar walked towards me "Good afternoon young man" He held out his hand and I shook it, he had a good grip for someone in his early 60's "I have seen you a few times but you  always seem to dissapear and I don't get a chance to speak with you" I stacked another chair on the pile "Yeah sorry about that the world of scavenging is a demanding one" He nodded "And a dangerous one you'r faith must give you strength and courage to do such a job to help your fellow men" I sighed as I pulled the stack of chairs over to the side and started another pile "Actually Sir these day's with what I see I find my faith severely lacking" He smiled, not a pitying smile or a smug superior smile but one that showed undertanding, I appreciated it and especialy the fact he did not lecture me "Our faith faces many trials these day's we all have our crosses to bear some see and suffer more than others, but that builds strong faith" I thought about telling him that maybe God was taking the test a bit to far with flesh eating monters but I held my tounge "Would you like a blessing?" The offer suprised me but I nodde, we sat on a couple of chair's, I bowed my head and he placed his hand on me. He said a brief prayer and we shook hands, I stayed a little while longer talking with the congregation before leaving. As I stepped out in to the sun I felt some of the weight lift off my shoulders, maybe I was starting to have faith.   

Newbies And Escort's

"No don't" "Why?" "This is why" Jon walked over to the side of the road next to Dave the trainee kicked a few pieces of junk off the pile, a hand reached out Jon pulled out his machete and chopped it off it fell to the ground. Jon glared at Dave he seemed to shrink under the gaze "Idiot" Jon sheathed the machete and walked away, Dave looked at the ground where the arm lay his blonde hair falling in to his face "Dave get it in gear" I called over to him shocking him out of his day dream. He looked up from the arm and wandered back over to the car and got in. We had escorted the convoy with no issues but Dave had wanted to go adventuring. He was 20 years old a little shorter than me and Jon dressed in a leather jacket and tight jeans, this was his first time out of the outpost since his family had arrived "So where to next?" "Home" I replied as Jon got behind the wheel "Already?" Jon turned round in his seat "We said we would stay out if you didn't do anything stupid, that includes reaching under big piles of shit with no idea what is under it" It took Dave a second to respond to that "Please just a bit longer? I want to go to one more place" "No" Jon said and he started the engine "Please I I I just want to see my house one last time we had to leave so quickly I just want to see it I don't want to go in just pull up outside and have a look" Me and Jon both looked at him in the rear view mirror, poor kid was about to cry. I was the first to give in Jon  had always been more resistant to sob stories than me, he turned saw the look on my face sighed "Where is it?" Dave's face immediatley brightened up "Thank you thank you it's just outside of Tonbridge near Hadlow close to the Bishoops Oak pub" "Yeah O'K but we stay in the car you got it?" Dave raised his hand as if making a solemn vow.

We arrived at the house an hour later, it was a one storey semi detached house a flower bed ran along the side obviouly someone had taken a lot of pride in it but now it was overgrown. Jon turned the engine off and Dave stared out the window longingly "We used to play football in that garden my brother and me" He smiled "We only got interested in football after my mum put the flower beds in, she used to yell at us for ruining them" He talked some more whilst me and Jon sat there awkwardly not knowing what to say. He reached for the door handle "Don't do it" I said with out turning round. He opened the door jumped the low wall and ran through a side door and opened a side door into the house I looked at Jon "He did it didn't he?" "Yep" "I said don't do it didn't I?" "Yep" "You gonna go get him or me" "It's your turn to pull the noob's arse out the fire I did it the last time" "Rock paper scissors?" We did I lost scissors loses to rock. I unclipped my seatbelt "O.K start the engine up I'll be back in a sec" I got out and headed in pursuit of Dave, I opened  the side door and was in a small kitchen the smell of rotting food flooded my nostrils "Dave get your arse back here!" No reply I headed out of the kitchen and down a small hallway I looked into one of the rooms, a living room tv sofa and chairs left as if the occupants would be back in a second. I closed the door and walked to the bottom of the stairs "Dave I'm not joking you idiot!" I pulled out my knife "Dave? You O.K?" I started up the stairs straight ahead was a toilet just to the left of that was the bathroom, two more room's presumably bedrooms the doors closed the last room was open Dave was sitting on a bed crying. I walked into the room a walk in cupboard was to my right the room was tiny the bed and tv desk took up most of the space "Dave! What the hell are you doing running off like that?" He looked up from a photo album "I'm sorry I just wanted to get this" He held up the black album for me to see I ignored it "You said you would stay in the car" "I'm sorry" "Grab the book and let's go" I turned and walked out the room. Dave got up and walked towards the door. What happened next flashed by, the door of the walk in cupboard flew open hitting me in the face and cutting me off from Dave and blocking my view, something heavy hit the floor "Jake?" I heard Dave say I ducked down looking under the cupboard door, a small boy in a red and white striped t-shirt the familliar rotting smell had spilled in to the room "Dave get away from him" "He he's my brother he wouldnt hurt me" "Dave that is not your brother he will kill you" "No he wont" I heard the creature start to moan and saw it take a step towards him "Dave kill it" "No!" I reached forward and grabbed the creatures ankles yanking it towards me from under the cupboard door. The creature squirmed, a boy no more than 8 years old, it turned over on to it's back and tried to get up, I put my foot on it' throat to hold it in place. I leaned forward putting more weight on to the creature holding out the kukri  "No!" The cupboard door opened and Dave came flying at me, he punched me on the jaw and I fell back, he stepped over the creature and pointed at me "That's my brother" I sat up "DAVE!" To late his brother had sat up grabbed his leg and took a bite out of his calf. Dave fell forward screaming. I got up and kicked Jake in the face as he released Dave's leg I drove the kukri through his eye socket pinning him to the floor, he twitched once, twuice then lay still. I looked up from the re-deadened corpse at Dave he was in a foetal position crying clutching his leg.

I carried Dave out he could barely walk. Jon got out of the car and came to meet us "What happened?" "I got bit" Dave howled. Jon looked at me, I nodded. Jon went back to the car and opened the back door "Why are you taking me back with you I'm dead" "Dave don't worry you are gonna be fine" He looked me in the eye "I don't want to become one of those things" I nodded "We wont let it happen" Dave started to say something but the words caught in his throat, his head started to fall back but I caught him and lowered him to the pavement, Jon moved away cleaning blood from his knife, he had driven it straight through the brain. stem. Dave had a million mile stare in his eyes as the light faded away, he never felt a thing or turned. We put him in a body bag which was unfortunatley standard issue for every single team these days, we laid him on the back seat smoked and left. It is not the first time we had done this and I doubt it would be the last time either.

We handed Dave's body over when we got back to the out post his family would be devastated his first time out and he get's carried back. It is a fact that the more time you go out and survive the higher your odds of survival, but the odds catch up to all of us eventually even me even Jon.

I sat down in a chair and Jon got us a drink we touched glasses drank in silence and had another, my phone rang "Yes boss" "Tom how are you?" "I have just moved on to my 2nd double wiskey in 60 seconds" "That good huh?" "Yep what can I do for you?" "You are volounteering?" "What can I say maybe it's the booze" "The other half of the training it's tommorow you will be gone a few day's heli will be picking you all up at 5:00am" A few people may have been shocked but after all I had seen and done "Yeah no worries should I pass the message along to Jon" "If you would" "Where are we going?" "Outpost 1" Outpost 1 was the larget outpost it was half of a large city it was an incredible accomplishment that took thousands of lives and months of combing the area for the dead. Now it was the base of parliament weapon troop store had a large civillian population. It was the closest to normality you could get, it was so good you could pay to spend a week of leave there enjoy the sights and sounds it still had the odd hotel for various generals army officers and government higher up's. Outpost 1 was just over the border in Scotland the outpost we were in was Outpost 5 there were  8 in all 1 in Scotland 3 in Ireland 1 in the far west of Wales. There were 3 in England including ours Hastings to the South and Coventry but the only way in and out was by a river surronded on all sides by the undead, it was in the centre of the undead shit storm. I hung up on Kane and told Jon the news "Road trip" He said "I hate flying" "Would you prefer to walk?" "Flying is not so bad"     



Road Trip

After the phone call from Kane me and Jon headed to the local pub The Black Horse. The publican brewed his own not quite as nice as the stuff you would get at the higher end shops in the town but still not bad. I walked up to the bar and ordered a drink Jon went straight over to a group of 6 guys playing poker and sat down, I smiled. These guy obviously had not been in town long otherwise they would have refused to let him play "Hey" I turned and looked down the bar, Toby was standing there a pint in his hand. Toby was my younger brother 3 years younger than me all though you could not tell by looking at us that we were related. He was 6ft and built like a brick wall his straightened black hair and douchebag beard were a stark contrast to my slight frame 5'9 brown hair and stubble. He walked over and clapped me on the back "How's shit?" I sipped my drink "Not to good we lost a noobie today" "His own fault?" Yeah" "Don't think about it then" I considred him for a moment. Toby had hardened over the lat two years but we all had, his girlfriend was killed the girls we rescued from the courthouse had told us what Tooth and the rest had done to them, I don't think I will repeat it "Maybe how is life in the TRT?" He loved the job he talked about it with such pride he enjoyed the work taking on the undead and occasionaly the living. He had shown a natural talent for it and his superiors praised him for it though being praised for having a natural talent for killing is like congratulating your cat for taking a keen interest in your pet mouse "It is awesome we raided a dead ring" A dead ring is simple you put a man in a confined space with anywhere between 1 and 6 undead and bet on how long they will survive if they will survive or they give up, rarely they bet on the number of dead killed as it is such a bitch to get them in. I looked over at Jon, he wa dealing out a fresh hand he was already building up the pot nicely. He would not jump in straight away but now was the moment I could see he was dealing seconds if they caught him I would be expected to go over there and help him out, probably be kicked out and banned from the pub hopefully he would not get caught I liked this pub. He looked up and smiled giving me a wink, that was the signal he was going for the pot. My job? Simple Jon had been working out how much cash they had, if they were in no danger of starving I would head over after Jon had won the pot with a tray of drinks for the group encouraging them to stay for a second hand and make Jon more cash he always cut me in for this service and just in case some one caught him and he needed backup. I turned back to the barman ordered  7 pints of the premium stuff and just as I turned to bring it to them I could hear the groans as they realised they had lost. I offered them the drinks to drown their sorrows as Jon started the subtle art of goading them in to another game.

After a few more drinks and a lot more money lost we emerged happy and slightly drunk we stopped at the fruit stall for some apples on the way back, the scarcity of cows these days meant burgers were not an option, we sat down on a bench and munched talking about the training what it could involve probably more rain and undead not to worry I liked the rain at least. That is when things started to change we would get on the helicopter the next day but when we would get back so much would have changed us the people we know the people we love and the dead themelves.

Nature Hike

"Why did we get out of the helicopter?" Jon panted "Cause they aked nicely and had gun's also I'm a people pleaser" We stopped at the top of a small hill. The copter pilot had started our training right away he informed us with out trying to hide his glee that "You should be ready for the unexpected we are dropping you 40 miles from the outpost here is your map here is a compass off you go" And with that he landed dropped us by some woods and was gone, well not quite before he closed the door he shouted "Oh of you are not back in 3 day's we will assume you are dead bye now" Then he was gone. We were in the woods still my Geography was shit my sense of direction awful I once got lost walking a straight line. To get from my house to my job interview I just had to follow the road got there O.K but on the way back I had managed to take a swerving path that added a good three quarters of a mile and 2 phone calls asking Jon to use google maps to find me directions. So Jon had the map with me trying we would probably end up back home, but it was a nice day at least the spring sunshine was warm but not hot. I  had removed my coat and tucked it in to my satchel leaving me with a short sleeved green t-shirt that said please wait sarcastic comment loading, not th best survival gear I know but hey I thought it wuld rain we were in Scotland after all and that is the only place that get's more rain than England well maybe Wales "O.K I think we are here" Jon poked at the map, I looked at it "Are you asking me to agree because if I agree we are probably in Saudi Arabia" Jon nodded is head. We headed down the hill trees on every side of us occasionaly spotting one of the dead out for an afternoon stroll "If you go down to the woods today you are in for a big suprise" I started to sing. Jon smiled, I continued "Mum and Dad will eat your eyes then you will smell bad surronded by flies" "Dude that wa awful" "You do better" He looked like he was considering it but decided against it.

3 hours later and we were still in the dam woods it was now late afternoon and it had started to cool. We had just settled down for something to eat when the dead had started to emerge from the trees. A lot of dead. We got to our feet and started to jog away. One of the biggest mistakes people make with zombies see a zombie run. WRONG! You get tired zombies do not only run if they are close enough to grab you or to break line of sight even then not for long. Yeah we could run but where to? We still were not sure if we were heading in the right direction. We got the map out again and tried to get our bearings. After much swearing insuilts and tantrums we picked a direction, that it was the only one with no dead coming from it was just a coincedence I think.  

After another hour we had to stop again we were still being pursued and there seemed to be a lot more of them "Maybe I should read the map" "No I'm reading the freaking map" "No let me do it" "No I'm doing it" "No you had your turn" After the 5 year old like argument we realised that we were completely lost. The best we could tell we had made at best half a miles progress and we were tired" "So at this rate we will be there in just over a month" "So we are fucked" Jon said stubbing out his ciggarette "No new plan" "Get a better map?" "No" "Go home?" "Nope" "What?" "Cheat" "What do you mean?" "Look this wood follows the outskirts of a town separated by a train line we head east for a couple of miles jump the fence cross the line grab a car and drive there" "Didn't the pilot say stick to the woods the towns overrun and if we left the woods we would be thrown off the training" "Do you want to walk that badly?" "No" "Besides it's not really cheating we are adapting to our environment thats what survival is all about it was in the litrature they gave us" "There was also something about following orders in there" "Yeah I might of lost that page" "Convineant" "The dead ate it honest oh they are getting a bit close maybe we should move"

We pushed further through the woods our undead conga line growing longer as we went. The fence by the tracks was easily climbable, it had been rebuilt recently to keep the dead off the line so supplys could be moved from Outpost 1 where we were heading to our home Outpost 5 and there transported by road to Hastings, the train line there had had a slight crash some idiots thought it would be clever to attempt to drive a train with no training morons whoever they were glad they never caught them though. The tracks were clear of the dead but the fences were so close to the rail that it would be impossible to walk safely and the train times were erratic and delayed at best, so not to much change from the old railway companies.

"So you first" I said motioning for Jon to start climbing "Fuck you" A chorous of moans echoed behind us. We looked at each other and at the same time said "Me first" We quickly scaled the fence and started to carefully make our way across the tracks avoiding any part of the rail that could be live. Problems only started when we tried to climb the other side of the fence Jon was half way up and myself who had taken a bit longer to make my way acros the sinlge rail had only just started making my way up when the track began to thunder. It was like a nightmare a situation I thought I would never find myself in and then of all the moments I slipped. I grated my fingers holding on to the fence to prevent myself falling on th the rail. Then came my first mistake I looked back to the other side of the fence the first group of dead were already there no going back. Then my second I looked up the track. There it was. Thundering towards me, a standard commuter train probably ferryinng fresh soldiers and in a few seconds I was more than likely going to be plastered across it's windscreen. I looked through the fence Jon was shouting at me to move but I couldnt here him every thing was slowing down. The rumbling was now so bad I could feel the vibrations through my feet, that got me moving. I jumped at the fence and procedded to haul myself up the train was close, I could see the driver. Just keep climbing. The look on his face. Climb moron. He looked me in the eye. Come on your almost at the top. He can't believe it. I was at the top of the fence I went to drop to the other side, I was stuck, my t-shirt was caught of all the cliche ways today it was going to be this one that got me? My torso dangled half way to freedom my legs stuck in the path of a juggernaut. The train was here. Jon reached up and with a massive effort hauled me over I heard fabric rip and I toppled head first into him, I felt my foot graze the train. 

I lay on the floor shocked that I was alive my hearbeat was pounding in my ears voices swam around but one was louder than the others "Get off" I got off Jon, my shirt had ripped almost clean off "You O.K?" It took a second for me to compose myself "Yeah thanks... you owe me a new shirt by the way" "That's the thanks I get for saving your life?" He laughed "I have saved your arse plenty of times come on we need a place to bed down for the night"      

You ever see that movie?

We wandered in to a small town and quickly found a house to our high standards, we bedded down in the loft alternating who was going to keep watch every 4 hours.

We left the house about 7 the next morning and started to look for a car. This sounds easier than it actualy is. After 2 years all car batterys are long dead the fuel useless I know I could not believe it either petrol has an expiration date you know that stuff that has been in the earth for millions of years. Wehad with us de-sludger a liquid that we were given by the outpost commander to thin the fuel again and a small battery jump start kit that Jon carried. Again jumping  the car in to life was not a problem the problem was the time it took. At least 5mins for the de-sludger to mix with the old fuel before attempting the jump, and that i a long time to be standing around exposed. A small car dealership attracted our interest, A Golf sat in a garage the shutter rolled up. We cautiously approached checked the car behind it and underneath it, all clear. The garage was just about wide enough for the car and us to walk down the side of it. I poured the de-ludger in as Jon pulled down the shutter I turned on a portable electric lantern. We connected the jump kit and counted the miniutes occasionaly jumping on the car to help the fuel mix. We got the car started on the 1st jump and left town.

The cd in the car started playing Final Countdown of all things, Jon failed to see the irony as he threw the cd out the window "Hey I like that song" "Go get it then" "I don't like it that much" The road took us through dense woodland, the roads were not totally packed as this was the middle of nowhere but there was still plenty parked up on the side many with there occupants pawing to get out but to dumb to work the seat belt. A few miles down the road Jon had an announcement "Need to piss" He declared pulling over keeping the engine running and got out. I kept an eye out but not on Jon a he did what he had to do. It was a warm day nice day for a picnic, I was about to suggest this when Jon yelled "Hey!" I snapped back to reality getting out of the car "Whats up?" "Theres a girl" "What?" "A girl women idiot" I walked over to Jon and followed his line of sight. 100 metres away through the woodland there was indeed a girl in a blue summer dress, it did not look dirty and she did not look dead her hair was blonde and looked clean. We stood there for a moment wondering if we should shout out, we didn't need to she turned round. Her face everything about her was normal except the eyes and the look of anger on her face. She started to run at us. This was not to much of a concern to us we don't have running zombies they are dumb this was a crazy. A crazy is a human who thinks they are a zombie. I ran in to one for the 1st time rescuing a girl she had been biten by him and we wondered why she had not turned 2 days later. Initial thoughts were she was immune to the virus but that wa short lived after a kick to the crazy's nuts he started to talk well sob zombies don't cry or say oh God my nuts, they also do not blink. She closed the distance rapidly and I shone my torch in her face. My heart started to pump ice through my veins. No blink "Jon" "Yeah?" He had seen it to "Run" We turned tail back to the car the creature was still following and closing the distance. Half way back to the car we realised we were not going to make it back to the car in time so we changed tactics, we stopped, turned and ran at the creature if it could register suprise it would be amazed dinner was running to it for a change but it would not have lasted long as Jon smashed her with a WWE style clothesline and I followed through burying my shoulder in to her pelvis, we hit the ground and I rolled away towards Jon. As I was regaining my feet something erupted from the bushes it caught me in the stomach winding me and sent me and it rolling down the slope. With every roll I got a snapshot of Jon's face, we hit a bush and I got my lat look that thing was already up and at Jon's throat he had got his hands up to block but was obviously struggling to finish it off.

Me and my new friend hit the bottom of the slope, I used my momentum to keep rolling but as I rolled over it I felt it's teeth sink in to my back between my shoulder blades just below the neck. I yelled with pain, I knew Jack's weathe had stopped the bite ripping flesh but the pinch wa going to leave a bruise. I ended up lying on my stomach the creature on my back if it moved further up I was dead. It relesaed it's grip realiing it had not got anything edible. I used this moment to turn over get my feet up and monkey flip it off of me, I was on my feet so was the creature. This was not right they are not this agile or quick. We were 10ft apart from each other, he was a slim man spiked brown hair in a grey bussines suit red tie and trainers. Why do people do that by the way? either be smart or don't bother. I had left my baton and knife in the car and my satchel all I had was my two hands. This was a fight I was not confident in winning so I dummyed to run to my right before jerking to the left to go around the monster in a wide arc. It failed miserably an arm flew out and I had to roll underneath it. Did my eyes decieve me or did it jut reposition itself to block my escape back to Jon? The creature advanced and I backed up it started to circle me I did the same until my back was facing the slope, it would be suicide to try and run up it the creature would grab me and haul me back down in to it's jaw's. Suddenly it lunged forward arms outstretched reaching for me, I ducked underneath it and as it's momentum carried it past me I turned and kicked out it's knee, it dropped on to it's back. I kicked the back of my shoe and the stiletto slid out and I drove it down to the monsters head. It caught it. I was stunned "What the hell" It pushed my foot out to the side and I fell on to it but as I fell I dropped my elbow on it's skull I heard a crack but it did not finish the job, I got up and the monster came at me again as I dodged hopelessness flooded my mind I could not kill this creature. It would tire me out and kill me. I'm not sure how but the monster caught hold of me and yanked me towards it's mouth. I managed to get my forearm under its chin leaned forward and headbutted it once twice three times its grip loosened. I brought my fore arm and uppercutted him with it it took a step back. I advanced threw two punches at it's fore head the reinforced metal of my gloves made cracking sounds. I looked in the monters eyes and I saw anger it lurched forward arms out again I ducked under and as I side stepped around it I threw a handful of powder I kept in a pouch simply crushed glass pepper and anything else nasty I can get my hands on. Then another thing the usual dead did not do it stpped and rose its hands to protect it's eyes. But self awareness or not that was my chance I took it. As it's arms were still up I quick punched it in the jaw then booted it in the abdomen, pain or not the momentum made it double over, I kicked out it's legs and as it fell and tried to rise I brought my boot down on the back of it's neck with a snap. I stomped three times more just to be sure I panted and went back up the slope.

"JON!!!" "Here" I found Jon sitting on the girl. She was still alive or undead but he had bound her arms and legs a bag over her head but she was still squirming under him "You arent going to finish her?" "They need to see this" I nodded "What the hell are they?" "Something new" I muttered.

The thing about the dead is.

We dragged the creature back to the car and tried again, no blink from the light just snarls, no pulse no heart beat this thing was dead. The fact it was still moving was not a suprise we were used to that now but the speed and the intelligence the other creature showed blocking my escape picking it's moment to attack this was something new and it was terrifying. Had the dead started to change? Were there more of them? How smart were they? "At leat they are not 28 days later quick" Jon sighed throwing the bag over the creatures head "Smarter though, the other one almost got me" "Smarter than you maybe" "Up yours" We did not like the idea of bringing the monter back with us, we would have preffered to finish it and dump it on the road side, but this had to be reported explaining it to the outpost guards on the other hand would be a problem.

The wall of the new UK capital was constructed from 2 rows of shipping containers overlapping and girders ploughed into the fround behind them, it completely surronded the city a small gap allowed the river to flow through but a screen prevented the dead swarming down it. People in cars left reguarly dispatched by spotters in tree houses to lure away large hordes that were always being attracted by the constant noise of this walled city. If anything it was a monument to humanitys stubborness to survive.

The gate slid open and we drove in. A voice came over the loud speaker "Unregistered vehicle please park in spot A and proceed to the security window" We did as we were told, Jon stayed in the car with the monster and I got out approaching the window. A man in a grey shirt sat behind a reinforced glass screen he looked bored "Identification please" I slid my ID through the hatch he barely glanced at it "And your friends?" "Another one of me" "And the other" Now came the awkward part trying to explain why we had driven in with a zombie in our car "O.K I'm gonna tell you something but don't panic" That was as far as  got the man slammed his hand down and an alarm sounded "I said don't panic" "Sir raie your hands over your head please and turn around slowly. I raised my hands and obeyed putting on my best I'm not an anachist smile, it temporarily faded when 6 members of TRT team were aiming gun at my head, fuck that was quick and quiet I didn't hear them coming well maybe the alarm would explain that "Hi we are here for the training" "Please explain your companions Sir" "O.K but don't panic it is not as bad it sounds" "Explain Sir" "We have a creature with us" "Mike Oscar secure the vehicle" "Wait" I moved forward and was immediatley rebuked "Get them dam hands up!" "Don't kill it!" "What you a fucking zombie sympathiser or something?" "No we encountred it on the way here it's something new it ran at us" "It's a dam Crazy then" "No heart beat or pulse" The team leader raised a hand to stop his team mates "You read it wrong then" "You think I would risk this if I was not sure?" For a long moment we stood silent but he lowered his gun "Mike get the other guy here do not attempt to touch the creature" "Sir" "What kind of shit have you wandered in to Jackson?"

24 hour quarintine great a plain white room with a white bed white sheets even white pyjamas. The TRT team called down a specialist handling team for moving the creature they were good at killing them not handling the. Immediatley they knew something was wrong luckily they had listened to our warning about it's speed. The bag slipped off the creatures head and snapped at a technician but he jabbed it with what looked like a hand held taser the voltage all though non fatal to humans and the dead the muscle spasim it causes will incapacitate for a while.

My door opened "Stand back from the door" Three men walked in all wearing the same grey uniform of the  man in the entrance way two carried guns and were ready for me just in case I was infected "Hey guys whens room service?" No smile "Phone call for you follow me please do not attempt to run or resist" "Fine which way?" The two armed guards flanked me the third led the way down the lovely white floor white wall white ceiling white door corridor. The lead guard swiped his card and held the door open for me. Another white room white table and a white computer "You know a dash of red would really bring out the character of this place" "The guard will wait outside knock on the door when you are done to let the guard know you want to come out" And with that he shut the door in my face.

I sat down on the chair and a face on the screen greeted me "Boss white is really not my colour I'm to pale for it" Kane was not in a jovial mood "What the hell were you thinking! Bringing one of those things in to an outpost!?" I was temporarily taken back by his anger I had never seen him angry but I recovered quickly "Yeah I'm fine by the way" "Don't get smart with me you could have been shot, you should be arrested and thrown in prison for 5 years" "For doing my civic duty?" "For being a dam fool" He spat back. I took a moment to calm myself I did not want to get in to a yelling match Kane could keep me out of jail if he wanted to and I didn't want to risk it "Did you read the initial reports" "Yes" "We were in an infested area and had encountred a new threat some one thought it was a good idea to take our radios before we went on our little trip so we could not call it in" "You had your distress flares" "And attract more of them?" Kane said nothing "Have they examined the creature yet?" "Initial checks back up your story" "So I'm a hero" "You endangered yourself and the people of the outpost" "We were in a secure area we had it in hand" Kane sighed "You have done a great service I wish you would go about it in ways that created less paperwork" "Was that the only thing that survived the end of the world unscathed?" A hint of a smile ghosted across his face "You and Jon will be released tommorow morning report to town hall when you are out" "What about the creature what cause it to change?" "We are doing further tests" "Another way of saying we have no idea?" "Basically I will be in contact soon Tom tell them to send Jon in" I turned to leave "Tom?" I turned around "Good work" I nodded and knocked for the guard.      

The Depths

We were released the next day and dumped unceremoniously on the street, not fazed by this we headed to the town hall for our training. As we walked down the streets people hurried on by, traders selling there wares old clothes and the like books and jewelry. But unlike other places we had been the people here were happy, or at least less miserable than normal their was even the occasional smile. A man ran in to our path holding out a stake of clothes asking us to take a look and promising a great deal, Jon gave the man a dirty look reached to his back pocket and snared the hand of a man about to pick his pocket. The would be thief gave a weak gap toothed grin which soon left when he saw Jon's face "Dude" I said "We only just got out of trouble" Jon looked at me then the thief then the merchant released the thief's hand and growled sending them running "And their you go again spreading goodwill to another part of the country" Another grunt from Jon.

"Where the hell have you been? You were meant to be here yesterday!!" The officer in charge of the Ghost training was not a patient man it seemed nor did he like excuses "Well..." I began "I don't want to here excuses" He bellowed an inch away from my face covering me in spittle, he was not a large man about 5'11 13 Stone or so in army fatigues with a red beret on his head he looked like an ex para shaved head I would imagine ate nails for breakfast you get the idea. I started to wipe spit from my face not a great idea "I'm sorry son am I spitting on you?" The para bellowed again sending a fresh wave of spit over my face "Er a little" For a moment he looked shocked like he just imagined that I dared to answer back. He unleashed a verbal tirade that went on for at least a good 10 minutes. After arriving at town hall me and Jon had been sent to separate rooms with nothing but a table and a chair . I was sitting on the table when the officer stormed in and bellowed at me to get off his table, I never moved so fast in my life and sat in the chair, at which point he bellowed to get out of his chair and started his rant "I don't like you son your ignorant lazy arrogant and only here because some suit gets a boner when he looks at you" I raised an eyebrow and started to open my mouth before he bellowed at me to shut it. He took a deep breath and threw a I.D badge at me "Follow the corridor show the pass to the guard go piss off" And that was it, I walked out of the room and followed the white tiled floor and white walled corridor occasionally broken up with awful pictures of modern art.

At the end of the corridor a large metal door greeted me and 3 unsmiling guards with SMG's I approached the nearest and showed the I.D he glared at it then at me and back to the card. He spoke into a radio clipped to his camouflage top his eyes never left me "Yeah new meat" He handed me the I.D back and turned to the other 2 guards "Open it" The guards turned and opened a hatch on either side of the door revealing computer terminals, they then proceeded to type long complicated passwords in. The consoles bleeped and the door clicked as the lock disengaged "In" The guard said.I looked in as the door opened inwards the left wall was reinforced glass with technicians sitting at various computers the other steel. I stepped in and the door shut behind me "Decontamination in progress" "De what....?" The rest of that was cut off as a foul tasting liquid sprayed in to my mouth. I gagged as I was sprayed down by jets on the ceiling and was then blasted by luke warm air to dry it off "Decontamination complete" The robotic voice said and the door on the far side clicked open. I stepped through and was greeted by balding grey haired man in a white lab coat over his white shirt 3 pens in the pocket picture a mad scientist and you will get the idea. He grasped my hand firmly and with a smile as he shook it "Dr Bryan Kidd a pleasure to meet you" He had a thick Scottish accent "Tom" I said with a cautious smile "Yes I have heard all about you, you were the one who captured the subject" The creature the thing that was dead but was faster stronger smarter was it here? "Well it wasn't just me Doc" "Yes your partner also had a hand in it" "Well to be fair I killed mine he captured his do you have it here" The Doc removed his glasses from his lab coat pocket and tapped them against his left hand "I'm afraid that's classified Tom" He smiled weakly "That's O'K Doc not your fault why don't you tell me why I'm here?"

His smile returned in full and it was an earnest one. He motioned with his hand for me to follow him down the corridor.We walked for a couple of minutes passing labs offices and as many scientific gizmos as you can imagine. As we walked past one lab though I stopped. A monster in the lab. It had a collar round it's neck an it was strapped to the wall scientists with clipboards were gathered round it making notes, a thick red line surrounded the creature all the way round I assume anything inside that red line is the creatures reach zone, an armed guard stood in the corner cradling his gun. Kidd noticed I had stopped to look "You keep them here?" I asked not turning away "Yes we don't have the resources or the man power to maintain a facility beyond this city" I nodded and turned away "You don't approve?" the Doc asked. I thought about it for a few moments "Maybe a necessary evil Doc" We walked in silence and took an elevator with bloodstains on the floor down. I looked at the Doc "Yes their was an accident here a couple of weeks ago a creature got free bit one of the staff horrible the guard had to.... well you understand I nodded. I liked Kidd it is easy in times like this and especially in his profession to become uncaring and cold but he still had a heart.The lift doors opened 2 floors down and we stepped out into a short 3 metre long 3 metre wide corridor with a metal door and a code lock "This is why your here" The Doc said, his smile faded.

"So whats the challenge Doc?" I said dreading the worst "This room overlooks the creature stock" "Creature stock?" "We keep about 100 or so creatures here for research studies we frequently have to destroy them so we need a stock on hand" "So you don't want me to kill them?" "No no of course not all you have to do is spend the night on the balcony" He typed in a code and the door opened, a metal balcony overlooked what looked like an old bunker 15 feet below. The smell was horrendous the groaning of the un-dead echoed around the room the Doc followed me in an looked down at the monsters "The sound the groans and moans it has a devastating effect on people it wears them down, we have found people who should of survived fit healthy well armed and supplied just given up" He waved his hands in exasperation "They had everything they needed but they gave up it wears you down" "Like psychological warfare?" He sighed "Yes" "Spend the night they cant get up here right?" "No as long as you don't jump in to the room below you will be fine.The Doc did not stay much longer I cant blame him he left and locked the door behind him. It was 10am when I entered the room and the Doc said he would return at 9 the next morning that left me with 23 hours of nothing to do. I was safe and plenty of times I had been stuck in situations with the monsters surrounding me and unable to escape their call. I still had my satchel my baton but none of that was gonna help me in here I did not look down at the dead below instead I sat down on the mattress it at least had a clean sheet no pillows though. The next few hours were made up of reading a book i had with me deep contemplation and thinking of better times at about 1:00am I fell asleep the un-dead chorus still going strong I would need this sleep as what was about to happen would almost kill me.

12 Hours later.

I took a deep breath and looked out the window, it's happening again the creatures are  out in the street killing. People are running down the street screaming falling dieing. What was a small fire  earlier has now engulfed half the market stalls and is rapidly progressing to consume the rest "Is it safe?"I turned around "No it's not" "What are we going to do?" I sat down on the cheap hotel bed next to the young boy he couldn't be more than 10 "For now we stay here" "What about your friend Jon?" I sighed "I don't know where he is if he is alive he will be O.K" Their was a bang on the door Ryan the Doc's kid jumped and hid under the bed. The hotel was a simple five storey block of flats that had been made in to more of a hostel for people who needed to travel between ouposts. I stood up and put my eye to the spy hole in the oak  door. They were in the corridor so many flooding down the corridor that they were forced against the walls. As long as we were quiet we would be O.K. Screams started to come from other rooms sobs as people tried to run and were caught and consumed. Ryan started to pull his way out from under the bed as he got up his foot caght the bedside table. Almost in cartoony slow motion the vase  wobbled on the table then of course it fell hitting the tiled floor. Neither of us moved or breathed then the banging began on our door just a few hands at first then more and more 4 storeys up the door blocked we were trapped.  



I was shaken awake the lights were on bright the dead still moaning "Get up get up" The doc was shaking me awake "Morning Doc how are you?"  "We need to go now" I sat up on the matress still claring the grogginess from my head "You know if you keep grabing me like this you are going to have to buy me dinner" "There has been an outbreak" That caught me off guard "Where?" "Here" The look of panic on the guys face told me this was not part of the training "In the facility?" "They are everywhere here the streets it spread so quickly" I got up picked my satchel from the matress and slung it over my shoulder "Can we get out?" "It happened so quick no one had the chance to activate the lockdown we can get out" We left the room and stepped into the elavator "Did it start here?" Th elavator doors shut and started to move "No it started everywhere 1st only one or two then they were popping up every where almost like.." He let it trail off "Like it was done on purpose" I finished he nodded. The lift stopped the Doc moved to go first but I stopped him "No offence Doc but maybe you should let me lead the way" He nodded and moved aside so I could exit. In the elavator I had put on my bite proof gloves and I now extended my baton and glanced down the corridor seemed clear. In fact it was all clear everything was the way I saw it yesterday but the technicians were missing.

We reached the entrance with out incident the door was open "Is it meant to be like that?" I asked. "No" I moved towards th door the decontamination spray was going off continuiously and I held my breath as I exited. The two guards were dead they lay in pools of blood I checked for a pulse on both and did not find one. The Doc appeard beside me and vomited on the floor "Are they gonna come back?" he gasped doubled over next to a potted plant "No" I said turning one of the guards on to his back a large hole was right between his eyes the Doc came back over for another look "They were shot" He observed "But they did not turn some one shot them before this all happened" "Why?" "Dunno but some one took there guns to but that is not our biggest concern right now Doc getting the hell out of here is"

We made our way out in to the street fires burnt in buildings people ran in every direction, there were procedures  and rules to follow for ordinary civillians to follow for exactly this kind of outbreak most involved returning to your residence locking the door until the all clear was sounded but as usual with humans all the practice in the world is completely forgotten when your Aunt tries to bite your face off. Running round on the street lik this would probably end in one of two ways getting eaten by the dead or shot by accident by the TRT "This way Doc" I said pulling him down a side alley "What are we going to do?" He pleaded "Doc don't worry I have been through this I know what I'm doing wheres your home?" He took a moment to compose himself "About 20mins away in the hotel room 42 oh God my son" "Where would he be Doc?" "He he should still be in the hotel" "OK thats good we need to head there and wait for the all clear it's too dangerous out here" He nodded "Yes your right it's this way" We exited the alley and travelled down smaller quieter roads until something caught my attention a large metal bar gate was open I looked inside a man wearing a blue jumpsuit and carrying an SMG on a sling was closing the door to a large white truck that would genrally be used for food storage except the inside from what I saw was covered in dark brown splotches and the biggest giveaway body parts "Wait here" "Why?" "Wait!" The Doc shutup and I walked through the gates the man was making a call on the radio another was behind the wheel smoking a fag FD-26 was written in large red letters on the side of the truck confirming my thought it was a food truck FD being food and 26 meaning it was vehicle 26 now how would he explain the body parts. Body disposal was done in black vehicles marked BD were they short of them? Time to find out.

My footsteps were siilent on the cracked concrete grass was sprouting through it in places old debris pallets oil drums were placed in seemingly random places. The man had his back to me what he was wearing was remarkably similar to a TRT jumpsuit "Yes Sir Yes of course" "Hi" The man almost dropped his radio in suprise as he turned to face me I presented him with my I.D TRT members being one of the few groups allowed to know their identities, all though the Doc knew the guards must of known maybe this was not as secret as Kane told me "Jesus you scared me kid" "Yeah I get that a lot shouldnt you be out there dealing with the dead?" The man did not hesitate with his reply "We were ordered to drop off the food supply first if we left it on the street it would be gone by the time we got back" I nodded "So you are transporting food?" "Was" He corrected "And you dropped it off?" "Yes and why the hell is some Ghost giving me the 3rd degree?" He said through gritted teeth" "You learn by asking questions thats what my teacher told me all though he also said I would never amount to anything in my life..." He cut me off "What do you want?" "To look in the back of your truck" "Nothing back there" The driver said getting out of the cab and walking towards us. He waore the same jumpsuit as his friend the driver was my height 5'9 skinny short greasy black hair his friend the guy on the radio was 5'11 and looked like he put a bit of time in the gym standard no 1 length haircut "Well it wont take me long then will it?" The driver pointed a finger at me "We dont have time to entertain your delusions kid lives are at stake "You better let me get on with it then" I retorted "What gives you the right..." The radio man started "In the abscence of an active poice officer in times of civil unrest mass destruction terrorism lives in imminent danger etc blah Ghosts are permitted to act as peace officers with all assosiated powers" The two men looked like they were thinking this over "Fine"The driver said throwing me the keys to unlock the back help yourself.

I pulled out my phone as I walked to the back of the truck and dialed hoping this area had a signal "Tom?" "Yeah boss it's me we have a problem the outpost has gone to hell here" "I know they are abandoning the outpost now Parliament has already evacuated" "Well I am so relieved to hear that what aout the rest of us mortals?" "The TRT and guard are overwhelmed they can't cope with the amount of outbreaks all they are doing is trying to contain and get people outside the walls as fast as possible some one caused this it was no accident" "Yeah thats what I thought" I got to the end of the truck the radio man had followed me "Bit of privacy please" "What?" "No not you boss hey whats yours and your friends name?" "Shelby 348 Botts 221" He walked round the side of the truck "I think I have found something odd here boss food truck FD26 I saw blood and body parts in the back got two apparant TRT guys here claiming it was a food run" "Names?" "Shelby 348 Botts 221" "Hold on" I put the keys in the lock of truck door "Where are you?" Kane said urgency ringing in his voice "Industrial about 10 mins from the town hall why?" "The truck FD26 was decomissioned 2 months ago it was reactivated 11:00pm last night by Commander F. Grant who was found dead this morning apparant suicide" "Sounds a bit fishy boss" I extended the Baton "Is Jon nearby?" "We hae not heard from agent Abernethy since the outbreak he was at the active fire range that area is now class 8" God class 8 was the worst not just the undead but other hazards fires people killing each other possible radiation for all I know "Tom" "I'm still here boss" I lifted the sliding door of the truck a little the smell of decay hit me and I let it clang shut "Yeah boss better get me some backup" I extended the baton and peeked round the side of the truck radio man was gone the driver was back in the cab watching me through the wing mirror. I turned and radio mans fist filled my vision.


What I have lost

What happened next was blurry  radio man standing over me with his SMG pointed at my head talking into a radio "Yes yes" He put it back on his belt his attention returned to me he looked down the sights of his gun I looked him in the eye and waited for the shot. Suddenly he turned he was wrestling with someone the SMG fell out of his hand and he delivred a stiff punch to his attackers face. The Doc's nose gushed blood "It's Kidd grab him" a voice yelled. Radio man grabbed the Doc by the scruff of his lab coat and picked up his gun, the Doc was trying in vain to fight him off but radio man screwed his gun against his head forcing him to comply and forced him to the the truck cab. I groggily got to my feet swaying trying to make myself stand his back was to me I took a step and stumbled to my knees, radio man turned and snickered pointing his SMG at me. The Doc grabbed the gun barrell and pushed it up lead flew in to the sky radio man gave him a stiff back hand sending him crashing in to the side of the truck his head bouncing off it. He turned his attention back to me but the gu shots had sent me crashing back to reality and I had closed the distance. I slapped the gun down with my weaker right hand brought my left elbow swinging across his face hitting his temple the gun clattered to the ground. He grabbed me and headbutted me so hard stars swarmed my vision it was all I could do to raise my arm to try and block another devastating punch. I was so out of it my own arm cam back and punched myself in the face, I staggered back he advanced and did it right in to a face full of blinding powder.

Ninjas used to use crushed glass and cayenne pepper mixes to blind there enimies it was how the legend of them being able to dissapear in a cloud of smoke started, I am no ninja but I am perfectly capable of mixing crushed glass and what ever nasty things I can get my hands on and throwing it in the genral direction of someones face. Radio man staggered back I clicked my heel against the concrete and the stiletto extended I ran at him trying to drive the blade in to his shin it would hurt but would not be fatal so Kane could speak with him. I stopped with amazement as he caught the kick he twisted my leg causing me to hit the ground stomach first the wind knocked out of me, he was still trying to clear the powder out of his eyes. I spied my baton it was still at the back of the truck the SMG was under the truck some where and I did not trust the driver to not run me ovr if I tried to go and get it. I ran for the baton stumbling as I went I grabbed it and returned to see the driver carrying the doc inside the cab I ran the driver and the Doc were in Radio man was climbing in. I was closing the distance the door was starting to close the engin started the truck was moving. Oh God why do I do this?


I jumped and landed inbtween the door my legs scrabbling to find purchase on the small step ladder, Radio man and the driver looked shocked but that did not last long the driver put his foot down and the truck screeched off with mw still dangling half in half out. Radio man was trying to remedy this by shoving the rest of me out with what little swing room I had I hit him with the baton all though it was not having much effect all it was doing was tapping him. One of his hands was in my face pushing me back the over holding the door open, I thrust the baton against the dashboard to collapse it and with my fist wrapped around it to increase the power I punched him in the nuts, yes I know you shouldn't do that but the next time you are dangling out of a truck doing 60mph see what you do. He howled in pain "Get him out" the driver shouted. Radio man was not paying too much attention one hand on his nuts which were now probably some where in his chest cavity the other half heartedly pushing me back. My feet found purchase just as the driver reached over and punched me in the mouth I staggered momentatrily losing my grip I could feel myselft start to tumble back it all seemed to happen in slow motion Radio man's eyes refocused he delivred a blow to my stomach I teetered back thats when the driver did his high speed stop the truck turned and I fell through space falling out of the truck door and landing in a hedge with out any grace. The adrenaline was still surging through me I jumped back to my feet. We had been driving down a woodland path and now the same truck I was just in was now coming straight at me I dived back in to the bush swearing I could see Radio man's dissapointed face as I made it. Crap.


I returned to the industrial estate where the truck had originaly been and grabbed my bag found my phone I dialed Kane "Tom?" "Boss I don't know who those guys were but they attacked me and they have taken Dr.Kidd" "" The sound was so garbled I could barly make it out "Boss I didn't get that repeat" "No help" "What about Jon have you hard from him?" " survivors...class 8" The call ended there. I stood for a moment it was all happening again but this was worse this was no accident this was intentional this was evil and I am going to stop it even if it kills me              

Adventures in babysitting.

I left and made my way to the hotel, destruction was around me the dead mixed with the dieing and a decreasing number of the living. I stuck to the edge of the streets skirting around people keeping up a light jog. I saw it all people families torn apart in the jaws of the undead I kept my head down and kept going finally arriving at the hotel 10 minutes later. The hotel was a large ugly brick building an white stone archway with revolving doors at the front and black and white tile steps leading up to it the only difficulty getting inside was trying to get past people trying to get out, eventually I entered the lobby tiled floor and wood paneling surrounded me as people rushed past. I walked to the stairs walking round a angry fat man bellowing at what I can only guess was his assistant to get his bags to the car, the young man turned round from the mans bags and punched him in the jaw before heading to the door well at least that cheered me up a bit.


Room 42 was on the 3rd floor and I was out of breath by the time I had reached the top, I really need to stop smoking . I walked down the corridor and knocked on the door of room 42. The door opened a crack a boy with dark hair and a pale face blue t-shirt and jeans about 9 years old "Hi" I started before the door slammed shut. I sighed and knocked again "Kid open up" "I'm waiting for my Dad go away!" "Your Dad asked me to come get you I'm a policeman" "Where's your hat?" "My what?" "Your policeman's hat where is it? "A monster took it I have my badge if you want to see it" The door opened slowly and the kid held his hand out, I gave him my I.D he stared at it and me trying to look as intimidating as he could. He opened the door "Where's my dad?" A crash came from the stairwell "Yeah lets talk about that inside" I pushed him in and shut the door. I explained to the boy who's name I now know as Ryan that his dad had gone to try and stop the monsters and that I had been sent to get him and take him some where safe, he seemed to accepts this.


So we waited leaving now with the throngs of people would only get us killed. We talked a little he showed me his toys old action men, he asked me if I had any one missing I told him about Jon, the kid gave me a pat on the back a small gesture but I appreciated it.



"Move" I pushed Ryan out of the way and started to push the bed against the door and the bed side table followed "Will that keep them out?" Ryan asked looking pathetic standing there "For about 10 minutes" He started to cry, Ah maybe not the best answer then. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder "Don't worry they aren't going to get you" He stopped rubbing his eyes "You have a plan?" I nodded "Yeah " Though my voice did not ring with confidence.


I opened the bathroom window and looked out, the window sills were quite wide enough for me to hold on guttering ran along underneath the window it was at a height that I could hold the window sill and put my feet on the guttering, but the kid on the other hand was not going to be able to do this I would have to carry him. I needed to make a decision the sky was already starting to darken the streets would be a death trap at night but staying would also result in the same. In reality this was the only good decision the dead would soon break through, I had about an hour to get the kid out find a car and escape the outpost.


"Yeah O.K like that but not to tight" I started to choke as the kid wrapped his arms to tight around my neck "To tight to tight" I gasped "Sorry" "O.K wrap your legs around my waist yeah like that and just er don't squirm or look down" "O.K" I lowered myself out the window the kid was heavier than I thought and I am not particularly strong. I followed my own advice and did not look down only across to the archway 8 meters away. As we passed windows and looked in people were barricading doors that were quickly being overwhelmed by the dead some rooms had already been overrun we quickly moved past these. Three quarters of the way there "You O.K kid?" He didn't say anything just nodded in to my shoulder "All right almost there" These words were more to reassure myself than the kid. Made it we stood on the flat surface of the archway. The street below was reasonably clear of the dead as the majority had flooded in to the hotel.


I had to keep the kid on my back for the jump to street level it was still a good drop and I had to lower myself down to avoid twisting an ankle and certain death in this environment. Ryan jumped off my back and we headed off back to the industrial estate as the son started to set.

I pulled open one of the shed doors. Perfect. A land rover diesel an awful shade of maroon probably would of been used as a scouting vehicle the shed was small nothing else was in here apart from a few tools, locks were minimal here due to a normally constant security presents but they had there own problems right now. I opened the door and checked inside, all clear "O.K jump in" Ryan jumped in the back I walked to the back of the shed and opened up the tool box pulling out a pair of bolt cutters and a crowbar. Shutting the shed door I climbed in the front of the car and proceeded to pries off the casing on the steering column and looked at the wires now how did Jon do this? I had seen him do it loads of times and he offered to show me, I would pretend to show an interest but really was not paying attention I cursed myself for it now as I started sorting wires, Ryan looked over the seat with interest "What are you doing?" Trying to hot wire the car" I replied still focusing on the wires "Why?" He followed up "Because we need to get out of here before it gets dark" "Why don't you use the keys?" "I would if I had them" Ryan reached up pulled down the sun blocker and the keys fell out landing my head as if to reiterate my stupidity, Ryan smiled "Yeah yeah very clever" The car started up with no troubles and with half a tank "O.K wait here I will be back in a second" I got out "Where are you going?" "We need fuel and something to eat for the trip home kid" I didn't need to eat it would take a couple of days max to get home but the kid would need something. I got to the shed door "Stay here stay quiet you understand?" He nodded and ducked down.


Cutting the wire fence was easy and I soon managed to peel back a space large enough for the car to drive through fuel and food next. I entered the small office of the Outpost dispatch office it was deserted all of the officers never to return paperwork was scattered across the desk various reports on supplies ammunition. I ignored theses and walked over to the fuel pump control panel it required a key but the key hole was so worn a screw driver I had taken from the tool box worked just as well. I then used the same screwdriver to pry open the locked desk drawer a pile of sweets and fizzy drinks lay here, corrupt bastard I stuffed it in my satchel and I headed back out to the pumps grabbed a couple of cans and filled them to the brim and put them in front of the shed door. Something was wrong I had shut it behind me but now it was slightly ajar. I dropped the satchel and pulled out my baton but did not extend it and pushed the door open slightly and peeked inside.

Two men in there early twenties wearing grey and black hooded tops hood up and jogging bottoms were trying to get Ryan out of the car the kid had locked the doors but the two men were not about to give up so easy "Come on kid we aint gonna hurt ya" Grey hoodie said pressing his face against the glass blue was on the other side "Just open the door" He tried the door again. The frustration was starting to show on there faces Grey slammed his fist on the glass "Open the fucking door!!!" The kid jumped "Dude he's just a kid" Blue moved to stop his friend beating on the glass "We are gonna fucking die here if he don't let us in you moron!" Greys shrieks were now bordering on the hysterical, he went to the back of the shed and picked up a hammer then returned to the window "Can I help you?" Grey stopped with his hammer in mid swing "Why don't you put the hammer down? Plenty of space for all of us in the car I'm not a great driver I have food water plenty for all of us this does not have to end badly" Grey stopped for a moment considering this "I got diesel outside more than enough to get us some where safe no need for a fight we all want the same thing to survive we can all win here, we all get what we want no hard feelings" When the human brain feels it's existence is threatened the most rational person can do the craziest thing even when there is a perfect way out with no violence when it go's it's gone.


Grey launched the hammer at my head I quickly shut the door and it bounced off, Grey came tearing out as I backed away Blue stood in shock by the car "Come on man don't be stupid our way out is right there" Blue yelled Grey ignored his friend moved towards me and threw a right hook, his rage worked in my favour as he swung his arm I ducked and punched him hard in the stomach he wheezed I tried to advance to finish the fight but his arm swung out and a 7 inch blade appeared in his hand. He steadied himself and thrust forward with the knife I jumped back waiting for the next attack this one was overhand as if trying to drive it in to my skull, I caught with my left and drove the heel of my left hand in to his nose bones cracked blood blossomed, still holding his right with my left I ducked underneath the arm twisting it striking the back of the elbow with my right he dropped the knife. He was on his knees I wrapped my arms round his throat trying to get a choke hold in place so I could KO the guy handcuff him, but he struggled free and staggered away clutching his nose in one hand the right arm hanging limply probably dislocated at his side he started to run "Where are you going you idiot you will die out there!!" I bellowed after him he made it to the industrial entrance, he turned "Fuck you!" That's all he got out, as if they were parts of the trees and weeds themselves arms shot out of the undergrowth dragging him down. I turned away and ran back to the car grabbing a can of fuel Blue was still standing there in shock his hood was down now revealing a tanned face blonde hair and deep green eyes about 19 , he looked at me "Are you coming our staying with your friend?" He looked stunned that I was giving him the choice "Well er I" "Right your coming what's your name?" "Danny" He stuttered "O.K I'm Tom that's Ryan don't stab me shoot me or push me out of a moving vehicle we will get along fine understand?" "Yeah" "Good grab that can of fuel and my bag can you drive?" He nodded, I threw him the keys "Go then" He loaded and started the engine whilst I topped u the tank I threw the it in the boot and opened the front passenger door, Ryan was sitting there "Yeah nice try get in the back" "I called shotgun" "Well I'm bigger move" He jumped in to the back "And put your seatbelt on" He did and I put mine on, I looked over at Danny who quickly did the same "Good now we are all safe drive"


Danny drove through the gap in the fence, I was tempted to ask him to stop let me out so I could search for Jon but I knew that my chances of finding him were near non existent. We had agreed in the past that if things like this happened we would not hang around if we could not find the other it had happened at the hospital he had waited for me but he left when the danger was to great but if he was alive I'm sure he would make his own way back.

Stand And Deliver.

We headed for home we didn't say much, none of us felt like talking much. We took cover in a barn for the night and until midday the following day continued without incident until the back roads.

"Can we move it?" Danny asked. I knelt next to the tree that blocked the narrow road. It was not a big tree but big enough that we would not be able to move it my eyes wandered from the branches down to where the stump ended. I stood up put my arm round Danny's shouler and started to lead him away from the tree back to the car "What?" He said "Get back in the car quickly" "Why we could probably drive over it" I kept leading him back to the car "Look at the base of the trunk it's a smooth break some one cut it downon purpose across the road, if it came down naturally it would be jagged. Danny's face paled he knew what this meant.


Highwayman were common in this area, most were criminals from the outpost that had escaped. They were rarely pursued every outpost had a dna and fingerprint scannner if they tried to move some where else they would be arrested long before they got inside. But highwaymen would be a blessing compared to the other option, rebels people who had turned the chance to live in the outposts, instead opting for there own laws. Some at best would ignore you others robbed murdered what ever they came across. Me and Jon had encountered them before these ended in stab wounds, broken bones, burns and bodies.


We got back in the car. woodland was to our right fields on our left a wooden femce surronding it "Turn round and back up let's try heading through the town" I had hoped to avoid the town due to being very likely being infested but give me fighting the dead over the living any day, the dead are at least predicatble they don't hide there intentions plan plot decieve. Danny started the engine, then a tap on my passenger window. I wrapped my hand around my baton and turned my head. A man stood there long brown dirty hair reached his shoulders touching a dirty grey t-shirt, a machete was still against the winow all though it looked so blunt and rusted I doubted it would be an effective weapon . Slightly relieved to see only one I tol Danny to keep oing the turn he did "I will slash your tires" Danny stopped, I sighed, maybe one day I will get a normal day where no one wants to stab me, I lowered my window a little "Get out get the fuck out" He started grabbing the handle "You know stand and deliver is more traditional" "What?" He looked up whilst still trying the door handle "Stand and deliver your money or your life like Dick Turpin" "Who" He was starting to get more desparate now hands scrabbling against the metal "The highwayman, you know your predossesor?" "My what?" I rolled my eyes"You you your a highwayman" "This isn't I highway are you an idiot?" I rolled my eyes "No it does not matter if it's oh never mind. I readjusted my sitting position and slid the door lock to the off position, Danny looked ath me like I was mad. The genius outside the car smiled at his success of getting the door open, but that soon faded as when he opened it my foot followed sending the door in to his face he stumble back and fell in to the bushy woodland.


I got out of the car "Hey where are you going?" Danny called out, Ryan sat up in the back seat he had been asleep but now his face was flushed with concern. I closed the door "A lot of people escaping the outpost will head this way can't leave him out here" Danny said nothing "Close the window any trouble honk" I mae my way through the woodlan, there was a slight enbankment where the genius had tripped when the door hit him and stumbled back, he was now on his back with a rather dazed look on his face "Get up" I said nudging him with my foot kicking away the machete. He looked up at me with confusion like he was just seeing me for the first time "Come on I don't have all day get up" He still stared at me. Even though every fiber of my being did not want to touch the guy I rolled him on to his back and handcuffed him, a bear that had not been using his prescription deodrant probably smelt better. I yanked him up by his shirt, it was damp, blood.


Concerned he was bitten I checked him and found no marks "Hey man you got no right" "Shut up" I helped him up and grabbed his shirt "Where did the blood come from?" He shrugged "Dunno man, what are you the police?" I let go, and looked around, a crude shelter of cardboard boxes had been built nearby and I walked over. Empty tins and human excrement were scattered around. Then there was the other pile that lay there 3 bodies a man woman and child. I pushed them gently with my foot they had been hacked at with something blunt probably this guy's machete heads were severed from the body but were placed against the necks to give the illusion of still being attached. I squatted down next to them and rolled them over. What I saw made me sick physically sick I puked, they were not dead when they were killed these were living people and this guy had butchered them literally. Large pieces had been cut out of them not torn like a creatures would, this guy had killed them and was eating them. I got up and walked towards the man, he looked at me "What man guy's gotta eat" I punched him in the jaw, I had put on my reinforced gloves as I walked towards him, teeth cracked and he fell to the ground blood pouring from his mouth.


For a moment I was not me frustration rage overcame me I kicked and I stomped. I don't know why I stopped just shy of killing him, I have killed before two people one in self defence and the other killed two friends of mine also self defence maybe I could not justify this one in my head. The other two I did not quite have a clear conscience but I did not feel patriarchy bad about it either. This guy was handcuffed and unarmed no matter how twisted he was. I dragged him by the leg towards the car as the horn sounded.



I rushed to the road dragging the scum bag behind me, but when I saw why Danny was honking I dropped him.The creature the one that me and Jon had captured in the woods it was here, here how was it here? How could it be here. Danny had turned the car around and the creature was pounding on the bonnet. It was howling, not moaning a screech of rage. I took a step back. I was afraid this was not normal, dead people walking was no normal but I had accepted that but this, this was different. It was then the creature noticed me it screeched again and ran towards me.


Panic rose within me the creature crashed in to me knocking me to the floor her teeth viciously snapping an inch away from my nose. Survival instinct eventually kicked in and I managed to get my hand around her throat and hold her back. She was smaller than me but God she was strong. With a burst of strength I managed to kick her off me her head bouncing off the road not that this had much effect. I barely had a chance to get to my feet when she charged again, I sidestepped and stuck out my foot (yeah not very original but it works) and she fell to the ground. I extended my baton and moved in for the kill the creature leapt to it's feet and we circled each other. She advanced again arms outstretched, I moved around her and grabbed her hair and yanked. Her legs flew out from underneath her and I released her hair. As she fell to the ground I drove the baton spike through her forehead and pulled the trigger. All at once the fight went out of her and she lay still.


I panted and waved for Danny to move the car closer "Open the boot" He did and I dumped the body of the girl in "What are you doing?" Danny yelled "It was alive the last time I took it not making that mistake again" "What do you mean again?" I sghed "You don't want to know" I went to go get the scumbag who was still out cold, Danny jumped out to give me a hand "Ryan why don't you take shotgun I'm gonna ride in the back with this guy" He noded and climbed over the seat. We laid the scumbag on the backseat and closed the door, I went to climb in but Danny stopped me "What the hell was that thing?" I looked him in the eye" No idea something new"Terror spread across hs face "What you mean they are evolving" I was not in a mood to discuss Darwinism "How the fuck should I know do I look like a scientist?" I snapped. He went red and got back in the rivers seat "I have one more thing to do hold on" "But..." Danny started but the look on my face mae him stop their. I burnt the bodies of the family. I walked away as the fire burst in to life from the match light a piece of paper threw it over my shouler and walked away feeling the heat on my back.



Eight hours later we were home. I approached the Outpost on foot first not wanting to bring the women's body inside like last time. I got in informed Kane and he arranged it. After the decontamination shower I spoke with Kane told him what had happened asked about Jon no luck. The scumbag's name was Mark Stevens before our run in the woods he had robbed 7 people at the Hastings outpost killed 3 of them and a Police officer escaping he looks destined to hang, the officers did not question the condition I delivered him in, in fact they looked disappointed I had beaten them to it.


Danny and Ryan will be staying with us for now. The house will be overcrowded but I will put Danny on the sofa and Ryan in Jon's room. Returning home was not enjoyable all it did was make me notice the absence of Jon even more.


I sat in the kitchen finishing off the last of a bottle of vodka, Sky came in hugged me kissed me on the cheek said good night and left me to my thoughts.

The next few days were a blur of alcohol until one morning I was woken by my phone "Yeah" I grunted opening my eyes then quickly shutting them as the room started to spin "We found him" It was Kane, I sat up way to quickly and I almost hurled "Jon? Where is he" "A group of rebels have him and 8 other refugees about 60 miles from the outpost on Winterden farm" "Will they let him go?" "For a price" I sank back on to the bed "What do they want?" "Guns" "No one is going to agree to that boss" "They said we have 48 hours to respond after that they die" "Are we getting the usual we do not negotiate with terrorists excuse?" "Yeah" "So we leave them to die?" "No" "What's the plan?" "Up to you if you decide to go I wont stop you but you will not have any support" "Thanks boss I can always count on you when are you going to start paying me back for all the things I do for you" "I will recommend you for employee of the month" "Oh what do I get for that?" "A hearty hand shake a pat on the back and keep up the good work" "Not even a plaque or my photo on the wall" Kane allowed himself a rare chuckle "Do what you will, these rebels have been declared as enemy combatants" "Why did you mention that you want me to wipe them out?" "No one would shed any tears if you did" "Thanks boss" I hung up "Danny!" I yelled down the stairs, he appeared in just shorts "Get dressed get the car" He rubbed his eyes "Why?" "Because your sleeping in my house and eating my food so unless you want to go to one of the hostels get the car and get dressed" He moved to get changed.

I grabbed my stuff got dressed. Purpose ran through me strongly I can still fix this.

End Of All Hope

I sat in the car, Danny gripped the steering wheel so hard I can hear it creaking. I flicked my fag out the window "Dude you are hurting the car" He looked at me "What?" I point at the steering wheel "You are about to break the steering wheel" The back door slammed shut, and Danny almost crapped himself. Toby slapped him on the back "Calm down son" Toby nodded at me, the long coat he was wearing was loose but look closely and you could see the outline of the SMG under it "Ready to go?" I ask "Yeah but Jon owes me about 8 drinks now for saving his arse" I laugh "You owe me 4 by the way" I rummage through my bag "Sky made me a Sandwich will that do?" He takes the Sandwich and tucks in "Were even then?" He nods. Danny pulls the car out of the outpost and we head to the unknown.

You have to look very carefully to see the family resemblance between me and Toby, he go's about 6 foot and about 15 stone compared to my slight 5'9 and 10 stone. He has long straitened black hair which is naturally curly and a douche bag beard. But look closely at us and you see the eyes are alarmingly similar, so much energy and emotion flows through them. But Toby is not a fool the TRF training has made him a skilled marksman strategist and turned the extra pounds he was carrying in to muscle he is like a brick wall. We all had firearms training but Toby's far surpassed that he was a squad leader for a rapid response team. He didn't get that high by niceness, brutal efficiency against the dead and when the threat is to severe for the police occasionaly the living. If it was not Jon backing me up I am glad it's him.


We pull up to the outskirts of a caravan park. The originally 4ft high fence had been increased with more wood sheet metal and topped with barbed wire. A large coach with metal skirting, was parked at the front blocking the entrance. I opened the glove compartment and took out the Glock handgun and 3 15 round magazines. Me and Jon have never used the gun, we never go out with the intention of taking a living life the dead are fair game but our own personal melee weapons are generally more effective and quiet. I pull a shoulder holster out from under the seat and put it on, then put my coat back on but leaving it unbuttoned. I check the gun and load a magazine then place it in the holster. Danny is dreading that we are going to ask him to come in with us "When we get out pull the car back up the drive just behind the trees" "But they will have seen us already" "Yes but they wont be able to shoot you from there" He gulps "If we need to get out quick, we will give a signal" "Whats the signal?" "Dunno but you will know it when you see it" He nods "If we are not back in an hour wait a bit longer" "If your still not back?" "Well you can charge in or go beg the outpost Commander to come save us" "But you said he wouldn't" "Well then probably just best to forget we exist"


As we approached a voice shouted down from "What you want?" I looked up and saw a dirty man with a stained green t-shirt "Who go's there is there more traditional challenge" I shouted back up "What?" "Never mind" I muttered "We are here for the hostages" The man glared at us for a moment and disappeared from sight. I casually clasped my hands behind my back, Toby adjusted his position and moved the smg under his coat. The lookout returned with a taller man long greasy hair tied back in a ponytail, a what I assumed was once a white vest was stained with various unidentifiable substances. He was skinny but you could tell he had a wirey strength to him. He looked at us and spat down, The glob landed next to my foot, charming "Where's the guns?" And I'm Tom" "What?" I sighed "I want to see the hostages first" "No" "O.K bye then" We turned to leave "Where you going?" I looked back over my shoulder "I'm not giving you gun's for corpses" We kept walking for another 10 feet "Wait!" We stopped "Open the gate"

Phil as we found out his name was met us as we entered there compound. 12 caravans circled a fenced in piece of tarmac about 4 meters by 4 meters. We were informed by Phil this is where the groups disputes were settled in brutal fights two entered one left. You could not refuse the challenge to do so would be weak. We followed Phil to a small caravan with bar's on the windows we looked in. 3 women 2 children 2 men, but no Jon "This all of them?" "Yeah" I turned quickly and glared at Phil the two people with him raised there wooden clubs in surprise "Are you sure?" He spat again "Looking for someone in particular?" "Answer the question" "We had one escape couple days ago probably dead by now" "Whys that" I asked casually Looking back in to the caravan "Boy's roughed him up pretty bad then climbing over that fence cut him to pieces" I clenched the bars, the caravan smelt of human waste the people in there looked terrified, one of the women held the children close she mouthed to me "Help us" I wont go in to detail further about there condition but abuse was fairly obvious "Describe him" My voice sounding oddly calm "Bout your height bald built like a brick shit house" Jon, he was here "Where's our guns?" Anger swept through me "I have a better idea" "Oh?" I turned and walked over to him "You and me in that ring " He looked considering me then laughed "Get him outta here" The two guards moved forward "That's fine if your scared!!" I yelled this part, faces poked out of the caravans. Phil's face twitched with annoyance. I had him, if he backed down yeah he could kick us out but people would see he was weak they would turn on him. I smiled "Simple terms 1 on 1 I win the hostages leave with me" "And when I win?" he cuts in "You have two government officials as hostages a lot more valuable than what you have now" "1 your friend there you will be dead"


I vaulted the low fence discarded my coat keeping the gun concealed inside it handing it to Toby "I could just shoot them you know" "They are not all guilty people" About 20 more people had appeared from the caravans men women children all looking rough. Phil was not a leader he was a bully he ruled with fear, as he approached the fence he slapped a woman to the ground for crossing his path, she feel calling out in shock hate welled up inside me. He had a slight height advantage but had similar builds, I took off my jumper leaving me in jeans and a long sleeved grey t-shirt. 

The two of us were in the mini arena now, he made a bit of a show slapping his head punching the air giving me the evil eye I stood there calmly "Any rules I should know about" "No weapons no outside interference" "So is there a bell or a countdown?"

He responded by lunging towards me swinging a vicious right hook as I ducked I yanked back on his ponytail and his legs flew out from under him. As he fell I twisted and drove my fist in to his stomach, backing off as he swung a leg up to try and take my head off. He was on his feet suprisingly quickly advanced faked with his right then swung his left for my face the blow was fast and powerful I got half a block in taking the sting out of it but it caught me in the mouth splitting my lip, I recoiled and he swept my legs. The air was driven out of me and I immediately had to roll sideways as Phil's foot came down where my face was. I over estimated how much space I had to maneuver and hit the fence Phil followed up with a kick to the kidneys and pain shot through me he hauled me to my feet "Should of just came with the guns kid now your gonna die here" "I'm not scared of you I have met bigger well maybe not uglier" A blow to the stomach "I know what you did to those people" Phil smiled several teeth missing "What are you going to do about it?" My response was simple , I swung my head back then used it as a battering ram in to his nose blood poured. He stepped back as he did I punched once twice on to the nose cracking bones, he backed off till he reached the fence I used my knee and drove it in to the stomach booted his knee so he landed face first on the tarmac. I kicked him on to his back and put my foot on his throat "We are leaving with the hostages is that all of them?" He sneered up at me blood pouring "One more in my caravan"

Toby went to the caravan I kept Phil where he was. After a wait Toby came out carrying a blanket over to the fence he held it out to me the size and shape of it it was obvious what was inside. I pulled it back slightly, a girl dead naked cold no more than 20 years old. Laughter echoed around me I looked back down it was Phil "Anything to say for yourself?" I asked coldly "It was fun" The laughter continued.

What happened next flashed by I stepped off Phil and went to my coat, pulled the gun, Walked over to Phil his eyes fill with shock he tries to get to his feet "Whoa hold on"He backs up against the fence, I level the gun with his head "Two enter one leaves you said" The shot echoes Phil slumps.

The hostages were taken back in two trips to the outpost Steve had to make a third trip to get me and Toby. I spoke to Kane gave him the bad news. The ride was silent Toby wanted to say something Steve started but a look from me silenced him.

I came back in to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. Sky poked her head in the door "You O.K?"I looked up "Rough day done your homework?" "Yes" "What's the time?" "Half 2" "Go grab Ryan" "Why?" " It's a Surprise"

The rest of the day was soul searching watching the kids enjoy themselves sweets toys I drew the line at makeup for Sky though no matter how much she pouted. But all to soon it was over I was home and my phone was ringing"Hello" "No clever remark" "Yes boss" "Psychiatric evaluation 9 tomorrow" "I don't need one boss" "You killed someone today" "Not the first" "The first that was not self defense" "He was a piece of shit" "Your off scavenging and GHOST duty till you go" "Oh no what ever will I do, come off it boss it punishes you the outpost Commander and the people more than me" "We will all suffer and that bothers you" "See if I care" I hung up and turned the phone off.

I did not go to the appointment I tried to go on a scavenger run but as Kane said was relieved of my duty. So I sat in the pub drinking. Why? I don't know Jon, regret for killing it didn't matter the blackness swallowed me and I didn't care


Why am I here? What is the point of this? Sane people would have put a gun in their mouth by now. The pub floor was oddly comfortable. I opened one eye the light was bright I reached out a hand and groped blindly for my drink. I propped myself up a bit and poured the horrible tasting stuff down my throat "Another!" I slammed the glass down it smashed, I lay back down and put my hand in front of my face, not to much blood "Another!" The barman lent over the bar so I could see him "Don't you think you have had enough?" "I understood what you said so no another" "You gonna pay for what you had so far and that glass you broke and the stool you threw, or we gonna have a problem?" He waved a cricket bat over the bar "I got money" I rummaged through my pocket and threw some money up to the bar "Enough?" "Yeah same again?" "Yeah and another one" He lent down and passed me another drink. I couldn't quite remember how I ended up on the floor, something about e taking someone's stool. I think I then proceeded to hit them with the stool a fight which I think I lost. I sat the drink down and wiped my hand across my face looked at it more blood, or was this the hand I cut? The door opened and some one walked in I turned my head "Fuck off were closed" The door shut and the barman appeared again "Your scaring off business" "Hey I hired this place and I still have 5 hours of my 8 left" "2 hours" "What?" He pointed at the clock "Opened at 7 it's 1 now" "Oh that's why my back hurts how long I been down here?" "Since 8""Oh sorry bout that" "You got the money gets a beer and sympathetic ear, something on your mind?" "Don't want to talk about it" "Whatever he went back to washing glasses" "Book me another 3 hours" "Cash upfront" "Do I get a discount cause I'm not using the furniture?" "Nope" "Tight fisted git" I held up more cash, he took it "You allowed to serve people this drunk?" "I have my own rule with that" "What's that?" "It's only a problem when there wallet is empty" I chuckled "Send two more down" "You got two there" I propped myself up again "Hey shut-up I'm paying aren't I? And get me some of those silly straws I'm sick of using my elbows to sit up" He started the drinks "You could do this at home a lot cheaper" "Yeah but I don't have your magical charm there""You got family?" "Yeah" "They worried about you?" "Very haven't been home in 3 days" "Kids?" "Not mine but I'm all they got" "Shouldn't you be there?" "If you really cared that much you would kick me out of here and send me home" He sets the drinks down next to me handing the me the straw "I don't just pointing it out they probably wish you were there" "Yeah well wish in one hand shit in the other see which fills up first, and put some music on"



Dead or Alive finished "Again" I yelled "That will be seven times your voice greats after a while no matter how wonderful you think it is" "Just put it on" The door opened.

"Fuck off private party" Ignoring my suggestion whoever it was closed the door, without looking I hurled one of my empty glasses in that direction. Hearing it impact it with the wall and no cry meant I missed, I downed the last of my drink so I could reload. The person walked quickly to the bar "No more for him" I sat up ""Hey are you my mother piss off!" Kane stood at the bar "Great that's all I need" I collapsed back on to the floor, banging my head a little to hard "Ow" Kane stood over me "Yeah?" "How long have you been here?" I shrugged "I dunno ask the barman"He squatted next to me "Are you going to get up?" "No need" Kane moved my last drink slightly out of my reach "That's just childish I can lay here a lot longer than you" Kane pulled up a stool and sat "You didn't see the Doctor" "Found my own the guy behind the bar said drink this till you feel better" "I don't think he is a doctor" "Well he lied to me then" "Get up" Kane said softly "Why?" I said dragging the word out "I have a job for you" "Do I look like batman?" Kane moved so quickly it was scary, he yanked my to my feet by the shirt with one hand, the force almost made me hurl my head lolled around a bit before I met his eye "Do I look like I can fight zombies I can barely stand" Kane shoved me back in to a booth seat he sat opposite me, I reached over for my drink then he booted it across the floor. I shrugged got up walked to the bar and asked for another the barman shook his head. So I reached over the bar and tried to make my own. Kane came up and yanked me back and smashed my head in to the bar the world went blurry, well blurrier than before. With out thinking I reached back over the bar and grabbed a bottle swinging for Kane's head, he ducked and backed away. We squared up I kicked a stool at him and rushed forward trying to drive my shoulder in to him trying for a body slam. The fight did not last long. Kane moved fast or maybe I was slow hard to tell, he stepped past grabbed me by the shirt and hurled me on to a table which broke, I hit the floor laughing "Well done you beat a drunk congratulations" He calmly spoke "Will you listen?" "I sighed "Can I have a drink?" He frowned "What about water can I have that?" He held out a hand I accepted and helped me up.

After a visit to the bathroom I sat opposite Kane "So what was so important you had to interrupt my drinking?" Kane placed photos on the table one of the hospital nearby and the Doc? Why him? "You have met the good doctor then?" "Yeah his son is at my house" "The good Doctor was doing research in London in to the virus" "So lots of people are" "The good doctor was close to a break through" "A cure?" "A vaccine some one who has already turned can't be changed back but this would stop any more being infected" I was shocked "Well go get it then" "Not that simple, the virus keeps mutating we need an original source of infection" "One of the first infected?" "Yes with in the first few days" "What do you need?" "A blood sample a bone anything" "And you can't just grab any old infected because you don't know if they were turned during the first few days?" "Exactly" "I know where we can find one, one of the earliest cases was taken to my hospital I killed it properly killed it should still be locked in the morgue" "We also need the Doctors samples and notes from his office in London" "Boss that place is hell no way we can get in there" "We have a plan for that don't worry" "Anything else dare I ask?" "Yes this is of most importance the new infected you found the runners?" "Yeah" "They are becoming more common we can not hope to simply outlast this we need to finish them and for that we can't lose any more people to them" He walked to the bar and got a drink and placed it in front of me "But by all means stay here and drink yourself into oblivion" "I'm in" I got up "When do I start?""Tomorrow, go sober up"

Strained Relations

"I'm going alone that's it" I put my satchel down on the table scattering some of Jack's junk on to the floor "That's suicide" Jack said calmly bending to pick up piece of a radiator. Toby was less calm "I'm coming that's it" I looked up "You don't get a say in this it's my decision just me" "Your drunk you just spent the last 3 days on a bender" "Yeah but I have had some coffee since then... Well I think it was coffee might have been some gin in it" Jack put the pieces on a shelf of next to more assorted junk "Why? You barely got out the last time" "I saved your butt in the process if I recall correctly" Jack held up his hand to acknowledge the point. I opened up a book and pointed to a picture of an electrical component "This what Kane was talking about" Jack walked over and nodded "Yeah the centrifuge to spin down the samples you don't need the whole thing just that part" I nodded "So when are we going?" Toby asked leaning against the table "I am going tomorrow alone, I know the place you don't" "You took Jon" I slammed the book shut and glared at him, Jack stepped in between us "That's out of line" "He is going to kill himself!" Toby pointed at me "Look at him he can barely stand up straight" I was using the table to partially prop myself up but I was semi sort of sober "I'm not leaving today, I just need the component and the sample from the body wont take long" "What about London? On your own then?" I slammed a fist on the table "I don't know! I don't know, but I can fix this, I can stop this here and now no more people die" "Except you in the process" "Better just the one of us" I picked up the bag and walked to the door Toby blocked the way "Move" Toby shook his head I reached in to my pocket and pulled out my phone "Boss he's stopping me" I put the phone away and sat down. Toby was confused for about 30 seconds then a knock came at the door, Toby opened it, and three TRT members bundled him to the ground they struggled but eventually handcuffed him and dragged him away. He wouldn't even look at me as they took him away. Jack was shocked "He will be fine they will let him go when I come back" Jack looked at me with a sad look "It's for his own good Jack" "What if you don't come back?" I slung my bag over my shoulder "Well I will be to dead to care" I left

The rest of the day was made up of a trip to the armory for ammo and driving lessons from Steve. I got the hang of it quite quickly, he offered to come but when I turned him down I could see the relief in his eyes.We went home I went upstairs showered shaved and felt slightly less crap. I changed and went downstairs to eat. Ty had cooked, no one mentioned my three day absence but an awkwardness filled the air. I went upstairs and double checked everything I would need for tomorrow. Sky walked in and sat down "Going out tomorrow" "Yeah another scavenge" "Wasn't that what you were doing for the last three days?" I stopped what I was doing "Can I come?" "Afraid not darling to dangerous" "You said I could one day" "When your older" "I am older" "Not enough" "When?" "You can't come not even Toby is coming with me" "Where are you going?" I sighed "The hospital" "You almost died there last time you need help" "It's safer for just me to go" "I can go" "No you can't" I was getting angry now "When then?" "When I say!" I snapped. I didn't mean to I never snapped at her before "Sky" She ran out of the room crying. I flopped back on my bed. And fell asleep.

I woke up it was early. I got dressed did my hair for some odd reason, not sure who I was trying to impress. I had some breakfast smoked a lot and walked around in patiently the guards would not let me out till 8, it was 7. I stuck my head up in the loft "Sky" I called softly. No response "Sky...I'm Sorry" I went back down the ladder. I told Ty I was going. He grunted still half asleep glad he wasn't to worried.

I got in the car and drove to the checkpoint and waited. I was waved straight through Kane's doing I suppose,he didn't want me delayed by anything. The phone rang. I hit loudspeaker "Just leaving now boss" "How's the hang over?" "It could slay a walrus oh yeah sorry about the err bottle thing" "Bring the samples back we will call it even" "That's hardly even boss one of me vs. hundreds of zombies not really a comparison" "10 year prison sentence for attacking a military officer for a civilian" All right fair enough I will take it off one of the favors you owe me"

"How are you feeling? "Great I haven't been back to work in ages might bump in to some old friends have a chat a coffee" "Glad to see your sense of humor is back" "I might take you up on the shrink when I get back" Kane was silent for a moment "Just give me a time" "Thanks boss and that was a maybe not an I want" "Contact me when your there"

I was a quarter mile from the hospital when the car died. Using my extremely limited mechanical knowledge which mainly involved turning it off then on swearing and kicking it I gave up and got out "Wait!" I froze I knew that voice. I lifted up the boot lid, and Sky smiled up at me curled up in the boot "What are you doing?!" I held out a hand to help her out the boot "I'm here to help you" "No no chance we are going home now!" I turned to go back the way we came "But we are almost there" She pointed to the sign that indicated the hospital was the next left exit. I turned round "WE are going home then I am getting a better car and doing this alone" "Why?!" She screamed it "Do you want to die? Out here alone is that what you want? To leave me and Ty and Steve and Ryan alone?" I ran my fingers through my hair "No Sky that's not what I want but this is dangerous" "Then why not take Uncle Toby?" I couldn't answer it. Did I want to die was I giving up all the crap I had seen the lives I had taken was it finally taking it's toll on me? "I wish you hadn't come Sky if I lose any one else it's going to finish me off" "And what if we lose you?" She pleaded. My next decision I was going to regret I could feel it now, I could call Kane get a car sent out to pick her up and take her back but no I gave in "O.K come on" She smiled and fell into step beside me

"Ground rules you do exactly as I say or we turn right back understand?" "Yeah" "I mean it next if something happens to me" I took a silver tube the size of a cigarette lighter from my pocket with a red button on the side and handed it to her "It's a distress beacon get some where safe and hit the button Kane will come and get you" She took it and nodded. I stopped by a car and reached under the seat feeling round for a few seconds, then pulled out a small box that was taped under the seat. I handed it to her she opened it. The small handgun seemed massive in her small hands "You remember your shooting classes in school?" She checked the magazine the safety and weight expertly. I nodded "Don't fire unless I say understand?" "Yeah" "O.K come on we have a lot to do"

The Dynamic Duo

I was not happy taking Sky with me, I was half tempted to lock her back in the car boot but I don't think I would have been able to get her in, not unscathed anyway. The outside of the hospital was the safest place plenty of room to manoeuvre around the dead but inside, we could get cornered and trapped "How are we going in?" Sky asked. We stood across the road from the hospital. Two options the front entrance or the underground parking area. I elected for the front a few more dead but a lot ore space to move between them "O.K stay close to me" We jogged past the smoking area dodged a couple of dead and made our way through the disabled entrance, the revolving door was full of dead. The smell was amazing rot mould decay flooded up my nose. Sky gagged "You get used to it" She covered her mouth "Really?" "No not really but it gets slightly more tolerable, come on" I extended the baton, as we weaved our way past the news agents and the coffee shop, firing the gun would just attract more dead. We passed the pharmacy where me and Jon had set off an explosion a couple years earlier scorch marked still remained. Sky looked back at it "What happened there" "Had trouble with a microwave. There were less dead than the last time we were here, realising the food supply was exhausted they had fanned out. We went past the lifts and got to a couple of oak double doors. I stopped and pushed it open slightly. 8 beds a lot of blood well I assume it was blood a bad smell, a nurses station a couple of dead no problem "O.K in quick" We stepped in "Pass me that chair" Sky passed me a cheap plastic school chair and I threaded the legs through the handle. I advanced on the first creature wearing blue scrubs stained and shredded. It opened it's mouth and I stuck the spike of my baton in through the back of it's throat tilting upwards slightly to sever the brain stem. Dead as shit. I withdrew the baton and moved over to the second one a skinny blond lady in a patient gown. She lurched forward arms out, I caught her by the wrist and twisted it behind her stepping as I went so I could kick the back of her leg forcing her to her knees, then I drove my knife through the back of her skull she went limp and hit the floor as I let go of her wrist "Easy peasy" I said smiling at Sky, she was not smiling to busy puking in to a waste paper bin "Should of stayed at home" I lectured waving my finger. She gave me a dirty look and puked again. I laughed and walked behind the nurses station.

The centrifuge was not to heavy but needed a proprietary screwdriver to be opened, that was easily solved. I smashed it on the floor then stamped on it cracking the casing "Not very subtle" Sky said wiping her mouth "No but very effective" I pushed a few broken pieces out of the way and took the needed part slipping it in to my satchel. Then the blue privacy curtain behind Sky started to move. Time slowed down I moved forward and shoved her out of the way as the biggest fattest zombie I have ever seen came through the curtain. It knocked me on my arse it was over 6ft and must of been pushing 20 stone balding head but still some dark black hair in places. I rolled to my side as the zombie dropped to the floor to try and land on me instead he bounced off the floor. I approached the creature trying to get a good aim with the spike but the creatures limbs were flailing. A stray arm caught my leg and knocked me to the floor and it was my turn for my head to bounce off the floor strong arms grabbed mine the creature was pulling himself towards me. I took a few swings at the creatures head but that just seemed to piss it off, it pulled my arm to it's mouth. I tried with all my might to free myself but could not break free. Then a gunshot went off the zombie slumped. I backed away from the body to get away from the pooling blood and looked up Sky was holding the gun tears in her eyes. I slumped back against a trolley. She looked at me "I'm fine don't worry, thanks" She started to cry "Come here" I said holding a hand out she sat next to me with her head on my shoulder and sobbed.

Nightmare Creatures.

It took a few minutes to motivate Sky to move, we could dwell on what she had done later now we had a job to do. I got up and opened the door to where we had come in. To many dead "O.K out the back door" "What back door?" Sky asked. I responded by picking up a medical trolley and hurling it out the window. We were on the ground floor so we simply climbed out walked over to the next window along broke it and climbed through in to another corridor "Where are we?" Sky asked "These are the service corridors, so staff didn't have to wheel medical equipment and patients through public areas" The corridor was clear as we approached the lifts "You know there is no power right?" Sky stated puzzled "I know here hold this" I handed her my bag and walked up to the lift doors. I used the spike on my baton to force the doors open a little then used my hands to push them open wider "Grab the crowbar out the bag and put it in the gap" She did. To get to the morgue we needed to go down two floors, I shined my torch down the shaft. There was the car below us on the 2nd floor "O.K were going down" "How?" "Climb down the cable it's not to far" She looked at me like I was mad "I have done it before it's easy" We put on gloves so the cable did not cut up our hands and slowly climbed down.

We stepped on to the top of the car, not dropped that would alert anything else down here to our presence. I handed Sky my torch and found the hatch door. I opened it up and shined in the torch. Empty "Wait up here" I said "But" "Wait" I said firmly. She nodded and I eased myself through the hatch. Not as gracefully as I had hoped for something damp met my feet as I landed and I tripped "Nice" Sky said stifling a laugh "Yeah very funny" I got up and held my arms up so she could lower her self down. I used the same process here to open the door and we entered another corridor. Empty.

I placed my second and final crowbar here to keep the lift door open and walked down the corridor. Deserted but something was wrong. Blood was every where old blood trolleys stretchers lay turned over smashed in to pieces. The glass in the small windows let in a little light they were mainly obscured by the blood that caked them. I waved the torch around "Stay close to me" Sky nodded. We turned a corner bodies. I pulled my gun motioned Sky to keep behind me and approached them. It looked like the partial remains of 6 maybe 10 God I don't know the amount of pieces it was hard to tell. A head rolled to my feet. Sunken eyes grey hair, it was a zombie head, but who would do this to a zombie? Kill them sure but kill them then cut them in to tiny pieces and were those teeth marks on the cheek? I examined it closer, what looked like human teeth marks were deep on the side of the creatures face. I looked at another head, this was human, this one had not turned something had torn them both apart "What did this?" Sky asked "Stay close to me we are getting the sample then getting out".

The morgue was oddly empty for a zombie apocalypse plenty of blood sure but only two bodies lay on the tables, they stank. I pulled the sheet off the first. Yuck. I pulled the sheet back it looked remarkably fresh but it had been quite cool when we entered the room that had probably helped preserve it. It's skin was a light grey scars littered it's face. Once it had been a person but now the shaven headed man was missing large portions of his chest cavity he was large tall muscular but this was not who I was here for.

The second sheet yielded the prize. The body had mostly liquefied but that was fine. Sky grabbed me a couple of sample cups from the side I filled them up then 3 more I did not want to come back here. As I was putting them in my satchel my brain started to panic. The bodies, the bodies what had done that? I tried to silence the voice as I searched for the medical records for the man who had turned to slop may be they would help, I should of asked Kane about this. I'm not sure what it was spiderman would call it spider sense maybe I heard something or caught a reflection in the glass I ducked as the cabinet above me exploded.

I dropped and rolled away. The man that had been laying on the table was now up. Standing 7ft a white shirt covered in blood and jeans. I pulled my gun and fired. The creature moved nightmarishly fast it batted away my gun and slammed me back in to the cabinet air forced from my lungs. It's hand was clamped around my throat, I banged my heel against the cabinet so the stiletto slid out and drove it at the creatures sternum to try and get some distance. The creature blocked it. I stared at the monster in shock , it's eyes were black and it smiled. It fucking smiled it lifted me up and hurled me across the room, I hit the table with the goo man and we flew over it "Sky go!" I managed to get out before the monster was on me again. I t lifted me and hurled me into another cabinet. A gun went off. I looked up and saw the monster staring at Sky with a curious look he stepped towards her. Adrenaline surged through me, the instinct to protect ones young drove me. I picked up a fire extinguisher and with all my strength drove it in to the back of the creatures knee. It had little effect, except turning his attention back to me "Oh fuck" One hell of a punch hit me on the temple and I flew back. It approached me slowly, what it was not banking on was me meeting it half way. I pulled a knife from my belt and drove it in to the creatures groin it bellowed in agony and I had to jump back to avoid a flailing limb "Gun!" I shouted at Sky. She threw it to me and I almost dropped it but caught it at the last second. I approached the creature and fired at it's head 6 times every shot hit it's mark. It slumped to the floor. I panted grabbed my knife and gun "Time to go" We were leaving the morgue when a moan came. I turned and the monster was getting to it's feet "Run!!" I shouted we turned and ran back to the lift. The creature pursued us the whole way we threw everything in it's path to slow it down but it was gaining. I stopped "Keep going" Sky kept moving. I took a bottle from my bag popped the top pulled the rag from inside it lit the rag and hurled it at the monster. Flames burst all other the monster it stopped for a moment and I turned to run before it kept pursuing. Sky had made it to the elevator and as I ran through I kicked away the crowbar as the door was shutting the monsters hands appeared either side of it. Pushing the doors slowly open. I took the cross bar and the monsters head appeared a wicked smile on it's face part of it boiled and burned from the fire "Fuck off!" I drove the crowbar in to it's eye socket. It's hands instinctively came back to protect it's face and the doors closed taking the crowbar with it. We stood there for a second hearing the shrieks of pain in the darkness, breathing hard. Then what sounded like a fist banging against the door over and over "Up up!" I boosted Sky up and we climbed out of the shaft just as the door gave way. I looked back down and could see the creatures horrible form now in the lift car, it looked up and saw me rage etched on it's features I smiled made the hand sign for wanker and pulled away the crowbar.

A few smashed windows gave us an easy escape nose was no longer a problem now. We got back to the car I called Kane told him everything the monster the samples. A helicopter sat down next to us 10 minutes later and we headed home.

The next morning my phone was ringing "Batcave" "Get up" Kane. I sat up "We going to London today?" "No we have a problem" "What" "A large horde of the creatures is approaching the Outpost" "Which Outpost?" "Yours, we lure a few away but they just keep coming" My mind spun" "Are we evacuating?" "They will be there in 24 hours all you can do is defend" "And die" "I will send a chopper for you" "And what of my friends and family?" "Space is limited I'm sorry Tom" "Then you have my answer" I put the phone down "Everyone up!" I bellowed down the stairs "What?" Ty asked opening the door rubbing his eyes" "Were going" Ty looked confused "Going where?" "I don't know"

Leaving Home

It was like it was happening all over again. The panic on the streets, the crying shouting screaming. The dead had not even arrived yet and people were already at each others throats. Toby arrived he should be reporting for duty but most of the guard had not shown up for duty. I pushed all the junk off the table and slapped down a map "How many?" Toby asked as I hunched over the map "To many" "What about the guard we get everyone together on the walls?" I sighed "To many to kill" "How many?" "Thousands, tens of thousands low hundred's of thousands not sure" Toby lent on the table "Options?" "They are approaching fro the north, it means they are going to hit the front gate by the bridge" "Er aren't we near there?" Steve pointed out "Yeah just round the corner" Toby said reaching for a fag and passing me one, I light it and inhaled thinking "We have a couple of choices, the first we stay put wait for them to hit then when it settles down we leave and find a new place" "Why not head to another Outpost?" Danny asked "The reason the dead are heading here is because they are following the trail of refugees from the capital, we head some where else we put them in danger" "Other options" "We stay cross our fingers possibly die or we leave now probably get caught up in the stream of people leaving they attract more dead to us we get clogged up in traffic and become lunch" "Can I come in?" Ryan appeared at the doorway "Not now mate why don't you have the rest of that candy?" He ran off happy "So stay go?" Toby asked. I sighed "No idea" "What about supplies?" He said turning to Ty "For the 6 of use we have enough food for two weeks or so" "We also have two handguns 300 rounds" I finished" Toby lifted up a large duffel bag and pulled out a smg and then poured out a mountain of ammunition "This good for the guns we got?" I asked "Course it does" I put my fag out "We have fuel food transport weapons we can leave now" "So we are going?" Ty asked. I folded the map up "Yeah we are going but not yet, they will be here in about 22 hours, we leave 2 hours before they get here that way we don't get caught up in the rush and panic"

Me and Toby started to load up the jeep, Toby stayed with it at all times to deter any one with sticky fingers. I stopped by to see Jack he was packing up to but agreed to leave with us.

We All Fall Down

Hope is a valuable thing. To have it snatched away from you and then be kicked in the nuts again is devastating little did I know there was more shit to be piled on top.

I went to the shopping centre a couple of items were needed. Well I say needed, fags were hardly an essential but I just needed to get out of the house. So much shouting crying panic. The streets were no different, I don't know what I was looking for outside. I got my smokes and stood outside the shopping centre inhaling. People raced past, kids cried. I don't know what it was something about the chaos soothed me, I closed my eyes and rested my head against the cool stone wall. Some thing caught my eye as I opened them. I stood up straight. The mass of people were pushing each other to get in or get out. I turned to keep my eyes on the man forcing his way through the crowd. I put my cigarette out and started to shove my way in to the crowd. People yelled and protested as I pushed through them and was in what was at one time the food court. The man went up the stairs how had he got so far ahead? I shoved through the crowd not moving my eyes from the man, one guy turned around to give me a choice comment but the look on my face stopped him half way. We went up two flight of stair to the top level mainly old clothes stores up here, not many people. I followed behind the man, walking quickly still pushing the odd person out of the way. I reached him and tapped him on the back.Radio man turned around "Surprise mother fucker!" And punched him in the mouth

Radio man recoiled from the blow and opened himself up for a kick to the nuts, his voice if it was not high enough before would now reach the Soprano level. A few people turned to look as he dropped to his knees, but no one wanted to get involved good choice on there part. I booted him in the chest and he fell back "Where is he!?" I bellowed as I kicked him in the ribs radio man groaned. I dragged him up by the hair, he smirked and spat blood to the floor "You wont find him" I yelled and slammed his head in to the floor, he laughed "Am I under arrest?" Anger was rising up in me I reached for my handcuffs, radio man took that opportunity to fight back. An uppercut caught me in the rubs and spun me back. With him being so close I could not pull the baton so I pulled my kukri knife. He reached in to his boot and pulled a 6 inch camillus knife. I am not a knife fighter, if he had any kind of experience I was screwed "My backup is coming you may as well give up" I said as we circled each other. A complete lie but then wouldn't you know it a whistle blew. A police officer comes running up and in between us pulling a baton "Put the knives down now" Neither of us moved the officer started to speak in to his radio his eyes on me. Radio man moved quick, within two strides he was behind the officer and stabbed him in the back. I was to slow I moved forward, radio man withdrew the knife and hurled the officer at me, his weight knocked me off my feet and we hit the deck. Radio man took off as I pushed the cop off me.

I watched as I saw radio man disappears in to a service corridor. I rolled the officer on to his back he was still alive. The wound location was close to the right kidney, the lack of blood though made me think it was not to serious. The officer looked me in the eyes "Help me" Dam I can't just leave him. I got some first aid supplies from my satchel and reached for his radio "Officer down officer down top floor of shopping centre agent in pursuit of suspect approximately 6ft wearing a green coat and lack trousers suspect armed with a knife and suspected terrorist" A reply came over the radio but I ignored it they would come. I gently turned the officer on to his stomach and placed the dressing on the wound and place his hand there "What's your name?" I asked "Kyle" "O.k Kyle I'm Tom the wound is not to bad it has missed the kidney easy fix O.K?" He nodded. I reached in to my pocket and showed him my GHOST I.D "I need to go after that guy when help comes send them after me O.K?" He nods. I took off "Oh and one more thing" I shouted back "I would appreciate it if they didn't shoot me" He nodded.

I burst in to the service corridor. Transport cages were against the white walls. One of the cages was pushed at me, radio man behind it. I jumped on to the cage and kicked it back so it turned over on to radioman but over balanced and rolled out of it to my feet aiming a stomp p for his head. He pushed the cage up to stop the stomp, then grabbed my standing foot pulling me to the floor, my knife falling from my grip. We wrestled for a moment before I head butted him breaking a couple of his teeth, also cutting me above my eye. He scampered out from under the cage and made for the door. I pursued him grabbing my knife and tackling him through the doors and we fell through. Hitting the two TRT members on the other side, they were knocked aside, me and radio man were to busy involved in our own little battle. I used the grip of the knife to bulk up my fist and used it to rearrange the right side of his face. I grabbed his throat and pushed him back to the balcony, a quick slash of the knife sent blood trickling to the floor his hands grabbed the flesh wound to his chest.I pushed his head and torso over the railing "You wouldn't be the first person I chucked off this balcony" "Oh yes I know all about Graham" "What?" He smiled again "Who are you?" He laughed and wheezed "Should of killed you in the alley that night" "You? It was you in the alley the fire station?" I lifted up his coat, a small scar where I had stabbed him the first time "Why?!" I demanded "We need a change humanity is facing extinction if we don't change then we will cease to be" "So your a cultist nut job?" "Just kill me and get it over with" I hauled him back on to the balcony he tried to pull himself back over but failed. It was at this time I took notice of the four man TRT team with weapons pointing at me"You know who I am right?" I said not making any sudden moves "Yes Sir step away from the suspect" "This man is being held under special order 6 and is not to be removed from my sight do you understand the special order?" "Yes Sir" I started to move away from radioman when I noticed the phone in his hand.

Time slowed radio mans lips said boom. I think I said get down. I threw myself over the balcony as flames erupted around me and the world above exploded.

As It Starts To End

I crash landed in to a pile of old clothes the table breaking under my weight. I rolled out of it and stood, the entire upstairs was burning, people were running and screaming "There inside there inside!" What? I moved down to the food court towards the exit. As I stepped in to the street people continued to scream. The dead were in the street people ran in every direction. Close by a cop was wrestling a zombie away from a women. I ran over and stabbed it in the temple it dropped "You O.K?" I asked. The officer caught his breath "Yeah thanks" "How did they get in?" "The walls have been compromised, several explosions destroyed it they poured in" More dead were swarming in to the streets catching people and dragging them to the floor, an announcement came over the loud speakers "Return to your homes quarantine is in effect"

The trick to avoiding the dead is to have plenty of room to manoeuvre around them and to keep distance but not tire yourself out till you can break the line of sight. I jogged and walked home sticking the wide open streets rather than the back alleys. I crashed in through the back door and locked it "Down stairs now!" I yelled Everyone flooded in to the kitchen "The wall is compromised they are inside" "What the hell happened?" Ty asked "Someone blew it up, no time to repair it before the main horde arrives, we wait it out" Everyone nodded "Toby Steve go get the stuff out of the car bring it back in" They nodded "Ty when they are back in block up the front door with what ever we have" He moved over to prepare "What about us?" Sky and Ryan asked "Cover the windows fill up the bath and sinks any empty bottles with water, I'm going to start brining anything useful upstairs.

"Front door!" I heard Toby yell. I ran down the stairs almost clattering in to Sky "Upstairs now" "But" "Now you and Ryan now!" She ran up Ryan close behind her. I made my way to the front door Toby and Steve were in trying to shut it but various arms and appendages were making it impossible "Hold on" I ran back through the house out the back door down our private alley and round to the front "Hey!" I yelled at the 3 creatures at our door. They turned. Oh fuck these weren't the slow kind "Come and get it" They lunged forward at the same time getting in each others way one went down as they tried to get through the fence gate. I walked forward quickly pulling my knife and as they were still negotiating the gate stabbed one in the side of the head. It flopped and it's friend managed to get through. As it moved forward I sidestepped grabbed the back of it's head and smashed it in to the lamp post and the knifed it through the brain stem. The knife dropped from my hand as the third creature tackled me and we landed on the bonnet of a car (not ours fortunately) teeth snapped and crazy eyes stared at me. Ty came out the front door with a bat and smashed the creature with immense force putting all his weight behind it, bones broke and it flew 6ft back "Thanks" He helped me up "You coming back inside?" "Nah thought I might stay it's good here. More shouts and screams sent us inside.

What I Am

We have been in the house for two days. We have a link up to the CCTV in the Outpost the dead are still to thick to make an escape. We have only survived because we have been quiet and not drawn attention. Jack joined us a few hours after the initial wall collapse he is the only other survivor we have seen, the rest are now walking the streets there humanity taken from them.

I lift the curtain of the kitchen window slightly to look in to the back garden. Nothing there, the two gates that lead to our back garden are not particularly strong but they are about 7ft high providing good cover and deterring any dead from randomly wandering over. Then in my pocket my phone vibrates. I was surprised the water electric was still on but that would not lost much longer. I answered the call "Yeah Boss I'm still alive" "How are you holding up?" "Waiting for the dead to clear a bit before we make a run for it, how are you?" "I'm sorry I could not get you all out there was only one space left on the helicopter" It sounded like genuine regret in his voice "Don't worry I'm a survivor, I will probably bump in to you soon" "You will head to Hastings?" "Not straight away don't want to bring a welcoming party with us" "The other refugees did not have that much consideration, we have been sending out constant patrols to lure large groups away" I sighed "Well Boss I kinda have my own problems at the moment is there anything I can help you with?" "I may be able to help you with getting out" "Let me guess they wont authorise a chopper unless I have something the powers that be want" "You got it in one" "What do they want?" "In the Outpost Commanders office on his computer there are blueprints maps of important tactical value, we can't access it from here the connection is down" "You want me to go restore the connection so you can access the files on the hard drive?" "If you wouldn't mind" "No chance" "I'm sorry?" "I will get the plans but I will get the hard drive not restore the connection just in case the powers that be decide to change there mind after they get what they want" "Not a problem" "And how will you help us get out?" "We will send a chopper" "For all of us?" "How many?" Let's see me Jack Sky Ty Ryan Danny and Toby "7" "Get the drive and I will get you a ride" "What about London?" "You still want to go?" Kane had genuine surprise in his voice "Yeah I want to go" "We can talk about it when your here" "Very optimistic of you" "Try not to die it would be a pain to get those plans again" "And the loss of me would be devastating to you of course" "Call me when it's done" I hung up.


I headed out the back door and stopped. We had checked it was clear before I had opened the door of course but now half way down the path something was moving behind the low wall at the bottom of the garden. I took out my knife and moved quickly but quietly to the wall staying low. I took a deep breath grabbed at a head and pulled. Just as I thought human, the movements were to smooth for the dead. I clamped my hand over his mouth "Shhh, I'm not going to hurt you" The guy stopped struggling. He had a balaclava that only showed his eyes a black top and camo trousers "I'm going to take my hand away understand?" He nodded. I let him go. Then things got weird, the first thing was he pulled a knife the second was another man appearing over the wall dressed the same. Oh fuck. The second man vaulted the wall and a gun cam out of its holster he lifted and aimed. He was only a few feet away so I shoved the first man in to him and ran back to the house. I struggled to unlock the door like in all the horror movies. I dived in to the house as a bullett hit the door frame.

I fell in to the kitchen and straight in to Ty "Get away from the windows!" As we hit the floor another shot took out the kitchen window "Toby!" He was already thundering down the stairs gun in hand "What the hell is going on?" He ducked as another shot took out the second window "No idea some idiots were sneaking about out there then they took a shot at me" "What did you say to them?" I took a moment to think about it and realised I had held a knife to him "O.K hold on keep low" I moved back in to the front room before shouting "Who ever is shooting at us we have no intention of hurting you, but we are armed and will not hesitate to defend ourselves" No response O.K there was a response more shots. Ty handed me a gun "Get every one together we have to go that noise is going to attract them" Ty looked shocked "GO NOW!!" He went upstairs and with in a few seconds every one was gathered by the front door. I tucked a pocket radio in my pocket and gave the other to Danny. Glass started to smash in the kitchen I fired a couple of shots in there and heard curses. Danny opened the front door "Wait!" To late his head snapped back and he fell to the floor dead. Ryan and Sky screamed, Toby fired a couple of shots out there and slammed the door shut "How many?" I asked "2 by the gate" Our front door to gate is only about 5 feet Danny never stood a chance "This is not a random attack, some one came after us" No time to work this out "Move" I pushed everyone out of my way and turned over the sofa to reveal a silver attache case, I rotated the dials and opened it pulled out three hand grenades "Grab Danny" I said to Toby He did and moved him to the door. I got in to position next to him "O.K on three" He nodded "1...2" "Wait" Toby said "What!" I said hissing with annoyance "1 2 3 go? Or go on 3?" "1 2 3 Go happy?" He nodded "1...2...3...go!" He opened the door bullets hit Danny blood was minimal his heart had long stopped beating. I pulled the pin reached round the door and threw them "Go fucking go" Toby slammed the door shut " The explosion was deafining "Get to car now" Jack threw open the door as glass broke in the kitchen I turned and fired but this time they did not retreat but returned fire. I ducked behind the door way. Then an engine started a loud one not our car. I looked back out and a transit van pulled in to the road. Every one was at the car but me and... Sky "GO!" I yelled at Toby he nodded and floored it "O.K stay with me stay low got it?" She was terrified but nodded. "O.K cover your ears and close your eyes" She did. I hurled one grenade in to the kitchen and one out the door rolling next to the van. I covered Sky with my body as the boom and vibration rattled through the house. I got up grabbed Sky by the hand and headed out though the kitchen gun raised. The two men were down on the floor dead we hopped the fence made our way through the back alley.

We dodged throughdead making there way to the noise bullets soon follwoed after that. "Here stop" I got to a jeep opened the door and launched Sky in before running round kick a deader on my way. I jumped in and shut the door. This was a government vehicle and there was always a spare set of keys in the sun visor just in case the driver was killed, the last thing you want when your trying to escape the undead is to think where did you put your keys then realise they are in the pocket of the guy now intent on eating you. I started the engine slammed it in to gear past the house "Get down!" I yelled to Sky. She did, to late for me though I took a shot high on my right shoulder. I swerved with the pain but managed to keep us on the road. Sky screamed.

We managed to get out of the Outpost we are currently in a single car stand alone garage. I think they didn't see us. My wound is still bleeding I need to treat it but I can't bring myself to look at it. A wound in this situation could easily end up being fatal and I can't leave Sky alone. I have bandaged it the best I can but the bullet needs to come out. For now I just need to rest stop just for a little while just....close my eyes......just a .......just ..........moment.


 "O.K hold on one second.... JESUS!" "Got it!" Sky held the bullet with the tweezers up to me "Want to keep it?" She smiled "No I sulked took it from her and turned to roll down the window to throw it out, big mistake "Shit!!" Sky had taken this chance to pour alcohol on my bullet wound "You know if you keep making this much noise the deaders will hear us" I gave her an annoyed look "So what now?" I got out of the car and lit a smoke "How long was I out for?" "A couple of hours you pass out a lot" "Hey I got shot""Baby""Well we have no food no water no gun""No idea where anyone else is""Or anyway to contact them,so we are not doing great" 



"They aren't that bad" I said as I half choked down the berry.

Sky frowned and let the berry fall out of her mouth. I shrugged and ate another.

We had spent the last week cooped up in an attic with a few supplies taken from a group that had not been as lucky as us. The destruction of the town had stirred up the local zombie population so best to lay low. But the supplies had run out and now we were forced out in to the wide world. We stopped on a country road after I spotted some black berries and started eating Sky was unimpressed but I had eaten worse in the last few year i.e broccoli and coconut milk. People love it I hate it but it was that or dehydrate at the time.


"Can we go find some real food?" She reluctantly chpked down a berry.

"This is real see it's so real you are gagging on it" I smiled.

"Why couldn't I jump in the other car?"

"I told you to go didn't I"

She ate another berry.

"Area around here was picked clean we aren't going to find anything"

It was right then that we were interrupted by a figure crashing through a gate and brandishing a sawn off shotgun.

The figure or women as I could now see was wearing a dark green coat and faded black jeans brown hair was in a ponytail down her back. But what immediatley absorbed my attention was the shotgun pointed at me I pushed Sky back and away.

"Youre trespassing those are mine!"

She accused. My gun was in the car it only had 5 shots left but that did not really matter at this point as the car was 5 feet to my right I wouldn't be able to reach it and open the door before she fired. Basic survival rule keep your dam weapon on you and I constantly broke it, how am I still alive? My inner monologue was interrupted.

"Hey I'm talking to you" She sounded angry, she didn't look like a bandit a bandit would of shot me by now.

"Are you stupid those are mine!" With out realising I had picked another berry and put it in my mouth.

"It's on a public road" I said throught the mouthful juice leaving my mouth and landing on her coat 6ft away.

She looked down at it.

"Sorry, look can you not shoot me please I got shot last week"

"Are you from the town?"

"I was"

"What happened there heard a lot of noise coming that way"

I got a good look at her she looked after herself hair combed in stark contrast to mine which even when I did have access to a comb was never used. She was about my age and must of been living her since the start of the outbreak 2 years ago. It's not common but some did decide to live outside of the outposts as bandits high way man or they just didn't want to come in looking at her I assumed the latter. I smiled and took a step forward.

She stiffened and raised the gun up.

"Look your not going to shoot me"

"I will"

"You wont though" I took another step one more and I could grab the gun.

"Look at me I have a kid with me I'm obviously not here to pillage and plunder" Another step.

"You could be trying to sell her" She took a step back.

"Do I look like a slaver?"

"You look suspicious"

"Hey I have feelings you know look I'm Tom and this is"

"I don't give a fuck"

"Fine but you arent going to shoot me"

"And why is that?"

"Because the safety is on" She looked, actually looked at the gun something I had seen in a movie years ago actually worked and yes I gambled my life on movie. but it worked. I closed the distance turning the gun to the side away from me and down trying to connect with a blow to the elbow forcing her to drop the gun. Thats how it should work when I try, my opponent is 4 inches shorter and probably giving 3 stone to my advantage. I'm not big only 5'9 and 150lbs but I was bigger and she was a girl. Yes I know sexist shame on me but every advantage was in my favour size suprise and training and experience as far as I knew. What i did not expect was for her to lean forward and head butt me hard. I saw stars and she wrenched the gun back up so it was across both our chests. We both pulled and we were close together she smiled, I smiled and then she swept my legs out from under me.


On my way down I had the presense of mind to hold on to the gun and thought about Toby and Jon laughing if they heard about how I was beaten up by a girl. She tried to land on top of me but I raised my legs blocking so she stomped on my stomach. All the wind left me but I still did not release the gun. I pulled on the gun either I was getting back up or she was coming down here with me. She was stronger than she looked and I was back on my feet only to have one stomped on pretty sure Iheard something snap. I wanted to say ow but my breath had not yet returned I tried to turn the gun her way but she moved with it and we ended up going in abig circle before I gave up. I didn't want to hurt her but I didn't particuarly want to get shot. At some point my finger ended up on the trigger hers on the barrel with the gun pointing up. I gambled and pulled the trigger. You have not heard loud untill you have had a shot gun blast go past your head I was deafend.She pulled her hands back from the heat of the barrell an automatic response. We were both dazed from the blast and I took the advantage as she backed away I stepped forward dropped the gun ducked a punch thrown with suprising strength and speed and gently as I could placed a foot in to the back of her knee and wrapped my fore arm underneath her throat. This kind of choke hold should knock out most people quickly, she made me fight every step of the way she stood back up and I had to step back as she tried to stand on my feet swerve to dodge kicks to a sensitive area. Release an arm from the choke to disarm her of a knife pulled from her pocket. In the end I wrapped my legs around her and we fell hard in to the road still struggling. I was starting to think that I was not doing the move properly I had used this plenty of times no reason it shouldnt be working now, but her legs were still flailing arms swinging and still trying to roll me off. I tightened up the pressure on the choke it was dangerous as I already had it as tight as I normally would go. It had the effect I wanted, after another 30 seconds of her head slamming in to mine and other assorted pieces of abuse, the kicks and flailing limbs lost their power and shw was still. 


Exhausted I released the hold and pushed her off me then checked she was still breathing. She was phew. She would be fine in 15. I groped for the shot gun removed the remaining shell and placed it on the floor beofre removing part of the firing mechanism. I did not break the gunshe would need that to protect herself  but I did not want her being able to shoot us. I got up dusted myself down wiped the blood from my nose and walked to Sky standing at the rear of the car.


"You got beaten up by a girl"

I gave a mocking smile

"If only Toby could of seen that" She said as she sat next to me in the car.

"Don't you dare telll him"

"Whats it worth"

I looked at her and snorted with laughter.

"I'm not letting Toby look after you again"


We sat and waited in the car for the girl to wake up pissed off but healthy. Unfortunatley the zombies thought that was the perfect time to show up. I got out of the car.

"She tried to shoot you" 

"She thought we were bandits we can't leave her"

I picked the girl up and Sky opened the back door so I could place her in. 

"Does this mean I can drive? cant give me a gun to guard the prisoner so I have to drive right?"

"Toby taught you didn't he after I told him..."

She smiled nodding.

"Fine keep it under 30 don't want to end up in a ditch"

"Cant be any worse than you"

I got in to the back and Sky passed my gun over leaving the shotgun we had picked up partialy dismantled and unloaded in the front. I tucked the gun inside my jacket laid the girl against the other side of the car and leant against mine wiping the still trickling blood from my nose.


Texte: T.D Jackson
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.04.2013

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